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Vy No 102
"May the be with You!
April 2009
CyberVy No 2
Aims of Vy Magazine:
Updated September, 2008
"To provide an independent publication and forum to
the meta-scientology community."
The meta-scientology community, sometimes called
'the Freezone' or 'the independent field', comprises
people interested in the technology and philosophy of
L. Ron Hubbard and the application thereof. A part of
the community is working on new developments in
this field of self-improvement and Vy covers that as
well. We embrace Hubbard's original work, including
the axioms, the basic teachings and the technology,
but see the subject as a developing field of applied
philosophy and spiritual technology.
Vy has no affiliation to the current CoS, nor has it any
economical affiliations to any independent tech
delivery group. Vy stands for freedom of speech and
accurate, reflective reporting. Community members
are free and most welcome to present their diverging
views; that is part of the Vy mission. As long as a
contribution is based on fact or personal experience,
and likely to be of interest to the community, it will be
considered for publication.
Our three main activities are:
1) The publication of the subscription magazine
'nternational Viewpoints' (Vy).
This magazine will be in electronic form and appear
at least 4 times a year.
2) maintaining the website
3) Conducting online discussion forums open to
subscribers of Vy.
The past few months, since new years, have
indeed been a period of change for VY. The free
issue, VY 100 of November 2008, was published
from USA. VY 101, of February 2009, was
published from Germany where we had planned
to stay. This, however, did not work out, and
instead we decided to move the place of
publication to Copenhagen, Denmark right
back to the roots of VY and from where the
paper edition has been published since 1991. So
this present VY 102 is published from
Copenhagen and we plan to stay here. This is
where the Board of the publication is located and
the writer of this is a Danish citizen that, for the
last 20 years, lived abroad.
n the same period the paper edition of VY will be
published for the last time. t is expected to reach
the subscribers in late May.
Let me use this opportunity to express a deep felt
Thank You, to our retiring editor-in-chief, Antony
Phillips, and at the same time wish him welcome
in his new position as Chairman of the Board
behind CyberVy. As you may know, Antony will
also continue as moderator of the many email
lists and will thus have a significant presence in
the VY community in times to come.
The newly appointed
Rolf Krause,
Editor-in-Chief: Rolf Krause
Webmasters: Angel Piercy,
Flemming Funch
Assistant editors: Judith Anderson,
Agnes Aaraujo,
Tom Feltz,
Conal Clynch.
Tony Geir.
Guest editors.
Board of directors:
Chairman: Antony Phillips.
Members: Morten Ltken, Lars Peter Schultz.
Ole Gerstrom, Claus B. Hansen, Rolf Krause.
Our Second
Regular CyberVy
Vy # 102 (CyberVy #2) April 2009
The IVy Community in
a Period of Change
Contact Address:
Copygight 2009. All materials are copyrighted
by the authors and artists or by IVy Magazine
Rolf K, the new editor-in-chief
April, 2009
Content of Vy 10
Page 4: AWhole 1rack Story 2
by Scott Douglas
Second part oI Scott's Iascinating travel down the time track.
Page 8: Source or Potential 1rouble Sources
by Rolf K. Denmark
An account oI what happened when the IVYeditor went to 'Multi Genius Technologies' at
Birega Haus in Eastern Germany. Covers impressions on Spritiologie, Caspar de Rijk, and
Andres Buttler. All wasn't as advertised as 'reality' as we know it suddenly was canceled.
Page 15: 1he Dichotomies of Scientology
by Ken Urquhart, USA
Second part oI Ken's analysis oI CoS, subtitled 'Notes on the Degeneration oI Scientology .
Page 21: Integrating our Sexuality into our Lives
By Heidrun Beer, Austria
All too oIten, human beings do not have a healthy relationship to their own bodies and sex.
Hedrun Beer analyses in this article our troubled relationship to this our second dynamic, which
includes the sexual urge.
Page 3: 1he Scientology the Church Forgot
by Michael Moore, IFA
The IFAChairman analyses CoS' redeIinition oI 'Squirrel.
Page 33: Ron Hubbard as I Knew Him
by Thok Sondergaard
From IVY2, 1991. Thok was there when the Sea Org was a little crew on board the trawler,
Avon River, with LRH as the Captain. He was also the illustrator and animator oI drawings and
Iilms at Saint Hill Manor in the 1960s.
Page 38: What Makes You 1ick?
by Clearbird
An edited excerpt oI Clearbird's book on basic Scientology.
Page 42: In Memoriam
About David Findley and Dhyan Marple, who both have died in early 2009.
Page 43: 1he Story Behind Pilot's Self Clearing
Gives background data, not published beIore, about the latest edition oI SelI Clearing.
Page 44: Pilot's Self Clearing, Second Edition
by Ken Ogger, alias the Pilot
We bring Pilot's own intro to this second edition that has been available on the web Ior several
Page 51: Announcements
About upcoming Freezone Convention in Copenhagen and subscription inIormation.
Page 52: Announcement of Web Seminars Held by Hank Levin's Clearing Institute
ThIs sfory bogIns boforo fImo bognn...
I nm vIowIng nnd boIng nrf of n unIvorso wIfhouf forco, wIfhouf snco ns wo curronfIy dofIno If nnd
wIfhouf mnss. Tho onorgy Is whnf I wIII cnII "formod IIghf." Thoro Is no word In IngIIsh fo doscrIbo If.
If's n Ionsnnf, nosfhofIc, nnd Infonso form of IIghf or rndInfIon. ThIs Is boforo fImo. Tho coIors fhnf wo
curronfIy cnn oxorIonco In fhIs unIvorso do nof ovon sfnnd n comnrIson fo whnf oxIsfs In fhIs nrfIcu-
Inr unIvorso. Tho onorgy-IovoI Is fho hIghosf I hnvo ovor oxorIoncod; yof, If`s fho mosf comforfnbIo In
my oxorIonco.
I hnvo fnInf momorIos of nssIng fhrough mnny, mnny unIvorsos.
. I bocnmo n nrf of n vnsf
sourco of onorgy nIong wIfh mnny ofhor boIngs. I
foIf n wnvo nnd bocnmo nwnro of soIf nnd sonrnfIon
from o . I wnndorod nwny from fho
"Sourco" nnd wns nwnro of onIy n vory fow ofhors
nIso doIng so. I docIdod fo bogIn oxIorIng nnd
bocnmo nwnro of nnofhor unIvorso. I wouId o
nrfInIIy ouf nnd Iook nround nnd bocomo nn
IdonfIfy nnd fhon rofronf. Affor doIng fhIs mnny
fImos, I docIdod fo onfor fhIs "fhIng", fhIs now
Ior fho uroso of cInrIfy, I uso fho word "I" In fho
doscrIfIon. Tho frufh Is fhnf "I" ns wo know If
doosn'f ronIIy cnfuro fho oxorIonco ns fhoro
wnsn'f nn ogo, nn "I.
I oxIsfod ns n whoIo boIng for mnny frIIIIons of
yonrs. My fono wns mnny, mnny hnrmonIcs nbovo
soronIfy. I docIdodfo sIIf (mnIo nndfomnIo) fo oxIoro oxIsfonco.
Af somo oInf, I romombor boIng uIIod Info n mnssIvo ImIosIon (mnybo n bInck hoIo). I kof on fryIng
fo mnInfnIn n bnInnco by fhrowIng whnf I hnd cronfod, ns woII ns sfonIIng whnf ofhors hnd cronfod, Info
fho hoIo. I Iosf. I wns hoIIosIy drnwn Info fho ImIosIon.
I joInod wIfh fwo ofhor boIngs (mnIo nnd fomnIo) fo cronfo n sIngIo, unIfIod unIvorso whIch wo ruIod In
I nrrIvod nf fho oInf In fImo from
whIch I'm doscrIbIng fhIs scono. IrobnbIy nf fho
unIvorso doscrIbod nbovo
fhors fhnn soIf
Time TraveIer Series 2
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

A WhoIe Track
By Scott Douglas
"Formed light"
4 IVy 102. April, 2009
hnrmony. I fhon sIIf from fho ofhor fwo whon I bocnmo borodwIfh fhnf gnmo.
I wns wnndorIng bofwoon unIvorsos (gnInxIos) nnd bognn InyIng wIfh fImo, onorgy nnd snco. I bonf
nndroformodonch of fhoso oIomonfs IndIvIdunIIy nndfogofhor In vnrIous combInnfIons.
I wns wnndorIng In fhIs unIvorso whon I wns nffnckod by n nck of boIngs nnd wns hurf by vnrIous
onorgy forms: fIno bonmod, brond socfrum from muIfIIo sIfos, sIIcIng, smnshIng, ImIodIng, oxIod-
Ing, crushIng nnd dIsorIonfIng. I oscnod by uIIIng In my own snco fo my vIowoInf nnd fhon
uncronfIng fhnf vIowoInf. I roconfIy nronchod fhIs nron wIfh fho nssIsfnnco of my froozono nudIfor,
who nssIsfodmo wIfh gronf undorsfnndIng.
I bognn fo Iny wIfh ofhor boIngs. IIng nnd fIowIng Info fhoIr snco; gonornIIy InforncfIng ns son-
rnfo boIngs.
I bognn oxorImonfIng wIfh covorf nndhIddon confroI of ofhor boIngs. ThIs sorIos of oxorImonfs bognn
wIfh sImIy fouchIng fhoIr bodIos wIfh nnchor oInfs. I found fhnf fhIs cronfod confusIon nnd nngor.
ThIs rogrossod fo fouchIng fho confroI oInfs osfnbIIshod by fho boIngs, uIfImnfoIy whnf humnns cnII
fho mInd. ThIs wns nccomIIshod ovor sovornI bIIIIon yonrs. IvonfunIIy I wns nbIo fo rojocf fhoughfs
Info fho confroI confors wIfhouf boIng dofocfod.
Af ono fImo, I wns onfrnod In n crudo ImInnf dovIco cronfod fo confroI fho ouInfIon of boIngs In n
cIvIIIznfIon In fhIs gnInxy. Tho dovIco consIsfod of n fubo wIfh vnrIous onorgy bonms nnd fIows fhnf
onfIcod boIngs Info fho fubo. Onco InsIdo, numorous Imngos woro shown fhnf InsfIIIod "corrocf fhInk-
Ing" Info fho coro of n boIng. I wonf nIong wIfh fho ImInnf nnd wns Incorornfod Info fho cuIfuro If wns
suosodfo Imncf.
Affor n orIodof fImo, I sfnrfodfo oxIoro who (or whnf) wns cronfIng fhIs dovIco. I dIscovorodn grouof
boIngs who fhoughf, fhomsoIvos, fhoy woro nssIsfIng fho growfh of fho boIngs In fho cuIfuro. Tho
grous woro cnIIod by vnrIous nnmos doondIng on fho cuIfuro fhoy woro ImncfIng. Tho roufnfIon
nnd I! of onch of fhoso grous wns oxcoIIonf. Inch wns rovorod by mosf boIngs of fho cuIfuros fhoy
I bocnmo InvoIvod wIfh fhoso grous of boIngs, conducfIng nnd nrfIcInfIng In mIssIons fhnf shnod
fhIs nnd ofhor cuIfuros In fhIs nnd ofhor gnInxIos. Tho mnjor Imncf of fhoso ncfIvIfIos ovor nbouf 2
bIIIIon yonrs of oxorIoncos wns fo shno nnd "ovoIvo" woII ovor l,000 cuIfuros srond ouf ovor somo
34,500 Innofs, whIch InvoIvodn ouInfIon woII In oxcoss of 600 frIIIIon boIngs.
Tho grou workod from nn "ovorsoor vnnfngo oInf." Wo oxIsfod on n hIghor Inno wIfh n much brondor
vIowoInf fhnn fhoso wo woro ovorsooIng. AIfhough wo dIdn'f hnvo bodIos, In fho sonso fhnf humnns
do, wo couIdcronfo ono If fho sIfunfIon cnIIodfor ono. Abody Is n gronf hoIIn communIcnfIng.
Somo of fho mIssIons I wns InvoIvodIn foIIow:
l) I wns Incorornfod Info n socIofy on n Innof fhnf susfnInod n cosmooIIfnn muIfI-Innof
cuIfuro. Affor fhroo gonornfIons of oxorIonco wIfh fhIs dIvorso cuIfuro, I wns Incod In n woII-
connocfod, wonIfhy fnmIIy In fho fInnnco (bnnkIng) Indusfry. Affor n normnI chIIdhood, I wns
lmplent Oevice
Some Other Nissions

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Time TraveIer Series 2
5 IVy 102. April, 2009
Incod In n osIfIon wIfhIn fho Indusfry nnd dosfInod fo bocomo n Iondor of fho Indusfry. I bognn
mnnIuInfIng fho ownorshI of vnrIous comnnIos wIfh fho objocfIvo fo roshno fho onfIro oconomy
of fho cuIfuro. I dId jusf fhnf. I wns drIvIng mnny comnnIos ouf of busInoss nnd suorfIng mnny
bnnkruf IndusfrIos. In ossonco, I wns n "movor nndn shnkor" of fhIs muIfI-Innof cuIfuro.
2) I usod my nbIIIfIos fo shno fhoughfs wIfhIn ofhor boIngs fo obfnIn InformnfIon nnd chnngo
InformnfIon fhrough ofhor boIngs. I romombor workIng fhrough nn honosf, hnrd-workIng IndIvId-
unI fhnf hnd nccoss fo vory socuro InformnfIon whIch wns noodod fo oxoso n Iof. ThIs Iof wns
surossIng InformnfIon on 24 Innofs, nnd ofhor orbIfnI sfrucfuros. If Imncfod 234 bIIIIon boIngs.
Affor guIdIng fhIs IndIvIdunI fhrough ofhorwIso ImonofrnbIo socurIfy rocoduros nnd ofhor
bnrrIors, I wns nbIo fo duIIcnfo fho InformnfIon nnd modoIs In hIs mInd nnd Insfrucf hIm fo rocro-
nfo If In hIs own Inbornfory, oufsIdo of fho socurIfy nrnmofors osfnbIIshod fo rovonf Ifs dIssomI-
nnfIon. Afforwnrds, fho InformnfIon wns rocoIvod by fho roor boIngs nnd n mnjor robIom In fho
dovoIomonfnI cycIo of fho cuIfuro wns nvorfod.
3) Af ono oInf, I wns In chnrgo of n Inrgo
mIIIfnry orgnnIznfIon. Tho orgnnIznfIon
IncIudod Innof-sIdo |ground-bnsod] InsfnIIn-
fIons, InfoIIIgonco oornfIons nnd "snco oorn"
ncfIvIfIos. I wns vory good In fhIs roIo. I foIf vory
comforfnbIo workIng wIfh mnssIvo oornfIons
nnd comIox InforncfIons. In ono of my Insf
oornfIons, wo woro InvoIvod In sfoIng
nnofhor mIIIfnry orgnnIznfIon from InvndIng n
socIfIc socfor of fhIs gnInxy. Iocnuso of somo
crucInI wrong judgmonfs In uso of InfoIIIgonco
InformnfIon, I cnusod mnjor dnmngo. Among
fho mIsfnkos wns fo soIocfIvoIy uso InfoIIIgonco
fo jusfIfy ncfIons nnd Ignoro ofhor ndvIco nnd
InfoIIIgonco. ThIs my Inck of orfocf judgmonf,
rosuIfod In fho Ioss of n mnjor bnffIo, whIch
furnod ouf fo bo fho furnIng oInf In n wnr. Wo Iosf fho bnffIo nnd fho wnr. !IfImnfoIy, I wns
rosonsIbIo for n fromondous of Ioss of IIfo. Affor IosIng fhIs bnffIo, nnd boforo I couId bo cnfurod, I
oscnodfo n Innof nndfookon fho roIo of n hormIf.
Affor workIng wIfh fhIs grou for ovor 2 bIIIIon yonrs, I wns vory fIrod. ThIs nrfInIIy duo fo my own
ovorfs. I wns rondy fo Ionvo nnd Iookod for somo sorf of oscno from fho grou nnd sIfunfIon. I cronfod n
mofhodoIogy (InvoIvodusIng whnf wo cnII worm hoIos or bInckhoIos) fo Ionvo.
I dIscovorodn fuIIy InfogrnfodWhoIo ovorsooIng n whoIo sof of unIvorsos.
urIng fho noxf 5 bIIIIon yonrs, I wns nn InfoIIIgonco ngonf for fhIs vory hIgh-rnnkIng grou. Tho job
doscrIfIon wns ncfunIIy vory sImIo: onfor n unIvorso (or whnf wo wouId cnII n dImonsIon) for n bIIIIon
yonrs or so, mnko your obsorvnfIons nnd roorf bnck. Af fIrsf, I wouId roorf bnck fo n junIor go-
bofwoon. ThIs boIng wouId synfhosIzo my roorf wIfh ofhor roorfs nnd In furn submIf hIs own roorf
Exit WormMole
Exploring Mev Oimensions
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Time TraveIer Series 2

"Exit Worm Hole"
6 IVy 102. April, 2009
uIInos. As I bocnmo moro nccomIIshod, nnd my roorfs bocomo moro oncomnssIng, I bognn fo
doIIvor my roorfs fo hIghor nnd hIghor IovoIs In fho roorfIng sfrucfuro. My fInnI roorf wns fo fho fo
of fho houso...fho boIng or boIngs fo whIch nII of fho roorfs woro fInnIIy doIIvorod. Tho roorfIng
rocoss IfsoIf wns quIfo InforosfIng. AII I dId wns oon u my forso fo Iof ouf fho "IIghf of undorsfnnd-
Ing" nnd fho boIng or boIngs wouId undorsfnnd whnf I hnd undorsfood. o IncomIofo or fnIso roorfs
woro ossIbIo.
urIng fho Insf 5 bIIIIon yonrs, I hnvo boon oxIorIng fho
hysIcnI unIvorso nnd fho boIngs fhnf oxIsf In nnd nround fhIs
unIvorso. I hnvo hnd mnny InforosfIng buf nIso mnny borIng
oxorIoncos. My oxorIoncos vnry from hondIng n mInIng
oornfIon on nn nsforoId, nnd boIng n crow mombor on muIfI-
Io snco shIs, fo boIng nn oornfIvo In fho dIsfrIbufIon of
confrnbnnd (n smuggIor) on n gnIncfIc scnIo. Af ono oInf, I
bocnmo n rock. Af nnofhor oInf, n fnmIIy of door-IIko cron-
My roconf oxorIoncos on fhIs Innof sfnrfod nbouf l2,000
yonrs ngo In TIbof. I hnvo IIvod In Mu nnd AfInnfIs, Igyf,
AfrIcn, Iuroo, IngInnd, nnd orfh AmorIcn. I hnvo, ns woII,
oxIsfod In fho "sIrIf" worId. I nm fnIkIng nbouf ncfunI unI-
vorsos whIch coIncIdo wIfh fhIs Innof nnd Innofnry sysfom
fhnf oornfo on n hIghor vIbrnfIonnI IovoI fhnn nnImnIs - nnd I
IncIudo humnns In fho nnImnIs cnfogory. My job for nbouf 600 yonrs wns fo hoI boIngs fo sonrnfo
from fhoIr bodIos nnd gof on wIfh fhoIr ovoIvomonf. In fho Insf 200 yonrs or so, I hnvo boon n Ionoor In
Wosforn-!sfnfo ow York. I cnn rocnII muIfIIo Incosfuous roInfIons, boIng n con-nrfIsf/sIIvor mInor.
I hnd n mIno In whnf Is now Wosforn ovndn nonr Cnrson CIfy, nnd I dIod fhoro In n mIno shnff cnvo-In.
I wns n mombor of fho SIoux frIbo for nbouf fhIrfy yonrs nnd dIod ns n wnrrIor. As n ogroId chIId, I dIod
nf fho ngo of fwo (l894-l896). I wns born In fho ChIcngo nron fhroo fImos (Insf fhroo IIfofImos.) In fho
IIfo nf fho furn of fho confury (l896-l924), I wns n smnII fImo hood |crImInnI/crook]. I dIod whon I wns
shof for squonIIng on |foIIIng on] n buddy. In fho noxf IIfo (l924-l945), fho mosf nofnbIo ncfIvIfy wns my
onIIsfmonf In fho mnrInos nf fho ngo of l5 In l939. I dIod on n smnII IsInnd In fho IncIfIc nffor my grou
wns wIodouf by fho onomy.
I undorsfnnd fhnf you mny doubf fhoso rocoIIocfIonsns I hnvo nf fImos. Truo or nof, fho Iossons
Ionrnod from fhom hnvo boon hIghIy usofuI In fhIs rosonf IIfofImo. !Ifo Is nof sImIy n sorIos of IIfo-
fImos IIvod In fhIs hysIcnI unIvorso, buf rnfhor n confInuum fo bo onjoyod. Af fImos, oxorIoncos nro
sImIy fo bo IIvod. IIonsurnbIo momonfs, ns woII ns fho nIn of somo oxorIoncos, rovIdo n fofnIIfy of
oxorIoncos fo bo onjoyod. Ono of fho Iossons I nm curronfIy oxorIoncIng Is fhnf !Ifo Is n fuII socfrum
of omofIon, fuIfIIImonf nndInvoIvomonf.
!Ivo !Ifo!!!!
The Physicel Universe end This Plenet
The Continuumof Life

