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What is the EU official position on Scotland in the independence referendum?

Is it true that you are going to remove european citizenship from the 5 million people living in Scotland?And as the act of Union created the UK, What happens to England, Wales and orthern Ireland as the UK !ill cease to "e a legal entity after a yes vote? #ere is the reply

Thank you for your message and for sharing your views with us. Please note that President Barroso made clear that his comments in response to a question in a TV interview did not relate to the specific internal constitutional arrangements of the UK or any other Mem er !tate. "e e#pressed his respect for the ongoing democratic process and recalled it is for the !cottish people and for the British citi$ens to decide on the future of !cotland. President Barroso reiterated the %uropean &ommission's view in general terms( in line with the responses given to several questions from the %uropean Parliament as well as from the UK "ouse of )ords and the !cottish *overnment. +n these replies the %uropean &ommission has noted that scenarios such as the separation of one part of a Mem er !tate or the creation of a new state would not e neutral as regards the %U Treaties. , new independent state would( y the fact of its independence( ecome a third country with respect to the %U and the %U Treaties would no longer apply on its territory. Under ,rticle -. of the Treaty on %uropean Union( any %uropean state which respects the principles set out in ,rticle / of the Treaty on %uropean Union may apply to ecome a mem er of the %U. +f the application is accepted y the &ouncil acting unanimously( an agreement is then negotiated etween the applicant state and the Mem er !tates on the conditions of admission and the ad0ustments to the Treaties which such admission entails. This agreement is su 0ect to ratification y all Mem er !tates and the applicant state. +n addition( according to primary %uropean Union law 1,rticle /2 Treaty on the 3unctioning of the %U45 every person holding the

nationality of a Mem er !tate shall automatically e a citi$en of the Union. &iti$enship of the Union is additional to and does not replace national citi$enship. &iti$enship of the Union thus does not e#ist independently from citi$enship of a !tate that is an %U Mem er !tate. 3urther information can e consulted on the following document 6Petition 7.289/27/( y M.:.,. 1British5 on %U citi$enship following !cottish independence;< http<99www.europarl.europa.eu9:egistre=e 9search9simple.htm> rel?ame@3A:Breference@7272//

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