Sie sind auf Seite 1von 61


Counc|| 8udget Informat|on ackage

1ab|e of Contents
# of ages
1 8evenue and Lxpense lmpacLs 4
2 8evenue 1rend Craph 1
GLNLkAL IUND 8UDGL1 CVLkVILW 3 8 year 8evenue Lrend - uashboard vlew 1
4 lncome 1ax 1rend Craph 1
3 lncome 1ax monLhly 1
6 Local CovernmenL lund Craph 2
7 roperLy 1ax lund Craph 1
8 1ransfers ln 1
9 7 year Lxpense Lrend - uashboard vlew 1
10 Summary of Lxpense changes a,b & c
11 Lxpense ueLall - uashboard vlew scroll Lhrough
12 Salary & Wage Lxpense 1
13 lull 1lme PeadcounL Craph 1
14 PeadcounL Changes by ulvlslon 1
13 lnLerdeparLmenL Servlce Charges 2
16 lnLerfund Subsldles 2
17 1oLal Cleveland Long 1erm uebL 2
18 CovernmenL CperaLlons uebL 2
19 13 year CovernmenL CperaLlons uebL Craph 1
20 8ond uebL Load + 8ond uescrlpLlons 7
21 uebL Servlce - 8evenue Sources 2
22 2012 CAl8 Long 1erm uebL 1able 2
23 2012 CAl8 8eporLed 8ond 8aLlngs 1
24 AlrporL 8ond ueLalls 4
1.kevenue and Lxpense |mpacts
g 1 of 4
CASn IN 1nL 8ANk 5 m||||ons
unused from 2013 30.6 Lxpense kevenue
2013 Lxpenses ln excess of 8evenues (1.9) 313.6 313.7
CLher 0.6
49.3 $ avallable for balanclng Lhe 2013 budgeL
Genera| Iund kevenues
2012 AC1UAL S18.0 CnANGL
2013 8UDGL1 491.8 (26.2)
2013 AC1UAL S13.7 (4.3)
493.8 (19.9)
1.kevenue and Lxpense |mpacts
g 2 of 4
5 M||||ons
2013 2014
8evenue Change 8evenue Change
roperty taxes 32.7 (3.3) - 34.0 1.3 +
L|censes and erm|ts 13.3 1.1 + 14.2 0.7 +
1ransfers In 2.4 (14.6) - 3.0 0.6 + 2012 lncluded $12.1 mllllon for Lhe Med MarL land sale
Income 1axes 300.7 10.2 + 296.3 (4.4) -
Lxpend|ture kecovery 9.3 4.9 + 4.0 (3.3)
Inher|tance 1ax 3.3 (0.3) - 0.3 (3.0) -
Lxc|se 1axes 6.8 3.8 (3.0) -
M|sce||aneous 18.6 3.0 + 16.8 (1.8) -
33.0 (0.8) - 31.6 (1.4) -
I|nes and Iorfe|tures 20.2 (1.3) - 18.8 (1.4) -
28.2 (6.3) - 27.6 (0.6) -
9.6 6.7 + 9.3 (0.3) -
other 33.0 (3.2) + 33.9 (1.1) -
S13.7 5 (4.3) 5 493.8 (19.9) 5
lormula for 2013 remalns Lhe same as for 2012 (ClLy recelves 30 of
Sa|es and Charges for
Loca| Government Iund
Cas|no Moneys (GI port|on)
uecreaslng collecLlons Lrend ls expecLed Lo end. 2013 decrease was
2013 was up 3.7 from 2012 collecLlons. 2014 8udgeL esLlmaLe ls
down 1.3
2013 lncluded Ceneral lund Share ($3.6 mllllon) of a Workers Comp
LasL proceeds from Lhe lnherlLance 1ax LhaL has been ellmlnaLed wlll
be recelved ln 2014
LlecLrlc Lxclse Lax ls expecLed Lo be reduced 30 Lo $3.0 mllllon ln
1.kevenue and Lxpense |mpacts
g 3 of 4
Genera| Iund Lxpense kevenue
Surp|us ]
2012 actua| 486.S S18.0 31.S Actua| kevenues exceeded Lxpenses by 531.S m||||on
2013 8UDGL1 S40.4 491.8 (48.6)
2013 Unaud|ted actua| S1S.6 S13.7 (1.9)
Lst|mate S40.3 493.8 (46.S)
Actua| kevenues were on|y 51.9 m||||on |ess than f|na| 2013 Lxpend|tures
ro[ected that a|| but approx. 52.8 m||||on of the 549.3 m||||on |n
cash ava||ab|e at beg|nn|ng of year was needed to produce a
ba|anced budget
8udget pro[ected that a|| but approx. 52 m||||on of the 5S0 m||||on
|n cash ava||ab|e at beg|nn|ng of year wou|d be needed to produce
a ba|anced budget
1.kevenue and Lxpense |mpacts
g 4 of 4
!"#$%&'% ) *+%#$%&'%,
2013 2014
Sa|ary]Wage]8enef|ts Affects (20.10) 5 - 1S.30 5 + 1oLal Change ln S/W/8 expense
19.0 + +247 poslLlons from # of l1Ls aL 12/31/2013
CosL of 27Lh payroll 13.0 + (13.0) -
PealLh 8eneflLs 2.0 + 3.0 + Average lnsurance cosL lncrease of 6.1 for 2014
1.7 + nA
nA ? +
(36.8) 6.3
lnLerfund Subsldles 11.7 + 3.2 +
lnLerdeparLmenL Servlce Charge (1.6) - 2.3 +
uLlllLles 0.4 + 1.1 +
8oard Cf LlecLlon Lxpense (0.3) - 1.1 +
!usLlce CenLer - 1ower MalnLenance 4.7 + (1.8) -
(0.3) 0.9 +
CLher 34.6 2.6
29.1 5 24.7 5
3 ay lncrease - 2012 for 3/4 of year and for 2013 for full year
nexL bargalnlng perlod lncrease? no lncrease ls
currenLly lncluded ln Lhe 2014 budgeL.
2013 paymenLs lncludes seLLlemenL of amounLs due for
prevlous years
no 8alny uay lund conLrlbuLlon for 2014, buL oLher
lull 1lme PeadcounL lncrease
Salary lncrease for unlon 8argalnlng agreemenL perlod
beglnnlng 4/1/2013
Salary lncrease for unlon 8argalnlng agreemenL perlod
beglnnlng 4/1/2010
!udgmenLs, Llens, eLc.
CLher S/W/8 expenses
g 1 of 1
479000 490400 316900 324676 491848 498438 302703
470900 487200 311300 323046 320036 498304 492672

2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


City of Cleveland General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
3.kevenue trends by category
Lst|mate Change
Actua|s Change
Actua|s Change
|ncrease ]
(decrease) 2013
|ncrease ]
(decrease) 2012
|ncrease ]
- 0 - (0)
TOTAL REVENUES 493,777 5 (19,921) 5 -3.9 S13,698 5 (4,297) 5 -0.8 S17,99S 5 1S,292 5 3.0
Local 1axes
roperLy 1axes 33,963 1,260 3.9 32,703 (3,323) -9.2 36,028 (390) -1.6

lncome 1ax 296,273 (4,373) -1.3 300,648 10,162 3.3 290,486 14,733 3.4

Caslno 1axes 9,327 (278) -2.9 9,603 6,694 230.0 2,911 2,911 0
CA1 1ax 102 0 0.3 102 (102) -30.0 203 (891) -81.4
Admlsslon 1axes 12,130 98 0.8 12,032 1,210 11.2 10,842 908 9.1
PoLel 1ax 4,400 (333) -7.1 4,733 262 3.9 4,473 416 10.3
Lxclse 1axes, AssessmenLs & Llcenses 13,991 (831) -3.7 14,842 776 3.3 14,066 (104) -0.7

TOTAL LOCAL TAXES 370,210 (4,479) -1.2 374,689 13,679 4.4 339,010 17,406 3.1

lnLergovernmenLal 8evenue
Local CovernmenL lund 27,629 (331) -2.0 28,180 (6,492) -18.7 34,673 (12,384) -26.6
roperLy Lax-PomesLead 8ollback 3,233 (23) -0.8 3,278 (638) -16.7 3,936 (33) -1.4
Lxclse and lnherlLance 1axes 4,273 (6,038) -38.3 10,313 (226) -2.1 10,339 1,712 19.4
CLher lnLergovernmenLal 8evenue 0 (27) -100.0 27 80 -130.9 (33) (38) 233.3

33,137 (6,641) -13.9 41,798 (7,296) -14.9 49,094 (10,966) -18.3

LICENSES & PERMITS 14,233 734 3.4 13,321 1,149 9.3 12,372 (1,934) -13.6
SALES & CHARGES FOR SERVICES 31,364 (1,390) -4.2 32,934 (883) -2.6 33,837 2,233 7.1
FINES & FORFEITURES 18,780 (1,394) -6.9 20,174 (1,432) -6.7 21,626 (1,833) -7.8
MISCELLANEOUS 20,827 (7,291) -23.9 28,118 3,043 12.1 23,073 (690) -2.7
TRANSFERS IN 2,984 340 22.1 2,444 (14,337) -83.6 16,981 11,098 188.6
Grant Revenue, Investent Income and Expenditure Recoveries are included in Miscelaneous Revenue
4.Income 1ax 1rend
Mayor's Estimate

$296 Million
average of +3.7 per year
lncrease over 4 years
average of +4.3 per year
lncrease over 3 years
S.Income 1ax Month|y
g 1 of 1

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Annua| Income
1ax kece|pts

2013 $ 300.6
2012 $ 290.3
2011 $ 273.7
2010 $ 263.4
2009 $ 268.2
2008 $ 290.1
6. Loca| Goverment Iund
1 of 2

1he Loca| Government Iund ls SLaLe of Chlo revenue sharlng program ln whlch clLles share ln Lhe collecLlon of:
A) Lhe SLaLe lncome Lax
8) Sales Laxes
C) CorporaLe lranchlse
u)and ubllc uLlllLles Lxclse 1axes.
1hese funds are d|str|buted ln Lwo ways:
l. nlne-LenLhs (90) Lo counLles dlvlded among all Lowns, vlllages and munlclpallLles
ll. and one-LenLh dlrecLly LoclLles whlch collecL an lncome Lax.
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014



Loca| Government Iund kevenues
5 M||||ons
ClLy Share of 8evenues
lor 2013 and beyond
8evenue Sharlng
[ 30 of CollecLlons
6. Loca| Goverment Iund