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Time TraveIer Series 2
Tibetan Shepherd
If you have any interesting or fantastic track experiences as a time traveler,
write them up and share them with us and other Ivy readers!
7 IVy 102. April, 2009
In the sleepy East German village oI Biere,
150 km south west oI Berlin, a torrent oI
Andreas Buttler
events has oI late attracted considerable atten-
Apparently, what happened recently can be
tion in the Freezone. What happened to Muti
understood as a shake-up between Caspar de
Genius Technology? What happened to
Rijk and Andreas Buttler. The contest was
Caspar de Rijk? And who is now running the
between doing the Multi Genius
show and in what direction? The answers to
concept or only doing Spiritologie.
these questions are at this time not quite clear.
Andreas Buttler is a Book One
But we can give some details Ior your own
auditor who calls himselI Source.
But t l e r, t he de ve l ope r oI
Spiritologie, now claims that this
Caspar de Rifk leIt the Sea Org in 1997 aIter a
program is the new OT Levels. He
25 year tech career. In 2003, he started RONS
has at several occasions stated that
Org in the Nederlands, delivering standard
'the Iourth dynamic engram is
tech up to OT3. Around 2006 he bought a big
now handled and thereIore, the OT
old house, 'a Iixer upper, in Biere. Biere is a
levels known as OT 1-3 are no
900 years old village, streets paved with
longer needed; nor does there seem
cobbler stone and brick, oI 2.500 inhabitants.
to be any room Ior NOTS or Solo
It is situated in East Germany, the Iormer
NOTS, etc. Captain Bill`s bridge is out. His
DDR. In 2007, Caspar was introduced to
eIIorts have been in direction oI replacing the
Spiritologie, a tech developed by Andreas
upper bridge with his Spiritologie rundowns.
Buttler. Caspar, who is an experienced Class 9
Andreas Buttler claims to be the reincarnated
auditor and case supervisor, started to deliver
L. Ron Hubbard. Since Buttler was born in
Spiritologie rundowns as an alternative to
1966, when Hubbard (1911-86) was alive and
standard scientology, and he now called his
well and just leaving Saint Hill Manor Ior
center Ior Multi Genius Technology, an
Rhodesia and then Iorm the Sea Organization,
umbrella organization Ior testing and
Buttler`s claim demands a newmodel Ior how
delivering new technologies and developing
this could happen. He claims in his book,
new advanced services. As things developed
'Spiritologie, that a Being typically can run
he had more and more clients doing
several bodies simultaneously and thus LRH,
Spiritologie and the inIlux oI preclears
and many other Beings, can have several
wanting standard technology dried up due to
bodies at the same time. He claims to be such a
lack oI promotion. He became heavily
clone oI LRH. According to his book, Mr.
involved with Spiritologie and Andreas
Buttler entered several Scientology
- or Potential
8ources of Troubles?
By Rolf Krause, Denmark
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Spiritologie and Birega Haus

Caspar de Rijk
8 IVy 102. April, 2009
organizations in Germany and Copenhagen IaithIully in the Iree Iield are right target Ior
and stated just that. He wanted to subject such attacks. It seems more like a convenient
himselI to a conIidential test to prove his true target in absence oI the needed conIront oI
identity. (In the book, he compares the test to what is going on this planet and the ability to
what Tibetan Buddhists use to identiIy their handle that. You can always blame any
Dalai Lama once the old Dalai Lama is dead.) misIortune on well-behaved lame ducks that
At one occasion Buttler would only leave are in your cross hairs.
when the staII threatened with calling the
police to get him removed. He claims to be
Re]ectedby Co8
Source and wants 'to take back CoS and steer
Andreas Buttler, Caspar de Rijk and company
it in a new direction, using this new
sought to reenter as staII oI the Sea
Spiritologie tech. To do this, Buttler needed a
Organization in Copenhagen. The Center in
credible tech terminal and that is where
Biere (the house) was to be sold. On their
Caspar de Rijkcomes in.
website,, many diIIerent
conIlicting messages would
be posted, only to be gone the
For about a week in late day aIter. What we can
February, 2009, Caspar and c o n c l u d e i s t h a t t h e
company were working on Spiritologie people apparently
getting back into the Sea Org. weren`t accepted by the Sea
They were working on their so- Org. They seem to have had no
called A-E steps (program luck with David Miscavige
intended to turn around and company.
declared suppressive persons.)
They were apparently working At this stage it had already
under the orders oI Mr. Buttler. been stated in press releases
The plan was to stage a that Multi Genius Technology
takeover oI CoS and 'cram was cancelled and the only
senior management. Part oI service delivered in Biere was
the A-E steps is to deliver a S p i r i t o l o g i e . O n l y ,
devastating blow to 'the Spiritologie as a separate
enemies oI CoS. ThereIore, subject Irom Scientology had
anyone in the Freezone was, also been canceled; it had
according to their plan, Fair reportedly been as-is-ed by
Game. The leaders oI the Freezone were to be Buttler, and it was not to be delivered in Biere
given a chance. They were to be called in, one but through the CoS. This was an odd position
by one. They should 'report to Biere to get as, as Iar as we know, there at no point was any
handled. Ideally, this would mean that all key interest in such a change on the side oI CoS.
terminals in FZ would do steps A-E and
support the eIIort oI taking CoS back by
Flagis NowHere"
joining Sea Org. They could join up or get
AIter the direct take-over attempt Iailed, the
next move oI the Spiritologie people was to
announce that the Flag Service Organization
It is, oI course, a long running discussion
no longer was the establishment in
whether those who actually apply LRH tech
Clearwater, Florida. With immediate eIIect,

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Spiritologie and Birega Haus
Andres Buttler, German actor
and rock singer, claims to be
the reincarnated L. Ron Hubbard.
Maybe that is what inspired him
to color his hair red.
9 IVy 102. April, 2009
The Birega Haus in Biere was now Flag concentrate on his artistic endeavors. Andreas
Service Organization according to the Being Buttler had never been a Sea Org member.
calling himselI Source. Also, Tom Cruise, the
best known Scientologist, had to report in
Get Ridof Him"
immediately Ior a cramming there. The topic
At the time the handIul oI residents in the
was, to cram the Hollywood actor on how to
house were all doing Spiritologie as solo
speak about psychiatry in the media. He had
auditing. I had also expressed interest in doing
received much opposition in attacking
so as solo to be able to Iorm an opinion.
psychiatry publicly in a matter involving
Apparently it had long since been decided by
Brook Shields, a well known Hollywood
the Being calling himselI Source that the
presence oI an additional Scientology auditor
would weaken his control oI the location.
BiregaHaus and8tandardTech
Instead Mr. Buttler apparently conspired with
At the time where all this was in the making, a Caspar to Iind a way to showwhat we knowas
Class 8 resided in the house. That was the standard tech the door.
author oI this article. I had an agreement with
Caspar about setting up a I Iirst received a
standard tech HGCthere as metered interview
part oI the Muti Genius Irom Caspar. As it
Technology concept. I had developed, it was a
had several discussions rather bizarre aIIair.
with Caspar beIore getting First, it wasn`t a D
there and many more took oI P interview as
place on the premises. It Iirst announced. It
s e e m e d t o m e e t devel oped i nt o
considerable resistance what coul d be
Irom Mr. Buttler who c a l l e d a
didn`t reside there but was p h i l o s o p h i c a l
i n dai l y l ong phone discussion about
conversations with Caspar. t h e t e c h , t h e
Apparently there was axioms, and this
considerable resistance, on universe. Caspar
Mr. Buttler`s part, to have wanted to stress his
any activities besides views on the axioms
Spiritologie at the location. Mr. Buttler was by and had little patience with anything else. The
Caspar described as a Book One auditor MEST universe was all our own creation in
without any advanced tech experience. He had present time. 'Reality was only what we
worked as a Book One auditor Ior a German postulated here and now. It had no existence
CoS Ior a number oI years. He had also had outside our own considerations. I mentioned
auditing and done several advanced levels at that there possibly was a creator, whether it
RONS Org in Munich. In present time he was 'the theta body or a higher Being. This
made his living as an actor and rock singer, turned the interview into a grueling attack on
being the Iore-singer oI the group, StimmkraIt the presumed preclear. At one point I put down
(voice-power). He was not currently running a the cans but willingly continued the session as
practice as an auditor but wanted to a theoretical discussion. The idea oI an
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Spiritologie and Birega Haus

Birega Haus, situated in a sleepy
East German village, looks and
feels like the castle of the fairy tale
"Sleeping Beauty."
10 IVy 102. April, 2009
exterior Creator turned on what I would degrees Celcius. A hole in the wall to an
describe as a Ianatic look on Caspar`s Iace. occupied bedroom, where a Ian once had
Later I called it the look oI an inquisitor. Again been, was leIt open Ior the Irosty winds to
later, Caspar rebutted this and said he was blowthrough. Many walls in public areas had
being invalidated by his preclear. What I big holes and were leIt unpainted. These were
stated was that through the ages, the origin oI all inexpensive things to Iix. Besides that there
this universe had never been determined in were many other problems that were
any conclusive way. Personally, I sawit as bad expensive and more complicated to repair and
philosophy to simply exclude a creator Iix and I won't list those as that would be
without prooI. The is-ness oI things is that unIair.
there is an inIinity oI creations, many oI which
I don't understand and haven`t made. So who
A Memorable" 8ession
had created them? Each religion and major
I was still interested in trying Spiritologie,
philosophy has their own views on this.
solo. AIter all, there were some interesting
Scientists, again, has other ideas. It could be
points in that tech and people doing it seemed
said to be unknowable. Again, this word
to have good wins. One simply Iinds the
'unknowable apparently was too much Ior
postulates and Iixed ideas behind any
Caspar to deal with as it appears at the bottom
unwanted condition and
oI the know-mystery scale
handl es t hem wi t h
a n d h i s e x p r e s s e d
creat i ve processi ng.
conclusion was that the
Postulates Iormulated as
preclear in Iront oI him,
timeless decisions or
me, was very low on the
attitudes were oI special
scales. The discussion
interest, such as, 'I am
about, iI there was any
always late Ior work, 'I
objective reality and who
will never succeed,
was responsible Ior this
'You always put me
universe went on and on.
down, etc. as they tend
Was it our own creations we paid Ior in the
to Iloat in time and have a continuous eIIect. II
supermarket or did we sometimes beneIit
the complaint was, 'I hate my mother-in-
Irom other beings' creations? All such
law! Run the postulate, 'I hate my mother-in-
objections were swept aside. At the end, it was
law, (and oI course a multitude oI related
clear that Caspar had 'won by his
postulates, such as, 'She is a mean bitch,
uncompromising attitude. Apparently, that
'She wants to put me down in my marriage,
was what this interview was about. It
etc.) Run Ilow one: 'Imagine another causing
appeared that anyone walking in the door oI
you I hate my mother-in-law`. This may
Birega Haus who believed in an objective
bring up incidents that will have to be Ilattened
reality had no business there or in Spiritologie.
beIore it can go into imagination and its end
This conviction, that reality is only a product
phenomena. This is run on Iour Ilows. It has
oI our imagination and present time postulates
some workability and is quite similar to 'Get
could also explain why a house that Ior 2 years
the idea oI...
had served as the home oI MGT and
Spiritologie was in such miserable disrepair.
ASaturday aIternoon, Caspar was to give his
Several rooms had blankets as doors.
new preclear a groove-in session. He had no
Windows had holes and big leaks or were leIt
other session appointments that day. AIter
permanently partly open, even in minus 15

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Spiritologie and Birega Haus
'The is-ness oI things is
that there is an inIinity
oI creations, many oI
which I don't understand
and haven`t made.
So who had created them?
11 IVy 102. April, 2009
letting me sit and wait Ior 7 hours, the time had Elsewhere Caspar stated that he missed
come. The metabolism test on the meter, that is withholds on purpose 'to teach me a lesson.
supposed to give a long Iall, gave only a
reported tick. The session was started anyway.
The process was: 'Imagine something you
Sunday morning, the Iirst thing the Iollowing
don`t want others to knowabout you. In other
day, I was woken up by someone, a messenger,
words, it asks Ior withholds, and misses many
knocking on the door. The message was Irom
more, without pulling them. The session went
the Being calling himselI Source. I had to
on and on without producing a Floating
leave the premises immediately, 'Because
Needle to the auditor`s satisIaction. Caspar is
you are not FNing. I demanded an
a supporter oI the current deIinition oI F/Ns: It
explanation Irom Caspar and got one about an
has to swing 4 times at least. When the
hour later. Caspar had made a long list oI
preclear, me, would
issues I wanted to
start to bring up a
do s omet hi ng
real withhold, the
about, including
a udi t or woul d
unhandled things
break me oII and
I r o m p a s t
stress that I should
auditing, a past
o n l y i ma g i n e
relationship, etc.,
things. He wanted
etc. To that was
no withhold details
added that the
wha t s oe ve r. I t
preclear believed
s h o u l d b e n o
in a Creator and
mystery why this
s i m i l a r
session didn`t go
theological and
anywher e. The
philosophical points. It was mainly a list oI
approach is described in an HCOB oI 8.
'wants to handle, items. Nothing unusual,
March, 1962, called 'The Bad Auditor,` and
perverted, or criminal in any way. Anyway,
in HCOB oI 15 Marts, 1962, called
based on this list originated in session, D oI P
'Suppressors. The HCOBs describe the
interviews, and inIormal discussions, Caspar
auditor that misses withholds because he
declared me Ior a suppressive person and told
doesn`t want to know. He is aIraid oI Iinding
me I had to leave immediately. Being one
out what really happened as it could be
person against a determined and angry group,
embarrassing. He is aIraid oI the naked truth
I realized I had no business there anymore
and oI reality. Knowingly missing withholds
regardless oI what agreements had existed.
on a preclear is also listed as a technical crime
in LRH's justice codes.
Later on, Caspar would even state in some
I never got to try Spiritologie. I was given a
detail what his intent was. Since it was meant
choice aIter all the above. I could join the
as an additional invalidation oI the preclear`s
group doing the A-E steps, intended to turn
case, we will not quote it in Iull. But it is
around an SP declared person, and rejoin the
available to anyone who visits our oIIice. The
Sea Org with the rest oI them or I would be
last line is in quote: 'I WAS KNOWINGLY
'Iorever out. In other words, 'Stay where
you are (in the Freezone), or join us in our
attempt to commit proIessional suicide.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Spiritologie and Birega Haus

'When the preclear, me, would start to bring
up a real withhold, the auditor would break
me oII and stress that I should only
imagine things. He wanted no withhold
details whatsoever. It should be no
mystery why this session didn`t go anywhere.
12 IVy 102. April, 2009
Any tech is only valid iI it is delivered with There seems, however, to be little
sincere intention. UnIortunately, that wasn`t understanding oI the power oI old agreements,
the case here. It could, on the contrary, be seen called reality. Another weakness, it seems, is
as 'Black Scientology as it, according to the that one only runs what the preclear already
auditor`s own admission, was delivered to do knows about. From running chains, such as in
the preclear in. Dianetics or ConIessional processing, we
There may be some workability to the basic know that the postulates behind a resistive
process oI Spiritologie. It could be compared condition, and all the charged details it is
to Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, where lodged into, can be more bizarre and
the elements and considerations behind a surprising than anyone`s imagination could
condition that is bothering the client are come up with. Thus, it seems, the LRHmaxim
sought to be duplicated and thus as-is-ed. oI 'What the preclear already knows about it
Only, Spiritologie is done on a meter while not aberrative is violated. Also, only running
EFT is done with a ritual oI tapping with the signiIicances out (postulates) violates the
Iingers on important acupuncture points oI the basic rule oI addressing masses identiIied with
body. EFTs basic thesis is that any unwanted blowdowns on the meter and let signiIicances,
condition is due to disturbances in the body`s lodged in these masses, take care oI
energy systems. These 'energy systems themselves (CS Series 6.) The general rule in
could roughly be translated to 'the bank. Scientology tech is to take an unwanted
condition and trace it back to old and hidden
agreements, incidents, and postulates that
were buried at the bottom oI the pile oI mental
Spiritologie is based on a theory that seems to
mass and charge. Once that is handled, the
be consistent with the axioms, especially
preclear will come up with the signiIicances in
axioms 1-3. Any condition you are
Iorm oI cognitions.
experiencing is basically due to your own
postulation thereoI. II your unwanted
condition is 'Iear oI cats, you Iind all the
negative and charged (reading on meter)
The idea that one can just postulate things into
postulates you have made about cats and run
existence and as-is them (make them vanish)
them directly with creative processing. Time
by handling the original postulate is upheld in
is an illusion and it is thereIore not necessary
Scientology when it comes to one`s own
to run timetrack incidents, unless the preclear
universe. It is one oI the basic laws that makes
brings them up. Anything that bothers the
auditing work. It also accounts Ior the working
preclear IS in present time in some Iorm. Each
ingredient oI the basic Spritiologie process.
postulate is run on 4 Ilows: 'Imagine another
In groups and in the physical universe,
causing you Iear oI cats. Imagine you causing
controlled chaos rule. We have inherited an
another Iear oI cats. Imagine others causing
inIinity oI existing agreements and oI physical
others Iear oI cats. Imagine you causing
debris. Who postulated what and why has
yourselI Iear oI cats. Incidents may, as
usually long been lost. We are dealing with an
mentioned, come up and are itsa-ed
is-ness (reality) brought about by countless
(described/talked out) as hypothetical
steps oI alter-is-ness and not-is-ness (change,
scenarios. When the preclear has regained the
eIIorts and counter-eIIorts, revised plans oI
ability simply to make up postulates and
action, wars, etc., etc.) It is well described in
incidents about cats, it`s time to look Ior the
books and policies howto deal with realities oI
Iloating needle and the end phenomena oI the
groups and the MESTuniverse. To get a result,
Ilow. This, in theory, sounds good and sound.

