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Number 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10013 10014

10015 10016 10017 10018 10019 10020 10021 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026 10027 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 10033 10034 10035 10036 10037 10038 10039 10040 10041 10042 10043 10044 10045 10046 10047

ENGLISH Invoice Supplier invoice Supplier Customer Partner Account Account description Date Products Service Assembly Consumed products Fixed asset Item SKU Description Unit of measure UOM Number No. Quantity Note Selling price Selling price (VAT incl.) Selling amount Selling amount (VAT incl.) Value added tax VAT Price Price (VAT incl.) VAT (%) City Address Number ZIP Code Tax Identification Number TIN Purchase price Stock price Stocks Partner key Name Internal invoice Daily cash collection Internal delivery note Deficit Write-off

10048 10049 10050 10051 10052 10053 10054 10055 10056 10057 10058 10059 10060 10061 10062 10063 10064 10065 10066 10067 10068 10069 10070 10071 10072 10073 10074 10075 10076 10077 10078 10079 10080 10081 10082 10083 10084 10085 10086 10087 10088 10089 10090 10091 10092

Returns Supplier Returns Quotation Sales order Document Input VAT Output VAT Additional expenses Credit note Debit note Debit Credit Balance Dr. Cr. Warehouse Year Exchange list Foreign currency Fx Price list Internal receipt note Surplus Additional expenses adding Beginning inventory Stock- taking Purchase order Purchase processing Request for Quotation Assemble Disassemble Cash purchasing Payment Pay- in Payout Payment reconciliation Advance payment Deposit In Out Balance Status Type Sales specialist Tax

10093 10094 10095 10096 10097 10098 10099 10100 10101 10102 10103 10104 10105 10106 10107 10108 10109 10110 10111 10112 10113 10114 10115 10116 10117 10118 10119 10120 10121 10122 10123 10124 10125 10126 10127 10128 10129 10130 10131 10132 10133 10134 10135 10136 10137 10138 10139 10140

Rebate Consignment receipt note Supplier consignment Material Product Depreciation Receipt Note Delivery note Planned start Planned end Actual start Actual end Start date End date Completion percentage Finished product Materials Finished products Address Branch offices Interest rate Annual percentage rate (APR) Open Closed Bank loan Saving Principal Interest Monthly installment Settled Payday Installment Installment amount Payment date Loan payment Yes No Changes on documents Template Recurring invoice Recurring supplier invoice Weekly Biweekly Monthly Semi- annual Annual Quarterly

10141 10142 10143 10144 10145 10146 10147 10148 10149 10150 10151 10152 10153 10154 10155 10156 10157 10158 10159 10160 10161 10162 10163 10164 10165 10166 10167 10168 10169 10170 10171 10172 10173 10174 10175 10176 10177 10178 10179 10180 10181 10182 10183 10184 10185 10186 10187 10188 10189 10190

Period Next generating Until date Item must have a price VAT calculation VAT exemption Tax calculation Tax exemption Workday Recurring production Service Service and reclamation Every day Multiply while generating Material amount Production time Project Item has been entered both as a material and a product Insufficient quantity Document validation not possible due to additional changes Fixed asset not allowed Consignment products not allowed Recurring assemblies Assemble order Production order Quantity consumed Quantity produced Time spent Item is not in the "parent" document Completion percentage Quantity remained Time remained Without selection Actual price Actual amount Projects Disassemble order Task Planned amount Actual amount Gantt Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February

10191 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 10199 10200 10201 10202 10203 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212 10213 10214 10215 10216 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 10227 10228 10229

March April May June July August September October November December Auto By day By week By month By hour Planned Realized Exceeded Estimated Please select a different period There is a related document Received Reclamation Service Return Service order Rejected Completed w/o charge Completed & invoiced Document is not empty Terms of payment Amount remained Period type Discount Day Month Beginning of the month End of the month Immediately after invoiced


Accounts receivable

10231 10232 10233 10234 10235

Accounts payable Inventory Fixed assets Prepayments payable Prepayments receivable

10236 10237 10238 10239 10240 10241 10242 10243 10244 10245 10246 10247 10248 10249 10250 10251 10252 10253 10254 10255 10256 10257 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 10264 10265

Input VAT Output VAT VAT Liabilities Current account Sales revenue of goods Sales revenue of services Deferred expenses Deferred revenue Other revenue Other costs Shortage Cost of raw materials Cash Cost of goods sold Consignment sales- liabilities Consignment products Write-off Cost of other materials Cost of services Bank loans Savings in the bank Interest receivable Unmarked payment Debit note revenue Interest expenses Payroll expenses Payrol liabilities Credit note expense Margin at customer consignment Margin

10266 10267 10268

Goods on internal delivery Goods at customer consignment Goods from supplier's consignment

10269 10270 10271 10272 10273 10274 10275 10276 10277 10278 10279 10280

Depreciation expenses Bank fees Tax expenses Surpluse Sales tax Custom Automatic account Main warehouse Default category Default trademark Standard rate Reduced rate

10281 10282 10283 10284 10285 10286 10287 10288 10289 10290 10291 10292 10293 10294 10295 10296 10297 10298 10299 10300 10301 10302 10303 10304 10305 10306 10307 10308 10309 10310 10311 10312 10313 10314 10315 10316 10317 10318 10319 10320 10321 10322 10323 10324 10325 10326 10327 10328