2 of 2
Loca| Government Iund - |mpacts of schedu|ed reduct|on |n the port|on of co||ect|ons go|ng to the c|ty - 5 m||||ons
! #$%&'( )&
1sL Palf
CollecLlon raLe reducLlon
AmounL ClLy
2nd Palf
CollecLlon raLe reducLlon
AmounL ClLy
lund 8evenue
AcLuals 33.9 0 28.0 33.9 0 28.0 33.9
2007 ./0! 36.2 0 28.1 36.2 0 28.1 36.2 0.3 -./0
2008 10/2! 33.3 0 26.7 33.3 0 26.7 33.3 (2.9) 1/.20
2009 132/4! 46.6 0 23.3 46.6 0 23.3 46.6 (6.7) 132.40
2010 3/0! 47.3 0 23.7 47.3 0 23.7 47.3 0.7 3./0
2011 35/2! 34.0 0 27.0 34.0 23 20.3 47.3 (0.0) 1-.30
2012 2/6! 33.3 23 20.8 33.3 30 13.9 34.7 (12.6) 124.40
2013 3/0! 36.3 30 14.1 36.3 30 14.1 28.2 (6.3) 135.50
2014 13/7! 33.4 30 13.9 33.4 30 13.9 27.7 (0.3) 13.60
* Cells hlghllghLed ln yellow are "LsLlmaLed." values shown are whaL annual collecLlon amounL ls requlred Lo generaLe Lhe amounL recelved by Lhe clLy.
7. roperty 1ax Graph - 8 yr
1 of 1

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

roperty 1ax kevenues
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$31.9 Million
Mayor's Estimate

$34.0 Million
Average Annua| roperty 1ax Dec||ne
over 6 year per|od
from 2007 through 2014
exceeded S.0
7. roperty 1ax Graph - 8 yr
7. roperty 1ax Graph - 8 yr
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
roperLy 1axes 43,333,000 42,907,000 41,918,000 38,367,000 36,618,000 36,028,232 32703000 33963000
decllne -3.8 -2.3 -8.0 -3.1 -1.6 -9.2 3.9
3 43,279,117 41,136,800 39,100,329 37,163,032 33,323,382 33,376,776 31,914,726
7. roperty 1ax Graph - 8 yr
38.1 0.837363 16 decllne over 4 years
43.3 avg 4.4 decllne per year
1 43.3 -4.4
2 41.6 -4.4
3 39.8 -4.4
4 38.0 -4.4
Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Mayor's Estimate Estimate
7. roperty 1ax Graph - 8 yr
8. 1ransfers In
1 of 1
Mayor's LsLlmaLe AcLual AcLual AcLual AcLual
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
8alny uay lund 0 0 0 0
Land Sales 0 0 0 1,900,000 14,906,373
Med MarL Land Sale 0 0 12,141,000 - 0
Speclal AssessmenL lund 0 0 1,300,000 1,310,840 1,333,603
Lconomlc uevelopmenL 1,734,407 0 1,273,431 1,303,898 1,303,139
Chagrln Plghland !olnL Lconomlc uevelopmenL Zone 1,249,393 2,443,862 1,173,000 1,168,303 1,139,332
CLher 0 0 ` 0
2,444,000 2,443,862 16,980,741 3,883,041 18,886,669
9. Dashboard Summary Lxpenses
CLnL8AL lunu LxLnSLS
2014 2013 2012 2011
Budget $ change
Actuals Budget
Salarles and Wages 289,336,142 4,339,446 1.3 284,996,696 296,347,399 274,607,232 278,439,921
Lmployee 8eneflLs 122,830,231 10,938,447 9.8 111,911,804 120,437,802 111,486,744 116,031,714
412,206,393 13,297,893 396,908,300 417,003,201 386,093,993 394,471,633
CLher 1ralnlng & rofesslonal uues 837,339 237,472 42.9 399,867 773,281 613,880 370,863
uLlllLles 21,039,494 1,108,436 3.6 19,931,038 19,377,960 19,486,343 20,328,080
ConLracLual Servlces 38,099,284 (349,261) -0.9 38,448,343 37,316,440 33,673,997 31,793,994
MaLerlals & Supplles 4,672,944 821,883 21.3 3,831,061 4,338,930 3,861,738 3,241,186
MalnLenance 3,364,411 638,830 24.4 2,703,381 7,311,310 2,623,060 2,499,247
Clalms, 8efunds, & Mlscellaneous 3,091,721 920,422 42.4 2,171,299 2,993,339 2,388,232 1,777,673
lnLerdeparLmenL Servlce Charge 19,782,167 2,323,437 13.3 17,438,730 18,889,933 19,103,433 17,763,377
lnLerfund Subsldles 32,923,220 3,240,940 10.9 29,682,280 31,433,036 17,941,423 19,789,444
CaplLal CuLlay 4,000,000 400,000 11.1 3,600,000 330,000 333,736 -
uebL Servlce 230,000 - 0.0 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000
LxpendlLure 8ecovery - 24,982 -100.0 (24,982) - 90,037 (14,913)
1C1AL LxLnul1u8LS: 340,286,973 24,703,036 313,381,937 340,441,912 486,483,939 492,672,790
4.8 6.0 11.1 -1.3 -1.2
10a. 2014 Lxpense Category Changes
5000s |ncrease
1C1AL LkLNSL 8UDGL1 24,692,939 4.8
Sa|ary & Wages 4,3S9 1.S
lull 1lme ermanenL 8,338 8.4
SeparaLlon aymenLs 824 12.0
SLudenL 1ralnees 782 >100
unlformed ersonnel (2,761) 1.1
unlformed CverLlme (1,779) -9.7
CverLlme (1,293) -18.7
CLher 30
Lmp|oyee 8enef|ts 10,938 9.8 31,236,629 ######## 2,704,809 2,982 6.1
P//u/v lnsurance 3,687 12.2
ollce & llremen's ulsablllLy & enslon 3,138 9.9
ubllc Lmployees 8eLlre SysLem 1,369 9.7
CLher 323
2014 Change
approx. $2.7 mllllon of Lhe lnsurance lncrease can be aLLrlbuLed Lo
Lhe budgeLed 3.3 lncrease ln headcounL. 8emalnlng $3 mllllon
lncrease can Lhen be classlfled as an average anLlclpaLed raLe
lncrease of 6.1
10b. 2014 Lxpense Category Changes
5000s |ncrease
1C1AL LkLNSL 8UDGL1 24,693 4.8
Contractua| Serv|ces (349) -0.9
8oard Cf LlecLlon Lxpense 1,073 >100
SLaLe AudlLor LxamlnaLlon 203 83.7
!usLlce CenLer - 1ower MalnLenance (1,841) -31
CLher 214
Mater|a|s & Supp||es 822 21.3
lood 181 38.8
CloLhlng 202 90.7
Medlcal Supplles 90 23.3
!usL ln 1lme Cfflce Supplles 74 38.3
CLher 273
Ma|ntenance 6S9 24.4
CompuLer Pardware MalnLenance 684 >100
CompuLer SofLware MalnLenance 124 13.9
MalnLenance ConLracLs (208) -30.9
CLher 38
2014 Change

rlor year bllllng lssues were seLLled ln 2013. 2014 budgeL amounL of
$4.1 mllllon reflecLs Lhe new agreed abouL cosL sharlng formula.

10c. 2014 Lxpense Category Changes
5000s |ncrease
1C1AL LkLNSL 8UDGL1 24,693 4.8
C|a|ms, kefunds, M|sce||aneous 920 42.4
!udgmenLs, uamages, & Clalms 879 43.7
CLher 42
Interdepartment Serv|ce Charge 2,323 13.3
Charges from MvM 1,010 9.3
Charges lrom 8adlo CommunlcaLlons SysLem 870 63.3
Charges lrom 1elephone Lxchange 316 9.9
CLher 127
Interfund Subs|d|es 3,241 10.9
1ransfer Lo SLadlum lund 2,863 39.3
Subsldy 1o SLreeL ConsLrucLlon 2,110 36.0
1ransfer Lo CLher SubClasses 2,000 >100
Subsldy 1o uebL Servlce and Slnklng lund 803 9.2
1ransfer 1o 8alny uay 8es lund (3,000) -100 no addlLlonal fundlng of Lhe 8alny uay lund ls proposed ln 2014
CLher 463
Cap|ta| Cut|ay 400,000 11.1
2014 Change
Ceneral lund 8evenues are requlred Lo pay mosL of Lhe SLadlum
uebL servlce now LhaL Lhe Sln 1ax revenues are golng Lo Lhe CounLy
ln Lhe lasL year prlor Lo explraLlon of Lhe Lax. lor 2014 Lhe SLadlum
uebL Servlce ls $9.9 mllllon

2014 ConLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe Cleveland 8rown's SLadlum CaplLal
8epalr lund
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Budget compared to Actuals

2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
lull 1lme ermanenL 110,838,746 8,338,439 8.4 102,300,287 97,081,314
CrafLs - - - -
Seasonal 2,701,769 (38,383) -1.4 2,740,334 2,183,190
LlecLed Cfflclals 1,983,893 (121,327) -3.8 2,103,222 2,132,381
8oard Members 393,190 39,363 17.7 333,823 331,767
MlllLary Leave - 32,209 (32,209) 193,267
arL-1lme ermanenL 2,629,440 141,038 3.7 2,488,382 1,930,787
ln[ury ay 30,000 (31,386) -38.6 81,386 87,133
SLudenL 1ralnees 1,878,118 782,280 71.4 1,093,838 303,303
School Cuards 1,300,000 16,093 1.1 1,483,907 1,401,712
unlformed ersonnel 134,323,096 (2,760,839) -2.0 137,283,933 132,722,198
unlformed CverLlme 16,600,000 (1,779,410) -9.7 18,379,410 16,264,184
llrsL 8esponder ay - - - -
1.6 8eLro ay - - - -
LongevlLy 2,217,173 102,373 4.9 2,114,600 2,193,448
Wage SeLLlemenLs - (78,040) -100.0 78,040 1,328,129
SeparaLlon aymenLs 7,681,389 824,362 12.0 6,837,027 8,327,438
8onus lncenLlve 1,800 (32,279) -96.7 34,079 23,213
CverLlme 3,621,024 (1,294,997) -18.7 6,916,021 6,786,222
ueferred CverLlme aymenLs 712,300 (73) 0.0 712,373 714,969
Salarles and Wages 289,336,142 4,339,446 1.3 284,996,696 274,607,232

