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(AI1 - o)
College of Pome Lconomlcs
unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplnes, ulllman, Cuezon ClLy

1he reamb|e
1he sLudenLs of lood 1echnology of Lhe unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplnes ulllman, lmplorlng Lhe
ald of Lhe dlvlne rovldence, ln order Lo form, esLabllsh and malnLaln assoclaLlon whlch shall
embody Lhelr ldeals, fosLer research, encourage Lhe dlssemlnaLlon of Lechnlcal knowledge ln Lhe
fleld of food sclence and Lechnology, ald members ln Lhelr academlc pursulLs, develop responslble
and dynamlc leadershlp ln worklng LogeLher for Lhe general welfare and lnLeresLs of Lhe members,
hereby promulgaLe Lhe consLlLuLlon.

Art|c|e I
Sect|on 1. Cff|c|a| Name
1hls organlzaLlon shall be named hlllpplne AssoclaLlon of lood 1echnologlsLs- Alpha
ChapLer, hereln Lo be referred Lo as Al1-Alpha.

Sect|on 2. M|ss|on-V|s|on Statement
M|ss|on: 1o lead Lhe lood 1echnology undergraduaLe sLudenLs wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy (unlverslLy of
Lhe hlllpplnes, ulllman Campus) ln achlevlng Lhe same goals and ob[ecLlves ln response Lo Lhe
fleld of lood Sclence and 1echnology.
V|s|on: Al1-Alpha would be Lhe organlzaLlon whlch shall embody academlc excellence and shall
promoLe culLural developmenL of soclally responslble and communlLy-orlenLed lood 1echnology

Sect|on 3. Dec|arat|on of r|nc|p|e and o||c|es
1. 1he Al1-Alpha shall acL as a llalson beLween food Lechnology sLudenLs, on one hand
and Lhe lood Sclence and nuLrlLlon ueparLmenL, Lhe College, Lhe unlverslLy, Lhe Al1 lnc., and
Lhe oLher Al1 sLudenL and faculLy chapLers on Lhe oLher hand, and shall cooperaLe wlLh Lhe
campus organlzaLlons.
2. 1he Al1-Alpha shall promoLe !"!#$%&", soclal, culLural and recreaLlonal developmenL
of members.
3. 1he Al1-Alpha shall respecL Lhe personal vlews of each member and shall exhlblL
lmparLlallLy as an organlzaLlon.

Art|c|e II

1he logo of Lhe Al1-Alpha ls made up of Lwo ma[or componenLs - Lhe ovaLe-shaped leaf and Lhe
Lrlenmeyer flask. Lmbedded ln Lhe blg leaf are slx leafleLs - flve of whlch are connecLed by sLem
and peLloles, and one ls separaLed. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe Lrlenmeyer flask conLalns a gllLLer of
1he ma[or componenLs and subcomponenLs have Lhe followlng lnLerpreLaLlons:
'(!)$*+,!-$# /$!01 1he ovaLe-shaped leaf symbollzes food. lL orlglnaLed from a green
planL, Lhe only llvlng Lhlng LhaL can manufacLure lLs own food, where oLher llvlng organlsms
depend, and lnLerdepend, for growLh, developmenL and survlval.
2&($ /$!0/$)+ "344$")$# 56 ! +)$% !4# -$)&3/$+1 1hese represenL Lhe flve (3) ob[ecLlves of
Lhe Al1- Alpha as sLlpulaLed ln Lhe preamble, namely: 1) Lo embody Lhelr ldeals, 2) Lo fosLer
research, 3) Lo encourage Lhe dlssemlnaLlon of Lechnlcal knowledge ln Lhe fleld of food sclence
and Lechnology, 4) Lo ald members ln Lhelr academlc pursulLs, and 3) Lo develop responslble and
dynamlc leadershlp ln worklng LogeLher for Lhe general welfare and lnLeresL of lLs members.
7)$% !4# -$)&3/$+1 1hese symbollze Lhe relaLedness, harmony and lnLegrlLy of Lhe flve
ob[ecLlves of Lhe organlzaLlon.
834$ +$-!9!)$# +%!// /$!01 All Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe Al1-Alpha are paLLerned afLer Lhe
moLher unlL (Al1 lnc.) whlch has slx (6) ob[ecLlves sLlpulaLed ln Lhe preamble. Powever, one of
Lhe ob[ecLlves - Lo promoLe professlonallsm -ls beyond Lhe realm of Lhe Alpha ChapLer, hence, lL
ls deleLed. 1hls lone separaLed small leaf Lherefore symbollzes Lhls ob[ecLlve.
All Lhe subcomponenLs are engraved ln Lhe blg leaf Lo LhaL Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe
organlzaLlon are essenLlally and lnLrlnslcally valuable ln food processlng.

