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STAR WARS Episode IV A NEW HOPE From the JOURNAL OF THE WHILLS by George Lucas Revised Fourth Draft

January 15 1!"# LUCASFILM LTD.

$ %ong time ago

in a ga%a&y far



$ vast sea of stars serves as the bac)drop for the main tit%e( *ar drums echo through the heavens as a ro%%up s%o'%y cra'%s into infinity( It is a period of civi% 'ar( Rebe% spaceships stri)ing from a hidden base have 'on their first victory against the evi% Ga%actic Empire( During the batt%e Rebe% spies managed to stea% secret p%ans to the Empire+s u%timate 'eapon the Death ,tar an armored space station 'ith enough po'er to destroy an entire p%anet( -ursued by the Empire+s sinister agents -rincess Leia races home aboard her starship custodian of the sto%en p%ans that can save her peop%e and restore freedom to the ga%a&y((( .he a'esome ye%%o' p%anet of .atooine emerges from a tota% ec%ipse her t'o moons g%o'ing against the dar)ness( $ tiny si%ver spacecraft a Rebe% /%oc)ade Runner firing %asers from the bac) of the ship races through space( It is pursed by a giant Imperia% ,tardestroyer( 0undreds of dead%y %aserbo%ts strea) from the Imperia% ,tardestroyer causing the main so%ar fin of the Rebe% craft to disintegrate( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - MAIN PASSAGEWAY $n e&p%osion roc)s the ship as t'o robots $rtoo1Detoo 2R31 D34 and ,ee1.hreepio 2516-74 strugg%e to ma)e their 'ay through the sha)ing bouncing passage'ay( /oth robots are o%d and battered( $rtoo is a short c%a'1armed tripod( 0is face is a mass of computer %ights surrounding a radar eye( .hreepio on the other hand is a ta%% s%ender robot of human proportions( 0e has a g%eaming bron8e1%i)e meta%%ic surface of an $rt Deco design(

$nother b%ast sha)es them as they strugg%e a%ong their 'ay( THREEPIO Did you hear that9 .hey+ve shut do'n the main reactor( *e+%% be destroyed for sure( .his is madness: Rebe% troopers rush past the robots and ta)e up positions in the main passage'ay( .hey aim their 'eapons to'ard the door( THREEPIO *e+re doomed: .he %itt%e R3 unit ma)es a series of e%ectronic sounds that on%y another robot cou%d understand( THREEPIO .here+%% be no escape for the -rincess this time( $rtoo continues ma)ing beeping sounds( .ension mounts as %oud meta%%ic %atches c%an) and the scream of heavy e;uipment are heard moving around the outside hu%% of the ship( THREEPIO *hat+s that9 EXT. SPACECRAFT IN SPACE .he Imperia% craft has easi%y overta)en the Rebe% /%oc)ade Runner( .he sma%%er Rebe% ship is being dra'n into the underside doc) of the giant Imperia% starship( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER .he nervous Rebe% troopers tremendous b%ast opens up a a score of fearsome armored their 'ay into the aim their 'eapons( ,udden%y a ho%e in the main passage'ay and spacesuited stormtroopers ma)e smo)e1fi%%ed corridor(

In a fe' minutes the entire passage'ay is ab%a8e 'ith %aserfire( .he dead%y bo%ts ricochet in 'i%d random patterns creating huge e&p%osions( ,tormtroopers scatter and duc) behind storage %oc)ers( Laserbo%ts hit severa% Rebe% so%diers 'ho scream and stagger through the smo)e ho%ding shattered arms and faces( $n e&p%osion hits near the robots( THREEPIO I shou%d have )no'n better than to trust the %ogic of a ha%f1si8ed thermocapsu%ary dehousing assister((( $rtoo counters 'ith an angry rebutta% as the batt%e rages around the t'o hap%ess robots(

EXT. TATOOINE - DESERT WASTELAND - DAY $ death1'hite 'aste%and stretches from hori8on to hori8on( .he tremendous heat of t'o huge t'in suns sett%e on a %one figure Lu)e ,)y'a%)er a farm boy 'ith heroic aspirations 'ho %oo)s much younger than his eighteen years( 0is shaggy hair and baggy tunic give him the air of a simp%e but %ovab%e %ad 'ith a pri8e1'inning smi%e( $ %ight 'ind 'hips at him as he ad<usts severa% va%ves on a %arge battered moisture vaporator 'hich stic)s out of the desert f%oor much %i)e an oi% pipe 'ith va%ves( 0e is aided by a beatup tread1robot 'ith si& c%a' arms( .he %itt%e robot appears to be bare%y functioning and moves 'ith <er)y motions( $ bright spar)%e in the morning s)y catches Lu)e+s eye and he instinctive%y grabs a pair of e%ectrobinocu%ars from his uti%ity be%t( 0e stands transfi&ed for a fe' moments studying the heavens then dashed to'ard his dented crude%y repaired Landspeeder 2an auto1%i)e transport that trave%s a fe' feet above the ground on a magnetic1fie%d4( 0e motions for the tiny robot to fo%%o' him( LUKE 0urry up: 5ome 'ith me: *hat are you 'aiting for9: Get in gear: .he robot scoots around in a tight circ%e stops short and smo)e begins to pour out of every <oint( Lu)e thro's his arms up in disgust( E&asperated the young farm boy <umps into his Landspeeder %eaving the smo%dering robot to hum mad%y( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - MAIN HALLWAY .he a'esome seven1foot1ta%% Dar) Lord of the ,ith ma)es his 'ay into the b%inding %ight of the main passage'ay( .his is Darth Vader right hand of the Emperor( 0is face is obscured by his f%o'ing b%ac) robes and grotes;ue breath mas) 'hich stands out ne&t to the fascist 'hite armored suits of the Imperia% stormtroopers( Everyone instinctive%y bac)s a'ay from the imposing 'arrior and a death%y ;uiet s'eeps through the Rebe% troops( ,evera% of the Rebe% troops brea) and run in a fren8ied panic( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER $ 'oman+s hand puts a card into an opening in $rtoo+s dome( $rtoo ma)es beeping sounds( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER .hreepio stands in a ha%%'ay some'hat be'i%dered( $rtoo is no'here in sight( .he pitifu% screams of the doomed Rebe% so%diers can be heard in the distance( THREEPIO

$rtoo: $rtoo1Detoo

'here are you9

$ fami%iar c%an)ing sound attac)s .hreepio+s attention and he spots %itt%e $rtoo at the end of the ha%%'ay in a smo)e1 fi%%ed a%cove( $ beautifu% young gir% 2about si&teen years o%d4 stands in front of $rtoo( ,urrea% and out of p%ace dream%i)e and ha%f hidden in the smo)e she finishes ad<usting something on $rtoo+s computer face then 'atches as the %itt%e robot <oins his companion( THREEPIO $t %ast: *here have you been9 ,tormtroopers can be heard batt%ing in the distance( THREEPIO .hey+re heading in this direction( *hat are 'e going to do9 *e+%% be sent to the spice mine of =esse% or smashed into 'ho )no's 'hat: $rtoo scoots past his bron8e friend and races do'n the subha%%'ay( .hreepio chases after him( *ait a minute THREEPIO 'here are you going9

$rtoo responds 'ith e%ectronic beeps( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - CORRIDOR .he evi% Darth Vader stands amid the bro)en and t'isted bodies of his foes( 0e grabs a 'ounded Rebe% 7fficer by the nec) as an Imperia% 7fficer rushes up to the Dar) Lord( IMPERIAL OFFICER .he Death ,tar p%ans are not in the main computer( Vader s;uee8es the nec) of the Rebe% 7fficer in vain( VADER *here are those transmissions you intercepted9 Vader %ifts the Rebe% off his feet by his throat( VADER *hat have you done 'ith those p%ans9 REBEL OFFICER *e intercepted no transmissions( $aah((( .his is a consu%ar ship( *ere on a dip%omatic mission( VADER 'ho strugg%es

If this is a consu%ar ship((( 'ere is the $mbassador9 .he Rebe% refuses to spea) but eventua%%y cries out as the Dar) Lord begins to s;uee8e the officer+s throat creating a gruesome snapping and cho)ing unti% the so%dier goes %imp( Vader tosses the dead so%dier against the 'a%% and turns to his troops( VADER 5ommander tear this ship apart unti% you+ve found those p%ans and bring me the $mbassador( I 'ant her a%ive: .he stormtroopers scurry into the subha%%'ays( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - SUBHALLWAY .he %ove%y young gir% hudd%es in a sma%% a%cove as the stormtroopers search through the ship( ,he is -rincess Leia 7rgana a member of the $%deraan ,enate( .he fear in her eyes s%o'%y gives 'ay to anger as the muted crushing sounds of the approaching stormtroopers gro' %ouder( 7ne of the troopers spots her( TROOPER .here she is: ,et for stun: Leia steps from her hiding p%ace and b%asts a trooper 'ith her %aser pisto%( ,he starts to run but is fe%%ed by a para%y8ing ray( .he troopers inspect her inert body( TROOPER ,he+%% be a%% right( Inform Lord Vader 'e have a prisoner( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - SUBHALLWAY $rtoo stops before the sma%% hatch of an emergency %ifepod( 0e snaps the sea% on the main %atch and a red 'arning %ight begins to f%ash( .he stubby astro1robot 'or)s his 'ay into the cramped four1man pod( THREEPIO 0ey you+re not permitted in there( It+s restricted( >ou+%% be deactivated for sure(( $rtoo beeps something to him( THREEPIO Don+t ca%% me a mind%ess phi%osopher you over'eight g%ob of grease: ?o' come out before somebody sees you( $rtoo 'hist%es something at his re%uctant friend regarding the mission he is about to perform(

THREEPIO ,ecret mission9 *hat p%ans9 *hat are you ta%)ing about9 I+m not getting in there: $rtoo isn+t happy 'ith .hreepio+s stubbornness and t'angs angri%y( and he beeps

$ ne' e&p%osion this time very c%ose sends dust and debris through the narro' subha%%'ay( F%ames %ic) at .hreepio and after a f%urry of e%ectronic s'earing from $rtoo the %an)y robot <umps into the %ifepod( THREEPIO I+m going to regret this( INT. IMPERIAL STARDESTROYER 7n the main vie'screen the %ifepod carrying the t'o terrified robots speeds a'ay from the stric)en Rebe% spacecraft( CHIEF PILOT .here goes another one( CAPTAIN 0o%d your fire( .here are no %ife forms( It must have been short1 circuited( INT. LIFEPOD $rtoo and .hreepio %oo) out at the receding Imperia% starship( ,tars circ%e as the pod rotates through the ga%a&y( THREEPIO .hat+s funny the damage doesn+t %oo) as bad from out here( $rtoo beeps an assuring response( THREEPIO $re you sure this things safe9 EXT. TATOOINE - ANCHORHEAD SETTLEMENT - POWER STATION - DAY 0eat 'aves radiate from the do8en or so b%eached 'hite bui%dings( Lu)e pi%ots his Landspeeder through the dusty empty street of the tiny sett%ement( $n o%d 'oman runs to get out of the 'ay of the speeding vehic%e sha)ing her fist at Lu)e as he f%ies past( WOMAN I+ve to%d you )ids to s%o' do'n: INT. POWER STATION - DAY

Lu)e bursts into the po'er station 'a)ing .he Fi&er a rugged mechanic and 5amie a se&y disheve%ed gir% 'ho has been as%eep in his %ap( .hey grumb%ed as he races through the office ye%%ing 'i%d%y( FIXER Did I hear a young noise b%ast through here9 CAMIE It 'as <ust 'ormie on another rampage( Lu)e bounces into a sma%% room behind the office 'here Dea) and *indy t'o tough boys about the same age as Lu)e are p%aying a computer poo%1%i)e game 'ith /iggs a bur%y handsome boy a fe' years o%der than the rest( 0is f%ashy city attire is a sharp contrast to the %oose1fitting tunics of the farm boys( $ robot repairs some e;uipment in the bac)ground( LUKE ,hape it up you guys:((( /iggs9 Lu)e+s surprise at the appearance of /iggs gives 'ay to great <oy and emotion( .hey give each other a great bear hug( LUKE I didn+t )no' you 'ere bac): *hen did you get in9 BIGGS Just no'( I 'anted to surprise you hot shot( I thought you+d be here((( certain%y didn+t e&pect you to be out 'or)ing( 2he %aughs4 LUKE .he $cademy didn+t change you much(((but you+re bac) so soon9 0ey 'hat happened didn+t you get your commission9 /iggs has an air of coo% that seems s%ight%y phony( BIGGS 7f course I got it( ,igned aboard .he Rand Ec%iptic %ast 'ee)( First mate /iggs Dar)%ighter at your service((( 2he sa%utes4 (((I <ust came to say good1bye to a%% you unfortunate %and%oc)ed simp%etons( Everyone %aughs( .he da88%ing spectac%e of his dashing friend is a%most too much for Lu)e but sudden%y he snaps out of

it( LUKE I a%most forgot( .here+s a batt%e going on: Right here in our system( 5ome and %oo): DEAK ?ot again: Forget it( EXT. TATOOINE - ANCHORHEAD - SETTLEMENT - POWER STATION DAY .he group stumb%es out into the stif%ing desert sun( 5amie and .he Fi&er comp%ain and are forced to shade their eyes( Lu)e has his binocu%ars out scanning the heavens( LUKE .here they are: /iggs ta)es the binocu%ars from Lu)e as the others strain to see something 'ith the na)ed eye( .hrough the binocu%ars /iggs sees t'o sma%% si%ver spec)s( BIGGS .hat+s no batt%e hot shot((( they+re <ust sitting there: -robab%y a freighter1tan)er refue%ing( LUKE /ut there 'as a %ot of firing ear%ier((( 5amie grabs the binocu%ars a'ay banging them against the bui%ding in the process( Lu)e grabs them( 0ey LUKE easy 'ith those((( *ormie(

CAMIE Don+t 'orry about it

.he Fi&er gives Lu)e a hard %oo) and the young farm boy shrugs his shou%ders in resignation( FIXER I )eep te%%ing you the Rebe%%ion is a %ong 'ay from here( I doubt if the Empire 'ou%d even fight to )eep this system( /e%ieve me Lu)e this p%anet is a big hun) of nothing((( Lu)e agrees a%though it+s obvious he isn+t sure 'hy( .he group stumb%es bac) into the po'er station grumb%ing about Lu)e+s ineptitude( INT. REBEL BLOCKADE RUNNER - HALLWAY

