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Reporting in the Business Information Warehouse is structured into the following substeps: Query definition A query enables the

e analysis of all the data in an InfoCube. When defining the query, you determine how the data is evaluated, and which characteristics and ey figures of the InfoCube are analy!ed more closely. If you imagine the InfoCube as a multi"dimensional cube, then by selecting characteristics and ey figures, you are cutting a subcube #a query$ from the InfoCube. In this way, you can evaluate InfoCube data quic ly and effectively. %he more precisely you define the query, the smaller the subcube, and the quic er you can navigate and refresh the query. %he query evaluates the entire dataset of the InfoCube. &electing certain characteristics means that they can be more closely analy!ed while others remain unspecified. %he resulting ey figures are aggregated across all characteristic values for these unspecified characteristics. 'efault navigation is also defined in the query definition, where the characteristics and ey figures are arranged in the rows and columns of the query. Navigation After inserting a query into a wor boo , the view of the data determined in the query definition is shown. %he query is changed by navigation, and further views of the query data #navigation states$ are created. With the help of the different navigation functions, you evaluate and present query data. %he following graphic gives an overview of the substeps in reporting:

In the B() Analy!er, you formulate conditions for efficient data analysis. In the results area of the query, the data is restricted according to the conditions so that only the part of the results area that you are interested in is displayed. Conditions do not affect the results lines, that is, the results lines correspond to the query results lines without this condition. *ou can define several conditions for one query. *ou can lin several conditions logically using A+', to ma e different conditions apply to the query at the same time, as long as they are all active.

*ou have defined and e)ecuted a query, and now want to define one or more conditions for this query.

Conditions help you restrict how you view query data in the following way: Absolute Conditions: A line is filtered independently of the other lines, when its reference value e)ceeds a specified threshold value. Ranked Lists: ,ere, all lines of the displayed list are considered and their relationship to each other decides whether the lines are displayed. -an ed lists are always sorted automatically.

%he following operators help you to create ran lists: Top N !otto" N: %he ran ed list is arranged according to a particular number.

Customers: %op . or bottom / sales volumes *ou get a list of the three customers with the highest sales, and also the five customers with the lowest sales.

Top percent botto" percent# %he ran ed list is arranged according to a particular percentage.

0aterial: %op 1/2 of sales revenue *ou get a list of materials with the highest sales volume that account for 1/2 of the total revenue. 0aterial: Bottom 1/2 of sales revenue *ou get a list of materials with the lowest sales volume that account for 1/2 of total revenue. Top total botto" total# %he ran ed list is arranged according to a particular totals value.

3roducts: %op total 14,444 (5- of sales volume *ou get a list of products with the lowest sales volume, whose combined sales volume ma es a total of 14,444 (5-. 6irst, all sales volumes are sorted in descending order and then totals are formed until the threshold value of 14,444 is e)ceeded. %hose products that e)ceed the 14,444 (5- threshold are left in the list. %he ran ed list for this condition might loo li e this:


$ales %olu"e

77,444 (5-

8,444 (5-

/,444 (53roduct C is included in the list, even though it means the total sum is greater than 14,444 (5-. All the products that have a lower sales volume than product C are no longer displayed. If you want to create a ran ed list of the products with the lowest sales volume whose combined sales total a certain amount, use the Bottom total operator.

$ee also#

'efining Conditions

&efining Conditions
*ou have e)ecuted a query. *ou want to define one or more conditions for this query, and have chosen Change query (global definition) from the B() toolbar.

&efining Conditions
7. Choose New Condition. #%his menu path is under the pushbutton with the arrow pointing downwards on the right ne)t to the Condition symbol$. *ou get to the dialog bo) Define conditions. 1. &pecify a name for the condition in the Description field.

If you want to 9ust define the condition, and do not want to e)ecute it actively in the query, remove the chec from the active field that is there by default. .. *ou now have the following options: o In the field Evaluate conditions below for, choose the option All characteristics independent in drilldown, if you want to evaluate the lower condition rows separately for all the characteristics in the drilldown.

%he condition row is ales !op ". If the characteristic Customer is the only one in the query, the top / customers as far as sales are concerned are displayed because of the condition. If the characteristic #roduct is the only one in the drilldown, the top / products as far as sales are concerned are displayed. What:s more, if Customer and #roduct are in the drilldown, the top / customers and the top / products, as far as sales are concerned, are displayed, as well as all 1/ combinations of the two. o In the field Evaluate conditions below for, choose the option ingle characteristics or characteristic combinations if you want to evaluate only on certain drilldowns of defined characteristics or characteristic combinations. *ou can then ma e entries in

the list of characteristics which are used in the queries in rows, columns or free characteristics. a. If you only want to evaluate the condition if it is in the drilldown, select it with a chec .