:9/$4%$6$9 0/!+;1 1hls symbollzes all relevanL Lechnologles necessary ln lmparLlng and
ensurlng uLmosL physlcal, chemlcal, mlcroblologlcal, nuLrlLlonal, aesLheLlc, and palaLable quallLles
on food, and/or food-llke subsLances.
:4<9!($# </$!% 30 /&<,)1 1hls slgnlfles Lhe manlfold perLlnenL sclenLlflc sLudles LhaL are
lncorporaLed and applled ln food Lechnology for lLs conLlnuous growLh and developmenL. LlghL ls
parLlally absorbed before belng reflecLed, parLlal absorpLlon parallels lncorporaLlon of relevanL
sLudles and reflecLlon/sclnLlllaLlon connoLes Lhe beneflclal appllcaLlon of Lhe former. 1he </$!% of
llghL ls engraved Lo emphaslze lLs lnherenL slgnlflcance.

Art|c|e III
Sect|on 1. Def|n|t|on
new and conLlnulng members, who are accepLed ln Al1-Alpha ln a manner deLermlned by
Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee, revlewed by Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and presenLed Lo Lhe Ceneral
Assembly shall be members of Al1-Alpha.

Sect|on 2. App||cat|on for Membersh|p
AppllcaLlon for membershlp ls recelved by Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee and processed
accordlng Lo Lhe commlLLee's exlsLlng pollcles and regulaLlons.
Changes and/or new acLlvlLles planned by Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee for Lhe appllcaLlon
process musL be presenLed Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and Lhe Ceneral Assembly.
1he quallflcaLlons for appllcaLlon for membershlp are as follows:
1. AppllcanLs Lo Lhe Al1-Alpha musL be enrolled ln Lhe 8.S. lood 1echnology program.
2. 1he appllcanLs who wanL Lo [oln Lhe organlzaLlon musL have aL leasL one remalnlng
academlc year as an acLlve member before Lhey graduaLe.
3. lnLeresLed lndlvlduals can only undergo Lhe appllcaLlon process Lwlce, unless oLherwlse
evaluaLed by Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee havlng been presenLed wlLh
[usLlflable reason.

Sect|on 3. C|ass|f|cat|on of Members
1here shall be four klnds of membershlp Lo Lhe Al1-Alpha:
1. Act|ve members.
All members who are currenLly enrolled ln Lhe 8S lood 1echnology program and fulflll duLles
and obllgaLlons sLaLed ln Lhe consLlLuLlon shall be classlfled as acLlve members.
All members who have renewed Lhelr membershlp and pald correspondlng fees.
lallure Lo comply wlLh boLh condlLlons, hls/her membershlp wlll be revlewed by Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee and severe negllgence of duLles may Lhen lead Lo expulslon.

2. Inact|ve members.
Members who have obLalned a leave of absence from Lhe unlverslLy are auLomaLlcally
consldered Lo be lnacLlve from Al1-Alpha and are noL requlred Lo flll up a reafflrmaLlon form.
Members who have obLalned a leave of absence from Al1-Alpha musL submlL a formal leLLer
addressed Lo Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee head sLaLlng reasons why Lhey are golng Lo be lnacLlve.
lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe sald requlremenLs wlll resulL ln Lhelr auLomaLlc expulslon from Lhe
organlzaLlon. Members who are compleLlng responslblllLy (resldency) have Lhe prerogaLlve Lo be
an acLlve member.
Members who have obLalned a leave of absence from Al1-Alpha musL be free of any flnanclal
accounLablllLles from Lhe organlzaLlon.

3. nonorary members.
Members who have Lransferred/shlfLed Lo oLher courses buL would sLlll wanL Lo reLaln Lhelr
membershlp. 1hese members shall sLlll comply wlLh Lhe duLles and obllgaLlons of acLlve members
and shall renew Lhelr membershlp and pay correspondlng fees.