Exemption Main current account Assets Owners Equity Liabilities Expenses Revenues Offset balance Contra Account type Stockholders equity Coming soon Shortcuts Sales Purchasing Inventory Production Finances Accounting Payroll POS Analysis Codelists Manager Profit Home page Logout Partner info Basic info You must select a partner OK Calendar Clock Partner info Total cash Income Receivable and payable Widgets Refresh Dimension Preview Today From the beginning of the week Last 7 days Last 15 days From the beginning of the month Last month Last three months

10329 10330 10331 10332 10333 10334 10335 10336 10337 10338 10339 10340 10342 10343 10344 10345 10346 10347 10348 10349 10350 10351 10352 10353 10354 10355 10356 10357 10358 10359 10360 10361 10362 10363 10364 10365 10366 10367 10368 10369 10370 10371 10372 10373 10374 10375 10376 10377 10378 10379

From the beginning of the quarter Last six months From the beginning of the semester Last year From the beginning of the year Previous year Previous month Previous quarter Previous week Previouse day Top PIN Search by Import data Member card No currency Ad Fx part Object type Select partner There are no unpaid invoices Wrong supplier The price in the consignment warehouse is Active,Inactive Active, Inactive, Potential Data was not found There is no journal for the chosen document No data Domestic currency The item was double entered Document has been booked in the general ledger Full depriciation Monthly depreciation Quaterly depreciation Semi-annual depreciation Yearly depreciation Prepared Active Completed Cancelled Working lists Manual order Closing balance Sent Processing Addition Completed Rejected Question Suggestion Problem

10380 10381 10382 10383 10384 10385 10386 10387 10388 10389 10390 10391 10392 10393 10394 10395 10396 10397 10398 10399 10400 10401 10402 10403 10404 10405 10406 10407 10408 10409 10410 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420 10421 10422 10424 10425 10426 10428 10429 20001 20002

Error The stock card does not exist Choose an item Location By restoring all data that are entered after ### shall be lost Valid until Backup Restoring Successfully restored. You must login again Create backup Easy steps start- up Subsidiary key Tutorial Authorization Send invitation Upgrading database in progress This process can last one hour, if it takes longer, please contact our customer support. Try again Settings Wire transfer Owner Entire warehouse Fill out the list Rounding Assign to CRM Tasks Customer relationship management CRM All day Time Campaign Saving is not possible in DEMO mode Contact Replay Conversation Chat Forum/Blog Personal Knowledge base Keywords Solution Fix errors Add new Set exchange rates Translation Build in language You must save or discard changes Export data Purchase amount Subtotal

20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20008 20009 20011 20012 20013 20014 20015 20016 20017 20018 20019 20020 20021 20022 20023 20024 20025 20026 20027 20028 20029 20030 20031 20032 20033 20034 20035 20036 20037 20038 20039 20040 20041 20042 20043 20044 20045 20046 20047 20048 20049 20050 20051 20052

Total Stock card Page Stock price Stock amount

EAN/UPC on Beginning inventory on day To From Margin amount Days Base Date Document date Due date incl. Unpaid amount Tag Tax group Discount amount Inactive Potential Sign In Please, enter the user name Please, enter the password Remember me Fail to sign in Sign Up for free Demo Continue Re-enter email Forgot your password? Email does not match E-mail delivery failed E-mail delivery failed. Check your e-mail address. Launch demo Your request for forgotten password has been completed. Please check your e-mail. Warning Selected e-mail address and/or username already exists. In case you have forgotten your username or password, click I forgot my password Congratulations, your account was successfully created. To complete the registration process it is necessary to activate the link you will receive in the confirmation e-mail. The Confirm the password A password is required Password and confirmation password do not match Address required TIN required Contact person is required

20053 20054 20055 20056 20057 20058 20059 20060 20062 20063 20064 20065 20066 20067 20068 20069 20070 20071 20072 20073 20074 20075 20076 20077 20078 20080 20081 20082 20083 20084 20085 20086 20087 20088 20089 20090 20091 20092 20093 20094 20095 20096 20097 20098 20099 20100 20101 20102 20103 20104

Tax system Time zone Connection number is required The password must be minimum 6 and maximum 40 characters long Error while creating an account. Please try again. Congratulations, your demo acccount was successfully created. You will receive an e-mail with a link that will take you Sold by cashiers Closing the day Z report Report Opening balance with opening balance without opening balance Balance in period Journal voucher with a foreign currency Balance carry forward With foreign currency Foreign currency only by Account by subsidiary ledger Report - by Account Amounts in thousands Amounts in millions Current period Terms of Service Privacy Policy Unpaid amount higher than Sales to date Stocks on date ERPAG Confirmation e- mail Activate the link shown at the bottom of this e-mail to complete the registration process Email does not exist. Please choose a valid e-mail. ERPAG Forgotten Password Your user name and password are E- mail delivery failed Mail delivery failed. Check Your e-mail address. There is no journal for the chosen document Return receipts number Book off Print Back Customer information Personal/Company Name Receipt no. General Switches Memory POS Reports Transfer to Daily cash collection Date, time and number Receipt note number, tax amount

20105 20106 20107 20108 20109 20110 20111 20112 20113 20114 20115 20116 20117 20118 20119 20120 20121 20122 20123 20124 20125 20126 20127 20128 20129 20130 20131 20132 20133 20134 20135 20136 20137 20138 20139 20140 20141 20142 20143 20144 20145 20146 20147 20148 20149 20150 20151 20152 20153 20154

