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Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes?

Turbofan engine (1) *rom! http!++,,,$a+

By Kishore Shenoy 13CS Candidate number! "#$" Centre number! 1%3&$

'age 1 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? Abstract In this essay0 I ha.e /ompared the " main types of jet engines used ,ithin modern day flight- This in/ludes! turbojet0 turboprop0 turbofan0 ramjet0 s/ramjet0 li1uid fuelled ro/2ets and solid fuelled ro/2etsI ha.e then /ompared the benefits to ea/h of the three main /lasses of air/raft ,hi/h are! passenger aeroplanes0 air-liners and fighter jetsI then /on/luded ,hi/h ,as best the best /hoi/e for the modern day a.erage air/raft and ,hy it ,as the best /hoi/eIntroduction Sin/e time immemorial0 flight has been in the aims of man2ind0 but ,e ha.e al,ays been unable to a//omplish the feat by natural and artifi/ial means- But in 1&$30 3r.ille and 4ilbur 4right managed to the natural limitations by flying in their 4right *lyer at Kitty 5a,2- Sin/e then0 the s2y has not been the limit0 but rather beyond that into spa/e6ue to the majesti/ nature of the aeroplanes0 I ha.e been fas/inated by the ,or2ings behind the .ehi/les- This is ,hy I ,ant to do an essay on aeronauti/sIn my past0 I ha.e argued that the most important part of the aeroplane is the ,ings- This is be/ause you /an ha.e an aeroplane ,ithout a fuselage ,hi/h is /alled a flying ,ing7 an e8ample is the B-2 aeroplaneThen an aeroplane ,ithout an engine /an be /alled a glider0 ho, you /annot ha.e an aeroplane ,ithout the ,ing5o,e.er0 under my definition of flight0 you /annot be /alled to be flying
[29] B-2 Flying wing from http: www!c"nt"nnialofflight!go# "ssay $#olution%of%&"chnology fl ying%wing &"ch'()!htm

unless you are generating your o,n thrust or other,ise you are gliding- Therefore the engine is re1uired for flight other,ise it ,ould be defined as gliding- This is ,hy I de/ided to do it on the

'age 2 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? different types of engine and then state ,hi/h one is the best for ea/h of the 3 main aeroplane groupsnother reason ,hy the engines are .ery important is be/ause the engines are the reason ,hy an aeroplane ,eighing up to 9$$ tonnes /an fly at speeds up to "#$ 2m+h- (3) The most /ommon engines used in /ommer/ial modern day aeroplanes are the :et ;ngines- The definition of jet engine is! an engine that produ/es for,ard motion by the rear,ard e8haust of a jet of fluid or heated air and gases- This means that the jet engine heats up a medium and proje/ts it in the opposite dire/tion of the .ehi/leThe 3 groups are! single passenger aeroplane0 large passenger aeroplanes and finally fighter aeroplanes- ;a/h /lass has a different re1uirement from the engine- Single passenger aeroplanes just re1uire a small engine ,hi/h a relati.ely small amount of thrust- 'assenger aeroplanes re1uire a medium of thrust for the ,eight and fighter jets re1uire a massi.e amount of thrust in order to brea2 the sound barrier4ithin my essay0 I shall state the history of aeronauti/al engines and the list the engines that I ,ill /ompare- I shall then ,rite about the history of ea/h engine in order to des/ribe ,hy they ,ere needed instead of the engines of that time and state the benefits and problems*rom that I shall be able to ans,er the 1uestion0 <is the turbojet engine still the best engine for the modern day aeroplane?= by ta2ing the engine ,hi/h is most suitable for all three /lasses of air/raft to be the best&h" r"*uir"m"nts of "ach class The re1uirements of the passenger aeroplane are that it needs to ha.e a small amount of thrust for as little ,eight as possible sin/e these 2ind of air/rafts do not tend to rea/h high speeds- The re1uirements of the airliner+/argo aeroplane are that it has to ha.e large amount of thrust and ,eigh a medium amount- The fighter jets ha.e got to ha.e a high amount of thrust ,ith as little 'age + of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? ,eight as possible- If a single passenger aeroplane is gi.en an engine suitable for a fighter jet0 then it shall /ause the aeroplane to possible brea2 up due to the large amount of thrust for a light,eight air/raft ,hi/h is designed for lo, speeds and slo, ,ind speeds- If a fighter jet is gi.en an engine suitable for a single passenger aeroplane0 then that jet ,ill not be able to ta2e offTherefore0 I shall /on/lude by seeing ,hether the engines suit the re1uirements of the different 2inds of aeroplanes! single passenger0 airliner+/argo aeroplane and fighter jet aeroplaneThis ,ill sho, ,hether the turbojet is the best suited for all types of modern aeroplane&h" diff"r"nt typ"s of "ngin" The first type of engine used on a fully ,or2ing aeroplane ,as the engine used by :ohn Stringfello, in 1"%"0 ,hi/h ,as ## years before the 4right *lyer5e had a small steam re/ipro/ation engine underneath the ,ings ,hi/h had one /ylinder0 ,hi/h had a diameter of 1"mm0 and an engine /y/le of %"mm- the engine ,eighed in total0 under 3 2ilograms and had a gearing system in ,hi/h it allo,ed to turn the propellers in opposite dire/tionsThe opposite spin ,as to allo, the aeroplane to be stable- (%) Then in 1&$30 the 4right Brother>s famously fle, the 4right *lyer at Kitty 5a,2- They used an internal /ombustion engine ,hi/h ,as a straight four typeThe 4right *lyer ,as designed to be light ,hi/h is ,hy the engine>s /ran2/ase ,as made out of aluminium ,hi/h ,as a first- The engine ,as a/tually 1uite basi/0 e.en /ompared to other engines of the time- It had no fuel pump0 standard spar2 pumps or a /arburettor- 5o,e.er0 in spite of all this0 the engine ,as designed to ,hat it ,as supposed to do .ery ,ell so it ,as 1uite good at meeting the job of po,ering the aeroplane ,ithout bringing do,n the aeroplane- (#)

