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TRT18/2013 - Ateno:
Para responder s
questes de nmeros 46 e 47, considere o texto
A unique sites building platform (CMS) for SEO
and construction of internet sites that requires no
technical knowledge
A comprehensive promotional website can be
constructed with proven SEO advantages. The
construction of search engine
promoted sites is easy and simple; you can
choose to purchase articles and content from our
company, or to create your own. Many
sites constructed on SitePromoter rank highly on
the first page of Google. Text and images can be
easily incorporated. The content
and images are automatically framed, giving the
site a designer look. There is no limit to the
volume of text, menus and images that
can be input.
What kinds of sites can be constructed using the
SitePromoter system?
Sites consisting of articles intended to promote
your main internet site.
A promotional site that you can use as your main
internet site while benefiting from the built-in
advantages of SitePromoter's
The advantages of SitePromoter
Our system is one of the best when it comes to
SE compatibility and preparation for marketing on
the internet, promoting mainly
on Google:
SitePromoter is built to ensure that Google reads
all the content on every page of the site.
SitePromoter performs actions automatically that
promote the site on Google.
The system has built-in Google Analytics (a
leading statistical tool by Google), on every page
of the site containing content.
The system supports Flash video clips that do not
interfere with SEO.
Customers can store content, including a large
inventory of images, on our system, at no
additional charge, on condition that the
material is relevant to the site.
The customer has full control of the content,
menus and submenus (the menus are not
Design is consistent, with countless possible
options to choose from. For example, main
headings on the site will all have the
same design chosen and defined by the site
owner for main headings, requiring no additional
And what about design? The site owner can
determine the "look and feel" of the site by
choosing from a vast variety of colors
and menu backgrounds.

TRT18/2013 - 46. Segundo o texto, os sites
construdos pelo SitePromoter
(A) podem ser customizados pelo cliente.
(B) tm uma excelente relao custo-benefcio.
(C) seguem um formato padro estabelecido
pelo fabricante, o que facilita sua criao.
(D) oferecem amplo, porm limitado espao para
(E) foram criados por designers especializados
para garantir uma interface amigvel.
TRT18/2013 - 47. Segundo o texto,
(A) no h limite para a incluso de imagens
desde que estejam em baixa resoluo.
(B) os sites construdos seguindo o padro do
SitePromoter so facilmente identificados na
primeira pgina do Google.
muitos sites construdos na plataforma
SitePromoter aparecem entre os primeiros na
primeira pgina do Google.
(D) o cliente pode variar o formato dos ttulos em
cada pgina para dar ao site um visual mais
(E) o Google Analytics faz um levantamento
automtico de quantas vezes o site foi acessado.
TRT18/2013 - Ateno:
Para responder s
questes de nmeros 48 a 50, considere o texto
Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment
Mike Jackson, Steve Crouch and Rob Baxter
Criteria-based assessment is a quantitative
assessment of the software in terms of
sustainability, maintainability, and usability.
This can inform high-level decisions on specific
areas for software improvement.
Open Source Initiative
measurement of quality in a number of areas.
These areas are derived from ISO/IEC
9126-1 Software engineering Product quality
The assessment involves checking whether the
software, and the project that develops it,
conforms to various characteristics or
exhibits various qualities that are expected of
sustainable software. The more characteristics
that are satisfied, the more sustainable
the software. Please note that not all qualities
have equal weight e.g. having an OSI-approved
open source licence is of more
importance than avoiding TAB characters in text
In performing the evaluation, you may want to
consider how different user classes affect the
importance of the criteria. For

example, for Usability-Understandability, a small

set of well-defined, accurate, task-oriented user
documentation may be
comprehensive for Users but inadequate for
Developers. Assessments specific to user classes
allow the requirements of these specific
user classes to be factored in and so, for
example, show that a project rates highly for
Users but poorly for Developers, or vice versa.
Scoring can also be affected by the nature of the
software itself e.g. for

one could envisage an application that has been
well-designed, offers context-sensitive help etc.
and consequently is so easy to use that tutorials
arent needed. Portability can apply to
both the software and its development
infrastructure e.g. the open source software
OGSA-DAI2 can be built, compiled and tested on
Unix, Windows or Linux (and so is highly portable
for Users and User-Developers). However, its
Ruby test framework cannot yet run on
Windows, so running integration tests would
involve the manual setup of OGSA-DAI servers
(so this is far less portable for Developers
and, especially, Members).
TRT18/2013 - 48. Segundo o texto,
(A) mais importante analisar as caractersticas
do prprio software do que as do projeto segundo
o qual foi desenvolvido.
numa avaliao de software, todas as
qualidades e caractersticas tem peso igual.
(C) as informaes extradas de uma avaliao
baseada em critrios devem necessariamente ser
levadas em conta ao se
adquirir um novo software.
(D) uma avaliao baseada em critrios pode
servir de base para a tomada de decises em
relao a reas especficas para a
melhoria de software.
(E) a caracterstica mais importante a ser levada
em conta na avaliao se o software tem uma
licena aprovada pela OSI.
TRT18/2013 - 49. De acordo com o texto,
(A) importante levar em conta os diferentes
tipos de usurios ao se analisar determinadas
caractersticas de um software.
caractersticas que satisfaam um
desenvolvedor so igualmente satisfatrias para
o usurio comum, embora a recproca
no seja sempre verdadeira.
uma documentao sucinta, porm
compreensvel e exata, uma das caractersticas
mais importantes para o desenvolvedor.