4. robat|onary members.
Members who have falled Lo meeL Lhe requlred number of meeLlngs and acLlvlLles for
Lwo consecuLlve semesLers.
1he rlghLs and duLles of probaLlonary members are under Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe
Membershlp CommlLLee, revlewed and approved by Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.

Sect|on 4. Cont|nu|ng App||cants
1hese are appllcanLs who have compleLed all requlremenLs and were lnvlLed Lo Lhe llnal 8lLes
buL were noL able Lo aLLend. 1hese appllcanLs musL submlL a formal leLLer addressed Lo Lhe
Membershlp CommlLLee head sLaLlng reasons why Lhey wlll noL be able Lo aLLend Lhe llnal 8lLes.
lallure Lo aLLend Lhe nexL llnal 8lLes wlll requlre Lhe appllcanL Lo reapply.
1he rlghLs and duLles of conLlnulng appllcanLs are under Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe Membershlp
CommlLLee, revlewed by Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and approved upon by Lhe Ceneral Assembly.

Art|c|e IV
Sect|on 1. k|ghts of Act|ve Members
1. lL shall be Lhe rlghL of each member Lo carry Lhe name of Lhe Al1-Alpha and Lo
represenL Lhe Al1-Alpha ln offlclal funcLlons.
2. lL shall be Lhe rlghL of each member Lo avall of Lhe servlces of Lhe Al1-Alpha.
3. lL shall be Lhe rlghL of each member Lo voLe.

4. lL shall be Lhe rlghL of each member Lo be accorded due process before any dlsclpllnary
acLlon ls Laken agalnsL hlm/her.
3. lL shall be Lhe rlghL of each member Lo negoLlaLe lf Lhe dlsclpllnary acLlon deLermlned by
Lhe execuLlve commlLLee ls un[usL.

Sect|on 2. Dut|es of Act|ve Members
1. All members are requlred Lo renew Lhelr membershlp every semesLer.
2. lL shall be Lhe duLy of each member Lo know and obey Lhe consLlLuLlon and by-laws of
Lhe Al1-Alpha.
3. lL shall be Lhe duLy of each member Lo aLLend aL leasL 60 of Lhe number of meeLlngs.
lallure Lo comply wlll resulL ln Warnlng SLaLus.
4. lL shall be Lhe duLy of each member Lo engage ln 60 of Lhe LoLal commlLLee work and
parLlclpaLe acLlvely ln Lhe affalrs of Lhe Al1-Alpha. lallure Lo comply wlll resulL ln Warnlng
3. lL shall be Lhe duLy of each member Lo voLe when called for.
6. lL shall be Lhe duLy of each member Lo pay a membershlp fee and oLher flnanclal
obllgaLlons on or before Lhe due daLe seL by Lhe llnance CommlLLee.
7. lL shall be Lhe duLy of each member Lo perform Lo Lhe besL of hls/her ablllLy any [ob LhaL
may be asslgned Lo hlm/her by Lhe Al1-Alpha.

Art|c|e V
Sect|on 1. 1he Cff|cers
1. Def|n|t|on. 1he offlcers of Lhe Al1-Alpha shall conslsL of a resldenL, a vlce resldenL
for lnLernal Affalrs, a vlce resldenL for LxLernal Affalrs, a SecreLary, a 1reasurer, a vlce resldenL
for Academlc Affalrs, and a Chalrperson for Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee.

2. ua||f|cat|ons for Cff|cers.
All elecLed offlcers should be acLlve members of Lhe Al1-Alpha for aL leasL one academlc
year lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe elecLlon.
1he offlcers may apply for membershlp ln any oLher organlzaLlon wlLhln Lhe unlverslLy durlng
Lhelr Lerm provlded LhaL Lhelr lnLenLlon Lo apply for membershlp has been presenLed Lo and
approved by Lhe Ceneral Assembly. A wrlLLen conLracL shall be agreed upon Lhe approval of Lhe
Ceneral Assembly Lo slgnlfy Lhelr approval as well as Lo ensure LhaL Lhe offlcer/s wlll noL neglecL
Lhelr duLles.
1he offlcers should noL be a parL of Lhe execuLlve commlLLee ln any oLher organlzaLlon wlLhln
Lhe unlverslLy durlng Lhelr Lerm ln Al1-Alpha.
Cfflcers should noL have any flnanclal accounLablllLy from Lhe organlzaLlon durlng Lhe
prevlous semesLer.
1he offlcers shall be elecLed Lhrough secreL balloLlng by Lhe quallfled voLers of Lhe
1he Lerm of Lhe offlcers shall sLarL rlghL afLer Lhelr lnducLlon and shall end on Lhe sLarL of Lhe
Lerm of Lhe nexL seL of offlcers.
1he newly elecLed offlcers shall be responslble for any plans and acLlvlLles durlng summer.