'age , of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? This 2ind of engine is similar to those found in /ars- It ,or2s by /ylinders /ompressing the fuel after mi8ing it ,ith o8ygen and then /ombusting the mi8ture- The resultant e8pansion of gases pushed up the /ylinder ,hi/h turned the /ran2shaft turning the propellerThe majority of engines used today are the! turbojet0 turbofan0 turboprop0 both ramjet and s/ramjet0 pulse jet and ro/2et enginesThe first jet engine designed ,as the turbojet0 ,hi/h is also the design plate for all future jet engines- Sir *ran2 4hittle patented the turbojet engine in 1&3$ and first tested the engine in pril 1&3?- The engine ,as a single stage /entrifugal /ompressor ,ith a single stage turbine (")- This means that it ,ould spin and push the air in an out,ard dire/tion to /ompress it ,ithin a single a/tion and also /ombust the /ompressed air ,ith fuel in another a/tion (&)- It ,as used in an air/raft but did sho, the possibility of using this engineThe modern day turbojet engine ,or2s by re/ air through the front .ia a fan and then the air is /hannelled through a /ompressor and then the air is /ombusted in the /ombustor and then the /ompressed air ,ill e8pand and then /hannel out through the turbine ,hi/h in turn po,ers the fan at the front- The hot air is then /hannelled out through a no@@le ,hi/h pushes the aeroplane for,ard allo,ing more air to go into the jet3//asionally there is a mi8er before the no@@le ,hi/h
1iagram of &urbo2"t from http: www!airports-worldwid"!com articl"s articl"0+9)!php [12]

mi8es the hot air ,ith fuel- The mi8ture then gets ignited and this in/reases the thrust by %$A at ta2e-off and more ,hen in mid-flight (1$)The ad.antage of the turbojet0 ,hen being /ompared to other jet engines0 is its simpli/ity ,ithin the design- 5o, due to ad.antage0 the design /an also be seen as being .ery basi/

'age - of 19
&urbofan "ngin" from http: wings!a#.ids!com Boo. /ropulsion ad#anc"d typ" s-01!html [1-]

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? and also relati.e to other engines0 it has a lo, effi/ien/y and po,er (11)- It is also too noisy and is 1uite une/onomi/al for /ommer/ial tra.el (1%) and therefore not a/tually used in most of modern day aeroplanesThe most /ommon type of turbo engine is the turbofan ,hi/h is a de.elopment of the turbojet- It has the same /omponents as a turbojet but has a large fan in front of the turbojet engine ,hi/h has a bigger diameter than the turbojet engineThe front fan is on the same spool as the rest of the engine is on and as the engine turns0 so the does the fan at the same speed- This means that the energy /reated in used in different ,ays so that the use of fuel is minimisedThe du/ts ,hi/h go around the engine are /alled the bypasses as these gi.e the ad.antage of a surrounding of /ool air around the heated stream of air from the afterburner ,hi/h in/reases the le.el of thrust and also redu/es the noise due to the fa/t the sound , ha.e to /hange the medium density t,i/e0 on/e ,hen /hanging from the heated air to the /ool thrust air and then again to the surrounding airTherefore the aeroplanes re1uiring lots of thrust often use turbofan engines in order to be able to rea/h an effi/ient /ruise speed- (1%) The turboprop is a similar sort of engine to the turbofan sin/e there is a propeller at the front but there are no du/ts for the air to go around the engine but the air still flo,s the engine- This means that the turboprop has the similar ad.antages as turbofan but to a less effe/t sin/e the air doesn>t go into designed du/tsThe propeller is turned by the air turning the propeller at the ba/2 ,hi/h ma2es the propeller at the front turn0 ,hi/h in turn /auses more air to be /hannelled through-

