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Compensation of Unbalanced Magnetic Forces by Distributed Parallel Circuits

O.W. Andersen Steinhaugen 43, NO-7049 Trondheim, Norway phone !a"# $47 73937%%9 owand&'( http# home.'( owand Abstract )Magnetic attractive forces between rotor and
stator in synchronous and induction machines are very large, in the order of 15 !" tons#m !, and can cause serious problems if they are not sufficiently balanced$ %mall variations in the air gap are unavoidable, causing unbalanced magnetic pull, which in turn tends to increase the air gap variations$ &ir gap variations can be caused by the rotor being off center with respect to the stator, and also by the stator or rotor not being perfectly round$ Unbalanced magnetic pull can be reduced significantly by having a multi circuit stator winding, with the parallel circuits arranged in a suitable way$

and 8ero at the hori8onta4 'enter4ine. 7or sma44 disp4a'ements and a !4u" density whi'h 'an +e assumed to +e in*erse4y proportiona4 to air gap 4ength, un+a4an'ed *erti'a4 !or'e density *aries as a 'osine s-uared !un'tion around the periphery. As an e"amp4e, say the diameter is 20 m, 4ength 2 m and un+a4an'ed !or'e density ( tons s-.m !or a hydroe4e'tri' generator, 'orresponding to a+out %: *ariations in air gap or ;2 mm !or a (0 mm gap. Then the tota4 un+a4an'ed !or'e wi44 +e# ( " 0.% " 20 " < . 32.4 tons

1$ Magnetic Forces
The attra'ti*e !or'e in the air gap +etween rotor and stator is in S, units# Newton s-.m . /( 01.0 20-73 With / . 2 tes4a, whi'h is a reasona+4e ma"imum air gap !4u" density, this wor5s out to# Newton s-.m . 397117 whi'h is e-ua4 to 40.%6 metri' tons. The appro"imate sinusoida4 distri+ution o! !4u" density around the 'ir'um!eren'e gi*es an a*erage o! a+out ha4! o! this. 74u" densities are o!ten s4ight4y 4ess than one tes4a, and a*erage attra'ti*e !or'e is rough4y !or any si8e syn'hronous or indu'tion ma'hine# 7or'e s-.m . 2%-(0 tons

Whether or not su'h a 4arge !or'e wi44 resu4t in 'omp4ete 'o44apse o! the air gap or una''epta+4e o!!-'enter de!4e'tion depends on the strength and rigidity o! the stru'ture. 7or'e

9agneti' !or'e

7i'ti'ious app4ied !or'e 0system sti!!ness response !or'e3 =edu'ed magneti' !or'e


!$ 'ff Center Deflection

7ig. ( A !i'titious app4ied !or'e with the same distri+ution as the magneti' !or'e wi44 gi*e an o!!-'enter de!4e'tion a4ong a 4inear 'ur*e. Another way to des'ri+e this !i'titious !or'e is as the system sti!!ness response !or'e. The un+a4an'ed magneti' !or'e wi44 4e*e4 o!! a!ter the de!4e'tion gets to a 'ertain point, main4y +e'ause o! saturation in the teeth. ,! the two 'ur*es 'ross +e!ore the air gap 'o44apses, it wi44 +e at the operating point !or a permanent de!4e'tion. ,! the initia4 s4ope o! the 'ur*e !or magneti' !or'e is 4ess than that o! the response !or'e, there wi44 +e no tenden'y !or the de!4e'tion to de*e4op !rom an initia4 'entered position o! the rotor. ,n a more rea4isti' s'enario, dashed 4ines show the response !or'e starting at a sma44 initia4 o!!set and a hope!u44y a''epta+4e o!!-'enter de!4e'tion.

7ig. 2 9agneti' attra'ti*e !or'e wi44 +e in'reased in the ha4! o! the 'ir'um!eren'e where the air gap is de'reased and *i'e *ersa in the other ha4!. That gi*es an un+a4an'ed !or'e in the dire'tion o! the de!4e'tion. The *erti'a4 un+a4an'ed !or'e density in 7ig. 2 is ma"imum at the top and +ottom

