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1hesls for Lhe degree of uocLor of hllosophy

Photonic Techniques for Next-Generation

Integrated Optical Networks Based on
Ultra-Wideand !adio
1ecnlcas loLnlcas para 8edes CpLlcas lnLegradas de rxlma
Ceneracln 8asadas en 8adlo de 8anda ulLraancha

"arta Beltr#n !a$%re&

Supervlsor: ur. 8oberLo LlorenLe Sez

March 2012





1hls h.u. Lhesls has been developed ln Lhe framework of Lhe CpLlcal neLworks and SysLems
Area of Lhe valencla nanophoLonlcs 1echnology CenLre (n1C), unlversldad ollLecnlca de
valencla (uv), Spaln, Lo meeL Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe h.u. degree ln LelecommunlcaLlon ln
Lhe ueparLmenL of CommunlcaLlons of Lhe uv.
1hls work has been funded by Lhe MlnlsLry of Sclence and lnnovaLlon, Spaln, by a predocLoral
research fellowshlp lormacln de ersonal lnvesLlgador 8LS-2006-12066. 1he Luropean
Commlsslon has also lndlrecLly funded Lhls work by Lhe Luropean pro[ecLs l6-lS1-026392 lSlS,
l7-lC1-216783 uCLLLS, l7-lC1-216863 8CnL, l7-lC1-249142 llvL8, and l7-lC1-224402
Lu8C-lCS. lurLhermore, Lhls Lhesls has been lndlrecLly flnanclally supporLed by Lhe naLlonal
pro[ecLs l8Lul1 uesarrollo de un uemosLrador 1ecnolglco de rocesador loLnlco para
8ecepLores LlecLrnlcos ulglLales", uL18AuLl ulsLrlbucln loLnlca de vldeo en ulLraalLa
ueflnlcln medlanLe la MulLlplexacln de LonglLudes de Cnda con Modulacln en 8anda
ulLraancha", and l1-PCCA8 lnfraesLrucLura de 1elecomunlcaclones del Pogar del luLuro.
1hls work would noL have been posslble wlLhouL Lhe help of a number of people. llrsL of all, l
would llke Lo glve speclal Lhanks Lo Lhe supervlsor of Lhls work, rof. 8oberLo LlorenLe, for hls
help and supporL, for everyLhlng whaL l have learned from hlm as a researcher. Speclal Lhanks
also Lo !ose CaraqulLena, who offered me Lhe opporLunlLy Lo work wlLh hlm. l also Lhank rof.
!avler MarLl, who gave me Lhe opporLunlLy Lo [oln Lhe n1C.
l would llke Lo express my slncere graLlLude Lo Lhe n1C people who have dlslnLeresLedly
helped me on Lhls work: karsLen Schulze, !ose M. MarLlnez, !avler Perrera, !avler Carrascosa,
and 1eresa Mengual. 1hank you also Lo Marla MoranL, !oaquln erez, and 8akesh Sambara[u
for Lhelr collaboraLlve work. l am also graLeful Lo all Lhe n1C people for Lhe nlce momenLs and
for conLrlbuLlng Lo a good aLmosphere.
l would also glve speclal Lhanks Lo rof. ldelfonso 1afur Monroy for hosLlng me for a research
sLay aL u1u loLonlk, ueparLmenL of hoLonlcs Lnglneerlng of Lhe 1echnlcal unlverslLy of
uenmark ln kongens Lyngby, uenmark. 1hank you Lo nell Cuerrero, 1lmoLhy 8. Clbbon, !esper
8. !ensen, xlanbln ?u, 8oberLo 8odes, and !lng xu, who helped me on many Lhlngs. l wlll noL
forgeL elLher Lhe nlce momenLs shared wlLh Malsara, xu, kamau, 1hang, Alex, uarko, and also
wlLh Lhe people of Lhe Plgh-Speed CpLlcal CommunlcaLlons group.
llnally, l would llke Lo dedlcaLe Lhls h.u. Lhesls Lo my parenLs and my slsLer. lurLhermore, l
dedlcaLe Lo Lhe memory of my grandparenLs. l also appreclaLe Lhe encouragemenL and supporL
of Lhe resL of my famlly.



1he hereln presenLed h.u. Lhesls flnds lLs appllcaLlon ln flbre-Lo-Lhe-home (l11P) opLlcal
access neLworks. l11P neLworks have been wldely deployed worldwlde and are expecLed Lo
evolve Loward wavelengLh-dlvlslon mulLlplexlng (WuM) archlLecLures.
As Lhe capaclLy and bandwldLh per user requlremenLs for broadband communlcaLlon servlces
conLlnuously lncrease, Lechnologles such as hybrld wlreless-opLlcal, ulLra-wldeband (uW8)
radlo, and mllllmeLre-wave radlo are belng lnvesLlgaLed as vlable soluLlons Lo provlde daLa
raLes exceedlng ClgablL per second per user. Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal neLworks can provlde
slmpler backhaul and are foreseen Lo play an lmporLanL role ln nexL-generaLlon access
neLworks whlch wlll requlre flexlble deploymenL, hlgh capaclLy, upgradeablllLy, scalable Lo user
number and demand, and economlcally feaslble. 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnlques comblned wlLh
mulLlglgablL wlreless sysLems LhaL provlde capaclLles comparable Lo opLlcal flbre
communlcaLlon sysLems ls seen as a fasL deployable and cosL-effecLlve soluLlon for provldlng
seamless lnLegraLed wlred/wlreless access Lo broadband servlces for Lhe end-user.
uW8 and mllllmeLre-wave wlreless sysLems are capable of mulLlglgablL communlcaLlons. uW8
permlLs an efflclenL use of Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz specLrum due Lo lLs unlque coexlsLence
characLerlsLlcs and has markeL maLurlLy. Powever, uW8 ls consLralned by regulaLlon
worldwlde. 1hls regulaLlon consLralnL makes mllllmeLre-wave 60 CPz radlo of greaL lnLeresL
due Lo 7 CPz bandwldLh conslsLenLly regulaLed worldwlde, wlLhouL coexlsLence resLrlcLlons.
1wo are Lhe maln Lechnlcal ob[ecLlves of Lhls h.u. Lhesls: llrsL, Lhe proposal, analysls, and
experlmenLal demonsLraLlon of enabllng Lechnlques for flexlble and cosL-effecLlve uW8 radlo-
over-flbre sysLems. 1he work hereln presenLed LargeLs Lo exLend Lhe operaLlon of convenLlonal
uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLems ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band Lo Lhe nexL-generaLlon 60 CPz band.
60 CPz operaLlon would reuse and exLend uW8 Lechnology ln Lerms of range and flexlblllLy,
and ls Lhe focus of Lhls work. Second, Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh
sources for flexlble bandwldLh aggregaLlon ln fuLure WuM neLworks as an lnLeresLlng soluLlon
for hybrld wlreless-opLlcal neLworks as hereln developed. 1hese Lwo ob[ecLlves are fulfllled by
means of opLlcal slgnal processlng Lechnlques.
1hls h.u. Lhesls proposes and demonsLraLes experlmenLally several novel phoLonlc Lechnlques
for uW8 radlo-over-flbre generaLlon Lo remoLely provlde mulLlglgablL wlreless
communlcaLlons ln dlfferenL frequency bands, ranglng from baseband Lo mllllmeLre-wave, for
a wlde varleLy of appllcaLlons. 1he operaLlonal llmlLs of Lhe proposed uW8-over-flbre sysLems
are also analysed by slmulaLlon (vlLransmlsslonMaker`).
1he ma[or achlevemenLs of Lhe work hereln presenLed can be summarlzed as follows:
a) roposal and proof-of-concepL experlmenLal demonsLraLlon of Lwo Lechnlques for
remoLe uW8 pulse shaplng: (1) based on opLlcal delay and balanced phoLodeLecLlon,
and (2) based on dlfferenLlal phoLorecelver and elecLrlcal delay. 1hese Lechnlques
permlL Lo adapL uW8 specLrum Lo opLlcal access Lransmlsslon wlLh varylng flbre
dlsperslon by ad[usLlng delay.

b) roof-of-concepL experlmenLal demonsLraLlon of a 60 CPz uW8 radlo-over-flbre
sysLem aL 1.23 Cb/s wlLh 100 m of sLandard slngle-mode flbre (SSMl) Lransmlsslon.
1he appllcaLlon of Lhls sysLem Lo lnLerference-senslLlve ln-alrcrafL scenarlos wlLh a hlgh
number of users ls proposed and analysed by slmulaLlon. A Lechno-economlc
comparlson wlLh a poLenLlal compeLlLor soluLlon based on baseband daLa over flbre
and remoLe uW8 generaLlon and frequency up-converslon ls also performed.
c) MllllmeLre-wave uW8 generaLlon based on frequency shlfLlng ln Lhe flbre of opLlcal
access neLworks ls proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed. 1he Lechnlque
employs opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a Mach-Zehnder modulaLor comblned wlLh
maLched flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon LargeLlng Lo overcome Lhe bandwldLh llmlLaLlon of
opLlcal up-converslon, wlLh Lhe advanLage of belng easlly reconflgurable generaLlng
slmulLaneously dlfferenL 8l bands. A comprehenslve slmulaLlon analysls ls performed
wlLh speclal focus on capablllLles for dual 24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon palred wlLh
experlmenLal demonsLraLlon aL 1.23 Cb/s. Such an approach ls sulLable for lnLegraLlng
60 CPz l11P and 24 CPz uW8 vehlcular appllcaLlons served from Lhe same cenLral
unlL. racLlcal lmplemenLaLlon ls addressed and compeLlLlve approaches are dlscussed.
d) uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed Lo
exLend uW8 capablllLles ln l11P neLworks. 60 CPz uW8 generaLlon wlLh comblned
40 km of SSMl and 3 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed aL
1.44 Cb/s. 1ransmlsslon performance ls evaluaLed for Lwo ma[or uW8
lmplemenLaLlons -dual-carrler modulaLlon orLhogonal frequency-dlvlslon mulLlplexlng
(CluM) reuslng markeL-avallable devlces, and blnary phase-shlfL keylng (8Sk) lmpulse
radlo- whlch dlrecLly modulaLe a cosL-effecLlve verLlcal-cavlLy surface-emlLLlng laser
(vCSLL). 1he resulLs permlL, from an appllcaLlon polnL-of-vlew, Lo selecL a glven uW8
lmplemenLaLlon dependlng on neLwork reach and sysLem complexlLy deslred.
e) 60 CPz uW8 generaLlon, comblned Lransmlsslon over 6.3 km SSMl or 1 km of lndoor
bend-lnsenslLlve slngle-mode flbre and 2 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon, and 8l power
deLecLlon of on-off keylng (CCk) lmpulse-radlo uW8 ls proposed and experlmenLally
demonsLraLed aL 3.123 Cb/s. vCSLL ls proposed for frequency up-converslon based on
opLlcal heLerodynlng and compared wlLh convenLlonal low-llnewldLh exLernal-cavlLy
laser (LCL). 1he resulLs permlL, from an appllcaLlon polnL-of-vlew, Lo selecL a glven
laser Lechnology dependlng on neLwork reach and sysLem complexlLy deslred.
f) llnally, reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh sources based on Lhe specLral 1alboL effecL ls
proposed, numerlcally analysed, and experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln Lhls Lhesls.
1wofold and fourfold mulLlpllcaLlon of Lhe number of wavelengLhs and wavelengLh
shlfLlng of a pulsed laser are demonsLraLed employlng an elecLroopLlc phase
modulaLor. oLenLlal appllcaLlons of Lhe reconflguraLlon Lechnlque are dlscussed.


La presenLe 1esls uocLoral encuenLra su mblLo de apllcacln en redes de acceso pLlcas de
flbra hasLa el hogar o l11P (del lngles fibre-to-the-home). Las redes l11P han sldo
ampllamenLe desplegadas en Lodo el mundo y se preve que evoluclonen hacla arqulLecLuras
de mulLlplexacln por dlvlsln en longlLud de onda o WuM (del lngles wavelength-division
Conforme los requerlmlenLos de capacldad y ancho de banda por usuarlo para servlclos de
comunlcacln de banda ancha se lncremenLan conLlnuamenLe, Lecnologlas Lales como
Lecnologlas hlbrldas radlo-flbra pLlca, radlo de banda ulLraancha o uW8 (del lngles ultra-
wideband), y radlo de onda mlllmeLrlca se esLn lnvesLlgando como soluclones vlables para
proporclonar Lasas de daLos excedlendo ClgablLs por segundo por usuarlo. Las redes hlbrldas
radlo-flbra pLlca pueden proporclonar backhaul ms slmple y se preve que desempenen un
papel lmporLanLe en redes de acceso de prxlma generacln que requerlrn despllegue
flexlble, alLa capacldad, habllldad de ampllacln, escalable en numero de usuarlos y demanda,
y facLlble econmlcamenLe. Las Lecnlcas radlo sobre flbra comblnadas con slsLemas
lnalmbrlcos mulLlglgablL que proporclonen capacldades comparables a slsLemas de
comunlcaclones de flbra pLlca se ve como una solucln rpldamenLe desplegable y efecLlva
en cosLe para proporclonar acceso LransparenLe cableado/lnalmbrlco lnLegrado a servlclos de
banda ancha para el usuarlo flnal.
Los slsLemas lnalmbrlcos uW8 y de onda mlllmeLrlca son capaces de proporclonar
comunlcaclones mulLlglgablL. uW8 permlLe un uso eflclenLe del especLro 3.1-10.6 CPz debldo
a sus caracLerlsLlcas unlcas de coexlsLencla y Llene madurez de mercado. Sln embargo, la
Lecnologla uW8 esL resLrlnglda por regulacln en Lodo el mundo. LsLa resLrlccln de
regulacln hace de gran lnLeres a la radlo de onda mlllmeLrlca en 60 CPz debldo a los 7 CPz de
ancho de banda regulado conslsLenLemenLe en Lodo el mundo, sln resLrlcclones de
LsLa 1esls uocLoral Llene dos prlnclpales ob[eLlvos Lecnlcos: rlmero, la propuesLa, anllsls y
demosLracln experlmenLal de Lecnlcas para slsLemas uW8 radlo sobre flbra flexlbles y
efecLlvos en cosLe. Ll Lraba[o reallzado perslgue exLender el funclonamlenLo de slsLemas
convenclonales uW8 radlo sobre flbra en la banda 3.1-10.6 CPz a la banda de 60 CPz de
prxlma generacln. Ll funclonamlenLo en 60 CPz reuLlllzarla y exLenderla Lecnologla uW8 en
Lermlnos de rango y flexlbllldad, y es el foco de esLe Lraba[o. Segundo, la lmplemenLacln de
fuenLes mulLllonglLud de onda reconflgurables para agregacln flexlble de ancho de banda en
redes WuM fuLuras como una solucln lnLeresanLe para redes hlbrldas radlo-flbra pLlca como
se desarrolla en esLe Lraba[o. LsLos dos ob[eLlvos son abordados medlanLe Lecnlcas de
procesamlenLo de senal en el domlnlo pLlco.
LsLa 1esls uocLoral propone y demuesLra experlmenLalmenLe varlas Lecnlcas foLnlcas
novedosas para generacln uW8 radlo sobre flbra para proporclonar remoLamenLe
comunlcaclones lnalmbrlcas mulLlglgablL en dlferenLes bandas de frecuencla, que van desde
banda base hasLa onda mlllmeLrlca, para una amplla varledad de apllcaclones. Aslmlsmo se

anallzan en slmulacln (vlLransmlsslonMaker`) los llmlLes de funclonamlenLo de los slsLemas
uW8 sobre flbra propuesLos.
Los prlnclpales logros del Lraba[o reallzado se pueden resumlr como slgue:
a) ropuesLa y demosLracln experlmenLal prueba de concepLo de dos Lecnlcas para
conformacln remoLa de pulsos uW8: (1) basada en reLardo pLlco y foLodeLeccln
balanceada, y (2) basada en foLorecepLor dlferenclal y reLardo elecLrlco. LsLas Lecnlcas
permlLen adapLar el especLro uW8 a Lransmlsln de acceso pLlco con dlspersln de
flbra varlanLe medlanLe a[usLe de reLardo.
b) uemosLracln experlmenLal prueba de concepLo de un slsLema uW8 radlo sobre flbra
en 60 CPz a 1.23 Cb/s con Lransmlsln en 100 m de flbra monomodo esLndar. Se
propone y anallza medlanLe slmulacln la apllcacln de esLe slsLema a escenarlos de
lnLerlor senslbles a lnLerferenclas Lales como avlones con un numero alLo de usuarlos.
Aslmlsmo se reallza una comparacln Lecno-econmlca con una solucln
poLenclalmenLe compeLldora basada en dlsLrlbucln de daLos en banda base sobre
flbra y generacln uW8 y sublda en frecuencla remoLas.
c) La generacln uW8 en frecuenclas de onda mlllmeLrlca basada en desplazamlenLo en
frecuencla en la flbra de redes de acceso pLlcas se propone y demuesLra
experlmenLalmenLe. La Lecnlca emplea modulacln de supresln de porLadora pLlca
en un modulador Mach-Zehnder comblnada con dlspersln adapLada cromLlca de
flbra a fln de superar la llmlLacln de ancho de banda de la sublda pLlca en
frecuencla, con la venLa[a de ser fcllmenLe reconflgurable generando
slmulLneamenLe dlferenLes bandas de radlofrecuencla. Se reallza un anllsls de
slmulacln exhausLlvo con especlal foco en capacldades para funclonamlenLo dual
24 CPz/60 CPz pareado con demosLracln experlmenLal a 1.23 Cb/s. 1al Lecnlca es
adecuada para lnLegrar apllcaclones uW8 60 CPz l11P y 24 CPz vehlcular servldas por
la mlsma unldad cenLral. Se LraLa la lmplemenLacln prcLlca y se dlscuLen Lecnlcas
d) Ll funclonamlenLo de uW8 en la banda de 60 CPz se propone y demuesLra
experlmenLalmenLe para exLender capacldades uW8 en redes l11P. La generacln
uW8 en 60 CPz con Lransmlsln comblnada sobre 40 km de flbra monomodo esLndar
y 3 m de dlsLancla lnalmbrlca se demuesLra experlmenLalmenLe a 1.44 Cb/s. Se
evaluan las presLaclones de Lransmlsln para dos lmplemenLaclones uW8 lmporLanLes
-dual-carrier modulation CluM (del lngles orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing)
reuLlllzando dlsposlLlvos dlsponlbles en el mercado y 8Sk impulse radio (del lngles
binary phase-shift keying)- que modulan dlrecLamenLe a un dlodo lser de cavldad
verLlcal y emlsln por superflcle o vCSLL (del lngles vertical-cavity surface-emitting
laser). Los resulLados permlLen, desde el punLo de vlsLa de apllcacln, selecclonar una
lmplemenLacln uW8 dada dependlendo del alcance de red y comple[ldad del slsLema
e) La generacln uW8 en 60 CPz, Lransmlsln comblnada sobre 6.3 km de flbra
monomodo esLndar o 1 km de flbra monomodo lnsenslble a curvaLuras para
lnsLalaclones de lnLerlores y 2 m de dlsLancla lnalmbrlca, y deLeccln de envolvenLe
de CCk impulse radio (del lngles on-off keying) uW8 se propone y demuesLra
experlmenLalmenLe a 3.123 Cb/s. Se propone el uso de un vCSLL para sublda en

frecuencla basada en baLldo pLlco y se compara con el uso de un lser convenclonal
de cavldad exLerna o LCL (del lngles external-cavity laser) con ancho de llnea ba[o. Los
resulLados permlLen, desde el punLo de vlsLa de la apllcacln, selecclonar una
Lecnologla lser dada dependlendo del alcance de red y comple[ldad del slsLema
f) luenLes mulLllonglLud de onda reconflgurables basadas en el efecLo 1alboL especLral
se propone, anallza numerlcamenLe y demuesLra experlmenLalmenLe en esLa 1esls
uocLoral. Se demuesLra dupllcacln y cuadrupllcacln del numero de longlLudes de
onda y desplazamlenLo de longlLud de onda de un lser pulsado uLlllzando un
modulador de fase elecLro-pLlco. Se habla de poLenclales apllcaclones de la Lecnlca
de reconflguracln.



La presenL 1esl uocLoral Lroba el seu amblL d'apllcacl en xarxes d'acces pLlques de flbra flns
a la llar o l11P (de l'angles fibre-to-the-home). Les xarxes l11P han slguL ampllamenL
desplegades a LoL el mn l es preveu que evoluclonen cap a arqulLecLures de mulLlplexacl per
dlvlsl en longlLud d'ona o WuM (de l'angles wavelength-division multiplexing).
Conforme els requerlmenLs de capaclLaL l ample de banda per usuarl per a servels de
comunlcacl de banda ampla s'lncremenLen conLlnuamenL, Lecnologles Lals com Lecnologles
hlbrldes radlo-flbra pLlca, radlo de banda ulLraampla o uW8 (de l'angles ultra-wideband), l
radlo d'ona mllllmeLrlca s'esLan lnvesLlganL com a soluclons vlables per a proporclonar Laxes
de dades excedlnL glgablLs per segon per usuarl. Les xarxes hlbrldes radlo-flbra pLlca poden
proporclonar backhaul mes slmple l es preveu que exerclsquen un paper lmporLanL en xarxes
d'acces de prxlma generacl que requerlran desplegamenL flexlble, alLa capaclLaL, hablllLaL
d'ampllacl, escalablllLaL en nombre d'usuarls l demanda, l facLlble econmlcamenL. Les
Lecnlques radlo sobre flbra comblnades amb slsLemes sense flls mulLlglgablL que proporclonen
capaclLaLs comparables a slsLemes de comunlcaclons de flbra pLlca es veu com una solucl
rapldamenL desplegable l efecLlva en cosL per a proporclonar acces LransparenL cable[aL/sense
fll lnLegraL a servels de banda ampla per a l'usuarl flnal.
Lls slsLemes sense flls uW8 l d'ona mllllmeLrlca sn capaos de proporclonar comunlcaclons
mulLlglgablL. uW8 permeL un us eflclenL de l'especLre 3.1-10.6 CPz a causa de les seues
caracLerlsLlques unlques de coexlsLencla l Le maduresa de mercaL. no obsLanL a, la
Lecnologla uW8 esLa resLrlnglda per regulacl a LoL el mn. AquesLa resLrlccl de regulacl fa
de gran lnLeres a la radlo d'ona mllllmeLrlca en 60 CPz a causa de 7 CPz d'ample de banda
regulaL conslsLenLmenL a LoL el mn, sense resLrlcclons de coexlsLencla.
AquesLa 1esl uocLoral Le dos prlnclpals ob[ecLlus Lecnlcs: rlmer, la proposLa, anallsl l
demosLracl experlmenLal de Lecnlques per a slsLemes uW8 radlo sobre flbra flexlbles l
efecLlus en cosL. Ll Lreball reallLzaL perseguelx esLendre el funclonamenL de slsLemes
convenclonals uW8 radlo sobre flbra en la banda 3.1-10.6 CPz a la banda de 60 CPz de
prxlma generacl. Ll funclonamenL en 60 CPz reuLlllLzarla l esLendrla Lecnologla uW8 en
Lermes de rang l flexlblllLaL, l es el focus d'aquesL Lreball. Segon, la lmplemenLacl de fonLs
mulLllonglLud d'ona reconflgurables per a agregacl flexlble d'ample de banda en xarxes WuM
fuLures com una solucl lnLeressanL per a xarxes hlbrldes radlo-flbra pLlca com es
desenvolupa en aquesL Lreball. AquesLs dos ob[ecLlus sn abordaLs mlL[ananL Lecnlques de
processamenL de senyal en el domlnl pLlc.
AquesLa 1esl uocLoral proposa l demosLra experlmenLalmenL dlverses Lecnlques foLnlques
noves per a generacl uW8 radlo sobre flbra per a proporclonar remoLamenL comunlcaclons
sense flls mulLlglgablL en dlferenLs bandes de frequencla, que van des de banda base flns a ona
mllllmeLrlca, per a una amplla varleLaL d'apllcaclons. Alxl maLelx s'anallLzen en slmulacl
(vlLransmlsslonMaker`) els llmlLs de funclonamenL dels slsLemes uW8 sobre flbra proposaLs.


Lls prlnclpals assollmenLs del Lreball reallLzaL es poden resumlr com seguelx:
a) roposLa l demosLracl experlmenLal prova de concepLe de dues Lecnlques per a
conformacl remoLa de polsos uW8: (1) basada en reLard pLlc l foLodeLeccl
balance[ada, l (2) basada en foLorecepLor dlferenclal l reLard elecLrlc. AquesLes
Lecnlques permeLen adapLar l'especLre uW8 a Lransmlssl d'acces pLlc amb dlspersl
de flbra varlanL mlL[ananL a[usL de reLard.
b) uemosLracl experlmenLal prova de concepLe d'un slsLema uW8 radlo sobre flbra en
60 CPz a 1.23 Cb/s amb Lransmlssl en 100 m de flbra monomode esLandard. Ls
proposa l anallLza mlL[ananL slmulacl l'apllcacl d'aquesL slsLema a escenarls
d'lnLerlor senslbles a lnLerferencles com a avlons amb un alL nombre d'usuarls. Alxl
maLelx es reallLza una comparacl Lecno-econmlca amb una solucl poLenclalmenL
compeLldora basada en dlsLrlbucl de dades en banda base sobre flbra l generacl
uW8 l pu[ada en frequencla remoLes.
c) La generacl uW8 en frequencles d'ona mllllmeLrlca basada en desplaamenL en
frequencla en la flbra de xarxes d'acces pLlques es proposa l demosLra
experlmenLalmenL. La Lecnlca empra modulacl de supressl de porLadora pLlca en
un modulador Mach-Zehnder comblnada amb dlspersl adapLada cromaLlca de flbra a
fl de superar la llmlLacl d'ample de banda de la pu[ada pLlca en frequencla, amb
l'avanLaLge de ser facllmenL reconflgurable generanL slmulLanlamenL dlferenLs bandes
de radlofrequencla. Ls reallLza una anallsl de slmulacl exhausLlu amb especlal focus
en capaclLaLs per a funclonamenL dual 24 CPz/60 CPz aparlaL amb demosLracl
experlmenLal a 1.23 Cb/s. 1al Lecnlca es adequada per a lnLegrar apllcaclons uW8
60 CPz l11P l 24 CPz vehlcular servldes per la maLelxa unlLaL cenLral. Ls LracLa la
lmplemenLacl pracLlca l es dlscuLelxen Lecnlques compeLlLlves.
d) Ll funclonamenL d'uW8 en la banda de 60 CPz es proposa l demosLra
experlmenLalmenL per a esLendre capaclLaLs uW8 en xarxes l11P. La generacl uW8
en 60 CPz amb Lransmlssl comblnada sobre 40 km de flbra monomode esLandard l
3 m de dlsLancla sense fll es demosLra experlmenLalmenL a 1.44 Cb/s. S'avaluen les
presLaclons de Lransmlssl per a dues lmplemenLaclons uW8 lmporLanLs -dual-carrier
modulation CluM (de l'angles orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) reuLlllLzanL
dlsposlLlus dlsponlbles en el mercaL l 8Sk impulse radio (de l'angles binary phase-shift
keying)- que modulen dlrecLamenL a un dlode laser de cavlLaL verLlcal l emlssl per
superflcle o vCSLL (de l'angles vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser). Lls resulLaLs
permeLen, des del punL de vlsLa d'apllcacl, selecclonar una lmplemenLacl uW8
donada depenenL de l'abasL de xarxa l complexlLaL del slsLema deslL[aLs.
e) La generacl uW8 en 60 CPz, Lransmlssl comblnada sobre 6.3 km de flbra
monomode esLandard o 1 km de flbra monomode lnsenslble a curvaLures per a
lnsLallaclons d'lnLerlors l 2 m de dlsLancla sense fll, l deLeccl d'envolupanL d'CCk
impulse radio (de l' angles on-off keying) uW8 es proposa l demosLra
experlmenLalmenL a 3.123 Cb/s. Ls proposa l'us d'un vCSLL per a pu[ada en frequencla
basada en baLuL pLlc l es compara amb l'us d'un laser convenclonal de cavlLaL exLerna
o LCL (de l'angles external-cavity laser) amb ample de llnla balx. Lls resulLaLs
permeLen, des del punL de vlsLa de l'apllcacl, selecclonar una Lecnologla laser donada
depenenL de l'abasL de xarxa l complexlLaL del slsLema deslL[aLs.

f) lonLs mulLllonglLud d'ona reconflgurables basades en l'efecLe 1alboL especLral es
proposa, anallLza numerlcamenL l demosLra experlmenLalmenL en aquesLa 1esl
uocLoral. Ls demosLra dupllcacl l quadrupllcacl del nombre de longlLuds d'ona l
desplaamenL de longlLud d'ona d'un laser polsaL uLlllLzanL un modulador de fase
elecLro-pLlc. Ls parla de poLenclals apllcaclons de la Lecnlca de reconflguracl.



AcknowledgemenL ........................................................................................................................ 3
AbsLracL ......................................................................................................................................... 7
8esumen ........................................................................................................................................ 9
8esum .......................................................................................................................................... 13
LlsL of Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... 21
1 lnLroducLlon ........................................................................................................................ 23
1.1 MoLlvaLlon ................................................................................................................... 23
1.2 SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL ........................................................................................................... 28
1.2.1 lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band ................................. 28
1.2.2 MllllmeLre-wave lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ............................................... 30
1.2.3 ueLecLlon and Lransmlsslon performance of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals .......... 32
1.2.4 MulLlband CluM uW8 radlo-over-flbre ............................................................. 34
1.2.3 uW8 opLlcal and wlreless coexlsLence ................................................................ 33
1.3 lmprovemenL over Lhe sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL ...................................................................... 33
1.4 CuLllne of Lhls work ..................................................................................................... 37
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo............................ 39
2.1 MulLlglgablL wlreless communlcaLlons ....................................................................... 39
2.1.1 CoexlsLence and lnLerference wlLh regulaLed narrowband servlces .................. 40
2.1.2 MllllmeLre-wave radlo Lechnology ...................................................................... 43
2.2 CluM Lechnology........................................................................................................ 43
2.3 uW8 radlo Lechnology ................................................................................................ 46
2.3.1 leaLures and currenL sLandardlzaLlon sLaLus ...................................................... 46
2.3.2 Worldwlde regulaLory sLaLus............................................................................... 47
2.3.3 Ma[or lmplemenLaLlons....................................................................................... 30
2.4 60 CPz radlo Lechnology ............................................................................................. 33
2.4.1 CharacLerlsLlcs of Lhe 60 CPz band ..................................................................... 33
2.4.2 Worldwlde regulaLory sLaLus............................................................................... 34
2.4.3 SLandardlzaLlon sLaLus ......................................................................................... 34
2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology ....................................................................................... 36
2.3.1 MllllmeLre-wave sysLems .................................................................................... 38
2.3.2 CpLlcal flbre Lransmlsslon ................................................................................... 60
2.3.3 CpLlcal access neLworks ...................................................................................... 62

2.3.4 uW8 appllcaLlon scenarlos .................................................................................. 63
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals .............................................................. 69
3.1 lnLroducLlon ................................................................................................................ 69
3.2 8aseband wlLh Causslan-monocycle pulse shaplng .................................................... 70
3.2.1 lnLroducLlon......................................................................................................... 70
3.2.2 CpLlcal delay and balanced phoLodeLecLlon Lechnlque ...................................... 70
3.2.3 ulfferenLlal phoLorecepLlon and elecLrlcal delay Lechnlque ............................... 71
3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons ................................................ 72
3.3.1 lnLroducLlon......................................................................................................... 73
3.3.2 ln-alrcrafL dlsLrlbuLed anLenna sysLem ............................................................... 74
3.3.3 SlmulaLlon analysls .............................................................................................. 73
3.3.4 LxperlmenLal demonsLraLlon .............................................................................. 82
3.3.3 1echno-economlc analysls .................................................................................. 83
3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre ................ 90
3.4.1 lnLroducLlon......................................................................................................... 90
3.4.2 lnLegraLlng mulLlband operaLlon ln Lhe opLlcal access neLwork ......................... 91
3.4.3 rlnclple of operaLlon .......................................................................................... 92
3.4.4 SlmulaLlon analysls .............................................................................................. 94
3.4.3 LxperlmenLal demonsLraLlon .............................................................................. 97
3.4.6 racLlcal conslderaLlons .................................................................................... 102
3.3 Concluslon ................................................................................................................. 102
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band ......... 103
4.1 uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon .............. 103
4.1.1 lnLroducLlon....................................................................................................... 106
4.1.2 LxperlmenLal seLup ........................................................................................... 106
4.1.3 uCM-CluM uW8 performance ........................................................................ 108
4.1.4 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 performance ............................................................ 112
4.1.3 SlmulaLlon analysls ............................................................................................ 113
4.2 CCk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL and LCL up-converslon .................................. 116
4.2.1 lnLroducLlon....................................................................................................... 117
4.2.2 LxperlmenLal seLup ........................................................................................... 117
4.2.3 erformance analysls ........................................................................................ 119
4.2.4 SlmulaLlon analysls ............................................................................................ 121
4.3 Concluslon ................................................................................................................. 122

3 8econflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source based on elecLroopLlc phase modulaLlon of a
pulsed laser ............................................................................................................................... 123
3.1 lnLroducLlon .............................................................................................................. 123
3.2 rlnclple of operaLlon ................................................................................................ 124
3.3 LxperlmenLal seLup ................................................................................................... 123
3.4 luncLlonal demonsLraLlon ......................................................................................... 123
3.4.1 8educLlon of Lhe frequency spaclng by a facLor of 2 ........................................ 123
3.4.2 8educLlon of Lhe frequency spaclng by a facLor of 4 ........................................ 126
3.4.3 WavelengLh shlfL by half frequency spaclng ..................................................... 126
3.3 Chlrp and nolse lmpacL analysls ................................................................................ 127
3.6 Concluslon ................................................................................................................. 129
6 Concluslon and furLher work ............................................................................................. 131
6.1 Concluslon ................................................................................................................. 131
6.2 Cngolng and furLher work ......................................................................................... 133
A Crlglnal conLrlbuLlons ............................................................................................................ 133
8lbllography .............................................................................................................................. 141



List of Acronyms
Amp AmpllflcaLlon
AuC Analogue-Lo-ulglLal ConverLer
ACn AcLlve CpLlcal neLwork
ASL Ampllfled SponLaneous Lmlsslon
ASk AmpllLude ShlfL keylng
AWC ArblLrary Waveform CeneraLor
8L8(1) 8lL Lrror 8aLe (1esLer)
8C 8lL aLLern CeneraLor
8Sk 8lnary hase-ShlfL keylng
8l-MMl 8end-lnsenslLlve MulLlmode llbre
8l-SMl 8end-lnsenslLlve Slngle-Mode llbre
8l 8and-ass lllLer
81 8las 1ee
828 8ack-Lo-8ack
CMCS ComplemenLary MeLal-Cxlde SemlconducLor
CW ConLlnuous Wave
uAA ueLecL-and-Avold
uAC ulglLal-Lo-Analogue ConverLer
uAS ulsLrlbuLed AnLenna SysLem
uCA ulglLal CommunlcaLlons Analyser
uCl ulsperslon CompensaLlng llbre
uCM uual-Carrler ModulaLlon
ueMux uemulLlplexer
uL1 ower ueLecLor
ul8 ulsLrlbuLed leedback
uM1 ulscreLe MulLlLone
uS8 uouble Sldeband
uSC ulglLal Sampllng Cscllloscope
uS ulglLal Slgnal rocesslng
LAM LlecLro-AbsorpLlon ModulaLor
LCC LlecLronlc CommunlcaLlons CommlLLee
LCL LxLernal-CavlLy Laser
LulA Lrblum-uoped llbre Ampllfler
Ll8 LqulvalenL lsoLroplc 8adlaLed ower
L1Sl Luropean 1elecommunlcaLlons SLandards lnsLlLuLe
LvM Lrror vecLor MagnlLude
l8C llbre 8ragg CraLlng
lLC lorward Lrror CorrecLlon
ll1 lasL lourler 1ransform
lSC lree Space CpLlcs
l11P llbre-Lo-Lhe-Pome
lWPM lull WldLh aL Palf Maxlmum
CbL ClgablL LLherneL
Pu Plgh-ueflnlLlon
PuMl Plgh-ueflnlLlon MulLlmedla lnLerface
PLu Pead-Lnd unlL
PnLl Plghly nonllnear llbre
PA Plgh-ower Ampllfler

lul lnverse ulsperslon llbre
ll lnLermedlaLe lrequency
lll1 lnverse lasL lourler 1ransform
l lnLellecLual roperLy
LAn Local Area neLwork
LLu LlghL-LmlLLlng ulode
LC Local CsclllaLor
LCS Llne-of-SlghL
Ll Low-ass lllLer
LnA Low-nolse Ampllfler
MAn MeLropollLan Area neLwork
MlMC MulLlple-lnpuL MulLlple-CuLpuL
MLL Mode-Locked Laser
MMl MulLlmode llbre
MMlC MonollLhlc Mlcrowave lnLegraLed ClrculL
MZM Mach-Zehnder ModulaLor
Mux MulLlplexer
nLCS non-Llne-of-SlghL
n8Z non-8eLurn-Lo-Zero
nZ-uSl non-Zero ulsperslon-ShlfLed llbre
C8l CpLlcal 8and-ass lllLer
CuL CpLlcal uelay Llne
CluM CrLhogonal lrequency-ulvlslon MulLlplexlng
ClM CpLlcal lrequency MulLlpllcaLlon
CL1 CpLlcal Llne 1ermlnal
Cn1 CpLlcal neLwork 1ermlnal
CCk Cn-Cff keylng
CSA CpLlcal SpecLrum Analyser
AM ulse AmpllLude ModulaLlon
A8 eak-Lo-Average ower 8aLlo
C olarlzaLlon ConLroller
u hoLodeLecLor
uM olarlzaLlon ulvlslon MulLlplexlng
M hase ModulaLor
Mu olarlzaLlon Mode ulsperslon
Cl lasLlc (or olymer) CpLlcal llbre
Cn asslve CpLlcal neLwork
C ulse aLLern CeneraLor
M ulse-oslLlon ModulaLlon
S hase ShlfLer
Sk hase ShlfL keylng
SM ulse Shape ModulaLlon
2 olnL-Lo-olnL
2M olnL-Lo-MulLlpolnL
CAM CuadraLure AmpllLude ModulaLlon
CSk CuadraLure hase-ShlfL keylng
8Au 8emoLe AnLenna unlL
8l 8adlo lrequency
8C 8esldenLlal CaLeway
8ln 8elaLlve lnLenslLy nolse
8MS 8ooL Mean Square
8Z 8eLurn-Lo-Zero

8x 8ecelver
Sn8 Slgnal-Lo-nolse 8aLlo
SCM Sub-Carrler MulLlplexlng
SCA SemlconducLor CpLlcal Ampllfler
SS8 Slngle Sldeband
SSMl SLandard Slngle-Mode llbre
1lA 1ranslmpedance Ampllfler
1lC 1lme-lrequency Code
1x 1ransmlLLer
uS8 unlversal Serlal 8us
uW8 ulLra-Wldeband
vCSLL verLlcal-CavlLy Surface-LmlLLlng Laser
vA varlable ALLenuaLor
vCA varlable CpLlcal ALLenuaLor
WuM WavelengLh ulvlslon MulLlplexlng
WLAn Wlreless Local Area neLwork
WMAn Wlreless MeLropollLan Area neLwork
WAn Wlreless ersonal Area neLwork
WWAn Wlreless Wlde Area neLwork



1.1 Motivation
As Lhe capaclLy per user requlremenLs for broadband communlcaLlon servlces conLlnuously
lncrease, Lechnologles such as ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo, mllllmeLre-wave radlo around
60 CPz and beyond, free space opLlcs (lSC), and lndoor opLlcal wlreless Lechnologles such as
lnfrared llghL and vlslble llghL communlcaLlons are belng lnvesLlgaLed as vlable soluLlons Lo
provlde daLa raLes exceedlng ClgablL per second per user, as revlewed ln SecLlon 2.1.
uW8 ls a radlo Lechnology supporLlng hlgh bandwldLh broadcasL of bldlrecLlonal servlces Lo
mulLlple Lelevlslons and compuLers dlsLrlbuLed LhroughouL a dwelllng/offlce Lhus replaclng
pervaslve, hlgh-deflnlLlon (Pu) audlo/vldeo and hlgh-speed lnLerneL cabllng. uW8 uses
regulaLed specLrum from 3.1 Lo 10.6 CPz wlLh a mlnlmum slgnal bandwldLh of 300 MPz or 20
fracLlonal bandwldLh [1]. 1he 24 CPz band has also been regulaLed for uW8 vehlcular radar
appllcaLlons [1], [2] and can be slmulLaneously used for communlcaLlons [3], [4]. uW8 presenLs
Lhe unlque characLerlsLlc of belng deslgned for coexlsLence ln Lhe same frequency range wlLh
oLher llcensed or unllcensed servlces complemenLary ln Lerms of blL raLe and range such as
WlMAx and Wl-ll. 1hls ls achleved by llmlLlng Lhe mean equlvalenL lsoLroplc radlaLed power
specLral denslLy Lo -41.3 d8m/MPz and lnLroduclng deLecL-and-avold (uAA)
mechanlsms [3]. 1he maxlmum Ll8 specLral denslLy llmlLs Lhe effecLlve Lransmlsslon range Lo
a few meLers. 1hls llmlL range consLralns uW8 Lo wlreless personal area neLworks (WAn).

Ll8 ls glven as
( ) ( )
EIRP P f G f = + ,
where EIRP and
P (LransmlLLer power specLral denslLy) are ln d8m, and
G ls Lhe galn response of
Lhe LransmlLLlng anLenna ln d8l. noLe LhaL ( )
out T
P P f df


ls Lhe LoLal average LransmlLLer power
applled Lo Lhe anLenna.
1 lnLroducLlon


1he radlo-over-flbre LransporL of uW8 slgnals (uW8-over-flbre) ls a rapld and cosL-effecLlve
soluLlon Lo exLend Lhe uW8 radlo range Lo ln-home, ln-bulldlng or even wlde area appllcaLlons.
uW8-over-flbre Lakes advanLage of Lhe hlgh bandwldLh of Lhe opLlcal medla Lo cenLrallze
modulaLlon and oLher funcLlonallLles Lhus slmpllfylng Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs and enabllng
neLwork lnfrasLrucLures LransparenL Lo Lhe speclflc uW8 lmplemenLaLlon employed. 1hls
flexlblllLy ls of speclal lnLeresL for operaLors as uW8 regulaLlon ls sLlll evolvlng. uW8-over-flbre
sysLems have been consldered for Lwo maln appllcaLlons whlch are descrlbed and lllusLraLed ln
SecLlon 2.3.4. llrsL, lndoor dlsLrlbuLed anLenna sysLems (uAS) ln whlch uW8 slgnals are
dlsLrlbuLed over opLlcal flbre llnks from a cenLral unlL Lo remoLe anLenna unlLs. 1he flbre lengLh
ln Lhe lndoor uAS appllcaLlon ls ln Lhe range of a few hundred meLers [6]. ln Lhe second
appllcaLlon, uW8 slgnals are dlsLrlbuLed from a cenLral offlce Lhrough flbre-Lo-Lhe-home
(l11P) neLworks wlLh furLher uW8 wlreless Lransmlsslon ln home [Llo08a], [Llo08c]. CosL-
effecLlve sLandard slngle-mode flbre (SSMl) ls wldely used for uW8 over l11P wlLh dlsLances
up Lo 20 km or more. l11P neLworks are belng deployed aL very fasL pace wlLh slgnlflcanL
deploymenLs ln Asla, Lurope and norLh Amerlca [7].
1here are Lwo ma[or uW8 lmplemenLaLlons: (1) based on lmpulse radlo, and (2) based on
mulLlband orLhogonal frequency-dlvlslon mulLlplexlng (CluM), as speclfled by Lhe WlMedla
Alllance [8] and adopLed ln Lhe LCMA-368 sLandard [9]. CluM uW8 provldes hlgh specLral
efflclency (up Lo 480 Mb/s per 328 MPz band) and slngle-chlp soluLlons are avallable ln
consumer elecLronlcs devlces LargeLlng vldeo sLreamlng and wlreless unlversal serlal bus
(wlreless-uS8) appllcaLlons [10], [11]. lurLhermore, CluM-based devlces employ efflclenL
sofLware Lo faclllLaLe coexlsLence wlLh a slmpllfled sysLem deslgn [12]. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
lmpulse-radlo uW8 ls capable of provldlng hlgh-resoluLlon radar ranglng and locallzaLlon
appllcaLlons [13] provldlng slmulLaneously hlgh-speed communlcaLlons wlLh much slmpler
lmplemenLaLlon [3].
uW8 Lechnology ls capable of provldlng mulLl-Cb/s wlreless communlcaLlons. Maxlmum
capaclLy ln acLual uW8 devlces ls 480 Mb/s per band (WlMedla speclflcaLlon v1.2 [8], [9]). 1hls
glves an overall capaclLy of 6.72 Cb/s per user when Lhe fourLeen CluM bands are comblned.
1hls capaclLy ls supporLed ln slngle-chlp uW8 lmplemenLaLlons [10]. 1he maxlmum LheoreLlcal
uW8 capaclLy would be achleved when Lhe fourLeen uW8 bands are used bearlng 1024 Mb/s
each (WlMedla speclflcaLlon v1.3 [8]) glvlng 14.336 Cb/s aggregaLed daLa raLe per user.
neverLheless, no commerclal equlpmenL Lo daLe supporLs Lhls conflguraLlon. Powever, uW8
capaclLy ls furLher llmlLed ouLslde Lhe u.S. 1he specLrum useable for unllcensed uW8
operaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band ls dlfferenLly regulaLed worldwlde due Lo coexlsLence
lssues. uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls an open opporLunlLy Lo provlde poLenLlal daLa
raLes of >3 Cb/s worldwlde [14].
60 CPz radlo ls abouL Lo become easlly avallable for consumer appllcaLlons and permlLs secure
mulLl-Cb/s wlreless communlcaLlons poLenLlally for shorL-dlsLance use. Several Lechnologles ln
Lhe 60 CPz band have been proposed ln Lhe recenL years. Some of Lhem are WlrelessPu,
LCMA-387, lLLL 802.13.3c, and WlClg. WlrelessPu-based slngle-chlp soluLlons have been
lnLegraLed lnLo consumer elecLronlcs producLs LargeLlng uncompressed Pu vldeo appllcaLlons
up Lo 7 Cb/s [13]. An lnLeresLlng characLerlsLlc of LCMA-387 ls LhaL slngle-chlp soluLlons are
1.1 MoLlvaLlon


avallable LargeLlng flle Lransfer and Pu sLreamlng [16], glvlng Lhe advanLage of reduced board
space requlremenLs and lower manufacLurlng cosL.
1he lnLroducLlon of uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls lnLeresLlng for several reasons:
1) 1he unllcensed frequency range regulaLed for generlc 60 CPz radlo worldwlde
(37-66 CPz ln Lurope and AusLralla, 37-64 CPz ln Lhe u.S. and Canada, 39-66 CPz ln
!apan) can allocaLe very well Lhe uW8 bandwldLh ln currenL regulaLlon (up Lo 7.3 CPz).
2) uW8 ls a maLure Lechnology wlLh efflclenL sofLware and slngle-chlp soluLlons are also
avallable. 1hls permlLs uW8 Lo be lnLroduced ln devlces wlLh speclflc space and power
requlremenLs, llke moblle phones.
3) uW8 ls, ln orlgln, a coexlsLence Lechnology. 1ranslaLlng uW8 Lechnology from Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band Lo Lhe 60 CPz band opens Lhe opporLunlLy of coexlsLence wlLh
oLher wlreless Lransmlsslons ln Lhe band.
4) uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band permlLs Lo lncrease Lhe mean Ll8 from
-41.3 d8m/MPz as ln currenL uW8 regulaLlon worldwlde Lo 13 d8m/MPz as permlLLed
ln regulaLlon ln force ln Lhe band [17]. 1hls permlLs exLendlng Lransmlsslon reach
provlded Lhe approxlmaLely 20 d8 hlgher free-space paLh loss ls compensaLed.
neverLheless, Lhe aLmospherlc aLLenuaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band of up Lo approxlmaLely
30 d8/km furLher llmlLs ouLdoor reach [18].
1hls Lhesls proposes and experlmenLally demonsLraLes a number of Lechnlques enabllng uW8-
over-flbre sysLems Lo provlde mulLl-Cb/s WAn communlcaLlons ln dlfferenL frequency bands
ranglng from baseband Lo mllllmeLre-wave (>33 CPz). 1he proposed sysLems also have
poLenLlal ranglng capablllLles Laklng advanLage of Lhe excellenL accuracy of lmpulse-radlo uW8
when exLremely shorL lmpulses are employed. 1he operaLlonal llmlLs of Lhe proposed uW8-
over-flbre sysLems are also lnvesLlgaLed by slmulaLlon.
1he flrsL Lechnlcal ob[ecLlve of Lhls Lhesls ls Lo propose, lnvesLlgaLe, and experlmenLally
demonsLraLe uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe nexL-generaLlon 60 CPz band. 1he 60 CPz uW8 sysLems
proposed could operaLe ln a dual 3.1-10.6 CPz/60 CPz conflguraLlon lf deslred, buL dual
operaLlon ls ouL of Lhe scope of Lhls Lhesls. 60 CPz operaLlon would reuse and exLend uW8
Lechnology ln Lerms of range and flexlblllLy, and ls Lhe focus of Lhls work. 1he hereln presenLed
60 CPz uW8 Lechnlques have poLenLlal appllcaLlon for l11P access neLworks as well as lndoor
scenarlos where lnLerference ls a crlLlcal lssue such as alrcrafLs, LelecommunlcaLlon operaLors,
and governmenL premlses.
AddlLlonally, (second LargeL) a Lechnlque Lo brlng specLral reconflguraLlon capablllLles Lo
pulsed lasers ls proposed, analysed, and experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln Lhls Lhesls. 1he
Lechnlque has poLenLlal appllcaLlon for wavelengLh dlvlslon mulLlplexlng (WuM) neLworks.
CurrenL l11P neLworks are expecLed Lo evolve Loward WuM passlve opLlcal neLworks (WuM-
Cn) Lo keep up wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of fuLure broadband opLlcal access neLworks [19], [20].
1he Lechnlcal advances lnvesLlgaLed lnclude:
CeneraLlon Lechnlques for bandwldLh- and band-flexlble lmpulse-radlo uW8-over-
flbre sysLems
1 lnLroducLlon


