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lrrlgaLe ls a communlLy placemaklng lnlLlaLlve led by Sprlngboard for Lhe ArLs ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe ClLy
of SalnL aul, LlSC and many of SalnL aul's mosL lnfluenLlal and lnnovaLlve organlzaLlons and leaders.

1hls unlque publlc-prlvaLe parLnershlp provldes a model of communlLy-based placemaklng LhaL
leverages lnfrasLrucLure developmenL, a hlgh concenLraLlon of resldenL arLlsLs, a dlverse eLhnlc and
culLural mlx, and a clLy wlLh a sLrong Lrack record of arLlsL communlLy engagemenL.

At tbe lotetsectloo of teqloool Jevelopmeot ooJ tbe otts, tbls pobllc-ptlvote collobototloo ls beootlfolly
posltlooeJ to fotqe cteotlve, comptebeoslve opptoocbes to ttooslt-otleoteJ Jevelopmeot lo tbe 1wlo
cltles, wltb o sttoteqlc focos oo bow ottlsts wlll coottlbote to lts soccess. kote wolfotJ, lteslJeot, 1be
Mckolqbt loooJotloo

lrrlgaLe moblllzes arLlsLs Lo engage ln Lhelr communlLy Lo change Lhe landscape of Lhe CenLral Corrldor
wlLh color, arL, surprlse, creaLlvlLy and fun. ln Lhe process, lrrlgaLe has had a poslLlve lmpacL on Lhe
narraLlve and resulLlng communlLy percepLlons of Lhe communlLy developmenL LranslL lnlLlaLlve.

"1be blqqest commoo tbteoJ l've seeo lo tbe lttlqote ptojects ls tbot tbey ote teolly oboot wbot's posslble
lo tbe oelqbbotbooJ. 1bey'te oot blq flosby ott lostollotloos, bot tbey'te oboot bollJloq tles betweeo tbe
people wbo llve lo tbe oelqbbotbooJ. 1bey'te oboot commoolcotloq to people tbot tbete ote teosoos to
come to tbe ceottol cottlJot eveo Jotloq coosttoctloo." looto 2obel, xecotlve ultectot, 5ptloqbootJ fot
tbe Atts

1he followlng reporL provldes an analysls of Lhe lmpacL of Lhe lrrlgaLe lnlLlaLlve on Lhe communlLy
narraLlve Lhrough earned medla coverage garnered Lo daLe. AL Lhls, Lhe mld-polnL ln Lhe pro[ecL, Lhese
meLrlcs provlde a look back aL Lhe success of Lhe lnlLlaLlve over Lhe course of lLs flrsL 18 monLhs as well
as a benchmark agalnsL whlch Lo measure Lhe lmpacL of Lhe second half of Lhe work.

*##)2".%34 *+,"-.

1heory of Change: uurlng Llmes of dlsrupLlon, soclal caplLal can be bullL qulckly. lrrlgaLe uses Lhe
dlsrupLlon of Lhe CenLral Corrldor consLrucLlon pro[ecL Lo engage SalnL aul's acLlve creaLlve class Lo
help local communlLles along Lhe corrldor bulld soclal caplLal Lhrough placemaklng. 1hrough
placemaklng, Lhe lrrlgaLe lnlLlaLlve has engaged Lhe communlLy Lo supporL small buslnesses. 1he
lnlLlaLlve provldes a sense of whaL's posslble when Lhe communlLy engages ln creaLlve placemaklng,
Lurnlng a challenglng perlod of LranslLlon lnLo an energlzlng and exclLlng opporLunlLy Lo sLrengLhen Lhe

"1bete's beeo mote collobototloo betweeo ottlsts ooJ tbe clty tboo ot ooy otbet polot lo oot
blstoty. Moyot cbtls colemoo, clty of 5t. lool
50# 67 +0$.849 *##)2".% 8"4 :%%$ +0:);)<)$2 "#.)4.4 .0 .#"$4=0#+ .8% >%$.#"; >0##)&0# )$.0 " ,;"-%
?8%#% -0++1$).@ )$.%#"-.4 "$& .8#)A%4B
18 monLhs lnLo Lhe 3 year lnlLlaLlve
430+ local arLlsLs compleLed Lralnlng led by Sprlngboard for Lhe ArLs
100+ placemaklng pro[ecLs
lmpacLlng Lhe slx SalnL aul dlsLrlcL counclls along Lhe CenLral Corrldor: uownLown, lrogLown,
SummlL-unlverslLy, Pamllne Mldway, unlon ark, SL. AnLhony ark

