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Medical Terminology

t first glance, medical terminology is loaded with long words. In order to better

A understand these words it will be easier if you will take the time to understand how
these words can be dissected into their component parts. These smaller, more
understandable components are the “building-blocks” of the larger, more complex, words.

Common Components of Medical Words

The typical “long word’ in medical terminology is typically made up of two or more of the

Root word(s)

Example #1: electro - cardio - gram

The prefix “electro” denotes electrical.

The root word “cardio” means heart.
The suffix ‘gram” indicates a recording

Taken together, they mean a recording of the heart’s electricity.

Example #2: hepato - megaly

The prefix “hepato” denotes liver.

The suffix “megaly” means large.

Taken together, they mean large liver.

A careful study and understanding of common prefixes, suffixes, and root words will allow
the student to better understand how to dissect large words used in medical terminology
into their component and hence, more understandable pieces.

A table containing a sampling of some of the more common prefixes, suffixes, and root
words is included for your convenience.

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management
Common Prefixes and Combining Root Words
PREFIXES & Root words
- a, an- without, absent (apnea: temporary absence of balano- relating to the glans penis or glans clitoridis
respiration). baro- relating to weight or heaviness.
ab- away from (abduct: move away from). basi- relating to the base or foundation (also basio-)
abdomin(o)- abdomen (abdominal: pertaining to the abdo- bi- two, twice (binocular: of both eyes).
men). bio- life (biomicroscope; a microscope used to veiw living
acou- hearing (acoustics: study of sound). tissue).
acr(o)- extremity, tip (acromegaly: disease characterized blasto- growth, bud (blastocyst: hollow ball of embryonic
by enlargement of distal parts of the skeleton). cells).
ad- to, toward, near (adduct: move toward). blenn- relating to mucus (also blenno)
aden- gland (adenocarcinoma: carcinoma of glandular blepharo- relating to the eyelid (blepharoplasty: operation
tissues). to repair the eyelid(s))
adip(o)- relating to fat. brachi(o)- arm (brachialis: muscle for flexing forearm).
aero- relating to gas or air. brachy- short (brachydactyly: abnormal shortness of fingers
af- to, toward (afferent: conveying toward a central point). or toes).
alba- white (albino: lacking color, appearing white). brachy- short
alg- pain (cephalgia: pain in the head/headache). brady- slow or prolonged (bradycardia: slow heart rate).
all- meaning another, other or different. bronch- windpipe (bronchitis: inflammation of the
allo- indicates difference or divergence from the norm. bronchus).
alve- channel (alveolus: air channel in lung). burs- relating to bursa
ambi- both, on both sides (ambidextrous: using both cac(o)- bad, ill, abnormal (cachexia: generally poor
hands. condition of the body).
ambly- impaired,dull (amblyopia: impaired vision). capit- head (capitulum: small eminence, or little head, on a
amphi- around or about, doubly (amphiboious: capable of bone by which it articulates with another bone).
living on land or water). carcin(o)- cancer (carcinogenic: cancer causing).
an- without cardi- relating to the heart
ana- up, positive, back again (anastamosis: connection of carp(o)- relating to the wrist.
two vessels). cata-, kata- down, through (catabolisrm: breaking down).
andr(o)- male (androgens: male sex hormones). caud- tail (caudal: toward the posterior part of the body).
angi(o)- vessel, duct, usually a blood vessel (angioplasty: cele-, celo- indicating a tumor or hernia; cavity
operation to repair narrowing blood vessels). centi- 1/100, 100 (centimeter: 1/100 meter).
aniso- dissimilar, unequal, or asymmetrical cephal(o)- head (encephalitis: inflammation of the brain).
ankyl(o)- crooked, bent, fused, stiff (ankylosed: fused, as cerebr(o)- brain (cerebral: pertaining to the brain).
in joints). cervi(co)- neck or neck of an organ (cervix: neck-shaped
ante- before, in front of (antepartum: before delivery). outer end of the uterus).
antero- before, front, anterior chilo-, cheil- relating to the lip
anti- against, counteracting (antidote: treatment to chole- relating to the gallbladder
counter-act the effects of a poison). chondr(o)-, chondri-, chondrio- cartilage
arthr(o)- relating to joint(s) (arthritis: inflammation of a (chondromalacia: softening of cartilage).
joint). chromo-, chromato- color (polychromatic: multi-colored).
antro- relating to a chamber or cavity. circum- around (circumduction: circular motion around a
appendi- relating to the appendix joint).
arch- beginning, first, principle cirrh- yellow (cirrhosis: disease causing yellowing of the
archo- relating to the rectum/anus liver).
arteri- relating to the arteries cleido- relating to the clavicle
arth- joint co-, com-, con- with, together (congenital: born with).
asthenia- weakness coel- cavity within a body or body organ (coelenteron:
astro- star-shaped or star-like. gastrovascular cavity).
atel- imperfect, incomplete (atelencephalia: incomplete contra- opposite, against (contralateral: opposite side).
development of the brain). cor(e)- relating to the pupil of the eye
audi- related to hearing cost(o)- relating to the ribs
auto- self (autophobia: the fear of self or being alone). crani(o)- skull (craniotomy: surgical opening in the skull).
axio- relating to an axis. cryo- cold (cryosurgery: surgery performed with
axo- relating to an axis. application of extreme cold to tissues).

