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The Stimulus Law and President Barack Obama's health care bill

One defining legacy of the Barack Obama Presidency pertains to the end result of how his stimulus
law would impact the outcome of the U.S. economy. His new economic stimulus law is still
controversial, hated, and loved by those in the world over. The need to build up our financial
system is apparently a necessity when record unemployment plagues America. Some state
have unemployment rates as high as 10%. In America, some believe that the unemployment
nationwide is 9.8 percent, yet government reporting agencies believe it’s underreported
and the real number is like 17 percent as of September 2009 (according to Paul Craig
Roberts). Now, Obama's stimulus law gave money to big banks in order for them to loan them
to the American people. It also gave money to numerous infrastructure projects. The goal of it
was to create short term and long term economic growth including job creation. Its results now have
been mixed. Some economic growth have occurred in some areas and in other areas, that growth is
non-existent. The problem now is that common sense measures aren't done additionally to recover
the economy rapidly. There is still a huge amount of government debt in the world. Economic systems
are too centralized into a few hands. A recent analysis of the 2007 financial markets of 48 countries
has revealed that the world’s finances (in the majority) are in the hands of just a few mutual funds,
banks, and corporations. This is the first clear picture of the global concentration of financial power,
and point out the worldwide financial system’s vulnerability as it stood on the brink of the current
economic crisis. A pair of physicists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich found this
out in their research. There is a billion dollar program to build a mega-embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan
that could rival the one in Baghdad, Iraq. Unemployment benefits are extended for many more
months. If they are exhausted more than a million people will be in unemployment rolls by the
end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. There are homeless tent cities nationwide. There are
hundreds of billions of dollars (in about $636 billion appropriated for wars of
aggression) spent on defense spending bill. It's hard to pay for this when the Federal Reserve
can't print any more money to keep the government moving without raising inflation and interest rates.
Obama’s two top economic advisors, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and director of the
National Economic Council Larry Summers, are floating the prospect of a middle class tax increase.
Ironically, Geithner and Summers take their cues from the international bankers. One example is how
an Associated Press report exposed about how CFR member & Trilateralist Timothy
Geithner spoke to a group of powerful Wall Street bankers during the Barack Obama
administration (and via a FOIA request, Geithner and the Treasury Department are linked
with Citigroup Inc., JP Morgan Chase and Co., and Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.). Goldman
Sachs supports the bailout and the cap and trade scam (in . Daniel Tencer accuses Goldman
Sachs of playing a role in market bubbles from the Great Depression in 1929 onward.
Geithner also sits on the board of the Bank for International Settlements, the mega-globalist
outfit that enjoys immunity from virtually all regulation, scrutiny and accountability.
Summers was once apart of the Clinton administration.

*It’s been found by disclosure forms according to Bloomberg showing the Treasury
Secretary Timothy Geithner’s closest aided received millions of dollars from Goldman
Sachs Group Inc., Citigroup Inc., and other Wall Street firms. One aide is named Gene
Sperling. Sperling (during last year) took $887,727 from Goldman Sachs and $158,000
for speeches mostly to financial companies, including the firm run by accused Ponzi
scheme mastermind R. Allen Stanford. Bloomberg reported that another aide named
Lee Sachs reported on more than 3 million dollars in salary plus partnership income
from Mariner Investment Group. The Mariner Investment Group is a New York
hedge fund. Sperling is apart of the Council on Foreign Relations. He’s an
economic advisor to Hillary Clinton. He was tutored by Larry Summers and
Robert Rubin (Sperling once worked in the Clinton administration as the
President’s National Economic Adviser and Director of the National Economic
Council). Lee Sachs was on the board of Bear Stearns. He is the right hand man of
Geithner of handling the financial crisis. Sperling and Sachs have influenced in the
economic plans of the nation, but they haven’t faced public scrutiny by Congress or
testified to Congress to discuss or defend the Treasury’s policies. Goldman Sachs, JP
Morgan and Chase, Brown Brothers, etc. are international banks purchasing bills,
bonds, and noted from the Treasury directly. Goldman Sachs is getting billions of
dollars from the AIG bailout. Goldman Sachs is a key ally of the Federal Reserve as
well (Goldman Sachs’ agents or ex-members support the cap and trade policy via
the CFTC. CFTC stands for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Ex-
Goldman Sachs member Gary Gensler is the current chairman of the CFTC). Cap
and trade is about using taxes to prevent greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, while it
can be exploited for people to pollute in exchange to pay corporate consortiums money
(which handles the carbon credits in the first place). One inventor of cap and trade
now disagrees with this policy. Now, billions of dollars in the TARP system are
sent into large banks as well trillions of dollars that have been added to the
Federal Reserve’s balance sheet have been funneled into the stock market. This
has lead to more financial concentration. Also, foreign corporate elites and their
banks are stealing our wealth in America as well.

