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Home (UK) : Flat 11 - 14 Upper Belgrave Road BS8 2XH Clifton Bristol United Kingdom Tel n !"44#$#8%$#%&$#4'4

Home (France): ' C,emin de la -lan*,ette %./4. 0ngi*o1rt Fran*e Tel n !"&&#&#44#$.#2.#&$ "&&#%#1&#%%#8$#&. 2ationalit)! Fren*, Born! 31l) 2&t,4 1/8%

2006-2009 Institut u!"rieur de #$A"ronauti%ue et de &$Es!ace ' UPAER( (I AE) 5Fren*, 6rad1ate S*,ool of 0erospa*e 7ngineering8 ) *raduated in (cto+er ,--. 9ast :ear ;a(or! -rop1lsion and 7nergeti*s Se*ond :ear ;a(or! -rop1lsion First :ear ;a(or! ;at, and 7*onomi*s Undergrad1ate -rogram in -,)si*s and Te*,nolog) for a *ompetitive entran*e e<am to Fren*, grad1ate s*,ools in 2ogent=>ise 5Fran*e8 S*ientifi* Ba**ala1r?at @it, ,ig,est ,onors4 7ngineering S*ien*es Se*tion in 2ogent=>ise 5Fran*e8 c3&um+er4er SHTC Stone,o1se UK! Engineering internship (1 year), tor ue an! thrust "hara"teri#ation o$ i%pellers $lo& 'its $or the (o&er)ri*e +, !rilling tool to i%pro*e e-isting pro!u"ts (e-peri%ental an! theoreti"al resear"hes, test .en"hes !esigning an! i%pro*e%ent, intera"tion &ith a range o$ suppliers) T,ird :ear -ro(e*t! -reliminar) Aesign St1d) of a ;issile -rop1lsive S)stem for Microtur+o Se*ond :ear -ro(e*t! ;odeling of 0erod)nami* Fl1<es on a ;i*ro Arone profile @it, F9U72T 5assau&t A6iation -lant in 0rgente1il 5Fran*e8! >perator Bnterns,ip 5>vervie@ of t,e Fal*on $X and t,e Rafale R C A departments8 First :ear -ro(e*t! ;ovie prod1*tion4 ;anagement of &. a*tors Uni&e6er R1eil-;almaison 5Fran*e8! S1mmer 3oD4 0dministration @orE Fl1ent 5St1died for 12 )ears4 T>7F9! '$. 5;a) 2..88F 1 )ear-long Bnterns,ip in Bristol 5UK88 Fl1ent 5St1died for 1. )ears8 Basi* @orEing Eno@ledge Beginner

2004-2006 June 2004 April 2009 April 2010

/or0 E1!erience and Pro2ects

2008-2009 June 2008 July 2007 June 2007 2004 to 2006 English: Spanish: Portuguese: Russian:

Forei4n #an4ua4es

Com!uter 0i&&s
Operating systems: Gindo@s4 ;a*intos,4 9in1<4 S1n Software: ;i*rosoft >ffi*e=>pen >ffi*e4 ;atlaD=S*ilaD=Sim1linE4 ;at,*ad4 Solid GorEs=-ro74 Fl1ent4 9aDHie@ Graphic and Movie Editors: -,otos,op CS4 Bll1strator4 0doDe -remiere -ro Data-Processing programming: C=C"" -rogramming 9ang1age4 3ava -rogramming 9ang1age

E1tracurricu&ar Acti6ities
Sports: o!!ies: "ssociations: S*1Da diving 5international first level li*ense84 golf 5Deginner84 ro*E and salsa dan*ing 2ovel @riting4 *omi* DooE dra@ing4 art4 *inema President of t,e S1paero St1dent 0sso*iation from 3an1ar) 2..$ to 3an1ar) 2..8! A!%inistration &or' an! stu!ents representati*e in the /upaero 0anage%ent #"ward for the wor$ done received from Supaero Management in Octo!er %&&'( Bn *,arge of advertising for t,e S1paero *a&a IHol de 21itJ in 2..$ Bn *,arge of t,e S1paero fres,men +oo0&et in 2..$ C3ie7 Editor of t,e St1dent S1paero 2e@spaper in 2..8 and 2../

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