'age 3 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? The ad.antages of turboprop are that at /ruising speeds0 they /an rea/h fast speeds 1ui/2er and they are more fuel effi/ient than standard turbojet aeroplanesThe ad.antage of the high a//eleration means that the aeroplane ,hi/h ha.e to ta2e off from short run,ays- Bormally0 aeroplanes ,ould not be able to rea/h ta2e
&urboprop "ngin" from http: www!pow"r2"ts!co!u. 4istory!htm [2+]

off speed from these run,ays but ,ith a turboprop engine they /an- (1?) n e8perimental type of engine is the ramjet- The ramjet /an only be operated at high speeds due to the fa/t that it needs air to be su/2ed into the engine .ie the air flo,- Then the air is mi8ed ,ith fuel .ia a feed of 2erosene or any other fuelThe mi8ture is then /ombusted and the air e8pands pushing out the other end and /reating thrustThe thrust pushes the engine for,ard in ,hi/h it re/ more air through the frontThe ad.antages of a ramjet engine is that it has a relati.ely lo, ,eight0 high thrust for the ,eight and frontal area0 little maintenan/e and no parts- (1&) The disad.antages of ramjet is that they don>t ,or2 .ery ,ell at lo, speeds and that at speeds less the Ca/h 10 the fuel /onsumption is 1uite high for themfter Ca/h 10 a Supersoni/ Combustion ramjet0 or other,ise 2no,n as a s/ramjet0 is used- The only differen/e is that the air in a s/ramjet engine is /apable of ,or2ing in speeds faster than the speed of sound'ulse jet is another type of e8perimental engine ,hi/h has no parts- It ,or2s by the air ,ithin the engine being /ombusted after being mi8ed ,ith fuelThe /ombusted air 1ui/2ly e8pands to go out of the engine- s the air the engine0 there is a momentary .a/uum ,hi/h then brings in more air- Then the /y/le begins again ,ith the air being /ombusted and so on- (2$)

'age ) of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? 'ulse jets are easy to /onstru/t and ha.e .ery little parts- This results in the produ/tion /ost of the pulse jet being relati.ely little /ompared to other jets- The pulse jets /an also use any flammable substan/e ,hi/h /an be put into it meaning that green fuels /an be used ,ithout any /on.ersion- The ,eight of a pulse jet is relati.ely little and re1uires little maintenan/e- (22) 5o, there are also to this type of engine- 3ne is that fuel /onsumption is 1uite high ,hi/h means that the range of the aeroplane is 1uite limited- (22) nother disad.antage is the range of speeds ,here the engine /an be used is limited from 9#$2m+h to "$$ 2m+h due to the most /ommon diffuser used- lso the altitude that it /an be used is also limited ,hi/h means it /annot be used for ta2e-off or landing- (22) The pro/ess of pulsejet also /reates lots of .ibration and therefore lots of sound ,hi/h means that the engine /annot be used on manned jets- (22) The effi/ien/y is also less than the standard turbojets ,hi/h means that more fuel ,ill be re1uired for a normal flight /ompared to a turbojet flight- (22) This means that an aeroplane ,ith a pulsejet engine /an only be used for shorter flights rather than long board flights- This is problemati/ for aeroplanes ,hi/h need to tra.erse bet,een t,o /ountries due to the fa/t that the aeroplane /an only use the fuel on board but if the engines use lots of fuel then a refuel ,ill be needed 1uite often ,hi/h in turn /an raise /ost and redu/e the profit for the o,ner of that air/raftlso0 sin/e the pulsejet re1uires perfe/t system ,ithout any fla,s to be ,or2ing0 there is the problem that if there is an a//ident ,hile in flight0 ,hi/h damages the tubing ,ithin the pulsejet system0 then the performan/e of the system ,ill be e8tremely redu/ed to a point of the /ombustion ,ill use more fuel ,ithout more performan/e-