As many realize, the economic crisis developed by many events spanning decades before Barack
Obama was elected President. The Glass Steagall Act was passed by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
This Act provided standards for Chartered Banks in the form of prohibiting them from Speculating with
Depositor Money. Much of the bubble that was imploded in 1929 was a result of the then equivalent to
Derivatives, "Options". Prior to this law, Banks that took Deposits were allowed to speculate with other
peoples money. The result of this Act passing and being signed into law was the forced splitting of
Mega-Banks (or Commercial Banks that were merged with Investment Houses) to isolate the "Option"
crisis to Investment Houses and free the Commercial Banks of these debt burdens so they could
continue to function. One notable result was the splitting of JP Morgan Bank into JP Morgan and
Morgan Stanley. In 1999, the Glass Steagal Act was repealed. This and the risk taking of
many businesses (along with unnecessary spending, risky loans, etc.) caused the economic
depression in late 2007. There was the 1.5 quadrillion dollar bubble of derivatives and the meltdown.
Some want to end the Federal Reserve because of its bad policies of overprinting of the dollars and
draconian power over the U.S. economy. The FED issues private credit and bypassing
Congressional appropriations. Many bankers from the military industrial complex are
responsible for the financial mess we're in (including these people looting money
from America). Economic solutions ought to exist. We need to have fiscal discipline, cut
unnecessary spending (like in the war on terror), save our money, create a tax value system
where companies who maintain our jobs here in America are to be rewarded, have fair trade
(i.e. Free trade in the form of mercantilism doesn't work), promote alternative energy, assist
people suffering real foreclosures plus extreme economic complications, and invest our
money in America. We should not create policies that make multinational corporations control
our government. The people should control the government not corporations. A key means of
economic improvement is building our infrastructure since that will create jobs that stay here
in America (even Lincoln did that back in the 1860's and Lincoln's Greenbacks have caused an
economic boom. Lincoln started the International railway during the late 1800’s). Even
President George Washington issued infrastructure projects. Real national infrastructure
development (including having technological advancement) that is done in an efficient way
improves the economy. One example proving this is that without power plants, factories or
farms won’t be developed greatly, without bridges and transportation, you can’t transport
goods. These infrastructure components are what consumers want in America plus globally. I
don't agree with Tarpley on every issue, but he is 100% right on that point. Article 1, Section 8
blatantly supports the federal government to fund our infrastructure in these following words:

“…The Congress shall have power

To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the
common defence and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and
excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the
Indian tribes;
To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of
bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of
weights and measures;
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the
United States;
To establish post offices and post roads;
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to
authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and
To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;
To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses
against the law of nations;
To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning
captures on land and water;
To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a
longer term than two years;
To provide and maintain a navy;
To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;
To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress
insurrections and repel invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such
part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the
states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the
militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not
exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of
Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like
authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which
the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other
needful buildings;—And
To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the
foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of
the United States, or in any department or officer thereof…”