($ )lliptical Deformation of the %tator Core

5$ +ess than Perfect Compensation

Tota4 !4u"es wi44 +e e-ua4i8ed in ea'h o! the !our -uadrants o! 7ig. 4. @owe*er, part o! that !4u" is 4ea5age !4u". As an e"amp4e, 'ompensation o! the air gap !4u" 'an +e in per unit# Aad Ad . 0.1% 2.0 . 0.1% That 4ea*es 2%: un'ompensated. 7or a 2: de'rease o! air gap, without 'ompensation the !4u" density wi44 in'rease +y a !a'tor 2.02 and !or'e density +y a !a'tor 2.0(. With !4u" 'ompensation to 2%:, the !a'tors wi44 +e 2.002% and 2.003. Sin'e 0.003 0.0( is a4so 0.2%, the 'ompensation !or un+a4an'ed !or'e density at sma44 disp4a'ements wi44 +e the same as !or the !4u" density. There is a4so another reason !or 4ess than per!e't 'ompensation, i.e. the 4imited num+er o! 'ir'uits. Say the rotor shi!t in 7ig. 2 is in the same dire'tion as the *erti'a4 a"is in 7ig. 4, so that 'ir'u4ating 'urrents wi44 +e e*en4y distri+uted, +ut in opposite dire'tions in the upper and 4ower ha4*es. With 8ero degrees at the top o! 7ig. 4, an idea4 'ir'u4ating 'urrent to 'ompensate !or the air gap shi!t shou4d +e distri+uted as a 'osine 'ur*e around the 'ir'um!eren'e. The 'ompensated !or'e wou4d a4so *ary as a 'osine 'ur*e, +ut sin'e the !or'e is radia4, the a*erage *erti'a4 !or'e 'ompensated wi44 ha*e a !a'tor e-ua4 to the a*erage *a4ue o! 'osine s-uared, whi'h is 0.%. Sin'e 'ir'u4ating 'urrent in ea'h -uadrant o! 7ig. 4 is e*en4y distri+uted and the a*erage o! a 'osine 'ur*e is 0( 3 o! the pea5 *a4ue, a !a'tor 'ompara+4e to the pre*ious 0.% wi44 now +e 0( 3( . 0.40%. The 'ompensated *erti'a4 !or'e wi44 there!ore ha*e a !a'tor 0.40% 0.% . 0.12 and the un'ompensated !or'e 0.29. Bom+ined with the !a'tor due to 4ea5age !4u", the tota4 !a'tor !or 'ompensated un+a4an'ed magneti' !or'e wi44 +e 0.1%"0.12 . 0.619, and !or the un'ompensated !or'e 0.322. The 'ur*e !or magneti' !or'e in 7ig. ( wi44 +e 4owered +y a !a'tor a+out 2 3.

7ig. 3 When there is a departure !rom the idea4 'ir'u4ar shape o! the stator 'ore, the sti!!ness o!!ers the 4east resistan'e to a 'hange to an e44ipti'a4 shape. As soon as there is a s4ight tenden'y !or it, 'hanges in attra'ti*e !or'es in the air gap wi44 magni!y this tenden'y. 7ig. ( is a4so app4i'a+4e to e44ipti'a4 de!ormation. ?44ipti'a4 de!ormation 'an +e a pro+4em in 4ow speed ma'hines with a 4arge num+er o! po4es, whi'h re-uire on4y a sha44ow yo5e to 'arry the !4u".

*$ Compensation by Distributed Parallel Circuits

7ig. 4 7ig. 4 depi'ts !our para44e4 'ir'uits in a stator winding, distri+uted in !our -uadrants in a way that !o44ows natura44y !or a 4ap winding. A wa*e winding re-uires spe'ia4 'onne'tions. The 'ir'uits are permanent4y in para44e4, a4so in open 'ir'uit 'onditions. Sin'e the *o4tage a'ross ea'h o! them is the same, the tota4 !4u" in ea'h -uadrant o! the ma'hine is !or'ed to +e the same. ,! the rotor starts to mo*e in one dire'tion or the stator starts to !4e", 'ir'u4ating 'urrents +egin to !4ow +etween the !our para44e4 'ir'uits to maintain e-ua4 !4u"es and there+y a more or 4ess uni!orm !or'e density around the 'ir'um!eren'e. The 'ir'u4ating 'urrents are pure 8ero power!a'tor magneti8ing 'urrents, out o! phase with the 4oad 'urrents. The tota4 a+so4ute *a4ues o! the 'urrents in the di!!erent 'ir'uits wi44 there!ore stay a+out the same. >e'reasing un+a4an'ed magneti' !or'es this way to !or e"amp4e 2 3 is as e!!e'ti*e as in'reasing strength and rigidity o! stru'tura4 'omponents +y a !a'tor o! three, and the 'ost is neg4igi+4e. @ow mu'h un+a4an'ed magneti' !or'es 'an +e de'reased wi44 now +e dis'ussed.