'age ' of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? The last type of propulsion for aeroplanes is also used in spa/e flights- Do/2ets /an ,or2 by utilising ne,ton>s third la, of motion ,hi/h is that for e.ery for/e0 there is an e1ual rea/tion for/e in the opposite dire/tion4hen a ro/2et fires0 the fuel is mi8ed ,ith an o8idiser- The o8idiser then splits to gi.e o8ygen to the fuel and /reate just the right /onditions for /ombustion in ,hi/h the fuel is then /ombusted- The gases /reated by the /ombustion of the fuel and o8idiser e8pand so rapidly that ,hen allo,ed to es/ape0 it /reates the- This Do/2et jets are the most po,erful type of engine- *or e8ample0 the Saturn E ro/2et0 the biggest ro/2et e.er0 ,ould gi.e 3"-? megane,tons of thrust in total (2#)- To put this into perspe/ti.e0 there are ?&$ ne,tons of for/e on a normal man on earthThe /ommon type of ro/2et used is the li1uid fuelled ro/2ets ,hi/h ha.e more /ontrol on the flight than normal ro/2ets- Fi1uid fuelled ro/2ets ,ere first in.ented by Dobert 5ut/hings Goddard5e had found that the solid fuelled ro/2ets didn>t allo, /ontrol the fuel /ontrol and therefore ,ould /ombust spontaneously- 5o,e.er0 ,ith li1uid fuelled ro/2ets0 the flo, /ould be adjusted to the designer>s /hoi/e (29) and then the fuel flo, /an be stopped to the /ommand of the pilot- nother ad.antage is that a li1uid fuelled ro/2et /an be reused sin/e the fuel holding department /an just be refilled5o, a disad.antage of the li1uid fuelled ro/2et engine is that due to the piping system and all the .al.es0 the ,eight of the engine is 1uite high and it is 1uite /omple8- This means that it ,ill use up some the thrust pro.ided by the engine- The inside ,or2ings of the li1uid fuelled ro/2et engine are also 1uite problemati/ ,hi/h means that the running /ost ,ill be 1uite highSolid fuelled ro/2et also e8ist but these ,or2 by the fuel being mi8ed and then pa/2ed into a pressurised /anister- The /ontents of the /anister ,ill only ignite ,hen a lit flame has been applied-

'age 9 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? lso the engine is relati.ely simple /ompared to the li1uid fuelled ro/2et engine ,hi/h means that the /ost of the engine maintained is lesssolid fuelled ro/2et is also easier to handle for

storage purposes and /an last for years in storage ,ithout be/oming defun/t (2?)5o, on/e the burning has started0 it /annot be stopped until the propellant has final been e8hausted- The only other ,ay of stopping the engine is to open up the /asing and stopping the engine (2?)- This is 1uite intrusi.e and does ta2e 1uite a bit of effort ,hi/h means that the running /ost /ould be seen to be 1uite high also5ummary tabl" 5ere is the basi/ summary table for ea/h of the types of jet engine ,hi/h are used on aeroplanesThe table ,ill allo, you to /ompare all the /hara/teristi/s of ea/h type of engine and see ,hi/h the best for ea/h type of /ategory isType of ;ngine Turbojet Turbofan d.antages Simple design and lo, ,eight Delati.ely Hto turbojetI higher le.els of thrust and less noise thereby ma2ing the engine 1uite effi/ient*aster a//eleration and relati.ely fuel effi/ient6isad.antages Fo, effi/ien/y0 lo, po,er and noisy The design is relati.ely more /omple8- lso fan blades /an be hea.y ,hi/h in/reases ,eight5ea.ier than the turbofan due to larger blades /reating more ,eight and more drag due to more surfa/e area fa/ing the head,indSmall range of speeds ,here it ,or2s ,ell0 high fuel /onsumption Small range of speeds ,here it ,or2s ,ell0 high fuel /onsumption Delati.ely high fuel /onsumption0 ,or2s only in small range of speeds and altitudes0 lots of .ibrations0 high le.el of sound0 small


Damjet S/ramjet

'ulse jet

Fo, ,eight0 high thrust0 little maintenan/e re1uired and no me/hanisms Fo, ,eight0 high thrust0 little maintenan/e re1uired0 no me/hanisms and /an ,or2 at high supersoni/ speeds ;asy to /onstru/t0 fe, parts0 produ/tion /ost less0 /an use any type of li1uid fuel0 ,eighs relati.ely less and re1uires little maintenan/e'age 10 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? imperfe/tion /an result in big redu/tion in po,er 5igh ,eight0 1uite /omple80 high running /ost 3n/e fuel has started to burn0 /annot be stopped ,ithout opening the /asing-