So, there is no doubt that the government ought to promote the

General Welfare in our
nation. That some in the Austrian school of Economics refuse to talk about or
omit. See, I am starting to see that extreme policies of Communism/Socialism
and Fascism or laissez faire, monopolistic capitalism don’t work. These 2
extremes historically have been funded by the same globalists [in the
Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, high level Masons, the Black Nobility
bloodlines, Bilderbergers, etc.] in order to contain wealth into a group of a
few centralized hands in order to establish a feudal like-system. Carroll
Quigley admits that the international banking elite desired this goal in his
“Tragedy and Hope” book. Disinformation agents love to say it’s only about Communism
or it’s about the Capitalists when it’s bigger than that. These agents on the “left” side of the
coin support the United Nations when the U.N. was created by the CFR plus other globalists
(The United Nations has been caught being involved in population control, sex scandals, and
other crimes). The neo con side of the coin agrees with war on terror when the CIA
facilitated the Muslim radicals (like al-Qeada) for decades as a means to limit
freedoms in America while creating immoral wars overseas. Therefore, I don’t trust
Communists or cartel-capitalists (whose policies can cause more poverty, less building of
infrastructure from hospitals to schools, and the constriction of wealth into a limited group of
people). The rabbit hole gets deeper since one of the Austrian school of Economics’ greatest
proponents Ron Paul supported an international currency back in March of 2001:

“…“There’s nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency....
The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and
international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the
OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world
based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and
voluntary contracts with private property rights.... The ultimate solution will only come with
the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity
money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency
requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with
rampant price inflation.” (Congressional Record, 13 March 2001)

I didn’t knew that about Paul until recently. Ron Paul probably does oppose a global currency
today in 2009 to be fair. Ron Paul is correct to point out that we should promote individual
liberty, ban torture, never have a draft, believe in gun rights, and we should acquire a more
tolerant foreign policy. Barbara Aho (even though I don’t agree with her Jewish baiting hateful
rhetoric. She supports the 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford, who received an award from
Nazis. Also, the Ford Foundation funds Communists, monopolist capitalists, and others for
decades. Barbara doesn’t expose that information. Aho is right that many Jewish bankers [like
Warburg, Lehman, Rothschild, etc.] have done evil, but evil is among many people not just one
ethnic group. Also, Aho omits the Pilgrim Society, the Vatican, the Constantinian Order, etc.
which have more power than the Zionism. Zionism isn‘t monolithic since some Zionists are
peaceful and others are not. Aho is right to expose the CNP/Vatican-infiltrated Dominionists
though) accurately pointed out that the Austrian School of Ludwig von Mises, is allied with
co-conspirator with Count Coudenhove-Kalergi who, with Archduke Otto von Hapsburg,
established the Pan European Union with funding from the Rothschild and Warburg banking
elite. So, the elite fund this movement of cartel capitalism. “Commodity money” refers to
gold and silver coinage which was used before fiat currency. The intentionally depletion of the
value of the dollar has caused some to propose a global currency system. The corporate elite
is using their resources to try to control national sovereignties of every nation on Earth. Huw
Jones from Reuters on October 16, 2009 wrote about how the FSA desired a global body
with legal powers to enforce the world’s new financial rules. The FSA stands for the
Financial Services Authority. Verena Ross is the FSA’s new director of international affairs.
Verena said that the Financial Stability Board or the FSB was key to ensuring all gaps in
regulation between securities, insurance and banking sectors were plugged. The FSB was
expanded in April to include central bankers and finance ministry plus regulatory officials
from all G20 (or Group of 20 countries). A new economic body that’s global has been called
more and more rapidly in the past 2 years.

*Ironically, many Third World nations trying to use independent industrialization projects are
called "terrorists" by the establishment. In my opinion, a multifaceted approach in terms of
economic solutions (not giving billions or trillions of dollars to AIG, Goldman Sachs, etc. that
President Barack Obama is doing) is the only way to make our economic situation better than
it is now. We should build our economy from the ground up (and from the top bottom) since
top down economic growth alone can only do so far. Efficient, legitimate government existing
along with real private enterprise existing in a nation have made economic improvement a
reality for thousands of years in human history.