PosplLallzaLlon 42,300,827 4,842,748 12.9 37,438,079 33,609,387
llex Save Admln lee - (393) -100.0 393 11,880
rescrlpLlon 8,727,046 602,216 7.4 8,124,830 7,937,024
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
uenLal 2,912,729 224,482 8.4 2,688,247 2,687,396
vlslon Care 278,033 17,983 6.9 260,070 262,081
ubllc Lmployees 8eLlre SysLem 17,801,072 1,368,371 9.7 16,232,301 13,902,844
ollce & llremen's ulsablllLy & enslon 34,993,682 3,137,732 9.9 31,837,930 32,291,707
ollce & llre Accrued LlablllLy - - - -
llca-Medlcare 3,419,130 (102,269) -2.9 3,321,399 3,241,634
Workers' CompensaLlon 9,237,731 407,174 4.6 8,830,377 10,082,074
Llfe lnsurance 193,070 3,720 3.1 187,330 199,639
unemploymenL CompensaLlon 339,732 128,213 33.4 231,319 708,887
CloLhlng Allowance 1,043,332 23,373 2.3 1,019,977 989,289
1ool lnsurance 3,730 1,330 33.4 2,400 3,800
1ool urchase - - - -
CloLhlng MalnLenance 1,333,877 39,367 4.0 1,496,310 1,338,901
Lmployee 8eneflLs 122,830,231 10,938,447 9.8 111,911,804 111,486,744
ayroll and Lxpenses 412,206,393 13,297,893 4.0 396,908,300 386,093,993
------------------------------- -
1ravel 140,464 23,837 20.4 116,627 90,173
1ulLlon & 8eglsLraLlon lees 167,224 41,403 32.9 123,821 64,739
CLher 1ralnlng Supplles 26,033 (736) -2.7 26,791 23,626
Mlleage (rlvaLe AuLo) - 3,430 2,113 63.4 3,333 2,939
rofesslonal uues & SubscrlpL 296,329 83,966 39.3 212,363 233,740
Chlo Munlclpal League 23,441 - 0.0 23,441 23,441
noaca 119,386 119,386 - 39,693
Mayors & Mgrs Assoc. 13,000 - 0.0 13,000 13,000
u.S. Conference of Mayors 17,311 - 0.0 17,311 17,311
naLlonal League of ClLles 18,979 - 0.0 18,979 18,979
uownLown uevelopmenL Corp - - - -
CreaLer Cleveland CrowLh Assoc. 27,300 (12,300) -31.3 40,000 40,000
lnLernaLlonal 1rade Alllance - - - -
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
CLher 1ralnlng & rofess uues 837,339 237,472 42.9 399,867 613,880
8rokered Cas Supply 966,004 137,901 19.3 808,103 373,621
Chllled WaLer - - - 110
Sewer-CLher - - - -
Cas 373,719 94,866 19.8 478,833 483,799
LlecLrlclLy Cpp 16,771,068 721,027 4.3 16,030,041 13,833,791
LlecLrlclLy CLher 948,433 24,324 2.6 924,131 932,833
SLeam 1,639,709 44,313 2.8 1,613,196 1,346,863
SecurlLy & MonlLorlng SysLem 21,339 9,400 77.4 12,139 33,903
ConLracLual uLlllLles 99,000 36,403 132.4 42,393 37,403
- -
uLlllLles - - - - - - 21,039,494 1,108,436 3.6 19,931,038 19,486,343

rofesslonal Servlces 12,440,684 (341,263) -2.7 12,781,947 12,384,991
8ank Servlce lees 200 200 - -
CourL 8eporLer 123,300 24,303 24.3 99,197 106,989
8eferee Servlces 40,913 (7,931) -16.2 48,844 27,364
Cable rofesslonal Servlces - - - -
Cobra-Medlcal Coverage 36,000 36,000 >100 - -
1ravel non-Lralnlng 6,300 337 6.0 3,943 3,471
Mlleage(rlvaLe AuLo) 173,333 (3,086) -1.7 178,421 188,633
WasLe ulsposal 7,331,916 121,678 1.7 7,210,238 7,433,376
SecurlLy Servlces 142,961 34,017 31.2 108,944 124,411
!anlLorlal Servlces 9,700 (2,782) -22.3 12,482 9,038
Medlcal Servlces 2,027,024 (409,140) -16.8 2,436,164 1,336,017
Lxpense AccounL 8elmbursemenL 243,700 103,943 73.8 139,733 213,148
!ury and WlLness lees 46,100 27,781 >100 18,319 37,238
Councll Lxp, AccL-LqulpmenL - - - -
lrelghL Lxpense 1,000 437 77.8 363 672
AdverLlslng And ubllc noLlce 772,329 13,103 2.0 737,224 380,921
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
rogram romoLlons 10,300 (479) -4.4 10,979 8,822
Appralsal lees 10,000 9,300 >100 300 13,525
arklng ln ClLy laclllLles 263,320 39,281 17.3 224,039 233,364
lnsurance and Cfflclal 8onds 13,173 (2,343) -13.1 13,318 16,072
1axes 200,300 33,769 20.3 166,731 127,429
roperLy 8enLal 1,162,483 27,623 2.4 1,134,863 1,019,393
hoLocopy Machlne 8enLal - - - -
LqulpmenL 8enLal 1,980 687 33.1 1,294 14
ager 8enLal - - - -
non roducLlve Land Sales 100,000 64,623 182.7 33,373 82,792
Speclal AssessmenL 3,130 2,900 >100 230 710
CLher ConLracLual 3,272,188 244,049 4.9 3,028,139 3,439,734
8oard Cf LlecLlon Lxpense 1,073,000 1,072,983 >100 17 343,676
CounLy AudlLor & 1reasurer lee 1,130,000 46,044 4.2 1,083,936 1,348,807
SLaLe AudlLor LxamlnaLlon 444,000 204,832 83.7 239,148 131,310
AdverLlslng uel Land Sales 10,000 (264) -2.6 10,264 10,636
8oard Cf 1ax Appeals 1,000 (1,127) -33.0 2,127 774
8efunds & Mlscellaneous - (384) -100.0% 584 -
!usLlce CenLer - 1ower MalnLenance 4,117,307 (1,841,343) -30.9 3,938,630 1,222,766
Local MaLch-CranL rograms 373,440 33,199 16.3 322,241 428,604
8ank Servlce lees 244,377 86,897 33.2 137,480 100,901
CredlL Card rocesslng lees 267,200 8,830 3.4 238,330 237,936
ConLracLual Servlces 38,099,284 (349,261) -0.9 38,448,343 33,673,997

Cfflce Supplles 66,723 10,336 18.8 36,167 60,377
ulscounLs LosL - - -
osLage 723,293 31,069 4.3 692,224 366,413
CompuLer Supplles 22,400 12,334 127.3 9,846 18,137
CompuLer Pardware 1,300 (19,939) -93.0 21,439 4,317
CompuLer SofLware 28,473 (41,182) -39.1 69,637 11,624
luel - - - -
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
Chemlcal 114,300 33,128 40.8 81,172 83,307
llre/Lms ApparaLus arLs - - -
SalL & ue-lcer 7,200 3,123 76.7 4,073 -
Snow 8emoval LqulpmenL arLs - - -
CloLhlng 423,103 202,211 90.7 222,894 120,716
Pardware & Small 1ools 30,320 3,032 19.7 23,488 13,313
Weldlng Supplles & LqulpmenL - - - -
8ollers, PeaLers & Cool Lqulp - (3,143) -100.0 3,143 -
Seed, lerLlllzer & Perblclde 18,000 8,200 83.7 9,800 4,348
Small LqulpmenL 137,730 (27,412) -16.6 163,162 110,089
Cfflce lurnlLure & LqulpmenL 14,379 (17,210) -34.1 31,789 6,423
Clay, Soll & 1urf 13,320 6,033 80.6 7,487 3,903
LlecLrlcal Supplles 34,730 3,877 12.0 48,873 17,396
lence, osLs & 8ars 1,900 700 38.3 1,200 1,000
AmmunlLlon 100,000 3,790 3.9 96,210 13,340
Pyglene and Cleanlng Supplles 312,830 (103) 0.0 312,933 231,947
AquaLlcs (ool) Supplles 27,000 (2,643) -8.9 29,643 28,363
alnLlng LqulpmenL & Supplles 900 392 192.4 308 -
layground LqulpmenL and Supplles 29,834 8,781 41.7 21,073 23,038
uoors, ShuLLers and Wlndows - - - -
lumblng Supplles and Lqulp - - - -
Lumber, Class and urywall 3,230 1,730 >100 1,300 3,607
Medlcal Supplles 474,230 90,307 23.3 383,943 311,324
PeaLlng and Alr lllLers 3,000 3,000 >100 - 12,000
lood 646,320 180,747 38.8 463,773 624,781
LaboraLory Supplles 32,400 14,477 38.2 37,923 41,128
hoLographlc Supplles 9,300 4,098 73.8 3,403 18,327
Medlcal LqulpmenL 100,000 24,371 32.6 73,429 90,136
aper And CLher rlnLlng Supplles 4,330 1,636 61.3 2,694 4,062
rlnLed MaLerlals 77,434 30,364 188.2 26,870 29,343
CLher Supplles 338,203 16,833 4.9 341,332 399,723
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
ArLs & CrafLs Supplles 23,000 (290) -1.1 23,290 17,337
SporLlng Coods Supplles 32,300 (2,399) -6.9 34,899 19,129
8rldge MalnLenance Supplles 3,000 4,444 >100 336 1,081
SafeLy LqulpmenL 117,610 40,339 32.2 77,271 246,308
harmaceuLlcal Supplles 237,000 43,137 22.3 193,863 208,366
LaboraLory Supplles - - - 4,723
Creenhouse MalnLenance Supplles 39,000 999 2.6 38,001 34,912
Speclal LvenLs Supplles 8,980 (883) -9.0 9,863 11,987
8aLLerles 43,100 41,643 >100 1,437 2,114
CaplLal lmprovemenL lnvenLory - - - -
!usL ln 1lme Cfflce Supplles 266,336 74,036 38.3 192,480 223,372
8ulldlng MalnLenance Supplles 20,430 8,392 69.6 12,038 13,284
CemenL Sand & Cravel - - - -
Mlsc MalnLenance Supplles 16,240 4,408 37.3 11,832 19,220
MaLerlals & Supplles 4,672,944 821,883 21.3 3,831,061 3,861,738

MalnLenance Cfflce LqulpmenL 24,081 11,900 97.7 12,180.7 21,960
MalnLenance ConLracLs 463,990 (207,722) -30.9 671,712.1 1,020,499
CompuLer Pardware MalnLenance 1,097,107 683,663 >100 413,444.0 167,933
CompuLer SofLware MalnLenance 907,307 124,473 13.9 783,033.9 603,921
MalnLenance LlecLrlcal Lqulp 3,000 (4,000) -37.1 7,000.0 -
MalnLenance Machlnery & 1ools 133,000 8,489 6.8 124,310.8 142,700
CeneraLor 8epalr - - - -
MalnLenance llre ApparaLus 84,200 8,749 11.6 73,431.0 73,894
MalnLenance vehlcles - (43,102) -100.0 43,101.7 9,172
8epalr arLs 317,000 26,372 9.1 290,627.9 303,461
Car Washes 37,614 (6,107) -14.0 43,720.7 4,036
MalnLenance uLlllLy SysLems 1,000 (73) -7.0 1,073.0 1,000
MalnLenance Mlsc. LqulpmenL 139,160 38,274 37.9 100,883.7 131,097
MalnLenance 8ulldlng 64,732 (12,467) -16.1 77,219.4 43,349
8epalr of Cverhead uoors 92,000 30,382 49.3 61,618.2 97,838
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
- -
MalnLenance 3,364,411 638,830 24.4 2,703,381 2,623,060