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management
crypt(o)- hidden (cryptoplasmic: occurring in a concealed hemi- one-half (hemiplegia: paralysis of one side of the
form). body).
cutane- relating to the skin hepat(o)- liver (hepatitis: inflammation of the liver).
cyan(o)- blue (cyanosis: bluish discoloration of the skin). hetero- other, different (heterosexual: other sex).
cyst- sac, bladder (cystitis: inflammation of the bladder). hist(o)- tissue (histology: study of tissues).
cyst(o)- relating to the urinary bladder or a cyst homeo- unchanged, resembling, or likeness (homeostasis:
cyt(o)- cell (cytology: study of cells). state of inner stability of the body).
dacry- pertaining to the lacrimal glands homo- same (homogeneous: comprised of same/similar
de- away, not, down (dehydrate; take water away from). elements).
deca- deci- 1/10 (deciliter: 1/10 liter). hydr(o)- water, fluid, or hydrogen (hydrocele:
demi- half the amount. accumulation of serous fluid in a body cavity).
dent(i)- tooth (interdental: between the teeth). hyper- above, excessive (hyperactivity: excessive activity).
derm- skin (dermatitis: inflammation of the skin). hypo- beneath, under, deficient (hypoglycemic: having low
desmo- relating to the ligaments blood glucose levels).
deuter- secondary or second. hyster-relating to the womb or hysteria
dextr(o)- on the right or towards the right (dextrogastria: idio- peculiar to the individual, distinct (idiopathic: disease
displacement of the stomach to the right side of body). with no apparent cause).
di- two, twice, doubly (diphasic: occurring in two stages). ileo- ileum/part of the small intestine
dia- apart, across, through, between, completely (diastasis: ilio- relating to the pelvis.
separation of normal joined parts). in-, im- in, within, into; not (indigestion: difficulty in
diplo- double (diplopia: double vision). digest-ing food; immerse: dip into).
dis(t)- apart, away from (disarticulate: come apart at the infra- below (infracostal: below the ribs).
joints). inter- between, among (intercellular: between cells).
dorso-, dorsi- back (dorsiflection: bending to the back of intra- within (intracellular: within a cell).
hand, foot, or spine). ir- against, into, toward (irradiate: emit rays into).
duct- lead, conduct (ductulus: a minute duct/tube). irid- relating to the iris.
dys- diseased, difficult; bad ; painful (dystrophy: disorder is(o)- equals, same (isopia: equal vision in both eyes).
arising from faulty nutrition). ischio- relating to the hip.
ecto- outside (ectoderm: outer germ layer). jejuno- relating to the jejunum (part of the small intestine)
ectro- congenital absence of something. juxta- next to or near.
edem- swelling (edema: swelling). karyo- relating to the nucleus of a cell.
em-, en- in (encapsulated: enclosed in a capsule). kerato- relating to the cornea or horny tissue.
endo- within (endoderm: inner germ layer). labi- lip (labia majora: external folds or lips of the vulva).
enter(o)- intestine (gastroenteritis: inflammation of the lacri- tears (nasolacrimal apparatus: tear-producing and
digestive system). tear-carryring apparatus).
epi- on, over, upon (epidermis: outer layer of skin). lact(o)- milk (lactose: milk sugar).
erythr(o)- red (erythropoiesis: formation of red blood laparo- flank, loins, operations through the abdominal
cells). wall.
eu- good, normal (eupnea: easy, normal breathing). laryng(o)- relating to the larynx.
ex- out of (exhale: breathe out). leuk(o)- white (leukocyte: white blood cell).
exo- outside (exocytosis: process of expelling large lien- relating to the spleen.
particles from a cell). lip(o)- fat, fatty (lipoma: benign tumor of fatty cells).
extra- outside of, in addition to, beyond (extracellular: lith(o)- relating to a hard or calcified substance/stone.
outside a cell). lumb(o)- relating to the lumbar spine region.
fasci- band (fascia: sheet of fibrous tissue). macr(o)- large (macrophage: large phagocytic cell).
fibro- relating to fibers or fibrous tissue mal- bad (malnutrition: impaired/poor diet).
fore- before, in front (forebrain: front part of brain). medi- middle (medial: near the midline of the body).
galacto- relating to milk mega- large (megakaryocyte: large cellular forerunner of
gastr(o)- stomach (gastritis: inflammation of the stomach). platelet).
genito- relating to reproduction melan(o)- black (melanin: dark skin pigment).
glyco-, gluco- sugar, sweet (glycolysis: breakdown of meningo- relating to the membranes covering the brain and
glucose) spine.
gono- relating to genitals; offspring; origination mesio- towards the middle; secondary
gyn(o), gyne(co)- female, woman (gynecology: study of meso- middle (mesoderm: middle layer of skin).
the female reproductive system). meta- beyond, next to (metacarpal: bone of the hand that is
haplo- single, simple (haploid: having a single set of next to the wrist).
chromosomes). micr(o)- .small (photomicrograph: photograph of a very
hema-, hemato-, hemo- blood (hematoma: a localized small object as seen through a microscope).
collection of blood). milli- 1/1000 (millimeter: 1/1000 meter).