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Spiritologie and Birega Haus
13 IVy 102. April, 2009
one has to complete cycles oI action. To complete recent events.
major cycles oI action, correct and detailed data,
including intelligence data, are needed. The To us, the Spiritologie group, Caspar de Rijk,
planning and programming have to be well Andraes Buttler and company, seems like a noble
thought out, yet be Ilexible when surprises are and tragic Iigure. The group as such acts and
encountered. The execution oI the plans takes reacts much like the Don Quixote Iigure in
eIIort. To produce anything one has to do work Cervantes` Iamous novel. Reality no longer
sometimes long and hard to bring about the exists. Windmills are made into dragons and then
desired product. Only dreamers and criminals attacked Ior the glory oI it. Sancho Panza, Don
think that they can have anything they postulate Quixote`s helper who tries to stay grounded and
just like that. The recent events out oI Biere seem helpIul, is in a blink oI the eye seen as a devil as he
to indicate that the Green on White tech, as painIully reminds the Spanish nobleman and
contained in policies, is not well understood nor crusader about reality.
considered necessary. They have issued orders
and plans oI action nilly wily, only to change it a
Iew hours later. We hope they learn a lesson Irom
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Spiritologie and Birega Haus

A draft of this article was posted to various newsgroups and VYs website. t earned the editor the
coveted prize of a written SP declare from Caspar. Within a year, six FZ members have now been
declared. Anything in the article is, however, either documented or personal experience. asked
Caspar repeatedly to correct any facts that were incorrect but have received nothing except a belated
written SP declare. There he said he never attacked anyone in the FZ. Yet, he threatened me over the
phone to sue me where ever would live for having been involved with the Clearbird website.
"Clearbird is a text that covers standard tech in detail without copyright violations. Apparently, this
was an infringement on Andreas Buttler's ego. Caspar also explained how Freezone leaders were to
be ordered to Biere to either be converted to Sea Org members or be declared SPs. So will take the
SP Prize and remain your dedicated investigative journalist when it comes to atrocities done in
whatever name. VY has always advocated truth in reporting and freedom of speech. No twisted
organization or person will sway this dedication.
Don Quixote
14 IVy 102. April, 2009
In this second article of a series, Ken Urquhart discusses what elements have lead to the current state of
affairs in established Scientology . He seeks answers to the question, "How did the Church's situation
deteriorate as far as it has?"
Tlc nul of conflici lcrc is ilc dicloiony cnslrincd wiilin Scicniology . I will cand on ilai
siaicncni ai sonc lcngil in ilis ariiclc. I'll lcgin wiil wlai I found as I canincd ilc official
Clurclof Scicniology wcl agcs.
As I ialc a swifi rcvicw (on Marcl 2nd 2008} of ilc Scicniology wclsiic and of wlai ii rcoris
aloui ilc organizaiion's aciiviiics ovcr ilc world (I loolcd ai all of ilcn}, I lavc io wcigl ilrcc
ilings inny nind.

Tlc icndcncy of ilis organizaiion io do and say anyiling ilai will nalc ii lool good and
accciallc io ilc sociciy ii cisis in. I lnow fron dircci ccricncc ilai ilis organizaiion lad a
lisiory of conicni for lunan sociciy ccriainly u io 1982. So far as I lnow, ilis conicni was
connon anongsi ilosc wlo iool ovcr iis nanagcncni in 1982, sonc of wlonarc siill in lacc}.
Tlus noiling ilai ilc siic says is fully irusiworily. I ialc ii ilai ai lcasi lalf of wlai I scc and
rcad is sin.
Ii concs ovcr io nc as an incscaallc iruil ilai largc nunlcrs of ordinary colc arc laving, or
lavc lccn laving, wondcrful gains fron lasic scicniology aciions. If ilis is so, ilcn a largc
nunlcr of colc lavc lccn dclivcring vcry good scicniology icclnology io ilcn. Tlc colc
laving ilc wins arc lay io lavc ilcn(I'nsurc ilc Scicniologisis dclivcring io ilcnarc lay
ioo}. Tlcsc arc ordinary colc lcading ordinary" livcs lui ilcrc arc also colc in iroullc fron
crinc, drugs, alusc, and injusiicc. Tlcy arc all growing in sclf-rcscci, sclf-dcicrninaiion,
rcsourccfulncss, and lclfulncss.
und cIus u noc notunt tIun tIc dcuc o uc cxcnsuc uduunccd uudtng to tIc cI.
TIc ouc Iusc o sccntoog n un stuggc utI ooston u Ic unongst tIc gcut nunIcs o
odnu coc uIo u stund u und u connuncutc utI gcut ccct us u Iod, uIcn dong so
nuIcs tIc csscntu dccncc. TIosc utI tIc nonc u gcncu uunt to otcct tIc usscts
st und ust. TIc 'odnu' coc utI tIc uns u InoucxuctuIut tIc cu usscts uc n c.
Ken Urquhart Speaks Out No 2
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

The Dichotomies
of 8cientology
By Ken Urquhart, USA
Motes on Nein Reesons for the
Oegeneretion of Scientology
15 IVy 102. April, 2009
The Work of Neny Good People
Tlcrc nusi lc a vcry largc nunlcr of colc on siaff in Scicniology and iis rclaicd grous ilai
arc loil dcdicaicd and cffcciivc in addrcssing sonc of ilc rollcns ilai sociciy faccs. Wc can'i
confidcnily icll fronilc wclsiics jusi low cffcciivc ilcy arc, lui wc can scc ilai ilcy sccnio lc
siill ilcrc and worling; nany of ilc succcss siorics" ring vcry iruc and sonc arc vcry noving.
Sonciling lcrc jusi docsn'i nalc scnsc. I angoing io assunc ilai wlcrc ilings arc going vcry
rigli, ilc colc worling on ilcn arc ai lcasi soncwlai frcc fron inicrfcrcncc of Scicniology
nanagcncni or arc vcry slillcd ai nagically iransforning or dcflcciing nanagcncni's cncrgics.
If ilis is iruc, docs ii lcad us iowards rcsoluiion? I lclicvc ii docs. Ii iclls us ilai ilcrc arc colc
dclivcring cniry-lcvcl scrviccs wlo arc noi sulsianiially affccicd ly ilc iurnoil ai ilc io of ilc
organizaiion. Tlcy arc ilcrcforc closcr io ilc sirii of scicniology ilan ilcir io nanagcrs. Sincc
ilcy arc dclivcring ai ilc cniry lcvcl, ilcy arc worling io lcl nalc ordinary colc's livcs lciicr
railcr ilan naling ricl colc ay ridiculous suns for ilc siriiual cquivalcni of ilc nassagc
arlor. In oilcr words, ilcsc 'lowly' Scicniologisis arc aciing oui of lindncss. Tlis is vcry
inoriani. Kindncss is, in faci, ccniral in ilc dclivcry and lclfulncss of Scicniology scrvicc
dcsiic ilc vcry lard worl ly ilc Clurcl of Scicniology ovcr nany ycars and ovcr nany
lrolcn livcs, io rovc oilcrwisc. I lnow fron crsonal ccricncc rcacling lacl io 1957 ilai
alilougl ilc rofcssional Scicniologisis of ilai day wcrc dcdicaicd io ilc caciiiudc of ilcir
raciicc of Scicniology, ilcy wcrc in gcncral an circncly lind luncl of colc. Sonc of ilcn I
rccall wiilgrcai affcciionfor ilcir gcnuinc caring for oilcrs.
Notc. I un usng tIc uod Ind n tIc scnscs o l. O u cnd, gcncous, o uunIcutcd
nutuc. 2. SIoung...undcstundng; cIutuIc. J. Hununc, consdcutc. 4. FoIcung, tocunt.
5. Ccncous, Icu. b. AgccuIc, Icnccu. ]An.Hc.Dctn.]
Kindness Vs Correction
Wlai I say lcrc is in ilc conici ilai scicniology las a discilinc of alicaiion, a discilinc ilai
is difficuli for nosi colc unaccusioncd io ii io conccivc of; a discilinc ilai is iaugli and
alicd wiil lindncss only wlcn ii is iaugli and alicd corrccily. Tlc discilinc includcs ilc
corrcciion of dcviaiion. Corrcci corrcciion of icacling and alicaiion nay lavc io lc dircci,
inncdiaic, and aarcnily larsl -- lui ii will ncvcr lc unlind in inicni. On ilc conirary, failurc
io corrcci dcviaiion fronilc lasic discilinc is circncly unlind io ilc siudcni and io all wlon
ilc siudcni will sulscqucnily affcci advcrscly ly rcasonof lis/lcr dcviaiion.
Scicniology is an insiiiuiion originally dcsigncd io carry a icclnology and io dclivcr ii io ilc
world. Also io roicci ilai icclnology fron dcgradaiion ly ilosc nislcd ly ilc uninforncd and
ilc nuddlcd. And io roicci ilc dclivcry siruciurc fron inicrfcrcncc so ii can lcc iis urosc
clcar and clcan, frcc froncounicr-inicniion(ilai is, inicniionlarnful io ilc largcsi nunlcr} and
fron oilcr-inicniioncdncss (ilai is, inicniion ilai sccls io vccr away fron ilc siaicd and
alrcady-agrccd-uon goal and urosc and ilai would rcducc ilc cffcciivcncss of ilc dclivcry
siruciurc's ouiflow}.

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Ken Urquhart Speaks Out No 2
16 IVy 102. April, 2009
Tlc dicloiony is ilai ilc icclnologics arc lascd on sucl ilings as lindncss, a osiiivc ouilool,
irusi, loc, and dcicrninaiion; ilc roicciion ascci, lowcvcr, inviics rcaciiviiy and lcconcs,
on ilc wlolc, crucl, arrogani, inscnsiiivc, and oui-of-rcscni-iinc. Tlc Scicniology rcaciivc
roicciion ascci is a clcar nanifcsiaiion of counicr-inicniion and of oilcr-inicniioncdncss. Ii
las acicd as a STOP on ilc ilcia flow of lindncss, osiiivc ouilool, irusi, loc, and
d c i c r n i n a i i o n .
Tlcrcforc, ii nusi go.
I lclicvc, as I lool lacl ai
wlai I livcd ilrougl
wlcn in Scicniology ,
ilai an idcniificaiion
arosc lciwccn (on ilc
onc land} ilc cacincss
of ilc discilinc of
alicaiion of audiiing
i c c lno l o g y , wli c l
usually rcquircs ilai
d c v i a i i o n r c c c i v c
inncdiaic and dircci
inicrvcniion, and (on ilc
oilcr} ilc alicaiion of
cilics icclnology. Tlosc
alying ilc laiicr lad
nisundcrsiandings aloui ilc alicaiion of ilc forncr. Tlc nisundcrsiandings arosc oui of ilc
failurc of all io rccognizc ilai ilc alicaiion of cilics icclnology rcquircs, for full jusiicc io
occur, ilc sanc discilinc of sclf-conirol as ilc audiior nusi raciicc wlcn dclivcring audiiing.
In oilcr words, and io usc icclnical jargon, lc ilai would aly cilics iccl io anoilcr nusi do so
wiil TFs fully in on ilc oilcr and on ilc oilcr's sccnc. And ilai includcs alovc all a vcry slillful
TF4. In raciicc, colc sccncd io ilinl ilai ilc aroriaic aiiiiudc in wlicl io aly cilics
was forccful scvcriiy.
ls Ethics Precticed Ethicelly?
Ii gocs dcccr ilan ilai; ilc vcry lasis of audiiing dclivcry is ilai ilc audiior las lis or lcr
aiicniion fully on ilc rcciicni of ilc audiiing, noi on wlaicvcr ilc lacnings in ilc scssion
nigli lring u for ilc audiior wiilin lin- or lcrsclf. Tlus, for ilc duraiion of ilc scssion, ilc
audiior nusi ui ilc cniirciy of lis or lcr aiicniion on ilc rcclcar (cvcn undcr ilc unusual
siiuaiion in wlicl ilc rcclcar nigli rclcl or aiiacl ilc audiior duc io sonc ovcr-rcsiinulaiion}.
No Scicniologisi, wlcn noi in scssion, is lound io follow ilc full discilinc of audiiing. Howcvcr,
ilc lasic aiiiiudc in audiiing, ilai onc olscrvcs ilc ioialiiy of wlai is going on in froni of onc, and
acis io lring wlai is going on io ilc lcsi ossillc conclusion, docs iranslaic inio cvcryday lifc.
Tlcrc's cvcry rcason wly ilai aiiiiudc slould iranslaic ovcr inio ilc alicaiion of cilics. How
clsc can ii lc valid? In ny ccricncc, cilics was alicd on siaff, for ilc vasi najoriiy of ilc iinc,
so ilai ilc crsonalying ii wouldn'i gci 'lii' linsclf. I lnow I lavc donc ilai nysclf. I lavc sccn
norc nonscnsc involving cilics ilan anyiling clsc wiilin ilc organizaiion, and I lavc
nanifcsicd ny slarc of cilics lullslii. Wlcn cilics is alicd wiiloui ilc crsonal discilinc
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

The uniforms of the

Sea Org seem to
have inspired many
to enforce ethics in
a militant manner
rather than consider
the greater good.
Ken Urquhart Speaks Out No 2
17 IVy 102. April, 2009
ncccssary for full grou jusiicc, ii is nisalicd and soon lcconcs alusivc. Iis rcsuli, wlcn
nisalicd, is dcgradaiion and luniliaiion of saniiy, iniclligcncc, and co-ocraiivc cncrgy. |Onc
of ilc grcai crsonal laincsscs of lcaving ilc organizaiion was ilc frccdon fron ilc
cnforccncni of uncilical "cilics" -- loilgiving ii and rccciving ii.|
Eicnd ilis sccnc io Scicniology 's crccivcd ncccssiiy io roicci ilc icclnology and ilc
organizaiion fron surcssivcs." In ilc rcscncc of crccivcd ilrcai fron crccivcd
surcssivcs, according io usual 'cilics' raciicc in Scicniology , no TFs arc ncccssary, or,
aarcnily, ossillc. Tlcrc is only onc soluiion for a surcssivc. lc/slc nusi fully caiiulaic io
ilc alsoluic cnforccncni of sonciling suoscd io lc cilics" lui isn'i, or lc/slc nusi undcrgo
dcail in ilc fornof SP Dcclarc" and lcing suljcci io alsoluicly cnforccd disconncciion and io
'Fair Canc.'
Tlc niglinarc of Scicniology nanagcncni, undcr ilis fcar of ilc "Surcssivc Pcrson" is ilai
ilcrc arc aciually "SP's" on siaff, rigli now, undciccicd. Tlus, ilcsc cccuiivcs arc consianily
surcssing ilcnsclvcs wiil ilcir own fcars. Evcniually, cvcrylody lcconcs ciilcr an SP or
oicniially so.
Notc. Fu Cunc uus ocu cudutcd I L. Fon HuIIud n odc to ucusc tIc NcuZcuund
Coucnncnt, Iut tIc uct uus u sIun, u c, u ccc o uc uIcI Ic Iud no ntcnton o Ionong n
dccd. I InoutIut Iccuusc Ic unnounccd us nucI gIt n ont o nc uIcn tIc ncus cunc tIut Ic
nccdcd to ssuc tIc cunccuton o Fu Cunc oc. Hs cudcnt ntcnton uus to sucss tIc
ouct uctcc o Fu Cunc o u uIc Iut to contnuc tIc uctcc uIcn Ic ct t uus nccdcd, Iut
not gct cuugIt ut t.
Considcr ilc conscqucncc if an audiior in scssion aiicnis io addrcss a diffcrcncc wiil ilc
rcclcar ly cnforcing sonc vicwoini ilai invalidaics ilc rcclcar's uscincss. All ilc audiior
gcis for lis iroullc is incrcascd uscincss. Now lc las iwo uscis io landlc, and goodncss
lnows low nucl clargc lc lyasscd in crcaiing ilcn. Tlc audiior las violaicd ilc codc wlicl
guaraniccs ilc rcclcar ilai lc slall lavc full sclf-dcicrninaiion ovcr wlai lc cnanaics in a
scssion. Now, if ilc rcclcar cruis inio ocn rclcllion in ilc scssion, and, for canlc, nalcs for
ilc door, ilc audiior is fully olligcd io ccrcisc lis sclf-dcicrninaiion as ilc audiiorlui io do ii in
a way ilai rciurns ilc rcclcar as snooilly as ossillc io ilc clair and io ilc scssion.
Correct end lncorrect Ethics Applicetion
No cccuiivc noi wcll-iraincd as an audiior can ossilly addrcss ilc cilics of a siaff ncnlcr as
quiclly and as snooilly as an audiior landling a rcclcar in scssion. "Ycs," you will say, "Dui ilc
siaff ncnlcr las 'no casc on osi.'" You nay also roicsi ilai a siaff ncnlcr las no rigli io lavc
crsonal uscis. Tlcsc ilings arc noi ilc oini lcrc. Tlc oini is ilai ilc cccuiivc alying
cilics will only crcaic furilcr oui-cilics if lis alicaiion of cilics io ilc junior violaics ilc
junior's sclf-dcicrninisnas a lcing, ilrougl ilc cccuiivc's cnforccncni of oui-TFs. Or, io ui ii
anoilcr way, if ilc cccuiivc alying cilics las aiicniion on anyiling oilcr ilan ilc grcaicsi
good for ilc junior and ilc wlolc sccnc in wlicl ilc iwo of ilcnarc ocraiing. Tlis is a lcvcl of

