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.SSIGN/ENT C0*E1 .ss$202 .SSIGN/ENT N.

/E1 E+)loring Business Intelligence Tools

The most interesting tools for Business Technologies to !" !re the" th!t using the l!test #in of technolog"$ The more mo ern technolog" use %" the tools& the %etter use it c!n %e$ 'ere (e re)ort 4 Technologies That Are Reshaping Business Intelligence& (ritten %" *oug 'enschen$ The ne+t, gener!tion BI is %eing forme %" predictive analytics& real-time monitoring& in-memory processing& !n SaaS$


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PREPARED BY A Rama Ca !" A#$% P! "a P&"ma#a '20()000(( G*&+, Y*#- S!# '20()000.9 A"+&/ Ra01ma# '20()00092

Inform!tion S"stem *e)!rtment -!cult" of Inform!tion Technolog" INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER


E234*"+#- B!5+#&55 I# &44+-&#6& T**45

In this !ssignment& (e tr" to fin interesting e3elo)ment for Business Intelligence tools from intelligententer)rise$com$ There !re m!n" tools for Business Technologies to !"$ The most interesting !re the" th!t using the l!test #in of technolog"$ The more mo ern technolog" use %" the tools& the %etter use it c!n %e$ Not onl" the %usiness th!t sh!)es technolog"& %ut the technologies c!n sh!)es %usiness& for the nee of #ee)ing com)etiti3e ! 3!nt!ges$ 0ne !rticle (e got from the (e%site is 4 T&61#*4*-+&5 T1a A"& R&51a3+#- B!5+#&55 I# &44+-&#6& & (ritten %" *oug 'enschen& )u%lishe in .ugust 2009$ The full !rticle c!n %e 3ie(e in htt)144((($intelligententer)rise$com4sho(.rticle$5html6!rticleI*7219800809$ B!se on the !rticle& the ne+t,gener!tion BI is %eing forme %" predictive analytics& real-time monitoring& in-memory processing& !n SaaS$

P"&$+6 +7& A#a4% +65 .n!l"tics !n )re icti3e c!)!%ilities h!3e %een !roun for ec! es& %ut the interest is %igger to !"$ Com)!nies !re )eering more ee)l" into the future to get more )rofit$ BI 3en ors th!t l!c#e !n!l"tic tools h!3e rushe to integr!te them into their BI suites$ -or e+!m)le S.9 Business0%5ects !n IB/ Cognos h!3e integr!tion e!ls (ith S9SS$ In /!"& IB/ l!unche !n .n!l"tics : 0)timi;!tion )r!ctice& !n then l!st month too# the )lunge (ith the S9SS e!l$

-rom S.9 (e%site& (e got inform!tion !%out S.9 Business0%5ects$ 2ith S.9 Businesso%5ects BI Solutions& (e c!n o ! 3!nce !n!l"tics$ It is esigne for fin!nci!l !n %usiness !n!l"sts$ It h!3e ! 3!nce !n!l"tic tools to cre!te re!l,(orl 3!lue from the inform!tion !ssets$ <el"ing on so)histic!te !n!l"tic engines th!t c!n !ccess %oth numeric !n te+t !t!& these tools (ill e+!mining com)le+ historic!l !t! to loo# for tren s& outliers& !n )!tterns through ! 3isu!l interf!ce$ There !re three 3ersions of S.9 Business0%5ects1 S.9 Business0%5ects =o"!ger& S.9 Business0%5ects 9re icti3e 2or#%ench& !n S.9 Business0%5ects Set .n!l"sis$ The 3ersion th!t is using )re icti3e !n!l"sis is S.9 Business0%5ects 9re icti3e 2or#%ench$

S.9 Business0%5ects 9re icti3e 2or#%ench& %!se on S9SS Clementine& hel)s the org!ni;!tion re!ch its go!ls using )re icti3e !n!l"tics$ It c!n unco3er tren s !n )!tterns to sol3e %usiness )ro%lems& !ntici)!te %usiness ch!nges& !n g!in insight using this )o(erful )re icti3e !n!l"tics solution$ S.9 Business0%5ects 9re icti3e 2or#%ench (or#s (ith the e+isting !t! en3ironment !n !llo(s for efficient isco3er" of interesting !n )re icti3e fin ings$ 2e c!n then use these results (ith BI c!)!%ilities !n sh!re the results (ith users (ho nee this insight most$ It (ill sim)lif" e3er"one>s !ccess to )re icti3e !n!l"sis so the" c!n t!#e imme i!te !ction (ith confi ence$

