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Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

Vision and Scope Document OS Imaging and Restoration Project

Version 1.0 approved Prepared by: John Student Somen Student Jason Student evin Student !"#eam Industries $ay %&' %00(

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

Table of Contents
1. )usiness Re*uirements....................................................................................................1 1.1. )ac+ground.............................................................................................................1 1.%. )usiness Prob,em....................................................................................................1 1.-. )usiness Objectives and Success .riteria..............................................................% 1./. .ustomer or $ar+et 0eeds.....................................................................................% 1.&. )usiness Ris+s........................................................................................................%. Vision o1 the So,ution....................................................................................................../ %.1. Vision Statement...................................................................................................../ %.%. $ajor 2eatures......................................................................................................../ %.-. !ssumptions and 3ependencies.............................................................................& -. Scope and 4imitations.....................................................................................................& -.1. Scope o1 Initia, Re,ease..........................................................................................& -.%. Scope o1 Subse*uent Re,eases................................................................................& -.-. 4imitations and 56c,usions.....................................................................................7 /. )usiness .onte6t.............................................................................................................7 /.1. Sta+eho,der Pro1i,es................................................................................................8 /.%. Project Priorities.....................................................................................................8 /.-. Operating 5nvironment..........................................................................................( &. 9uman Resources............................................................................................................( &.1. #eam .harter..........................................................................................................( &.%. #echnica, S+i,,s and !ttributes...............................................................................: &.-. Ro,es and Responsibi,ities......................................................................................: &./. .ommunication Strategies......................................................................................: 7. Project $anagement......................................................................................................10 7.1. 3e,iverab,es..........................................................................................................10 7.%. 3ependencies........................................................................................................10 7.-. Schedu,e................................................................................................................11 8. 5ducationa,;Program Outcomes....................................................................................1% 8.1. <enera, 5ducation................................................................................................1% 8.%. In1ormation #echno,ogy.......................................................................................1% (. !nnotated )ib,iography.................................................................................................1-

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

Revision History
Name Jason Student Jason Student Jason Student Jason Student Jason Student Date &;1:;0( &;%-;0( &;%/;0( &;%&;0( 7;%%;0( Reason For Changes .ompi,ation o1 sections =ritten by each team member into initia, dra1t Incorporated editing provided by )usiness Practitioner Incorporated revisions provided by team members Revised section 1./' inserted bib,iography Revised sections 1.- and 1.&> added team ,ogo Version 0.1 0.% 0.1.0 1.1

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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1. Business Requirements
!"#eam Industries is one o1 the country?s ,argest producers o1 paper supp,ies. #he company emp,oys many enterprise"sca,e in1ormation systems on a variety o1 p,at1orms in support o1 its business objectives and re*uires a means o1 e11ective,y' e11icient,y and *uic+,y restoring those systems. #he organi@ationAs current Service 4eve, !greement BS4!C stipu,ates that systems that go o11,ine =i,, be restored =ithin %/ hours. In1ormation techno,ogy BI#C department senior management has determined that reducing the recovery time per the S4! to 1our hours 1or a sing,e core business server and %/ hours 1or a,, core business servers is centra, to business continuity' meeting revenue targets' and competing =ith other mar+et 1orces. #o that end' management?s critica, objective is to imp,ement an improved means o1 bac+ing up and restoring the various systems in use.

1.1. Background
Repeated tria, runs o1 the companyAs 5mergency Preparedness P,an have identi1ied substantia, de1iciencies in the abi,ity to recover systems at its 1aci,ities. 3uring recent disaster recovery e6ercises' I# personne, discovered it =i,, ta+e an unacceptab,e amount o1 time to 1u,,y recover the systems. 9istorica,,y' human error' errors =hi,e patching' and hard=are errors have caused ,onger than acceptab,e do=ntime. 2urthermore' the recovered systems are not e6act rep,icas o1 the production systems due to hard=are di11erences and driver compatibi,ity. !dditiona,,y' management is concerned =ith the amount o1 e6posure the company 1aces =hen imaging production systems. 56isting mirrors are bro+en in order to ta+e a snapshot o1 the production systems' notab,y =hen systems are needed 1or patching or creating test systems 1rom production systems. #o mitigate these issues' management =ants a so,ution that =i,, 1aci,itate creating snapshots o1 production systems =ithout bringing do=n the systems or brea+ing the e6isting mirrors in p,ace.