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Ken Urquhart Speaks Out No 2
18 IVy 102. April, 2009
rcsonsililiiy vcry fcw wcrc iraincd io ocraic ai.
To lc icclnical aloui ii and io lcai ilc oini io dcail. if ilc cccuiivc ly-asscs ilc siaff
ncnlcr's sclf-dcicrninisn, lc or slc uis ilc siaff ncnlcr in a crsonal Dangcr condiiion. If
nciilcr ilc cccuiivc nor ilc siaff ncnlcr noiicc ii and addrcss ilis crsonal Dangcr condiiion,
ilc siaff ncnlcr will go down in crsonal cilics condiiion io Non-Eisicncc as a lcing, and
furilcr down io Lialiliiy, and so on. Tlus wc lavc wlai a ari of ilc Clurcl of Scicniology las
lcconc. a collcciionof individuals nany of wlonlavc lccndrivcndownilc Eilics condiiions as
lcings ly nisguidcd colc innanagcncni wlo lavc no cluc as io wlai Scicniology is aloui.
Tlus, a vcry undcsirallc and sclf-dcfcaiing clcncni las cnicrcd inio ilc alicaiionof cilics and
inio ilc raciicc of nanagcncni icclnology. unlindncss. Is ilc lcvcl of unlindncss
surcssivc"? I ilinl caclindividual affccicd las io answcr ilai qucsiionfor linor lcrsclf.
On Bed Temper
U uniil 1972, wlcn LFH lcfi ilc sli io scnd a ycar in ilc US (so as io avoid ciradiiion fron
Morocco io Francc for irial}, I lad lnown linas caallc always of grcai lindncss. On lis rciurn
io ilc sli in 1973, a ycar laicr, lc lad clangcd sulsianiially. Hc lccanc norc and norc liiicrly
angry lui siill caallc of occasional lindncss. Dy carly 1975, wlcnI lasi saw lin, lc lad lcconc
all lui unlcarallc.
Onc could arguc fron ilis ilai onc rcason ilai Scicniology dcicrioraicd as ii did is ilai LFH
allowcd ioo nany colc io lcconc cccuiivcs wlo wcrc noi iraincd audiiors and wlo lad noi
rovcd ilcnsclvcs willing and allc (and couragcous cnougl} io go inio scssion wiil anoilcr
lunanlcing and scc ilc scssionilrouglio a good rcsuli iinc and iinc again. I will go so far as io
say ilai ilis is a najor Wly. Tlcrc is noiling oncarilio cqual loililc lcvcl of sclf-discilinc and
ilc lcvcl of sclf-rcscci ilai roduciion as an audiior lrings io ilc audiior as a crson. For ycars I
incd io conlcic ny audiior iraining; wlcn I
finally goi ilc ooriuniiy I wcni ilrougl a ccriain
anouni of lcll in roving nysclf, lui in roving
nysclf I grcw and gaincd cnornously and
wondrously. I an cicrnally graicful io ilosc wlo
lci nc going ilrougl ilai iinc; ai lcasi onc of
ilcn is, as far as I lnow, a loyal ncnlcr of
Scicniology io ilis day. Tlis was an cnornous
lindncss io nc crsonally; ny ilanls lavc no
Leck of Auditor Treining
Wlai is ilc iraining lcvcl of ionosi nanagcncni
in Scicniology ioday? I don'i lavc ilc facis on
ilai. Dui if you ialc a good lool ai a loio of David
Miscavigc, do you scc a crson wiil wlonyou would wani for onc sccond io lc in scssion wiil as
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

David Miscavige
Ken Urquhart Speaks Out No 2
19 IVy 102. April, 2009
lis rcclcar? Noi on your lifc! Hc sccns io lavc ilc rcscncc of a lungry and vcry agiiaicd
alligaior wlosc slocs arc far ioo iigli and wlosc luncl is laic. I rccall sonc of ilc cccuiivcs I
lncw wlo arc siill ilcrc, crlas in scnior osis, or wlo lavc lcfi noi ioo long ago. Tlinling of
ilcnsiiiing oosiic nc, and saying io nc Tlis is ilc scssion" sinly cnlarrasscs nc.
Wc lavc, in ilc dircciing of Scicniology , noi a fincly-discilincd raciiiioncr of audiiing
icclnology wlo lnows low io sci an canlc in ilc alicaiion of cilics icclnology and of
nanagcncni icclnology, lui a crson of a ccriain casi of nind wlicl las sonc fiaiion uon ilc
dcsiruciion of SPs." Hc is laying lis ganc on ilc laying-ficld of Scicniology lis novcs crcaic
sonc claos and confusion; ilcy icnd io crvcri scicniology inio sonciling ridiculous, siuid,
and undcsirallc io nanlind - ilc conlcic oosiic of wlai scicniology aciually is.
Tlc ganc is an ALTEFEDIMPOFTANCE and a WFONCTAFCET. Ii's a ganc - and a crvcrsion -
of glolal rooriions.
Like e Greek Tregedy
Ccc, Fon, ilanls for fiing us u ilis way. Wcll, lci's noi lc ioo unlind io you, Fon. I ilinl you
wcni asi najor unaclnowlcdgcd wins in your worl; ilcn sonc ilings siaricd going oui of
conirol, and you lccanc a liiilc dcscraic...ilings wcni norc oui of lccanc norc
and norc dcscraic. Tragically, in a siiuaiion vcry lilc ilc clina of a classical Crccl drana, you
lccanc dcrangcd. Tlc gods raiscd you u and ilcn ilcy dcsiroycd you. Miscavigc loolcd inio
ilc dcrangcncni for lis own uroscs. I anrcally sorry ilai ii iurncd oui ilai way for you, Fon;
I'n rcally sorry for wlai I coniriluicd io ilai ly connission and onission. You did sonc
wondcrful ilings ilai will forcvcr rcdound ilrougl univcrscs io your crcdii. You lavc carncd
scvcral clanccs io conc lacl and gci ii norc rigli. Plcasc do ilai!
Mcanwlilc, low do wc slow oursclvcs cqual io ilc iasl ai land. ilc rcfornaiion of Scicniology
How do wc suori ilc colc in Scicniology wlo arc loil cffcciivc and lind in ilc dclivcry of
scicniology io oilcrs? How do wc sci u a rclaiionsli wiil ilc world in wlicl csiallislcd
Scicniology or scicniology in ilc frcc ficld or loil iogcilcr nanagc ilcnsclvcs in ilc sirii of
ilc lallowcd Sufi iradiiion.
To answcr ilcsc qucsiions, I ilinl wc nusi considcr low Scicniology /scicniology can aciually
worl in ilc world as a ari of ilc Planci Earil connuniiy, and ariicularly low ilcy can worl
vcry wcll wiil ilc ari of ilc Earil connuniiy ilai is ialing rcsonsililiiy for Earil rollcns
and sccling cffcciivc soluiions ilcrcio. Tlis I will addrcss ina laicr ariiclc.
2008, Ken Urquhart

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Ken Urquhart Speaks Out No 2
20 IVy 102. April, 2009
Integrating Sexuality It is not easy for young babies to learn to
Now, Integrating sexuality into our lives is walk. They have to learn to coordinate the
especially difficult if the surrounding cul- movements of the left and right legs plus
ture tends to not-is sexuality or there is learn to balance the whole body without
a lot of ignorance on the subject (this the help of the hands touching the floor.
could be called "subject illiteracy", a thing When they really have learned to walk,
integrated that also harms other they have all these component
areas, like for instance parts and the outcome is a balanced walk
dietary habits). forward.
We need to handle not Integrating a new food means to evaluate
only one of the human its nutritional value as well as its enter-
body's strongest urges tainment (taste) value and give it a place
and learn to live at peace between the other, already known and
with it; at the same time established foods.
we have to break free
from our culture's
often grossly destruc- Integrating the insights from processing
tive, spoken or unspo- into life, where a session win has opened
ken pat t er ns of the view onto an area where the necessity
neglecting, not-ising and of physical action and changes suddenly
unmocking sexuality. become visible, could mean a whole pro-
We have to break free gram of re-inspecting established pat-
from the magnetic forces terns and changing them or stopping
of its GROUP MIND. This outdated patterns, or creating new ones.
mind forms a current
from which it is not easy to escape. (See
Rupert Sheldrake's work on morphic Integrating a new language, a new part-
fields - we live in a time where conscious- ner, a new child into ones life is done by
ness is already forming a new under- carefully aligning and merging separate
standing of sexuality, but the "100th mon- parts into a whole. The result will be some-
key phenomenon", where this new under- thing different from what was there before
standing would become mainstream, still - hopefully better and more complete.
hasn't happened.)
Integrating Our
Integration: to make
whole from its parts
or components.
Integrating Sexuality
Sexuality into
Our Lives
By Heidrun Beer, Austria
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991 21 IVy 102. April, 2009
The wanted result of integrating sexuality
existence with all its incarnations and the
would be that sexual action or interaction
equally important time between incarna-
is fitted into our lives so well that it feels
tions, where growth and evolution is hap-
seamless - part of one smooth whole not
pening as well, just on a different level (at
sticking out too much and also not disap-
least according to the newest generation
pearing into the dark. It is neither seen as
of books written by out-of-body travelers).
too important nor getting too little atten-
tion (the two possible sides of the coin of
So, even such a physical thing as sexual-
sex being not really integrated). We are at
ity can be truly understood and managed
peace with it and enjoy it very much, with-
only from a fundamentally spiritual view-
out feeling trapped by our body's sensa-
tions, or overwhelmed or threatened by
them to a degree that we have to shut
The Dynamics
down the whole area. And we certainly
and Sex
have cleanly severed all ties to any cul-
Another level of integration - that of the
tural forces who try to put "dirty", "low",
second dynamic, of which sexuality is a
"only physical" and
central component
similar labels onto
with the other dynamics,
t hi s vi t al ur ge,
is not really the subject
source of life force
of this article, but here is
and essential chan-
a general outline any-
nel of expressing
The dynamics could be
There are Many
seen like a Roman foun-
Pieces to Life
tain. While life force
Any sign of compul-
streams up to the top
sion, be it compul-
from the root that we
sive attraction to sex
have in the 8th dynamic,
or compulsive rejec-
the concentric bowls are
tion of sex, means
filled, beginning with the
that there is more to
most inner, the first
do to reach integra-
dynamic, covering the
tion - in other words,
immediate body survival
to reach a point
with its basic needs of
where our sexuality
income, food, sleep, shel-
smoothly interacts with the rest of our
ter, health care etc. If the first dynamic is
well taken care of and life force flows over
from it, this life force can become active in
This whole complex, again, needs to be
the other dynamics. The first of these
embedded into the perception and cer-
would be the second dynamic. But: the
tainty that our own - spiritual - self is big-
physical sexual urge as such, is still part
ger than both our body and this current
of the first dynamic, much like hunger,
thirst or the need to sleep. It is entirely
self-centered and no partner is required
As much as sexuality is just one puzzle
to satisfy it. Therefore, integrating sexual-
piece of a human life, our current human
ity is not the same as integrating the sec-
life is only one puzzle piece of our spiritual
ond dynamic. As long as we are healthy
Roman Fountain
Integrating Sexuality
IVy on the web also a membership forum
22 IVy 102. April, 2009
adults, we have a sexuality, no matter second dynamic "bowl" is well filled and
whether we have a partner or not, and tak- there is still more life force available, it
ing care of it is a part of our responsibility can flow into the other dynamics. From
toward our loyal working horse, the body. here on, the configuration is more vari-
able and mostly a matter of personal pref-
The Sexual Urge erences, but the first and second dynam-
One of the most widespread cultural mis- ics cover our physical existence (body)
conceptions (solid group agreement) is to and future physical existence (children,
mix this first dynamic urge up with the in other words future bodies), so their pri-
second dynamic urge of co-creating sexu- ority seems to be obvious: They guarantee
ality - as well as all the other areas of pri- the whole scenario of physical incarna-
vate life - with a partner. They are not the tions in times to come; and with it, all the
same. abundance of future games in and with a
Myriads of women have suffered and are
still suffering from being treated as
Basic Needs and Excellence objects used to satisfy the first dynamic
Also, if the first and second dynamics are sexual needs of men who have never been
kept short of life force and resources educated about these two separate forms
(time, energy) and sacrificed to the of sexuality and have never mastered
"higher" dynamics over a longer period of the first, entirely self-centered stage, and
time, there is a risk of collapsing back into have never reached the maturity of truly
these lower dynamics without warning taking care of a woman. The other side
and at inconvenient times. Because, they women using men for their first dynamic
are essential in providing the stability urges probably exists too.
and happiness for any higher organized
activity. The point is: A partner comes only into
the picture when, after caring for our own
enough free life force We have all heard about collapsing with basic needs, there is
left hunger or falling asleep at the steering to care for one or several more persons
wheel. A similar malfunction due to sex- (spouse, children). If all life force is used
ual deprivation, may not be so easy to up by difficult life circumstances, physi-
detect or to prove, but haven't we also cal problems, or because it is frozen in
heard about "frustrated women" who chains of engrams or other case con-
make life hell for others? They are lacking structs, there is not enough energy for a
the joyous attitude and the life force that second dynamic and it will either suffer or
comes from a healthy sexuality. And if we fail.
just look around, the same phenomenon
can certainly also be found among men. The second dynamic is the Roman foun-
"Make love, not war" - it would be inter- tain's second, next outer bowl, and sexu-
esting to investigate the love life of really ality is only one part of it, hopefully well
hard-boiled warmongers. I bet it is rotten. integrated. I can speak only for myself
here, not for other people, but I can some-
times nearly physically feel this "over-
flowing" of my life energy from myself into Integrating Sexuality
Here is a list of the component parts of the people nearest and dearest to me. It
integration not necessarily complete: literally "flows forth" from me when my
own basic needs are taken care of. If the
Integrating Sexuality
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991 23 IVy 102. April, 2009
Cultural Patterns - Group Mind:
good results if a person's or couple's
Excluding the genitals from the body and
awareness is already up to the realization
sexual touch and activity from human
that something needs to change and be
interaction is so common in our culture
that it is necessary to single out these pat-
terns and do a full rundown on them to
Many cultural patterns need to be
de-attach our own consciousness from
inspected for the illogic they contain,
the surrounding culture's magnetic and
because their common denomi-
trance-inducing group mind.
nator is that genitals and sexu-
The same is true for other
ality are avoided; they are
insane group-agreements like
"thought around" or overlooked
materialism, a deadly diet or
on purpose. Patterns of interac-
the negligence of ecological
tion between people need to be
principles. Wherever there
created in a new unit of time,
have been positive changes in
without seeing the big hole in the
such things, the first individ-
center of a person's body that
uals who envisioned them,
the culture has been putting
always had to break free from
there in an act of successful
the group mind's mass hyp-
mass hypnosis. To undo soci-
nosis, and often quite vio-
ety's mass hypnosis is probably
the most important component
of truly integrating sexuality
Absurd precepts like "I will
into our lives. Some people can
touch everything on your body
do that in an instant after
except your genitals", or "I will
understanding the concept - oth-
take care of everything in your
ers may need more time - weeks,
life except your sexuality" per-
months, even years of process-
meate our society and are so
i ng whi ch i s speci fi cal l y
widespread that they are con-
designed to dismantle group
sidered the norm and nearly
never challenged. Even the tac-
tile sense as such is some-
When looking at a body, it is
times already "outlawed"
unbelievably simple to just see
because it builds the way for
what is there in a new unit of
sexuality: looking at, listening
time. A small kindergarten kid
to, smelling one another is OK, but touch-
can do it - before he or she has learned
ing is already suspect, and heaven forbid
that with some kind of very essentially
that we would taste another person out-
necessary mental trick (necessary for the
side of the bedroom (animals do it all the
culture to keep it from having to change)
time - licking each other's faces and bod-
he or she needs to see a hole in the center,
ies is a basic part of their social interac-
an emptiness, instead of the genitals
which are located there together with all
their sensations, needs, rhythms and
Newer approaches like sexual therapy or
other specifics.
marriage consulting, are still not present
in all mainstream education facilities,
Permeation and
like schools or universities, nor in less pro-
Taking Ownership
gressive countries. One can only expect
New elements in our lives tend to have an
Integrating Sexuality
IVy on the web also a membership forum
24 IVy 102. April, 2009
"outside" quality to them. We perceive figurations don't make people unhealthy
them but haven't yet permeated them or abnormal - also young kids, teenagers
enough to have a feeling of ownership. or very old or very sick people can be
assumed to have sexual needs different
With a healthy sex drive we tend to per- from the average - from total absence of
meate the area and its physical objects needs all the way to hyper-sexuality.)
(body parts, motions, sights, smells, in
some cases where necessary also addi- It would be ideal to educate children in
tional tools, medication etc.) quickly and such a way that they can integrate their
thoroughly, but the "outside of myself" own sexuality into their single lives, long
feeling could become so strong that it before they ever meet their first partner
recoils on the sex and have to cope with
drive itself and then the much greater chal-
things come to a lenge of integrating the
standstill. partner's needs with
their own!
Here it is necessary to
develop and practice To first experience sexu-
specific permeation ality with a partner is
and ownership drills. really a steep gradient
The basic "reach and and can be too much if a
withdraw" process is person is left alone by
already helpful, but their culture or even
this can still leave has to work against it in
things outside our order to come to a suc-
space. It is essential cessful integration of
to internalize the com- sexuality into their
ponent parts, objects lives. Knowing our own
and motions of sexual sexual needs and reac-
activity, to literally tions first, is a more
DI GEST them i n gradual and gentle
order to become their approach. And it is
real owner. It may be a funny idea to visu- essential that we know how to deal with
alize eating them up, but on a mental/ our own sexuality without needing a sex
spiritual level it pretty much comes to partner. Otherwise our own sexual needs
exactly that. would fog up our clear view of any poten-
tial life partner. We would look for a part-
ner, because we depend on another per-
Finding a Balance son for sex - instead of treasuring a poten-
Sex in the center of attention all the time tial partner for his/her personal qualities
(except when first encountered) is out of that would make him or her the perfect
balance just as sex getting only little candidate for a permanent team. Again
attention, or no attention at all would be. a team where sexuality is smoothly inte-
(This is of course modified by individual grated, but has many other issues to take
needs or perception of needs - which care of beyond the bedroom.
sometimes must first be separated from
the cultural trends or hidden standards We are talking about a piano player who
described above. Different hormonal con- practices first the left hand separately,
Integrating Sexuality
What seems like stress to others, may just
be an adventure for a couple who is welded
together by total commitment and no
"camouflaged holes" in their essential needs.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991 25 IVy 102. April, 2009
then the right hand separately, before he
Start, Change, Stop finally integrates both hands to play the
piece of music as it was envisioned by the To be learned while still single: start,
change, stop composer.
or in other words: being cause over each
and every element of sexual activity,
Learning to know our own body, its
including all body parts that may appear
erogenic zones and sexual reactions is
"ugly" or "dirty" at first (cultural miscon-
best done alone, so that when it comes to
ceptions again!), and all gradients of ener-
interaction with a partner, we already
gies from fine to strong, from a gentle
have a well working, predictable and reli-
breeze to a fierce storm. Each element has
able tool, and the attention can fully be
its own scale which can be used for varia-
focused on the other person.
tion and thrill, but also favorite levels can
be found and unfavorite levels identified

