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Flash Flood Bibliography

Abderrezzak, Kamal El Kadi , Andr Paquier and Emmanuel Mignot, 2009. Modeling flash flood ro agation in urban areas using a t!o"dimensional numeri#al model. Natural Hazards, $ol. %0, &''(&)0. Ke*!ords+ ,rban flash flood- .hallo!"!ater equations- 2"/ de th"a0eraged model- /am"break !a0e

Ale1andro0, 2ulia, 3onathan 4. 5aronne, and 6an 7eid, 200'. .us ended sediment #on#entration and its 0ariation !ith !ater dis#harge in a dr*land e hemeral #hannel, northern 8ege0, 6srael. Journal of Arid Environments, $ol. %', 9'(:&. Ke*!ords+ e hemeral #hannel- flash floods- sus ended sediment- h*steresis

Ale1andro0, 2ulia, 3onathan 4. 5aronne, and 6an 7eid, 2009. 6ntra"e0ent and inter" seasonal beha0iour of sus ended sediment in flash floods of the semi"arid northern 8ege0, 6srael. Geomorphology, $ol. :%, :%(99. Ke*!ords+ .us ended sediment- ;lash flood- 7unoff- <*steresis- .emi"desert- Arid zone- /r*land

Anderson, 7i#hard M., $i#tor 6. Koren and .eann M. 7eed, 200). ,sing ..,7=> data to im ro0e .a#ramento Model a riori arameter estimates. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '20, ?0'(??). Ke*!ords+ ..,7=> data- .@A@.=> data- A riori arameter estimation- .a#ramento h*drologi# model- Aalibration- /istributed modeling- ;lash flood for#asting

4aker, $i#tor 7. ?99%. ;lood hazards along the 4al#ones Es#ar ment in Aentral @e1as+ Alternati0e a roa#hes to their re#ognition, ma ing, and management. =eologi#al 9%" % Air#ular, 4ureau of E#onomi# =eolog*, ,ni0ersit* of @e1as"Austin.

4elmonte, Ana M. Aamarasa, and ;ran#es#a .egura 4eltrBn, 200?. ;lood e0ents in Mediterranean e hemeral streams CramblasD in $alen#ia region, . ain. Ke*!ords+ E hemeral streams- <*drogra h anal*sis- 7unoff e0ents- 7ainfallErunoff relations- . atial 0ariabilit*- @ransmission losses

4enight, A., E. =runtfest, M. <a*den, and 5. 4arnes, 2009. @rauma and .hort ;use Feather Per#e tions. Environmental Hazards, 9, 220"22). Ke*!ords+ @rauma- ;lash flood- .hort"fuse !eather disaster

4erling, 7obert 5., ?99:. /isaster res onse to flash floods. Journal of the Water Resources Planning and Management ivision , $ol. ?0&, '%(&&. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- emergen#* res onse- damage assessment

4lGs#hl, =Hnter, Ahristian 7eszler, and 3Hrgen Komma, 200:. A s atiall* distributed flash flood fore#asting model. Environmental Modeling ! "oft#are , $ol. 2', &)&(&9:. Ke*!ords: ;ore#asting- Parameter identifi#ation- Kalman ;ilter- ;loods- /istributed modeling- .tream routing- Model a##ura#*- /ominant ro#esses #on#e t

4o#he0a, 5ilia, @ania Marino0a, Petio .imeono0, and 6lian =os odino0, 2009. $ariabilit* and trends of e1treme re#i itation e0ents o0er 4ulgaria C?9)?E200%D. Atmos heri# 7esear#h, $ol. 9', &90(&:9. Ke*!ords+ <ea0* re#i itation e0ents- $ariabilit*- 4ulgaria

4onnifait, 5aurent, =u* /elrieu, Matthieu 5e 5a*, 4ri#e 4oude0illain, Arielle Masson, Phili e 4elleud*, Eri# =aume, and =eorges"Marie .aulnier, 2009. /istributed h*drologi# and h*drauli# modeling !ith radar rainfall in ut+ 7e#onstru#tion of the :E9 .e tember 2002 #atastro hi# flood e0ent in the =ard region, ;ran#e. Advances in Water Resources, $ol. '2, ?099(?0:9.

Ke*!ords+ <*drologi# e1tremes- ;lash flood- Feather radar- Iuantitati0e re#i itation estimation- /istributed h*drologi# modeling- h*drauli# modeling- .#ale de enden#e

4omar, =.F. ?9:0. A re0ie! of @e1asJ !eather in ?999(@he *ear of de0astating tornadoes and flash floods. @e1as /e artment of Fater 7esour#es 7e ort 5P"?'&, )29 . 4ouilloud, 5udo0i#, =u* /elrieu, 4ri#e 4oude0illain, and Pierre"Emmanuel Kirstetter, 20?0. 7adar rainfall estimation in the #onte1t of ost"e0ent anal*sis of flash"flood e0ents. Journal of Hydrology, 6n ress, Aorre#ted roof. Ke*!ords+ E1treme rainfall e0ents- ;lash"floods- 7adar quantitati0e re#i itation estimation

4ourrin, ;., P.5. ;riend, A.5. Amos, E. Man#a, A. ,lses, A. Palanques, K. /urrieu de Madron, and A.E.5. @hom son, 200:. .ediment dis ersal from a t* i#al Mediterranean flood+ @he @Lt 7i0er, =ulf of 5ions. $ontinental "helf Research, $ol, 2:, ?:9%(?9?0. Ke*!ords+ ;lash"flood- .ediment trans ort- <* o *#nal ri0er lume- @Lt 7i0er- =ulf of 5ions- 8orth!est Mediterranean

4raud, 6sabelle, <lMne 7ou1, .andrine Anquetin, Marie"Madeleine Maubourguet, Alaire Manus, Pierre $iallet, and /enis /artus, 20?0. @he use of distributed h*drologi#al models for the =ard 2002 ;lash";lood e0ent. Anal*sis of asso#iated h*drologi#al ro#esses. Journal of Hydrology, 6n ress, A##e ted manus#ri t. Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- /istributed modeling- .oil 0ariabilit*- <*drologi#al ro#esses.aturation e1#ess- 6nfiltration e1#ess- Model inter"#om arison

