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1. Name factors that cause mains electricity consumption to vary.

temperature, light, days of the week, mealtime, commercial breaks. 2. Complete the extract with decrease, increase, rise, fall, etc. decrease, increase, rise, fall. 3. Complete the text with the appropriate word. (Audioscript 8. ! Increases, increase, increases or decreases, rise, rises, falls, rise. ". #rovide a short description of the operation of pumped stora$e systems. Pump storage hydroelectricity is a method of storing and producing electricity to supply high peak demands by moving water between reservoirs at different elevations (pumping water from low-level reservoir to high-level reservoir where water is stored) . %hat is the purpose of pumped stora$e systems& Purpose is to generate electricity, when water falls down the pipes, driving turbines. '. (xplain the difference )etween reduced*scale testin$ and full*scale testin$. Reduced-scale testing !esting small models of designs. !he main advantage of this approach is that models are "uicker and cheaper to build than full-si#ed prototypes. !he main disadvantage is that their behavior during tests cannot perfectly simulate that of a fullsi#e prototype. $ull-scale testing !he main advantage of this approach is that tests are totally realistic. !he main disadvantage is that full-scale prototypes can be e%pensive to build and test. +. ,efine moc-*up test. the acid test . computational fluid dynamics. &ock-up test ' () model simulating shape and si#e, but without internal components !he acid test ' crucial trial to prove whether or not something works *omputational $luid )ynamics *omputational $luid )ynamics (*$)) is computer software used to assist in aerodynamic design. It models the flow of air over surfaces, such as car bodywork or the fuselage and wings of aircraft. 8. %hy are rollin$ roads useful in wind tunnels when testin$ vehicles& +ecause the wheels generate a lot of turbulence, and rolling roads simulate that. , !hey-re useful because simulate turbulence which wheels generate when they-re spinning. /. Complete the text.sentences with the appropriate words. (Audioscript /.1! or p 0 'erodynamic, door, drag, efficient, gas, li"uid, motion, power, slippery, turbulence, velocity, wind 10. %hat does tried*and*tested mean& !ried-and-tested means proven to be reliable through real use trials. 11. %hat is )ac-*to*)ac- testin$& +-t-+ tests are trials to compare two different solutions, in the same conditions 12. (xplain Newton1s third law of motion. !he third .ewton/s law of motion says for every action there is an e"ual and opposite reaction. !hese forces are opposite. 0%ample 1 when you sit in your chair your body e%erts downward force on the chair, and the chair e%erts upward force on your body. 13. %hat principle does a water roc-et wor- on&

It is an e%ample of .ewton/s third law of motion. !he bottle is partly filled with water and sealed. !he bottle is then pressuri#ed with a gas, usually air compressed from a bicycle pump or air compressor. 2hen water and gas are used in combinations, that means that gas providing potential energy, as it is compressible, and the water increases mass fraction and provides greater force when e3ected from the rocket/s no##le. 1". Complete the followin$ calculations. 1" 2 8 3 22 (fourteen plus eight e4uals twenty-two) + x 11 3 ++ (seven multiplied )y eleven e4uals seventy-seven) "00 5 8 3 0 (four hundred divided )y eight e4uals fifty) 100 x 20 3 2000 (hundred times twenty is two thousand) 0 6 30 3 20 (If you su)tract thirty from fifty, it e4uals twenty) "8 6 12 3 3' ($ourty-eight less twelve e4uals thirty-si%) / 2 2 3 /+ (the sum of ninety-five and two is ninety-seven) 82 3 '" (!he s4uare of eight is si%ty-four) (!he s4uare root of hundred is ten) 112 (0leven s4uared is hundred and twenty-one) 1 . Complete the descriptions of the num)ers (e.$. 8 is a whole num)er7 2. is a decimal, !. 1'. Name forms of ener$y to match the description (e.$. the form of ener$y that shines and can )e seen 6 li$ht ener$y! Chemical ener$y 1 energy stored within the li"uids or solids in a battery 8inetic ener$y 1 mechanical energy in the form of movement (lastic ener$y 1 potential energy stored in a deformed material 9seful ener$y 1 energy converted to the form re"uired for a purpose %aste ener$y 1 energy converted to a form that cannot be used :i$ht ener$y 1 the form of energy that shines, and can be seen ;ound ener$y 1 the form of energy that can be heard <hermal ener$y 1 energy that results in an increase in temperature 1+. #rovide at least one example of ener$y conversion from one form to another. *hemical energy in the coal converted to thermal energy. &echanical energy of the turbine converted to electrical energy. !hermal energy converted to kinetic energy in steam (old trains)

