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1. In 2006 Nokia was the only Mobile brand in the market which had captured over all other brands. In 2009 it launched resistive Touch screen phones other competitive brands like !amsun" i#hone came up with $aptive Touch screen and better %eatures Market %or Nokia be"an to decline "radually. In 2012 it has lost competition and is no more the topmost brand in India. The CEO resigns now you are he new CEO wha wi!! you "o#

2. $ompany &'( manu%actures )lucose*# $ompany is hi"h speed "rowth "rowin" at a rate o% +0, per annum. $ompany is "oin" throu"h trouble mana"in" %inances. -evenues are "rowin" up so is the cost. .or each "rowin" company money is important as you are in the capital intensive industry. 'ou are the $/0 o% company. 1s the $/0 you need to look %or %undin" measures make it cash rich and "row %inancially in 2 years.

2. There is an employee named &'( in your company whose per%ormance at work has been declinin" you are the 3- Mana"er o% your %irm what will you do in this scenario.

4. 1n airplane %li"ht was to be %rom Mumbai*5elhi*6olkata. 5ue to some reasons it does not land in 5elhi and is directly sent to 6olkata. #assen"ers when reach the destination are surprised as they were to "o to 5elhi and create a raucus there. 'ou are the head o% the 1irplane $ompany what will you do in this scenario.

+. 'our company is on a down low7 you need to complete your assi"nments but are low on %unds. 3ow will you mana"e your team to ensure they work and not leave the company and also not be paid %or now and be "iven the salaries a%ter the consi"nment is complete and your %irm is paid.

6. There are 4 M81 colle"es each havin" its own ne"ative and bad points. There are many %actors like .aculty In%rastructure 1lumni #lacement #acka"es Industrial /9posure on which the colle"es can be rated. 'ou as an M81 aspirant need to rate the above parameters in importance level :)roup /9ercise;

<. $1!/ the per%ormance o% supervisors and e9ecutives:22+ in number;o% MIT$0 =T5 is conducted annually by superior o%%icers the parameters taken in to account > "iven e?ual wei"hta"e are per%ormance at work sense o% responsibility superiors@ dependability on subordinate community activity initiative re"ularity punctuality potential to develop > take senior

positions. The assessment reports prepared by seniors are discussed with employees in case there are de%iciencies in the individual with the obAective o% counselin" him the report is re%erred to in decidin" promotions salary adAustments determinin" trainin" e9posures trans%ers. In 1992 some employees :supervisors > e9ecutives;were not "iven any increment as the overall total score was below standard because o% low ratin" in respect o% community activity and potential aspects. They represented the case to M5 su""estin" the entire per%ormance e9ercise was %aulty. They wanted that all employees at all levels be "iven time bound increment and positions this would assure all employees %air deal without any subAective bias. They de%initely were a"ainst the two parameters %or assessment*community activity and potential $UESTION 5o you think two di%%erent assessment systems be adopted one %or supervisors and another %or e9ecutives i% so what would be the special %eaturesB %KJ Day&'

C. CASED Mr. -am 5ayal Mathur is workin" as an 1ssistant 5irector in the Telecommunication dept o% the )ovt. o% India. 3e "ot married rather late in li%e and had children at a later a"e. 3e calculated that by the time he retires his youn"est son would only be 16 yrs. 3e realiEed he@d need to work another 4 * + yrs to support his %amily. 3e decides to move to a private sector and so does a part time M81 and even clears with an 1 "rade. 3e "ets a really "ood o%%er %rom a private telecomm %irm %or the position o% 5eputy )eneral Mana"er :5)M;. 3e is told that i% he Aoins the %irm within the ne9t 4+ days he can be part o% a pro"ram that trains + 5)M and promotes them to a hi"her position. In the meantime a %riend calls him to advise that the )ovt is about to revise the pay commission and i% he resi"ns a%ter 2 * 2 months later he can leave with a hi"her pension and "ratuity. Now Mr. Mathur is con%used because i% he doesn@t Aoin the private %irm ?uickly the youn"er "uys will be promoted over him. Fhat would you do i% you were Mr. MathurB

9. $1!/D This is a case about G3industan 5e%enseG and about Mr 6uslem who was "iven 2 responsibilities o% )M:Materials; and 1F1 Marketin" and he was not able to cope with the situation where the company was su%%erin" downturn he could not achieve the tar"ets and employees trust and he "ot lost the Aob and company also discontinued the policy o% "ivin" 2 responsibilities. GFhat you would do i% you were in place o% Mr 6uslem and in place o% M5




The case discusses the operations o% .inland*based telecom maAor Nokia in $hina. Nokia entered $hina in the 1990s and initially supplied network e?uipment to $hinese manu%acturers. Nokia entered into Aoint ventures with local companies which helped it understand the local



8y the end o% the 1990s $hina emer"ed as NokiaHs second lar"est market a%ter the I!1 but Motorola continued to be the market leader in $hina. 8y the early 2000s the $hinese companies were makin" inroads into the market and NokiaHs sales dropped drastically. The main reasons %or the reduction in sales were the limited ran"e o% handsets and absence o% clamshell models %rom Nokia and limited distribution %acilities due to which the phones did not reach the rural areas where the demand was "rowin". Nokia was ?uick to react and revamped its product distribution and promotional strate"ies. It introduced several new products speci%ic to the $hinese market which included models with predictive te9t input in $hinese lunar calendar handsets usin" a stylus to write $hinese /n"lish dictionary $hina speci%ic wallpapers phones with multiple address books etc. The chan"es brou"ht out in the distribution system included decentraliEin" the distribution operations increasin" the number o% re"ional distributors hirin" third party representatives openin" sales o%%ices all across the country and direct distribution o% products to retail outlets. !everal $hina* speci%ic promotional campai"ns were also launched. Nokia also made several investments in technolo"y in the country. 1ll these e%%orts had a positive impact on NokiaHs %ortunes in $hina and by 200+ it had emer"ed as the leadin" handset manu%acturer in the country. $hina also emer"ed as NokiaHs lar"est market by the end o% the year. NokiaHs stron" run continued in the country and it sold over <0 million handsets in $hina in 200<. 8y the end o% 200C thou"h Nokia was doin" well in the market it also %aced challen"es in the %orm o% new competitors like Tianyu and the chan"es bein" brou"ht about in the $hinese telecom sector.

1. IssuesD J 1nalyEe how Nokia became a market leader in the $hinese mobile handset market. J !tudy and analyEe NokiaHs operational strate"ies in $hina.

J )ain insi"hts into chan"es that Nokia brou"ht in its strate"y to capture the market particularly with respect to its distribution and product desi"n. J /9amine the challen"es %aced by Nokia in $hina and e9plore strate"ies that the company can adopt.

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