%he condition row is ales !op ". *ou have selected Customer as the only characteristic. %he condition is only evaluated if Customer is in the drilldown. ;nly the top / customers with their sales are displayed. b. &elect several characteristics with a chec , if you want to evaluate the condition for characteristic combinations.

%he condition row is ales !op ". *ou have selected the characteristics Customer and #roduct with a chec . %he condition is only evaluated if Customer and #roduct are in the drilldown at the same time. %he option All characteristics independent in drilldown, displays the top / customer"product combinations with sales, so only / rows instead of 1/ #see above$.

If you have defined several conditions for a query, there may be clashes between the conditions that refer to the same characteristics. In this case, certain rules of priority apply. It is generally the most specific condition that applies when there are clashes.

;ne condition defines the top " sales for the characteristic Customer, a second condition defines the bottom $ sales in the customer"product combination. If only characteristic Customer is in the drilldown, only the first condition applies. &o, only the condition top " sales is used for the characteristic Customer. If Customer and #roduct are in the drilldown at the same time, you can use both conditions according to your definition. In this case, the second condition applies, since it is the most specific because of its reference to the characteristic combination. <. In the field #resent all values that fulfill at least one of the following conditions , enter one or more condition rows into the list. &ee Conditions=()ceptions: Inserting, changing, deleting rows

A condition row is always derived from the determination of an element for every structure used in the query #usually one or two structures$, an operator and a value that matches the operator. *ou can choose from the following operators for threshold conditions: o o o o o o o o is equal to is not equal to is less then is greater than is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to is between (is in the interval) is not between (is not in the interval)

%hese operators demand a floating point number as a value. 6or the operators is in interval and is not in interval, you must enter a value area> a lower and an upper threshold value. *ou can choose from the following operators for ran ed list functions: o o o o o o !op N Bottom N !op percent Bottom percent !op sum Bottom sum

6or !op%Bottom N& you must enter a whole, positive number as the value. 6or !op%Bottom percent, enter a number between 4 and 744. 6or !op%Bottom sum, you can also enter a floating point number #for e)ample, 7/.8$. %he entry format depends on the country setting of the operative system.

%o ma e it easier to enter larger numbers, there is the following entry convention: A quotation mar behind the number means it is multiplied by one thousand, two quotation mar s means a multiplication by one million and three quotation mar s means a multiplication by one billion, for e)ample 7./? @ 7./ 0io @ 7./44.444.

A group of condition rows is logically lin ed with ;-. %his means that at least one of the condition rows has to be filled for the entire condition to be filled for one characteristic value. 8. Choose ;'. %his ta es you bac to the query definition. A. Choose ave.

C'anging Conditions 7. Choose Change condition( #%his menu path is under the pushbutton with the arrow pointing downwards on the right ne)t to the Condition symbol$. *ou get to the selection window for the conditions that have already been defined. 1. Choose the condition you want to use, and then choose )'. *ou get to the dialog bo) Defining conditions, where you ma e the changes. .. In the query definition, choose ave. &eleting Conditions 7. Choose Condition. *ou get to the selection window for the conditions that have already been defined. 1. Choose the condition you want, and then choose Delete. .. In the query definition, choose ave.

*ou have defined or deleted a condition for a query. ()ecute the query. ;nly those ob9ects are displayed which fulfill the defined conditions.

'isplay the descriptions of the conditions in the query view, and activate=deactivate them with a double"clic , or the right mouse button. Choose *ayout Display conditions.

$ee also#
5sing Conditions

&efining Conditions
*ou have e)ecuted a query. *ou want to define one or more conditions for this query, and have chosen Change query (global definition) from the B() toolbar.

&efining Conditions

7. Choose New Condition. #%his menu path is under the pushbutton with the arrow pointing downwards on the right ne)t to the Condition symbol$. *ou get to the dialog bo) Define conditions. 1. &pecify a name for the condition in the Description field.

If you want to 9ust define the condition, and do not want to e)ecute it actively in the query, remove the chec from the active field that is there by default. .. *ou now have the following options: o In the field Evaluate conditions below for, choose the option All characteristics independent in drilldown, if you want to evaluate the lower condition rows separately for all the characteristics in the drilldown.