1.2. Business Problem

Dhen !"#eam Industry?s systems are unavai,ab,e' the organi@ationa, units supporting core business operations su11er signi1icant adverse impacts because they cannot access re,evant data and services on the company in1ormation systems. #his ma+es creating re,iab,e bac+ups that can be restored as *uic+,y as possib,e crucia, to and 1urthering the success o1 the enterprise' and ensuring easy' consistent' and *uic+ recoverabi,ity o1 operating system and app,ication so1t=are. ! host o1 operating system and data bac+up so,utions is current,y avai,ab,e. !mong the major bac+up so,ution products are 0etbac+up 1rom Symantec' #ivo,i Storage $anager 1rom I)$' OpenVie= Omnibac+;3ataprotector 1rom 9e=,ett Pac+ard' and )ac+up 56ec 1rom Veritas .orporation Bcurrent,y +no=n as SymantecC. #hese bac+up so1t=are so,utions a,,o= data to be bac+ed up to tape or dis+' =hich can be stored remote,y and ,oca,,y in the same datacenter. 9o=ever' these so,utions are most appropriate 1or restoring a sing,e 1i,e' data directory or entire

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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1i,e system. )ut =hen a disaster occurs and an operating system needs to be restored =ith a,, the re*uired drivers' patches and additiona, 1i,e sets' these bac+up so,utions cannot restore the operating system to the identica, previous state.

1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria

#he business objectives are to improve the organi@ation?s recovery time and the service ,eve,s. #his =i,, ma+e it possib,e to create a robust 1ai,"proo1 in1ormation techno,ogy environment. I1 systems can be restored more *uic+,y' production and on,ine stores =i,, be ab,e to return to operation =ith minimum do=n time. #here1ore' by reducing do=ntime it =i,, he,p on,ine business continuity and revenue generation. 2e=er human hours =i,, be spent to restore the systems =hich =i,, save money 1or the organi@ation. 5va,uating the success o1 the project =i,, be based in part on the degree to =hich server recovery time per S4! is reduced. #he goa, is a recovery time o1 1our hours 1or a sing,e core business server and %/ hours 1or a,, core business servers. I1 recovery time is reduced to 1our hours' this criterion =i,, be deemed to have been 100 percent success1u,. I1 a1ter imp,ementing the so,ution recovery time 1or servers ta+es ,onger than 1our hours' the degree o1 success =i,, reduced by 1%.& percent 1or each e6tra hour. #he project =i,, be deemed a comp,ete 1ai,ure i1 a recovery time o1 1e=er than 1% hours cannot be attained.

1.4. Customer or

arket !eeds

Idea,,y' the organi@ation?s sta11 and its customers must have access to the systems re,evant to them at a,, times. In the event that those systems 1ai, or must be ta+en o11,ine 1or other reasons' it is critica, to the success o1 the business that access to the systems is restored as *uic+,y as possib,e in order to mitigate as much as possib,e the inconvenience to the organi@ation?s sta11 and customers. In addition' system administrators need the abi,ity to restore their systems correct,y on the 1irst attempt =ithout having to comp,ete,y rebui,d them each time. .urrent,y' system administrators o1 E0IF and Dindo=s p,at1orms depend heavi,y on an enterprise tape bac+up so,ution. In most cases' they must reca,, tapes 1rom an o11"site ,ocation. #he tapes and tape drives have produced read errors many times in the past. #he 1ai,ed systems have to be reinsta,,ed 1rom scratch' =ith the data restored 1rom tape. 5ven i1 the 1i,es are restored on the servers' the operating system does not a,,o= =riting to open 1i,es. #he restore process is cumbersome and a,=ays resu,ts in some prob,ems. Imp,ementing a system that reduces system recovery time to 1our hours =i,, a,,o= non I# =or+ers and customers to conduct business =ith minimum disruptions' as =e,, as save system administrators time and e11ort as they =or+ to restore systems. #o summari@e' those impacted by systems 1ai,ures re*uire the 1o,,o=ing: 1. Resumption o1 access to critica, systems as *uic+,y as possib,e' =ith access restored =ithin 1our hours. %. #he means to restore systems correct,y on the 1irst attempt' e,iminating the need to rebui,d systems 1rom scratch.