Sect|on 2. 1he Iacu|ty Adv|ser
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall choose a faculLy advlser for a Lerm of one academlc year. ln
case of reslgnaLlon of Lhe advlser, Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall lmmedlaLely choose a
replacemenL ln a slmllar manner.

Art|c|e VI
Sect|on 1. owers and Dut|es of the res|dent
1. 1he resldenL shall head Lhe Al1-Alpha and represenL Lhe organlzaLlon ln offlclal
2. 1he resldenL shall convene and preslde over meeLlngs of Lhe Ceneral Assembly.
3. 1he resldenL shall be Lhe chalrperson of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.
4. 1he resldenL shall exerclse general supervlslon over all Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe
3. 1he resldenL shall have emergency power of appolnLmenL.
6. 1ogeLher wlLh Lhe secreLary, she/he shall slgn mlnuLes of Lhe meeLlngs of Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee and Lhe Ceneral Assembly, and slmllar correspondence lnsLrumenL.
7. 1ogeLher wlLh Lhe Lreasurer she/he shall slgn bllls, accounLs and semesLral flnanclal
reporLs of Lhe organlzaLlon.
8. She/he shall exerclse oLher powers and perform oLher duLles LhaL Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee and/or Ceneral Assembly may asslgn hlm/her occaslonally.

Sect|on 2. owers and Dut|es of the V|ce res|dent for Interna| Affa|rs
1. 1he vlce resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs shall asslsL Lhe execuLlve funcLlons of Lhe
2. 1he vlce resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs shall assume Lhe power and duLles of Lhe
presldenL durlng Lhe laLLer's absence or lncapaclLy.

3. 1he vlce resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs shall be Lhe chalrperson of Lhe lnLernal Affalrs
CommlLLee and coordlnaLe all lnLernal acLlvlLles of Lhe organlzaLlon.
4. 1he vlce resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs and Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson shall
Lake charge of dlsLrlbuLlng Lhe appllcanLs lnLo Lhelr respecLlve commlLLees for apprenLlceshlps.

Sect|on 3. owers and Dut|es of the V|ce res|dent for Lxterna| Affa|rs
1. 1he vlce resldenL for LxLernal Affalrs shall be Lhe chalrperson of Lhe LxLernal Affalrs
CommlLLee and shall coordlnaLe all exLernal acLlvlLles of Lhe assoclaLlon.
2. 1he vlce resldenL for LxLernal Affalrs shall asslsL Lhe 1reasurer ln Lhe fund ralslng
acLlvlLles of Lhe organlzaLlon.
3. 1he vlce resldenL for LxLernal Affalrs shall represenL Lhe assoclaLlon ln Lhe meeLlngs of
Lhe campus organlzaLlons.

Sect|on 4. owers and Dut|es of the Secretary
1. 1he SecreLary shall be Lhe chalrperson of Lhe 8ecords and llles CommlLLee and shall
keep mlnuLes of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and Ceneral Assembly.
2. 1he SecreLary shall flle and malnLaln an up-Lo-daLe dlrecLory of acLlve members.
3. 1he SecreLary shall Lake care of Lhe records of Lhe Al1-Alpha.
4. 1he SecreLary shall be responslble for Lhe dlssemlnaLlon of Lhe perLlnenL lnformaLlon
and announcemenLs on Lhe bulleLln board.
3. 1he SecreLary shall prepare a semesLral reporL of Lhe accompllshed acLlvlLles of Lhe
organlzaLlon Lo be presenLed Lo Lhe Ceneral Assembly.

Sect|on S. owers and Dut|es of the 1reasurer
1. 1he 1reasurer shall be Lhe chalrperson of Lhe llnance CommlLLee and shall be Lhe
offlclal cusLodlan of Lhe funds of Lhe organlzaLlon.
2. 1he 1reasurer LogeLher wlLh Lhe llnance CommlLLee members shall collecL all
membershlp dues and fees.
3. 1he 1reasurer shall Lake charge of purchases and dlsbursemenL of funds upon Lhe
approval of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.
4. 1he 1reasurer and Lhe resldenL shall slgn all Lhe documenLs and bllls of Lhe
3. 1he 1reasurer shall submlL a deLalled flnanclal reporL when called for and semesLral
flnanclal reporL of Lhe organlzaLlon Lo be presenLed Lo Lhe Ceneral Assembly.