Aao, Nhi1ian, and Nhi*uan 2ue, 2009. Aomment on O6n0estigation of the h*drod*nami#s of flash floods in e hemeral #hannels+ .#aling anal*sis and simulation using a sho#k" #a turing flo! model in#or orating the effe#ts of transmission lossesP b* ..M. Mudd, 200). 3ournal of <*drolog* '2&, )%E99. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ''), 222(22%. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- ;lood ro agation- .t"$enant equations- 6nfiltration

Aar enter, @. M., 3. A. . erfslage, K. P. =eorgakakos, @. .!eene*, and /. 5. ;read, ?999. 8ational threshold runoff estimation utilizing =6. in su ort of o erational flash flood !arning s*stems. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 22&, 2?(&&. Ke*!ords+ <*drolog*- ;lash floods- ;ore#asting- /istributed modeling- =eogra hi# information s*stems- 7adar

Aarrara, A., P. ;rontero, /. Maio, .. 7izzi, ?992. An integrated s*stem for fore#asting Arno 7i0er flash floods. Natural Hazards, $ol. %, ?99(?99. Ke*!ords+ ri0erine flood- flash flood- risk assessment- meteorolog*- h*drolog*#om uter a li#ation- foreign lanning- emergen#* management- de#isionmakingfore#asting- !arning s*stems

Ahen, Ahien"2uan, 2009. .edimentar* im a#ts from landslides in the @a#hia 7i0er 4asin, @ai!an. Geomorphology, $ol. ?0%, '%%(')%. Ke*!ords: 5andslides- .edimentar* de osits- ;requen#*"size distribution- Po!erEla!

Ahen, .hien"@sung, and Pao".han 2u, 2009. 7eal"time robabilisti# fore#asting of flood stages. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '&0, )'(99. Ke*!ords+ Probabilisti# fore#asting- ;lood stage- .u inferen#e- /efuzzifi#ation ort 0e#tor regression- ;uzz*

Ahiang, 2en"Ming, Kuo"5in <su, ;i"3ohn Ahang, 2ang <ong, and .oroosh .orooshian, 2009. Merging multi le re#i itation sour#es for flash flood fore#asting. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '&0, ?:'(?9). Ke*!ords+ 7e#urrent neural net!orks- .atellite"deri0ed re#i itation- Merged re#i itation- 4ias adQustment- ;lood fore#asting

Ahiara0alloti, ;ran#es#o, and .al0atore =abriele, 2009. $ibo $alentia flood and M.= rainfall e0aluation. Atmospheric Research, $ol. 9', 2:)(29&.

Ke*!ords+ 67Rrain rate relationshi - 7ainfall estimates- Aon0e#ti0e rain- .atellite imager*- Meteosat- MediumEsmall #at#hments

Ahoudhur*, 8usha 2amina, Alak Paul, and 4imal Kanti Paul, 200&. 6m a#t of #ostal embankment on the flash flood in 4angladesh+ a #ase stud*. Applied Geography, $ol. 2&, 2&?(2%:. Ke*!ords+ Aoastal embankment- ;lash flood- 7e#onstru#tion- Ahokoria- Matamuhuri4angladesh

Ahu, 2., A. .alles, ;. Aernesson, 3.5. Perrin, and M.=. @ournoud, 200:. 8utrient load modeling during floods in intermittent ri0ers+ An o erational a roa#h. Environmental Modeling ! "oft#are, $ol. 2', 9):(9:?. Ke*!ords+ /"Po5 model- Fater qualit* model- 7ain dri0en- /issol0ed nutrients6ntermittent ri0ers- Pollutant load- ;lood e0ent- /istributed modeling

Alarke, Anthon* >rr, ?99?. A boulder a roa#h to estimating flash"flood eaks. %ulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists , $ol. 2:, &%(%&. Ke*!ords+ arid region- ri0erine flood- flash flood- h*drolog*- fore#asting- risk assessment- engineering geolog*

Aosta, 3ohn E., ?9:'. Paleoh*drauli# re#onstru#tion of flash"flood eaks from boulder de osits in the Aolorado ;ront 7ange. Geological "ociety of America %ulletin, $ol. 9&, 9:)(?00&. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- h*drolog*- histori#al sur0e*

Aras, A., $. Mar#, and 2. @ra0i, 2009. <*drologi#al beha0iour of sub"Mediterranean al ine head!ater streams in a badlands en0ironment. 3ournal of <*drolog*, $ol. ''9, ?'0(?&&.

Ke*!ords+ <*drogra h se aration- >1*gen"?:- Mi1ing diagrams- .treamflo! ro#esses- 4adlands- Mediterranean

/as, Krishna Ka0eri, /. Panda, 7.K. .arkar, 3.8. 7edd*, and Abdelbagi M. 6smail, 2009. .ubmergen#e toleran#e in relation to 0ariable flood!ater #onditions in ri#e. Environmental and E&perimental %otany, $ol. )), &2%(&'&. Ke*!ords+ Ahloro h*ll- ;lood!ater #hara#teristi#s- 8on"stru#tural #arboh*drate- 'ryza sativa

/emuth, 3., E. =runtfest, .. /robot, 7. Morss, and 3. 5azo, 2009. Feather and .o#iet* S 6ntegrated .tudies CFA.S6.D+ 4uilding a Aommunit* for 6ntegrating Meteorolog* T .o#ial .#ien#e. %ulletin of the American Meteorological "ociety , ::, ?929"?9'9.

/en>uden, 4ob. OFithout a se#ondUs !arningP @he <e ner flood of ?90'. A0ailable from+ htt +RR!!!.histor*#oo erati0e.orgRQournalsRohqR?0%.?Rdenouden.html Clast accessed 04/27/2010)

/omingo, ;., 5. $illagar#Va, M. M. 4oer, 5. Alados"Arboledas, and 3. PuigdefBbregas, 200?. E0aluating the long"term !ater balan#e of arid zone stream bed 0egetation using e0a otrans iration modeling and hillslo e runoff measurements. 3ournal of <*drolog*, $ol. 2&', ?9('0. Ke*!ords+ Retama sphaerocarpa- E0a otrans iration modeling- /r* ri0er bed- .emi" arid en0ironment- ;lash flood- 5ateral !ater in ut

/o!nton, M., 7. Morss, E. =runtfest, >. Filhelmi, and M. <iggins, 200%. 6ntera#tions 4et!een .#ientifi# ,n#ertaint* T ;lood Management /e#isions+ @!o Aase .tudies in Aolorado Environmental Hazards , ), ?'&"?&).

