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N ational A chievement T est

Grade Three

Republic of the hilippines Depa!tment of E"ucation NA#IONA$ ED%&A#ION #ES#IN' AND RESEAR&H &EN#ER
asi( &it)* hilippines


This Examiners Handbook is intended for those involved in the administration of the National Achievement Test for Grade Three pupils. It outlines the activities to be undertaken at various stages in the activit . To ensure a standardi!ed test administration" this Handbook must be follo#ed strictl .

The Chief Examiners (CE) Workflow

Pre-Test Activities:

B. Test Pro er:

C. Post-Test Activities:

Keeps the confidentiality of the test materials Requires every Room Examiner to count the TBs while plastic bags are still sealed Facilitates the signing of Form by RE

Accomplishes $orms %" & and ' (onitors the testing staff activities

Accounting of (aterials ). *ollects and accounts all ET+Es assisted b the ,chool Testing *oordinator-+oom ,upervisor .. Arranges and bundles them accordingl seeing to it that the number of ET+Es tallies #ith the number of testing rooms. A report on the number of ET+Es should accompan the bundle. /. +eturns to their original plastic bags all used and unused Test 0ooklets #ith serial numbers arranged consecutivel . These should be resealed b stapling the open end of the plastic bag. %. 1laces inside the *ET+E the follo#ing materials after accomplishing the *hief Examiners Transmittal +eport2 !"nused #nswer $heets% &ETR' Form % &ETR' Form ( and the $chool )eader* &. Accomplishes the NET+* $orms &" ' all to be submitted to the 3T* follo#ing the instructions '. ,ubmits to 3T* $orms

& and ' separatel

The !oom Examiners (!E) Workflow

&istri+*tion !oom Receives the TBs & ASs Counts the TBs from the sealed plastic bags Signs the Form 3 Examination !oom Posts the replica of the ame !rid and the test coverage !ives the !eneral "irections "istributes the AS then the TBs Chec#s if ame !rid$ %R and other information in the AS are properl& shaded Facilitates in accomplishing the Form ' b& e(aminees Administers the Test using )(aminers *andboo# +eeps custod& of the e(cess TBs in original plastic bags ,hile the test is in progress and the test items are not read b& the R) -,ith sanctions re "ep)" .rder o/ 01$ s/ 23334 Accomplishes Form 2 and Form 5 Retrieves the TBs Chec#s the contents of the )TR) (Used AS arranged consecutively by Examinee Number, Time Record, Forms 1, 2 and Seals the ETRE while still in the Examination Room &istri+*tion !oom (!etrieval Phase) Submits the )(aminers *andboo#$ sealed )TR) and the consecutivel& arranged TBs to be properl& accounted for b& the Chief )(aminer Retains the Replica of the ame !rid in the !uidance .ffice

+2- RE3#ES# ".#.# Boar$ Work 4rite the parts of the test on the board or on a (anila paper including the time the test has started and the time it #ill be finished" as sho#n belo#.
Parts of the Test General 3irections 5 ,ample Items Part % (E&') Part %% (Test Pro er) +eading Test in English +eading Test in $ilipino English Grammar $ilipino Grammar ,cience (athematics Total Time (imit %tem )*m+ers )6 )7 ) 8 .7 ) 8 .7 ) 8 )7 ) 8 )7 ) 8 )& ) 8 )& Time (imit & mins & mins .7 mins. .7 mins. )7 mins. )7 mins. )& mins )& mins. # ho*r ,- mins Time .tarte$ ////// ////// ////// Time to En$ ////// //////


The same time limit will +e o+serve$ in the secon$ session0 secon$ +atch of 1ra$e three * ils.

".#." Entrance an$ .eatin1 Arran1ement

). Inspect the seating arrangement before instructing the examinees to enter the testing room. There should be four ro#s of armchair. *heck if the first and last ro#s are close to the #alls. .. Instruct the examinees to line up outside the room. /. *all out the names of the examinees b alphabetical order of their surnames. 9et the first four examinees occup the front line first" then the second" until the last line as sho#n belo#. *halkboard Examiners Table 9ine ) 9ine . 9ine / 9ine % 9ine & +o# ) ) & < )/ ): +o# . . ' )7 )% ); +o# / / : )) )& )< +o# % % ; ). )' .7