Fi1uid fuelled ro/2et Solid fuelled ro/2et

Can be reused and high le.els of thrust- Combustion of fuel /an be stopped ,hen ,antedDelati.ely simple /ompared to li1uid fuelled ro/2et0 /an be stored for years ,ithout deteriorating-

6hoosing th" B"st $ngin" for th" cat"gori"s Bo, that I ha.e stated the engines and ,ritten the effe/ts of ea/h0 I shall no, try to mat/h ea/h to an engine to find ,hi/h one mat/hes best to the enginesI shall do this by re,riting the re1uirements of the /lass of aeroplane and then try and find there is a single type of engine best for that /ategoryGoing from least to most po,erful0 the single passenger aeroplane re1uires relati.ely little thrust but ,ith a high le.el of a//eleration sin/e this 2ind of aeroplanes are 2no,n for their notable in/rease of .elo/ity ,ithin a short period of time- This is supported by the fa/t that passenger aeroplanes are often used at small airports ,ith short run,ays- Sin/e the ,eight of the aeroplane is normally 1uite less0 and re1uires an engine ,ith a lo, ,eight sin/e the ,ings are often straight and therefore relati.ely ,ea2- The running /ost ,ill also ha.e to be lo, but it ,ill not be to a great e8tent sin/e single passenger aeroplanes are not used often for .ery long distan/es any,ay0 ,hi/h means that the fuel /onsumption ,ill not be .ery high- Eibrations ,ould not be a signifi/ant problem sin/e the speeds that single passenger air/rafts go at are not too high ,hi/h means that the .ibrations ,ouldn>t be so destru/ti.e in a ,ay ,hi/h the ,ings ,ould brea2 upThe jumbo jets or /argo aeroplanes re1uire a high amount of thrust sin/e the ,eight of the air/raft ,ill be .ery0 .ery high and the aeroplane ,ill need to go at around the speeds of Ca/h $-"# (2")-

'age 11 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? lso the aeroplanes ,ithin this group often go long distan/e ,hi/h means that the fuel /onsumption should be as lo, as possible to ma2e the long haul flights possible- The running /ost should be as lo, as possible sin/e these 2inds of aeroplanes are normally o,ned by /ompanies and they ,ould ,ant to redu/e the running /osts to as lo, as possibleThese 2inds of aeroplanes ,ould be used in situations ,here the aeroplane ,ould be /onstantly /lose to houses ,hi/h mean that the noise le.el of the engines should be as little as possibleThen the fighter jets re1uire engines ,hi/h ,ill gi.e them a high le.el of thrust ,ith good fuel range- The aeroplanes ,ould be doing mostly short haul flights so fuel /onsumption is not a high priority but still matters*ighter jets are not used /lose to residential areas so noise ,ouldn>t be a big /on/ern unless the aeroplane ,as a sur.eillan/e air/raft- 5o, some fighter jets ,ould re1uire a//ura/y from their ,ings so that means that .ibrations ,ould be a big fa/tor to the su//ess of missionsBo, that I ha.e stated the re1uirements and /riti/al fa/tors of ea/h /lass0 I ,ill be able to mat/h up the best engine to the /ategory of aeroplane5ingl" pass"ng"r *or single passenger aeroplanes0 as they re1uire lo, po,er ,ith as little ,eight as possible0 the best fit /ould be seen as a turboprop engine sin/e the thrust is 1uite ade1uate but the noise is lessThe high thrust also allo,s the a//eleration to be 1uite high so therefore /apable for ta2ing off on small run,aysThe problem of higher ,eight is not mu/h of a /on/ern sin/e the for/es that ,ould be affe/ting a small passenger aeroplane are not that signifi/ant ,hi/h means that the ,eight ,ouldn>t be as strong of the ,ings-