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management
mis- bad, improper. pharyngo- relating to the pharynx/throat.
mon(o)- one (monocular: pertaining to one eye). phleb(o)- vein (phlebitis: inflammation of a vein).
morph(o)- form, shape (morphology: study of the form phreno- relating to the diaphragm, head or mind.
and structure of organisms and parts of organisms). pimel- relating to fat.
multi- many (multicellular: having many cells). platy- wide; broad
my(o)- muscle (myocardium: heart muscle). pleio- more; additional
myc- relating to fungus. pleuro-, pleura- rib, side (pleurisy: inflammation of
myel(o)- bone marrow, spinal cord (myelitis: inflamation pleura, the membrane covering the lungs and lining the
of the spinal cord). thoracic sac).
plur(i)- many, more (pluriglandular: several glands).
narco- insensate condition or numbness. pneum- relating to respiration, air, or the lungs.
necro- death or dead tissue. pneumato-, pneuma- air (pneumatometer: instrument for
neo- new, strange (neonatal: newborn). measuring pressure of inspiration and expiration of lungs).
nephr(o)- kidney (nephrectomy: surgical removal of a pneumo-, pneumono- lung, respiratory organs
kidney). (pneumonia: chronic lung infection).
neur(o)- nerve (neuron: nerve cell). pod- foot (podiatrist: a specialist in care and treatment of
noci- relating to injury or pain. the foot).
non- not (noninfectious: not able to spread). poly- many (polycystic: having many cysts).
nycto- relating to darkness or night. post- after (postpartum: after delivery).
ob- against (obstruction: blocking of a structure). pre-, pro- before (prenatal: before birth).
ocul(o)- eye (octclomotor: pertaining to eye movement). pro- for, in front of, before (prophylaxis: preventive treat-
odont- relating to the teeth. ment, to keep guard before development of problems).
olig(o)- little, few, scanty (oligtrria: secretion of a small proct- rectum, anus (proctoscope: instrument for
amount of urine). examining the rectum).
omo- relating to the shoulder. proso- indicates toward the front, anterior, of forward
omphalo- relating to the navel. pseudo- false (pseudoparaplegia: hysterical/false
onco- relating to a mass, tumor, or swelling. paralysis).
onycho- relating to the fingernails or toenails. pulmo- lung (pulmonary: pertaining to the lungs).
(onychomycosis: a fungal condition of the nail) py(o)- pus (pyocyst: pus-filled cyst).
oo- egg (oocyte: egg cell). pyelo- relating to the renal pevis
oophor- relating to the ovaries. pyreto- fever, heat
ophthalmo- eye (ophthalmology: study of the eye). quadr(i)- four (quadriplegia: paralysis of all four limbs).
opistho- indicates behind or backwards. rachi- relating to the spine.
orchi- relating to the testicles. re- back, again (reflex: bend back).
orth(o)- straight, normal, correct (orthodontic: pertaining recto- straight or relating to the rectum
to the straightening of teeth). ren- kidney (adrenal: relating to the position of the adrenal
oscheo- relating to the scrotum. gland atop the kidney).
oste(o)- bone (osteitis: inflammation of the bone). retro- behind, backward (retrograde: going backward).
ot(o)- ear (otology: study of the ear). rheo- a flow or stream of fluid.
ovi- ovo- egg (ovum: egg cell). rhin(o)- nose (rhinitis: inflammation of nasal mucous
pachy- large, heavy, or thick. membranes).
pali- repetition, back again, recurrent sacro- relating to the sacrum; base of the vertebral column
panto- indicates the whole or all. salping- relating to the fallopian or eustachian tubes.
para- beside, beyond, similar (paraspinal: beside the sarco- relating to flesh
spine). scapho- deformed condition, shaped like a boat
path(o)- disease, suffering (pathogenic: capable of scapulo- relating to the shoulder.
producing disease). schisto- cleft or split; a fissure.
ped(i)- relating to the foot. sclero- hard (sclerosis: hardening of tissue).
pedia- child (pediatrician: physician who specializes in scoto- relating to darkness; a visual field gap.
childhood diseases). semi- one-half, partly (semilunar valve: half moon-shaped
pend- hang down (appendicular skeleton: portion of the valve).
skeleton that hangs from the pectoral and pelvic girdles). sial- relating to saliva.
per- through (permeate: to pass through). sinistro- (sinister) relating to the left side.
peri- around or in the vicinity of(pericardium: membrane somato- relating to the body.
surrounding the heart). spheno- relating to the sphenoid bone at the base of the
pero- indicates being maimed or deformed. skull.
phaco- relating to the llens of the eye. sphygmo- relating to the pulse.
phag(o)- eat, consume (phagocyte: cell that ingests other sphlanch- intestines; viscera
cells or particles). steato- fat