%he condition row is ales !op ". If the characteristic Customer is the only one in the query, the top / customers as far as sales are concerned are displayed because of the condition. If the characteristic #roduct is the only one in the drilldown, the top / products as far as sales are concerned are displayed. What:s more, if Customer and #roduct are in the drilldown, the top / customers and the top / products, as far as sales are concerned, are displayed, as well as all 1/ combinations of the two. o In the field Evaluate conditions below for, choose the option ingle characteristics or characteristic combinations if you want to evaluate only on certain drilldowns of defined characteristics or characteristic combinations. *ou can then ma e entries in the list of characteristics which are used in the queries in rows, columns or free characteristics.

a. If you only want to evaluate the condition if it is in the drilldown, select it with a chec .

%he condition row is ales !op ". *ou have selected Customer as the only characteristic. %he condition is only evaluated if Customer is in the drilldown. ;nly the top / customers with their sales are displayed. b. &elect several characteristics with a chec , if you want to evaluate the condition for characteristic combinations.

%he condition row is ales !op ". *ou have selected the characteristics Customer and #roduct with a chec . %he condition is only evaluated if Customer and #roduct are in the drilldown at the same time. %he option All characteristics independent in drilldown, displays the top / customer"product combinations with sales, so only / rows instead of 1/ #see above$.

If you have defined several conditions for a query, there may be clashes between the conditions that refer to the same characteristics. In this case, certain rules of priority apply. It is generally the most specific condition that applies when there are clashes.

;ne condition defines the top " sales for the characteristic Customer, a second condition defines the bottom $ sales in the customer"product combination. If only characteristic Customer is in the drilldown, only the first condition applies. &o, only the condition top " sales is used for the characteristic Customer. If Customer and #roduct are in the drilldown at the same time, you can use both conditions according to your definition. In this case, the second condition applies, since it is the most specific because of its reference to the characteristic combination. <. In the field #resent all values that fulfill at least one of the following conditions , enter one or more condition rows into the list. &ee Conditions=()ceptions: Inserting, changing, deleting rows A condition row is always derived from the determination of an element for every structure used in the query #usually one or two structures$, an operator and a value that matches the operator. *ou can choose from the following operators for threshold conditions: o o o o o o o o is equal to is not equal to is less then is greater than is less than or equal to is greater than or equal to is between (is in the interval) is not between (is not in the interval)

%hese operators demand a floating point number as a value. 6or the operators is in interval and is not in interval, you must enter a value area> a lower and an upper threshold value. *ou can choose from the following operators for ran ed list functions:

o o o o o o

!op N Bottom N !op percent Bottom percent !op sum Bottom sum

6or !op%Bottom N& you must enter a whole, positive number as the value. 6or !op%Bottom percent, enter a number between 4 and 744. 6or !op%Bottom sum, you can also enter a floating point number #for e)ample, 7/.8$. %he entry format depends on the country setting of the operative system.

%o ma e it easier to enter larger numbers, there is the following entry convention: A quotation mar behind the number means it is multiplied by one thousand, two quotation mar s means a multiplication by one million and three quotation mar s means a multiplication by one billion, for e)ample 7./? @ 7./ 0io @ 7./44.444.

A group of condition rows is logically lin ed with ;-. %his means that at least one of the condition rows has to be filled for the entire condition to be filled for one characteristic value. 8. Choose ;'. %his ta es you bac to the query definition. A. Choose ave.

C'anging Conditions 7. Choose Change condition( #%his menu path is under the pushbutton with the arrow pointing downwards on the right ne)t to the Condition symbol$. *ou get to the selection window for the conditions that have already been defined. 1. Choose the condition you want to use, and then choose )'. *ou get to the dialog bo) Defining conditions, where you ma e the changes. .. In the query definition, choose ave. &eleting Conditions 7. Choose Condition. *ou get to the selection window for the conditions that have already been defined. 1. Choose the condition you want, and then choose Delete. .. In the query definition, choose ave.

*ou have defined or deleted a condition for a query. ()ecute the query. ;nly those ob9ects are displayed which fulfill the defined conditions.

'isplay the descriptions of the conditions in the query view, and activate=deactivate them with a double"clic , or the right mouse button. Choose *ayout Display conditions.

$ee also#
5sing Conditions

&efining Queries# !usiness ()plorer Analy*er

*ou analy!e the dataset of the Business Information Warehouse by defining queries for InfoCubes. By selecting and combining Info;b9ects #characteristics and ey figures$ in a query you determine in which way you navigate through and evaluate the data in the selected InfoCube.

*ou can give queries parameters. *ou can use variables for characteristic values, for te)ts and for formulas in the query definition. *ou create these variables in advance in the variable "aintenance. *ou can insert the defined query in its initial view in a ,orkbook. 5sing different navigation functions you can analy!e InfoCube data with the characteristics and ey figures defined in the query. *ou can save various views for the query and publish them in the Web to form a Web query. *ou can save the wor boo in your favorites or in activity groups -roles..