'age 12 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? lso sin/e the speeds are not normally that high0 the air resistan/e fa/tor does not /ome into su/h an effe/t that the aeroplane ,ould be /onsiderably slo,ed do,n to a point of ,here it /auses problems to the performan/eAir-lin"rs *or air-liner aeroplanes0 the thrust ,ould ha.e to be high but the ,eight ,ould ha.e to be minimal as possible sin/e e.ery 2ilogram /ounts on an air/raft ,ithin the flight industry- ir-liners are often used at airports ,ith long run,ays ,hi/h mean that a high a//eleration ,ould not be re1uiredlso0 sin/e an air-liner ,ould be used ,ithin a /ity for passengers to tra.el0 the noise le.el must be lo, to pre.ent people from being disturbed or /ausing any damage to the surrounding en.ironmentThis means that the best /hoi/e of jet engine ,ould be the turbofan engine sin/e the engine a relati.ely high amount of thrust0 relati.ely lo, le.el of noise0 and 2eeps the ,eight of the ,ing to a /omparati.ely lo, le.el of for/e on the fuselage of the aeroplaneFight"r 2"ts Then the last /lass is the fighter jets- This 2ind of aeroplane re1uires a .ery high le.el of thrust to be able to e8/eed the speeds of Ca/h 1 and beyond- They also ha.e to be light but that is not a number 1 priority sin/e this 2ind of aeroplanes are normally built to be .ery strong and the ,ings are normally design to be delta in shape ,hi/h means that they ha.e more strength any,ayThe noise le.el of this 2ind of air/raft doesn>t really matter sin/e the air/raft under this /lass ,ould not be used any,here near /i.ilian grounds unless for atta/2This means that the best 2ind of engine ,ould be the turbofan engine sin/e the /ategory of air/raft re1uires high le.els of thrust ,ith fast a//eleration and for the engine to be as aerodynami/ally

'age 1+ of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? slee2 as possible ,hi/h ruled out the turboprop engine sin/e that has a large amount of area due to the propeller in frontramjet or s/ramjet ,ould be also suitable as long as the aeroplane ,as getting a drop off at a suitable .elo/ity- The lo, ,eight ,ill also allo, for good agility but the high fuel /onsumption /an limit the range6onclusion Cy /on/lusion is that the standard turbojet engine is not the best engine for the modern day aeroplaneI get this /on/lusion from the fa/t that for ea/h of the different /lasses of air/raft0 there is a different 2ind of engine ,hi/h is best for some type of air/raft but the jet engine ,hi/h is best for most 2inds of air/raft is the turbofan engine0 due to the top engine for the air-liners and fighter jets being the turbofan and the best for the small passenger air/raft being the turbopropI got this ans,er sin/e the engine pro.ides a higher le.el of thrust to the normal turbojet engine ,ithout any signifi/ant negati.e effe/tsIt also has a small area ,hi/h is affe/ted by air resistan/e ,hi/h means that the effi/ien/y of the engine is in/reased rather than diminishedThe turbofan engine also a good le.el of a//eleration ,hi/h /an help if the airport has a smaller run,ay ,hi/h is 1uite /ommonThe noise /reated by the /ore turbojet engine is redu/ed by the /ir/ling air /reated by the fan in front- This means that the air/raft /an be used near /ities ,ithout /ausing mu/h of a signifi/ant disturban/e-

'age 1, of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes? lso0 it shares a /ommon ad.antage the solid fuelled ro/2ets in ,hi/h the engines /an be stopped ,hen re1uired by the pilot instead of to be opened up and stopped0 ,hi/h is 1uite /ompli/ated and /an be e8pensi.eSo the ans,er to my 1uestion is that the standard turbojet engine is not the best /hoi/e for modern day air/raft0 but instead that it is either the turboprop or the turbofan0 but mostly the turbofan-

'age 1- of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes?
(B o) 1 4ebsite+ Boo2+ rti/le name+ ;pisode http!++abstra/t-des2topne8us-/om+,allpaper+?#23%+ 6ate Jsed $1+1$+2 $11 19!#% $1+1$+2 $11 1?!3$ $1+1$+2 $11 1"!19 11+1$+2 $11 $&!2& 11+1$+2 $11 $&!31 2&+1$+2 $11 1$!2" 2&+1$+2 $11 1$!39 2&+1$+2 $11 1$!%9 'urpose Ga.e Image for front 5ar.ard Deferen/e :et ;ngine - 36 and CG 4allpaper ?#23% - 6es2top Be8us bstra/t- 2$11- :et ;ngine - 36 and CG 4allpaper ?#23% 6es2top Be8us bstra/t- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++abstra/t-des2topne8us-/om+,allpaper+?#23%+( //essed $1 3/tober 2$11 19!#%)*lying 4ings- 2$11- *lying 4ings- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-/entennialofflight-go.+essay+;.olutionKofKTe/hnol ogy+flyingK,ing+Te/h"-htm- ( //essed $1 3/tober 2$11 1?!3$)ntono. n-22# Criya M irliners-net- 2$11- ntono. n-22# Criya M irliners-net- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-airliners-net+air/raft-data+stats-main?idL3"&( //essed $1 3/tober 2$11 1"!19) Chard Cuseum- 2$11- Chard Cuseum- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-/hardmuseum-/o-u2+'o,eredK*light+- ( //essed 11 3/tober 2$11 $&!2&)G4ai M 4right *lyer engine - spe/ifi/ations- 2$11- G4ai M 4right *lyer engine - spe/ifi/ations- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-griff,ason-/om+,rightKflyerKengine-info-htm( //essed 11 3/tober 2$11 $&!31);ngines- 2$11- ;ngines- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-ueet-nasa-go.+StudentSite+engines-html( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11)eroBet! 'ropulsion! :et ;ngines- 2$11- eroBet! 'ropulsion! :et ;ngines- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++library-thin21uest-org+2#%"9+english+propulsion+jet-sht ml- ( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11)The 5istory of the :et ;ngine - Sir *ran2 4hittle - 5ans Eon 3hain- 2$11- The 5istory of the :et ;ngine - Sir *ran2 4hittle 5ans Eon 3hain- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++in.entors-about-/om+library+in.entors+bljetengine-htm( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11)