for exclusion.
Free Sweep of
Attention and Focus
Shutting down sexuality is a compulsive
This should first be practiced without a
STOP. It forbids creativity in the area and
partner. Focusing and then again
closes an important valve of life force both
unfocusing on sexual activity. A well inte-
for our own body and that of our partner,
grated sexuality allows a strong focus and
as well as the most intimate channel for
intense pleasure without any fear of
loving communication. Only when we
becoming trapped or fixated or stuck or
have become familiar with our own natu-
what is called "oversexed". When we feel
ral patterns of starting, changing and
the physical sensations "drown the spiri-
stopping sexual activity by training them
tual", this would be an indicator of atten-
well, can we trust to find a partner with a
tion getting stuck, while the attention
compatible configuration. Otherwise our
would move freely onto and away from the
search for the ideal partner may turn into
physical sensation once sexuality is well
a series of disasters.
In this situation, killing the whole subject
Relative Size
in a desperate attempt to control it, is the
To be learned while still single: relative
opposite of a real handling. A real han-
dling would lead to a freely moving focus
Especially very spiritual people can feel
of attention that smoothly can "seize" and
"pulled in" by strong sexual pleasure and
"let go" of the physical sensation without
then cannot expand to their previous size
staggering or jerking just like the left
again. With our sexuality well integrated,
and right leg are smoothly alternating
the contraction and focus on a small part
once we have learned to walk.
of the body would last only as long as the
activity as such lasts, and the attention
We want to arrive at a comfortable rhythm
would then expand again to the normal
of attention on sex and attention off sex - a
condition of being bigger than the body.
little like breathing -, resulting in a sexu-
This is related to the INT buttons and may
ally satisfied body that doesn't crave
get better with the Interiorzation
attention while we want it focused on
Rundown. [Auditing action aimed at han-
work or talk or other non-sexual interac-
dling difficulties after exteriorizing from
tions with people from all areas of life.
the body. Buttons are used to find the
Integrating Sexuality
IVy on the web also a membership forum
26 IVy 102. April, 2009
not only the relationship!) For this reason, I specific charge. Examples of Buttons are; Go
would not recommend to engage in a one- in, Interiorized into something, Cant go in,
sided love relationship, even if the tempta- Being trapped, Forced in, Pulled in, Pushed
tion to just out-flow love, instead of also in, ed]. Basically it is a matter of training and
insisting on having it in-flowed to oneself as experience (practice). It requires a safe envi-
well, may be great to some people, especially ronment where no "punishment" follows first
women. mishaps, because it probably wont be that
smooth at the beginning.
The blissful energy of love (for me) comes
straight from Heaven, or in other words: from Caring for a Partner
The keyword here is not sexuality but LOVE,
an energy which provides the commitment
and motivation to care for another person
fully and permanently, no matter what it
Here we are talking about all areas of life,
and our pride is in creating permanent abun-
dance for the partner, regardless of the spe-
cific needs or wants. You want it? you get it!
as long as my "breath can be detected" on a
Sex is just one of many possible items, and is
treated with equal importance. In romantic
movies we see the hero promise to bring his
girl the stars from the sky - this would be a
little exaggerated, but basically it is the
essence of the matter.
The Flow of Life Force
the non-material energy world that exists
Of course, integration with the other dynam-
beyond Earth life, where we all are rooted
ics especially the first needs to be main-
and from where we incarnate into physical
tained. It makes no sense to serve a beloved
existence, and where - according to the new-
person to the point of self-destruction. In the
est generation of books written by out-of-
long run, this wouldnt help anybody.
body travelers - "pure unconditional love"
According to the Roman fountain model men-
(PUL) is the ruling principle and driving force
tioned above, the first dynamic "bowl" needs
underlying all planning and developments.
to be filled with life force BEFORE anything
can flow into the second dynamic, the rela-
Without a link into this energy, which in fact
tionship with a partner.
brings a "bubble of heaven" down to Earth, I
would not recommend having a relationship
Love should be reciprocated by our partner.
at all. Sexuality can just as well happen with-
If it is one-sided, it will lead to a burn-out
out a partner, and good (= well integrated)
sooner or later (fatal exhaustion of energy
"solo" sexuality is better than bad shared sex-
with a great damage potential for all of life,
uality, which is inevitable if the wish to form
Integrating Sexuality
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991 27 IVy 102. April, 2009
a unity with another person, the urge to dead, its unfulfilled needs can become
embrace him or her fully and permanently, is destructive while unseen in the dark.
missing. Because then our own needs will be
in the foreground instead of the care for the Of course, a couple knows after a while how
other. Such a relationship is destined to fail, often they need to check for a "read" on sex-
and if there are other people (children!) ual needs. Some learn that they never need
involved, much damage can be done. to check, but this knowledge can come only
after an extended time together. It is fine as
long as they both have the same no-need and
Assessing the Needs build an active connection from other items
A loving couple instinctively assesses a list from the reservoir of relationship puzzle
all the time without ever consciously think- pieces.
ing of it, with the aim to either sense or learn
in any other way (= communication) what the If on the other hand two people are very dif-
partner needs in any life area. The "assess- ferent in the strength or frequency of their
ment beam" of attention goes round and sexual needs, and that on a permanent
round on this list like the light beam of a basis, not only caused by a temporary illness
lighthouse. As soon as it arrives at the last or other problem, I would not recommend
item, it starts with the first again. It never them to have a sexual relationship (2D). They
rests, is always active, while still not neglect- can have a rich and fulfilling type of 3rd
ing the own needs. This is the first "baby dynamic relationship and each can find a
stage" of a group consciousness, where each better matching 2D.
member of a group will feel the other mem-
bers' feelings and their needs and wants. If they tried to maintain a 2D, it would be inev-
itable that one would always feel "too cold"
If sex is the only item on this assessment list and the other would always feel "too hot",
and the other physical needs - like food, which is bad for both and may cause upsets
water, air, sleep - or the emotional, health or disappointments that destroy not only
related, practical, intellectual, spiritual their physical togetherness but also the spir-
needs (to name only a few) are neglected, it is itual, emotional and practical bonds that
just as unbalanced as if sex is NOT routinely may keep them connected.
assessed along with the other items (left out,
not-ised, unmocked, neglected). If, of course, their love is very strong and they
don't want to be separated, THEN they will
"I will take care of all your needs, except sex" also find a way to bridge the gap in their sex-
is one of the most aberrated 2D agreements I ual needs. Keywords are creativity, tolerance
have seen, and unfortunately it occurs so and the always prevalent urge to create an
often that it may appear "normal". It takes abundance for the beloved person in any-
the key element of the 2D out of a couple's life thing that he or she may need or want.
and yet blocks other alternatives. Its a
potential source of insanity, if they have any Ideally both partners will do this assessment
sex drive (libido) left that has not rotted on the other, so that it becomes pretty much
away, because the very contract that would unnecessary to think about or care for our
take care of their sexuality, suddenly sup- own needs, because experience tells that the
presses this sexuality and with it an essen- partner will do it soon enough.
tial source of life force and creative drive. As
it is now out of sight, but not necessarily Exceptions from this law of balance are
Integrating Sexuality
IVy on the web also a membership forum
28 IVy 102. April, 2009
expected at the beginning and the end of a life- Part of the integration of sex into our lives is to
time (childhood and old age). Typically we deal with these case issues. Sessions where
"earn" the contributions that come to us dur- necessary, practice (drills) where needed, and
ing these times by creating abundance for a a clever application of ethics conditions (sort-
family between the beginning and the end of a ing out successful actions or applying other
lifetime - or if not by working for a family, then condition formulas where errors have led to an
by service to others on another dynamic or upset with the partner) can all help to move sex-
dynamics. uality up the tone scale to a level of "spirit of
play" where it is light, happy, fulfilling and lov-
Temporary illness is hopefully covered by the ing, sending its heartwarming sensual rays
general abundance in a relationship. into all other areas of life and making them
Everybody will have moments or periods more creative and productive.
where they cannot continue to deliver their
ususal contributions. As broken bones or fever As long as it is massive and heavy, integration
can hit either partner, we can expect the con- is not yet complete and more work needs to be
tributions to level out over time. done. This is quite similar to other subjects
which may appear difficult and complicated at
This balance of flows should not be confused first, while they become smoother with time,
with making the other person responsible for until when really well integrated they finally
our well-being. We are not talking about a are on the spontaneous, creative and totally
dependency here, where one is strong and the natural level of true mastery.
other is weak, and the weak one makes the
strong one responsible for keeping him or her The early stages of fixation either inside ("de-
happy. pendency", "addiction") or outside (making
less of it, avoiding it, "looking around it") of our
We are talking about forming a unity where sexuality, can then be recognized as the typi-
both are strong, and each takes care of the cal beginner's difficulties. From other life
other, with forms a constant exchange of car- areas we know that this can be overcome with
ing flows of contribution from either side to the the help of others. When it comes to sexuality
other. If we see these flows as energy strands, it is more difficult, because here the older peo-
their cris-cross pattern sooner or later results ple who are supposed to train and coach us
in a durable tissue that makes a one-ness out where we need training and coaching, are not
of two individuals. up to the job.
We realize that we need to perfect ourselves
Keeping our Case in Shape without coaches. In a way, the "children need
Sexuality is a life area that is very neglect- to be wiser than the parents". It is possible to
prone and not-is-prone, due to our culture do this once the necessity is clearly seen.
which is full of errors and leads to incompe-
Heidrun Beer tence in that area. Rather than integrating sex-
uality by looking at it from all angles and doing
Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual it a lot, until it feels really easy and smooth to
Research and Mental Training
manage, there can be a temptation to avoid it
and look away as soon as something comes
with an energy or impulse that is too new or too
strong to deal with it easily.
Integrating Sexuality
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991 29 IVy 102. April, 2009
Last year, a debacle between the Church of Scientology and the British BBC opened
the eyes of many independent and past scientologists with regard to the application of
the Scientology philosophy by the very church itself. Many will be familiar with this
debacle as it achieved worldwide notoriety at the time.
Both sides then produced a video which turned out not to be about scientology, the
technology or the philosophy or the religion but mainly about defending their own
positions and attacking the other party. They were both screaming and shouting
accusatory words at each other; that was the main component of both videos.
Most notable, and a somewhat damming indictment of the church, was that none of
the basic principles of the philosophy, or the applied science and technology, were
mentioned by either party.
On the part of the BBC, one would not really expect any different, they being a media
channel. Although the BBC has, in the past, had a proud tradition of being impartial,
this has been lost in an effort to be popular and more controversial (and by definition
biased) in order to attract more viewers from the commercial channels.
But can the church be forgiven for attacking the BBC with verbal force, using not-is-
ness and alter-is-ness as they did?
Are they stuck in the past? Unable to handle even the basic and probably now redun-
dant cult accusatory attacks? This was the 1960s and 70s all over again. Has noth-
ing been learned? Where was the explanation of the basic principles by which scien-
tologists live? The ARC triangle, granting of beingness? Handling on the tone scale,
Improving ones confront and responsibility to handle ones life? Where were the suc-
cess stories? It was as if the church wanted to lose. All they could do was to attack by
defending their right to practice their religion, (a right not willingly granted to inde-
pendent scientologists I might add). One might also consider, this was actually done
with malice aforethought. Surely, no one can be that stoopid!
It is observable these days that there is little to commend the church.
On the Wrong Track
A Word from IFA
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991
By Michael Moore, IFA
The Scientology
the Church Forgot
30 IVy 102. April, 2009
The media consider them easy meat for controversy when there is nothing else to keep
the masses enthralled. The public generally has no knowledge of what scientology
really is except the misemotional and idiotic fodder spewed out by the media. So
most people in the West generally, and under-
standably, consider the church, at best, odd ball,
at worst, crazy. The real scientologists in the
freezone has no love for the church due to it con-
tinuously attacking the Freezone independent
scientologists overtly and covertly, as well as
evidently being hell bent on self destruction and
taking a priceless technology with them.
...Seems there is little love for the church all
How could an organization that had the best
technology in the world, nay, the universe, that
has grown from one man into a worldwide organi-
zation worth millions, end up on the proverbial
slab heap?
Part of the philosophy by Ron includes the state-
ment that statistics do not simply drop; they are
held down. If an organization is shrinking, doing
badly, or even not expanding or, in this case,
becoming a laughing stock, then the organization
is being held back. The PR stats are certainly
nothing to boast about. Yes, they are getting more coverage but at what price? Does
quality not figure in here anywhere? Or is quantity the only criteria?
A number of other factors figure in here also. Other pearls of wisdom [policies. Ed.]
seem not to be used here. Handling the Public Individual. Using Affinity, Reality and,
importantly, Communication. Operating a closed shop. Expelling prime and experi-
enced individuals from the church. Dramatizing the basic principle of A=A=A and
assuming that everyone not in agreement with the church is an SP. Currently, this
would make the vast majority of people who watch the media suppressive as well as
the four thousand people they have expelled since the demise of the Founder.
Held Down Statistics
IVy on the web also a membership forum
A Word from IFA
The glossy cover doesn't tell the
real story. Simply by reading the
small print you can see that the
book is based on the works of
L.Ron Hubbard and is not
written by him at all.
31 IVy 102. April, 2009
A Word from IFA
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991
Altering the Books
Truth and Lies
Being not quite with Ron, is demonstrated by the Church today by virtue of the mas-
sive number of changes it has made to his works. The sneaky, covert deception prac-
ticed on the book-buying public by inferring that Ron Hubbard wrote the later editions
of books the RTC produces, when he did not. Such books are poorly constructed bits
of the philosophy with vital pieces deliberately left out. The name L. Ron Hubbard is
not the authors name, but now incorporated in the title to give people the impression
he wrote the revised editions. Blatantly not true and a deception no less.
With such untruths and lies, it is quite understandable that the church has changed
course and is now heading in a southerly direction. No religion can survive on lies and
deception. It is no wonder they are attacked and vilified and spend inordinate
amounts of time trying to defend themselves. The truth needs no defense but lies
certainly do.
The basic principles of scientology, as researched and discovered by L. Ron Hubbard.
hold truth. The understanding of the composite parts of man, the guidelines for
improving mans health and well being. The ability to get along with ones fellow man
and to aid and assist him to have a better life. All these main parts of the applied phi-
losophy seem to have been forgotten by the church management.
It is left to the independent Scientologists to spread the word and make people aware
of what scientology really is. As a result of the churchs activities and mishandling of
the media, this has become an uphill battle. But people are still basically good and are
still looking for the answers. They will still listen as they do understand that the media
is hype and no substance. Go into the street and survey peoples thoughts about the
accuracy of the media and you will be surprised how derisory they regard the media.
Interestingly, as the church slowly disappears into its own insular world and closes
itself off from those it was set up to assist, the independent scientologists are out there
paving the way to a fresh and new future with the original philosophy of Ron Hubbard.
Helping people and building, step by step, a brighter future for us all.
32 IVy 102. April, 2009
n the year 1964, was working in London for the Halas &Bachelor Cartoon Film Company, and at the place
where lived met a girl who told me about Scientology. had never heard the word, but wanted to know
what it was, so went to a Personal Efficiency Course, an introductory lecture, in the Fitzroy Street, and
was immediately attracted to what heard and bought the book: AHistory of Man.
nsanity or Track?
read it the same night, and was deeply touched by it, because recognized a lot of elements of similar
things that had happened to me during a very heavy period of what thought was insanity.
At that point in time was working with film-animation. After having gone through several years of Psycho-
analysis, came to England and went into a heavy Key-n, and had no explanation for all the weird pictures
that were running through my mind in my attempts to understand what Time and Motion s.
After having gone to different nsane Asylums in England three times inside the same year, managed to do
26 short animated films with a paper dog chasing a bone. This became known as the Snip and Snap
May YouNever bethe8ame"
Back in Danmark, after having read "Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, where the final
words in the Prolog had made me cry of joy for several hours, decided to write to the author, L. Ron
Hubbard. The final words that rang in my mind were: "May you never be the same! These words were for
me the opening to a newlife, and have never been the same since, thanks to Ron.
wrote to Saint Hill and told Ron Hubbard, at that time titled Dr. Hubbard, that would be interested in com-
ing to Saint Hill and make animated films, showing the basic principles of Dianetics and Scientology, and
got a nice letter back saying: 'Come as soon as you can!' Of course, came as soon as could.
Ron Hubbard -
As Knew Him
By Thok Sndergaard
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Footnote 1: Thok, now deceased, Has contributed many of his uptone and theta drawings to vy over the years.
Se the pages following this article about his work and career as a stage magician, animator and origami artist; the
latter, under the name of Thoki Yenn, is portrayed on the website:
LRH - As I Knew Him
Best of Ivy Series
33 IVy 102. April, 2009
At 8aint Hill
When arrived at Saint Hill, in January 1966, was shown to the office where was supposed to work in the
Audio Visio Department. t was the place where Ron kept all his Photographic Equipment, and was
put in charge of all that. t was overwhelming for me. The place was in the main building on the first floor,
and the first day went up the big front stairs in the Manor House. Suddenly a door opened, and a man
came out, with a deep red and angry look at his face; and he was looking at me very fiercely. did not under-
stand the situation until much later. He asked me what was doing there, and went up to him and shook his
hand and told him, that was the person, that was going to do films for him and that was very glad to meet
He calmed down and now spoke very friendly to me and said was welcome, but was not to use these
stairs to get to my working room. was to use the backstairs elevator that went up past the bedroom of Mary
Sue, so as not to disturb him.
Every morning Mary Sue's little Corgi dog started barking when tried as silently as possible to sneak by it
to get to work. Later understood that had inter-
rupted Ron in one of his research sessions,
where he apparently was in the middle of some-
thing heavy. t made a very strong impression on
me and have not forgotten that picture.
knew very little about the subject, at that time so
my mind was putting all kind of weird explanations
to the situation.
made a 16 mm animated film about Affinity; the plan was, that should make several small films, a long
series starting with Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding. Then a series of films about TR's.
All films were to give basic education in Scientology. At that time also made animated titles for the
Clearing Course Films, which some of you were shown while you were doing the Clearing Course.
did not manage to do very much in the film department, because at that time was a confused and mixed
up person. had no idea about who or what was. This has later improved quite a lot, thanks to auditing and
study of Scientology.
Filming Ron
When Ron came back from Rhodesia, managed to take a little bit of 16 mm film of when he was received
at Victoria Station in London. Later the same day, when he came out and said "Hello to the crowd that had
gathered in front of the Manor House, took a whole roll of pictures of him. When sent them to him by putt-
ing them into his n-basket, he sent me a note asking, what kind of lens had been using. informed him that
it was a 54 mm lens. He then answered me saying, that he was not to be photographed with a 54 mm lens,
because it gave a slight distortion to the portrait. Adifference that my eyes were not able to distinguish. So

IVy on the web also a membership forum

'Every morning Mary Sue's little
Corgi dog started barking when
I tried as silently as possible
to sneak by it to get to work."
LRH - As I Knew Him
Best of Ivy Series
34 IVy 102. April, 2009
kept all these dias to myself and they are sitting around somewhere. don't knowwhere they are now.
The8ea Pro]ect
When the Sea Org was started, went along on the first ship from Hull down to the Canary slands. At the
time the operation was called the Sea Project. There was much work to be done on the vessels. The Avon
River, later the Athena, was to be converted and refitted, before we could sail it into the Mediterranean.
While we, the crew, consisting only of people that newly had gone Clear, was helping rebuild and paint the
ship, Ron came on board every day. He was living in a neighboring village in a rented house. During that
time, had the opportunity to experience Ron in his personal relationship with Mary Sue. will put no inter-
pretation of what sawand heard, will just tell it as well as recall it.
Ron had ordered a certain white paint for his cabin, and when it was painted, he did not like it. So the paint
was removed and the walls repainted. He did not like that either, it had a wrong smell; in fact, he was very
difficult to satisfy, and he had a great argument with Mary Sue about the paint, and he was giving her a lot of
rough language. was horrified by listening to the way he scolded her.
A Magic ndication
One day was walking around feeling very low toned and awful. Ron ran into me, as came up from the
tween-decks, and he said: 'What's the matter Thok?' said: ' don't know!' Then he looked me straight into
the eyes, and what he said made the whole silly mess in my head go away and started me laughing and
cogniting for a long time. He simply said: ' should like to indicate, that it is something, that you don't know!'.
Another little interesting interlude: was First Mate on the ship, having been promoted from Bosun, which
was my job on the voyage down to Las Palmas. As First Mate had to check the purchase orders for the
material and the work that had to be done, and had okayed the purchase of a hood over the stove in the
galley [kitchen], without checking properly whether it would be the right thing to purchase. Later, it turned
out to be the wrong thing for the purpose. met Ron on the deck a fewdays later. He stopped me and said:
't saved your neck, that had put my Okay on it too!' And he laughed.
The thing that at the time found most surprising and confusing about LRH, as we called him then, was that
he changed his mind about things so often. did not understand then, that this is a very high ability.
n fact it is one of the most powerful processes, if you can do it. 'Whatever is bothering you, change your
mind about it!'
@From Vy, ssue 2 - August 1991
The original print magazine can be ordered from Antony Phillips.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