CeneraLlon and lnLegraLed opLlcal and wlreless Lransmlsslon performance of 60 CPz
uW8 slgnals. 1he use of verLlcal-cavlLy surface-emlLLlng lasers (vCSLL) ls lnvesLlgaLed
Lo perform elecLroopLlc converslon and opLlcal frequency up-converslon. ln recenL
years, vCSLL have galned a loL of lnLeresL due Lo Lhe relaLlve low cosL.
8econflguraLlon of mulLlwavelengLh sources ln Lerms of wavelengLh spaclng and
wavelengLh allocaLlon
1he Lechnlques developed are lmplemenLed ln Lhe opLlcal domaln and fall ln Lhe fleld usually
known as opLlcal slgnal processlng". CpLlcal Lechnlques are crlLlcal for fuLure-proof, versaLlle
and hlgh-capaclLy servlce provlslonlng ln opLlcal neLworks. CpLlcal Lechnlques can also beneflL
from Lhe well-known advanLages offered by mlcrowave phoLonlcs devlces, such as llghL
welghL, small slze, and lmmunlLy Lo elecLromagneLlc lnLerference [21].
1.2 Stateoft!eart
uW8-over-flbre Lechnology has been acLlvely lnvesLlgaLed durlng Lhe Llme of reallzaLlon of Lhls
Lhesls. ln Lhls SecLlon, Lhe sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL of Lhe generaLlon, opLlcal and wlreless Lransmlsslon,
and deLecLlon of uW8 slgnals for uW8-over-flbre sysLems ls revlewed.
1.2.1 Im"ulseradio #$% generation in t!e &.1'1(.) *+, band
ln lmpulse-radlo uW8 sysLems, Lhe selecLlon of Lhe pulse shape by Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe
frequency response of Lhe LransmlLLlng anLenna ls crlLlcal for sysLem performance [22]. 1he
Causslan monocycle and doubleL pulses are Lyplcally employed due Lo beLLer performance
compared wlLh oLher pulse shapes [23]. A Causslan monocycle can be generaLed by
performlng Lhe flrsL-order derlvaLlve of a Causslan pulse, and a Causslan doubleL can be
generaLed by performlng Lhe second-order derlvaLlve of a Causslan pulse. Powever, Lhese
pulse shapes are noL compllanL wlLh Lhe uW8 Ll8 specLral mask ln currenL regulaLlon [1]
wlLhouL reduclng power. Causslan monocycle and doubleL pulses can also meeL regulaLlon
afLer adequaLe fllLerlng e.g. by Lhe frequency response of a commerclally-avallable uW8
anLenna [24] or cusLom anLenna [23], or by a hlgh-pass fllLer [26]. CLher hlgher-frequency
pulse shapes such as hlgher-order derlvaLlve Causslan pulses [27] and llnear comblnaLlon of
low-order derlvaLlves [28], [29], have been proposed Lo comply wlLh Lhe uW8 mask wlLh hlgh
power efflclency, however Lhey are generally more compllcaLed Lo lmplemenL.
Electrical impulse-radio UWB generation
1here are dlfferenL approaches Lo lmplemenL uW8-over-flbre sysLems. 1yplcally, a uW8 8l
slgnal modulaLes Lhe lnLenslLy of a laser dlode dlrecLly or exLernally followed by opLlcal flbre
Lransmlsslon [30]. LlecLrlcal lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon Lechnlques can be dlvlded lnLo four
caLegorles [31], [32]:
1) A baseband pulse ls up-converLed Lo Lhe LargeL frequency band by mlxlng wlLh a local
osclllaLor (LC).
1.2 SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL


2) Shaplng a very shorL baseband pulse Lo Lhe deslred uW8 pulses employlng band-pass
fllLerlng. lllLerlng a Causslan pulse ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of dlfferenL
orders of dlfferenLlaLlon of a Causslan pulse.
3) uW8 pulse deslgn based on comblnlng pulses. lor lnsLance, comblnlng baseband
Causslan pulses wlLh dlfferenL delays and ampllLudes.
4) Plgh-speed arblLrary waveform generaLlon (AWC) wlLh sampllng raLe over 20 CS/s
based on dlglLal-Lo-analogue converLers (uAC).
A Causslan monocycle generaLor conslsLlng of an lmpulse generaLor followed by an lmpulse
formlng neLwork ls a commerclally avallable soluLlon [33]. 1hls lmpulse generaLor requlres a
clock lnpuL Lo generaLe lmpulses, whlch can be gaLed by exLernal daLa up Lo 2.3 Cb/s. Slngle-
chlp proLoLypes wlLh modulaLlon capablllLles have also been demonsLraLed ln Lhe llLeraLure
wlLh poLenLlal cosL advanLage [31], [34]. SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL slngle-chlp soluLlons enable
generaLlon of uW8 pulses wlLh noL only low power consumpLlon, buL also reconflgurable
shape, slgnal bandwldLh of 6 CPz, and daLa raLe up Lo 2.3 Cb/s [31].
Optical impulse-radio UWB generation
lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe opLlcal domaln can overcome Lhe dlfflculLy of elecLrlcal
Lechnlques ln generaLlng hlgh-quallLy hlgh-bandwldLh Ll8-efflclenL pulses reconflgurable ln
Lerms of bandwldLh, shape, and pulse encodlng. lurLhermore, opLlcal Lechnlques remove Lhe
lmpacL of nonllnearlLy uslng elecLroopLlc converslon due Lo hlgh peak-Lo-average power raLlo
(A8) of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals. uaLa are Lyplcally encoded on lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals
employlng on-off keylng (CCk) modulaLlon, pulse polarlLy modulaLlon (or bl-phase modulaLlon
or blnary phase-shlfL keylng (8Sk), pulse poslLlon modulaLlon (M), and pulse shape
modulaLlon (SM).
hoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals has been wldely lnvesLlgaLed ln recenL years
[22], [24]-[26], [33]-[37]. MosL Lechnlques can be classlfled lnLo four caLegorles accordlng Lo
Lhe operaLlon prlnclple:
1) Causslan monocycle or doubleL pulse generaLlon based on flrsL- or second-order
dlfferenLlaLlon of a Causslan pulse. 1hls can be accompllshed by dlrecL modulaLlon of a
laser and chlrp-Lo-lnLenslLy converslon employlng an opLlcal llnear fllLer [36]. AnoLher
slmple Lechnlque ls Lo perform phase-modulaLlon-Lo-lnLenslLy-modulaLlon (M-lM)
converslon employlng an opLlcal frequency dlscrlmlnaLor. A meLhod Lo avold uslng a
flxed-long-lengLh dlsperslve flbre ls Lo use a frequency dlscrlmlnaLor based on an
opLlcal fllLer, such as a flbre 8ragg graLlng (l8C) [37], [38]. 1he opLlcal phase
modulaLlon can be lmplemenLed employlng elecLroopLlc phase modulaLlon [37] or
cross-phase modulaLlon (xM) ln nonllnear flbre for all-opLlcal generaLlon [38]. A
slmple uW8 pulse generaLor whlch ls capable of performlng 8Sk or SM aL hlgh
speed (up Lo 40 Cb/s) has also been demonsLraLed by ad[usLlng Lhe volLages applled Lo
Lwo arblLrary wave plaLes [39].
2) Comblned delayed opLlcal Causslan pulses wlLh opposlLe polarlLles. A slmple Lechnlque
employs an lnLegraLed dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulaLor (MZM) Lo generaLe
Causslan monocycle or doubleL pulses [40]. AnoLher posslble lmplemenLaLlon ls Lo
1 lnLroducLlon


employ a mlcrowave phoLonlc fllLer. Causslan monocycle or doubleL pulses can be
generaLed employlng Lwo-coefflclenL or Lhree-coefflclenL fllLers, respecLlvely. 1he
polarlLy lnverslon can be performed based on cross-polarlzaLlon modulaLlon [41], [42],
and employlng Lwo MZM blased aL opposlLe slopes [43]. olarlzaLlon-dependenL delay
ls lnLroduced by blrefrlngenL flbre [41], [42], or wavelengLh-dependenL delay by a
dlsperslve devlce such as a dlsperslve flbre dlsLrlbuLlng Lhe uW8 pulse Lo a remoLe slLe
[43]. 1he mlcrowave phoLonlc fllLer proposed ln [43] can overcome Lhe dlfflculLy of
oLher approaches Lo add and conLrol more Lhan Lwo coefflclenLs. Plgh-frequency
pulses can be generaLed from four coefflclenLs however each addlLlonal coefflclenL
requlres an exLra laser. 1he Lechnlque ln [43] also permlLs reconflguraLlon ln Lerms of
pulse shape and encodlng up Lo 100 Mb/s. ln addlLlon, a monocycle generaLlon
Lechnlque employlng an elecLroopLlc phase modulaLor, a delay lnLerferomeLer, and an
opLlcal delay llne has been demonsLraLed [44]. 1hls Lechnlque employs a low-speed
elecLrlcal non-reLurn-Lo-zero (n8Z) slgnal and 8Sk modulaLlon can be reallzed by
ad[usLlng Lhe delay or by elecLrlcally swlLchlng Lhe blas volLage of Lhe delay
3) uynamlc behavlour of a semlconducLor opLlcal ampllfler (SCA) [43] and of a dlrecLly-
modulaLed [46], [47] or opLlcally-ln[ecLed dlsLrlbuLed feedback laser (ul8) [47]-[49].
1hese meLhods are slmple, requlrlng one laser. A speclflc regulaLlon-compllanL hlgh-
frequency pulse has been generaLed based on Lhe relaxaLlon osclllaLlons of ul8 [47]-
[49]. 8Sk modulaLlon has been demonsLraLed employlng an adequaLe elecLrlcal daLa
paLLern [49], however mulLl-Cb/s daLa raLes would requlre a hlgh-speed pulse paLLern
generaLor (>20 Cb/s).
4) CpLlcal specLrum shaplng and frequency-Lo-Llme converslon. usually, Lhe specLrum of
an ulLra-shorL pulse ls shaped by a spaLlal llghL modulaLor (SLM) [30] or opLlcal fllLerlng
[22], [31], [32]. 1he shaped specLrum ls converLed Lo Lhe Llme domaln employlng a
dlsperslve elemenL wlLh a mlnlmum requlred LoLal dlsperslon, such as a dlsperslve
flbre, whlch aL Lhe same Llme dlsLrlbuLes Lhe uW8 pulse Lo a remoLe slLe [32], or a
llnearly-chlrped l8C Lo slmpllfy Lhe sysLem [31]. 1hese Lechnlques have more flexlblllLy
ln generaLlng uW8 pulses wlLh arblLrary shapes however Lhey are based on
compllcaLed lmplemenLaLlons requlrlng cosLly mode-locked laser sources [22], [31],
and elLher bulky free-space opLlcs [30] or cusLom envlronmenL-senslLlve l8C-based
devlces [22], [31], [32].
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe Lechnlques dlscussed above, oLher Lechnlques have been proposed for hlgh-
frequency uW8 generaLlon such as Lhose based on nonllnear propagaLlon ln opLlcal flbres [33]
and comblnaLlon of delayed monocycles wlLh opposlLe polarlLy [34]. ln addlLlon, uW8
generaLlon wlLh M encodlng [33], [36], and slmple uW8 generaLlon reconflgurable for
mulLlple modulaLlon formaLs have been demonsLraLed [37].
1.2.2 Millimetrewave im"ulseradio #$% generation
1here are dlfferenL approaches for lmplemenLlng mllllmeLre-wave uW8-over-flbre sysLems.
CpLlcal frequency up-converslon ls an aLLracLlve soluLlon Lo reduce overall complexlLy and cosL
by cenLrallsed broadband up-converslon and neLwork managemenL. Powever, Lhls approach
1.2 SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL


may requlre hlgh-speed elecLroopLlc devlces and suffer from 8l power fadlng lnduced by flbre
chromaLlc dlsperslon, whlch may llmlL performance [38]. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe cenLrallsed
approach may flnd a compeLlLor ln a dlsLrlbuLed slngle-chlp soluLlon based on uW8 over flbre
and mllllmeLre-wave up-converslon uslng complemenLary meLal-oxlde semlconducLor (CMCS)
aL 8l fronL-end. A few research groups have already demonsLraLed CMCS radlos aL 60 CPz.
Powever, Lhere are llmlLaLlons such as devlce deslgn and lnLegraLlon, maklng hlgh-
performance communlcaLlon exLremely dlfflculL.
A number of Lechnlques have been demonsLraLed for mllllmeLre-wave lmpulse-radlo uW8-
over-flbre generaLlon based on cenLrallsed opLlcal frequency up-converslon [3], [40], [39]-[62].
1he use of 8l pulse shapes, such as Causslan monocycles and hlgher-frequency pulses, offers
Lwo advanLages as compared Lo pulse shapes havlng uC componenL ln Lhe specLrum, such as
Causslan and recLangular pulses: (1) easy fllLerlng of Lhe up-converLed uW8 specLrum Lo
remove resldual 8l carrler whlch can llmlL maxlmum Ll8 denslLy Lo meeL regulaLlon ln force,
Lhus llmlLlng uW8 range [60], (2) Lhe baseband slgnal whlch ls also avallable afLer
phoLodeLecLlon could be radlaLed ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band provlded an adequaLe specLrum
and uW8 anLenna are comblned. Several mllllmeLre-wave Lechnlques have been
demonsLraLed ln Lhe 24 CPz band ln proof-of-concepL experlmenLs [3], [40], [60]-[62] and are
summarlzed as follows:
kurl et al. (CcL. 2006) [3]: lrequency up-converslon ls based on opLlcal carrler
suppresslon ln a MZM, an arrayed wavegulde graLlng, and a speclal MZM wlLh hlgh
exLlncLlon raLlo Lo suppress Lhe resldual 8l carrler when recLangular pulses are
employed. 1hls complex Lechnlque has been proposed Lo overcome dlsperslon-
lnduced 8l power fadlng. 1he Lechnlque would requlre 30 CPz elecLroopLlc devlces Lo
be upgraded Lo Lhe 60 CPz band. 3 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon of Lhe 24 CPz uW8
slgnal ls demonsLraLed aL 230 Mb/s.
Le Cuennec et al. (!ul. 2007) [60]: lrequency up-converslon of elecLrlcal monocycles aL
200 Mb/s ls performed based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM. 1hls Lechnlque
ls slmple and Lhe same archlLecLure can be reused for coherenL down-converslon.
Powever, Lhe Lechnlque requlres hlgh-cosL hlgh-frequency elecLroopLlc devlces, whlch
make lL dlfflculL Lo be upgraded Lo mllllmeLre-wave frequency bands, e.g. 60 CPz
devlces for Lhe 60 CPz band.
lu et al. (!un. 2008) [61]: lrequency up-converslon of opLlcal monocycles aL 730 Mb/s
ls performed based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM and nonllnear polarlzaLlon
roLaLlon ln a SCA. 1he Lechnlque operaLes ln Lhe whole C-band however lL employs a
complex archlLecLure and Lhe slow carrler recovery speed of Lhe SCA llmlLs hlgh-
frequency operaLlon ln Lhe mllllmeLre-wave bands.
Chang et al. (CcL. 2008) [40]: CpLlcal monocycle or doubleL pulses aL 623 Mb/s are up-
converLed based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM. 1he Lechnlque would requlre
30 CPz elecLroopLlc devlces Lo be upgraded Lo Lhe 60 CPz band.
Ll et al. (SepL. 2009) [62]: lrequency up-converslon of opLlcal monocycle or doubleL
pulses aL 470 Mb/s ls performed based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM and a
flbre opLlcal parameLrlc ampllfler (CA) employlng 1 km of hlghly nonllnear flbre
(PnLl). 1hls Lechnlque employs a complex archlLecLure however lL could be upgraded
1 lnLroducLlon


Lo Lhe 60 CPz band by fllLerlng Lhe second-order opLlcal sldebands wlLh a relaxed
frequency requlremenL for elecLroopLlc devlces as low as 7.3 CPz. ln addlLlon, Lhe
Lechnlque exhlblLs large mlxlng bandwldLh capablllLy due Lo Lhe ulLrafasL response of
Lhe PnLl.
1he Lechnlques [61], [62] can be deployed ln Lhe remoLe local osclllaLor dellvery scheme Lo
mlLlgaLe dlsperslon-lnduced 8l power fadlng ln Lhe long-reach access neLworks where Lhe SCA
and PnLl serve as boLh frequency up-converLer and slgnal ampllfler ln a local exchange [63].
lurLhermore, Zhang et al. have demonsLraLed slmulLaneous generaLlon of Lwo wavelengLh
channels of uW8 monocycles ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band and Lwo wavelengLh channels ln Lhe
24 CPz band based on a slmllar scheme employlng 60 m of a hlghly nonllnear phoLonlc crysLal
flbre [64].
AddlLlonally, several phoLonlc schemes have been demonsLraLed for shaplng of hlgh-frequency
lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals [33], [63].
ClgablL lmpulse-radlo uW8 LransmlLLers have also been developed ln Lhe 60 CPz band ln
CMCS Lechnology LargeLlng low cosL and low power consumpLlon [66]. ln hybrld wlreless-
opLlcal sysLems, such LransmlLLers could be used aL remoLe anLenna unlLs afLer phoLodeLecLlon
of dlglLal baseband-over-flbre slgnals.
llnally, a phoLonlc lmpulse-radlo uW8 LransmlLLer ln Lhe W-band (73-110 CPz) employlng a
near-balllsLlc unl-Lravellng-carrler phoLodlode and a 10 CPz mode-locked laser has been
demonsLraLed for hlgh denslLy user uW8-over-flbre ln-bulldlng appllcaLlons [39].
1.2.& -etection and transmission "erformance of im"ulseradio #$%
Many reporLs focused on Lhe opLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln recenL years.
Powever, a few reporLs deLecLed Lhe uW8 slgnals and furLher evaluaLed Lhe performance of
Lhe whole uW8-over-flbre sysLem lncludlng flbre and wlreless Lransmlsslon. 8adlo-over-flbre
dlsLrlbuLlon of lmpulse-radlo and CluM uW8 slgnals ln l11P neLworks was proposed and
compared ln [Llo08a], [Llo08c]. CpLlcal Lransmlsslon up Lo 30 km of SSMl was experlmenLally
demonsLraLed for boLh uW8 lmplemenLaLlons aL 1.23 Cb/s. CLher opLlmlzed lmpulse-radlo
uW8 generaLlon and deLecLlon schemes have been demonsLraLed employlng opLlcal slgnal
processlng. 1able l summarlzes Lhe sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL of Lhe lnLegraLed opLlcal flbre and wlreless
Lransmlsslon performance of lmpulse-radlo uW8-over-flbre communlcaLlon sysLems ln
dlfferenL frequency bands.
1he performance of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ls usually evaluaLed ln Lerms of blL error raLe
(8L8) whlch ls Lhe raLlo beLween Lhe number of blLs wlLh errors and Lhe LoLal number of blLs.

1.2 SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL


1able l. SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL of Lransmlsslon performance of lmpulse-radlo uW8-over-flbre sysLems
8eference Lncodlng uaLa raLe llbre Lransmlsslon Wlreless
3.1-10.6 CPz band
et al. [22]
CCk 300 Mb/s 828 63 cm hoLonlc envelope
et al. [23]
CCk 1.023 Cb/s 3 km uCl+10 km SSMl 20 cm re-ampllfled recelver
CusLom anLennas
ueLecLlon dlrecLly by
8L81 (>10
?u et al.
8Sk 781.23 Mb/s 30 km SSMl+3 km uCl 828 uSC+uS deLecLlon
(8L8 >10
et al. [33]
M 1.623 Cb/s 200 m SSMl ~20 cm uW8 shaplng by
elecLrlcal 8l
ueLecLlon by elecLrlcal
mlxlng+8L81 (>10
an &
?ao [24]
CCk 1.6873 Cb/s 24 km SSMl 3 cm Chlrp-free uW8 slgnal
ueLecLlon by elecLrlcal
mlxlng+8L81 (>10
et al. [48]
CCk 3.123 Cb/s 23 km SMl+23 km lul 2.9 m Ll8= -31.3 d8m/MPz
uSC+uS deLecLlon
(8L8 >10
et al. [36]
M 1.623 Cb/s 37 km SSMl (or 10 km
wlLh a slmpler scheme)
828 re-ampllfled recelver
uW8 shaplng by
elecLrlcal 8l
ueLecLlon by elecLrlcal
mlxlng+8L81 (>10
an &
?ao [37]
623 Mb/s 20 km SSMl 10 cm ueLecLlon by elecLrlcal
mlxlng+8L81 (>10
et al. [67]
CCk 1.23 Cb/s 23 km SSMl 30 cm re-ampllfled recelver
CusLom anLennas
ueLecLlon dlrecLly by
8L81 (>10
et al. [34]
CCk 3.123 Cb/s 22.3 km SMl+4.4 km uCl 828 hoLonlc envelope
deLecLlon+8L81 (>10
60 CPz band
This work
8Sk 1.44 Cb/s 40 km SSMl,
23 km SSMl+300 m 8l-SMl
3 m uSC+uS deLecLlon
(8L8 >10
This work
CCk 3.123 Cb/s 20 km nZ-uSl
(= 6.3 km SSMl),
1 km 8l-SMl
2 m 8l power
deLecLlon+8L81 (>10
73-110 CPz band
et al. [39]
CCk 2.3 Cb/s 230 m SSMl+30 m uCl 1.6 m CpLlcal power
budgeL< 30 d8
8l power
deLecLlon+8L81 (>10

1 lnLroducLlon


lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals have been deLecLed by several Lechnlques:
1) 1he uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band has been down-converLed by elecLrlcal
mlxlng wlLh a LC slgnal. Powever, Lhls Lechnlque lnLroduces a power penalLy due Lo a
broad uW8 specLrum and ls consLralned Lo daLa raLes of less Lhan 3-4 Cb/s [36]. 1he
resulLlng baseband slgnal ls measured by an oscllloscope provldlng performance ln
Lerms of Q-facLor [Llo08a], [Llo08c]. 8L8 ls calculaLed from Q-facLor measuremenLs
however under Lhe assumpLlon of Causslan nolse. AlLernaLlvely, Lhe down-converLed
baseband slgnal can be measured by a 8L8 LesLer (8L81) [24], [33].
2) 8L8 has been evaluaLed offllne by dlglLal slgnal processlng (uS) based on blL-per-blL
comparlson [68]. 1hls Lechnlque glves hlgh senslLlvlLy and permlLs Lo lmplemenL ln Lhe
dlglLal domaln funcLlons such as maLched fllLerlng Lo lncrease slgnal-Lo-nolse raLlo
(Sn8) Lhus lmprovlng performance. Powever, a broadband hlgh-speed dlglLal sampllng
oscllloscope (uSC) ls requlred. 1he mlnlmum 8L8 evaluaLed (or maxlmum number of
blLs evaluaLed) ls also llmlLed by Lhe uSC performance Lo 10
Lyplcally. 1hls 8L8 llmlL
ls above Lhe llmlL of 10
Lyplcal for error-free communlcaLlon sysLems wlLhouL
employlng forward error correcLlon (lLC) [69].
3) Lnvelope deLecLlon (or power deLecLlon) can be employed for CCk-modulaLed uW8
slgnals avoldlng Lhe need for a phase-locked LC slgnal and broadband 8l mlxer.
hoLonlc envelope deLecLlon of 8l uW8 pulses has been demonsLraLed based on a
MZM blased aL Lhe quadraLure polnL, hlgh-speed phoLodeLecLlon, and low-pass
fllLerlng [3]. Plgh-speed phoLodeLecLlon permlLs Lo regeneraLe Lhe 8l uW8 slgnal.
AnoLher posslblllLy ls Lo employ an elecLro-absorpLlon modulaLor (LAM) or a MZM
blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL [22], [34]. MZM leads Lo full recLlflcaLlon of
Lhe 8l uW8 slgnal resulLlng ln hlgher deLecLed power. Powever, MZM are senslLlve Lo
polarlzaLlon. Cn Lhe oLher hand, LAM leads Lo half wave recLlflcaLlon, can operaLe on
lower drlvlng volLage, and are compaLlble wlLh phoLonlc lnLegraLlon [22]. 8l power
deLecLlon has also been employed Lo deLecL lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln Lhe
73-110 CPz band [39]. An advanLage of Lhe phoLonlc envelope deLecLlon ls Lhe
broadband operaLlon provldlng Lransparency Lo Lhe 8l frequency and capablllLy of
deLecLlng broad lnLermedlaLe frequency (ll) bandwldLhs.
1.2.. Multiband /0-M #$% radiooverfibre
CluM uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLems have been consldered as a soluLlon for hlgh-capaclLy
wlreless access neLworks. CluM uW8 slgnals are usually generaLed employlng commerclally-
avallable uW8 devlces or AWC slgnal generaLlon, whlch Lhen modulaLe a laser dlode dlrecLly
or exLernally followed by opLlcal flbre Lransmlsslon. CluM deLecLlon ls performed employlng a
uSC, and cusLom uS or commerclally-avallable sofLware. 1he maxlmum number of CluM
symbols Lo be evaluaLed ls llmlLed by Lhe uSC performance and sofLware employed. 1he
quallLy of CluM uW8 communlcaLlon ls usually assessed ln Lerms of error vecLor magnlLude
(LvM) whlch ls a measure of errors beLween Lhe measured symbols and Lhe expecLed symbols.
Sn8 and 8L8 performance meLrlcs can be esLlmaLed from LvM assumlng a Causslan nolse
dlsLrlbuLlon when CluM uW8 employs quadraLure phase-shlfL keylng (CSk) modulaLlon [70].
1.2 SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL


Comblned radlo-over-flbre and wlreless Lransmlsslon of CluM uW8 slgnals has been
experlmenLally analysed employlng exLernal modulaLlon [Mor08c], [71]. Commerclally-
avallable uW8 devlces are employed Lo generaLe a dual-band CluM slgnal aL 400 Mb/s. 1he
CluM slgnal ls successfully dlsLrlbuLed up Lo 10 km of SSMl and 1.3 m of wlreless range or up
Lo 30 km of SSMl wlLh opLlcal ampllflcaLlon ln Lhe fleld and 1 m wlreless dlsLance. CpLlcal
Lransmlsslon performance of CluM uW8 up Lo 200 Mb/s has also been experlmenLally
lnvesLlgaLed and LheoreLlcally analysed ln [72]. ln addlLlon, bldlrecLlonal CluM uW8
Lransmlsslon over 1 km of SSMl has been demonsLraLed aL 480 Mb/s employlng vCSLLs [73].
llnally, Lhe poLenLlal of glass mulLlmode flbres (MMl) and mulLlmode plasLlc opLlcal flbres
(Cl) Lo exLend Lhe ln-bulldlng coverage of CluM uW8 has been demonsLraLed aL 200 Mb/s
and 480 Mb/s [74].
MllllmeLre-wave CluM uW8 sysLems have also been lnvesLlgaLed. erformance of 30 CPz
Lhree-band CluM uW8 aL 600 Mb/s when LransmlLLed over 20 km of SSMl has been
experlmenLally demonsLraLed employlng an opLlcally pre-ampllfled recelver [73]. CpLlcal
frequency quadrupllng up-converslon based on Lwo cascaded dual-drlve MZM ls proposed ln
Lhls Lechnlque. 60 CPz CluM uW8 generaLlon have also been lnvesLlgaLed aL 200 Mb/s
wlLhouL Lransmlsslon based on exLernal modulaLlon of CluM uW8 comblned wlLh up-
converslon by opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM [76].
1.2.1 #$% o"tical and wireless coe2istence
uW8-over-flbre sysLems supporLlng slmulLaneous mulLlservlce dellvery are aLLracLlng greaL
lnLeresL for converged access neLworklng. SlmulLaneous Lransmlsslon over up Lo 23 km SSMl
of CluM uW8 and WlMAx slgnals has been demonsLraLed employlng polarlzaLlon mulLlplexlng
[77]. CpLlcal coexlsLence of lmpulse-radlo uW8 and WlMAx over a 30 km dlsperslon-managed
opLlcal llnk has been demonsLraLed employlng a dlrecLly-modulaLed vCSLL [26]. 8ldlrecLlonal
radlo-over-flbre Lransmlsslon of slmulLaneous wlreless sLandards uW8, WlMAx, and L1L has
been experlmenLally demonsLraLed Lo dellver Lrlple-play servlces (Pu audlo/vldeo, daLa, and
cellular phone, respecLlvely) ln nexL-generaLlon opLlcal access neLworks [Llo11b]. CpLlcal
Lransmlsslon over 30.6 km of SSMl [78] and comblned Lransmlsslon over 20.2 km of SSMl and
3 m of wlreless dlsLance [79] have been demonsLraLed. ln-bulldlng opLlcal exLenslon afLer
20.2 km of SSMl has also been demonsLraLed up Lo 200 m of bend-lnsenslLlve slngle-mode
flbre (8l-SMl) and up Lo 30 m of Cl [80]. ln addlLlon, opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of
converged wlred and uW8 radlo servlces over MMl [!en10] and over Cl [81] has been
demonsLraLed for ln-bulldlng neLworks. MulLl-sLandard CluM-based Lransmlsslon of uW8 and
802.11 has also been demonsLraLed over Cl [82]. llnally, wlreless coexlsLence of uW8 and
WlMAx up Lo 10 m has been evaluaLed by on-fleld experlmenLs [er09a], [er09b], [er09c].
1.& Im"rovement over t!e stateoft!eart
1hls Lhesls proposes several lnnovaLlve approaches -ln Lhe opLlcal domaln- Lo enable flexlble
and cosL-effecLlve mulLl-Cb/s uW8-over-flbre sysLems for nexL-generaLlon hybrld wlreless-
opLlcal neLworks. uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe nexL-generaLlon 60 CPz band ls proposed Lo exLend
1 lnLroducLlon


uW8 capablllLles Lo a wlder varleLy of scenarlos lncludlng l11P neLworks overcomlng
coexlsLence lssues and ln-alrcrafL envlronmenLs wlLh lnLerference llmlLaLlons.
1he maln lmprovemenLs over Lhe sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL ln Lhls Lhesls can be summarlzed ln:
1) 1wo slmple Lechnlques are proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed for Causslan-
monocycle shaplng, whlch are based on: (1) opLlcal delay and balanced phoLodeLecLlon
[8el08c], and (2) dlfferenLlal phoLorecelver and elecLrlcal delay [8el09a], [8el10a]. 1he
effecLs of Lhe chromaLlc dlsperslon of opLlcal access flbre over Lhe generaLed uW8
pulse can be compensaLed by ad[usLlng delay. 1he Lechnlques exhlblL Lhe advanLage of
belng lmplemenLed aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs permlLLlng Lo flexlbly adapL uW8
specLrum Lo dlfferenL flbre dlsperslon. 1he lmplemenLaLlon Lrade-offs for uW8-over-
flbre generaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band are also addressed.
2) 1he comblnaLlon of boLh radlo Lechnologles lmpulse-radlo uW8 and 60 CPz ls
proposed ln Lhls Lhesls Lo wlrelessly provlde ln-fllghL enLerLalnmenL servlces
mlnlmlzlng lnLerference [8el09a], [8el10a]. 1he use of an lmpulse-radlo uW8
lmplemenLaLlon ls of speclal lnLeresL for ln-fllghL envlronmenLs Lo slmulLaneously
provlde for lnsLance locallzaLlon of lnLerferlng users. A 60 CPz uW8-over-flbre sysLem
wlLh 100 m of SSMl ln-cabln Lransmlsslon ls demonsLraLed aL 1.23 Cb/s ln a laboraLory
proof-of-concepL experlmenL. A Lechno-economlc analysls ls also performed
suggesLlng LhaL Lhe sysLem whlch ls based on uW8-over-flbre wlLh opLlcal frequency
up-converslon could compeLe wlLh an approach based on baseband daLa over flbre
and remoLe uW8 generaLlon and frequency up-converslon ln Lhe elecLrlcal domaln.
3) uW8 lmpulse radlo opLlcal generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln dlsperslve opLlcal flbre
provldlng remoLe connecLlvlLy ls proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln Lhls
Lhesls [8el10b], [8el11d]. 1he Lechnlque comblnes opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a
MZM wlLh maLched flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon LargeLlng Lo overcome Lhe bandwldLh
llmlLaLlon of opLlcal frequency up-converslon, wlLh Lhe advanLage of belng easlly
reconflgurable generaLlng slmulLaneously dlfferenL 8l bands. 1he Lechnlcal aspecLs
and posslble conflguraLlons of mulLlband generaLlon Lallored for uW8-over-flbre
Lransmlsslon ln opLlcal access neLworks ls lnvesLlgaLed wlLh speclal focus on dual
24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon. 1he lmpulse-radlo uW8 lmplemenLaLlon can slmulLaneously
serve dlfferenL appllcaLlons lncludlng 24 CPz vehlcular radar and lnfrasLrucLure-Lo-car
communlcaLlons and 60 CPz l11P Lhrough slmple opLlcal access lnfrasLrucLure. 60 CPz
slgnal generaLlon by 12.3 km of SSMl and 1 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon, and dual
24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon have been experlmenLally demonsLraLed aL 1.23 Cb/s.
Lnabllng Lechnologles for rellable, slmple, and cosL-effecLlve real lmplemenLaLlon are
also dlscussed.
4) uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls proposed ln Lhls Lhesls Lo dellver hlgh-bandwldLh
servlces ln l11P neLworks [8el10c], [8el11a]. uW8 generaLlon wlLh comblned opLlcal
and wlreless Lransmlsslon performance ls experlmenLally evaluaLed when operaLlng ln
Lhe 60 CPz band. vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon comblned wlLh opLlcal carrler suppresslon
ln a MZM ls lnvesLlgaLed for generaLlon of Lwo ma[or uW8 lmplemenLaLlons -Lhree-
band dual-carrler modulaLlon (uCM) CluM reuslng commerclally-avallable chlps, and
8Sk lmpulse radlo. 60 CPz uW8 generaLlon wlLh comblned 40 km of SSMl and 3 m of
1.3 lmprovemenL over Lhe sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL


wlreless Lransmlsslon ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed aL 1.44 Cb/s, as shown ln 1able
l. 1he resulLs permlL, from an appllcaLlon polnL-of-vlew, Lo selecL a glven uW8
lmplemenLaLlon dependlng on neLwork reach and sysLem complexlLy deslred.
3) 1he use of a vCSLL for flexlble uW8 frequency up-converslon ls lnvesLlgaLed and
compared wlLh convenLlonal low-llnewldLh exLernal-cavlLy laser (LCL) [8el11b].
LxLenslon Lo Lhe 60 CPz band, comblned Lransmlsslon over 6.3 km SSMl or 1 km of ln-
bulldlng 8l-SMl and 2 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon, and 8l power deLecLlon of CCk
lmpulse-radlo uW8 [48], ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed aL 3.123 Cb/s, as shown ln
1able l. 1he resulLs permlL, from an appllcaLlon polnL-of-vlew, Lo selecL a glven laser
Lechnology dependlng on neLwork reach and sysLem complexlLy deslred.
6) novel mulLlwavelengLh sources wlLh greaL reconflguraLlon capablllLles based on Lhe
specLral self-lmaglng effecL (or 1alboL effecL) by Llme-domaln mulLlphase modulaLlon
of a perlodlc pulse Lraln [Car11] are proposed ln Lhls Lhesls [8el11c]. 1he
reconflguraLlon Lechnlque offers Lhe advanLage of belng able Lo mulLlply Lhe number
of opLlcal carrlers wlLhouL lnfluenclng bandwldLh and Llme-domaln pulses.
8econflguraLlon of a pulsed laser ln Lerms of wavelengLh spaclng and wavelengLh
allocaLlon ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed employlng exLernal elecLroopLlc bl-phase
modulaLlon. 1he Lechnlque ls of speclal lnLeresL Lo provlde sLable and flexlble channel
spaclng ln WuM and CluM opLlcal Lransmlsslon sysLems [83].
1.. /utline of t!is work
1he conLenLs of Lhls Lhesls are organlzed ln slx chapLers:
ln ChapLer 2, Lhe fundamenLals of hybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems, and Lhe assoclaLed
Lransmlsslon lmpalrmenLs are drawn. Lmphasls ls made ln enabllng Lechnologles requlred Lo
provlde mulLlglgablL wlreless communlcaLlons lncludlng uW8 and 60 CPz radlos. 8adlo-over-
flbre Lechnology ls revlewed focuslng on sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL Lransmlsslon sysLems and Lhe
enabllng Lechnlques used ln generaLlon and demodulaLlon of wlreless slgnals. As a ma[or
appllcaLlon of Lhls work, Lhe lnLegraLlon of uW8 radlo-over-flbre ln l11P opLlcal access
neLworks ls also dlscussed.
ln ChapLer 3, Lhe work performed ln Lhls Lhesls relaLed Lo generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnals ln Lhe opLlcal domaln ls descrlbed. llrsL, Lwo Lechnlques for slmple and flexlble uW8
pulse shaplng are proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed. Second, pulses generaLed by
one of Lhese Lechnlques are employed ln a proof-of-concepL experlmenL of a uW8-over-flbre
sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band. 1he comblnaLlon of uW8 and 60 CPz radlo Lechnologles for
lnLerference-senslLlve ln-alrcrafL scenarlos ls dlscussed. A Lechno-economlc comparlson of Lhe
sysLem wlLh a poLenLlal compeLlLor soluLlon ls also presenLed. 1he key parameLers and
expecLed performance of Lhe scheme ls furLher ldenLlfled by slmulaLlon analysls
(vlLransmlsslonMaker`). llnally, flexlble phoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 up Lo
mllllmeLre-wave bands based on frequency shlfLlng ln opLlcal access flbre ls proposed.
leaslblllLy of Lhe Lechnlque ln l11P neLworks operaLlng ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls experlmenLally
demonsLraLed. racLlcal mulLlband capablllLles and llmlLaLlons of Lhls sysLem are also
addressed by comprehenslve slmulaLlon analysls (vlLransmlsslonMaker`). uual
1 lnLroducLlon


24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon ls also experlmenLally demonsLraLed. racLlcal lmplemenLaLlon ls
addressed and compeLlLlve approaches are dlscussed.
ln ChapLer 4, performance of uW8 slgnals when operaLlng ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls evaluaLed
comblnlng opLlcal and wlreless Lransmlsslon. 1wo experlmenLal demonsLraLlons are performed
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe use of vCSLL for dlrecL modulaLlon and up-converslon, respecLlvely. ln Lhe
flrsL experlmenL, Lwo ma[or uW8 lmplemenLaLlons -uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo- are
compared. A slmulaLlon analysls (vlLransmlsslonMaker`) ls performed Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe
operaLlonal llmlLs. vCSLL ls compared wlLh convenLlonal LCL ln Lhe second experlmenL.
LlmlLaLlons of Lhls sysLem are also analysed by slmulaLlon (vlLransmlsslonMaker`).
ln ChapLer 3, reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh sources are proposed and experlmenLally
demonsLraLed. 1wofold and fourfold mulLlpllcaLlon of Lhe number of wavelengLhs and
wavelengLh shlfLlng of a pulsed laser are demonsLraLed. 1he lmpacL of laser chlrp and nolse ls
numerlcally analysed (MA1LA8). oLenLlal appllcaLlons of Lhe Lechnlque are also dlscussed.
llnally, Lhe concluslon of Lhls h.u. Lhesls and Lhe ongolng and fuLure work are addressed ln
ChapLer 6.


+ybrid wirelesso"tical systems based on
ultrawideband 3#$%4 radio
nexL-generaLlon access neLworks wlll requlre flexlble deploymenL, hlgh capaclLy,
upgradeablllLy, scalable Lo user number and demand, and be economlcally feaslble. Pybrld
wlreless-opLlcal sysLems LhaL comblne hlgh-capaclLy opLlcal flbre Lransmlsslon and Lhe
flexlblllLy of wlreless Lechnologles are foreseen Lo play an lmporLanL role ln nexL-generaLlon
access neLworks. 1he wlreless parL provldes a mulLlple access soluLlon Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe need
for opLlcal flbre Lo every end-user Lhus savlng on neLwork deploymenL cosL [84]. lnLegraLed
wlred/wlreless access can also exLend Lhe reach of exlsLlng opLlcal access lnfrasLrucLure Lo
Lhose users LhaL cannoL be connecLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe flbre for economlc, envlronmenLal or
oLher reasons [83]. MulLlglgablL wlreless sysLems LhaL provlde capaclLles comparable Lo opLlcal
flbre communlcaLlon sysLems wlll pave Lhe way for provldlng seamless lnLegraLed
wlred/wlreless access Lo broadband servlces for Lhe end-user. 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology
comblned wlLh mulLlglgablL wlreless sysLems ls seen as a fasL deployable and cosL-effecLlve
soluLlon for provldlng seamless lnLegraLed wlred/wlreless access [Llo08a], [83].
2.1 Multigigabit wireless communications
opular wlreless sLandards, whlch operaLe aL frequencles below 10 CPz (e.g. cellular, Wl-ll,
WlMAx, eLc.), can supporL daLa raLes up Lo several Lens of megablL per second. ln addlLlon,
flxed wlreless radlos operaLlng ln Lhe mlcrowave frequency bands from 6 Lo 40 CPz are wldely
used for connecLlng bulldlngs and oLher polnL-Lo-polnL (2) daLa connecLlvlLy. 2 mlcrowave
ls llmlLed ln provldlng speeds hlgher Lhan few hundreds of megablL per second [86]. WlLh Lhe
advenL of popular bandwldLh servlces such as Pu vldeo or on-llne gamlng, wlreless sysLems are
requlred Lo offer daLa raLes hlgher Lhan Lhese provlded by convenLlonal wlreless sLandards and
2 mlcrowave llnks.
uW8 ls a radlo Lechnology capable of provldlng a wlde varleLy of appllcaLlons lncludlng
mulLlglgablL communlcaLlons. uW8 feaLures low Ll8 denslLy whlch llmlLs wlreless range Lo a
few meLers. 1hls Lechnology offers slgnlflcanL beneflLs, maklng lL a sulLable candldaLe Lo
complemenL oLher wlreless Lechnologles Lo achleve ublqulLous communlcaLlons. uW8 has
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


been deslgned Lo be able Lo coexlsL wlLh oLher wlreless Lechnologles operaLlng ln Lhe same
frequency range Lhus enabllng efflclenL use of Lhe 8l specLrum. Powever, ln order Lo ensure a
robusL communlcaLlon llnk, Lhe lssue of coexlsLence and lnLerference of uW8 sysLems wlLh
currenL and fuLure wlreless sysLems musL be consldered, as dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.1.1.
lurLhermore, one of Lhe maln consLralnLs Lo wlden Lhe deploymenL of Lhls Lechnology ls Lhe
lack of harmonlzaLlon of worldwlde regulaLlons due Lo coexlsLence lssues.
MllllmeLre-wave radlo sysLems are also consldered as a promlslng soluLlon Lo provlde
mulLlglgablL communlcaLlons [86]. 1hese sysLems are revlewed ln SecLlon 2.1.2. MllllmeLre-
wave bands aL around 60 CPz and hlgher can provlde bandwldLh enough Lo easlly supporL
mulLl-Cb/s capaclLles. Cf greaL lnLeresL, Lhe 60 CPz band ls abouL Lo become easlly avallable
for consumer elecLronlcs appllcaLlons led by Lhe bandwldLh avallablllLy of 7 CPz worldwlde
wlLh hlgh Ll8 allowed.
AddlLlonally, lSC Lechnologles are able Lo supporL mulLl-Cb/s daLa raLes. lSC Lechnologles
operaLe ln opLlcal frequency reglons, where very large bandwldLhs are avallable LhaL enables
very hlgh daLa raLe Lransmlsslon. Powever, range ls slgnlflcanLly shorLened by fog and complex
sysLems are requlred Lo compensaLe for oLher physlcal effecLs [86]. lSC llnks are commerclally
avallable, offerlng 1, 10, and even 40 Cb/s for ouLdoor communlcaLlons over dlsLances of
several kllomeLres [87].
llnally, opLlcal wlreless Lransmlsslon sysLems have been demonsLraLed for broadband lndoor
appllcaLlons based on lnfrared radlaLlon (mosLly around 830 nm or 1330 nm) as well as vlslble
llghL (400-780 nm) [88], [89]. 1hese sysLems are of lnLeresL as a huge unregulaLed bandwldLh
ls avallable and Lhese slgnals do noL peneLraLe walls, Lhus enabllng hlgh-capaclLy wlreless
neLworks wlLh poLenLlal appllcaLlon for lnLerference-senslLlve scenarlos. lnfrared mulLl-Cb/s
communlcaLlons have been demonsLraLed up Lo 12.3 Cb/s (error-free) [90]. Powever, a loL of
Lechnologlcal advances are requlred Lo achleve low-cosL sysLems wlLh wlde coverage area. ln
addlLlon, vlslble llghL sysLems have been demonsLraLed Lo supporL hlgh daLa raLes exceedlng
300 Mb/s or 800 Mb/s wlLh WuM, employlng dlscreLe mulLlLone (uM1) modulaLlon [91].
AdapLlve modulaLlon Lechnlques could LheoreLlcally produce >1 Cb/s. 8elaLlvely low cosL llghL
emlLLlng dlode (LLu) sources are employed however Lhelr low bandwldLh mosLly llmlL sysLem
performance. lew-meLer dlsLances could be achleved employlng several LLus ln parallel.
2.1.1 Coe2istence and interference wit! regulated narrowband services
llg. 1 compares hlgh daLa raLe wlreless Lechnologles ln Lerms of daLa raLe and dlsLance.
Wlreless fldellLy (Wl-ll: 802.11) ls a shorL-dlsLance Lechnology, popular for local area neLwork
(LAn) or hoLspoL connecLlvlLy. 1he mosL recenL varlaLlon of Lhe sLandard, 802.11n, offers
LheoreLlcal daLa raLes up Lo 600 Mb/s. Powever, pracLlcal daLa raLes are Lyplcally 1-2 Mb/s.
Worldwlde lnLeroperablllLy for mlcrowave access (WlMAx: 802.16) LargeLs shorL- Lo medlum-
range wlreless communlcaLlons provldlng LheoreLlcal daLa raLes of Lens of megablL per second,
alLhough real lmplemenLaLlons provlde daLa raLes of approxlmaLely 2-4 Mb/s. luLure
exLenslon 802.16m ls expecLed Lo offer up Lo 1 Cb/s flxed access speeds or 100 Mb/s ln
2.1 MulLlglgablL wlreless communlcaLlons


Long-Lerm evoluLlon (L1L: 3C) ls expecLed Lo become an lmporLanL parL of nexL-generaLlon
cellular neLworks. L1L-Advanced updaLe offers daLa raLes up Lo 1 Cb/s flxed speeds and
100 Mb/s Lo moblle users. 1he mosL common frequency band ls 2.6 CPz, buL L1L also operaLes
aL 800 MPz, 1.3 CPz, 1.8 CPz and 3.3 CPz.
uW8 ls a radlo Lechnology capable of provldlng shorL-range mulLlglgablL communlcaLlons uslng
regulaLed specLrum from 3.1 Lo 10.6 CPz. uW8 slgnals are deflned as any radlo slgnals wlLh a
mlnlmum 10 d8 bandwldLh of 300 MPz or 20 fracLlonal bandwldLh [1], as summarlzed ln
1able ll ln SecLlon 2.3.2. 1he maxlmum mean Ll8 specLral denslLy ls -41.3 d8m/MPz, whlch
llmlLs Lhe communlcaLlon range Lo a few meLers (WAn). 1he range of uW8 radlo has been
reporLed Lo exceed 10 m aL 100 Mb/s daLa raLe [27], or up Lo 1.1 m aL 1067 Mb/s [92].
Maxlmum capaclLy ln acLual uW8 devlces ls 480 Mb/s per band followlng WlMedla
speclflcaLlon v1.2 [8], [9]. 1hls glves 6.72 Cb/s aggregaLed daLa raLe per user when Lhe
fourLeen CluM bands are comblned coverlng Lhe whole 3.1-10.6 CPz band. 1hls capaclLy ls
supporLed ln slngle-chlp uW8 lmplemenLaLlons [10]. 1he maxlmum LheoreLlcal aggregaLed
daLa raLe per user ls 14.336 Cb/s by comblnlng Lhe fourLeen CluM bands bearlng 1024 Mb/s
each (WlMedla speclflcaLlon v1.3 [8]). neverLheless, no commerclal equlpmenL Lo daLe
supporLs Lhls conflguraLlon.
uW8 operaLes aL a much wlder bandwldLh and much lower Ll8 denslLy Lhan convenLlonal
narrowband wlreless daLa Lechnologles ln order Lo enable operaLlon along Lhe same Llme
lnLerval wlLhouL causlng any harmful lnLerference, even lf narrowband wlreless slgnals operaLe
wlLhln Lhe uW8 frequency band. llg. 2 shows several exlsLlng narrowband wlreless daLa
sLandards LhaL could be poLenLlally lnLerfered by uW8 operaLlon. uW8 musL guaranLee Lhe
lnLeroperablllLy wlLh oLher radlo communlcaLlon sysLems deployed ln Lhe same WAn

llg. 1. Comparlson of Lhe ma[or hlgh daLa raLe wlreless sLandards operaLlng up Lo 10.6 CPz ln Lerms of
coverage area and daLa raLe, showlng Lhe complemenLarlLy of uW8.