CourL CosLs 41,000 13,387 61.3 23,413 36,377
!udgmenLs, uamages, & Clalms 2,800,721 878,833 43.7 1,921,886 2,194,633
ollce Chlef Lxpense lund 230,000 26,000 11.6 224,000 137,000
- -
Clalms, 8efunds, Mlscellaneous - 3,091,721 920,422 42.4 2,171,299 2,388,232
Charges lrom 1elephone Lxchange 3,497,307 316,492 9.9 3,181,013 3,303,887
Charges lrom 8adlo CommunlcaLlons SysLem 2,242,940 869,797 63.3 1,373,143 1,794,790
Charges from LlghL and ower - - - -
Charges from ConvenLlon CenLer - - - -
Charges from WaLer 430 (1,790) -79.9 2,240 1,704
Charges from W..C. 3,900 (2,899) -32.9 8,799 36,773
Charges lrom rlnL & 8epro 1,342,386 124,700 8.8 1,417,886 1,364,911
Charges lrom CenLral SLoreroom 320,648 (1,180) -0.2 321,828 302,898
Charges from MvM 11,647,136 1,010,038 9.3 10,637,078 11,768,333
Charges from WasLe CollecLlon 323,000 12,090 3.9 312,910 328,487
Charges from arks - (3,233) -100.0 3,233 -
Charges from CommunlLy uevelopmenL - - - -
Charges from WaLer - ClS ro[ecL - (393) -100.0 393 1,432
lnLerdeparLmenL Servlce Charge 19,782,167 2,323,437 13.3 17,438,730 19,103,433

1ransfer 1o 8alny uay 8es lund - (3,000,000) -100.0 3,000,000 -
1ransfer Lo CLher SubClasses 2,000,000 2,000,000 >100 - 1,030,000
1ransfer Lo uebL Servlce lund 8,703,807 399,343 4.8 8,304,464 8,082,893
1ransfer Lo SLadlum lund 10,113,123 2,863,123 39.3 7,230,000 -
Subsldy 1o SL ConsLrucLlon 7,974,936 2,110,064 36.0 3,864,872 * 3,327,389
Subsldy 1o ubllc AudlLorlum - - - 1,297,038
11. Lxpense Deta|| - 3 yr Compar|son
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
2012 Audited
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 4.8% $ 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000
1ransfer Lo School 8ecreaLlon lund 1,173,000 - 0.0 1,173,000 1,000,000
1ransfer Lo lx CenLer 200,000 61,770 44.7 138,230 167,103
Subsldy 1o Slnklng lund 828,132 403,411 93.9 422,721 723,917
Subsldy 1o CemeLery 30,134 30,134 >100 - 39,114
Subsldy 1o Colf Course 189,893 189,893 >100 - 231,969
Subsldy Lo ConvenLlon CenLer 1,688,193 161,200 10.6 1,326,993 -
lnLerfund Subsldles - - - - - - 32,923,220 3,240,940 10.9 29,682,280 17,941,423

1ransfer Lo CaplLal ro[ecL 4,000,000 400,000 11.1 3,600,000 333,736
CaplLal CuLlay - - - - - - 4,000,000 400,000 11.1 3,600,000 333,736

1ransfers Lo CLher Subfunds - - -
rlnclpal 230,000 - 0.0 230,000 230,000
uepL Servlce - - - - - - 230,000 - 0.0 230,000 230,000

LxpendlLure 8ecovery - - - - - - 24,982 -100.0 (24,982) 90,037
CLher LxpendlLures 128,080,380 9,407,142 9.4 118,673,438 100,389,944
------------------------------- -
1C1AL LxLnul1u8LS: 340,286,973 24,703,036 3.1 313,381,937 486,483,939
- $ (61) $ -100.0% 12,096 $ 61 $
1C1ALS L8 8CCk 540,286,973 $ 24,692,939 $ 4.8% 515,594,034 $ 486,484,000 $
Annua| Increase ] (decrease) 4.8 6.0 -1.3
* ln addlLlon Lo a $3.9 mllllon Lransfer from Lhe Ceneral lund Lo SLreeL ConsLrucLlon ulvlslon Lhe Ceneral lund conLrlbuLed $3.6 mllllon of
Workers CompensaLon refunds recelved Lo CaplLal lmprovemenLs of SLreeLs
12. Sa|ary Wage Cost Ana|ys|s
|ncreas|ng by 51S.3 m||||on (+3.9).
8udget Impact (2014 vs 2013)
A a slgnlflcanL lncrease ln lull 1lme PeadcounL (+3.3) + 19.0 $ Mllllon
8 + $ 4.7 Mllllon
C an lncrease ln P/u/v lnsurance remlums + 3.0 $ Mllllon Avg. raLe lncrease of 6.1
u lncreases ln SeparaLlon aymenLs + 0.8 $ Mllllon lncrease of 12 over 2013 acLual paymenLs
L lncreases ln SLudenL 1ralnees + 0.8 $ Mllllon lncrease of 71 over 2013
l Cne less ayroll (2013 had rare 27Lh payroll) - (13.0) $ Mllllon
C 8udgeLed decrease ln CverLlme - (3.1) $ Mllllon
CLher + 3.0 $ Mllllon
13.3 $ Mllllon
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change

lull 1lme non-unlform ayroll CosL 102,300,287 110,838,746 8,338,439 8.4
PealLh lnsurance 37,438,079 42,300,827 4,842,748 12.9
ConLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe enslon rograms 48,070,431 32,796,734 4,726,303 9.8
SeparaLlon aymenLs 6,837,027 7,681,389 824,362 12.0
SLudenL 1ralnees 1,093,838 1,878,118 782,280 71.4
rescrlpLlon 8,124,830 8,727,046 602,216 7.4
Workers CompensaLlon 8,830,377 9,237,731 407,174 4.6
lull 1lme unlform ayroll CosL 137,283,933 134,323,096 (2,760,839) -2.0
CverLlme 23,293,430 22,221,024 (3,074,406) -12.2
CLher 21,370,024 21,939,642 389,618 1.8
1oLal Wage & 8eneflL Lxpense 396,908,300 412,206,393 13,297,893 3.9
1ota| 8udget S40,286,973 5
of LoLal 76.3
1ota| 2014 pro[ected Wage & 8enef|ts Lxpense |s
lncreases ln conLrlbuLlons Lo enslon rograms
LsLlmaLed by proraLlng lull 1lme Salary CosLs plus 90 of beneflL cosLs
ubllc Lmployees 8eLlre SysLem plus ollce & llremen's ulsablllLy & enslon
ALLempLs Lo conLrol CverLlme Lxpense ln 2013 were unsuccessful.
CverLlme for Lhe year was over budgeL by $3.0 mllllon (+13.2)
13. kecent neadcount n|story

S,292 S,227
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





Genera| Iund Iu|| 1|me Lmp|oyee neadcount
As of December
lull 1lme Salary Lxpense -$Mllllons
uecember lull 1lme Pead CounL
- 1.2
- 1.6
- S.S
- 8.8
2014 Mayor's Lst|mate
+247 Iu|| 1|me I1LS

2013 2014
# of Iu|| 1|me
at 12]31
Decrease of 807
Iu|| 1|me os|t|ons
(-1S) s|nce 2007
14.neadcount by D|v|s|on
1 of 1
Changes in Full Time Head Count by Division
December 2013 2014 8udget Increase Wage & 8enef|ts
Iu|| 1|me
Iu|| 1|me
Iu|| 1|me
neadcount Increase Cost Increase
1C1AL GLNLkAL IUND IULL 1IML nLADCCUN1 4,48S 4,732 247 S.S 1S,297,893 5
- - -
1C1AL INCkLASL ICk SAIL1 DLAk1MLN1 2,914 3,004 90 3.1 6,043,730 5
ollce 1,702 1,737 SS 3.2 2,673,962 $
ll8L 782 771 -11 -1.4 400,833 $
Lmergency Medlcal Servlce 232 261 9 3.6 1,134,813 $
Pouse of CorrecLlons 128 136 28 21.9 881,379 $
uog ound 13 13 0 0.0 26,864 $
SafeLy AdmlnlsLraLlon 33 44 9 23.7 923,837 $
1C1AL INCkLASL ICk CAI1AL kCILC1S AND U8LIC WCkkS S97 672 7S 12.6 2,1SS,814 5
CaplLal ro[ecLs 47 34 7 14.9 391,303 $
ubllc Works AdmlnlsLraLlon 37 39 2 3.4 130,971 $
WasLe CollecLlon and ulsposal 194 231 37 19.1 280,004 $
roperLy ManagemenL 72 77 S 6.9 (18,241) $
8ecreaLlon 99 109 10 10.1 283,398 $
arklng laclllLles 20 21 1 3.0 36,938 $
arks MalnLenance and roperLles 99 107 8 8.1 363,608 $ 3,064,433 13.8
1rafflc Lnglneerlng 29 34 S 17.2 263,831 $ 7,872,793 14.4
1C1AL INCkLASL ICk ALL C1nLk GI DLAk1MLN1S 974 1,0S6 82 8.4 7,098,349 5 30,438,421 3.8
Munlclpal CourL - !udlclal 233 263 10 4.0 1,037,836 $
Munlclpal CourL - Pouslng 41 43 4 9.8 310,339 $
Munlclpal CourL - Clerk's 133 137 4 2.6 406,034 $
8ulldlng & Pouslng - ulrecLors Cfflce 22 23 1 4.3 239,300 $
8ulldlng & Pouslng Code LnforcemenL 78 84 6 7.7 476,393 $
8ulldlng & Pouslng ConsLrucLlon ermlLLlng 13 19 4 26.7 421,173 $
PealLh AdmlnlsLraLlon 8 8 0 0.0 34,648 $
PealLh 28 30 2 7.1 332,270 $
LnvlronmenL 11 12 1 9.1 18,736 $
Alr 1 1 0 0.0 (2,843) $
Law 74 81 7 9.3 317,007 $
lnformaLlon SysLems Servlces 17 23 6 33.3 481,239 $
AssessmenLs and Llcenses 29 37 8 27.6 263,372 $
ClLy lannlng 13 18 3 20.0 217,113 $
llnance AdmlnlsLraLlon 6 10 4 66.7 187,782 $
urchases & Supplles 8 10 2 23.0 92,233 $
lnLernal AudlL 4 7 3 73.0 213,616 $
llnanclal 8eporLlng 11 13 4 36.4 243,293 $
Mayor's Cfflce 23 27 2 8.0 229,900 $
CommunlLy 8elaLlons 12 17 S 41.7 223,362 $
Lqual CpporLunlLy 7 10 3 42.9 369,281 $
oLher 136 139 3 1.9 723,398
Wage & 8enef|t Cost shows |s the d|fference for these two
expense categor|es for 2014 compared to 2013 actua|s.
Iactors that affect th|s change |nc|udes changes |n # of Iu||
1|me pos|t|ons, but |t a|so |nc|udes the affect of other factors.