(D) a documentao de um software deve conter

instrues orientadas a tarefas para melhor
compreenso do usurio.
(E) usabilidade e facilidade de compreenso so
critrios essenciais para o usurio, mas
secundrios para o desenvolvedor.
TRT18/2013 - 50. A palavra que preenche, no
contexto, a lacuna A
(A) Buildability.
(B) Installability.
(C) Documentation.
(D) Integration.
(E) Learnability.
Ateno: Considere o texto a seguir para
responder s questes de nmeros 56 a 60.
Google Maps returns to the iPhone
By Hayley Tsukayama, Published: December 13,
Google announced late Wednesday that its Maps
app is back for the iPhone.
Google Maps had been the default navigation
service on the iPhone since the phone was first
released in 2007. But earlier this
year, Apple kicked the app off its mobile device
and replaced it with its own mapping program,
Maps. Many iPhone users balked at the
notoriously inaccurate Apple navigation program
and the loss of Google Maps, saying they would
wait for Google to resubmit its app to
the Apple store.
The addition, however, doesnt let Apple off the
hook for improving its own Maps, which is playing
catchup with Google as it tries
to gather the amount and quality of navigation
data it needs to bridge the gap between the two
apps. Google Maps is known for being
more comprehensive and generally more
accurate than the other navigation apps out there.
Googles new iPhone mapping app adds features
from Googles Android that some Apple users
have been longing for such as
turn-by-turn directions for walking, mass transit
and driving and a smooth integration of Googles
Street View technology. Navigation
on the app is quick and intuitive.
Google Maps also pulls transit information from
several sites to make it easier to plan trips. In
Washington, users can choose

they want to go by bus, Metro or some
combination of both and get clear route
instructions with station names and clearly
bus stops.
In this latest version, Google also makes it easier
for users to flag the service if it gives the wrong
directions. A shake of the

iPhone triggers a dialogue box that offers the

option to report errors or bugs directly to Google.
There is at least one feature from
Google Maps for Android thats missing from the
iPhone: the ability to save a portion of a map for
offline use, which comes in handy
when the phones battery runs low.
56. A palavra que preenche corretamente a

(A) whether.
(B) unless.
(C) since.
(D) because.
(E) until.
57. The meaning of longing for, underlined in
the 3 rd paragraph, as used in the text is
(A) downloading.
(B) objecting to.
(C) enjoying.
(D) using.
(E) wishing for.
58. Segundo o texto,
(A) navegar no Maps da Apple fcil e intuitivo.
(B) o Google Maps foi lanado em 2007.
(C) a Apple est se empenhando em melhorar
seu aplicativo prprio.
(D) os usurios do iPhone esto reclamando por
ter acesso restrito ao Google Maps.
(E) a diferena entre o Google Maps e o
aplicativo da Apple praticamente inexistente.
59. De acordo com o texto, a verso atualizada
do Google Maps para o iPhone
(A) foi disponibilizada no incio de 2012.
(B) no permite salvar uma parte de um mapa e
consult-la off-line.
(C) pode ser acessada off-line.
(D) inclui vrias funcionalidades que j existem
no Maps da Apple.
(E) no satifez a maioria dos usurios.
60. De acordo com o texto,
apesar de tudo, nenhum aplicativo de
localizao se compara ao Maps da Apple quanto
s informaes detalhadas que
(B) compreensvel que o Google Maps seja
melhor do que o aplicativo da Apple.
(C) o volume e a qualidade de informaes que
o Google Maps oferece ainda no foi alcanado
pelo aplicativo da Apple.
(D) a ltima verso do Google Maps, apesar das
inovaes, tm fornecido muitas informaes
equivocadas aos seus usurios.