-rincess Leia is %ed do'n a %o'1cei%inged ha%%'ay by a s;uad of armored stormtroopers( 0er hands are bound and she is bruta%%y shoved 'hen she is unab%e to )eep up 'ith the bris)%y marching troops( .hey stop in a smo)y ha%%'ay as Darth Vader emerges from the shado's( .he sinister Dar) Lord stares hard at the frai% young senator but she doesn+t move( LEIA Lord Vader I shou%d have )no'n( 7n%y you cou%d be so bo%d( .he Imperia% ,enate 'i%% not sit for this 'hen they hear you+ve attac)ed a dip%omatic((( VADER Don+t p%ay games 'ith me >our 0ighness( >ou 'eren+t on any mercy mission this time( >ou passed direct%y through a restricted system( ,evera% transmissions 'ere beamed to this ship by Rebe% spies( I 'ant to )no' 'hat happened to the p%ans they sent you( LEIA I don+t )no' 'hat you+re ta%)ing about( I+m a member of the Imperia% ,enate on a dip%omatic mission to $%deraan((( VADER >ou+re a part of the Rebe% $%%iance((( and a traitor( .a)e her a'ay: Leia is marched a'ay do'n the ha%%'ay and into the smo%dering ho%e b%asted in the side of the ship( $n Imperia% 5ommander turns to Vader( COMMANDER 0o%ding her is dangerous( If 'ord of this gets out it cou%d generate sympathy for the Rebe%%ion in the senate( VADER I have traced the Rebe% spies to her( ?o' she is my on%y %in) to find their secret base: COMMANDER ,he+%% die before she te%%s you anything( VADER Leave that to me( ,end a distress signa% and then inform the senate

that a%% aboard 'ere )i%%ed: $nother Imperia% 7fficer approaches Vader and the 5ommander( .hey stop and snap to attention( SECOND OFFICER Lord Vader the batt%e station p%ans are not aboard this ship: $nd no transmissions 'ere made( $n escape pod 'as <ettisoned during the fighting but no %ife forms 'ere aboard( Vader turns to the 5ommander( VADER ,he must have hidden the p%ans in the escape pod( ,end a detachment do'n to retrieve them( ,ee to it persona%%y 5ommander( .here+%% be no one to stop us this time( COMMANDER >es sir( EXT. SPACE .he Imperia% ,tardestroyer comes over the surface of the p%anet .atooine( EXT. TATOOINE - DESERT Jund%and or @?o Aan+s Land@ 'here the rugged desert mesas meet the foreboding dune sea( .he t'o he%p%ess astro1droids )ic) up c%ouds of sand as they %eave the %ifepod and c%umsi%y 'or) their 'ay across the desert 'aste%and( .he %ifepod in the distance rests ha%f buried in the sand( THREEPIO 0o' did I get into this mess9 I rea%%y don+t )no' ho'( *e seem to be made to suffer( It+s our %ot in %ife( $rtoo ans'ers 'ith beeping sounds( THREEPIO I+ve got to rest before I fa%% apart( Ay <oints are a%most fro8en( $rtoo continues to respond 'ith beeping sounds( THREEPIO *hat a deso%ate p%ace this is( ,udden%y $rtoo 'hist%es ma)es a sharp right turn and starts off in the direction of the roc)y desert mesas( .hreepio stops and ye%%s at him(

THREEPIO *here are you going9 $ stream of e%ectronic noises pours forth from the sma%% robot( THREEPIO *e%% I+m not going that 'ay( It+s much too roc)y( .his 'ay is much easier( $rtoo counters 'ith a %ong 'hist%e( THREEPIO *hat ma)es you thin) there are sett%ements over there9 $rtoo continues to ma)e beeping sounds( THREEPIO Don+t get technica% 'ith me( $rtoo continues to ma)e beeping sounds( THREEPIO *hat mission9 *hat are you ta%)ing about9 I+ve had <ust about enough of you: Go that 'ay: >ou+%% be ma%functioning 'ithin a day you nearsighted scrap pi%e: .hreepio gives the %itt%e robot a )ic) and starts off in the direction of the vast dune sea( THREEPIO $nd don+t %et me catch you fo%%o'ing me begging for he%p because you 'on+t get it( $rtoo+s rep%y is a rather rude sound( 0e turns and trudges off in the direction of the to'ering mesas( THREEPIO ?o more adventures( I+m not going that 'ay( $rtoo beeps to himse%f as he ma)es his 'ay to'ard the distant mountains( EXT. TATOOINE - DUNE SEA .hreepio hot and tired strugg%es up over the ridge of a duneB on%y to find more dunes 'hich seem to go on for end%ess mi%es( 0e %oo)s bac) in the direction of the no' distant roc) mesas(

THREEPIO .hat ma%functioning %itt%e t'erp( .his is a%% his fau%t: 0e tric)ed me into going this 'ay but he+%% do no better( In a huff of anger and frustration .hreepio )noc)s the sand from his <oints( 0is p%ight seems hope%ess 'hen a g%int of ref%ected %ight in the distance revea%s an ob<ect moving to'ards him( *ait THREEPIO 'hat+s that9 $ transport: I+m saved:

.he bron8e android 'aves frantica%%y and ye%%s at the approaching transport( THREEPIO 7ver here: 0e%p: -%ease he%p:

EXT. TATOOINE - ANCHORHEAD SETTLEMENT - POWER STATION - DAY Lu)e and /iggs are 'a%)ing and drin)ing a ma%t bre'( Fi&er and the others can be heard 'or)ing inside( LUKE 2Very animated4 (((so I cut off my po'er shut do'n the afterburners and came in %o' on Dea)+s trai%( I 'as so c%ose I thought I 'as going to fry my instruments( $s it 'as I busted up the ,)yhopper pretty bad( Cnc%e 7'en 'as pretty upset( 0e grounded me for the rest of the season( >ou shou%d have been there((( it 'as fantastic( BIGGS >ou ought to ta)e it easy Lu)e( >ou may be the hottest bushpi%ot this side of Aos Eis%ey but those %itt%e ,)yhoppers are dangerous( =eep it up and one day 'hammo you+re going to be nothing more than a dar) spot on the do'n side of a canyon 'a%%( LUKE Loo) 'ho+s ta%)ing( ?o' that you+ve been around those giant starships you+re beginning to sound %i)e my unc%e( >ou+ve gotten soft in the city((( BIGGS I+ve missed you )id(

LUKE *e%% things haven+t been the same since you %eft /iggs( It+s been so((( ;uiet( /iggs %oo)s around then %eans c%ose to Lu)e( BIGGS Lu)e I didn+t come bac) <ust to say good1bye((( I shou%dn+t te%% you this but you+re the on%y one I can trust((( and if I don+t come bac) I 'ant somebody to )no'( Lu)e+s eyes are 'ide 'ith /iggs+ seriousness and %oya%ty( LUKE *hat are you ta%)ing about9 BIGGS I made some friends at the $cademy( 2he 'hispers4 ((('hen our frigate goes to one of the centra% systems 'e+re going to <ump ship and <oin the $%%iance((( Lu)e ama8ed and stunned is a%most speech%ess(

LUKE Join the Rebe%%ion9: $re you )idding: 0o'9 BIGGS Duiet do'n 'i%% ya: >ou got a mouth bigger than a meteor crater: LUKE I+m sorry( I+m ;uiet( 2he 'hispers4 Listen ho' ;uiet I am( >ou can bare%y hear me((( /iggs sha)es his head angri%y and then continues( BIGGS Ay friend has a friend on /estine 'ho might he%p us ma)e contact( LUKE >ou+re cra8y: >ou cou%d 'ander around forever trying to find them( BIGGS I )no' it+s a %ong shot but if I don+t find them I+%% do 'hat I can on my o'n((( It+s 'hat 'e a%'ays ta%)ed about( Lu)e I+m not going to

'ait for the Empire to draft me into service( .he Rebe%%ion is spreading and I 'ant to be on the right side 11 the side I be%ieve in( LUKE $nd I+m stuc) here((( BIGGS I thought you 'ere going to the $cademy ne&t term( >ou+%% get your chance to get off this roc)( LUKE ?ot %i)e%y: I had to cance% my app%ication( .here has been a %ot of unrest among the ,andpeop%e since you %eft((( they+ve even raided the outs)irts of $nchorhead( BIGGS >our unc%e cou%d ho%d off a 'ho%e co%ony of ,andpeop%e 'ith one b%aster( LUKE I )no' but he+s got enough vaporators going to ma)e the p%ace pay off( 0e needs me for <ust one more season( I can+t %eave him no'( BIGGS I fee% for you Lu)e you+re going to have to %earn 'hat seems to be important or 'hat rea%%y is important( *hat good is a%% your unc%e+s 'or) if it+s ta)en over by the Empire9((( >ou )no' they+re starting to nationa%i8e commerce in the centra% systems((( it 'on+t be %ong before your unc%e is mere%y a tenant s%aving for the greater g%ory of the Empire( LUKE It cou%dn+t happen here( >ou said it yourse%f( .he Empire 'on+t bother 'ith this roc)( BIGGS .hings a%'ays change( LUKE I 'ish I 'as going((( $re you going to be around %ong9 ?o BIGGS I+m %eaving in the morning(((

LUKE .hen I guess I 'on+t see you( BIGGS Aaybe someday((( I+%% )eep a %oo)out( LUKE *e%% I+%% be at the $cademy ne&t season((( after that 'ho )no's( I 'on+t be drafted into the Imperia% ,tarf%eet that+s for sure((( .a)e care of yourse%f you+%% a%'ays be the best friend I+ve got( BIGGS ,o %ong Lu)e( /iggs turns a'ay from his o%d friend and heads to'ards the po'er station( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK CANYON - SUNSET .he gargantuan roc) formations are shrouded in a strange foreboding mist and the onimous sounds of unearth%y creatures fi%% the air( $rtoo moves cautious%y through the creepy roc) canyon inadvertent%y ma)ing a %oud c%ic)ing noise as he goes( 0e hears a distant hard meta%%ic sound and stops for a moment( 5onvinced he is a%one he continues on his 'ay( In the distance a pebb%e tumb%es do'n the steep canyon 'a%% and a sma%% dar) figure darts into the shado's( $ %itt%e further up the canyon a s%ight f%ic)er of %ight revea%s a pair of eyes in the dar) recesses on%y a fe' feet from the narro' path( .he unsuspecting robot 'add%es a%ong the rugged trai% unti% sudden%y out of no'here a po'erfu% magnetic ray shoots out of the roc)s and engu%fs him in an eerie g%o'( 0e manages one short e%ectronic s;uea) before he topp%es over onto his bac)( 0is bright computer %ights f%ic)er off then on then off again( 7ut of the roc)s scurry three Ja'as no ta%%er than $rtoo( .hey ho%ster strange and comp%e& 'eapons as they cautious%y approach the robot( .hey 'ear grubby c%oa)s and their faces are shrouded so on%y their g%o'ing eyes can be seen( .hey hiss and ma)e odd guttura% sounds as they heave the heavy robot onto their shou%ders and carry him off do'n the trai%( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK CANYON - SANDCRAWLER - SUNSET .he eight Ja'as carry $rtoo out of the canyon to a huge tan)1 %i)e vehic%e the si8e of a four1story house( .hey 'e%d a sma%% dis) on the side of $rtoo and then put him under a %arge tube on the side of the vehic%e and the %itt%e robot is suc)ed into the giant machine( .he fi%thy %itt%e Ja'as scurry %i)e rats up sma%% %adders

and enter the main cabin of the behemoth transport( INT. SANDCRAWLER - HOLD AREA It is dim inside the ho%d area of the ,andcra'%er( $rtoo s'itches on a sma%% f%ood%ight on his forehead and stumb%es around the scrap heap( .he narro' beam s'ings across rusty meta% roc)et parts and an array of grotes;ue%y t'isted and maimed astro1robots( 0e %ets out a pathetic e%ectronic 'himper and stumb%es off to'ard 'hat appears to be a door at the end of the chamber( INT. SANDCRAWLER - PRISON AREA $rtoo enters a 'ide room 'ith a four1foot cei%ing( In the midd%e of the scrap heap sit a do8en or so robots of various shapes and si8es( ,ome are engaged in e%ectronic conversation 'hi%e others simp%y mi%% about( $ voice of recognition ca%%s out from the g%oom( THREEPIO $rtoo1Detoo: It+s you: It+s you: $ battered .hreepio scramb%es up to $rtoo and embraces him( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK CANYON - SANDCRAWLER - SUNSET .he enormous ,andcra'%er %umbers off to'ard the magnificent t'in suns 'hich are s%o'%y setting over a distant mountain ridge( EXT. TATOOINE - DESERT - DAY Four Imperia% stormtroopers mi%% about in front of the ha%f1 buried %ifepod that brought $rtoo and .hreepio to .atooine( $ trooper ye%%s to an officer some distance a'ay( FIRST TROOPER ,omeone 'as in the pod( .he trac)s go off in this direction( $ second trooper pic)s a sma%% bit of meta% out of the sand and gives it to the first trooper( SECOND TROOPER Loo) sir 11 droids( EXT. TATOOINE - DUNES .he ,andcra'%er moves s%o'%y do'n a great sand dune( INT. SANDCRAWLER .hreepio and $rtoo noisi%y bounce a%ong inside the cramped prison chamber( $rtoo appears to be shut off( THREEPIO

*a)e up: *a)e up: ,udden%y the sha)ing and bouncing of the ,andcra'%er stops creating ;uite a commotion among the mechanica% men( .hreepio+s fist bangs the head of $rtoo 'hose computer %ights pop on as he begins beeping( $t the far end of the %ong chamber a hatch opens fi%%ing the chamber 'ith b%inding 'hite %ight( a do8en or so Ja'as ma)e their 'ay through the odd assortment of robots( THREEPIO *e+re doomed( $ Ja'a starts moving to'ard them( THREEPIO Do you thin) they+%% me%t us do'n9 $rtoo responds ma)ing beeping sounds(