/robot, .., A. 4enight, and E. =runtfest, 2009. 7isk ;a#tors for /ri0ing into ;looded 7oads. Environmental Hazards, 9, ??9"?'&.

/u#los, P., >. $idonne, P. 4euf, P. Perra*, and A. .toebner. ?99?. ;lash ;lood /isaster 8Wmes, ;ran#e, ?9::. European Journal of Epidemiology, 0ol. 9, ')%"'9?. Ke*!ords+ ;lood- ;ran#e- /isaster- E idemiolog*- <ealth effe#ts- Planning

England, 3ohn ;., Mark 5. $elleu1, and Pierre 2. 3ulien, 2009. @!o"dimensional simulations of e1treme floods on a large !atershed. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '&9, 229 (2&?. Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- ;lood design- 7ainfall runoff- E1treme storms- Probable Ma1imum ;lood- /am safet*

;ood*, =iles M., Eman M. =honeim, and 8igel F. Arnell, 200&. Predi#ting lo#ations sensiti0e to flash flooding in an arid en0ironment. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 292, ?(&. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- 7emote sensing- <*drologi# model- 5and #o0er

;o0ell, 7obert =., 2009. .ome hea0* #on0e#ti0e re#i itation and initiation fore#asting issues. (ecture notes from the )ourth WM' *nternational Wor+shop on Monsoons ,*WM-*./, 4eiQing Ahina, 22 >#tober 200:.

;ren#h, 3., 7. 6ng, .. $on Allmen, and 7. Food. ?9:'. Mortalit* from flash floods+ A re0ie! of national !eather ser0i#e re orts, ?9)9":?. Pu0lic Health Reports, 0ol. 9:, C8o0ember /e#emberD, %:&"%::.

=ar#Va"Pintado, 3a0ier, =onzalo =. 4arberB, Manuel Erena, and $i#tor M. Aastillo, 2009.

Aalibration of stru#ture in a distributed fore#asting model for a semi"arid flash flood+ d*nami# surfa#e storage and #hannel roughness. Journal of Hydrology, in ress. /oi+ ?0.?0?)RQ.Qh*drol.2009.0:.02&.

Ke*!ords+ <*drologi#al modeling- /istributed modeling- .tru#tural errors- @ime"0ar*ing arameters- .emi"arid- ;lash flood- 7adar h*drolog*- Agri#ultural !atershed/e ression storage- Ahannel flo! resistan#e- =5,E- .torm motion

=aume, Eri#, Mar# 5i0et, Mi#hel /esbordes, and 3. "P. $illeneu0e, 200&. <*drologi#al anal*sis of the ri0er Aude, ;ran#e, flash flood on ?2 and ?' 8o0ember ?999. 3ournal of <*drolog*, $ol. 2:), ?'%(?%&. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- E1treme e0ent- <*drologi#al modeling- Post"flood in0estigation<*drologi#al anal*sis

=aume, Eri#, $alerie 4ain, Pietro 4ernardara, >li0ier 8e!inger, Mihai 4arbu#, Allen 4ateman, 5otta 4laXko0iYo0B, =Hnter 4lGs#hl, Mar#o 4orga, Ale1andru /umitres#u, 6oannis /aliako oulos, 3oa#him =ar#ia, Anisoara 6rimes#u, .il0ia Kohno0a, Aristeidis Koutroulis, 5orenzo Mar#hi, .imona Matreata, $i#ente Medina, Emanuele Pre#iso, /aniel .em ere"@orres, =heorghe .tan#alie, 3an .zolga*, 6oannis @sanis, /a0id $elas#o, and Alberto $iglione, 2009. A #om ilation of data on Euro ean flash floods. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ')9, 90(9:. Ke*!ords+ ;loods- ;lash flood- E1tremes- /atabase- Atlas- 7egional anal*sis

=aume, E., 5. =aBl, A. $iglione, 3. .zolga*, .. Kohno0B, and =. 4lGs#hl, 20?0. 4a*esian MAMA a roa#h to regional flood frequen#* anal*ses in0ol0ing e1traordinar* flood e0ents at ungauged sites. Journal of Hydrology, in ress, #orre#ted roof. Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- 7egional flood frequen#* anal*sis- 4a*esian MAMA,ngauged e1tremes- .lo0akia- ;ran#e

=eorgakakos, Konstantine P., 200). Anal*ti#al results for o erational flash flood guidan#e. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '?9, :?(?0'. Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- <*drologi# modeling- 7eal"time redi#tion- Model un#ertaint*

=eorgakakos, Konstantine P., ?9:). >n the design of national, real"time !arning s*stems !ith #a abilit* for site"s e#ifi#, flash"flood fore#asts. %ulletin of the American Meteorological "ociety, $ol. )9, ?2''(?2'9. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- !arning s*stems- fore#asting

=eorgie0, Ahristo =., and =ergana Kozinaro0a, 2009. ,sefulness of satellite !ater 0a our imager* in fore#asting strong #on0e#tion+ A flash"flood #ase stud*. Atmospheric Research, $ol. 9', 29%('0'. Ke*!ords+ 6ntense #on0e#tion- Fater 0a our imager*- Potential 0orti#it* anal*sis- 8FP error

=ro er, <erbert .., ?999. ;lash floods, a ne! initiati0e. Journal of $ivil ?2, ?)(?:. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- re aredness- federal lanning- !arning s*stems

efense, $ol.

=runtfest, E., ?9:2. Assessment of 7esear#h on 6ndi0idual 4eha0ioral 7es onse to Farnings of E1treme E0ents. Proceedings of the *nternational "ymposium on the Real 1ime 'peration of Hydrosystems, Fater 7esour#es Publi#ations, '%"&'.

=runtfest, E., ?9:). Pre";loodRPost";lood Mitigation Planning+ @he Manitou . rings, Aolorado Aase *nternational Journal of Mass Emergencies ! isasters , 8o0ember.