Data rate
10 m
1 km
10 Mb/s 1 Mb/s 10 Gb/s 1 Gb/s 100 Mb/s
5 km
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


lurLhermore, uW8 proLecLlon from lnLerference caused by oLher wlreless sysLems musL noL be
requesLed. lor lnsLance, Lhere are deployed WAn sysLems such as 8lueLooLh 802.13.1 and
Zlg8ee 802.13.4 and also Lhere are oLher sysLems presenL ln WAn envlronmenLs, such as Wl-
ll 802.11, WlMAx 802.16, and L1L. ComplemenLary Lo narrowband wlreless sLandards such as
Wl-ll, WlMAx, and L1L, uW8 ls capable of provldlng daLa speeds hlgher Lhan 1 Cb/s aL a few
meLers range, as shown ln llg. 1. Pence, coexlsLence of uW8 wlLh oLher narrowband
communlcaLlon sysLems enables an efflclenL use of Lhe 8l specLrum and slmulLaneous
mulLlservlce provlslon of deslred lnformaLlon on any devlces anywhere and aL any Llme.
AlLhough Ll8 specLral denslLy masks have been deflned ln currenL uW8 regulaLlon ln several
counLrles, as dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.3.2, Lhe poLenLlal uW8 lnLerference has Lo be furLher
evaluaLed for Lhe successful lnLeroperaLlon wlLh Lhe exlsLlng and comlng sysLems. 1here are
many parameLers LhaL can lnfluence Lhe way a uW8 sysLem would lnLerfere Lo a narrowband
sysLem, or vlce versa, such as Lhe number and dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe lnLerferers, Lhe relaLlve
power of Lhe lnLerferers, uW8 modulaLlon, daLa raLe, Lhe cenLre frequency of Lhe narrowband
sysLem, and Lhe Lype and sLrucLure of Lhe recelvers. As an example, coexlsLence beLween
sLandard uW8 ln Lhe 3.168-4.732 CPz band up Lo 200 Mb/s and WlMAx 802.16e aL 3.3 CPz
up Lo 12.68 Mb/s (20 MPz bandwldLh) has been evaluaLed by fleld Lrlals ln a real meeLlng
room scenarlo aL dlfferenL WAn dlsLances up Lo 10 m [er09a], [er09b], [er09c]. ln Lhls
scenarlo, uW8 ls lnLended Lo provlde shorL-range servlces such as flle sharlng and prlnLlng
(uW8-enabled lapLops and porLable prlnLers) and Pu vldeo sLreamlng (uW8-enabled
pro[ecLors), whereas WlMAx ls lnLended for wlreless LAn (WLAn) connecLlvlLy and lnLerneL
llg. 2. lrequency allocaLlon of llcensed (L)/unllcensed (u) wlreless communlcaLlon sLandards up Lo
10.6 CPz, showlng narrowband Lechnologles whlch could be poLenLlally lnLerfered by uW8. lSM:
lndusLrlal, SclenLlflcal and Medlcal. SC: ubllc SafeLy CommunlcaLlons. (noLe: power and bandwldLhs
noL Lo scale)

!"1 10"# $"%
re&'enc( )G*+,
5"$5 5"# 5"1
10$"11a )U,
Un3icense- 56M
Un3icense- 56M
$"! $"5
10$"1#e )L,
!"5 !"7
0"1#1 0"815
)L, :e33'3ar
Un3icense- 56M
1"! 1"#
-%1"! -Bm/M*+
2.1 MulLlglgablL wlreless communlcaLlons


lnLerference mlLlgaLlon Lechnlques have been proposed so as Lo furLher faclllLaLe radlo
coexlsLence, such as uAA Lechnlques as requlred ln currenL uW8 regulaLlon ln Lhe Lu, !apan
and korea, as dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.3.2. uW8 devlces lmplemenLlng uAA Lechnlques are
capable of dynamlcally deLecLlng Lhe presence of radlo servlces operaLlng ln Lhe vlclnlLy whlch
could be poLenLlally lnLerfered and conLrolllng Lhe emlLLed power ln order Lo noL lnLerfere.
2.1.2 Millimetrewave radio tec!nology
MllllmeLre-wave bands aL around 60 CPz and hlgher can provlde bandwldLh enough Lo easlly
supporL mulLl-Cb/s capaclLles even when hlgh specLral efflclency modulaLlon formaLs such as
CluM are noL used. 1he 60 CPz band has been wldely sLudled as 7 CPz bandwldLh has been
allocaLed by regulaLlon worldwlde, whlch can be used for unllcensed communlcaLlons, as
dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.4.2. A number of Lechnologles ln Lhe 60 CPz band provldlng daLa raLes
up Lo 7 Cb/s have recenLly been proposed for shorL-dlsLance WAn use, parLlcularly ln a home
envlronmenL, as dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.4.3. ln addlLlon, Lhe 71-76/81-86 CPz palred band has
been allocaLed for commerclal use ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, Lurope, and oLher counLrles, and
permlLs ouLdoor communlcaLlons over dlsLances of several kllomeLres [86]. Commerclal
equlpmenL ls easlly avallable ln Lhe 60 and 71-76/81-86 CPz bands supporLlng 1.23 Cb/s
ClgablL LLherneL (CbL) 2 communlcaLlons. uyadyuk et al. have also reporLed a 6 Cb/s
wlreless llnk ln Lhe 81-86 CPz band over a dlsLance of 230 m [93]. lurLhermore, bands around
100 CPz and hlgher show larger bandwldLhs whlch have noL been allocaLed Lo speclflc
appllcaLlons yeL and posslbly can be used Lo supporL envlsloned capaclLles ranglng from
10 Cb/s Lo 100 Cb/s for opLlcal access neLwork appllcaLlons and close proxlmlLy bulk daLa
Lransfer [94]. 10 Cb/s daLa raLe ls an urgenL need for Lhe wlreless Lransmlsslon of 10-CbL
slgnals, for ulLrafasL LAn connecLlvlLy slmllar Lo Lhe wlred CbL sLandards, and mulLlplexed
uncompressed Pu Lelevlslon (Pu1v) slgnals. ln Lhe fuLure, hlgher daLa raLes wlll be requlred
for Lhe wlreless Lechnologles Lo LransmlL Super Pl-vlslon (SPv)/ulLra Plgh ueflnlLlon (uPu) 1v
daLa, havlng 16 Llmes Lhe resoluLlon of Pu1v (aL leasL 24 Cb/s), CC-768/S1M-236 daLa
(43 Cb/s), and 100-CbL (100 Cb/s). A 10 Cb/s wlreless llnk aL 120 CPz for flxed wlreless access
over 800 m wlreless dlsLance has been demonsLraLed [93].
MllllmeLre-wave wlreless sysLems are noL only a poLenLlal soluLlon for moblle backhaullng buL
also for fuLure seamless lnLegraLed opLlcal/wlreless access [83]. As for Lhe Lechnology, radlo-
over-flbre Lechnlques have been wldely explolLed for mllllmeLre-wave wlreless sysLems whlch
could poLenLlally offer capaclLles of 10 Cb/s or even hlgher ln Lhe 60 CPz band and for
frequencles up Lo 300 CPz, as revlewed ln SecLlon 2.3.1.
2.2 /0-M tec!nology
CluM ls a modulaLlon Lechnlque whlch employs mulLlple orLhogonal subcarrlers Lo mulLlplex
low-raLe daLa slgnals lnLo a slngle channel for Lransmlsslon. CluM ls currenLly used ln mosL
new broadband opLlcal wlreless communlcaLlon sysLems and ls also a promlslng Lechnology for
opLlcal communlcaLlons [96]. CluM ls Lhe basls of many currenL LelecommunlcaLlon sLandards
such as dlglLal vldeo broadcasLlng (uv8), WlMAx, Wl-ll, uW8, and L1L. ln Lhls SecLlon Lhe
fundamenLals of CluM are brlefly descrlbed.
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


ln CluM, modulaLlon process Lakes place ln Lhe frequency domaln. A channel of bandwldLh B
ls dlvlded lnLo N subcarrlers and each subcarrler ls modulaLed wlLh a daLa sequence. 1he daLa
sequence comprlses daLa modulaLed wlLh a modulaLlon formaL, M -level quadraLure
ampllLude modulaLlon (M-CAM) Lyplcally. Carrler spaclng ls Lhen glven by / = f B N . 1he block
dlagram of a generlc mulLlcarrler LransmlLLer ls shown ln llg. 3. 1he lnpuL serlal daLa sequence
ls converLed lnLo N sequences ln parallel whlch are modulaLed by Lhe N subcarrlers afLer
fllLerlng. 1he dlfference beLween CluM and convenLlonal frequency dlvlslon mulLlplexlng
(luM) ls LhaL CluM employs a subcarrler spaclng f glven by 1/
f T = , where
T ls Lhe
CluM symbol duraLlon. As a resulL, Lhe specLra of nelghbourlng subcarrlers overlap
slgnlflcanLly Lhus maxlmlzlng specLral efflclency. CluM employs fllLerlng wlLh recLangular
response ln Lhe Llme domaln so LhaL Lhe specLrum of an lndlvldual CluM subcarrler has a
slnc" form. 1hls ls lllusLraLed as an lnseL ln llg. 3 where Lhe orLhogonallLy of Lhe subcarrlers ls
observed where aL Lhe cenLral frequency of a glven subcarrler Lhe resL of subcarrlers have a
value of zero. ln Lhls way, Lhe lnfluence of nelghbourlng subcarrlers can be ellmlnaLed wlLhouL
Lhe need for analogue fllLerlng Lo separaLe Lhe subcarrlers aL Lhe recelver. Powever, Lhe
challenge ls Lo compensaLe channel lmpalrmenLs. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe slnc-llke specLrum of
each CluM subcarrler has slgnlflcanL sldelobes over a frequency range whlch lncludes many
oLher subcarrlers. 1hls ls Lhe cause of one of Lhe ma[or dlsadvanLages of CluM: hlgh senslLlvlLy
Lo frequency offseL and phase nolse [96]. ulfferences ln Lhe frequency and phase of Lhe
recelver LC and Lhe carrler of Lhe recelved slgnal can degrade sysLem performance. 1hls wlll
seL sLrlngenL requlremenLs on Lhe llnewldLh of lasers. Powever, lL ls posslble Lo compensaLe
for Lhese effecLs Lo a cerLaln exLenL by uS. AnoLher ma[or dlsadvanLage of CluM ls lLs
senslLlvlLy Lo non-llnearlLy due Lo a hlgh peak-Lo-average power raLlo (A8) [96]. re-
dlsLorLlon of Lhe CluM slgnal before Lransmlsslon may reduce Lhe effecL of non-llnearlLy.
lor wlreless Lransmlsslon, Lhe baseband CluM slgnal ls up-converLed ln frequency by a carrler
slgnal aL Lhe deslred 8l frequency. llg. 3 shows Lhe block dlagram of a Lyplcal CluM
LransmlLLer, where Lhe lnverse fasL lourler Lransform (lll1) LranslaLes Lhe slgnal Lo Lhe Llme
domaln maklng posslble LhaL CluM Lechnology can be lmplemenLed ln a chlp. ulglLal-Lo-
analogue converslon (uAC) ls requlred prevlous Lo slgnal up-converslon when Lhe lll1
approach ls employed, as also shown ln llg. 3.

llg. 3. 8lock dlagram of a Lyplcal CluM LransmlLLer. CluM specLrum and Llme pulse are shown as lnseL.

2.2 CluM Lechnology


1he CluM slgnal ls LransmlLLed over Lhe opLlcal and/or wlreless communlcaLlons channel. AL
recelver, Lhe slgnal ls down-converLed ln frequency and Lhe LransmlLLed daLa symbols are
demodulaLed afLer analogue-Lo-dlglLal converslon (AuC) by uS. 8ecelver uS comprlses ll1,
Llme synchronlzaLlon, frequency esLlmaLlon, channel esLlmaLlon Lo compensaLe channel
lmpalrmenLs such as chromaLlc dlsperslon and polarlzaLlon mode dlsperslon (Mu) of opLlcal
flbre Lransmlsslon, daLa recovery, slgnal quallLy assessmenL e.g. 8L8 analysls.
1he addlLlon of a form of guard lnLerval called a cycllc preflx makes CluM reslllenL Lo
lnLersymbol lnLerference lnduced by a llnear dlsperslve channel [96]. MulLlpaLh fadlng ln
wlreless channels and flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon can be compensaLed by slmple uS. 1he
cycllc preflx ls a porLlon of Lhe daLa whlch ls appended aL Lhe beglnnlng of each CluM symbol
before Lhe daLa Lhus reduclng symbol raLe sllghLly below Lhe subcarrler spaclng. ln addlLlon,
Lralnlng symbols may be added aL Lhe beglnnlng of a group of CluM symbols Lo faclllLaLe
synchronlzaLlon and channel esLlmaLlon. lloL subcarrlers may also be added for phase nolse
esLlmaLlon. Powever, Lhe use of cycllc preflx, Lralnlng symbols, and plloL subcarrlers reduces
specLral efflclency.
1here are dlfferenL approaches for opLlcal Lransmlsslon of CluM slgnals. Cne approach ls
deplcLed ln llg. 3 where Lhe ln-phase (l) and quadraLure (C) componenLs of Lhe complex
baseband CluM slgnal are converLed Lo Lhe opLlcal domaln employlng an lC elecLroopLlc
modulaLor. l and C slgnals requlre half of Lhe slgnal bandwldLh Lhus relaxlng Lhe bandwldLh
requlremenL of uAC and elecLroopLlc modulaLlon, alLhough as Lhe lC modulaLor ls blased aL
Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL, lL lnLroduces hlgh Lransmlsslon loss. 1hls approach can be
comblned wlLh WuM archlLecLures Lo lncrease Lhe aggregaLed bandwldLh/daLa raLe, whlch ls
hereln referred Lo as WuM-elecLrlcal CluM. A baslc sysLem seLup of a WuM-elecLrlcal CluM
approach ls shown ln llg. 4. ln Lhe LransmlLLer, a number of opLlcal llnes are produced by a
frequency comb generaLor (or mulLlwavelengLh source) for sLable channel spaclng or by a
conLlnuous-wave (CW) laser array, and Lhen Lhe llnes are separaLed, lndlvldually modulaLed,
and recomblned. 1he dlfference wlLh an alLernaLlve all-opLlcal CluM approach ls LhaL Lhe
opLlcal llnes are here modulaLed wlLh elecLrlcal baseband CluM slgnals. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
all-opLlcal CluM lmplemenLaLlons modulaLe a number of orLhogonal opLlcal llnes wlLh a
baseband slngle-carrler slgnal such as CAM. Some baseband slngle-carrler slgnals can be
opLlcally generaLed modulaLlng elecLroopLlc modulaLors wlLh blL paLLerns wlLh adequaLe
ampllLude [97], [98]. AL Lhe recelver, all-opLlcal CluM slgnals are deLecLed employlng all-
llg. 4. 8aslc seLup of a WuM sysLem comblned wlLh uM based on elecLrlcal CluM. AdapLed from [83].

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


opLlcal ll1 lmplemenLaLlons and an opLlcal modulaLlon analyser whereas WuM-elecLrlcal
CluM channels are separaLed by an opLlcal fllLer and lndlvldually deLecLed by coherenL
deLecLlon, as shown ln llg. 4 [83].
Plgher order modulaLlon formaLs, such as 16-CAM, ln comblnaLlon wlLh polarlzaLlon dlvlslon
mulLlplexlng (uM) and coherenL deLecLlon can achleve hlgher specLral efflclencles, buL due Lo
Lhe cosL of hlgher requlred opLlcal Sn8 Lo reach cerLaln sysLem performance.
2.& #$% radio tec!nology
2.&.1 0eatures and current standardi,ation status
uW8 has aLLracLed a greaL deal of lnLeresL from academla, lndusLry, and global sLandardlzaLlon
bodles. Several uW8 lmplemenLaLlons have been proposed for wlreless communlcaLlons. An
uW8 lmplemenLaLlon based on mulLlband CluM wlLh hlgh specLral efflclency (up Lo 480 Mb/s
per 328 MPz band) has been proposed ln Lhe LCMA-368 lnLernaLlonal sLandard [9]. 1hls CluM
uW8 lmplemenLaLlon supporLs fourLeen bands ln Lhe frequency range from 3.1 Lo 10.6 CPz.
1he LCMA-368 sLandard has led Lo commerclal devlces whlch are acLlvely used ln compuLer
perlpheral lnLerconnecLlon, namely wlreless-uS8, and Pu audlo/vldeo sLreamlng e.g. from Lhe
compuLer Lo Lhe 1v seL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe lLLL 802.13.4a sLandard has speclfled an uW8
lmplemenLaLlon based on lmpulse-radlo Lechnology for low daLa raLe (< 26.93 Mb/s)
appllcaLlons such as sensor neLworks. 1hls lmpulse-radlo uW8 lmplemenLaLlon ls deslgnaLed
frequencles ln Lhree ranges: below 1 CPz, 3-3 CPz, and 6-10 CPz. uW8 slngle-chlp soluLlons
compllanL wlLh lLLL 802.13.4a have been developed by Lhe 8elglum lMLC 8esearch CenLre
[99] and uecaWave (ScenSor). llnally, vendor-speclflc lmplemenLaLlons have been developed,
such as ulse~Llnk CWave based on lmpulse-radlo uW8 Lechnology operaLlng ln 3.3-4.7 CPz
up Lo 673 Mb/s wlLh commerclally-avallable chlpseL soluLlons LargeLlng wlreless hlgh-deflnlLlon
mulLlmedla lnLerface (Wlreless-PuMl) appllcaLlons [100].
uW8 Lechnology has been around slnce 1960, when lL was malnly used for radar and mlllLary
appllcaLlons. Slnce Lhe 1990's, lnLeresL has lncreased due Lo several advanLages uW8 sysLems
offer LhaL make Lhem aLLracLlve for wlreless communlcaLlons and many oLher appllcaLlons.
uW8 advanLages lnclude:
1) ulLrahlgh daLa raLe communlcaLlons: CurrenL uW8 sysLems are capable of provldlng
up Lo 6.72 Cb/s per user when fourLeen CluM bands are comblned (bearlng 480 Mb/s
each) employlng markeL-avallable sLandard devlces [10]. 1he mulLl-Cb/s capablllLy
allows uW8 Lo address ulLrahlgh-speed compuLer perlpheral lnLerconnecLlon and Pu
audlo/vldeo sLreamlng funcLlonallLles LhaL convenLlonal Lechnologles cannoL provlde.
2) Low Ll8 specLral denslLy (< -41.3 d8m/MPz ln currenL regulaLlon): uW8 sysLems have
low Ll8 denslLy LhaL allows Lhem Lo coexlsL wlLh oLher servlces such as cellular
sysLems, CS, eLc. [101] and Lo be lnherenLly coverL and exLremely dlfflculL Lo be
lnLercepLed slnce Lhey may be near or below Lhe nolse floor of hosLlle deLecLlon
devlces [102]. AL Lhe same Llme, low Ll8 denslLy llmlLs Lhe uW8 Lransmlsslon range Lo
WAn dlsLances up Lo 10 m Lyplcally.
2.3 uW8 radlo Lechnology


3) uW8 ls a maLure Lechnology and a large number of sLandard CluM-based slngle-chlp
devlces wlLh small-slze, low-cosL, and low power consumpLlon are avallable ln Lhe
markeL (Alereon AL3100, Wlsalr WS8601, 8ealLek 81u7012, SLaccaLo CommunlcaLlons
8lpcord2, eLc.) Such lmplemenLaLlons permlL uW8 Lo be avallable ln handheld
devlces wlLh speclflc space and power requlremenLs llke moblle phones, eLc.
lurLhermore, such devlces can use efflclenL sofLware Lo conLrol de specLrum Lhus
faclllLaLlng coexlsLence.
4) Plgh accuracy ranglng: lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals have flne Llme resoluLlon due Lo Lhe
narrowness of Lhe pulses, belng capable of provldlng sub-cenLlmeLre resoluLlon for
locallzaLlon and Lracklng appllcaLlons [13].
3) ladlng robusLness: uW8 sysLems are hlghly LoleranL Lo mulLlpaLh fadlng due Lo CluM
formaL, and lmpulse-radlo shorL pulses aL expense of specLral efflclency. lmpulse-radlo
uW8 sysLems are capable of resolvlng mulLlpaLh componenLs even ln dense mulLlpaLh
envlronmenLs. 8esolvable paLhs can be comblned Lo reduce Lhe fadlng margln and
enhance sysLem performance [13], [103].
6) Low loss peneLraLlon: uW8 sysLems can peneLraLe obsLacles and Lhus operaLe under
boLh llne-of-slghL (LCS) and non-LCS (nLCS) condlLlons [104].
7) Low laLency: uW8 offers low proLocol overhead, whlch ls lmporLanL for reachlng a
shorL Lransmlsslon laLency Llme [103].
2.&.2 $orldwide regulatory status
uW8 has been approved for commerclal use ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band for a wlde varleLy of
appllcaLlons lncludlng communlcaLlons and ln Lhe 24 CPz band for vehlcular shorL-range radar.
1he usable uW8 frequency range has been dlfferenLly regulaLed ln several counLrles due Lo
coexlsLence lssues. ln addlLlon, accordlng Lo currenL regulaLlon, uW8 sysLems musL comply
wlLh sLrlngenL Ll8 llmlLs ln Lhe frequency band of operaLlon Lo reduce lnLerference. lL should
be noLed LhaL Ll8 levels musL be measured followlng speclfled measuremenL meLhods.
3.110.6 GHz and
1he frequency range regulaLed for unllcensed uW8 operaLlon worldwlde ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz
band ls shown dlvlded lnLo Lhe bands deflned by Lhe WlMedla Alllance [8] ln llg. 3. Cnly Lhe
8and Croup #6 ls common worldwlde and wlLhouL uAA requlremenLs. uW8 maxlmum Ll8
requlremenLs ln Lhe u.S., Lhe Lu, !apan, and korea are summarlzed ln 1able ll. uW8 regulaLlon
has also been proposed ln oLher counLrles such as Chlna and Canada [106]. llg. 6 deplcLs Lhe
uW8 Ll8 mask for lndoor communlcaLlons, whlch ls Lhe appllcaLlon focus of Lhls work.
ln March 2006, Lhe LlecLronlc CommunlcaLlons CommlLLee (LCC) opened Lhe door for Lhe use
of uW8 devlces ln Lhe Lu wlLh Lhe recommendaLlons LCC/uLC/(06)04, amended ln !uly 2007.
1he recommendaLlons LCC/uLC/(06)12 of uecember 2006 amended CcLober 2008 provlde
supplemenLary regulaLlon regardlng uAA mlLlgaLlon Lechnlques [3]. 1he Luropean
1elecommunlcaLlons SLandards lnsLlLuLe (L1Sl) Parmonlsed SLandard lncludes speclflc new
deflnlLlons, meLhods of measuremenLs, llmlLs and mlLlgaLlon uAA Lechnlques requlred for
uW8 Lechnology ln close cooperaLlon wlLh LCC [107].
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


llg. 6. uW8 emlsslon masks ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band for communlcaLlons sysLems ln: (a) Lhe u.S., (b)
Lhe Lu, (c) !apan (lndoor only), and (d) korea.


0 $ % # 1 10 1$ 1%
re&'enc( )G*+,
0 $ % # 1 10 1$ 1%

re&'enc( )G*+,
)a, )b,
)c, )-,
!"1 10"#
!"1 %"1 10"$ 7"$
!"% %"1 7"$5 10"$5
!"1 %"1 #
10"# $"7
1able ll. uW8 regulaLlon worldwlde ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band
CounLry lrequency 8ange Maxlmum Ll8 Mlnlmum 8andwldLh 8ef.
u.S. 3.1-10.6 CPz -41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak
300 MPz (or 20 fracLlonal
bandwldLh) aL -10 d8
Lu 3.1-4.8 CPz
6-9 CPz
-41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak
30 MPz aL -13 d8 [107]
(lndoor only)
3.4-4.8 CPz
7.23-10.23 CPz
-41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak
430 MPz aL -10 d8 [108]
korea 3.1-4.8 CPz
7.2-10.2 CPz
-41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak
430 MPz aL -10 d8 [109]

llg. 3. uW8 frequency range worldwlde regulaLory sLaLus ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band (as of CcLober
2010). uAA: 8and useable wlLh proLecLlon requlremenLs.

Useab3e ban-s
Un'seab3e ban-s
:enter re&'enc( )M*+,
!%!$ !8#0 %%11 501# 55%% #07$ ##00 71$1 7#5# 111% 171$ 8$%0 87#1 10$8#
Ban- Gr/'.
Ban- Gr/'.
Ban- Gr/'.
Ban- Gr/'.
Ban- Gr/'.
Ban- Gr/'.
2.3 uW8 radlo Lechnology


!" GHz and regulation
uW8 worldwlde regulaLlon regardlng frequency range ln Lhe 24 CPz band for vehlcular shorL-
range radar appllcaLlons ls shown ln llg. 7 and maxlmum Ll8 requlremenLs are summarlzed ln
1able lll [2]. 1he uW8 Ll8 emlsslon mask ln Lhe u.S., Lhe Lu, and !apan ls deplcLed ln llg. 8.
24 CPz uW8 radars have also been approved ln many oLher counLrles wlLh more consLralned
frequency range whlch ls llkely Lo be exLended ln Lhe fuLure. noLe LhaL addlLlonal llmlLaLlons
have been deflned worldwlde ln Lhe 23.6-24 CPz band shared for radlo asLronomy, earLh

llg. 8. uW8 emlsslon mask ln Lhe 24 CPz band for vehlcular shorL-range radar sysLems ln Lhe u.S. and ln
Lhe Lu.

0 5 10 15 $0 $5 !0 !5 %0


re&'enc( )G*+,
!1 1"#1
1able lll. uW8 regulaLlon worldwlde ln Lhe 24 CPz band
CounLry lrequency 8ange Maxlmum Ll8 8eference
u.S. 22-29 CPz -41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak
Lu 22-26.63 CPz -41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak
!apan 22-24.23 CPz
24.23-29 CPz
-41.3 d8m/MPz average
0 d8m/30 MPz peak

llg. 7. uW8 frequency range worldwlde regulaLory sLaLus ln Lhe 24 CPz band (as of CcLober 2010).

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


exploraLlon saLelllLe, and space research passlve servlces. ln Lhe u.S., a flrsL 8eporL and Crder
lCC 02-48 (lebruary 2002) allowed uW8 vehlcular shorL-range radar sysLems Lo operaLe ln Lhe
frequency range from 22 CPz Lo 29 CPz [1]. 1hls rulemaklng malnly addresses lmpulse slgnals
wlLh a mlnlmum bandwldLh of 300 MPz. 1he cenLre frequency of Lhe emlsslon and Lhe
frequency aL whlch Lhe hlghesL radlaLed emlsslon occurs are greaLer Lhan 24.073 CPz. ln
addlLlon, uW8 vehlcular shorL-range radar operaLlon has been auLhorlzed ln 23.12-29 CPz
employlng a frequency carrler hopplng or oLher modulaLlon Lechnlques wlLh a mlnlmum
bandwldLh of 10 MPz as deflned ln Lhe second 8eporL and Crder lCC 04-283 (uecember 2004).
ln Lurope, Lhe LCC adopLed ueclslon LCC/uLC/(04)10 (november 2004 amended SepLember
2007) LhaL regulaLes Lhe Lemporary lnLroducLlon of uW8 vehlcular shorL-range radar ln Lhe
range from 21.63 CPz Lo 26.63 CPz. ueclslon LCC/uLC/(04)10 applles Lo Lhe 46 CL1 counLrles ln
Lurope unLll !uly 1, 2013 wlLh a maxlmum of 7 markeL peneLraLlon. AfLer !uly 2013, Lhe 79 CPz
band (noL feaslble Loday) deslgnaLed ln ueclslon LCC/uLC/(04)03 (March 2004) or alLernaLlve
permlLLed Lechnlcal soluLlons musL be used, buL vehlcles equlpped wlLh 24 CPz uW8 shorL-range
radar wlll remaln ln servlce. 1he LCC declslon ls accompanled by Lhe L1Sl harmonlzed sLandard
Ln 302 288 (CcLober 2004) deflnlng Lhe uW8 Ll8 emlsslon mask. Cn !anuary 17, 2003, Lhe
ueclslon 2003/30/LC was lssued by Lhe Luropean Commlsslon for Lhe 23 Lu counLrles lncludlng
conLenL parallel Lo Lhe LCC ueclslon [109]. ueclslon 2003/30/LC has been recenLly amended (!uly
2011) Lo exLend Lhe auLhorlsaLlon Lo use Lhe 24 CPz band for uW8 shorL-range radar unLll
!anuary 1, 2018 [110]. llnally, ln Aprll 2010, !apan released regulaLlon for uW8 vehlcular shorL-
range radar ln Lwo frequency ranges from 22 CPz Lo 24.23 CPz, unLll uecember 31, 2016 noL
applylng Lo devlces already ln use, and from 24.23 CPz Lo 29 CPz [111].
2.&.& Ma5or im"lementations
uW8 regulaLlon does noL speclfy Lhe Lype of slgnal and modulaLlon scheme. 1here are Lwo
ma[or uW8 lmplemenLaLlons: based on mulLlband CluM Lechnology as deflned by Lhe
WlMedla Alllance [8] and adopLed by Lhe LCMA-368 sLandard [9] and based on lmpulse radlo
#ultiand O$%# UWB
1he WlMedla Alllance has deflned a uW8 physlcal layer (P?) dlvldlng Lhe unllcensed
3.1-10.6 CPz band lnLo 14 bands of 328 MPz bandwldLh each and 6 8and Croups as shown ln
llg. 3, where each band provldes a carrler frequency for an CluM baseband slgnal.
Lach band ls dlvlded lnLo 128 orLhogonal subcarrlers spaced 4.123 MPz aparL. 1here are 6 null
subcarrlers and of Lhe remalnlng 122 useful subcarrlers, 100 are daLa carrlers, 10 are guard
carrlers, and 12 plloL subcarrlers. 1he duraLlon of an CluM Symbol lncludlng a null cycllc sufflx
ls 312.3 ns. 1he null Cycllc Sufflx mlLlgaLes Lhe effecLs of mulLl-paLh aL Lhe recelvlng end, plus
provldes a Llme wlndow Lo allow sufflclenL Llme for Lhe LransmlLLer and recelver Lo swlLch
beLween Lhe dlfferenL 8and cenLre frequencles durlng hopplng sequences. 1he CluM symbols
are grouped lnLo packeLs and a number of CluM symbols are lnserLed aL Lhe beglnnlng of
each packeL Lo faclllLaLe synchronlzaLlon and channel esLlmaLlon.
2.3 uW8 radlo Lechnology


lrequency-domaln spreadlng, Llme-domaln spreadlng, modulaLlon and lLC codlng are used Lo
vary Lhe daLa raLes. WlMedla speclflcaLlons verslon 1.2 adopLed by Lhe LCMA-368 sLandard
supporL daLa raLes of 33.3, 80, 106.7, 160 and 200 Mb/s employlng CSk modulaLlon and 320,
400 and 480 Mb/s employlng uCM. More recenL WlMedla speclflcaLlons verslon 1.3 supporL
daLa raLes of 640, 800, 960 and 1024 Mb/s employlng Modlfled uCM.
MulLl-user supporL ls provlded by deflnlLlon of hopplng sequences over Lhe bands wlLhln a
8and Croup, so called 1lme lrequency Codes (1lCs). 1hree Lypes of 1lCs have been deflned:
one where Lhe lnformaLlon ls lnLerleaved over Lhree bands of a 8and Croup, referred Lo as
1lme-lrequency lnLerleavlng (1ll), one where Lhe lnformaLlon ls lnLerleaved over Lwo bands,
referred Lo as Lwo-band 1ll or 1ll2, and one where Lhe lnformaLlon ls LransmlLLed all Lhe Llme
on a slngle band, referred Lo as llxed lrequency lnLerleavlng (lll) or non-hopplng. 8and
Croups 1-4 and 8and Croup 6 each supporLs four 1ll codes (1lC 1-4), Lhree lll codes (1lC 3-
7), and Lhree 1ll2 codes (1lC 8-10). 8and Croup 3 supporLs Lwo lll codes (1lC 3-6) and one
1ll2 code (1lC 8). 1ll and 1ll2 mlnlmlze lnLerference whlle lll maxlmlzes specLral efflclency.
A maxlmum permlsslble relaLlve consLellaLlon rooL-mean-square (8MS) error ls also speclfled.
1he relaLlve consLellaLlon LvM llmlLs are more resLrlcLlve aL hlgher daLa raLes and hlgher
power levels (below -41.3 d8m/MPz ln currenL regulaLlon). 1he LvM LesLed as speclfled ln Lhe
sLandard shall be lower Lhan -19.3 d8 aL 480 Mb/s for devlces LransmlLLlng aL -41.3 d8m/MPz.
MulLlband CluM uW8 provldes hlgh specLral efflclency and slngle-chlp-based devlces are
readlly avallable ln Lhe markeL, whlch Lake advanLage of CluM 1x/8x l-cores, provldlng mulLl-
Cb/s communlcaLlons when several bands from dlfferenL devlces are comblned. Some of Lhese
devlces supporL uAA funcLlonallLles. 1he mulLlband CluM lmplemenLaLlon ls sofLware
conflgurable Lo meeL speclflc specLral requlremenLs Lhus allowlng uW8 operaLlon ln a range of
regulaLory and radlo coexlsLence scenarlos. MulLlband CluM permlL Lo dlsable occupled
subcarrlers (Lone nulllng capablllLy), selecL bands and 1lCs, and conLrol band powers ln a
flexlble way wlLh a slmpllfled sysLem deslgn Lo reacL Lo narrowband lnLerferers [12].
&mpulse-radio UWB
lmpulse-radlo uW8 employs pulses of shorL Llme duraLlon (Lyplcally hundreds of plcoseconds).
uaLa are usually encoded on uW8 pulses by modulaLlng ampllLude (CCk modulaLlon), phase
(8Sk modulaLlon), Llme poslLlon (M), and/or shape of Lhe pulse (SM). 1he Lype of
modulaLlon deLermlnes Lhe Lrade-off beLween lmplemenLaLlon complexlLy and sysLem
performance. lmpulse-radlo uW8 sysLems also presenL a Lrade-off beLween range and daLa
raLe slnce Lhe energy ln each pulse depends on Lhe daLa raLe Lo meeL Lhe bandwldLh and Lhe
peak power speclflcaLlon.
1he power specLral denslLy of an lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls crlLlcal for Lhe deslgn and
pracLlcal deploymenL of an uW8 sysLem because lL lnfluences uW8 performance and
lnLerference wlLh oLher wlreless sysLems. 1he power specLral denslLy of an lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnal ls noL only affecLed by pulse shape, pulse wldLh, and pulse repeLlLlon frequency buL also
by Lhe modulaLlon scheme employed. lurLhermore, uW8 power specLral denslLy ls affecLed by
opLlcal flbre Lransmlsslon ln uW8-over-flbre sysLems [112].
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


CCk ls Lhe slmplesL form of pulse ampllLude modulaLlon (or ampllLude shlfL keylng (ASk)
modulaLlon), where Lhe lnformaLlon blLs '0' and '1' are represenLed by Lhe absence or
presence of a pulse, respecLlvely, as lllusLraLed ln llg. 9. CCk modulaLlon ls relaLlvely slmple Lo
lmplemenL however lL has slgnlflcanL specLral peaks whlch llmlL Ll8 efflclency Lo meeL uW8
mask Lhus llmlLlng performance.
8Sk ls Lhe slmplesL form of pulse phase modulaLlon (or phase shlfL keylng (Sk) modulaLlon)
where Lhe lnformaLlon blLs '0' and '1' are represenLed by a phase of 0 and 180, respecLlvely,
as shown ln llg. 9. 8Sk ellmlnaLes specLral peaks caused by non-anLlpodal modulaLlon
schemes [112]. 8Sk requlres coherenL demodulaLlon whlch generally provldes beLLer
performance however lncreases recelver complexlLy.
ln M, Lhe lnformaLlon blLs '1' and '0' are represenLed by Lwo dlfferenL Llme poslLlons of uW8
pulses wlLhln a blL perlod, as lllusLraLed ln llg. 9. M presenLs nulls ln Lhe specLrum so LhaL lL
can be used ln comblnaLlon wlLh Lechnlques ellmlnaLlng specLral peaks Lo faclllLaLe coexlsLence
[113]. M ls senslLlve Lo mulLlpaLh lnLerference however dlsLorLlon and nolse are less
SM employs Lwo dlfferenL uW8 pulse shapes Lo represenL Lhe lnformaLlon blLs '1' and '0', as
lllusLraLed ln llg. 9.
1he same lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal can provlde varlous sLand-alone appllcaLlons lncludlng
hlgh-resoluLlon radar and hlgh-speed communlcaLlons. lurLhermore, lmpulse-radlo uW8

llg. 9. lmpulse-radlo uW8 waveforms assoclaLed wlLh Lyplcal modulaLlon formaLs. A blL sequence
'10100' ls lllusLraLed.

2.3 uW8 radlo Lechnology


sysLems are flexlble ln specLrum and ln daLa raLe whlch ls equal Lo Lhe pulse repeLlLlon
frequency. Powever, lmpulse-radlo uW8 Lechnology may requlre 8l clrculLs and AuC and uCA
wlLh large bandwldLh.
2.. )( *+, radio tec!nology
8adlos operaLlng ln Lhe 60 CPz band have unlque characLerlsLlcs LhaL make Lhem slgnlflcanLly
dlfferenL from LradlLlonal radlos operaLlng aL lower frequencles around 3 CPz. 1hese quallLles
glve 60 CPz radlos operaLlonal advanLages noL found ln oLher wlreless sysLems, provldlng greaL
poLenLlal for lndoor WAn communlcaLlons. 7 CPz bandwldLh has been allocaLed around
60 CPz for unllcensed generlc use ln several counLrles. 1hls has led Lo launch varlous sLandards
ln Lhe 60 CPz band Lo easlly supporL mulLlglgablL communlcaLlons. 60 CPz sLandardlzaLlon has
ln Lurn led Lo flrsL consumer elecLronlcs producLs. 1he 60 CPz band ls [usL beglnnlng Lo be used
for consumer appllcaLlons buL may be aLLracLlve for fuLure uses such as Pu vldeo sLreamlng
because lL can offer such hlgh daLa raLes albelL wlLhln shorL range.
2...1 C!aracteristics of t!e )( *+, band
1he wlde bandwldLh useable ln Lhe 60 CPz band easlly supporLs mulLlglgablL wlreless llnks noL
necessarlly requlrlng complex slgnal modulaLlon wlLh hlgh specLral efflclency whlch may
requlre hlgher cosL sysLem deslgns [18].
1he hlgh free-space paLh loss ln Lhe 60 CPz band llmlLs coverage area as compared wlLh llnks
operaLlng aL lower frequencles (loss lncreases wlLh frequency squared aL a glven wlreless
dlsLance). ln addlLlon, Lhe hlgh aLmospherlc aLLenuaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band furLher llmlLs
ouLdoor range, belng also Lhe reason LhaL 60 CPz llnks cannoL cover Lhe large dlsLances
achleved by oLher mllllmeLre-wave llnks wlLhouL employlng very large and very hlgh galn
anLennas [86]. 1he frequency band ls close Lo a peak ln Lhe oxygen absorpLlon: Lhe aLLenuaLlon
of a 60 CPz slgnal, accordlng Lo 8ecommendaLlon l1u-8 .676 ls 12-16 d8 per kllomeLre (half
of Lhe energy ls absorbed for every 200 m of slgnal). 60 CPz slgnals may suffer from up Lo
13 d8/km addlLlonal aLmospherlc absorpLlon dependlng on Lhe aLmospherlc condlLlons [18].
Powever, Lhe 60 CPz range llmlLaLlon enables hlgher frequency reuse per envlronmenL, l.e. a
hlgher number of smaller wlreless cells, permlLLlng Lo mlnlmlze lnLerference and Lo provlde
secure communlcaLlons.
8adlos operaLlng aL 60 CPz usually employ very dlrecLlonal (narrow beam) and hlgh galn
anLennas, unllke lower frequency radlos whlch employ anLennas more omnldlrecLlonal.
narrow beam reduce lnLerference from oLher 60 CPz slgnals unless slgnals are llned up on Lhe
exacL same Lra[ecLory and ln Lhe lmmedlaLe locale of Lhe LargeLed LransmlLLer. Pence,
dlrecLlonallLy of 60 CPz or mllllmeLre-wave anLennas faclllLaLes radlo coexlsLence and reduces
mulLlpaLh effecLs. ulrecLlonallLy also arlse polnLlng" lssues beLween LransmlLLer and recelver,
whlch could be addressed employlng sLeerable beam anLennas [18].
AddlLlonally, Lhe galn posslble from an anLenna of any glven slze lncreases wlLh frequency. 1hls
means LhaL 60 CPz sysLems employ anLennas wlLh galn hlgher Lhan Lhe lower frequency
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


bands. 1he hlgher galn of 60 CPz anLennas permlLs hlgher power llnks, as allowed by
regulaLlon ln force, Lo exLend range and Lo enable 60 CPz slgnals Lo peneLraLe solld ob[ecLs
even wlLh assoclaLed aLLenuaLlon. Cn Lhe oLher hand, Lhe decreased ablllLy of 60 CPz or
mllllmeLre-wave slgnals Lo peneLraLe ob[ecLs may reduce lnLerference. lurLhermore, small
60 CPz anLennas makes lL posslble Lo have very small radlos wlLh mulLlple anLennas soluLlons,
enabllng mulLlple-lnpuL mulLlple-ouLpuL (MlMC), beam formlng and beam sLeerlng, whlch
enhances Lhe channel capaclLy and also supporLs nLCS communlcaLlons.
llnally, hlgh-performance 60 CPz Lranscelvers are dlfflculL Lo deslgn glven Lhe phase nolse and
ampllfler llmlLaLlons aL 60 CPz [18]. 1hls ls also of speclal lmporLance when CluM modulaLlon
ls employed due Lo Lhe senslLlveness Lo phase nolse and hlgh A8. 1here are furLher speclal
challenges Lo addlng 60 CPz capablllLles Lo a chlp. lor lnsLance, Lhe hlgher Lhe frequency, Lhe
more dlfflculL Lhe manufacLurlng lssues and Lhe lnLerference lssues are mulLlplled.
2...2 $orldwide regulatory status
1he unllcensed frequency range regulaLed for 60 CPz radlo worldwlde ls summarlzed ln llg.
10. up Lo 9 CPz bandwldLh ln Lhe frequency range from 37 CPz Lo 66 CPz ls permlLLed ln Lhe
Lu and for lndoor use ln AusLralla. 7 CPz bandwldLh has been allocaLed from 37 CPz Lo 64 CPz
ln Lhe u.S. and Canada, and from 39 CPz Lo 66 CPz wlLh maxlmum Lransmlsslon bandwldLhs of
2.3 CPz ln !apan.
SysLems operaLlng ln Lhe 60 CPz band musL comply wlLh power llmlLs ln Lhe frequency band of
operaLlon, whlch are summarlzed ln 1able lv. lL should be noLed LhaL power levels musL be
measured followlng speclfled measuremenL meLhods. 8elaLlvely hlgh LransmlLLer power llmlLs
employlng shorLer anLennas allow for lower-power shorLer-dlsLance communlcaLlons. 1he
maxlmum Ll8 for lndoor-only use ln Lhe Lu ln 1able lv agree wlLh Lhe recommendaLlons
L8C/8LC 70-03 (CcLober 6, 2010) whlch also lncludes Lhe lmplemenLaLlon sLaLus ln Lhe Lu
member sLaLes and Ll1A counLrles.
2...& Standardi,ation status
A number of Lechnologles capable of provldlng mulLlglgablL wlreless communlcaLlons ln Lhe
60 CPz band LargeLlng dlfferenL markeLs have been proposed ln recenL years, whlch are
summarlzed ln 1able v. llrsL chlps developed by Sl8eam based on Lhe WlrelessPu speclflcaLlon
have been lnLegraLed lnLo consumer elecLronlc producLs such as lapLops, 1vs, and wlreless
adapLers aL affordable cosL [13]. MulLlglgablL flle Lransfer and uncompressed Pu vldeo
sLreamlng has also been demonsLraLed employlng LCMA-387-compllanL CMCS slngle-chlp
proLoLypes [16]. 60 CPz LransmlLLers based on such chlp-based soluLlons could be used aL
remoLe anLenna unlLs afLer phoLodeLecLlon of dlglLal baseband-over-flbre slgnals ln hybrld
wlreless-opLlcal sysLems. ln addlLlon, compleLlon of Lhe lLLL 802.11ad sLandard ls LargeLed Lo
uecember 2012. 1hls sLandard ls an amendmenL Lo Lhe 802.11 sLandard LhaL would enable
60 CPz wlreless communlcaLlons aL daLa raLes around 7 Cb/s. 1he WlClg speclflcaLlon was
conflrmed ln May 2010 as Lhe basls for Lhe 802.11ad sLandard [118]. 1he 802.11ad
speclflcaLlon ls expecLed Lo seamlessly lnLegraLe 60 CPz Wl-ll lnLo exlsLlng 2.4 CPz and 3 CPz
Wl-ll neLworks Lo enable nexL-generaLlon Lrl-band radlos.
2.4 60 CPz radlo Lechnology


1able v. Wlreless Lechnologles ln Lhe 60 CPz band (as of lebruary 2011)
SLandard SLaLus Maxlmum uaLa 8aLe (Cb/s) AppllcaLlons 8ef.
CluM Slngle Carrler
WlrelessPu !an. 2008 (v1.0)
May 2010 (v1.1)
28 (MlMC)
- uncompressed
Pu audlo/vldeo
LCMA-387 uec. 2008 4.032 6.330
23.402 (4 bonded
8ulk daLa Lransfer
and Pu sLreamlng
lLLL 802.13.3c CcL. 2009 3.773 3.28 llle Lransfer and
WlClg !ul. 2010 7 4.6 llle Lransfers,
wlreless dlsplay
and docklng,
Pu sLreamlng

1able lv. Worldwlde regulaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band
CounLry lrequency
usage Maxlmum Ll8 Maxlmum 1ransmlLLer ower 8ef.
Lu 37-66 CPz lndoor
13 d8m/MPz
40 d8m
noL ueflned [17]
-2 d8m/MPz
23 d8m
AusLralla 37-66 CPz lndoor
43 d8m 13 d8m [114]

37-64 CPz noL
43 d8m peak
(= 18 W/cm2[ 3 m)
40 d8m average
(= 9 W/cm2[ 3 m)
27 d8m [ 8andwldLh >100 MPz [113]
Canada [116]
!apan 39-66 CPz noL
37 d8m 10 d8m, anLenna galn< 47 d8l [117]

llg. 10. lrequency range regulaLory sLaLus ln Lhe 60 CPz band ln ma[or worldwlde markeLs (as of
CcLober 2010).

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


2.1 Radiooverfibre tec!nology
8adlo-over-flbre Lechnlques have been sub[ecL of research durlng Lhe lasL decades and flnd
appllcaLlon ln opLlcal slgnal processlng (phoLonlc analogue-Lo-dlglLal converslon, phoLonlc
mlcrowave fllLers, arblLrary waveform generaLlon), anLenna array beamformlng, mllllmeLre-
wave and 1Pz generaLlon sysLems, or phoLonlc up- and down-converLlng llnks for appllcaLlons
such as broadband wlreless access neLworks, elecLronlc warfare and radar processlng, lmaglng
and specLroscopy or radlo asLronomy [21], [121]. 1he use of opLlcal flbre llnks Lo dlsLrlbuLe
LelecommunlcaLlon sLandards ls Lhe mosL successful appllcaLlon of radlo-over-flbre Lechnology,
usually known as hybrld flbre-radlo neLworks [122]. Pybrld flbre-radlo neLworks have been
deployed ln Lhe lasL decade due Lo Lhe lncreaslng demand of hlgh daLa raLe communlcaLlon
servlces ln opLlcal access neLworks. 1hls demand ls based on Lhe sLeady markeL lnLroducLlon of
servlces requlrlng Lhe Lransmlsslon of masslve daLa quanLlLles, such as Pu movle dlsLrlbuLlon,
on-llne gamlng and rlch lnLerneL experlence [123]. Pybrld flbre-radlo neLworks enhance
communlLy anLenna Lelevlslon (CA1v) neLworks based on hybrld flbre-coaxlal Lechnology, ln
whlch a comblnaLlon of dlglLal and analogue channels ls dlsLrlbuLed from a cenLral locaLlon Lo
many users dlsLrlbuLed geographlcally [124], [123]. ln hybrld flbre-coaxlal neLworks Lhe lasL
mlle" connecLlon ls provlded Lhrough coaxlal cable whereas ln hybrld flbre-radlo neLworks Lhe
lasL mlle connecLlon ls a wlreless llnk. 1hls ls noL a mlnor dlfference, as Lhe wlreless
envlronmenL ls much more hosLlle Lhan cable lmposlng resLrlcLlve radlo-over-flbre llnk
performance requlremenLs ln Lerms of llnearlLy, nolse and power handllng capablllLles, Lo cope
wlLh geographlcal dlsperslon of users and complex modulaLlon formaLs used by currenL
wlreless sLandards.
1he advanLages of uslng radlo-over-flbre Lechnlques are manlfold: lL provldes a scalable
Lechnology LhaL allows seamless lnLegraLlon of Lhe opLlcal access neLwork and Lhe LransmlLLlng
anLenna. 8adlo-over-flbre allows cenLrallslng radlo LransmlLLer and frequency up-converslon ln
one shared locaLlon (CenLral offlce or Pead-end unlL) and Lhen Lo use opLlcal flbre Lo dlsLrlbuLe
Lhe 8l slgnals Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs. ln Lhls way Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs can be
slmpllfled slgnlflcanLly as Lhey only need Lo perform opLoelecLronlc converslon and fllLerlng
and ampllflcaLlon funcLlons. 1hls allows lmporLanL lnsLallaLlon and operaLlng expenses (CLx)
savlngs, especlally ln broadband wlreless communlcaLlon sysLems where a hlgh denslLy of
remoLe anLenna unlLs ls necessary.
A slmpllfled schemaLlc of a radlo-over-flbre sysLem ls shown ln llg. 11. 1he cenLral offlce and
Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs perform elecLroopLlc (L/C) and opLoelecLronlc (C/L) converslon of
8l slgnals. L/C converslon ls achleved employlng elLher dlrecLly modulaLed laser sources or
laser sources modulaLed exLernally by elecLroopLlc modulaLors. C/L converslon ls done
employlng phoLodeLecLors or phoLorecelvers [121]. 1hls meLhod of LransporLlng 8l slgnals
over flbre ls called lnLenslLy ModulaLlon wlLh ulrecL ueLecLlon (lM-uu) and ls Lhe slmplesL form
of a radlo-over-flbre sysLem. AparL from lM-uu, oLher meLhods, whlch lnvolve slgnal frequency
up-converslon, are also employed. 1hese meLhods are dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.3.1.
2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology


As menLloned above, Lhe mosL successful appllcaLlon of radlo-over-flbre Lechnologles has been
Lhe Lransmlsslon of wlreless sLandards over opLlcal flbre llnks ln cenLrallzed archlLecLures, also
known as uAS for boLh lndoor and ouLdoor appllcaLlons. 1he broad bandwldLh of Lhe opLlcal
flbre faclllLaLes sLandard lndependenL mulLlservlce operaLlon for cellular sysLems, such as CSM
[126], uM1S [127], WLAn (Wl-ll 802.11 a/b/g/n) [128]-[130], and also for emerglng
Lechnologles WlMAx [131] and uW8 [Llo08a], [73]. Powever, commerclally avallable sysLems
are Lyplcally llmlLed Lo frequency ranges beLween 800-2300 MPz. uemonsLraLlons of such uAS
lnclude Lhelr deploymenL Lo provlde unlform wlreless coverage ln lmporLanL sporLlve evenLs
such as Lhe 2000 Clymplc games and 2006 world cup [132], [133].
1wo key facLors llmlLlng Lhe overall Lransmlsslon performance ln radlo-over-flbre sysLems are
Lhe opLlcal source and Lhe elecLroopLlc modulaLlon Lechnlque employed. 8egardlng Lhe laser
source, aL frequencles used for ma[or wlreless sLandards (CSM, Wl-ll 802.11 a/b/g, uM1S) and
also WlMAx up Lo 3-6 CPz, dlrecLly modulaLed semlconducLor lasers are preferred due Lo
lower cosL [134]. lor hlgher frequencles, Lhe requlred performances can be saLlsfled only by
exLernally modulaLed LransmlLLers. uevlces wlLh bandwldLh handllng capablllLles ln excess of
10 CPz, ln parLlcular ul8 lasers offerlng Lhe requlred bandwldLh and performances, exlsL
commerclally, buL normally aL a hlgh cosL Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe number of devlces requlred
for Lyplcal appllcaLlons. ln addlLlon, as exLernal modulaLors have a hlgh exLlncLlon raLlo
compared Lo dlrecL modulaLed lasers, Lhe exLernal modulaLlon scheme generaLes slgnal wlLh
hlgh Sn8 compared Lo dlrecL modulaLlon schemes [Llo10a].
1here are Lhree maln Lypes of dlrecLly modulaLed lasers: (1) ul8 lasers aL $30->$300
dependlng on Lhe speclflcaLlons, (2) labry-eroL lasers, whlch cosL Lyplcally $30-$100, and (3)
vCSLL aL low cosL ($20) as Lhey are produced ln hlgh volume. 8ecenLly, a loL of research efforLs
have been devoLed Lo Lhe developmenL of low-cosL/hlgh-performance vCSLL [73], [127], [128].
SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL hlgh-speed slngle-mode vCSLLs exhlblL modulaLlon bandwldLhs ln excess of
23 CPz aL 830 nm for shorL opLlcal dlsLances, or 17 CPz aL 1330 nm for access neLworks [133].
CurrenLly, slngle-mode/mulLl-mode 830 nm/1310 nm/1330 nm 10 Cb/s vCSLL are

llg. 11. SchemaLlc dlagram of a radlo-over-flbre sysLem.

