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Many people believe the Bible had authors inspired by GOD.

Others say the Bible has since been edited at least 9 what can you believe for certain? Ma ny people believe todays establishment churches when they say... Jesus was a non -violent pacifist. There are many others that say he was a revolutionary about t o lead the people in a powerful revolt against their Roman overseers and tax far mers. The people were turned into out of control mobs which resulted in the crucifixio n... to the benefit of those who wanted to stop the building revolt. This all t ook place over 2000 years ago. Today people can't even agree on what really happ ened concerning the JFK assassination which was only about five decades ago! YES, those in the highest positions of government today are corrupted and could be removed from office and replaced by those whom you would hope to abide by the Nation's laws under the constitution. BUT, don't forget that there are those be hind the scene that through various means have strong control over these corrupt ed...but yet frightened officials in government. Do not threaten bodily harm or retribution but, instead show understanding and massive support for your highest level government officials giving them the courage to throw off their corrupter s and return your country to a more proper balance of Constitutional laws. Once this is accomplished then improvements can be made to prevent a repeat... such a s Term Limits and the necessary change to the monetary system as well as other p roblems that must be addressed. Do what must be done to save the country, your families and your moral beliefs.. .but, be very careful you are in fact following the right leaders and taking the right advice. Do not allow yourselves to be turned into out of control self-des tructive mobs accomplishing the end benefit to those behind the scene who have b een doing the planning and intend to win. If the government violently turns against the people...the people have the moral right to defend themselves in the interest of saving their country, their famil ies and property... as well as their moral future.

a few samples of the sentiments of the people: Avatar 4mingthoughts 26 minutes ago Former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said, " The only title in our d emocracy superior to that of President, is the title of citizen "It's time the c itizens show those in Washington who really holds the power. Be an active citize n and demand the constitution be upheld in all it's original forms. Being a citi zen of the US comes with responsibilities. Learn, teach and educate all those on their duty as a citizen so we all may band together and make the wrongs right a gain. JMO Avatar Dale Hogue an hour ago

Consider your actions in regards to the information that is contained in this ar ticle as your final examination on the responsibility of patriotic Americans dur ing the Barack Obama era in American history. The next move is up to you. You wi ll decide - by what you now do - whether you are going to be a witness to the hi story of the Obama era or you are going to be a participant. The next move is up to you! Avatar Patti Jo Roth-Edwards an hour ago I do not agree with the idea that the Senate not supporting impeachment is justi fication for the House of Representatives to not vote for impeachment. As the Ho use votes and stands for impeachment, it will encourage those of like-mind who c urrently believe they are alone. The excuse that Democrats and Liberals are some how all united in standing one way or another is a generality and generalities a re usually wrong. Stand for what is right, just, ethical and honorable. The rest will fall into place. Ryan Cauble BaconNBeer 33 minutes ago Would you want to boot the false god worshiping Buddhists like Segal as well? Avatar Anne Latella an hour ago sriptysandra-No matter what your opinion is of Steven Segal, he is 100 percent c orrect in his observations of our present day government .especially Eric Holder, Hilla ry Clinton President Obama etc. who did nothing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the total lack of following our constitution while lying to the people of t hese United States of America.Do you really believe there is no foul language be ing spoken by our government officials, or do you just choose to ignore them and slander Steven Segal? Avatar bluevanda Ryan Cauble 41 minutes ago But he isn't running the country and violating the Constitution, Obama is. You m ust have forgotten the Freedom of choice of Religion part of the Constitution as well, but not surprising since you are defending a President that has throw Fre edom of Religion out of the Constitution along with Freedom of Speech.

Avatar usncb 2 hours ago All I have heard these past several months is, IMPEACH the LIAR in-charge. If I had the power to do it myself I'd have done it, in the first admin. in 08. It se ems that everybody is scared of this half-breed. NAM scared me! but this bozo sc ares me this much, O. Avatar Hal49 usncb an hour ago Exactly. He is but one person, and I won't use the word man here because tha t does not apply. People keep talking about Obama is going to come and get our g uns, he is gonna suspend the next election, blah, blah, blah. He is one evil per son controlled by other evil people, and he tells yet more evil people what to d o to make sure this nation is never great again. Truth be know there is a relati

vely small number of evil peeps doing all the damage and we REAL Americans out h ere outnumber them multiple, multiple, thousands to one. It is way past time to suck it up and get on with mass civil and not so civil disobedience. It is after all OUR COUNTRY! We are not Europe in the 30's and 40's. We have NOT been disarmed as that po pulace was. Quite the opposite, we have been arming ourselves and for good reaso n. We will not be taken over by evil. And thank you for your service, sir!

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