Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4

!"#"$%&%'( *+" ,&-#-.%& /-01(" 2!

,/3 4 51%&6 71%0" $-8 *+"8+


SLep 1. Cllck on Lhe buLLon Lo Lake you Lo Lhe 8LM Maln Menu

SLep 2. LnLer cosL lnformaLlon under Module lnpuL by cllcklng on Lhe !"#$% buLLon.

?ellow boxes are requlred user lnpuLs. use Lhe dropdown menus and lnpuL values for unlLs.
Cllck on Lhe buLLon for a more ln-depLh descrlpLlon of each lnpuL.

A &'(% *+,#-.%+ (Module lnpuL) and &'(% /$,,.01 (Module CuLpuL) can only be creaLed for 1 selecLed
beneflclal use aL a Llme. SelecL Lhe beneflclal use for Lhls scenarlo from Lhe drop down menu, and Lhen
proceed Lo enLer all Lhe lnpuLs based on a pro[ecL for Lhe selecLed beneflclal use. ?ou wlll be able Lo
compare mulLlple scenarlos for Lhls same beneflclal use or dlfferenL beneflclal uses, Lhus lL ls advlsable
Lo choose a pro[ecL name wlLh verslons Lo Lrack cosL esLlmaLes for each scenarlo

!"#"$%&%'( *+" ,&-#-.%& /-01(" 2!,/3 4 51%&6 71%0" $-8 *+"8+

ConLlnue populaLlng each yellow box on Lhe lnpuL page. noLe LhaL lnformaLlon ln Lhe whlLe boxes may
change based on Lhe values enLered ln Lhe yellow boxes, Lhls ls because Lhe 8LM pulls some lnformaLlon
from Lhe oLher modules, such as

1he 8LM also llsLs poLenLlal new lnfrasLrucLure LhaL may be needed Lo lmplemenL Lhe selecLed beneflclal
use, however Lhe user may selecL from Lhe drop down menu wheLher Lhls Lype of faclllLy ls needed or
noL needed for Lhe pro[ecL. Cnly faclllLles LhaL are needed wlll be lncluded ln Lhe cosL esLlmaLe.

When compleLe reLurn Lo Lhe 8LM Maln Menu by cllcklng Lhe buLLon.
SLep 3. vlew and edlL Lhe cosL esLlmaLe under Module lnpuL by cllcklng on Lhe &'(% *+,#-.%+ buLLon.

1he &'(% *+,#-.%+ represenLs a plannlng level cosL esLlmaLe based on a Lyplcal unlL cosL approach
[usLlflable for munlclpal pro[ecLs aL a feaslblllLy plannlng level.

1he esLlmaLed caplLal and C&M cosLs are lnLended Lo be used for comparaLlve purposes Lo assess Lhe
relaLlve feaslblllLy of dlfferenL beneflclal uses based on Lhe waLer quallLy lnpuL, LreaLmenL Lechnology
selecLlon Lool ouLpuL, and pro[ecL screenlng Lool assumpLlons. 1hls cosL esLlmaLe ls developed aL a Class
3 level represenLlng lannlng Lo leaslblllLy level lnformaLlon wlLh an esLlmaLe accuracy range beLween -
30 and +30.

&'(% *+,#-.%+ 2(+0 3#%4'"(5
- values ln 678 can be modlfled by Lhe user Lo more accuraLely reflecL Lhe cosLs and/or quanLlLles ln a
parLlcular reglon or for a parLlcular pro[ecL.
- values ln 9:;&< represenL prevlously enLered user lnpuL or ouLpuL from Lhe WCM, 1SM or 8SM,
whlch cannoL be changed, Lhough modlflcaLlons of user lnpuL wlll change some of Lhe cells.
- lf values ln 678 have been changed, Lhe user can resLore Lhe defaulL values by cllcklng on Lhe
buLLon Lo Lhe rlghL.
- Cnce Lhe user ls saLlsfled wlLh Lhe scenarlo, lL can be saved Lo Lhe &',#.0+ /=+".04'( (Module
CuLpuL) %.> by cllcklng on Lhe buLLon Lo Lhe rlghL. 1hls wlll allow Lhe user Lo compare
mulLlple beneflclal uses or varlaLlons on a pro[ecL scenarlo based on Lhe resulLs from Lhe four
modules and user selecLed lnpuLs.
!"#"$%&%'( *+" ,&-#-.%& /-01(" 2!,/3 4 51%&6 71%0" $-8 *+"8+