(E) as instrues do Google Maps para fazer um

caminho a p, por vezes, fazem o usurio ficar
dando voltas.
Ingls tcnico instrumental para informtica
Ateno: Para responder s questes de
nmeros 17 a 19, considere o texto abaixo.
Facebook and mobile phones
Will Home work?
Apr 4th 2013, 23:24 by M.G | SAN FRANCISCO
A DAY after the mobile phone celebrated its 40th
birthday, Facebook has produced something that
it hopes will make certain of
the devices even more useful. On April 4th the
giant social network unveiled Home, new
software that is designed to give it more
prominence on mobile phones powered by
Android, an operating system developed by
This matters because more and more folk are
now accessing social networks from mobile
devices rather than from desktop
computers and because mobile advertising
revenues are growing fast, albeit from a low base.
Without a robust mobile presence,
Facebook could see some of its users siphoned
off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could
miss out on a potentially massive
source of new revenue.
There had been speculation that Facebook was
working on a phone of its own, or at least on a
mobile operating system to rival
Android or Apples iOS. But dabbling in hardware
at this stage of its development would be a huge
risk for Facebook and developing a
rival operating system would risk alienating Apple
and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped
power its advertising growth.
EMarketer, a research firm, reckons Facebook is
on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be
spent around the world on mobile
ads this year.
4/facebook-and-mobile-phones; Acessado em
17. De acordo com as informaes contidas no
texto, a rede social Facebook
(A) fabricou seu prprio telefone para competir
com sistemas como o Android e o iOS da Apple.
(B) comemorou seu aniversrio incorporando um
sistema operacional desenvolvido pela Google.
(C) lanou um novo programa para celulares
para, entre outras razes, incrementar ainda mais
sua receita.
(D) desenvolveu um novo sistema operacional
para atender pedidos de empresas como a
(E) exps um novo produto bastante diferente
dos softwares desenvolvidos pela Apple.

18. Da leitura do texto, tem-se a informao de

(A) bilhes de dlares foram gastos com a venda
de celulares no ano passado.
(B) a rede Facebook abortou seu projeto de criar
um novo aplicativo para sua plataforma.
(C) o hardware projetado pela Facebook est em
estgio inicial de produo.
(D) as empresas Apple e Google emplacaram o
ano de 2013 com recordes de lucros.
(E) usurios tm acessado as redes sociais
especialmente em seus aparelhos mveis.
19. As palavras it e whose, que aparecem
respectivamente, a
(A) "Facebook" e "Apple e Google".
(B) "rede social" e "Facebook e Google".
(C) "presena" e "sistema operacional".
(D) "era" e "anncios".
(E) "usurio" e "plataformas".
What today's prophets of technology say about
the day after tomorrow
By Ed Regis
WEEK'S) IPAD IS GOING to be like is hard
enough. Knowing what computers
in general will be like 150 years from now an
eternity in technology development is
. On the other hand, technology prophets,
computer pioneers and researchers have never
been known for their reticence on the subject of
the future. So we thought it wouldn't
hurt to ask them. For starters, will there even be
computers in the far future?
"There will definitely be computers," says
nanotechnology oracle Eric Drexler of the
University of Oxford. "They're more
fundamental than the wheel."
George Dyson, author of books about computers
and global intelligence, says, "I can't tell you a lot
about computing 50, 100
and 150 years ago but really nothing about
computing 50, 100 or 150 years in the future. It's
just truly impossible to predict: all I can
guarantee is that any prediction will be wrong!"
He then relents and makes one: "In 150 years
most of the important computation will be
analog computation (for the same reason that
most of the important numbers are real numbers
but not integers) and the notion of alldigital computation will be a quaint relic."
Ivan Sutherland, who invented Sketchpad, the
basis for today's ubiquitous graphical user
interface says, "I have no clue about
the state of the world 150 years from now. If you
want to know the future, ask the young people
who will create it."

(Disponvel em: Magazine Scientific American.

janeiro de 2013. v. 308. p. 30, Adaptado)
20. Os termos que, de acordo com o contexto,
preenchem adequadamente a lacuna

no primeiro pargrafo do texto so
(A) not demonstrable.
(B) totally practicable.
(C) nearly impossible.
(D) practically unavoidable.
(E) not abominable.
Um dos especialistas em computao
citados no texto
(A) explica como a computao analgica ser
em tempos futuros.
(B) assegura a princpio que previses sobre
computadores so errneas.
(C) leciona sobre tecnologia da informao e
sobre inteligncia global.
(D) divide com Ed Regis a autoria da pesquisa
sobre computadores.
(E) profetiza que teremos problemas se nos
desfizermos de computadores.
22. O texto exibe opinies sobre a existncia de
computadores no futuro. Alm disso, segundo o
texto, h tambm o
questionamento sobre
(A) opinies de experts em relao ao formato
dos computadores no futuro.
(B) qual inveno mais importante a roda ou
o computador.
(C) especulaes a respeito de como eram os
computadores antigamente.
(D) ideias tolas que alguns tm sobre o futuro da
(E) como ser a computao no futuro.
Ateno: Para responder s questes
nmeros 23 e 24, considere a charge abaixo.


23. Na charge editorial, os funcionrios tm algo

em comum. Nota-se em suas falas que todos

(A) gostariam de se vingar de seus respectivos

chefes por razes particulares.
(B) demonstram o quanto no fazem jus aos
bons salrios que recebem.
(C) fazem reclamaes justificadas pelos maus
tratos que recebem.
(D) mostram algum tipo de insubordinao na
corporao em que trabalham.
deixam transparecer seus problemas
pessoais no ambiente de trabalho.
24. As informaes veiculadas na charge tm
um tom ...... e podem ser interpretadas como ......
Segundo o contexto, a alternativa que preenche,
respectivamente, as lacunas da frase acima
(A) sarcstico e provocativas.
(B) impessoal e zombeteiras.
(C) neutro e irreverentes.
(D) cmico e imparciais.
(E) indiferente e artificiais.

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