%. In no case shall there be more than .7 examinees in a room. &. *heck again the seating arrangement b calling out the names of the examinees from the list in $orm ) prepared b the ,chool 1rincipal-Testing *oordinator. '. *heck the identities of the examinees inside each examination room b all means =e.g. I3" notebooks bearing the examinees name> etc.? using the follo#ing procedure2 a. *ountercheck the identit through the I3. b. If I3 is not available" ask the examinee to present a notebook or an belonging bearing his-her name. c. In the absence of re@uirements for a 5 b identification materials" ask his-her respective classmates inside the Examination +oom to attest the identit . :. Instruct them that all belongings shall be placed in front of the room underneath the blackboard> except the pencils" sharpeners and clean sheets of paper. ".#., 2rientation of the Examinees After the examinees are seated and all chairs are cleared" sa 2 +ood morning everybody, - am =,tate our name?. )ere are some points to follow while the test, - shall read each one while you listen well, +ead the follo#ing slo#l and clearl 2 /, 0ou will answer all the 12 items in the test, 3, 4o not leave the room while the test is going on, , 4o not open your Test Boo.let until - tell you, (, -f you have any problem such as missing pages or words that are not printed clearly% raise your hand so - can help you,

6 5, 4o not as. questions on the directions or on any test item after we have started the
test, 6, 4o not write anything on the Test Boo.let, # separate #nswer $heet is provided for your answers, 7, "se lead pencil in answering the test, 8, Remember to .eep your #nswer $heet clean and free from unnecessary mar.s, 49 &9T fold or crumple any portion of it% otherwise the scanning machine may re:ect it, 1, $elect your answer from the given choices in the Test Boo.let then blac.en the circle that tells your answer on the same item number of your #nswer $heet, /2, -f you want to change your answer% erase it neatly% then blac.en your final answer, //, ;or. quietly and mind only your own wor., /3, 4o not loo. at the papers of your seatmates, -f you do% - will not let you continue the test, / , #ll of you will ta.e the multiple choice test for / hour and 2 minutes, /(, ;or. fast enough so you will finish the test within a given time, -f you finish the test ahead of time% review your answers, /5, - will announce when the time to finish is up, /6, ;hen - say $T9<% put your pencils down, After ou have read the guidelines" allo# examinees to go out" if necessar " before distributing the materials. ".#.3 &istri+*tin1 the Answer .heets (A.) an$ Test Booklets (TBs) *ut #ith a pair of scissors or a blade one end of the plastic bags =one containing the T0s and the other the A,?. *heck their @uantit and see to it that these are accurate and not tampered. In a pack there are t#ent =.7? T0s. Each examinee #ill have one T0 and one A,. Aeep the batch slip in the original plastic bag. In the distribution of the T0s and A, follo# the numbering of examinees sho#n on 1age &. ,tart #ith the examinee in Number )" b giving him-her the T0-A, #ith the lo#est serial number and end #ith examinee in Number .7" giving him-her the highest serial number. .eats of late comers 4 a+sentees sho*l$ +e left vacant. Test Booklets an$ Answer .heets allocate$ to the sai$ examinees sho*l$ +e lace$ insi$e the ori1inal lastic +a1 +5 the !oom Examiner en$in1 their arrival. 6owever0 the Test 7aterials sho*l$ not +e $istri+*te$ 5et if there are onl5 less than #examinees in the room. ".#.8 Checkin1 the Test Booklets an$ Answer .heets After each Examinee has received a Test 0ooklet and an Ans#er ,heet" sa 2 Everybody% put the #nswer $heet on your chair=des., =4ait until ever bod has done this.? >oo. at your Test Boo.lets, 'hec. the pages one by one, 4o you notice any misprint or a missing page? Raise your hand if there is so - can change it, 1ause. 4ait until ever bod has done this. Then sa 2