Receipt note number, tax details Diagnostics Display - testing Display - erase Display - Date and Time Open the cash drawer Paper cutting Beep Closure of the non-fiscal receipt note Closure of the fiscal receipt note Printing programmed products Daylight Saving Time Winter time Search Voucher Receipt notes- Total Next daily report Cash balance (after the last daily report) Header programing Header (up to 36 characters) Footer (up to 36 characters) Enter Communication Entry into the Fisc.mem. Transaction The last document Free space in Fisc.mem. Option Set Vendor Service is temporary unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable due to routine maintenance. We are sorry for the inconvenience, please try late Sign Up as a different user Contact us NOTE: If you did not receive an e-mail, check your e-mail address or check your Junk mail. No credit card required All fields must be filled out Cancel You already have an account on ERPAG. Choose one of the following options: I want to open a new database I forgot my password Select Company You already have more than one Company in ERPAG. Choose one of the following: Finish Requested page cannot be displayed You have been registred with a Google account, therefore password is not available. You have been registred with LiveID account, therefore password is not available. Invitation from ERPAG You have been invited to be a new ERPAG user. In order to finish the registration process activate the link below. This a An invitation has been sent and will be valid for the next 24 hours.

20155 20156 20157 20158 20159 20160 20161 20162 20163 20165 20166 20167 20169 20170 20171 20172 20173 20174 20175 20176 20177 20178 20179 20180 20181 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20187 20188 20189 20190 20191 20192 20193 20194 20195 20196 20197 20198 20199 20200 20201 20202 20203 20204 20205 20206

Fail to send an e-mail. Please, check e-mail address and try again. Your invitation link has expired In process Error - multiple records Error - not found Reading error New customer Claim receipt number Cheque Enter the numbers from the picture Qty Disc. Signature Select Demo Select a Demo you want to see Launch Sign Up Online demo Temporary booking Representation English Portuguese Sign In with Invalid parameters Spanish Sign in as Language By clicking Continue you agree to the and Users Welcome 30 days trial Free Buy now days left Please select your price plan Your current price plan is highlighted Trial License Feedback Thank you for helping us make ERPAG better. Designation of local currency Date format Number format Thank you Thank you for choosing ERPAG. For help and support contact us on Start Your 30-Day Trial Prices Please enter email address Please enter your opinion. Help ERPAG grows better.

20207 20208 20209 20210 20211 30001 30002 30003 30004 30005 30006 30007 30008 30009 30010 30011 30012 30013 30014 30015 30016 30017 30018 30019 30020 30021 30022 30023 30024 30025 30026 30027 30028 30029 30030 30031 30032 30033 30034 30035 30036 30038 30039 30040 30041 30042 30043

Subject Phones Our support is in English only Working hours 08-16h CET Message Consignment issue Consignment fill-up Invoicing Shipping Customer returns Consignment pick-up Quotations Receipt notes Consignment settlement statement Purchasing Inventory lists Inventory and stock list Consignment stock list Physical inventory Assemble Supplier credit note Advance payments from customers Advance payments to suppliers Credit and debit notes Open Items Subsidiary Ledger Changes Open item statment Open item statment- balance Partner ledger Specification Other Subsidiary Ledger List List (balance) Subsidiary ledger by invoices Invoices report New receipt Customer return Overview X report Closing the day Z report Items sold Periodic report Daily summary reports list Tax groups report Retail invoices list Summary day info Pay-ins, payouts and cash balance

30044 30046 30047 30048 30049 30050 30051 30052 30053 30054 30055 30056 30057 30058 30059 30060 30061 30062 30063 30064 30065 30066 30067 30068 30069 30070 30071 30072 30073 30074 30075 30076 30077 30078 30079 30080 30081 30082 30083 30084 30085 30086 30087 30088 30089 30090 30091 30092 30093

Parameters Reports Other Receipt issuing Partner list Partner categories Product categories Chart of Accounts (COA) Warehouses list Cost allocation Banks- Current accounts Subsidiary ledger Taxes Notes: Templates Partners Items Finances Journal vouchers Production Service production order Normative production order Material Requisition Product Requisition Services Requisition Direct expenses Finished products delivery note Preliminary production order Productions Processing Financial ledger General ledger Trial balances New manual journal Journal list Journal voucher Journal voucher due date Accounts Payable Ledger APL Accounts Receivable Ledger ARL Calculation Financial ledger report Financial subsidiary ledger Financial ledger list Financial ledger balance Financial ledger list with subsidiary Full report General Ledger General Ledger with Subsidiary acc Financial Journal Report - Subsidiary Ledger

30094 30095 30096 30097 30098 30099 30100 30101 30102 30103 30104 30106 30107 30108 30109 30110 30111 30112 30113 30114 30115 30116 30117 30118 30119 30120 30121 30122 30123 30124 30125 30126 30127 30128 30129 30130 30131 30132 30133 30134 30135 30136 30137 30138 30140 30141 30142 30143 30144 30145

Report - Subsidiary Ledger by acc no. Report - Booked acc Trial Balance Summary Gross balance Subsidiary ledger Shortened With group of acc Balance sheet Income statement Statistical annex Reports- employees list Reports- payroll Reports- other incomes Payroll Other incomes List of employees Personnel parameters Annual leaves Leave of absence Organisations Workplace Skills Current address Current accounts Employees- documents Employment/dismissal status Employees Workplace status Workplace Workplace Working hours Working hours- calculation Working hours- employees Taxes and contributions by months Taxes and contributions by current accounts Suspensions Deductions Other incomes Education Personal information Inventory Sales Production Accounting POS Analyze Codelists User Agriculture

