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2014. 8edllne CommunlcaLlons lnc.

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ked||ne Commun|cat|ons prov|des a |ong-range, h|gh-capac|ty, W|re|ess Network wh|ch enab|es C|| & Gas
compan|es to cover the|r f|e|d operat|ons w|th an end-to-end Cpen-Standards I network.

8edllne's vlrLual llber` provldes Lhe backbone for Lhls ublqulLous wlreless neLwork. vlrLual llber conslsLs of
base sLaLlons LhaL cover large areas ln Lhe fleld of operaLlons. A slngle 8edllne 8ase SLaLlon can have a coverage
radlus of anywhere from 3 Lo 30 mlles (dependlng on frequency and Lopology), and supporL daLa capaclLles of
30 Mbps Lo 1.2 Cbps. Many hundreds of remoLe radlos can be wlrelessly connecLed Lo a slngle 8ase SLaLlon.
1hls makes 8edllne vlrLual` llber a Lechnology LhaL scales wlLh lncreaslng needs.

1he ked||ne Va|ue
Industry |ead|ng kange-Capac|ty
1he number one expense ln deploylng a wlreless neLwork ls Lhe
Lowers and clvll works aL each radlo base sLaLlon. 8edllne
offers more range and hlgher daLa capaclLy aL long ranges. 1hls
means we can cover more area wlLh fewer base sLaLlons and
lower Lhe cosL of Lhe pro[ecL.
Abso|ute ke||ab|||ty Anywhere
ln Lhe oll fleld, devlce fallure ls exLremely expenslve. 8edllne's
equlpmenL ls deslgned Lo funcLlon under more exLreme
envlronmenLal condlLlons, for longer perlods, Lhan any oLher
wlreless broadband sysLem ln producLlon. Cur years of rellable
performance around Lhe world aLLesL Lo Lhls dependablllLy.
Cpen-Standards I Network|ng
8edllne's vlrLual llber` sysLem ls a LransparenL, long range,
wlreless LransporL sysLem LhaL allows a sLandard l Core
neLwork Lo be expanded lnLo Lhe oll fleld. 1hls means LhaL all
corporaLe offlce appllcaLlons can be supporLed seamlessly
LhroughouL Lhe operaLlon. Lach company sub-neLwork
(rocess & ConLrol, CperaLlons, CollaboraLlon, eLc.) can operaLe
separaLely and securely, wlLh varylng levels of CoS - [usL llke
ln Lhe offlce envlronmenL.

Industry's best performance
100 Mbps Lo any remoLe polnL
lull speed upllnk
<10ms laLency
6 Mlles (10km) aL Lop speed
30 Mlles+ (48km) aL lower speeds
MlMC-A&8 SmarL AnLennas
Lnhanced for M2M & vldeo

Industr|a| ke||ab|||ty
-83 Lo 167 l (-63 Lo 73 C)
uL/CSA Class1 ulv2 (ALex-2)
20+ year llfespan (M18l)

M|||tary Secur|ty
ALS-236 LncrypLlon
x-309 AuLhenLlcaLlon
llS 140-2 compllance
2014. 8edllne CommunlcaLlons lnc.


Any rocess & ConLrol neLwork can be backhauled uslng 8edllne CommunlcaLlons vlrLual llber`. WlLh Lhe
lndusLry's lowesL laLency and sofLware enhancemenLs LhaL provlde for supporL of any M2M proLocol, 8edllne ls Lhe
flrsL wlreless sysLem Lo supporL 8eal-1lme ConLrol for Lnhanced Cll 8ecovery (LC8) SmarLfleld deploymenLs. lleld-
LesLed wlLh oll companles around Lhe world, 8edllne offers seamless lnLeroperablllLy wlLh all &C sysLems.

urllllng 8lgs are consLanLly on Lhe move, buL Lhey
requlre a compleLe ecosysLem of daLa
communlcaLlons. 1radlLlonally v-SA1 has been
Lhe communlcaLlons of cholce for Lhe rlgs. 8uL Lhe
hlgh laLency and low bandwldLh of v-SA1 prevenL
8eal-1lme SmarL-urllllng," vldeo Survelllance,
and 3-u subsurface modellng. 8edllne offers Lhe
performance Lo supporL all of Lhe appllcaLlons
requlred aL Lhe drllllng rlg. urllllng conLracLors are
lowerlng drllllng days, lncreaslng safeLy, and
lmprovlng kl's wlLh beLLer daLa communlcaLlons.

8edllne's 8apld AllgnmenL SysLem" (8AS) allows for
auLomaLlc connecLlvlLy wlLhouL any anLenna allgnmenL or
sysLem conflguraLlon whaLsoever. Slmply lnsLall Lhe 8AS
devlce on a Moblle lleld Cfflce, urllllng 8lg, or MalnLenance
vehlcle. lleld personnel slmply power-up Lhe devlce ln Lhe
fleld for a 100 Mbps l daLa connecLlon ls less Lhan 10
seconds. 1he 8AS devlce has Lhe same range as our oLher
remoLe unlLs and Lhe same greaL rellablllLy. 8edllne's 8AS ls
Lhe perfecL soluLlon for Lhe consLanL movemenL of asseLs ln
Lhe oll fleld.

1he ked||ne Advantage
Cfferlng more capaclLy, over larger coverage areas, Lo any
Lnd uevlce, wlLh compleLe appllcaLlon Lransparency, and AbsoluLe 8ellablllLy ls whaL seLs Lhe 8edllne wlreless
sysLem aparL from anyLhlng else avallable. vlslL or conLacL your local 8edllne sales
represenLaLlve aL sales[ Lo flnd ouL how 8edllne's paLenLed vlrLual llber` sysLem can help you exLend
l neLworklng lnLo more areas of Lhe oll fleld.

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urllllng 8lgs

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