LRH - As I Knew Him

Best of Ivy Series
35 IVy 102. April, 2009

IVy on the web also a membership forum

An artistic portrait
of Thok as the Origami
Master, Thoki Yenn. It
builds on the Japanese
tale of the man who folded
birds in paper so skillfully
so they came alive.
In the 1940s, Thok was a stage-
magician. Later he had his own
magic show for children on Danish TV.
Thok at work in his animation and origami studio.
More pictures (photos and artwork) at: www.
About Thok LRH - As I Knew Him
Best of Ivy Series
36 IVy 102. April, 2009
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

The Snip and Snap Series: consisted of

26 films, each 8 minutes long.
Thok made them in 2 years, in the 1960s,
and sold them to ABC TV, London. They
have been shown on TV in 76 countries.
Some of Thok's characterful drawings.
They were at one time used through-
out Scientology in promotion,
and IVY has since used many of
Thok's drawings with permission.
More pictures (photos and artwork) at: www.
About Thok LRH - As I Knew Him
Best of Ivy Series
37 IVy 102. April, 2009
n Ihis inIroducIion wc wiII onswcr sonc frcqucnIIy oskcd qucsIions ond ouIIinc whoI Ihc oppIicd phiIoso-
I-phy is ond isn'I.
s Ihc non-
noIcrioI Aworcncss UniI wos wcII undcrsIood in Ihc
disIonI posI ond up Ihrough Ihc nosI of Ihc T800s.
You scc cIossicoI phiIosophcrs, fron SocroIcs ond
IIoIo Io DcscorIcs, Icibniz, ond nony oIhcrs, firnIy
hoId Ihc vicw IhoI non is norc Ihon o body.
DcscorIcs "provcd" Ihc cxisIcncc of Ihc hunon spiriI
wiIh his fonous phiIosophicoI noxin. "I Ihink, Ihus I
on!" Thc pcrsonoIiIy ond Ihc nind, Ihrough hisIory,
wcrc ncvcr vicwcd os o condiIioncd broin or sinpIy
nonifcsIoIions of Ihc ccnIroI ncrvous sysIcn.
Thc woy Mr. Hubbord hos donc his rcscorch ond
sIudy of Ihis non-noIcrioI cnIiIy is procIicoI ond
rcsuII oricnIcd; in Ihis rcspccI hc is rcnovcd fron
cIossicoI phiIosophy's norc spccuIoIivc opprooch.
Oncc hc occcpIcd non's oworcncss os scoIcd in o scp-
In Ihc forcword wc quoIcd Hon Hubbord's dcfiniIion of his phiIosophy os. "...thut btunch oj psgcholoqg uhich
ttcuts oj (cnbtuccs) hunun ubilitg." In Ihc originoI conIcxI of Ihis dcfiniIion, hc oIso poinIs ouI Ihc Iruc ncon-
ing of Ihc word "IsychoIogy" os. "Thc sIudy of Ihc psychc; Ihc hunon souI or spiriI" (T); in oIhcr words, iI is Ihc
sIudy of Ihc psychc, spiriI, or souI wiIh spccioI inIcrcsI Io obiIiIics. Dy Ihc spiriI is noI nconI Ihc broin nor sonc
nysIcrious cnIiIy, os iI soncIincs is dcscribcd in vorious subjccIs. II's whoI in IiIcrory Ionguogc is coIIcd Ihc
hunon spiriI, Ihc bcsI ond nosI dcccnI sidc of us
IhoI opporcnIIy hos hiddcn, buI cnornous,
rcsourccs of powcr. WhoI wc orc IoIking obouI is Ihc
corc pcrsonoIiIy, Ihc scIf, YOU. "SpiriI" concs fron
IoIin "brcoIh". Thc cIossicoI idco is iI's "Ihc brcoIh of
Iifc". II is indivisibIc fron bcing oIivc. II's Ihc non-
noIcrioI porI of non ond Ihc scoI of his conscious-
ncss. II is in chorgc of his dccisions, gooIs ond pur-
poscs; iI's whoI hc fccIs wiIh ond vicws Iifc fron; iI is
Ihc uniI IhoI is oworc of Ihc surroundings ond scIf.
Thc nconing of Ihc spiriI or psychc o
What Makes You Tick?
what Hakes
The famous maxim: "I think thus I am"
is in Latin: "Cognito, ergo sum".
'Cognito' means mainly to know, be
cognizant of. So his maxim should
translate into "I know thus I am" or
"I am aware thus I am". He is talking
about being aware and knowing
independently of the physical universe.
In his writings he clearly distinguishes
between the spirit and the body.
Rene Descartes
and physicist.
He is called the
father of modern
He wrote in Latin.
You TIck7
An Excerpt from Clearbid's book, "What Makes You Tick?".
We will, with permission, bring sections from the book. The
present excerpt is the book's introduction.
By Clearbird
1. Per Webster's Dictionary, Psychology: (Greek) Psyche=Spirit; soul; -ology=Study of; discourse. Also from Webster's, Spirit: the intelligent or immaterial
part of man as distinguished from the body. The animating or vital part or principle in living things. (from Latin, spiritus: breath, the classical idea being, the
spirit is the "breath of life". It's indivisible from being alive).
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991
38 IVy 102. April, 2009
oroIc non-noIcrioI cnIiIy, coIIcd ME ond YOU in doiIy Ionguogc, ond sIorIcd Io work sysIcnoIicoIIy fronIhis
bosic ossunpIion, Ihc supporIing cvidcncc bcconc ovcrwhcIning ond Ihc rcsuIIs convincing. Thc rcsuIIs pos-
sibIc Io ochicvc Ihrough counscIing ond pcrsonoI dcvcIopncnI cxcrciscs wcrc, ond orc, rcnorkobIc ond IroiI-
bIozing. Hc hos succccdcd in uniIing Iwo schooIs of IhoughI. spiriIuoI phiIosophy ond o procIicoI cxpcrincnIoI
ond scicnIific ncIhodoIogy ond hos conc up wiIh soncIhing IhoI hos dozcns of procIicoI ond doiIy Iifc oppIico-
IsychoIogy Iodoy is nony, nony Ihings. Thcrc is Ircncndous ocIiviIy ond Ihousonds of bookshcIvcs in Iibror-
ics fiIIcd wiIh books on Ihc subjccI. Thcrc sccns, howcvcr, Io bc IiIIIc ogrccncnI on focIs ond findings whcn iI
concs Io Ihc vcry noIurc of non ond how Io IrcoI his psychoIogicoI shorIconings. Thc prcvoiIing schooI of
IhoughI in Icoding univcrsiIics Icochcs IhoI Ihc broin is Ihc nind ond pcrsonoIiIy (2). Thc foundcr of cxpcri-
ncnIoI psychoIogy, Ihc Icipzig profcssor Dr. WiIhcIn WundI (T832-T920), officioIIy Iricd Io "kiII" Ihc hunon
souI ond spiriI whcn hc pubIishcd his work, "EIcncnIs of IhysioIogicoI IsychoIogy" (T873-74). Hcrc Ihc nind
ond pcrsonoIiIy is rcduccd Io sccondory physioIogicoI ond biochcnicoI phcnoncno. II hos bccn on ongoing boI-
IIc cvcr sincc. Soncdoy wc noy, ogoin, bc rccognizcd os scnIicnI Dcings, noI os bioIogicoI roboIs or ncoI con-
Thc cxIcnsivc ond sysIcnoIic sIudics of hunon bchovior, Ihc broin, ond Ihc ncrvous sysIcnhovc, of coursc,
rcvcoIcd nuch uscfuI knowIcdgc. DuI in Icrns of hcIping Ihc individuoI in Iiving hoppicr ond norc producIivc
Iifc ond fuIfiIIing his or hcr drcons ond gooIs, Ihis schooI of IhoughI hos IiIIIc Io show. Thc probIcnwos, ond is,
Io IrcoI o non-noIcrioI cnIiIy os o physicoI objccI. This sIudy of Ihc pcrsonoIiIy ond nind os o 'Ihing' docs IiIIIc
in Icrns of cxpIoining whoI "nokcs non Iick" (noIivoIcs hin), how hc con inprovc his rcIoIionships wiIh his
fcIIow non, ond how hc con incrcosc his inIcIIigcncc ond obiIiIy. InsIcod, iI sccns, IhoI noinsIrconpsychoIogy
wiIh iIs biochcnicoI nodcI oII Ioo ofIcn hos dcpcndcd on ncw drugs dcvcIopcd by Ihc phornoccuIicoI indusIry
ond uscd on oII Iypcs of pcopIc, fronunruIy schooI chiIdrcn, Io Iccn-
ogcrs ond oduIIs wiIh o widc voricIy of pcrsonoI probIcns ond unrc-
soIvcd issucs.
Whet is Processing?
Thc body ond iIs physioIogy con, obviousIy, dccpIy offccI how wc fccI,
Ihink ond ocI; buI so con our pcrsonoI bcIongings, our hcoIIh, our
fricnds, our Iuckin Iifc, ond o dozcn oIhcr Ihings IhoI cIcorIy orc scpo-
roIc fron who ond whoI wc orc os individuoIs. In CIcoring
TcchnoIogy wc work wiIh Ihc bosic individuoI, Ihc Dcing or
Aworcncss UniI. Wc work wiIh his poinIs of vicw. Wc soncIincs work
wiIh IrounoIic cxpcricnccs IhoI dccpIy offccIcd ond shopcd Ihcsc
poinIs of vicw. SoncIincs wc inspccI ossunpIions ond doIo Ihc indi-
viduoI hoIds os Iruc duc Io cxpcricnccs, cducoIion, IrodiIion, ossoci-
oIcs, or cuIIurc. This is oII donc in o nonncr so os Io IcI Ihc individuoI
frccIy work iI ouI for hinor hcrscIf ond orriving oI onswcrs IhoI orc
Iruc Io hin/hcr. "If iI isn'I Iruc for you, iI isn'I Iruc," is Ihc guiding
noxinin Ihis Iypc of scIf-inprovcncnI work.
This Iypc of work is noinIy donc in counscIing scssions, soncIincs
coIIcd oudiIing, soncIincs proccssing. A counscIor or procIiIioncr of CIcoring TcchnoIogy wiII odninisIcr o
proccss or driII Io Ihc individuoI. Shc (3) wiII osk Ihc cIicnI qucsIions or givc insIrucIions. You con scc o rcIo-
Iionship bcIwccn CIcoring TcchnoIogy ond SocroIcs ond IIoIo. Thcsc cIossic phiIosophcrs uscd o siniIor
What Makes You Tick?
2. We
It is, however, the prevailing model taught in universities.
3. The practitione
about 50/50 men and women as practitioners and clients. It is also a way to express our non-sexist attitude.

IVy on the web also a membership forum

39 IVy 102. April, 2009
ncIhod wiIh Ihcir sIudcnIs. SocroIcs fornuIoIcd Ihc SocroIic McIhod. Hc onIy oskcd qucsIions; his sIudcnIs
hod Io find Ihcir own onswcrs. SocroIcs workcd on Ihc ossunpIion IhoI his sIudcnIs couId orrivc oI Ihc righI
onswcrs by IhcnscIvcs os Iong os Ihcy goI o IiIIIc supporI ond hcIp. Hc hod grcoI confidcncc in Ihc powcr of rco-
son ond sound judgncnI of Ihc hunon spiriI. In Ihc rcnoissoncc, Ihis ncIhod wos rcnoncd Ihc MoicuIic
ncIhod, nconing 'ocIing os nidwifc'. This wos whcn SocroIcs' ond IIoIo's work rcsuIIcd in o sccond cnIighI-
cncd cro of hunon hisIory. Thc sonc opprooch is oIso known os Ihc HcurisIic ncIhod of Icoching.
In o foshion siniIor Io SocroIic Tcoching, Ihc procIiIioncr cxpccIs Ihc cIicnI Io onswcr IruIhfuIIy Ihc qucsIions
shc osks ond ofIcr hc hos workcd Ihings ouI for hinscIf. SoncIincs shc cxpccIs Ihc cIicnI Io corry ouI on
insIrucIion physicoIIy. This oII dcpcnds on Ihc Icchniquc or proccss oppIicd ond wiII bc cxpIoincd furIhcr
IhroughouI Ihc book. Thc procIiIioncr's job is prinoriIy Io kccp Ihc cIicnI's oIIcnIion focuscd on Ihc Iosk oI
hond ond gcI hinIhrough ony difficuIIics, incIuding poinfuI noncnIs, inpuIscs Io bock off, givc up, or chongc
coursc, owoy fronwhoI nccds Io bc Iookcd oI or donc. Thc proccsscs orc corcfuIIy dcsigncd Io Icod Io o ncw
obiIiIy ond ovcrconc difficuIIics by brcoking Ihrough norrow ncnIoI borricrs ond opporcnI fcnccs. As o rcsuII
ond by dcsign, Ihc cIicnI wiII rcoch ncw insighIs, ncw cIoriIy, ncw vigor ond joy of Iifc. Thc procIiIioncr's roIc is
IhoI of on cxccuIivc sccrcIory, you couId soy, whcrc hcr cIicnI is in Ihc roIc of on cnpowcrcd boss. Shc onIici-
poIcs whoI nccds Io bc donc, buI onIy bccousc shc hos o dccp undcrsIonding of hcr cIicnI's gooIs ond objcc-
Iivcs, wcokncsscs ond sIrong poinIs. WiIhouI Ihc cIicnI hoving Io cxprcss iI, shc knows cxocIIy whoI is going on
ond gcIs Ihc cIicnI Io pcrfornoI his bcsI, confronI Ihc issucs oI hond ond ovcrconc ony borricrs. Shc docs noI
cngogc in discussions wiIh hcr cIicnI, nor docs shc poss ony judgncnI whoIsocvcr. EfforIIcssIy shc guidcs ond
cnpowcrs hcr cIicnI Io rcoch his gooIs ond ovcrconc ony borricrs ond difficuIIics in Ihc woy.
Ooes Processing Work?
CIcoring TcchnoIogy hos bccn in cxisIcncc ond hos bccn procIiccd, in onc fornor onoIhcr, sincc T950. Tcns of
Ihousonds of cIicnIs hovc rcccivcd proccssing in oII porIs of Ihc worId. II hos bccn oppIicd Io individuoIs fron
IoIoIIy diffcrcnI cuIIurcs, bockgrounds, cducoIions ond rcIigious bcIicfs. UnifornIy wc hovc sccn rovc rcporIs
froncIicnIs ofIcr Ihcy hovc conpIcIcd Ihcir proccssing. IsychoncIric IcsIing hos provcn IhoI proccssing con
indccd roisc inIcIIigcncc, opIiIudc, IiIcrocy IcvcI, wcII-bcing, ond
gcncroI fccIing of soIisfocIion ond hoppincss. II con rcsoIvc con-
fIicIs in foniIics ond in Ihc work cnvironncnI. IrcqucnI job prono-
Iions of cIicnIs ofIcr proccssing, givc sIoIisIicoI supporI Io Ihc focI
IhoI iI incrcoscs obiIiIy, socioIIy ond profcssionoIIy.
Oid Ron Mubberd lnvent the Sub]ect?
According Io his book 'IundoncnIoIs of ThoughI'. "ScicnIoIogy wos
discovcrcd (found), noI invcnIcd (crcoIcd). II wos orgonizcd by I.
Hon Hubbord."
Whcn you sIudy Ihc subjccI, you wiII rccognizc nony principIcs,
biIs ond picccs, known Io oIhcr ficIds. II's Ihc orgonizoIion, Ihc IcsI-
ing IhoI wcnI inIo voIidoIing Icchniqucs ond ncIhods, ond Ihc proc-
IicoI oppIicoIion ond rcsuIIs in Ihc rcoIn of Ihc hunoniIics, Ihc
hunon nind ond spiriI IhoI nokcs Ihis oppIicd phiIosophy uniquc.
II wos o doring oIIcnpI inIo o dork rcoIn, "Ihc Tcrro IncogniIo (4),
onc inch bchind our forchcods," os Mr. Hubbord cxprcsscd iI in
T950. In dcvcIoping Ihc subjccI fron T950 onword, hc wos ossisIcd by o corps of IoyoI procIiIioncrs, who
wouId IcsI, ond soncIincs dcsign ond suggcsI, Icchniqucs Io forword Ihc workobiIiIy ond rcoch of Ihc IcchnoI-
ogy. Thc procIicoI Icchniqucs hovc undcrgonc nony chongcs sincc T950. YcI, nony of Ihc corIy Icchniqucs orc
sIiII in usc Io Ihis doy ond hovc produccd sIcIIor rcsuIIs for ovcr 50 ycors.
L. Ron Hubbard
(Press photo)
What Makes You Tick?
4. Terra Incognita: (Latin) Unknown land. On old maps unknown continents and territories would be marked as 'Terra Incognita'.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991
40 IVy 102. April, 2009
Hon Hubbord wos born in TiIdcn, Ncbrosko on Morch T3 of T9TT, son of o novoI officcr. Hc grcw up ncor
ScoIIIc on Ihc US WcsI CoosI. Hc spcnI nuch of his Iinc owoy fronIhc books. Hc bcconc on obIc yochIsnon
ond skippcr ond oIso on corIy snoII pIoncs piIoI. Hc firsI nodc his nork os scicncc ficIion wriIcr. Hc wos in Ihc
T940s occcpIcd os o ncnbcr of Ihc prcsIigious ExpIorcr's CIub of Ncw York boscd on his nony IrovcIs ond
cxpIoroIions. In oII IhoI hc did, wriIing, IrovcIing ond sIudy, his undcrIying possion wos Io undcrsIond ond bc
obIc Io hcIp his fcIIow non. Hc scrvcd os o novoI officcr during WorId Wor II. Hc ncvcr conpIcIcd ony fornoI
highcr cducoIion buI rcIicd on his obiIiIy Io quickIy sIudy o subjccI. Hc rcIicd on his inIuiIions whcn iI conc Io
undcrsIonding Ihc nind ond spiriI ond conc up wiIh hypoIhcscs for IcsIing. His bcsI known book, Ihc firsI on
Ihc subjccI, is "DioncIics, Ihc Modcrn Scicncc of McnIoI HcoIIh" fron T950. II bcconc on inIcrnoIionoI
bcsIscIIcr ond is currcnIIy rcporIcd Io hovc bccn soId in ovcr 20
niIIion copics.
Hubbord wos Ihc foundcr ond Icodcr of Church of ScicnIoIogy
unIiI oround T978. Hc rcIircd conpIcIcIy in T980 ond rcporIs
wiII hovc IhoI hc wos incopociIoIcd oround T98T. Hc dicd in
Jonuory of T986 undcr nysIcrious circunsIonccs IhoI ncvcr
wcrc fuIIy rcvcoIcd.
Whet ls the Freezone?
In T982 o powcr sIruggIc Iook pIocc insidc Ihc Church of
ScicnIoIogy. II rcsuIIcd in o ncw gcncroIion ond sIyIc of Icodcr-
ship. Thc ncw Icodcrship opporcnIIy hod drcons of Iurning Ihc
ScicnIoIogy OrgonizoIions inIo o IighIIy conIroIIcd nuIIi-
noIionoI corporoIion ond ccononicoI powcrhousc. Thc ncw
Icodcrship's vision wos Io Iurn 'ScicnIoIogy'' inIo o sIick Irodc-
norkcd brond nonc. Thc whoIc subjccI bcconc conncrcioI-
izcd bcyond rccogniIion. InIcrnoI horsh "cIhics ruIings" ond
cxpuIsions of IoyoI supporIcrs of Hon Hubbord ond his originoI
vision wcrc ronponI during Ihosc Iincs. Hundrcds, noybc
Ihousonds, of IoyoI oId-Iincrs wcrc cxpcIIcd during IhoI
As o prcdicIobIc rcsuII o schisnIook pIocc. A Iorgc nunbcr of
ncnbcrs, fron Iop Icodcrs, cxpcricnccd procIiIioncrs Io Ioy
ncnbcrs, IcfI Ihc orgonizoIions. Mony profcssionoIs sIorIcd
Ihcir own procIiccs ond orgonizoIions. DcsI known orc Hons
OrgonizoIions, foundcd by o pcrsonoI fricnd ond IrusIcd cxccu-
Iivc of Mr. Hubbord's, CopIoin DiII HobcrIson. This whoIc novc-
ncnI is coIIcd Ircc ScicnIoIogy or Ihc Ircczonc.
ls it e Religion?
Thc Church of ScicnIoIogy' is rcgisIcrcd os o rcIigious orgoni-
zoIion. II hos o nunbcr of courI ruIings confirning Ihc IcgiIi-
nocy of Ihis sIoIus. Thc Church wos originoIIy forncd in T954
for bcIIcr IcgoI proIccIion undcr Ihc US ConsIiIuIion. II opcr-
oIcd, howcvcr, os on orgonizoIion dcIivcring scIf-dcvcIopncnI
courscs ond counscIing Io Ihc pubIic oI Iorgc. Thc Icochings
wcrc prcscnIcd os on oppIicd phiIosophy of non-
dcnoninoIionoI noIurc. Thc scrviccs wcrc oII oincd oI scIf-
inprovcncnI. Thcsc scrviccs, rcgordIcss of how onc cIossifics
Ihcn, wiII oIwoys bc oI Ihc corc of Ihc subjccI.
David Miscavige
David Miscavige became
the defacto leader of Church
of Scientology in 1982 at the
age of 22.
Part of his publicized vision was
to turn 'Scientology' into a corpo-
rate brand name "like Coca Cola.
His vision was, and is, to turn the
organizations into a multi-national
corporation with strict discipline
and central control.
Today it seems more like a cult.
Yet, the original philosophy and
technology are still in
Ron Hubbard's works and
is practiced in the Freezone.
What Makes You Tick?