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management
steno- contracted, narrow (stenosis: condition of being
stetho- relating to the chest.
stom(ato)- relating to the mouth.
sub- beneath (subcutaneous: beneath the skin).
super- above (superior: toward the head).
supra- above, over (suprapubic: above the pubic bone).
sym-, syn- together, union (synapse: meeting between two
or more nerve cells).
tachy- fast (tachycardia: abnormally fast heart rate).
tarso- relating to the foot; margin of the eyelid.
telo-, teleo- end; complete or perfectly formed (telophase:
final phase of mitosis).
teno- relating to tendons.
terato- indicates being seriously deformed.
tetr(a)- four (tetrad: group of four chromosomes formed
during meiosis).
thalmo- relating to the thalmus, origin of nerves in the
thanato- relating to death.
therap- treatment (therapeutic: having a healing effect).
therm(o)- heat, warmth (thermometer: device to measure
thorac(o)- chest (thoracic cavity: chest cavity).
thromb(o)- lump, clot (thrombosis: formation of a blood
clot in a vessel or heart cavity).
thymo- relating to the thymus.
toco- birth
tox- poison (toxemia: blood poisoning).
trachelo- neck
trans- across, through (transepidermal: occurring through
or across the skin).
tri- three (triceps: three-headed muscle of the posterior of
trichi-, tricho- relating to hair; hair-like shape or
tympano- eardrum
typhlo- relating to th cecum; relating to blindness
ultra- excessive, extreme (ultrasonic: sound waves beyond
the audio-frequency range).
un(i)- one (unilateral: one side).
uria-, uro- urine, urinary tract (polyuria: production of ex-
cess urine).
vas(o)- vessel (cardiovascular: vessel related to the heart)
ventr(o)- relating to the abdomen; anterior surface of the
vesic(o)- relating to the bladder.
viscera-, viscero- organ (visceral: pertaining to a body
organ, usually abdominal).
xeno- a foreign substance
xero- indicates a dry condition