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1.". Business Risks

Imp,ementing a so,ution to decrease the recovery time o1 the company?s systems carries =ith it some ris+s to its in1ormation systems in1rastructure. #he so,ution re*uires insta,,ing and con1iguring additiona, so1t=are on se,ected servers' =hich cou,d ,ead to con1,icts =ith e6isting so1t=are. I1 imp,emented improper,y it cou,d ta+e even ,onger to recover systems than current,y. !dditiona,,y' i1 the so,ution is not proper,y p,anned and e6ecuted' imaged systems might yie,d ine6act copies o1 the origina, system' re*uiring their comp,ete recreation. #o mitigate possib,e adverse outcomes' the I# department =i,, imp,ement a change contro, process under =hich department personne, =i,, document any insta,,ation changes need to the servers' =hich =i,, re*uire approva, be1ore proceeding. #he team has identi1ied the 1o,,o=ing ris+s to the success o1 the project: Risk #he avai,abi,ity o1 resources 1or the project may be impacted by other ongoing projects in the organi@ation Severity 9I<9 Mitigation Sta+eho,ders have agreed that i1 resources become unavai,ab,e then outside resources may be brought in to 1aci,itate the comp,eting o1 this project. #he 1unds needed 1or e6terna, resources =i,, not come 1rom project budget. I1 vendors are unab,e to provide product de,ivery =ithin speci1ied time1rames a,ternate vendor =i,, be chosen. I1 de,ay in imp,ementation e6ceeds 1 =ee+ a contractor is avai,ab,e to be on site =ith days notice. #he se,ection process 1or V!RS BVa,ue !dd Rese,,ersC inc,uded the use o1 a =eighted matri6 =hich inc,uded training and education as heavi,y =eighted. #he chosen V!R rated high,y on the training and education scores.

#he time,ine 1or ac*uiring and imp,ementing the so,ution is aggressive


Personne, invo,ved in $edium imp,ementing the project are ine6perienced =ith some o1 the techno,ogies invo,ved.

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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#he project cou,d go over budget i1 imp,ementation ta+es ,onger than e6pected or re*uires outside resources


Some project sta+eho,ders may try to incorporate e6p,icit e6c,usions into the 1ina, design


#eam members have had the design documents revie=ed by the product manu1actures and ,oca, imp,ementation V!RS and have gotten buy in that the current design meets industry best practices and imp,ementation strategies. #he design speci1ications have been revie=ed and signed o11 by sta+eho,ders and c,ients. I1 there is any desire to change the scope o1 the project a change management process =i,, need to be 1o,,o=ed and approved.

2. #ision o$ t%e Solution

#he objective o1 imp,ementing this restoration so,ution is to create a consistent in1rastructure that can be recovered *uic+,y in order to reduce do=ntime and enab,e the business to continue =ith minima, disruption.

2.1. #ision Statement

)y imp,ementing ne= operating system imaging and restoration practices the company hopes to decrease the amount o1 time critica, systems are out o1 service in the event they are ta+en o11,ine. #he so,ution =i,, protect company?s in1rastructure and in1ormation techno,ogy investments and better prepare company to dea, =ith disasters. Guic+ systems restoration =i,, support the activities o1 company personne, invo,ved in core business operations' ma+ing it possib,e 1or them to achieve their objectives in a time,y manner.


ajor &eatures

#he major 1eatures 1or this restoration so,ution inc,ude: !utomate dai,y snapshot or create an image o1 the servers that are in scope. !utomate saving a copy o1 the image on a remote storage. !utomate saving a copy o1 the image ,oca,,y 1or sing,e 1i,e restores. !utomate de,etion o1 o,der images. Rep,icate the images to a remote ,ocation to protect 1rom site disasters.

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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.entra,i@e the patching system.

2.3. 'ssum(tions and )e(endencies

5nsuring a success1u, imp,ementation re*uires the avai,abi,ity o1 severa, components. #hey inc,ude: ! ,ist o1 servers on =hich the so,ution is to be imp,emented. !t ,east one test server on each p,at1orm: Dindo=s and E0IF. !t ,east one test server avai,ab,e 1rom each environment: database server' app,ication server' Deb server' mai, server' etc. !,, the necessary hard=are and so1t=are purchased be1ore imp,ementation. Su11icient net=or+ band=idth bet=een sites to hand,e the tra11ic. 3edicated manpo=er avai,ab,e 1or the imp,ementation.