30146 30147 30148 30149 30150 30151 30152 30153 30154 30155 30156 30157 30158 30159 30160 30161 30162 30163 30164 30165 30166 30167 30168 30169 30170 30171 30172 30173 30174 30175 30176 30177 30178 30179 30180 30181 30182 30183 30184 30185 30186 30187 30188 30189 30190 30191 30192 30193 30194 30195

Balances Proforma invoice Taxes and contributions Inventory value changes Customer consigment Consignment return to supplier New Company name Tax ID e-mail Country Contact person Connections Municipality Role Identification number Registration number Logo Header Full name User name Password Type POS printer Cloud server Cloud User Cloud Password Work operations User rights Warehouse perrmissions Special It could change the price It could change the discount It could change partner data It could change products information It could change exchange rate list It could change the purchasing price Product category Trademark User name already exists. Please choose another user name. Show all User name or password is not correct. It must be 6 characters or more Logical checking User name already exists. Please choose another User name. Quality groups Deletion forbidden Category key Category Trademark key Trademark

30196 30197 30198 30199 30200 30201 30202 30203 30204 30205 30206 30207 30208 30209 30210 30211 30212 30213 30214 30215 30216 30217 30218 30219 30220 30221 30222 30223 30224 30225 30226 30227 30228 30229 30230 30231 30232 30233 30234 30235 30236 30237 30238 30239 30240 30241 30242 30243

Key Description Product type New product New service Delete Existing privileges do not allow a selection or change UOM Product and services Currency pcs Expiry date Rate Manufacturer Country of origin Manual Warranty Neto weight Gross weight Volume Dimensions Detailed description Additional info Assemble parts Required field Document must have items Features Amount General Partner category VAT incl. Tax incl. Current account Sales tax Tax excl. Input tax Charged tax Calculated tax Tax base VAT excl. Calculated VAT VAT base Discard changes Serial No. Date and time Description Discount (%) Web

30244 30245 30247 30248 30249 30250 30251 30252 30253 30254 30255 30256 30257 30258 30259 30260 30261 30262 30263 30264 30265 30266 30267 30268 30269 30270 30271 30272 30273 30274 30275 30276 30277 30278 30279 30280 30282 30283 30284 30285 30286 30287 30288 30289 30290 30291 30292 30293 30294 30295

Export Cash Checks Credit cards Time of supply (tax point) Invoice (total) Destination warehouse Expense category Note Shipments Summary Ledger Generate TAX (%) Cash register number Commercial services Total amount TIN/PIN Fee (%) Fee amount Bank account Fx Price Fx Amount Margin Discount amount Discount per unit Price (disc. incl.) Amount (disc. incl.) Document must have a partner selected Wrong year Wrong selection Enter value The amount does not match the document Saving data Document posting Processing, please wait Contributions report Shipment due Last 15 days Import Previous period Warehouse Amount of additional expenses Document type Document number Customs note Custom Deductable Fx Purchasing price No selection Export

30296 30297 30298 30299 30300 30301 30302 30303 30304 30306 30307 30308 30309 30310 30311 30312 30313 30314 30315 30317 30318 30319 30320 30321 30322 30323 30324 30325 30326 30327 30328 30329 30330 30331 30332 30333 30334 30336 30337 30338 30339 30340 30341 30342 30343 30344 30345 30346 30347 30348

Customer credit note Invoice number Percentage Document number already exists Sales specialists list Key Sales specialist name Region PIN Organization scheme Phone Month Subaccount Middle rate Buying rate Selling rate Internal movements Stock management method Street Fax Documents Input date exceeds the current date No data Selected amount Selected quotation Document has been automatically generated Ledgers locked on this date Deferred journal vouchers Enter description Input must be either debit or credit Analytical acc. required Journal voucher is not posted beacuse Invoice date Debit FX Credit FX Organization key Organization Picked by Ship to Unshipped quantity Customer pickup Our shipment Carrier shipment Tracking number Expected Invoiced quantity Shipped quantity Items to be shipped Direct Shipped

30349 30350 30351 30352 30353 30354 30356 30357 30358 30359 30360 30361 30362 30363 30364 30365 30366 30367 30368 30369 30370 30371 30372 30373 30374 30375 30376 30377 30378 30379 30380 30382 30383 30384 30385 30386 30387 30389 30390 30391 30393 30394 30395 30396 30397 30398 30399 30400 30401 30402

Ready for shipping Ongoing shipment Test Gross Gross without addition Net without bonus Net Partner subcategory Limit Days to pay Number of monthly portions Amount for discount Active System Credit card Delivery address Recipient Partner warehouses Contacts Reference No. SWIFT Position Home number Cell phone Shipping and returns Deliveries Shipment Exchange rate For delivery Amount by ledgers Difference amount Stock-taking quantity Quantity by ledgers Difference Amount by stock-taking Amount by ledegers Rate % To Fixed amount (%) Taxes Issued invoice Receipt No. Upgrade database to the latest version Upgrading Amounts are not correct Discount categories Product ledger Purchase cost debit balance Purcase cost credit balance Purchase cost balance

