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--History-Before the original Titan War, during the time of creation, the Titan of Dreams known as the Rainbow

Serpent, sent forth beings to create the World. Following and creating sacred songlines, the World took shape from the empty oid of the ! erworld. But, while the forces of creation brought shape to the World, the " atars of the Rainbow Serpent had no regard for life. The Rainbow Serpent represented creation for the sheer sake of creation, regardless of the conse#uences. "s the gods took shape and were bound to the ideals of humanity, the T$ukurpa knew that if humanity were to ha e a chance, the Rainbow Serpent would ha e to be contained so that order could be brought to the World. "s the Rainbow Serpent was bound away, the T$ukurpa began to take stock of the people who worshiped them. What they found were numerous tribes of aried people who shared numerous beliefs in common while the details aried greatly. %any of the gods worshipped ne er rose to the power of the great gods of other pantheons, their &egend limited by the small si'es of the tribes who ga e them worship. !thers would rise to the heights of power, only for the weaker gods to be winnowed out as competition raged o er pur iews of control. (umerous solar deities would come and go in the time of the T$ukurpa, as well as many gods of the storm, the moon and other aspects of the World. With the conflict between the gods rising, they soon reali'ed that it was due to the fatebindings of humanity. With each trying to fight for the power which humanity tried to bestow them, conflict simply grew between the T$ukurpa. )ntil they $oined with the other pantheons in their decision to withdraw from the World and settle fully in the ! erworld. But, like all the pantheons, humanity would ha e ideas of its own once the gods withdrew and their conflicts would become the gods* conflicts. +n ,--., British e/plorers, led by a Scion of the Tuatha de Dannan, would reach "ustralia and claim its eastern coast as a colony. They would bring with them diseases that decimated the "borigine people who had followed the T$ukurpa. They would push them from their land and force those who managed to stay into ser itude. For a while, the T$ukurpa were in danger of falling into the same trap that the %anitou had done under similar circumstances. But the "ustralian people had an ad antage that the (orth "merican people didn*t0 The British settlers who came to "ustralia were largely restricted to the fertile lands of the coast. This meant that the T$ukurpa could concentrate on pro iding shelter and prosperity to those "borigine people who li ed in the central areas of the continent, gi ing them a relati ely safe place to continue their culture, something the (ati e "mericans and the %anitou did not ha e. +t also didn*t hurt that the T$ukurpa didn*t turn on each other the way the %anitou did at the height of their troubles. (ow, the T$ukurpa are faced with a new danger. The walls of Tartarus ha e cracked open and the Titans are free once more. The Rainbow Serpent now surrounds their ! erworld, warping the dreams of the T$ukurpa and threatening to destroy them. The "ustralian gods are now eager to $oin in the new Titan War. They wish to push back their ancient enemy and restore the idyllic world they once knew.

--Relations with Other Pantheons-The T$ukurpa tend to consider themsel es distant from many of the other pantheons. Sa e for a few e/ceptions, the T$ukurpa would also be right about this. !ut in the depths of "ustralia, at the corner of the World, the T$ukurpa ha e few other pantheons geographically close by to deal with. Typically, that lea es little but culture to bring the T$ukurpa into relations with other pantheons. The T$ukurpa ha e little in common with most of the 1uropean pantheons. The Dodekatheon consider themsel es superior to such sa ages as the T$ukurpa and the "ustralian gods are more than happy to gi e them the same lack of regard. The fatalistic attitudes of the "esir tend to rub the T$ukurpa the wrong way, but at least they show a willingness to earn respect rather than simply assume it is theirs for the taking like the 2reeks.

The T$ukurpa hold a special hatred for the Tuatha de Dannan, howe er. (ot because of any sort of ideological or cultural differences. (ot e en because of something the Tuatha themsel es did in the past. Rather, their feelings stem from the actions of one of the Tuatha*s Scions. This Scion brought the 1uropeans to "ustralia and caused the decline of the "borigine people. This one Scion has defined relations between the T$ukurpa and the Tuatha since ,--. and the T$ukurpa hold the Tuatha responsible for their inaction rather than anything they ha e done themsel es. Surprisingly, the T$ukurpa find that they ha e much to talk about with the 3esed$et. Their de otion to ancient ways and their respect for the natural way of things combined with di ine law brings the two pantheons together with a surprising amount to agree upon. They also find a great deal of common ground with the &oa. The ancient "frican gods ha e adapted to the changing world around them and emerged stronger for it. The T$ukurpa wish to follow in their e/ample to make themsel es stronger in the same ways, though they worry that it may be too late for them to make such efforts. The "t'lanti present a strange enigma to the "ustralian gods. The T$ukurpa cannot understand where the "'tec pantheon*s thirst for blood and iolence comes from. Though they seem to hold to a natural harmony, their need for blood to keep their culture working worries the "ustralian gods a great deal. The %anitou on the other hand present an e/ample of what not to do in the opinion of the T$ukurpa. The %anitou did not work together when outsiders came to threaten their society and because of that, they were all but decimated. The T$ukurpa look at the %anitou and see that they were right to stick together as they did. The T$ukurpa know little of the "yllus. Both pantheons ha e had little reason to interact with each other and with the "yllus pulling away to shelter their human followers, the T$ukurpa consider the +nca gods to be a mystery. They ha e a similar opinion of the "nnuna, though in the case of the Babylonian gods, this sense of mystery also comes with a sense of disdain. "ny pantheon that could simply abandon their followers and forsake the other gods in such a manner is not worthy of respect. The 4a'ata are usually greeted with the same disregard that the T$ukurpa gi e to Dodekatheon. The sense of superiority tends to put the "ustralian gods off to dealing with the 3ersian gods. 5owe er, at least the 3ersians are willing to listen to the opinions of the "ustralians before simply dismissing them as being wrong and backwards. The Rus are treated with much pity by the T$ukurpa. !nce, the Rus freed themsel es from the Titans and rose to prominence. !nly to once again be broken and defeated. 6ust now are the Rus rising to prominence once more and the T$ukurpa can only hope that the Sla ic gods might manage to find stability this time. For what it*s worth, they are willing to aid in whate er way they can. The 7elestial Bureaucracy and the "matsukami both gain little respect from the T$ukurpa. +mperialist 7hina swept across the land, absorbing and usurpring many of the smaller pantheons in he region. "nd +mperialist 6apan attempted to do the same during World War ++. Their dri e for control and domination, combined with their pro/imity to the "ustralian gods makes many of them wary to deal with the two pantheons. "nd while the De as were not known for their imperialism, the superiority and dismissi eness of the 5indu gods generally causes the T$ukurpa to keep them at the same distance they do the other "sian pantheons. !nly one pantheon is considered truly to be an ally of the T$ukurpa. Relations ha e always been strong between the gods of "ustralia and the "tua of the 3olynesian +slands. When push comes to sho e, the two pantheons of !ceania find that it*s in their best interests to stick together against a common foe.

--The Pantheon - The Tjukurpa--

8irtues0 7on iction, 1/pression, 5armony, !rder The gods of the T$ukurpa make up the most dominant and powerful myths from across "ustralia. While there are a great number of similarities among the myths told by the arious peoples of the "ustralian "borigine, there is also a great deal of ariation and difference. The gods of the T$ukurpa come from all across "ustralia and are united by their mutual de otion to the "borigine people as a whole. The most prominent gods of the T$ukurpa are those who are considered to be creators. "ustralian legends ha e no shortage of creator deities. +n most cases, to be a god of something is to be a creator of that thing. Baiame is the god of the sky and the earth because he created the sky and shaped the land into ri ers and mountains. "nd Dirawong is the god of astronomy and knowledge because he created such concepts. While there are certainly e/ceptions, especially among the gods who usurped their power from older gods o er the ages, most of the gods who claim dominion o er something, do so because they are responsible for that thing*s e/istance in the first place. There are also numerous minor gods. The "ustralian mythologies stretch across the ast continent and are aried between do'ens of different ethnic groups. Their heroes and gods grew to power $ust as all the gods of the T$ukurpa did. "s the gods came into conflict with each other, arious deities with similar pur iews came into conflict. Those who lost were pushed aside to the role of minor god in ser ice to the dominant god. ! er time, these positions changed back and forth as the minor gods pushed to become dominant and demote the gods that stood in their way. The gods represented here show the current dominant gods and goddesses in the pantheon. 8arious minor gods e/ist beneath these dominant ones and, at the Storyteller*s choice, may be plotting to usurp power from the gods listed here. +n the meantime, these gods may still interact with the World on their own, but any Scions they might ha e are e/pected to be adopted by the dominant gods. With the Titan War waging, the children of minor gods are not as alued as the children of the ma$or powers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dreaming Big-As another option, it's also possible for a Scion to be considered a child of the Dreaming itself. A Scion may be granted his Visitiation by wandering on his own in the Australian outback while one of the !ukurpa performs a "ariation on the adoption rite. his allows the Scion to posses up to two #pic Attributes and two $ur"iews of the player's choice, in addition to the Songlines $ur"iew. his selection is not limited by any di"ine parent, instead the Dreaming allows the Scion to shape himself according to his own desires. his process is generally used for the children of minor gods who might otherwise ha"e a difficult time ascending to godhood. Such children do not ha"e a particular di"ine parent of their own, howe"er the pantheon as a whole tends to look out for the Scions of the Dreaming. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Beautiful An!ea ser"es the !ukurpa as a goddess of fertility and steward of the souls. he realm of $urelko is under her !urisdiction and it is her responsibility to ensure it remains safe for the souls who pass through it. #ach soul who dies comes to $urelko and comes under An!ea's protection and guidance. %hen it is time for the soul to return to the %orld and be reborn anew, it is An!ea who ushers the soul on to its ultimate destination for another life. &n the %orld, An!ea o"ersees the process of life and death. She has ser"ed the role of a mortician who prepares the bodies for funeral rites and helps the soul on to the afterlife. She has also ser"ed as a midwife, ushering new souls into the %orld. Between the duties of her mortal professions and her di"ine role in $urelko, this lea"es An!ea little time for anything else. But that

doesn't stop her from taking on more responsibilities when necessary to keep the cycle of life and death mo"ing. Because of her lack of much free time, Scions of An!ea tend to be rare. But as the goddess responsible for new births and continuing human fertility, she knows more than anyone about the !oys of motherhood and has still made time to usher many a Scion into the %orld. 'owe"er, once born, she tends to let the Scions tend to their own needs. Afterall, she is also familiar with the end of the cycle and knows that e"en should her children die, they will come to her and be sent on to li"e anew once more. Associated Powers: #pic Appearance, #pic (anipulation, Death, #arth, )uardian, 'ealth, Songlines Common Abilities: Academics, Art, #mpathy, (edicine, *ccult, Sur"i"al Rivals: Baiame, Dirawong+ &sis, *risis, 'ades, *din, (ictlantecuhtli, &,anagi, -alfu

'eartbroken Bahloo is one of the most physically acti"e gods of the !ukurpa. .arely at rest, Bahloo is in nearly constant motion, trying to flee from the one lo"e of his life/ he sun goddess 0hi. 0hi spurned Bahloo's ad"anced and her rage has sent the moon running across the sky to preser"e his own life e"er since. 'e is hardly defenseless, howe"er. 'e is accompanied at all times by three large, poisonous snakes which he refers to as his 1dogs.1 hese pets are often used to punish those humans who offend him, while those who recie"e his fa"or rarely ha"e anything to fear of the %orld's poisonous "ipers. &n the %orld, Bahloo finds himself filling a "aried selection of roles. 'e has been a snake-handler at the ,oo, a tele"ision naturalist and a conser"ationist. 'e has also been an astronomer who studies the surface of the moon and a skilled thief who works under the co"er of night. 'is most memorable mortal guise, howe"er, has been that of a marathon runner who managed to outpace all of his competitors, running as if the heat of the sun he ran beneath spurred him on faster than he'd e"er run before. Scions of Bahloo don't get to see their father "ery often. A life on the run lea"es Bahloo little time to tend to family business. %hen he does get to deal with his children, Bahloo tends to be a doting father, granting numerous birthrights to his Scions so that they might sur"i"e to see the day when their father finally achie"es his goal of wooing the sun. Associated Powers: #pic De2terity, #pic $erception, Animal 3Snake4, Darkness, (oon, Songlines Common Abilities: Animal -en, Athletics, &ntegrity, 5arceny, $resence, Stealth Rivals: 0hi+ Bastet, Apollo, Artemis, 6reya, la,olteotl, Amaterasu, suki-yomi, #r,ulie

Sky father of the !ukurpa, Baiame is as close to a leader as the Australian pantheon can present to the other pantheons. 'e is adorned by eagle feathers which ripple in the constant wind that flows around him. 'e shaped the face of the %orld, forming ri"ers, lakes, mountains and other landmarks. o humanity, he imparted the rules of law and religion, teaching people to follow the structured order set down by the gods. And finally, when all was done, he lept from the peak of (ount 0engo to return to the *"erworld, lea"ing the mountaintop flattened with his departure. &n the %orld, Baiame has been e"erything from a meteorologist to a !udge or religious leader. 'e takes roles that allow him to both communicate to the people and lead them at the same times. As a meteorologist, he tells people how they should prepare for the coming weather. And as a !udge or religious leader he interprets human or di"ine law and guides humanity in adhering to either legal codes.