=runtfest, E., ?9:9. Farning /issemination T 7es onse !ith .hort 5ead @imes )lood Hazard Management %ritish ! *nternational Perspectives , edited b* 3. <andmer, =eo 4ooks ,nited Kingdom, ?9?"202.

=runtfest, E., ?990. Assessing Programme Effe#ti0eness+ A ?9:9 7e ort on Farning .*stems in the ,.A Hazards ! the $ommunication of Ris+ edited b* 3. <andmer T E. Penning"7o!sell, =o!er @e#hni#al ,nited Kingdom, ?9%"20'.

=runtfest, E., ?99'. .ummar* of the .tate of the Art in ;lash ;lood Farning .*stems in the ,. Prediction ! Perception of Natural Hazards edited b* 3. 8eme# et al., Klu!er A#ademi# Publishers, /ordre#ht, ??9"?2&.

=runtfest, E., ?99&. ;lood /isaster 7elief, 7ehabilitation, T 7e#onstru#tion in $oping #ith )loods edited b* =. 7ossi, 8. <arman#ioglu T $. 2e0Qe0i#h 8A@> A.6 .eries Klu!er A#ademi# Publishers, 92'"9''.

=runtfest, E., ?99&. @he @e#hnologi#al /ilemma in ;lood 5oss 7edu#tion+ 5essons from the ?99' .ummer Mid!estern ;loods in 1he *mage of 1echnology "elected Papers from the 2334 $onference "ociety for the *nterdisciplinary "tudy of "ocial *magery edited b* F. Fright T .. Ka lan, 29%"299.

=runtfest, E., ?999. Fhat Fe <a0e 5earned .in#e the 4ig @hom son ;lood+ @!ent* 2ears 5ater CeditorD ublished b* Natural Hazards Research & Applications Information Center
Boulder Special Publication, 33

=runtfest, E., ?999. @he .o#ial T E#onomi# 6m a#ts of E1treme ;loods ublished in Proceedings 5"-*taly Wor+shop on the Hydrometeorology *mpacts ! Management of E&treme )loods edited b* 3. .alas

=runtfest, E., ?999. ;lash ;loods in the ,nited .tates in "torms edited b* 7. Pielke, 3r. T 7. Pielke, .r. 7outledge, ?92"209.

=runtfest, E., 2000. 8onstru#tural Mitigation of ;lood <azards in *nland )lood Hazards6 Human7 Riparian ! A8uatic $ommunities edited b* E. Fohl Aambridge ,ni0ersit* Press, '9&"&?0.

=runtfest, E., @. /o!ning, and =.;. Fhite, ?99:. 4ig @hom son ;lood E1 oses 8eed for 4etter ;lood 7ea#tion .*stem to .a0e 5i0es. $ivil Engineering7 ;ebruar*, 92"9&.

=runtfest ,E., and 3ohn <andmer, 2000. $oping #ith )lash )loods book T #ha ters Klu!er A#ademi# Publishers, /ordre#ht, 200?, edited #olle#tion 4ased on the findings from the 8A@> Ad0an#ed .tud* 6nstitute held in 7a0ello, 6tal*, 8o0ember :"?:, ?999 C!. 3. <andmerD

=runtfest, E., and A. <uber, ?9:9. .tatus 7e ort on ;lood Farning .*stems in the ,nited .tates. Environmental Management, ?', 299"2:).

=runtfest, E., and A. <uber, ?99?. @o!ard a Aom rehensi0e 8ational Assessment of ;lash ;looding in the ,nited .tates, E isodes, Mar#h, 2)"'%.

=runtfest, E., and .. 3ennings, 200'. ;looding in Hand0oo+ of Weather7 $limate ! Water edited b* Potter T Aolman CedsD File* 6nters#ien#e, )9?"90%.

=runtfest, E., and /. Polla#k, ?99&. Mitigation T 5itigation+ 5essons from the .t. 5ouis ?99' ;lood 5pdate Water Resources, A ril, ?99&, &0"&&.

=runtfest, E., and A. 7i s, 2000. 7edu#ing 5oss .us#e tibilit* in ;lash ;loods in )loods edited b* /. Parker 7outledge, '99"'90.

=runtfest, E., and M. Feber, ?99:. @he 6nternet as a @ool+ 6m li#ations for Emergen#* Management T /isaster Mitigation. *nternational Journal of Mass Emergencies ! isasters, ?), %%"92.

;ran#is#o =utirrez, Mateo =utirrez, and Aarlos .an#ho, ?99:. =eomor hologi#al and sedimentologi#al anal*sis of a #atastro hi# flash flood in the ArBs drainage basin CAentral P*renees, . ainD. $ol. 22, 2)%(2:'. Ke*!ords+ #atastro hi# storm- flash flood- allu0ial fan- Aentral P*renees

<a*den, M., .. /robot, E. =runtfest, A. 4enight, .. 7adil, and 5. 4arnes, 2009. 6nformation .our#es for ;lash ;lood Farnings in /en0er, A> T Austin, @K Environmental Hazards , 9, 2??"2?9.

<ong, .ong"2ou, and 3i"Foo 5ee, 2009. Assessment of the F7; model in re rodu#ing a flash"flood hea0* rainfall e0ent o0er Korea. Atmospheric Research, $ol. 9', :?:( :'?. Ke*!ords+ <ea0* rainfall- F7; model- ;lood fore#ast- Aloud"resol0ing model>rogra hi# effe#t

<su, Ming"<si, 3in"Aheng ;u, and Fen"Aheng 5iu, 200'. ;lood routing !ith real"time stage #orre#tion method for flash flood fore#asting in the @anshui 7i0er, @ai!an. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 2:', 2)9(2:0. Ke*!ords+ ,nstead* flo!- ;lash flood- ;lood fore#asting- 7eal"time stage #orre#tion5east"squares method- >0er"determined roblem

<uber, @., and E. =runtfest, ?9:'. ;lood T A0alan#he <azard in Aolorado+ Politi#al 6m li#ations of the 8e! ;ederalism. Environmental Management, 9, %0%"%?0.