IVy on the web also a membership forum

41 IVy 102. April, 2009
To sonc individuoIs, ScicnIoIogy Church ncnbcrs ond Ircczoncrs oIikc, Ihc officioI sIoIus os o rcIigion is
inporIonI ond pcrsonoI. To oIhcrs, Iikc Ihc ouIhor, iI is noI. Wc rcscrvc our righI Io rcnoin non-
dcnoninoIionoI ond rcgord iI os o phiIosophy. AIIhough Ihc subjccI odds Io our undcrsIonding of Ihc hunon
siIuoIion Ihcrc orc pIcnIy of unonswcrcd qucsIions for kccn ninds Io rcscorch. As o IooI for ossisIcd scIf-hcIp
wc find iI unsurposscd. To go bcyond IhoI is o noIIcr of...wcII, foiIh. In our books on Ihc subjccI, wc do noI pro-
fcss ony spccific rcIigious bcIicfs or docIrincs os wc find Ihcnboscd on pcrsonoI bcIicfs ond unncccssory Io Ihc
IcchnoIogy. Our inIcrcsI is procIicoI ond prognoIic. WhoI wc wriIc obouI, is Ihc oppIicd phiIosophy ond Ihc
IcchnoIogy dcrivcd froniI. Hon Hubbord soid, IhoI Ihc subjccI wiII onIy go os for os Ihc workobiIiIy of Ihc Icch-
noIogy gocs. AIIhough his rcscorch wos conprchcnsivc ond conpIcIc in iIs Iinc, Ihcrc orc sIiII nony issucs
IhoI rcquirc rcscorch or voIidoIion. Anong Ihosc orc high spiriIuoI sIoIcs of bcingncss cnvisioncd buI noI
sIobIy oIIoincd. Iooking upon Ihc subjccI os o IcchnoIogy, Ihings con bc rcscorchcd, odvonccd IcvcIs oddcd. In
Ihc rcoIn of rcIigion such rcscorch wouId bc unIhinkobIc. CurrcnIIy Ihcrc is no rcscorch Ioking pIocc in Ihc
Church. Any ond oII rcscorch ond dcvcIopncnI is Ioking pIocc in Ihc Ircczonc.

What Makes You Tick?
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

David Findlay in Memoriam

David Findlay passed away Friday, February 6,
2009, in Clearwater, Florida, at the age of 69.
David was British of birth but lived many years in
Skaane, Southern Sweden, where he was
running a Scientology mission in Hassleholm
together with his Swedish wife at the time. n the
late 1970s, David moved to the USA. He
became educated in Applied Metapsychology
(developed by Sarge Gerbode and David Mayo)
and joined a practice in Clearwater, together
with Robert Moore, Ph.D. and metapsychologist.
He worked in this practice for over 20 years.
His collegue expressed these words upon his
passing: "All those who knew David for more
than a moment were struck by his invincible
serenity and good cheer. His every waking
gesture was kind; his every comment, intelligent
and understanding. Those of us who knew
David professionally, as well, kept faith with a
Grand Master, a facilitator's facilitator, a case-
cracker for all seasons."
David had had a five years battle with a
particularly pernicious lymphoma (cancer in the
lymph system.)
He is survived by his wife, Dee, in Clearwater; a
daughter, Elka (by an earlier marriage), in
Sweden; and a brother, Alan, and other kin in
Dhyan Marple in Memoriam
aka. Lone Ranger, "Sam
am sad to inform you that Dhyan dropped her body this past
Monday (mid April.) She had been suffering from cancer for
many years, now she has chosen to take a new body. She was
in her mid 60s.
Dhyan is/was a friend of mine and have appreciated her very
much. Her life and her doingness were fully dedicated to
Scientology and to help Ron that the tech is correctly applied
and disseminated. She did an incredible job in transcribing
lectures and to distribute LRH's legacy to all who where
applying the tech and needed it. Whenever needed
something she replied instantly. Every letter got answered.
She trained people and made them into auditors, she audited
PCs up the bridge and brought them to the OT levels. She took
full responsibility for her people. She was very dedicated to
standard tech.
She also fully understood the importance of Captain Bill's work
and that we cannot make it without it. She was fully backing
that and was a real avant-garde for the legacy of CBR. She
always supported and defended him. She never avoided her
responsibility, she did what has to be done.
A Kha-Khan has gone.
Dhyan, am not sad you passed away, am happy for all what
you did. t's a pity we don't have you anymore but all who knew
you know that you are still with us and will continue with what
we have started.
Dhyan, as the Chairman want to say thank you in the name of
the Rons Orgs Commitee for all you did. Thank you! We will
miss you.
Galak Patra! Good bye, see you!
Yours, Max Hauri
Rons Orgs Commitiee Chairman
42 IVy 102. April, 2009
rcudcrs und rcnotc prcclcurs. Thc
BdItorIol IntroductIon
rcsult bccunc this ncu cdition of Sclf
Clcuring of uhich uc bring thc uuthor's
At Kcn Oggcr's trugic dcuth in Mug,
introduction. In this cdition, thc Pilot
2007, hc hud lcft us u lcgucg of tuo ccrg
finullg nudc hin sclf frcc of thc conflicts
groundbrcuking books: Supcr Scio und
hc hud hud uith thc Church. Hc stoppcd
Sclf Clcuring. Thcg hud sincc thc lutc
thc uttucks und instcud connunicutcd
1990s bccn nudc ucuilublc to thc public
thc tcch for solo usc uithout ung
ciu thc intcrnct. At Mikc Hunsukcr's
rcfcrcnccs to Scicntologg. Dcpcnding of
ucbsitc,, thcg
uffiliutions, sonc uill think this
ucrc fcuturcd pronincntlg und thc Pilot
inuppropriutc. But thc truth is thut
hud his oun honcpugc thcrc. Bcsidcs
Scicntologg us u conccpt in thc public
thc tuo books, u scrics of cssugs, first
nind hus bcconc u ccrg churgcd
publ i shcd t o t hc ncusgr oups,
conccpt und u scccrc burricr to thc busic
Altcrnuticc Clcuring Tcchnologg und
ncssugc of hopc und u brightcr futurc
Altcrnuticc Rcligion Scicntologg, ucrc
for Mun und his ncntul und spirituul
fcuturcd us ucll. Sonc of thcn ucrc
scuthing unulgsiscs of uhut hud gonc
urong in CoS. But thc bcst of his uriting
This cdition hud bccn rcudg sincc 2004.
rcuchcd fur bcgond thut und ucrc
It uus houcccr ncccr publishcd bg Kcn.
philosophicul cssugs thut hud u
As u nuttcr of fuct, it uus first uftcr his
brilliuncc und frcshncss to thcn thut
trugic dcuth in 2007 thut it uus
inspircdus ull.
d i s c o c c r c d u n d c r d r u nu t i c
circunstunccs. Fron u rcliublc sourcc
Aftcr u scccrc illncss uround 2000,
uc hucc bccn told thut thc nunuscript
uhcrc Kcn uus unconscious for uccks
took u conputcr cxpcrt to rccoccr. Thc
und ull fcurcd for his lifc, hc hud u long
cxpcrt uus cullcd to cxuninc Kcn's
und difficult rccoccrg. Hc ncccr fullg
pcrsonul conputcr und hc uus ublc to
rcguincd his strcngth und cncrgg. Hc
rccoccr thc nunuscript uhich thc Pilot
uithdrcu fron publishing things to thc
for unknoun rcusons hud tricd to dclctc
intcrnct, or othcruisc; but unbcknoun
to u point thut it took un cxpcrt to
to us ull, hc uus still ccrg ucticc. Hc uus
rccoccr. Nou this nunuscript hus bccn
uorking on un cdition of Sclf Clcuring
publ i shcd t o t hc i nt cr nct on
intcndcd for broud publicution. Hc hud uith pcrnission
nudc his pcucc uith CoS und instcud
fron Kcn's hcirs.
conccntrutcd on scrcicing his nung
The 8tory behind
Pilot's 8elf Clearing
in 8econd Edition
Self Clearing, Second Edition
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991
43 IVy 102. April, 2009
Slll CllAklNG
A |audboo| |oi se|| eu||g|teuaeut
klvlSlD lDl1lON
Cop,i|g|t 200+
8, keu Oggei (AkA 1|e l||oti
Thc firsI cxpcrincnIoI vcrsion of Ihc ScIf
CIcoring book oppcorcd on Ihc InIcrncI in
T997. Sincc IhoI Iinc, iI hos bccn uscd
succcssfuIIy by hundrcds of Ihousonds of
pcopIc ond Hussion, Ocrnon, Sponish,
ond cvcn Hungorion vcrsions hovc sprcod
oround Ihc worId.
Thc originoI vcrsion wos IobcIcd os o "DcIo
HcIcosc" ond o pronisc wos nodc Io
coIIccI ond sIudy Ihc cnornous onounI of
fccdbock which wos scnI in vio cnoiI ond
oIhcr ncons Io producc o "Hcviscd ond
TcsIcd" vcrsion which wouId bc pubIishcd
os o prinIcd book.
Thc IruIh shoII noI scck you, you nusI go
This is IhoI rcviscd ond IcsIcd vcrsion, ond
forIh ond scorch for iI. And Ioying honds
iI incorporoIcs Ihc rcsuIIs of ycors of
upon iI, you nusI cIcon Ihc dirI fron Ihc
cxpcricncc in oppIying whoI provcd Io bc
gcnsIonc, scporoIing Ihc wisdonfronIhc
cxIrcncIy bcncficioI ncnIoI cxcrciscs ond
foIsiIy which hos bccn cncrusIcd oround
iI. Ior norIoIs, whcn Ihcy find Ihc divinc,
rorcIy IcI iI soor upwords buI insIcod
surround iI wiIh Ihcir dcsircs for wcoIIh
ond powcr ond scIf-righIcousncss.
"And Thc TruIh ShoII ScI You Ircc"
Ior Ihis you nccd IooIs.
- Jcsus of NozorcIh
This book is o IooI kiI for Ihc scckcrs ofIcr
Self Clearing, Second Edition
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Pilot's 8elf Clearing

in 8econd Edition
By Ken Ogger, Alias The Pilot
We bring here the author's introduction
Ken Ogger
44 IVy 102. April, 2009
IruIh. Iivc nony Iivcs. To Iivc onc Iifc ond Ihcn bc
fixcd ond frozcn in posiIion for oII of
cIcrniIy wouId noI onIy bc crucI, iI wouId SELF CLEARING: INTRODUCTION
oIso bc obsurd ond o wosIc of Iifc-forcc.
If onc Iivcs ogoin in Ihc fuIurc, Ihcn Ihc
IogicoI concIusion is IhoI onc hos Iivcd
Thc hordcsI rood is Ihc rood IhoI you woIk
bcforc os wcII ond IhoI sonc ncchonisn
inIcrfcrcs wiIh Ihc rccoIIccIion of iI.
DuI Ihc bridgc IhoI you buiId wiIh your
If wc orc innorIoI spiriIs, Ihcn Ihcrc orc
own honds is Ihc nosI soIisfying Io woIk
onIy Iwo possibiIiIics, noncIy IhoI wc orc
crcoIions, scI upon our roodIikc
Hcrc is o guidcbook for Ihosc who wouId
cIockwork Ioys by o grcoIcr bcing, or IhoI
find Ihcir own woy ouI of Ihc Irop.
wc orc porIs of Ihc crcoIor.
This wiII bc on inIroducIory book in Ihc
Thc shodows of crcoIivc powcr IhoI
scnsc IhoI iI wiII noI ossunc IhoI Ihc
rcnoin Io us, whcIhcr synphonics or
rcodcr hos oIrcody cngogcd upon ony
poinIings or sIorics, show IhoI wc do hovc
porIicuIor coursc of sIudy, buI iI is noI
Ihc copobiIiIics of crcoIion. And Ihc
rcoIIy o bcginncrs book. II wiII dcnond
projccIion of our own rcoIiIics wiIhin our
nuch of Ihc rcodcr ond wiII puII no
drcons show IhoI Ihis crcoIiviIy con bc
punchcs os for os inIroducing powcrfuI
cxIcndcd Io Ihc crcoIion of noIcrioI forns
ond odvonccd conccpIs.
UnIikc nosI ncIophysicoI books, Ihis onc
If wc crcoIc, Ihcn wc orc crcoIors roIhcr
wiII incIudc o grcoI dcoI of ncnIoI
Ihon crcoIions. This inpIics IhoI wc orc
cxcrciscs ond Icchniqucs. Thc Ihcorics
frogncnIs or nirror inogcs of Ood,
wiII bc inIcrIwincd wiIh procIicoI ocIions
porIions of His consciousncss which orc
Io cIcor oncscIf of ncnIoI borricrs ond
Iroppcd wiIhin Ihc crcoIcd univcrscs.
obcrroIions ond Io rcgoin obiIiIics,
If Ood nodc non in his own inogc, Ihcn
oworcncss, ond rccoII of onc's posI
IhoI inogc wouId bc bodiIcss for how
cxisIcncc. Wc do noI hovc oII Ihc onswcrs.
couId Ood bc Iockcd wiIhin o body. And
Wc do noI hovc o conpIcIc rood nop. DuI
IhoI inogc wouId bc copobIc of crcoIing
ncIophysics is now going Ihrough Ihc
bccousc Ihc noIIcr ond cncrgy wiIhin Ihc
cquivoIcnI of Ihc indusIrioI rcvoIuIion. I
univcrscs docs noI crcoIc iIscIf.
inviIc you Io porIicipoIc in Ihc forcfronI of
IurIhcrnorc, if wc orc porI of Ood, Ihcn
Ihis rcvoIuIion.
wc hovc dccoycd fron o godIikc sIoIc, for
Ood wouId noI bcgin in o Iroppcd
condiIion. This IcIIs us IhoI Ihc probIcn
SpIrItual OrIentatIon:
nusI bc duc Io bIockogc oddcd on roIhcr
Ihon on inhcrcnI Iock of obiIiIy. In oIhcr
If wc conIinuc bcyond Ihc wiIhcring ond
words, Ihc obcrroIions (disIorIions) ond
dcoIh of our norIoI shcIIs, Ihcn Ihc nosI
inobiIiIics orc duc Io oddiIivcs roIhcr Ihon
rcosonobIc concIusion wouId bc IhoI wc
Ihings which orc nissing.