roposed 8udgeL Salary, Wage & 8eneflLs cosL for
CourLs ls a 6 lncrease from Lhe acLual 2013 cosL of
$30.3 mllllon.
roposed 8udgeL Salary, Wage & 8eneflLs cosL for
8ulldlng & Pouslng ls a 14 lncrease from Lhe acLual
2013 cosL of $7.9 mllllon.
roposed 8udgeL Salary, Wage & 8eneflLs cosL for
PealLh ls a 14 lncrease from Lhe acLual 2013 cosL of
$3.1 mllllon.
roposed 8udgeL Salary, Wage & 8eneflLs cosL ls a
4.0 lncrease from Lhe acLual 2013 cosL of $397
1S. Interdepartment Serv|ce Charges
1 of 2
2013 Unaud|ted
2014 Mayor's
Lst|mate #7&"8%
of 1ota|
2014 Mayor's
2014 8udget
Increase ]
1oLal 8udgeL 30,297,413 $ 33,384,308 $ 3./2! 19,782,167 $ 2,323,437 $ 33/7!
MvM 18,862,323 19,713,041 5/0! 39 11,647,136 1,010,038 6/7!
1elephone Lxchange 6,113,872 6,836,306 33/6! 31 3,497,307 316,492 8/.!
8adlo CommunlcaLlons 2,689,379 3,312,238 9./4! 64 2,242,940 869,797 96/6!
rlnL & 8eproducLlon 2,103,873 2,737,892 93/.! 36 1,342,386 124,700 6/3!
CenLral SLoreroom 323,764 363,031 7/8! 92 320,648 (1,180) 1./2!
CLher - 331,330 (18,193) 10/0!
Serv|ce D|v|s|on 1ota| 8udget Genera| Iund share of Serv|ce D|v|s|on Costs
1S. Interdepartment Serv|ce Charges
2 of 2
D|v|s|ons w|th s|gn|f|cant changes
o||ce I|re LMS Waste
Ma|ntenance Cther 9:;&<
2014 Interdepartment Serv|ce
Charge 8udget 7,026,313 2,218,848 1,370,403 3,330,297 1,834,391 3,781,711 38:762:347
2014 Increase ] (decrease) 1,373,636 30,297 (178,072) 233,344 121,963 338,030 2:929:597
0 !"#$%&'% 22/5! 3/5! 133/9! 7/3! 4/4! 35/2!
MvM 3,360,898 1,324,028 1,378,997 3,162,319 1,330,908 869,786 33:457:394
1elephone Lxchange 1,376,139 337,486 66,243 26,836 37,766 1,413,017 9:587:0.7
8adlo CommunlcaLlons 1,324,490 271,641 69,814 83,681 121,837 169,437 2:252:85.
rlnL & 8eproducLlon 494,431 64,762 34,107 34,169 21,823 833,272 3:052:064
CenLral SLoreroom 70,337 931 1,244 1,072 2,233 444,829 02.:456
WasLe CollecLlon 283,000 40,000 920:...
CLher - - - - 13,000 (8,630) 4:90.

1ransfer 1o 8alny uay 8es lund
Subsldy 1o ubllc AudlLorlum / Conv. CenLer
CemeLery lund
lx CenLer lund
SLadlum lund
1ransfer Lo CLher SubClasses
Slnklng lund
uebL Servlce
8a|ance |n ka|ny Day Iund
at 1]1]2014
518.7 m||||on
2 of 2
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change % change
1ota| Interfund Subs|d|es 32,923,220 3,240,940 10.9 29,682,280
1ransfer 1o 8alny uay 8eserve lund - (3,000,000) -100.0 3,000,000
uebL Servlce lunds
1ransfer 1o CLher Subfunds 2,000,000 2,000,000 >100 - SLadlum CaplLal 8epalr
1ransfer Lo uebL Servlce lund 8,703,807 399,343 4.8 8,304,464
Subsldy 1o Slnklng lund 828,132 403,411 93.9 422,721
1ransfer Lo SLadlum lund 10,113,123 2,863,123 39.3 7,230,000
CLher 1ransfers
Subsldy 1o SLreeL ConsLrucLlon 7,974,936 2,110,064 36.0 3,864,872
1ransfer Lo School 8ecreaLlon lund 1,173,000 - 0.0 1,173,000
1ransfer Lo lx CenLer 200,000 61,770 44.7 138,230
Subsldy 1o CemeLery 30,134 30,134 >100 -
Subsldy 1o Colf Course 189,893 189,893 >100 -
Subsldy Lo ubllc AudlLorlum/ConvenLlon CenLer 1,688,193 161,200 10.6 1,326,993
1ransfer 1o 8alny uay 8es lund
Subsldy 1o ubllc AudlLorlum / Conv. CenLer
ka|ny Day Iund
16b. Interfund Subs|d|es
1 of 1
2014 Mayors
Estimate $ change
1ota| Interfund Subs|d|es 32,923,220 2S,396,1S3 8S.6 29,682,280
1ransfer 1o 8alny uay 8eserve lund - (224,000) -100.0 224,000
uebL Servlce lunds
1ransfer 1o CLher Subfunds 2,000,000 2,000,000 >100 - SLadlum CaplLal 8epalr lund
1ransfer Lo uebL Servlce lund 8,703,807 6,332,308 300.9 2,171,299
Subsldy 1o Slnklng lund 828,132 823,892 >100 2,240
1ransfer Lo SLadlum lund 10,113,123 10,113,123 #ulv/0! -
CLher 1ransfers
Subsldy 1o SLreeL ConsLrucLlon 7,974,936 4,793,921 130.7 3,181,013
1ransfer Lo School 8ecreaLlon lund 1,173,000 1,173,000 #ulv/0! -
1ransfer Lo lx CenLer 200,000 200,000 #ulv/0! -
Subsldy 1o CemeLery 30,134 41,333 >100 8,799
Subsldy 1o Colf Course 189,893 (1,227,993) >100 1,417,886
Subsldy Lo ubllc AudlLorlum/ConvenLlon CenLer 1,688,193 1,166,363 223.3 321,828
17. 1ota| C|eve|and Long 1erm Cb||gat|ons
1 of 2
nC1L 3 - uL81 Anu C1PL8 LCnC-1L8M C8LlCA1lCnS
A summary of Lhe changes ln long-Lerm debL and oLher long-Lerm obllgaLlons of Lhe ClLy durlng Lhe year ended
uecember 31, 2012, are as follows:
(AmounLs ln 000's)
1]1]2012 Add|t|ons keduct|ons
Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds 298,660 38,338 (28,298) 308,700
CLher uebL and CaplLal Leases 361,399 361,399
CLher L1 CbllgaLlons 102,997 102,997
1C1AL Ceneral lund L1 CbllgaLlons 763,036 38,338 (28,298) 773,096
8uslness-1ype AcLlvlLles (LnLerprlse lunds)
AlrporL SysLem 8evenue 8onds: 891,883 233,130 (263,103) 863,930
ubllc ower SysLem 8evenue 8onds: 261,766 17,143 (26,030) 232,881
WaLerworks lmprovemenL 8evenue 8onds: 698,413 121,120 (34,000) 783,333
113,323 963 (6,744) 109,742
arklng laclllLles 8efundlng 8evenue 8onds 34,043 (2,420) 31,623
CLher L1 CbllgaLlons (8,386) 34,333 (2,333) 23,814
1C1AL 8uslness-1ype L1 CbllgaLlons 1,993,248 408,933 (334,634) 2,067,327
1oLal uebL and CLher Long-1erm CbllgaLlons 2,736,304 447,271 (362,932) 2,840,623 $ -
Chlo WaLer uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy and ubllc
Works Commlsslon Loans
17. 1ota| C|eve|and Long 1erm Cb||gat|ons
g 2of 2
17. 1ota| C|eve|and Long 1erm Cb||gat|ons
18. Governmenta| Cb||gat|ons
g 1 of 2
C|ty of C|eve|and
debt ob||gat|ons
56S7 M||||on as of 12]31]2013
* non-1ax 8evenue 8onds aL 1/1/2013 lncludes SLadlum 8onds ($10.373 mllllon), Lconomlc and CommunlLy uev. /Core ClLy 8onds ($38.933 mlllon) and Lower
Luclld Ave. 1ll bonds ($6.363 mllllon).
5298.7 ,
5S3.0 ,
516.2 , 2
5S8.6 ,
54.3 , 1
5129.S ,
510.8 , 2
5117.7 , 18
50.8 , 0
Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds
SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax 8onds
SubordlnaLe Llen lncome 1ax 8onds
CaplLal Lease CbllgaLlons
urban 8enewal 8onds
non-1ax 8evenue 8onds*
Annual ApproprlaLlon 8onds
CerLlflcaLes of arLlclpaLlon (SLadlum)
CaLeway noLe ayable
CCvL8nMLn1 AC1lvl1lLS
18. Governmenta| Cb||gat|ons
g 2 of 2
8a|ance 1]1]2013
Debt Issued
Debt kefunded or
Defeased Debt ket|red
Governmenta| Act|v|t|es:
Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds x 308,700 - - -26,130 282,330
SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax 8onds x 30,020 -3,103 46,913
SubordlnaLe Llen lncome 1ax 8onds x 92,380 33,840 -3,730 124,490
CaplLal Lease CbllgaLlons x 16,236 6,333 -3,373 16,236 470,191 5 23,143 $
urban 8enewal 8onds x 4,270 -380 4,270
non-1ax 8evenue 8onds* x 33,894 -2,786 33,108
Annual ApproprlaLlon 8onds x 10,763 -333 10,763
;*,%+ <)=(#, <(>, 338,263 42,373 0 -40,261 S38,334 5 22,337 $
CerLlflcaLes of arLlclpaLlon (SLadlum) x 123,603 -3,936 117,669
CaLeway noLe ayable x 1,000 -230 730
1oLal CovernmenLal AcLlvlLles 662,870 42,373 -46,447 6S6,7S3 5 6,482 $ 2,043.38
1he Chlo 8evlsed Code provldes LhaL Lhe neL debL of Lhe munlclpal corporaLlon, wheLher or noL approved by Lhe elecLors, sha|| not exceed 10.S of the assessed va|ue of a||
property ln Lhe munlclpal corporaLlon as llsLed and assessed for LaxaLlon. ln addlLlon, Lhe unvoted net debt of mun|c|pa| corporat|ons cannot exceed S.S of tota| assessed
va|ue of property. 1he ClLy's tota| debt ||m|t (10.S) |s 5S14,494,983 and unvoted debt ||m|t (S.S) |s 5269,497,372. AL !anuary 1, 2014, Lhe ClLy had vlrLually no capaclLy under
Lhe lndlrecL debL llmlLaLlon calculaLlon per Lhe Chlo 8evlsed Code Lo lssue any addlLlonal unvoLed debL. Powever, Lhe debL llmlLaLlons are noL expecLed Lo affecL Lhe flnanclng of
any currenLly planned faclllLles or servlces.
* non-1ax 8evenue 8onds aL 1/1/2013 lncludes SLadlum 8onds ($10.373 mllllon), Lconomlc and CommunlLy uev. /Core ClLy 8onds ($38.933 mlllon) and Lower Luclld Ave. 1ll
bonds ($6.363 mllllon).
C|ty of C|eve|and Debt 5000s
lncrease /
(decrease) slnce
!anuary 2012
19. Goverment Cperat|ons Debt Chart
?8 Lnd rlnclpal 8alances CovernmenL CperaLlons uebL
CC 8ond rlnclpal
lncome 1ax
CaplLal Lease
Caslno 8evenue
8ond CLher AddlLlons
293,380,000 68,200,000 812,000 362,392,000
319,083,000 66,900,000 238,000 386,223,000 6234 Cap Lease