%he Business Information Warehouse must contain at least one InfoCube.


-eporting consists of the steps query definition and navigation. With the query definition in the Business ()plorer, you define a query that forms the basis for analy!ing data in the InfoCube. If you imagine the InfoCube as an nB7 dimensional cube, then a sub"cube #query cube$ is cut from the InfoCube with the selection and restriction of the characteristics and ey figures. %he data for the characteristics that is not selected for the query is aggregated. %he significant components of the query definition are the filter and navigation:
%he selections in the filter have a limiting effect on the whole query. With the filter definition, you select certain characteristic values or ey figures that is=are to be reported on. All of the InfoCube data is aggregated using the filter selection of the query. %he filter selection cannot be changed by the navigation. 6or the navigation you select user"defined characteristics and determine the content of the rows and columns of the query. *ou use this selection to determine over which data areas of the InfoCube you want to navigate. In addition, how the contents of the rows and columns are arranged, determines the default view of the query and with it, the rows and columns a)is in the results area. After it is inserted into a wor boo , a query is displayed in the predefined initial view. By navigating through the query you can generate different views of the InfoCube data, by dragging one of the user"defined characteristics into the rows or columns of the query, for e)ample, or filter a characteristic according to a single characteristic value.

With the definition of a query the InfoCube data can be evaluated specifically and quic ly. %he more precisely the query is defined the smaller the subcube is and the quic er the e)ecution and navigation. *ou define the queries by:
&electing an +nfoCube, for which the query is defined> &electing reusable structures that already contain characteristic or ey figure combinations #for e)ample, contribution margin schema$> &electing c'aracteristics from the InfoCube> -estricting selected characteristics to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals or hierarchy nodes> 5sing variables for characteristic values, formulas and te)ts> &electing key figures from the InfoCube> 6ormulating calculated ey figures> -estricting ey figures via the combination with characteristics>

Arranging the characteristics and ey figures in rows or columns and thereby establishing an initial vie, for the query analysis.

Choose tart #rograms A# +rontend Business ,nformation -arehouse SAP Business
Explorer Analyzer( $ee also# Introduction: -eporting with the Business ()plorer 'efining +ew Cueries 5sing Dariables

&efining Ne, Queries

%he Business Information Warehouse must contain at least one InfoCube.

7. 1. .. <. &tart the Business ()plorer Analy!er. In the B() toolbar, choose )pen. *ou get to the selection screen for all e)isting wor boo s. Choose .ueries. *ou get to the selection screen for all available queries. Choose New... again. *ou get to the selection screen for all InfoCubes, for which you can define a new query. /. &elect the InfoCube on whose data the query should be based.

If you want to show the technical name of the InfoCubes, choose the symbol !echnical name on%off. E. %he available ob9ects in the +nfoCube you selected are displayed as a directory tree in the left part of the screen for the query definition. %he right"hand area contains empty directories for the filter selection, the rows, the columns and the free characteristics of the query. %he preview of the results area for the query can be found bottom right. %his area is also empty at first #also see the e)ample at the end of this section$.

3roceed as follows to create a query: By clicking on the plus or minus symbol of the directories you can e)pand or compress the directories. *ou can, for e)ample, display the list of all of the ey figures in the InfoCube by e)panding the ey figure node in the InfoCube tree. 5sing drag/and/drop you can drag characteristics and ey figures from the InfoCube into the directories of the query definition #filter& rows& columns& free characteristics$. 5sing the rig't "ouse button you call up all the functions that are available in the current conte)t menu. 6irst, select the query component you want to wor with #for e)ample, a characteristic$ and then, using the right mouse button, select a menu entry #for e)ample, #roperties$ from the conte)t menu. By double/clicking on an element of the query definition, you call up a dialog bo) containing a function that is e)ecuted by default on this element. If, for e)ample, you double"clic on a characteristic, the dialog bo) for restricting the characteristic appears. If you double"clic on a calculated ey figure, for e)ample, then the Calculated /ey figure dialog bo), in which you can ma e changes, appears.