Baiame's Scions are generally knowledgeable, independent people. hey stri"e to bring order to the world around them, e"en if that means simply organi,ing the files of their office or keeping notes during meetings. 6or those who are granted Visitations, their focus lea"es the mundane %orld around them and instead guides them to lead people and shape society as they belie"e it should be shaped. Associated Powers: #pic Appearance, #pic 7harisma, #pic &ntelligence, Animal 3#agle4, #arth, 8ustice, Sky, Songlines Common Abilities: Academics, 7ommand, &ntegrity, &n"estigation, $olitics, $resence Rivals: An!ea, Dirawong+ Set, 9eus, hor, :uet,alcoatl, e,catlipoca, .aiden, Shango

Birrahgnooloo, in her cloak of emu feathers, is the wife of Baiame and the goddess of water, mysticism and the fertility of the land brought by the seasonal floods. At times, she witheld the seasonal floods, ensuring that humanity was properly respectful and appreciati"e for the rising waters before she granted them once again. &f not for her, then agriculture would ha"e been impossible among the Aborigine people. %hen mo"ing among humanity, Birrahgnooloo can often be found piloting the ri"ers of Australia or e"en further afield in other parts of the %orld. hough she may not always be the captain of the ship, she is nontheless a skilled na"igator with e2pert knowledge of currents and the mo"ement of the tides. At times, she has also been an emu farmer, a profession that allows her a great deal of time mo"ing among other parts of the %orld as the emu has spread far beyond Australia. he children of Birrahgnooloo are known to be great heroes. *ne such child was Daramulum, a famous Scion of the !ukurpa. 'e was neither the first, nor the last child of Birrahgnooloo to achie"e greatness. 'er children are often fated to make great names for themsel"es. Supported by the life-gi"ing waters of their mother, who could e2pect any less of them; Associated Powers: #pic 7harisma, #pic %its, Animal 3#mu4, (agic, Songlines, %ater Common Abilities: 7ontrol, #mpathy, &ntegrity, *ccult, $resence, Sur"i"al Rivals: An!ea+ &sis, Sobek, 'era, $oseidon, 6reya, 6rigg, &,anagi, Susanno-o, Damballa

*ften, the creator and protector Dirawong simply appears in the form of a large goanna. he shining-scaled li,ard looks out with glittering eyes full of intelligence as his tongue flicks the air in front of him. Dirawong is known as the creator of astronomy and many aspects of ci"ili,ation such as the use of bullroarers and medicine. %hile Baiame set down the laws of leadership and religion, it was Dirawong who brought ethics to humanity. (ost importantly, howe"er, Dirawong is the first line of defense against the agents of the .ainbow Serpent. 'e is charged with keeping uncontrolled creation from damaging the %orld. &n the %orld, Dirawong prefers to retain his goanna form. his often causes him to be most at home in the wilds of Australia or 3occasionally4 within the confines of ,oos or nature preser"es. %hen he wishes to interact with humanity, howe"er, the goanna form is forgotten and he takes the form of a knowledgeable professor. 'e teaches astronomy and philosophy as well as history and culture. 'e is also a skilled astrologer, often doing such work during his free time where his students can't see. %hile Dirawong may appear a cold-blooded li,ard on the outside, he is still a de"oted parent and a determined protector of his children. <nfortunately, he considers all of humanity to be his children, not !ust the ones he fathers directly. his gi"es him little attention to go around to his

di"ine children. But it also means that when his Scions need him, they ha"e someone to go to, e"en if he may be busy and distracted by other problems at the time. Associated Powers: #pic &ntelligence, #pic $erception, #pic Stamina, Animal 3)oanna4, )uardian, $rophecy, Songlines, Stars Common Abilities: Academics, Awareness, Brawl, 6ortitude, (elee, Science Rivals: An!ea, Baiame+ Atum-.e, hoth, Athena, 9eus, *din, 'uit,ilopochtli, e,catlipoca, la,olteotl, *goun

-Jar'Edo Wens
)od of earthly knowledge and physical might, 8ar'#do %ens is the strength and power of the !ukurpa. %ith his rippling muscles, he has fought enemy after enemy who would threaten the Australian pantheon. 'e is a symbol of "ictory and none ha"e e"er managed to best him in a fair fight. 'e reminds e"eryone that arrogance or self-conceit will not be tolerated in his presence. Such ways of thinking always lead to defeat in the end, as those who hold themsel"es so high often ha"e the furthest to fall. %hen mo"ing among humanity, 8ar'#do %ens often takes the form of the star athlete. 'e has won numerous physical competitions and competed in almost e"ery sport he can find the time to learn. 'e particularly en!oys those games that employ elements of strategy and intrigue to win. Sheer physical force is fun and certainly an aspect of his character. But when he can combine his sheer power with his keen mind, the thrill is almost addicti"e to this god of success. 8ar'#do %ens pushes his children perhaps more than any other god of the !ukurpa, maybe e"en more than any god of any pantheon. %hile he stri"es for "ictory and success, he also wants the same for his Scions. 'is children must earn their birthrights and those who fail in the attempt must make due with their own natural talent with little in the way of magical companions or items to help them along in their !ourneys. Associated Powers: #pic &ntelligence, #pic Strength, #arth, (ystery, Songlines, %ar Common Abilities: Athletics, 7ommand, &n"estigation, (elee, $resence, hrown Rivals: %uluwaid+ )eb, $tah, Ares, 'ephaestus, Vidar, 'uit,ilopochtli, =ipe otec, &,anagi, Baron Samedi

)od of rain among the !ukurpa, %uluwaid is also the ferryman who takes the dead of Australia to $urelko to be gi"en o"er to An!ea's keeping. 'e is de"oted to this duty, ensuring the dead get where they belong. *ccasionally, he's e"en been known to collect the dead of other pantheons who might ha"e died near the waters of Australia. <nlike some other death gods, howe"er, %uluwaid makes an effort to get the dead to their appropriate <nderworld rather than greedily keeping them himself. he dead do not belong to anyone, he reasons, they are simply on their own !ourney to the ne2t incarnation. &t's his duty to help them along on that !ourney. %hen he's not bringing rain to the %orld or sheltering the dead until they can reach their ultimate destination, %uluwaid tends to do a great deal of tra"elling. 'e wanders all o"er the %orld, making an effort to learn as many different funeral rites as he can. 'e has dri"en the hearse at numerous funerals, cast boats adrift for burial at sea and guided bodies into the furnaces for cremation. 'e does what he can to safeguard the dead on their !ourney into the afterlife to ensure that the trip is as une"entful as possible. Scions of %uluwaid tend to be at a disad"antage. heir father knows a great deal about ushering the dead on to their final destination. But his ability to relate to the li"ing tends to be lacking. 'e is a distant father at best, a confused and misguided guardian at worst. *n the plus side, howe"er, %uluwaid does tend to shower his children with gifts. he better armed they are, the

more likely they'll sur"i"e. attention.

his at least keeps him from ha"ing to gi"e his children constant

Associated Powers: #pic De2terity, #pic %its, Death, $sychopomp, Sky, Songlines Common Abilities: Awareness, 7ontrol, &ntegrity, (arksmanship, *ccult, Sur"i"al Rivals: 8ar'#do %ens+ Set, Sobek, 'ermes, hor, :uet,alcoatl, .aiden, Shango

0hi is goddess of the sun. %here she walks, her sunbeams glitter and urge the plants to grow in her wake. 'er beauty shines with light enough to push back the darkness. &t drew the attention of Bahloo, but 0hi rebuked his ad"ances, chasing him through the sky and threatening the creatures below that if they allowed Bahloo to touch the ground, she would cast the world in darkness as punishment. She is responsible for granting the kangaroo the ability to hop and granting the platypus the myriad traits which make it uni>ue as well as granting gifts to many other animals. %hen she walks among humanity, her beauty cannot help but shine through her mundane disguises. She has been a runway model and appeared in maga,ines around the world. 'er one regret is that Bahloo is not the only one to lose control in her presence. She has attracted numerous stalkers o"er the years. She makes a habit of changing her human personna often so as to pre"ent the accumulation of undue attention. *ne thing her Scions ne"er complain about is the lack of gifts granted by their mother. As she did with the animals, she is more than willing to grant her children whate"er they might wish. Sometimes, she may e"en be too gi"ing, granting her children something they are not e>uipped to handle and leading to their own demise. But that is simply !ustice for taking ad"antage of their mother's gi"ing nature. Associated Powers: #pic Appearance, #pic 7harisma, Animal 3-angaroo, $latypus4, 6ertility, Songlines, Sun Common Abilities: Animal -en, Athletics, #mpathy, &n"estigation, $resence, Science Rivals: Bahloo+ Bastet, 'orus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Baldur, la,olteotl, Amaterasu, 'achiman, 5egba --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scent the Di"ine-he !ukurpa smell like eucalyptus, and are accompanied by the sound of a whirling bushroarer when sensed with the Scent the Di"ine -nack 3Scion 7ompanion, pg. ?@4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--Pantheon Specific Pur iew - Songlines-6or the !ukurpa, the power of reality is contained within certain flowing lines of power and history which stretch across the %orld. heses lines follow the paths the original gods and itans took when they created e"erything. Some lead to sacred places. *thers con"erge with other lines and merge to become a larger line. hese songlines pro"ide geomantic power to the entire world and the Australian gods long ago learned to follow, and e"en manipulate these lines through the use of "arious forms of artistic e2pression. As the name might suggest, song is the most well known method of tapping into the power of these songlines. 'owe"er, any form of artistic e2pression can be used if the method is

appropriate. (usic and dance are also popular. As is storytelling and e"en paintings and sculpture which depict the landscape of the songlines. &t goes without saying then, that the !ukurpa, e"en those gods who are not particular known for it, are all >uite skilled with at least one form of artistic e2pression. %ithout this artistic skill, the power of the Songlines $ur"iew becomes almost useless.

