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Del Puerto High School

American Government Course Syllabus

Introduction Welcome to American government. This senior-level course covers numerous topics including the foundations of government, the election process, the three branches of government, the federal budget and lawmaking processes, and local forms of government. This course will give students a wonderful opportunity to interact and be engaged in their studies. I hope this will be more than just a chance to earn 5 credits towards graduation. I want students to develop an understanding of how our government works as they move into the ranks of the voting public. Attendance Attendance is an important factor in determining every students success in school. I want to make it clear that I expect students to be in class unless they have a legitimate reason to be absent. As seniors, you should also be aware that students with excessive absences are not allowed to participate in our graduation. Participation Points Students will earn 3 participation points for each day they are in attendance in class. Students who show up late will not receive the participation points for that period. Also, any student who has a behavioral issue in class will lose their points for that period. This includes students who receive a formal referral to the office and those who simply need redirection in class but are not sent to the office. Participation points cannot be made up.

Homework In this class, homework is optional. Students have enough going on in their lives that they need to focus on without me assigning hours of mandatory assignments. I will be offering extra work to be completed at home for those who choose to do it. This is my way of allowing students to continue their education after the school bell rings. I encourage each of you to take advantage of this opportunity to improve your grade, learn more about the course topics, and earn elective credits. Electronic Devices Electronic devices (cell phones, music players, etc) are not to be used in class. The Del Puerto High School Student Handbook clearly states the following: Personal electronic devices and phones are not to be used in the classroom as they distract the student and others from the academic tasks of the lesson. Devices are to be silenced or turned off upon entry to classes and remain off throughout the class period.

2013 Richard Jones

Del Puerto High School

Please note, students are not allowed to plug their cellphones into school outlets in order to charge them. We should not be responsible for paying the bill to charge your phones. Edmodo Our school district recently approved the use of Edmodo as a way for students and teachers to communicate in an online format. Edmodo is very much like a Facebook account without the dangers of outsiders being able to view student communications. It provides an excellent way for students to participate in online discussions and classroom activities that extend beyond the student day. This class will require students to create an Edmodo account and register for our course forum. You will need to enter an access code for each course that you register for. The code will be provided by the teacher. Students will be expected to visit the site regularly as it will be included in your final grade. Outside Reading I have purchased several movies, books, journals, and newspapers for students to use outside of the class. They can check these out with me but will be responsible for the cost if they are lost. Some of these books contain profanity, but I would not have elected to buy them if it wasnt highly educational. If for some reason you do not want students to be able to check out books with minor profanity then please send me a note so that I can keep to your standards. Again, the books are very educational! Book Titles: (Click hyperlink for description)

Nickle and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different by Karen Blumenthal Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

Grading and Scoring The grading and scoring aspect of this course can be found in a separate handout. Please remember to read the handout as the grading in this class is somewhat unique.

Discipline and Behavior

I expect students to behave in a professional manner throughout their time in my class. They should treat the classroom as a place of learning. Any students who fail to maintain proper conduct will be subject to the discipline policy set forth in the Del Puerto High School Handbook and the Patterson Joint Unified School District Student Conduct Code. This is not to say that students cannot have fun in class. In fact, I am a firm believer that education should be an enjoyable and fun experience for all students. Most students find my discipline policy to be very fair and flexible. Here are some of the common problems that get students in trouble in my course:

Use of Profanity

2013 Richard Jones

Del Puerto High School

Disrespect of other students or the teacher Failure to follow directions Using technology for inappropriate reasons Eating in class

Student Use of School Technology I wanted to take a few moments to talk about student use of school technology. One of the most frustrating things that I have to deal with is inappropriate use of technology by students. This slows down our internet speed and makes it difficult to maintain properly-working technology. Let me make a few things very clear: Technology Rules 1. Students are not to use the computers to watch videos unless they are ones that I have preapproved. This means that even if it is a video you found for a class assignment, you need to ask permission before playing it. 2. Students are not to plug phones or other electronic devices into the computer at any time. The only exception will be for students who are plugging in a flash drive to save or load student work. 3. Students are not to use the internet to check social media websites. The only exception to this rule is Edmodo. 4. Students are not to use the computers to play games that have not been assigned by the instructor. 5. Students are not allowed to stream music on any school computer. This includes, but is not limited to, sites like Pandora, Spotify, and YouTube. Technology Consequences Here is a list of consequences for violating the policies above: Step 1: Removal from the computer for the remainder of the period Step 2: Removal from the computer for one week Step 3: Removal from the computer for the remainder of the trimester

Conclusion and Contact Information

I am hoping this will be an experience like no other. Our students deserve an education that allows them to learn while taking into consideration their interests and learning styles. Feel free to contact me via phone (892-7463) or email if you have any questions or concerns. I will be posting grades in PowerSchool if you want to check on your students progress. Let the fun begin!

2013 Richard Jones

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