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1. Background of the study

We know that the coherence defined as a logical relationship and smooth
movement between the sentences as well as between the paragraph moreover in order
to have coherence. In writing Oshima and Hogue states that assert that movement
from one paragraph to the next, and in longer essays from one paragraph to the next
must be logical and smooth. There must be an sudden jumps and each sentence
should flow smoothly into the next one. When the coherence is lacking there is an
abruptness and disjointedness between sentences that hinders the readers or stop him
all together. As a newspaper the Jakarta post has inevitably its own characteristics,
Short and Dickson states that the newspaper function like a school without walls. The
Jakarta Post is one of the English newspaper in Indonesia is selected on the
consideration of its daily publication, its wide news coverage national and
international and its wide distribution throughout Indonesia. Coherence refers to a
certain characteristic or aspect of writing. Literally, the word means "to stick
together." Coherence in writing means that all the ideas in a paragraph flow smoothly
from one sentence to the next sentence. With coherence, the reader has an easy time
understanding the ideas that you wish to express.
This study is intended to analyze coherence most widely used in feature
articles in the Jakarta Post newspaper. The Webster’third new international
Dictionary ( 1986) states that an article it’s a generally short non-fictional
composition forming an independent portion of publication such as a newspaper,
magazine, encyclopedia, and etc.while future is divined as a special story, article and a newspaper or magazine which is often prominently displayed. In other words
it can be said that feature article is a short non fiction compulsion forming in
independent portion of a publication such as magazine, newspaper, encyclopedia,
etc.that consist of background or analysis of particular concern such as things, person,
or events with an unusual treatment as contrasted with straight new story.
Feature article are selected to be subjected of the study since they have a
prominent role newspaper content. they cover any kinds of news, facts, stories,
advertisement, etc, featuring the national concern that are delivered in certain way.
The readers will be understand the article if the article themselves have meet the
requirements mentioned before.
Based on the statement above the researches want to analyze the coherence
that used in some articles in Jakarta Post.

2.The Problem of the study is :

1. What all of articles in Jakarta Post have coherence?
2. What ways are used in achieve coherence in Jakarta Post ?

3.The Purpose of the study

1. To describe the ways used in coherence in the Jakarta Post
2. To explain whether some articles in Jakarta Post

It assumed that articles are written Jakarta Post should have coherence
especially for the readers to understanding the message of newspaper arise not only
the sentences are too long and the message is to complicated but also the structure of
The result of this study is expected to be useful for the English student to
make further research, especially the study of the coherence of future article Jakarta
Post. This study also gives the valuable contribution for the readers to get better
Scope and Limitation
The scope of this study only focused to analyzed the coherence in future
article in Jakarta Post because it has been known that the Jakarta Post provides
abundance of text including the commentaries, reviews, features and advertisement.

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