-!armoni"e #Songlines $%
Dice $ool/ Aone 7ost/ B 5egend At the most basic le"el, Scions of the !ukurpa ha"e the ability to tap into the energy of the songlines which run through the %orld and let that power flow through them to bring them in touch with their surroundings. By spending a Speed ?, miscellaneous action in concentration while singing a soft tune to himself 3or performing some other >uick artistic act such as a short poem or a >uick chalk drawing on the sidewalk4, the Scion may spend a point of 5egend to harmoni,e with the energy of creation. 6or the remainder of the scene, the Scion adds dice e>ual to his rating in the Art ability to all rolls of the Awareness or Sur"i"al abilities to sense and interact with his surroundings.

-Echoes #Songlines $$%

Dice $ool/ %its C Art 7ost/ B 5egend By spending two Speed ?, miscellaneous actions in concentration while performing a simple work of art and spending a point of 5egend as described abo"e in 'armoni,e 3Songlines B4, the Scion may gain insight into whether or not anyone of import has passed within a number of yards e>ual to the Scion's 5egend. #ach success pro"ides knowledge of one day into the past. &f any indi"idual with a 6atebinding to the character has passed within the appropriate range during that time, then the Scion knows of it. his Boon grants no knowledge of where the indi"iduals went or what they did after passing through that area, only that they ha"e passed through the area. 'owe"er, this Boon does count as making a connection for purposes of using %here Are 0ou; 3$sychopomp D4. <sing the $sychopomp Boon grants knowledge of one of the 6atebound indi"idual's current location at the time the Boon is used. he two together may allow a Scion to track down a particular 6atebound indi"idual "ery easily.

-Wandering &horus #Songlines $$$%

Dice $ool/ &ntelligence C Art 7ost/ E 5egend Scions who possess this Boon need rarely use maps to find their way through the mundane world. So long as the Scion knows a story in"ol"ing the location or has a picture associated with the place, he may follow the songlines to find it. he Scion must spend three Speed ?, miscellaneous actions either singing or reciting a song or story that in"ol"es the location in >uestion. &f necessary, the Scion may write his own song for this purpose if he has a description to work with or knows of a particular e"ent that happened there. Alternati"ely, the Scion may draw a picture related to the location or study a picture that may already be in his possession. 'e must then spend three points of 5egend and roll &ntelligence C Art. #ach success pro"ides the Scion with one day in which he gains an instincti"e knowledge of how to find that location. &f the !ourney takes longer than that period of days, then the Scion must re-use the Boon in order to gain this benefit. he Scion must make the !ourney himself and this Boon pro"ides no ease of tra"el, only points the character in the right direction. 'e may not use this Boon to find anything outside the mundane world. Supernatural locations are off limits.

-Dissonance #Songlines $$$$%

Dice $ool/ 7harisma C Art 7ost/ E 5egend At the demigod le"el of power, Scions begin to learn to interfere with the songlines in their area. <sing this Boon, Scions may cause the natural energy flows to interfere with attempts to track the character. he character spends four Speed ?, miscellaneous actions in the performance of some artistic act as described in the pre"ious Boons. his particular artistic e2pression must demonstrate some sort of chaos or discord which is then instilled in the surrounding songlines. By spending three 5egend at the culmination of the artistic work, the Scion may then roll 7harisma C Art. #ach success on the roll directly adds to the difficulty of any attempt to track the Scion's mo"ement for a number of days e>ual to the Scion's 5egend.

-Stonesong #Songlines $$$$$%

Dice $ool/ (anipulation C Art 7ost/ F 5egend *nce, the gods of the !ukurpa used the songlines to urge the %orld to be created. his power is the basic e2ample of that ability, allowing the Scion to use song, dance or other artistic e2pression to create inanimate ob!ects from thin air. he Scion is unable to create anything larger than himself and may create nothing that is ali"e or otherwise sentient. he Scion must spend fi"e Speed ?, miscellaneous actions performing an appropriate artistic action. 'e then spends four 5egend and rolls (anipulation C Art. &f successful, the Scion con!ures a mundane inanimate ob!ect of his choice which stays in e2istance for one week before "anishing as >uickly as it appeared. he most common items to be summoned in this way are weapons which the Scion may use to fight his enemies. 'owe"er, tools, clothes and other "arious items may all be summoned by the character. hese items must be simple with no mo"ing parts. he Scion may determine any distincti"e appearance the item may ha"e, though e"en duplicating a magical item does not gi"e it magical powers.

-Wandering 'elod( #Songlines $$$$$ $%

Dice $ool/ &ntelligence C Art 7ost/ ? 5egend By using this Boon, the Scion may follow the songlines to supernatural locations such as errae &ncognitae, ouchstones and <nderworld $assages. his power functions e2actly like the %andering 7horus Boon 3Songlines ***4, sa"e that the Scion must now spend si2 miscellaneous actions in performing the power, spend fi"e points of 5egend and may use the Boon to find magical locations which could not be found with the pre"ious Boon. he Scion must still ha"e a story or description of the location to be found, though when seeking passage into an <nderworld, a story or description of the <nderworld itself is sufficient.

-Acoustics #Songlines $$$$$ $$%

Dice $ool/ %its C Art 7ost/ G 5egend his Boon functions almost e2actly like the Dissonance Boon 3Songlines ****4. 'owe"er, the roll to use this Boon is %its C Art rather than 7harisma, the Scion must spend se"en actions performing the power and the cost is G 5egend. 5ike the pre"ious Boon, successes add to the difficulty for any rolls to track the Scion's mo"ements. 'owe"er, with the use of this Boon, the Scion has the option to not only interfere with attempts to track him, but he may also redirect such attempts to a false location. &f the person attemtping to track the Scion does not achie"e enough successes to beat the increased difficulty, then he is led to a location of the Scion's choice within a number of miles e>ual to the Scion's 5egend. his location is chosen at the time the Boon is used and cannot be changed without using the Boon again. Aot only does this allow the Scion to

a"oid detection, but it also allows the character to lead those who might be tracking him into traps or other hinderances.

-)ifesong #Songlines $$$$$ $$$%

Dice $ool/ (anipulation C Art 7ost/ H 5egend, C? 5egend and B %illpower per additional traits his power works in a manner similar to the Stonesong Boon 3Songlines *****4. 'owe"er, this Boon allows the Scion to create li"ing things best suited for the character's imagination. he character must spend eight Speed ?, miscellaneous actions performing a song, poem or other artistic e2pression such as sketching out a picture of the creature to be created. &f the Scion already has a picture or sculpture of what he wants, he may instead spend the action in concentration on the piece of art. hen the Scion spends H 5egend and rolls (anipulation C Art. he creature begins with the stats of a normal mundane creature of the Scion's choice. 'owe"er, for each additional fi"e points of 5egend and one additional %illpower, the Scion may add additional animal traits of other animals 3such as gi"ing a kangaroo wings, allowing a platypus to see in the dark like a cat, etc.4 or grant the animal one point of #pic Attribute 3the animal does not recie"e -nacks for these additions4. #pic Attributes granted in this way cannot e2ceed the character's mundane Attributes. his creature only e2ists for one month before "anishing !ust as they appeared, but if a Scion possesses and uses #pic #nhancement 3Animal ***** ***4 for the appropriate base animal, the created animal becomes a permanent part of the %orld in addition to any other bonuses granted by the use of #pic #nhancement.

-Wandering S(mphon( #Songlines $$$$$ $$$$%

Dice $ool/ &ntelligence C Art 7ost/ BI 5egend By using this Boon, the Scion may follow the songlines to A2is (undi that lead to the "arious *"erworlds. his power functions e2actly like the %andering 7horus Boon 3Songlines ***4, sa"e that the Scion must now spend nine actions using the power, spend ten points of 5egend and may use the Boon to find A2is (undi which could not be found with the pre"ious Boon. he Scion must still ha"e a story or description of the location to be found, though a story or description of the *"erworld the A2is (undie leads to is sufficient.

-Worldsong #Songlines $$$$$ $$$$$%

Dice $ool/ (anipulation C Art 7ost/ BD 5egend C B %illpower, *ptional B $ermanent 5egend his Boon works similar to the Stonesong 3Songlines *****4 and 5ifesong 3Stonglines ***** ***4 Boons. By spending ten Speed ?, miscellaneous actions performing some artistic action or concentrating on a pre"iously prepared work of art, the Scion is capable of reshaping the songlines to alter the world around him. his costs BD points of 5egend and a single point of %illpower to accomplish. 5andscape can be changed at a whim. (ountains can "anish and become "alleys, trees can sprout at a moment's notice in lush forests, ri"ers can be made to flow through lifeless desert. his power allows the Scion ultimate mastery o"er the landscape and his surrounding area. All changes must occur within line of sight and may only affect the natural landscape. Skyscrapers and other urban en"ironments may not be affected, only naturally occuring landmarks. *nly one aspect of the landscape may be changed with a single use of this Boon. 7reating a ri"er re>uires one use of the Boon and making a forest rise alongside the ri"er would re>uire a seperate use of the Boon. hese changes in the landscape last for a year and then "anish as >uickly as they were made to appear. he changes to the landscape may be made permanent by spending a B point of $ermanent 5egend per use of the Boon.

-Wati-*utjara#+ollowers $$$$ - $$$$$%
6eaturing prominently in many myths of Australia are the wati-kut!ara li,ard men. &n some stories, these are men with the capability to transform into the goanna li,ards of Australia. &n others, they are a blending of man and li,ard. &n truth, the wati-kut!ara are therianthropes, created by the titans in the same way they created the werewol"es, balamob and others. 'owe"er, like the balamob, the wati-kut!ara did not remain loyal to the titans for long. :uickly, they turned to the side of the !ukurpa, swearing themsel"es to the ser"ice of Dirawong, the goanna god. A typical wati-kut!ara has the following stats/ Virtues/ 7on"iction E, #2pression B, 'armony D, *rder D Strength D, De2terity E, Stamina D 7harisma D, (anipulation D, Appearance D $erception D, &ntelligence D, %its D Athletics D, Awareness D, Brawl D, 7ontrol B, 6ortitude B, 5arceny D, (elee B, Stealth B, Sur"i"al B, hrown B Supernatural $owers/ #pic Attributes - #pic Strength D 3'oly Bound, <plifting (ight4, #pic Stamina D 3Damage 7on"ersion, 'oly 6ortitude4, #pic Appearance B 3Serpent's )a,e4, #pic $erception B 3$redatory 6ocus4 )oanna 6orm - As a miscellaneous action, a wati-kut!ara can transform himself into a goanna that is identical in all respects to a normal goanna 3use the stats for a crocodile, Scion/ 'ero, pg. EEI4, e2cept he retains his normal intellect and his #pic Attributes. Assuming this form costs nothing. 'ybrid 6orm - By spending a 5egend point, a wati-kut!ara can turn into a humanoid goanna-man creature. &n this form, a wati-kut!ara gains CF to his Strength, CB to his De2terity and CF to his Stamina and his claws and bite inflict CD5 damage and carry a poison e>ual to itanspawn Venom, Scion/ 'ero, pg. BHD. 8oin Battle/ F Attacks/ Bite 3hybrid form only4 - Accuracy @, Damage J5K, $arry DV --, Speed ? 7linch - Accuracy ? 3@ in hybrid form4, Damage EB 3GB in hybrid form4, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy F 3? in hybrid form4, Damage @B 3BD5K in hybrid form4, $arry DV B 3D in hybrid form4, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy @ 3G in hybrid form4, Damage EB 3J5K in hybrid form4, $arry DV E 3F in hybrid form4, Speed F Spear - Accuracy ? 3@ in hybrid form4, Damage @5 3BI5 in hybrid form4, $arry DV D 3E in hybrid form4, Speed ? Boomerang - Accuracy F 3? in hybrid form4, Damage FB 3HB in hybrid form4, .ange FI, Speed @ K hese attacks in hybrid form inflict a poison e>ual to itanspawn Venom 3Scion/ 'ero, pg. BHD4 upon a successful attack Soak/ DALE5LFB 3DAL?5LHB in hybrid form4 'ealth 5e"els/ -IL-BL-BL-DL-DL-FL&ncap

Dodge DV/ F 3? in hybrid form4 %illpower/ ? 5egend/ E, 5egend $oints/ J Aotes/ he abo"e stats represent a wati-kut!ara based on a generic thug with a 5egend of E. 6i"e like him are worth 6ollowers ?. hose with less 5egend ha"e less #pic Attributes and are worth 6ollowers F. Additionally, more powerful wati-kut!ara may be represented using more powerful mortal followers such as grunt soldiers and e2perience soldiers.

