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Republic of the Philippines


First Judicial Region Branch __ Baguio City

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff, - ersusCRIM. CASE No. !"R# P$%SICA& AB'SE IN RE&A(I"N (" R.A.)*+, ARCELO !A"A !AGO " !ULANON, Accused. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .


I/ R"MME& M. SA&ES/ +* years ol0/ single / resi0ing at Puro1-2 &iberta0/ Baguio City/ after ha ing been s3orn to in accor0ance 3ith the la3 0o hereby 0epose an0 state# (hat !iscal 4I"NE 5&ARISSE C. 6'E7ARA is the counsel 3ho con0ucte0 an0 super ise0 8y e9a8ination as a 3itness at her office at Pro incial Prosecutor:s "ffice/ Baguio City; (hat I a8 ans3ering the <uestions herein fully conscious that I 0o so un0er oath an0 that I 8ay be cri8inally liable for false testi8ony or per=ury; (he follo3ing are the >uestions propoun0e0 by !iscal 4ione 5larisse C. 6ue ara an0 8y ans3ers in English language# >+# A+# >@# A@# >2# A2# >B# AB# 4o you s3ear to tell the truth an0 nothing but the truth? %es Ma:a8. Are you the sa8e Ro88el M. Sales/ the pri ate co8plainant in this case for Physical Abuse in Relation to R.A. )*+, no3 pen0ing before the Regional (rial Court/ Branch + of Baguio City? %es Ma:a8 Ahat is your highest e0ucational attain8ent? 2r0 year $igh School at &iberta0 National $igh School. 4o you personally 1no3 the accuse0 in this case/ Mr. Marcelo %es Ma:a8. Baya8bago?

>C# Can you tell us 3hy you personally 1no3 Mr. Baya8bago? AC# $e also li es in Puro1 2 &iberta0. $e is our neighbor an0 their Ae are frien0s since I 3as a chil0. >*# A*# >)# A)# >E#

house is =ust besi0e our house.

Ahere 3ere you on Danuary 2/ @,+2 at about +,#,, o:cloc1 in the 8orning? I 3as 3al1ing ho8e at that ti8e after I ha0 isite0 8y frien0 Paolo Balesteros at Puro1 + &iberta0/ Baguio City. Aho 3as 3ith you 0uring that ti8e you 3ere 3al1ing ho8e? I 3as 3ith 8y other frien0/ Racine Monsteclaros. Ahat transpire0 0uring that ti8e?

AE# I 3as 3al1ing 3ith 8y frien0 Racine Montesclaros. Ahen 3e reache0 in front of Baya8bago:s house Marcelo Baya8bago 3ho 3as loo1ing ery angry ca8e out an0 tol0 8e in isayan 3or0s to <uote F Mosugat gyu0 1a haG un<uote. (hen he punche0 8y right portion of 8y bo0y. >H# AH# >+,# A+,# Ahen he punche0 you/ 3hat 0i0 you 0o? I 0i0n:t 0o anything Ma:a8. I coul0 not 0o anything. Ahat 0i0 your frien0 Racine Montesclaros 0o? $e 0i0 nothing too. Ae both coul0 0o nothing. of us. No one 0are0 to

>++# Ahy 0o you say that you coul0n:t 0o anything? A++# Because Marcelo Baya8bago is bigger an0 stronger than the t3o fight 3ith hi8 Ma:a8. >+@# A+@# >+2# A+2#

Ahy 0o you say that he 3as angry 0uring that ti8e? Because 3hen he got out of their house/ he 3as s3earing an0 he see8e0 to be pisse0 off of so8ething insi0e their house. Aas Marcelo Baya8bago 0run1 at that ti8e? No Ma:a8. $e 0i0n:t s8ell or loo1 li1e he 3as 0run1.

>+B# Can you tell us ho3 big Marcelo is? A+B# $e is CG* tall. $is bo0y structure is fir8 an0 has strong 8uscles because he 3or1s out so8eti8es. $e acts li1e he can beat all of us s8aller than hi8. Ae are actually terrifie0 by his presence because of his unpleasant beha ior. >+C# Ahy 0o you say unpleasant beha ior? A+C# Because 3hene er 8e an0 8y frien0s are =o1ing an0 laughing/ he =ust su00enly interrupts shouting at us an0 telling us to shut our 8ouths. $e then threatens us that if 3e are ta1ing about hi8/ 3e surely 3oul0 get a priIe fro8 hi8. >+*# A+*# Ahat priIe 3oul0 this be? Maybe a punch or a 1ic1. happene0 last Danuary 2/ @,+2/ 3as there any other

>+)# Asi0e fro8 the inci0ent that inci0ent of punching you? A+)# %es Ma:a8.