3a0elle, Pierre, Aatherine ;ou#hier, Patri#k Arnaud, and 3a#ques 5a0abre, 20?0. ;lash flood !arning at ungauged lo#ations using radar rainfall and ante#edent soil moisture estimations. Journal of Hydrology, in ress, a##e ted manus#ri t

Kim, =!angseob and Ana P. 4arros, 200?. Iuantitati0e flood fore#asting using multisensor data and neural net!orks. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 2&), &%()2. Ke*!ords+ 8eural net!orks- Aon0e#ti0e !eather s*stems- Feather #lassifierIuantitati0e flood fore#asting

Kno#ke, E.@., and K.8. Koli0ras, 2009. ;lash flood a!areness in south!est $irginia. Ris+ Anal. $ol. 29, ?%%(?)9.

Koutroulis, Aristeidis =., and 6oannis K. @sanis, 20?0. A method for estimating flash flood eak dis#harge in a oorl* gauged basin+ Aase stud* for the ?'E?& 3anuar* ?99& flood, =iofiros basin, Arete, =ree#e. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ':%, ?%0(?)&. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- Poorl* gauged basin- .tage gauge failure- Peak dis#harge estimation- <*drologi#al simulation- ;lood 0olume

Kuhn, =abriel, .hiraQ Khan, Auroo 7. =angul*, and Mar#ia 5. 4ranstetter, 2009. =eos atialEtem oral de enden#e among !eekl* re#i itation e1tremes !ith a li#ations to obser0ations and #limate model simulations in .outh Ameri#a . Advances
in Water Resources, $ol. '0, 2&0?(2&2'.

Ke*!ords+ =eos atial- @em oral- E1tremal de enden#e- Pre#i itation- >bser0ationsAlimate simulations- .outh Ameri#a

Kurihara, 3, F. .akurai, 8. @akeza!a, .. @agata, 7. .uzuki, and 8. Mori, 2009. Aase stud* on the flash floods o##urred in 3a an in 200). Japan "ociety of Erosion $ontrol Engineering Journal, $ol. )0, no.2.

5aronne, 3onathan 4., and 2anai .hlomi, 2009. /e ositional #hara#ter and reser0ation otential of #oarse"grained sediments de osited b* flood e0ents in h* er"arid braided #hannels in the 7ift $alle*, Ara0a, 6srael. "edimentary Geology, $ol. ?9%, 2?('9. Ke*!ords+ .tratifi#ation- Arid- =ra0el sedimentolog*- ;lash flood- 4raided ri0er

5iang, Iiuhua, and Alistair =.5. 4orth!i#k, 2009. Ada ti0e quadtree simulation of shallo! flo!s !ith !etEdr* fronts o0er #om le1 to ogra h*. $omputer ! )luids, $ol. ':, 22?(2'&. Ke*!ords+ flash floods- hum - quadtree simulation

5ud!ig, Folfgang, Pierre .errat, 5udo0i# Aesmat, and 3a0ier =ar#ia"Este0es, 200&. E0aluating the im a#t of the re#ent tem erature in#rease on the h*drolog* of the @Lt 7i0er C.outhern ;ran#eD. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 2:9, 20&(22?. Ke*!ords+ Author Ke*!ords+ @Lt 7i0er- ;lash"floods- @rend anal*ses- Alimate #hange

3onkman, ..8. and E. Penning"7o!sell. 200:. <uman instabilit* in flood flo!s. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 0ol. &&, ?20:"?2?:. Ke*!ord+ flooding- h*drod*nami#s- human instabilit*- loss of life- risk assessment

Ka!ano, 8ao*oshi, >samu 6to, and 3un"6#hi .akagami, 200:. ;lash flooding resistan#e of ri#e genot* es of 'ryza sativa 5., '9 gla0errima .teud., and 6nters e#ifi# h*bridization rogen*. Environmental and E&perimental %otany, $ol. )', 9(?:. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- 6nters e#ifi# h*bridization rogenies- 8E76AA- 'ryza gla0errima- .,4?- .ubmergen#e

Knebl, M.7., N."5. 2ang, K. <ut#hison, and /.7. Maidment, 200%. 7egional s#ale flood modeling using 8EK7A/ rainfall, =6., and <EA"<M.R7A.+ a #ase stud* for the .an Antonio 7i0er 4asin .ummer 2002 storm e0ent. 3ournal of En0ironmental Management, $ol. 9%, '2%(''). Ke*!ords+ =6.- ;lood modeling- 7ainfallErunoff- 8EK7A/ rainfall- Aalibration$alidation

Maddo1, 7obert A.- Aharles ;., Aha $ol. ??, ?(:.

ell, ?999. ;lash flood defenses. Water "pectrum,

Ke*!ords+ flash flood- !arning methods- meteorolog*- ma edu#ationRinformation transfer- zoning

ing- ubli#

Maher, Mosama Ali, no data. 7isk assessment and flash flood mitigation strategies. epartment of #ater Resources Engineering7 (und 5niversity , .!eden.

Mar#hal, 3.A., 4. 5adou#he, and 8. /Grfliger, 200:. Karst flash flooding in a Mediterranean karst, the e1am le of ;ontaine de 8Wmes. Engineering Geology, $ol, 99, ?':(?&). Ke*!ords+ ;lash"flood- =round!ater- <azard- Karst- . ring- Fater table

MartVn"$ide, 3. P., /. 8iZerola, A. 4ateman, A. 8a0arro, and E. $elas#o, ?999. 7unoff and sediment trans ort in a torrential e hemeral stream of the Mediterranean #oast. Journa of Hydrology, $ol. 22%, ??:(?29. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- E hemeral stream- @orrent- @ransmission losses- 4edload trans ort

Merz, 7., =. 4lGs#hl and 3. ParaQka, 200). . atio"tem oral 0ariabilit* of e0ent runoff #oeffi#ients. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ''?, %9?()0&. Ke*!ords+ 7unoff #oeffi#ient- 7unoff generation- ;lood t* es- . atio"tem oral 0ariabilit*

Montz, 4., and E. =runtfest, ?9:). Ahanges in Ameri#an ,rban ;lood lain >##u an#* sin#e ?9%:+ @he E1 erien#e of 8ine Aities. Applied Geography, >#tober, '2%"'':.

Montz, 4., and E. =runtfest, 2002. ;lash ;lood Mitigation+ 7e#ommendations for 7esear#h T A li#ations. Glo0al $hange Environmental Hazards7 &, Mar#h ?%"22.

