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How much EMF exposure is too much for you?

The medical and electric power communities have differing views on EMF exposure health effects. But they all agree on one thing: There is no minimum daily requirement for EMF. In other words no amount of EMF exposure can !e considered safe. "owever some voluntary guidelines exist. #ussian researchers !elieve $%$&&&ths of m' (milli'auss) should !e the standard. In the *+ where the usual !ac,ground level of -& ". magnetic field is &./ m' most states have adopted a 0 m' cutoff point. The *+ Environmental 1rotection 2gency proposes a safety standard of $ m'. +weden has set a maximum safety limit of $ m'. 3hen electricians try to solve a magnetic field pro!lem they do their !est to drop the level to $ m' or !elow (#o!ert 4. Bec,er M5 in Cross Currents: The Perils of Electro pollution $66&) 5r 7ancy 3ertheimer a 1h5 epidemiologist who has !een studying EMF exposure for 8& years suggests a cutoff point of $ m'. "ealth studies indicate that electromagnetic fields over $&& m' can most certainly produce health effects. Fields as low as $ m' can !e dangerous if !ody exposure is for a long period of time. ($66$) The state of Florida in *+ has set a 8/& m' maximum on the edge of their power line right9of9ways. ($66$) +everal international authorities (such as International :ommission on #adiation and European :ommittee for Electro technical +tandardi.ation) have also set safety limits for pu!lic and occupational EMF exposure to /&9-& ".. Are those international limits safe? It should !e remem!ered that international limits esta!lished for a so9called safe level of EMF exposure have often !een proved dangerously too high. For example the occupational EMF exposure standard for some types of electromagnetic radiation in some eastern European countries and the +oviet *nion is $ &&& times lower (safer) than occupational exposure standard in western Europe *+ and Britain. Typical western standards consider only the energy transfer and the calculated tissue heating of EMF. They don;t consider the su!tle !iology system itself. In reality at extremely low energy levels frequency9dependent influences on !iology functions lead to additional effects. It cannot !e explained even !y generally accepted and well ,nown physical laws. How exposed are you? +ome scientists estimate that you are exposed daily to $&& million times more electromagnetic field radiation than your grandparents were. This means that for every 0& seconds your EMF exposure is more than what your ancestors experienced in a lifetime. In fact you are exposed to EMF 8< hours a day from a multitude of things you use regularly such as: T=s stereos =:#s radios mo!ile phones computers

copiers toasters ovens electric heaters lamps fluorescent lighting dimmer switches home and office wiring electric tooth!rushes hair dryers electric shavers and other electrical appliances. 4n top of that you get EMF exposure from high9voltage power lines mo!ile phone masts and many other sources. Following #ussian and 2merican guidelines you live in a virtual fish !owl of electromagnetic radiation which affects every living cell of your !ody.

Your body get increasing exposure everyday This exposure is increasing dramatically along with the increasing use of telecommunications electrical equipment and general consumption of electricity. In Britain for example each person used 6& ,ilowatt hours of electricity in $68$. But in $6>? that figure increased !y almost /& times. 2ccording to British figures in the >&s an average person a!sor!s $ milli+ieverts (m+v) of radiation each year from natural and !ac,ground radiation. By $66$ this figure increased to 8 m+v. The increase was !elieved to come from human9made sources of electromagnetic field. @2ll populations are now exposed to varying degrees of EMF. 2nd the levels will continue to increase as technology advances.A (3"4 on its EMF homepage) Number one concern EMF pollution is the num!er one environmental concern in 2merica today in spite of cover9 ups. @The *nited +tates is wired with /&& &&& miles of high9voltage power lines. Industry government and military depend on 8/& &&& microwave relay lin,s. 2irliners see and are seen via radar. 6 &&& &&& !roadcasting transmitters and microwave relay stations and 0& &&& &&& :B radios flood our airways. Industry employs 0/ &&& &&& electromagnetic devices. 2s a result a typical 2merican now gets a daily dosage of electromagnetic radiation up to 8&& million times more intense than what his ancestors too, in from the sun stars and other natural sources.@ (Bowell 1onte in the article @The Menace if Electric +mog@) This menace undou!tedly also plagues many other developing countries today. "ow are you coping with the assaultC @The current increase in electromagnetic pollution of the environment exceeds human adaptation capacities@ warned *,rainian researchers 7i,olai 7i,olaevich Dosits,y 2lEona Igorevna 7i.hels,a and 'rigory =asil;evich 1one.ha in a 009page translated report @Influence of "igh Frequency Electromagnetic #adiation at 7on9Thermal Intensities on the "uman Body@ (No Place To Hide newsletter of the :ellular 1hone Tas, Force in *+ =ol. 0 7o.$ Fe!ruary 8&&$).