THREEPIO Don+t shoot: Don+t shoot: *i%% this never end9 EXT. TATOOINE - DESERT - LARS HOMESTEAD - AFTERNOON .he Ja'as mutter gibberish as they busi%y %ine up their battered captives inc%uding $rtoo and .hreepio in front of the enormous ,andcra'%er 'hich is par)ed beside a sma%% homestead consisting of three %arge ho%es in the ground surrounded by severa% ta%% moisture vaporators and one sma%% adobe b%oc) house( .he Ja'as scurry around fussing over the robots straightening them up or brushing some dust from a dented meta%%ic e%bo'( .he shrouded %itt%e creatures sme%% horrib%y attracting sma%% insects to the dar) areas 'hen their mouths and nostri%s shou%d be( 7ut of the shado's of a dingy side1bui%ding %imps 7'en Lars a %arge bur%y man in his mid1fifties( 0is reddish eyes are sun)en in a dust1covered face( $s the farmer carefu%%y inspects each robot he is c%ose%y fo%%o'ed by his s%ump1 shou%dered nephe' Lu)e ,)y'a%)er( 7ne of the vi%e %itt%e Ja'as 'a%)s ahead of the farmer spouting an animated sa%es pitch in a ;ueer uninte%%igib%e %anguage( $ voice ca%%s out from one of the huge ho%es that form the homestead( Lu)e goes over to the edge and sees his $unt /eru standing in the main courtyard( BERU Lu)e te%% 7'en that if he gets a trans%ator to be sure it spea)s /occe( LUKE It %oo)s %i)e 'e don+t have much of

a choice but I+%% remind him( Lu)e returns to his unc%e as they %oo) over the e;uipment for sa%e 'ith the Ja'a %eader( OWEN I have no need for a protoco% droid( THREEPIO 2;uic)%y4 ,ir 11 not in an environment such as this 11 that+s 'hy I+ve a%so been programmed for over thirty secondary functions that((( OWEN *hat I rea%%y need is a droid that understands the binary %anguage of moisture vaporators( THREEPIO Vaporators: ,ir 11 Ay first <ob 'as programming binary %oad %ifter((( very simi%ar to your vaporators( >ou cou%d say((( OWEN Do you spea) /occe9 THREEPIO 7f course I can sir( It+s %i)e a second %anguage for me((( I+m as f%uent in /occe((( OWEN $%% right shut up: 2turning to Ja'a4 I+%% ta)e this one( THREEPIO ,hutting up sir( OWEN Lu)e ta)e these t'o over to the garage 'i%% you9 I 'ant you to have both of them c%eaned up before dinner( LUKE /ut I 'as going into .oshi ,tation to pic) up some po'er converters((( OWEN >ou can 'aste time 'ith your friends 'hen your chores are done( ?o' come on get to it: LUKE

$%% right come on: $nd the red one come on( *e%% come on Red %et+s go( $s the Ja'as start to %ead the three remaining robots bac) into the ,andcra'%er $rtoo %ets out a pathetic %itt%e beep and starts after his o%d friend .hreepio( 0e is restrained by a s%imy Ja'a 'ho 8aps him 'ith a contro% bo&( 7'en is negotiating 'ith the head Ja'a( Lu)e and the t'o robots start off for the garage 'hen a p%ate pops off the head of the red astro1droid+s head p%ate and it spar)s 'i%d%y( LUKE Cnc%e 7'en((( OWEN >eah9 LUKE .his R3 unit has a bad motivator( Loo): OWEN 2to the head Ja'a4 'hat+re you trying to push on us9


.he Ja'a goes into a %oud spie%( Aean'hi%e $rtoo has snea)ed out of %ine and is moving up and do'n trying to attract attention( 0e %ets out 'ith a %o' 'hist%e( .hreepio taps Lu)e on the shou%der( THREEPIO 2pointing to $rtoo4 E&cuse me sir but that R3 unit is in prime condition( $ rea% bargain( LUKE Cnc%e 7'en((( OWEN >eah9 LUKE *hat about that one9 OWEN 2to Ja'a4 *hat about that b%ue one9 *e+%% ta)e that one( *ith a %itt%e re%uctance the scruffy d'arf trades the damaged astro1droid for $rtoo( >eah LUKE ta)e it a'ay(

THREEPIO Ch I+m ;uite sure you+%% be p%eased 'ith that one sir( 0e is in first1c%ass condition( 'or)ed 'ith him before( 0ere he

very rea%%y I+ve comes(

7'en pays off the 'hining Ja'a as Lu)e and the t'o robots trudge off to'ard a grimy homestead entry( 7)ay LUKE %et+s go(

THREEPIO 2to $rtoo4 ?o' don+t you forget this: *hy I shou%d stic) my nec) out for you is ;uite beyond my capacity: INT. LARS HOMESTEAD - GARAGE AREA - LATE AFTERNOON .he garage is c%uttered and 'orn but a friend%y peacefu% atmosphere permeates the %o' grey chamber( .hreepio %o'ers himse%f into a %arge tub fi%%ed 'ith 'arm oi%( ?ear the battered Landspeeder %itt%e $rtoo rests on a %arge battery 'ith a cord to his face( THREEPIO .han) the ma)er: .his oi% bath is going to fee% so good( I+ve got such a bad case of dust contamination I can bare%y move: $rtoo beeps a muff%ed rep%y( Lu)e seems to be %ost in thought as he runs his hand over the damaged fin of a sma%% t'o1man ,)yhopper spaceship resting in a %o' hangar off the garage( Fina%%y Lu)e+s frustrations get the better of him and he s%ams a 'rench across the 'or)bench( LUKE It <ust isn+t fair( 7h /iggs is right( I+m never gonna get out of here: THREEPIO Is there anything I might do to he%p9 Lu)e g%ances at the battered robot( $ bit of his anger drains and a tiny smi%e creeps across his face( LUKE *e%% not un%ess you can a%ter time speed up the harvest or te%eport me off this roc): THREEPIO I don+t thin) so sir( I+m on%y a

droid and not very )no'%edgeab%e about such things( ?ot on this p%anet any'ays( $s a matter of fact I+m not even sure 'hich p%anet I+m on( LUKE *e%% if there+s a bright center to the universe you+re on the p%anet that it+s farthest from( THREEPIO I see sir( Ch LUKE you can ca%% me Lu)e( THREEPIO I see sir Lu)e( LUKE 2%aughing4 Just Lu)e( THREEPIO $nd I am ,ee1.hreepio human1cyborg re%ations and this is my counterpart $rtoo1Detoo( LUKE 0e%%o( $rtoo beeps in response( scrape severa% connectors pic)( .hreepio c%imbs out oi% from Lu)e unp%ugs $rtoo and begins to on the robot+s head 'ith a chrome of the oi% tub and begins 'iping his bron8e body(

LUKE >ou got a %ot of carbon scoring here( It %oo)s %i)e you boys have seen a %ot of action( THREEPIO *ith a%% 'e+ve been through sometimes I+m ama8ed 'e+re in as good condition as 'e are 'hat 'ith the Rebe%%ion and a%%( LUKE >ou )no' of the Rebe%%ion against the Empire9 THREEPIO .hat+s ho' 'e came to be in your service if you ta)e my meaning sir( LUKE

0ave you been in many batt%es9 THREEPIO ,evera% I thin)( $ctua%%y there+s not much to te%%( I+m not much more than an interpreter and not very good at te%%ing stories( *e%% not at ma)ing them interesting any'ays( Lu)e strugg%es to remove a sma%% meta% fragment from $rtoo+s nec) <oint( 0e uses a %arger pic)( LUKE *e%% my %itt%e friend you+ve got something <ammed in here rea% good( *ere you on a cruiser or((( .he fragment brea)s %oose 'ith a snap sending Lu)e tumb%ing head over hee%s( 0e sits up and sees a t'e%ve1inch three1 dimensiona% ho%ogram of Leia 7rgana the Rebe% senator being pro<ected from the face of %itt%e $rtoo( .he image is a rainbo' of co%ors as it f%ic)ers and <igg%es in the dim%y %it garage( Lu)e+s mouth hangs open in a'e( 0e%p me LEIA 7bi1*an =enobi( >ou+re my on%y hope( LUKE *hat+s this9 $rtoo %oo)s around and sheepish%y beeps an ans'er for .hreepio to trans%ate( Leia continues to repeat the sentence fragment over and over( THREEPIO *hat is 'hat9:9 0e as)ed you a ;uestion((( 2pointing to Leia4 *hat is that9 $rtoo 'hist%es his surprise as he pretends to <ust notice the ho%ogram( 0e %oo)s around and sheepish%y beeps an ans'er for .hreepio to trans%ate( Leia continues to repeat the sentence fragment over and over( LEIA 0e%p me 7bi1*an =enobi( >ou+re my on%y hope( 0e%p me 7bi1*an =enobi( >ou+re my on%y hope( THREEPIO 7h he says it+s nothing sir( Aere%y a ma%function( 7%d data( -ay it no mind( Lu)e becomes intrigued by the beautifu% gir%(

LUKE *ho is she9 ,he+s beautifu%( THREEPIO I+m afraid I+m not ;uite sure 0e%p me LEIA 7bi1*an =enobi((( sir(

THREEPIO I thin) she 'as a passenger on our %ast voyage( $ person of some importance sir 11 I be%ieve( 7ur captain 'as attached to((( LUKE Is there more to this recording9 Lu)e reaches out for $rtoo but he %ets out severa% frantic s;uea)s and a 'hist%e( THREEPIO /ehave yourse%f $rtoo( >ou+re going to get us in troub%e( It+s a%% right you can trust him( 0e+s our ne' master( $rtoo 'hist%es and beeps a %ong message to .hreepio( THREEPIO 0e says he+s the property of 7bi1*an =enobi a resident of these parts( $nd it+s a private message for him( Duite fran)%y sir I don+t )no' 'hat he+s ta%)ing about( 7ur %ast master 'as 5aptain $nti%%es but 'ith 'hat 'e+ve been through this %itt%e R3 unit has become a bit eccentric( LUKE 7bi1*an =enobi9 I 'onder if he means o%d /en =enobi9 THREEPIO I beg your pardon sir but do you )no' 'hat he+s ta%)ing about9 LUKE *e%% I don+t )no' anyone named 7bi1 *an but o%d /en %ives out beyond the dune sea( 0e+s )ind of a strange o%d hermit( Lu)e+s ga8es at the beautifu% young princess for a fe' moments(

LUKE I 'onder 'ho she is( It sounds %i)e she+s in troub%e( I+d better p%ay bac) the 'ho%e thing( $rtoo beeps something to .hreepio( THREEPIO 0e says the restraining bo%t has short circuited his recording system( 0e suggests that if you remove the bo%t he might be ab%e to p%ay bac) the entire recording( Lu)e %oo)s %onging%y at the %ove%y %itt%e princess and hasn+t rea%%y heard 'hat .hreepio has been saying( LUKE 0+m9 7h yeah 'e%% I guess you+re too sma%% to run a'ay on me if I ta)e this off: 7)ay( Lu)e ta)es a 'edged bar and pops the restraining bo%t off $rtoo+s side( LUKE .here you go( .he princess immediate%y disappears((( LUKE *e%% 'ait a minute( *here+d she go9 /ring her bac): -%ay bac) the entire message( $rtoo beeps an innocent rep%y as .hreepio sits up in embarrassment( THREEPIO *hat message9 .he one you+re carrying inside your rusty innards: $ 'omen+s voice ca%%s out from another room( AUNT BERU Lu)e9 Lu)e: 5ome to dinner: Lu)e stands up and sha)es his head at the ma%functioning robot( $%% right LUKE I+%% be right there /eru( $unt

THREEPIO I+m sorry sir but he appears to have pic)ed up a s%ight f%utter(

Lu)e tosses $rtoo+s restraining bo%t on the 'or)bench and hurries out of the room( *e%% LUKE see 'hat you can do 'ith him( I+%% be right bac)(

THREEPIO 2to $rtoo4 Just you reconsider p%aying that message for him( $rtoo beeps in response( ?o THREEPIO I don+t thin) he %i)es you at a%%( $rtoo beeps( ?o THREEPIO I don+t %i)e you either(

INT. LARS HOMESTEAD - DINING AREA Lu)e+s $unt /eru a 'arm mother%y 'oman fi%%s a pitcher 'ith b%ue f%uid from a refrigerated container in the 'e%%1 used )itchen( ,he puts the pitcher on a tray 'ith some bo'%s of food and starts for the dining area( Lu)e sits 'ith his Cnc%e 7'en before a tab%e covered 'ith steaming bo'%s of food as $unt /eru carries in a bo'% of red grain( LUKE >ou )no' I thin) that R3 unit 'e bought might have been sto%en( OWEN *hat ma)es you thin) that9 LUKE *e%% I stumb%ed across a recording 'hi%e I 'as c%eaning him( 0e says he be%ongs to someone ca%%ed 7bi1*an =enobi( 7'en is great%y a%armed at the mention of his name manages to contro% himse%f( LUKE I thought he might have meant o%d /en( Do you )no' 'hat he+s ta%)ing about9 *e%% I 'onder if he+s re%ated to /en( but

7'en brea)s %oose 'ith a fit of uncontro%%ed anger( OWEN .hat o%d man+s <ust a cra8y o%d 'i8ard( .omorro' I 'ant you to ta)e that R3 unit into $nchorhead and have its memory f%ushed( .hat+%% be the end of it( It be%ongs to us no'( LUKE /ut 'hat if this 7bi1*an comes %oo)ing for him9 OWEN 0e 'on+t I don+t thin) he e&ists any more( 0e died about the same time as your father( LUKE 0e )ne' my father9 OWEN I to%d you to forget it( >our on%y concern is to prepare the ne' droids for tomorro'( In the morning I 'ant them on the south ridge 'or)ing out those condensers( LUKE >es sir( I thin) those ne' droids are going to 'or) out fine( In fact I uh 'as a%so thin)ing about our agreement about my staying on another season( $nd if these ne' droids do 'or) out I 'ant to transmit my app%ication to the $cademy this year( 7'en+s face becomes a sco'% a%though he tries to suppress it(

OWEN >ou mean the ne&t semester before harvest9 ,ure LUKE there+re more than enough droids(

OWEN 0arvest is 'hen I need you the most( 7n%y one more season( .his year 'e+%% ma)e enough on the harvest so I+%% be ab%e to hire some more hands( $nd then you can go to the $cademy ne&t year( Lu)e continues to toy 'ith his food not %oo)ing at his unc%e(