0ther e+!m)le is IB/ Cognos ? BI& (hich !ccor ing on its offici!l site& eli3ers the com)lete r!nge of BI c!)!%ilities on ! single ser3ice,oriente !rchitecture @S0.A$

Cognos )ro3i e the c!)!%ilities !n inform!tion (e nee to m!#e %etter ecisions$ Use re)orts& !n!l"sis& !sh%o!r s !n scorec!r s to monitor %usiness )erform!nce& !n!l";e tren s !n me!sure results$ . ser3ice,oriente !rchitecture m!#es it e!s" to e)lo" !n m!n!ge$ Its #e" fe!tures !re1

Buil re)orts& 0L.9 cu%es& !sh%o!r s !n scorec!r s using !ll !t! sources$ 9ro3en sc!l!%ilit" to hun re s of thous!n s of users$ /o ul!r nee e $ e)lo"ment lets "ou meet imme i!te user nee s !n e+)!n or mo if" !s

R&a4 T+m& M*#+ *"+#- a#$ A#a4%8+#Bet(een the e+tremes of re!r3ie(,mirror @ 1+5 *"+6a4A re)orting !n ! 3!nce )re icti3e @/! !"&A !n!l"tics lies re!l,time monitoring$ B<e!l timeC to !" oesnDt me!n su%secon or e3en su%minute res)onse$ BI 3en ors h!3e techniEues to h!3e ! tric# (ith the Eueries !n !t! c!)tures to get con3ention!l !t! (!rehouse f!ster$ Sometime it (or#s& %ut it m!" %e more trou%lesome !n e+)ensi3e th!n other !ltern!ti3es$ No( the re!l re!l,time techniEues (ill ! o)t stre!m )rocessing technologies$ It inclu es lo(, l!tenc" BI& f!ster %usiness !cti3it" monitoring& !n ultr!,lo(,l!tenc" com)le+ e3ent )rocessing$ The re!l time s"stems en!%le ! s)ont!neous !ction the users c!n t!#e to res)on !n e3ent$ It (ill !lso h!3e some !utom!te res)onse s"stem re! "$

The e+!m)le use of re!l time monitoring !n !n!l";ing s"stem is (h!t Insur!nce$com o to #ee) its high,tr!ffic e,commerce site$ Insur!nce$com eci e to monitor r!te c!lls %" st!te$ -or th!t& Insur!nce$com chooses IB/ Cognos No( for monitor !n 3ie(ing !sh%o!r s (ith the lo(,l!tenc" BI$ IT met the monitoring nee (hile ! ing !lerting& esc!l!tion& !n custom, gr!)hics interf!ces th!t the %efore !))lic!tion l!c#e $ Insur!nce$com consi ere IT,s)ecific tools for net(or# monitoring& site monitoring& !n )erform!nce monitoring& %ut th!t (oul h!3e reEuire ! mi+ture of tools th!t i n>t ren er ! holistic 3ie( from one interf!ce$ Li#e most BI )ro ucts& IB/ Cognos No( is esigne to t!) into ! 3!riet" of source s"stems !n !t! t")es$ The monitoring )r!ctice is getting more interesting$ 0ne !))lic!tion monitors 18 3!ri!%les to etermine c!ll,center !gent c!)!cit"$ 2hen it s)ots e+cess c!)!cit"& the !))lic!tions !utom!tic!ll" ! 5usts C</ soft(!re to )ush le! s to !gents more Euic#l",,! gre!t e+!m)le of re!l,time insight tie to re!l,time res)onse$ The secon !)) monitors the customer le! ,to,close )rocess !n sen s !n !lert to the esign!te m!n!gers if it etects )erform!nce glitches$ If the con ition )ersists& !lerts esc!l!te to higher,le3el e+ecuti3es$ 0ther e+!m)le is from U9S$ U9S eci e it nee e to re)l!ce ! leg!c" !))lic!tion th!t tr!c#e !n i lo! %!l!ncing for !s m!n" !s 80 million tr!ns!ctions m! e %" 3isitors to U9S$com& !s (ell !s shi))ing reEuests through U9S>s 9C,%!se 2orl Shi) !))lic!tion$ The ol s"stem i cl!ssic re!r3ie(,mirror re)orting,,it collecte ser3er log !t! e!ch night& !n re)orte on tr!ns!ction !ttem)ts& successes& !n f!ilures %" ser3ers the ne+t morning$ The res)onse for

com)l!ins (oul !l(!"s %e >2e>ll tell "ou tomorro( (h!t (e see$$> !n th!tDs not goo $ But no( the" c!n loo# !t the !sh%o!r !n see right !(!" (hether it>s !n !cross,the,%o!r )ro%lem or !n isol!te )ro%lem on ! s)ecific ser3er$

