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Learn 20 instant tricks to improve your self esteem

1. Believe in yourself. Believing that your opinions and feelings count is the first step to improving self esteem and confidence. Treat yourself as if youre somebody who matters 24 hours a day. Whenever you find yourself feeling put down or low, repeat the mantra I like who I am to help dislodge the underlying belief that youre not somebody. 2. Thoughts. Develop the ability to control the way you think in EVERY situation and you will control most situations that you face. Think positively. Raise your awareness level. The moment you feel negative thoughts coming on, you can choose to erase it and think of something positive and constructive. 3. Avoid people who are always putting you down, because they chip away at your self esteem. Identify people who you would like t o be, who share your interests, who are optimistic and energetic. You must surround yourself with the best. 4. Face your fears. People with high self esteem are often learning and experimenting, while the majority would rather not attempt it just in case they failed. Get over the fear of new challenges. Change and the fear of change is a powerful force. FEAR is False Evidence Appears Real. Bury the myth of the Fear dragon. 5. Visualization turns your emotional and subconscious desires into reality. The universal law of attraction states that we attract into our lives anything that we give our attention to, whether its positive or negative. Visualize what you want to become. Negative feelings, self-doubt, and criticism can damage the delicate energy that you fear. 6. Trust yourself. Self-assured people tend to trust others unless they have a good reason not to. In the same way dogs are able to sense fear, humans tend to doubt those who dont trust them. So, if you expect the worst, you may get it, but if you expect the best, its likely that you will get it more often than not. 7. Stand up to your old paradigms and eliminate self limiting beliefs. Do you go from being a confident individual to an insecure self-doubting wreck? If so, you are suffering from a childhood confidence crisis. Most people who lack confidence are still trying to get something unattainable from their past, such as love, approval or being accepted. 8. Resolve issues. Brushing aside problems is a sure-fire way to damage your self worth. Take control and be assertive. Learn how to listen and communicate. 9. Dont be self-critical and defeatist. You have the power to influence positive attitudes and behaviour. Teach yourself coping skills. Learn how to deal with problems as they arise, and that setbacks can be tackled when you break them into small, manageable challenges. You will learn not to feel hopeless and helpless when faced with tough situations.

10. Accept yourself for who you are. Never change to be someone just to be liked or to impress someone else. Embrace your individuality and feel comfortable and free to be you. When you have high self esteem, you dont waste time and energy impressing others; you already know that you have the value. 11. Respect yourself and others. Be courteous and mindful of peoples beliefs, values, wellbeing and rights. You will then expect to be treated with the same fairness and respect. 12. Dont compare yourself with others. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your talents and pursue the things that add richness to your life. 13. Determination, patience and courage are the only things needed to improve any situation. If you want a situation changed badly enough, you will find these three things. 14. Attitude is the key to life. Have a positive attitude. If your attitude is one of negativity and criticism, thats what you will receive from those you interact. However, if your attitude is positive and understanding, thats the response you will consistently get. Your external world is a reflection of your inner world. 15. Smile it changes the chemistry of your body and releases endorphins to provide the energy and dynamism linked with self esteem and confidence. Laughing and smiling are great therapeutical tools as well as calming to the body and soul. 16. Stand up to bullies. You dont stand up to bullying to assert your power for the sake of it, but to make sure others realize you will not back down easily. Do it early and you will avoid having to do it more than you need to. 17. Study. Read. Learn. Develop an attitude for learning. Buoy yourself by reading and studying the lives of inspirational and successful people. It is your responsibility to impart confidence, courage and optimism. 18. Focus. You write the scripts of your life by your thoughts. You are the sum total of your thoughts because all your thoughts are creative. Focus on what you like and want, not on things you dont like or dont want. Be consistent and persistent. No one starts off being an expert, poised and self-assured. 19. Set yourself goals, and make it happen. Strive to be the best that you can be and avoid procrastination. 20. Gratitude. Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you to give thanks continuously.

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