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


commerclally avallable wlLh bandwldLh up Lo 3-6 CPz (vL81lLAS, 8ayCan). 8egardlng exLernal
elecLroopLlc modulaLors, Lhere are a large markeL avallablllLy of LlLhlum nlobaLe MZM wlLh
elecLroopLlc bandwldLhs ln excess of 40 CPz and relaLlvely low drlve volLages. MZM exhlblLlng
3 d8 bandwldLhs of 70 CPz wlLh drlvlng volLage of 3.1 v have also been demonsLraLed by
noguchl et al. [136]. ln addlLlon, polymer-based MZM wlLh more Lhan 100 CPz bandwldLh ls
commerclally avallable [137]. AddlLlonally, LAM based on quanLum-well sLrucLures have
exhlblLed bandwldLhs ln excess of 40 CPz wlLh drlve volLages of less Lhan 4 v. 1ravelllng-wave
sLrucLures can poLenLlally lower Lhe drlve volLage requlred for hlgher bandwldLhs Lhus
lmprovlng Lhe exLlncLlon raLlo. MZM have hlgh power-handllng capablllLles however Lhey are
polarlzaLlon senslLlve whereas LAM can poLenLlally be lnLegraLed wlLh semlconducLor lasers
however Lhey are very senslLlve Lo wavelengLh and LemperaLure changes. A Lravelllng-wave
LAM lnLegraLed wlLh a ul8 laser wlLh a bandwldLh ln excess of 100 CPz has been
demonsLraLed [138].
8egardlng opLoelecLronlc devlces, hlgh-speed wavegulde-lnLegraLed ln phoLodeLecLors
exhlblLlng a 8l bandwldLh of up Lo 100 CPz are commerclally avallable. unl-Lravelllng-carrler
phoLodeLecLors exhlblL hlgher ouLpuL power and have been developed for hlgher frequency
operaLlon, exLendlng beyond 300 CPz, wlLh wavegulde ouLpuL connecLor or quasl-opLlc
colllmaLlon wlLh lnLegraLed anLenna [139].
Slgnal lmpalrmenLs such as nolse and dlsLorLlon llmlL Lhe Sn8 and Lhe spurlous free dynamlc
range (Slu8), respecLlvely, of Lhe radlo-over-flbre sysLem. 1he nolse sources lnclude relaLlve
lnLenslLy nolse (8ln) and phase nolse of conLlnuous-wave lasers, ampllLude nolse and Llmlng
[lLLer of pulsed lasers, shoL nolse of phoLodeLecLors, and Lhermal nolse of elecLrlcal ampllflers.
1he dlsLorLlon sources lnclude nonllnearlLles of elecLroopLlc converslon.
2.1.1 Millimetrewave systems
1here are dlfferenL approaches for lmplemenLlng radlo-over-flbre sysLems ln Lhe mllllmeLre-
wave band. MllllmeLre-wave over flbre where Lhe mllllmeLre-wave slgnal ls generaLed ln Lhe
opLlcal domaln aL Lhe cenLral offlce ls an aLLracLlve soluLlon Lo slmpllfy Lhe remoLe anLenna
unlLs Lhus faclllLaLlng sysLem upgradablllLy and reduclng overall cosL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, a
dlsLrlbuLed soluLlon based on baseband (or ll) radlo over flbre and mllllmeLre-wave up-
converslon employlng elecLrlcal mlxers and mllllmeLre-wave LC aL each remoLe anLenna unlL.
1he cenLrallsed approach may flnd a compeLlLor ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLed scheme uslng CMCS chlpseL
aL 8l fronL-end. 1he slgnlflcanL lmprovemenL ln Lhe frequency response of CMCS Lechnologles
has made Lhem a poLenLlal candldaLe for cosL-effecLlve and low-power-consumpLlon
mllllmeLre-wave appllcaLlons. A few research groups have already demonsLraLed CMCS radlos
aL 60 CPz. Powever, Lhere are slgnlflcanL challenges such as devlce deslgn and lnLegraLlon,
maklng hlgh-performance mllllmeLre-wave communlcaLlon exLremely dlfflculL.
Several Lechnlques have been proposed for opLlcal broadband mllllmeLre-wave generaLlon.
1he easlesL way ls Lo modulaLe Lhe lnLenslLy of a laser wlLh Lhe mllllmeLre-wave slgnal and
dlrecL deLecLlon of Lhe mllllmeLre-wave slgnal ln a phoLodeLecLor afLer flbre Lransmlsslon
[140]. Powever, Lhe use of Lhls Lechnlque ls usually llmlLed by Lhe modulaLlon bandwldLh of
dlrecLly modulaLed laser dlodes (lower Lhan 10 CPz for Lyplcal lasers) or exLernal elecLroopLlc
2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology


modulaLors (up Lo 40 CPz for Lyplcal modulaLors). lurLhermore, Lhe use of exLernal
modulaLlon resulLs ln a double-sldeband-wlLh-carrler (uS8) modulaLlon where Lhe sldebands
are locaLed aL Lhe mllllmeLre-wave frequency on elLher slde of Lhe opLlcal carrler. uS8
modulaLlon scheme ls exLremely senslLlve Lo 8l power fadlng lnduced by flbre chromaLlc
dlsperslon, whlch llmlLs frequency range of operaLlon and opLlcal Lransmlsslon dlsLance [38]. A
number of schemes have been proposed Lo overcome such flbre dlsperslon effecL wlLhouL
employlng dlsperslon compensaLlon, such as schemes based on slngle-sldeband-wlLh-carrler
(SS8) modulaLlon by employlng a dual-elecLrode MZM [141], or schemes employlng opLlcal
frequency up-converslon whlch can be classlfled lnLo schemes based on opLlcal heLerodynlng
and based on opLlcal frequency mulLlpllcaLlon (ClM).
ln opLlcal heLerodynlng schemes, Lhe heLerodyne mlxlng of Lwo phase-correlaLed opLlcal
carrlers wlLh a frequency offseL equal Lo Lhe deslred mllllmeLre-wave frequency aL a hlgh-
speed phoLodeLecLor generaLes a slngle beaL componenL aL Lhe mllllmeLre-wave frequency.
1wo phase-correlaLed opLlcal carrlers can be generaLed based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon
modulaLlon by blaslng a MZM aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL [38], [142]-[143]. CpLlcal
carrler suppresslon lmplemenLaLlon requlres only half Lhe mllllmeLre-wave frequency Lo drlve
Lhe MZM. uesplLe Lhls slmple approach, Lhls Lechnlque requlres a large 8l drlve power Lo
obLaln a deslrable modulaLlon depLh slnce Lhe modulaLor ls blased ln Lhe nonllnear reglon. 1he
aLLalnable opLlcal Lransmlsslon dlsLance ls llmlLed by blL-walkoff when opLlcal carrler
suppresslon modulaLlon ls employed [143], and by Lhe llnk power budgeL and also by Lhe
phase decorrelaLlon beLween Lhe opLlcal carrler and Lhe slngle sldeband when SS8 ls employed
[144]. 1wo phase-correlaLed opLlcal carrlers can also be generaLed by uslng a dual-mode laser
or mulLlwavelengLh laser wlLh furLher opLlcal fllLerlng [146], [147], or by uslng Lwo lasers
comblned wlLh uS-based deLecLlon [148] or ln[ecLlon locklng and opLlcal phase-lock loop
[149]. Powever, Lhese Lechnlques requlre very narrow llnewldLh opLlcal sources and uS-
based deLecLlon or opLlcal phase locklng Lo reduce Lhe phase nolse ln Lhe generaLed
mllllmeLre-wave slgnal, whlch lncreases Lhe cosL and complexlLy of Lhe sysLem.
MllllmeLre-wave generaLlon based on ClM conslsLs ln generaLlng harmonlcs of Lhe local
osclllaLor frequency. 1hls Lechnlque ls hlghly LoleranL Lo dlsperslon-lnduced 8l power fadlng
and allows employlng relaLlvely-low frequency componenLs. 1he maln dlsadvanLage of ClM ls
lLs power lnefflclency, and Lherefore Lhls Lechnlque suffers from low Sn8. Pence, a chaln of 8l
ampllflers may be requlred afLer phoLodeLecLlon aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs, maklng ClM noL
cosL-effecLlve. ClM can be lmplemenLed by elecLroopLlc phase modulaLlon and furLher
frequency-modulaLlon-Lo-lnLenslLy-modulaLlon (lM-lM) converslon ln dlsperslve opLlcal flbre
llnks or by perlodlc fllLerlng [130]. ln Lhls lmplemenLaLlon, several harmonlcs are generaLed
afLer phoLodeLecLlon, Lhe deslred harmonlc belng selecLed by fllLerlng. 1hls lmplemenLaLlon
has also been shown Lo be robusL agalnsL Lhe modal dlsperslon ln mulLlmode flbre. ln addlLlon,
schemes based on exLernal lnLenslLy or phase modulaLlon wlLh or wlLhouL opLlcal fllLer have
also been wldely used for frequency doubllng, quadrupllng, or hlgher generaLlon [131]-[134].
uue Lo Lhe advanLages of radlo-over-flbre Lechnlques, much efforL has been devoLed Lo
develop mllllmeLre-wave-over-flbre sysLems. SysLems operaLlng wlLhln 7 CPz bandwldLh ln Lhe
60 CPz band have been reporLed Lo provlde capaclLles hlgher Lhan 10 Cb/s when specLral
efflclenL modulaLlon formaLs are employed, such as 27 Cb/s for 2.3 m wlreless dlsLance
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


employlng elecLrlcal 16CAM-CluM [143], 21 Cb/s for 300 m SSMl and 10 m (or 2.3 m ln
bldlrecLlonal sysLem) wlreless Lransmlsslon employlng elecLrlcal 8CAM-CluM [140], and
26.3 Cb/s for 100 km SSMl and 3 m wlreless dlsLance employlng elecLrlcal adapLlve-level
CAM-CluM ln ampllfled long-reach neLworks [133]. MllllmeLre-wave-over-flbre sysLems ln Lhe
73-110 CPz band have also been demonsLraLed, such as 20 Cb/s error-free 20 cm wlreless
CCk daLa Lransmlsslon [133], and 40 Cb/s 3 cm wlreless 16CAM [134]. As for mllllmeLre-wave-
over-flbre llnks operaLlng aL hlgher Lhan 110 CPz, CCk sysLems have been demonsLraLed up Lo
12.3 Cb/s aL 300 CPz (error-free 30 cm wlreless) [136].
CCk schemes occupy a larger bandwldLh Lo provlde Lhe same daLa raLe however Lhey employ
slmple 8l power deLecLlon. Cn Lhe oLher hand, specLral efflclenL CAM/CluM schemes usually
employ elecLrlcal heLerodyne deLecLlon wlLh an elecLrlcal mlxer and LC. 1he use of coherenL
deLecLlon afLer obLalnlng Lhe opLlcal baseband slgnal by opLlcal slngle sldeband fllLerlng has
also been proposed and demonsLraLed demodulaLlng 16 Cb/s CSk ln Lhe 73-110 CPz
band [148].
ln addlLlon, phoLonlc mllllmeLre-wave llnks employlng CCk or Sk have been demonsLraLed up
Lo 10 Cb/s aL 92 CPz and 120 CPz for flxed wlreless access sysLems over Lhe kllomeLre
dlsLance [137].
2.1.2 /"tical fibre transmission
1he cosL-effecLlve SSMl, compllanL wlLh l1u-1 8ecommendaLlon C.632, ls wldely used ln l11P
neLworks wlLh dlsLances up Lo abouL 40 km ln mosL cases [138].
lor shorL-dlsLance communlcaLlons neLworks used ln-vehlcle, Lhe lasL mlle", and ln-bulldlng
home/offlce/facLory neLworks, dlfferenL opLlcal medla can be employed, such as slllca
mulLlmode flbre (MMl), mulLlmode plasLlc opLlcal flbre (Cl) (or polymer opLlcal flbre), and
bend-lnsenslLlve flbre slngle-mode (8l-SMl) or mulLl-mode (8l-MMl).
1he larger core dlameLer of MMl flbres (Lyplcally 30 m or 62.3 m) offers easler lnsLallaLlon
and slmpler spllclng and connecLorlzaLlon compared wlLh SSMl. MMl ls also easler and more
efflclenL Lo couple Lo Lranscelvers, leadlng Lo reduced cosL. MMl ls wldely used for ln-bulldlng
flbre lnsLallaLlons for baseband daLa Lransmlsslon sysLems aL hlgher Lhan 10 Cb/s.
Commerclally-avallable 62.3 m MMl flbres compllanL wlLh Lhe CM1 recommendaLlon
supporL up Lo 1 Cb/s employlng boLh 830 nm vCSLLs and 1300 nm labry eroL lasers. 30 m
MMl flbres compllanL wlLh CM2/CM3/CM4 supporL up Lo 10 Cb/s aL 830 nm. erformance of
MMl flbres ln Lerms of maxlmum dlsLance and mlnlmum effecLlve modal bandwldLh ls
summarlzed ln 1able vl. erformance ls llmlLed by modal dlsperslon of mulLlmode flbre. ln
addlLlon, dlsperslon-LoleranL radlo-over-flbre Lechnlques are needed for Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of 8l
slgnals ln MMl llnks. 8adlo-over-flbre ln comblnaLlon wlLh shorL MMl dlsLances can be
deployed for baseband dlglLal daLa Lransmlsslon Lyplcally supporLlng wlreless slgnals up Lo
2.3 CPz or beyond over passband Lransmlsslon reglons of Lhe MMl llnk [130].
1he hlgh elasLlclLy and ducLlllLy of polymers allows for larger Cl flbre slzes compared wlLh
slllca SSMl and MMl flbres. AlLhough Lhls LogeLher wlLh Lhe slgnlflcanLly hlgher loss resulLs ln

2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology


shorLer reach (Lyplcally up Lo 200 m), cosL ls slgnlflcanLly reduced. lurLher advanLages of Cl
flbres over slllca flbres are llghL welghL, robusLness, LlghL bend radlus and beLLer Lolerance Lo
Lenslle load and sLress. Whlle presenLlng large core dlameLer (970 m) mlnlmlzlng cosL,
convenLlonal poly meLhyl meLhacrylaLe (MMA) Cl flbres exhlblL low performance and are
resLrlcLed Lo vlslble wavelengLhs (320 nm/370 nm/630 nm) [161]. erfluorlnaLed graded-lndex
Cl (l-Cl-Cl) flbres have been developed offerlng lower loss a hlgher bandwldLh for mulLl-
Cb/s performance up Lo 100 m dlsLance aL 830 nm and 1300 nm [162], [163]. 1hese Cl flbres
presenL a bandwldLh exceedlng 300 aL 830 nm and a core dlameLer of 30 m, 62.3 m
or 120 m. 120 m core reduces cosL whlle 30/62.3 m core provldes compaLlblllLy wlLh slllca
MMl Lranscelvers. 1ransmlsslon of 10-CbL Lhough 100 m of l-Cl-Cl was demonsLraLed ln
[164] employlng a low-cosL seL-up aL 830 nm and elecLronlc dlsperslon compensaLlon sulLable
for small offlce/home offlce (SCPC) envlronmenL. ln addlLlon, daLa Lransmlsslon of 40 Cb/s
slgnals aL 1330 nm Lhrough 100 m of Cl was demonsLraLed ln [163].
8ecenLly-developed bend-lnsenslLlve slngle-mode flbres (8l-SMl) can malnLaln Lhe
Lransmlsslon and lnLerconnecLlon properLles of SSMl wlLh much lower bendlng loss aL lower
bend radlus and LlghLer dlmenslonal speclflcaLlons poslng an lnLeresLlng opporLunlLy for a wlde
varleLy of appllcaLlons lncludlng lndoor wlrlng ln l11P [166]-[168]. 8l-SMl faclllLaLes flbre
lnsLallaLlon where corners, LwlsLs and sLaples are requlred, Lhus permlLLlng easy lnsLallaLlon aL
reduced cosL. 8l-SMl ls also expecLed Lo reduce Lhe slze of Lhe flbre lnsLallaLlon and opLlcal
cablneLs. Slmllarly, 8l-MMl flbres can wlLhsLand LlghL bends and challenglng cabllng rouLes
wlLh slgnlflcanLly less slgnal loss Lhan LradlLlonal MMl, reduclng downLlme, cosL and space.
Several manufacLurers offer 8l-SMl flbres compllanL wlLh Lhe l1u-1 8ecommendaLlon C.632.u,
whlch are backwards compaLlble wlLh all C.632 SSMl used ln currenL opLlcal neLworks whlle
meeLlng or exceedlng Lhe mosL sLrlngenL and newesL l1u-1 C.637 recommendaLlons. 30 m 8l-
MMl flbres have also been developed compllanL wlLh CM2/CM3/CM4 mulLlmode
recommendaLlons and compaLlble wlLh currenL MMl flbres whlle malnLalnlng performance.
Commerclally-avallable bend-lnsenslLlve flbres are summarlzed ln 1able vll.
non-zero dlsperslon-shlfLed flbres (nZ-uSl) have a zero-dlsperslon wavelengLh sllghLly shlfLed
from zero-dlsperslon dlsperslon-shlfLed flbre (uSl) Lo reduce Lhe lmpacL of Lhe four-wave
mlxlng (lWM) nonllnear effecL whlle coplng wlLh chromaLlc dlsperslon llmlLaLlons of SSMl ln
Lhe 1330 nm wavelengLh wlndow. Powever, nZ-uSl has some llmlLaLlons Lo Lhe reallzaLlon of

1able vl. erformance of commerclally-avallable mulLlmode flbre Lechnology [139], [160]
llbre Class ClgablL LLherneL 10 ClgablL LLherneL
830 nm 1300 nm 830 nm
62.3 m
300 m
330 m
33 m
30 m
730 m
330 m
130 m
30 m
1000 m
330 m
300 m
30 m
1100 m
330 m
330 m

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


long-haul Lransmlsslon, such as Lrade-off of low dlsperslon slope and large effecLlve area. An
lnLeresLlng soluLlon can be employlng dlsperslon managemenL flbres comprlsed of SSMl plus
lnverse dlsperslon flbre (lul) (boLh wlLh approxlmaLely same lengLh) aL expense of flbre lengLh
flexlblllLy whlch can be requlred ln LerresLrlal sysLems [169]. lul have lnverse dlsperslon and
dlsperslon slope and one-order larger nonllnearlLy compared wlLh SSMl. Compared wlLh
dlsperslon compensaLlng flbre (uCl) LradlLlonally used as a module for dlsperslon
compensaLlon of SSMl, lul has lower aLLenuaLlon loss, Mu and nonllnear properLles so LhaL
lL ls more sulLable for belng used as a Lransmlsslon medla.
2.1.& /"tical access networks
CpLlcal flbre has been wldely deployed subsLlLuLlng convenLlonal copper cable ln access
neLworks (referred Lo as llbre-Lo-Lhe-x (l11x)) Lo meeL Lhe lncreaslng demand of hlgh-
bandwldLh appllcaLlons by resldenLlal and buslness cusLomers. ln parLlcular, l11P ls Lhe fasLesL
growlng global broadband Lechnology wlLh slgnlflcanL deploymenLs occurrlng ln Asla, Lurope
and norLh Amerlca [170]. l11P deploys flbre all Lhe way Lo lndlvldual resldenLlal dwelllngs.
1here are Lwo ma[or archlLecLures ln opLlcal access neLworks, namely polnL-Lo-polnL (2) and
polnL-Lo-mulLlpolnL (2M). 2 archlLecLures employ dedlcaLed Lranscelvers and a dedlcaLed
flbre from an opLlcal llne Lermlnal (CL1) locaLed aL Lhe cenLral offlce (local exchange) Lo Lhe
cusLomer premlses, whlch can reach up Lo 80 km [171]. 2 neLworks are slmple Lo deslgn,
provlde Lhe ulLlmaLe bandwldLh and Lhey are very flexlble Lo upgrade servlces for cusLomers
lndlvldually [172]. Powever, Lhey are cosL prohlblLlve ln mosL cases as Lhey requlre slgnlflcanL
1able vll. SLaLe-of-Lhe-arL of commerclally-avallable bend-lnsenslLlve flbre Lechnology
ManufacLurer 1ype Model SLandard Max. 8end loss [ bend
radlus, wavelengLh
8l-SMl ureAccess-83 C.637.83 0.13 d8 / 0.08 d8 [
3 mm / 7.3 mm, 1330 nm
8l-SMl ClearCurve x8 C.637.A1 0.3 d8 [ 10 mm, 1330 nm
ClearCurve L8L C.637.A2/82 0.4 d8 [ 7.3 mm, 1330 nm
ClearCurve Z8L C.637.83 0.1 d8 [ 3 mm, 1330 nm
8l-MMl ClearCurve
CM2/CM3/CM4 0.2 d8 / 0.1 d8 [
7.3 mm / 13 mm, 830 nm
8l-SMl 8end8rlghL-xS C.637.A2/82 0.3 d8 / 0.1 d8 [
7.3 mm / 10 mm, 1330 nm 8end8rlghL-xS
200 m
8end8rlghL-LllLe C.637.83 0.13 d8 / 0.08 d8 [
3 mm / 7.3 mm, 1330 nm
8l-MMl MaxCap-88-CMx CM2/CM3/CM4 0.2 d8 / 0.1 d8 [
7.3 mm / 13 mm, 830nm
ClS 8l-SMl AllWave lLLx C.637.A1 0.2 d8 [ 10 mm, 1330 nm
AllWave lLLx+ZW C.637.A2 0.3 d8 / 0.1 d8 [
7.3 mm / 10 mm, 1330 nm
LZ-8end C.637.83 0.1 d8 [ 3 mm, 1330 nm

2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology


flbre deploymenL, space and powerlng ln Lhe CL1, and acLlve devlces aL Lhe cusLomer
premlses. AlLernaLlvely, 2M archlLecLures lnclude acLlve opLlcal neLworks (ACn) and passlve
opLlcal neLworks (Cn) followlng a sLar (sLandard) Lopology. ln ACn sLar neLworks, a slngle
flbre (dlsLrlbuLlon flbre), up Lo 70 km, carrles all Lrafflc Lo an acLlve node close Lo Lhe end users,
from where lndlvldual flbres (drop flbres), up Lo 20 km, run Lo each home/bulldlng. Whlle Lhe
flbre cosL ls reduced, Lhe acLlve nodes requlre powerlng and malnLenance [172]. ln Cn sLar
neLworks, Lhe acLlve node ls replaced by a passlve opLlcal power spllLLer/comblner [172]. 1he
dlsLrlbuLlon flbre ln a Cn neLwork can be shared by up Lo 128 users. Commerclally-avallable
passlve opLlcal spllLLers have Lyplcal lnserLlon loss of 13.3, 16.3, 20, and 23.3 d8 for spllLLlng
facLors of 16, 32, 64, and 128, respecLlvely [173]. 1he spllLLlng facLor employed ls llmlLed by
power budgeL ln Lhe neLwork. 1yplcally a Cn ls capable of reachlng cusLomers 20 km from Lhe
orlglnal LransmlLLer [174]. A Cn ls characLerlzed by Lhe use of no acLlve componenLs
(ampllflers, regeneraLors) ln Lhe fleld. Cn are supporLed by a seL of maLure sLandards
(8roadband 8-Cn, LLherneL L-Cn, ClgablL C-Cn) [172], [174], [173] and underway nexL-
generaLlon sLandards (10 Cb/s 10C-LCn, nexL-generaLlon nC-Cn), and ls Lhe mosL wldely
deployed l11P archlLecLure. CurrenL sLandard Cn based on Llme-dlvlslon mulLlple access
(1uMA) are expecLed Lo evolve Loward Cn based on WuM (WuM-Cn) Lo keep up wlLh Lhe
requlremenLs of fuLure access neLworks [19]. ln l11P, Lhe opLlcal neLwork Lermlnal (Cn1)
recelves Lhe slgnal from Lhe CL1 and converLs lL lnLo usable elecLronlc slgnals for volce, vldeo,
and daLa aL Lhe cusLomer premlses.
2.1.. #$% a""lication scenarios
uW8-over-flbre exLends Lhe uW8 radlo range Lo ln-home/offlce, ln-bulldlng or even wlde area
appllcaLlons. CpLlcal flbre ls Lhe Lransmlsslon medla of cholce enabllng a large number of uW8
users share a slngle flbre.
uW8-over-flbre sysLems are applled ln Lwo maln scenarlos: lndoor (ln-home/offlce or ln-
bulldlng) uAS and l11P access neLworks. 1he flbre dlsLance ln uAS ls relaLlvely shorL (few
hundred meLers) and Lhe varlaLlons among dlsLances are relaLlvely small. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
l11P dlsLances can be long (20 km or more) wlLh relaLlvely long varlaLlons (on Lhe order of
&n-'ome(o))ice or in-uilding distriuted antenna s*stems
ln Lhe uAS appllcaLlon, Lhe uW8 slgnal ls generaLed aL Lhe resldenLlal gaLeway (8C), shown ln
llg. 12(a), whlch can be modulaLed wlLh Lhe daLa comlng from Lhe l11P neLwork. 1he
generaLed uW8 slgnal ls dlsLrlbuLed over Lhe lndoor opLlcal flbre Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs
where Lhe uW8 slgnal ls only phoLodeLecLed, ampllfled, and fllLered. lurLhermore, Lhe same
lndoor radlo-over-flbre lnfrasLrucLure can lnLegraLe a uW8 cellular neLwork, as shown ln llg.
12(b). 1he concepL of uW8 cellular clusLers has been proposed ln Lhe Luropean pro[ecL l7-
lC1-1-216783 uCLLLS Lo provlde pervaslve Cb/s communlcaLlons ln wlder areas employlng
sLandard low-cosL uW8 Lranscelvers.
2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


uW8 cell clusLer operaLlon requlres specLral managemenL of Lhe uW8 Lermlnals ln operaLlon.
uW8 managemenL lmplles Lhe senslng of uW8 Lransmlsslons by a seL of uW8 sensors and Lhe
proper conflguraLlon of uW8 Lermlnals Lo avold lnLerference beLween Lhe dlfferenL uW8
Lermlnals and Lo guaranLee coexlsLence wlLh oLher wlreless communlcaLlons sysLems ln
operaLlon ln Lhe same area. 8eal-Llme senslng of wlde-bandwldLh low-power uW8 slgnals has
been proposed Lo be enabled by a phoLonlc AuC employlng Lhe ln-home radlo-over-flbre
lnfrasLrucLure [Llo08b], [8el08a], [8el08b], [Llo09b]. 1he phoLonlc AuC ls based on opLlcal Llme-
sLreLched processlng prevlous Lo elecLronlc AuC [186]. 1he opLlcal Llme-sLreLched process
relaxes Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe AuC employed ln Lhe processlng.
llg. 13 deplcLs Lhe concepL of uW8 cell clusLer LogeLher wlLh Lhe phoLonlc AuC lnfrasLrucLure.
llg. 13 shows a seL of uW8 Lranscelvers arranged ln dlfferenL uW8 cells whlch can connecL Lo
an uW8 sensor. llg. 13 also shows a slmpllfled example of Lhe managemenL sLraLegy: 1he
uW8 specLrum allocaLlon and maxlmum power LransmlLLed by each uW8 Lermlnal ls cenLrally
conLrolled ln order Lo conLrol muLual lnLerference.

llg. 13. lnLerference and specLral managemenL ln uW8 cell clusLer archlLecLures. 1he ln-home radlo-
over-flbre lnfrasLrucLure lnLerconnecLs uW8 sensors.

llg. 12. (a) uW8 radlo-over-flbre ln-home/offlce or ln-bulldlng dlsLrlbuLed anLenna sysLem. (b) uW8
cellular neLwork lnLegraLed ln Lhe radlo-over-flbre lnfrasLrucLure shown ln (a).

2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology


ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls, an opLlcal Llme-sLreLched processor for senslng of uW8 slgnals has been
demonsLraLed ln a proof-of-concepL experlmenL [Llo08b], [8el08a], [8el08b]. llg. 14(a) shows
Lhe experlmenLal seLup LargeLlng Lo demonsLraLe phoLonlc Llme-sLreLched AuC operaLlon on
uW8 slgnals. 1he phoLonlc AuC comprlses Lwo spans of flbre from Lhe radlo-over-flbre llnks
shown ln llg. 13. hoLonlc AuC operaLlon ls as follows: 1he opLlcal pulses from a
superconLlnuum (SC) source are chlrped and sLreLched Lo 340 ps by propagaLlon Lhrough 3 km
SSMl. llg. 14(b) shows Lhe superconLlnuum specLrum aL polnL (1) ln llg. 14(a) exhlblLlng 4 nm
bandwldLh. 1he superconLlnuum source ls based on a pulsed laser aL 1361.3 nm (2 ps full-
wldLh aL half-maxlmum (lWPM), 1.2 nm of 3 d8 bandwldLh, 10 CPz repeLlLlon raLe), a MZM
drlven by a blL paLLern aL 10 Cb/s (one '1' every 128 blLs), an Lrblum-doped flbre ampllfler
(LulA), a span of PnLl (900 m lengLh, 1362 nm zero-dlsperslon wavelengLh, 0.018 ps/nm
dlsperslon slope, 10.8 W
nonllnear coefflclenL), and an opLlcal bandpass fllLer. 1he
MZM ls blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL and ls employed Lo reduce Lhe pulse
repeLlLlon frequency from 10 CPz Lo 78.123 MPz. 1he uW8 slgnal recelved from Lhe anLenna
ls modulaLed wlLh Lhe chlrped opLlcal pulses ln a MZM. ln Lhe experlmenL, Lhe uW8 slgnal ls a
8l pulse comprlslng 6 cycles of 100 ps perlod, compaLlble wlLh uW8 regulaLlon. llg. 14(c)
shows Lhe ldeal lnpuL uW8 pulse under analysls. 1he uW8 modulaLed slgnal ls Llme sLreLched
ln 23.133 km SSMl before phoLodeLecLlon. llg. 14(d) shows Lhe Llme-sLreLched uW8 slgnal aL
polnL (3) ln llg. 14(a) superlmposed Lo Lhe ldeal Llme-sLreLched uW8 slgnal. A sLreLch facLor of
6 (= 1+23.133 km/3 km) ls lmplemenLed ln Lhe experlmenL, whlch lmplles LhaL Lhe whole uW8
band can be dlglLlzed for lourler Lransform and analysls employlng an elecLronlc AuC wlLh
1.8 CPz bandwldLh.

llg. 14. (a) LxperlmenLal seLup of a phoLonlc Llme-sLreLched AuC for senslng of uW8 slgnals accordlng
Lo llg. 12(b) and llg. 13. (b) SuperconLlnuum (SC) specLrum aL polnL (1), (c) ldeal uW8 slgnal aL polnL
(2), (d) 1lme-sLreLched uW8 slgnal aL polnL (3).

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo


UWB-o+er-$,,H net-or.s
uW8-over-flbre has been lndlcaLed as an lnLeresLlng soluLlon Lo dlsLrlbuLe Pu mulLlmedla
conLenL ln l11P neLworks [Llo08a], [Llo08c]. 1hls approach comblnes uW8 advanLages and
bandwldLh capaclLy of l11P neLworks. 1hls ls a rapld and cosL-effecLlve soluLlon over oLher
dlsLrlbuLlon neLworks, llke hybrld flbre-coaxlal, for several reasons:
1) no LransmodulaLlon or frequency up-converslon sLages are requlred aL Lhe user
premlses, leadlng Lo lower deploymenL cosL. ModulaLlon and frequency up-converslon
can be performed aL an opLlcal cenLral unlL Lhus slmpllfylng Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs.
uaLa ls dellvered Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs already ln Lhelr uW8 wlreless formaL.
2) 1ransparency Lo Lhe speclflc modulaLlon employed. 1hls flexlblllLy ls of speclal lnLeresL
for neLwork operaLors as uW8 regulaLlon ls sLlll evolvlng.
3) MulLlsLandard wlreless servlces are supporLed on Lhe same lnfrasLrucLure [Llo11b].
4) uW8 slgnals can be recelved by commerclally-avallable low-cosL recelvers.
llg. 13 deplcLs an example of Lhe uW8-over-flbre approach lnLegraLlng Lhe SSMl-based l11P
access neLwork and 8l-SMl-based lndoor opLlcal user neLwork. ln Lhe example, uW8 radlo
provldes raw daLa connecLlvlLy, Pu audlo/vldeo and also connecLlvlLy Lo an uW8-enabled cell
phone. ln Lhe uW8-over-l11P appllcaLlon, Lhe head-end unlL shown ln Lhe flgure ls responslble
of Lhe cenLral generaLlon of Lhe uW8 slgnal. AL Lhe user premlses, Lhe opLlcal access
dlsLrlbuLlon can be exLended by lndoor opLlcal dlsLrlbuLlon e.g. 8l-SMl Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna
unlLs where uW8 slgnals are phoLodeLecLed, fllLered, ampllfled, and radlaLed Lo a uW8-
enabled Lelevlslon seL [176] or compuLer [177]. 1he resldenLlal gaLeway (8C) provldes lnLer-
room communlcaLlons and oLher neLwork funcLlonallLy.
8l-SMl opens up an lnLeresLlng opporLunlLy for uW8-over-flbre Lo be deployed aL ln-home
envlronmenLs. Compared wlLh SSMl, 8l-SMl faclllLaLes lnsLallaLlon under pracLlcal bendlng
condlLlons such as corners and mulLlple sLaples, Lhus reduclng cosL, and also reduces Lhe slze
of Lhe assoclaLed lnfrasLrucLure. Compared wlLh convenLlonal copper cable, 8l-SMl provldes
hlgh bandwldLh necessary Lo dlsLrlbuLe uW8 slgnals. lurLhermore, 8l-SMl ls backwards
compaLlble wlLh SSMl and can malnLaln Lhe opLlcal Lransmlsslon properLles of SSMl, whlch ls
parLlcularly lmporLanL aL hlgh frequencles such as around 60 CPz, compared wlLh oLher Lypes
of flbres used for lndoor dlsLrlbuLlon such as mulLlmode flbres.
A ma[or lmpalrmenL of Lhe l11P neLwork on Lhe uW8 slgnal ls due Lo Lhe chromaLlc dlsperslon
of SSMl [24], [32], [36]. ln Lhe case of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals, chromaLlc dlsperslon
sLreLches pulses ln Llme Lhus lnfluenclng Lhe cenLre frequency and bandwldLh of Lhe uW8
slgnal. 1hls effecL ls dependenL on Lhe opLlcal bandwldLh and Lhe chlrp of Lhe opLlcal slgnal ln
propagaLlon. 1he wlder Lhe opLlcal bandwldLh, Lhe lower Lhe Lolerance Lo Lhe chromaLlc
dlsperslon. ulsperslon managlng Lechnlques could be used Lo compensaLe for chromaLlc
dlsperslon effecLs. 1hls soluLlon ls noL flexlble and cosL-effecLlve, however lL could enable uW8
Lransmlsslon over long dlsLances (>40 km) [48].
2.3 8adlo-over-flbre Lechnology


ChromaLlc dlsperslon ln Lhe flbre may cause addlLlonal effecLs on Lhe uW8 slgnal. llbre
chromaLlc dlsperslon may have a hlgher lmpacL ln uW8 generaLlon Lechnlques employlng
more Lhan one wavelengLh due Lo Lhe walk-off effecL [34], [143]. AnoLher lmpacL of chromaLlc
dlsperslon ls due Lo mode parLlLlon nolse. llbre dlsperslon causes Lhe flucLuaLlons of Lhe
energy beLween Lhe longlLudlnal modes of Lhe laser Lo be LranslaLed lnLo lnLenslLy flucLuaLlons
on Lhe LransmlLLed opLlcal slgnal, Lhus reduclng Sn8 [36].

llg. 13. 8adlo-over-flbre sysLem lnLegraLlng l11P opLlcal access dlsLrlbuLlon and lndoor opLlcal-radlo
Lransmlsslon of mulLlsLandard mulLl-Cb/s uW8 slgnals for Pu conLenLs provlslon.

2 Pybrld wlreless-opLlcal sysLems based on ulLra-wldeband (uW8) radlo



/"tical generation of im"ulseradio #$% signals
&.1 Introduction
nowadays, Lhe mulLlband CluM uW8 lmplemenLaLlon deflned by WlMedla [8] ls acLlvely used
ln wlreless uS8 and Pu audlo/vldeo sLreamlng appllcaLlons [11]. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lmpulse-
radlo uW8 lmplemenLaLlon has found lLs appllcaLlon for ranglng and locallzaLlon as radar
[178]. lor uW8-over-flbre appllcaLlons, phoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals
have wldely been lnvesLlgaLed ln recenL years, wlLh reporLed daLa raLes up Lo 3 Cb/s [179].
CeneraLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls lnvesLlgaLed ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls. 1he
maln advanLages of CluM uW8 over lmpulse-radlo uW8 are less lmporLanL ln Lhe 60 CPz
band. A hlgh-capaclLy sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band does noL necessarlly requlre hlgh specLral
efflclency. ln addlLlon, Lhe 60 CPz band overcomes coexlsLence lssues ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz
band and dlrecLlonallLy of Lhe 60 CPz anLennas would faclllLaLe fuLure radlo coexlsLence ln Lhe
60 CPz band. ulrecLlonallLy of Lhe 60 CPz anLennas also reduces mulLlpaLh fadlng effecL.
1he selecLlon of Lhe pulse shape ls one of Lhe fundamenLal conslderaLlons ln deslgnlng an
lmpulse-radlo uW8 sysLem, because Lhe pulse shape wlll deLermlne Lhe performance of Lhe
sysLem. Causslan-monocycle ls Lhe mosL wldely used pulse shape due Lo lLs slmpllclLy however
lL requlres fllLerlng Lo comply wlLh Lhe lCC-speclfled uW8 specLrum mask ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz
band. Plgher-frequency pulses have been proposed Lo comply wlLh Lhe lCC mask wlLh hlgher
power efflclency. Plgher-order derlvaLlve Causslan pulses have been proposed, as LheoreLlcally
anallsed ln [27]. lurLhermore, llnear comblnaLlon of polarlLy-reversed monocycles wlLh
dlfferenL pulsewldLh [28] or modlfled doubleLs wlLh dlfferenL delay [29] have been proposed
LargeLlng Lo slmpllfy lmplemenLaLlon and Lo lncrease power efflclency, whlch look close Lo Lhe
order Causslan derlvaLlve. ln addlLlon, Lhe use of phoLonlc lnLegraLlon ls hlghly deslrable Lo
lmplemenL compacL and cosL-effecLlve lmpulse-radlo uW8 LransmlLLers [180].
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


&.2 %aseband wit! *aussianmonocycle "ulse s!a"ing
&.2.1 Introduction
ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls, Lwo phoLonlc lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon Lechnlques are proposed and
demonsLraLed ln Lwo proof-of-concepL experlmenLs whlch are descrlbed ln SecLlons 3.2.2 and
3.2.3. 1he Lechnlques are based on comblnlng Lwo Causslan pulses wlLh opposlLe polarlLy and
relaLlve Llme delay Lo shape Causslan-monocycles. 1he flrsL Lechnlque employs opLlcal delay
and balanced phoLodeLecLlon whereas Lhe second Lechnlque employs a dlfferenLlal
phoLorecelver and elecLrlcal delay. 1he proposed Lechnlques are slmple and permlL Lo adapL
uW8 specLrum Lo l11P neLworks wlLh dlfferenL flbre dlsperslon by slmply ad[usLlng delay.
Such reconflguraLlon enables greaL flexlblllLy slnce Lhe Lechnlques are lmplemenLed aL Lhe
remoLe anLenna unlLs. 1hls funcLlonallLy ls noL avallable ln oLher prevlously reporLed phoLonlc
lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon Lechnlques Lo our knowledge. revlous Lechnlques provlde
llLLle or no reconflguraLlon. neverLheless, a Lechnlque based on specLral shaplng and
frequency-Lo-Llme converslon has been recenLly proposed, whlch ls also capable of posL-
compensaLlng for varlable flbre dlsperslon employlng l8C devlces and furLher balanced
phoLodeLecLlon Lo remove Lhe recLangular pulse superlmposed Lo Lhe deslred waveform [32].
1he correspondlng appllcaLlon scenarlo ls LhaL dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.3.4.
1he generaLlon of baseband Causslan-monocycles ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln Lhls
Lhesls. Causslan monocycles are shaped afLer opLlcal access flbre Lransmlsslon of opLlcal
pulses. CpLlcal pulses are generaLed by a mode-locked laser and are furLher modulaLed wlLh
daLa ln a MZM. 1he lnsLalled flbre ls explolLed Lo reduce pulse shaplng complexlLy. 8aseband
Causslan monocycles could meeL lCC-speclfled uW8 specLrum mask ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band
provlded an adequaLe bandwldLh ls generaLed and furLher adequaLe fllLerlng ls performed e.g.
by a commerclally-avallable uW8 anLenna whlch acLs as a band pass fllLer [24]. 1hls avolds Lhe
need for up/down-converslon requlred when Causslan pulses are employed [Llo08a], [Llo08c],
[Mor08a]. 8andwldLh ls dependenL on Lhe orlglnal Causslan pulsewldLh, pulse Llme-sLreLchlng
lnduced by flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon, whlch depends on Lhe opLlcal bandwldLh, and Lhe
opLlcal/elecLrlcal Llme delay. 1he wlder Lhe pulse afLer flbre Lransmlsslon and Lhe longer Lhe
Llme delay, Lhe narrower bandwldLh and Lhe lower Lhe peak frequency.
&.2.2 /"tical delay and balanced "!otodetection tec!ni6ue
llg. 16 shows Lhe experlmenLal seLup of Lhe phoLonlc Lechnlque for lmpulse-radlo uW8
generaLlon based on opLlcal delay and balanced phoLodeLecLlon Lo perform Causslan-
monocycle shaplng [8el08c], [Llo09a], [Llo10a]. A 1360 nm acLlvely mode-locked flbre laser
generaLes opLlcal pulses wlLh approxlmaLely 2 ps lWPM, 1.2 nm of 3 d8 bandwldLh, and
10 CPz repeLlLlon raLe. CpLlcal pulses are lnLenslLy modulaLed wlLh a flx paLLern 1000 0000
0000 0000" (one '1' every 16 blLs) aL a daLa raLe of 10 Cb/s, whlch ls equlvalenL Lo reLurn-Lo-
zero (8Z) daLa aL 1.23 Cb/s wlLh a duLy cycle of approxlmaLely 1/16, ln a MZM. 1he MZM ls
blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL Lo re[ecL Lhe undeslred laser pulses, resulLlng ln
CCk-modulaLed pulse Lraln aL 1.23 CPz repeLlLlon raLe.
3.2 8aseband wlLh Causslan-monocycle pulse shaplng


1he modulaLed pulses are dlsLrlbuLed over flbre Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs where Lhe pulses
are spllL lnLo Lwo paLhs drlvlng Lhe Lwo lnpuLs of a balanced phoLodeLecLor (u
L hoLonlcs,
8uv20208). A varlable opLlcal delay llne ls employed ln one of Lhe paLhs Lo seL Lhe relaLlve
Llme delay beLween Lhe poslLlve and negaLlve parL of Lhe Causslan monocycles whlch are
obLalned aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe balanced phoLodeLecLor. A varlable opLlcal aLLenuaLor ls
employed Lo compensaLe for Lhe paLh loss dlfference.
ln Lhe proof-of-concepL experlmenL, Lhe modulaLed pulses are sLreLched ln Llme as Lhey are
LransmlLLed over 3 km of SSMl and a relaLlve Llme delay of 130 ps ls seL. ln Lhls way, baseband
Causslan monocycles exhlblLlng 400 ps pulsewldLh and 3 CPz 10 d8 bandwldLh are generaLed,
as shown ln llg. 17.
&.2.& -ifferential "!otorece"tion and electrical delay tec!ni6ue
llg. 18 shows Lhe experlmenLal seLup of Lhe phoLonlc Lechnlque for lmpulse-radlo uW8
generaLlon based on a dlfferenLlal phoLorecelver and elecLrlcal delay Lo perform Causslan
monocycle shaplng [8el09a], [8el10a], [Llo09a], [Llo10a]. A 1360 nm acLlvely mode-locked flbre
laser generaLes opLlcal pulses wlLh approxlmaLely 2 ps lWPM, 1.2 nm of 3 d8 bandwldLh, and
10 CPz repeLlLlon raLe. CpLlcal pulses are lnLenslLy modulaLed wlLh a flx paLLern 1000 0000
0000 0000" (one '1' every 16 blLs) aL a daLa raLe of 10 Cb/s, whlch ls equlvalenL Lo 8Z daLa aL
1.23 Cb/s wlLh a duLy cycle of approxlmaLely 1/16, ln a MZM. 1he MZM ls blased aL Lhe
mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL Lo re[ecL Lhe undeslred laser pulses, resulLlng ln CCk-modulaLed
pulse Lraln aL 1.23 CPz repeLlLlon raLe.

llg. 17. 8aseband Causslan monocycles measured aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe sysLem ln llg. 16 for 2 ps 1.2 nm
laser pulses and 3 km SSMl. (a) Slgnal ln Llme domaln. (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum for 8Z daLa all '1' aL
1.23 Cb/s (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 30 kPz).

llg. 16. LxperlmenLal seLup for phoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals based on opLlcal
delay and balanced phoLodeLecLlon.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1he modulaLed pulses are dlsLrlbuLed over flbre Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs where Lhe pulses
are phoLodeLecLed by a dlfferenLlal phoLorecelver (1eleopLlx, 8alanced hoLorecelver wlLh
LlmlLlng 1lA) [181]. 1he phoLorecelver ls operaLed ln unbalanced mode and ln llnear reglme of
Lhe Lranslmpedance ampllfler (1lA). 1he dlfferenLlal 1lA provldes complemenLary ouLpuLs
whlch are comblned afLer ad[usLlng Lhelr relaLlve Llme delay by a varlable elecLrlcal delay llne.
ln Lhe proof-of-concepL experlmenL, Lhe modulaLed pulses are sLreLched ln Llme as Lhey are
LransmlLLed over 10 km of SSMl and a relaLlve Llme delay of 200 ps ls seL. ln Lhls way,
baseband Causslan monocycles exhlblLlng 600 ps pulsewldLh and 3.8 CPz of 10 d8 bandwldLh
are generaLed, as shown ln llg. 19. 1hese baseband Causslan monocycles are sulLable for
furLher frequency up-converslon ln Lhe proof-of-concepL experlmenL of a uW8-over-flbre
sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band, as descrlbed ln SecLlon 3.3.4. neverLheless, wlder bandwldLh can
be generaLed, whlch could be furLher fllLered and radlaLed Lo provlde uW8 connecLlvlLy ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band.
&.& )( *+, radiooverfibre for inflig!t communications
An lmpulse-radlo uW8 phoLonlc generaLlon sysLem LargeLlng hlgh user denslLy ln-fllghL
communlcaLlons wlLh slmulLaneous ranglng capablllLles ln Lhe 60 CPz radlo band ls proposed
and experlmenLally demonsLraLed and Lhe lmplemenLaLlon cosL ls analyzed [8el09a], [8el10a],
[Llo10a], [Llo10b], [ar10]. lmpulse-radlo uW8 Causslan monocycles are employed for

llg. 19. 8aseband Causslan monocycles bearlng flx daLa 1011100110100100" aL 1.23 Cb/s measured ln
llg. 18 for 2 ps 1.2 nm laser pulses and 10 km SSMl. (a) arL of Lhe slgnal ln Llme domaln correspondlng
Lo Lhe sequence 101001". (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 300 kPz).

Time )s,, 500 .s/-i@




)a, )b,
0"0 $"1 5"# 1"% 11"$ 1%"0
re&'enc( )G*+,


llg. 18. LxperlmenLal seLup for phoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals based on dlfferenLlal
phoLorecepLlon and elecLrlcal delay.

8"85 G*+
3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


slgnalllng. 8aseband Causslan monocycles are generaLed based on dlfferenLlal phoLorecepLlon
and varlable elecLrlcal Llme delay, as descrlbed ln SecLlon 3.2.3. AfLer exLernal modulaLlon ln a
MZM, opLlcal frequency up-converslon ls performed based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln
anoLher MZM [76], [143]. ln Lhe experlmenL, Causslan monocycles aL a 1.23 Cb/s daLa raLe
wlLh 3.8 CPz bandwldLh are generaLed and up-converLed Lo 37 CPz. 1he performance of Lhe
37 CPz uW8 slgnal afLer Lhe Lransmlsslon over a SSMl aL ln-cabln dlsLances up Lo 100 m ls
sLudled. 1he experlmenLal resulLs show LhaL good quallLy uW8 pulses can be obLalned wlLh Lhe
proposed sysLem. 1he lmpacL of Lhe sysLem parameLers on performance lncludlng wlreless
Lransmlsslon and assoclaLed cosL ls analysed, lndlcaLlng LhaL a hlgh number of remoLe anLenna
unlLs can be cosL-effecLlvely supporLed by Lhe proposed 60 CPz uW8-over-flbre sysLem.
&.&.1 Introduction
1he 3.1-10.6 CPz uW8 band ls noL equally regulaLed worldwlde due Lo specLral coexlsLence
concerns. CuLslde Lhe u.S., avallable effecLlve bandwldLh ls 1.3 CPz, whlch only supporLs daLa
raLes of hundreds of megablLs per second. 1he 60 CPz band offers a large frequency range
worldwlde: 37-66 CPz ln Lurope and AusLralla, 37-64 CPz ln Lhe u.S. and Canada, 39-66 CPz
ln !apan. 1he maLch beLween Lhe allocaLed frequency band for uW8 and Lhe bandwldLh
avallable ln Lhe 60 CPz band makes 60 CPz uW8 a very lnLeresLlng approach for mulLl-Cb/s
wlreless communlcaLlons. Moreover, radlo aLLenuaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band beneflLs
coexlsLence when a large number of users are presenL and reduces Lhe poLenLlal lnLerference
wlLh ln-fllghL elecLronlcs.
uW8-over-flbre uAS sysLems ls a cosL-effecLlve soluLlon Lo exLend Lhe uW8 coverage Laklng
advanLage of Lhe large bandwldLh and Lransparency Lo slgnal formaLs of Lhe opLlcal flbre [6].
1hls h.u. Lhesls proposes, for Lhe flrsL Llme Lo our knowledge, Lhe use of lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz radlo band for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons wlLh poLenLlal ranglng and
locallzaLlon funcLlonallLles. 1he lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls opLlcally
generaLed and dlsLrlbuLed Lhrough SSMl Lo a hlgh number of dlsLrlbuLed remoLe anLenna unlLs
as ln an ln-cabln radlo-over-flbre lnsLallaLlon.
hoLonlc generaLlon of Lhe lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls an lnLeresLlng approach because lL
enables slgnal generaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band and seamless opLlcal dlsLrlbuLlon ln Lhe plane.
lmpulse-radlo uW8 exhlblLs several advanLages, whlch can be summarlzed as follows.
1) uW8 Lechnology ls capable of hlgh daLa raLe aL relaLlve low Ll8 denslLy mlnlmlzlng
lnLerference on oLher wlreless slgnals. 1hls ls a key aspecL reveallng uW8 as a very
lnLeresLlng radlo Lechnology ln avlonlcs. rovlslon of hlgh daLa raLe communlcaLlons ls
requlred ln Pu audlo/vldeo enLerLalnmenL servlces offered ln-fllghL.
2) 1he speclflc slgnalllng employed ln lmpulse-radlo uW8 permlLs slmulLaneously
communlcaLlons, locallzaLlon and ranglng Lo a sub-cenLlmeLre resoluLlon. 1hls ls of
speclal lnLeresL for ln-fllghL envlronmenLs, llke a plane passenger's cabln, where beslde
communlcaLlons, locallzaLlon of users or group of users exhlblLlng poLenLlally large
radlo lnLerference ls necessary. 1hls approach ls also lnLeresLlng for radlo Lagglng and
passenger ldenLlflcaLlon appllcaLlons.
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1he experlmenLal work hereln reporLed demonsLraLes Lhe phoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-
radlo uW8 Causslan monocycles aL 37 CPz bearlng daLa aL 1.23 Cb/s and lLs furLher
Lransmlsslon over 100 m flbre LargeLlng ln-fllghL communlcaLlons. 1he use of Causslan
monocycles permlLs Lo remove resldual 8l carrler easlly by fllLerlng Lo avold recelver
saLuraLlon. lurLhermore, devlces based on Causslan monocycles avallable for uW8 generaLlon
ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band could be reused.
1he remalnder of SecLlon 3.3 ls organlzed as follows: SecLlon 3.3.2 descrlbes Lhe proposed
appllcaLlon scenarlo for Lhe 60 CPz uW8-over-flbre sysLem. Comparlson beLween experlmenL
and slmulaLlon and a comprehenslve analysls of Lhe sysLem by slmulaLlon ls presenLed ln
SecLlon 3.3.3. 1he experlmenLal demonsLraLlon ls presenLed ln SecLlon 3.3.4. llnally, a Lechno-
economlc analysls comparlng Lhe radlo-over-flbre approach wlLh a convenLlonal baseband-
over-flbre approach ls performed ln SecLlon 3.3.3.
&.&.2 Inaircraft distributed antenna system
llg. 20 deplcLs Lhe proposed lmpulse-radlo uW8 radlo-over-flbre Lechnlque LargeLlng Lo
dlsLrlbuLe Pu mulLlmedla conLenLs ln alrcrafLs. 1hls flgure shows a cabln where a 100 m SSMl
ls LransporLlng uW8 radlo-over-flbre Lo provlde passenger connecLlvlLy. 1he block marked A"
ln llg. 20 ls a cenLral unlL, whlch generaLes ln Lhe opLlcal domaln Lhe lmpulse-radlo uW8 daLa
slgnal Lo be furLher dlsLrlbuLed Lhrough SSMl Lo Lhe on-seaL remoLe anLenna unlLs, whlch are
marked as 8" ln llg. 20. ln Lhe remoLe anLenna unlL, Lhe uW8 daLa slgnal ls phoLodeLecLed
resulLlng ln an lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band, whlch ls furLher ampllfled,
fllLered, and radlaLed Lo be avallable Lo passengers ln a glven shorL-range coverage area
(WAn). ln Lhls way, mulLl-Cb/s wlreless connecLlvlLy can be provlded along Lhe cabln
mlnlmlzlng Lhe lnLerference due Lo Lhe lnLrlnslc low radlaLlon level of uW8 and Lhe radlaLlon-
lmmune opLlcal flbre dlsLrlbuLlon.
1he sysLem demonsLraLed ln Lhls sLudy ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls Lhe cenLral Lransmlsslon sysLem
ln Lhe plane. 1hls radlo-over-flbre Lechnlque glves Lhe advanLage LhaL Lhe remoLe anLenna
unlLs would be very slmple (no up/down-converslon or modulaLlon ls requlred). 1hls ls
lmporLanL lf Lhere are a large number of passengers ln Lhe plane.

llg. 20. lmpulse-radlo uW8 radlo-over-flbre ln Lhe 60 CPz band for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons. 8lock A":
cenLral unlL for opLlcal uW8 generaLlon. 8lock 8": on-seaL remoLe anLenna unlLs.

