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Creative Story: Dorko One day, Dorko walks into a popular fast food joint for reason than

that is where his feet took him. Taking haphazard ites !ustomer"s food, he !rookedly makes his way to the line at a register. Of !ourse, the a!t of getting in line was a !omplete a!!ident. at the menu$ he stares at the employees$ he stares at a man pi!king po!kets. no other from other !ash #e stares his

%&eed help'% start Dorko, %#ere, it makes things a lot easier if ( just hand you my wallet. )refera ly with you holding a gun to my a!k so as to s!are the di!kens out of me. *ut of !ourse, you would e easily !aught in a !rowded pla!e like this. +ould you like to go outside' +e !an sit around in an alley until it gets dark out. +e !ould stage the perfe!t a!t of random violen!e. +here are you going' Stop running,% Dorko stood in line for a out a half hour. &ot e!ause of the lun!htime rush, ut he just didn"t know to move forward. -inally, after a ni!e shove from an angry !ustomer, Dorko had his !han!e at the register. %#ello, how are you doing today'% asks Dorko. %.ou know, it"s a funny thing. ( was feeling just fine, ut now ( want to lose my lun!h,% replies a ald, fat, sorry, weight impaired lady ehind the !ounter. %+ell, what will it e'% %+hat will what e'%

%#ello' /re there any !onne!ted synapses here' Tradition says that now is the time you tell me what you would like to order. Then ( respond y telling you how mu!h money shall e0!hange hands and you wait for a thum twiddling long time for us to get your food.% )ointing his finger, Dorko says, %+ell then ( will a!1uire one of those, that, this, and some of these.% #aving lost her patien!e many a minute ago, the lady says, %2ook dork, ...%

%That"s Dorko.% Confusion sets in. %2ook Dorko Oh, as mu!h as ( like to listen to you say !ompletely stupid dialogue, ( have a jo to do. &ow, assuming you !an read, look at the menu ehind my fat head and tell me what you would like to order. Then if you would like anything taken off the urger, you simply say, for e0ample, "3inus the onions, please." 3ake it fast e!ause there is now a line of a out fifty si0 people ehind you.% %Thank you very mu!h.% Dorko now gets out of line, whi!h !ir!led the uilding, and found a new spot at the end. /n o server would e !ompletely dum founded y this a!t of aimless stupidity, unless this o server knew Dorko, in whi!h this a!t would not in the least way surprise the person. +ell, time passes and Dorko eventually makes his way to the front of the line. %#oly #eaven have mer!y,% thinks the register lady aloud, %he"s a!k with a vengean!e.% %#ello amusingly sar!asti! lady,% says Dorko, %#ow goes things'% %#ello amusingly moroni! idiot. pla!e of employment.% Order or get the he!k out of my

%Sin!e my stoma!h"s arrow is starting to point to "4", perhaps ( will !ommen!e the ordering pro!ess. 2et me take a minute to think this over.% Time passes without so mu!h as a reath. Dorko seems to e having a staring !ontest with the a!k of his hand. Suddenly Dorko !ontinues the !onversation. %...56 ...57 ...89. Okay, where were we' Oh yeah, my order.%

2et us riefly take a !ouple se!onds out of the main story to noti!e that Dorko is not wearing a wat!h nor does he know how to tell time. +e will now pro!eed with the story. Sorry for the in!onvenien!e. order. Se!ondly, ( would like a !heese urger, minus the !heese and sardines. -inally, you !an give me a !ouple of lits. -irst, you !an give me a large. +ell to drink ( would like some syrup, with ket!hup please.% Shaking her head in her hands, almost in tears, the lady says, %2et me get this straight. .ou want a !heese urger minus the !heese and sardines, te!hni!ally a ham urger...% %&o ( don"t like ham, take that off too. them.% /nd give me eight of

%...Okay, eight urgers :personally poisoned;. &e0t was the !ouple of lits'% The lady thinks for a few se!onds. %Oh, you mean *2T"s. think ("m starting to figure you out. +hat"s two plus two'% %<reen.%

%( knew you"d say that.% The lady !heers up a it. %-or the syrup ("ll just give you a )epsi, pra!ti!ally the same thing. Throw in a !ouple pa!kets of ket!hup and that leaves us with only one pro lem left. / large what'% %/ large what what'% %.ou said you wanted a large. %Thank you.% The ne0t minute or so passed in the all too familiar silen!e that seems to follow many of Dorko"s responses. The lady stared at Dorko$ Dorko stared at the lady$ The lady stared at a man su!!essfully pi!king Dorko"s po!kets. She said nothing of the in!ident and was a!tually 1uite happy of its o!!urren!e. %("ll just give you a large fry,% said the lady in her %( just give up% tone of voi!e. She pressed a !ouple of uttons that would seem <reek to the average person. (n fa!t mu!h of it was not understood y the employees either, only enough to !ompletely s!rew up even the simplest of orders. %That will e =>7.76.% %+ell, ("m pretty hungry, ne0t year,% remarks Dorko. ut ( will have to wait it out. See you (t has to e a large something.%

%&o, that was the pri!e, not the ye...,% started the lady, 1ui!kly realizing the uselessness of an e0planation, and stopped mid?word.% The lady got really mad and rea!hed into Dorko"s Dorko just wat!hed as the lady took a =@9.99 ill out of his wallet his food. /s he walked to the eating pla!e he suddenly realized he the restroom. On his return a!k dorko left the uger joint a out his food. a!k po!ket. and gave him had to go to for geting all

+hen Dorko sat down in his !ar he felt like he was sitting on something. #e got out and to his surprize there was nothing on his seat, %+ell%, said Dorko, %( guess it was my imagination%. #e got into his !ar and drove a mile down the road. Dorko stopped right in the middle of the road e!ause it still was othering him. #e gra ed his a!k po!ket and realized there was a ring in his a!k po!ket. %#ow did this get her'%, Dorko said :it really slipped of the lady"s finger when she got his money out;. Dorko liked it a lot, +hen he put it on his finger all of a sudden everything egan to e !lear to him. %Oh my,% yelled Dorko. ("m parked in the middle of the road, Dorko emediately got into his !ar and drove home. +hen he got home Dorko found three ro ers taking all of his things. Dorko yelled e0tremely loud %STO)% pea!ing the ears of the ro ers. Out of sheer fight the three ro ers ran. Dorko was truly amazed he wondered if he was the son of Super 3an or something. So, Dorko de!ided to !hange his name to Super 3an Ar. and fight !rime, -or years Super 3an Ar. stopped ad guys and sent them to jail. #e loved his jo and everyone loved him. #e used his super psy!hi! a ility to send mopha mem ers to jail with little or no eviden!e :everyone elieved in Super 3an Ar.;.

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