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Marking Scheme

Delhi- SET (56/1/2)
1 2 # 4 % &. 'entane (2) 4 *dione +. ,. $.+ Set 1 1 $., Set 1 1 4 In primary battery the reaction occurs only once and after use over a period of time becomes dead. Leclanche cell or Dry cell is an e ample. $.# Set 1 $.4 Set 1 $.% Set 1 1 !"! 1 1 1 1

.aoult/s la0 states that for a solution of volatile li1uids) the partial vapour pressure 1 of each component in the solution is directly proprtional to its mole fraction. 2hen the solute(solvent interaction is 0eaker than those bet0een the solute(solute and solvent(solvent molecules than solution sho0s positive deviation from .aoults la0 because the partial pressure of each component is greater. e . mi ture of ethanol and acetone or carbondisulphide and acetone behave in this manner. ! 2hen the solute(solvent interaction is stronger than those bet0een the solute(solute and solvent(solvent molecules than solution sho0s negative deviation from .aoults la0 and the partial vapour pressure of each component is lo0er. e . mi ture of chloroform and acetone behave in this manner. (Note: Explaination with suitable example of any one of the two.) OR 3he e tra pressure applied on the solution side that 4ust stops the flo0 of solvent to solution through semi(permeable membrane is called osmotic pressure of the solution. 5ere 6 is the osmotic pressure and . is the gas constant. !

3hus kno0ing the 1uantities 02) 3) 6 and 7 0e can calculate the molar mass of the solute. 1

18 m 9 1888 cm#L(1 c 9 8.824, S cm(1 1888 cm# L(1 8.28 mol L(1 m 9 124 Scm2 mol(1 11 3he galvanic cell is depicted as: ;n<s=| ;n2"<a1= || >g"<a1=|>g <s= <i= ;inc electrode is negatively charged <ii= 3he ions formed i.e ;n2" and >g" in the solution are the carriers of the current 0ithin the cell. <iii= >t anode: ;n<s=;n2"<a1= " 2e( 9 24., S cm2 8.28 mol 1 1

! ! !

>t cathode: 2>g"<a1=" 2e( 2>g<s=

12 1# 14 $.14 Set 1 $.1% Set 1

2 2 1"1


?&5%I " @?l " A2 Br?52(?52Br


<i= >ryl halides are less ractive to0ards nucleophilic substitution because of any of the followin reasons <i= .esonance effect stabiliCation <ii= sp2 hybridiCation in haloarenes and sp# in haloalkanes. <iii= Instability of phenyl cation <iv= possible repulsion



Dndergoes SA1 reaction faster because of the stability of secondary carbocation.

1& 1+ 1, 128 21 $.1, Set 1 $.1& Set 1 $.1+ Set 1 $.21 Set 1 $.28 Set 1 $.1- Set 1 2


2 2 2 # # #

22 2# 24 2% 2& 2+ 2,

$.2# Set 1 $.22 Set 1 $.2& Set 1 $.2+ Set 1 $.2% Set 1 $.24 Set 1
<a= "alf life of a #irst or$er reaction%

# # # # # # A2 <g= "# 52<g=


<b= 2A5# <g= .ate 9

(dEA5#F 9kEA5#FG 9 2.% 18(4Ms(1 dt

( 1 dEA5#F 9 " dEA2F 9 " 1 dE52F 8 2 dt dt # dt .ate of production of A2 9 " dEA2F 9 ( 1 EA5#F dt 2 dt 9 1 <2.% 18(4 Ms(1= 9 1.2% 2 .ate of production of hydrogen 9 dE52F 9 ( # EA5#F dt 2 dt 9 # <2.% 8(4 Ms(1= 2 9 #.+% 18(4 Ms(1


18(4 Ms(1

1 or .ate 9 .ate 9 (dEA5#F 9kEA5#FG 9 2.% 18(4Ms(1 dt ( 1 dEA5#F 9 " dEA2F 9 " 1 dE52F 2 dt dt # dt 1 1

.ate of production of A2 9 " dEA2F 9 .ate9 2.% 18(4Ms( dt .ate of production of hydrogen 9 dE52F 9 # & .ate

dt 9 # <2.% 8(4 Ms(1= 9 +.% 18(4 Ms(1 1

('ote% 'o mar(s to be $e$ucte$ for wron unit in this )uestion*as there is a mis+rint in the )uestion in units of () or <a=Iactors affecting rate of chemical reaction are: <i=?oncentration of reactants <ii=3emperature <iii='resence of catalyst <iv=Surface >rea <v=>ctivation energy (any four) 9 <b= k 8.&-# t1H2 9 k 8.&-# %+#8 y @ 9 1.21 18(4 y(1 t 9 2.#8# k log E >8 F E>F

! 492 !

! 1

k 9 2.#8# log 188 (4 (1 1.21 18 y ,8 k9 k9 2.#8# log 1.2% (4 (1 1.21 18 y 8.8-&-

2.#8# 1.21 18(4 y(1 9 1,4% years


1 #9#

(or any other suitable method) <a= (i)Decarbo-ylation% ?arbo ylic acids lose carbon dio ide to form hydrocarbons 0hen their sodium salts are heated 0ith sodalime.3he reaction is kno0n as decarbo ylation. .(?GGAa AaG5 J ?aG .(5 " Aa2?G#
5eat (ii) Canni..aro reaction% >ldehydes 0hich do not have an

K(hydrogen atom) uhdergo self o idation and reduction reaction on treament 0ith concentrated alkali.


( or any other suitable reaction) (Note: Award full marks for correct chemical equation;award mark if only statement is written)

/0 <a= <i= ? 5 G &-.++H12 11.&#H1 1,.&8H1& %.,1 11.&# 1.1& %.,1H1.1& 11.&#H1.1& 1.1&H1.1& % 18 1

Lmpirical formula ?%518G)empirical formula mass &8"18"1&9,& 1 5ence) Mol formula ?%518G It is a ketone as it appears from its reactions 0hich on o idation 1 gives ethanoic and propanoic acids) hence the compound is ?5#?G?52?52?5# <b=<i=Because the stability of con4uguate base of monochloroethanoic acid is less due to presence of one electron 0ithdra0ing (?l group than in dichloroethanoic acid. <ii=3his is because of greater electronegativity of sp2 hybridised carbon to 0hich carbo yl carbon is attached. ( or any other suitable reason)
#8 $.2- Set 1 1


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