When Lhe user ls saLlsfled wlLh Lhe cosL esLlmaLe for Lhe currenL scenarlo, reLurn Lo Lhe 8LM Maln
Menu by cllcklng Lhe buLLon.
SLep 4. lrom Lhe 8LM Maln Menu, under Module CuLpuL, selecL &'(%
/$,,.01 Lo vlew a summary of Lhe range of esLlmaLed caplLal and
annuallzed cosL for pro[ecL scenarlo presenLed ln Lhe CosL
1emplaLe. no user lnpuL ls requlred for Lhls worksheeL

1he summary Lables provlde Lhe user wlLh an esLlmaLed range of cosLs for a slmple Lo complex
pro[ecL and allows for comparlson Lo Lhe currenL cosL of dlsposal (as enLered by Lhe user)

A range of poLenLlal values for Lhe produced waLer, or soclal, envlronmenLal or oLher beneflLs
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe SelecLed 8eneflclal use are also provlded. 1hese values wlll vary slgnlflcanLly by
locaLlon and upon slLe speclflc condlLlons and are lnLended Lo provlde a broad assessmenL of
opporLunlLles LhaL may poLenLlally be avallable Lo supporL Lhe beneflclal re-use produced waLer.
oLenLlal Lmlsslons values are based on energy Lype and pro[ecL demands are also calculaLed. lf Lhe
user enLers Lhe LsLlmaLed Lnergy 8equlred for CurrenL ulsposal (kWh energy per barrel) ln Lhe lasL
llne of Lhe 8LM lnpuL Lab Lhen a oLenLlal Lmlsslons CffseL, or avolded emlsslons, can be calculaLed.
1hese values wlll vary slgnlflcanLly by locaLlon, energy source, slLe speclflc condlLlons, energy
markeL, and Lhe accuracy of Lhe esLlmaLed energy for currenL dlsposal.

SLep 3. lrom Lhe 8LM Maln Menu, under Module CuLpuL, selecL &',#.0+
/=+".04'( Lo compare mulLlple beneflclal uses or varlaLlons on Lhe same
beneflclal use for Lhe memorlallzed pro[ecL scenarlos based on user lnpuLs
and Lhe resulLs from Lhe WCM and 1SM.

!"#"$%&%'( *+" ,&-#-.%& /-01(" 2!,/3 4 51%&6 71%0" $-8 *+"8+

- Lach Llme Lhe user cllcks on Lhe buLLon on Lhe &'(% *+,#-.%+ worksheeL, a new column
ls added wlLh a new Scenarlo number.
- 1he user can cllck on Lo remove Lhe lasL Scenarlo creaLed or Lhe user can hlghllghL any
column and hold CLrl and Lhe - key LogeLher Lo deleLe a Scenarlo column LhaL ls no longer needed.
- 1he lnformaLlon summarlzed ln Lhe &',#.0+ /=+".04'( Lable cannoL be modlfled by Lhe user.

1he user can selecL Lhe llnks llsLed Lo Lhe rlghL Lo see supporLlng lnformaLlon for Lhe 8LM.

1he ;(($,#%4'"( worksheeL provldes caplLal cosLs, unlL cosLs, equlpmenL llfe, cosL, and calculaLlon
assumpLlons LhaL are used ln Lhe &'(% *+,#-.%+ Lo deLermlne Lhe Lnglneer's Cplnlon of robable
CosLs. ConLlngencles, and defaulL values supporLlng Lhe 8LM are also provlded. 1he 7?6 worksheeL
provldes lnformaLlon for escalaLlng cosLs, based on Lhe Lnglneerlng news 8ecord (Ln8) CosL lndex
hlsLorlcal monLhly lndlces for uallas, 1x, and uenver, CC from !an 2004 Lo !an 2010.
1he user can perform numerous pro[ecL scenarlos for a slngle beneflclal use or for mulLlple
beneflclal uses LhaL uLlllze Lhe same waLer quallLy and quanLlLy from Lhe same pro[ecL locaLlon.

lf Lhe user chooses Lo change Lhe pro[ecL locaLlon or waLer quallLy and quanLlLy, Lhe user should
reLurn Lo Lhe WaLer CuallLy Module by cllcklng on Lhe buLLon and begln agaln.
lor Lxample, Lhe &'"@+0(4'"(
worksheeL provldes a Lable of how
Lo converL beLween Lhe unlLs.

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