3. Sco(e and *imitations

#he restoration so,ution =i,, inc,ude components that =i,, per1orm non"intrusive automated snapshots o1 the production system vo,umes' store and 1or=ard the snapshots to a remote hot site and on night,y bac+up tapes. Restored snapshots =i,, be compatib,e =ith hard=are =ithin one generation o1 e6isting production hard=are. #he proposed system =i,, a,so inc,ude the capabi,ity to per1orm on"demand' non"intrusive snapshots o1 production systems as needed. #he system =i,, provide the capabi,ities to restore the 1u,, system state o1 a sing,e core business server =ithin 1our hours and 1u,, system state restoration o1 a,, core business servers =ithin %/ hours. #he restoration so,ution =i,, not inc,ude the rep,ication o1 the data vo,umes or address changing the night,y bac+up schedu,es.

3.1. Sco(e o$ +nitial Release

#he initia, re,ease o1 the restoration so,ution =i,, inc,ude the capabi,ity to per1orm non" intrusive ad"hoc+ snapshots o1 the production servers as =e,, as automated non"intrusive snapshots. It =i,, provide the capabi,ity to per1orm a sing,e system state restore o1 a system =ithin 1our hours and provide the abi,ity to per1orm system state restoration o1 a,, production systems =ithin %/ hours. #he initia, re,ease a,so =i,, identi1y storage and trans1er methods 1or the snapshots and speci1y retention schedu,es 1or them.

3.2. Sco(e o$ Subsequent Releases

#he initia, imp,ementation =i,, position the company to 1urther e6pand the disaster recoverabi,ity o1 its production systems. It =i,, provide the 1oundation 1or e6panding system rep,ication to inc,ude 1u,, system rep,ication and possib,y a high"avai,abi,ity so,ution in the 1uture.

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3.3. *imitations and ,-clusions

#he restoration so,ution =i,, not inc,ude the rep,ication o1 the data vo,umes' nor address changing the night,y bac+up schedu,es.

4. Business Conte-t
#he primary sta+eho,ders 1or this project =i,, inc,ude interna, business partners and e6terna, customers. #he impact o1 a system outage has the greatest impact on the organi@ationAs interna, business partners and sti1,es their abi,ity to accomp,ish re*uired computing tas+s. In addition' the inabi,ity to comp,ete orders or chec+ the status o1 e6isting orders adverse,y impacts the companyAs c,ients. #hese impacts are direct,y associated =ith *uanti1iab,e productivity ,oss as =e,, as ,ost revenues and customer con1idence.

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4.1. Stake%older Pro$iles

Stakeholder Ma or Value 56ecutives increased system avai,abi,ity !ttitudes see production do=ntime reduced by 80H 1or routine system Studenttenance' see recoverabi,ity time o1 production systems reduced by /&H Improved customer communications by being ab,e to access the system =ithout interruption Reduce the recoverabi,ity time o1 production systems by /&H' abi,ity to create test servers =ithout impacting production' ,everage e6isting investment in hard=are to recover systems at hotsite Increased ,eve, o1 con1idence in our company Ma or "nterests !bi,ity to recover *uic+er 1rom system outage' and increased avai,abi,ity o1 systems Constraints $a6imum budget I J&0

Interna, Sta11

Increased system avai,abi,ity !bi,ity to recover systems *uic+,y in the event o1 a disaster> abi,ity to create test environment to per1orm system testing o1 patches and app,ications !bi,ity to p,ace and access orders =ithout interruption o1 system outage

Reduced do=ntime

Increased e6pectations o1 high avai,abi,ity systems $ust integrate =ith current in1rastructure' must not impact production systems

I# Sta11

!chieve the abi,ity to snapshot production systems =ithout impacting production' abi,ity to create a true K.,oneL o1 the production systems

Retai, customers

!bi,ity to access previous orders and p,ace ne= orders =ithout system outages

!ctive Deb site %/;8 prohibits unschedu,ed do=ntime

4.2. Project Priorities

Dimension 3esign Driver #state ob e$tive% 3esign !pprova, 7;7;%00( Constraint #state limits% 3esign rejected and must revisit design. .ou,d pro,ong design phase by 1"% =ee+s. Degree of Freedom #state allo&able range% !bi,ity to move 1or=ard =ith a partia, approva, and resubmit 1ina, design =ithin 1 =ee+.