Moone*, 5.E. ?9:'. A li#ations and 6m li#ations of ;atalit* .tatisti#s to the ;lash ;lood Problems, . ?29"?29 in Proceedings of the :th $onference on Hydrometeorology , @ulsa, >klahoma, ,.A, ?9"?9 >#tober, Ameri#an Meteorolog* .o#iet*.

Morin, Efrat, @amir =rodek, >fer /ahan, =erardo 4enito, Ahristo h Kulls, 2ael 3a#ob*, =uido $an 5angenho0e, Mar* .eel*, and 2ehouda Enzel, 2009. ;lood routing and allu0ial aquifer re#harge along the e hemeral arid Kuiseb 7i0er, 8amibia. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '):, 2)2(29%. Ke*!ords+ Allu0ial shallo! aquifer- Aquifer re#harge- Arid zone- ;lash flood infiltration@ransmission loss- Afri#a

Morin, Efrat, 2ael 3a#ob*, .hilo 8a0on, and Erez 4et"<ala#hmi, 2009. @o!ards flash" flood redi#tion in the dr* /ead .ea region utilizing radar rainfall information. . Advances in Water Resources, $ol. '2, ?0))(?09). Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- Feather radar- <*drologi#al model- /r* #limate- /ead .ea

Morss, 7., >. Filhelmi, E. =runtfest, and M. /o!nton, 200%. ;lood 7isk ,n#ertaint* T .#ientifi# 6nformation for /e#ision"making+ 5essons from an 6nterdis#i linar* ProQe#t. %ulletin of the American Meteorological "ociety , :), ?%9&"?)0?.

Mudd, .imon M., 200). 6n0estigation of the h*drod*nami#s of flash floods in e hemeral #hannels+ .#aling anal*sis and simulation using a sho#k"#a turing flo! model in#or orating the effe#ts of transmission losses. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '2&, )%(99. Ke*!ords+ E hemeral #hannels- ;lash floods- .#aling anal*sis- @ransmission losses8umeri#al modeling

Mudd, .imon M., 2009. 7e l* to OAomment on [6n0estigation of the h*drod*nami#s of flash floods in e hemeral #hannels+ .#aling anal*sis and simulation using a sho#k" #a turing flo! model in#or orating the effe#ts of transmission lossesU b* ..M. Mudd, 200) C3ournal of <*drolog*D '2&, )%E99P b* Aao and 2ue . Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ''), 22)(2'0.

8orbiato, /aniele, Mar#o 4orga, and 7oberto /inale, 2009. ;lash flood !arning in ungauged basins b* use of the flash flood guidan#e and model"based runoff thresholds. Meteorologi#al A li#ations, $ol. ?), )%(9%. Ke*!ords+ flash flood fore#asting- flood risk management- h*drometeorolog*

8orbiato, /aniele, Mar#o 4orga, Mar#o .angati, and ;ran#es#o Nanon, 2009. 7egional frequen#* anal*sis of e1treme re#i itation in the eastern 6talian Al s and the August 29, 200' flash flood. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '&%, ?&9(?)). Ke*!ords+ E1treme re#i itation e0ents- ;lash flood - 5"moments- 7adar rainfall estimation- Pre#i itation return time

8orbiato, /aniele, Mar#o 4orga, .il0ia /egli Es osti, Eri# =aume, and .andrine Anquetin, 200:. ;lash flood !arning based on rainfall thresholds and soil moisture #onditions+ An

assessment for gauged and ungauged basins. Journal of Hyrology, $ol. ')2, 29&(290. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- ;lash flood guidan#e- ;lash flood fore#asting and !arning,ngauged basins

8zokou, ;ran\ois, 4rian Morse, and @ung Iua#h"@hanh, 2009. 7i0er i#e #o0er fle1ure b* an in#oming !a0e. Aold 7egions .#ien#e and @e#hnolog*, $ol. %%, 2'0(2'9. Ke*!ords+ 6#e ro erties- 4reaku #riteria- /am break- 3a0e- ;EM- Elasti# foundation >gden, ;. 5., <. >. .harif, .. ,. .. .enarath, 3. A. .mith, M. 5. 4ae#k, and 3. 7. 7i#hardson, 2000. <*drologi# anal*sis of the ;ort Aollins, Aolorado, flash flood of ?999. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 22:, :2(?00.

Ke*!ords+ ,rban h*drolog*- ;lash flood- 7adar"rainfall- <*drologi# modeling/istributed h*drolog*- E1treme e0ent- AA.A2/

>rtega, 3ose A., and =uillermina =arz]n <e*dt, 2009. =eomor hologi#al and sedimentologi#al anal*sis of flash"flood de osits+ @he #ase of the ?999 7i0illas flood C. ainD. =eomor holog*, in ress, doi+ ?0.?0?)RQgeomor h.2009.0%.00&. Ke*!ords+ ;lash"flood de osits- .edimentar* features #lassifi#ation- <*drauli# stabilit*.tream #hannel #hanges- =uadiana 7i0er

Petelet"=iraud, Emmanuelle, and Phili e 8egrel, 2009. =eo#hemi#al flood de#on0olution in a Mediterranean #at#hment C<rault, ;ran#eD b* .r isoto es, maQor and tra#e elements. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ''9, 22&(2&?. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- .trontium isoto es- <rault ri0er- <*drogra h se arationMediterranean #at#hment

Peru##a, 5aura P., and M. 2anina Es er Angillieri, 2009. E0olution of a debris"ro#k slide #ausing a natural dam+ the flash flood of 7Vo .anta Aruz, Pro0in#e of .an 3uan( 8o0ember ?2, 200%. Natural Hazards, $ol. %0, '0%('20. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- /ebris"ro#k slide- .anta Aruz ri0er- .an 3uan Pro0in#e- Argentina

Platt, 7utherford <., .#ott A., Aahail, ?9:9. Automated flash flood !arning s*stems. Automated flash flood #arning systems , $ol. 9, 2:9('0?. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- !arning equi ment- lo#al lanningRh*drolog*

Philli s, 3onathan /., 2002. =eomor hi# im a#ts of flash flooding in a forested head!ater basin. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 2)9, 2')(2%0. Ke*!ords+ ;loods- =eomor hi# im a#ts- /ominant dis#harge- Aoarse"bed streamMountainous drainage basins- <ungr* Mother 5ake