,$ -mproved Compensation
Sin'e the o+Ce'ti*e is to 5eep the air gap uni!orm, there is no reason why the !our 'ir'uits in a44 three phases shou4d 'o*er the same -uadrants. /rea5 points +etween 'ir'uits 'an +e at# Dhase 2# 0 - 90-210-(70 me'hani'a4 degrees Dhase (# 30-2(0-(20-300 Dhase 3# 60-2%0-(40-330 ,n ear4ier 'a4'u4ations, the 'ompensation o! un+a4an'ed magneti' !or'es with a norma4 !our -uadrant 4ap or 4aptype winding was !ound to +e 61.9:, redu'ing the !or'es to a+out 2 3. The 'a4'u4ation was +ased on o!!-'enter disp4a'ement in a dire'tion at 4% degree ang4es with the 'enters o! the 'ir'uits.

A simi4ar 'a4'u4ation with a disp4a'ement at the other e"treme position, with 8ero and 90 degree ang4es with respe't to the 'enters, gi*es e"a't4y the same 'ompensation. ,t 'an +e shown +y numeri'a4 'a4'u4ation that the impro*ed 'ompensation with 'ir'uit positions shi!ted +etween phases gi*es a redu'tion o! un+a4an'ed !or'es to a+out 2 6 rather than 2 3 !or o!!-'enter disp4a'ement. Two 'omputer programs that are des'ri+ed on the authorEs we+ site http# home.'( owand ha*e +een used !or the 'a4'u4ations, the magneti' !ie4d program 7F>22 and the a' 'ir'uit ana4ysis program ABBAN. Without 'ompensation !rom a distri+uted para44e4 'ir'uit winding, o!!-'enter disp4a'ement sets up a two po4e sinusoida44y distri+uted un+a4an'ed !4u" density and 'orresponding radia4 !or'e density around the periphery. The mode4 used in the 'a4'u4ations has an arti!i'ia4 'ir'uit 'onsisting o! two sinusoida44y distri+uted 'ir'uit 4ayers 'arrying 'urrents in opposite dire'tions 0see 7ig. % +e4ow3. That arti!i'ia4 'ir'uit is mutua44y 4in5ed with the distri+uted !our or twe4*e para44e4 'ir'uits, ea'h 'o*ering a -uadrant, where opposing 'urrents are indu'ed. 9utua4 'oup4ings 'an +e 'a4'u4ated either ana4yti'a44y or +y 7F>22, and ABBAN 'a4'u4ates indu'ed 'urrents. Two diametri'a44y opposite para44e4 'ir'uits 'arry e-ua4 'urrents o! opposite signs. The resu4ting 997 wa*e is !ourier ana4y8ed into a two po4e sine wa*e. A44 the sine wa*es are 'om+ined *e'toria44y, and the degree o! 'ompensation is !ound. With !our para44e4 'ir'uits in the same -uadrants in a44 three phases, the 'ompensation is !ound to +e 12:, 'on!irming the resu4t that was !ound ear4ier, using a di!!erent method. The resu4t is pra'ti'a44y the same !or di!!erent positions o! the o!!set. Bom+ined with the 1%: 'ompensation due to 4ea5age !4u", the tota4 'ompensation is 61.9:. With twe4*e distri+uted 'ir'uits, the 'ompensation is 91:, whi'h 'om+ined with the 1%: due to 4ea5age !4u" gi*es a tota4 o! 13.3:. That 4ea*es 26.7: un'ompensated, redu'ing un+a4an'ed !or'e to on4y a+out 2 6. 74u" p4ot !rom 7F>22 with sinusoida44y distri+uted sur!a'e 4ayers#

o!ten +e e-uipped with e-ua4i8ers, impro*ing the 'ompensation !urther.