Health care is a vital part of our society at large. Certainly, most people understand that our present
American health care system is in dire need of reform. Some of our system is great in surgeries, etc.
Yet, there are also high premium costs, services are being cut nationwide, and millions of Americans
lack health care insurance or coverage. They lack it for a myriad of reasons from choosing not to have
it, some can't afford it, young people are not having it, and other reasons. Barack Obama's health bill
is made up of many parts. There is a federally funded insurance program that would compete
with a privately run insurance plan. There is a co-op insurance program that can get seed
money from the government (not necessarily controlled by all of the government). His plan
isn't a government run health care plan per se. It is a combination of private and possible public
options. These were once the 2 public options. Barack Obama says that if you have your own
insurance, nothing will happen to it. There is the cost issue. Health care costs are increasing. There is
a need to pay for the plan which can cost almost 1 trillion dollars. Obama wants a surtax to pay for it in
the top 1.25% earners, possibly tax insurers, use incentives for employers, or penalties for those
aren't in a plan. There are some good parts of the bill and some bad parts. Typically, the bad parts of
this bill are hidden or not overtly mentioned by the White House for obvious reasons. The cost of it as
high as almost $1 trillion in 10 years. Now, Barack Obama wants a cop op not a huge private option at
all (if he doesn‘t get his way). Democrats threaten to vote against the bill if the private option is non-
existent in the health care bill.

This bill is called H.R. 3200 or "America's Affordable Health Choices Act." It will have at
least 53 new federal bureaucracies. These boards are headed by bureaucrats which will control a
great deal of our health care system. Some of this bureaucracies include Health Benefits Advisory
Committee (Section 123, pg. 30), Health Choices Administration (Section 141 pg. 41), Public Health
Workforce Corps (Section 2231, p. 898), etc. Are all of these 53 boards and commissions necessary
in real health reform when you can simplify solutions dealing with the health care crisis? The answer is
no. There is the abortion issue. Some believe that the health care will fund abortions and others
disagree with this view. Senator Arlen Specter believes that there are 2 options in this bill. One is that
people don't have to pay for abortions and another option is where people can pay for abortion in the
health care bill. So, Specter says that people aren't forced to pay for abortions, but abortion funding is
in the health care reform bill. Jill Stanek wrote an article that Planned Parenthood his sending a flyer
(on Craigslist) saying that they want "reproductive choice" (which is a known code word for abortion)
funding in health care reform bill. Baucus claims that his new bill bans abortion funding, but
some Pro-lifers disagree with him. Even Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus (D-
Montana) received millions of dollars in his career from the insurance industry. He proposed a
$3,800 fine on Americans who fail to purchase health insurance. Some Democrats accuse
Baucus' health care proposal a taxing middle class Americans in extremely high levels. So, the
insurance industry will benefit if the health bill as it is will pass. The controversy of abortion and
the health care bill continues. The Supreme Court consistently ruled that the Congress have no
authority to legislate medical practice or have direct medical practice within the states of the Union.

In Linder v. United States, 268 U.S. 5, 18, 45 S. Ct. 446 (1925), The court ruled: "Obviously,
direct control of medical practice in the of states is beyond the power the federal
government." In U.S. v. Anthony, 15 Supp. 553, 555, (S.D. Ca., 1936) and U.S. v. Evers, 453 F.
Supp. 1141, 1150 (M.D. Ala., 1978), the court ruled: "...The direct control of medical practice
has been left to the states." And, in Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton Railroad Co., above, the
United States Supreme Court said, "These matters obviously lie outside the orbit of
congressional power.” Parts of health care reform are even found in the stimulus bill that
was passed by President Barack Obama (which is called the American Investment and
Recovery Act of 2009). This has been admitted by Dr. Dave Janda. Section 9201 of the
Stimulus describes the creation of the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative
Effectiveness Research or a Federal Council dealing with medical costs plus research. This
council is already exiting with 15 members. Critics believe that this panel is similar to the
rationing British National Health Care Board. It is true that this federal council will handle a
large portion of our health care by bureaucrats today. According to former New York
Lieutenant Governor and Health Policy Analyst Dr. Betsy McCaughey, the Federal Council
will set a cost effectiveness standard for treatment. So, the health care panel was created by
the Stimulus law or H.R. 1. The Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative
Effectiveness Research (or an unelected bureaucracy trying to make decisions on health care
issues) was a brainchild of Tom Daschle. Daschle said that Americans must act more like
Europeans in accepting a "hopeless diagnoses." His 2008 book was called "Critical: What We
Can Do about the Health Care Crisis." One member of this council is Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel,
MD, PhD. Ezekiel has said controversial statements about medicine and health care.
Ezekiel Emmanuel is a communitarian (which is a combination of communism and
fascism). He is a fellow at the Rockefeller-influenced nonprofit bioethics research
Institute of the Hastings Center. Emanuel appeared to support rationing health care for
disabled Americans. Bradley Mattes is the director of Life Issues Institute. Theodore
Dobzhansky, the founding director of the Hastings Center, was chairman of the American
Eugenics Society. Daniel Callahan, founder of the organization, was a director of the
Eugenics Society. So, the authors of Obamacare have ties to eugenicists or pro-eugenic
people. Of course, Barack Obama doesn’t support eugenics. Peter Orszag, currently the
White House Budget Director, sent his deputy Philip Ellis to Hastings last May to assure the
Center that “comparative effectiveness” would be the criterion for an Obama
Administration’s attack on respect for human life. Comparative effectiveness is judging
who gets medical care on the basis of age and other factors. Obama’s Regulatory Czar Cass
Sunstein believes that human life varies in value, which is a key definition of eugenics. (In
2003, he wrote these views in a paper for the AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory
Studies ). Mattes said that Emanuel is quoted back in 1996 that saying medical benefits of
a government-controlled healthcare plan would not be given to “individuals who are
irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens.” Emanuel clarified
his stance by adding, “An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to
patients with dementia.”

“Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious [offensive]

discrimination," Emanuel wrote. This is shocking. Mattes wrote an email to that this allocation refers to healthcare services. Some of these
services were critical to sustaining life or at the very least, a better quality of life.
These services are about everything from life saving bypass surgery to joint
replacements. Emanuel reject the Hippocratic Oath's part of trying to help the
patient regardless of cost. "Yes, that's what patients want their doctors to do. But
Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider
social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody
else," McCaughey says in an editorial. "Many doctors are horrified by this notion;
they'll tell you that a doctor's job is to achieve social justice one patient at a time."
Ezekiel Emmanuel and other pro-eugenicists authored Section 1233 in the House
version of the health care bill (That has been Senate pulled the end of care
counseling sessions in the book). One author was Oregon Congressman Earl
Blumenauer (Oregon legalizes assisted suicide). Blumenauer supports assisted
suicide before the Supreme Court in the 2005 case of Gonzalez vs. Oregon.
Bluemenaeur's website is linked to the 1960's Harper's magazine article that
supports voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. The group called Compassion
and Choices (which was called the Hemlock Society) had a hand in forming
Section 1233 (It wrote that it wants to require Medicare to cover patient
consultation with doctors about end of life choices every 5 years in the House bill.
Even when the Section 1322 is voluntarily, Compassion and Choices want it to be
bigger than that). Barbara Lee is the President of Compassion and Choices and
she explicitly says that: "...We dream of a time when all American can live and die
as free people, in dignity and according to their own values..." So, shady
characters are behind this health care reform bill. Section 1233 isn't equivalent to
euthanasia, but its authors embrace some form of euthanasia (and that section deals
with end of life discussions). That's a fact.

In the UK, doctors have accused the National Health Service of using patients with
terminal illnesses being made to die prematurely. This is done under a new policy of the
NHS. The Daily Telegraph received a letter from a group of experts saying that some
patients have been wrongly judged as close to death. NHS guidance in England help
doctors and medical staff to kill dying patients by having fluids and drugs withdrawn.
Many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away. The doctors oppose this
policy since it could falsely call a patient as near death and mask about their condition
improving. The scheme, called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), was designed to
reduce patient suffering in their final hours. The warning comes just a week after a
report by the Patients Association estimated that up to one million patients had received
poor or cruel care on the NHS. The scheme, called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP),
was designed to reduce patient suffering in their final hours. This program is still going
on. The LCP are investing £286 million over the two years to 2011 to support
implementation of the End of Life Care Strategy.

Here are some other portions of this proposed bill:

-Section 163 of the bill in Congress allows the government real-time access to a
person's bank records, including direct access to a person's bank records, including
direct access to bank accounts for electronic fund transactions. “Even-though the bill
mentions privacy aspects, the fact remains that if approved, Obama’s health care plan
will allow government access at any time to your personal bank records,” KFYI News
reports. That part of the bill sounds Orwellian according to Arizona Congressman John
Shadegg. This is nothing new since the government have created a huge global database
have been done for years by the CIA, the NSA, etc. The Constitution says in the 4th
Amendment says that the government can't search you without a warrant or probable
cause. This Section wants the government to snoop under the cover of health care.