EMF effects on your body cells "uman !eings are an open @radio system@ made up of varying electromagnetic frequencies that naturally interact with all natural and man9made external energies. These energies play a large part in our health and well !eing. 3hen we interact with natural and !alanced energies such as Earth electromagnetic field we reinforce the natural !alance within our own energy system our cells and our 572. 3hen exposed to man9made frequencies our !ody a!sor!s and stores such energy fields. These are unnatural and chaotic electromagnetic field such as microwaves. It can wea,en our immune system and ultimately lead to illness. Human body is a complex machine It contains some 8&& quintillionF cells which operate electrically and wor, li,e a system of generators inductance lines and insulators. (F8&& quintillion is the num!er 8&& followed !y $> .eros.) This electrical energy plays an important role in the growth and functions of human !ody. 4ur !ody;s internal electrical circuits are @switched on@ !y an inEury infection tumor or normal activity of !ody;s organs. To put it simply our physical !odies is actually formed and developed from invisi!le electro vi!ratory fields which control the creation of new cells to replace those inEured worn out or die from diseases or environmental poisoning. ontrolling body functions In other words su!tle energy field of the !ody provides instructions for reproduction division and function of all cells for optimum health. +cientists found that electromagnetic radiation can adversely affect the physiological and other vital living processes. More complex organism has greater electromagnetic sensitivity. +ince human is the most complex we are the most affected !y electromagnetic field. In fact our cells are an @electromagnetic resonator@ capa!le of emitting and a!sor!ing radiations of every frequency. Your body cell is a receptive antenna Each cell in our !ody contains positive and negative charged elements that are ,ept in a !alance on the inside and outside of cell wall. Electromagnetic EBF (extremely low frequency) and microwave radiation distur! and disrupt this critical !alance. It plays havoc with the millions of electrical impulses our !ody uses to regulate all cellular activity. The random and unorgani.ed photons radiating from these fields also act as electromagnetic @free radicals@ (cancer inducers) which are often stored in cells as significant electrostatic charges. This can cause maEor dysfunction at !ody;s cellular molecular and atomic levels. In his !oo, The Secret of Life French scientist and !ioelectric pioneer 'eorges Ba,hovs,y explains @The nucleus of a living cell may !e compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. This nucleus consists of tu!ular filaments chromosomes and mitochondria made up of insulating material and filled with a conducting fluid containing all the mineral salts found in sea water.@ @These filaments are thus compara!le to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity and self inductance and therefore capa!le of oscillating according to a specific frequency.@ In other words human !ody composed of ions minerals and a high percentage of water is a strong conductor of energy. Bi,e metal our !ody is a very effective antenna structure.

3hen exposed to its natural frequency human !ody will pic, up or resonate with that frequency resulting in good health. This is what happens when two violins are precisely tuned. If the string on one violin is pluc,ed or vi!rated the same string on the other violin will resonate and start to vi!rate as well. 3hen exposed to the wrong frequency our !ody;s !asic cellular system will !e in disharmony. 2nd this will result in poor health and all ,inds of diseases. !he science of cells 2ccording to Ba,hovs,y all living cells such as plants human !acteria and parasites possess attri!utes which normally are associated with electronic circuits. These cellular attri!utes include @resistance@ @capacitance@ and @inductance@. These 0 electrical properties when properly configured will cause the recurrent generation of high frequency @sine waves@ when sustained !y a small steady supply of outside energy of the right frequency. This effect is ,nown as @resonance@. 4ne can compare it with a child swinging on a playground swing: 2s long as the parent pushes the swing a little at the right moment (the correct frequency) the child will continue to swing high. In electronics circuits that generate these recurrent sine waves can !e called electromagnetic @resonators@. But more commonly they are referred as @oscillators@. "utside electromagnetic interference # disease 2ccording to Ba,hovs,y not only all living cells radiate oscillations they also receive and respond to oscillations from outside sources. This outside source of oscillations is due to cosmic rays which !om!ard the Earth continuously. 4utside sources of oscillations with similar frequency with our cell will reinforce and strengthen the cell. "owever if these outside frequencies are slightly different they might dampen or wea,en our cell;s frequencies. This results in loss of vigor and vitality for that cell. That is why cells of disease9causing organisms within an infected person produce frequencies different from healthy cells. 2ccording to Ba,hovs,y cells act li,e condensers that could store energy. 2nd the cells of all living organisms wage a continual war against micro!es in @war of radiations@. If radiations of micro!e win the cell ceases to oscillate at a healthy level. 2nd the cell eventually dies. If cell;s radiations are powerful enough to oscillate at a healthy level the micro!e is ,illed and health is maintained. Ba,hovs,y equates health with @oscillatory equili!rium@ and disease with @oscillatory disequili!rium@.

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