U9S u)gr! e its Tru3iso e)lo"ment in .)ril to ! e,m!il !n te+t,%!se !lerts$ 2hen m!n!gers see !n !lert !%out %or erline )erform!nce& the" c!n in3estig!te !n ho)efull" )re3ent !n out!ge$ Stre!m )rocessing technologies )romise to m!#e Fre!l timeF re)orts& !sh%o!r s& !n ecision,su))ort !))lic!tions ! re!lit"$ I#9M&m*"% P"*6&55+#The thir element )oise to ch!nge BI is the much f!ster !n!l"sis th!t>s )ossi%le using in, memor" c!lcul!tions$ In,memor" tools c!n Euic#l" slice !n ice l!rge !t! sets (ithout resorting to summ!ri;e !t!& )re,%uilt cu%es& or IT,intensi3e !t!%!se tuning$ 9ro ucts such !s S)otfire @!cEuire %" Ti%coA& .))li+ T/1 @!cEuire %" IB/& no( IB/ Cognos T/1A& !n Gli#Tech (ere )ioneers in the c!tegor"& !n in recent months more 3en ors h!3e 5oine the in,memor" r!n#s& or l!i out )l!ns to o so$

TIBCO Spotfire

The TIBC0 S)otfire Enter)rise .n!l"tics )l!tform offers ! r! ic!ll" f!ster %usiness intelligence e+)erience !n is f!r more ! !)t!%le to s)ecific in ustr" !n %usiness ch!llenges th!n tr! ition!l !ltern!ti3es$ Unli#e tr! ition!l BI& the S)otfire Enter)rise .n!l"tic )l!tform eEui)s e3er" em)lo"ee to Euic#l" isco3er ne( insights in the inform!tion the" (or# (ith e3er" !"$ S)otfireDs inter!cti3e& 3isu!l c!)!%ilities for !t! !n!l"sis em)o(er in i3i u!ls to e!sil" see tren s& )!tterns outliers !n un!ntici)!te rel!tionshi)s in !t! (ith un)rece ente s)ee !n ! !)t!%ilit"$ Applix TM1 .))li+>s T/1 is ! com)lete )erform!nce m!n!gement !))lic!tion& eli3ering str!tegic %usiness )l!nning& %u geting& re)orting !n !n!l"tics for )o(ering !n!l"sis of fin!nci!l& o)er!tion!l& s!les& em)lo"ee !n other %usiness !t!$ .))li+ customers (orl (i e use T/1 re!l,time res)onse& ! !)t!%ilit" !n e!s",to,use interf!ces& !n e+)erience lo( tot!l cost of o(nershi)& !n ! m!5orit" re!li;e ! 100 )ercent return on their .))li+ in3estments (ithin the first si+ months of e)lo"ment$ The !nnu!l B9/ 9!rtners FBe"on the '")eF 2e%c!st for 200H recogni;e th!t .))li+ T/1 customers h! the highest le3el of s!tisf!ction of !n" of the le! ing B9/ 3en ors$ .n !ccor ing to The 0L.9 Sur3e" H& .))li+ continues to recei3e the highest r!tings !mong the le! ing %usiness intelligence 3en ors in1 Go!l .chie3ement Better %usiness ecisions

-!stest im)lement!tion time -!ster& /ore .ccur!te <e)orting <e uce IT Costs

/e i!n lo! 4c!lcul!tion time @2$9 minutesA

Development of In-memory The )o(er !n !))e!l of in,memor" )ro ucts h!3e gro(n in recent "e!rs !s multicore& multithre! e & !n HI,%it ser3er technologies h!3e %ecome more common)l!ce !n !ffor !%le$ These h!r (!re ! 3!nces en!%le in,memor" )ro ucts to !n!l";e the eEui3!lent of multi)le !t! m!rts or e3en sm!ll !t! (!rehouses in <./$ The technolog" !lso elimin!tes& or !t le!st minimi;es& the nee for e+tensi3e !t! )re) !n )erform!nce tuning %" IT$ -or en users& th!t me!ns f!ster self,ser3ice BI (ithout (!iting in the IT Eueue$ S.9 g!3e ! 5olt to in,memor" !))ro!ches this s)ring (ith S.9 Business0%5ects E+)lorer& (hich %len s the Internet,se!rch,st"le Euer"ing of its 9olest!r interf!ce (ith the in,memor" !n!l"sis of S.9>s Business 2!rehouse .cceler!tor !))li!nce$ The )ro uct is !3!il!%le (ith or (ithout the su)er,ch!rging of in,memor" HI,%it technolog"& %ut (ithout it& it>s !n Internet,se!rch,st"le Euer"ing tool$ The %ig h!n ic!)1 The in,memor" 3ersion !ccesses !t! onl" in S.9 Business 2!rehouse$ .n u)gr! e ue this f!ll is e+)ecte to !ccess m"ri! !t! sources$