OWEN >ou must understand I need you here Lu)e( LUKE /ut it+s a 'ho%e +nother year( Loo) OWEN it+s on%y one more season(

Lu)e pushes his ha%f1eaten p%ate of food aside and stands( >eah LUKE that+s 'hat you said %ast year 'hen /iggs and .an) %eft( AUNT BERU *here are you going9 LUKE It %oo)s %i)e I+m going no'here( I have to finish c%eaning those droids( Resigned to his fate Lu)e padd%es out of the room( 7'en mechanica%%y finishes his dinner( AUNT BERU 7'en he can+t stay here forever( Aost of his friends have gone( It means so much to him( OWEN I+%% ma)e it up to him ne&t year( I promise( AUNT BERU Lu)e+s <ust not a farmer 7'en( 0e has too much of his father in him( OWEN .hat+s 'hat I+m afraid of( EXT. TATOOINE - LARS HOMESTEAD .he giant t'in suns of .atooine s%o'%y disappear behind a distant dune range( Lu)e stands 'atching them for a fe' moments then re%uctant%y enters the doomed entrance to the homestead( INT. LARS HOMESTEAD - GARAGE Lu)e enters the garage to discover the robots no'here in sight( 0e ta)es a sma%% contro% bo& from his uti%ity be%t simi%ar to the one the Ja'as 'ere carrying( 0e activates the bo& 'hich creates a %o' hum and .hreepio %etting out a short ye%% pops up from behind the ,)yhopper spaceship(

LUKE *hat are you doing hiding there9 .hreepio stumb%es for'ard but $rtoo is sti%% no'here in sight(

THREEPIO It 'asn+t my fau%t sir( -%ease don+t deactivate me( I to%d him not to go but he+s fau%ty ma%functioningB )ept babb%ing on about his mission( LUKE 7h no: Lu)e races out of the garage fo%%o'ed by .hreepio( EXT. TATOOINE - LARS HOMESTEAD Lu)e rushes out of the sma%% doomed entry to the homestead and searches the dar)ening hori8on for the sma%% triped astro1 robot( .hreepio strugg%es out of the homestead and on the sa%t f%at as Lu)e scans the %andscape 'ith his e%ectrobinocu%ars( THREEPIO .hat R3 unit has a%'ays been a prob%em( .hese astro1droids are getting ;uite out of hand( Even I can+t understand their %ogic at times( LUKE 0o' cou%d I be so stupid9 0e+s no'here in sight( /%ast it: -ardon me THREEPIO sir but cou%dn+t 'e go after him9

LUKE It+s too dangerous 'ith a%% the ,andpeop%e around( *e+%% have to 'ait unti% morning( 7'en ye%%s up from the homestead p%a8a( Lu)e OWEN I+m shutting the po'er do'n for the night(

LUKE $%% right I+%% be there in a fe' minutes( /oy am I gonna get it( 0e ta)es one fina% %oo) across the dim hori8on(

LUKE >ou )no' that %itt%e droid is going to cause me a %ot of troub%e( 7h THREEPIO he e&ce%s at that sir(

INT. LARS HOMESTEAD - PLAZA Aorning s%o'%y creeps into the sparse but spar)%ing oasis of the open courtyard( .he idy%% is bro)en be the ye%%ing of Cnc%e 7'en his voice echoing throughout the homestead( OWEN Lu)e9 Lu)e9 Lu)e9 *here cou%d he be %oafing no': INT. LARS HOMESTEAD - KITCHEN .he interior of the )itchen is a 'orm g%o' as $unt /eru prepares the morning brea)fast( 7'en enters in a huff( OWEN 0ave you seen Lu)e this morning9 AUNT BERU 0e said he had some things to do before he started today so he %eft ear%y( OWEN Ch9 Did he ta)e those t'o ne' droids 'ith him9 AUNT BERU I thin) so( OWEN *e%% he+d better have those units in the south range repaired be midday or there+%% be he%% to pay: EXT. TATOOINE - DESERT WASTELAND - LUKE'S SPEEDER - DAY .he roc) and sand of the desert f%oor are a b%ur as .hreepio pi%ots the s%ee) Landspeeder gracefu%%y across the vast 'aste%and( INT./EXT. LUKE'S SPEEDER - DESERT WASTELAND - TRAVELING DAY Lu)e %eans over the bac) of the speeder and ad<usts something in the motor compartment( LUKE 2ye%%ing4 0o'+s that(

.hreepio signa%s that is fine and Lu)e turns bac) into the 'ind1'hipped coc)pit and pops the canopy shut( LUKE 7%d /en =enobi %ives out in this direction some'here but I don+t see ho' that R3 unit cou%d have come this far( *e must have missed him( Cnc%e 7'en isn+t going to ta)e this very 'e%%( ,ir THREEPIO 'ou%d it he%p if you to%d him it 'as my fau%t(

LUKE 2brightening4 ,ure( 0e needs you( 0e+d probab%y on%y deactivate you for a day or so((( THREEPIO Deactivate: *e%% on the other hand if you hadn+t removed his restraining bo%t((( LUKE *ait there+s something dead ahead on the scanner( It %oo)s %i)e our droid((( hit the acce%erator( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK MESA - DUNE SEA - COASTLINE - DAY From high on a roc) mesa the tiny Landspeeder can be seen g%iding across the desert f%oor( ,udden%y in the foreground t'o 'eather1beaten ,andpeop%e shrouded in their grimy desert c%oa)s peer over the edge of the roc) mesa( 7ne of the margina%%y human creatures raises a %ong ominous %aser rif%e and points it at the speeder but the second creature grabs the gun before it can be fired( .he ,andpeop%e or .us)en Raiders as they+re sometimes ca%%ed spea) in a coarse barbaric %anguage as they get into an animated argument( .he second .us)en Raider seems to get in the fina% 'ord and the nomads scurry over the roc)y terrain( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK MESA - CANYON .he .us)en Raider approaches t'o %arge /anthas standing tied to a roc)( .he monstrous bear1%i)e creatures are as %arge as e%ephants 'ith huge red eyes tremendous %ooped horns and %ong furry dinosaur1%i)e tai%s( .he .us)en Raiders mount sadd%es strapped to the huge creatures+ shaggy bac)s and ride off do'n the rugged b%uff( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK CANYON - FLOOR

.he speeder is par)ed on the f%oor of a massive canyon( Lu)e 'ith his %ong %aser rif%e s%ung over his shou%der stands before %itt%e $rtoo( 0ey 'hoa LUKE <ust 'here do you thin) you+re going9

.he %itt%e droid 'hist%es a feeb%e rep%y as .hreepio poses menacing%y behind the %itt%e runa'ay( THREEPIO Aaster Lu)e here is your rightfu% o'ner( *e+%% have no more of this 7bi1*an =enobi <ibberish((( and don+t ta%) to me about your mission either( >ou+re fortunate he doesn+t b%ast you into a mi%%ion pieces right here( LUKE *e%% come on( It+s getting %ate( I on%y hope 'e can get bac) before Cnc%e 7'en rea%%y b%o's up( THREEPIO If you don+t mind my saying so sir I thin) you shou%d deactivate the %itt%e fugitive unti% you+ve gotten him bac) to your 'or)shop( ?o LUKE he+s not going to try anything(

,udden%y the %itt%e robot <umps to %ife 'ith a mass of frantic 'hist%es and screams( LUKE *hat+s 'rong 'ith him no'9 THREEPIO 7h my((( sir he says there are severa% creatures approaching from the southeast( Lu)e s'ings his rif%e into position and %oo)s to the south( LUKE ,andpeop%e: 7r 'orst: 5ome on have a %oo)( 5ome on( %et+s

EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK CANYON - RIDGE - DAY Lu)e carefu%%y ma)es his 'ay to the top of a roc) ridge and scans the canyon 'ith his e%ectrobinocu%ars( 0e spots the t'o rider%ess /anthas( .hreepio strugg%es up behind the young adventurer(

LUKE .here are t'o /anthas do'n there but I don+t see any((( 'ait a second they+re ,andpeop%e a%% right( I can see one of them no'( Lu)e 'atches the distant .us)en Raider through his e%ectrobinocu%ars( ,udden%y something huge moves in front of his fie%d of vie'( /efore Lu)e or .hreepio can react a %arge gruesome .us)en Raider %ooms over them( .hreepio is start%ed and bac)s a'ay right off the side if the c%iff( 0e can be heard for severa% moments as he c%angs bangs and ratt%es do'n the side of the mountain( .he to'ering creature brings do'n his curved doub%e1pointed gaderffii 11 the dreaded a&e b%ade that has struc) terror in the heart of the %oca% sett%ers( /ut Lu)e manages to b%oc) the b%o' 'ith his %aser rif%e 'hich is smashed to pieces( .he terrified farm boy scramb%es bac)'ard unti% he is forced to the edge of a deep crevice( .he sinister Raider stands over him 'ith his 'eapon raised and %ets out a horrib%e shrie)ing %augh( EXT. TATOOINE - ROCK CANYON - FLOOR - DAY $rtoo forces himse%f into the shado's of a sma%% a%cove in the roc)s as the vicious ,andpeop%e 'a%) past carrying the inert Lu)e ,)y'a%)er 'ho is dropped in a heap before the speeder( .he ,andpeop%e ransac) the speeder thro'ing parts and supp%ies in a%% directions( ,udden%y they stop( .hen everything is ;uiet for a fe' moments( $ great ho'%ing moan is heard echoing throughout the canyon 'hich sends the ,andpeop%e f%eeing in terror( $rtoo moves even tighter into the shado's as the s%ight s'ishing sound that frightened off the ,andpeop%e gro's even c%oser unti% a shabby o%d desert1rat1of1a1man appears and %eans over Lu)e( 0is ancient %eathery face crac)ed and 'eathered by e&otic c%imates is set off by dar) penetrating eyes and a scragg%y 'hite beard( /en =enobi s;uints his eyes as he scrutini8es the unconscious farm boy( $rtoo ma)es a s%ight sound and /en turns and %oo)s right at him( BEN 0e%%o there: 5ome here my %itt%e friend( Don+t be afraid( $rtoo 'add%es over to 'ere Lu)e %ies crump%ed in a heap and begins to 'hist%e and beep his concern( /en puts his hand on Lu)e+s forehead and he begins to come around( Don+t 'orry BEN he+%% be a%% right(

LUKE *hat happened9

BEN Rest easy son you+ve had a busy day( >ou+re fortunate you+re sti%% in one piece( LUKE /en9 /en =enobi: /oy am I g%ad to see you: BEN .he Jund%and 'astes are not to be trave%ed %ight%y( .e%% me young Lu)e 'hat brings you out this far9 LUKE 7h this %itt%e droid: I thin) he+s searching for his former master((( I+ve never seen such devotion in a droid before((( there seems to be no stopping him( 0e c%aims to be the property of an 7bi1*an =enobi( Is he a re%ative of yours9 Do you )no' 'ho he+s ta%)ing about9 /en ponders this for a moment scratching his scruffy beard(

BEN 7bi1*an =enobi((( 7bi1*an9 ?o' thats a name I haven+t heard in a %ong time((( a %ong time( LUKE I thin) my unc%e )ne' him( 0e said he 'as dead( 7h BEN he+s not dead not((( not yet( LUKE >ou )no' him: BEN *e%% of course of course I )no' him( 0e+s me: I haven+t gone by the name 7bi1*an since oh before you 'ere born( LUKE .hen the droid does be%ong to you( BEN Don+t seem to remember ever o'ning a droid( Very interesting((( 0e sudden%y %oo)s up at the overhanging c%iffs(

BEN I thin) 'e better get indoors( .he ,andpeop%e are easi%y start%ed but they 'i%% soon be bac) and in greater numbers( Lu)e sits up and rubs his head( $rtoo %ets out a pathetic beep causing Lu)e to remember something( 0e %oo)s around( LUKE .hreepio: EXT. TATOOINE - SAND PIT - ROCK MESA - DAY Litt%e $rtoo stands at the edge of a %arge sand pit and begins to chatter a'ay in e%ectronic 'hist%es and beeps( Lu)e and /en stand over a very dented and tang%ed .hreepio %ying ha%f buried in the sand( 7ne of his arms has bro)en off( Lu)e tries to revive the inert robot by sha)ing him and then f%ips a hidden s'itch on his bac) severa% times unti% fina%%y the mechanica% man+s systems turn on( THREEPIO *here am I9 I must have ta)en a bad step((( LUKE 5an you stand9 *e+ve got to get out of here before the ,andpeop%e return( THREEPIO I don+t thin) I can ma)e it( >ou go on Aaster Lu)e( .here+s no sense in you ris)ing yourse%f on my account( I+m done for( $rtoo ma)es a beeping sound( ?o LUKE you+re not( *hat )ind of ta%) is that9

Lu)e and /en he%p the battered robot to his feet( Litt%e $rtoo 'atches from the top of the pit( /en g%ances around suspicious%y( ,ensing something he stands up and sniffs the air( Duic)%y BEN son((( they+re on the move( INT. KENOBI'S DWELLING .he sma%% spartan hove% is c%uttered 'ith desert <un) but sti%% manages to radiate an air of time1'orn comfort and security( Lu)e is in one corner repairing .hreepio+s arm as o%d /en sits thin)ing(

LUKE ?o my father didn+t fight in the 'ars( 0e 'as a navigator on a spice freighter( BEN .hat+s 'hat your unc%e to%d you( 0e didn+t ho%d 'ith your father+s idea%s( .hought he shou%d have stayed here and not gotten invo%ved( LUKE >ou fought in the 5%one *ars9 >es BEN I 'as once a Jedi =night the same as your father( LUKE I 'ish I+d )no'n him( BEN 0e 'as the best star1pi%ot in the ga%a&y and a cunning 'arrior( I understand you+ve become ;uite a good pi%ot yourse%f( $nd he 'as a good friend( *hich reminds me((( /en gets up and goes to a chest 'here he rummages around( $s Lu)e finishes repairing .hreepio and starts to fit the restraining bo%t bac) on .hreepio %oo)s at him nervous%y( Lu)e thin)s about the bo%t for a moment then puts it on the tab%e( /en shuff%es up and presents Lu)e 'ith a short hand%e 'ith severa% e%ectronic gadgets attached to it( BEN I have something here for you( >our father 'anted you to have this 'hen you 'ere o%d enough but your unc%e 'ou%dn+t a%%o' it( 0e feared you might fo%%o' o%d 7bi1*an on some damned1foo% idea%istic crusade %i)e your father did( ,ir THREEPIO if you+%% not be needing me I+%% c%ose do'n for a'hi%e( ,ure LUKE go ahead(