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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Dimension !c*uisition o1 product #est server imp,ementation Production server imp,ementation .ost

Driver #state ob e$tive% !c*uire needed product and services by 7;%8;%00( Imp,ement test server con1iguration by 8;11;%00( Imp,ement production server con1iguration by 8;%&;%00( )ring project in under the projected &0 budget

Constraint #state limits% 3e,ay in R2G or de,ay in shipping. Potentia, impact 1 =ee+. Ene6pected con1iguration di11icu,ties !vai,abi,ity o1 production servers 1or insta,,ation o1 ne= products Variances in pricing bet=een possib,e so,utions

Degree of Freedom #state allo&able range% M;" 1 =ee+ on de,ivery o1 product and services 1 =ee+ possib,e de,ay 1 =ee+ possib,e de,ay cou,d be anticipated due to other de,iverab,es de,ayed )udget overrun up to 1&H acceptab,e =ithout e6ecutive revie=

4.3. O(erating ,nvironment

.ustomers =or,d=ide have the abi,ity to p,ace orders on our corporate Deb site %/ hours a day' seven days a =ee+. #he restoration so,ution =i,, provide reduced production do=ntime 1or routine Studenttenance and decrease recoverabi,ity in the event 1u,, system recoverabi,ity is re*uired. #he reductions in system outage re*uirements =i,, a,,o= the organi@ation to schedu,e these outages to 1u,1i,, the need 1or system Studenttenance and provide users =ith outage e6pectations. !dditiona,,y' the company =i,, be ab,e to provide test environments =ith minima, preparation and provide increased customer service to its interna, business partners re*uiring the use o1 test systems.

". .uman Resources

#he team has identi1ied an organi@ationa, structure and associated protoco,s that =i,, enab,e it to comp,ete the project 1rom start to 1inish. !,, individua,s are identi1ied a,ong =ith their s+i,,s and attributes that are pertinent to the project. !,, ro,es and responsibi,ities 1or each individua, are c,ari1ied.

".1. /eam C%arter

#he team has identi1ied a division o1 ,abor among its members that comprises three distinct ro,es: ,eadership' research;design and documentation. #he team ,eader is responsib,e 1or +eeping the group organi@ed and on trac+ to achieve the projects stated objectives. #hey =i,, ensure that the group e6ecutes the p,ans 1or comp,eting each portion o1 the project in the manner agreed to by the group as a =ho,e. #hose invo,ved in research and design =i,, determine the substance o1 the so,ution the group =i,, deve,op during the course o1 the project. #eam members invo,ved in documentation =i,, compi,e and edit the =ritten materia,s that represent the projectAs de,iverab,e content. 5ach team member may have both primary and secondary ro,es =ithin the group.

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#he team =i,, communicate =ith one another through emai,' phone' and 2ran+,in4ive sessions. 2or a,, high",eve, project decisions' the team must come to a consensus be1ore determining a course o1 action. #eam members have the ,atitude to pursue the individua, project objectives 1or =hich they are responsib,e in =hatever manner they deem best so ,ong as it does not con1,ict =ith the higher",eve, objectives to =hich the group has agreed. #he team ,eader is responsib,e 1or submitting each de,iverab,e to the instructor. I1 any con1,ict shou,d arise' it =i,, be up to the team on ho= it shou,d be reso,ved. $ost ,i+e,y it =i,, be a consensus on ho= to reso,ve the issue at hand. Dith a project o1 this sca,e' it is in1easib,e to drop under"per1orming members' but i1 the majority o1 the team 1ee,s an individua, team member is not meeting their responsibi,ities' the team =i,, recommend to the course instructor that the under"per1orming team member shou,d not receive 1u,, credit 1or the de,iverab,e.

".2. /ec%nical Skills and 'ttributes

Name Somen .handa John Student Jason Student evin Student Skills E0IF Specia,ist $icroso1t Specia,ist' restoration app,ication e6perience #echnica, Driter' Programmer 0et=or+ing Specia,ist !ttributes Strong"=i,,ed' driven' e6troverted Introverted' open"minded' easy" going 4aid bac+' ,istens =e,,' introvert 5asy"going' open minded

".3. Roles and Res(onsibilities

Name Somen .handa John Student Jason Student evin Student Role #eam 4ead Researcher #echnica, Driter Researcher Res'onsibilities Oversees scope o1 the project and de,iverab,es. Sets dead,ines' and ensures that each de,iverab,e to sent on time. #echnica, researcher 1or restoration so,ution .ompi,es =or+ 1rom a,, members' assemb,es the in1ormation' and edits the materia,. $isce,,aneous researcher to he,p 1i,, the gaps.