Goverment Operations
Principal year-end balances
$ millions
Casino Revenue Bond
Capital Lease Obligations
Subordinated Income Tax
GO Bond Principal Balance


$ millions
516.8 564.1 576.7 50
510.0 50 544.8
GC Debt Capac|ty was $269.3 mllllon aL 3.3
of Lhe assessed valuaLlon of
real properLy aL 12/31/2013

2011 CaplLal Lease
2008 SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax
2003 CaplLal Lease

2003 CaplLal Lease

2002 CaplLal Lease

2012 SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax
2010 CaplLal Lease
2010 SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax
2012 CaplLal Lease

Caslno 8evenue 8ond

SubordlnaLedlncome 1ax
2013 CaplLal Lease

SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 1 of 7
CLnL8AL lunu uL81 LCAu
Government (r|nc|pa| & Interest ayments)
2014 Debt
ket|rement 2014 Interest Cther Costs
1ota| Debt
Genera| Cb||gat|on 8onds 24,983,000 $ 13,378,213 $ - $ 38,363,213 $
Urban kenewa| 8onds due through 2018, 6.63 to 6.7S 379,773 288,200 $ 0 867,973 $
Subord|nated Income 1ax kefund|ng 8onds due through 2024, S.00 to S.2S 8onds 3,263,000 2,336,200 0 3,601,200 $
Subord|nate L|en Income 1ax 8onds due through 2031, 2.00 to 6.34 3,333,000 7,617,270 0 12,972,270 $
Stad|um due through 2020, 3.S0 to S.13 1,170,000 $ 460,044 $ 9,200,000 $ 10,830,044 $
Cert|f|cates of art|c|pat|on-Stad|um due through 2028,1.42 to S.70 3,890,000 $ 2,300,123 $ - $ 8,190,123 $
1axab|e Lcon and Com Dev. (Core C|ty 8onds) Ser|es 2004 & 2008 due through 2033 1,370,000 $ 1,033,200 $ 13,170 $ 2,620,370 $
Lower Luc||d Ave. 1II 2003A&8 due through 2032, 1.00 to S.00 133,000 $ 148,363 $ - $ 303,363 $
Annua| Appropr|at|on 8onds - I|ats Last 8ank due through 203S, 2.60 to 6.00 334,730 $ 338,463 $ - $ 873,213 $
Cap|ta| Lease Cb||gat|ons, due through 2018, 2.26 to 3.22 3,373,100 $ 406,434 $ - $ 3,981,334 $
Gateway Note ayab|e, due through 2016 230,000 $ - $ - $ 230,000 $
S|nk|ng Iund Cperat|ons - - $ 939,640 $ 939,640 $
47,129,623 $ 28,308,334 $ 10,174,810 $ 83,812,969 $
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 2 of 7
Genera| Cb||gat|on 8onds:
r|nc|pa| 8a|ance 5000s
r|nc|pa| 8a|ance
2014 Debt
ket|rement 2014 Interest 1ota| Debt Load
2S7,S6S 5 282,SS0 5 24,983,000 $ 13,378,213 $ 38,363,213 $
1ax kevenue 8onds
12]31]2013 r|nc|pa|
2014 Debt
ket|rement 2014 Interest Cther Costs 1ota| Debt Load
Urban kenewa| 8onds due through 2018, 6.63 to 6.7S 4,270,000 5 379,773 288,200 $ 867,973 $
Subord|nated Income 1ax kefund|ng 8onds due through 2024, S.00 to S.2S 8onds 46,91S,000 5 3,263,000 2,336,200 3,601,200 $
Subord|nate L|en Income 1ax 8onds due through 2031, 2.00 to 6.34 * 124,490,000 5 3,333,000 7,617,270 12,972,270 $
17S,67S,000 5 9,199,773 10,241,670 0 19,441,443 $
GC 8onds 282,SS0,000 5 24,983,000 $ 13,378,213 $ - $ 38,363,213 $
1ota| 1ax kevenue 8onds 4S8,22S,000 5 34,184,77S 5 23,619,883 5 - 5 S7,804,6S8 5
* ln 2014 Lhe plan ls Lo lssue an addlLlonal $41 mllllon ln SubordlnaLed Llen lncome 1ax 8onds Lo flnance Lhe Cl CaplLal rogram
ClLy 8onds or oLher debL LhaL llke Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds LhaL rely on ClLy of Cleveland Lax revenues for servlce of Lhe
rlnclpal and lnLeresL annual uebL Load
Cther Governmenta| Cb||gat|ons
- supported by C|ty tax kevenues
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 3 of 7
Cther Governmenta| Cb||gat|ons
Non-1ax kevenue 8onds:
r|nc|pa| 8a|ance
2014 Debt
ket|rement 2014 Interest Cther Costs 1ota| Debt Load
Stad|um due through 2020, 3.S0 to S.13 9,48S,000 5 1,170,000 $ 460,044 $ 9,200,000 $ 10,830,044 $
117,670,000 3,890,000 $ 2,300,123 $ 8,190,123 $