-,iddali* #&reature $$$- .elic $%
&n most respects, the tiddalik is nothing more than a supernatural "ersion of the water-holding frog in 7entral Australia. %hile he possesses unnatural strength and resilience compared to a normal frog, the tiddalik is really little different from its mundane counterpart. 'owe"er, long ago, the uni>ue nature of the tiddalik almost destroyed the world. he tiddalik once woke with a thirst that could not be >uenched. &t drank and drank and drank e"ery bit of water it could find until all the world's fresh water had been consumed by the little frog. &n desperation, the !ukurpa and the other animals of the world attempted to persuade the tiddalik to return the water it had drank. 6inally, a li"ely eel managed to make the tiddalik laugh and regurgitate the water it had consumed, which nearly flooded the world that had been left in drought. Since then, the !ukurpa ha"e kept a closer eye on the tiddalik. Scions of the !ukurpa may summon the tiddalik to his side using a stone car"ing of a frog specially designed for that purpose. By spending a point of 5egend and dropping the stone upon the ground, the stone will sink into the dirt and the hole will fill with water. (oments later, the head of the tiddalik will peek out before the frog pulls itself out onto the ground. %hile the frog is a less than intimidating creature, the true power of the tiddalik lies in the water it once consumed. After it regurgitated the world's water, it still managed to keep a great deal for itself to keep its thirst >uenched. #"en today, the tiddalik is able to regurgitate fresh water from its body at will. his makes the creature in"aluable for sur"i"ing in harsh en"ironments which might otherwise lea"e the character dying of thirst and dehydration. he stone used to summon the tiddalik may also be used as a birthright .elic to channel the Animal 36rog4 $ur"iew when not in use. Virtues/ 7on"iction B, #2pression D, 'armony F, *rder D Strength B, De2terity D, Stamina B 7harisma I, (anipulation I, Appearance B $erception D, &ntelligence B, %its D Athletics D, Awareness D, Brawl B, &n"estigation D, Stealth E, Sur"i"al F Supernatural $owers/ Boons - $otability, 7reate %ater #pic Attributes - #pic Strength B 3'oly Bound4, #pic Stamina B 3'oly 6ortitude4 8oin Battle/ F Attacks/ Body Slam - Accuracy F, Damage BB, $arry DV --, Speed @

Soak/ BALD5LDB 'ealth 5e"els/ -IL-BL-DL&ncap Dodge DV/ F %illpower/ @ 5egend/ E, 5egend $oints/ J

-'imi #/uide $$$$- .elic $%
he mimi are spirits of creati"ity and inspiration who long ago aided the !ukurpa in bringing order and structure to the world around them so that creation could not run rampant. (imi are known to prefer creati"ity directed toward a purpose. hey "alue in"ention and inno"ation, not creation for creation's sake. he mimi are tall and thin, to the point of being nearly stick-like. As such, their nature tends to be rather fragile, causing them to shun combat unless under emergency situations and li"e underground where they might protect themsel"es in cre"ices and ca"erns. Despite their seeming frailty, howe"er, they bear an otherworldy appearance that draws humans and Scions to their side. &t is said that in addition to teaching humanity to use fire and prepare kangaroo meat, the mimi also taught humanity about the secrets of se2uality in all its di"erse forms. Supernatural $owers/ All mimi are gifted with #pic Appearance and #pic De2terity. heir thin bodies pro"ide for surprising suppleness, and their striking looks ne"er fail to make an impression. he mimi are also deities of creation and the earth, often possession Boons of the #arth and 6ire $ur"iews. %eaknesses/ %hile their thin bodies allow for surprising suppleness, it also makes them e2ceedingly frail and fragile. (imi may ne"er possess le"els in #pic Stamina. Additionally, despite their 5egendary status, they ha"e no capability to soak 5ethal damage. (imi tend to a"oid confrontation at all costs, lest they be literally broken to pieces by their enemies. Virtues/ 7on"iction D, #2pression F, 'armony E, *rder E Strength D, De2terity ?, Stamina B 7harisma F, (anipulation F, Appearance ? $erception E, &ntelligence F, %its E Academics D, Art F, Athletics E, Awareness E, Brawl D, 7ommand F, 7ontrol B, 7raft D, #mpathy E, 6ortitude E, &ntegrity E, *ccult D, $resence ? Supernatural $owers/ Boons - Safely &nterred, #cho Sounding, 6ire &mmunity, Bolster, 6ire's #ye #pic Attributes - #pic De2terity E 37at's )race, <ntouchable *pponent, 5ightning Sprinter4, #pic Appearance E 37enter of Attention, 7ome 'ither, 5asting &mpression4 8oin Battle/ @ Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy G, Damage EB, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy @, Damage @B, $arry DV G, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy H, Damage EB, $arry DV H, Speed F Soak/ I5LBB

'ealth 5e"els/ -IL-IL-IL-BL-BL-BL-DL-DL-DL-FL&ncap Dodge DV/ BI %illpower/ G 5egend/ F, 5egend $oints/ B@

-Bo00i-Bo00i's Boomerang #.elic $$$- 1 Pur iews- 2-dot 3ni4ue Power%
*riginally crafted from the rib of the itan Bobbi-Bobbi, this boomerang was gi"en to humanity as a show of good faith between he and the %orld. &t's said that the humans who recie"ed this gift wanted more and attempted to use it to slay Bobbi-Bobbi with it. he attempt dro"e Bobbi-Bobbi to turn against humanity acti"ely and ser"ed as one of the many e"ents which would lead up to the original itan %ar. he truth of course, that isn't told in the stories, is that the humans who tried to turn the boomerang back against its creator did so in an attempt to tame the wild acts of creation that Bobbi-Bobbi was inflicting. &t wasn't until the gods locked the itans away, howe"er, that the acts begun with this boomerang were brought to order. he boomerang grants access to the Death and Sky $ur"iews. Additionally, while a mundane boomerang only returns to the weilder's hands if it misses, the boomerang crafted from Bobbi-Bobbi's rib will always return to his hand e"en upon a successful strike.

-Barrai(a's Spear #.elic $$$$- 2 Pur iew- 5 6tem Enhancement%

he itan #ingana once possesed no way to gi"e birth to the many children she had spawned. hey continued to grow within her, causing her e2treme pain and discomfort. <ntil the god Barraiya brought his spear and stabbed into her to create an outlet for her children to be released. <nfortunately, Barraiya was killed by the titanspawned monsters that fled from their mother's newly opened womb. he spear, howe"er, was sal"aged by Barraiya's fellow gods. he spear still carries a bit of #ingana's blood upon the blade, allowing the blade to access the 'ealth $ur"iew. he spear uses the stats for a normal hasta, with an additional CE added to the weapon's damage rating.

-/u00era #.elic $$$$$- 2 Pur iew- 7-dot 3ni4ue Power%

7reated by shaping naturally forming crystals into the shapes of animals, gubbera gi"e a Scion a uni>ue ability to transform themsel"es into the animal shaped by the gubbera. By spending an action in concentration with the gubbera the Scion may transform into the animal in >uestion as if he possessed the Animal 6orm Boon 3Animal @4 for that animal. All costs and other limitations of Animal 6orm are applicable to the use of this relic. 'owe"er, while in the animal form granted by this relic, the Scion may not communicate with other animals unless he possesses the Animal 7ommunication Boon 3Animal B4. Additionally, he may use none of his #pic Attributes. his change only lasts for a single scene after which the Scion changes back into his normal form. &n addition to allowing the Scion a limited change into an animal form, a gubbera pro"ides access to the appropriate Animal $ur"iew.

-Erathipa #.elic $$$$- 1 Pur iews- 1-dot 3ni4ue Power%

#rathipa are rocks which come from the lands of $urelko, the Australian <nderworld and are shaped to resemble a pregnant woman. #ach of the erathipa has been blessed by An!ea and carries within it the power to harness one of the souls within her realm and transmit it to a willing mother. his essentially ensures that the woman will become with child the ne2t time she has se2. &n addition to ensuring the propogation of the reincarnation cycle, these relics also pro"ide access to both the Death and 'ealth $ur"iews.


7ollecti"ely, the realms of the !ukurpa are called the Dreaming. his refers to both the <nderworld and the *"erworld. he Dreaming is the power of the di"ine beings to reach out and affect the %orld. *nce, long ago, the <nderworld, *"erworld and %orld e2isted alongside the %orld. his time, when the gods and itans could simply reach out and change the %orld with little effort, was called the Dreamtime. But when the gods withdrew to the *"erworld, the Dreamtime ended and the realms of the Dreaming pulled back away from the %orld at large.

Underworld - Purelko:
A-A/ Baralku As far as <nderworlds go, $urelko is probably one of the simplest of realms the gods can find. he <nderworld of $urelko is more beholden to its patron goddess than any other realm of the <nderworld. %ithout An!ea, $urelko might simply shri"el and fade into the pull of artarus. An!ea is both the ruler and the heart of $urelko. All souls who pass through the realm come to her attention. She considers them to be her responsibility and e"en parts of herself. She would rather lose her own arm before she loses one of the spirits under her protection. As tra"ellers enter $urelko, they find themsel"es on a sprawling grassland at night. here is no moon, no stars, only the dim blackness of the night sky. he darkness is broken by a pale light that seems to originate from some source o"er the hori,on of the grassland. Spaced intermitently along the ground of the plain are a number of hand-si,ed rocks that seem to ha"e been shaped by hand into the forms of pregnant women and other signs of birth and fertility. An!ea often passes the time by shaping these erathipa so that they may be used by Scions later should they be needed. hose familiar with the <nderworld may note an odd absence of ghosts. %hen the tra"ellers reach the soft glow on the hori,on, the reason for that becomes clear. A large stone, car"ed in An!ea's image, ser"es as the true heart of $urelko. As the "isitors watch, faces of the dead ripple across the surface of the statue, their e2pressions that of peaceful slumber. <nlike other <nderworlds, the dead in $urelko remain in a hibernati"e state within li"es until An!ea or another force calls them forth. Scions may walk up to the stone replica of An!ea and re>uest to speak with a specific ghost. By spending a point of 5egend while doing so, the spirit manifests in front of An!ea's statue and is roused from his slumber for the remainder of the scene to speak with the Scion. hose ghosts who ser"e as ancestral guides follow a similar process as they manifest in the %orld to speak with those who summoned them. his statue of An!ea, the most powerful erathipa in e2istance, ser"es as a "ery piece of An!ea herself. o destroy the statue may "ery well destroy the goddess and "ice "ersa. And without the great erathipa at the heart of the realm, chaos would consume $urelko. 6or this reason, An!ea allows a small handful of ghosts to remain free and conscious outside of the statue. hese ghosts reside in a small "illage near to the erathipa, keeping it constantly within sight in case of trouble. Additionally, %uluwaid makes regular "isits to the <nderworld to bring more dead to !oin the collecti"e within the erathipa already. %ith his mastery of $sychopomp, the rainbringer could be there in an instant to defend the goddess of death. 5ike the mundane erathipa that litter the fields of $urelko, An!ea's statue at the heart of the realm represents death as well as life. %hen An!ea belie"es a ghost has spent long enough within the erathipa, she draws forth the spirit and sends it forth to the %orld to be reborn once more. his period of time before reincarnation "aries and is completely up to An!ea's discretion. Ao one is sure >uite what moti"ates her to determine the time has come for a spirit to be reborn, though she has taken re>uests from other gods of the !ukurpa in the past to reincarnate a great hero during a time of need.