"No 1wlo cltles loltlotlve bos pot tbe pobllc lo pobllc ott llke tbls. 1be ombltloos ottempt to
seeJ tbe coosttoctloo-bllqbteJ ceottol cottlJot toote lo 5t. lool, olooq uolvetslty Aveooe, wltb
booJteJs of ott ptojects bos qooe beyooJ eye-pleosloq to teol commoolty Jevelopmeot. (llke
cllffotJ uoJJs postets mopploq block-owoeJ bosloesses.) 1be otboo ploooets tecelvloq ootloool
otteotloo fot lttlqote coll tbls cteotlve plocemokloq, o bozzwotJ fot sboploq oo oteo tbtooqb
coltote. we coll lt sovloq tbe Joy." Mlooesoto Mootbly Moqozloe (Novembet 2012)

>0$.#):1.)$2 .0 .8% C"##".)A%B !"#$%& (%&)"34 *$=;1%$-% 0$ >0++1$).@ D%#-%,.)0$ "$& !$2"2%+%$.
<7.*4,40B lrrlgaLe has recelved slgnlflcanL coverage by prlnL, broadcasL and onllne medla coverlng Lhe
SalnL aul reglon lmpacLed by Lhe CenLral Corrldor pro[ecL. Coverage has focused on Lhe lnlLlaLlve as a
whole as well as sLorles speclflc Lo Lhe many unlque pro[ecLs. ln addlLlon Lo proflle pleces on Lhe
lnlLlaLlve, lrrlgaLe was ofLen lncluded ln general sLorles abouL Lhe CenLral Corrldor lnlLlaLlve as a poslLlve
conLrlbuLor Lo communlLy developmenL along Lhe llne.

=(.6)B 30 mllllon lmpresslons (clrculaLlon Llmes 2.3) reachlng all slx of Lhe relevanL SalnL aul dlsLrlcL
counclls, and Lhe clLy as a whole.

=(3,$*./ 2%&.64> Whlle coverage of Lhe lrrlgaLe pro[ecL reached all slx communlLles, Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
coverage focused on pro[ecLs cenLral Lo uownLown, SL. AnLhony ark, SummlL-unlverslLy and
lrogLown. Pamllne-Mldway area pro[ecLs recelved mlnlmal coverage. CurrenL searches dld noL ldenLlfy
any coverage of pro[ecLs ln Lhe unlon ark dlsLrlcL. 1hls could be due Lo Lhe locaLlon of pro[ecLs, lmpacL
of communlLy-based medla or oLher facLors. 1hls gap ln coverage provldes an opporLunlLy ln Lhe second
phase of Lhls work Lo ldenLlfy ways Lo more lnLenLlonally engage Lhe Pamllne-Mldway and unlon ark

(8teokJowo of meJlo covetoqe teloteJ to ptojects lo eocb Jlsttlct, os well os qeoetol covetoqe teloteJ to
tbe teqloo os o wbole. MeJlo covetoqe ttockloq :$(+ *$4 locloJe posts moJe by pottlclpotloq
otqoolzotloos to tbelt websltes ooJ bloqs.)

;(++.3( ?(*(4'.4,$*> SLorles abouL lrrlgaLe as a whole as well as sLorles abouL Lhe pro[ecLs conslsLenLly
hlghllghLed Lhe key words and messaglng cenLral Lo Lhe lrrlgaLe lnlLlaLlve. Messaglng focused on
communlLy developmenL, arLlsLs, creaLlvlLy, placemaklng, buslness and Lhe people maklng a conLrlbuLlng
Lo Lhe lmpacL of Lhe lnlLlaLlve along Lhe CenLral Corrldor.
WheLher Lhe cenLral focus was lrrlgaLe, lLs fundlng, a parLner or a unlque pro[ecL, lL was evldenL LhaL Lhe
common message of placemaklng Lhrough arLlsL engagemenL LhaL connecLs all elemenLs of Lhe lnlLlaLlve
ls relevanL, lmporLanL and lnsplrlng Lo Lhe communlLles Lhe lnlLlaLlve ls almlng Lo reach wlLh lLs message.
1hls level of message clarlLy and conslsLency ls an lmporLanL lndlcaLor of Lhe lnlLlaLlve's lmpacL on Lhe
overall narraLlve.
lL ls clear LhaL wlLhouL lrrlgaLe, Lhere would be llmlLed poslLlve messaglng relaLed Lo Lhe consLrucLlon