38,9SS,000 1,370,000 $ 1,033,200 $ 13,170 $ 2,620,370 $
6,364,000 133,000 $ 148,363 $ 303,363 $
10,76S,000 334,730 $ 338,463 $ 873,213 $
- $
Cap|ta| Lease Cb||gat|ons, due through 2018, 2.26 to 3.22 19,471,000 3,373,100 $ 406,434 $ 3,981,334 $
Gateway Note ayab|e, due through 2016 7S0,000 230,000 $ 230,000 $
200,22S,000 5 12,944,830 $ 4,888,631 $ 9,213,170 $ 27,048,671 $
1ota| 1ax kevenue 8onds 4S8,22S,000 5 34,184,773 $ 23,619,883 $ - $ 37,804,638 $
1C1AL GCVLkNMLN1AL DL81 LCAD 6S8,4S0,000 5 47,129,62S 5 28,S08,S34 5 9,21S,170 5 84,8S3,329 5
1hese 8onds LhaL are noL general obllgaLlons of Lhe ClLy and are noL secured by Lhe full falLh and credlL of
Lhe ClLy nor are Lhey payable from Lhe general revenues or asseLs of Lhe ClLy.
Cert|f|cates of art|c|pat|on-Stad|um due through 2028,
1.42 to S.70
1axab|e Lconom|c and Commun|ty Dev. (Core C|ty 8onds)
Ser|es 2004 & 2008 due through 2033, .14 to S.40
Lower Luc||d Ave. 1II 2003A&8 due through 2032,
1.00 to S.00
Annua| Appropr|at|on 8onds - I|ats Last 8ank due through
203S, 2.60 to 6.00
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 4 of 7
Genera| Cb||gat|on 8onds: 282.6 5 M||||on
Urban kenewa| 8onds: 4.3 5 M||||on
Subord|nated Income 1ax kefund|ng 8onds 46.9 5 M||||on
LffecLlve May 19, 2011, Lhe ClLy lssued 531,260,000 varlous urpose Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds, Serles 2011. 1heproceeds of Lhe bonds wlll be used Lo pay cosLs of var|ous pub||c |mprovements to pub||c fac|||t|es, parks
and recreat|on fac|||t|es, cemeter|es and br|dges and roadways and to pay the costs of |ssu|ng the bonds.
ln 1993, Lhe ClLy lssued 510,800,000 of urban 8enewal 8onds (kock and ko|| na|| of Iame and Museum ro[ect) for Lhe purpose of paylng a porLlon of Lhe cosLs of Lhe acqu|s|t|on and construct|on of a "port author|ty
educat|ona| and cu|tura| fac|||ty" Lo conducL programs of an educaLlonal and lnsLrucLlonal naLurerelaLlng Lo Lhe fleld of conLemporary muslc, lncludlng rock and roll muslc, whlch consLlLuLes Lhe 8ock and 8oll Pall of
lame and Museum (Lhe laclllLy). 1he neL proceeds were conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe Cleveland-Cuyahoga CounLy orL AuLhorlLy whlch owns and leases Lhe faclllLy Lo 8ock and 8oll Pall of lame and Museum, lnc., an Chlo non-
proflL corporaLlon. 1he 8ock and 8oll Pall of lame and Museum opened ln SepLember 1993.
LffecLlve !une 1, 1994, Lhe ClLy lssued 574,700,000 of SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax varlable 8aLe 8efundlng 8onds, Serles 1994 (Lhe 8onds"). 1he proceeds were used Lo fund Lhe ClLy's obllgaLlon for Lhe employer's
accrued llablllLy Lo Lhe ollce and llremen's ulsablllLy and enslon lund of Lhe SLaLe of Chlo (Lhe lund"). 1he prlnclpal use of Lhe proceeds was Lhe currenL refundlng of Lhe ClLy's obllgaLlon Lo Lhe lund for Lhe
employer's accrued llablllLy ln Lhe amounL of $104,686,400, whlch was payable ln seml-annual lnsLallmenLs of $2,696,243 Lhrough May 13, 2033. ursuanL Lo SecLlon 742.30 (C) of Lhe Chlo 8evlsed Code, Lhe ClLy and Lhe
lund enLered lnLo an agreemenL LhaL permlLLed Lhe ClLy Lo make a one Llme paymenL Lo Lhe lund Lo exLlngulsh Lhe ClLy's obllgaLlon. 1he paymenL amounL of $70,493,204 was calculaLed by applylng a 33 dlscounL facLor
Lo Lhe $104,686,400 accrued llablllLy plus addlng accrued lnLeresL of $2,447,044.
SubordlnaLed lncome 1ax 8efundlng 8onds were lssued Lo fund Lhe C|ty's ob||gat|on for the emp|oyer's accrued ||ab|||ty to the o||ce and I|remen's D|sab|||ty and ens|on Iund of the State of Ch|o.
Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds are backed by Lhe full falLh and credlL of Lhe ClLy. Such bonds are payable from ad valorem properLy Laxes levled wlLhln Lhe llmlLaLlons provlded by law, lrrespecLlve of wheLher such bonds are
secured by oLher recelpLs of Lhe ClLy ln addlLlon Lo such ad valorem properLy Laxes.
under Lhe dlrecL debL llmlLaLlon lmposed by Lhe Chlo 8evlsed Code, Lhe ClLy had Lhe capaclLy Lo lssue $310,214,871 of addlLlonal unvoLed debL aL uecember 31, 2011.
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 3 of 7
Subord|nate L|en Income 1ax 8onds 124.S 5 M||||on
1hls Lype of bond was flrsL uLlllzed ln 2008 Lo be able Lo accompllsh a larger caplLal program Lhan posslble Lhrough replacemenL of reLlrlng Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8ond uebL. ln recenL years Lhe clLy has opLed Lo use Lhls
borrowlng capaclLy followlng Lhe 2008 recesslon whlch resulLed ln a lowerlng of properLy values whlch conLlnues Lo negaLlvely lmpacL Lhe CC 8ond uebL llmlL of 3.3 of Assessed valuaLlons.
- LffecLlve !une 23, 2010, Lhe ClLy lssued 527,380,000 SubordlnaLe Llen lncome 1ax 8onds, Serles 2010. 1he proceeds of Lhe bonds wlll be used Lo pay cosLs of varlous munlclpal lmprovemenLs lncludlng publlc faclllLles,
parks and recreaLlon, and brldges and
-LffecLlve november 29, 2012, Lhe ClLy lssued 51S,180,000 of SubordlnaLe Llen lncome 1ax 8onds, Serles 2012. 1hese bonds were lssued Lo provlde funds for Lhe consLrucLlon of a new pollce sLaLlon and clLy-wlde
communlcaLlons cenLer.
1he $3,403,000 Serles 2010A-1 8onds were lssued as LradlLlonal Lax-exempL debL. 1he ClLy Look advanLage of several new flnanclng programs creaLed by Lhe Amerlcan 8ecovery and 8elnvesLmenL AcL (A88A) when
lssulng Lhe remalnlng porLlon of Lhe bonds. 1he $3,383,000 Serles 2010A-2 8onds were lssued as Laxable 8ulld Amerlca 8onds whlle Lhe $8,243,000 Serles 20108 8onds and Lhe $8,343,000 Serles 2010C 8onds were
lssued uslng Lhe ClLy's allocaLlon of Laxable 8ecovery Zone 8onds. ursuanL Lo Lhese programs, Lhe ClLy wlll recelve federal cash subsldles ln amounLs equal Lo a porLlon of Lhe lnLeresL on Lhese bonds.
- ln 2013 Lhe ClLy lssued 53S,800,000 of SubordlnaLed Llen lncome 1ax 8onds, Serles 2013 Lo flnance Lhe CaplLal rogram.
- ln 2014 Lhe ClLy plans Lo lssue 541,000,000 of SubordlnaLed Llen lncome 1ax 8onds, Serles 2014 Lo flnance Lhe CaplLal rogram.
- LffecLlve May 1, 2008, Lhe ClLy lssued 5S9,S60,000 SubordlnaLe Llen lncome 1ax 8onds, Serles 2008. 1he proceeds of Lhe bonds wlll be used Lo pay cosLs of varlous munlclpal lmprovemenLs lncludlng publlc faclllLles,
brldges and roadways, parks and recreaLlon faclllLles, cemeLerles and revlLallzaLlon.
1hese bonds are speclal obllgaLlons of Lhe ClLy and are noL general obllgaLlon debL and are noL secured by a pledge of Lhe full falLh and credlL of Lhe ClLy. 1he bonds are payable from Lhe ClLy's munlclpal lncome Lax
revenues Lo Lhe exLenL Lhose revenues are noL needed Lo pay debL servlce charges on Lhe ClLy's unvoLed general obllgaLlon debL or unvoLed general obllgaLlon debL lssued ln Lhe fuLure. lL ls Lhe ClLy's lnLenLlon Lo pay Lhe
debL servlce on Lhese bonds and Lhe Serles 2008 SubordlnaLe Llen lncome 1ax 8onds from Lhe 8esLrlcLed lncome 1ax collecLlons
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 6 of 7
Stad|um due through 2020, 3.S0 to S.13 9.S 5 M||||on
Cert|f|cates of art|c|pat|on-Stad|um due through 2028, 1.42 to S.70 117.7 5 M||||on
1axab|e Lconom|c and Commun|ty Dev. (Core C|ty 8onds) Ser|es 2004 & 2008 due through 2033, .14 to S.40 39.0 5 M||||on
Stad|um: ln !une 1997, CerLlflcaLes of arLlclpaLlon (CCS) ln Lhe amounL of 5139,34S,000 were lssued Lo asslsL ln Lhe consLrucLlon of an open-alr sLadlum for Lhe play of professlonal fooLball and oLher evenLs. ln CcLober
1999, CCS ln Lhe amounL of $20,343,000 were lssued Lo reLlre Lhen ouLsLandlng non- 1ax 8evenue 8ond AnLlclpaLlon noLes. 1he ClLy wlll make lease paymenLs sub[ecL Lo annual approprlaLlon by ClLy Councll and
cerLlflcaLlon by Lhe ulrecLor of llnance as Lo Lhe avallablllLy of funds from Lhose approprlaLlons. 1hese obllgaLlons do noL consLlLuLe a debL or pledge of Lhe full falLh and credlL of Lhe ClLy.
- 1he ClLy lssued 527,400,000 of 1axab|e Lconom|c and Commun|ty Deve|opment kevenue 8onds, Serles 2003, effecLlve uecember 18, 2003. roceeds of Lhese bonds esLabllshed Lhe Core C|ty Iund wh|ch w||| prov|de
funds for |ndustr|a|, commerc|a|, d|str|but|on and research fac|||t|es and res|dent|a| hous|ng |n the C|ty. 1he bonds were lssued wlLh a varlable raLe uslng 28 day aucLlon raLe securlLles.
ln 2008 proceeds of Lhese bonds were used Lo refund Lhe ouLsLandlng debL balance,Lo fund a bond reserve fund and Lo pay Lhe cosLs of lssulng Lhe bonds.
Stad|um: LffecLlve uecember 16, 2004, Lhe ClLy lssued 514,83S,000 Non-1ax kevenue8onds, Serles 2004 (Cleveland SLadlum ro[ecL) Lo refund Lhe non-1ax8evenue SLadlum 8onds, Serles 1999A&8. 1hese bonds do noL
represenL a general obllgaLlon debL or pledge of Lhe full falLh and credlL or Laxlng power of LheClLy, and are payable solely from non-Lax revenues of Lhe ClLy.
- Cn november 10, 2004, Lhe ClLy lssued 1axable Lconomlc and CommunlLy uevelopmenL 8evenue 8onds, Serles 2004 (Core ClLy). 1he Serles 2004 8onds were lssued ln Lhe amounL of $19,280,000 Lo pay the costs of
certa|n econom|c and commun|ty deve|opment pro[ects. 1hese Serles 2004 8onds were lssued as flxed raLe securlLles and are speclal obllgaLlons of Lhe ClLy, payable from non-Lax revenues and neL pro[ecL revenues.
20. 2014 8ond Debt Load Descr|pt|ons of the Governmenta| Debt Cb||gat|ons
g 7 of 7
Annua| Appropr|at|on 8onds - I|ats Last 8ank due through 203S, 2.60 to 6.00 10.8 5 M||||on
Lower Luc||d Ave. 1II 2003A&8 due through 2032, 1.00 to S.00 6.4 5 M||||on
Gateway Note ayab|e, due through 2016 0.8 5 M||||on