Spectres ha"e no place in $urelko. Among the dead of the !ukurpa, spectres represent the ghosts who ha"e forsaken the cycle of life and death. hey refuse to be sent back to the erathipa of An!ea and ha"e turned instead to the itans. hey are ne"er welcome on the fields of $urelko. An!ea, her chosen guardian dead and %uluwaid stri"e constantly to keep the spectres dri"en back. Aow that the itans ha"e been freed once more, howe"er, the fight to dri"e back the spectre ser"ants of the itans has become e"er more desperate.

-Passages to Purel*o8
Tombs and Funerary Architecture - (ost of the traditional funeral sites of the Australian people ha"e been either damaged or destroyed by the British settlers who took the land. hose that weren't destroyed were temporary in nature to begin with and the natural en"ironment has taken its toll upon them. &t's possible to find a traditional burial mound that is still intact and may pro"ide access to $urelko by being buried atop it and spending a point of 5egend. But these locations are rare and all but lost to the !ukurpa. Natural Features - he erathipa are described abo"e. hese stones come from the <nderworld and pro"ide many powers. 'owe"er, the powers of wind and erosion are fickle. &t's possible for many large boulders to be shaped and car"ed to look like pregnant women or other symbols of birth. &n fact, the first erathipa were naturally occuring and inspired An!ea to create those she ga"e to Scions and humanity. By finding a naturally occuring erathipa, a Scion may then roll it out of the way and dig into the ground where the boulder once lay. By spending a point of 5egend while doing this, the Scion soon finds himself digging his way out of the ground of $urelko. Rituals - (ost burial practices of the Aborigine people were simple and straightforward as the soul mo"ed on to the ne2t life under the guidance of the gods. 'owe"er, one important ceremony is known as the smoking ceremony. During this rite, "arious herbs are smoldered o"er an open flame to produce a smoke that clings to the area. his was done to ward away e"il spirits at times of death and birth. Because of the cycle of reincarnation, a smoking ceremony may be used as a passage to the <nderworld when used for both birth and death. By spending a point of 5egend while surrounded by the smoke, the Scion and any he brings along with him find themsel"es in the plains of $urelko as the smoke clears. Times - here are no particular times of the year associated with passage into the Australian <nderworld.

verworld - Alt!erin"a:
A-A/ he Dreaming he *"erworld of the !ukurpa is a rippling, mystic land. $rimarily it consists of rolling grasslands, broken by tall mountains, blistering deserts and shoreline that butts against a sparkling sea. he *"erworld is an idyllic place where the in"aders ne"er came to dri"e back the natural en"ironment of Australia. he water of the ri"ers is crisp and clean and the air is fresh. 7louds drift across the sky at la,y inter"als, casting pleasant shade on the land below. (ost of the !ukurpa do not really hold pri"ate territory in Alt!eringa. .ather, they consider the entire realm their collecti"e home. Dirawong can often be found in his goanna form, lounging in the grasslands under the shining sun of the realm and looking up to the stars at night. 0hi and Bahloo continue to play out the eternal chase across the sky, with 0hi shining her bla,ing torch upon the land during the day in pursuit of the moon god. At night, Bahloo sneaks across the sky, e"er wary that 0hi will find him and punish him. %uluwaid tends to be found at the shore, working at his boat or preparing to depart on another !ourney across the land or to the <nderworld. And 8ar'#do %ens wanders the plains, looking for

something there to test himself against, often preying on the sacred animals of the other gods, hoping that his fellow Australian gods might ha"e find a way to test him fully. Baiame and Birrahgnooloo mo"e among the plains together, wandering between the other gods to keep them all aware that he is in charge. *nly An!ea spurns the wonders of Alt!eringa, preferring to stay near her erathipa in $urelko when she's not in the %orld itself. here is one location which the gods consider sacred abo"e all others, howe"er. At the heart of Alt!eringa is a deep ca"ern that stretches downward into the dark ground. ra"elling into the ca"ern e"entually leads the gods down into a large, sprawling chamber with torches set into the walls that send firelight dancing all around the blackened stone walls. (ats are laid out around the floor to make for reasonably comfortable seating around a large firepit in the middle of the room. 'ere, the gods gather to discuss any business that the pantheon has to attend to together. he !ukurpa also like to use this ca"ern as a source of celebration. 'ere, the gods gather to perform rituals with the passing seasons and en!oy the company of each other. heir fa"orite form of entertainment during these festi"als is to compete with each other at the art of storytelling. %hen a character within the ca"ern tells a story, the uni>ue nature of the ca"ern causes the flames from the torches and firepit to flicker and dance. he audience can see the story begin playing itself out in the flickering light around the ca"ern as images from the story take shape in the air. hese images ha"e no real systematic effect, but pro"ide great opportunities for stunting while storytelling. he !ukurpa take ad"antage of this benefit at e"ery opportunity when competing against each other within the ca"ern.

-A9is 'undi8 'ount Yengo

o reach Alt!eringa, a god must tra"el the same path that Baiame took when he ascended to the hea"ens after creating the world. 'e leapt from the top of (ount 0engo on the %estern coast of Australia. he force of his leap left the mountain top flat and propelled him upward to Alt!eringa. &t has also remained the dominant a2is mundi into the *"erworld. ra"elling to Alt!eringa re>uires a being of 5egend J or higher to stand in the middle of the flat portion of (ount 0engo and then spend a point of 5egend as he leaps upwards. 'e then finds himself flying upwards at rapid speeds, flying through the clouds and up toward the stars. hen he finds himself coming down again, plummeting back down through the clouds toward the ground below. %hen he lands, there is no harm done from the trip, e"en if the god normally has no way to defend against such dangerous !umps and falls. 'e has come to rest in the grasslands of Alt!eringa, the mundane world left behind at the beginning of his !ump. Beneath him can be found two footprints in the rocky ground, pressed there when Baiame came to rest after his "ery first leap. .eturning to the %orld re>uires standing on those footprints and replicating the !ump in re"erse, coming down on the flat mountaintop of (ount 0engo once more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since the Siege/ %aking Aightmare-Since the itans ha"e been released, the )reater itan of the .ainbow Serpent has begun to flow within and around the land of Alt!eringa. As the power of Dreams snakes into the Dreaming, fantasy and reality ha"e begun to blur. &llusions of old enemies long defeated by the !ukurpa and their children and followers ha"e been spotted by the gods in the rolling plains. hese "isions are nothing but phantoms, ser"ing as distractions to confuse the gods. he real dangers come from the solid and real enemies sneaking in along with the illusions. he creatures of the .ainbow Serpent are skilled shapeshifters and disguise themsel"es as those same phantoms which haunt the Australian *"erworld, striking from surprise against gods who ha"e dismissed them as false. 6or this reason, the !ukurpa are forced to treat e"en the illusions as true threats, lest they be caught unawares by the real creatures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--Antagonists--&aptain James &oo* #/uide $$$$$%

&n BGGI, 7aptain 8ames 7ook landed on the #astern coast of Australia and claimed it in the name of the British people. 'is influence led to the ruination of the Aborigine people. %hat's more, he went on to spread the British influence through the $olynesian &slands, on to 'awaii where he e"entually met his end. he story that's not told, howe"er, is that 7aptain 7ook was a Scion of (anannan mac 5ir from the British &sles. A born e2plorer and a master of the seas, he set out to spread the influence of his people as far as he could, no matter who might get in his way in the process. As he led to the cultural downfall of the Australian people and the marginali,ation of the $olyensian people, he made enemies of both the !ukurpa and the Atua alike. #"entually, the Atua would lead the 'awaiian people to put an end to him, but at the last minute, 7ook would sa"e himself as he ascended to the status of demigod and escaped. Afterwards, the gods faked his death to co"er up his di"ine nature, allowing the Atua to claim their people ended his life. 7aptain 7ook spent the ne2t century or two bitter at the gods for their interference in his efforts to spread culture to the rest of the world. 'is own pantheon did not necessarily turn against him, but neither did they support his actions. (anannan mac 5ir has not spoken to him in years. he other pantheons angered him all the more, howe"er, putting their ideas ahead of the good of the people and trying to keep their followers in backwards, unci"ili,ed cultures 3as he sees it, at least4. his bitterness became an easy tool for &mhotep to make use of. 7aptain 7ook is not a member of the -eepers of the %orld. 'e is not in on their plans. 'e is not aware of their actions. But &mhotep needed someone to ferry his supplies and his e>uipment around the globe at a decent speed and security. 7ook is kept at arm's length, but he considers &mhotep a "alued ally and has met other members of the -eepers of the %orld and found kindred spirits among them. Should he actually disco"er their plan, his reaction might surprise &mhotep. hough he is bitter with the gods and their actions against him, 7ook does not wish to see the *"erworld cut off from the %orld. 'e belie"es the gods are necessary for the sur"i"al of %orld and remo"ing them would only make the problems the world faces all the worse. &n fact, should he disco"er &mhotep's ultimate plan, he might actually turn acti"ely against his -eeper of the %orld allies and try to derail their master plan. 7aptain 7ook still wears his British na"al uniform when he's out of the public eye, though he's not too concerned with wearing something a bit more modern when he needs to deal with normal people. Despite that, howe"er, his rapier ne"er lea"es his waist, e"en when dealing with mundane mortals. 'is natural charm tends to put people at ease despite the weapon, though. 'is ship of choice today tends to be a high powered pleasure yacht, though he's been known to sail a few barges and container ships when the situation calls for it, especially when dealing with his current transportation duties to support &mhotep. Associated Powers: #pic 7harisma, #pic &ntelligence, #pic $erception, #nech, $sychopomp, %ater Common Abilities: Awareness, 7ommand, 7ontrol, 6ortitude, (elee, Sur"i"al Rivals: (anannan mac 5ir, *gma+ Sobek, $oseidon, laloc, Susanno-o, practically all members of the Atua and !ukurpa pantheons

