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Katie Dennison

Period 2

Unit 5 Study Guide

1) Progressives hoped to make many changes during the early 1900’s. The goals of
progressivism were social welfare, moral and economic reform and improving
efficiency. Social welfare was improving things in communities such as sanitation
and fire/police services. It was also setting up community centers like the YMCA.
Progressives also wanted moral and economic reform. Moral reform was getting
rid of things such as alcohol (prohibition). Economic reform was regulating big
businesses by implementing rules and regulations. Progressives also wanted
more efficiency. This was less waste of material and better work for fewer hours.
With the invention of the assembly line, the goal of efficiency was achieved my

2) During the early 1900’s, women greatly benefited from the Progressive
Movement. Women were given more jobs, all-women colleges were opened and
also they gained suffrage (a group’s right to vote). When World War 1 began,
many men were drafted. In turn, there weren’t as many workers in the country.
So, while the men were away fighting the war, women attained more rigorous
jobs (taking over the farm, working in factories to help the war effort). This proved
that women could work just as well and hard as men could. Also, during the early
1900’s women’s colleges were established all around the U.S. This allowed
women to advance in their education and get better jobs (school teachers,
doctors). Women also received suffrage because of the Progressive Movement.
The leading proponent for women’s suffrage was Susan B. Anthony.

3) During William Howard Taft’s presidency the Progressive Movement and the
Republican Party were greatly influenced. Progressivism began to ease up while
the Republican’s branched off of their party and formed the Bull Moose Party.
Taft, who had been handpicked by the previous president (Theodore Roosevelt),
was thought to continue Roosevelt’s progressive programs (conservation
movement, railroad regulation, etc.). Although, he did the complete opposite. So
when Taft’s term was over, Roosevelt ran against Taft as a member of the Bull
Moose Party. Since most Republican votes were divided equally among
Roosevelt and Taft, democrat Woodrow Wilson won’t the next election, thus
ending the Progressive Movement.

4) American’s began to expand the size of their nation in the late 1800’s and early
1900’s. This expansion was focused on places in the Pacific Ocean, specifically
Hawaii. Hawaii was seen as a prime location for a stopping point between
America and Chine and also a naval base (Pearl Harbor). The U.S. came to
acquire Hawaii by ways of a revolution that was started by citrus farmers in
Hawaii. This revolution was led by farmer Sanford Dole. American’s had taken
over the Kingdom of Hawaii and forced the queen to step down. Hawaii then
became a U.S. territory and was annexed in 1898.

5) The Spanish-American War was an example of U.S. imperialism. Imperialism is a

larger, more powerful country that influences another smaller country. America
was very interested in Cuba, a Spanish territory located only 90 miles south of
Florida. The U.S. saw Cuba as an excellent location to set up a military base
(Guantanamo Bay). During this time, Cuba wanted independence from Spain.
America helped Cuba in their revolution against Spain. Although, in return Cuba
was put under the control of the U.S. through the Platt Amendment. The Platt
Amendment said that Cuba could not 1) Sign any treaties without U.S. approval,
2) Go into debt, 3) U.S. can set up a military base in Cuba and 4) U.S. can
intervene to “keep the peace” in Cuba. This amendment made it to where the
U.S. had complete control and influence over Cuba.

6) The Roosevelt Corollary was an amendment to the Monroe Doctrine. The

Monroe Doctrine warned the European powers “to leave America for the
Americans” and to remain out of American territories. Although, the Roosevelt
Corollary asserted that European nations should not intervene in countries to the
south of the U.S. Although, the U.S. could intervene if they felt justified.

7) There were five main causes for World War 1. These causes were alliances,
nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand. A number of alliances had been signed by European countries before
the war. These were important because they meant that some countries had no
option but to declare war if one of their allies declared war first. Another cause
was nationalism. Nationalism is being a strong supporter of the rights and
interests of one's country. Areas of both Austria-Hungary and Serbia were home
to differing nationalist groups, all of whom wanted freedom from the states that
they lived in. The third cause of WW1 was Militarism. Militarism means military
forces are given a high profile by the government. European countries began to
double their armies and build better battleships. The last cause of WW1 was the
assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. A Serbian assassin killed
Ferdinand. Austria-Hungry felt that if Serbia didn’t hand over the assassin they
would have to go to war. Serbia could not find him. So, Austria-Hungry declared
war. Because of the alliances, a domino effect was created and all of Europe
went to war.

8) When WW1 started in August 1914, the United States decided to remain neutral.
Although, the U.S. did have economic ties to both sides (Allies [France, England
and Russia] and Central Powers [Germany, Austria-Hungry and Ottoman
Empire]). The United States sold military equipment and food supplies to them.
Eventually, England wanted to stop this trade. So, they established a blockade
on the coasts of Germany. After entering the war in 1917, there were more
troops to help out the Allies. The Allies and Central Powers were running out of
troops. So, when the U.S. entered the war the number of troops greatly
increased. This greatly affected the war.

9) The American war effort was greatly affected after the U.S. declared war in 1917.
There were two boards that were created at this time. These were the War
Industries Board and the National War Labor Board. The War Industries Board
changed American industries from peace time to war time. Factories that made
everyday clothing began to make military uniforms. Also, factories that made
things like screws began to make bullets. The National War Labor Board was an
agency that monitored the economy, making sure that people were being ethical
(not charging insane prices on products, etc.). Also, there was a mass amount of
citizen’s effort. People began to conserve food by voluntary ration and growing
there own food (Victory Gardens). It was seen as a patriotic duty.

10) The American government did not have the right to limit civil liberties during
WW1. This violated the first amendment of the Constitution. The Committee on
Public Information was established during WW1. They used propaganda as a
means to effectively cast Germans as the evil force of WW1. Also, the Espionage
and Sedition Acts were created. These acts made it possible for congress to
pass loosely worded laws which gave the government wide authority to
prosecute anyone who spoke out against the war. Many people were arrested
and convicted with long prison sentences for being seen as “disloyal”.

11) The Treaty of Versailles caused numerous problems for the future. The Treaty of
Versailles was a treaty written by the U.S., France and England. The treaty
established new countries all across Europe. Jordan, Syria, Austria, Hungry,
Poland, and Iraq are a few examples. Although, when the land was divided up, it
was not done so correctly. Many rivaling religious and ethnic groups were put in
the same area as each other. This has led to modern day conflict. Also, the
Treaty of Versailles demilitarized Germany (took away all of their military except
some to protect boarders) and also made them pay reparations (war debt).
Germany was forced to pay for everything that was involved in WW1. This was
not limited to just paying for areas they destroyed but also the military equipment.
This put Germany into a depression that was worse than the U.S.’s Great
Depression. Since Germany was in such depression, this allowed just about
anyone to lead them out of it. Adolf Hitler was the one who spoke to German’s
and told them how they were wronged by all of the European countries and
America. He convinced everyone that these countries were the cause of all of
their problems. Because of this, Germany eventually went to war again (WW2).

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