Sect|on 6. owers and Dut|es of the V|ce res|dent for Academ|c Affa|rs
1. 1he vlce resldenL for Academlc Affalrs shall spearhead Lhe Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee
and shall coordlnaLe all lnLernal and exLernal academlc acLlvlLles of Lhe organlzaLlon.
2. 1he Academlc CommlLLee Pead shall be responslble for Lhe procuremenL and
malnLenance of supplles and faclllLles Lo help Lhe members ln Lhelr academlc pursulLs.
3. 1he Academlc CommlLLee Pead shall supervlse Lhe malnLenance of Lhe mlnl-llbrary,
LuLorlals and fleld Lrlps of Lhe organlzaLlon.

Sect|on 7. owers and Dut|es of the Membersh|p Comm|ttee Cha|rperson
1. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson shall head and choose Lhe members of Lhe
Membershlp commlLLee.
2. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson, LogeLher wlLh Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee
members, shall ouLllne Lhe rules and guldellnes for Lhe membershlp appllcaLlon of Al1-Alpha.
3. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson, LogeLher wlLh Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee
members, shall declde Lhe accepLance of new members based on Lhe rules and guldellnes seL.
4. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson shall recommend suspenslon or expulslon of a
dellnquenL member upon approval of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.
3. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson shall asslgn Lhe members ln Lhelr respecLlve
commlLLees where Lhey are mosL sulLed.
6. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson and Lhe vlce resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs shall
Lake charge of dlsLrlbuLlng Lhe appllcanLs lnLo Lhelr respecLlve commlLLees for apprenLlceshlps.

Art|c|e VII
Sect|on 1. 1he Lxecut|ve Comm|ttee
1. ComposlLlon
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall be composed of all Lhe offlcers as deflned by =9)&"/$ >?@ 7$"1
2. owers and uuLles
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe resldenL.
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall be responslble for maklng long Lerm plans aL Lhe beglnnlng of
Lhe year and approprlaLlng funds for Lhe acLlvlLles as may be necessary for Lhelr execuLlon.
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall revlew Lhe appolnLmenL of commlLLee and commlLLee
members prepared by Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee.
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall creaLe speclal commlLLees when Lhe need arlses and appolnL
Lhe chalrperson of Lhe sald commlLLee.

1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall revlew Lhe accepLance of members.
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall hear and declde all cases of dlsclpllnary acLlon.
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall execuLe a formal Lurnover of responslblllLles Lo Lhe newly
elecLed offlcers of Lhe organlzaLlon as soon as Lhe Lerm of Lhe laLLer beglns.
3. MeeLlngs
1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall meeL aL leasL once a monLh.
Speclal meeLlngs may be called by Lhe resldenL when Lhe need arlses and shall have Lhe same
requlremenLs and auLhorlLy of a regular meeLlng.
Any LxecuLlve CommlLLee member may call a speclal meeLlng upon Lhe acknowledgemenL of
Lhe resldenL.

Sect|on 2. Interna| Affa|rs Comm|ttee
1. 1he lnLernal Affalrs CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe vlce resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs.
2. 1he lnLernal Affalrs CommlLLee shall be composed of aL leasL Lhree members chosen by
Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee, presenLed Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and approved by Lhe vlce
resldenL for lnLernal Affalrs.
3. 1he lnLernal Affalrs CommlLLee shall be responslble for Lhe managemenL and
organlzaLlon of acLlvlLles for Lhe soclal and culLural developmenL of Lhe members.

Sect|on 3. Lxterna| Affa|rs Comm|ttee
1. 1he LxLernal Affalrs CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe vlce resldenL for LxLernal Affalrs.
2. 1he LxLernal Affalrs CommlLLee shall be composed of aL leasL Lhree members chosen by
Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee, presenLed Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and approved by Lhe vlce
resldenL for LxLernal Affalrs.
3. 1he LxLernal Affalrs CommlLLee shall be responslble for Lhe sLudenL-faculLy and alumnl
relaLlons and Lhe esLabllshmenL of conLacLs wlLh persons, agencles and organlzaLlons ouLslde Lhe
Al1-Alpha such as Al1 lnc. and oLher Al1 chapLers.