3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


&.&.& Simulation analysis
1he proposed sysLem, shown ln llg. 33 ln SecLlon 3.3.4, has been analysed employlng Lhe
commerclal slmulaLlon Lool vlLransmlsslonMaker` (verslon 7.3) uslng Lhe characLerlsLlcs of
Lhe devlces ln 1able vlll ln SecLlon 3.3.4. SlmulaLlon resulLs have been compared Lo
measuremenLs presenLed ln SecLlon 3.3.4 Lo verlfy Lhe slmulaLlon model and Lhen Lhe lmpacL
of Lhe sysLem parameLers on Lhe performance ln Lerms of Lhe 8L8 has been evaluaLed.
ln slmulaLlon, daLa modulaLed opLlcal pulses aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe modulaLor, MZM ln llg. 33,
are generaLed from a hyperbollc-secanL pulse LransmlLLer aL 1.23 Cb/s. lrom Lhese pulses,
monocycles are generaLed as ln SecLlon 3.2.3 and are shown ln llg. 21. 1he nolse ln Lhe
monocycles has been modelled as addlLlve Causslan whlLe nolse aL 20 nA/Pz
(nolse flgure:
63.9 d8). 1hls nolse flgure value, alLhough lmpracLlcal, permlLs Lo seL ln slmulaLlon a maxlmum
nolse power specLral denslLy accordlng Lo Lhe experlmenLal work. SllghL dlscrepancles beLween
monocycles measured and slmulaLed are malnly due Lo Lhe devlaLlon of Lhe measured pulse
shape from Lhe ldeal hyperbollc-secanL shape. 1he fllLers of Lhe dlglLal communlcaLlons
analyser have been modelled as Causslan fllLers.
llg. 22 shows Lhe slmulaLed monocycles aL polnL (1) ln llg. 33. 1he frequency response of
Amp 1 and Lhe Ll ln llg. 33 has been consldered.
1he relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse (8ln = -143 d8/Pz) of Lhe CW laser ln llg. 33 and Lhe lnserLlon loss
of Lhe MZM 1 (13 d8) seL Lhe power level aL polnL (2) ln llg. 33 assumlng a maxlmum posslble
exLlncLlon raLlo of Lhe MZM of 23 d8. MZM 1 ls blased aL Lhe quadraLure polnL. llg. 23 shows
Lhe slmulaLed monocycles aL polnL (2) ln llg. 33.
1he galn of Lhe Lrblum-doped flbre ampllfler (LulA) ln llg. 33 (23 d8), and Lhe lnserLlon loss of
Lhe MZM2 (8 d8) seL Lhe maxlmum power specLral denslLy aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33, assumlng a
maxlmum posslble exLlncLlon raLlo of Lhe MZM of 23 d8. MZM 2 ls blased aL Lhe mlnlmum
Lransmlsslon polnL. 1he C8l ls modelled as a Causslan fllLer. A double of Lhe LC frequency of
28.73 CPz ls seL llmlLed by Lhe slmulaLlon Lool. ln Lhls way, Lhe 8l carrler frequency ls 37.3 CPz
so LhaL Lhe frequency response of Lhe componenLs ln llg. 33, u, LnA, 8l 1, PA, 8l 2, and
frequency dependence of Lhe mlxer converslon loss ls shlfLed by 0.3 CPz.
lL should be noLed LhaL wlLh Lhe proposed frequency up-converslon Lechnlque, Lhe baseband
slgnal ls also avallable afLer phoLodeLecLlon, as shown ln llg. 24. 1he baseband slgnal could be
used for wlred connecLlvlLy employlng a low-cosL recelver or for wlreless connecLlvlLy ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz uW8 band provlded wlder bandwldLh ls generaLed and furLher adequaLe fllLerlng
ls performed. Pence, Lhe proposed sysLem ls capable of seamless operaLlon ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band and ln Lhe emerglng 60 CPz band. 1hls flexlblllLy Lo emerglng sLandards ls
of speclal lmporLance ln avlonlcs, where Lhe upgrade of ln-fllghL avlonlcs ls a lengLhy and
expenslve malnLenance process.
llg. 23 shows Lhe slmulaLed specLrum aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33. noLe LhaL, ln Lhe measuremenL ln
llg. 36, Lhe dependence on frequency of Lhe converslon loss of Lhe harmonlc mlxer of Lhe
specLrum analyser has noL been consldered.
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


llg. 24. SlmulaLed slgnal afLer Lhe phoLodeLecLor ln llg. 33. (a) Slgnal ln Llme domaln afLer furLher low-
pass fllLerlng (Causslan 12.4 CPz). (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).

llg. 23. SlmulaLed opLlcal monocycles aL polnL (2) ln llg. 33 Lo be compared wlLh llg. 33.




Time )s,, #00 .s/-i@

llg. 22. SlmulaLed monocycles aL polnL (1) ln llg. 33 Lo be compared wlLh llg. 34. (a) Slgnal ln Llme
domaln. (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).




Time )s,, #00 .s /-i@
)b, )a,
0"0 $"1 5"# 1"% 11"$ 1%"0


re&'enc( )G*+,

llg. 21. SlmulaLed Causslan monocycles generaLed ln llg. 18 Lo be compared wlLh llg. 19. (a) Slgnal ln
Llme domaln. (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).




Time )s,, #00 .s/-i@
0"0 $"1 5"# 1"% 11"$ 1%"0


re&'enc( )G*+, )b, )a,
3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


AL Lhe recelver, Lhe nolse flgure of Lhe PA ln llg. 33 ls assumed Lo be 6 d8. An LC slgnal aL
37.3 CPz ls employed for down-converslon.
1he asymmeLry and polarlLy of Lhe eye dlagram ls dependenL on Lhe phase of Lhls LC slgnal
(ad[usLed by Lhe S ln llg. 33 ln Lhe experlmenL). llg. 26 shows Lhe slmulaLed eye dlagram and
specLrum of Lhe down-converLed slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 33 aL an LC phase of 223. 1he eye
dlagram ls symmeLrlc aL 270 (or aL 90 for lnverLed polarlLy).
lL ls verlfled LhaL Lhe Lransmlsslon over 100 m of SSMl [aLLenuaLlon: 0.2 d8/km [ 1330 nm,
dlsperslon: 16 ps/nm/km [ 1330 nm, dlsperslon slope: 0.08 ps/nm
/km] does noL pracLlcally
lmpacL Lhe uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band and down-converLed slgnal.
SlmulaLlon resulLs are ln excellenL agreemenL wlLh experlmenLal measuremenLs. SllghL
dlscrepancles are malnly ascrlbed Lo Lhe uncerLalnLy ln Lhe edges of Lhe frequency response of
Lhe ampllflers LnA and PA, and fllLers 8l 1 and 8l 2 ln llg. 33. 1he daLa of Lhese frequency
responses have been lnLerpolaLed llnearly. ln addlLlon, noLe LhaL Lhe nolse floor ln llg. 36 and
aL hlgh frequencles ln Lhe measuremenLs ln llg. 34 and llg. 37(b) ls llmlLed by LhaL of Lhe
specLrum analyser. 1hls llmlLaLlon ls noL presenL ln Lhe correspondlng slmulaLed Lraces.
ln order Lo evaluaLe Lhe 8L8 performance ln Lhe uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem, pseudorandom
blL sequence daLa are consldered. ln addlLlon, Lhe resldual 8l carrler frequency aL 37.3 CPz ln
Lhe specLrum of Lhe uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls suppressed conslderlng a commerclally-
avallable band-pass fllLer, 8l 1 ln llg. 33, dlfferenL from LhaL employed ln Lhe experlmenL
(referred as 8l 1b" ln 1able vlll), oLherwlse Lhe wlreless Lransmlsslon dlsLance ls llmlLed by
saLuraLlon of Lhe power ampllfler. llg. 27 shows Lhe slmulaLed slgnal aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33. AL
Lhe recelver, down-converslon ls performed employlng an LC aL 37.3 CPz, aL 300 phase Lo
opLlmlze Lhe 8L8. A Causslan low-pass fllLer wlLh a 3 d8 bandwldLh of 10 CPz ls employed aL
mlxer ouLpuL Lo remove Lhe unwanLed frequency componenLs. 8L8 esLlmaLlon ls performed by
sLaLlsLlcal analysls employlng a Chl-squared model, whlch provldes a more accuraLe esLlmaLlon
Lhan a Causslan model when Lhe Sn8 of Lhe sysLem ls domlnaLed by ampllfled opLlcal nolse.
1he sampllng lnsLanL and Lhe declslon Lhreshold for 8L8 esLlmaLlon are deLermlned by
opLlmum meLhods. 8L8 ls esLlmaLed ln each case evaluaLlng aL leasL 2
daLa symbols. llg. 28
shows Lhe down-converLed slgnal exhlblLlng a 8L8 of 7 10
, demonsLraLlng LhaL Lhe sysLem
ls error free. 1he fllLers Ll and 8l 2 ln llg. 33 are found Lo noL slgnlflcanLly lmpacL Lhe 8L8.

llg. 23. SlmulaLed specLrum of Lhe slgnal aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33 afLer 100 m SSMl Lransmlsslon Lo be
compared wlLh llg. 36 (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).

5# 57 51 58 #0 #1 #$ #! #% #5




re&'enc( )G*+,
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1he sysLem ls opLlmlzed ln order Lo maxlmlze Lhe number of remoLe anLenna unlLs supporLed
whlle meeLlng Lhe crlLerlon LhaL Lhe 8L8 performance ls below Lhe Lyplcal value for error-free
operaLlon of 10
wlLhouL employlng lLC codes aL 1.23 Cb/s. erformance analysls ls
performed as a funcLlon of Lhe dlfferenL conLrlbuLlons Lo overall opLlcal nolse due Lo Lhe
uncerLalnLy ln Lhe experlmenLal lndlvldual conLrlbuLlons. CpLlcal nolse conLrlbuLlons lnclude
Lhe nolse of Lhe orlglnal monocycles converLed Lo Lhe opLlcal domaln, relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse
from Lhe CW laser ln llg. 33, and ASL nolse from opLlcal ampllflcaLlon. 1he ASL nolse flgure ls
consldered flxed aL 4 d8.
noLe LhaL ln all slmulaLed, lL ls ensured LhaL Lhe maxlmum phoLodlode lnpuL power and 1 d8
compresslon polnL of Lhe elecLrlcal ampllflers LnA and PA ln llg. 33 ls noL exceeded.

llg. 28. SlmulaLed slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 33 Lo evaluaLe 8L8 performance. (a) Lye dlagram.
(b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).

llg. 27. SlmulaLed slgnal aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33 Lo evaluaLe 8L8 performance. (a) Slgnal ln Llme domaln
exhlblLlng Causslan envelope. (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).

5# 57 51 58 #0 #1 #$ #! #% #5




re&'enc( )G*+,
)b, )a,




Time )s,, $0 ns/-i@

llg. 26. SlmulaLed slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 33 Lo be compared wlLh llg. 37(b) and (d). (a) Lye dlagram.
(b) LlecLrlcal specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 600 kPz).

3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


llg. 29 and llg. 30 show Lhe 8L8 performance and Lhe maxlmum power specLral denslLy of Lhe
uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band as a funcLlon of Lhe modulaLlon lndlces of MZM 1 and MZM 2
ln llg. 33, deflned as
1 1
m V V

= and
2 2
m V V

= , where
V and
V are Lhe peak
ampllLude of Lhe lnpuL monocycles and LC slgnal, respecLlvely, and


are Lhe half-

wave volLage of Lhe MZM 1 and MZM 2, respecLlvely, shown ln 1able vlll. 1he 8L8 and power
specLral denslLy are shown as a funcLlon of Lhe relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse ln llg. 29(a) aL
20 nA/Pz
nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles, and ln llg. 29(b) for Lwo values of Lhe nolse of Lhe
lnpuL monocycles dlfferlng 1 d8 ln nolse flgure aL 8ln= -143 d8/Pz. As shown ln llg. 29 and llg.
30, Lhe hlgher Lhe LC ampllLude ls, Lhe beLLer Lhe 8L8 ls and Lhe hlgher Lhe power specLral
denslLy ls. 1he power specLral denslLy lncreases by approxlmaLely 7.6 d8 every Llme Lhe LC
power lncreases by 4 d8. lor
m hlgher Lhan 0.3, 8L8 degrades slgnlflcanLly as Lhe LC peak-
Lo-peak ampllLude ls hlgher Lhan

, enLerlng ln anoLher nonllnear parL of Lhe MZM 2 Lransfer

funcLlon. ln addlLlon, for
m lower Lhan approxlmaLely 0.16, 8L8 degrades rapldly as
decreases because Lhe Sn8 of Lhe generaLlon sysLem becomes domlnaLed by Lhermal nolse
lnsLead of by Lhe ampllfled opLlcal nolse. ln addlLlon, Lhere ls a range of
m wlLhln LhaL Lhe
8L8 approxlmaLely malnLalns aL lLs opLlmum value, for hlgher values of
m , Lhe 8L8
degrades rapldly as Lhe peak-Lo-peak ampllLude of Lhe lnpuL monocycles exceeds Lhe llnear
zone of Lhe MZM 1 Lransfer funcLlon appearlng slgnal cllpplng, and for lower values of
m ,
Lhe 8L8 degrades rapldly as Lhe Sn8 of Lhe sysLem becomes domlnaLed by Lhermal nolse. 1he
mlnlmum 8L8 ls aL
m = of approxlmaLely 10
m = aL 8ln= -143 d8/Pz, of
approxlmaLely 10
m = aL 8ln= -133 d8/Pz, and of approxlmaLely 10
m = aL 18 nA/Pz
A varlable opLlcal aLLenuaLor ls lnserLed aL Lhe flbre lnpuL Lo slmulaLe Lhe opLlcal spllLLlng and
dlsLrlbuLlon losses ln Lhe sysLem. CperaLlon as a funcLlon of Lhe number of remoLe anLenna
unlLs ls achleved by ad[usLlng Lhe aLLenuaLor aLLenuaLlon. 1he number of remoLe anLenna unlLs
supporLed for a glven opLlcal llnk budgeL (maxlmum aLLenuaLlon) depends on Lhe opLlcal
spllLLlng scheme. lor lnsLance, by conslderlng an opLlcal spllLLer 1 N aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe
opLlcal generaLlon sysLem, as shown ln llg. 20, N remoLe anLenna unlLs are supporLed and Lhe
same Sn8 ls recelved aL Lhe lnpuL of all remoLe anLenna unlLs. ln Lhls conflguraLlon, N flbres
would be requlred Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhe generaLed slgnal Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs. asslve
opLlcal spllLLers are commerclally avallable up Lo 1 128 wlLh Lyplcal lnserLlon loss of 13.3 d8,
16.3 d8, 20 d8, and 23.3 d8 for 1 16, 1 32, 1 64, and 1 128, respecLlvely [173]. 1he
opLlcal llnk budgeL depends on Lhe opLlcal power avallable aL Lhe lnpuL of Lhe opLlcal spllLLer.
1he sysLem performance has been evaluaLed for Lhe prevlous opLlmum modulaLlon lndlces of
MZM 1 and MZM 2 ln llg. 33, lncreaslng Lhe opLlcal power by lncreaslng Lhe galn of Lhe opLlcal
ampllfler by 7 d8 (from 23 Lo 32 d8). ln addlLlon, performance has been evaluaLed by lnserLlng
a second opLlcal ampllfler equal Lo Lhe flrsL one before Lhe opLlcal spllLLer. ln Lhls case, Lhe galn
of Lhe flrsL ampllfler ls seL Lo 19 d8 Lo noL exceed Lhe maxlmum lnpuL opLlcal power of 3 d8m
of Lhe second ampllfler, and Lhe galn of Lhe second ampllfler ls seL Lo Lhe maxlmum of 28 d8.
1he sysLem performance has been evaluaLed as a funcLlon of Lhe opLlcal llnk budgeL and
wlreless Lransmlsslon dlsLance.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1he wlreless channel ls slmulaLed only conslderlng free-space paLh losses lncludlng lLs
dependence on frequency. 1he anLennas are slmulaLed as a galn of 20 d8 as 20 d8l ls a Lyplcal
galn of commerclally-avallable horn anLennas ln Lhe 30-73 CPz band (e.g. Wlsewave, A8P-
1320-02, 3 d8 beamwldLh: 12) sulLable for Lhe LargeL ln-fllghL appllcaLlon.
llg. 31 shows performance as a funcLlon of Lhe aLLenuaLlon and opLlcal ampllflcaLlon aL
8ln= -143 d8/Pz and 20 nA/Pz
nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles for Lhe back-Lo-back
conflguraLlon (dlrecL connecLlon beLween polnL (4) ln llg. 33 and recelver). 1he maxlmum
power specLral denslLy aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33 ls also lndlcaLed ln llg. 31 for one opLlcal ampllfler
aL 23 d8 galn. ln llg. 31, Lhe performance ls llmlLed by Lhermal nolse for a larger number of
remoLe anLenna unlLs aL a glven opLlcal power. lncreaslng Lhe number of remoLe anLenna unlLs
degrades Lhe 8L8 due Lo Lhe reducLlon ln Lhe Sn8. Moreover, error-free operaLlon ls noL
achleved wlLhouL opLlcal ampllflcaLlon. lncreaslng Lhe opLlcal power lncreases Lhe number of
remoLe anLenna unlLs supporLed or lmproves Lhe Sn8 ln Lhe case llmlLed by Lhermal nolse
resulLlng ln lmproved performance. 1he mlnlmum 8L8 obLalned wlLh Lwo ampllflers ls noL
degraded compared Lo Lhe sysLem wlLh one ampllfler, whlch lndlcaLes LhaL no slgnal
degradaLlon ls lnduced by Lhe second opLlcal ampllfler. erformance ls also shown ln llg. 31 aL
8ln= -133 d8/Pz or 18 nA/Pz
nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles. AL lower opLlcal nolse, Lhe Sn8
becomes llmlLed by Lhermal nolse aL lower number of remoLe anLenna unlLs.

llg. 30. SlmulaLed maxlmum power specLral denslLy aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33 as a funcLlon of Lhe
modulaLlon lndlces of Lhe modulaLors and relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse.

0"1 0"$ 0"! 0"% 0"5
0"1 0"1# 0"$5 0"%
-1%5 -B/*+
-155 -B/*+





llg. 29. SlmulaLed 8L8 as a funcLlon of Lhe modulaLlon lndlces of Lhe modulaLors and (a) relaLlve
lnLenslLy nolse, (b) nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles.

0"1 0"$ 0"! 0"% 0"5
-1%5 -B/*+
-155 -B/*+

0"1 0"$ 0"! 0"% 0"5
$0 nA/*+
11 nA/*+

)a, )b,
3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


1he maxlmum power specLral denslLy decreases by 10 d8 every Llme Lhe opLlcal power
decreases by 3 d8, and decreases by approxlmaLely 1.6 d8 aL 8ln= -133 d8/Pz wlLh respecL Lo
8ln= -143 d8/Pz, or by 0.2 d8 aL nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles 18 nA/Pz
wlLh respecL Lo
20 nA/Pz
. ln case of employlng Lwo opLlcal ampllflers, Lhe maxlmum power specLral denslLy
decreases by 10 d8 every Llme Lhe galn decreases by 3.33 d8.
erformance as a funcLlon of Lhe wlreless Lransmlsslon dlsLance and opLlcal nolse aL a glven
opLlcal ampllflcaLlon and llnk budgeL ls compared ln llg. 32. 1he hlgher Lhe opLlcal power ls,
elLher Lhe longer Lhe wlreless range ls for error-free operaLlon aL a glven number of remoLe
anLenna unlLs or Lhe hlgher Lhe number of remoLe anLenna unlLs ls aL a glven wlreless range.
lor lnsLance, aL 64 remoLe anLenna unlLs, Lhe range lncreases from 3.2 m Lo 20 m by lncreaslng
Lhe opLlcal ampllflcaLlon from 23 d8 Lo 32 d8 or aL 128 remoLe anLenna unlLs, Lhe range
lncreases from 3.6 m Lo 149.6 m by lncreaslng Lhe opLlcal ampllflcaLlon from 32 d8 wlLh one
ampllfler Lo 47 d8 wlLh Lwo ampllflers.

llg. 32. SlmulaLed 8L8 as a funcLlon of Lhe wlreless dlsLance d and opLlcal nolse comparlng opLlcal
ampllflcaLlon and llnk budgeL. 1he 8L8 llmlL for error-free operaLlon ls shown vla a horlzonLal dashed llne.

1 EDA $5 -B C $0 -B 1 EDA !$ -B C $0 -B
1 EDA !$ -B C $5 -B $ EDA C $5 -B
$ EDA C !0 -B $ EDA C !5 -B $ EDA C %0 -B
0 5 10 15 $0 $5 !0 !5 %0 %5
-155 -B/*+
11 nA/*+

$0 3/2)-DmE,

llg. 31. SlmulaLed 8L8 as a funcLlon of opLlcal losses, opLlcal ampllflcaLlon, relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse, and
nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles.

0 5 10 15 $0 $5 !0 !5 %0 %5
-!8 -%8 -58 -#8 -78 -18
-155 -B/*+
11 nA/*+

P/0er 6.ectra3 Densit( )-Bm/M*+,
Atten'ati/n )-B,
1 EDA $5 -B
1 EDA !$ -B
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1he wlreless range decreases from 149.6 m Lo 44.7 m, 14.1 m or 3.8 m when Lhe llnk budgeL
lncreases from 23 d8 (128 remoLe anLenna unlLs) by 3 d8, 10 d8, or 13 d8 when employlng Lwo
opLlcal ampllflers. lurLhermore, Lhe wlreless dlsLance ls shorLer by decreaslng Lhe relaLlve
lnLenslLy nolse and ls longer by decreaslng Lhe nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles. 1hls suggesLs
LhaL Lhe opLlcal nolse ls llmlLed by Lhe nolse of Lhe lnpuL monocycles converLed Lo Lhe opLlcal
domaln. 1he range decreases from 44.7 m Lo 39.8 m when Lhe relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse
lncreases from -143 d8/Pz Lo -133 d8/Pz or lncreases from 44.7 m Lo 47.3 m when Lhe nolse
of Lhe lnpuL monocycles decreases from 20 Lo 18 nA/ Pz
1he slmulaLlon resulLs hereln reporLed demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe proposed 60 CPz uW8 radlo-
over-flbre sysLem can supporL a hlgh number of remoLe anLenna unlLs aL WAn dlsLances
lower Lhan 10 m requlred for Lhe LargeL ln-fllghL appllcaLlon.
&.&.. 72"erimental demonstration
An lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls generaLed and LransmlLLed over 100 m of
SSMl. 1he experlmenLal seLup ls shown ln llg. 33 and Lhe sysLem parameLers are shown ln
1able vlll.
AL Lhe cenLral unlL, Lhe generaLed Causslan monocycles shown ln llg. 19 are ampllfled and
converLed Lo opLlcal domaln by exLernal modulaLlon ln a MZM (MZM 1 ln llg. 33) blased aL Lhe
quadraLure polnL aL whlch Lhe operaLlon ls Lhe mosL llnear. A low-pass fllLer ls employed Lo
remove nolse aL expense of some dlsLorLlon ln Lhe sklrL of Lhe pulses. llg. 34 shows Lhe
Causslan monocycles measured aL polnL (1) ln llg. 33. llg. 33 shows Lhe opLlcal Causslan
monocycles measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 33. SubsequenLly, an opLlcal ampllfler seLs Lhe
emlsslon level of Lhe uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33. A Lunable opLlcal
band-pass fllLer ls employed Lo suppress ampllfled sponLaneous emlsslon (ASL) nolse.

llg. 33. LxperlmenLal seLup of Lhe 60 CPz uW8-over-flbre sysLem accordlng Lo llg. 20. 1he uW8
LransmlLLer ls LhaL shown ln llg. 18.

M;M 1
(2) P:
UP-:<NAE965<N ELE:T9<-<PT5:AL :<NAE965<N
Am. 1
M;M $
Am. $
Splitter 1xN





$% G&'
BP 1
BP $
3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


1able vlll. SysLem parameLers
uevlce uescrlpLlon CharacLerlsLlcs
Amp 1 lcosecond ulse Labs, urlver
Ampllfler 3863
Caln: 34 d8
nolse flgure: 6 d8
Ll Mlnl-ClrculLs, vL-41 3-d8 bandwldLh: 4.1 CPz
Loss >20 d8 [ 3.6 CPz
CW llberneL CenLer wavelengLh: 1339.8 nm
Average power: 14 d8m
MZM 1 Covega, Mach-40 003 3-d8 bandwldLh: 33 CPz
v: 3.7 v
LulA Amonlcs, ALulA-30-8 SaLuraLlon power: 30 d8m
nolse flgure: 4 d8
lnpuL power: -6 - 3 d8m
C8l 1ecos, lC-1370 8-2-1 3-d8 bandwldLh: 1 nm
MZM 2 Cornlng-C1l, 40 Cb/s 3-d8 bandwldLh: 30 CPz
v: 3 v
u u
L hoLonlcs, xuv31208-vl-lC 3-d8 bandwldLh: 73 CPz
8esponslvlLy: 0.63 A/W
uark currenL: 3.3 nA
1hermal nolse: 10 pA/GPz
Average lnpuL< 13 d8m
LnA 1erabeam-hxl, PLnAv-262 8andwldLh: 33 - 63 CPz
Caln: 18.7 d8
1d8: 10.3 d8m
nolse flgure: 4.3 d8
W8-13 connecLors
8l 1 Wlsewave, l8-13603040-01 3-d8 bandwldLh: 37.3 - 62.3 CPz
8e[ecLlon: 40 d8 [ 32 CPz, 68 CPz
assband lnserLlon loss: 1.3 d8
PA 1erabeam-hxl, PPAv-222 8andwldLh: 33 - 63 CPz
Caln: 28.7 d8
1d8: 14.3 d8m
8l 2 Spacek Labs, l60-10 3-d8 bandwldLh: 36.26 - 62 CPz
8e[ecLlon: 24 d8 [ 33 CPz, 22 d8 [
63.73 CPz
assband lnserLlon loss: 1.1 d8
4 AcLlve frequency
1erabeam-hxl, PAlMv4-138 CuLpuL frequency: 38.6 - 62.2 CPz
lnpuL power: 10 d8m
Max ouLpuL power: 13 d8m
W8-13, SMA connecLors

Spacek Labs, M60-10 8l bandwldLh: 33 - 63 CPz
ll bandwldLh: uC - 10 CPz
Converslon loss: 4.6 d8
LC power: 18 d8m
W8-13, SMA connecLors
LlecLrlcal slgnal
8ohde&SchwarLz, lSC40 9 kPz - 40 CPz
LxLernal harmonlc mlxer: 40 - 60 CPz,
24 d8 converslon loss
uCA AgllenL 86100C, P83481A and
LlecLrlcal bandwldLh: 12.4 CPz
CpLlcal bandwldLh: 30 CPz

8l 1b
(see SecLlon 3.3.3)
Spacek Labs, l60-3 3 d8 bandwldLh: 38.123 - 61.873 CPz
8e[ecLlon: 20 d8 [ 37.3 CPz, 29 d8 [
62.3 CPz
assband lnserLlon loss: 1.1 d8

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


SubsequenLly, frequency up-converslon of Lhe opLlcal Causslan monocycles employlng low-
frequency elecLroopLlc componenLs ls performed. A LC aL 14.23 CPz ls doubled ln frequency
and ampllfled Lo 14 d8m. 1he resulLlng 28.3 CPz slgnal ls modulaLed wlLh Lhe opLlcal Causslan
monocycles ln a MZM (MZM 2 ln llg. 33) blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL Lo perform
opLlcal carrler suppresslon modulaLlon. Causslan monocycles up-converLed Lo 37 CPz
(2 28.3 CPz) are obLalned afLer phoLodeLecLlon aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlL. 1he
phoLodeLecLor ouLpuL ls coupled Lo a low-nolse ampllfler by a W813 adapLer, and Lhen a band-
pass fllLer ls employed Lo fllLer Lhe 60 CPz band. llg. 36 shows Lhe elecLrlcal specLrum of Lhe
uW8 Causslan monocycles ln Lhe 60 CPz band Lo be radlaLed aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33 afLer
Lransmlsslon over 100 m of SSMl. ln pracLlce, Lhe resldual 8l carrler aL 37 CPz has Lo be
fllLered as lL may llmlL Lhe dynamlc range of Lhe recelver as well as Lhe power levels regulaLed
ln Lhe 60 CPz band, whlch are summarlzed ln 1able lv.
1o verlfy Lhe approprlaLe operaLlon, dlrecL demodulaLlon (wlLh no alr Lransmlsslon) of Lhe
37 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls performed by elecLrlcal heLerodyne recelver, as shown ln
llg. 33. 1he recelved 37 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls ampllfled by a hlgh-power ampllfler,
band-pass fllLered, and down-converLed employlng broadband elecLrlcal mlxlng wlLh a LC
slgnal aL 37 CPz. 1he LC slgnal ls generaLed by frequency quadrupllng of Lhe same LC slgnal
employed aL Lhe LransmlLLer. A phase shlfLer ls employed for assurlng proper phase maLchlng
for accuraLe down-converslon. llg. 37 shows Lhe down-converLed slgnal measured aL polnL (3)
ln llg. 33 afLer Lransmlsslon over 100 m of SSMl. ln llg. 37(c), Lhe orlglnal daLa paLLern can be
easlly recognlzed. 1he quallLy of Lhe down-converLed slgnal ls evaluaLed from Lhe Q-facLor
parameLer measured ln Lhe eye dlagram only on Lhe poslLlve parL of Lhe Causslan monocycle.
ln Lhls way, Lhe scope conslders Lhe pulse as a 8Z pulse and can measure Q-facLor.

llg. 33. CpLlcal Causslan monocycles measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 33.

Time )s,, 500 .s/-i@



llg. 34. Causslan monocycles measured aL polnL (1) ln llg. 33. (a) Slgnal ln Llme domaln. (b) LlecLrlcal
specLrum (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 300 kPz).

0"0 $"1 5"# 1"% 11"$ 1%"0


re&'enc( )G*+, )a, )b,
Time )s,, 500 .s/-i@





3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


LxcellenL quallLy of Lhe down-converLed slgnal wlLh a Q-facLor of approxlmaLely 7 ls obLalned.
1hls quallLy corresponds Lo a maxlmum Ll8 denslLy of approxlmaLely -13 d8m/MPz when a
galn of 20 d8l of a Lyplcal 60 CPz anLenna ls consldered. 1hls Ll8 level ls well below
13 d8m/MPz as of currenL 60 CPz regulaLlon. noLe LhaL no slgnal degradaLlon ls obLalned afLer
100 m SSMl Lransmlsslon compared wlLh Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon.
&.&.1 8ec!noeconomic analysis
1he 60 CPz uW8 radlo-over-flbre phoLonlc generaLlon demonsLraLed ln SecLlon 3.3.4
dlsLrlbuLes Lhe same slgnal, from a slngle source, Lo all seaLs ln Lhe plane LargeLlng Lo dlsLrlbuLe
Pu mulLlmedla conLenLs.

llg. 37. uown-converLed lmpulse-radlo uW8 Causslan monocycles afLer 100 m SSMl Lransmlsslon,
measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 33. (a) 1lme-domaln pulses (Llme span: 3 ns). (b) LlecLrlcal specLrum
(resoluLlon bandwldLh: 300 kPz). (c) 1lme-domaln pulses (Llme span: 20 ns) showlng Lhe orlglnal daLa
paLLern. (d) Lye dlagram.

llg. 36. LlecLrlcal specLrum of Lhe lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band afLer 100 m SSMl
Lransmlsslon, measured aL polnL (4) ln llg. 33 (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 300 kPz).

5#"0 5#"1 57"# 51"% 58"$ #0"0
re&'enc( )G*+,




3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


uW8 ls a shorL-range (WAn) very hlgh daLa raLe Lechnology. So Lhe slmplesL recelver ls of Lhe
uLmosL lnLeresL due Lo cosL and rellablllLy parameLers. CenLrallzed opLlcal frequency up-
converslon appears as an lnLeresLlng low-cosL soluLlon compared Lo perform broadband
elecLronlc mlxlng wlLh a 60 CPz LC ln each remoLe anLenna unlL of Lhe radlo-over-flbre sysLem.
ln Lhls SecLlon, Lhe cosL of Lhe 60 CPz uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem demonsLraLed ln SecLlon
3.3.4 based on phoLonlc generaLlon and frequency up-converslon aL Lhe cenLral unlL, shown ln
llg. 18 and llg. 33, ls compared wlLh an all-elecLrlcal approach based on convenLlonal
Lransmlsslon over flbre of dlglLal baseband daLa and furLher uW8 generaLlon and frequency
up-converslon aL remoLe anLenna unlLs ln Lhe elecLrlcal domaln, as shown ln llg. 38. 1he cosL
analysls ls based on real cosLs of commerclally avallable devlces (as of november 2009).
1he overall cosL of boLh sysLems as a funcLlon of Lhe number of remoLe anLenna unlLs ls
summarlzed ln 1able lx. 1he cosL ls also compared ln llg. 39. 1he elecLroopLlc converslon,
opLlcal ampllflcaLlon, opLlcal spllLLlng, flbre lnLerconnecLlons and low-nolse ampllflcaLlon are
consldered Lo be Lhe same ln boLh sysLems, shown ln llg. 33 and llg. 38 as Lhe grey-fllled area.
1he cosL of Lhe low-pass fllLer, opLlcal band-pass fllLer, and band-pass fllLer 1, ls noL consldered
ln Lhe analysls.
1he order ln whlch Lhe modulaLlons, MZM 1 and MZM 2 ln llg. 33, have been performed,
permlLs Lo perform Lhe elecLroopLlc converslon by dlrecL modulaLlon of laser dlodes aL relaLlve
low cosL and performance depends crlLlcally on Lhe selecLed laser. Whlle aL hlgher cosL, Lhe
scheme employlng exLernal MZM can generaLe hlgher modulaLed power resulLlng ln hlgher
Sn8 compared Lo dlrecL modulaLlon schemes. A 10 Cb/s LransmlLLer packaglng a laser dlode
and a MZM for cosL/performance raLlo beLLer Lhan Lhe alLernaLlve separaLed componenLs has
been consldered ln Lhe cosL analysls.

llg. 38. LlecLrlcal approach of Lhe 60 CPz uW8-over-flbre sysLem accordlng Lo llg. 20 Lo be compared
wlLh Lhe phoLonlc approach ln llg. 33.

M;M 1
(2) P:
ELE:T9<-<PT5:AL :<NAE965<N
Am. 1
Splitter 1xN
BP 1
$% G&'





3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


lanar llghLwave clrculL (LC) spllLLer modules lncludlng opLlcal connecLors are consldered for
opLlcal spllLLlng. 1he prlce consldered ln Lhe analysls corresponds Lo LhaL for one passlve
opLlcal spllLLer 1 16 aL Len remoLe anLenna unlLs, one 1 64 aL 30, one 1 128 aL 100, one
1 2 and Lwo 1 128 aL 230, and one 1 4 and four 1 128 aL 300.
100 m spools of SSMl (SMl-28e+ wlLh 900 m [ackeL aL $0.70/m) are consldered for flbre
lnLerconnecLlons ln Lhe cosL analysls.
lndlvldual modules wlLh connecLors are consldered for Lhe cosL evaluaLlon of Lhe phoLonlc
uW8 LransmlLLer. 1he cosL (~$33 000) of Lhe acLlvely mode-locked flbre laser employed ln Lhe
experlmenL aL 3-11 CPz repeLlLlon raLe drlves Lhe overall cosL of Lhe phoLonlc uW8
LransmlLLer. Mode-locked laser dlodes aL 10 CPz are commerclally avallable aL lower cosL, e.g.
L hoLonlcs, 1MLL1330, however, aL much lower power and worse nolse speclflcaLlons.
Mode-locked lasers aL repeLlLlon raLes of ~1 CPz (e.g., rl1el or Cneflve) are currenLly cusLom
deslgns aL a cosL exceedlng $33 000. neverLheless, pulsed sources aL 10 CPz repeLlLlon raLe
could be used employlng 8Z daLa wlLh adequaLe pulsewldLh so LhaL fuLure hlgher raLes could
be handled wlLh no addlLlonal cosL. CeneraLlon of opLlcal pulsed daLa by Lhe pulsed laser,
polarlzaLlon conLroller, opLlcal delay llne and elecLroopLlc modulaLor could be subsLlLuLed by a
low-cosL soluLlon conslsLlng ln a module lnLegraLlng 8Z pulse generaLor and daLa modulaLor
(e.g., !uS unlphase or Covega aL ~$1280 aL 10 Cb/s or hlgher raLe), slnusoldal drlve and
elecLrlcal phase shlfLlng lnsLead of Lhe opLlcal delay llne Lo ad[usL Lhe Llme gaLlng of Lhe opLlcal
pulses wlLh Lhe daLa. 1hls alLernaLlve has been consldered ln Lhe cosL evaluaLlon shown ln

llg. 39. Comparlson of Lhe overall cosL of Lhe phoLonlc radlo-over-flbre (8ol) vs. phoLonlc baseband and
elecLronlcs (88) schemes as a funcLlon of Lhe number of remoLe anLenna unlLs.

0 100 $00 !00 %00 500



N'mber /B 9AUs
1able lx. 1oLal cosL [uSu] phoLonlc radlo-over-flbre (8ol) vs. phoLonlc baseband and elecLronlcs (88)
# 8emoLe anLenna unlLs 1 10 30 100 230 300
8ol cenLral unlL 14,397 14,397 14,397 14,397 14,397 14,397
8ol remoLe anLenna unlLs 801.2 8,012 38,162 71,826 163,233 280,830
88 cenLral unlL 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
88 remoLe anLenna unlLs 1,049 10,400 42,083 79,829 147,073 287,230
8ol and 88 SpllLLlng+llbre 70 933 4,320 8,300 20,393 41,140
8ol CCMLL1L uLLC?MLn1 13,268 23,344 36,879 94,723 198,244 336,367
88 CCMLL1L uLLC?MLn1 8,119 18,333 33,403 93,329 189,668 333,390

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1able lx and llg. 39. ln addlLlon, an adequaLe chlrped l8C ls consldered for pulse sLreLchlng aL
lower cosL Lhan by 10 km of SSMl employed ln Lhe experlmenL. A 10 Cb/s dlfferenLlal
phoLorecelver lncludlng one phoLodlode ls consldered aL much lower cosL Lhan a 43 Cb/s
phoLorecelver comprlslng Lwo phoLodlodes, as employed ln Lhe experlmenL.
lrequency doubllng and furLher ampllflcaLlon for opLlcal frequency up-converslon could be
performed by an acLlve frequency doubler, whlch ls avallable ln low-cosL monollLhlc
mlcrowave lnLegraLed clrculL (MMlC) Lechnology. A commerclal volLage-conLrolled osclllaLor
MMlC chlp ls consldered as well. 1he unlL prlce of Lhese MMlC chlps ls under $30 aL > Len
unlLs. 1he packaglng of a MMlC chlp lnLo a module wlLh connecLors lncreases Lhe prlce by
1he cosL of Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs ln boLh sysLems ls obLalned by summlng up Lhe cosLs of
Lhelr consLlLuLlve parLs, conslderlng lndlvldual chlps, whlch, ln pracLlce, would be lnLegraLed
lnLo a slngle module reduclng slgnlflcanLly cosLs because of Lhe reduced packaglng cosLs.
neverLheless, Lhe number of lnLerconnecLs and packaglng of Lhe module crlLlcally lmpacL Lhe
performance and overall cosL of boLh sysLems.
1he overall cosL of Lhe radlo-over-flbre approach crlLlcally depends on Lhe cosL of Lhe 60 CPz
phoLodeLecLor aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs, whlch depends on Lhe Lype of packaglng, as well
as several oLher facLors, such as mlnlmum speclflcaLlons and Lhe Lype of LesLlng or assurances.
CurrenLly, few manufacLurers produce phoLodeLecLors capable of worklng ln Lhe 60 CPz band
ln hlgh volume. 1he markeL of Lhese phoLodeLecLors has noL maLured yeL. 1he appllcaLlon
hereln proposed would noL requlre Lhe ulLlmaLe speclflcaLlons of Lhe hlgh-performance
phoLodeLecLor employed ln Lhe experlmenL. 1he unlL prlce of Lhe phoLodeLecLor consldered ln
Lhe cosL analysls corresponds Lo LhaL of a chlp wlLh connecLor upon Lhe end of a flbre opLlcal
cable wlLh a guaranLeed 3 d8 bandwldLh >30 CPz and 10 d8 bandwldLh >60 CPz, hlgh
maxlmum responslvlLy >0.36 A/W, and polarlzaLlon dependenL loss (uL) < 0.1 d8. ln addlLlon,
Lhls phoLodeLecLor feaLures excellenL pulse response and hlgh opLlcal power capablllLy. As
shown ln 1able lx, Lhe unlL prlce of Lhe phoLodeLecLor ls slgnlflcanLly beLLer for hlgh quanLlLles.
lL should be noLed LhaL a currency change of 1 t= 1.43 uSu has been consldered for Lhe prlce
of Lhe 60 CPz phoLodeLecLor.
ln 1able lx, Lhe cosL of a phoLodeLecLor wlLh coaxlal packaglng lncludlng flbre connecLor aL
3 d8 bandwldLh >2.3 CPz ls consldered Lo evaluaLe Lhe cosL of Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs ln Lhe
elecLrlcal scheme.
1o Lhe besL of our knowledge, lmpulse-radlo uW8 LransmlLLers capable of provldlng Lhe mulLl-
Cb/s wlreless communlcaLlon requlred by mulLlmedla sLreamlng ln WAn appllcaLlons are noL
commerclally avallable. A Causslan monocycle generaLor conslsLlng of an lmpulse generaLor
followed by an lmpulse formlng neLwork ls a commerclally avallable soluLlon [33]. 1hls lmpulse
generaLor requlres a clock lnpuL Lo generaLe lmpulses, whlch can be gaLed by exLernal daLa up
Lo 2.3 Cb/s. AlLhough Lhe cosL of Lhls generaLor ls slgnlflcanLly reduced for hlgh quanLlLles, lL
makes no sense Lo employ Lhls generaLor aL remoLe anLenna unlLs from Lhe cosL polnL of vlew.
ln addlLlon, few elecLrlcal lmpulse-radlo uW8 LransmlLLers wlLh glgablL modulaLlon capablllLles
have been demonsLraLed ln Lhe llLeraLure [31], [34]. 1he slngle-chlp proLoLype demonsLraLed
3.3 60 CPz radlo-over-flbre for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons


ln [31] lncludes reconflgurable and modulaLlon capablllLles up Lo 2.3 Cb/s. 1hls LransmlLLer has
been lmplemenLed ln 0.18 m CMCS Lechnology wlLh poLenLlal cosL advanLage. Powever,
Lhese clrculLs employ compllcaLed elecLronlc clrculLry and are noL easy Lo manufacLure.
Compared Lo all elecLrlcal LransmlLLers, Lhe phoLonlc generaLlon of monocycles employed ln
Lhe proposed sysLem ln SecLlon 3.3.4 has Lechnlcal advanLages, as lL ls slmple ln operaLlon
prlnclple, easlly reconflgurable ln daLa raLe and bandwldLh belng capable of provldlng wlder
bandwldLh and raLes hlgher Lhan 2.3 Cb/s sulLable for fuLure upgrade, whlle lL ls able Lo
provlde hlgher-quallLy pulses.
ln 1able lx, Lhe cosL of an elecLrlcal uW8 LransmlLLer based on CluM uW8 Lranscelvers, whlch
are commerclally avallable, ls consldered. A number of sLandard-compllanL CluM uW8
Lranscelver chlpseLs aL daLa raLes up Lo 480 Mb/s are commerclally avallable. lor lnsLance,
Alereon AL3100/AL3300 chlpseLs are produced ln hlgh volume (>10 000 unlLs) for Lhe Lop-Ller
C and consumer elecLronlcs vendors. 1he unlL prlce of Lhese chlpseLs ls under $10 aL
Lhousands of chlpseLs wlLhouL nelLher nondlsclosure agreemenL, nor volume commlLmenL. 1he
cosL of Lhe elecLrlcal uW8 LransmlLLer consldered ln 1able lx has been obLalned by summlng
up Lhe cosL of Lhree CluM uW8 chlpseLs, provldlng an aggregaLed daLa raLe of 1.44 Cb/s, and
Lhe cosL of a four-porL comblner module wlLh SMA connecLors aL 4-8 CPz frequency range,
whlch would be employed Lo comblne Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe Lhree chlpseLs. A unlL prlce of $130,
$100, $30 and $30 of Lhe CluM uW8 chlpseL ls assumed up Lo 10, 100, 230 and 300 unlLs,
60 CPz MMlC dles are consldered for Lhe local osclllaLors, mlxers, frequency quadruplers and
low-nolse ampllflers aL remoLe anLenna unlLs aL very low cosL under $30 aL > Len unlLs. 1he
cosL of Lhe osclllaLor and low-nolse ampllfler ls Lhe same ln boLh sysLems under comparlson.
noLe LhaL Lhe 60 CPz MMlC mlxer and frequency quadrupler exhlblL worse performance Lhan
Lhe correspondlng proLoLype modules employed ln Lhe experlmenL. Many 60 CPz MMlC
chlpseLs have been demonsLraLed [182] and Lhere are also commerclally avallable (e.g.
Lndwave or CoLmlc).
lrom Lhe cosL comparlson shown ln llg. 39, Lhe uW8 radlo-over-flbre approach presenLs
deploymenL cosL equlvalenL Lo cosL assoclaLed Lo a convenLlonal baseband Lransmlsslon
scheme based on elecLronlcs even conslderlng LhaL Lhe radlo-over-flbre approach presenLed
here operaLes ln Lhe 60 CPz radlo band. uevlces and subsysLems operaLlon aL 60 CPz, malnly
Lhe 60 CPz phoLodeLecLor, drlve Lhe budgeL ln Lhls case. lL ls expecLed LhaL when 60 CPz
Lechnology became maLure, radlo-over-flbre cosL wlll drop subsLanLlally, maklng Lhe radlo-
over-flbre approach especlally lnLeresLlng for large counL deploymenLs. lurLhermore, Lhe
radlo-over-flbre Lechnlque ls advanLageous ln Lerms of Lransparency Lo Lhe speclflc wlreless
sLandard noL requlrlng modulaLlon aL each remoLe anLenna unlL, large bandwldLh, more
flexlblllLy ln Lerms of bandwldLh and daLa raLe.
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