2 3

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Ga.e an e8ample of flying ,ing Told me about hea.iest aeroplane Told me about the first aeroplaneTold about the ,right flyer engine Ga.e engines types and ,or2ings 6ata on engines 6ata on engines

% #

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9 ?

http!++,,,-ueet-nasa-go.+StudentSite+engines-html http!++library-thin21uest-org+2#%"9+english+propulsion+jet-shtml



'age 13 of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes?
& http!++,,,-motorera-/om+di/tionary+si-htm 2&+1$+2 $11 11!$3 2&+1$+2 $11 11!%# 2&+1$+2 $11 1%!39 2&+1$+2 $11 1#!$2 2&+1$+2 $11 1#!%3 2&+1$+2 $11 1#!#? 6efinition of me/hani/al terms 5o, the engines ,or2ed d.antages and 6isad.antages Ga.e diagram of Turbojet 'roperties of Turbofan 'ros and Cons of -*an and -:et utomoti.e 6i/tionary - NSIN- 2$11- utomoti.e 6i/tionary - NSIN(3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-motorera-/om+di/tionary+si-htm- ( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11);ngines- 2$11- ;ngines- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-ueet-nasa-go.+StudentSite+engines-html( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11)Cilitary jet engines Hboth turbofan0 turbojetI- 2$11- Cilitary jet engines Hboth turbofan0 turbojetI- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++engines-fighter-planes-/om+jetKengine-htm- ( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11) Turbojet- 2$11- Turbojet- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-airports-,orld,ide-/om+arti/les+arti/le$3&?-php( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11) Turbofan ;ngine- 2$11- Turbofan ;ngine- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-gr/-nasa-go.+444+212+airplane+ nimation+turbtyp+etfp-html- ( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11) ir/raft ;ngines 1$1! The ad.antages of the turbofan engine /ompared to the turbojet for jet /harters O Stratos :et Charters In/--- 2$11- ir/raft ;ngines 1$1! The ad.antages of the turbofan engine /ompared to the turbojet for jet /harters O Stratos :et Charters In/- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-stratosjets-/om+blog+2$1$+$9+air/raft-engines1$1-the-ad.antages-of-the-turbofan-engine-/ompared-to-theturbojet-for-jet-/harters-html- ( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11)'ropulsion- 2$11- 'ropulsion- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,ings-a.2ids-/om+Boo2+'$1-html- ( //essed 2& 3/tober 2$11)Turboprop Jet Engine (online)- H2$11I ( //essed $2+11+2$11).ailable from! Phttp!++in.entors-about-/om+od+jstartin.entions+ss+jetKengineK2htmQ-

1$ 11

http!++,,,-ueet-nasa-go.+StudentSite+engines-html http!++engines-fighter-planes-/om+jetKengine-htm

12 13

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1# 19

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2&+1$+2 $11 1?!%9 $2+11+2 $11 $&!2$