Sect|on 4. kecords and I||es Comm|ttee
1. 1he 8ecords and llles CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe SecreLary.
2. 1he 8ecords and llles CommlLLee shall be composed of aL leasL Lhree members chosen
by Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee, presenLed Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and approved by Lhe
3. 1he 8ecords and llles CommlLLee shall asslsL Lhe SecreLary ln hls/her funcLlons.
4. 1he 8ecords and llles CommlLLee shall keep records of all drafLs, resoluLlons,
correspondence, consLlLuLlon and by-laws, rules promulgaLed by Lhe dlfferenL commlLLees and
oLher lmporLanL papers of Lhe Al1-Alpha.
3. 1he 8ecords and llles CommlLLee shall be responslble for organlzlng exhlblLs and oLher
relaLed acLlvlLles.

Sect|on S. I|nance Comm|ttee
1. 1he llnance CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe 1reasurer.
2. 1he llnance CommlLLee shall be composed of aL leasL Lhree members chosen by Lhe
Membershlp CommlLLee, presenLed Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and approved by Lhe 1reasurer.
3. 1he llnance CommlLLee shall collecL membershlp fees and correspondlng fees.
4. 1he llnance CommlLLee shall be responslble for Lhe plannlng of all fund ralslng acLlvlLles
of Lhe Al1-Alpha.
3. 1he llnance CommlLLee shall coordlnaLe wlLh oLher commlLLees regardlng fund-ralslng
6. 1he llnance CommlLLee shall keep Lhe record of all purchases, dlsbursemenLs and asseLs
of Lhe organlzaLlon.

Sect|on 6. Academ|c Affa|rs Comm|ttee
1. 1he Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe vlce resldenL for Academlc Affalrs.
2. 1he Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee shall be composed of aL leasL Lhree members chosen
by Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee, presenLed Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and approved by Lhe vlce
resldenL for Academlc Affalrs.
3. 1he Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee shall be responslble for organlzlng semlnars, lecLures,
symposla, fleld Lrlps, and oLher relaLed acLlvlLles.
4. 1he Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee shall render LuLorlals for lood 1echnology sLudenLs.
3. 1he Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee shall be accounLable for Lhe procuremenL and
malnLenance of supplles and faculLles of Lhe mlnl-llbrary.
6. 1he Academlc Affalrs CommlLLee shall be responslble for seLLlng Lhe rules and guldellnes
ln Lhe use of Lhe mlnl-llbrary.

Sect|on 7. Membersh|p Comm|ttee
1. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall be led by Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee Chalrperson.
2. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall be composed of aL leasL Lhree members chosen by
Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee and approved by Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.
3. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall formulaLe rules on program acLlvlLles for Lhe
appllcaLlon and accepLance of Lhe members sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee
and Lhe Ceneral Assembly.
4. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall submlL Lhe llsL of new members for Lhe revlew of Lhe
LxecuLlve CommlLLee.


3. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall declde on Lhe reslgnaLlon of members sub[ecL Lo Lhe
approval of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.
6. 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall handle Lhe prosecuLlon of any errlng members.

Sect|on 8. Comm|ss|on on L|ect|ons
1. 1here shall be an lndependenL Commlsslon on LlecLlons (CCMLLLC) composed of a
Chalrperson and Lhree oLher volunLary commlssloners who have been acLlve members for aL leasL
a year and graduaLlng for LhaL semesLer wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe faculLy advlser.
2. 1he CCMLLLC shall be formed aL leasL Lwo weeks before Lhe elecLlon perlod.
3. 1he CCMLLLC shall have Lhe followlng powers and funcLlons:
1. romulgaLe and enforce rules and regulaLlons regardlng Lhe elecLlon
procedure LhaL wlll be presenLed Lo Lhe Ceneral Assembly prlor Lo Lhe elecLlon perlod.
2. 8e Lhe sole [udge of all conLenLs relaLlng Lo Lhe elecLlon and
dlsquallflcaLlon of nomlnees as deflned by =9)&"/$ ?.
3. SubmlL Lo Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee and presenL Lo Lhe Ceneral
Assembly a reporL on Lhe resulL and conducL of Lhe elecLlon.