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Self Clearing, Second Edition
45 IVy 102. April, 2009
Dcforc oII crcoIions, Ihcrc con onIy bc occcpI sonc of Ihcsc, Ihcn corry on
noIhingncss. Thcrcforc, Ood nusI bc o onywoy.
noIhingncss wiIh Ihc powcr Io conccivc Thcsc orc Ihings IhoI I bcIicvc on odvonccd
ond crcoIc. This inpIics IhoI oI bosic Ihcrc sIudcnI wiII conc Io cvcnIuoIIy ond which
is no pcrsonoIiIy for Ihcrc wouId bc no wiII sccnnoIuroI ond roIionoI Io you whcn
conIcxI in which o pcrsonoIiIy couId you orc for cnough oIong. If you con occcpI
nonifcsI. So IcI us puI osidc oII Ihcnnow, iI wiII ocI os o shorIcuI.
pcrsonificoIion of Ood ond insIcod rcfcr Io Thcsc orc noI obsoIuIcs, ond on odvonccd
on infiniIc noIhingncss wiIh Ihc poIcnIioI sI udcnI wouI d oppI y I hcn wi I h
for infiniIc crcoIion. undcrsIonding roIhcr Ihon bIind foiIh. DuI
And Ihc crcoIion wouId Iokc pIocc Io in Ihc obscncc of fuII oworcncss, you wiII
bo I o nc c I hc noI hi ng nc s s wi I h bc righI o nojoriIy of Ihc Iinc if you usc
soncIhingncss. And Ihus Ood wouId bc oII Ihcsc roIhcr Ihon Ihcir opposiIcs.
occcpIing ond oII cnbrocivc. And fronIhis
iI couId bc soid IhoI Ood is Iovc. NoI jusI 1. CommunIcatIon
Iovc of goodncss, buI Iovc of AII. And Ihc
onIy cviI wouId bc in dcnying onc's Iruc
AII indicoIions orc IhoI wiIIfuI dccisions
noIurc os porI of Ihis infiniIc ond crcoIivc
noI Io connunicoIc wcrc o significonI porI
of Ihc originoI focIors which couscd us Io
And os shodows or frogncnIs or chiIdrcn
of Ood, wc Ioo wouId coch bc o
In ony siIuoIion whcrc you orc unsurc os Io
noIhingncss of infiniIc poIcnIioI,
whcIhcr Io soy soncIhing or noI, your bcsI
sIriving Io crcoIc ond cngoging in on
coursc (Iocking ony oIhcr rcosons) wouId
cxchongc of crcoIions.
bc Io connunicoIc roIhcr Ihon Io kccp
And our dccoy, oI bosic, wouId consisI of
your nouIh shuI. And if you do gcI in
dcnioIs of our Iruc noIurc. Dccisions Io noI
IroubIc for connunicoIing, Ihc soIuIion is
crcoIc, noI Io cxpcricncc, noI Io pcrccivc,
ofIcn Io connunicoIc norc roIhcr Ihon Io
ond noI Io connunicoIc; DcnioIs of
rcsponsibiIiIy ond cousoIion. And by our
vcry noIurc, no bIockogc wouId succccd
2. ConIront
unIcss wc ourscIvcs crcoIcd iI.
IIinching oI Ihings ond bocking down fron
Ihcn Icovcs Ihcn frcc Io opcroIc ogoinsI
you. ThoI which is noI confronIcd Icnds Io
pcrsisI. ThoI which is fuIIy vicwcd Icnds Io
conc bock undcr onc's conIroI ond ccoscs
Ior Ihc sokc of on cosicr rood, I wiII osk
Io offccI onc odvcrscIy.
you Io nokc o nunbcr of dccisions ond
And so iI is gcncroIIy bcIIcr Io focc up Io
odopI o nunbcr of oIIiIudcs which wiII oid
Ihings roIhcr Ihon Io supprcss Ihcn or
your progrcss.
hidc Ihcn.
Thcsc orc noI prcrcquisiIcs. If you con'I
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Self Clearing, Second Edition

46 IVy 102. April, 2009
rcsponsibiIiIy, buI in Ihc corIy doys wc
S. ForgIveness foughI Io bcconc Ihc onc who wos
rcsponsibIc for soncIhing, for wiIh
rcsponsibiIiIy concs powcr. Wc hovc bccn oI coch oIhcrs IhrooIs for o
Iong Iinc, in o nuIuoIIy dcsIrucIivc IiI for
IoI. Wc hovc Iokcn Iurns for IifcIinc ofIcr
5. Love
IifcIinc pIoying good guys ond bod guys.
DoIh Jcsus ond Duddho sow Ihis onc ond
Iovc is Ihc highcsI forn of occcpIoncc.
iI is on inporIonI porI of Ihc rood ouI.
Hcrc is Ihc woy Io cnbrocc ond pcrncoIc
If you nccd norc cncourogcncnI, Ihcn
Ihc univcrsc ond iI con bc uscd Io dissoIvc
pIcosc rcoIizc IhoI forgiving oIhcrs Icsscns
os wcII os Io cncourogc. Ior wiIh Iovc, on
Ihc wcighI of your
cviI Ihing con bc
own korno, for in
b r o u g h I I o
forgiving Ihcn you
f uI f i I I ncnI ond
forgivc yourscIf os
chongcd so IhoI iI
wcII. And wc hovc
nccd no Iongcr
oII bccn oround
s I r u g g I c I o
Iong cnough Io hovc
noinIoin iIs cviI.
Iricd cvcry possibIc
Turning ogoin Io
r o I c o n d
Ihc wi sdon of
conniIIcd cvcry
Jcsus, wc find
dosIordIy dccd oI
"Iovc Ihy ncighbor
IcosI o fcw Iincs.
os IhyscIf", "Iovc
Thc onIy woy ouI is
Ihinc cncnics",
nuIuoI forgivcncss
ond "Ood is Iovc".
o n d o n
obondonncnI of
vcngconcc ond
S. WIsdom
gcIIing cvcn.
Kn o wI c d g c i s
4. ResponsIbIlIty
powcr. Do noI bc
ofroid Io Icorn
A I I h c I o p ,
onyIhing. Do noI
r c s p o n s i b i I i I y
f I i n c h f r o n
ncons cousoIion ond conIroI roIhcr Ihon
conpIcxiIy or difficuIIy. Icorn cvcryIhing
bIonc. If you orc rcsponsibIc for
you con, ond do noI bc soIisficd wiIh Ihc
soncIhing, iI is porI of your crcoIion ond if
ncrc coIIccIion of doIo buI sIrivc for
you rcjccI rcsponsibiIiIy ond shifI bIonc Io
undcrsIonding ond procIicoI oppIicoIion.
oIhcrs, iI is o dcnioI of scIf ond on
AIwoys scorch for Ihc rcosons why IhoI Iic
obondonncnI of conIroI.
bchind Ihings.
In nodcrn Iincs pcopIc fighI Io ovoid

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Self Clearing, Second Edition
Ken Ogger was also a competent
musician here he is at the piano.
47 IVy 102. April, 2009
7. RIgbtness DuI do noI IcI yourscIf bc ruIcd by
possions or dcsircs. Do noI oIIow yourscIf
Io bc consuncd by grccd or IusI. Do noI HighIncss is corncd ond concs nosI Io
bcconc so oIIochcd Io Ihc physicoI IhoI Ihosc who orc wiIIing Io bc wrong. Ncvcr
you bcconc cnIroppcd wiIhin iI. bIindIy cIing Io your own corrccIncss ond
Droodcr, IighIcr dcsircs Icod ouIword. oIwoys bc wiIIing Io rc-cxoninc your
Norrow, f i xoI cd dcsi rcs I cod I o prcniscs. Thc rood ouI is Iong ond
cnIropncnI. conpIcx ond you wiII hovc Io rcvisc your
Enjoy possions ond dcsircs os porI of Ihc Ihinking nony Iincs oIong Ihc woy. Dc
richncss of your crcoIion, buI oIwoys oI fIcxibIc ond oIIow yourscIf Io grow.
your wiII. Do noI IcI Ihcn doninoIc. You
orc Ihc grcoIcr ond Ihcy orc Ihc shodows
S. VIewpoInts
IhoI you crcoIc by choicc Io odd inIcrcsI
ond voricIy Io Iifc.
AI bosic wc orc oII inIcrconnccIcd in Ihc
infiniIc noIhingncss of which wc orc o porI.
10. Help Anyonc con ond hos Iokcn on ony roIc.
SIrivc Io scc Ihings fron oIhcr' s
Thc bcsI hcIp is IhoI hcIp which cIininoIcs vicwpoinIs os wcII os your own. AI Ihc Iop,
Ihc nccd for hcIp. II is for bcIIcr Io Icoch nuIuoIIy cxcIusivc ond conIrodicIory
sonconc Io nokc noncy roIhcr Ihon Io vicwpoinIs con bc hcId sinuIIoncousIy.
givc Ihcn noncy, for wiIh Ihc onc concs Considcr pIoying boIh sidcs of o chcss
dcpcndcncc ond wiIh Ihc oIhcr concs gonc. As bIock onc is dcIcrnincd IhoI
grcoIcr obiIiIy ond frccdon. bIock shoII win ond os whiIc onc inIcnds
Wc orc in Ihis IogcIhcr ond Ihcrc is o grcoI Ihc opposiIc. Onc pcrson con hoId boIh
nccd for us Io hcIp coch oIhcr. DuI "Ood idcos. This is Ihc kcy Io dissoIving o gonc
hcIps Ihosc who hcIp IhcnscIvcs" ond you in which onc hos bcconc cnIroppcd.
wouId bc wisc Io do Ihc sonc. IurIhcrnorc, your cfforIs Io connunicoIc
Oivc hcIp frccIy. Do noI usc iI os o ncons of wiIh oIhcrs orc bcsI donc fronIhc conIcxI
doninoIion. of Ihcir vicwpoinIs roIhcr Ihon your own.
And nosI inporIonI, if you yourscIf wish
Io oIIoin frccdonond cnIighIcnncnI, Ihcn
9. LIIe
guidc oIhcrs on Ihc sonc poIh. Thc bcsI
woy Io Icorn soncIhing is Io Icoch, ond Ihc
Do noI rcjccI Iifc. Do noI supprcss oII
bcsI woy Io goin soncIhing is Io shorc iI
dcsirc. Do noI scckIo sIop oII noIion.
wiIh oIhcrs.
As you cxpond, you bcconc norc oIivc ond
norc in noIion. You con hovc norc Ihings
11. Opponents ond cnjoy norc Ihings. AI Ihc Iop iI is
infiniIc crcoIion ond Ihc noIion ond Ihc
If you orc sIriving Io bc Ihc bcsI oI Ihings IhoI you hovc orc oIso infiniIc for
soncIhing, oIwoys do iI by roising your you con crcoIc IhcnoI wiII.
own skiIIs ond ncvcr by dininishing Ihc
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

Self Clearing, Second Edition

48 IVy 102. April, 2009
skiIIs of your conpcIiIors. You run fosIcsI orcos. Thcy know Ihc Iow of groviIy ond Ihc
whcn Ihcrc is soncbody in fronI of you bosic principIcs invoIvcd, buI Ihcy orc o for
scIIing Ihc pocc. AIwoys bc gIod Io hovc o cry fron coIcuIoIing orbiIoI inscrIion
sIrong conpcIiIor for iI Icods you Iowords spccds.
ncw hcighIs. SIudying Ihis book is o bcginning roIhcr
Wc orc noI rcoIIy in conpcIiIion. II is onIy o Ihon on cnd. -------
gonc. In Ihc Iong run wc wiII oII bc Dy working oIonc insIcod of wiIh on cxpcrI
IconnoIcs IogcIhcr in Ihc gonc of procIiIioncr who oIrcody knows Ihc
cscoping fronIhc Irop. IcrriIory, you orc consIroincd Io noving
Do noI crush your opponcnIs. You wiII forword in o sinpIc ond ordcrIy scrics of
wonI Ihcnoround IoIcr. sIcps, Ioking coch ocIion os for os you con.
Dy doing Ihis cnIirc book, you wiII roisc
your obiIiIy ond horscpowcr cvcn Ihough 12. Goals
you nighI noI conpIcIcIy nosIcr coch sIcp
on Ihc firsI Iinc Ihrough.
Wc orc oII copobIc of infiniIc crcoIion.
Thcrc is no shorIogc of rcsourccs oI Ihc
You wiII Ihcn bc in o posiIion Io go Ihrough
Iop. Appcoronccs Io Ihc conIrory, wc orc
Ihc book o sccond Iinc, Ioking coch ocIion
noI in conpcIiIion wiIh coch oIhcr. Thc
furIhcr os nccdcd. II is Ihis sccond poss
idco IhoI onIy onc wiII survivc is foIsc.
IhoI wiII givc sIrcngIh ond sIobiIiIy.
An innorIoI godIikc bcing's grcoIcsI nccd
This ncons IhoI you connoI counI on
is for oIhcrs Iikc hinscIf oII odding Io Ihc
hondIing ony spccific difficuIIy os you go
richncss ond voricIy of crcoIion for IhoI is
Ihrough Ihc book. InsIcod you orc working
Ihc onIy woy Io ovoid borcdonond hubris.
for o gcncroI goin in obiIiIy wiIh Ihc
Work Iowords grcoIcr obiIiIy ond crcoIiviIy
confidcncc IhoI cvcnIuoIIy you wiII push
boIh for yourscIf ond oIhcrs.
Ihrough Ihc vorious Ihings IhoI orc
currcnIIy boIhcring you.
This book is noI o conpIcIc onswcr. II is
So don'I judgc your progrcss by ony
Ihc bcginning of o Iong ond difficuII, buI
spccific sIondord such os o probIcn or
nosI rcwording rood.
disobiIiIy IhoI you fccI shouId bc hondIcd.
II is ny gooI Io Icovc Ihc rcodcr bcIIcr
ThoI wiII onIy Icod Io invoIidoIing Ihc rcoI
prcporcd Ihon ony posI sIudcnI of
progrcss IhoI you nighI bc noking. Thc
ncIophysics. OricnIcd Io Ihc highcsI
onIy voIid criIcrio for judging your
IruIhs ond Ihc nosI odvonccd Icchniqucs,
progrcss on Ihis rouIc wouId bc in Icrns of
Ihc sIudcnI bcgins os on iniIioIc roIhcr
o brood incrcosc of obiIiIics wiIh Ihc
Ihon o novicc.
rccogniIion IhoI Ihcrc nighI bc bIind spoIs
Whcn wc inIroducc chiIdrcn Io scicncc, wc
ond IroubIcsonc orcos IhoI do noI rcsoIvc
do noI hidc Ihc cxisIcncc of chcnisIry or
unIiI you orc cxIrcncIy for oIong.
physics or nucIcor cncrgy. Thc cnIirc
In oIhcr words, Ihis is noI o Ihcropy.
froncwork is prcscnIcd corIy. DuI Ihis
docs noI subsIiIuIc for Ihc Iong ond
Do noI gcI sIuck on Ihc firsI poss Ihrough
dcIoiIcd sIudy nccdcd Io nosIcr Ihcsc

IVy on the web also a membership forum

Self Clearing, Second Edition
49 IVy 102. April, 2009
Ihis book. Tokc coch sIcp os for os you con fccIing Ihis woy is sinpIy IhoI iI is noI Ihc
ond kccp noving forword. Thc driIIs in Ihc righI Iinc for you Io run IhoI proccsscs,
firsI chopIcrs orc in sonc rcspccIs Ihc you noy nccd Io runoIhcr Ihings (corIicr
nosI odvonccd oncs ond orc uscfuI oI or IoIcr in Ihc book) firsI. II is oIso possibIc
highcr IcvcIs. So do pIon on going Ihrough IhoI for you spccificoIIy, Ihc porIicuIor
Ihc book Iwicc, oncc in o IighI nonncr ond proccss is on unncccssory ocIion, wc oII
ogoin in o Ihorough onc. hovc our porIicuIor orcos of sIrcngIh os
If o proccss sccns Ioo difficuII on Ihc firsI wcII os wcokncss. And, sincc Ihis cdiIion is
poss Ihrough Ihc book, you con skip iI ond ncw ond cxpcrincnIoI, iI is possibIc IhoI o
Icovc iI for Ihc sccond Iinc Ihrough. DuI proccss is poorIy wordcd, inodcquoIcIy
don'I skip Ioo nuch or you wiII find IhoI cxpIoincd, or hos oIhcr crrors.
Ihc IoIcr chopIcrs orc Ioo difficuII or run Do push yourscIf Io ovcrconc ony Iozincss
Ioo sIowIy. or rcIucIoncc Io focc up Io Ihings, buI do
AIso, don'I run o proccss if iI sccns rcoIIy noI forcc yourscIf ogoinsI your bcIIcr
wrong Io you. Thc nosI IikcIy rcoson for judgncnI.
IVy covering the Freezone since 1991

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Ken at a garden party in L.A. In 2006.
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50 IVy 102. April, 2009
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Vy Conference 2009
When: August 22-23, 2009
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n|s cnnuc| even |s s||| scme mcnns cwcy cnc ne p|cg|cm ncs nc ye ceen
f|nc||zec. we ccn cn|y p|cm|se nc we c|e negc|c|ng w|n vc||cus
|ncw|ecgecc|e spec|e|s. ne|e w||| ce |ecu|es fc| c|| pc||c|pcns cnc ne
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|||e |cs yec|, we c|e |en|ng c c|g nc|| |n c sucu|c cf Ccpenncgen [\c|cy} cnc
we neec c f||| | w|n cc|v|y, cnc ||fe cf |nc|v|cuc|s nc c|e w||||ng c ccn||cue
c ne usuc| exce||en cmcspne|e.
Dec||s w||| ce sen c ycu cnc w||| c|sc ce |n ne nex |ssue cf |vy.
Mc|e su|e c |ese|ve ne wee|enc fc| n|s ccnfe|ence. Mc|e |nfc|mc|cn |s c|sc
cvc||cc|e, wnen | ceve|cps, f|cm:
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Pncne: [45} 458888
Why aren't you using what you Iearned
to heIp peopIe7
Here's a short questionnaire that might heIp to indicate
what happened to that dream

To sign up, go here and fiII out the appIication

My name is Hank Levin. You may have
Tbe Iree ubateter heard o me. I was the editor o Do you realize that kind o
Spirit }ournal or many yearsa magazine Clearing you learned ("standard," Idenics,
that was dedicated to alternative therapies, Dianetics, etc.), and at whatever level you
with a special ocus on various modes o were trained to, you have better tools to help
Clearing. I've also been involved with the people ease their mental suering and
distribution o Clearing biomonitors, and succeed in lie than virtually any psychologist
written several books on the subject. My or psychiatrist
pe r s o na l pur po s e ha s be e n t be Ever antasize about doing this or a living, or
enpouernent and support oj anyone perhaps just sharing your abilities with amily
ubo bas eter dedicated tbenseltes to and riends Maybe doing a "coaudit"
sone aspect oj Clearin/auditin, and What's stopping you Chances are that a long
encouraging them to utilize what they have time ago you made a decision that this dream
already acquired and not throw out the baby was just not "practical", that it would never
with the bathwater' happen. Perhaps you came to that conclusion
I know that enough people have been ater getting only a small amount o training.
suiciently trained in Clearing/auditing Or, perhaps you stuck it out or many months
techniques to make an enornous dierence or yearsbeore inally deciding that it wasn't
in the wellbeing o people on this planet, i worth the hassle.
they will only decide to use that training. Ater ! years o
involvement with Clearing about ! o them as a proessional I
have a pretty good idea o what holds people back and ubat can
be done about it. Did someone convince you that you could hurt someone
I you have had any level o training in Clearing/auditing, and i irreparably i you made some technical mistake
you checked one or more o the items on the list above, I can help Have you elt that you could not help others until you were
you revitalize your purpose to help others, at any level or gradient a lot happier with your own lie
you choose. You do not have to be retrained in a new modality, Did someone convince you that you must not do this activity
you can use whatever you already learned. without some individual's or organization's permission or
I you eel you would like to explore the possibility o using certiication
your valuable, hardearned skills to help others in ways that Did you decide that, or one reason or another, you could
other wellness practitioners can only dream, I want to invite not do this without the support, blessings and/or certiication
rom an organization you elt you could no longer trust or you to enroll in our upcoming internetbased, interactive
align with Retitalize Your Iurpose vebinar!
[Webinar a Webbased workshop or seminar that is transmit
Did you eel that because you had never actually attained a
ted over the Web. A key feature of a Webinar is its
level o enlightenment or outrageous abilities you had been
interactive elements the ability to give, receive and discuss
promised, you could not airly oer to help others using
Were you so badly or unjustly handled by the purveyors and
supposed "guardians" o Clearing/auditing that you no longer
1his will put you on our priority notiication list, and will be
wanted anything to do with it
contacted with pertinent inormation on the exact time and
Were you so disillusioned by the insanity o some
signin details or the Revitalize Your Purpose Webinar. (All o
organizational executive or practitioner that you lost respect
your contact inormation will be kept strictly conidential, and
or the entire subject
never shared with anyone.)
Are you concerned about legal action by some organization
Questions 1!1!-!07!8,
or government entity i you were to use what you know to help

Hank Levin's Clearing Institute

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