Everybody% loo. at your #nswer $heet, Find out if there are defects, -n case there are% raise your hand and - will change it, 1ause. 9ook for raised hands. In case a Test 0ooklet or an Ans#er ,heet is defective" the #hole set must be changed. Get this from the regular pack" if there are extras> if none" re@uest the ,chool Testing *oordinator-+oom ,upervisor to give ou the exact number of copies needed from the buffer #hich is in the custod of the *hief Examiner. This should be noted in the Examiners +eport. 4hen all Test 0ooklets have been checked" keep the unused T0 in our custod . These #ill be packed #ith the others upon submission of reports to the *hief Examiner during the post test. >et us begin this examination with a prayer printed on page / of your Test Boo.let, #ll together% read it silently, Begin, ".#.9 :illin1 in of %nformation in the Answer .heet ,a 2 The #nswer $heet is composed of two !3* pages printed bac. to bac. bro.en down as follows@ the front page !<age /* contains the circles for the basic information about yourself, The bac. page% !<age 3* contains the Examinees 4escriptive Auestionnaire !E4A* circles numbered / B /2, -t also contains circles numbered / B 32 for Reading test in English% / B 32 for Reading Test in Filipino% / B /2 for English +rammar% / B /2 for Filipino +rammar% / B /5 for $cience% and / B /5 for Cathematics, -n the circle% see to it that the whole space within the circle is fully shaded, ".#.9.# :illin1 * the )ame +efer to the enlarged replica on the board. ,a 2 0ou shall now fill in the information called for on the front page of the #nswer $heet, First of all% print your name on the blan. above the &#CE +R-4, Then print your name inside the box provided for, =1oint this to the examinees if the do not find the part immediatel .? 1ause. Give the Examinee enough time to #rite their names. Then sa 2 >et us accomplish the name grid found on the upper portion of the #nswer $heet, The basic rules in filling up the name grid are as follows@ /, ;rite only one letter in each box starting with the first box at the left, Below letter D are E and dash !F*, 3, Enter your last name first% then your first name!s* in the allotted box and finally your middle initial in the last box, -f you are a GHRG% G---G% G-IG% etc,% write it immediately after your last name but leave one blan. in between, , -f your last name consists of two or more words such as dela 'ruJ% delos $antos% $an -gnacio% etc,% write your last names leaving a blan. box between, >i.ewise% if you have two first names write them leaving a blan. box in between, (, -f you have long last names and=or first names fill your names up to the last box allotted for your last names and first names,

5, There are two columns for the middle initial, -f you have two or more middle names write only the first letter of the first and second middle names !e,g, $H for $an Huan*, -f you have one middle name% write the first letter in the first box at the left, 1ause. 9et the Examinees follo# the instruction" then" sa 2 -f you have filled in your surname% first name% and middle initial% blac.en the circles below each box which corresponds to the letters written in the boxes, ;o aro*n$ an$ assist the examinees in fillin1 * the name 1ri$ an$ see to it that this is $one +5 the Examinees correctl5. &2 )2T contin*e *nless 5o* have seen that all names are written correctl5. ".#.9." :illin1 < (earner !eference )*m+er ((!))
,a 2 Blac.en the circle corresponding to your /3Fdigit >R&, -t consists of twelve numbers, 'hec. your >R& given by your class adviser, (;o aro*n$ to check that n*m+ers for the (!) are written correctl5 in the corres on$in1 +oxes).

".#.9., :illin1 * ;en$er ,a 2 Blac.en the circle for your gender, Example@ -f you are a boy% shade boy, -f you are a girl% shade girl, ".#.9.3 :illin1 * )*tritional .tat*s ,a 2 Blac.en the circle for your nutritional status !&$*, Example@ -f you are normal% blac.en normal, -f you are overweight% blac.en above normal, =+efer to the Height and 4eight *hart if the do not have their N,?. ".#.9.8 :illin1 * T5 e of Comm*nit5 ,a 2 Blac.en the circle for the type of community you are in now, =Examiner" please tell them #hat our communit t pe is.? ".#.9.9 :illin1 * &o =o* Belon1 to a section with . ecial .cience C*rric*l*m ,a 2 -ndicate whether you belong to a section with $pecial $cience 'urriculum, Example@ -f you belong to this section% blac.en yes% if not% blac.en no, ".#.9.> :illin1 * .chool %&0 !e1ion an$ &ivision Co$es ,a 2 0our school code is composed of region% division% and school -4, Region and division codes are in combined letters and numbers, $chool -4 is in numbers only,