30403 30404 30405 30406 30407 30408 30409 30410 30411 30412 30413 30414 30415 30416 30417 30418 30419 30420 30421 30423 30424 30425 30426 30427 30428 30429 30430 30431 30432 30433 30434 30435 30436 30437 30438 30439 30440 30441 30442 30443 30444 30445 30446 30447 30448 30449 30450 30451 30452 30453

Damage description Warranty due: Current effect Operator Disabled Admin Scale Entrered Approved Completed Rejected On hold with right to deduct previous without a right to deduct previous Additional deduction of Charged - No subsidiary accCustom subsidary Contibutions Transaction expenses Unreconciliated Intrenal money transfer Warehouse manager Date and place of trade Headquarters Custom adress Drafted stock taking Hours Top 10 Average selling value Purchase report Stock for period Price structure Stock flow Sales flow Purchase price structure Purchase flow Purchase by time Sales by time Number of customers Retail sales structure Retail flow Retail Top Sales Retail by time Financial flow Top purchases Time dimenison Purchasing per categories Purchase price build-up Purchasing per time

30454 30455 30456 30457 30458 30459 30460 30461 30462 30463 30464 30465 30466 30467 30468 30469 30470 30471 30472 30473 30474 30475 30476 30477 30478 30479 30480 30481 30482 30483 30484 30485 30486 30487 30488 30489 30490 30491 30492 30493 30494 30495 30496 30497 30499 30500 30501 30502 30503 30504

Purchasing per days Purchase - TOP per categories Sales per categories Sales price build-up Sales per days Sales per time Sales - Top per categgories Retail Retail per categories Retail price build-up Retail per days Retail -Top per category Retail per time Stocks per categories Stocks price structure Stocks per time Stocks per day Stocks TOP per categories Production per categories Products price build-up Production per time Income, Expenses and Profit Financies per days Undefined Other Sales price stacked values Purchase by categories erpag description Subdimension Promising Qualified Proposal/Quote Negotations/Review Closed Won Closed Lost Events Call E- mail Meeting Social Task Lead Opportunity CRM Funnel Accepted Open Duplicated Invalid Unresolved Need more info

30505 30506 30507 30508 30509 30510 30511 30512 30513 30514 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40032 40044 40045 40046 40047 40048 40049 40050 40051 40052 40053 40054 40055 40056 40057 40058 40059 40060 40061 40062 40063 40064 40065 40066 40067 40068 40069 40070 40071 40072 40073 40074 40075 40076 40077

In progress Resolved Normal Medium High Urgent Emergency Critical Custom languages Customizations To pay in To pay By suppliers invoice The lowest offer Description Availiability Sales orders Quotations Templates Invoices Internal invoices Daily cash collections Recurring invoices Consignment fill- ups Cosignement pick-ups Purchase orders Purchase processings Requests for quotations Templates Supplier invoices Cash purchases Recurring supplier invoices Returns to supplier Consignment receipt notes Consignment returns to supplier Consignment settlement statements Partner lists Description Sales specialists Rebates Products and services Price lists Charts of Accounts Warehouses lists Subsidiary ledgers Exchange lists Inventory and stock lists Consignment stock lists Stock- takings Surpluses

40078 40079 40080 40081 40082 40083 40084 40085 40086 40087 40088 40089 40090 40091 40092 40093 40094 40095 40096 40097 40098 40099 40100 40101 40102 40104 40105 40106 40107 40108 40109 40110 40111 40112 40113 40114 40116 40117 40118 40119 40120 40121 50001 50002 50003 50004 50005 50006 50007 50008

Deficits Internal delivery notes Internal receipt notes Beginning inventories Productions Production orders Templates Recurring productions Assemblies Disassemblies Assemble orders Disassemble orders Templates Projects Services and reclamations Payments Payments reconciliations Bank loans Savings Credit notes Supplier credit notes Debit notes New journal vouchers Journal lists Retail invoices lists Opportunities Consignment issues Write-offs Add an additional expense Depreciations Recurring assembly Campaigns Saving Trouble tickets Trouble ticket Ticket group Bug Issue Suggestion Feedback Priority Your session is about to expire. Press OK if you want to renew your session or Cancel, to cancel work This feature is coming soon Application requires Internet Explorer 8 or higher. Error in communication with printer. Your work will be canceled. Invalid quantity. Insufficient quantity. Error creating PDF No result

50009 50010 50011 50012 50013 50014 50015 50016 50017 50018 50019 50020 50021 50022 50023 50024 50026 50027 50028 50029 50030 50031 50032 50033 50034 50035 50037

Insufficient to pay Error PIN widget OK Cancel Save Widget name Backup name Price list not defined. Create a price list now? Delete shortcut Delete image Maximum number of opened windows is 20. Send Ask support Your email was successfully sent. You can expect a response within 48 hours. The response will be sent to the email ad Please wait ... New Delete Advance payment to supplier Advance payment from a customer Delete a document Date out of range Valid range is date must be higher than date must be less than Invalid date format Invalid time format Load more