8. 0a e the selections for the filter of the query. 3lease note that the filter selection has a restricting effect on the entire query, meaning all of the InfoCube data is aggregated with the filter selection. &elect the characteristics or the ey figure upon which the query should be based from the directory tree of the InfoCube. o C'aracteristics ()pand the dimension directory you want and first select one or more characteristics of the InfoCube that you want to restrict to one or more values, a variable, a value interval or a hierarchy node # see also# Creating Cueries With Dariables $. ()pand this characteristic and, using drag"and"drop, put a single value in the filter of the query definition. ;r, using drag"and"drop, drag the characteristic into the +ilter area of the query definition. 5sing the right mouse button select 0estrict from the conte)t menu. +ow select a characteristic value interval or a hierarchy node # $ee also# -estricting Characteristics$. o 0ey figure 'ecide whether all of the query data should refer to the number values of a ey figure or whether the query should be based on several ey figures. If the query should refer to the number values of one key figure, select the corresponding ey figure of the InfoCube tree and drag it to the +ilter area of the query definition using drag"and"drop. *ou can also use a restricted or calculated ey figure # see also# -estricting and Calculating Fey 6igures$. A. +ow determine which characteristics, ey figures or structures you want to use for the navigating on the query data. 5sing drag"and"drop, drag the corresponding directories of the characteristics of the InfoCube tree to the directories rows& columns or free characteristics in the right"hand screen area of the query definition or drag the structure directories into the rows or columns. If you have not selected any ey figures for the filter, then define one or more key figures either in the rows or columns of the query. 6rom the 'ey figures directory of the InfoCube

tree drag a ey figure into a directory of the query definition using drag"and"drop #either row or column$. %he ey figure is stored in the new directory 'ey +igure. *ou can also define a ne, calculated key figure and use it for the query. 6or e)ample, instead of ?&ales revenue?, define the ey figure ?3rice? that is calculated using ?&ales revenue? divided by ?Cuantity?. ,ighlight the directory 'ey figures in the InfoCube tree and choose New calculated /ey figure from the conte)t menu #right mouse clic $. *ou can restrict key figures to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals or hierarchy nodes by highlighting the ey figure and choosing Edit from the conte)t menu #right mouse clic $. A restricted ey figure would be ?&ales revenue in 7 st quarter?, for e)ample. By placing the characteristics, ey figures or structures either in the rows or columns directory of the query definition, you configure the first navigational state of the query #start view$. In the lower right area you can see a preview of the results area of the query in the start view that you selected.

*ou can change the arrangement of the ey figures and characteristics in the rows and columns using drag"and"drop until the preview shows the results area you want. G. If you have created the query, you can chec the query definition by choosing the Chec/ symbol in the standard toolbar. 74. &elect the symbol for .uery properties from the toolbar if you want to change the description& settings for 0esult position, Display options and Number display, or /ey date for the query. 77. &ave the query. (nter a technical name and a description for naming the query. %he technical name must uniquely identify the query, meaning that the name is only allowed to appear once across all InfoCubes of the Business Information Warehouse. %he technical name can be up to .4 characters long and must begin with a letter.

%he query is saved and can be inserted into a wor boo . *ou can analy!e the query data in the Business ()plorer.
$ee also# Creating -eusable &tructures 3roperties of the Cuery Components 6unctions of the Cuery 'efinition 'isplaying and Changing the Cuery 'efinition Authori!ations for the Cuery 'efinition

&efining Ne, Queries

%he Business Information Warehouse must contain at least one InfoCube.

7. 1. .. <. &tart the Business ()plorer Analy!er. In the B() toolbar, choose )pen. *ou get to the selection screen for all e)isting wor boo s. Choose .ueries. *ou get to the selection screen for all available queries. Choose New... again. *ou get to the selection screen for all InfoCubes, for which you can define a new query. /. &elect the InfoCube on whose data the query should be based.

If you want to show the technical name of the InfoCubes, choose the symbol !echnical name on%off. E. %he available ob9ects in the +nfoCube you selected are displayed as a directory tree in the left part of the screen for the query definition. %he right"hand area contains empty directories for the filter selection, the rows, the columns and the free characteristics of the query. %he preview of the results area for the query can be found bottom right. %his area is also empty at first #also see the e)ample at the end of this section$. 3roceed as follows to create a query: By clicking on the plus or minus symbol of the directories you can e)pand or compress the directories. *ou can, for e)ample, display the list of all of the ey figures in the InfoCube by e)panding the ey figure node in the InfoCube tree. 5sing drag/and/drop you can drag characteristics and ey figures from the InfoCube into the directories of the query definition #filter& rows& columns& free characteristics$. 5sing the rig't "ouse button you call up all the functions that are available in the current conte)t menu. 6irst, select the query component you want to wor with #for e)ample, a characteristic$ and then, using the right mouse button, select a menu entry #for e)ample, #roperties$ from the conte)t menu. By double/clicking on an element of the query definition, you call up a dialog bo) containing a function that is e)ecuted by default on this element. If, for e)ample, you double"clic on a characteristic, the dialog bo) for restricting the characteristic appears. If you double"clic on a calculated