7eed, .eann, 3ohn .#haake, and Ni*a Nhang, 2009. A distributed h*drologi# model and threshold frequen#*"based method for flash flood fore#asting at ungauged lo#ations. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ''9, &02(&20. Ke*!ords+ /istributed h*drologi# modeling- ;lash flood fore#asting- ,ngauged basins;lood frequen#*

7eza#o0a, /aniela, Nb*nek .okol, and Petr Pesi#e, 2009. A radar"based 0erifi#ation of re#i itation fore#ast for lo#al #on0e#ti0e storms. Atmospheric Research, $ol. :', 2??" 22&. Ke*!ords+ 5o#al #on0e#ti0e storm- ;lash flood re#i itation- 7adar"based re#i itation estimation- Pre#i itation fore#ast- 7adar"based fore#ast 0erifi#ation

7ozalis, .hahar, Efrat Morin, 2oa0 2air, and Aolin Pri#e, 20?0. ;lash flood redi#tion using an un#alibrated h*drologi#al model and radar rainfall data in a Mediterranean !atershed under #hanging h*drologi#al #onditions. Journal of Hydrology, 6n ress, Aorre#ted Proof. Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- <*drologi#al model- Mediterranean #limate- ,rbanizationFeather radar- Aon0e#ti0e rain

7uin, 6sabelle, 3ean"/ominique Areutin, .andrine Anquetin, and Aline 5utoff, 200:. <uman e1 osure to flash floods E 7elation bet!een flood arameters and human 0ulnerabilit* during a storm of .e tember 2002 in .outhern ;ran#e. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ')?, ?99(2?'. Ke*!ords+ ;lash"flood- /eath #ir#umstan#es- $ulnerabilit*- ,ngauged #at#hmentMediterranean area

7uin, 6sabelle, 3ean"Ahristo he =aillard, and Aline 5utoff, 2009. <o! to get there^ Assessing motoristsU flash flood risk er#e tion on dail* itineraries. Environmental Hazards, $ol. 9, 2'%(2&&.

Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- 7isk er#e tion- Motorists- Aogniti0e ma


7uiz"$illanue0a, $irginia, Andrs /Vez"<errero, Markus .toffel, Mi#helle 4olls#h!eiler, 3os M. 4odoque, and 3uan A. 4allesteros, 20?0. /endrogeomor hi# anal*sis of flash floods in a

small ungauged mountain #at#hment CAentral . ainD. Geomorphology, $ol. ??:, ':'( '92. Ke*!ords+ /endrogeomor holog*- ;lash flood frequen#* anal*sis- @ree"ring- Mountain #at#hment- . ain

.ahoo, =.4., A. 7a*, and E.<. /e Aarlo, 200). ,se of neural net!ork to redi#t flash flood and attendant !ater qualities of a mountainous stream on >ahu, <a!aii . Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '29, %2%(%':. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- .urfa#e h*drolog*- Fater qualit*- 8on" oint sour#e ollutionFatershed- Aoastal o#eanogra h*- Artifi#ial neural net!ork

.ahoo, =.4., A. 7a*, and E.<. /e Aarlo, 200). Aalibration and 0alidation of a h*si#all* distributed h*drologi#al model, M6KE .<E, to redi#t streamflo! at high frequen#* in a flash* mountainous <a!aii stream. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. '29, 9&(?09. Ke*!ords+ Mountainous stream- ;lash"flood streamflo!- /istributed h*drologi# model. lit #alibration

.ander, 3ulia, and /otzek 8ikolai, 2009. Alimate #hange im a#ts on se0ere #on0e#ti0e storms o0er Euro e. :th European $onference on "evere "torms 2;-2< 'cto0er ;==3 , 5andshut, =erman*.

.angati, M., and M. 4orga, 2009. 6nfluen#e of rainfall s atial resolution on flash flood modeling. Natural Hazards ! Earth "ystem "ciences, $ol. 9, %9%(%:&. Ke*!ords+ <*drolog*- <*drauli# engineering- Fatersheds- 7ainfall robabilities

.angati, Mar#o, Mar#o 4orga, /a0ide 7abuffetti, and 7enzo 4e#hini, 2009. 6nfluen#e of rainfall and soil ro erties s atial aggregation on e1treme flash flood res onse modeling+ An e0aluation based on the .esia ri0er basin, 8orth Festern 6tal*. Advances in Water Resources, $ol. '2, ?090(??0). Ke*!ords+ 7adar h*drolog*- ;lash flood- 7ainfall s atial 0ariabilit*- .oil ro erties s atial 0ariabilit*

.#hmitz, =.<., and 3. Aullmann, 200:. PA6">;;+ A ne! ro osal for online flood

fore#asting in flash flood rone #at#hments. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. ')0, ?(?&. Ke*!ords+ ;lood fore#asting- 8eural net!orks- Pro#ess models

.#huma#her, 7uss .., and 7i#hard <. 3ohnson, 2009. Iuasi"stationar*, e1treme"rain" rodu#ing #on0e#ti0e s*stems asso#iated !ith midle0el #*#loni# #ir#ulations. Weather and )orecasting, $ol. 2&, %%%(%9&.

.lade, 7a*mond M. 3r., and 3ohn Patton, 2002. MaQor and Aatastro hi# .torms and ;loods in @e1as+ 2?% MaQor and &? Aatastro hi# E0ents from ?:%' to .e tember ?, 2002. ,. =eologi#al .ur0e* > en";ile 7e ort 0'"?9'.