EXPLANATION/DEFINITION IN ENGLISH Bill written by a seller of goods or services and submitted to the purchaser. An invoice sent by the supplier which is cross-checked with a Purchase order and a document specifying that goods A company that provides products, or the materials to make products; the suppliers- the company that sells A person or an organization that buys products or services. A person or organization you are closely involved with in some way. A statement summarizing the record of transactions in the form of credits, debits, accruals and adjustments that have occurred and have an affect on an asset, equity, liability or past, present or future revenue. When we say ''description'' we mean ''document name/title''. So, ''account description'' equals ''acocount name'. General term. Commodities offered for sale. Business activity that involves doing things for customers rather than producing goods, or a single act of doing The process of putting together a number of parts to make a machine or other product. Small, expendable, daily used items like coffee, toilet paper, milk; any writing materials, such as paper, envelopes, A long-term tangible piece of property that a firm owns and uses in the production of its income and is not expected A single object, especially one that is for sale or is bought. A unique code of an object meant for sale or was bought. Description of an object meant for sale or was bought. Standard unit or system of units by means of which a quantity is accounted for and expressed. Abbreviation for Unit of measure General term. Abbreviation for "Number" An amount or number of something, especially one that can be measured. A comment or an explanation. The price at which something is sold. The price at which something is sold that includes Value Added Tax (VAT). An amount at which somethnig is sold. An amount at which something is sold which includes Value Added Tax (VAT) A tax that is paid at each stage in the production of goods or services, and by the final customer. Value-added tax Value- added tax. The amount of money for which something is sold or offered for sale. The amount of money for which something is sold (or offered for sale) that includes Value- added tax (VAT). The rate of tax on good and services. A city to which something is sent or shipped to. The address to which something is sent or shipped to. House/building number; general term. An acronym for Zone Improvement Plan, is a trademark used for a system designed to expedite the sorting and A number which is used to identify entities for tax-related purposes. Acronym for Tax Identification Number (TIN). The price at which something is actually purchased from the supplier. Average purchasing price of stocks The total amount of goods that a store or business has for sale. Partner's unique number. General term. Internal invoice is a document issued for purchasing goods/products/services within the same company. Cash collected at the end of a working day. A delivery note sent while transfering products from one department or business unit to another within the same company; intracompany document used to account for the transfer of products or services between departments or business units overall organization. The amount bywithin whichan something, especially an amount of money/products, is smaller than it should be. A cancellation of an item (that is for example damaged) in account books.

Products returned by customers due to damage, malfunction, etc. Products returned to supplier due to damage, malfunction, etc. A statement of how much a job, service, or product will cost. Document which lists buyer and sales quantity for a given purchase. General term. VAT that is paid while importing/ purchasing products; it is a starting VAT, opposite of OUTPUT VAT, which is a final Opposite of INPUT VAT. Additional expenses incured during some course of business. A form or letter sent by a seller to a buyer, stating that a certain amount has been credited to the buyer's account. A form or letter issued by a seller to advise the amount owed by the buyer. An accounting entry which results in either an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities or net worth. opposite of A journal entry recording an increase in assets. With cash basis accounting, credits are recorded when income is received. With accrual basis accounting, credits are recorded and recognized when income is earned; opposite to Debit. Balance of the difference between Credit and Debit. Short for ''debit'' (Latin. debitur) Short for ''credit'' (Latin. creditour) A place in which products are stored; a storehouse. General term. List of foreign currencies. Money from a country that is not your own. Abbreviation for 'foreign exchange'. A listing of prices for different goods or services. A document that is automatically formed from internal delivery note. It records the products received at the point of receipt. This record is used to confirm that all products have been received and it is often compared to a purchase order before is issued. Products thatpayment are in excess; when you have more products than expected. Process od adding additional expenses to supplier invoice. Products or services that a business starts with during a new fiscal year. Physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in an inventory. A buyer- generated document that authorizes a purchase transaction. Processing of a purchase order. Also RFQ (Request for Quotation); a document used in soliciting price and delivery quotations for a specific quantity of specific products and/or services. Suppliers respond to a RFQ with their quotations and the best offer (based on price, availability and quality) is given the contract (purchase order). It is a process in which you have more parts, eg. 1. To fit or join together (the parts of something, such as a machine). computer is an assembly because it consists of more subassemblies- motherboard, cpu, monitor, keyboard, etc. 2. The putting together of manufactured parts to make a completed product, such as a machine or electronic circuit; a To take apart constituent pieces of an assemble; to dismantle. A purchase paid in cash and made without a supplier. The process of payment and disbursement. The act of receiving payment from someone; opposite of ''paying out'' which is when we are paying to someone. Money that is paid to somebody. An accounting process used to compare two sets of records to ensure the figures are in agreement and are accurate. Payment made ahead of its normal schedule; paying for products or services before you actually receive them. Money you give in advance but without VAT. This term refers to stock cards: 'IN' means 'how many products came into our warehouse' The opposite of 'in'- 'how many products went out of warehouse. Balance or status. General term. General term A trained person whose professional field is sales. Compulsory monetary contribution to the state's revenue, assessed and imposed by a government on the

