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Harrison’s class policy (this is long…I would print it

Weekly Assignments
Note: Microsoft Office Word software is required for this course.
Please submit all of your assignments in Word. Unfortunately, I
cannot access or read your assignments if they are submitted in
Works, or other word processing programs.

To find your weekly assignments, please select Module

Overviews in our ANGEL classroom (you will also see a
direction help sheet posted nearby…you need to see that,

Basically, each week you will be doing the following:

1. You will be asked to respond to two questions and

interact with your classmates on the Discussion Board.
This is your participation grade for the course and is
worth 15% of your total grade. Use the Course content
tab and then click on the module week you are in at the
time. This will to the forum where the questions are
posted. In addition to responding to each question,
you are expected to participate weekly in online
discussions by responding to your classmates’
posts with thoughtful questions and comments.
beyond your initial 2 to the questions. You can earn up
to 2 points (I think it is 1 point for the first week) a week
by answering the 2 discussion board questions and
work toward averaging 3 classmate responses. Both
questions will be posted by Monday, the first day of the
online week. They are due on Wednesday and Friday of
each week.
Example for full credit:

Student responds fully to both DQ questions (2 posts)

Student responds to other classmates with thoughtful responses. Example of a

thoughtful post:

“The point you made about ….is something I have dealt with in my own
classroom. It seems that no matter what I do, the student continues to…
(share behavior)I have tried the usual suggestions… desk tap as I walk by,
non threatening eye contact, and a point system, but like you, I have still
having trouble. Does anyone have any ideas?”

This is not acceptable and will not receive credit:

“Good point…I have the same problem.”
Participate! While there is no specific number of
messages that you must post, the following criteria
will be used to assess the quality of your
1. You posted an initial response to each DQ
in a timely manner. I have the right to take
off a percentage if the DQ’s are not posted
by the due date.
2. Your initial and follow-up responses to
DQs integrated course theories with a
practical application of the subject,
perhaps by offering a personal observation
or experience, or by referencing real-world
examples, current events, or further
research you did on the topic.
3. You interacted in classroom discussions
in a way that demonstrated deeper or
broader thoughts about a topic, rather than
just rephrasing what the textbook has to
say on the topic.
4. Your posts encouraged further discussion
and ongoing dialogue with other students
in the class.
5. Your messages were written in a
professional and supportive manner, and
with a respectful tone.
6. Your messages were proofread and
contained minimal errors in writing

2. Please refer to the Modules feature for your weekly

assigned reading. You are also required to read the class
lecture, which is also under the module section. You must
use your book and assignment readings in your
work!!!! Buy the book (or at least borrow it)!

You are expected to reference your

reading in your weekly assignments.

Major weekly assignments

3. Each week you will have one major assignment,

which is usually worth 10 points (see the syllabus for
more details). You will be sent a direction sheet for
each week to give you guidance in what I expect to
see in your submission. This will be in addition to the
module overview (those requirements in more
detail). I will send you a rubric at the start of each
week to let you see what I will be looking for in the
grading process. You are to send your paper
through Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Service. This is not an
option. This is a class requirement and 2 points will be deducted if
you choose not to do so. After the paper is due, I will check Turnitin
to see if the paper is there. If it is not, I will place it there and you
will lose 2 points.

You will need to join my class and upload your paper there (in
addition to posting the weekly paper in Angel). Here is the
information you will need:

Class name: OT SEPT 09

Password: grade
Class ID: 2910020
Website is

You can set up your password and login at the top left corner of the webpage

Submitting Assignments
Assignments are to be submitted as a document using the Assignment
feature on ANGEL.
The online week runs from Monday to Sunday. Your weekly assignments
are all to be completed within the week. They are due on Sunday by
midnight Arizona (GCU) time. I am a stickler about due dates.

Late policy:
Discussion Question Responses that are submitted
late, will not receive credit. They must be turned in on
time to receive points. There will be no exceptions to

Major assignments:
The major assignment for the week can be turned in late,
but it will be deducted by 5 percentage points per day for
each day that it is late. In other words if your module
assignment is to write a paper and it is due on
Sunday, but you turn it in on Tuesday (of that same week
it was due), you will lose 10% and the highest grade you
could receive would be a 9 which translates to 90%.

I will not accept it after 7 days. Remember, discussion

board questions and responses will not receive credit if
they are submitted late. My reasoning for setting such
firm boundaries is to protect you from getting too far

As you look over the modules you will see that each week
is very demanding. Students who get behind find it
extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get caught up. By
turning in assignments as they are due, you will not only
assure yourself of the best possible grade you can
achieve, but you will also be able to complete the course
and get credit for it!

Students are expected to submit research papers free of grammar and spelling
errors, and to use proper APA format. If you are unsure about detail items such
as citing references, please refer to the APA guide, 5th edition. A portion of your
grade for each paper will be attributed to APA format as well as spelling and

Student Conduct
Grand Canyon University is a Christian institution with high moral and academic standards. If you've
taken other courses from GCU, you know what a wonderful atmosphere prevails, and how many
wonderful people you meet in every class. However, my experience as an online facilitator has made me
aware of a few areas where these standards can be compromised. Please keep in mind the following

· In our online setting we do not have the privilege of meeting face to face. At times this can lead to
misunderstandings and lack of respect. Communicating in writing lacks the clarity of the spoken word.
Please take care to soften your messages and responses to others, being aware of what message is
truly being conveyed. Always ask yourself, "If I was speaking to this person, would I say this?" It's
easy to write something you would never say in person, knowing that you will not have to deal with
the other person's reaction.

· Don't be quick to respond in anger. Most of the time, the person you are angry with is being
misunderstood. Simply open up respectful, tactful communication with the person who is offending
you and most often the situation is easily resolved. Always remember professionalism and respect,
and extend to each other the benefit of the doubt.

· In regards to your assignments, please remember that

the work needs to be your own. GCU has a no tolerance
policy regarding any form of plagiarism. Plagiarism
involves representing someone else's ideas, expressions,
or materials without giving proper credit via references
and citations.
Many students do not realize that plagiarism also
includes paraphrasing or condensing someone
else's ideas without proper citation. I will question
any work that appears to be plagiarized, and clear
cases of plagiarism have to be reported to the
· Grade of Incomplete: The final grade of Incomplete is
granted at the discretion of the instructor; however, students
must meet certain specific criteria before this grade
accommodation is even possible to consider. The grade of
Incomplete is reserved for times when students experience a
serious extenuating circumstance or a crisis during the last
week or two of class which prevents the completion of course
requirements before the close of the grading period. Students
also must be passing the course at the time the request is

That's a lot of information. Having read to this point, I'm sure your
head is spinning. I have learned from experience that everyone is
happier with expectations that are clearly explained from the start.
If you have any questions at all about any of the above policies,
please feel free to ask. I expect and appreciate your questions!

God Bless You!


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