Virtues/ 7ourage F, #2pression D, &ntellect F, $iety E Strength @, De2terity G, Stamina @ 7harisma H, (anipulation J, Appearance ? $erception BB, &ntelligence BI, %its H Academics F, Art 37artography4 F, Athletics E, Awareness ?, Brawl E, 7ommand ?, 7ontrol 3Ship4 ?, 7rafts 3Ship .epair4 E, #mpathy E, 6ortitude F, &ntegrity F, &n"estigation E, 5arceny D, (arksmanship F, (edicine D, (elee F, *ccult E, $olitics F, $resence E, Science 3*ceanography4 F, Stealth D, Sur"i"al ?, hrown D Birthrights/ A"atar ?, .elic D 3Aa"igational Se2tant - $sychopomp, %ater4, .elic F 3.apier - CD Accuracy, CD Damage4, 6ollowers ? 3Ship's 7rew - #2perienced Soldiers4, )uide D 3#2perienced mortal sailor who keeps him up to date on modern nautical acti"ity4, Sanctum E 3'idden island in the $acific4 Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he 6lood, he %ay Boons - Assumption of the 5and, Bard's ongue, Beyond the Ainth %a"e, Body and Spirit, Brehon's #ye, 7hanging States, 7o-5ocation, 7ome Along, 7reate %ater, Desiccate, Drown, 'eart of the (a,e, 'ero's )eas, 5ay (ortal )eas, 5ay $otent )eas, 5ay oken )eas, 5i>uid 6orm, (arathon Sprinter, *therworldly $ortal, $otability, $urify %ater, .ainbow Bridge, .ide Along, Spirit 5amp, erra &ncognita, sunami, wist )eas, <nbarred #ntry, <nerring *rientation, %ater Breathing, %ater 7ontrol, %ater (astery, %ater Vorte2, %here Are 0ou; #pic Attributes - #pic Strength D 3'url to the 'ori,on, <plifting (ight4, #pic De2terity E 3all -nacks from Scion/ 'ero4, #pic Stamina ? 3all -nacks4, #pic 7harisma BI 3all -nacks4, #pic (anipulation @ 3all -nacks4, #pic $erception BI 3all -nacks4, #pic &ntelligence H 3all -nacks from Scion/ 'ero and Scion/ Demigod4, #pic %its ? 3all -nacks from Scion/ 'ero4 <ltimate Attributes - <ltimate 7harisma, <ltimate $erception 8oin Battle/ BE Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy BI, Damage G5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy J, Damage BI5, $arry DV H, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy BB, Damage G5, $arry DV BI, Speed F .apier - Accuracy BF, Damage BF5, $arry DV BI, Speed ? Soak/ ?ALBF5LBGB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2BGL&ncap Dodge DV/ B? %illpower/ H 5egend/ BD, 5egend $oints/ BFF *ther Aotes/ 7aptain 7ook's rapier has the following traits/ Accuracy CE, Damage CG5, Defense CB, Speed ?. 7ook's 'ero's )eas takes the form of the -ings )eas. &n fact, this geas helped to lead to his actions in Australia and the $olynesian &slands. 'e was simply unable to accept the 1unci"ili,ed1 cultures as ha"ing superior leadership. Additionally, 7ook has a Dinsenchas )eas to a pri"ate island he's claimed in the $acific *cean. his )eas comes from his use of the #nech Boon, Assumption of the 5and 3#nech G4.

he malingee were nocturnal creatures who stalked the nights of Australia. %hile they primarily

kept to themsel"es, the malingee were malicious and "iolently lashed out against any who came across their path unwelcomed. Stone kni"es were their weapons of choice when confronted with intruders to their territory, but they weren't afraid to use their bare hands if necessary either. he malingee are similar to the mannegishi 3see/ he De"il is in the Details short ad"enture4. 5ike the Aati"e American creature, the malingee look similar to bi,arre monkeys with an elongated head and large, elongated limbs, short stubby tail and large, rounded eyes. he eyes of the malingee, howe"er, catch ambient light and reflect it back much like a cat's eyes, causing them to glow in the dark. &ts knees were often hardened like stone from time spent crawling through the brush on the hard ground of the outback to stalk prey and made scraping noises when their legs brushed together. (alingee are surprisingly de2trous and ha"e been known to set up traps and ambushes for unsuspecting targets if they ha"e ad"ance warning that an intruder is approaching their territory. &f confronted with a clearly superior force, malingee will take the first opportunity to flee rather than continue the confrontation. Virtues/ Ambition B, (alice E, .apacity D, 9ealotry B Strength E, De2terity ?, Stamina E 7harisma I, (anipulation I, Appearance B $erception F, &ntelligence D, %its E Animal -en D, Athletics F, Awareness E, Brawl E, 6ortitude D, &ntegrity B, &n"estigation D, 5arceny F, (elee F, Stealth ?, Sur"i"al E, hrown D Supernatural $owers/ Boons - Aight #yes #pic Attributes - #pic De2terity B 37at's )race, (onkey 7limber4 $reternatural 7amouflage - &f a malingee free,es against a dark background, it blends in immediately. #"en a mo"ing malingee among bushes, trees or e"en the shadowy underhang of a bridge can be stealthy beyond measure. &f a malingee uses a miscellaneous action to hide 3Speed ?4, it gains a CE dice bonus to its corresponding Stealth score, and it can e"en a"oid the powers of obser"ation possessed by a Scion with #pic $erception. (alingee will often leap out to perform one act of surprise, then dash back into darkness to hide again+ in groups, they will take turns harassing the target. 8oin Battle/ @ Attacks/ Bite - Accuracy H, Damage F5, $arry DV --, Speed ? 7linch - Accuracy H, Damage FB, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed 5ight - Accuracy J, Damage FB, $arry DV @, Speed F <narmed 'ea"y - Accuracy G, Damage GB, $arry DV ?, Speed ? Stone -nife - Accuracy BD, Damage @5, $arry DV @, Speed F Soak/ D5LEB 'ealth 5e"els/ -IL-BL-BL-DL-DL-FL&ncap Dodge DV/ @ %illpower/ E 5egend/ B, 5egend $oints/ B rophy/ he trophy of the malingee lies in its knees. he hardened kneecaps of the creatures

may be cut out of the rest of the body and kept for use as early warning de"ices. &f kept in a pouch, the two knees scrape and grind together when titanspawn draw near, the sound becoming audible whene"er a Scion comes within a number of yards e>ual to the possessor's 5egend rating.

Aumerous tales among the Australian people tell of malicious cat-men who were a scourge to both man and god alike. hey hunted humans to eat their flesh and ruthlessly killed the children of the gods. hese wicked cat-men were known as the t!ilpa and "arious members of their race are known in myth for their e"il in the ancient legends. he t!ilpa took the form of half-man, half-cat creatures. hey were not a type of therianthrope and, though similar to the bakeneko, had power o"er illusion or changing their shape. hese catmen were typically forced to hide their nature from mundane mortals in order to operate with a bit more subtlety, though the creatures rarely cared about subtlety. hese creatures are skilled in the use of spear and boomerang, though they prefer the use of their own natural claws and fangs when they enter into a confrontation with one of the demigod children of their hated enemies. Virtues/ Ambition D, (alice F, .apacity E, 9ealotry D Strength @, De2terity @, Stamina @ 7harisma E, (anipulation E, Appearance F $erception F, &ntelligence F, %its F Animal -en B, Athletics ?, Awareness F, Brawl F, 7ommand B, #mpathy E, 6ortitude E, &ntegrity D, &n"estigation F, 5arceny E, (edicine B, (elee F, *ccult E, $olitics B, $resence E, Stealth ?, Sur"i"al E, hrown F Supernatural $owers/ #pic Attributes - #pic Strength E 37rushing )rip, 'oly Bound, <plifting (ight4, #pic De2terity F 37at's )race, 5ightning Sprinter, (onkey 7limber, <ntouchable *pponent4, #pic Stamina E 3Damage 7on"ersion, Solipsistic %ell-Being, Self-'ealing4 8oin Battle/ H Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy BI, Damage G5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ Bite - Accuracy J, Damage BD5, $arry DV --, Speed ? <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy J, Damage BD5, $arry DV BD, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy BB, Damage J5, $arry DV BE, Speed F Spear - Accuracy BB, Damage BI5, $arry DV BE, Speed ? Boomerang - Accuracy BI, Damage GB, .ange HI, Speed @ Soak/ EALG5LBIB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2BIL&ncap Dodge DV/ B? %illpower/ G 5egend/ ?, 5egend $oints/ D? rophy/ he trophy of a t!ilpa is the hide that's left behind. %hen a Scion wears this hide 3usually as a cloak or some other sort of clothing made from the hide4 he gains the ability to sur"i"e for e2tended periods of time in harsh en"ironments. he rauma rating for en"ironmental ha,ards are each reduced by -D for characters wearing these hides.

*ther Aotes/ he claws of a t!ilpa add CD5 damage to regular <narmed attacks.

--,he .ain0ow Serpent - ,itan of Dreams-All things that make up the world, began as a thought. An idea. A concept. A dream of something new. And before these creations could be gi"en physical form, they first had to be gi"en "ision. he .ainbow Serpent is that "ision. hat image that floats in the mind of the in"entor before the in"entor gi"es the new creation shape. he .ainbow Serpent is the dream of a child before conception and the fantasy of a new world before the itans ga"e it shape. 6or the .ainbow Serpent, reality really is what you wish it to be. %hen the .ainbow Serpent's powers are brought to bear, reality becomes fluid. A person can no longer trust his senses and imagination becomes !ust as potent as physical action. %hat appears to be false and illusionary strikes !ust as hard as something in the real world. %hile things that appear real turn out to be nothing more than ephemeral dreams of possibility. he .ainbow Serpent represents e"erything that could potentially be, but whether those things actually become real is at the semi-sentient whim of the itan. he !ukurpa made it their personal duty to see that the .ainbow Serpent was imprisoned. hey wished to see order and predictability brought to the act of creation. &magination and inspiration are wonderful things. But e"erything thought up should not be simply wished into e2istance as the .ainbow Serpent and its A"atars were doing. hey still carry the legacy of creation in the form of their $ur"iew, Songlines. But there is nothing random in its use. Songs, stories and artistic creations are used to channel its power, refining the act of creation into a more in depth process. heir conflict with the .ainbow Serpent has also defined the !ukurpa's dealings with other pantheons. )ods of trickery and deception can be some of the most creati"e and inspiring gods in e2istance. hey can pull fantasies from thin air and fool those around them into treating them as truth. But this skill and attitude reminds the !ukurpa too much of the itan of Dreams. $antheons such as the Aesir or the (anitou make the Australian gods wary since they are led by tricksters such as *din and .a"en. %hile they are willing to deal diplomatically with these pantheons, they insist that more stable gods be pro"ided for these dealings. Aow that the .ainbow Serpent is freed, the !ukurpa are once again on the look out. hey do not trust their surroundings and cannot put too much faith in their senses. hey fear that creation may become fluid once again and the Australian gods struggle daily to pre"ent this. <ltimately, they know the only way to ensure that the order they'"e brought to the %orld remains intact, will be to see the .ainbow Serpent imprisoned once more somehow. Favored Purviews: 7haos, &llusion, $sychopomp, Sky, %ater #anned Purviews: Death, 6ire, (ystery Prominent Features: he landscape of the .ainbow Serpent is a sprawling "ista of fantasy and wonder. At first, upon entering the realm, it appears as if nothing has changed from where the user left. &f entering from Alt!eringa, the surroundings still look like Alt!eringa. After some time, howe"er, the landscape begins to change. he mountains begin to reach higher up into the sky, becoming impossibly tall and slender. he clouds seem to twist and spiral around the clouds and if one looks closely, he notices that the spiralling clouds work around the mountainous spires like spiral staircases. .i"ers flow across the land but soon break free and begin to climb up toward the sky. $lant-life

seems normal at first, but soon begins to take on odd characteristics. 5ea"es may be strange colors or may ha"e odd shapes to them that do not naturally occur in the %orld. he world only gets stranger the deeper into the itanrealm a character tra"els. #"entually, all laws of normal reality break down and the land becomes a realm of pure imagination. here is no predictability here and the Storyteller is free to en"ision the land howe"er he wishes when characters "enture this deep into the realm. Passa"es: #ntering the realm of Dreams is relati"ely easy. 6or one, the dreamscapes of the .ainbow Serpent are leaking through into the realm of Alt!eringa regularly. %andering through the idyllic paradise of the Australian *"erworld with the purpose of entering the .ainbow Serpent will end with the character e"entually finding himself within the fantastic "istas of the )reater itan. Additionally, the chaotic dreamrealms of 'undun may also lead into the dreams of the .ainbow Serpent. (o"ing from 'undun to the .ainbow Serpent re>uires focusing on the fantasy of 'undun itself. &t is similar to the process of escaping 'undun by imposing order on chaos, but instead of focusing on something orderly, the user must insist that what he sees is only a dream. 6ocus on its falacy and it's dream-state and instead of entering the %orld, the character enters the .ainbow Serpent instead. 5ea"ing the .ainbow Serpent follows a similar process. 7reation and inspiration leads to conception and the process of life and e2istance. By following the dreams of the .ainbow Serpent to their e"entual end, the fantasies take on solid forms and the user wakes from the fantasy within the land of erra.