>+E# Can you tell us 3hat happene0 an0 3hen it happene0? A+E# "n Danuary C/ @,+2 8ore or less 2#,, o: cloc1 in the afternoon/ in front of Cyber DaIIer/ Puro12 &iberta0/ Baguio City. Ahile I 3as passing by the Internet CafJ/ I sa3 Marcelo Baya8bago/ Dr. ca8e out fro8 the Cyber DaIIer Internet CafJ. $e ran to3ar0s 8e an0 punche0 8e t3ice hitting on the right shoul0er thus causing pain on it. >+H# Ahen he punche0 you/ 3hat 0i0 you 0o? A+H# I trie0 to retaliate after he punche0 8e. $o3e er/ he grabbe0 8y ar8s an0 t3iste0 it o er 8y bac1 an0 he sai0 in isayan 3or0s to <uote FAy 8osu1ol na1a haG un<uote. (hen he punche0 8e again on 8y right portion of the bo0y an0 1ic1e0 8y left leg. I fell 0o3n the groun0 after that strong punch an0 1ic1e0. It 3as really painful that it 8a0e 8e crie0. >@,# A@,# 4i0 anybo0y see the inci0ent? %es Ma:a8. "ur frien0 Dulius 4u8anon $ellar0es/ the o3ner of the Internet Cafe 3as there.

>@+# A@+#

Ahat 0i0 Dulius 4u8anon 0o? $e shoute0 at Marcelo Baya8bago an0 tol0 hi8 to stop.

>@@# Ahat 0i0 Marcelo 0o 3hen Dulius 4u8anon tol0 hi8 to stop? A@@# $e =ust laughe0 an0 sai0 in isayan 3or0s again to <uote 8aayo nang pitolonG. (hen he left. >@2# Ahat 0i0 you 0o then? A@2# I stoo0 up an0 Dulius 4u8anon helpe0 as I har0ly can 3al1. ho8e. >@B# An0 then/ 3hat happene0 ne9t? A@B# Ahen I got ho8e I tol0 8y 8other about the inci0ent an0 then police Station2 in &iberta0/ Butuan City. >@C# A@C# >@*# A@*#

FMosu1ol na8an gyu0 Bai/

(hen he acco8panie0 8e bac1

3e reporte0 the inci0ent to

4o you ha e any proof of all your allegations? I ha e 8y 3itnesses Ma:a8/ 8y frien0 Racine Montesclaros an0 Dulius 4u8anon. 4o you ha e any 8e0ical certificate to support your allegations? %es/ Ma:a8/ I ha e. Attache0 to this Du0icial Affi0a it is an original copy of the 8e0ical certificate 8ar1e0 as E9hibit FAG.

>@)# A@)#

Base0 on this 8e0ical certificate you are sho3ing to us that the in=uries 3oul0 ha e incapacitate0 you for a perio0 of ) to +, 0ays? %es/ Ma:a8/ I 3as actually incapable to =oin 8y classes at &iberta0 National $igh School for 8ore than a 3ee1 0ue to the pain that I suffere0. (he ne9t 0ay after the inci0ent I ha0 bruises an0 it 3as absolutely 0ifficult for 8e to stan0. Aho issue0 this 8e0ical certificate? It 3as 4r Rocel0a & Mirasol Ma:a8/ Me0ical "fficer III at Baguio Me0ical Center Aho:s signature is this in the 8e0ical certificate? My 0octor/ Ma:a8/ 4r. Rocel0a &. Mirasol. Ahy 0i0 you say that it 3as 4r. Mirasol 3ho signe0 it? Because I 3as in front of her 3hen she signe0 the 8e0ical certificate.

>@E# A@E# >@H# A@H# >2,# A2,#

>2+# 4o you ha e anything to say/ Mr. Sales? A2+# No 8ore/ Ma:a8. IN AI(NESS A$ERE"!/ I ha e hereunto affi9e0 8y signature this ) th 0ay of !ebruary @,+2 at Baguio City/ Philippines.

R"MME& M. SA&ES Pri ate Co8plainant

S'BSCRIBE4 AN4 SA"RN to before 8e this ) th 0ay of !ebruary @,+2 at Baguio City/ Philippines.

#IONE &LARISSE C% GUE$ARA Asst. Pro incial Prosecutor 4etaile0 PP"-Baguio City MC&E Co8pliance No. I7 ,,,,,,



I/ #IONE &LARISSE C% GUE$ARA, Asst. Pro incial Prosecutor/ 4etaile0 PP"-Baguio City/ after ha ing been s3orn to in accor0ance 3ith the la3 0o hereby 0epose an0 say# +. (hat I ha e faithfully recor0e0 or cause0 to be recor0e0 the <uestions I as1e0 an0 the correspon0ing ans3ers that 3itness/ 7ictoria &. Sole0a0/ ga e; @. (hat I ha e not/ nor any other person present or assisting coache0 the 3itness regar0ing the 3itness: ans3ers; an0 2. (hat I fully un0erstan0 that any false attestation shall sub=ect 8e to 0isciplinary action/ inclu0ing 0isbar8ent.

IN AI(NESS A$ERE"!/ I ha e hereunto affi9e0 8y signature this +* th 0ay of March @,+2 at Baguio City/ Philippines.

#IONE &LARISSE C% GUE$ARA Counsel for the State

S'BSCRIBE4 AN4 SA"RN to before 8e this +*th 0ay of March @,+2 at Baguio City/ Philippines.

ATT"% !O! ONG Public Attorney I7 Public Attorney:s "ffice Baguio City MC&E Co8pliance No. I7 ,,,,,, "fficer-in-Charge

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