&.. -ualband generation by fre6uency s!ifting in remote
connectivity fibre
An lmpulse-radlo uW8 phoLonlc generaLlon Lechnlque based on frequency shlfLlng ln Lhe
remoLe connecLlvlLy flbre ln opLlcal access neLworks ls proposed and analysed ln Lhls h.u.
Lhesls [8el10b], [8el11d]. 1hls Lechnlque ls based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon modulaLlon
comblned wlLh flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon LargeLlng Lo overcome Lhe bandwldLh llmlLaLlon of
opLlcal up-converslon, wlLh Lhe advanLage of belng easlly reconflgurable generaLlng
slmulLaneously dlfferenL 8l bands. A comprehenslve slmulaLlon analysls ls performed wlLh
speclal focus on capablllLles for dual 24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon palred wlLh experlmenLal
demonsLraLlon aL 1.23 Cb/s. 60 CPz wlreless performance afLer opLlcal generaLlon and
Lransmlsslon ln 12.3 km of SSMl ls measured demonsLraLlng error-free Lransmlsslon aL 1 m
radlo dlsLance. 1he lncluslon of remoLe Causslan monocycle pulse shaplng ls also analysed ln
Lhls paper conslderlng dual 24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon. ulse-shaped dual 24 CPz/60 CPz
generaLlon ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed aL 1.23 Cb/s. 1ransmlsslon performance ls
measured aL 24 CPz demonsLraLlng error-free Lransmlsslon. 1he slmulaLlon analysls furLher
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe Lechnlque ls sulLable for uW8 generaLlon aL hlgher 8l bands such as Lhe W-
band (73-110 CPz). racLlcal lmplemenLaLlon conslderaLlons and Lrade-offs (e.g., ln Lerms of
cosL and number of remoLe anLenna unlLs supporLed) of Lhls sysLem are also analysed by
slmulaLlon showlng LhaL Lhe Lechnlque ls cosL effecLlve.
&...1 Introduction
uW8 radlo Lransmlsslons have been allocaLed ln Lhe frequency range from 3.1 Lo 10.6 CPz [1].
uW8 can also operaLe ln Lhe 24 CPz band for vehlcular shorL-range radar appllcaLlons [2].
uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls an open opporLunlLy Lo overcome coexlsLence lssues
wlLh oLher radlo Lechnologles operaLlng ln Lhe same frequency band, such as 3.3 CPz WlMAx
and 3 CPz Wl-ll. uW8 bandwldLh ln currenL regulaLlon (up Lo 7.3 CPz) can be allocaLed very
well ln Lhe unllcensed frequency range regulaLed for generlc 60 CPz radlo worldwlde:
37-66 CPz ln Lurope and AusLralla, 37-64 CPz ln Lhe u.S. and Canada, 39-66 CPz ln !apan.
lurLhermore, uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band permlLs Lo lncrease Lhe mean Ll8 denslLy
from -41.3 d8m/MPz as ln currenL uW8 regulaLlon worldwlde Lo 13 d8m/MPz as permlLLed ln
regulaLlon ln force ln Lhe band [17]. 1hls permlLs exLendlng uW8 reach provlded Lhe 20 d8
hlgher free-space paLh loss ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls compensaLed. neverLheless, Lhe aLmospherlc
aLLenuaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band of up Lo approxlmaLely 30 d8/km furLher llmlLs ouLdoor reach
[18]. uW8 radlo-over-flbre Lransmlsslon has been lndlcaLed as a rapld and cosL-effecLlve
soluLlon Lo dellver hlgh-bandwldLh servlces ln l11P neLworks [Llo08a], [Llo08c], as dlscussed ln
SecLlon 2.3.4. 60 CPz uW8 LargeLs Lo provlde mulLl-Cb/s WAn connecLlvlLy ln such home
envlronmenLs [8el10c], as proposed ln SecLlon 4. 60 CPz uW8 also LargeLs envlronmenLs
where lnLerference ls a crlLlcal lssue llke alrcrafLs, LelecommunlcaLlon operaLors, and
governmenL premlses [8el09a], as proposed ln SecLlon 3.3.
3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre


A number of lmpulse-radlo uW8-over-flbre sysLems have been demonsLraLed ln dlfferenL 8l
bands, as summarlzed ln 1able l. ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band, wlreless dlsLances below 1 m have
been demonsLraLed meeLlng regulaLlon ln Lhe u.S. and employlng CCk modulaLlon up Lo
3.123 Cb/s for opLlcal access neLworks. ln Lhe 60 CPz band, up Lo 40 km of SSMl and 3 m
wlreless Lransmlsslon has been demonsLraLed employlng 8Sk modulaLlon aL 1.44 Cb/s
[8el10c], as demonsLraLed ln SecLlon 4.1, or up Lo 6.3 km of SSMl and 2 m employlng CCk aL
3.123 Cb/s [8el11b], as demonsLraLed ln SecLlon 4.2. llnally, an opLlcal sysLem operaLlng ln Lhe
73-110 CPz band (W-band) has been demonsLraLed up Lo 1.6 m of wlreless dlsLance
employlng CCk modulaLlon aL 2.3 Cb/s and a dlsperslon-compensaLed llnk for hlgh-denslLy
user ln-bulldlng appllcaLlons [39].
1hls h.u. Lhesls LargeLs Lo provlde a comprehenslve slmulaLlon analysls palred wlLh
supporLlng experlmenLal work ln order Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe Lechnlcal aspecLs and posslble
conflguraLlons of a mulLlband lmpulse-radlo uW8 opLlcal generaLlon Lallored for uW8-over-
flbre Lransmlsslon ln opLlcal access neLworks.
1he prlnclple of operaLlon of Lhe proposed Lechnlque ls presenLed ln SecLlon 3.4.3. SecLlon
3.4.4 descrlbes slmulaLlon work demonsLraLlng mulLlband capablllLles and addresslng pracLlcal
conslderaLlons. uual-band operaLlon ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln SecLlon 3.4.3
employlng Lwo dlfferenL sysLem conflguraLlons. Lnabllng Lechnologles for a slmple and cosL-
effecLlve pracLlcal lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe uW8-over-flbre sysLem are dlscussed ln SecLlon
&...2 Integrating multiband o"eration in t!e o"tical access network
llg. 40 deplcLs Lhe appllcaLlon scenarlo conslderlng opLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnals and radlo-over-flbre Lransmlsslon Lhrough Lhe remoLe connecLlvlLy flbre ln a l11P
neLwork. hoLonlc generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 ls capable of slmulLaneously generaLe
uW8 slgnals ln dlfferenL 8l bands, ranglng from baseband Lo mllllmeLre-wave. ln Lhls way, Lhe
same uW8 slgnal can slmulLaneously provlde a wlde varleLy of funcLlonallLles [8el10b]. 1he
proposed opLlcal generaLlon Lechnlque can be lnLegraLed ln l11P neLworks Lo dellver 60 CPz
servlces such as hlgh-speed daLa and Pu audlo/vldeo sLreamlng, and also Lo provlde
connecLlvlLy Lo an uW8-enabled cell phone operaLlng ln Lhe sLandard 3.1-10.6 CPz band, as
deplcLed ln llg. 40.
ln [8el11d], we furLher lnvesLlgaLe by slmulaLlon Lhe capablllLles of uW8 over flbre Lo
slmulLaneously generaLe an lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 24 CPz band for vehlcular radar
and lnfrasLrucLure-Lo-car communlcaLlons appllcaLlons served by an opLlcal access
lnfrasLrucLure, as ls also deplcLed ln llg. 40.
1he proposed uW8-over-flbre generaLlon scheme requlres up-converslon aL a cenLral unlL,
Pead-end ln llg. 40, and furLher frequency shlfLlng Lo dlfferenL 8l bands. 1hls ls performed by
dlfferenL LoLal dlsperslon ln Lhe flbre llnks provldlng remoLe connecLlvlLy. ln addlLlon, dual
24 CPz/60 CPz band generaLlon ls experlmenLally demonsLraLed employlng a dlfferenL sysLem
conflguraLlon and Causslan-monocycle shaplng aL 24 CPz remoLe anLenna unlLs.
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


erformlng slmple ad[usLable pulse shaplng remoLely ls proposed Lo flexlbly adapL Lhe uW8
specLrum Lo dlfferenL flbre dlsperslon. Causslan-monocycle shaplng can provlde specLrum
flexlblllLy and could permlL Lo radlaLe Lhe baseband slgnal, whlch ls also avallable afLer
phoLodeLecLlon, ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band employlng commerclally avallable anLennas [24].
noLe LhaL Lhls work ls focused on dual 24 CPz/60 CPz band operaLlon. neverLheless,
mulLlband operaLlon ls also addressed ln Lhls work conslderlng hlgher frequency bands, ln
parLlcular Lhe 73-110 CPz band. Plgher frequency bands show larger poLenLlal bandwldLhs
avallable and lower aLmospherlc aLLenuaLlon whlch could exLend wlreless reach. 1hls approach
could be alLernaLlvely lmplemenLed lnLroduclng opLlcal uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe l11P
resldenLlal gaLeway, 8C ln llg. 40, provlded an ln-home opLlcal dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork ls ln place
Lhus reduclng Lhe poLenLlal lmpacL of fallure ln Lhe cenLral head-end unlL.
&...& 9rinci"le of o"eration
llg. 41 shows Lhe Lechnlque proposed for generaLlon of 8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln Lhe
opLlcal domaln. AL Lhe head-end unlL, Lransform-llmlLed opLlcal pulses wlLh pulsewldLh
T and
opLlcal bandwldLh are chlrped and sLreLched ln Llme Lo
1 IN t
T D = ln a flrsL dlsperslve
elemenL wlLh LoLal dlsperslon
1 t
D . 1he generaLlon Lechnlque relles on Lhe converslon of Lhe
specLral componenLs of Lhe pulsed laser Lo Llme domaln (wavelengLh-Lo-Llme mapplng). 1hls ls
performed ln Lhe flrsL dlsperslve elemenL as long as Lhe condlLlon
0 0
| | << T ls meL, where

ls Lhe flrsL-order dlsperslon coefflclenL [183]. 1he specLrally-resolved pulses ls Lhe lmpulse-
radlo slgnal whlch ls modulaLed wlLh a LC slgnal wlLh frequency
f ln an lnLenslLy elecLroopLlc
modulaLor Lo perform frequency up-converslon. 1he modulaLed lmpulse-radlo slgnal ls
dlspersed ln a second dlsperslve elemenL wlLh LoLal dlsperslon
2 t
D for furLher frequency
shlfLlng. 1he second dlsperslve elemenL sLreLches or compresses Lhe lmpulse-radlo envelope
by a facLor
2 1
1 /
t t
M D D = + , resulLlng ln furLher frequency down-shlfLlng or up-shlfLlng,
respecLlvely. 1lme sLreLchlng ls performed when
1 t
D and
2 t
D have Lhe same slgn ( 1 > M )
whereas Lhe envelope ls compressed ln Llme when
1 t
D and
2 t
D have opposlLe slgn ( 0 1 < M )
[184]. 1lme compresslon or sLreLchlng of a Llme-reversed verslon of Lhe lmpulse-radlo
envelope ls performed when
1 t
D and
2 t
D have opposlLe slgn so LhaL 1 0 < < M or 1 M < ,
respecLlvely [183]. 1he envelope ls Lhe Llme-reversed verslon of Lhe orlglnal envelope aL
1 M = (nor Llme compresslon or sLreLchlng).

llg. 40. 8adlo-over-flbre sysLem lnLegraLlng opLlcal access neLwork and ouLdoor/ln-bulldlng radlo
Lransmlsslon of mulLlband mulLl-Cb/s lmpulse-radlo uW8 for several appllcaLlons.

3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre


1hls chlrped mlcrowave ampllLude modulaLlon Lechnlque wlLh maLched dlsperslon has been
demonsLraLed for several appllcaLlons [184], [186]. Chlrped opLlcal pulses LhaL are ampllLude-
modulaLed by a mlcrowave slgnal have been used for frequency shlfLlng of Lhe mlcrowave
slgnal [184]. 1he Lechnlque has also been used Lo lncrease Lhe sampllng raLe and lnpuL
bandwldLh of elecLronlc analogue-Lo-dlglLal converLers [186]. 1he appllcaLlon of Lhe Lechnlque
for radlo over flbre wlLh mulLlband capablllLles ls proposed ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls. ln Lhls
appllcaLlon, Lhe same flbre employed Lo provlde remoLe connecLlvlLy, e.g. SSMl ln l11P
neLworks, ls employed as second dlsperslve elemenL. 1he use of opLlcal carrler suppresslon
modulaLlon by blaslng a MZM aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL ls also proposed for Lhls
appllcaLlon. 1hls reduces 8l power fadlng lnduced by flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon aL expense of
reduced power [143]. 8l power fadlng llmlLs LC frequency wlLhouL employlng dlsperslon
compensaLlon [186]. CpLlcal carrler suppresslon also relaxes frequency requlremenL of Lhe up-
converslon sLage for frequency shlfLlng Lo Lhe same cenLre frequency ln Lhe same remoLe flbre.
1hls frequency requlremenL ls furLher relaxed when Llme compresslon ls performed Lhus
effecLlvely reduclng cosL. lurLhermore, Lwo 8l bands cenLred aL /
f M and 2 /
f M are
generaLed ln Lhe same remoLe flbre afLer phoLodeLecLlon when opLlcal carrler suppresslon
modulaLlon ls employed. 1hls enables up-converslon Lo Lhe same cenLre frequency ln Lwo
remoLe flbres wlLh dlfferenL LoLal dlsperslon from Lhe same head-end unlL wlLhouL employlng
dlsperslon compensaLlon. 1wo addlLlonal LoLal dlsperslons are posslble for Lhls purpose when
Lhe correspondlng Llme-reversed verslons are generaLed, l.e. Lhe same value of M wlLh
opposlLe slgn ls employed.
ln order Lo generaLe aL a glven cenLre frequency slmulLaneously by LoLal dlsperslons of remoLe
flbre beyond Lhe four cases dlscussed above, dlsperslon could be managed by addlng remoLe
dlsperslon compensaLlon. 1hls can be of lnLeresL ln l11P neLworks where dlfferenL dlsLances
exlsL from Lhe cenLral head-end unlL Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs, Lhe number of cenLral
head-end unlLs belng a Lrade-off for a hlgh-number of remoLe anLenna unlLs. 8emoLe
dlsperslon compensaLlon could be cenLrallzed ln resldenLlal gaLeways, 8C ln llg. 40, Lo slmpllfy
remoLe anLenna unlLs and reduce cosL. Powever, Lhe varlaLlon ln Lhe ln-home flbre lengLhs
could lnduce performance degradaLlon llmlLlng spllLLlng raLlos ln l11P Lo supporL more users.
AL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs, 8Au ln llg. 41, Lhe lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals are

llg. 41. SchemaLlc dlagram of Lhe phoLonlc Lechnlque for 8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon based on
frequency shlfLlng by Lhe dlsperslve flbre provldlng remoLe connecLlvlLy.
2 1
1 /
t t
M D D = + .

UWB .'3ses
'.-c/n@erte- t/
:4ir.e- .'3se

IN t
T =
t t t t
1 t
$ t
f M
$ /
f M
Time-c/m.resse- .'3se
3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


phoLodeLecLed, ampllfled, fllLered, and radlaLed Lo Lhe end-user Lermlnals. 1he baseband
slgnal ls also avallable afLer phoLodeLecLlon, whlch can be used elLher for a wlred connecLlvlLy
employlng a low-speed recelver or for uW8 wlreless connecLlvlLy ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band,
shown ln llg. 40, provlded adequaLe pulse shaplng ls performed ln Lhe sysLem [27].
1he use of lul for frequency shlfLlng and remoLe connecLlon poses an lnLeresLlng soluLlon for
mulLlband generaLlon of 8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals performlng boLh Llme compresslon and
Llme sLreLchlng from Lhe same head-end unlL. Compared wlLh uCl, lul ls more sulLable for
opLlcal Lransmlsslon [169].
&.... Simulation analysis
A model of Lhe phoLonlc generaLlon Lechnlque deplcLed ln llg. 41 has been developed
employlng Lhe slmulaLlon Lool vlLransmlsslonMaker` (verslon 8.3). 1he slmulaLlon model has
been employed Lo deslgn Lhe sysLem for Lhe experlmenLal demonsLraLlons reporLed ln SecLlon
3.4.3, Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe operaLlon prlnclple dlscussed ln SecLlon 3.4.3. 1he slmulaLlon
model has been verlfled from experlmenLal measuremenLs, as shown ln SecLlon 3.4.3.
MulLlband generaLlon capablllLles of Lhe 8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon Lechnlque have
been lnvesLlgaLed by slmulaLlon employlng Lhe experlmenLal head-end unlL ln SecLlon 3.4.3.
lurLhermore, Lhe lnfluence of uW8 pulse shape has been analysed lncludlng Causslan-
monocycle shaplng ln Lhe sysLem. 1he operaLlonal llmlLs employlng boLh Causslan and
Causslan-monocycle pulse shapes have also been lnvesLlgaLed by slmulaLlon conslderlng
lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 24 CPz, 60 CPz, and 73-110 CPz bands.
ln slmulaLlon, hyperbollc-secanL pulses modulaLed wlLh daLa aL 1.23 Cb/s are generaLed aL
1330 nm by an opLlcal pulse LransmlLLer. 1he pulses have 2 ps lWPM and 1.27 nm of 3 d8
bandwldLh, as ln Lhe experlmenLs ln SecLlon 3.4.3. ulsperslve flbre ls consldered as flrsL
dlsperslve elemenL. A dlsperslon coefflclenL of 17 ps/nm/km aL 1330 nm ls consldered for
remoLe SSMl.
/imultaneous multiand generation in di))erent remote )ires in $,,H
1he capablllLy of Lhe Lechnlque ln llg. 41 of generaLlng lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln dlfferenL 8l
bands by remoLe flbres wlLh dlfferenL LoLal dlsperslon from Lhe same head-end unlL has been
lnvesLlgaLed by slmulaLlon. 1he analysls ls focused on Lhe 24 CPz, 60 CPz, and 73-110 CPz
bands. MulLlband generaLlon from Lhe head-end unlL conflgured as ln Lhe 60 CPz experlmenL ln
SecLlon 3.4.3 ls hereln demonsLraLed. 1he opLlcal band pass fllLer (C8l) llmlLlng Lhe opLlcal
bandwldLh ln Lhe experlmenL ls modelled as a Causslan fllLer wlLh 0.8 nm of 3 d8 bandwldLh.
uW8 bandwldLh cenLred aL 2 /
f M can be generaLed by 12.6 km of remoLe SSMl for 60 CPz,
as shown ln llg. 42(b), and by 17 km of remoLe SSMl for 93.73 CPz, as shown ln llg. 42(c). up-
converslon Lo a cenLre frequency of 23 CPz can be performed by 3 km of remoLe lul wlLh a
dlsperslon coefflclenL of -17 ps/nm/km aL 1330 nm, as shown ln llg. 42(a). CLher lul lengLhs are
supporLed provlded lul wlLh a dlfferenL dlsperslon coefflclenL ls employed [169].
3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre


ln addlLlon, a cenLre frequency of /
f M can be generaLed by 10 km of remoLe SSMl for
23 CPz, as shown ln llg. 42(d), by 18.8 km of remoLe SSMl for 60 CPz, and by 21 km of remoLe
SSMl for 93.73 CPz. 1he correspondlng lengLhs of remoLe SSMl when Llme reversal ls
performed are 33 km and 40 km for 23 CPz, 37.4 km and 31.2 km for 60.623 CPz, and 33 km and
29 km for 93.73 CPz, respecLlvely. 1hls demonsLraLes LhaL Lhe Lechnlque can operaLe wlLh
remoLe SSMl wlLh lengLh exceedlng Lyplcal l11P dlsLances. 1he number of cenLral head-end
unlLs can be reduced by lncreaslng Lhe reach of Lhe passlve l11P neLwork. 1he goal ls Lo reduce
operaLlng expenses. Powever, long flbre dlsLances can lnduce 8l power fadlng and also reduce
spllLLlng raLlo Lhus reduclng number of remoLe anLenna unlLs served by a head-end unlL.
ulfferenL LoLal dlsperslon of remoLe flbre can lnduce dlfferenL uW8 bandwldLh and Lolerance
Lo varlaLlon ln Lhe LoLal dlsperslon of remoLe flbre, as shown ln 1able x. 1he smallesL uW8
bandwldLh llmlLs Lhe maxlmum daLa raLe whlch can be provlded by Lhe head-end unlL ln
dlfferenL 8l bands slmulLaneously. 1he hlgher Lhe LoLal dlsperslon of remoLe flbre, Lhe uW8
specLrum ls more senslLlve Lo Lhe varlaLlon ln Lhe LoLal llnk dlsperslon whlch can be lnduced by
lnaccuracy ln Lhe locaLlon of remoLe anLenna unlLs and by Lhe Lhermal senslLlvlLy of Lhe
dlsperslon coefflclenL of remoLe flbre. 1he hlgher Lhe LemperaLure varlaLlons, Lhe lower Lhe
performance and Lherefore Lhe number of users supporLed wlLhouL employlng adapLlve
dlsperslon compensaLlon could be reduced. 1he maxlmum permlsslble performance
degradaLlon wlll deLermlne Lhe maxlmum ln-home flbre dlsLance Lo cenLrallze remoLe flbre
lengLh compensaLlon ln resldenLlal gaLeways. lor lnsLance, for Lhe conflguraLlon ln 1able x,
performance does noL vary slgnlflcanLly ln Lhe 60 CPz band for a varlaLlon ln Lhe remoLe SSMl
lengLh of 400 m. 8y conslderlng Lhe equlvalenL varlaLlon ln Lhe LoLal dlsperslon of remoLe flbre,
Lhls could cover Lyplcal ln-bulldlng connecLlons Lo slmple remoLe anLenna unlLs whlle
LoleraLlng reasonable LemperaLure changes.
1he operaLlonal llmlLs of Lhe proposed Lechnlque have been lnvesLlgaLed by slmulaLlon. 1able
xl lncludes some examples of sysLem parameLers for lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe
24 CPz band, ln Lhe 60 CPz band as well as ln Lhe 73-110 CPz band. noLe Lhe lnfluence of
opLlcal bandwldLh on uW8 bandwldLh aL 15
f GHz = by comparlng wlLh 1able x.

llg. 42. eak specLrum slmulaLed aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe phoLodeLecLor ln llg. 41 for 3 d8 fllLered
bandwldLh 0.8nm = , dlsperslon
425 /
D ps nm = , 15
f GHz = , and (a) remoLe lul wlLh dlsperslon
85 /
D ps nm = , (b) 12.6 km remoLe SSMl, (c) 17 km remoLe SSMl, (d) 10 km remoLe SSMl.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


Gaussian-monoc*cle pulse s'aping
8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon employlng Causslan-monocycle pulse shaplng has been
lnvesLlgaLed. 1he Causslan-monocycle shaplng ls performed aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlL ln llg.
41 based on a dlfferenLlal phoLorecelver whose ouLpuLs are comblned afLer ad[usLlng Lhelr
relaLlve Llme delay [8el09a], as proposed ln SecLlon 3.2.3. 1hls permlLs Lo ad[usL uW8
bandwldLh by changlng Lhe delay dependlng on Lhe remoLe flbre dlsperslon. 1he Causslan-
monocycle shaplng lnLroduces nulls ln Lhe specLrum, as shown ln llg. 43, whlch are dependenL
on Lhe relaLlve Llme delay .
1able xl. MulLlband lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon aL opLlcal bandwldLh 1.27nm = and dlsperslon
425 /
D ps nm =
f (CPz) 8emoLe SSMl
LengLh (km)
uW8 10 d8 frequency range (CPz)
3 13, 33 23.73 - 26.23
3 20.8, 29.2 33 - 63, 23 - 33.73
3 23.63, 26.33 78.73 - 106.23
3 22.3, 27.7 83.73 - 101.23, 33 - 48.73
10 13, 33 23.73 - 26.23, 48.73 - 31.23
13 10, 40 23.73 - 26.23, 48.73 - 31.23
13 18.73, 31.23 37.3 - 63.73
13 12.3, 37.3 38.73 - 61.23, 28.73 - 31.23
13 21.23, 28.73 96.23 - 106.23
13 17.3, 32.3 97.3 - 102.3, 48.73 - 32.3

1able x. MulLlband lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon aL fllLered bandwldLh 0.8nm = , dlsperslon
425 /
D ps nm = , and 15
f GHz =
8emoLe 1oLal
2 t
D (ps/nm)
8emoLe llbre
LengLh (km)
uW8 10 d8
range (CPz)
-30.6 - -43.9 1.8 - 2.7
26.23 - 28.73
-47.6 - -74.8 2.8 - 4.4
23 - 27.3

-76.3 - -102 4.3 - 6
23.73 - 26.23
166.6 - 173.4 9.8 - 10.2 22.3 - 27.3
173.1 - 180.2 10.3 - 10.6 22.3 - 28.73
181.9 - 183.6 10.7 - 10.8 23.73 - 28.73
213.33 - 213.9 12.33 - 12.7 37.3 - 63.73
216.73 - 218.43 12.73 - 12.83 37.3 - 63
219.3 - 220.13 12.9 - 12.93 38.73 - 63
263.2 13.6 73 - 83.73
272 16 78.73 - 87.3
280.3 16.3 82.3 - 93.73
289 17 87.3 - 98.73
297.3 17.3 93.73 - 106.23
lul wlLh -17 ps/nm/km. 1he resL of flbre lengLhs correspond Lo SSMl.
3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre


1he Causslan-monocycle pulse shaplng enables Lhe generaLlon of mulLlple 8l bands ln Lhe
same remoLe flbre as Lhe specLrum lobes can be fllLered lndlvldually. lor lnsLance, Lhe 24 CPz
band, Lhe 60 CPz band and Lhe 73-110 CPz band, as shown ln llg. 43(b). 1he bandwldLh of Lhe
specLrum lobes ls dependenL on Lhe pulsewldLh
T ln llg. 41 and Lhe monocycle delay .
lurLhermore, slmulaLlon resulLs show LhaL Lhe specLrum of Lhe 8l Causslan-monocycle slgnal
ls symmeLrlc and cenLred aL 2 /
f M (or /
f M ) aL cerLaln equal-spaced values of Lhe
monocycle delay . 1hese values are dependenL on Lhe LC frequency
f and Lhe lengLh of
Lhe remoLe SSMl performlng Lhe frequency shlfLlng. noLe LhaL ln llg. 43, Lhere ls overlapplng
beLween Lhe baseband and Lhe frequency band aL /
f M and beLween Lhe frequency band aL
f M and 2 /
f M .
1able xll lncludes examples of operaLlonal llmlLs when Causslan-monocycle shaplng ls
performed, whlch are sulLable for lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 24 CPz band, ln Lhe
60 CPz band as well as ln Lhe 73-110 CPz band.
&...1 72"erimental demonstration
1he experlmenLal seLup for phoLonlc lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 24 CPz band and ln
Lhe 60 CPz band ls shown ln llg. 44. AL Lhe head-end unlL, an acLlvely mode-locked laser
generaLes nearly Lransform-llmlLed opLlcal pulses wlLh 2 ps of lWPM, 1.27 nm of 3 d8
bandwldLh, 9.9336 CPz repeLlLlon raLe, and 1330 nm cenLral wavelengLh. 1he pulses are CCk
modulaLed wlLh 8Z daLa aL 1.2442 Cb/s ln a MZM blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL.
1he modulaLed pulses are chlrped employlng dlsperslve flbre and ampllfled by an LulA. An
C8l ls employed Lo remove nolse.
1able xll. MulLlband lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon aL opLlcal bandwldLh 1.27nm = , dlsperslon
34 /
D ps nm = , and Causslan-monocycle shaplng wlLh 140 = ps
f (CPz) 8emoLe SSMl LengLh (km) uW8 10 d8 frequency range (CPz)
20 1.2, 2.8 22.3 - 26.23, 38.73 - 62.3, 80 - 83, 87.3 - 91.23,
93.73 - 98.73, 101.23 - 106.23
40 0.67, 3.3 38.73 - 62.3, 22.3 - 27.3, 80 - 83.73, 86.23 - 91.23,
93.73 - 98.73, 101.23 - 106.23
40 4.4 23.73 - 27.3, 38.73 - 63.73, 80 - 83.73

llg. 43. eak specLrum afLer Causslan-monocycle shaplng wlLh 130 = ps slmulaLed for 3 d8 fllLered
bandwldLh 0.8nm = , 40
f GHz = , and (a) dlsperslon
34 /
D ps nm = , 3 km remoLe SSMl, (b) dlsperslon
34 /
D ps nm = , 0.67 km remoLe SSMl.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


1he bandwldLh of Lhe C8l llmlLs Lhe opLlcal 3 d8 bandwldLh Lo 0.8 = nm . SubsequenLly,
Lhe chlrped pulses are modulaLed wlLh a LC slgnal ln a MZM (V

of 3.7 v, 3 d8 bandwldLh of
33 CPz, -0.7 chlrp) Lo perform frequency up-converslon. 1he MZM ls blased aL Lhe mlnlmum
Lransmlsslon polnL Lo perform opLlcal carrler suppresslon modulaLlon. lurLher frequency up-
shlfLlng or down-shlfLlng ls performed employlng Lhe dlsperslon of remoLe-connecLlvlLy SSMl.
Generation in t'e 60 GHz and * )re0uenc* up-s'i)ting
1he generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band has been demonsLraLed ln a
proof-of-concepL experlmenL [8el10b] by employlng Lhe SSMl ln a Lyplcal l11P neLwork, as
deplcLed ln llg. 41. 1he correspondlng conflguraLlon of Lhe dlsperslve flbre and LC aL Lhe head-
end unlL and of Lhe remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre ls marked as (A) ln llg. 44. seudo-random
blnary sequence daLa wlLh a word lengLh of 2
-1 are generaLed by a pulse paLLern generaLor
(AgllenL 81134A). uCl wlLh dlsperslon
425 /
D ps nm ls employed as flrsL dlsperslve
elemenL. 1he LC slgnal has a frequency of 14.9304
f GHz = . 12.3 km of SSMl
212.5 /
D ps nm ) provldes l11P connecLlvlLy whlle performs pulse Llme compresslon by a
facLor of 0.5 M . llg. 43(a) shows Lhe Llme-compressed opLlcal pulses measured aL polnL (1)
ln llg. 44, whlch exhlblL ~140 ps of lWPM.

llg. 44. LxperlmenLal seLup for phoLonlc dual lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 24 CPz band and ln
Lhe 60 CPz band wlLh slmulLaneous mulLlband generaLlon capablllLles.

)B$, 5 km
8"85!# G*+
M;M P:
DATA 9; 1"$%%$ Gb/s
)A, 1%"8!0% G*+
)B, %0 G*+
)A, 1$"5 km
)B1, 0"7 km
*PA Am.
$%"G&' RAU
1 m
0"1 nm
KL 15%8"8! nm
DiBBerentia3 9H
)#, )7,
2("G&' RAU
1%"8!0% G*+
)A, -%$5 .s/nm
)B, $ km
)1, )$,
1!0 .s
6i2na3 Br/m t4e
*ea--en- 'nit
3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre


ln order Lo verlfy Lhe approprlaLe operaLlon, Lhe recelved lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe
60 CPz band ls ampllfled by a hlgh-power ampllfler (28.7 d8 galn) and down-converLed by
elecLrlcal mlxlng wlLh a LC slgnal. 1he LC slgnal ls generaLed by frequency quadrupllng of Lhe
same LC slgnal employed aL Lhe head-end unlL. A phase shlfLer ls employed for assurlng proper
phase maLchlng for accuraLe down converslon. 1he feaslblllLy of Lhe proposed generaLlon
Lechnlque ls demonsLraLed comblnlng flbre and radlo Lransmlsslon. Commerclal recLangular
horn anLennas wlLh a frequency range of 30-73 CPz, 20 d8l galn and 12 beamwldLh are
employed. Lye dlagram and Q-facLor are measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 44 by a dlglLal
communlcaLlons analyser (AgllenL uCA 86100C, 20 CPz elecLrlcal bandwldLh). 1he eye dlagram
exhlblLs a Q-facLor of ~11 wlLhouL wlreless Lransmlsslon aL -9.3 d8m recelved opLlcal power.
Q-facLor decreases Lo ~9 afLer 70 cm of wlreless Lransmlsslon and Lo ~6.6 aL 1 m. llg. 43(c)
shows Lhe eye dlagram for 1 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon. Pence, Lhe generaLlon Lechnlque ls
demonsLraLed Lo be error-free for 1 m of wlreless dlsLance aL a maxlmum mean Ll8 denslLy of
-29 d8m/MPz [8el10b], whlch ls well below 13 d8m/MPz [17]. noLe LhaL ln Lhls experlmenL Lhe
maxlmum mean Ll8 denslLy ls more resLrlcLlve Lhan Lhe maxlmum mean Ll8 level of
40 d8m [17] and Lhe maxlmum peak Ll8 level of 43 d8m [113].
AddlLlonally, Lhe 60 CPz experlmenLal sysLem ln conflguraLlon (A) ln llg. 44 has been slmulaLed
Lo verlfy Lhe model developed ln SecLlon 3.4.4. A LC frequency of 15
f GHz = ls seL ln
slmulaLlon. 1he frequency response and nolse characLerlsLlcs of Lhe phoLodeLecLor, Lhe elecLrlcal
ampllflers and Lhe mlxer are lncluded ln slmulaLlon. 1he wlreless channel ls modelled as free-
space paLh losses. 1he fllLerlng of Lhe dlglLal communlcaLlons analyser ls modelled as a Causslan
fllLer wlLh an elecLrlcal bandwldLh of 20 CPz and an opLlcal bandwldLh of 30 CPz. llg. 46(a)
shows Lhe Llme-compressed opLlcal pulses slmulaLed aL polnL (1) ln llg. 44, whlch exhlblL
~140 ps lWPM. llg. 46(b) shows Lhe elecLrlcal specLrum ln Lhe 60 CPz band slmulaLed aL polnL
(2) ln llg. 44. 1he eye dlagram demodulaLed employlng a LC frequency of 60 CPz ls shown ln llg.
46(c), slmulaLed aL polnL (3) ln llg. 44. 1he slmulaLlon resulLs ln llg. 46 are ln excellenL
agreemenL wlLh Lhe experlmenLal measuremenLs ln llg. 43.

llg. 43. MeasuremenLs for conflguraLlon (A) ln llg. 44. (a) 1lme-compressed slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 44.
(b) eak specLrum of Lhe 60 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL polnL (2) ln llg. 44 (vldeo bandwldLh:
10 MPz). (c) Lye dlagram aL polnL (3) ln llg. 44.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


%ual generation in t'e !" and 60 GHz ands * )re0uenc* do-n-s'i)ting
1he slmulLaneous generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 24 CPz band and ln Lhe
60 CPz band has been demonsLraLed by frequency down-shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy SSMl.
1he correspondlng conflguraLlon of Lhe dlsperslve flbre and LC aL Lhe head-end unlL ls marked
as (8) ln llg. 44 and Lhe remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre ls marked as (82) for Lhe 24 CPz band and
(81) for Lhe 60 CPz band. A flx 8Z daLa paLLern 1001000111101010" ls employed. AL Lhe
24 CPz remoLe anLenna unlL, Lhe opLlcal pulses are phoLodeLecLed by a dlfferenLlal
phoLorecelver (1eleopLlx, balanced phoLorecelver wlLh llmlLlng 1lA) (3 d8 bandwldLh of
33 CPz) [181]. 1he ouLpuLs of Lhe phoLorecelver are comblned afLer ad[usLlng Lhelr relaLlve
Llme delay by an elecLrlcal delay llne Lo generaLe a Causslan-monocycle pulse shape [8el09a],
as proposed ln SecLlon 3.2.3. 1he phoLorecelver ls operaLed ln unbalanced mode [8el09c],
whlch provldes beLLer performance Lhan Lhe balanced mode [8el09b] ln Lhls uW8 pulse
shaplng appllcaLlon. ln prevlous proof-of-concepL experlmenLs reporLed ln [8el09c] and
[8el09b], opLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 was demonsLraLed ln Lhe 24 CPz band
employlng uS8-based up-converslon and wlLhouL remoLe connecLlvlLy flbre.
1he uW8 monocycles generaLed ln Lhe 24 CPz band aL polnL (4) ln llg. 44 are demodulaLed by
phoLonlc envelope deLecLlon wlLhouL wlreless Lransmlsslon, as shown ln llg. 44. hoLonlc
envelope deLecLlon ls performed employlng Lhe Lechnlque proposed ln [187]. ueLecLlon of
24 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals employlng Lhls Lechnlque was demonsLraLed ln [8el09c].
1he recelved 24 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls ampllfled, and modulaLed wlLh a Lunable
opLlcal carrler (0.01 nm wavelengLh accuracy) ln a MZM (V

of 3.7 v, 3 d8 bandwldLh of
33 CPz) blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL Lo perform half-wave recLlflcaLlon. A l8C
fllLer selecLs one opLlcal sldeband correspondlng Lo Lhe envelope of Lhe half-wave recLlfled
opLlcal slgnal. 1he envelope ls measured by a dlglLal communlcaLlons analyser (AgllenL uCA
86100C, 2.83 CPz opLlcal bandwldLh).
uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 24 CPz band ls demonsLraLed employlng 2 km of SSMl as Lhe flrsL
dlsperslve elemenL (
34 /
D ps nm ), LC slgnal aL 40
f GHz = , 3 km of SSMl (
85 /
D ps nm)
provldlng remoLe connecLlvlLy whlle performlng pulse Llme sLreLchlng by a facLor of 3.5 M ,
and Causslan-monocycle shaplng wlLh relaLlve Llme delay 130ps = . 1hls conflguraLlon ls
marked as (8) and (82) ln llg. 44.

llg. 46. SlmulaLlon resulLs for conflguraLlon (A) ln llg. 44 Lo be compared wlLh experlmenLal
measuremenLs ln llg. 43. (a) 1lme-compressed slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 44. (b) eak specLrum of Lhe
60 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL polnL (2) ln llg. 44. (c) Lye dlagram aL polnL (3) ln llg. 44.
3.4 uual-band generaLlon by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre


llg. 47(a) shows Lhe elecLrlcal specLrum measured aL polnL (4) ln llg. 44, whlch would meeL Lhe
currenL uW8 ln Lhe 24 CPz band [2] provlded adequaLe fllLerlng ls performed. ln Lhe
experlmenL, Lhe fllLerlng ls performed by Lhe comblned frequency response of Lhe elecLrlcal
ampllfler and l8C aL Lhe phoLonlc envelope deLecLor. llg. 47 also shows Lhe elecLrlcal
specLrum measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 44, Lhe opLlcal specLrum measured aL polnL (6) and
polnL (7) ln llg. 44, as well as Lhe eye dlagram measured aL polnL (7) ln llg. 44. 1he eye dlagram
exhlblLs a Q-facLor of ~11 demonsLraLlng Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhe generaLlon Lechnlque when
frequency down-shlfLlng ls employed.

llg. 48. lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band by Llme sLreLchlng for conflguraLlon (8) and
(81) ln llg. 44. (a) eak specLrum measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 44. (b) eak specLrum ln baseband
measured aL Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe 60 CPz phoLodeLecLor ln llg. 44.

0 5 10 15 $0


re&'enc( )G*+,
50 55 #0 #5 70


re&'enc( )G*+,
)a, )b,

llg. 47. lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 24 CPz band performlng Llme sLreLchlng and Causslan-
monocycle shaplng for conflguraLlon (8) and (82) ln llg. 44. (a) eak specLrum measured aL polnL (4) ln
llg. 44. (b) eak specLrum measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 44. (c) CpLlcal specLrum measured aL polnL (6)
(dashed llne) and polnL (7) (solld llne) ln llg. 44 (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 0.01 nm). (d) Lye dlagram
measured aL polnL (7) ln llg. 44.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals


lrequency down-shlfLlng Lo Lhe 60 CPz band of Lhe Causslan lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls
demonsLraLed from Lhe same head-end unlL for 0.7 km of SSMl (
11.9 /
D ps nm ) provldlng
remoLe connecLlvlLy whlle performlng pulse Llme sLreLchlng by a facLor of 1.35 M . 1hls
conflguraLlon ls marked as (8) and (81) ln llg. 44. llg. 48(a) shows Lhe elecLrlcal specLrum
measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 44 afLer hlgh-power ampllflcaLlon and fllLerlng (28.7 d8 galn,
33-63 CPz). 1he baseband elecLrlcal specLrum ls shown ln llg. 48(b), whlch would meeL currenL
regulaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band provlded adequaLe fllLerlng ls performed.
&...) 9ractical considerations
1he radlo-over-flbre sysLem provldlng uW8 wlreless connecLlvlLy remoLely should be rellable,
slmple and cosL-efflclenL. 1he use of a mode-locked laser, lnLenslLy modulaLors, and dlsperslve
flbre aL Lhe head-end unlL ln llg. 44, makes Lhe sysLem complex for real appllcaLlon. Mode-
locked lasers can offer plcosecond pulses, excellenL pulse quallLy close Lo Lransform-llmlLed
operaLlon, and low nolse Lo supporL a hlgh number of remoLe anLenna unlLs wlLh relaLlve low
cosL [32], [188]. 1he cosL of Lhe mode-locked laser could be reduced employlng semlconducLor
mode-locked lasers compaLlble wlLh chlp lnLegraLlon [189] and new mode-locked flbre lasers
[190]. ln addlLlon, daLa modulaLlon and up-converslon could be performed by a slngle
lnLegraLed dual-cascaded MZM devlce Lhus reduclng cosL and slze, for lnsLance uslng slllcon
phoLonlcs Lechnology [191]. Compared wlLh dlsperslve flbre as flrsL dlsperslve elemenL, a
llnearly chlrped l8C made wlLh polarlzaLlon-malnLalnlng flbre can provlde compacLness and
Lhe requlred polarlzaLlon sLablllLy permlLLlng Lhe use of a polarlzaLlon-senslLlve MZM for up-
converslon [31], [192].
ln SecLlon 3.4, 8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon has been demonsLraLed employlng CCk
modulaLlon. neverLheless, Lhe Lechnlque could be employed wlLh oLher modulaLlon formaLs,
such as bl-phase modulaLlon [8el10c]. Lnvelope deLecLlon can be employed for CCk slgnals Lo
avold Lhe need for a phase-locked LC. hoLonlc envelope deLecLlon provldes Lransparency Lo
Lhe 8l frequency and devlces reallzed uslng phoLonlc lnLegraLlon are avallable [148].
Compared wlLh Lhe Lechnlque employed ln SecLlon 3.4, phoLonlc envelope deLecLlon based on
full or half-wave recLlflcaLlon and low-speed phoLodeLecLlon [3], [22] would be slmpler for
appllcaLlon ln Lhe sysLem hereln proposed however lL would be less LoleranL Lo dlsperslon for
upllnk opLlcal dlsLrlbuLlon of 8l slgnals Lo a cenLral unlL. AlLernaLlvely, 8l power deLecLors
could provlde slmple and low power consumpLlon deLecLlon [39].
&.1 Conclusion
1wo phoLonlc Lechnlques for lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band have
been proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed. 1he Lechnlques perform Causslan
monocycle shaplng whlch can flexlbly compensaLe Lhe effecL of opLlcal access flbre.
neverLheless, Lhe generaLlon of Causslan monocycles sulLable for belng radlaLed ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band wlLhouL up-converslon and Lhe dynamlc range of flbre dlsperslon
compensaLlon ls Lo be furLher lnvesLlgaLed. 1he generaLlon of Causslan monocycles adequaLe
Lo be furLher up-converLed Lo Lhe 60 CPz band has been experlmenLally demonsLraLed.
3.3 Concluslon


lurLhermore, Lhe proposed Causslan monocycle shaplng has been demonsLraLed Lo enable
slmulLaneous mulLlband generaLlon ln Lhe same flbre ln an also proposed phoLonlc lmpulse-
radlo uW8 generaLlon sysLem based on frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flbre.
An lmpulse-radlo uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem aL 37 CPz has been demonsLraLed aL 1.23 Cb/s
ln a proof-of-concepL experlmenL. 1he sysLem ls sulLable for ln-fllghL mulLl-Cb/s
communlcaLlons and radar. 1ransmlsslon over SSMl aL 100 m ln-cabln dlsLance has also been
successfully demonsLraLed. 1he proposed sysLem can compeLe ln cosL and also has advanLages
ln Lerms of Lransparency and hlgh bandwldLh compared wlLh a convenLlonal soluLlon based on
dlglLal baseband daLa over flbre and furLher elecLrlcal uW8 modulaLlon and frequency up-
converslon aL dlsLrlbuLed remoLe anLenna unlLs. neverLheless, slgnlflcanL progress has recenLly
been made for 60 CPz CMCS Lechnology, LhaL may lead Lo dlfferenL concluslon. 1he sysLem ls
sulLable for Lhe provlslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz and 60 CPz bands slmulLaneously
employlng low-frequency elecLroopLlc devlces. 1he sysLem operaLlon has been verlfled by
slmulaLlon and Lhe lmpacL of Lhe sysLem parameLers lncludlng opLlcal nolse on performance
has been evaluaLed, demonsLraLlng LhaL Lhe sysLem can serve Lhe hlgh number of remoLe
anLenna unlLs aL WAn dlsLances requlred for Lhe proposed ln-fllghL appllcaLlon. erformance
ls llmlLed by Lhermal nolse for a hlgher number of remoLe anLenna unlLs. SlmulaLlon resulLs
show LhaL uslng an opLlcal ampllfler Lo compensaLe for spllLLlng and dlsLrlbuLlon losses can
help Lo lmprove performance.
llexlble phoLonlc generaLlon of 8l lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals based on frequency shlfLlng ln
opLlcal access flbre has been proposed. llbre dlsperslon can effecLlvely reduce broadband up-
converslon cosL. 1he Lechnlque can cover numerous appllcaLlons slmulLaneously ln dlfferenL 8l
bands provldlng good cosL and performance Lrade-off. 1he feaslblllLy of Lhe Lechnlque ln l11P
neLworks dellverlng 1.23 Cb/s servlces has been experlmenLally demonsLraLed when operaLlng
ln Lhe 60 CPz band. racLlcal mulLlband capablllLles and Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lhls sysLem have
been addressed by slmulaLlon. SlmulaLlon analysls also lndlcaLes LhaL Causslan-monocycle
shaplng enables slmulLaneous mulLlband generaLlon ln Lhe same flbre and can greaLly lncrease
flexlblllLy when lmplemenLed remoLely. uual 24 CPz/60 CPz operaLlon has been
experlmenLally demonsLraLed when 24 CPz Causslan-monocycle shaplng ls performed. 1he
approach could operaLe ln hlgh 8l bands such as 73-110 CPz as lndlcaLed by Lhe slmulaLlon
analysls. Some of Lhe requlred componenLs could be compaLlble wlLh phoLonlc lnLegraLlon Lo
slmpllfy Lhe archlLecLure.

3 CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals



*eneration and o"ticalwireless transmission of
#$% signals in t!e )( *+, band
1hls h.u. Lhesls proposes Lhe operaLlon of uW8 ln Lhe 60 CPz band and evaluaLes Lhe
comblned opLlcal and wlreless Lransmlsslon performance when relaLlve low cosL vCSLLs are
employed wlLh Lwo funcLlonallLles:

1) LlecLroopLlc converslon wlLh furLher up-converslon ln a MZM for l11P neLworks, as
demonsLraLed ln SecLlon 4.1.
2) CpLlcal frequency up-converslon wlLh appllcaLlon boLh ln l11P neLworks and lndoor
uAS, as demonsLraLed ln SecLlon 4.2. 1he same vCSLL employed for up-converslon
could be dlrecLly modulaLed by a slgnal lf deslred, buL Lhls dual funcLlonallLy ls ouL of
Lhe scope of Lhls sLudy.
..1 -CM /0-M and %9S: im"ulse radio em"loying ;CS7L direct
1he performance of radlo-over-flbre opLlcal Lransmlsslon employlng vCSLLs, and furLher
wlreless Lransmlsslon, of Lhe Lwo ma[or uW8 lmplemenLaLlons ls reporLed when operaLlng ln
Lhe 60 CPz radlo band [8el10c], [8el11a], [Llo11a], [Llo11b], [llvL8 u2.6]. erformance ls
evaluaLed aL 1.44 Cb/s daLa raLe. 1he Lwo uW8 lmplemenLaLlons consldered employ uCM
CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo modulaLlon respecLlvely. CpLlcal Lransmlsslon dlsLances up Lo
40 km ln SSMl and up Lo 300 m ln 8l-SMl wlLh wlreless Lransmlsslon up Lo 3 m ln boLh cases ls
demonsLraLed wlLh no penalLy. A slmulaLlon analysls has been also performed ln order Lo
lnvesLlgaLe Lhe operaLlonal llmlLs. 1he analysls resulLs are ln excellenL agreemenL wlLh Lhe
experlmenLal work and lndlcaLe good Lolerance Lo chromaLlc dlsperslon due Lo Lhe chlrp
characLerlsLlcs of elecLroopLlc converslon when a dlrecLly-modulaLed vCSLL ls employed.
1he performance comparlson lndlcaLes LhaL 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 exhlblLs beLLer Lolerance
Lo opLlcal Lransmlsslon lmpalrmenLs requlrlng lower recelved opLlcal power Lhan lLs uCM-
CluM uW8 counLerparL when operaLlng ln Lhe 60 CPz band.
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


..1.1 Introduction
uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band permlLs Lo overcome coexlsLence lssues llmlLlng uW8
operaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band. 8egardlng Lhe appllcaLlon scenarlo, uW8 ln Lhe 60 CPz
band has been lndlcaLed as a vlable approach Lo provlde mulLl-Cb/s WAn connecLlvlLy ln
scenarlos where lnLerference ls a crlLlcal lssue llke alrcrafLs [8el09a], [8el10a], as dlscussed ln
SecLlon 3.3. ln addlLlon, uW8-over-flbre has been lndlcaLed as an lnLeresLlng soluLlon for l11P
access neLworks dellverlng Pu audlo/vldeo [Llo08a], [Llo08c]. 1hls appllcaLlon ls dlscussed ln
SecLlon 2.3.4. 1hls h.u. Lhesls proposes Lhe operaLlon of uW8 ln Lhe 60 CPz band and
evaluaLes Lhe performance ln l11P neLworks for Lhe flrsL Llme Lo our knowledge.
1he uW8-over-l11P approach ls LransparenL Lo Lhe uW8 modulaLlon employed. 1wo ma[or
uW8 Lechnologles are currenLly used: lmpulse-radlo uW8 and mulLl-band CluM as speclfled
ln Lhe LCMA-368 sLandard [9]. CluM provldes hlgh specLral efflclency and efflclenL sofLware Lo
faclllLaLe coexlsLence. lurLhermore, Lhere ls large markeL avallablllLy of low-cosL CluM-uW8-
based soluLlons. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lmpulse-radlo uW8 ls noL consLralned ln Lerms of
bandwldLh and daLa raLe and lL ls capable of provldlng slmulLaneous communlcaLlons and hlgh-
resoluLlon radar. 1he 60 CPz band faclllLaLes coexlsLence Lo lmpulse-radlo uW8 Lechnology
and allows lL Lo provlde mulLl-Cb/s capaclLy ln splLe of lLs relaLlve low specLral efflclency.
1he sLudy hereln presenLed compares Lhe experlmenLal performance afLer radlo-over-flbre
and furLher wlreless Lransmlsslon ln Lhe 60 CPz radlo band of Lwo ma[or uW8
lmplemenLaLlons aL 1.44 Cb/s: SLandard CluM based on uCM and lmpulse radlo based on
8Sk modulaLlon. 1hls sLudy LargeLs Lo glve llghL on Lhe besL lmplemenLaLlon for fuLure uW8
sysLems ln Lhe 60 CPz band. ulfferenL flbre Lypes are evaluaLed lncludlng SSMl and 8l-SMl.
ulrecL modulaLlon of a low-cosL free-runnlng uncooled vCSLL ls employed for elecLroopLlc
converslon of Lhe uW8 slgnals. CpLlcal frequency up-converslon ls performed aL Lhe head-end
unlL based on opLlcal carrler suppresslon modulaLlon ln a MZM [76], [143]. SlmulaLlon analysls
ls performed Lo verlfy Lhe experlmenLal measuremenLs. 1he sysLem proposed could operaLe ln
a dual 3.1-10.6 CPz/60 CPz conflguraLlon lf deslred, buL dual operaLlon ls ouL of Lhe scope of
Lhls analysls. 60 CPz band operaLlon would re-use and exLend uW8 Lechnology ln Lerms of
range and flexlblllLy, and ls Lhe focus of Lhls work.
..1.2 72"erimental setu"
1he experlmenLal seLup of Lhe uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band employlng a
dlrecLly-modulaLed vCSLL ls shown ln llg. 49.
AL Lhe head-end unlL, a 1330 nm 10 Cb/s vCSLL (vL81lLAS, 1330-10C-2-4-ulff-llex) ls
dlrecLly modulaLed by Lhe uW8 slgnal [193]. lrequency up-converslon Lo Lhe 60 CPz band ls
performed by drlvlng a MZM (V

of 3.7 v, 3 d8 bandwldLh of 33 CPz, chlrp of -0.7) by a LC

slgnal afLer frequency doubllng. 1he MZM ls blased aL Lhe mlnlmum Lransmlsslon polnL Lo
perform opLlcal carrler suppresslon. 1he peak-Lo-peak ampllLude of Lhe slgnal drlvlng Lhe MZM
ls 3.3 v. SubsequenLly, Lhe opLlcal slgnal ls dlsLrlbuLed over opLlcal flbre Lo Lhe remoLe anLenna
unlLs where Lhe uW8 slgnal ls up-converLed Lo Lhe 60 CPz band afLer phoLodeLecLlon (u
hoLonlcs, xuv31208).
4.1 uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon


l11P dlsLrlbuLlon over 23 km and 40 km of SSMl and lnLegraLed l11P and ln-bulldlng
dlsLrlbuLlon over 23 km of SSMl exLended by 300 m of 8l-SMl ls consldered. CpLlcal
Lransmlsslon performance of 8l-SMl ls evaluaLed employlng a spool of commerclally-avallable
8l-SMl (ClS LZ-bend) wlLhouL bendlng Lhe flbre. 1he uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls
ampllfled and fllLered before belng applled Lo an anLenna for 3 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon. 1he
anLennas are recLangular horn anLennas wlLh a frequency range of 30-73 CPz, 20 d8l galn and
a 3 d8 beamwldLh of 12. 1he opLlcal ampllfler LulA #1 ln llg. 49 (average ouLpuL power of
13 d8m) ls used Lo compensaLe for Lhe lnserLlon loss of Lhe MZM. 1he second LulA, LulA #2
ln llg. 49, seLs a maxlmum average power aL Lhe phoLodeLecLor lnpuL (henceforLh referred Lo
as recelved opLlcal power) of 10 d8m. A varlable opLlcal aLLenuaLor decreases Lhls power level
Lo analyse Lhe performance as a funcLlon of Lhe recelved opLlcal power. An opLlcal band-pass
fllLer (3 d8 bandwldLh of 0.8 nm) ls used Lo suppress ASL nolse.
AL Lhe recelver, Lhe recelved uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls ampllfled and fllLered, and
down-converLed by elecLrlcal mlxlng (8l bandwldLh of 33-63 CPz, ll bandwldLh of uC-10 CPz,
converslon loss of 4.6 d8). 1he same LC slgnal used Lo drlve Lhe MZM aL Lhe LransmlLLer ls
employed for frequency down-converslon afLer frequency quadrupllng (ouLpuL frequency of
38.6-62.2 CPz). A phase shlfLer ls employed for assurlng proper phase maLchlng for accuraLe
down-converslon. 1he down-converLed slgnal ls capLured by a real-Llme uSC (13 CPz
bandwldLh, 40 CS/s sampllng raLe) and analysed by uS.

llg. 49. LxperlmenLal seLup and prlnclple of operaLlon of a uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz
band employlng dlrecL modulaLlon of a vCSLL.