.$ /wo Circuits with )0uali1ers

2 ( 2 (

?*en num+er o! po4e pairs 7ig. 6

Odd num+er o! po4e pairs 7ig. 7

?-ua4i8ers are 'onne'tions +etween the midpoints o! the two 'ir'uits, as shown in !igures 6 and 7. 7or a *erti'a4 o!!-'enter disp4a'ement o! the rotor, the 'ompensation wi44 +e e!!e'ti*e in +oth 'ases. Gpper and 4ower 'ir'uits wi44 'arry di!!erent 'urrents. @owe*er, !or a hori8onta4 disp4a'ement, the 'ompensation on4y wor5s !or an e*en num+er o! po4e pairs. On4y then 'an se'tions 2 and 4 'arry e-ua4 'urrents, di!!erent !rom se'tions ( and 3. ?-ua4i8ers ma5e a two 'ir'uit winding +eha*e essentia44y as a !our 'ir'uit winding in the degree o! 'ompensation !or an e*en num+er o! po4e pairs.

2$ )0uivalent Circuit &nalysis

The 'ompensation up to now has +een 'a4'u4ated on4y !or o!!-'enter de!4e'tion, a round rotor mo*ing e''entri'a44y inside a round stator. Su'h a mo*e 'reates a two po4e un+a4an'ed !4u". A two po4e !or'e wa*e resu4ts, pu44ing the rotor !urther in the dire'tion o! the e''entri'ity. The distri+uted !our 'ir'uit winding depi'ted in 7ig. 4 wi44 a4so +e used in the e"amp4es here. Fea5age !4u" wi44 initia44y +e ignored, so that tota4 !4u" wi44 +e the same as air gap !4u". The !a'tor Aad Ad !or redu'ed 'ompensation due to 4ea5age !4u" wi44 remain 'onstant 0here 0.1%3 and wi44 +e app4ied 4ater. 7our 'ir'uits disp4a'ed uni!orm4y +etween the three phases wi44 di*ide the 'ir'um!eren'e into twe4*e 30 degree segments, as des'ri+ed ear4ier. ?a'h 'ir'uit 'o*ers three segments. Sin'e the 'ir'uits are in para44e4 and ha*e the same *o4tages, 'ir'u4ating 'urrents wi44 !or'e the !4u"es to +e the same and un+a4an'ed !4u"es to +e 8ero. ,t 'an +e e"pressed as !o44ows# H2$H($I3 . 0 H($H3$I4 . 0 -----------------H2($H2$I( . 0 The twe4*e e-uations with twe4*e un5nowns ha*e a44 !4u"es e-ua4 to 8ero as the so4ution. ,n other words, !4u"es are e-ua4i8ed within 30 degree segments, 'on!irming the 'on'4usion !rom ear4ier numeri'a4 'a4'u4ations.

7ig. % /y 'omparing !igures 3 and 4 it is e*ident that on4y the impro*ed 'ompensation with the !our 'ir'uits shi!ted +etween phases wi44 +e e!!e'ti*e in 'ompensating !or e44ipti'a4 de!ormation. The 'a4'u4ations show that the 'ompensation e-ua4i8es tota4 !4u"es within 30 degree segments, instead o! the 90 degree segments without shi!t o! 'ir'uit positions +etween phases. >isregarding 4ea5age !4u", the impro*ed 'ompensation with !our 'ir'uits was !ound to +e 91: e!!e'ti*e. The !ewer the num+er o! 'ir'uits, the 4ess e!!e'ti*e the 'ompensation wi44 +e, +ut it wi44 +e su+stantia4 a4so with three and two 'ir'uits. With three 'ir'uits it wi44 +e 96: e!!e'ti*e, with two 'ir'uits 92:. @owe*er, two 'ir'uits 'an

Bir'u4ating 'urrents are 'onstant within ea'h segment. To 'ompensate !or a two po4e !4u" wa*e, diametri'a44y opposite segments ha*e the same 'ir'u4ating 'urrents with opposite signs. Ba4'u4ations 'an +e made with the e-ui*a4ent 'ir'uit in 7ig. 1.