SaaS :S*/ ;a"& a5 a S&"7+6&< Software as a Service (SaaS, typically pronounced sass ! is a model of software deployment where"y a provider licenses an application to customers for use as a service on demand# @2i#i)e i!A S!!s sho(s u) !s ! solution of BI in f!st& fle+i%le& !n !ffor !%le solution for Business Intelligence& (hich BI ne3er h! %efore$ Th!t is (h" sm!ll !n mi firm c!nDt im)lement BI& %ec!use it is un!ffor !%le$ But (ith S!!s& th!t )ro%lem (ill su))ose to %e sol3e $ S!!S,%!se BI 3en ors& (ith their multiten!nt !t! (!rehouses !n in ustr",!n !))lic!tion,s)ecific !t! mo els& )romise to get customers u) !n running (ithin !"s or (ee#s$ -or e+!m)le& Electronics m!nuf!cturer =icor m!#e ! %ig ecision !%out minimi;e time to )rocess %u geting into eight (ee#s %" re)l!cing s)re! sheet %u geting (ith use of S!!s$ S!!S 3en or . !)ti3e 9l!nning customi;e ! !t! mo el !n m! e !n online )erform!nce m!n!gement !))lic!tion !ccessi%le to H8 em)lo"ees !cross the Unite St!tes& J!)!n& !n 3!rious region!l s!les offices$ Em)lo"ees (ere !%le to enter& re3ie(& !n !))ro3e the 200? %u get (ithin si+ (ee#s$ It is re!ll" hel)ful for =icor !ccor ing to minimi;ing time$ Before& the" use to %e luc#" if the" c!n finish it (ithin 8 months$ .ctu!ll"& the" c!n get @)ro%!%l"A s!me function of (e% !))lic!tion for elimin!te in i3i u!l s)re! sheet& rec!lcul!ting& !n h!3e !n e!s" (or#flo(& %ut it is im)ossi%le to %e !ccom)lishe (ithin eight (ee#s$

But it is ! K1I %illion,!,"e!r cor)or!tion (ith 13I&000 em)lo"ees$ 'o( !%out ! )ri3!te com)!n" (ith estim!te s!les !%out K800 million6 Ken '!rris& The CI0 of he!lth !n %e!ut" )ro ucts m!#er Sh!#lee t!)s S!!S (here3er he c!n stretch his sm!ll IT st!ff !n %u get,,<ightNo( for C</& 0mniture for 2e% !n!l"tics& !n 9i3otLin# for BI$ The com)!n" u)lo! s its s!les !n fin!nci!l !t! into ! 9i3otLin#,hoste !t! (!rehouse e!ch night& !n em)lo"ees use 2e%, !ccessi%le re)ort !n Euer" tools to e3!lu!te s!les& m!r#eting c!m)!igns& !n fin!nci!l )erform!nce$ Th!t fle+i%ilit" is one re!son '!rris li#es S!!S$ 2h!t !%out cost6 '!rris s!"s !nnu!l su%scri)tion fees !ren>t much more th!n the !nnu!l m!inten!nce fees for on,)remises BI soft(!re$ S!!S )resent !s one solution of !n e+)ensi3e BI no( !"s$ It offers ! 3er" sim)le& f!st& !n !ffor !%le solution for firm& es)eci!ll" for sm!ll !n mi firms& for im)lement!tion BI in ! sim)le (or#flo( (ith !t! mo el th!t e3er" firms nee s$ 2ith f!st& fle+i%le& !n !ffor !%le ,, three (or s ne3er use to escri%e ! m!5or %usiness intelligence e)lo"ment& S!!s tr" to m!#es its m!r# in %usiness Intelligence$

I Technologies Th!t .re <esh!)ing Business Intelligence htt)144((($intelligententer)rise$com4sho(.rticle$5html6!rticleI*7219800809 S.9 Businesso%5ects BI Solutions L . 3!nce .n!l"tics htt)144((($s!)$com4solutions4s!)%usinesso%5ects4l!rge4%usiness,intelligence4! 3!nce , !n!l"tics4in e+$e)+ Cognos ? Business Intelligence L .n!l"sis htt)144(((,01$i%m$com4soft(!re4 !t!4cognos4)ro ucts4cognos,?,%usiness, intelligence4!n!l"sis$html htt)144((($insur!nce$com4 htt)144((($u)s$com4 htt)144i $(i#i)e i!$org4(i#i4S!!S

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