".4. Communication Strategies

#he team =i,, meet on 2ran+,in4ive or con1erence ca,, at ,east once be1ore the start o1 each de,iverab,e and once more right be1ore the de,iverab,e is due. #eam members =i,, communicate through emai, as necessary to provide updates on progress. #he e6pected response time through emai, is %/ hours. $eetings =i,, be p,anned at ,east /( hours in advance.

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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0. Project


#he #eam 4ead =i,, coordinate the responsibi,ities o1 each team member 1or each de,iverab,e' inc,uding the =or+ to be per1ormed and =hen it is due. 3e,ivery dead,ines may be revised 1or individua,s =ith prob,ems that may arise at =or+' home' or persona, ,i1e. )ut it is e6pected that the individua, =i,, noti1y the =ho,e team as soon as possib,e once a prob,em arises. #his noti1ication =i,, a,,o= the other team members to either e6tend the dead,ine or pic+ up the e6tra =or+.

0.1. )eliverables
Epon comp,etion o1 the project' the servers at the primary site =i,, have the proper so1t=are con1igured on them. #he secondary site =i,, be setup =ith the re*uired e*uipment and so1t=are necessary in the event o1 1ai,ure at the primary site. #he data bac+up strategy =i,, be setup and imp,emented to a,,o= 1or easy recoverabi,ity at the secondary site. #he *ua,ity o1 each de,iverab,e =i,, be measured by its comp,eteness and its con1ormity to the scope and re*uirements o1 the project. #he de,iverab,es =i,, be shared through emai,. 5ach person =i,, be responsib,e 1or on,y a portion o1 the project sections in order to avoid dup,icating =or+. Dhen the team revie=s the de,iverab,e as a =ho,e' they =i,, communicate any suggested changes to the technica, =riter' =ho =i,, ma+e the corresponding revisions.

0.2. )e(endencies
#he project =i,, depend on the ,ist o1 servers on =hich the so,ution is to be imp,emented. #he secondary site =i,, need to be determined. #his =i,, inc,ude the net=or+ band=idth bet=een the sites to hand,e the tra11ic. 0e6t' a,, the necessary hard=are and so1t=are =i,, be purchased. 2ina,,y' testing =i,, be per1ormed on the so,ution =ith a moc+ 1ai,over.

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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0.3. Sc%edule
Franklin 'ro e$t deliverables

Week of Franklin
Vision and Scope #emp,ate Identi1y )usiness Practitioner Project Status Report 1 Project Status Report % Project Drite Ep Peer 5va,uation 2ina, Project Presentation 18Ma y 25Ma y 1Ju n 8Ju n 15 Ju n 22Ju n 29Jun 6Ju l 13 Jul 20Jul 27 Jul 3Aug 10Aug 17Au g 24Au g

Customer 'ro e$t deliverables


Customer D e l i v e r a b l e s
4ist o1 Servers Secondary Site 0et=or+ )and=idth 9ard=are So1t=are Imp,ementatio n #esting

Week of
1(" $ay F %&" $ay 1" Jun (" Jun 1&" Jun %%" Jun %:" Jun 7" Ju, 1-" Ju, %0" Ju, %8" Ju, -" !ug 10" !ug 18" !ug %/" !ug

F F 6

2ina, project presentation

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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1. ,ducational2Program Outcomes
#he so,ution described in this document =i,, resu,t in a means by =hich the company may create e6act images o1 the operating systems used on its servers. #his =i,, a,,o= the organi@ation to restore its systems in the event o1 their 1ai,ure both *uic+,y and accurate,y so that company operations su11er as ,itt,e disruption as possib,e.

1.1. 3eneral ,ducation

#he project re*uires researching' deve,oping and documenting an enterprise",eve, operating system imaging and restoration system. 3oing so necessitates describing the proscribed means 1or doing so thorough,y' accurate,y and c,ear,y. Success1u, comp,etion o1 this objective =i,, be measured by the e6tent to =hich third parties =ho revie= the document understand =hat it proposes. #he c,arity o1 the arguments used to justi1y the various design decisions made in the project to third parties =i,, be another measure o1 its success.