/en hands Lu)e the saber( LUKE *hat is it9

BEN >our fathers %ightsaber( .his is the 'eapon of a Jedi =night( ?ot as c%umsy or as random as a b%aster( Lu)e pushes a button on the hand%e( $ %ong beam shoots out about four feet and f%ic)ers there( .he %ight p%ays across the cei%ing( BEN $n e%egant 'eapon for a more civi%i8ed time( For over a thousand generations the Jedi =nights 'ere the guardians of peace and <ustice in the 7%d Repub%ic( /efore the dar) times before the Empire( Lu)e hasn+t rea%%y been %istening( LUKE 0o' did my father die9 BEN $ young Jedi named Darth Vader 'ho 'as a pupi% of mine unti% he turned to evi% he%ped the Empire hunt do'n and destroy the Jedi =nights( 0e betrayed and murdered your father( ?o' the Jedi are a%% but e&tinct( Vader 'as seduced by the dar) side of the Force( LUKE .he Force9 BEN *e%% the Force is 'hat gives a Jedi his po'er( It+s an energy fie%d created by a%% %iving things( It surrounds us and penetrates us( It binds the ga%a&y together( $rtoo ma)es beeping sounds( BEN ?o' %et+s see if 'e can+t figure out 'hat you are my %itt%e friend( $nd 'here you come from( LUKE I sa' part of the message he 'as((( Lu)e is cut short as the recorded image of the beautifu% young Rebe% princess is pro<ected from $rtoo+s face( BEN I seem to have found it(

Lu)e stops his 'or) as the %ove%y gir%+s image f%ic)ers before his eyes( LEIA Genera% =enobi years ago you served my father in the 5%one *ars( ?o' he begs you to he%p him in his strugg%e against the Empire( I regret that I am unab%e to present my father+s re;uest to you in person but my ship has fa%%en under attac) and I+m afraid my mission to bring you to $%deraan has fai%ed( I have p%aced information vita% to the surviva% of the Rebe%%ion into the memory systems of this R3 unit( Ay father 'i%% )no' ho' to retrieve it( >ou must see this droid safe%y de%ivered to him on $%deraan( .his is our most desperate hour( 0e%p me 7bi1*an =enobi you+re my on%y hope( .here is a %itt%e static and the transmission is cut short( 7%d /en %eans bac) and scratches his head( 0e si%ent%y puffs on a tarnished chrome 'ater pipe( Lu)e has stars in his eyes( BEN >ou must %earn the 'ays of the Force if you+re to come 'ith me to $%deraan( LUKE 2%aughing4 $%deraan9 I+m not going to $%deraan( I+ve got to go home( It+s %ate I+m in for it as it is( BEN I need your he%p Lu)e( ,he needs your he%p( I+m getting too o%d for this sort of thing( LUKE I can+t get invo%ved: I+ve got 'or) to do: It+s not that I %i)e the Empire( I hate it: /ut there+s nothing I can do about it right no'( It+s such a %ong 'ay from here( BEN .hat+s your unc%e ta%)ing( LUKE 2sighing4 God my unc%e( 0o' am I ever going to e&p%ain this9


BEN Learn about the Force


LUKE Loo) I can ta)e you as far as $nchorhead( >ou can get a transport there to Aos Eis%ey or 'herever you+re going( BEN >ou must do 'hat you fee% is right of course( EXT. SPACE. $n Imperia% ,tardestroyer heads to'ard the evi% p%anet1%i)e batt%e stationE the Death ,tar: INT. DEATH STAR - CONFERENCE ROOM Eight Imperia% senators and genera%s sit around a b%ac) conference tab%e( Imperia% stormtroopers stand guard around the room( 5ommander .agge a young s%imy1%oo)ing genera% is spea)ing( TAGGE Cnti% this batt%e station is fu%%y operationa% 'e are vu%nerab%e( .he Rebe% $%%iance is too 'e%% e;uipped( .hey+re more dangerous than you rea%i8e( .he bitter $dmira% Aotti t'ists nervous%y in his chair( MOTTI Dangerous to your starf%eet 5ommander not to this batt%e station: TAGGE .he Rebe%%ion 'i%% continue to gain a support in the Imperia% ,enate as %ong as(((( ,udden%y a%% heads turn as 5ommander .agge+s speech is cut short and the Grand Aoff .ar)in governor of the Imperia% out%and regions enters( 0e is fo%%o'ed by his po'erfu% a%%y .he ,ith Lord Darth Vader( $%% of the genera%s stand and bo' before the thin evi%1%oo)ing governor as he ta)es his p%ace at the head of the tab%e( .he Dar) Lord stands behind him( TARKIN .he Imperia% ,enate 'i%% no %onger be of any concern to us( I+ve <ust received 'ord that the Emperor has disso%ved the counci% permanent%y( .he %ast remnants of the 7%d Repub%ic

have been s'ept a'ay( TAGGE .hat+s impossib%e: 0o' 'i%% the Emperor maintain contro% 'ithout the bureaucracy9 TARKIN .he regiona% governors no' have direct contro% over territories( Fear 'i%% )eep the %oca% systems in %ine( Fear of this batt%e station( TAGGE $nd 'hat of the Rebe%%ion9 If the Rebe%s have obtained a comp%ete technica% readout of this station it is possib%e ho'ever un%i)e%y that they might find a 'ea)ness and e&p%oit it( VADER .he p%ans you refer to 'i%% soon be bac) in our hands( MOTTI $ny attac) made by the Rebe%s against this station 'ou%d be a use%ess gesture no matter 'hat technica% data they+ve obtained( .his station is no' the u%timate po'er in the universe( I suggest 'e use it: VADER Don+t be too proud of this techno%ogica% terror you+ve constructed( .he abi%ity to destroy a p%anet is insignificant ne&t to the po'er of the Force( MOTTI Don+t try to frighten us 'ith your sorcerer+s 'ays Lord Vader( >our sad devotion to that ancient re%igion has not he%ped you con<ure up the sto%en data tapes or given you c%airvoyance enough to find the Rebe%+s hidden fort((( ,udden%y Aotti cho)es and starts to turn b%ue under Vader+s spe%%( VADER I find your %ac) of faith disturbing( TARKIN Enough of this: Vader re%ease him:

VADER $s you 'ish( TARKIN .his bic)ering is point%ess( Lord Vader 'i%% provide us 'ith the %ocation of the Rebe% fortress by the time this station is operationa%( *e 'i%% then crush the Rebe%%ion 'ith one s'ift stro)e( EXT. TATOOINE - WASTELAND .he speeder stops before 'hat remains of the huge Ja'as ,andcra'%er( Lu)e and /en 'a%) among the smo%dering rubb%e and scattered bodies( LUKE It %oo)s %i)e ,andpeop%e did this a%% right( Loo) here are Gaffi stic)s /antha trac)s( It+s <ust((( I never heard of them hitting anything this big before( /en is crouching in the sand studying the trac)s( BEN .hey didn+t( /ut 'e are meant to thin) they did( .hese trac)s are side by side( ,andpeop%e a%'ays ride sing%e fi%e to hide there numbers( LUKE .hese are the same Ja'as that so%d us $rtoo and .hreepio( BEN $nd these b%ast points too accurate for ,andpeop%e( 7n%y Imperia% stormtroopers are so precise( LUKE *hy 'ou%d Imperia% troops 'ant to s%aughter Ja'as9 Lu)e %oo)s bac) at the speeder 'here $rtoo and .hreepio are inspecting the dead Ja'as and put t'o and t'o together( LUKE If they traced the robots here they may have %earned 'ho they so%d them to( $nd that 'ou%d %ead them home: Lu)e reaches a sudden horrib%e rea%i8ation the speeder and <umps it( then races for


BEN Lu)e: It+s too dangerous(

Lu)e races off %eaving /en and the t'o robots a%one 'ith the burning ,andcra'%er( EXT. TATOOINE - WASTELAND Lu)e races across the 'aste%and in his battered Landspeeder( EXT. TATOOINE - LARS HOMESTEAD .he speeder roars up to the burning homestead( Lu)e <umps out and runs to the smo)ing ho%es that 'ere once his home( Debris is scattered every'here and it %oo)s as if a great batt%e has ta)en p%ace( LUKE Cnc%e 7'en: $unt /eru: Cnc%e 7'en: Lu)e stumb%es around in a da8e %oo)ing for his aunt and unc%e( ,udden%y he comes upon their smo%dering remains( 0e is stunned and cannot spea)( 0ate rep%aces fear and a ne' reso%ve comes over him( EXT. SPACE Imperia% .IE fighter races to'ard the Death ,tar( INT. DEATH STAR - DETENTION CORRIDOR .'o stormtroopers open an e%ectronic ce%% door and a%%o' severa% Imperia% guards to enter( -rincess Leia+s face is fi%%ed 'ith defiance 'hich s%o'%y gives 'ay to fear as a giant b%ac) torture robot enters fo%%o'ed by Darth Vader( VADER $nd no' >our 0ighness 'e 'i%% discuss the %ocation of your hidden Rebe% base( .he torture robot gives off a steady beeping sound as it approaches -rincess Leia and e&tends one of its mechanica% arms bearing a %arge hypodermic need%e( .he door s%ides shut and the %ong ce%% b%oc) ha%%'ay appears peacefu%( .he muff%ed screams of the Rebe% princess are bare%y heard( EXT. TATOOINE - WASTELAND .here is a %arge bonfire of Ja'a bodies b%a8ing in front of the ,andcra'%er as /en and the robots finish burning the dead( Lu)e drives up in the speeder and /en 'a%)s over to him( BEN .here+s nothing you cou%d have done Lu)e had you been there( >ou+d have

been )i%%ed too and the droids 'ou%d be in the hands of the Empire( LUKE I 'ant to come 'ith you to $%deraan( .here+s nothing here for me no'( I 'ant to %earn the 'ays of the Force and become a Jedi %i)e my father( EXT. TATOOINE - WASTELAND .he Landspeeder 'ith Lu)e $rtoo .hreepio and /en in it 8ooms across the desert( .he speeder stops on a b%uff over%oo)ing the spaceport at Aos Eis%ey( It is a hapha8ard array of %o' grey concrete structures and semi1domes( $ harsh ga%e b%o's across the star) canyon f%oor( Lu)e ad<usts his gogg%es and 'a%)s to the edge of the craggy b%uff 'here /en is standing( BEN Aos Eis%ey ,paceport( >ou 'i%% never find a more 'retched hive of scum and vi%%ainy( *e must be cautious( /en %oo)s over at Lu)e 'ho gives the o%d Jedi a determined smi%e(

EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET .he speeder is stopped on a cro'ded street by severa% combat1 hardend stormtroopers 'ho %oo) over the t'o robots( $ .rooper ;uestions Lu)e( TROOPER 0o' %ong have you had these droids9 LUKE $bout three or four seasons( BEN .hey+re for sa%e if you 'ant them( TROOPER Let me see your identification( Lu)e becomes very nervous as he fumb%es to find his ID 'hi%e /en spea)s to the .rooper in a very contro%%ed voice( BEN >ou don+t need to see his identification( TROOPER *e don+t need to see his identification( BEN

.hese are not the droids your %oo)ing for( TROOPER .hese are not the droids 'e+re %oo)ing for( BEN 0e can go about his business( TROOPER >ou can go about your business( BEN 2to Lu)e4 Aove a%ong( TROOPER Aove a%ong( Aove a%ong( EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET .he speeder pu%%s up in front of a rundo'n b%oc)house cantina on the outs)irts of the spaceport( Various strange forms of transport inc%uding severa% unusua% beasts of burden are par)ed outside the bar( $ Ja'a runs up and begins to fond%e the speeder( THREEPIO I can+t abide these Ja'as( Disgusting creatures( $s Lu)e gets out of the speeder he tries to shoo the Ja'a a'ay( LUKE Go on go on( I can+t understand ho' 'e got by those troopers( I thought 'e 'ere dead( BEN .he Force can have a strong inf%uence on the 'ea)1minded( >ou 'i%% find it a po'erfu% a%%y( LUKE Do you rea%%y thin) 'e+re going to find a pi%ot here that+%% ta)e us to $%deraan9 BEN *e%% most of the best freighter pi%ots can be found here( 7n%y 'atch your step( .his p%ace can be a %itt%e rough( LUKE