18. ,efine the followin$ forms of ener$y (-inetic, thermal, electrical=! 8inetic ener$y 1 energy in the form of movement 1 a type of mechanical ener$y <hermal ener$y 1 energy in the form of heat (lectrical ener$y 1 the energy of an electric current ;ound ener$y 1 energy in the form of noise :i$ht ener$y 1 light emitted from the sun or from light bulb Chemical ener$y 1 energy within substances that can produce a chemical reaction Nuclear ener$y 1 energy from an atomic reaction 1/. #rovide an example of strain ener$y. 2inding up a clockwork toy causes the spring inside of it to twist, resulting in strain energy being produced. 20. %hat is ener$y efficiency& 0nergy efficiency is using less energy to provide the same service. 21. %hen do we say that a device is ener$y efficient& If it converts a high percentage of energy into useful energy, then it-s energy efficient. 22. %hat are chic-en cannons desi$ned to do& !hey are designed to simulate bird strikes (and the tests are carried out using special compressed-aircannons that fire dead chickens). 23. %hat was a chic-en cannon used for a train test and what was the effect of the test& +ecause bird strikes were potential danger, owing to the trains high speed.!he effects were devastating. !he result of the impact were smashed hole, not 3ust through windshield, but also through driver-s compartment. 2". Complete the followin$ sentences usin$ the words and phrases related to causes and effects. +ecause of, due to, owing to, result of, result in, caused, conse"uently, subse"uently 2 . >ill in the )lan-s with appropriate words. (Audioscript /.'! 2'. %hat function do wind tur)ines perform& 2ind power is generated by capturing the kinetic energy of wind and converting it electrical energy by a turbine. 2+. %hat are the main advanta$es and disadvanta$es of wind tur)ines& 'dvantage !hey use a renewable, non-polluting energy source that is readily available. )isadvantages !he wind is not constant, so wind turbines cannot function all the time. !hey also have a ma3or visual impact due to their height and si#e, and are relatively noisy. 28. %hat types of location are most suita)le for wind farms& 4ocations e%posed to the wind, such as high ground, flat areas and coastal areas. 2/. As re$ards wind tur)ines, what is the )i$$est pro)lem with offshore installations, and what solutions are proposed in Audioscript 10.1& !he biggest problem is they have to protect steel from corrosion, but that-s not costeffective. 5olutions include trying alternatives such as reinforced concrete and using paint to cover steel.

30. %hat are the disadvanta$es of reinforced concrete, an alternative to all*steel supports& It-s not cost-effective, and one of the main constituents of reinforced concrete is steel (corrosion). 31. %hat most suita)le lon$*term solution is proposed in Audioscript 10.1& !he most suitable long-term solution is to use steel in an all-steel tubular structure or as a kind of reinforcement inside concrete. +ut to do that we need to protect steel from corrosion with maintained painting. 32. >ill*in the $aps with appropriate ad?ectives (effective.ineffective, etc.! 33. %hat is a solar tower and how does it use the forces of expansion and pressure& ' solar tower is a really tall structure that can supposedly generate electricity from sun-s rays much like a solar panel can. It uses heat on air to e%pand it, and low temperature and pressure on high altitude to create a pressure differential. 3". @ow does a solar tower wor-& ' large glass enclosure is built, with a chimney at its centre. !he sun heats the enclosure, causing e%pansion of the air inside. 't the top of the chimney, the lower temperature and pressure create a pressure differential because of higher altitude. !his is known as stack effect. 0lectricity is then generated in the turbines at the bottom of the chimney, which are driven by a flow of air. 3 . %hat physical forces would act on a solar tower 1 -m hi$h& 6ravity, which causes mass to e%ert a downward load, which has to be transmitted to the ground. 2ind load, which is a hori#ontal force, e%erted by air pressure against one side of the structure. +ending forces 1 compression and tension. 5hear force 1 the wind tries to slide the structure along the ground, and the foundations below resist that. !he result is shear force between the substructure and the superstructure. $riction 1 resisting pull-out forces. !orsion 1 twisting force 0%pansion 1 when concrete absorbs heat from the sun, *ontraction 1 when the sun sets in. 77!rebalo bi da samo treba3u da se napisu sile ali evo stavio sam I ob3asn3en3a ako sluca3no bude trebalo. 3'. :a)el the dia$rams usin$ the forces explained in Audioscript 10.2 778potrebl3ava3u se sile i# prethodnog pitan3a 3+. Complete the followin$ sentences from the tal- usin$ the forces in Audiscript 10.2. 778potrebl3ava3u se sile i# pitan3a (9. 38. #rovide the synonyms (all the units! 3/. Aatch the words to the definitions. (in $eneral! BBPosledn3a dva pitan3a su uopstena #a sve lekci3e ko3e smo radili

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