EDA ?1
EDA ?$
D:M-<DM /
BP6>-59 UWB
B 0
#%"5 G*+
#0-G*+ W59ELE66 9E:E5AE9
Am. M i3terin2
Am. M i3terin2
5 m
B )G*+,
0 #$
6i2na3 Br/mt4e
*ea--en- 'nit
Access an- 5n-b'i3-in2
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


vCSLL drlvlng, l.e. blas currenL and uW8 peak-Lo-peak volLage, LC frequency, and ampllflcaLlon
and fllLerlng sLages ln Lhe 60 CPz band (1x and 8x Amp+lllLerlng ln llg. 49) are conflgured
dlfferenLly for uCM-CluM uW8 and 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8. 1he dlfferenL conflguraLlons
employed glve Lhe besL performance ln Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon aL Lhe maxlmum
recelved opLlcal power of 10 d8m.
..1.& -CM/0-M #$% "erformance
1he uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 49, shown ln llg. 30, ls generaLed by comblnlng
Lhe ouLpuLs of Lhree sLandard uW8 LransmlLLer modules (Wlsalr, WS8601). 1he modules
supporL Lhe uW8 8and Croup #1 [9]. 1he Llme-frequency codes 1lC3, 1lC6 and 1lC7 are
selecLed for each module respecLlvely. ln Lhls way, each module LransmlL ln Lhe 8and #1
(3.168-3.696 CPz, 3.432 CPz cenLral frequency), 8and #2 (3.696-4.224 CPz, 3.96 CPz cenLral
frequency), and 8and #3 (4.224-4.732 CPz, 4.488 CPz cenLral frequency) of Lhe uW8 8and
Croup #1, respecLlvely. 1he Llme-frequency codes employed perform flxed frequency
lnLerleavlng (lll), l.e. Lhe lnformaLlon ls LransmlLLed ln each band all Lhe Llme. 1he lll
conflguraLlon maxlmlzes blLraLe compared wlLh Lhe Llme frequency lnLerleavlng (or frequency
hopplng) conflguraLlon whlch mlnlmlzes lnLerference. 1he maxlmum blLraLe of 480 Mb/s ls
conflgured for each band, whlch ls achleved employlng uCM daLa modulaLlon, provldlng an
aggregaLed blLraLe of 1.44 Cb/s and a specLral efflclency of 0.91 b/s/Pz.
1he blas currenL and uW8 peak-Lo-peak volLage applled Lo Lhe vCSLL are seL Lo 730 mvpp and
9.8 mA, respecLlvely. 1he LC frequency ls seL Lo 16.123 CPz so LhaL Lhe uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal
ls up-converLed Lo 64.3 CPz. 1he conflguraLlon of Lhe 8l ampllflcaLlon and fllLerlng block aL Lhe
remoLe anLenna unlLs ls a band-pass fllLer (38.123-61.873 CPz) and Lwo low-nolse ampllflers
wlLh 18.7 d8 and 16.2 d8 galn, respecLlvely. 1he conflguraLlon aL Lhe recelver ls a hlgh-power
ampllfler wlLh 28.7 d8 galn and a band-pass fllLer (37.3-62.3 CPz).
1he performance of Lhe demodulaLed uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49 ls
evaluaLed by Lhe LvM parameLer. 1he LvM ls measured on Lhe consLellaLlon dlagram for each
frequency band, 8and #1, 8and #2 and 8and #3 ln llg. 30, employlng commerclally-avallable
sofLware (AgllenL, 89600-Serles vecLor Slgnal Analyser). 1he LvM ls evaluaLed over 72 CluM
symbols (10,800 blLs) ln all conflguraLlons. 1he LvM of Lhe uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal ln Lhe
60 CPz band comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon ls shown ln llg. 31 as a funcLlon
of Lhe recelved opLlcal power. Slx opLlcal Lransmlsslon cases are shown: 300 m 8l-SMl, 23 km
SSMl, 40 km SSMl, 23 km SSMl compensaLed by 23 km of lul, 40 km SSMl read[usLlng Lhe
vCSLL blas currenL from 9.8 mA Lo 13.83 mA, and 40 km SSMl compensaLed by uCl equlvalenL
Lo compensaLlon of 40 km SSMl. 1he LvM ln llg. 31 ls llmlLed by elecLrlcal nolse aL low
recelved opLlcal power. uecreaslng Lhe recelved opLlcal power furLher lncreases Lhe LvM due
Lo Lhe reducLlon ln Sn8. ln addlLlon, Lhe LvM lmproves aL low recelved opLlcal power wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon afLer opLlcal Lransmlsslon over 23 km of
SSMl, as shown ln llg. 31(a), (c) and (e), and 40 km of SSMl, as shown ln llg. 31(b), (d) and (f).
1hls ls ascrlbed Lo galn ln Lhe flbre Lransfer funcLlon lnduced by Lhe lnLeracLlon of Lhe chlrp of
Lhe dlrecLly-modulaLed vCSLL wlLh flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon [194], as verlfled ln
SecLlon 4.1.3. 1he galn ls dependenL on Lhe flbre lengLh.
4.1 uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon


1he lncrease of power level afLer 23 km and 40 km SSMl Lransmlsslon wlLh respecL Lo back-Lo-
back as well as lLs dependence on flbre lengLh can be verlfled ln llg. 32(a), (c) and (d).

llg. 31. erformance measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49 of Lhe uCM-CluM uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem ln
Lhe 60 CPz band comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon. (a), (b) uW8 8and #1 ln llg. 30. (c),
(d) uW8 8and #2 ln llg. 30. (e), (f) uW8 8and #3 ln llg. 30.

-1$ -1 -% 0 % 1 1$ -1$ -1 -% 0 % 1 1$
$5 km, !8"7 -Bi

500 m B5-6M
$5 km 66M
$5 km 66MM$5 km 5D
%0 km 66M
%0 km 66M, 1!"15 mA
%0 km 66MM%0 km D:
9ecei@e- <.tica3 P/0er )-Bm,


)a, )b,
)c, )-,

)e, )B,

llg. 30. 8MS average specLrum of Lhe generaLed uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 49
(resoluLlon bandwldLh: 1 MPz).

!"1#1 !"8# %"75$
Ban- ?1 Ban- ?$ Ban- ?!
5$1 M*+
Ban- Gr/'. ?1
re&'enc( )G*+,
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


1he mlnlmum LvM obLalned aL hlgh recelved opLlcal power ls degraded afLer 23 km and 40 km
SSMl Lransmlsslon wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon. 1hls ls due Lo slgnal
dlsLorLlon by Lhe flbre Lransfer funcLlon lnduced by chromaLlc dlsperslon and furLher modlfled
by vCSLL chlrp [194]. Slgnal dlsLorLlon and lLs dependence on frequency and flbre lengLh can
be observed ln llg. 32(c), (d).
Slgnal dlsLorLlon prevenLs recoverlng Lhe compleLe uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band
afLer 23 km of SSMl, as shown ln llg. 31(e), and also afLer 23 km of SSMl exLended by 300 m
of 8l-SMl, noL shown ln llg. 31 for slmpllclLy. Successful recovery of Lhe compleLe uCM-CluM
uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls achleved employlng dlsperslon managemenL by maLched lul,
as shown ln llg. 31(a), (c) and (e). 1he 23 km SSMl llnk ls compensaLed by 23 km of lul.
Compared wlLh uCl, lul ls more sulLable for belng used as Lransmlsslon flbre, Lhus exLendlng
Lhe l11P neLwork reach [169]. Slmllar LvM performance ls obLalned ln Lhe Lhree uCM-CluM
uW8 bands. 1he LvM lmproves by approxlmaLely 2 d8 dependlng on Lhe recelved opLlcal
power wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon. LqulvalenLly, Lhe opLlcal recelver
senslLlvlLy lmproves by 1.3 d8 dependlng on Lhe LvM Lhreshold. 1he opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy
aL LvM below -17 d8 [9] ls -2.1 d8m. 1he LvM lmprovemenL wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-
Lo-back conflguraLlon ls ascrlbed Lo galn ln Lhe flbre Lransfer funcLlon lnduced by Lhe
lnLeracLlon of Lhe vCSLL chlrp wlLh a resldual flbre chromaLlc dlsperslon, as a slmllar LvM
lmprovemenL ls obLalned afLer Lransmlsslon over 300 m of 8l-SMl, as also shown ln llg. 31(a),
(c) and (e). 1he power level lncreases afLer 300 m 8l-SMl Lransmlsslon wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon, as can be verlfled ln llg. 32(a) and (b). 1he uCM-CluM
uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls successfully dlsLrlbuLed over 300 m of 8l-SMl, whlch ls
sufflclenL for mosL ln-bulldlng neLworks, wlLh an opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy of -2.1 d8m aL
LvM< -17 d8. 1he slgnal ls noL dlsLorLed as Lhe mlnlmum LvM obLalned aL hlgh recelved

llg. 32. 8MS average specLrum of Lhe demodulaLed uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49
comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon (resoluLlon bandwldLh: 3 MPz). (a) 828 aL -2.3 d8m
recelved opLlcal power. (b) 300 m 8l-SMl aL -3 d8m. (c) 23 km SSMl aL -2.7 d8m. (d) 40 km SSMl aL
2.3 d8m.

$"1 !"$ !"# %"0 %"% %"1 5"$






re&'enc( )G*+,
4.1 uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon


opLlcal power ls noL degraded wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon. 1hls can
also be verlfled ln llg. 32(a) and (b).
1he Lhree uCM-CluM uW8 bands are recovered afLer 40 km SSMl Lransmlsslon, as shown ln
llg. 31(b), (d) and (f), however wlLh noL clear consLellaLlon. 1he LvM afLer 40 km SSMl
Lransmlsslon aL hlgh recelved opLlcal power can be lmproved by read[usLlng Lhe vCSLL drlvlng
wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon. 1he LvM ls lmproved due Lo Lhe
read[usLmenL of Lhe vCSLL chlrp, wlLhouL employlng dlsperslon compensaLlon or managemenL
of Lhe vCSLL chlrp [193]-[197]. 1hls ls shown ln llg. 31(b), (d) and (f) for read[usLmenL of Lhe
blas currenL applled Lo Lhe vCSLL from 9.8 mA Lo 13.83 mA. Conslderlng an LvM Lhreshold of
-17 d8, Lhe opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy for successful recoverlng of Lhe Lhree uCM-CluM uW8
bands ls 1 d8m, llmlLed by Lhe slgnal dlsLorLlon ln Lhe uW8 8and #1. 1hls corresponds Lo a
power penalLy of 1.3 d8 wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon.
1he expecLed performance employlng dlsperslon compensaLlon by uCl ls also lnvesLlgaLed.
1he 40 km SSMl llnk ls compensaLed by 6.3 km of uCl whlch has dlsperslon equlvalenL Lo
compensaLlon of 40 km SSMl. 1he LvM ln Lhe Lhree uCM-CluM uW8 bands lmproves aL hlgh
recelved opLlcal power and ls degraded aL low recelved opLlcal power wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
uncompensaLed 40 km llnk, as shown ln llg. 31(b), (d) and (f). 1he opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy aL
LvM< -17 d8 ls 1 d8m llmlLed by Lhe uW8 8and #3, correspondlng Lo a power penalLy of
1.6 d8 wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon. lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe
successful Lransmlsslon afLer dlsperslon compensaLlon by lul or uCl wlLh LvM< -17 d8 ls
achleved lncreaslng Lhe ampllflcaLlon LulA #2 ln llg. 49 by 3 d8 Lo compensaLe for Lhe
lncreased loss of Lhe comblned flbre llnk.
1he lmpacL of Lhe galn of Lhe recelvlng anLenna on performance ls also sLudled. llg. 31(a)
shows Lhe LvM of Lhe uCM-CluM uW8 8and #1 afLer 23 km SSMl Lransmlsslon when a
Cassegraln anLenna wlLh 39.7 d8l galn ls employed aL recelver lnsLead of Lhe 20 d8l anLenna.
1he opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy lmproves by 1.3 d8 aL low recelved opLlcal power whereas Lhe
mlnlmum LvM ls malnLalned aL hlgh recelved opLlcal power.
llg. 33 shows examples of uCM-CluM uW8 specLra ln Lhe 60 CPz band measured aL polnL (2)
ln llg. 49. 1he power level decreases by approxlmaLely 2 d8 every Llme Lhe recelved opLlcal
power decreases by 1 d8. 1he slgnal specLrum meeLs currenL regulaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band [113]
ln all conflguraLlons. Powever, specLra of nolse and dlsLorLlon are observed due Lo lmperfecL
fllLerlng. 1hese specLra could cause lnLerference Lo oLher radlo slgnals ln Lhe currenL 60 CPz
band (37-66 CPz) or Lo fuLure frequencles ouLslde 37-66 CPz, parLlcularly around 32 CPz. 1he
undeslred specLra could be reduced by adequaLe fllLerlng ln pracLlce or by sysLem deslgn.
neverLheless, undeslred specLra do noL lmpacL on Lhe measured performance as Lhls ls
evaluaLed only over Lhe bandwldLh of each uCM-CluM uW8 band.
llg. 34 shows examples of uCM consLellaLlon dlagrams aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49. Slgnal
degradaLlon LranslaLes lnLo more dlsperse consLellaLlon polnLs Lhus degradlng Lhe LvM. 1he
consLellaLlon dlagrams ln llg. 34 conflrm Lhe good performance wlLh LvM< -17 d8 of Lhe
radlo-over-flbre sysLem for generaLlon wlLh comblned flbre and wlreless Lransmlsslon of hlgh-
quallLy uCM-CluM uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band.
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


..1.. %9S: im"ulseradio #$% "erformance
1he 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 49 ls generaLed by an arblLrary
waveform generaLor (1ekLronlx AWC, 71228) aL 23.04 CS/s. A pseudo random blL sequence of
-1 word lengLh aL 1.44 Cb/s ls employed. 1he 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 pulse ls a flfLh-order
derlvaLlve Causslan shape wlLh a sLandard devlaLlon of 0.068 ns so as Lo be ln good compllance
wlLh Lhe uW8 emlsslon mask [1] wlLh Lhe hlghesL specLral efflclency of 0.28 b/s/Pz [27]. ln Lhls
way, Lhe sysLem could operaLe ln dual band 3.1-10.6 CPz/60 CPz as Lhe baseband slgnal,
whlch ls also avallable afLer phoLodeLecLlon, could be radlaLed meeLlng Lhe currenL uW8
regulaLlon [!en10]. 1he 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal, shown ln llg. 33, comprlses a slngle
band (3.26-8.43 CPz aL 10 d8, 3.38 CPz peak frequency). 8Sk daLa modulaLlon ls employed ln
order Lo avold specLral peaks aL mulLlples of Lhe daLa raLe, whlch llmlL uW8 reach [!en10], as
verlfled ln llg. 33(b).
1he blas currenL and uW8 peak-Lo-peak volLage applled Lo Lhe vCSLL are seL Lo 820 mvpp and
13 mA, respecLlvely. 1he LC frequency ls seL Lo 16.163 CPz so LhaL Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo
uW8 slgnal ls up-converLed Lo 64.66 CPz.

llg. 34. ConsLellaLlon dlagrams of Lhe demodulaLed uCM-CluM uW8 8and #1 aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49
comblnlng flbre and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon. (a) 828, LvM= -19.3 d8 aL 3 d8m recelved opLlcal
power. (b) 300 m 8l-SMl, LvM= -16.1 d8 aL -3 d8m.
-1"5 -1"0 -0"5 0"0 0"5 1"0 1"5

-1"5 -1"0 -0"5 0"0 0"5 1"0 1"5
)a, )b,

llg. 33. eak specLrum of Lhe uCM-CluM uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band aL polnL (2) ln llg. 49 (vldeo
bandwldLh: 10 MPz). 8l carrler frequency: 64.3 CPz. (a) 828 aL 3 d8m recelved opLlcal power. (b)
300 m 8l-SMl aL 4.3 d8m. (c) 23 km SSMl aL 4.8 d8m. (d) 40 km SSMl aL 2.3 d8m.




50 55 #0 #5 70



re&'enc( )G*+,
4.1 uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon


1he conflguraLlon of Lhe 8l ampllflcaLlon and fllLerlng block aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs ls a
low-nolse ampllfler wlLh 18.7 d8 galn, a band-pass fllLer (38.123-61.873 CPz) and a hlgh-
power ampllfler wlLh 28.7 d8 galn. 1he conflguraLlon aL Lhe recelver ls a hlgh-power ampllfler
wlLh 28.7 d8 galn, a low-nolse ampllfler wlLh 16.2 d8 galn and a band-pass fllLer (37.3-
62.3 CPz).
1he performance of Lhe demodulaLed 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49 ls
evaluaLed by Lhe 8L8 parameLer. 8L8 ls measured on Lhe eye dlagrams employlng off-llne
cusLom uS. 1he uS sofLware conslsLs of re-sampllng by a facLor of 1.008, low-pass fllLerlng aL
a cuL-off frequency opLlmum for each conflguraLlon (3.1 CPz for back-Lo-back, 6.3 CPz for
23 km SSMl and 23 km SSMl exLended by 300 m 8l-SMl, and 3 CPz for 40 km SSMl), maLched
fllLerlng wlLh Lhe orlglnal uW8 pulse shape, blL synchronlzaLlon and calculaLlon of Lhe opLlmum
declslon Lhreshold. 1he 8L8 ls calculaLed by blL-by-blL comparlson wlLh Lhe orlglnal
pseudorandom blL sequence over 120,000 blLs ln all conflguraLlons. 8L8 performance of Lhe
8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless
Lransmlsslon ls shown ln llg. 36 as a funcLlon of Lhe recelved opLlcal power. 1hree opLlcal
Lransmlsslon cases are consldered: 23 km SSMl, 23 km SSMl exLended by 300 m 8l-SMl, and
40 km SSMl. Successful recovery of Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal wlLh 8L8 below Lhe
lLC llmlL of 2.2 10
ls achleved ln all flbre conflguraLlons. AfLer conslderlng Lhe 7 lLC
overhead, Lhe effecLlve daLa raLe ls 1.34 Cb/s. very low opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLles of
-12.3 d8m and -13.6 d8m afLer 23 km and 40 km of SSMl, respecLlvely, and -14.3 d8m afLer
23 km of SSMl exLended by 300 m of 8l-SMl are obLalned. 1hls corresponds Lo an
lmprovemenL of 0.1 d8, 3.2 d8 and 1.9 d8, respecLlvely, compared wlLh opLlcal back-Lo-back.
1he 8L8 ls llmlLed by elecLrlcal nolse ln llg. 36. uecreaslng Lhe recelved opLlcal power furLher
lncreases Lhe 8L8 due Lo reducLlon ln Sn8. ln addlLlon, Lhe lmprovemenL ln opLlcal recelver
senslLlvlLy afLer flbre Lransmlsslon ls ascrlbed Lo galn ln Lhe flbre Lransfer funcLlon lnduced by
Lhe lnLeracLlon of Lhe chlrp of Lhe dlrecLly-modulaLed vCSLL wlLh Lhe flbre chromaLlc
dlsperslon [194], as verlfled ln SecLlon 4.1.3.
noLe LhaL Lhe same vCSLL drlvlng ad[usLed lnlLlally ln Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon
has been employed ln all flbre conflguraLlons. neverLheless, opLlmlzaLlon of Lhe vCSLL drlvlng
ln a glven flbre conflguraLlon could lead Lo dlfferenL performance, as has been shown ln
SecLlon 4.1.3 for uCM-CluM uW8.

llg. 33. rogrammed 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal applled Lo Lhe AWC. (a) arL of Lhe slgnal ln Lhe
Llme domaln correspondlng Lo Lhe blL sequence 10110". (b) normallzed power specLral denslLy of Lhe
slgnal (solld llne) and uW8 Ll8 specLral denslLy lndoor mask [1] (dashed llne).

Time )ns,
0 0"5 1 1"5 $ $"5 ! !"5

re&'enc( )G*+,
0 $ % # 1 10 1$

)a, )b,
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


llg. 37 shows examples of 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 specLra ln Lhe 60 CPz band aL polnL (2) ln
llg. 49. 8esldual specLral llnes aL frequencles mulLlple of Lhe blLraLe are caused by asymmeLry
of Lhe 8Sk pulses. 1hls ls due Lo Lhe nonllnear Lransfer funcLlon of Lhe vCSLL and dlsLorLlon
from flbre dlsperslon. 1he power level decreases by approxlmaLely 2 d8 every Llme Lhe
recelved opLlcal power decreases by 1 d8. 1he lncrease of power level afLer flbre Lransmlsslon
wlLh respecL Lo Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon as well as lLs dependence on flbre lengLh
can be verlfled ln llg. 37(a) and (c). 1he slgnal specLrum meeLs currenL regulaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz
band [113] ln all conflguraLlons. Powever, resldual 8l carrler aL 64.66 CPz and nolse specLrum
around 32 CPz are observed due Lo lmperfecL fllLerlng. 1hese specLra could cause lnLerference
Lo oLher radlo slgnals ln Lhe currenL 60 CPz band (37-66 CPz) or Lo fuLure frequencles around
32 CPz. 1he undeslred specLra could be reduced by adequaLe fllLerlng ln pracLlce or by sysLem
deslgn. 1he undeslred specLra do noL lmpacL on performance because frequency down-
converslon ls done wlLh Lhe same 8l carrler, and uS low-pass fllLerlng ls done aL Lhe recelver.
8Sk eye dlagrams aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49 are shown ln llg. 38. 1he open eye dlagrams ln llg. 38,
especlally afLer 40 km of SSMl, conflrm Lhe excellenL performance shown ln llg. 36.

llg. 37. eak specLrum of Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band aL polnL (2) ln llg. 49
(vldeo bandwldLh: 10 MPz). 8l carrler frequency: 64.66 CPz. (a) 828 aL -9.8 d8m recelved opLlcal
power. (b) 23 km SSMl aL -13 d8m. (c) 40 km SSMl aL -17.3 d8m.



50 55 #0 #5 70



re&'enc( )G*+,

llg. 36. erformance measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49 of Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 radlo-over-flbre
sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon. 1he lLC llmlL of 2.2 10
shown vla a dashed llne.

-17 -1# -15 -1% -1! -1$ -11 -10 -8
B$B $5 km 66M
$5 km 66MM500 m B5-6M %0 km 66M
9ecei@e- /.tica3 ./0er )-Bm,
4.1 uCM CluM and 8Sk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL dlrecL modulaLlon


Slgnal degradaLlon closes Lhe eye dlagram resulLlng ln lncreased 8L8. AL -12.7 d8m recelved
opLlcal power, Lhe galn ln Lhe flbre Lransfer funcLlon afLer Lransmlsslon over 23 km
SSMl+300 m 8l-SMl enables recoverlng Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL 8L8< 2.210
recelved opLlcal power lower Lhan ln Lhe back-Lo-back conflguraLlon for Lhe same
performance, unllke Lhe 23 km SSMl conflguraLlon, as shown Lhe eye dlagrams ln llg. 38(b)
and (c). ln addlLlon, Lhe galn ln Lhe flbre Lransfer funcLlon afLer 40 km SSMl Lransmlsslon
does noL compensaLe for Lhe recelved opLlcal power reducLlon aL -14.7 d8m wlLh respecL Lo
Lhe opLlcal back-Lo-back conflguraLlon aL -10 d8m, as shown Lhe eye dlagrams ln llg. 38(a) and
(d). lurLhermore, llg. 38(c) and (d) exhlblL slmllar maxlmum eye openlng resulLlng ln slmllar
8L8 performance.
..1.1 Simulation analysis
erformance lmprovemenL afLer dlsperslve flbre Lransmlsslon compared wlLh Lhe opLlcal back-
Lo-back conflguraLlon has been achleved ln Lhe experlmenLs for boLh uCM-CluM and 8Sk
lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals. 1hls ls llkely asslsLed by Lhe chlrp characLerlsLlcs of Lhe dlrecLly-
modulaLed vCSLL [194], as has been polnLed ouL ln SecLlon 4.1.3 and 4.1.4. Slmllarly,
performance lmprovemenL afLer 20 km SSMl Lransmlsslon of CCk baseband slgnals ls
observed ln [197]. Chlrp managemenL of a dlrecLly-modulaLed ul8 laser ls performed by a
Lunable opLlcal fllLer ln [197]. ln order Lo verlfy Lhe experlmenLal measuremenLs, a slmulaLlon
model for Lhe uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band has been developed employlng
Lhe commerclal slmulaLlon Lool vlLransmlsslonMaker` (verslon 8.3).

llg. 38. Lye dlagrams of Lhe demodulaLed 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49
comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon. (a) 828, 8L8= 8.37 10
aL -10 d8m recelved opLlcal
power. (b) 23 km SSMl, 8L8= 3.4 10
aL -12.7 d8m. (c) 23 km SSMl exLended by 300 m 8l-SMl, 8L8=
3.43 10
aL -12.7 d8m. (d) 40 km SSMl, 8L8= 1.01 10
aL -14.7 d8m.

4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


A slngle-mode raLe-equaLlon model of a vCSLL ls employed. 1he measured power- and
volLage-blas currenL curves and Lhermal frequency shlfL of Lhe vCSLL are lncluded ln Lhe
model. lurLhermore, we prevlously verlfled LhaL Lhe model for Lhe vCSLL can reproduce Lhe
behavlour of Lhe real vCSLL by measurlng Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe vCSLL ln Lhe Llme and frequency
domalns under modulaLlon wlLh a n8Z pseudorandom blL sequence of 2
-1 word lengLh aL
7.3 Cb/s. 7.3 Cb/s was chosen ln order Lo have slmllar specLral wldLh ln Lhe slmulaLlons and
Lhe experlmenLs. uue Lo Lhe flfLh derlvaLlve Causslan pulse shape, Lhe specLral properLles, and
Lherefore also Lhe chlrp- and dlsperslon-relaLed characLerlsLlcs are more slmllar Lo 7.3 Cb/s
CCk leadlng Lo more accuraLe resulLs. arameLers of Lhe vCSLL model glvlng a slmulaLed
ouLpuL of Lhe vCSLL very slmllar Lo LhaL measured are found by mulLl-parameLer sweep aL a
glven drlve volLage and blas currenL. SlmulaLlon resulLs are obLalned aL approxlmaLely Lhe
same drlve volLage and blas currenL as ln Lhe experlmenL and seLLlng Lhe correspondlng vCSLL
parameLers obLalned from Lhe sweep.
SlmulaLed 8L8 performance of Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls
shown ln llg. 39 comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon whlch ls modelled as free-
space paLh loss. 1he same opLlcal Lransmlsslon cases as ln llg. 36 are consldered: 23 km SSMl,
23 km SSMl exLended by 300 m 8l-SMl, and 40 km SSMl. SlmulaLed 8L8 exhlblLs Lhe same
behavlour as experlmenLal 8L8 shown ln llg. 36. lurLhermore, lL ls verlfled LhaL no
performance lmprovemenL ls obLalned afLer flbre Lransmlsslon wlLh respecL Lo opLlcal back-Lo-
back when Lhe chlrp of Lhe vCSLL ls dlsabled ln slmulaLlon.
..2 //: im"ulse radio em"loying ;CS7L and 7CL u"conversion
CpLlcal generaLlon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band ls proposed and
experlmenLally demonsLraLed [8el11b]. LCL and vCSLL are employed for frequency up-
converslon by heLerodyne mlxlng wlLh a uW8 opLlcal slgnal for comparlson purposes. 8eal-
Llme 8L8 performance of generaLed slgnals aL 3.123 Cb/s ls evaluaLed comblnlng flbre and 2 m
wlreless Lransmlsslon. ulfferenL opLlcal flbre Lypes lncludlng 1 km 8l-SMl and 20 km nZ-uSl ls

llg. 39. erformance slmulaLed aL polnL (3) ln llg. 49 of Lhe 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 radlo-over-flbre
sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band comblnlng opLlcal and 3 m wlreless Lransmlsslon, Lo be compared wlLh llg.
36. 1he lLC llmlL of 2.210
ls shown vla a dashed llne.

-$5 -$% -$! -$$ -$1 -$0 -18 -11 -17
B$B $5 km 66M
$5 km 66MM500 m B5-6M %0 km 66M
9ecei@e- /.tica3 ./0er )-Bm,

4.2 CCk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL and LCL up-converslon


evaluaLed. 8L8 < 10
for Lhe LCL and 8L8 < 2.210
for Lhe vCSLL requlrlng hlgher recelved
opLlcal power Lhan Lhe LCL ls demonsLraLed employlng elecLrlcal power deLecLlon.
..2.1 Introduction
uW8 operaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band permlLs Lo overcome coexlsLence lssues llmlLlng uW8
operaLlon ln Lhe 3.1 Lo 10.6 CPz band. ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls, we propose and analyse 60 CPz
uW8 phoLonlc generaLlon and lnLegraLed opLlcal-radlo Lransmlsslon employlng vCSLL and LCL.
60 CPz phoLonlc generaLlon and lnLegraLed Lransmlsslon ls an lnLeresLlng approach for mulLl-
Cb/s access ln l11P neLworks [8el10c], [8el11a], ln WAn supporLlng audlo/vldeo sLreamlng,
as dlscussed ln SecLlon 4.1, and ln lnLerference-senslLlve scenarlos llke on-board plane
equlpmenL [8el09a], [8el10a], as dlscussed ln SecLlon 3.3. revlous works, summarlzed ln 1able
l, demonsLraLe wlreless dlsLances below 1 m employlng CCk modulaLlon up Lo 3.123 Cb/s ln
Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band [24], [23], [48], [67]. ln Lhe 60 CPz band, opLlcal Lransmlsslon up Lo
40 km SSMl and 3 m wlreless dlsLance has been demonsLraLed employlng 8Sk modulaLlon aL
1.44 Cb/s [8el10c], [8el11a]. llnally, wlreless Lransmlsslon up Lo 1.6 m employlng CCk
modulaLlon aL 2.3 Cb/s has been demonsLraLed ln Lhe 73-110 CPz band for 230 m SSMl and
30 m of uCl [39].
1he analysls hereln presenLed addresses Lhe phoLonlc generaLlon, opLlcal Lransmlsslon up Lo
20 km and wlreless Lransmlsslon up Lo 2 m of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band.
CCk modulaLlon aL 3.123 Cb/s ls employed. CCk permlLs envelope deLecLlon avoldlng down-
converslon aL Lhe recelver and phase locklng. 1he phoLonlc generaLlon Lechnlque employed ls
based on frequency up-converslon by heLerodyne phoLodeLecLlon of an lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnal and a semlconducLor dlode laser aL a wavelengLh 60 CPz aparL. 1hls Lechnlque permlLs
dual operaLlon ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz and ln Lhe 60 CPz band. CpLlcal Lransmlsslon performance
ls evaluaLed experlmenLally conslderlng 1 km of 8l-SMl wlLhouL bendlng (1.1 d8 loss) and
20 km of nZ-uSl (4.7 d8 loss). 1he 8l-SMl ls employed for lndoor dlsLrlbuLlon due Lo lLs low
bend loss and sulLablllLy for lndoor lnsLallaLlon. 1he nZ-uSl ls employed for l11P dlsLrlbuLlon
due Lo Lhe lmproved dlsperslon performance compared Lo SSMl. 1he LoLal dlsperslon of Lhe
20 km of nZ-uSl employed ls equlvalenL Lo LhaL of 6.3 km of SSMl.
..2.2 72"erimental setu"
llg. 60 shows Lhe experlmenLal seLup. AL Lhe head-end unlL (PLu), an lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnal aL 3.123 Cb/s ls opLlcally generaLed based on Lhe lncoherenL opLlcal fleld summaLlon
resulLlng from cross-galn modulaLlon of an uncooled ul8 laser aL ~1332.4 nm wlLh an LCL
(LCL1 ln llg. 60) aL ~1333.3 nm [48]. 1he LCL1 ls modulaLed aL 3.123 Cb/s by a 8Z pseudo-
random blnary sequence slgnal wlLh a duLy cycle of 0.23. A programmed 2
-1 pseudorandom
blL sequence from Lhe pulse paLLern generaLor ls employed, 1000" and 0000" correspondlng
Lo 1 and 0 uW8 blLs, respecLlvely. 1he slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 60 ls shown ln llg. 61(a). 1he
pulse shape ls ln excellenL compllance wlLh Lhe uW8 Ll8 denslLy regulaLed ln Lhe u.S.
provlded an anLenna wlLh an adequaLe frequency response ls used for operaLlon ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band [48]. llg. 61(b) shows Lhe slgnal ln Lhe 3.1-10.6 CPz band, whlch ls
avallable aL polnL (3) ln llg. 60 slmulLaneously Lo Lhe 60 CPz slgnal.
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


1he lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls comblned wlLh a laser, LCL (P/AgllenL 8168C) or uncooled
unmodulaLed 10 Cb/s vCSLL (vL81lLAS, 1330-10C-2-4-ulff-llex) [193]. 1he laser ls Luned aL
a wavelengLh of 60 CPz lower Lhan Lhe ul8 wavelengLh. ln Lhls way, frequency up-converslon
of Lhe lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal Lo Lhe 60 CPz band ls achleved afLer 73 CPz phoLodeLecLlon
aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlL. 1he comblned opLlcal slgnal ls ampllfled by an LulA, 3 nm fllLered,
and dlsLrlbuLed over flbre. A varlable opLlcal aLLenuaLor ls employed Lo vary Lhe recelved
opLlcal power. AL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlL, Lhe phoLodeLecLed slgnal ls band-pass fllLered
(36.26-62 CPz) and ampllfled by a low-nolse ampllfler (18.7 d8 galn) and a hlgh-power
ampllfler (28.7 d8 galn) before belng fed Lo an anLenna for 2 m of wlreless Lransmlsslon.
8ecLangular horn anLennas wlLh 30-73 CPz frequency range, 20 d8l galn, and 12 beamwldLh
are employed. AL Lhe recelver, Lhe 60 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal ls ampllfled by a hlgh-
power ampllfler (28.7 d8 galn) and demodulaLed by a power deLecLor (30-73 CPz). 1he
deLecLed envelope ls ampllfled Lo accommodaLe lLs level Lo Lhe 8L81 and 7.3 CPz low-pass
fllLered. Lye dlagrams are measured aL polnL (4) ln llg. 60.
1he slgnals aL polnL (1) ln llg. 60 and from Lhe LCL or vCSLL are opLlmlzed for Lhe besL posslble
mlnlmum 8L8 ln each case of LCL or vCSLL and back-Lo-back or opLlcal Lransmlsslon. 1he
opLlmum ul8 blas ls approxlmaLely Lhe same ln all cases. 1he ouLpuL power of Lhe LCL and
vCSLL should be hlgh. 1he maxlmum ouLpuL power of 2 d8m ls employed ln boLh cases.

llg. 61. (a) lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 60. (b) 8MS specLrum of Lhe slgnal ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band aL polnL (3) ln llg. 60 for opLlcal 828, whlch ls slmllar for LCL and vCSLL (resoluLlon
bandwldLh: 1 MPz). 1he uW8 Ll8 regulaLed ln Lhe u.S. ls shown vla a dashed llne.



Time )s,, !00 .s/-i@
0 $ % # 1 101$1%1#11$0
re&'enc( )G*+,


llg. 60. LxperlmenLal seLup for opLlcal lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon ln Lhe 60 CPz band wlLh
comblned flbre and wlreless Lransmlsslon.

O #0 G*+


E:L /
P: P:
1-km B5-6M )in-//r,
$0-km N;-D6 )TT* access,
$ m
#0-G*+ 9AU
#0-G*+ 9E:E5AE9
(() (3) A<A
Am. Am.
6i2na3 Br/m
t4e *EU
4.2 CCk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL and LCL up-converslon


..2.& 9erformance analysis
8L8 as a funcLlon of Lhe recelved opLlcal power of Lhe 60 CPz opLlcal and 2 m radlo llnk ls
compared for LCL and vCSLL. LCL ls sulLable for heLerodynlng due Lo Lhe relaLlve narrow-
llnewldLh [198]. ln recenL years, vCSLL have galned a loL of lnLeresL due Lo Lhe relaLlve low
cosL. vCSLL placed aL a remoLe slLe ls also lnvesLlgaLed Lo compare dlfferenL scenarlos.
lor LCL, Lhe specLrum aL polnL (2) ln llg. 60 ls shown ln llg. 62(a). llg. 63 shows 8L8
performance whlch ls llmlLed by elecLrlcal nolse. uecreaslng Lhe recelved opLlcal power furLher
lncreases Lhe 8L8 due Lo reducLlon ln Sn8. 8L8 < 10
ls achleved aL an opLlcal recelver
senslLlvlLy of -10.1 d8m, -9.8 d8m, and -7.6 d8m for opLlcal back-Lo-back, 1 km 8l-SMl, and
20 km nZ-uSl, respecLlvely. 1he power budgeL aparL from flbre loss ls 12.3 d8, 11.1 d8, and
4.2 d8, respecLlvely. Pence, flbre dlsperslon lnLroduces a power budgeL penalLy of 1.2 d8, and
8.1 d8, respecLlvely.
lor vCSLL, llg. 62(b) shows Lhe specLrum aL polnL (2) ln llg. 60. 1here ls a small dlfference ln
ul8 blas beLween LCL and vCSLL due Lo Lhe lower wavelengLh accuracy of Lhe vCSLL. 1hls
causes dlfferenL ul8 chlrp so LhaL Lhe ul8 bandwldLh ln llg. 62(b) ls wlder Lhan LhaL ln llg.
62(a). llg. 64 shows 8L8 performance. 8L8 floor ls llmlLed by Lhe opLlcal Sn8. 1he opLlcal Sn8
for back-Lo-back ls degraded compared wlLh LCL due Lo Lhe vCSLL nolse. SlmulaLlon resulLs
suggesL LhaL Lhe vCSLL llnewldLh (20 MPz mln. vs. 100 kPz of Lhe LCL, as of daLasheeLs)
domlnaLes over Lhe vCSLL relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse, as dlscussed ln SecLlon 4.2.4. A maxlmum
relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse of -133 d8/Pz ls consldered for boLh vCSLL and LCL. ln addlLlon, Lhe
lnfluence of Lhe vCSLL chlrp on Lhe flbre 8l Lransfer funcLlon mlLlgaLes dlsperslon-lnduced 8l
power fadlng compared wlLh LCL. 8l-SMl dlsperslon does noL degrade 8L8 floor llke ln llg. 63.
Pence, 8l-SMl penalLy ln llg. 63 ls noL due Lo pulse Llme sLreLchlng buL Lo 60 CPz slgnal
dlsLorLlon lnduced by 8l power fadlng. 8L8 floor degradaLlon by nZ-uSl dlsperslon ln llg. 64 ls
lower Lhan LhaL ln llg. 63. Pence, 8l power fadlng conLrlbuLes Lo nZ-uSl penalLy ln llg. 63.
lurLhermore, 8L8 floor degradaLlon by nZ-uSl ln llg. 64 does noL lnduce penalLy ln opLlcal
recelver senslLlvlLy. 1hls excellenL Lransmlsslon properLy ls Lhe resulL of galn ln Lhe flbre 8l
Lransfer funcLlon furLher lnduced by vCSLL chlrp [194]. 1hls galn lmproves Sn8 aL low recelved
opLlcal power. 1hls effecL ls also Lhe cause of Lhe lmprovemenL ln opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy
for 8l-SMl wlLh respecL Lo back-Lo-back ln llg. 63. AddlLlonally, assumlng LhaL Lhe 8L8 floor
degradaLlon by nZ-uSl ln llg. 64 ls only caused by pulse Llme sLreLchlng, Llme sLreLchlng (whlch
ls dependenL on ul8 bandwldLh) lnduces a maxlmum penalLy of 1 d8. 8L8 ls below Lhe lLC
llmlL of 2.2 10
aL opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy approxlmaLely Lhe same of -4 d8m for opLlcal
back-Lo-back, 1 km 8l-SMl, and 20 km nZ-uSl. 1he power budgeL aparL from flbre loss ls 8 d8,
7.1 d8, and 3.1 d8, respecLlvely. 1he power budgeL penalLy wlLh respecL Lo LCL aL 8L8
< 2.2 10
ls 7 d8, 6.9 d8, and 4.2 d8, respecLlvely. AfLer conslderlng Lhe 7 lLC overhead, Lhe
effecLlve daLa raLe ls 2.91 Cb/s.
llg. 63 shows 8L8 when Lhe vCSLL, polarlzaLlon conLroller and 3 d8 coupler are moved Lo polnL
(2) ln llg. 60. 1he opLlcal specLrum aL polnL (2) ln llg. 60 aL 0.9 d8m maxlmum recelved
opLlcal power ls llke LhaL ln llg. 62(b) wlLh a power level reduced by 7.7 d8 and 0.4 d8 for
vCSLL and ul8, respecLlvely, and lncreased by 1.1 d8 for LCL1. 8L8 floor ls llmlLed by Lhe
opLlcal Sn8.
4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


llg. 63. 8L8 for remoLe vCSLL. (a) 1 km 8l-SMl aL 0 d8m recelved opLlcal power, 8L8 < 6.3 10
. (b)
20 km nZ-uSl aL -3.1 d8m, 8L8 = 2 10

llg. 64. 8L8 for vCSLL aL Lhe head-end unlL. (a) 1 km 8l-SMl aL 0.1 d8m recelved opLlcal power, 8L8
< 4.8 10
. (b) 20 km nZ-uSl aL -0.9 d8m, 8L8 = 1 10

llg. 63. 8L8 for LCL. (a) 1 km 8l-SMl aL -7.7 d8m recelved opLlcal power, 8L8 < 10
. (b) 20 km nZ-uSl
aL -7.9 d8m, 8L8 = 7 10

llg. 62. CpLlcal specLrum measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 60 for opLlcal 828. (a) LCL aL 2.2 d8m maxlmum
recelved opLlcal power. (b) vCSLL aL 4 d8m maxlmum recelved opLlcal power. (8esoluLlon bandwldLh:
0.02 nm).