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management
-ferent carrying (efferent: carrying away from).
-ferous produces, causes, or brings about
SUFFIXES -form structure, shape (ossiform: resembing the form of
-ac pertaining to (celiac: penaining to the abdominal -fugal, -fuge driving or traveling away from; expel
region). (centrifugal: moving away from the center).
-ad toward, in the direction of (cephalad: toward the head). -ful full of, characterized by (stressful: causing stress).
-agra severe pain, seizure (podagra: severe pain of the -gen, -gene producer (mutagen: substance that increases
foot). the frequency of mutation).
-al pertaining to (digital: pertaining to the finger or toe). - genic,-genesis production of, origin of (glycogenesis:
-alg, algia- pain, painful (cephalgia: head pain/headache) production of glycogen).
-an, -ian pertaining to, characteristic of, belonging to -gram record (electrocardiogram: record of electrical
(ovarian: penaining to the ovary). activity in the heart).
-apheresis removal -graph instrument for making records (electroenceph-
-ar of or relating to, being, resembling (valvular: relating alograph: apparatus for recording brain waves).
to a valve). -ia condition (anuria: condition of lack of urine).
-ary of or relating to, connected with (biliary: relating to -iasis a diseased condition (cholelithiasis: condition of bile
bile). stones).
-ase enzyme (lactase: enzyme that catalyzes conversion of -ic penaining to (colonic: pertaining to the colon).
lactose into glucose and galactose). -ician, -ist specialist, practitioner (pediatrician: specialist
-asthenia weakness in childhood diseases).
-ate that which is acted upon, marked by having, to act on -ile having the qualities of or capability for (febrile: fev-
(substrate: substance acted on by enzyme; lobate: having erish).
lobes; separate: to keep apart). -ion act of, state of, result of (incision: act of cutting or re-
-atresia abnormal closure, occlusion, or absence of a sult of cutting).
normal body opening (proczafresia: closed anus). -ism condition, act of, process of (dwarfism: condition of
-blast sprout, growth (osteoblast: cell from which bone being a dwarf.
develops). -itis inflammation (phlebitis: inflammation of a vein).
-capnia relating to carbon dioxide -ity quality of, state of (obesity: state of being obese).
-cele swelling, tumor, hernia, or protrusion (cystocele: -ive that which performs or tends toward (tardive disease:
hernia of urinary bladder). disease with late-appearing symptoms).
-centesis puncture of a cavity (paracentesis: puncture of a -logy study of (cardiology: study of the heart).
space around an organ or within a cavity to remove fluid). -lysis breaking down, release, free, reduction of
-cephal pertaining to the head (cephalgia: head (glycolysis: breakdown of glucose).
pain/headache) -malacia softening (osteomalacia: softening of bone).
-cide kill (germicide: killer of germs). -megaly enlargement
-cis cut (excise: cut out). -meter instrument or means of measuring (thermometer:
-clasis, -clasia, -clast breaking up (bacterioclasis: breaking instrument to measure heat).
up of bacteria). -metry measurement of
-cle, -cule small or little -ness quality of, state of (illness: state of being ill).
-cleisis closure (colpocelisis: operation for closure of -odynia indicates pain or discomfort (mastodynia: painful
vagina). breast(s)).
-coccus berry-shaped, a form of bacterium -oid having the appearance of; resemblance to (cuboid:
-crit to separate resembling a cube).
-cyte having to do with cells -ologist, -ology specialist, study of
-dactyl pertaining to the fingers -oma tumor (carcinoma: malignant tumor).
-desis binding, fusion (tenodesis: fixation of a loose -opia eye disorder (myopia: nearsightedness).
tendon). -or that which, one who (receptor: that which receives).
-drome run, running -orrhagia rapid, excessive flow of blood
-dynia pain (pleurodynia: pain on the side of the chest). -orrhaphy suture, repair of
-eal pertaining to -orrhexis rupture
-ectasia, -ectasis dilation, expansion (telangieaasis: -ory process of, penaining to, function of (sensory:
dilation of capillaries). pertaining to the senses).
-ectomy excision, cutting out, removal (laryngectomy: -oscopy to examine; visualize
removal of larynx -ose full of, having the qualities of (comatose: having the
-emia condition of the blood (leukemia: blood condition qualities of a coma).
characterized by excess leukocytes). -osis action, state, process, abnormal condition (halitosis:
-facient making or causing to become (febrifacient: condition of having bad breath).
causing a fever). -osis condition; process