*f all the A"atars of the .ainbow Serpent, none embody its purpose and ideals more than the A"atar called Bobbi-Bobbi. 'e once tried to create and granted power to humanity so that they might sur"i"e in the %orld he created. But they showed nothing but bitterness for his generosity and attempted to kill him with the "ery present he'd gi"en them. *f course, the fact that they wished to stop Bobbi-Bobbi from creating monstrous dangers and dangerous natural disasters ne"er entered into the mind of the itan A"atar. 6or this, Bobbi-Bobbi's simple disregard was turned to actual hatred. Aow, he intends to see the world torn apart by the powers he can bring to bear. he world was created once. 7learly this one was a failed prototype. Something new and successful can be built on top of it, howe"er, and the %orld can be made perfect this time. Bobbi-Bobbi leads the assault against the !ukurpa, setting his sights on the Australian gods who once sought to take away his power to create. Bobbi-Bobbi appears as a large, twisting snake with scales that glitter with rainbow hues and slitted eyes the deep blue of the midday sky. 6eathers sprout around his neck in a crest which shifts when he feels strong emotion. Bobbi-Bobbi has a dice pool of DF for all actions and tends to fa"or $hsycial Attributes, prefering to simply force his creation upon those who might stand in his way. Virtues/ Ambition E, (alice F, .apacity E, 9ealotry D Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he 6lood, he Storm, he rickster, he Void Boons - #"ery one- to eight-dot Boon from e"ery $ur"iew e2cept Death, 6ire and (ystery which are denied him. Bobbi-Bobbi has all Boons from the 7haos, &llusion, Sky and %ater $ur"iews. #pic Attributes - #pic $hysical Attributes at the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. All others #pic Attributes at the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. 8oin Battle/ DF Attacks/

7linch - Accuracy DF, Damage BE5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ Bite - Accuracy DJ, Damage DE5, $ary DV --, Speed F Soak/ BIAL?D5L?HB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2?EL&ncap Dodge DV/ @F %illpower/ G 5egend/ BD, 5egend $oints/ BFF

he original spark which began the process of 7reation, Alt!ira used to be the dominant A"atar of the .ainbow Serpent. 'e is the father of creation itself and the original source of inspiration and creati"ity. 'e is considered to be the father of most of the gods of the !ukurpa and many of them at least think fondly of the itan A"atar. But those fond feelings do not e2cuse him. hough he holds his children no ill will, the gods of the !ukurpa pantheon do not consider their father to be truly bene"olent. Alt!ira cares nothing about what has come before. 'e is the spark which sets the future in motion with no thought to what might be in the way of what's to come. 'e is the "ery essence of creation with no regard for morality. Despite his former dominance, Alt!ira took the betrayal of his children hard. 'e felt that he was harmed directly when the !ukurpa turned on the itans to imprison them. his failure on the part of Alt!ira to protect the .ainbow Serpent from his children and the sting of his loss dro"e Alt!ira into hiding within the depths of the )reater itan. )i"en the chance to strike back against the gods, howe"er, he would gladly take it and aids Bobbi-Bobbi willingly to help the siege against Alt!eringa. Alt!ira appears to be an elderly Aborigine man, grey hair and stooped posture. 'is skin is withered and dried but his eyes contain a depth of wisdom that few could match. Alt!ira has a dice pool of DI for all actions and fa"ors Social Attributes. 'is strong personality is a match for anyone and there are few who do not feel compelled to show respect for the father of the !ukurpa. Virtues/ Ambition F, (alice D, .apacity E, 9ealotry F Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he Storm, he rickster Boons - #"ery one- to eight-dot Boon from e"ery $ur"iew e2cept Death, 6ire and (ystery which are denied him. 'e possesses all Boons up to the BI-dot le"el in the &llusion and Sky $ur"iews. #pic Attributes - Alt!ira possesses all #pic Social Attributes at the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. All other #pic Attributes at the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. 8oin Battle/ DI Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy DI, Damage BB5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy BJ, Damage BF5, $arry DV EH, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy DB, Damage BB5, $arry DV FI, Speed F Soak/ HALEF5LEJB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2EJL&ncap

Dodge DV/ FF %illpower/ H 5egend/ BI, 5egend $oints/ BII

Verhudtbrahma began life as one of the many creations of the 'indu god, Brahma. he god of creation dreamed one night, and that dream gained sentience of its own. %hen Brahma woke, he was confronted with the personality of his own dreams. he two con"ersed a moment and then Verhudtbrahma settled into a life as the messenger of Brahma, appearing in the dreams and minds of his worshipers and his fellow De"as. Soon, howe"er, Verhudtbrahma would want more. 'e e2isted as little more as Brahma's dreams gi"en sentience. 'e had no shape and no body of his own. And Brahma had already mo"ed on to other pro!ects and almost forgotten about his dream messenger. Verhudtbrahma attempted to get his attention, but was not able to. he god of creation had other creations to work on. Bitter at being brushed aside, Verhudtbrahma began to search for something else which could gi"e him what he sought. 'is immaterial dream-state soon led him to the dream realms of the .ainbow Serpent, and there he found his new place. 'e merged with the )reater itan, emerging as a new A"atar. 'e still dreams of ha"ing a body of his own and searches through the reaches of the itan of Dreams to find a way to gi"e himself form. And if the gods are too busy to grant him what he wishes, then he will see them brushed aside !ust as he was. %hen he chooses to manifest in a physical form, Verhudtbrahma appears as an in"erted image of Brahma. he colors are all negati"e and right is left and "ice "ersa. 'e has a dice pool of DI for all actions and fa"ors (ental Attributes abo"e all others. Virtues/ Ambition F, (alice E, .apacity D, 9ealotry E Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he rickster, he %ay Boons - #"ery one- to eight-dot Boon from all $ur"iews e2cept Death, 6ire and (ystery which are denied him. 'e also possesses e"ery Boon from the &llusion and $sychopomp $ur"iews up to the BI-dot le"el. #pic Attributes - Verhudtbrahma possesses (ental Attributes to the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. Additionally, he possesses all other #pic Attributes to the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. 'is immaterial state makes it difficult for him to make use of most of his $hysical Attributes. &mmaterial #2istance - %hen Verhudtbrahma was granted e2istance, he was not granted a body. 'e was to e2ist as an e2tension of the will of Brahma. #"en after his defection to the itans, the .ainbow Serpent could not grant Verhudtbrahma a body to use. reat Verhudtbrahma as a demateriali,ed god for purposes of interacting with others. he best he can manage is to appear in an intangible form at the cost of a 5egend, !ust as gods can do. Attacks/ Aone 3he''s immaterial4 8oin Battle/ DI Soak/ HALEF5LEJB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2EJL&ncap Dodge DV/ FF

%illpower/ G 5egend/ BI, 5egend $oints/ BII

-;hou /ong
*riginally, 9hou )ong was a mortal who helped usher a dynasty into becoming the dominant power of 7hina. During life, he studied dreams and prophecies and methods of di"ination which he used in his role as duke to aid the young empire. 'is dream was the dream of a new nation and a dream of greatness and his efforts helped to usher in and create that dream. <pon his death, he was one of the many powerful mortals who was nominated by the 7elestial Bureaucracy for promotion into godhood. .ecently, the paperwork made it through the systems of red tape and rubber stamps and 9hou )ong finally became the )od of Dreams in reward for his shepherding the dreams of 7hinese glory into the %orld. As he set himself up to take his position in the pantheon, he was horrified to see how much the %orld had changed in all the time he spent waiting to become a full member of the pantheon he'd ser"ed so loyally. And to make matters worse, the itans ha"e now broken free and ser"ed as the final straw which finally pro"ed to him that the gods could not hope to protect the dreams he had once held. Seeking a new outlet for his purpose, he slipped away from ian and "entured into the realms of the itans. Soon, he found the dream "istas of the .ainbow Serpent. he infinite possibility he found there has finally gi"en him something that he can work toward. %ith the power of the itan of Dreams, 9hou )ong can literally make anything happen. And he intends to see that his dreams of imperialism and power come to fruition once more as they did so long ago. 9hou )ong looks e"ery part the 7hinese "i,ier. 'e dresses in formal, ceremonial robes and his wa2ed beard and mustache are intricately groomed. 9hou )ong does not wish to see the gods crushed as some other itans might. .ather, the young A"atar wishes to see the gods integrated into the new empire he intends to found. hey shall ha"e a place in his new dynasty. #"en if that is a role subser"ient to the itans. 9hou )ong has a dice pool of DI for all actions and fa"ors (ental Attributes abo"e all others, preferring to plan ahead and anticipate his enemies actions. Virtues/ Ambition E, (alice D, .apacity B, 9ealotry F Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he rickster, he %yrd Boons - #"ery one- to eight-dot Boon in e"ery $ur"iew e2cept Death, 6ire and (ystery which are denied him. Additionally, 9hou )ong possesses e"ery Boon to the BI-dot le"el in the &llusion and (agic $ur"iews. #pic Attributes - 9hou )ong possesses (ental Attributes to the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. Additionally, he possesses all other #pic Attributes to the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. 8oin Battle/ DI Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy DI, Damage BB5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy BJ, Damage BF5, $arry DV EH, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy DB, Damage BB5, $arry DV FI, Speed F Soak/ HALEF5LEJB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2EHL&ncap Dodge DV/ FF

%illpower/ J 5egend/ BI, 5egend $oints/ BII

--&reatures of the .ain0ow Serpent---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#phemeral emplate-7reatures blessed by the .ainbow Serpent gain the power of illusion and deception. hey are blessed with the things of dreams and can create at a whim. As a refle2i"e action, an ephemeral creature may create any mundane weapon they wish by forming it from the stuff of fantasy which flows through their body. Additionally, as a Speed ?, miscellaneous action, ephemeral creatures may spend a point of 5egend to assume the shape of any animal or mortal for the duration of the scene. #phemeral creatures may perfectly copy any human they wish and may assume the form of any animal from the si,e of a housecat to that of a large elephant. hese need not necessarily be regularly si,ed creatures, some may become mice the si,e of horse or bison the si,e of small dogs. hey may also take on multiple traits of multiple animals. Aormal methods of seeing through the disguises of shapeshifters may pierce these illusions, howe"er, ephemeral creatures tend to ha"e other methods of disguising themsel"es from those who might threaten them. #phemeral creatures are immune to all Boons of the &llusion $ur"iew employed by beings with a 5egend score e>ual or less than the ephemeral creature. 'owe"er, attacks based on the Death and 6ire $ur"iews are considered to ha"e the $iercing >uality. 6inally, the actions of ephemeral creatures are immune to (ystery unless the creature becomes 6atebound in some way. 6ew can pierce the false fronts erected by such illusory creatures unless the powers of 6ate become in"ol"ed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5ong ago, a young god grew to power and made himself ready to !oin the !ukurpa. 'e had struggled hard against the politics of other pantheons and had pro"en himself a strong and capable member of the Australian gods. 'is father, Baiame, had already assured him that his ascent to godhood was a surety and he'd be !oining their ranks. Bamapana was elated and decided to spend many nights celebrating. %hen he woke after his nights of debauchery, howe"er, he was horrified to find that the woman laying ne2t to him in the bed was his own mortal sister. 'is disgust and re"ulsion knew no ends, but he was e"en more disturbed by the reaction of his parents. 'e had no control o"er what had happened that night. Surely they could not ha"e blamed him. And yet they did. 'is rise to godhood was halted and he was informed that the !ukurpa would ne"er accept an incestuous lech like him into their ranks. 'e wandered for a long time, lost and confused, the sting of betrayal throbbing in his heart. Soon, he wandered into the depths of the <nderworld and found his way into the prison of artarus. he "oice of Bobbi-Bobbi spoke to him there, luring him to the embrace of the .ainbow Serpent, assuring him that he would ha"e his re"enge upon those who had shunned him. 'e was transformed that day, touched by the power of the .ainbow Serpent and sent back out