Cap|ta| Lease Cb||gat|ons, due through 2018, 2.26 to 3.22 19.S 5 M||||on
- ln 2010 Lhe ClLy Leased 56.7 m||||on of vehlcles under Lhls faclllLy
- ln 2011 Lhe ClLy Leased 56.6 m||||on of vehlcles under Lhls faclllLy
- ln 2012 Lhe ClLy Leased 56.S m||||on of vehlcles under Lhls faclllLy
- ln 2013 Lhe ClLy Leased 56.S m||||on of vehlcles under Lhls faclllLy
1he ClLy has enLered lnLo varlous agreemenLs Lo lease equlpmenL. Such agreemenLs are LreaLed as lease purchases (CaplLal Leases) and are classlfled as long Lerm lease obllgaLlons ln Lhe flnanclalsLaLemenLs. 1he lease
conLracLs conLaln annual one-year renewal opLlons LhaL can be exerclsed by Lhe ClLy lf sufflclenL funds are approprlaLed by ClLy Councll. upon Lhe exerclse of each annual one-year renewal opLlon and saLlsfacLlon of Lhe
lease obllgaLlons relaLed LhereLo, LlLle Lo Lhe equlpmenL wlll pass Lo Lhe ClLy.
ln CcLober 1996, Lhe ClLy and Cuyahoga CounLy each agreed Lo pay 5S,000,000 for add|t|ona| costs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe CaLeway SporLs Complex. 1he amounLs are Lo be repald ln annual lnsLallmenLs of $230,000 for 20
years. 1he monles are deducLed from Lhe monLhly dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe SLaLe Local CovernmenL lund whlch ls recorded ln Lhe ClLy's Ceneral lund. 1he flrsL deducLlon was made ln March 1997.
I|ats Last 8ank: Cn uecember 21, 2010, Lhe ClLy lssued 511,000,000 C|ty Annua| Appropr|at|on 8onds Lhrough Lhe Cleveland-Cuyahoga CounLy orL AuLhorlLy. 1he proceeds of Lhe bonds are belng used Lo prov|de funds for |and purchase
and pub||c |mprovements ln Lhe area of Lhe llaLs LasL uevelopmenL ro[ecL.
1he bonds are speclal obllgaLlons of Lhe orL AuLhorlLy payable from approprlaLlon paymenLs made by Lhe ClLy under a cooperaLlve agreemenL. 1he ClLy's obllgaLlon Lo make paymenLs ls sub[ecL Lo and dependenL upon annual
approprlaLlons belng made by Lhe ClLy. 1he ClLy lnLends Lo make Lhese debL servlce paymenLs from Lhe 8esLrlcLed lncome 1ax collecLlons.
Lconomlc uevelopmenL 8onds Serles 2003A and Serles 20038 (Lower Luc||d Avenuero[ect):
-ln november 2003, Lhe ClLy lssued 57,200,000 Lconom|c Deve|opment kevenue 8onds, Serles 2003A and $1,000,000 Lconomlc uevelopmenL 8evenue 8onds, Serles 20038-1 for Lhe Lower Luclld Avenue ro[ecL.
- ln november 2004, Lhe flnal 51,000,000 Lconom|c Deve|opment kevenue 8onds, Serles 20038-2 were lssued.
1he proceeds of Lhese bonds were made avallable Lo Lhe owners of cerLaln properLles on Luclld Avenue for Lhe construct|on and renovat|on of commerc|a| restaurant and reta|| fac|||t|es and the construct|on of a
park|ng garage.
1hese 1ax lncremenL llnanclng (1ll) 8onds are secured by a pledge of (a) servlce paymenLs ln lleu of Laxes recelved by Lhe ClLy from Lhe owners of cerLaln properLles locaLed wlLhln a Lax lncremenL flnanclng dlsLrlcL, (b)
loan paymenLs payable Lo Lhe ClLy and (c) by a pledge of cerLaln non-Lax revenues of Lhe ClLy, sub[ecL Lo Lhe prlor pledge by Lhe ClLy of such non-Lax revenues Lo secure oLher obllgaLlons of Lhe ClLy.
21. Debt Serv|ce kevenue
age 1 of 2
21. Debt Serv|ce kevenue
age 2 of 2
22. 2012 CAIk - Long 1erm Debt 1ab|e
g 1 of 2
22. 2012 CAIk - Long 1erm Debt 1ab|e
g 2 of 2
23. 8ond kat|ngs
g 1 of 1
Deve|opments affect|ng 8ond kat|ngs s|nce 2012
- uue Lo decreases ln Assessed valuaLlons of properLy sLemmlng from Lhe recenL recesslon, Ceneral CbllgaLlon borrowlng capaclLy has been reduced (llmlLed by 1he
Chlo 8evlsed Code Lo 3.3 of valuaLlons) and Lherefore Lhe clLy has been forced Lo shlfL Lo SubordlnaLed Llen noLes and CaplLal Leases Lo fund caplLal programs. uesplLe
Lhe slow recovery from Lhe recesslon and lL's negaLlve lmpacLs on Lhe Ceneral lund budgeL, clLy has malnLalned good credlL raLlngs on boLh Lhelr Ceneral CbllgaLlon 8onds
and SubordlnaLed Llen noLes (Moody's A1)
- unlLed Alrllnes recenLly announced Lhey are dropplng Cleveland as a hub and how Lhey expecL Lo reduce peak day deparLures from 199 Lo 72 by !une 2014. I|tch
|mmed|ate|y downgraded A|rport 8onds to 888+ from A-. Powever, Lhese bonds remaln lnvesLmenL grade" by all Lhree raLlng agencles desplLe a slgnlflcanL anLlclpaLed
reducLlon ln AlrporL revenues.
- Cleveland ubllc ower commlssloned a sLudy by CuS AssoclaLes whlch concluded LhaL power purchase conLracLs currenLly supplylng 60 of Lhe supply are causlng
C Lo purchase power aL above markeL raLes. As Lhese conLracLs are long Lerm commlLmenLs, Lhe ConsulLanL's concluslon was LhaL Lhe only way ouL" of Lhls
predlcamenL ls Lhrough growLh of Lhe buslness. AlLhough C now has Lransmlsslon llne capaclLy Lo handle cusLomer base expanslon, susLalned growLh has yeL Lo be
demonsLraLed. LffecLlve november 26, 2013 Standard and oors kat|ng Serv|ces changed |ts out|ook on C|eve|and ub||c ower from "Stab|e" to "Negat|ve." nowever,
they |eft the|r rat|ng of A|rport kevenue 8onds at |nvestment grade A-.
24. A|rport 8onds and Lnterpr|se I|nanc|a|s
g 1 of 4
|edges of Iuture kevenues
1he ClLy has pledged fuLure alrporL revenues Lo repay $863,930,000 ln varlous AlrporL SysLem 8evenue 8onds
lssued ln varlous years slnce 2001. roceeds from Lhe bonds provlded flnanclng for alrporL operaLlons. 1he bonds
are payable from alrporL neL revenues and are payable Lhrough 2033. Annual prlnclpal and lnLeresL paymenLs on Lhe
bonds are expecLed Lo requlre less Lhan 61 of neL revenues. 1he LoLal prlnclpal and lnLeresL remalnlng Lo be pald on
Lhe varlous AlrporL SysLem 8evenue 8onds ls $1,320,472,000. rlnclpal and lnLeresL pald for Lhe currenL year and
LoLal neL revenues (lncludlng oLher avallable funds) were $30,031,000 and $83,173,000, respecLlvely.
ln 2014, Lhe ClLy ls plannlng or revlewlng Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhe followlng flnanclngs:
24. A|rport 8onds and Lnterpr|se I|nanc|a|s
g 2 of 4
A|rport Spec|a| Iac|||t|es kevenue 8onds
AlrporL Speclal 8evenue 8onds, Ser|es 1990, tota||ng 576,320,000 were lssued Lo flnance Lhe acqulslLlon and
consLrucLlon of a Lermlnal, hangar and oLher supporL faclllLles leased Lo ConLlnenLal Alrllnes aL Cleveland Popklns
lnLernaLlonal AlrporL. 1hese bonds were refunded ln 1999 by Lhe lssuance of AlrporL Speclal 8evenue 8efundlng
8onds, Serles 1999 LoLallng $71,440,000.
AddlLlonal A|rport Spec|a| kevenue 8onds, Ser|es 1998, tota||ng $73,120,000, were |ssued |n 1998 to f|nance the des|gn
and construct|on of certa|n a|rport fac|||t|es |eased to Cont|nenta| A|r||nes, lncludlng a new reglonal [eL concourse.
8ecause prlnclpal and lnLeresL on Lhese bonds are uncondlLlonally guaranLeed by ConLlnenLal Alrllnes and pald dlrecLly by
ConLlnenLal Alrllnes, Lhese bonds do noL consLlLuLe a debL, llablllLy or general obllgaLlon of Lhe ClLy or a pledge of Lhe ClLy's
revenues. As such, no llablllLles relaLlng Lo Lhese bonds are lncluded ln Lhe accompanylng flnanclal sLaLemenLs.
ln !une 2011, Lhe AlrporL SysLem, under lLs rlghLs Lo opLlonal redempLlon, elecLed Lo deposlL cash on hand lnLo Lhe
Serles 2008C 8ond lund and lnLo Lhe Serles 2008P 8ond lund sufflclenL Lo redeem, prlor Lo maLurlLy, all of Lhe
ouLsLandlng Serles 2008C and Serles 2008P 8onds. AfLer Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe funds on hand ln Lhe respecLlve
bond funds, oLher avallable AlrporL funds were placed lnLo Lhe accounLs Lo pay on !une 22, 2011 prlnclpal ln Lhe
amounL of $7,423,000 on Lhe Serles 2008C 8onds and $430,000 on Lhe Serles 2008P 8onds, plus accrued lnLeresL Lo
Lhe redempLlon daLe. As a resulL, Lhese bonds have been defeased and Lhe llablllLy for Lhe bonds has been removed
from long-Lerm debL.
LffecLlve november 16, 2011, Lhe ClLy lssued 574,38S,000 A|rport System kevenue 8onds, Serles 2011A (non-
AM1). Cf Lhls amounL, $64,313,000 of Lhe proceeds was lssued Lo pay a porLlon of Lhe cosLs of lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe
AlrporL SysLem, Lo fund deposlLs Lo Lhe bond reserve fund and Lhe 8enewal and 8eplacemenL lund and Lo pay
lssuance cosLs. 1he remalnlng $9,870,000 was used Lo refund a porLlon of Lhe ouLsLandlng AlrporL SysLem 8evenue
8onds, Serles 2008u ln Lhe aggregaLe prlnclpal amounL of $9,200,000 on november 28, 2011 and Lo pay cosLs of
lssulng Lhe bonds. As a resulL, Lhe refunded bonds were defeased and Lhe llablllLy for Lhese bonds removed from
long-Lerm debL. 1he ClLy obLalned an economlc galn (Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe presenL values of Lhe old and new
debL servlce) of approxlmaLely $1.67 mllllon as a resulL of Lhe refundlng.
LffecLlve lebruary 23, 2012, Lhe ClLy lssued 523S,1S0,000 A|rport System kevenue 8onds, Serles 2012A. roceeds
of Lhe bonds were used Lo refund Lhe ouLsLandlng $249,443,000 AlrporL SysLem 8evenue 8onds, Serles 2000A and
Lo pay Lhe cosLs of lssulng Lhe bonds. neL proceeds of Lhe Serles 2012A 8onds, amounLs on hand ln Lhe Serles 2000
lnLeresL accounL and an amounL released from Lhe debL servlce reserve fund LoLallng $232,378,809 were placed ln an
lrrevocable escrow accounL Lo pay Lhe prlnclpal and lnLeresL on Lhe refunded bonds on March 26, 2012. As a resulL,
Lhe refunded bonds were defeased and Lhe llablllLy for Lhe 2000A 8onds has been removed from long-Lerm debL.
1he ClLy compleLed Lhe refundlng ln order Lo achleve debL servlce savlngs of approxlmaLely $23.1 mllllon or an
economlc galn (Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe presenL values of Lhe old and new debL servlce) of approxlmaLely $13.12
mllllon or 6.06.
1he ClLy lssued $38,000,000 AlrporL 8evenue 8onds, Ser|es 2013A, effecLlve Aprll 24, 2013. 1he bonds were lssued Lo
refund the outstand|ng 5S8,000,000 Ser|es 2008I A|rport kevenue 8onds upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe exlsLlng leLLer of
credlL. 1he bonds were dlrecLly purchased by u.S. 8ank naLlonal AssoclaLlon as varlable raLe bonds. As a resulL of Lhls
refundlng, Lhe AlrporL SysLem wlll reallze approxlmaLely $3.4 mllllon or 3.87 of presenL value debL servlce savlngs
24. A|rport 8onds and Lnterpr|se I|nanc|a|s
g 3 of 4

24. A|rport 8onds and Lnterpr|se I|nanc|a|s
g 4 of 4
CperaLlng Lxpenses 78,773,323 77,941,618 69,172,217 87,231,337
! *? @(A(&B( 43! 04! 0.! 05!
CaplLal CuLlay 2,389,000 2,743,733 1,392,124 1,407,000
uebL Servlce
rlnclpal 14,243,417 16,283,000 31,716,000 33,277,312
lnLeresL 33,171,300 33,092,200 33,388,996 39,276,488
1oLal 49,416,717 31,377,200 67,104,996 72,334,000
! *? @(A(&B( 96! 97! 56! 50!
1oLal Cash CuLlays 130,781,242 132,062,333 137,669,337 161,192,337

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