1551"# 155$"1 155%"0


Wa@e3en2t4 )nm,
1551"# 155$"1 155%"0


Wa@e3en2t4 )nm,
#0 G*+
#0 G*+
4.2 CCk lmpulse radlo employlng vCSLL and LCL up-converslon


1he nolse aL Lhe coupler ouLpuL ls domlnaLed by Lhe nolse aL Lhe LulA ouLpuL for back-Lo-back
aL hlgh recelved opLlcal power. 1he lower power used for up-converslon and Lhe dlfferenL
opLlcal nolse resulL ln opLlcal Sn8 for back-Lo-back degraded compared wlLh llg. 63 and llg. 64.
8L8 < 2.2 10
ls achleved aL an opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy of -7 d8m, -7.7 d8m, and
-6.7 d8m for back-Lo-back, 1 km 8l-SMl, and 20 km nZ-uSl, respecLlvely. 1he power budgeL
aparL from flbre loss ls 7.9 d8, 7.7 d8, and 3.6 d8, respecLlvely. 1hese resulLs demonsLraLe LhaL
vCSLL used for remoLe dlrecL modulaLlon could also be used for heLerodynlng. lurLhermore,
remoLe vCSLL poLenLlally ellmlnaLes 8l power fadlng.
noLe LhaL Lhe wavelengLh of Lhe vCSLL was ad[usLed Lo Lrack Lhe LemperaLure drlfL (0.1 nm/C
Lyp.). ln pracLlce, LemperaLure conLrol could lmprove sLablllLy.
..2.. Simulation analysis
1he 8L8 floor ln llg. 64 ls llmlLed by Lhe opLlcal Sn8. 1he slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 60 ls more or
less Lhe same for LCL and vCSLL and Lhe ouLpuL power of Lhe LCL and vCSLL ls Lhe same.
Pence, Lhe opLlcal Sn8 for back-Lo-back may be slgnlflcanLly degraded compared wlLh LCL due
Lo Lhe vCSLL nolse.
1he experlmenLal seLup has been slmulaLed employlng vlLransmlsslonMaker` (verslon 8.3)
Lo sLudy Lhe lnfluence on 8L8 floor for back-Lo-back of llnewldLh and relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse
(8ln) of Lhe laser employed for heLerodynlng. We have consldered Lhe llnewldLh of Lhe LCL
employed ln Lhe experlmenL (100 kPz) and Lhe mlnlmum llnewldLh speclfled by vL81lLAS for
Lhe vCSLL (20 MPz). 1wo values of 8ln, -133 d8/Pz and -143 d8/Pz, are consldered for boLh
LCL and vCSLL. noLe LhaL 8ln< -133 d8/Pz ls a Lyplcal maxlmum 8ln for vCSLL aL Lhe blas
currenL employed ln Lhe experlmenL. SlmulaLlon resulLs are shown ln llg. 66 wlLhouL
conslderlng wavelengLh drlfL wlLh LemperaLure (delLa1= 0 ln Lhe legend).
8L8 degradaLlon wlLh llnewldLh ls verlfled aL Lhe same 8ln for LCL and vCSLL. ln addlLlon,
reduclng 8ln sllghLly lmproves 8L8 for vCSLL whereas 8L8 slgnlflcanLly lmproves for LCL.
Pence, vCSLL nolse ls domlnaLed by llnewldLh buL of course 8ln and oLher lmpalrmenLs affecL
1he lnfluence of wavelengLh drlfL wlLh LemperaLure has also been lnvesLlgaLed. 1he Lyplcal
LemperaLure coefflclenL speclfled by vL81lLAS for Lhe vCSLL (12.3 CPz/C) ls consldered and
2.3 CPz/C ls assumed for LCL. llg. 66 shows slmulaLlon resulLs for a wavelengLh drlfL of
1.23 CPz for boLh LCL and vCSLL. WavelengLh drlfL causes slmllar 8L8 floor degradaLlon aL
boLh 8ln values for LCL whereas degradaLlon ls dlfferenL for vCSLL due Lo Lhe llnewldLh
8L8 floor ls degraded for vCSLL compared wlLh LCL even when vCSLL has hlgher relaLlve
lnLenslLy nolse. Pence, vCSLL performance ls llmlLed by llnewldLh and wavelengLh drlfL wlLh

4 CeneraLlon and opLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon of uW8 slgnals ln Lhe 60 CPz band


..& Conclusion
uW8 radlo-over-flbre ln Lhe 60 CPz band for provldlng mulLl-Cb/s lnLegraLed l11P and WAn
connecLlvlLy has been proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed. 8adlo-over-flbre
Lransmlsslon over 40 km SSMl wlLhouL any dlsperslon compensaLlon and furLher 3 m wlreless
Lransmlsslon has been demonsLraLed for boLh uCM-CluM and 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8
slgnals aL 1.44 Cb/s ln Lhe 60 CPz band. 1he 8Sk lmpulse-radlo uW8 lmplemenLaLlon ls more
LoleranL Lo flbre lmpalrmenLs requlrlng lower recelved opLlcal power Lhan Lhe uCM-CluM
uW8 counLerparL, alLhough oLher uW8 generaLlon and uS deLecLlon Lechnlques could lead Lo
dlfferenL resulLs. 1he use of Lhe same AWC for boLh CluM and lmpulse-radlo uW8 generaLlon
wlll provlde a Lhorough concluslon. LxperlmenLal resulLs verlfled by slmulaLlon show LhaL Lhe
uW8 radlo-over-flbre sysLem ln Lhe 60 CPz band can beneflL from Lhe chlrp of low-cosL
dlrecLly-modulaLed vCSLLs Lo lncrease opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy.
We belleve LhaL Lhese resulLs underpln Lhe flexlblllLy of uW8 slgnalllng noL only ln Lhe
3.1-10.6 CPz band, buL also ln Lhe 60 CPz band.
Slmple opLlcal generaLlon of CCk 60 CPz lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals aL 3.123 Cb/s has been
experlmenLally demonsLraLed. CosL-effecLlve vCSLL ls proposed for opLlcal heLerodynlng.
vCSLL ls demonsLraLed Lo be sulLable for lnLegraLed l11P or opLlcal lndoor and WAn
Lransmlsslon ln Lwo scenarlos lncludlng cenLrallzed vCSLL and remoLe vCSLL. Compared wlLh
LCL, vCSLL could be dlrecLly modulaLed and vCSLL chlrp lmproves dlsperslon Lolerance.
Powever, 8L8 ls degraded for vCSLL. 8educed vCSLL llnewldLh for cenLrallzed vCSLL and hlgh
vCSLL ouLpuL power for remoLe vCSLL could reduce Lhe 8L8 degradaLlon.

llg. 66. SlmulaLlon of Lhe lnfluence of relaLlve lnLenslLy nolse, llnewldLh and wavelengLh drlfL wlLh
LemperaLure of Lhe laser employed for up-converslon.
-1 -7 -# -5 -% -! -$ -1 0 1 $

9ecei@e- <.tica3 P/0er )-Bm,
95NL -1!5 -B/*+
-1 -7 -# -5 -% -! -$ -1 0 1 $
95NL -1%5 -B/*+

9ecei@e- <.tica3 P/0er )-Bm,

E:L -e3taTL0 E:L -e3taTL0"5
A:6EL -e3taTL0 A:6EL -e3taTL0"1


Reconfigurable multiwavelengt! source based on
electroo"tic "!ase modulation of a "ulsed laser
A reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source based on Llme-domaln elecLroopLlc phase
modulaLlon of a pulsed laser ls proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed [8el11c], [Llo12].
1he Lechnlque permlLs greaL reconflguraLlon ln wavelengLh separaLlon -by mulLlplylng Lhe
number of wavelengLhs wlLhln Lhe opLlcal bandwldLh, as well as ln Lhe specLrum allocaLlon. A
Lunable 3 CPz and 2.3 CPz frequency spaclng from a 10 CPz mode-locked laser ls
experlmenLally demonsLraLed. A 3 CPz frequency shlfL ls also demonsLraLed.
1.1 Introduction
MulLlwavelengLh llghL sources are fundamenLal componenLs ln a varleLy of phoLonlc
appllcaLlons lncludlng opLlcal communlcaLlons, slgnal processlng, and specLroscopy [199].
Several approaches for mulLlwavelengLh llghL generaLlon have been reporLed [200]-[207]. lor
lnsLance, mulLlfrequency operaLlon of an Lrblum-doped flbre laser can be achleved by addlng a
frequency shlfLer ln Lhe rlng cavlLy [201]. A dlfferenL approach ls based on sLlmulaLed 8rlllouln
scaLLerlng. ln Lhls Lechnlque, mode spaclng ad[usLmenL ls posslble by changlng Lhe free
specLral range of an lnLracavlLy blrefrlngenL loop mlrror fllLer [202]. Cn Lhe oLher hand, mode-
locked lasers [200] are ldeally well sulLed for mulLlfrequency generaLlon as Lhey provlde a
regularly spaced serles of sLable and sharp specLral componenLs and have low nolse quallLles.
Powever, Lhese mulLlmode pulsed lasers usually presenL llmlLed reconflguraLlon capablllLles ln
Lerms of, e.g., wavelengLh spaclng. CpLlcal frequency combs based on elecLroopLlc modulaLors
drlven by large-ampllLude slnusoldal slgnals permlL arblLrary wavelengLh spaclng by ad[usLlng
Lhe frequency of Lhe slnusoldal slgnals, and wavelengLh can be shlfLed employlng a Lunable
conLlnuous-wave laser. lor lnsLance, comb generaLlon based on a phase modulaLor [203], a dual-
drlve MZM [204], or cascaded phase and lnLenslLy modulaLors [203]. AlLhough Lhls Lechnlque
can provlde a relaLlvely flaL opLlcal comb, lL can be llmlLed by Lhe lnserLlon loss of Lhe
modulaLor LogeLher wlLh Lhe modulaLlon efflclency. Caln-swlLched pulsed lasers can also be
employed for slmple and cosL efflclenL mulLlwavelengLh generaLlon wlLh Lunable wavelengLh
spaclng [206]. Powever, Lhese comb sources usually presenL llmlLed bandwldLh and flaLness
3 8econflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source based on phase modulaLlon of a pulsed laser


capablllLles. 1o furLher broaden Lhe comb, nonllnear flbre processes [204], [206], reclrculaLlng
schemes [203], and phase modulaLlon processes [207] have been demonsLraLed.
A mulLlwavelengLh source wlLh reconflguraLlon capablllLles based on a mode-locked laser and an
elecLroopLlc phase modulaLor ls proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls.
1he phase modulaLlon process enables dlscreLe Lunlng ln wavelengLh spaclng or offseL of a pulsed
laser wlLhouL lnfluenclng bandwldLh. lurLhermore, Lhe reconflguraLlon does noL lnfluence Lhe
pulse Lraln ln lnLenslLy. 1he Lechnlque has poLenLlal appllcaLlon for elasLlc" WuM sysLems, such as
CluM sysLems wlLh reconflgurable subcarrler spaclng (opLlcal CluM) or subband spaclng
(mulLlband elecLrlcal CluM) [203 and references Lhereln], as lllusLraLed ln llg. 4, and opLlcal code
dlvlslon mulLlple access (CCuMA) sysLems [199].
1.2 9rinci"le of o"eration
llg. 67 shows a schemaLlc dlagram of Lhe proposed Lechnlque for generaLlon of a
reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source from a pulsed laser. A perlodlc lnpuL pulse Lraln wlLh
T ls consldered whlch corresponds, ln frequency domaln, Lo an opLlcal frequency
comb wlLh frequency spaclng equal Lo Lhe pulse repeLlLlon raLe, l.e., 1/
rep rep
f T = . 1hls opLlcal
specLrum consLlLuLes Lhe orlglnal mulLlwavelengLh source. 8y applylng an adequaLe Llme-
domaln perlodlc mulLlsLep phase modulaLlon on Lhe lnpuL Lraln, a change ln Lhe frequency
spaclng of Lhe mulLlwavelengLh source ls achleved. 1he perlodlc phase sequence ls obLalned
from Lhe expresslon [Car11]
where s and r are muLually prlme lnLeger numbers and
ls Lhe phase shlfL applled on Lhe
pulse n ln Lhe sequence. 1hls phase shlfL can be assumed Lo be applled on a Llme sloL equal Lo
Lhe pulse repeLlLlon raLe
T . lf Lhese phase shlfLs are reduced lnLo a 2 range, a perlodlc
sequence of phase sLeps ls obLalned. under Lhese speclflc Lemporal modulaLlon condlLlons, Lhe
frequency spaclng of Lhe mulLlwavelengLh source ls reduced by Lhe lnLeger facLor r . ln addlLlon,
a frequency shlfLlng effecL ls observed ln Lhe specLral llnes under oLher parLlcular modulaLlon
condlLlons. All Lhese feaLures can be lnLerpreLed as Lhe specLral analogue of Lhe so-called
Lemporal self-lmaglng effecL [Car11], [208], [209]. llg. 67 schemaLlcally shows Lhe case of Lhe
Lemporal perlodlc modulaLlon wlLh Lhe sequence [0, / 2 , 0, / 2 , .} derlved from (1) wlLh
1 = s and 2 r = leadlng Lo a reducLlon of Lhe frequency spaclng by a facLor of 2. ln Lhls h.u.
Lhesls, we demonsLraLe Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhe approach proposed ln [Car11] employlng
elecLroopLlc phase modulaLlon.
3.2 rlnclple of operaLlon


1.& 72"erimental setu"
llg. 68 shows Lhe experlmenLal seLup. 1he orlglnal mulLlwavelengLh source ls an acLlve mode-
locked laser (Calmar Laser, SL-10-21), MLL block ln llg. 68. 1he laser generaLes pulses wlLh
2 ps of lWPM aL a repeLlLlon raLe of 10 CPz. 1hls pulse Lraln ls Lemporally modulaLed wlLh a
blL paLLern ln an elecLroopLlc phase modulaLor (Covega, Ln33S) ( 3.5 V V

= ). An opLlcal delay
llne ls used Lo synchronlze Lhe modulaLlon paLLern wlLh Lhe pulse Lraln. 1he modulaLlon depLh
ls Luned by uslng a varlable elecLrlcal aLLenuaLor. llg. 69(a) shows Lhe orlglnal 10 CPz pulse
Lraln measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 68. llg. 70(a) shows Lhe orlglnal mulLlwavelengLh specLrum.
1.. 0unctional demonstration
1hree experlmenLal cases are consldered Lo demonsLraLe a reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh
source. 1wo dlfferenL blL paLLerns wlLh dlfferenL ampllLude are employed Lo decrease Lhe
wavelengLh separaLlon of Lhe mode-locked laser ln llg. 68 by Lwo dlfferenL facLors. 8y
ad[usLlng elLher Lhe blL paLLern or Lhe ampllLude of Lhe blL sequence, Lhe cenLre wavelengLh ls
shlfLed alLernaLlvely Lo decrease Lhe wavelengLh separaLlon.
1...1 Reduction of t!e fre6uency s"acing by a factor of 2
llrsL, we experlmenLally demonsLraLe reducLlon of Lhe frequency spaclng of Lhe mode-locked
laser by a facLor of 2, as lnLroduced ln SecLlon 3.2. A blL paLLern 0101. aL 10 Cb/s ls employed
Lo drlve Lhe elecLroopLlc modulaLor. llg. 69(b) shows Lhe blL paLLern measured aL polnL (1) ln
llg. 68. 1he modulaLlon depLh of Lhe elecLroopLlc modulaLor ls carefully Luned unLll a / 2
phase shlfL ls achleved.

llg. 68. LxperlmenLal seLup of a reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source.
10 G*+
(3) (2)
10 Gbit/s

llg. 67. rlnclple of operaLlon of a reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source by Llme-domaln phase
modulaLlon of a pulsed laser.

Time Time
re&'enc( re&'enc(
f r
Ti*e )+ltile,el
= 1
rep rep
T l f
3 8econflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source based on phase modulaLlon of a pulsed laser


noLe LhaL Lhe drlvlng slgnal guaranLees LhaL Lhe same phase shlfL ls applled along Lhe whole
opLlcal pulse duraLlon. llg. 70(b) shows Lhe reconflgured mulLlwavelengLh specLrum measured
aL polnL (3) ln llg. 68. 1he specLrum exhlblLs a frequency spaclng of 3 CPz ln agreemenL wlLh
Lhe Lheory lnLroduced ln SecLlon 3.2.
1...2 Reduction of t!e fre6uency s"acing by a factor of .
ln a second experlmenLal demonsLraLlon, Lhe frequency spaclng of Lhe mode-locked laser ls
reduced by a facLor of 4 by drlvlng Lhe phase modulaLor wlLh a sequence 00010001. aL
10 Cb/s and seLLlng a phase shlfL. 1he modulaLlng sequence ls shown ln llg. 69(c). 1he
resulLanL perlodlc sequence ln Lhls case ls [0, 0, 0, , 0, 0, 0, , .} whlch, alLhough noL derlved
from (1), also provldes a fourfold reducLlon ln Lhe frequency spaclng [208]. llg. 70(c) shows Lhe
reconflgured mulLlwavelengLh specLrum measured aL polnL (3) ln llg. 68. 1he specLrum
exhlblLs a frequency spaclng of 2.3 CPz as expecLed. noLe LhaL Lhe correspondence Lo Lhe
orlglnal specLrum ln llg. 70(a) ls noL perfecL due Lo Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe Lrace (373 polnLs ln
1.3 nm).
1...& $avelengt! s!ift by !alf fre6uency s"acing
1he proposed Lechnlque also permlLs Lo shlfL Lhe wavelengLh of Lhe orlglnal mulLlwavelengLh
specLrum. 1he specLrum ls shlfLed by half of Lhe orlglnal frequency spaclng when an alLernaLe
phase shlfL ls seL. 1he sequence ln Lhls case [0, , 0, , .} ls derlved from (1) wlLh 1 = s and
1 r = . llg. 70(d) shows Lhe reconflgured mulLlwavelengLh specLrum measured aL polnL (3) ln
llg. 68. 1he specLrum exhlblLs a frequency shlfL of 3 CPz wlLh respecL Lo Lhe lnpuL specLrum.

llg. 69. (a) lnpuL 10 CPz opLlcal pulse Lraln measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 68 (Analyzer opLlcal bandwldLh:
30 CPz). (b) and (c) ModulaLlng slgnal aL polnL (1) ln llg. 68 for Lwofold and fourfold decrease ln Lhe
frequency spaclng of Lhe pulsed laser, respecLlvely.






/ 2

1#0 $%0
Time ).s,
0 10 1#0 $%0 !$0 %00



3.4 luncLlonal demonsLraLlon


lL should be noLed LhaL Lhe experlmenLal examples reporLed here only use Lwo phase levels, whlle
ln general mulLllevel phase sequences are requlred. lor lnsLance, Lhe perlodlc sequence [0, / 4 ,
, / 4 , .} derlved from (1) wlLh 1 = s and 4 r =

also leads Lo a fourfold decrease ln Lhe
frequency spaclng of Lhe pulsed laser. Powever, Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of such a case may requlre a
more complex mulLllevel modulaLlon approach [97], [98].
1.1 C!ir" and noise im"act analysis
1he lnfluence of chlrp, Llmlng [lLLer and ampllLude nolse of Lhe orlglnal source on Lhe proposed
Lechnlque has been analysed by numerlcal slmulaLlons. A sequence of Causslan pulses wlLh
3 ps lWPM and repeLlLlon raLe 10
f GHz = ls consldered. 1he phase modulaLlon process does
noL lnfluence Lhe pulse Lraln ln lnLenslLy ln Lhe presence of chlrp and nolse.
1he specLrum of Lhe llnearly-chlrped Causslan pulses ls broader Lhan LhaL of Lhe unchlrped
pulses. llg. 71 shows slmulaLlon resulLs of Lhe reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source for
llnearly-chlrped Causslan pulses. Chlrp does noL lnfluence Lhe proposed reconflguraLlon
Lechnlque nelLher for frequency spaclng reducLlon nor for frequency shlfLlng.

llg. 70. (a) lnpuL 10 CPz mulLlwavelengLh laser specLrum measured aL polnL (2) ln llg. 68. (b) and (c)
uecrease by an lnLeger facLor of 2 and 4 ln Lhe frequency spaclng, respecLlvely. (d) lrequency shlfLlng by
half of Lhe orlglnal frequency spaclng. (8esoluLlon bandwldLh: 0.01 nm).

1550"$ 1550"!

15%8"5 1550"0 1550"5 1551"0

Wa@e3en2t4 )nm,




3 8econflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source based on phase modulaLlon of a pulsed laser


llg. 73. MulLlwavelengLh specLrum reconflgured for fourfold decrease ln Lhe frequency spaclng
compared wlLh Lhe lnpuL specLrum when ampllLude nolse ls consldered ln slmulaLlon.

-100-10 -#0 -%0 -$0 0 $0 %0 #0 10 100


re&'enc( )G*+,
-100-10 -#0 -%0 -$0 0 $0 %0 #0 10 100
re&'enc( )G*+,

llg. 72. MulLlwavelengLh specLrum reconflgured for Lwofold decrease ln Lhe frequency spaclng and for
frequency shlfLlng by half frequency spaclng compared wlLh Lhe lnpuL specLrum when Llmlng [lLLer ls
consldered ln slmulaLlon.



-100-10 -#0 -%0 -$0 0 $0 %0 #0 10 100


re&'enc( )G*+,

-100-10 -#0 -%0 -$0 0 $0 %0 #0 10 100
re&'enc( )G*+,


llg. 71. MulLlwavelengLh specLrum reconflgured for Lwofold decrease ln Lhe frequency spaclng
compared wlLh Lhe lnpuL specLrum when chlrp ls consldered ln slmulaLlon.

-100-10 -#0 -%0 -$0 0 $0 %0 #0 10 100


re&'enc( )G*+,
3.3 Chlrp and nolse lmpacL analysls


1he specLrum of Lhe Causslan pulses wlLh Llmlng [lLLer ls narrower Lhan LhaL of Lhe pulses
wlLhouL [lLLer and presenLs nolse beLween specLral llnes. llg. 72 shows slmulaLlon resulLs of
Lhe reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source when a pulse-Lo-pulse random Llme shlfL wlLh
Causslan dlsLrlbuLlon aL 1 ps mean and 0.3 ps sLandard devlaLlon ls consldered. 1he phase
modulaLlon process ln Lhe presence of Llmlng [lLLer lnduces nonunlformlLy ln Lhe specLral
envelope and lncreases Lhe nolse beLween specLral llnes for frequency spaclng reducLlon. 1he
hlgher Lhe frequency spaclng reducLlon facLor Lhe hlgher Lhe nolse lncremenL. lor frequency
shlfLlng, phase modulaLlon shlfLs Lhe nolse beLween specLral llnes.
llnally, ampllLude nolse lnfluences Lhe reconflgured specLrum slmllarly Lo Llmlng [lLLer. 1he
specLrum of Lhe Causslan pulses wlLh ampllLude nolse presenLs nolse beLween specLral llnes.
llg. 73 shows slmulaLlon resulLs of Lhe reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source when a pulse-
Lo-pulse random ampllLude varlaLlon wlLh Causslan dlsLrlbuLlon aL 0.1 mean and 0.03 sLandard
devlaLlon ls consldered. 1he phase modulaLlon process ln Lhe presence of ampllLude nolse
lnduces nonunlformlLy ln Lhe specLral envelope and lncreases Lhe nolse beLween specLral llnes
for frequency spaclng reducLlon. 1he hlgher Lhe frequency spaclng reducLlon facLor Lhe hlgher
Lhe nolse lncremenL. lor frequency shlfLlng, phase modulaLlon shlfLs Lhe nolse beLween
specLral llnes.
1.) Conclusion
MulLllevel elecLroopLlc phase modulaLlon ls sulLable for addlng flexlblllLy ln boLh wavelengLh
spaclng and cenLre wavelengLh Lo pulsed lasers. 1he Lheory reporLed ln [Car11] has been
verlfled experlmenLally. 1wofold and fourfold reducLlon of wavelengLh spaclng by doubllng and
quadrupllng Lhe number of wavelengLhs and wavelengLh shlfL by half wavelengLh spaclng has
been demonsLraLed employlng a slmple elecLroopLlc phase modulaLor drlven by a blnary
slgnal. 1he Lechnlque ls lnsenslLlve Lo chlrp, and lncreases Lhe specLral nolse afLer wavelengLh
spaclng reconflguraLlon.
1he Lechnlque has been demonsLraLed Lo reconflgure a 10 CPz mode-locked laser.
AlLernaLlvely, Lhe Lechnlque could be applled Lo opLlcal combs based on elecLroopLlc
modulaLors provlded Lhey are conflgured Lo operaLe as pulsed lasers as well as Lo galn-
swlLched lasers. 1hese pulsed lasers may offer lower cosL soluLlons however Lhey usually
exhlblL worse performance whlch could LranslaLe lnLo hlgher overall cosL ln radlo-over-flbre
archlLecLures supporLlng a large number of remoLe anLenna unlLs.
Slllcon-based opLlcal modulaLors have been demonsLraLed whlch can alLernaLlvely be used for
phase modulaLlon LargeLlng Lo reduce cosL [191]. AlLhough Lhese slllcon modulaLors offer
several advanLages, Lhe Lechnology ls sLlll ln developmenL and devlce performance need Lo be
lmproved. ln addlLlon, phase modulaLlon can be lmplemenLed by nonllnear opLlcal processes,
as suggesLed ln [Car11].

3 8econflgurable mulLlwavelengLh source based on phase modulaLlon of a pulsed laser



Conclusion and furt!er work
).1 Conclusion
1he sLudy on dlfferenL Lechnlques allowlng Lhe developmenL, lmplemenLaLlon and
malnLenance of opLlcal access neLworks provldlng hlgh capaclLy wlreless connecLlvlLy ln a
flexlble and cosL-effecLlve way ls requlred for nexL-generaLlon access neLworks and has been
sub[ecL of sLudy ln Lhls h.u. Lhesls. 1he feaslblllLy of new uW8 radlo-over-flbre Lechnlques Lo
provlde mulLlglgablL wlreless communlcaLlons ln l11P neLworks has been demonsLraLed. 1he
Lechnlques sLudled are Lransferable Lo real producL sysLems and acLual opLlcal neLworks.
1wo Lechnlques have been proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed for uW8 generaLlon
lnLegraLlng opLlcal access Lransmlsslon. CpLlcal pulses are remoLely shaped Lo uW8 Causslan
monocycles based on opLlcal delay and balanced phoLodeLecLlon or based on dlfferenLlal
phoLorecelver and elecLrlcal delay. Slmple opLlcal schemes for uW8 generaLlon, whlch are
scalable Lo hlgh-frequency waveforms, reconflgurable and employ off-Lhe-shelf componenLs,
are yeL Lo be proposed. Such meLhods may slgnlflcanLly enhance uW8 radlo-over-flbre
uW8 ln Lhe 60 CPz band has also been presenLed as a very lnLeresLlng approach for nexL-
generaLlon radlo sysLems whlch would beneflL from Lhe unllcensed naLure of Lhls band
LogeLher wlLh Lhe lnLrlnslc coexlsLence characLerlsLlcs of uW8 Lechnology. AppllcaLlon of uW8-
over-flbre sysLems ln Lhe 60 CPz band Lo lnLerference-senslLlve locaLlons such as ln-alrcrafL
communlcaLlons and Lo lnLegraLed opLlcal access and lndoor radlo neLworks has been
proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed. Commerclally avallable Lechnology has been
employed and Lhe use of oLher evolvlng Lechnologles has been dlscussed, whlch could lead Lo
slmpler and lower overall cosL lmplemenLaLlons.
1here are several challenges llmlLlng pracLlcal appllcaLlon of 60 CPz wlreless sysLems for hlgh-
speed WAn. llrsL, LCS Lransmlsslon ls requlred for hlgh-speed operaLlon. Several soluLlons
have been proposed Lo supporL nLCS communlcaLlons, such as MlMC, beam formlng, and
beam sLeerlng. 1helr lmplemenLaLlon ln pracLlcal commerclal compacL and cosL-effecLlve
CMCS Lranscelvers as requlred for WAn has been demonsLraLed however lL ls sLlll ln
6 Concluslon and furLher work


developmenL. ln addlLlon, ln pracLlcal appllcaLlons, lL ls ofLen deslred Lo comblne moblllLy and
hlgh-speed capablllLy of Lhe LCS dlrecLlonal llnks. Pence, soluLlons are requlred Lo provlde
wlde coverage wlLhouL lncreaslng complexlLy slgnlflcanLly.
60 CPz downllnk radlo-over-flbre Lransmlsslon sulLable for Pu1v dellverlng has been
lnvesLlgaLed ln Lhls Lhesls. Lnabllng Lechnologles for full-duplex sysLems keeplng Lhe remoLe
anLenna unlLs slmple should be furLher lnvesLlgaLed. 1hese sysLems could lnvolve Lhe upllnk
Lransmlsslon of 60 CPz wlreless and wlred servlces. 1he 60 CPz slgnal could be down-
converLed aL Lhe remoLe anLenna unlLs for baseband upllnk opLlcal Lransmlsslon over exLended
dlsLances. 1he use of 60 CPz CMCS Lranscelvers may provlde a cosL-effecLlve soluLlon.
ln addlLlon, varylng flbre dlsperslon ln opLlcal access neLworks coverlng dlfferenL dlsLances can
be explolLed Lo cover a wlde range of appllcaLlons ln dlfferenL 8l bands slmulLaneously,
lncludlng 60 CPz l11P, 24 CPz lnfrasLrucLure-Lo-car radar and communlcaLlons, and
73-110 CPz ouLdoor communlcaLlons. 60 CPz generaLlon has been experlmenLally
demonsLraLed employlng 13 CPz up-converslon devlces and 12.3 km of SSMl ln l11P
neLworks aL 1.23 Cb/s. Wlreless Lransmlsslon aL 1 m has also been demonsLraLed.
lnLegraLlon of 60 CPz uW8-over-flbre ln l11P neLworks ls proposed and demonsLraLed for
>1 m wlreless dlsLance up Lo 3.123 Cb/s. 60 CPz operaLlon reuses uW8 Lechnology Lo
overcome uW8 coexlsLence lssues and Lo exLend uW8 range. vCSLL enables cosL-effecLlve
elecLroopLlc converslon and opLlcal frequency up-converslon. Comblned 40 km SSMl and 3 m
wlreless Lransmlsslon has been experlmenLally demonsLraLed for Lhe Lwo malnsLream uW8
lmplemenLaLlons -CluM and lmpulse-radlo- aL 1.44 Cb/s. 1he resulLs permlL, from an
appllcaLlon polnL-of-vlew, Lo selecL a glven uW8 lmplemenLaLlon dependlng on neLwork reach
and sysLem complexlLy deslred. 1he use of a dlrecL-modulaLed vCSLL ln comblnaLlon wlLh
opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM has been proposed. vCSLL chlrp has been shown Lo
lmprove opLlcal recelver senslLlvlLy.
vCSLL has also been proposed for frequency up-converslon and compared wlLh convenLlonal
LCL. Comblned 6.3 km SSMl and 2 m wlreless Lransmlsslon has been experlmenLally
demonsLraLed aL 3.123 Cb/s. 1he resulLs permlL, from an appllcaLlon polnL-of-vlew, Lo selecL a
glven laser Lechnology dependlng on neLwork reach and sysLem complexlLy deslred.
1he appllcaLlon of Lhe Lheory developed ln [Car11] Lo mulLlwavelengLh sources has been
proposed and experlmenLally demonsLraLed ln Lhls Lhesls. MulLlwavelengLh sources wlLh easlly
reconflgurable wavelengLh spaclng or cenLre wavelengLh are proposed based on elecLroopLlc
mulLl-phase modulaLlon of a pulsed laser. 1wofold and fourfold mulLlpllcaLlon of comb llnes
and wavelengLh shlfL by half of Lhe wavelengLh spaclng of a mode-locked laser has been
experlmenLally demonsLraLed employlng a slmple phase modulaLor drlven by a blnary slgnal.
Slnce Lhe pulse Lraln ls unalLered ln lnLenslLy, Lhe proposed reconflgurable source can be used
slmulLaneously for Llme-domaln appllcaLlons such as opLlcal Llme dlvlslon mulLlplexlng (C1uM)
llnally, slnce lmpulse-radlo uW8 ls nowadays mosLly used for radar/poslLlonlng appllcaLlon,
we belleve LhaL a comblnaLlon of mulLl-Cb/s communlcaLlons and accuraLe poslLlonlng ls very
aLLracLlve as a research Loplc.
6.2 Cngolng and furLher work


).2 /ngoing and furt!er work
1here are Lwo ongolng research llnes relaLed wlLh Lhls h.u. Lhesls, ln Lhe conLexL of hybrld
mllllmeLre-wave opLlcal neLworks and reconflgurable mulLlwavelengLh sources:
llrsL, a collaboraLlon has been done proposlng and experlmenLally demonsLraLlng Lhe
comblned opLlcal access and wlreless Lransmlsslon of compressed Pu vldeo ln Lhe 60 CPz band
[Leb11a], [Leb11b]. 1he sLudy demonsLraLes LhaL performance ln Lerms of wlreless dlsLance or
opLlcal power budgeL can be lmproved employlng advanced vldeo codlng, performance
degradaLlon lnduced by vldeo compresslon belng a Lrade-off. 1he sysLem ls based on ul8
dlrecL modulaLlon, frequency up-converslon by opLlcal carrler suppresslon ln a MZM, and 8l
power deLecLlon. Lmploylng Lhls sysLem, ln addlLlon, reuse of wldely deployed ln-bulldlng
MMl as exLenslon of opLlcal access neLworks has been proposed and experlmenLally
demonsLraLed for ln-bulldlng glgablL wlreless access ln Lhe 60 CPz band [ha11]. ulsLrlbuLlon
of 2 Cb/s daLa ln comblned 10 km SSMl/1 km MMl and furLher 6.3 m wlreless dlsLance has
been demonsLraLed.
Second, ln Lhe llne of specLral reconflguraLlon of mulLlwavelengLh sources, Lhere ls ongolng
work LargeLlng Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe flexlblllLy of Lhe phase modulaLlon Lechnlque proposed ln Lhls
Lhesls by employlng mulLllevel elecLroopLlc modulaLlon. Cf parLlcular lnLeresL, Lhe posslblllLy of
achlevlng hlgh mulLlpllcaLlon facLors wlLhouL lncreaslng complexlLy slgnlflcanLly. Several
appllcaLlons are also belng lnvesLlgaLed, where Lhe use of Lhls Lechnlque may be relevanL. lor
lnsLance, ln phoLonlc mllllmeLre-wave wlreless sysLems based on mulLlband CluM slgnals. 1he
use of a reconflgurable opLlcal comb ln Lhls appllcaLlon ls an aLLracLlve approach Lo provlde
flexlble seamless sllclng of Lhe wlde 8l bandwldLh. 1he opLlcal comb generaLes Lhe mulLlple
opLlcal wavelengLhs supporLlng Lhe dlfferenL CluM bands Lo serve dlfferenL users ln Lhe
sysLem. CpLlcal Sn8 reducLlon due Lo reconflguraLlon may llmlL Lhe number of comb llnes
supporLed ln Lhe sysLem. 1he mulLlband CluM Lechnlque can also reduce Lhe power and
bandwldLh requlremenLs of uAC/AuC equlpmenL for energy-efflclenL and cosL-effecLlve
sysLems. !olnL experlmenLs have sLarLed Lo lnvesLlgaLe phoLonlc mllllmeLre-wave wlreless
sysLems ln Lhe 73-110 CPz band based on elecLrlcal CluM and opLlcal comb generaLlon
[uen11], [8el12].

6 Concluslon and furLher work



/riginal contributions
Peer-re2iewed 3ournals
[8el11d] "* Beltr#n and 8. LlorenLe, uual phoLonlc generaLlon ulLrawldeband lmpulse-radlo
by frequency shlfLlng ln remoLe-connecLlvlLy flber," J. ightw. !echnol., vol. 29, no. 24, pp.
3643-3633, uec. 2011.
[8el11c] "* Beltr#n, !. CaraqulLena, 8. LlorenLe, and !. MarLl, 8econflgurable mulLlwavelengLh
source based on elecLroopLlc phase modulaLlon of a pulsed laser," "### $hoton. !echnol. ett.,
vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 1173-1177, Aug. 2011.
[8el11b] "* Beltr#n, !. 8. !ensen, 8. LlorenLe, and l. 1afur Monroy, LxperlmenLal analysls of
60-CPz vCSLL and LCL phoLonlc generaLlon and Lransmlsslon of lmpulse-radlo ulLra-wldeband
slgnals," "### $hoton. !echnol. ett., vol. 23, no. 13, pp. 1033-1037, Aug. 2011.
[8el11a] "* Beltr#n, !. 8. !ensen, x. ?u, 8. LlorenLe, 8. 8odes, M. CrLslefer, C. neumeyr, and
l. 1afur Monroy, erformance of a 60-CPz uCM-CluM and 8Sk-lmpulse ulLra-wldeband
sysLem wlLh radlo-over-flber and wlreless Lransmlsslon employlng a dlrecLly-modulaLed
vCSLL," "### J. %el. &rea Comm.' %pecial "ssue on ()istributed *roadband Wireless
Communications'+ vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1293-1303, !un. 2011.
[8el10a] "* Beltr#n and 8. LlorenLe, 60-CPz ulLra-wldeband radlo-over-flber sysLem uslng a
novel phoLonlc monocycle generaLlon," "### !rans. ,icrow. !heory !ech., vol. 38, no. 6,
pp. 1609-1620, !un. 2010.
[uen11] L. ueng, "* Beltr#n, x. ang, x. Zhang, v. Arlunno, ?. Zhao, A. Caballero, A. uogadaev,
x. ?u, 8. LlorenLe, u. Llu, and l. 1afur Monroy, llber wlreless Lransmlsslon of 8.3 Cb/s/ch
CSk-CluM slgnals ln 73-110 CPz band," "### $hoton. !echnol. ett., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 383-
383, Mar. 2012.
[Leb11b] A. Lebedev, 1. 1. ham, "* Beltr#n, x. ?u, A. ukhanova, 8. LlorenLe, l. 1afur Monroy,
and S. lorchhammer, CpLlmlzaLlon of hlgh-deflnlLlon vldeo codlng and hybrld flber-wlreless
Lransmlsslon ln Lhe 60 CPz band," -pt. #xpress, vol. 19, no. 26, pp. 8893-8904, uec. 2011.
A Crlglnal conLrlbuLlons


[Car11] !. CaraqulLena, "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe, !. MarLl, and M. A. Murlel, SpecLral
self-lmaglng effecL by Llme-domaln mulLllevel phase modulaLlon of a perlodlc pulse Lraln,"
-pt. ett., vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 838-860, Mar. 2011.
[ar10] M. C. arker, S. u. Walker, 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, l. Mllers, u. !ager,
C. vzquez, u. MonLero, l. Llbrn, S. Mlkroulls, S. karabeLsos, and A. 8ogrls, 8adlo-over-flbre
Lechnologles arlslng from Lhe bulldlng Lhe fuLure opLlcal neLwork ln Lurope (8CnL) pro[ecL,"
"#! -ptoelectron., Special "ssue on (.ext /eneration of -ptical &ccess'+ vol. 4, no. 6,
pp. 247-239, uec. 2010.
[Llo08c] 8. LlorenLe, 1. Alves, M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, !. erez, A. CarLaxo, and !. MarLl,
ulLra-wldeband radlo slgnals dlsLrlbuLlon ln l11P neLworks," "### $hoton. !echnol. ett.,
vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 943-947, !un. 2008.
Book chapters
[Llo11a] 8. LlorenLe, "* Beltr#n, and M. MoranL (2011). uW8-over-llbre ln nexL-generaLlon
Access neLworks, ulLra Wldeband CommunlcaLlons: novel 1rends - SysLem, ArchlLecLure and
lmplemenLaLlon, Mohammad MaLln (Ld.), lS8n: 978-933-307-461-0, ln1ech, Avallable from:
[Llo10a] 8. LlorenLe and "* Beltr#n (2010). 8adlo-over-llbre 1echnlques and erformance,
lronLlers ln Culded Wave CpLlcs and CpLoelecLronlcs, 8lshnu al (Ld.),
lS8n: 978-933-7619-82-4, ln1ech, Avallable from: hLLp://
[Llo12] 8. LlorenLe, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, and L. elllcer, CosL and Lnergy LfflclenL MulLl-
sLandard CluM lnLegraLed CpLlcal Access and ln-bulldlng neLwork ArchlLecLure," ln "nternational
Conference on !ransparent -ptical .etworks 0"C!-.1, CovenLry, Lngland, !ul. 2012. In2ited paper*
[8el12] "* Beltr#n, L. ueng, x. ang, x. Zhang, v. Arlunno, ?. Zhao, x. ?u, 8. LlorenLe, u. Llu,
and l. 1afur Monroy, 38.2-Cb/s CpLlcal-wlreless Lransmlsslon ln 73-110 CPz based on
elecLrlcal CluM wlLh opLlcal comb expanslon," ln -ptical 2iber Communication Conference and
#xposition 0-2C1, Los Angeles, uSA, Mar. 2012, paper CM28.2.
[Llo11b] 8. LlorenLe, S. Walker, l. 1afur Monroy, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, 1. Culnlan, and
!. 8. !ensen, 1rlple-play and 60-CPz radlo-over-flbre Lechnlques for nexL-generaLlon opLlcal
access neLworks," ln #uropean Conference on .etworks and -ptical Communications 0.-C1,
newcasLle upon 1yne, unlLed klngdom, !ul. 2011, pp. 16-19. In2ited paper*
[8el10c] "* Beltr#n, !. 8. !ensen, x. ?u, 8. LlorenLe, and l. 1afur Monroy, "LxperlmenLal
performance comparlson of 60 CPz uCM CluM and lmpulse 8Sk ulLra-wldeband wlLh
comblned opLlcal flbre and wlreless Lransmlsslon," ln #uropean Conference and #xhibition on
-ptical Communication 0#C-C1, 1orlno, lLaly, SepL. 2010, paper 1h.9.8.3.
A Crlglnal conLrlbuLlons


[Llo10b] 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, and "* Beltr#n, CpLlcal Lechnologles for mulLl-CblL/s
ulLra-wldeband radlo: lrom Lhe access Lo Lhe plco-cell," ln "nternational Conference on
!ransparent -ptical .etworks 0"C!-.1, Munlch, Cermany, !un. 2010, paper We.A3.3. In2ited
[8el10b] "* Beltr#n and 8. LlorenLe, "CpLlcal generaLlon wlLh l11P Lransmlsslon of 60 CPz
lmpulse-radlo ulLra-wldeband slgnals," ln &ccess .etworks and "n-house Communications
0&."C1, karlsruhe, Cermany, !un. 2010, paper AWC7.
[8el09c] "* Beltr#n, 8. Sambara[u, A. La orLa, 8. LlorenLe, and !. erez, "hoLonlc generaLlon
and envelope deLecLlon of mllllmeLer-wave ulLrawldeband lmpulse-radlo employlng
Mach-Zehnder modulaLors," ln "### "nternational Conference on 3ltra-Wideband 0"C3W*1,
vancouver, Canada, SepL. 2009, pp. 428-432.
[Llo09a] 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, and "* Beltr#n, ulLra-wldeband radlo-over-flbre ln
LransparenL opLlcal neLworks," ln "nternational Conference on !ransparent -ptical .etworks
0"C!-.1, Azores, orLugal, !un. 2009, paper 1u.A3.1. In2ited paper*
[8el09b] "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe, 8. Sambara[u, and !. MarLl, 24 CPz uW8-over-flber sysLem
for slmulLaneous vehlcular radar and communlcaLlons," ln $roc. "C!-,obile%ummit, SanLander,
Spaln, !un. 2009.
[8el09a] "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe, 8. Sambara[u, and !. MarLl, 60 CPz uW8-over-flber sysLem
for ln-fllghL communlcaLlons," ln "### ,!!-% "nternational ,icrowave %ymposium 0",%1,
8osLon, uSA, !un. 2009, pp. 3-8. 5inalist in the est student paper co$petition.
[8el08c] "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, !. erez, 8. LlorenLe and !. MarLl, hoLonlc generaLlon and
frequency up-converslon of lmpulse-radlo uW8 slgnals," ln "### asers and #lectro--ptics
%ociety &nnual ,eeting 0#-%1, newporL 8each, uSA, nov. 2008, pp. 498-499.
[Leb11a] A. Lebedev, 1. 1. ham, "* Beltr#n, x. ?u, A. ukhanova, L. ueng, n. Cuerrero
Conzalez, 8. LlorenLe, l. 1afur Monroy, and S. lorchhammer, CpLlmlzaLlon of hlgh-deflnlLlon
vldeo codlng and hybrld flber-wlreless Lransmlsslon ln Lhe 60 CPz band," ln #uropean
Conference and #xhibition on -ptical Communication 0#C-C1, Ceneva, SwlLzerland, SepL. 2011,
paper We.10.1.97.
[ha11] 1. 1. ham, A. Lebedev, "* Beltr#n, x. ?u, 8. LlorenLe, and l. 1afur Monroy, SMl/MMl
based ln-bulldlng ClgablL wlreless access sysLems uslng slmpllfled 60-CPz Lranscelvers," ln
#uropean Conference and #xhibition on -ptical Communication 0#C-C1, Ceneva, SwlLzerland,
SepL. 2011, paper We.10.1.111.
[!en10] !. 8. !ensen, 8. 8odes, "* Beltr#n, l. 1afur Monroy, Shared medlum 2 Cbps baseband
& 2 Cbps uW8 ln-bulldlng converged opLlcal/wlreless neLwork wlLh mulLlmode flber and
wlreless Lransmlsslon," ln #uropean Conference and #xhibition on -ptical Communication
0#C-C1, 1orlno, lLaly, SepL. 2010, paper We.7.8.4.
A Crlglnal conLrlbuLlons


[Mor09] M. MoranL, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, and 8. LlorenLe, erformance evaluaLlon of ln-bulldlng
radlo-over-flber dlsLrlbuLlon of mulLl-band CluM uW8 slgnals," ln "### "nternational !opical
,eeting on ,icrowave $hotonics 0,W$1, valencla, Spaln, CcL. 2009, paper 1h4.13.
[er09d] !. erez, M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, and 8. LlorenLe, erformance of M8-CluM uW8
and WlMAx lLLL 802.16e converged radlo-over-flber ln Cn," ln "### "nternational !opical
,eeting on ,icrowave $hotonics 0,W$1, valencla, Spaln, CcL. 2009, paper 1h4.41.
[Llo09b] 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, and "* Beltr#n, hoLonlcs-alded senslng for conLexL
awareness ln complex radlo envlronmenLs," presenLed aL #uropean Commission workshop on
locali4ation and context awareness, 8russels, 8elglum, SepL. 2009.
[8el09d] "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, !. erez, and 8. LlorenLe, "erformance evaluaLlon of CluM
and lmpulse-radlo ulLra-wldeband over flber dlsLrlbuLlon for ln bulldlng neLworks," ln "###
"nternational Conference on 3ltra-Wideband 0"C3W*1, vancouver, Canada, SepL. 2009,
pp. 348-332.
[er09c] !. erez, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, L. Cavallln, and 8. LlorenLe, roLecLlon marglns for
[olnL operaLlon of WlMAx 802.16e and WlMedla-deflned uW8 radlo ln personal area
neLworks," ln "### "nternational Conference on 3ltra-Wideband 0"C3W*1, vancouver, Canada,
SepL. 2009, pp. 723-727.
[er09b] !. erez, M. MoranL, L. Cavallln, "* Beltr#n, 8. Caudlno, and 8. LlorenLe,
LxperlmenLal analysls of WlMedla-deflned uW8 and WlMAx 802.16e coexlsLence ln personal
area neLworks," ln $roc. "C!-,obile%ummit, SanLander, Spaln, !un. 2009.
[er09a] !. erez, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, 8. LlorenLe, A. 8ahlm 8lswas, 8. leslewlcz,
M. CoLLon, u. luhrer, 8. Selva, l. 8ucallle, and S. Zelsberg, LxperlmenLal analysls of 3.3 CPz
WlMAx 802.16e lnLerference ln WlMedla-deflned uW8 radlo Lransmlsslons," ln "### 5ehicular
!echnology Conference 05!C-%pring1, 8arcelona, Spaln, Apr. 2009, pp. 1-3 .
[Mor08c] M. MoranL, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe and !. MarLl, lnLegraLed performance
analysls of uW8 wlreless opLlcal Lransmlsslon ln l11P neLworks," ln "### asers and #lectro-
-ptics %ociety &nnual ,eeting 0#-%1, newporL 8each, uSA, nov. 2008, pp. 87-88.
[Mor08b] M. MoranL, 8. LlorenLe, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, and !avler MarLl, lmpacL of plloL
Lone-asslsLed equallzaLlon ln Wlmedla-deflned CluM-uW8 slgnals Lransmlsslon ln l11P
neLworks," ln "### "nternational !opical ,eeting on ,icrowave $hotonics 0,W$1, Cold CoasL,
AusLralla, CcL. 2008, pp. 217-220.
[8el08b] "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe, and !. MarLl, hoLonlc AuC Lechnology for specLrum
measuremenL and wlreless coexlsLence ln uCLLLS pro[ecL," presenLed aL Walter 3W*
Workshop, lspra, lLaly, !ul. 2008.
[Mor08a] M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, !. erez, and 8. LlorenLe, lmpulse-radlo ulLra wlde-band
slgnals dlsLrlbuLlon ln l11P neLworks," presenLed aL "%"% .etwork of #xcellence Workshop on
2!!6' Wireless Communications' and their interaction, SLockholm, Sweden, !un. 2008.
A Crlglnal conLrlbuLlons


[Llo08b] 8. LlorenLe, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, and !. MarLl, uW8 plcocell clusLers:
8eal-Llme lnLerference monlLorlng," ln $roc. "C!-,obile%ummit, SLockholm, Sweden, !un. 2008.
[8el08a] "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, !. erez, and 8. LlorenLe, uW8 wlreless coexlsLence by
flbre-based phoLonlc AuC lnLerference monlLorlng," presenLed aL "%"% .etwork of #xcellence
Workshop on 2!!6' Wireless Communications' and their interaction, SLockholm, Sweden,
!un. 2008.
[Llo08a] 8. LlorenLe, 1. Alves, M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, !. erez, A. CarLaxo, and !. MarLl, CpLlcal
dlsLrlbuLlon of CluM and lmpulse-radlo uW8 ln l11P neLworks," ln -ptical 2iber
Communication Conference and #xposition 0-2C1, San ulego, uSA, leb. 2008, paper !WA109.
[Llo07] 8. LlorenLe, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, and !. MarLl, ConverLldores analglco-dlglLal
foLnlcos: Lecnologla y apllcaclones en Lelecomunlcacln," ln $roc. !elecom "7), valencla,
Spaln, CcL. 2007.
[er07] !. erez, "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe, and !. MarLl, erformance evaluaLlon of Lhe parallel
Mach-Zehnder dlfferenLlal llnearlzaLlon archlLecLure," presenLed aL #-$hoton-.e7 8 C-%! 9:;
%ummer %chool on &dvanced optical communications systems< 2rom short range to long haul
networks, 8resL, lrance, !ul. 2007.
[Llo06] 8. LlorenLe, "* Beltr#n, !. erez, n. uehara, Md. Saad khan, and !. MarLl, Long-Lerm
and shorL-Lerm specLral sLablllLy characLerlzaLlon of superconLlnuum laser sources," ln "###
asers and #lectro--ptics %ociety &nnual ,eeting 0#-%1, MonLreal, Canada, nov. 2006, pp.
Technical reports
[Lu8C-lCS u8.3] C. kouloumenLas, A. MazloLls, . 8akopoulos, M. Spyropoulou,
P. Avramopoulos, 8. Schrenk, l. 8onada, L. 1ommy, v. olo, !. raL, !. A. Lazaro, . Cssleur,
x. Z. Clu, !. 8auwellnck, x. ?ln, !. Seoane, u. Zlbar, . erez, "* Beltr#n, L. 1angdlongga,
u. Lrasme, C. Ware, 3rd AcLlvlLy reporL on CL4: nexL CeneraLlon CpLlcal Access SubsysLems
and on relaLed 8esearch 1oplcs," "C! #3=--2-% $ro>ect )eliverable )?.@, Apr. 2011.
[llvL8 u2.6] M. MoranL, 1. Culnlan, 8. LlorenLe, S. Walker, n. Medlna, "* Beltr#n,
C. 8odrlgues, A. Camelas, v. Mlrones, !. M. Sllva, l. lrelLas Cllvelra, A. ng'Cma, CWuu
lnLegraLed neLwork archlLecLure speclflcaLlon," "C! 2"5#= $ro>ect )eliverable )9.A, uec. 2010.
[llvL8 u3.4] L. Cywloskl, A. SchmldL, 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, l. MarLlnez, !. MaLres,
"* Beltr#n, !. Snchez, M. MaesLro, !. A. . Morgado, u. u. lonseca, A. CarLaxo, 8eporL on
baseband and radlo-over-flbre CluM Lransmlsslon lmpalrmenL compensaLlon algorlLhms and
expecLed performance," "C! 2"5#= $ro>ect )eliverable )@.B, uec. 2010.
[llvL8 u3.2] A. SchmldL, u. 8urggraf, 1. 8arLzsch, M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, 8. LlorenLe,
1. Culnlan, M. arker, S. Walker, . Cluzeaud, l. Carvalho, A. CarLaxo, 8eporL on radlo
Lransmlsslon coexlsLence requlremenLs," "C! 2"5#= $ro>ect )eliverable )@.9, SepL. 2010.
A Crlglnal conLrlbuLlons


[uCLLLS u4.2] 8. LlorenLe, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, !. erez, !. MarLl, u. Meshulam, A. CarLaxo,
!. 8omme, P. orLe, !. uche, !. uupllcy, 1. van WaLerschooL, v. Le nlr, n. AmloL, lnLermedlaLe
reporL on Lhe 8l, phoLonlc subsysLems, mulLlchannel AuC and enhanced uW8 Lermlnals," "C!
3C#% $ro>ect )eliverable )B.9, uec. 2009.
[uCLLLS u3.1] 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, !. uche, !. 8omme, 1. Alves,
A. CarLaxo, !. Pauden, !. uupllcy, 8. 8anales, v. Le nlr, 8. uguen, ?. LosLanlen, ?. kolkovlch,
lnLermedlaLe reporLed on Lhe cellular-uW8 laboraLory plaLform," "C! 3C#% $ro>ect
)eliverable )C.;, uec. 2009.
[uCLLLS u7.2] 8. LlorenLe, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, M. MoranL, !. uupllcy, u. Meshulam, llrsL
reporL on Lhe uW8 Lechnology evoluLlon," "C! 3C#% $ro>ect )eliverable )D.9, uec. 2009.
[uCLLLS u4.1] 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, "* Beltr#n, !. erez, !. MarLl, ?. CLlker, 1. uanon,
S. ManLel, u. SchmerLz, 8. korman, 1. Alves, A. CarLaxo, !. 8omme, !. Pauden, P. orLe, 8l and
phoLonlc subsysLem speclflcaLlon," "C! 3C#% $ro>ect )eliverable )B.;, CcL. 2008.
[uCLLLS u2.1] 8. LlorenLe, M. MoranL, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, 1. uanon, S. ManLel, u. SchmerLz,
?. CLlker, !. uupllcy, !. uche, 1. van WaLerschooL, v. Le nlr, 1. Alves, A. CarLaxo, !. 8omme,
n. AmloL, 8. uguen, ?. LosLanlen, 8. 8anales, 8eporL on cellular-uW8 funcLlonallLles, real-Llme
uW8 specLrum monlLorlng funcLlonallLles. hoLonlc-AuC and radlo-over-flbre archlLecLure,
sulLable scenarlos and Lechnology sLaLe-of Lhe-arL," "C! 3C#% $ro>ect )eliverable )9.;, CcL.
[l8Lul1 u2.1] A. Zafra, !. uche, v. erales, C. vernlch, !. erez, "* Beltr#n, !. L. 1orralba,
ArqulLecLura y especlflcaclones del AuC foLnlco," 2=#)"! $ro>ect )eliverable )9.;, !un. 2007.
[l8Lul1 u2.2] "* Beltr#n, !. uche, Lspeclflcaclones de la fuenLe lser superconLlnuum,"
2=#)"! $ro>ect )eliverable )9.9, !un. 2007.


[1] 8evlslon of parL 13 of Lhe Commlsslon's rules regardlng ulLra-wldeband Lransmlsslon
sysLems," lCC, 8ep. lCC 02-48, Apr. 2002.
[2] M. kunerL, C. 8ollmann, P.-L. 8loecher, and !. Schuermann, 24 CPz ulLra-wldeband
vehlcular shorL range radar sysLems. 1echnology and regulaLory aspecLs overvlew," ln
lnLernaLlonal Wroclaw Symposlum and LxhlblLlon on LlecLromagneLlc CompaLlblllLy (LMC),
!un. 2006. [Cnllne]. Avallable: hLLp://
[3] 1. kurl, ?. Cmlya, 1. kawanlshl, S. Para, and k. klLayama, CpLlcal LransmlLLer and recelver
of 24-CPz ulLra-wldeband slgnal by dlrecL phoLonlc converslon Lechnlques," ln "###
"nternational !opical ,eeting on ,icrowave $hotonics 0,W$1, pp. 1-4, CcL. 2006.
[4] A. aler, !. karedal, n. Czlnk, P. PofsLeLLer, C. uumard, 1. Zemen, l. 1ufvesson, C. l.
Mecklenbrauker, and A. l. Mollsch, "llrsL resulLs from car-Lo-car and car-Lo-lnfrasLrucLure
radlo channel measuremenLs aL 3.2CPZ," "### "nternational %ymposium on $ersonal' "ndoor
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