Art|c|e VIII
Sect|on 1. ua||f|cat|on of Voters
1. All voLers should be acLlve members of Lhe Al1-Alpha.
2. Any appllcanL or member on probaLlon LhaL has been offlclally accepLed before Lhe
elecLlon daLe ls quallfled Lo voLe.

Sect|on 2. L|ect|on er|od

ueflnlLlon. 1he elecLlon perlod shall lnclude Lhe end of Lhe nomlnaLlon perlod, campalgn, and
elecLlon proper.
1. 1he elecLlon perlod shall be held durlng Lhe lasL monLh of Lhe currenL academlc year.
2. 1he campalgn perlod shall begln on Lhe second week of Lhe elecLlon perlod and end on
Lhe day before Lhe elecLlon proper.
3. ln Lhe case of Lles beLween Lhe candldaLes, a speclal elecLlon shall be held on a daLe seL
by Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons.
4. roclamaLlon of Lhe wlnners shall be made upon compleLlon of voLe counL.
3. All appeals regardlng Lhe wlnners shall be heard for a perlod of one week afLer Lhe
6. All resulLs afLer Lhe appeal perlod shall be consldered flnal.

Sect|on 3. Vot|ng rocedures
1. voLlng shall be done Lhrough secreL balloLlng.
2. 8alloLs may be dropped ln boxes provlded for and guarded by Lhe Commlsslon on
LlecLlons (CCMLLLC).
3. 8alloLs may be casL anyLlme durlng Lhe LlecLlon uay.
4. All voLes shall be counLed by Lhe CCMLLLC afLer 3:00 pm. Any voLers may waLch Lhe
3. 8alloLs and Lhe masLer llsL shall be dlsposed off properly a week afLer Lhe proclamaLlon
of wlnners.

Sect|on 4. Nom|nat|ons
1. Any acLlve member of Lhe Al1-Alpha for aL leasL one academlc year lmmedlaLely
precedlng Lhe elecLlon may be nomlnaLed Lo run for offlce.
2. Any member who has a plan of applylng Leave of Absence (LCA) for Lhe proceedlng
academlc year cannoL be nomlnaLed.
3. Cuallfled members who have been nomlnaLed for more Lhan one poslLlon shall accepL
only one poslLlon of Lhelr cholce.
4. nomlnaLlons shall be made only by quallfled voLers.
3. ln cases of only one nomlnee for a poslLlon, Lhe mlnlmum number of voLers ln hls/her
favor should reach a quorum.
6. nomlnaLlon leLLers shall be glven Lo nomlnees aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe elecLlon perlod.
7. 1he nomlnees shall be glven an allowance of Lhree days Lo respond, wheLher Lo accepL
or re[ecL Lhe nomlnaLlon leLLers.

Art|c|e Ik
Sect|on 1. Compos|t|on
1he Ceneral Assembly shall be composed of all acLlve members of Lhe Al1-Alpha.

Sect|on 2. owers and Dut|es
1. 1he Ceneral Assembly ls Lhe hlghesL pollcy-maklng body of Lhe Al1-Alpha. lL shall
approve and Lake charge of Lhe acLlvlLles, underLaklngs and lncome-generaLlng pro[ecLs of Lhe
2. 1hrough a quorum of lLs acLlve members, lL may reverse declslons or pollcles made by
Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee.
3. 1he Ceneral Assembly shall elecL Lhe offlcers of Lhe Al1-Alpha durlng Lhe scheduled
elecLlon perlod.


Sect|on 3. Meet|ngs
1. 1he LxecuLlve CommlLLee ls advlsed Lo convene aL leasL once a monLh.
2. 1he Ceneral Assembly ls advlsed Lo convene aL leasL once a monLh.
3. All commlLLees are advlsed Lo convene separaLely aL leasL once a monLh.
4. An aLLendance of flfLy-percenL plus one consLlLuLes a quorum.
3. 1he presence of a quorum shall be necessary for Lhe approval of all ma[or conLracLs,
buslness LransacLlons and underLaklngs enLered by Lhe organlzaLlon.
6. Speclal meeLlngs may be called by Lhe resldenL, any member of Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee, or upon Lhe requesL of aL leasL one-Lhlrd of Lhe Ceneral Assembly and shall have Lhe
same auLhorlLy and requlremenL as LhaL of a regular meeLlng.
Sect|on 4. Lxcused Absences
ueflnlLlon: An absence ls excused when Lhe Llme of Lhe meeLlng or acLlvlLy colncldes wlLh a class
or any valld academlc reason such as an exam or educaLlonal Lrlp.
1. Members who wlsh Lo excuse Lhemselves from a meeLlng or acLlvlLy should Lell Lhelr
commlLLee chalrperson beforehand.
2. 1he commlLLee chalrperson should check Lhe valldlLy of Lhe members' reason for Lhem Lo be
3. AccumulaLed excused absences shall be deducLed from Lhe LoLal number of meeLlngs and
acLlvlLles for Lhe semesLer.