I+m ready for anything( THREEPIO 5ome a%ong $rtoo( INT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - CANTINA .he young adventurer and his t'o mechanica% servants fo%%o' /en =enobi into the smo)e1fi%%ed cantina( .he mur)y mo%dy den is fi%%ed 'ith a start%ing array of 'eird and e&otic a%ien creatures and monsters at the %ong meta%%ic bar( $t first the sight is horrifying( 7ne1eyed thousand1eyed s%imy furry sca%y tentac%ed and c%a'ed creatures hudd%e over drin)s( /en moves to an empty spot at the bar near a group of repu%sive but human scum( $ huge rough1%oo)ing /artender stops Lu)e and the robots( BARTENDER *e don+t serve their )ind here: Lu)e sti%% recovering from the shoc) of seeing so many out%andish creatures doesn+t ;uite catch the bartender+s drift( LUKE *hat9 BARTENDER >our droids( .hey+%% have to 'ait outside( *e don+t 'ant them here( Lu)e %oo)s at o%d /en 'ho is busy ta%)ing to one of the Ga%actic pirates( 0e notices severa% of the gruesome creatures a%ong the bar are giving him a very unfriend%y g%are( Lu)e pats .hreepio on the shou%der( LUKE Listen 'hy don+t you 'ait out by the speeder( *e don+t 'ant any troub%e( THREEPIO I hearti%y agree 'ith you sir( .hreepio and his stubby partner go outside and most of the creatures at the bar go bac) to their drin)s( /en is standing ne&t to 5he'bacca an eight1foot1ta%% savage1 %oo)ing creature resemb%ing a huge grey bushbaby mon)ey 'ith fierce baboon1%i)e fangs( 0is %arge b%ue eyes dominate a fur1 covered face and soften his other'ise a'esome appearance( 7ver his matted furry body he 'ears t'o chrome bando%iers and %itt%e e%se( 0e is a t'o1hundred1year1o%d *oo)iee and a sight to beho%d( /en spea)s to the *oo)iee pointing to Lu)e severa% times

during his conversation and the huge creature sudden%y %ets out a horrifying %augh( Lu)e is more than a %itt%e bit disconcerted and pretends not to hear the conversation bet'een /en and the giant *oo)iee( Lu)e is terrified but tries not to sho' it( 0e ;uiet%y sips his drin) %oo)ing over the cro'd for a more sympathetic ear or 'hatever( $ %arge mu%tip%e1eyed 5reature gives Lu)e a rough shove( CREATURE ?ego%a de'aghi 'oo%dugger9:9 .he hideous frea) is obvious%y drun)( Lu)e tries to ignore the creature and turns bac) on his drin)( $ short grubby 0uman and an even sma%%er rodent1%i)e beast <oin the be%%igerent monstrosity( HUMAN 0e doesn+t %i)e you( LUKE I+m sorry( HUMAN I don+t %i)e you either( .he big creature is getting agitated and ye%%s out some uninte%%igib%e gibberish at the no' rather nervous young adventurer( HUMAN Don+t insu%t us( >ou <ust 'atch yourse%f( *e+re 'anted men( I have the death sentence in t'e%ve systems( LUKE I+%% be carefu% than( HUMAN >ou+%% be dead( .he rodent %ets out a %oud grunt and everything at the bar moves a'ay( Lu)e tries to remain coo% but it isn+t easy( 0is three adversaries ready their 'eapons( 7%d /en moves in behind Lu)e( BEN .his %itt%e one isn+t 'orth the effort( 5ome %et me buy you something((( $ po'erfu% b%o' from the unp%easant creature sends the young 'ou%d1be Jedi sai%ing across the room crashing through tab%es and brea)ing a %arge <ug fi%%ed 'ith a fou%1%oo)ing %i;uid( *ith a b%ood curd%ing shrie) the monster dra's a 'ic)ed

chrome %aser pisto% from his be%t and %eve%s it at o%d /en( .he bartender panics( BARTENDER ?o b%asters: ?o b%aster: *ith astounding agi%ity o%d /en+s %aser s'ord spar)s to %ife and in a f%ash an arm %ies on the f%oor( .he rodent is cut in t'o and the giant mu%tip%e1eyed creature %ies doub%ed cut from chin to groin( /en carefu%%y and precise%y turns off his %aser s'ord and rep%aces it on his uti%ity be%t( Lu)e sha)ing and tota%%y ama8ed at the o%d man+s abi%ities attempts to stand( .he entire fight has %asted on%y a matter of seconds( .he cantina goes bac) to norma% a%though /en is given a respectab%e amount of room at the bar( Lu)e rubbing his bruised head approaches the o%d man 'ith ne' a'e( /en points the the *oo)iee( BEN .his is 5he'bacca( 0e+s first1mate on a ship that might suit our needs( EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET .hreepio paces in front of the cantina as $rtoo carries on an e%ectronic conversation 'ith another %itt%e red astro1 droid( $ creature comes out of the cantina and approaches t'o stormtroopers in the street( THREEPIO I don+t %i)e the %oo) of this( INT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - CANTINA ,trange creatures p%ay e&otic big band music on odd1%oo)ing instruments as Lu)e sti%% giddy do'ns a fresh drin) and fo%%o's /en and 5he'bacca to a booth 'here 0an ,o%o is sitting( 0an is a tough roguish starpi%ot about thirty years o%d( $ mercenary on a starship he is simp%e sentimenta% and coc)sure( HAN 0an ,o%o( I+m captain of the Ai%%ennium Fa%con( 5he'ie here te%%s me you+re %oo)ing for passage to the $%deraan system( >es BEN indeed( If it+s a fast ship(

HAN Fast ship9 >ou+ve never heard of the Ai%%ennium Fa%con9 BEN ,hou%d I have9

HAN It+s the ship that made the =esse% run in %ess than t'e%ve parsecs: /en reacts to ,o%o+s stupid attempt to impress them 'ith obvious misinformation( HAN I+ve outrun Imperia% starships not the %oca% bu%)1cruisers mind you( I+m ta%)ing about the big 5ore%%ian ships no'( ,he+s fast enough for you o%d man( *hat+s the cargo9 BEN 7n%y passengers( Ayse%f the boy t'o droids and no ;uestions as)ed( HAN *hat is it9 ,ome )ind of %oca% troub%e9 BEN Let+s <ust say 'e+d %i)e to avoid any Imperia% entang%ements( HAN *e%% that+s the tric) isn+t it9 $nd it+s going to cost you something e&tra( .en thousand in advance( LUKE .en thousand9 *e cou%d a%most buy our o'n ship for that: HAN /ut 'ho+s going to f%y it )id: >ou9

LUKE >ou bet I cou%d( I+m not such a bad pi%ot myse%f: *e don+t have to sit here and %isten((( BEN *e haven+t that much 'ith us( /ut 'e cou%d pay you t'o thousand no' p%us fifteen 'hen 'e reach $%deraan( HAN ,eventeen huh:

0an ponders this for a fe' moments( HAN 7)ay( >ou guys got yourse%f a ship( *e+%% %eave as soon as you+re ready( Doc)ing bay ?inety1four(

BEN ?inety1four( HAN Loo)s %i)e somebody+s beginning to ta)e an interest in your handi'or)( /en and Lu)e turn around to see four Imperia% stormtroopers %oo)ing at the dead bodies and as)ing the bartenders some ;uestions( .he bartender points to the booth( $%% right TROOPER 'e+%% chec) it out(

.he stormtroopers %oo) over at the booth but Lu)e and /en are gone( .he bartender shrugs his shou%ders in pu88%ement( HAN ,eventeen thousand: .hose guys must rea%%y be desperate( .his cou%d rea%%y save my nec)( Get bac) to the ship and get her ready( EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET BEN >ou+%% have to se%% your speeder( LUKE .hat+s o)ay( I+m never coming bac) to this p%anet again( INT. MOS EISLEY - CANTINA $s 0an is about to %eave Greedo a s%imy green1faced a%ien 'ith a short trun)1nose po)es a gun in his side( .he creature spea)s in a foreign tongue trans%ated into Eng%ish subtit%es( GREEDO Going some'here ,o%o9

HAN >es Greedo( $s a matter of fact I 'as <ust going to see your boss( .e%% Jabba that I+ve got his money( 0an sits do'n and the a%ien sits across from him ho%ding the gun on him( GREEDO It+s too %ate( >ou shou%d have paid him 'hen you had the chance( Jabba+s put a price on your head so %arge that every bounty hunter in the ga%a&y 'i%% be %oo)ing for you( I+m %uc)y I found you first(


HAN but this time I got the money(

GREEDO If you give it to me I might forget I found you( HAN I don+t have it 'ith me( .e%% Jabba((( GREEDO Jabba+s through 'ith you( 0e has no time for smugg%ers 'ho drop their shipments at the first sign of an Imperia% cruiser( HAN Even I get boarded sometimes( Do you thin) I had a choice9 0an ,o%o s%o'%y reaches for his gun under the tab%e( GREEDO >ou can te%% that to Jabba( 0e may on%y ta)e your ship( HAN 7ver my dead body( GREEDO .hat+s the idea( I+ve been %oo)ing for'ard to )i%%ing you for a %ong time( >es HAN I+%% bet you have(

,udden%y the s%imy a%ien disappears in a b%inding f%ash of %ight( 0an pu%%s his smo)ing gun from beneath the tab%e as the other patron %oo) on in bemused ama8ement( 0an gets up and starts out of the cantina f%ipping the bartender some coins as he %eaves( HAN ,orry about the mess( EXT. SPACE ,evera% .IE fighters approach the Death ,tar( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM VADER 0er resistance to the mind probe is considerab%e( It 'i%% be some time before 'e can e&tract any information

from her( $n Imperia% 7fficer interrupts the meeting( IMPERIAL OFFICER .he fina% chec)1out is comp%ete( $%% systems are operationa%( *hat course sha%% 'e set9 TARKIN -erhaps she 'ou%d respond to an a%ternative form of persuasion( VADER *hat do you mean9 TARKIN I thin) it is time 'e demonstrate the fu%% po'er of this station( 2to so%dier4 ,et your course for -rincess Leia+s home p%anet of $%deraan( TROOPER *ith p%easure( EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET Four heavi%y1armed stormtroopers move menacing%y a%ong a narro' s%um a%%ey'ay cro'ed 'ith dar)%y c%ad creatures ha')ing e&otic goods in the dingy %itt%e sta%%s( Aen monsters and robots crouch in the 'aste1fi%%ed door'ays 'hispering and hiding from the hot 'inds( THREEPIO Loc) the door $rtoo( 7ne of the troopers chec)s a tight%y %oc)ed door and moves on do'n the a%%ey'ay( .he door s%ides open a crac) and .hreepio pee)s out( $rtoo is bare%y visib%e in the bac)ground( TROOPER $%% right chec) that side of the street( It+s secure( Aove on to the ne&t door( .he door opens .hreepio moves into the door'ay(

THREEPIO I 'ou%d much rather have gone 'ith Aaster Lu)e than stay here 'ith you( I don+t )no' 'hat a%% the troub%e is about but I+m sure it must be your fau%t( $rtoo ma)es beeping sounds(

THREEPIO >ou 'atch your %anguage: EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET - ALLEYWAY - USED SPEEDER LOT /en and Lu)e are standing in a s%ea8y used speeder %ot ta%)ing 'ith a ta%% grotes;ue insect1%i)e used speeder dea%er( ,trange e&otic bodies and spind%y1%egged beasts pass by as the insect conc%udes the sa%e by giving Lu)e some coins( LUKE 0e says it+s the best he can do( ,ince the F-16G came out they+re <ust not in demand( BEN It 'i%% be enough( /en and Lu)e %eave the speeder %ot and 'a%) do'n the dusty a%%ey'ay past a sma%% robot herding a bunch of anteater1%i)e creatures( Lu)e turns and gives one %ast for%orn %oo) at his faithfu% speeder as he rounds a corner( $ dar)%y c%ad creature moves out of the shado's as they pass and 'atches them as they disappear do'n another a%%ey( BEN If the ship+s as fast as he+s boasting 'e ought to do 'e%%( INT. DOCKING BAY 9 - DAY

Jabba the 0ut and a ha%f1do8en gris%y a%ien pirates and purp%e creatures stand in the midd%e of the doc)ing bay( Jabba is the grossest of the s%avering hu%)s and his scarred face is a grim testimonia% to his pro'ess as a vicious )i%%er( 0e is a fat s%ug1%i)e creature 'ith eyes on e&tended fee%ers and a huge ug%y mouth( JABBA 5ome on out ,o%o: $ voice from direct%y behind the pirates start%es them and they turn around to see 0an ,o%o and the giant *oo)iee 5he'bacca standing behind them 'ith no 'eapons in sight( HAN I+ve been 'aiting for you Jabba(

JABBA I e&pected you 'ou%d be( HAN I+m not the type to run( JABBA 2father%y1smooth4

0an my boy there are times 'hen you disappoint me((( 'hy haven+t you paid me9 $nd 'hy did you have to fry poor Greedo %i)e that((( after a%% 'e+ve been through together( HAN >ou sent Greedo to b%ast me( JABBA 2moc) surprise4 0an 'hy you+re the best smugg%er in the business( >ou+re too va%uab%e to fry( 0e 'as on%y re%aying my concern at your de%ays( 0e 'asn+t going to b%ast you( HAN I thin) he thought he 'as( ?e&t time don+t send one of those t'erps( If you+ve got something to say to me come see me yourse%f( JABBA 0an 0an: If on%y you hadn+t had to dump that shipment of spice((( you understand I <ust can+t ma)e an e&ception( *here 'ou%d I be if every pi%ot 'ho smugg%ed for me dumped their shipment at the first sign of an Imperia% starship9 It+s not good business( HAN >ou )no' even I get boarded sometimes Jabba( I had no choice but I+ve got a charter no' and I can pay you bac) p%us a %itt%e e&tra( I <ust need some more time( JABBA 2to his men4 -ut your b%asters a'ay( 0an my boy I+m on%y doing this because you+re the best and I need you( ,o for an e&tra say t'enty percent I+%% give you a %itt%e more time((( but this is it( If you disappoint me again I+%% put a price on your head so %arge you 'on+t be ab%e to go near a civi%i8ed system for the rest of your short %ife( Jabba HAN I+%% pay you because it+s my p%easure(

EXT. DOCKING PORT ENTRY - ALLEYWAY 5he'bacca 'aits rest%ess%y at the entrance to Doc)ing /ay !H( /en Lu)e and the robots ma)e their 'ay up the street( 5he'bacca <abbers e&cited%y and signa%s for them to hurry( .he dar)%y c%ad creature has fo%%o'ed them from the speeder %ot( 0e stops in a nearby door'ay and spea)s into a sma%% transmitter( INT. MOS EISLEY SPACEPORT - DOCKING BAY 9 5he'bacca %eads the group into a giant Doc)ing /ay !H( Resting in the midd%e of %arge round beat1up pieced1together cou%d on%y %oose%y be ca%%ed a LUKE *hat a piece of <un)( .he ta%% figure of 0an ,o%o comes do'n the boarding ramp( HAN ,he+%% ma)e point five beyond the speed of %ight( ,he may not %oo) %i)e much but she+s got it 'here it counts )id( I+ve added some specia% modifications myse%f( Lu)e scratches his head( It+s obvious he isn+t sure about a%% this( 5he'bacca rushes up the ramp and urges the others to fo%%o'( HAN *e+re a %itt%e rushed so if you+%% hurry aboard 'e+%% get out of here( .he group rushes up the gang p%an) ,o%o( passing a grinning 0an dirt pit that is the huge ho%e is a hun) of <un) that starship(

INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON 5he'bacca sett%es into the pi%ot+s chair and starts the mighty engines of the starship( INT. MOS EISLEY SPACEPORT - DOCKING BAY 9 Lu)e /en .hreepio and $rtoo move to'ard the Ai%%ennium Fa%con passing ,o%o( THREEPIO 0e%%o sir( EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREET Eight Imperia% stormtroopers rush up to the dar)%y c%ad creature(

