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Technology-Based Module Design

Microsoft Word 2010 Intermediate Skills
Online Module

Lakita Reese

ITEC 8134
Georgia Southern University
November 30, 2012

Technology-Based Module Design:
Microsoft Word 2010 Intermediate Skills
Online Module
Learning Problem
Savannah High School students that have completed the Administrative and Information Support
career pathway have the opportunity to take the Microsoft Office Specialist exam. Last year,
only 3 out of 18 students passed the exam in Microsoft Word. This year, we have an online
resource called Microsoft IT Academy that will help prepare students for the exam. The
Microsoft Word 2010 Intermediate Skills Online Module will incorporate Microsoft IT Academy
resources to better prepare students to pass the exam. The ADDIE Instructional Design model
will be used to plan instruction for this online module.
Steps in ADDIE Activities and Outcomes
Analysis The target learners for this online module are students that have
completed or will complete all three courses in the Administrative and
Information Support pathway by the end of the current school year.
The courses in the Administrative and Information Support career
pathway are: Computer Applications I, Computer Applications II,
and Business Communications and Presentations. Students that
complete this pathway are required to take the Microsoft Office
Specialist exam as their end-of-pathway assessment. The exam will be
given in Microsoft Word 2010. Students that pass will earn a
Microsoft Office Specialist certification. Last year only 3 out of 18
students passed the exam. The goal of the online module is to provide
students with the training they will need to increase their knowledge
and skills in Microsoft Word 2010 so that they will successfully pass
the Microsoft Office Specialist exam.

Learners should have some experience using Microsoft Office 2007
Word or Word 2010 and would like to improve their Word 2010 skills.
Students have basic knowledge of Word 2010; however, their
knowledge and skills are limited because they have recently
transitioned to using Microsoft Word 2010 this school year. In the
previous years, they have used Microsoft Office 2007. The Microsoft
Word 2010 Intermediate Skills Online Module will help students gain
more knowledge and skills in the more advanced topics and features in
Microsoft Word 2010.

Course: Business Communications and Presentations
Grade Level: 11

Design Learning Goals:
Students will learn how to:
Customize Word 2010.
Enhance and review documents.
Share and protect documents.
Create complex documents.
Learning Objectives:
After completing the tasks in this module, students will be able to:
Customize the general and proofing options in Word 2010.
Explain how to customize the Quick Access Toolbar.
Describe how to customize the saving options in Word 2010.
Set the page layout options and apply text effects in a document.
Explain how to reorganize a document.
Insert section breaks in a document.
Add tables and captions to a document.
Insert illustrations in a document.
Review a document.
Explain how to co-author a document.
Describe how to view documents on the Web.
Describe how to view documents by using Word Mobile 2010.
Protect a document.
Insert a table of contents and footnotes in a document.
Create a mail merge and share merged documents.
Instructional Strategy:
Students will log on to Edmodo, which is an educational social networking
site, to receive the daily tasks in the online module. Edmodo will also be
used as platform for students to submit answers to discussion questions. In
addition, the Microsoft IT Academy E-learning platform will be used. In
Microsoft IT Academy, students will receive an introduction to each learning
section, course objectives, video demonstrations, real life scenarios and
examples, hands-on lab assignments, and projects. As students progress
through each section of the module, they will be required to take notes. In
addition, at the completion of each section in Microsoft IT Academys E-
learning platform, they will complete a self-test. The self-test helps the
student assess what they have learned. If a question is answered incorrectly,
the self-assessment gives and explains the correct answer.
Students will also be assigned a pre-assessment and post-assessment. The
pre-assessment will be assigned at the beginning of the online module, and
the post-assessment will be assigned once the entire module is completed.
These assessments will be multiple-choice tests administered through a
website called A final capstone project will be assigned at the end
of the online module. This module will allow students to demonstrate all of
the skills they have gained from completing each section of the module.
Students will use the Notes feature on Edmodo as a way to communicate
with the instructor if they have questions or comments.

See the mockup diagrams in Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C and
Appendix D for an idea of how the course will be structured.
Instructional Activities

Day 1: Getting Starting Video, Pre-Assessment, and Course Overview

Day 2: Customizing Word 2010
*Introduction, Lesson Overview (take notes), Demonstration Video,
Hands-on Lab Activities, Self-tests
Day 3: Enhancing and Reviewing Documents
*Introduction, Lesson Overview (take notes), Demonstration Video,
Hands-on Lab Activities, Self-tests

Day 4: Sharing and Protecting Documents
*Introduction, Lesson Overview (take notes), Demonstration Video,
Hands-on Lab Activities, Self-tests

Day 5: Creating Complex Documents
*Introduction, Lesson Overview (take notes), Demonstration Video,
Hands-on Lab Activities, Self-tests
Day 6-10: Post-Assessment and Capstone Project

Development Materials to be developed:
Getting Started video to introduce students to the online
module and explain how to navigate through Microsoft IT
Academy and the other online module activities.
Module/task sections to be created in Edmodo
Discussion Questions to be assigned on Edmodo
Pre-Assessment and Post-Assessment in
Implementation Assign online learning module to students. Monitor student learning
and progress and make adjustments when necessary. Be available via
email and/or on Edmodo to answer student questions and concerns
relating to the content of the online module.
Evaluation Formative Assessment:
Pre-Assessment on
Discussion Questions, Hands-on projects/labs, Self-tests