Return of a portion of a purchase price by a seller to a buyer, usually on purchase of a specified quantity, or value, of goods within a specified period. Unlike discount which is deducted in advance of payment, rebate is given after the payment of full invoice amount. of products given on consignment. A document tused for reception This is a caption/title of menu and refers to the process of consignment that belongs to SUPPLIER. The matter from which something can be made; material can include (but is not limited to) raw and processed material, components, parts, assemblies, sub-assemblies, fuels, lubricants, coolants, cleaning agents, and small tools and accessories that may be consumed directly indirectly. Something that is manufactured or grown to be or sold. The amount by which something, such as a piece of equipment, is reduced in value in a company's financial A piece of paper that shows the price of something that you have bought and proves that you have paid for it: A comment or further explanation. A document accompanying a shipment of goods that lists the description, and quantity of the goods delivered. This caption refers planned beginning of a process. The opposite: ''planned start''. Real beginning, when something really started. Opposite of actual start. General term General term. Quantity of completed processes shown in percents. A completely manufactured product ready for sale and delivery to the marketplace. Plural of ''material''. Completely manufactured products which ready for sale and delivery to the marketplace. General term. A secondary place of business apart from the principal or main office from which business is conducted. A rate which is charged or paid for the use of money. Annual Percentage Rate. The yearly cost of a loan, including interest, insurance, and the origination fee (points), General term. General term. A loan consisting of a principal and interest payments, which is provided by a banking institution to a borrower. Process of setting aside a portion of current income for future use, or the resources accumulated in this way over a A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated. A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned. Term Settled- amount paid. The day on which credit needs to be payed. The regular periodic payment that a borrower agrees to make to a lender. Amount of an installment General term. It is a plan for paying your loan to smbd. General term. General term. General term; better to write 'Template/Portuguese word for 'template'' Recurring invoicing is used for businesses to charge customers the same amount every month. Recurring document that is autoamtically repeated each day/week/month/year, etc. General term. General term. General term. General term. General term. General term.

General term. General term. General term. General term. This means that VAT will be calculated for your partner, i.e. supplier/customer. VAT shall not be calculated; your partner is exempted from VAT calculation TAX will be calculated for your partner, i.e. supplier/customer. The opposite of TAX calculation; your partner is exempted from TAX calculation. Genral term. Repeating of your production process; option thta is set automatically, used for paying the same invoices each General term. General terms. General pharse General phrase General. General phrase General term. General. General phrase. General. General. General. See reccuring production/ recurring invoice/ recurring supllier invoice. All ''recurring'' documents are used for Assemble order/request. Production order/request General. General. General. General. ''Parent document' comes from IT terminology and it si the best solution not to translate word 'parent'. General phrase. General; quantity remained General. General. General. General. General. Request for disassembling. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Request/Order for a service. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Money owed by customers (individuals or corporations) to another entity in exchange for goods or services that have been delivered or used, but not yet paid for. Receivables usually come in the form of operating lines of credit and are usually due within a relatively short time period, ranging from a few days to a year. On accounting a public company's balance sheet, receivableto is pay often recorded as andebt asset because this represents a An entry that represents anaccounts entity's obligation off a short-term to its creditors. The accounts payable entry is found on a balance sheet under the heading current liabilities.Accounts payable are often referred to as "payables". Another common usage of AP refers to a business department or division that is responsible for making payments owed by the company to suppliers and other creditors. Genral. A long-term tangible piece of property that a firm owns and uses in the production of its income and is not expected to be consumed or converted into cash any sooner than at least one year's time.Fixed assets are sometimes collectively referred to as "plant". Type of an advance payment.

This is a VAT that is paid while purchasing goods. General. General. General. General. Postponed expenses Postponed revenue. General. General. Deficit. It is a cost of consumed materials. General. General. General. General. An amount of money that will be written off/r ejected fom the final amount. General. General. General. General. An accounting term referring to the amount of income a company receives in the form of interest payments on its cash. The figure for interest receivable can be found in the balance sheet. Its opposite is interest payable the amount a company pays on its borrowings. It is an account used for temporary financial purposes. Revenue/income/profit of a debit note Expenses of your installments. Salary expenses Payroll obligations. Expenses of a credit note The difference between a product's (or service's) selling price and the cost of production, at customer consignment In a general business context, ''margin'' is the difference between a product's (or service's) selling price and the cost The process of sending goods for the purpose of selling them to customers, but within the same company, eg. a customer walks in store A and wants to buy 'nike' shoes, store A does not have those shoes, and sends a notification to store B of the same comapny to order shoes; when store B sends those shoes- the account for that amount shall be ''goods on delivery''; it is a temporary account and lasts until the goods come to store A, after that it is Goods kept atinternal customer consignment Goods that came from supplier consignment. In accounting depreciation indicates how much of an assets value has been used up; it is used in accounting to try to match the expense of an asset to the income that the asset helps the company earn. For example, if a company buys a piece of equipment for $1 million and expects it to have a useful life of 10 years, it will be depreciated over 10 years. Every accounting year, the company will expense $100,000 (assuming straight-line depreciation), which will be General. General. Excess, extra, redundant, spare, etc. General. Made to the specifications of a customer, choose a ''custom'' option means that you will set something according to Account that is auotmatic. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. Owners Equity is owner's ownership (equity) in the business, or the amount of the business assets owned by the A company's legal debts or obligations that arise during the course of business operations. Liabilities are settled over time through the transfer of economic benefits including money, goods or services. On the balance sheet (right side), liabilities include loans, accounts payable, deferred revenues and accrued expenses. The economic costs that a business incurs mortgages, through its operations to earn revenue; money spent or costs incurred The amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned merchandise. It is the "top line" or "gross income" figure from which costs are subtracted to determine net income. Contra or opposite General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. For 'depreciation' definition see caption 10098 ''Depriciation''. General. General. General. General. In terms of project's status. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Giving back, return; restoring of data that are, for example, lost, etc. General. General. General. Key is a code, or a number, and 'subsidiary' refers to analytics. A manual. General. General.

lease contact our customer support. General.


General. General.