Image of turbofan Ga.e info on Turboprop

'age 1) of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes?
1? 1" 1& 2$ 21 http!++,,,-helium-/om+items+1$2%$3?-ho,-turbopropengines-,or2 http!++,,,-gr/-nasa-go.+444+2-12+airplane+ramjet-html http!++,,,-mie-utoronto-/a+labs+mfl+propulsion+le/tures+le/tur e%+inde8-html S/rapheap Challenge! Series 90 ;pisode ? http!++/on/eptengine-tripod-/om+/on/eptengine+id1?-html $2+11+2 $11 $&!3& $2+11+2 $11 1$!13 $2+11+2 $11 1$!21 $2+11+2 $11 12!2? $2+11+2 $11 12!%# 1$+11+2 $11 11!1% 13+11+2 $11 1$!#$ 13+11+2 $11 1?!%$ 1#+11+2 $11 1"!%9 Ga.e info on Turboprop 6ata on Damjet 'ros and Cons of Damjet 5o, a pulse jet ,or2s d.antages of pulse jet d.antages and 6isad.antages of 'ulse jet 6iagram of turboprop engine 5o, Do/2et ;ngines ,or2? 6ata on the Saturn E ro/2et 4 6 d2ins 0 H pril 2&0 2$$" I How Turboprop engines work 0 http!++,,,-helium-/om+items+1$2%$3?-ho,-turboprop-engines,or20 $2+11+2$11 Damjet 'ropulsion- 2$11- Damjet 'ropulsion- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-gr/-nasa-go.+444+212+airplane+ramjet-html- //essed (2 Bo.ember 2$11) Damjets and S/ramjets (3BFIB;) .ailable at http!++,,,-mie-utoronto-/a+labs+mfl+propulsion+le/tures+le/ture% +inde8-html- //ess ($2 Bo.ember 2$11 12!%") :et Car0 S/rapheap Challenge0 2$$30 Tele.ision sho,0 D6* Cedia- //essed ($2 Bo.ember 2$11 12!%&) The 'ulse :et ;ngine- 2$11- The 'ulse :et ;ngine- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++/on/eptengine-tripod-/om+/on/eptengine+id1?-html//essed! ($2 Bo.ember 2$11 12!%") (an"san7 8! H2$1$I Gas Turbines, 3rd ed- Be, 6elhi! Tata C/Gra,-5ill ;du/ation0 p-223-22% 'o,er:ets-/o-u2 - 5istory of the :et- 2$11- 'o,er:ets-/o-u2 5istory of the :et- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-po,erjets-/o-u2+5istory-htm- ( //essed 13 Bo.ember 2$11) 5o,Stuff4or2s N5o, Do/2et ;ngines 4or2N2$11- 5o,Stuff4or2s N5o, Do/2et ;ngines 4or2N- (3BFIB;) .ailable at! http!++,,,-ho,stuff,or2s-/om+ro/2et-htm( //essed 13 Bo.ember 2$11)Boeing! 5istory -- 'rodu/ts - Boeing Saturn E Coon Do/2et2$11- Boeing! 5istory -- 'rodu/ts - Boeing Saturn E Coon Do/2et- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-boeing-/om+history+boeing+saturn-html- ( //essed 1# Bo.ember 2$11)-


Gas Turbines 3;0 E Ganesan







'age 1' of 19

Kishore Shenoy 13C-S2 Is the Turbojet engine the most suitable jet engine for modern aeroplanes?
29 http!++,,,-in.ent-org+hallKofKfame+9?-html 1#+11+2 $11 1&!$& 1#+11+2 $11 2$!1$ 19+11+2 $11 1&!29 21+11+2 $11 2$!$% 6ata on the in.entor of the ro/2et 6ata on ro/2et propelled aeroplane 6ata on irbus 3"$ Image of B-2 In.ent Bo, M 5all of *ame M Sear/h M In.entor 'rofile2$11- In.ent Bo, M 5all of *ame M Sear/h M In.entor 'rofile(3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-in.ent-org+hallKofKfame+9?-html- ( //essed 1# Bo.ember 2$11)Do/2et 'ropulsion- 2$11- Do/2et 'ropulsion- (3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-gr/-nasa-go.+444+212+airplane+ro/2et-html- ( //essed 1# Bo.ember 2$11)irbus 3"$ M irliners-net- 2$11- irbus 3"$ M irliners-net(3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-airliners-net+air/raftdata+stats-main?idL2&- ( //essed 19 Bo.ember 2$11);.olution of Te/hnology- 2$11- ;.olution of Te/hnology(3BFIB;) .ailable at!http!++,,,-/entennialofflight-go.+essay+;.olutionKofKTe/hnol ogy+flyingK,ing+Te/h"G?-htm- ( //essed 21 Bo.ember 2$11)

2? 2" 2&

http!++,,,-gr/-nasa-go.+444+2-12+airplane+ro/2et-html http!++,,,-airliners-net+air/raft-data+stats-main?idL2& http!++,,,-/entennialofflight-go.+essay+;.olutionKofKTe/hnol ogy+flyingK,ing+Te/h"G?-htm

'age 19 of 19

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