1.2. +n$ormation /ec%nolog4

#he project re*uires adapting the organi@ation?s current in1ormation systems to accommodate a ne= means o1 imaging and restoring operating system images 1or servers supporting core business operations. 3oing so =i,, entai, coordinating imp,ementation o1 the project =ith business units in the organi@ation to mitigate potentia, negative impacts' as =e,, as considering ho= to design the p,an to provide the greatest bene1it to the organi@ation as a =ho,e. #he team =i,, measure its success by the e6tent to =hich imp,ementation o1 the project is invisib,e to company personne, outside o1 the I# department. Imp,ementing the so,ution a,so =i,, re*uire deve,oping the proper administration procedures 1or bac+ing up and restoring the operating systems running on company servers. Success =i,, be judged by =hether or not e6act rep,icas o1 e6isting systems can be created and the speed =ith =hich those bac+ups can be dep,oyed in the event o1 systems 1ai,ure 3eve,oping the appropriate net=or+ in1rastructure to support trans1erring bac+ups to remote ,ocations 1or sa1e+eeping is crucia, to the project?s success. Success =i,, be eva,uated by the re,iabi,ity o1 the net=or+ in1rastructure that supports trans1erring bac+ed up operating system images to the remote storage ,ocation.

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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5. 'nnotated Bibliogra(%4
Remote Site Rep!ication" Retrieved $ay %%' %00( 1rom http:;;;so,utions;remotesites.htm, #his site provides product in1ormation 1or data de"dup,ication and rep,ication to a remote site. It is one o1 the projects the team is considering as part o1 its so,ution #ristie $ata Prod%cts & '!o(a! )ac*%p and Reco+er, -.pertise/ Prod%ct Information" Retrieved $ay %0' %00( 1rom http:;;;inde6.phpNidI78 #his site provides Dindo=s' 4inu6 and So,aris product datasheets 1or .ristie )are $achine Restore. It is one o1 the projects the team is considering as part o1 its so,ution S,mantec )ac*%p S,stem Reco+er, 8 Ser+er -dition" Retrieved $ay %%' %00( 1rom http:;;;store;symnasmb;enOES;3isp,ayProduct3etai,sSmbPage; productI3.:&887&00;#hemeI3.107/00;pgm.1%(&(800 #his site provides detai,s about Symantec products 1or used 1or system recovery. It is one o1 the products the team is considering as part o1 its so,ution +Ranger Pro & Ind%str,0standard Virt%a! 1ac2ine )ac*%p and Reco+er," Retrieved $ay %-' %00( 1rom http:;;;vRangerPro.htm, #his site provides in1ormation about hot ,eve, image ,eve, bac+ups. It is one o1 the products the team is considering as part o1 its so,ution V13are Ser+er" Retrieved $ay %/' %00( 1rom http:;;;products;server; #his site provides V$Dare Server so1t=are that can be used 1or staging physica, servers in a virtua, 1ormat. It is one o1 the products the team is considering as part o1 its so,ution V13are #on+erter" Retrieved $ay %/' %00( 1rom http:;;;products;converter; #his site provides so1t=are to convert physica, servers to virtua, servers. It is one o1 the products the team is considering as part o1 its so,ution $is*0(ased )ac*%p 4ec2no!og, 32itepapers from -.a'rid. Retrieved $ay %%' %00( 1rom http:;;datadedup,;products;dis+"basedObac+upO=hitepapers.asp #his site provides in1ormation about hard=are app,iances to bac+up and dedup,ication data $ar+s' 9. B%00(' $ay 1%C. Dith 3ata 3edup,ication' 4ess Is $ore. Information 3ee*" Retrieved $ay %-' %00( 1rom

Vision and Scope for OS Imaging and Restoration Project

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http:;;;ne=s;storage;systems;sho=!rtic,e.jhtm,Nartic,eI3I%0 870%8:7 #his artic,e provides in1ormation on data dedup,ication and provides va,uab,e insight as the team determines the best means o1 bac+ing up the company?s systems 9o= data dedup,ication eases storage re*uirements. B%008' !pri, :C #omp%ter3ee*!," Retrieved $ay %-' %00( 1rom http:;;,;!rtic,es;%008;0/;0:;%%-1(%;ho="data" dedup,ication"eases"storage"re*uirements.htm #his artic,e provides in1ormation about data dedup,ication and its impact on storage space. It =i,, provide a basis 1or the team to determine the speci1ic techno,ogy re*uirements to be ac*uired in order to ensure the project?s success.

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