into the %orld to bring chaos and discord to all he runs across. 'e has a special hatred for the so-called happy families that he meets. $er"erting the relationships between brother and sister, mother and son, father and daughter and all other "ariations in between brings him no end of pleasure. %ith the release of the itans he has turned to his benefactor for guidance. Before, his chaos had simply been commited as his whim. But now that he has the A"atars of the .ainbow Serpent to guide him, his efforts ha"e become more focused and determined. Bamapana intends to see the !ukurpa brought low and punished for the disgraces heaped upon him all those years ago. Associated Powers: #pic Appearance, #pic (anipulation, #pic %its, 7haos, &llusion Common Abilities: Art, 6ortitude, 5arceny, *ccult, $resence, Stealth Virutes/ Ambition E, (alice D, .apacity ?, 9ealotry E Strength G, De2terity H, Stamina G 7harisma BI, (anipulation BB, Appearance BB $erception J, &ntelligence J, %its BB Academics E, Animal -en D, Art 3Storytelling4 ?, Athletics E, Awareness F, Brawl E, 7ommand E, 7ontrol 37ar4 D, #mpathy E, 6ortitude ?, &ntegrity F, &n"estigation E, 5arceny ?, (arksmanship D, (edicine E, (elee F, *ccult ?, $olitics F, $resence ?, Stealth ?, Sur"i"al F, hrown F Birthrights/ A"atar ?, 6ollowers ? 36i"e Bunyip4, 6ollowers ? 3DI )runt Soldiers4, .elic ? 3Spear - 7haos, &llusion4 Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he rickster, he Void Boons - he Best rick, 7rawling 7haos, Dreamcraft, Dreamworld, #ye of the Storm, 6alse $retenses, 6antastic Vista, 6ool's )old, 'idden Aame, 'ornet's Aest, &nsanity, &nstant .iot, 5abyrinthine 5ingering, 5oaned &dentity, $araly,ing 7onfusion, .ecurring Distraction, Sabot, Shuck 6ate, Stolen 6ace, he Subtle -nife, <nintended $urpose, <nlikely $attern #pic Attributes - #pic Strength B 3'url to the 'ori,on4, #pic De2terity G 3all -nacks4, #pic Stamina G 3Damage 7on"ersion, Di"ine Damage 7on"ersion, 'oly 6ortitude, &nner 6urnace, .egeneration, Self-'ealing, Skin-Shedding, Solipsistic %ell-Being4, #pic 7harisma G 3all -nacks4, #pic (anipulation BI 3all -nacks4, #pic Appearance BI 3all -nacks4, #pic $erception F 3'ear $rayers, $arallel Attention, Sense 6atebond, <nfailing .ecognition, 6ool (e *nce...4, #pic &ntelligence G 3all -nacks4, #pic %its BI 3all -nacks4 <ltimate Attributes - <ltimate Appearance, <ltimate (anipulation, <ltimate %its 8oin Battle/ BD Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy BB, Damage HB, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy BI, Damage BBB, $arry DV DG, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy BD, Damage HB, $arry DV DH, Speed F Spear - Accuracy BE, Damage BF5, $arry DV DH, Speed ? Soak/ GALD@5LDJB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2DHL&ncap Dodge DV/ EF %illpower/ H

5egend/ BD, 5egend $oints/ BFF *ther Aotes/ Bamapana's spear pro"ides access to the powers of 7haos and &llusion as well as granting CE damage bonus on top of a normal hasta template.

he bunyip are the chosen ser"ents of Bobbi-Bobbi, head A"atar of the .ainbow Serpent. (odeled in his image, the bunyip are smaller serpents than the great itan. 5ike Bobbi-Bobbi, they are known shapeshifters, and stories which feature the bunyip describe them as any number of creatures. 'owe"er, their draconic legacy is ne"er far beneath the surface. hese illusory dragons are one of the leading threats against the !ukurpa, leading the fight against their Scions and many times e"en slipping into the plains of Alt!eringa itself as shapeshifting threats. he true shape of the bunyip is a large, serpentine creature, reminiscent of other dragons popular in mythology. heir scales glitter with all the colors of the rainbow and small feathers sprout around their heads. *ther, more popular forms are those of a giant starfish which reaches out and grabs its "ictims before de"ouring them, and that of a large, dog-like creature with dark fur, horse-like tail, flippers and walrus tusks. Bunyip use the stats of the tatsu 3Scion/ Demigod, pg. DEF4. &n addition to the powers of the tatsu, bunyip also possess the ephemeral template, making them e"en more dangerous and granting them the power to arm themsel"es at a whim and shapeshift into whate"er they may wish to become at the time. 6inally, many bunyip are a>uatic and may possess the %ater Breathing Boon 3%ater B4.

--$ther ,itans--Eingana #A atar of ,erra%

#ingana represents the moment of labor and birth within erra. %hile 8ord represents the lifegi"ing act of procreation, -amimusuhi represents the state of being pregnant and )aia represents the ability to create life, #ingana is the "ery act of gi"ing birth and the labored, painful process in"ol"ed in the act. *nce, she was unable to gi"e birth due to the lack of a "agina, and yet she still found herself pregnant and swelling as her children grew within her. &t wasn't until the god Barraiya used his spear to stab a hole into her that she was able to gi"e birth to her children. he process was painful and bloody and left her scarred afterwards. She has done her best to a"oid pregnancy since then. But, her role in the process of erra can ne"er be broken. 8ord conie"es the child, -amimasuhi carries it to term and )aia carries it into the world, but it is still #ingana who feels the pain of birth, e"en if the child is not her own. 6rom the waist up, #ingana appears to be a pregnant woman, her body co"ered with a sheen of sweat as if going through the contractions of labor and trying to reco"er from the e2ertion. 6rom the waist down, she has the writhing body of a snake, the gaping wound where Barraiya stabbed her to gi"e birth still bleeding slowly. She has a dice pool of DD for all actions and tends to fa"or $hysical Attributes. he pain she suffers constantly has hardened her body, something she demonstrates against her enemies often. Virtues/ Ambition E, (alice F, .apacity F, 9ealotry D Dice $ool/ DD Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he )reen, he Sa"iorL he Scourge, he Shaper

Boons - #"ery one- to eight-dot Boon from e"ery $ur"iew -e2cept- Death and Sky which are forbidden her. #ingana has all Boons from the #arth, 6ertility and 'ealth $ur"iews. #pic Attributes - #pic $hysicals at the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. All other #pic Attributes at the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. 8oin Battle/ DD Attacks/ Bite - Accuracy DD, Damage BG5, $arry DV --, Speed F 7linch - Accuracy DD, Damage BD5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy DB, Damage DI5, $arry DV ?@, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy DE, Damage BG5, $arry DV ?H, Speed F Soak/ BIAL?D5L?GB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2?DL&ncap Dodge DV/ @D %illpower/ H 5egend/ BB, 5egend $oints/ BDB *ther Aotes/ #ingana possess claws on the ends of her fingers that add C?5 damage to all unarmed attacks. he fangs in her mouth allow her to perform a bite attack with an Accuracy CI, Damage C?5, Defense --, Speed F

-Wam0een #A atar of :ritra%

At first glance, one might think %ambeen to be an A"atar of #hekatoyaatl. 'owe"er, in truth, the incarnation of heat lightning is, in fact, an e2pression of Vritra, itan of Drought. he lightning of %ambeen was known to strike tra"ellers who wandered far from ci"ili,ation into the deserts of 7entral Australia. here, in the outback, the heat lightning would strike these lone wanderers dead where none could witness their demise. he desolation and sheer lust for destruction ser"e him well as he ser"es the agenda of Vritra, laying siege to the De"as for now and striking his lightning down upon any who might wander too far from the safety of their home. %ambeen appears as a tall, Australian Aboriginal man whose skin crackles with static electricity and his eyes burn with cold fire. 'e has a dice pool of DD for all actions and fa"ors $hysical Attributes, prefering to tear his opponents apart with sheer force. Virtues/ Ambition D, (alice F, .apacity F, 9ealotry E Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he De"ourer, he Storm, he Void Boons - #"ery one- to eight-dot Boon from e"ery $ur"iew e2cept 'ealth and %ater, which are denied to him. 'e also has all Boons from the 7haos, 6ire and Sky $ur"iews. #pic Attributes - #pic $hysical Attributes at the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. All other #pic Attributes at the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropraite -nacks4. 8oin Battle/ DD Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy DD, Damage BD5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ <narmed, 'ea"y - Accuracy DB, Damage B?5, $arry DV ?@, Speed ? <narmed, 5ight - Accuracy DE, Damage BD5, $arry DV ?H, Speed F

Soak/ BIAL?D5L?HB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2?DL&ncap Dodge DV/ @F %illpower/ H 5egend/ BB, 5egend $oints/ BDB

7reated by Bobbi-Bobbi, head A"atar of the .ainbow Serpent, %agyl was tasked with shaping the %orld and protect the ri"ers, lakes and other sources of water from those who might threaten it. his was a duty that he took "ery seriously. Sometimes, too seriously. As he shaped the land and twisted the ri"ers at his whim, he cared little for the humans who li"ed there and tried to prosper. &n fact, he e"en charged some of the humans with ser"ing him in his duty. hose humans suffered the worst as they were forced to li"e the closest to his changing en"ironment. 5ike the 6enris %olf and 8ormungandr, %agyl was ne"er a part of a )reater itan. 'e was an indepenent creature who threatened the "ery e2istance of the Australian pantheon who tried to bring their own order to the act of creation. o deal with the threat the itan posed, the !ukurpa dro"e him underground and bound him with the power of the "ery stone. And there he remained, thrashing and writhing as he tries to break free of his containment. And then, he got an idea. %hile other itans might ha"e continued to struggle mindlessly, %agyl e"entually settled down and began to think. 'e started to learn. 'e began working to control and manipulate the earth and stone that contained him. 8ust as the itans broke free of their prison, %agyl did the same, mastering the power of earth and freeing himself as he became he Shaper and tore the earth free of himself. Aow, he's once more free to impose the %orldly laws of the itans upon the gods that tried to usurp his place. %agyl appears as a giant python, capable of changing his si,e much as the (idgard Serpent can. 'is skin is the color of stone and his eyes glitter like water, rocky skin rippling like wa"es when he mo"es. %agyl has a dice pool of DF for all actions and fa"ors $hysical Attributes. Virtues/ Ambition D, (alice ?, .apacity F, 9ealotry E Supernatural $owers/ A"atars - he Beast, he 6lood, he Shaper Boons - possesses e"ery one- to eight-dot Boon in all $ur"iews e2cept 6rost, 8ustice and Sky which are denied him. Additionally, he possesses e"ery Boon to the BI-dot le"el in the Animal 3Snake4, #arth and %ater $ur"iews. #pic Attributes - Apep possesses #pic $hysical Attributes to the BI-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. She possesses all other #pic Attributes to the eight-dot le"el 3with all appropriate -nacks4. 8oin Battle/ DF Attacks/ 7linch - Accuracy DF, Damage BE5, $arry DV --, Speed @, $ Bite - Accuracy DF, Damage B@5K, $arry DV --, Speed ? Soak/ BIAL?D5L?HB 'ealth 5e"els/ -I2?DL&ncap Dodge DV/ @? %illpower/ J

5egend/ BD, 5egend $oints/ BFF *ther Aotes/ Aone

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