ey figure, for e)ample, then the Calculated /ey figure dialog bo), in which you can ma e changes, appears. 8. 0a e the selections for the filter of the query. 3lease note that the filter selection has a restricting effect on the entire query, meaning all of the InfoCube data is aggregated with the filter selection. &elect the characteristics or the ey figure upon which the query should be based from the directory tree of the InfoCube. o C'aracteristics ()pand the dimension directory you want and first select one or more characteristics of the InfoCube that you want to restrict to one or more values, a variable, a value interval or a hierarchy node # see also# Creating Cueries With Dariables $. ()pand this characteristic and, using drag"and"drop, put a single value in the filter of the query definition. ;r, using drag"and"drop, drag the characteristic into the +ilter area of the query definition. 5sing the right mouse button select 0estrict from the conte)t menu. +ow select a characteristic value interval or a hierarchy node # $ee also# -estricting Characteristics$. o 0ey figure 'ecide whether all of the query data should refer to the number values of a ey figure or whether the query should be based on several ey figures. If the query should refer to the number values of one key figure, select the corresponding ey figure of the InfoCube tree and drag it to the +ilter area of the query definition using drag"and"drop. *ou can also use a restricted or calculated ey figure # see also# -estricting and Calculating Fey 6igures$. A. +ow determine which characteristics, ey figures or structures you want to use for the navigating on the query data. 5sing drag"and"drop, drag the corresponding directories of the characteristics of the InfoCube tree to the directories rows& columns or free characteristics in the right"hand screen area of the query definition or drag the structure directories into the rows or columns. If you have not selected any ey figures for the filter, then define one or more key figures either in the rows or columns of the query. 6rom the 'ey figures directory of the InfoCube tree drag a ey figure into a directory of the query definition using drag"and"drop #either row or column$. %he ey figure is stored in the new directory 'ey +igure. *ou can also define a ne, calculated key figure and use it for the query. 6or e)ample, instead of ?&ales revenue?, define the ey figure ?3rice? that is calculated using ?&ales revenue? divided by ?Cuantity?. ,ighlight the directory 'ey figures in the InfoCube tree and choose New calculated /ey figure from the conte)t menu #right mouse clic $. *ou can restrict key figures to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals or hierarchy nodes by highlighting the ey figure and choosing Edit from the conte)t menu #right mouse clic $. A restricted ey figure would be ?&ales revenue in 7 st quarter?, for e)ample. By placing the characteristics, ey figures or structures either in the rows or columns directory of the query definition, you configure the first navigational state of the query #start view$. In the lower right area you can see a preview of the results area of the query in the start view that you selected.

*ou can change the arrangement of the ey figures and characteristics in the rows and columns using drag"and"drop until the preview shows the results area you want. G. If you have created the query, you can chec the query definition by choosing the Chec/ symbol in the standard toolbar. 74. &elect the symbol for .uery properties from the toolbar if you want to change the description& settings for 0esult position, Display options and Number display, or /ey date for the query. 77. &ave the query. (nter a technical name and a description for naming the query. %he technical name must uniquely identify the query, meaning that the name is only allowed to appear once across all InfoCubes of the Business Information Warehouse. %he technical name can be up to .4 characters long and must begin with a letter.

%he query is saved and can be inserted into a wor boo . *ou can analy!e the query data in the Business ()plorer.
$ee also# Creating -eusable &tructures 3roperties of the Cuery Components 6unctions of the Cuery 'efinition 'isplaying and Changing the Cuery 'efinition Authori!ations for the Cuery 'efinition

Using %ariables
Dariables are parameters of a query that are set in the query definition and are not filled with values #processed$ until the query is inserted into a wor boo . %hey function as a store for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, te)ts and formula elements, and can be processed in different ways.

Dariables in the Business Information Warehouse are global variables, meaning that they are defined in the variable maintenance and are then available for the definition of all queries. T'e follo,ing variable types are available#
Dariables for Characteristic Dalues Dariables for ,ierarchies and ,ierarchy +odes Dariables for %e)ts Dariables for 6ormulas

Dariables ma e the fle)ible setting of queries #parameteri!ation of the query$ possible. If you use variables in the query definition in the Business ()plorer, do not select any fi)ed characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, te)ts, or formula elements. Instead, set up variables as place holders. %hese are filled with values only after the query has been inserted into a wor boo # $ee also# Creating Cueries with Dariables$. 1ne query definition can be used as the foundation for many different queries if you use variables.

*ou want to create one query for all the people responsible for customer groups, who each only evaluate the data for one customer group. In the query definition, you set up a variable for the characteristic Hcustomer group:. Iust before the query is e)ecuted, decide for which customer group#s$ you want the query to apply to.