TROOPER *hich 'ay9 .he dar)%y c%ad creature points to the door of the doc)ing bay( $%% right TROOPER men( Load your 'eapons:

INT. MOS EISLEY SPACEPORT - DOCKING BAY 9 ! .he troops ho%d their guns at the ready and charge do'n the doc)ing bay entrance( TROOPER ,top that ship: 0an ,o%o %oo)s up and sees the Imperia% stormtroopers rushing into the doc)ing bay( ,evera% of the troopers fire at 0an as he duc)s into the spaceship( TROOPER /%ast +em: 0an dra's his %aser pisto% and pops off a coup%e of shots 'hich force the stormtroopers to dive for safety( .he pirateship engines 'hine as 0an hits the re%ease button that s%ams the overhead entry shut( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON 5he'ie HAN get us out of here:

.he group straps in for ta)e off( 7h THREEPIO my( I+d forgotten ho' much I hate space trave%(

EXT. TATOOINE - MOS EISLEY - STREETS .he ha%f1do8en stormtroopers at a chec) point hear the genera% a%arm and %oo) to the s)y as the huge starship rises above the dingy s%um d'e%%ings and ;uic)%y disappears into the morning s)y( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 0an c%imbs into the pi%ot+s chair ne&t to 5he'bacca 'ho chatters a'ay as he points to something on the radar scope( EXT. SPACE - PLANET TATOOINE .he 5ore%%ian pirateship 8ooms from .atooine into space( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT

0an frantica%%y types information into the ship+s computer( Litt%e $rtoo appears momentari%y at the coc)pit door'ay ma)es a fe' beeping remar)s then scurries a'ay( HAN It %oo)s %i)e an Imperia% cruiser( 7ur passengers must be hotter than I thought( .ry and ho%d them off( $ng%e the def%ector shie%d 'hi%e I ma)e the ca%cu%ations for the <ump to %ight speed( EXT. SPACE - PLANET TATOOINE .he Ai%%ennium Fa%con pirateship races a'ay from the ye%%o' p%anet .atooine( It is fo%%o'ed by t'o huge Imperia% stardestroyers( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 7ver the shou%ders of 5he'bacca and 0an 'e can see the ga%a&y spread before them( Lu)e and /en ma)e their 'ay into the cramped coc)pit 'here 0an continues his ca%cu%ation( HAN ,tay sharp: .here are t'o more coming inB they+re going to try to cut us off( LUKE *hy don+t you outrun them9 I thought you said this thing 'as fast( HAN *atch your mouth )id or you+re going to find yourse%f f%oating home( *e+%% be safe enough once 'e ma)e the <ump to hyperspace( /esides I )no' a fe' maneuvers( *e+%% %ose them: EXT. SPACE - PLANET TATOOINE Imperia% cruisers fire at the pirateship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT .he ship shudders as an e&p%osion f%ashes outside the 'indo'( HAN 0ere+s 'here the fun begins: BEN 0o' %ong before you can ma)e the <ump to %ight speed9

HAN It+%% ta)e a fe' moments to get the coordinates from the navi1computer( .he ship begins to roc) vio%ent%y as %asers hit it( LUKE $re you )idding9 $t the rate they+re gaining((( HAN .rave%ing through hyperspace isn+t %i)e dusting crops boy: *ithout precise ca%cu%ations 'e cou%d f%y right through a star or bounce too c%ose to a supernova and that+d end your trip rea% ;uic) 'ou%dn+t it9 .he ship is no' constant%y battered 'ith %aserfire as a red 'arning %ight begins to f%ash( LUKE *hat+s that f%ashing9 HAN *e+re %osing our def%ector shie%d( Go strap yourse%f in I+m going to ma)e the <ump to %ight speed( .he ga%a&y brightens and they move faster a%most as if crashing a barrier( ,tars become strea)s as the pirateship ma)es the <ump to hyperspace( EXT. SPACE .he Ai%%ennium Fa%con 8ooms into infinity in %ess than a second( EXT. DEATH STAR $%deraan %ooms behind the Death ,tar batt%estation( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM $dmira% Aotti enters the ;uiet contro% room and bo's before Governor .ar)in 'ho stands before the huge 'a%% screen disp%aying a sma%% green p%anet( MOTTI *e+ve entered the $%deraan system( Vader and t'o stormtroopers enter 'ith -rincess Leia( 0er hands are bound( LEIA Governor .ar)in I shou%d have e&pected to find you ho%ding Vader+s

%eash( I recogni8ed your fou% stench 'hen I 'as brought on board( TARKIN 5harming to the %ast( >ou don+t )no' ho' hard I found it signing the order to terminate your %ife: LEIA I surprised you had the courage to ta)e the responsibi%ity yourse%f: TARKIN -rincess Leia before your e&ecution I 'ou%d %i)e you to be my guest at a ceremony that 'i%% ma)e this batt%e station operationa%( ?o star system 'i%% dare oppose the Emperor no'( LEIA .he more you tighten your grip .ar)in the more star systems 'i%% s%ip through your fingers( TARKIN ?ot after 'e demonstrate the po'er of this station( In a 'ay you have determined the choice of the p%anet that+%% be destroyed first( ,ince you are re%uctant to provide us 'ith the %ocation of the Rebe% base I have chosen to test this station+s destructive po'er((( on your home p%anet of $%deraan( LEIA ?o: $%deraan is peacefu%( *e have no 'eapons( >ou can+t possib%y((( TARKIN >ou 'ou%d prefer another target9 $ mi%itary target9 .hen name the system: .ar)in 'aves menacing%y to'ard Leia( TARKIN I gro' tired of as)ing this( ,o it+%% be the %ast time( *here is the Rebe% base9 Leia overhears an intercom voice announcing the approach to $%deraan( LEIA 2soft%y4 Dantooine(

Leia %o'ers her head( LEIA .hey+re on Dantooine( TARKIN .here( >ou see Lord Vader she can be reasonab%e( 2addressing Aotti4 5ontinue 'ith the operation( >ou may fire 'hen ready( LEIA *hat9 TARKIN >ou+re far too trusting( Dantooine is too remote to ma)e an effective demonstration( /ut don+t 'orry( *e 'i%% dea% 'ith your Rebe% friends soon enough( LEIA ?o: INT. DEATH STAR - BLAST CHAMBER VADER 5ommence primary ignition( $ button is pressed 'hich s'itches on a pane% of %ights( $ hooded Imperia% so%dier reaches overhead and pu%%s a %ever( $nother %ever is pu%%ed( Vader reaches for sti%% another %ever and a ban) of %ights on a pane% and 'a%% %ight up( $ huge beam of %ight emanates from 'ithin a cone1shaped area and converges into a sing%e %aser beam out to'ard $%deraan( .he sma%% green p%anet of $%deraan is b%o'n into space dust( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - CENTRAL HOLD AREA /en 'atches Lu)e practice the %ightsaber 'ith a sma%% @see)er@ robot( /en sudden%y turns a'ay and sits do'n( 0e fa%ters seems a%most faint( LUKE $re you a%% right9 *hat+s 'rong9 BEN I fe%t a great disturbance in the Force((( as if mi%%ions of voices sudden%y cried out in terror and 'ere sudden%y si%enced( I fear something terrib%e has happened( /en rubs his forehead( 0e seems to drift into a trance( .hen he fi&es his ga8e on Lu)e(

BEN >ou+d better get on 'ith your e&ercises( 0an ,o%o enters the room( HAN *e%% you can forget your troub%es 'ith those Imperia% s%ugs( I to%d you I+d outrun +em( Lu)e is once again practicing 'ith the %ightsaber( HAN Don+t everyone than) me at once( .hreepio 'atches 5he'bacca and $rtoo 'ho are engrossed in a game in 'hich three1dimensiona% ho%ographic figures move a%ong a chess1type board( HAN $ny'ay 'e shou%d be at $%deraan about oh1t'o1hundred hours( 5he'bacca and the t'o robots sit around the %ighted tab%e covered 'ith sma%% ho%ographic monsters( Each side of the tab%e has a sma%% computer monitor embedded in it( 5he'bacca seems very p%eased 'ith himse%f as he rests his %an)y fur1 covered arms over his head( THREEPIO ?o' be carefu% $rtoo( $rtoo immediate%y reaches up and taps the computer 'ith his stubby c%a' hand causing one of the ho%ographic creatures to 'a%) to the ne' s;uare( $ sudden fro'n crosses 5he'bacca+s face and he begins ye%%ing gibberish at the tiny robot( .hreepio intercedes on beha%f of his sma%% companion and begins to argue 'ith the huge *oo)iee( THREEPIO 0e made a fair move( ,creaming about it 'on+t he%p you( HAN 2interrupting4 Let him have it( It+s not 'ise to upset a *oo)iee( THREEPIO /ut sir nobody 'orries about upsetting a droid( HAN .hat+s +cause droids don+t pu%% peop%e+s arms out of their soc)et 'hen they %ose( *oo)iees are )no'n

to do that( THREEPIO I see your point sir( I suggest a ne' strategy $rtoo( Let the *oo)iee 'in( Lu)e stands in the midd%e of the sma%% ho%d areaB he seems fro8en in p%ace( $ humming %ightsaber is he%d high over his head( /en 'atches him from the corner studying his movements( 0an 'atches 'ith a bit of smugness( BEN Remember a Jedi can fee% the Force f%o'ing through him( LUKE >ou mean it contro%s your actions9 BEN -artia%%y( /ut it a%so obeys your commands( ,uspended at eye %eve% about ten feet in front of Lu)e a @see)er@ a chrome baseba%%1%i)e robot covered 'ith antennae hovers s%o'%y in a 'ide arc( .he ba%% f%oats to one side of the youth then the other( ,udden%y it ma)es a %ightning1s'ift %unge and stops 'ithin a fe' feet of Lu)e+s face( Lu)e doesn+t move and the ba%% bac)s off( It s%o'%y moves behind the boy then ma)es another ;uic) %unge this time emitting a b%ood red %aser beam as it attac)s( It hits Lu)e in the %eg causing him to tumb%e over( 0an %ets %oose 'ith a burst of %aughter( HAN 0o)ey re%igions and ancient 'eapons are no match for a good b%aster at your side )id( LUKE >ou don+t be%ieve in the Force you9 do

HAN =id I+ve f%o'n from one side of this ga%a&y to the other( I+ve seen a %ot of strange stuff but I+ve never seen anything to ma)e me be%ieve there+s one a%%1po'erfu% force contro%%ing everything( .here+s no mystica% energy fie%d that contro%s my destiny( /en smi%es ;uiet%y( HAN It+s a%% a %ot of simp%e tric)s and nonsense(

BEN I suggest you try it again


/en p%aces a %arge he%met on Lu)e+s head 'hich covers his eyes( BEN .his time %et go your conscious se%f and act on instinct( LUKE 2%aughing4 *ith the b%ast shie%d do'n I can+t even see( 0o' am I supposed to fight9 BEN >our eyes can deceive you( Don+t trust them( 0an s)eptica%%y sha)es his head as /en thro's the see)er into the air( .he ba%% shoots straight up in the air then drops %i)e a roc)( Lu)e s'ings the %ightsaber around b%ind%y missing the see)er 'hich fires off a %aserbo%t 'hich hits Lu)e s;uare on the seat of the pants( 0e %ets out a painfu% ye%% and attempts to hit the see)er( BEN ,tretch out 'ith your fee%ings( Lu)e stands in one p%ace seeming%y fro8en( .he see)er ma)es a dive at Lu)e and incredib%y he managed to def%ect the bo%t( .he ba%% ceases fire and moves bac) to its origina% position( >ou see BEN you can do it(

HAN I ca%% it %uc)( BEN In my e&perience there+s no such thing as %uc)( HAN Loo) going good against remotes is one thing( Going good against the %iving9 .hat+s something e%se( ,o%o notices a sma%% %ight f%ashing on the far side of the contro% pane%( HAN Loo)s %i)e 'e+re coming up on $%deraan(

0an and 5he'bacca head bac) to the coc)pit( LUKE >ou )no' I did fee% something( I cou%d a%most see the remote( BEN .hat+s good( >ou have ta)en your first step into a %arger 'or%d( INT. DEATH STAR - CONFERENCE ROOM Imperia% 7fficer 5ass stands before Governor .ar)in and the evi% Dar) Lord Darth Vader( TARKIN >es( OFFICER CASS 7ur scout ships have reached Dantooine( .hey found the remains of a Rebe% base but they estimate that it has been deserted for some time( .hey are no' conducting an e&tensive search of the surrounding systems( TARKIN ,he %ied: ,he %ied to us: VADER I to%d you she 'ou%d never conscious%y betray the Rebe%%ion( TARKIN .erminate her((( immediate%y: EXT. HYPERSPACE .he pirateship is <ust coming out of hyperspaceB a strange surrea% %ight sho' surrounds the ship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT HAN ,tand by 5he'ie here 'e go( 5ut in the sub%ight engines( 0an pu%%s bac) on a contro% %ever( 7utside the coc)pit 'indo' stars begin strea)ing past seem to decrease in speed then stop( ,udden%y the starship begins to shudder and vio%ent%y sha)e about( $steroids begin to race to'ard them battering the sides of the ship( HAN *hat the(((9 $' 'e+ve come out of hyperspace into a meteor sho'er( ,ome )ind of asteroid co%%ision(

It+s not on any of the charts( .he *oo)iee f%ips off severa% contro%s and seems very coo% in the emergency( Lu)e ma)es his 'ay into the bouncing coc)pit( LUKE *hat+s going on9 HAN 7ur position is correct e&cept((( no $%deraan: LUKE *hat do you mean9 *here is it9 HAN .hats 'hat I+m trying to te%% you )id( It ain+t there( It+s been tota%%y b%o'n a'ay( LUKE *hat9 0o'9 /en moves into the coc)pit behind Lu)e as the ship begins to sett%e do'n( BEN Destroyed((( by the Empire: HAN .he entire starf%eet cou%dn+t destroy the 'ho%e p%anet( It+d ta)e a thousand ships 'ith more fire po'er than I+ve((( $ signa% starts f%ashing on the contro% pane% and a muff%ed a%arm starts humming( HAN .here+s another ship coming in( LUKE Aaybe they )no' 'hat happened( BEN It+s an Imperia% fighter( 5he'bacca bar)s his concern( $ huge e&p%osion bursts outside the coc)pit 'indo' sha)ing the ship vio%ent%y( $ tiny finned Imperia% .IE fighter races past the coc)pit 'indo'( LUKE It fo%%o'ed us: BEN ?o( It+s a short range fighter(