-The health care bill will allow Congressional members to be exempt.

-On page 15, Section 101 of the bill says that "All private healthcare plans must conform
to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange."

-Under the “Creating Healthier Communities” provision of the bill (found on page 382),
grants could be awarded to only three types of "entities:" state governments, local
governments and groups that are members of a “national network of community-based
organizations." Dodd could not rule out that the controversial group ACORN could
benefit from this provision in his bill. In other words, ACORN could be funded grants in
the health care bill when people especially the uninsured should readily benefit from
health care reform.

-The bill allows for home visits in certain circumstances. The Senate Health, Education,
Labor and Pension Committee’s official summary of the bill says: “Authorizes a
demonstration program to improve immunization coverage. Under this program, CDC
will provide grants to states to improve immunization coverage of children,
adolescents, and adults through the use of evidence-based interventions. States may use
funds to implement interventions that are recommended by the Community Preventive
Services Task Force, such as reminders or recalls for patients or providers, or home
visits.” Chuck Norris says that: “It’s outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill
(Page 838), under the heading “home visitation programs for families with young
children and families expecting children.” The programs (provided via grants to
states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills. The bill says that
the government agents, “well-trained and competent staff,” would “provide parents
with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social,
emotional, and motor domains … modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting
practices,” and “skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate
development.” The government has no right to authorize even voluntarily home visits
under the guise of "health care" at all. “One government rebuttal is that this program
would be “voluntary.” Is that right?,” asks Norris. “Does that imply that this agency
would just sit back passively until some parent needing parenting skills said, “I don’t
think I’ll call my parents, priest or friends or read a plethora of books, but I’ll go down to
the local government offices”? To the contrary, the bill points to specific targeted
groups and problems, on Page 840: The state “shall identify and prioritize serving
communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a
high proportion of low-income families.” So, if you are on the health care system, you
can have home visits.
There DNC attack ad calls those who oppose latest round of legislative agenda “angry mobs” and
“extremists.” The President is calling on people to forward emails to the White House that are critical
of his policies. “Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your
help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy,
send it to” The big picture is that some in the White and Congress are trying to
intimidate people who disagree with Obamacare. The fact is that we have the First Amendment right
to protest, address our grievances, and disagree with any policy in a respectful manner. The Founding
Fathers and others during the colonial days did a lot more than simply yelling at politicians about an
issue. They threw tea in the water, used self defense with arms, and petition the King about
their oppression by the British Empire. So, we should be respectful to people (I don't agree
with some of the protesters assaulting people though. Yet, the Founding Fathers yelled at the
top of their lungs about independence much more than we are today. We rarely defend us
liberty in America as compared even decades ago regardless of what some in MSNBC or other
media people proclaim), but never be intimidated from succinctly speaking out on
disagreements with composition of the proposed health care reform bill at all. The SEIU union
thugs have assaulted people in St. Louis, Missouri. Even a black man was assaulted and
called racial slurs for just disagreeing with Barack Obama on health care. The mainstream
media (with agents like Keith Olbermann and HBO's Bill Maher) exploit also protesters
who made mistakes in calling Obamacare equivalent to Nazism as an excuse to demonize any
dissent with the health care plan. One example is how Barney Frank yelled at a woman calling
her insane for using the word Nazi around. It’s too bad the woman confronting Frank didn’t
quote Obama himself, who suggested a woman with heart disease “should take a painkiller”
instead of getting a pacemaker. The women should of quoted the pro-eugenic architects of the
health care bill. People don't buy propaganda. People who reject the Republican/Democrat
paradigm have outlined legitimate criticism against Obamacare via protests, etc. Congress
wants this bill passed when many of them haven't even read the whole bill. So, we will expose
bad parts of Obamacare, the open borders agenda, the North American integration plans, the
evils of abortion, and the anti-gun bills in Congress. So, there are many protestors of the
health care plans of President Barack Obama. Some of them are talking to
Congress people in town hall meetings. Typically, the Democratic establishment are
collectively demonizing them as rabid extremists. Senator Barbara Boxer called the
protesters at Town Hall meetings as trying to hurt the President. House Majority
leader Nancy Pelosi called them carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town
meeting on healthcare.” That's a lie of course since legitimate criticism is never
equated to bigotry at all. Recently, Rainbow Girls member and Republican Olympia