%he variable definition consists of maintaining basic data and detail statements in the variable maintenance . &ee 0aintaining Dariables

Ready for +nput

*ou can determine whether the variables selected are ready for input or not when you open and insert the query into a wor boo . If you choose ready for input in the variable definition, a dialog bo) appears when you insert the query into a wor boo . *ou can then enter the value#s$ you want to use, confirm default value#s$, or change default values. H-eady for input: is available for the processing types, manual entry = default value, customer e)it, &A3 e)it, and authori!ations.

C'angeable ,it' Query Navigation

In the variable maintenance screen, if you choose the option Changeable with .uery Navigation, when you e)ecute the query, you can not only select the values

that you entered in the variables popup, but you can also use other values as dynamic filters for the query: &electing 6ilter Dalues$.

3lease note that this function is not possible if you are using the variable as part of a structure in the query definition.

*ou can use this function for variables of characteristic values and hierarchy nodes.

Processing Types
*ou must establish a processing type for each variable type. %he processing type identifies in which way the variable is processed when the query is inserted in the wor boo . %he following processing types are available:
0anual entry = default value Automatic replacement using a given replacement path 3rocessing with Customer ()its 3rocessing with an &A3 e)it #from &A3 system fields$ for 'elivered Dariables 3rocessing with authori!ations:

'epending on the variable type, select the corresponding processing type. 'epending on the variable type, only certain processing types are sensible. %he following table gives an overview of possible combinations of variable type and processing type.
Processing types of t'e variable types#

Processing type

C'aracteristic values


2ierarc'y node



0anual entry = default value

-eplacement path

&A3 e)it

Customer e)it


4anual (ntry 5 &efault %alue %he processing type manual entry % default value is available for all variable types. If a variable is processed with this processing type, you can enter the value you want to use for the variable manually in the dialog bo) before you insert the query into the wor boo . When you create the variables, you determine whether you enter a default value or not using the default value data.

5sing ready for input, you control that the variable with the processing type manual entry % default values is processed automatically by the default value. (nter a default value, and deactivate Hready for input:. When you insert the query into the wor boo , the variable does not appear in the variable dialog bo) " the variable is processed by the default value.

Replace"ent Pat' %he processing type replacement path can be used for variables for c'aracteristic values te)ts and for"ulas. If a variable is processed using a replacement path, then it is replaced automatically with the corresponding characteristic value.

If you specify a variable as a characteristic value, you do not have to give a te)t for the characteristic value straight away. Instead, you can fill the te)t field dynamically, according to the characteristic that you used for the variable when you e)ecuted the query. 'efine a te)t variable with automatic replacement for this.

When creating variables, maintain the replace"ent pat' data. *ou choose whether it is replaced by the from or to value and by the /ey or the name of the characteristic value. In addition, you can determine the offset start and offset length for the output. with the processing type replacement path& are replaced by the results of a query. In the 0eplacement #ath Data field, choose 0eplace with a .uery 0esult, and select the query containing the result that you want to reuse as a variable. *ou can now use the data result of the selected query, as a variable in a different query.
Dariables for characteristic values

%he processing type replacement path ta es place automatically, meaning al,ays ,it'out ready for input when e)ecuting.

Custo"er ()it *ou can find information on the functions of the customer e)it, in the section 3rocessing with Customer ()its. $AP ()it *ou can create variables with this processing type in &A3 &ystems only. %his means that customers cannot create variables of the type &A3 e)it. %hey are a component of the delivered Business Information Warehouse Business Content. *ou can find information on these variables in the section 'elivered Dariables. Aut'ori*ation %he processing type authori1ation can be used for variables for c'aracteristic values and 'ierarc'y nodes.

Authori!ations are maintained in the transaction -&00. If there are several hierarchy nodes, ta e the hierarchy node that you want to use automatically as the basis for the authori!ation, and ma e it the default variable hierarchy node.

When you create a variable, if you choose #rocess with Authori1ation, the variable is automatically filled with the values of the userJs authori!ation. +ow, when the user opens a query, the data is automatically selected according to his or her authori!ations.