=+efer to our school code in the allocation of our test materials?. ;rite your $chool 'ode% one letter=number to a box, 'hec. your school code against the school code written on the board, Blac.en the circles that are the same as the letters=numbers you have written in the boxes, =Go around to check if the ,chool *ode is #ritten correctl *, ".#.9.? :illin1 * (atest ;ra$e ,a 2 Blac.en the circles that tell your final rating in English% Filipino% $cience% and Cathematics, Example@ -f your grade in English is 12 blac.en 1 in the first column and 2 in the second column, ".#.9.@ :illin1 * 6ow 7an5 Are =o* %n =o*r Class4.ection ,a 2 Blac.en the circles that tell about the number of pupils in your regular class=section, Example@ -f you are sixtyFfive !65* in your regular class=section% blac.en 6 in the first column and 5 in the second column, =9ead them to the correct number. 0e sure ou have verified this.? ".#.9.#- :illin1 * Enrolle$ in 7A&!A.A6 ,a 2 -ndicate whether you are enrolled in C#4R#$#) or not, belong to this school% blac.en yes% if not% blac.en no, ".#.9.## :illin1 * )*m+er of .hifts er &a5 ,a 2 -ndicate whether your section holds classes the whole day% being single shift !$hade /*K if in two shifts shade 3 !holding half day classes*K shade if in shiftsK and so forth, ".#.9.#" :illin1 * A1e ,a 2 Blac.en the circle that corresponds to your age, Example@ -f you are eight !8* years old% blac.en 2 in the first column and 8 in the second column, ".#.9.#, Writin1 the .i1nat*re (At the +ack of the Answer .heet) ,a 2 $ign your name and signature on the space provided on the bac. page of your #nswer $heet after reading the statement and ma.e sure you understood what it means, ".#.9.#3 Writin1 the )ame of .chool (At the +ack of the Answer .heet) Example@ -f you

,a 2

;rite the name of your school on the space provided for, Give the Examinees enough time to do this. *heck that each Examinee does this correctl . *heck and double check that all Examinees have shaded the correct circles pertaining to the NA(E G+I3 and all the other information. Go around and inspect each Examinees Ans#er ,heet. =THI, I, BE+C I(1D+TANT?. "." TE.T P!2PE! ".".# !ea$in1 the &irections Everybody% open your Test Boo.lets, Read the directions and the examples silently and with understanding, "."." A$ministerin1 the Examinees &escri tive '*estionnaire (E&') ,a 2 <art -% the Examinees 4escriptive Auestionnaire !E4A* is not a test, -t consists of six !6* items on some information you are to give answers, #fter each item on your #nswer $heet% shade the circle of the letter of your chosen answer, #lthough there are several circles for each item% remember to mar. only one circle of your chosen answer to every item, 4o not leave any item unanswered, <art - will last for 5 minutes, ;rite your answers for this part on the upper portion of the bac. page of the #nswer $heet, Everybody% open your Test Boo.lets to the E4A, !,ho# them the E3E portion*% ReadyLLLL, BeginM "."., Accom lishin1 the .eat Plan ()ET!C :orm ") 4hile the examinees are ans#ering the E3E" each examinee #ill #rite his-her Name" and Test 0ooklet ,erial Number on the ,eat 1lan. $ill in the +egion" 3ivision" ,chool Name and Address" 3ate of Examination and +oom Number. ".".3 A$ministerin1 Part %%0 Test Pro er (3- min*tes) After five minutes" sa 2 The test consists of ninety !12* items, #fter each item% shade the circle of the letter of your chosen answer, #lthough there are four circles for the answer to each item% shade only one circle for your answer, -f you shade two circles% the machine will read this as wrong answer, 4o not leave any item unanswered, This will last for / hour and 2 minutes, Ready ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BeginM +ecord on the board the time started and the time to end this test. Go around and see to it that the examinees shaded the correct part of the test. After ) hour and /7 minutes" sa 2