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management
-ostomy creation of an artificial opening (colostomy: -tome instrument used to cut
creation of a new opening between the bowel and -tomy to cut (lobotomy: incision into a lobe).
abdominal wall). -tonia stretching, putting under tension (hypertonia: exces
-otomy cutting into, incision into (tracheotomy: cut into sive tension).
the trachea). -tripsy rubbing, crushing (lithotripsy: surgical crushing of
-ous, -ious having the qualities of, capable of, full of kidney stones).
(infectious: capable of being transmitted). -trophic, -trophy related to nutrition, growth,
-oxia pertaining to oxygen (hypoxia: reduced oxygen development (dysrophic: faulty nutrition).
condition) -tropic turning toward, changing (hydrotropic: turning to-
-pagus fixed or joined together ward water).
-paresis slight paralysis -tropism responding to external stimulus
-pathic a feeling, diseased condition, or therapy -y having the nature or quality of (gouty: goutlike).
-pathy disease (cardiopathy: heart disease).
-penia deficiency, lack (leukopenia: lack of white blood
-pexy fixation, suspension (sigmoidopexy: fixation of large
-philia love of, tendency toward (hemophilia: "love of © 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc.
blood," a blood disease). Z:\Bruce\MyFiles\Practice Tools\MEDWORD.wpd
-phobia abnormal fear or aversion (claustrophobia: fear of
-phonia relating to sound or voice
-physis growth
-plasty molding, forming, or shaping (osteoplasty: plastic
surgery on bone).
-plegia paralysis (paraplegia: paralysis of lower half of
-poiesis production, formation of (hematopoiesis:
production of blood cells).
-praxis indicates activity, action, condition, or use
-ptosis dropping, downward displacement, prolapse
(carpoptosis: wrist drop).
-rhage, rrhagia bursting forth, excessive discharge,
bleeding (hemorrhage: escape of blood from vessels).
-rrhaphy closure of by suturing, repair (cystorrhaphy:
suture of bladder).
-rrhea flow, discharge (galactorrhea: excessive or
spontaneous flow of milk).
-rrhexis splitting or breaking
-salpinx fallopian tube
-schisis split, fissure
-sclerosis hardening
-scope, -scopy, -scopic looking at, examining
(bronchoscope: instrument used to view inside breathing
-sect cut (dissect: cut into parts).
-sis process, action, state of (dialysis: separation of
particles through a semipermeable membrane).
-spasm contraction
-stasis state of being at a standstill (hemostasis: stopping of
blood tlow).
-sthenia strength (asthenia: loss of strength).
-stomy surginal opening (colostomy: surgical opening in
the colon).
-taxy, -taxis arrangement or grouping
-thora, -thorax thorax, chest
-tion act of, result of, process of (elongation: process of
making longer).
-tocia birth, labor

© 2001 Arizona Computer Services, Inc. Medical Billing and Practice Management

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