Snowe voted for the bill in a 14-9 vote in the Senate Finance Committee. The Rainbow
Girls a Masonic female group. For adults, the Eastern Star is the Masonic group for
females. She is from Maine and is apart of the Council on Foreign Relations. A lot of
Congressmen and Congresswomen are apart of the CFR as well.
There is a new book that profiles the victims of rationing in government run health care
system. This book is called "Shattered Lives: 100 Victims of Government Health Care."
It tells the personal stories of 100 victims. The author of this book is called Amy Ridenour
and Ryan Balis. Amry Ridenour is the President of National Center for Public Policy
Research and Ryan Balis is a National Center policy analyst. The victims of these
events hail from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, and other nations.
They have all struggled to get government health services. Sometimes they have died stuck
on long government waiting lists. "Some 16 years after Washington last attempted to
nationalize health care, some politicians in Washington are at it again," co-author Amy
Ridenour said in a statement received. "But if Americans choose to adopt a
public health care system, as the stories in this book attest, they will soon regret the decision."
Shattered Lives is a book that have frustrated citizens fed up with having their surgeries
constantly being canceled, medicines denies, and patients herded like animals onto gigantic
government waiting lists. One story shows how Barbara Moss was withheld powerful anti-
cancer drugs in the Britain's government managed NHS or the National Health Service. Dunil
Almeida was 42 as he suffered from colon cancer. The British NHS refused to test him for
cancer for almost 2 years. When doctors in Sri Lanka told him that he cancer, it was too late.
He died. Most people want health care reform, but not a public option that can limit treatment
or deny coverage toward people at all. Ridenour added, "...Washington should be
promoting a transparent and competitive market for health care, freeing Americans at
the individual level to choose the insurance and medical services most appropriate for
themselves and their families..." This book proves that the government shouldn’t
control every aspect of our lives at all. The government has a role in society, but its role
should never be an overbearing figure that restricts individual liberty at all. Barack
Obama says that his plan will not add one dime to our deficits, but he's adding trillions
of dollars to the deficit to fund wars. Cutting war spending to fund our domestic
priorities like education and health care could be one solution (out of many like
banning poisons like flouride in our water & food supplies, getting toxins out of all
substances we utilized in our bodies period, don't fine people who can't or don't
want to have health insurance, allow people to achieve health care across state lines,
have people voluntarily get whatever health care they desire, increase funds to
construct hospitals plus medical facilities nationwide, make insurance companies
accountable so they won't perform injustices, the promotion of exercise plus real
natural foods, etc.) to solve our health care crisis.
The health care bill was passed by the House. People are taking about the Stupak/Pitts
amendment. The House approved the Stupak–Pitts amendment on November 7, 2009, by a
vote of 240–194. The measure appears to contain strong conscience protection regarding
abortion for medical professionals; however, "Section 304(d) protects abortion practitioners
from “discrimination” by pro-life insurance plans who want to participate in the exchange,
but do not want to contract with abortionists," says Americans United for Life. The bill HR
3926 has end of life concerns. It has these end of life panels. There is Medicare
reimbursement for optional end of life planning consultation. States like Washington and
Oregon (possibly Montana soon) have legal assisted suicide. The Senate is known for
rejecting pro-life amendments in the health care bill. The legal process isn't over. The bill
vote must go into the Senate and then both houses of Congress will make a bill that both
must vote on it again. The Senate Finance Committee voted 14-9 last month to send a pro-
abortion health care reform bill to the Senate floor. The Baucus bill, named for the chairman
of the panel who is its main sponsor, would fund abortions with massive subsidies.
Lawmakers voted mostly along party lines with pro-abortion Republican Sen. Olympia
Snowe of Maine joining the committee's pro-abortion Democrats to pass the bill. After
rejecting pro-life amendments that would have ensured the Baucus health care bill does not
fund abortions and to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals, pro-life groups
urged opposition to the bill. Steve Lefemine from Columbia Christians for Life believe
that the Stupak amendment doesn't stop abortion funding totally. He made an
interesting view on this issue. He writes that the Hyde Amendment (in Medicaid in
the federal HHS Appropriations Bill) still funds abortion in rape, incest, and to save
the life of the mother. Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion extremists
oppose the Stupak/Pitts Amendment since it doesn’t go fund abortions to their
level. Planned Parenthood benefit from killing unborn babies, so that’s typical of
them. The bill has over 2,000 pages in it. Some accuse like Andrew Napolitano the bill of
violating privacy, rationing care, rising taxes, etc. Freedom is the right for people to do
actions according to their own conscience. The truth is that we do need health care reform,
because our health care system has issues. Yet, we should do it in the right way in allowing
coverage, while preserving health freedom at the same time.