Everybody% stop writing, - will give you 5 minutes to inspect your #nswer $heets, Ca.e sure your erasures% if any% are clean, $ee to it that the circle of your answer is shaded properly, The circle should have uniform shading, Be sure that only one circle is shaded for each item, Go around to make sure the Examinees are follo#ing this instruction. After the inspection has been done sa 2 - will go around to collect your Test Boo.lets and #nswer $heets, )ote: The *n*se$ .canna+le Answer .heets shall +e collecte$ +5 the !oom .* ervisor4Chief Examiner at the time when the Examinees are answerin1 the last s*+test. (ikewise0 the fillin1 o*t of the remainin1 $ata in :orm , sho*l$ +e $one at this time. *ollect and count all used and unused test booklets and ans#er sheets and place these in the original plastic bags. (ake sure that all materials have been retrieved. In case a Test 0ooklet is missing exhaust all means to find it. &%.7%.. EAA7%)EE. 2)(= A:TE! ACC2<)T%); T6E.E TE.T 7ATE!%A(.. ".".8 &ismissin1 the Examinees After all materials are accounted for" sa 2 ;e are through with the test, 0ou may now go out quietly in single file, "., P2.T TE.T ".,.# ../.).) Pre arin1 the !e orts an$ .ealin1 the ET!E 3o the follo#ing activities2 ). Accomplish $orm :" the +oom Examiners Test Administration 8 Evaluation +eport .. *op from the board the Time +ecord +eport on Test Administration /. Indicate in the ET+E the number of registrants and the number of actual examinees. ../.).. 1lace the follo#ing inside the +oom Examiners Transmittal +eport Envelope =ET+E?2 ). Time +ecord +eport .. Fsed Ans#er ,heets arranged consecutivel b Examinee Number 1laced in original plastic bag /. Dne *op of NET+* $orms ) and . =back to back? and $orm : ../.).. ,eal the ET+E #ith the 3epE36NET+* paper tape #hile still inside the examination room.

".,." T*rnin1 2ver of 7aterials to the Chief Examiner Turn over to the *hief Examiner the follo#ing materials2

../...) ../.... ,ealed ET+E #ith its contents Fsed and unused Test 0ooklets assembled together and arranged consecutivel b ,erial Numbers packed in their original plastic bags" retaining the 0atch ,lip inside the plastic bag. ../.../ ExaminerGs Handbook ".,., Acco*ntin1 of 7aterials +5 the Chief Examiner The *hief Examiner does the follo#ing2 .././.) *ollects and accounts all ET+Es" arranges and bundles them accordingl seeing to it that the number of ET+Es tallies #ith the number of testing rooms. A report on the number of ET+Es should accompan the bundle. *ounts the Test 0ooklets per pack retrieved from each Examiner #ith the assistance of the +oom ,upervisor. The open end of the plastic bag must be resealed b tape or stapler. 1laces inside the *ET+E the follo#ing materials after accomplishing the *hief ExaminerGs Transmittal +eport2 ). .. /. %. .././.% Fnused Ans#er ,heets #ith serial numbers arranged consecutivel . NET+* $orm / Test (aterials Accounting $orm NET+* $orm % *hief ExaminerGs +eport $orm ,chool Header



Instructions to the *hief Examiner and the 3T* relative to $orms & and '2 ). ,eparate the t#o forms b cutting the perforated lines. .. $ill out the needed data in both forms. /. These forms should be submitted to the 3T* and not placed inside the *ET+E. %. The 3T* puts all $orm &s =submitted to him-her b ever *hief Examiner? in the $irst 0ox of the 3ivisions boxes for the Test 0ooklets. &. 3o the same #ith $orm ' but all of $orm 's #ill be placed in the $irst 0ox of the 3ivisions boxes for the Ans#er ,heets.

".,.3 Packin1 of Test 7aterials The follo#ing materials are for submission to the 3ivision Dffice2 ). 0undles of used and unused Test 0ooklets sealed in plastic bags and placed in the original boxes .. NET+* $orm &" Test 0ooklet Euantit and *ompleteness Berification ,heet" to be inserted in box no. ) on top of the test booklets /. 0undles of +-*ET+E, placed in the original boxes %. NET+* $orm '" Ans#er ,heet Euantit and *ompleteness Berification ,heet to be inserted on top of the first box of the Ans#er ,heets &. Examiners Handbook" counted and read for future use" to be retained in the 3ivision Dffice" care of 3ivision Testing *oordinator '. The enlarged replica of the name grid shall be retained in the ,chools-Testing *enters read for future use.


T2 T6E &%B%.%2) EAA7%)AT%2) C277%TTEE: This Examiners 6an$+ook sho*l$ +e store$ in the &ivision 2ffice after the test0 for f*t*re *se. Thank 5o* ver5 m*ch for 5o*r coo eration.


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No parts of this handbook may be reproduced in any form


!repared by" Test De#e$opment Di#ision

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