Art|c|e k
Sect|on 1. kes|gnat|on from AI1-A|pha
1. 8eslgnaLlon may be made only by members who have no admlnlsLraLlve and flnanclal
2. Any reslgned member wlshlng Lo reLurn Lo Lhe organlzaLlon shall be accepLed only upon
Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe Membershlp CommlLLee and Lhe approval of Lhe LxecuLlve

Sect|on 2. kes|gnat|on from Cff|ce
1. 8eslgnaLlon wlll be enLerLalned only afLer submlsslon of a formal reslgnaLlon leLLer
addressed Lo Lhe faculLy advlser.
2. 8eslgnaLlon can be made only by offlcers who have lefL no admlnlsLraLlve and flnanclal
3. Approval of Lhe reslgnaLlon shall be Lhrough a quorum of Lhe Ceneral Assembly.
4. vacancles resulLlng from Lhe reslgnaLlon of offlcers of Lhe organlzaLlon shall be fllled
Lhrough a speclal elecLlon called for by Lhe CCMLLLC a week afLer Lhe accepLance of Lhe

Sect|on 3. Warn|ng
1. Any acLlve member may be warned for any of Lhe followlng reasons:
a. 8ecommendaLlon by hls/her commlLLee chalrperson due Lo negllgence of duLles.
b. uellnquency ln paymenL requlred by Al1-Alpha for one semesLer and/or flnanclal
accounLablllLles amounLlng Lo more Lhan 200 pesos.
c. Culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon.
d. lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe requlred number of aLLendance ln meeLlngs and acLlvlLles

Sect|on 4. Lxpu|s|on
1. A member may be expelled by a quorum of Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee for any of Lhe
followlng reasons:
1. uslng Lhe name of Al1-Alpha ln bad falLh.
2. ConducL unbecomlng of a Al1-Alphan.
3. Cross negllgence of duLles.
4. MalversaLlon of funds.
3. vandallsm of any Al1-Alpha properLy.
6. Any member upon Lhlrd warnlng ls sub[ecL Lo auLomaLlc expulslon.

Sect|on S. Impeachment
1. An offlcer of Al1-Alpha may be lmpeached for Lhe followlng reasons:
1. MalversaLlon of funds.
2. negllgence of duLles.
3. uslng Lhe name of Al1-Alpha ln bad falLh.
4. unauLhorlzed represenLaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon.
3. Culpable vlolaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon and pollcles lmplemenLed by Lhe Ceneral Assembly.

2. 8ecommendaLlon for lmpeachmenL may be made by any acLlve member Lo Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee and upon recelpL of whlch, Lhe LxecuLlve CommlLLee shall lnvesLlgaLe Lhe valldlLy of
Lhe charges. llnal declslons shall be made Lhrough a quorum of Lhe Ceneral Assembly.
3. vacancles resulLlng from Lhe lmpeachmenL of an offlcer shall be fllled by a person wlLhln
Lhe commlLLee Lhrough a speclal elecLlon a week afLer lmpeachmenL.

Art|c|e kI
Sect|on 1. roponent of Amendments
Any amendmenL Lo, or revlslon of, Lhls consLlLuLlon may be proposed by Lhe LxecuLlve
CommlLLee upon Lhe quorum of all lLs members.

Sect|on 2. Va||d|ty of roposed Const|tut|on
Any amendmenL Lo, or revlslon of, Lhls consLlLuLlon shall be valld when raLlfled by a quorum
casL ln a pleblsclLe held noL laLer Lhan Lhree weeks afLer Lhe approval of such amendmenL or

1he 2011 AI1-A|pha Const|tut|ona| Comm|ttee
Anyayahan, Angell Anne !oyce . SanLos, !anlna C.
Culzon, Ceorgla Mae u. 1orralba, Alell Charmalne C.
Maramba, naLalle C. uy, !ared Llser A.
narLaLez, kaLrlna 1herese A.

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