A whole quantity; an entirety. A review of products' status- input, output, balance, amounts, etc. *(Inclomplete definition) General. The price of stocks. The amount of stocks. EAN (formerly known as European Article Number) was renamed International Article Number even though the acronym has been retained, is a barcode type; UPC (Universal Product Code) is also a barcode type widely used in North America, the UK, to Australia, New for tracking trade items in stores. General, here referring 'date', eg. on Zeland, 1st XX XXXX. Opening balance ona certain day. General. General. The difference between a selling and a purchasing amount. General. General. General. General. The date on which a sum of money is expected to be paid. General. General. Referring to 'note, or a space whete to ad comment' General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. An option showing how much of something was sold by individual cashiers Report made at the end of a day. General. Financial starting status/balance with financial starting status/balance. without financial starting status/balance General. General. Old value/balance of an account taken to the next calendar year. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Returnreceipt is a document used during the reclamation of a product. It's an 'undo' option, by having this option you can undo your mistake. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Literally as a sound, eg. sms sound General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Risc. mem. refers to fiscal memory. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General.

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From the vendor's perpsective this is the last document in the conisgnment process; it is generated based on conisgnment settlement statement that venor received fom his customer; ''conigsnment issue'' issues a bill to the customer who sold vendor's Geenerally ''consignment'' is goods. placing any material in the hand of another. ''Consignemnt fill- up'' is the first step in the consignment process, it is used to suppllement the customer's consignment stock. The goods remain the property of the vendor/supplier. invoices; billing. The process of sending/receiving The act or an instance of shipping products. Returns form customers due to damaged products or similar. From supplier's perspective: the purpose of this docuemnt is to take conisgnment products (stored at the customer's Quotes; offers. A document used to record the process of receiving goods/products. From customer's perspective (the one who had been selling supplier's goods) it is the final document in the consignment process; this docuemnt contains data on how many consignment products or how much conisnment goods the customer sold. Customer sends to this docuemntthe to their and supplier, based on data in this The activity of acquiring goods or services accomplish goalssupplier of an organization. Description of all products and their quantities, prices, etc. General. General. Actual count, weight, volume, measure, or sighting of items in an inventory. To fit together the parts or pieces of: assemble a machine; assemble data. A document issued by a supplier in order to reduce payment amount. Customers payments made ahead of its normal schedule. Supplier payments made ahead of its normal schedule. General. All unpaid invoices. A supporting ledger that provides more detailed information about individual accounts than a general ledger. General. "Open Item statement" means that when you print out a customers statement, every invoice that is unpaid will be Balance of all unpaid invoices. Partner ledger is a book about all partners (customers, suppliers) and their data/ information/ liabilities/unpaid General. General. General. General. General. Report on all invoices. General; literally refers to new paper bill you get from cashier in the supermarket. Return of products due to damage, incompatibility, etc. General. Report at the end of a day showed on a fiscal printer or register and shows your sales/circulation. General. General. General. General. General. General. Payments- when someone is paying to us, payouts when we are paying to someone.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. A list of numbered accounts containing ledger account names and numbers showing classifications and subList of all warehouses. Cost allocation is the assigning of a common cost to several cost objects. For example, a company might allocate or assign the cost of an expensive computer system to the three main areas of the company that use the system. A company with only one electric meter might allocate the electricity bill to several departments in the company. General. Referes to analytics General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General, 'requisition' refers to an order or formal request for material. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. The aggregate of all debit and credit balances at the end of an accounting period that (1) shows if the general ledger General. General. A written authorization prepared for every financial transaction, or for every transaction that meets defined General. A book that contains all invoices received from a supplier. A book that contains all output documents. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General, ''acc' stands for account. General. General.

General. General. The act of adding the credit and debit columns of all accounts to check that they are equal in order to show that the General. General. General. General. General. A financial statement that shows a company's assets and debts at a particular time. A document that shows a company's profit or loss in a particular period of time. General. General. General. General. The total amount of money paid to the employees of a particular company. General. General. General. Also known as "Vacation Leave". It is an amount of leave that an employer grants an employee on an annual basis. Formal permission to be away from work, or the period of time that you are allowed to be away. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Should be traslated literally, as in actor's roles. General. General. General. General. General. General. A secret word or phrase that one uses to gain admittance or access to information. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General, 'key' refers to number General. General. General. General. General. General. When a company that is registered for value added tax (VAT) buys goods or services from another supplier, VAT is charged and is currently 17.5% of the purchase cost. This is known as input tax. Similarly, when the company sells its own goods or services it charges its customers VAT at the same rate. This is output tax General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Refers to tutorial. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. When a company that is registered for value added tax (VAT) buys goods or services from another supplier, VAT is charged and is currently 17.5% of the purchase cost. This is known as input tax. Similarly, when the company sells its own goods or services it charges its customers VAT at the same rate. This is output tax. General. General. General. General. 'excl.' refers to 'excluded'. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. When you have a few warehouses and you want to see the summary of one product in all warehouses, you will use General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Funds deposited in a bank that are credited to and subject to withdrawal by the depositor. General, 'fx' stands for foreign currency. General. General. General. General. General. An amount including discount. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Something taken over; received. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Type of analytics. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Input date: the date you have entered General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General, 'picked' refers to ''taken'' General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. Job title in a company. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General. General.

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General. General. General. General.

a response within 48 hours. The response will be sent to the email address you specified when you created your account.

Chinese translation

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