.mith, 3ames A., Mar* 5*nn 4ae#k, Katherine 5. Meierdier#ks, Andre! 3. Miller, and Fitold ;. KraQe!ski, 2009. 7adar rainfall estimation for flash flood fore#asting in small urban !atersheds. Advances in Water Resources, $ol. '0, 20:9(2099. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- 7ainfall- Feather radar

.taes, Aatherine, 3.A. >rengo, 3. Malila*, 3. 7ullan, E. K. 8oQi, ?99&. /eaths due to flash floods in Puerto 7i#o, 3anuar* ?992+ 6m li#ations for re0ention. *nternational Journal of Epidemiology, $ol. 2', 9):(99%. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- mortalit*- !arning s*stems- !arning res onses

.te0au1, 3ose Aandido, Edgardo M. 5atrubesse, Maria 5u#ia de P. <ermann, and .amia Aquino, 2009. ;loods in ,rban Areas of 4razil. evelopments in Earth "urface Processes, $ol. ?', 2&%(2)). Ke*!ords+ .ao Paulo- A#re- .anta Aatarina- ;loods- Planning- ,rban- <azards

@orres, /. .em ere, 3.2. 7odriguez, Ah. >bled, ?992. ,sing the /P;@ a im ro0e flash flood fore#asting models. 8atural <azards, $ol. %, ?9(&?. Ke*!ords+ flash flood, fore#asting, modeling, risk assessment

roa#h to

@soi, >.M., 2009. @he natural fa#tors that are res onsible for forest fires in the southern ;ar East. Geography and Natural Resources, $ol. '0, ?')(?&0. Ke*!ords+ forest fire- flood- radon- seismi#it*- magnetostri#tion

@rambla*, 20es, Ahristo he 4ou0ier, Alaude Martin, 3ean";ran\ois /idon"5es#ot, /ragana @odoro0ik, and 3ean"Mar# /omergue. 20?0. Assessment of initial soil moisture #onditions for e0ent"based rainfall"runoff modeling. Journal of Hydrology, in ress, a##e ted manus#ri t. Ke*!ords+ ;lash ;lood Predi#tion- .oil Moisture- @ime /omain 7efle#tometr*- .oil Aonser0ation .er0i#e Method- .mall Mediterranean Aat#hment

$illarini, =abriele, Fitold ;. KraQe!ski, Ale1andros A. 8telekos, Konstantine P. =eorgakakos, and 3ames A. .mith, 20?0. @o!ards robabilisti# fore#asting of flash floods+ @he #ombined effe#ts of un#ertaint* in radar"rainfall and flash flood guidan#e. Journal of Hydrology, 6n ress, Aorre#ted Proof. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- ;lash flood guidan#e- 7adar"rainfall- ,n#ertainties

$in#endon, 4atri#e, $ronique /u#ro#q, =eorges"Marie .aulnier, 5udo0i# 4ouilloud, Katia Ahan#ibault, ;loren#e <abets, and 3o_l 8oilhan, 20?0. 4enefit of #ou ling the 6.4A land surfa#e model !ith a @>PM>/E5 h*drologi#al model 0ersion dedi#ated to Mediterranean flash"floods. Journal of Hydrology, in ress, a##e ted Manus#ri t.

Ke*!ords+ h*drometeorologi#al #ou ling, .$A@, 6.4A, @>PM>/E5, flash"flood

$in#endon, 4., $. /u#ro#q, .. /ierer, $. Kotroni, M. 5e 5a*, M. Milelli, A. Iuesne*, =." M. .aulnier, /. 7abuffetti, 5. 4ouilloud, K. Ahan#ibault, .. Anquetin, K. 5agou0ardos, and P. .teiner, 2009. ;lash flood fore#asting !ithin the P7E$6EF roQe#t+ 0alue of high" resolution h*drometeorologi#al #ou led fore#ast. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, $ol. ?0', ??%(?2%. Ke*!ords+ P7E$6EF- h*drologi#al beha0ior- high"resolution models- quantitati0e re#i itation fore#ast

$inet, ;redd*, 200:. =eogra hi#al anal*sis of damage due to flash floods in southern ;ran#e+ the #ases of ?2(?' 8o0ember ?999 and :(9 .e tember 2002. Applied Geography, $ol. 2:, '2'(''). Ke*!ords+ ;lash floods- ;lood damage- 5oss assessment- E#onomi#al 0ulnerabilit*

Faele, 3o /e, Mario 5.$. Martina, 5aura .anna, .al0atore Aabras, and I. Antonello Aossu, 20?0. ;lash flood h*drolog* in karsti# terrain+ ;lumineddu Aan*on, #entral"east .ardinia.

=eomor holog*, 6n ress, A##e ted manus#ri t. Ke*!ords+ e1treme e0ents- flash floods- karst- eak flo!- geomor holog*

Fardah, @., ..<. Abu 4akar, A. 4ardoss*, and M. Maznorizan, 200:. 3ournal of <*drolog*, ,se of geostationar* meteorologi#al satellite images in #on0e#ti0e rain estimation for flash"flood fore#asting. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 2%), 2:'(29:. Ke*!ords+ =eostationar* meteorologi#al satellite- Aon0e#ti0e rain- 8eural net!ork;lood fore#asting"and"!arning s*stem- 8umeri#al !eather redi#tion- 7adar

!ea"er, #, $ %runtfest, and % &e"', ())) *+o ,loods in ,ort Collins, Colorado &earnin- from a Natural .isaster Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, /a', (3012(333

Feigel, Ed!in P., ?992. ;lood that strikes in a flash. N'AA Magazine, $ol. 2, :(?9. Ke*!ords+ flash flood- 8F.

Finston, F.E. and 7.E. Ariss, 2002. =eo#hemi#al 0ariations during flash flooding, Merame# 7i0er basin, Ma* 2000. 3ournal of <*drolog*, $ol. 2)%, ?&9(?)'. Ke*!ords+ ;lash flood- >1*gen isoto es- <*drogra h se aration- Fater #hemistr*

Fisko!, Eilert and 7ienk 7. 0an der Ploeg, 200'. Aal#ulation of drain s a#ings for o timal rainstorm flood #ontrol. Journal of Hydrology, $ol. 292, ?)'(?9&. Ke*!ords+ .ubsurfa#e drainage- /rain model- Aat#hment h*drolog*- Peak flo!.torm!ater runoff #ontrol- E1ternal #osts of agri#ulture

FHst, 7a hael A. 3., and Ahristian .#hlH#hter, 2000. @he >rigin of .oluble .alts in 7o#ks of the @hebes Mountains, Eg* t+ @he /amage Potential to An#ient Eg* tian Fall Art. Journal of Archaeological "cience, $ol. 29, ??)?(??92. Ke*!ords+ salt deterioration, sul hates, !eathering, orosit*, flash flood, @hebes !est, Eg* t

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