*One smoking gun problem with the health care bill is that one proposal threaten to fine or
jail people who voluntarily reject having the care in the first place. Ranking Member of the
House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-MI) released a letter from the non-
partisan Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) confirming that the failure to comply with the
individual mandate to buy health insurance contained in the Pelosi health care bill (H.R.
3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who
do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s
new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and
criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five
years. In response to the JCT letter, Camp said: “This is the ultimate example of the
Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail. It is
outrageous and it should be stopped immediately.” When confronted with this same issue
during its consideration of a similar individual mandate tax, the Senate Finance Committee
worked on a bipartisan basis to include language in its bill that shielded Americans from civil
and criminal penalties. The Pelosi bill, however, contains no similar language protecting
American citizens from civil and criminal tax penalties that could include a $250,000 fine
and five years in jail.

Poisons like MSG, Aspartame, fluoride, etc. exist in today’s world. In recent
years, my knowledge about health hazards have increased.

I don’t trust Big Pharma either unconditionally since they are the ones promoting evils
like GM foods, toxins, and vaccine corruption for decades in the world. There are tons of
examples proving this view. What we put into our bodies is very vital to our survival.
There is nothing wrong to better our quality of lives by improving our lives. One
of the biggest smoking guns on the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry is how
they create diseases to earn profits. An article about it was written in the London Times
on April 11, 2006 by Mark Henderson. Henderson further writes on how they
exaggerate real illness to for the same purpose as well. The article goes on to mention
that ADHD, female sexual dysfunction, and “restless legs syndrome” are promoted, so
money can come into companies. Many people are suffering from horrendous diseases.
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin on April 5, 2006 talk about the 34-year-old mortgage loan
officer Oliver Johnson. He's almost near death from a flesh eating disease. The doctor
called the disease as necrotizing fasciitis, a Group A streptococcal infection. The disease
led an amputation of his left leg. For years, people have discussed about the dangers of
soft drinks. Many of them contain aspartame and other chemicals, which can cause
brain damage and increased risks of cancer. Now, we find that soft drinks have a higher
level of benzene than water. LIBBY QUAID is an AP Food and Farm Writer. He wrote an
article entitled "Benzene Levels in Soft Drinks Above Limit" on April 5, 2006 talking
about the soft drink issue. Benzene can cause cancer and is linked to leukemia. The FDA has
admitted to the high level of benzene in soft drinks. Bird Flu is promoted all over the media.
We do know that in the hoopla over bird flu, the United States government signed protocols
for detention and quarantine. Newstarget and others reported on how Bush April 1, 2005
issued an executive for quarantine people in case of an emergency of a bird flu outbreak.
Global News Matrix on October 24, 2005 wrote that Bilderberg Group members are
profiting from Tamiflu. George Shultz, Rumsfeld (former chairman of Gilead, the
manufacturer of Tamiflu and major shareholder of Tamiflu), Etienne F. Davignon (a
Bilderberger Kingpin and one of the most powerful men in Europe), and Lodewijk J.R.
de Vink (a Gilead partner and Gilead) are profiting from the Bird Flu situation. We do
need health care reform, so I want to make that perfectly clear.

By Timothy

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