@$*(B 1he Lone of all arLlcles relaLed Lo lrrlgaLe was poslLlve. ln addlLlon, Lhere were no ldenLlfled
lnsLances of lrrlgaLe belng lncluded ln negaLlve arLlcles abouL Lhe CenLral Corrldor pro[ecL. ln one case,
lrrlgaLe ls dlrecLly credlLed wlLh Lurnlng Lhe negaLlve coverage abouL Lhe CenLral Corrldor consLrucLlon
lnLo havlng someLhlng poslLlve Lo Lalk abouL ln relaLlon Lo Lhe pro[ecL.
Aftet mootbs of oeqotlve stotles oboot tbe lmpoct of llqbt toll coosttoctloo oo tbe commooltles lt
lotetsects, tbe oews oboot plocemokloq olooq tbe llqbt toll cottlJot olso locloJes eoqoqemeot
ooJ foo, llqbtoess ooJ sotptlse. llso 5telomoo, NelqbbotbooJ Notes

A$6,./ ;(:,.>

>0++1$).@ D%#-%,.)0$4
1hrough lLs many Louch polnLs wlLh Lhe communlLy surroundlng Lhe CenLral Corrldor, Lhe lrrlgaLe
lnlLlaLlve has poslLloned lLself as shlnlng llghL, brlnglng llfe, hope and vlslon Lo Lhe people and buslnesses
lmpacLed by Lhe CenLral Corrldor pro[ecL. 1hrough parLnershlps wlLh funders, engagemenL of arLlsLs,
many small pro[ecLs and Lhe resulLlng medla coverage, Lhe lrrlgaLe lnlLlaLlve ls recognlzed by key
communlLy leaders as a caLalysL LhaL changed Lhe narraLlve and conLlnues Lo poslLlvely lmpacL Lhe
communlLy and lLs percepLlons for Lhe CenLral Corrldor pro[ecL.
CommunlLy leaders wlLh a commlLmenL Lo Lhe CenLral Corrldor and an ear Lo Lhe ground ln Lhe
communlLy shared Lhelr reflecLlons on Lhe lmpacL of lrrlgaLe on Lhe CenLral Corrldor narraLlve.
wblle tbe clty of 5olot lool ttleJ fevetlsbly to qotoet posltlve covetoqe fot tbe beoeflts of ttooslt tbot tbe
ceottol cottlJot woolJ btloq to tbe commoolty, tbelt posltlve messoqe wos cooslsteotly JlloteJ lo tbe
meJlo by oeqotlve stotles oboot tbe lmpoct of coosttoctloo. As lttlqote ptojects beqoo popploq op olooq
tbe cottlJot lo ooexpecteJ woys, tbe Jlstoptloo of tbe mooy smoll ptojects polckly boJ o sotptlsloq
lmpoct. 1be moqlc of ott stotteJ o Jlffeteot coovetsotloo, sometbloq tbot coolJot bove beeo pteJlcteJ
bot wos socb o blessloq. lttlqotes pobllc ptocess eoqoqloq ottlsts ftom tbe commoolty to soppott locol
bosloesses ptovlJeJ o olmble ooJ cteotlve woy to lofloeoce tbe oottotlve ooJ cbooqe commoolty
petceptloos of tbe voloe of commoolty Jevelopmeot. lttlqotes opptoocb tooqbt tbe pobllc sectot tbot
sometlmes lts oltlqbt to let qo of tbe boteooctotlc ptocess to ollow fot o mote otqoolc ptocess of
commoolty eoqoqemeot. 8.*60 B$%.*+C ?$/,60 D,'(64$'C #,40 $1 A.,*4 ?.7/
lttlqote beqoo lofloeoce tbe ovetoll oottotlve ot tbe Jotkest boot of tbe coosttoctloo oottotlve
(coosttoctloo ptoblems, bosloess mltlqotloo ooJ occess lssoes). 1betes oo Joobt tbe setles of smoll bot
ootoble ptojects belpeJ toto tbe oottotlve otoooJ. 1be oottotlve cteoteJ by lttlqote lofotm o lotqet vlew
of tbe fotote, belploq people beqlo to see wbot tbe cottlJot wlll look llke, bow lt wlll feel to be pott of tbe
commoolty olooq tbe cottlJot. lttlqote loltloteJ tbe eotly tlpple tbot beqoo to toto tbe tlJe of peoples
petceptloo oboot tbe cottlJot. lt olloweJ people to look beyooJ lmmeJlote occess lssoes.
lttlqote seems to be evetywbete ot ooce, wblcb oJJs to tbe eoetqy of tbe stokebolJets lovolveJ lo oll
ospects of tbe ptoject. wblle some people moy oot be oble to oome lttlqote, wbeo tbey tolk oboot
wbots qoloq oo olooq tbe cottlJot, tbeyte expetleoces ote lofloeoceJ by tbe mooy oolpoe ptojects. 1be
oqqteqotloo of tbese smollet ptojects bos leJ to o qeoetol seose tbot tbete ote cteotlve, lotetestloq
tbloqs boppeoloq oll olooq tbe cottlJot. As tbls momeotom cootlooes, lttlqote bos tbe oppottoolty to tell
tbe blqqet stoty of lts lmpoct lo cteotlve o coltotol cottlJot - o looq-tetm vlew tbot tbe ceottol cottlJot ls
o ploce to expetleoce tbe otts ooJ coltote of tbe locol commoolty. E$*.4).* A.3( ;.'4,*+$*C D,'(64$'C
#(*4'./ #$'',:$' F7*:('+ #$//.G$'.4,-(
lttlqote bos teolly moxlmlzeJ tbe lJeo of smoll ls beootlfol. 1be lttlqote loltlotlve bos btooqbt to llfe tbe
coocept tbot ooy ooe loJlvlJool coo toke oo lJeo ooJ coooect lt to o btooJet commoolty expetleoce.
lttlqote levetoqeJ tbe coosttoctloo ooJ tbe comloq of tbe oew llqbt toll lloe to eoqoqe locol ottlsts to
botoess tbe powet of tbelt lJeos to tebollJ o seose of commoolty, eoetqlzloq loJlvlJools ooJ bosloesses
to toke pott lo sometbloq blqqet tboo eocb loJlvlJool ptoject. 1be loltlotlve offets oo occesslble woy fot
tbe commoolty to be pott of tbe solotloo. As o commoolty-Jtlveo ptoqtom totbet tboo o
pobllc/qovetomeot loltlotlve, ovettlme lttlqote bos bollt oo ltself, octlvotloq mote oelqbbotbooJ
otqoolzotloos, ottlsts ooJ locol bosloesses. ltetty sooo, yoo stotteJ to see lt evetywbete. lttlqote bos
tokeo bolJ ooJ lts teolly excltloq. !*:',.*. !G.',$4(+C 9H(674,-( D,'(64$'C @I,* #,4,(+ J2A#