3lease note that when they are automatically filled, variables do not have to be ready for input, which means you do not necessarily get a dialog bo) when you open the query. %he user opens the query with the authori!ation variable, and can only see the data that corresponds to his or her authori!ations. $ee also# 0aintaining Dariables 'elivered Dariables Creating Cueries with Dariables

Creating Queries ,it' %ariables

Dariables serve for a fle)ible setting of the query. 1ne query definition can be used as the foundation for many different queries if you use variables. If you want to create a query that is not based on fi)ed characteristic values, te)ts or formula elements, then you should create a query with variables. %he variables are not processed and filled with values until the query is inserted into a wor boo . 'epending on the variable type and selected processing type, the variables can be entered manually before the query e)ecution or modified or automatically processed.
*ou create a query with variables if: you do not want to enter fi)ed c'aracteristic values in the filter or for the navigation, or if you want to use selection options> you do not want to enter 'ierarc'ies or 'ierarc'y nodes as fi)ed> you want to use calculated ey figures where an ele"ent of t'e for"ula is variable> you want to eep te)ts variable, because the relevant characteristic is also defined by a characteristic value variable.

%he variables for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, formulas or te)ts, which you want to use for defining queries, must be created in the Dariable 0aintenance screen. *ou can also use the variables of the Business Content #for this see: 'elivered Dariables$. %ariables for C'aracteristic %alues
7. &elect the characteristic of the InfoCube that you want to fi) to a variable. 2. ()pand the characteristic directory and drag the variable for characteristic values into the query definition using drag"and"drop # see also : -estricting Characteristics$.

%ariables for 2ierarc'ies or 2ierarc'y Nodes

7. &elect the characteristic of the InfoCube #in the InfoCube tree$, that you want to fi) to a variable. 1. 5sing drag"and"drop, drag the characteristic into the required directory of the query definition #row, column or filter$. 3. ,ighlight the characteristic and choose 0estrict using the right mouse button in the conte)t menu # see also# -estricting Characteristics$. <. &elect the 2ierarchy tabstrip. 5. (nter the variables for hierarchies or hierarchy nodes directly in the entry field. *ou must enter the variables with an ampersand #K$ at the beginning and at the end of the entry, and without blan spaces, for e)ample: &HIERVAR& .

%ariables for For"ulas

7. *ou can use formula variables in formulas and for calculating ey figures. ,ighlight a structure using the right mouse button on the conte)t menu choose New formula. ,ighlight the ey figures directory in the InfoCube tree and choose Newly calculated /ey figure from the conte)t menu # see also# -estricting and Calculating Fey 6igures$.

1. *ou get to the Calculated /ey figure screen. .. 6rom the operands directory, select one of the formula variables available and insert it in the entry field for the formula using double"clic or drag"and"drop.

%ariables for Te)ts *ou can use te)t variables in all te)t fields of the query definition. %e)t fields that can be maintained in the query definition are the name of the query, the name of a structure and the name of a structure ele"ent. (nter the te)t variable directly into a te)t field. *ou must enter the te)t variables with an ampersand #K$ at the beginning and at the end of the entry, and without blan spaces. If you want to use a te)t variable for characteristic values, then drag the characteristic or the corresponding characteristic value into a structure beforehand.

A structure containing the ey figure ?&ales? and the characteristics variable ?current calendar month? could, for e)ample, have the following entry in the te)t field: 6$ales for &0CMONTHT& 6.

If the te)t variable cannot be replaced by characteristic values then the technical name is displayed. $ee also#

'efining +ew Cueries 5sing Dariables 'elivered Dariables

$electing and 1rgani*ing &ocu"ents# !() !ro,ser

%he Business ()plorer Browser #B() Browser$ ma es it possible for you to access all document types of the Business Information Warehouse that are assigned to your role, or that you have stored in your favorites. In the B() Browser, you can select and open the documents assigned to you, or store and manage new documents. %he document types which you can wor with in the B() Browser are:

BW wor boo s 'ocuments stored in the Business 'ocument &erved #B'&$ Lin s #references to the file system, shortcuts$ Lin s to Internet pages #5-Ls$ &A3 transaction calls. BW Web reports

Wor boo s from the !usiness ()plorer Analy*er #see also: (valuating Cuery 'ata$, as well as lin s and documents from the !usiness &ocu"ent $erver, are managed in the Business ()plorer Browser. %he Business ()plorer Browser displays all a user:s roles and favorites.

%he term role #from -elease 1.4B$ was called activity group in -elease 1.4A, and channel in -elease 7.1B. A user:s roles are assigned in the role maintenance screen #transaction 36CM$ or in the user maintenance screen #transaction &547$, #see also the documentation on the Administrator Wor bench: &etting up Authori!ations with -ole 0aintenance$ .

%he user can maintain favorites either directly in the B() Browser, or in the $AP (asy Access menu.

3lease ma e note that roles can be shown or hidden in the &A3 (asy Access menu. If your roles are not displayed in the &A3 (asy Access menu:

6rom &A3 (asy Access, choose 3enu 4ser menu. Choose E5tras ettings how +irst *evel.

%he names of your roles are also shown in your user menu.

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