Summative Assessment:
Post-Assessment on
Capstone Project

Learning Theory and Justification

The design of my online module aligns with the cognitive information processing theory.
Cognitive information processing involves learning by processing and storing information in
short-term and long-term memory. Some of the elements of cognitive information processing
are: sensory input, gaining attention, chunking information, encoding and rehearsing
information, and retrieving information (Driscoll, 2005, p. 71). The following describes how
each element of my modules design relates to cognitive information processing:
Learning Goals and Objectives
Retrieving Information. The learning goals and objectives of my module are
performance tasks. After students complete the online module, they will have gained certain
skills in Microsoft Word and should be able to demonstrate these skills. They will demonstrate
acquired skills by completing several hands-on lab activities throughout the module as well as
complete a capstone project. In addition, to demonstrating their knowledge of certain features in
Microsoft Word, students will answer discussion questions that will require them to recall
information learned in each section of the module. The ability to demonstrate skills and recall
knowledge aligns to the retrieval process of the cognitive information process theory. In the
retrieval process, previously learned information is brought back to mind, either for the purpose
of understanding some new input or for making a response (Driscoll, 2005, p. 99). In my online
module, students will retrieve information stored in their short-term and long-term memory for
the purpose of giving a response in the form of answering discussion questions as well as
completing hands-on projects.
Instructional Strategy/Activities
Sensory Input (Audio and Visual). Cognitive information processing begins with some
type of sensory input which can be either visual, audio, or both. My online module incorporates
both audio and visual instruction to help students learn and process information. Before learning
the content in the module, students will view a Getting Started video that includes instructions
on how to navigate through the module. This video will contain a demonstration that contains
both audio and visual components. In addition, various sections of the module in Microsoft IT
Academy include video demonstrations that explain and demonstrate the functions of various
Microsoft Word 2010 features.
Gaining attention through highlighting stimulus features. Highlighting stimulus
features includes using color, bold text, typography, and capitalization to focus attention on
instructional materials (Driscoll, 2005 p. 80-81). I use this technique in the outline of each daily
agenda. The learning activities for each day are outlined in a PowerPoint presentation that is
placed in a folder on Edmodo. Students view this daily agenda to help them focus on what is to
be accomplished for that particular day. Some of the text is highlighted in red and the headings
are bolded. Websites are also highlighted in blue text and underlined. Bulleted lists keep the
information organized and easy to read. In addition to the information highlighted in the daily
agendas, all of the content is organized in Microsoft IT Academy to allow students to focus on
each section. All of the headings are bolded and a check mark is placed next to each task that is
successfully completed. The check marks help students to easily focus on what sections they
have completed and the sections they are currently working on.
Chunking to improve short-term memory. The module is broken down into separate
daily activities. The directions for each days activities and the materials needed for each day are
divided into folders on the courses page in Edmodo. The folders are named according to each
day and the topics that will be covered for that day. In addition, in Microsoft IT Academy, the
topics of each module are broken into easy identifiable sections. Each section contains an
introduction, course overview, objectives, tasks, self-tests, and hands-on lab activities. When one
section is completed a check mark is placed next to it to signify that section has been completed.
Encoding and Rehearsing. In order to prevent information from being lost in short-term
memory and to ensure it is transferred to long-term memory, encoding and rehearsing are two
elements that are needed in instruction (Driscoll, 2005, p. 88). Encoding is the process of
relating information to concepts and ideas already in memory (Driscoll, 2005, p. 89). It also
involves organizing information in a meaningful way (Driscoll, 2005, p. 89).To support encoding
in my online module, real-life scenarios and examples are given in each section of the Microsoft
IT Academy modules. Students can relate the information that they are learning to real world
situations and understand why what they are learning is important. Another way my online
module supports encoding is students are required to take notes in their own words as they
progress through each section of the online module.
Rehearsing or practice is also important for information to be stored in short-term and
long-term memory. In my online module, students are introduced to various Microsoft Word
topics. They receive an introduction to each topic, learn how the topic can be applied to a real
world scenario, and view demonstrations on how to carry out certain tasks. Once students read
about a particular topic and view a demonstration, then they are assigned a hands-on lab that
requires them to apply what they have learned. This method allows students to practice the
knowledge and skills they have gained.

Retrieval. Students will complete a pre-test before beginning the activities within the
module. The purpose of the pre-test is to assess the existing knowledge that students currently
have on the Microsoft Word 2010 topics that will be covered in the module. In this stage of
cognitive information processing, students are retrieving knowledge they already know. In
addition to the pre-test, students will take self-tests in each section of the module to help them
self-assess what they have learned. A post-assessment will be administered at the completion of
the online module. This post-assessment assesses the information and knowledge students have
gained and stored in their working memory. In addition to the pre- and post-assessments and
self-tests, students will complete a capstone project. This capstone project will be a hands-on
activity in Microsoft Word that will require students to perform several tasks to produce a
completed project. These tasks relates to all of the skills and knowledge gained from completing
each section of the online module.

Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology for Instruction (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Appendix A

Figure 1-Course Layout in Edmodo

Appendix B

Figure 2-Example of Daily Module Directions in Online Module

Appendix C

Figure 3-Highlighting Stimulus Features to Focus Attention

Appendix D

Figure 4-Microsoft IT Academy Module Structure and Overview

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