1he earned medla lmpacL capLured ln Lhls mld-pro[ecL reporL does noL reflecL measuremenL agalnsL a
basellne. 1herefore, we cannoL accuraLely assess percepLlon change based on pre-lnlLlaLlve medla
coverage. lL ls clear, however, LhaL lrrlgaLe has been parL of Lhe conversaLlon from Lhe sLarL and
conLlnues Lo be cenLral Lo Lhe narraLlve.
1hls reporL provldes an lllusLraLlon of Lhe reach and message peneLraLlon of Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lhus far. lL
also provldes a framework agalnsL whlch Lo measure Lhe nexL phase of lrrlgaLe's work ln Lhe
communlLles along Lhe CenLral Corrldor llne.

(%&)" "1&). "$& 41++"#@ -0$&1-.%& :@ E1$8%)+
lounded ln 1990, 1unhelm ls one of Lhe mosL respecLed full-servlce sLraLeglc
communlcaLlons flrms ln Lhe upper MldwesL. 1unhelm ls recognlzed for success ln Lhe
sLraLegy, managemenL and execuLlon of local, reglonal and naLlonal publlc relaLlons, publlc
affalrs and communlLy engagemenL campalgns. 1hrough a sLrong blas for a sLraLeglc
approach, 1unhelm provlded an ob[ecLlve assessmenL of Lhe lmpacL of Lhe lrrlgaLe lnlLlaLlve
on Lhe medla narraLlve surroundlng Lhe CenLral Corrldor. 1he approach focused on
quanLlLy of medla coverage, relevancy of messaglng, breadLh of coverage, and assessmenL
of publlc percepLlon.

*##)2".% )4 +"&% ,044):;% :@ .8% 2%$%#014 41,,0#. 0=B

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