3$ Possible Problems due to Unbalanced Magnetic Pull

,ndu'tion motors are espe'ia44y *u4nera+4e, due to the *ery sma44 air gaps. There is a rea4 danger here o! the rotor a'tua44y ru++ing the stator, and it is essentia4 that espe'ia44y the designers o! 4arge indu'tion motors ta5e ad*antage o! the redu'tion o! un+a4an'ed magneti' pu44 inherent in suita+4y arranged para44e4 'ir'uit windings. ,t is the authorEs e"perien'e that indu'tion motor designers ha*e +een more aware o! this than syn'hronous ma'hine designers, +ut it is hoped that the in!ormation in this paper wi44 a4so ma5e it possi+4e !or them to impro*e their designs. Bomp4ete 'o44apse o! the air gap is 4ess 4i5e4y to happen in syn'hronous ma'hines, +ut it has happened during 'ommissioning o! some hydroe4e'tri' generators, and it 'ou4d pro+a+4y ha*e +een a*oided +y a +etter understanding o! how 'ompensation 'an redu'e un+a4an'ed magneti' pu44. Air gap *ariations are not ne'essari4y 'onstant in time and spa'e, and may 'ause una''epta+4e *i+ration and noise. @owe*er, that may a4so +e 'aused +y an un!ortunate 4ayout o! !ra'tiona4 s4ot windings with 4arge wa*e4ength 997s, +ut it is a di!!erent story and outside the s'ope o! this paper. 7or ea'h indi*idua4 po4e o! a syn'hronous ma'hine, !4u" pu4sations wi44 ha*e a !re-uen'y =D9 60 !or o!!'enter de!4e'tion and =D9 30 !or e44ipti'a4 de!ormation. The 4ow !re-uen'y wi44 gi*e 4ow indu'ed *o4tages in the damper winding, +ut a4so 4ow rea'tan'e, and the indu'ed 'urrents may sti44 +e una''epta+4y 4arge. They wi44 !4ow 'ontinuous4y, may 'ause su+stantia4 4osses, and there is a4so a danger o! o*erheating and destru'tion o! the damper winding. Stator de!ormations wi44 ne*er +e pure4y e44ipti'a4 due to non-uni!orm distri+ution o! sti!!ness around the periphery and 'on'entrated !rame supports. That wi44 'ause higher harmoni's in air gap *ariations and tends to in'rease the indu'ed 'urrents in the damper winding. Gna''epta+4e wear and e*entua4 destru'tion o! me'hani'a4 parts is a4so a danger. Juide +earings and guide +earing supports are espe'ia44y *u4nera+4e. Other 'riti'a4 'omponents are the 'onne'tion spider-rim in hydroe4e'tri' generators and supports o! the main +ra'5et and the stator !rame against the !oundation.

7ig. 1 Si" 'urrent sour'es with pu4sed 'urrents as shown in 7ig. 9 represent 'ir'u4ating 'urrents and 'orresponding !4u"es in the twe4*e segments.

7ig. 9 The pu4ses are disp4a'ed 30 degrees +etween the si" 'urrent sour'es. Burrents in ea'h o! them are 'a4'u4ated so that the areas 'o*ered +y them e-ua4 areas under 'orresponding portions o! the two po4e sine wa*e. The sum o! the pu4sed 'urrents in the resisti*e +ran'h to the right is !ourier ana4y8ed, and the !undamenta4 two po4e sine wa*e is !ound. Bompensation o! a sine wa*e with one per unit amp4itude and segments starting at 0,30,60--- degrees gi*es as a resu4t 0.977 per unit. The same 'ompensation is !ound !or segments starting at 2%,4%,7%--- degrees. This is in 'omp4ete agreement with the 0.91 per unit 'a4'u4ated 4ess a''urate4y ear4ier. The e-ui*a4ent 'ir'uit in 7ig. 1 is set up and so4*ed *ery easi4y with 'omputer program D?BAN 0Dower ?4e'troni' Bir'uit Ana4ysis3, a4so des'ri+ed on the authorEs we+ site. Symmetri'a44y pu4sed 'urrent sour'es are +ui4t-in and !ourier ana4ysis is per!ormed automati'a44y. This method 'an a4so +e emp4oyed !or !inding the degree o! 'ompensation !or !our node 0e44ipti'a43 de!ormation, whi'h is o! 'onsidera+4e interest. The same !our 'ir'uit winding gi*es a 'ompensation 0.92( per unit, again independent o! where the 'ir'uits are 4o'ated with respe't to the sine wa*e, whi'h now has !our po4es. With 0.1% per unit due to 4ea5age !4u", the tota4 'ompensation is 0.77% per unit, 4ea*ing ((.%: un'ompensated. The !our 'ir'uit winding with !4u"es e-ua4i8ed within 30 degree segments is a4so e!!e'ti*e in 'ompensating !or shorter wa*e4ength de!ormations. >isregarding 4ea5age !4u", the 'ompensation is 0.122 per unit !or si" nodes, 0.614 !or 1 nodes.

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