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Carbohydrate Glucose; Form in which plants transport carbohydrate / energy source; Glycogen; In plant cell walls;

One role in living organisms


(a) (b)

Tissues are groups of (similar) cells performing similar functions; rgans are a number of tissues that perform a function "agnification is the number of times bigger an image is than the #specimen / original$; %esolution is the #ability to distinguish two points as separate points / degree of detail visible$ !


(a) (b)

(i) (ii)

Glycerol / propan &' !' ( triol )ster

& &

(*tearic acid / saturated fatty acids$ have more hydrogen atoms; #*tearic acid / saturated fatty acids$ have no double carbon+carbon bonds; #*tearic acid / saturated fatty acids$ have no ,in,s; -allow converse statements about unsaturated fatty acids. &/ )nergy stores; 0ualification1 #"ore than / twice as much as) carbohydrate % Insoluble / compact / minimise mass % *ubcutaneous / adipose / blubber;



2rotection / mechanical insulation; 0ualification1 3round #organs / named organ$ % %eference to adipose tissue % )ar wa4 giving protection against infection; 5aterproofing; 0ualification1 f s,in / fur / feathers / insect cuticle / ear wa4 % 6ydrophobic / insoluble / repels water;



)lectrical insulation; 0ualification1 %eference to myelin sheath / nerve cells / neurones / a4ons / dendrons % 8on+polar;


6eat insulation; 0ualification1 ;uoyancy; 0ualification1 "a,ing beeswa4; 0ualification1 "embrane fluidity; 0ualification1

*ubcutaneous / adipose / blubber % 2revents heat loss from body; <ess dense than #water / muscle$; Formation of honeycomb; %eference to cholesterol;

:/ =/ >/ ?/ &@/ &&/

Cell membrane structure; 0ualification1 %eference to phospholipids; %eference to hormones; 0ualification1 3s steroids; *ource of metabolic water; 0ualification1 %eference to respiration % Aesert adaptation

! 4 ! mar,



&/ !/ (/ 7/ 9/

Contains (r)%83; 3nd protein; 6as two (sub+)units; ;inding#site/groove$ to accept %83; !@+(@ nm in siBe; ! ! % 8 6 C 6 C 6 8 % C 6 C 6 ( &


Glycine; <ysine; 6



Correct amino acid parts on either side;; Carbon nitrogen bac, bone; (ii) Condensation


(a) (b)

(i) (ii) (i) (ii) (iii)

;A3C; "etaphase; -ignore I and II. A83 replicates; Cell division / cyto,inesis; "itosis / G! and mitosis; #l9/!@$ hours;

& & ! & &



(a) (b)

3 ;

8ucleus/chromatin/nucleoplasm; "itochondrion;

Correctly measured length; (<ength) C 9@@@; Correct answer in m; &/ !/ (/ 7/ 9/ :/ =/ >/ (molecules/proteins) pass into the#cisternae/eD$of the %)%; Eesicles #brea, off (from cisternae) / form$; (molecules) carried to Golgi / (vesicles) fuse with Golgi; (proteins) concentrated; "odified / carbohydrate added / become glycoproteins; Eesicles #brea, away (from Golgi) / move to cell membrane$; (vesicles) fuse (with cell membrane); %eference to e4ocytosis;






*ucrose is a non+reducing sugar therefore gives negative result #with ;enedictFs reagent / in table &$; It is hydrolysed into #monosaccharides / glucose and fructose / reducing sugars); The orange precipitate in table ! indicates a higher concentration of sucrose / eD; !


&/ !/ (/ 7/

"altose is #detected / eD$ at a lower concentration; "altose is a disaccharide; Therefore twice as much glucose after being hydrolysed; Compared to a glucose solution of same (molarity / concentration$ eD;


&/ !/ (/ 7/ 9/

3dd #biuret solution (at room temperature) / G 6 and Cu* #*tated / eDual) volumes of both protein solutions;

Control of one other variable (e/g/ time' temperature' volume of biuret); 2urple / lilac / violet / eD; Intensity comparison / #dar,er / eD$ colour means more protein / reference to use of calorimeter; 7




&/ (Chemical that) #speeds up / increases rate of$ a reaction; !/ 5ithout itself being changed / used over and over again / not used up;

3ctivation energy1

(/ )nergy needed for a chemical reaction to begin; 7/ )nBymes reduce it; 7


(i) (ii) (iii)

6ydrolysis; Glycosidic (+&'7) &/ !/ (/ 7/ 9/ Hse water as basis to compare effect; Copper sulphate decreases rate of cellulose brea,down; #Increase in concentration / higher concentrations) decreases rate of brea,down even more; 3fter si4 days more cellulose bro,en down at lower concentrations; Credit manipulations of data to compare brea,down of solutions at different concentrations Aisulphide bonds maintain #(tertiary/(A)structure/shape$; If disulphide bonds brea,' the active site will be altered; Cellulose will no longer fit into the active site / eD; Cellulose will not be digested; 3s copper ions increase more enBymes are affected; %eference to non+active site directed inhibitor;

& &


&/ !/ (/ 7/ 9/ :/


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