HAN .here aren+t any bases around here( *here did it come from9 EXT. SPACE .he fighter races past the 5ore%%ian pirateship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT LUKE It sure is %eaving in a big hurry( If they identify us 'e+re in big troub%e( HAN ?ot if I can he%p it( 5he'ie(((<am it+s transmissions( BEN It+d be as 'e%% to %et it go( It+s too far out of range( HAN ?ot for %ong((( EXT. SPACE .he pirateship 8ooms over the camera and a'ay into the vastness of space after the Imperia% .IE fighter( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT .he tension mounts as the pirateship gains on the tiny fighter( In the distance one of the stars becomes brighter unti% it is obvious that the .IE ship is heading for it( /en stands behind 5he'bacca( BEN $ fighter that si8e cou%dn+t get this deep into space on its o'n( LUKE It must have gotten %ost been part of a convoy or something( HAN *e%% he ain+t going to be around %ong enough to te%% anyone about us( EXT. SPACE .he .IE fighter is %osing ground to the %arger pirateship as they race to'ard camera and disappear over head( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT

.he distant star can be distinguished as a sma%% moon or p%anet( LUKE Loo) at him( 0e+s headed for that sma%% moon( HAN I thin) I can get him before he gets there((( he+s a%most in range( .he sma%% moon begins to ta)e on the appearance of a monstrous spherica% batt%e station( BEN .hat+s no moon: It+s a space station( HAN It+s too big to be a space station( LUKE I have a very bad fee%ing about this( HAN >eah I thin) your right( Fu%% reverse: 5he'ie %oc) in the au&i%iary po'er( .he pirateship shudders and the .IE fighter acce%erates a'ay to'ard the gargantuan batt%e station( LUKE *hy are 'e sti%% moving to'ards it9 HAN *e+re caught in a tractor beam: It+s pu%%ing us in: LUKE /ut there+s gotta be something you can do: HAN .here+s nothin+ I can do about it )id( I+m in fu%% po'er( I+m going to have to shut do'n( /ut they+re not going to get me 'ithout a fight: /en =enobi puts a hand on his shou%der( BEN >ou can+t 'in( /ut there are a%ternatives to fighting( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - DEATH STAR

$s the battered pirate starship is to'ed c%oser to the a'esome meta% moon the immense si8e of the massive batt%e station becomes staggering( Running a%ong the e;uator of the gigantic sphere is a mi%e1high band of huge doc)ing ports into 'hich the he%p%ess pirateship is dragged( EXT. DEATH STAR - HUGE PORT DOORS .he he%p%ess Ai%%ennium Fa%con is pu%%ed past a doc)ing port contro% room and huge %aser turret cannons( VOICE OVER DEATH STAR INTERCOM 5%ear /ay t'enty1three1seven( *e are opening the magnetic fie%d( INT. DEATH STAR - DOCKING BAY "#$% .he pirateship is pu%%ed in through port doors of the Death ,tar coming to rest in a huge hangar( .hirty stormtroopers stand at attention in a centra% assemb%y area( OFFICER .o you stations: 2to another officer4 5ome 'ith me( INT. DEATH STAR - HALLWAY ,tormtroopers run to their posts( INT. DEATH STAR - HANGAR "#$% $ %ine of stormtroopers march to'ard the pirateship in readiness to board it 'hi%e other troopers stand 'ith 'eapons ready to fire( OFFICER 5%ose a%% outboard shie%ds: 5%ose a%% outboard shie%ds: INT. DEATH STAR - CONFERENCE ROOM .ar)in pushes a button and responds to the intercom bu88( TARKIN >es( VOICE 2over intercom4 *e+ve captured a freighter entering the remains of the $%deraan system( It+s mar)ings match those of a ship that b%asted its 'ay out of Aos Eis%ey( VADER

.hey must be trying to return the sto%en p%ans to the princess( ,he may yet be of some use to us( INT. DEATH STAR - DOCKING BAY "#$% Vader and a commander approach the troops as an 7fficer and severa% heavi%y armed troops e&it the spacecraft( VOICE 2over intercom4 Cn%oc) one1five1seven and nine( Re%ease charges( OFFICER 2to Vader4 .here+s no one on board sir( $ccording to the %og the cre' abandoned ship right after ta)eoff( It must be a decoy sir( ,evera% of the escape pods have been <ettisoned( VADER Did you find any droids9 ?o OFFICER sir( If there 'ere any on board they must a%so have <ettisoned(

VADER ,end a scanning cre' on board( I 'ant every part of this ship chec)ed( OFFICER >es sir( VADER I sense something((( a presence I haven+t fe%t since((( Vader turns ;uic)%y and e&its the hangar( OFFICER Get me a scanning cre' in here on the doub%e( I 'ant every part of this ship chec)ed: INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - HALLWAY $ trooper runs through the ha%%'ay heading for the e&it( In a fe' moments a%% is ;uiet( .he muff%ed sounds of a distant officer giving orders fina%%y fade( .'o f%oor pane%s sudden%y pop up revea%ing 0an ,o%o and Lu)e( /en =enobi stic)s his head out of a third %oc)er( /oy LUKE it+s %uc)y you had these

compartments( HAN I use them for smugg%ing( I never thought I+d be smugg%ing myse%f in them( .his is ridicu%ous( Even if I cou%d ta)e off I+d never get past the tractor beam( BEN Leave that to me: HAN Damn foo%( I )ne' that you 'ere going to say that: BEN *ho+s the more foo%ish((( the foo% or the foo% 'ho fo%%o's him9 0an sha)es his head muttering to himse%f( 5he'bacca agrees(

INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY .he cre'men carry a heavy bo& on board the ship past the t'o stormtroopers guarding either side of the ramp( TROOPER .he ship+s a%% yours( If the scanners pic) up anything report it immediate%y( $%% right %et+s go( .he cre'men enter the pirateship and a %oud crashing sound is fo%%o'ed by a voice ca%%ing to the guard be%o'( HAN'S VOICE 0ey do'n there cou%d you give us a hand 'ith this9 .he stormtroopers enter the ship and a ;uic) round of gunfire is heard( INT. DEATH STAR - FORWARD BAY - COMMAND OFFICE In a very sma%% command office near the entrance to the pirateship a Gantry 7fficer %oo)s out his 'indo' and notices the guards are missing( 0e spea)s into the com%in)( GANTRY OFFICER .F1four1one1t'o( *hy aren+t you at your post9 .F1four1one1t'o do you copy9 $ stormtrooper comes do'n the ramp of the pirateship and 'aves to the gantry officer pointing to his ear indicating his com%in) is not 'or)ing( .he gantry officer sha)es his head in disgust and heads for the door giving his aide an

annoyed %oo)( GANTRY OFFICER .a)e over( *e+ve got a bad transmitter( I+%% see 'hat I can do( $s the officer approaches the door it s%ides open revea%ing the to'ering 5he'bacca( .he gantry officer in a momentary state of shoc) stumb%es bac)'ard( *ith a bone1 chi%%ing ho'% the giant *oo)iee f%attens the officer 'ith one b%o'( .he aide immediate%y reaches for his pisto% but is b%asted by 0an dressed as an Imperia% stormtrooper( /en and the robots enter the room ;uic)%y fo%%o'ed by Lu)e a%so dressed as a stormtrooper( Lu)e ;uic)%y removes his he%met( LUKE >ou )no' bet'een his ho'%ing and your b%asting everything in sight it+s a 'onder the 'ho%e station doesn+t )no' 'e+re here( HAN /ring them on: I prefer a straight fight to a%% this snea)ing around( THREEPIO *e found the computer out%et sir(

/en feeds some information into the computer and a map of the city appears on the monitor( 0e begins to inspect it carefu%%y( .hreepio and $rtoo %oo) over the contro% pane%( $rtoo finds something that ma)es him 'hist%e 'i%d%y( BEN -%ug in( 0e shou%d be ab%e to interpret the entire Imperia% computer net'or)( $rtoo punches his c%a' arm into the computer soc)et and the vast Imperia% brain net'or) comes to %ife feeding information to the %itt%e robot( $fter a fe' moments he beeps something( THREEPIO 0e says he+s found the main computer to po'er the tractor beam that+s ho%ding the ship here( 0e+%% try to ma)e the precise %ocation appear on the monitor( .he computer monitor f%ashes readouts( THREEPIO .he tractor beam is coup%ed to the main reactor in seven %ocations( $ po'er %oss at one of the termina%s 'i%% a%%o' the ship to %eave(

/en studies the data on the monitor readout( BEN I don+t thin) you boys can he%p( I must go a%one( HAN *hatever you say( I+ve done more that I bargained for on this trip a%ready( LUKE I 'ant to go 'ith you( BEN /e patient Lu)e( ,tay and 'atch over the droids( LUKE /ut he can((( BEN .hey must be de%ivered safe%y or other star systems 'i%% suffer the same fate as $%deraan( >our destiny %ies a%ong a different path than mine( .he Force 'i%% be 'ith you((( a%'ays: /en ad<usts the %ightsaber on his be%t and si%ent%y steps out of the command office then disappears do'n a %ong grey ha%%'ay( 5he'bacca bar)s a comment and 0an sha)es his head in agreement( HAN /oy you said it 5he'ie(

0an %oo)s at Lu)e( HAN *here did you dig up that o%d fossi%9 LUKE /en is a great man( >eah HAN great at getting us into troub%e(

LUKE I didn+t hear you give any ideas((( HAN *e%% anything 'ou%d be better than <ust hanging around 'aiting for him to pic) us up(((

LUKE *ho do you thin)((( ,udden%y $rtoo begins to 'hist%e and beep a b%ue strea)( Lu)e goes over to him( LUKE *hat is it9 THREEPIO I+m afraid I+m not ;uite sure sir( 0e says @I found her@ and )eeps repeating @,he+s here(@ *e%% LUKE 'ho((( 'ho has he found9

$rtoo 'hist%es a frantic rep%y( THREEPIO -rincess Leia( LUKE .he princess9 ,he+s here9 HAN -rincess9 *hat+s going on9 THREEPIO Leve% five( Detention b%oc) $ $1t'enty1 three( I+m afraid she+s schedu%ed to be terminated( 7h LUKE no: *e+ve got to do something( HAN *hat are you ta%)ing about9 LUKE .he droid be%ongs to her( ,he+s the one in the message((( *e+ve got to he%p her( HAN ?o' %oo) don+t get any funny ideas( .he o%d man 'ants us to 'ait right here( LUKE /ut he didn+t )no' she 'as here( Loo) 'i%% you <ust find a 'ay bac) into the detention b%oc)9 HAN I+m not going any'here(

LUKE .hey+re going to e&ecute her( Loo) a fe' minutes ago you said you didn+t 'ant to <ust 'ait here to be captured( ?o' a%% you 'ant to do is stay( HAN Aarching into the detention area is not 'hat I had in mind( LUKE /ut they+re going to )i%% her: HAN /etter her than me((( LUKE ,he+s rich( 5he'bacca gro'%s( HAN Rich9 LUKE >es( Rich po'erfu%: Listen if you 'ere to rescue her the re'ard 'ou%d be((( HAN *hat9 LUKE *e%% more 'ea%th that you can imagine( I don+t )no' HAN I can imagine ;uite a bit:

LUKE >ou+%% get it: HAN I better: LUKE >ou 'i%%((( $%% right HAN )id( /ut you+d better be right about this( 'ho grunts a short grunt(

0an %oo)s at 5he'ie

LUKE $%% right(

HAN *hat+s your p%an9 LUKE Ch((( .hreepio hand me those binders there 'i%% you9 Lu)e moves to'ard 5he'bacca 'ith e%ectronic cuffs( 7)ay( ?o' LUKE I+m going to put these on you(

5he'ie %ets out a hideous gro'%( 7)ay( 0an LUKE you put these on(

Lu)e sheepish%y hands the binders to 0an( HAN Don+t 'orry 5he'ie( I thin) I )no' 'hat he has in mind( .he *oo)iee has a 'orried and frightened %oo) on his face as 0an binds him 'ith the e%ectronic cuffs( THREEPIO Aaster Lu)e sir: -ardon me for as)ing((( but ah((( 'hat shou%d $rtoo and I do if 'e+re discovered here9 LUKE Loc) the door: HAN $nd hope they don+t have b%asters( THREEPIO .hat isn+t very reassuring( Lu)e and 0an put on their armored stormtrooper he%mets and start off into the giant Imperia% Death ,tar( INT. DEATH STAR - DETENTION AREA - ELEVATOR TUBE 0an and Lu)e try to %oo) inconspicuous in their armored suits as they 'ait for a vacuum e%evator to arrive( .roops bureaucrats and robots bust%e about ignoring the trio comp%ete%y( 7n%y a fe' give the giant *oo)iee a curious g%ance( Fina%%y a sma%% e%evator arrives and the trio enters( LUKE I can+t see a thing in this he%met(

$ bureaucrat races to get aboard a%so but is signa%ed a'ay by 0an( .he door to the pod1%i)e vehic%e s%ides c%osed and the e%evator car ta)es off through a vacuum tube( INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN HALLWAY ,evera% Imperia% officers 'a%) through the 'ide main passage'ay( .hey pass severa% stormtroopers and a robot simi%ar to .hreepio but 'ith an insect face( $t the far end of the ha%%'ay a passing f%ash of /en =enobi appears then disappears do'n a sma%% ha%%'ay( 0is appearance is so f%eeting that it is hard to te%% if he is rea% or <ust an i%%usion( ?o one in the ha%%'ay seems to notice him( INT. DEATH STAR - INTERIOR ELEVATOR - DETENTION SECURITY AREA Lu)e and 0an step for'ard to e&it the e%evator but the door s%ides open behind them( .he giant *oo)iee and his t'o guards enter the o%d grey security station( Guards and %aser gates are every'here( 0an 'hispers to Lu)e under his breath( HAN .his is not going to 'or)( LUKE *hy didn+t you say so before9 HAN I did say so before: INT. DETENTION AREA E%evator doors open( $ ta%% grim %oo)ing 7fficer approaches the trio( OFFICER *here are you ta)ing this((( thing9 5he'ie gro'%s a bit at the remar) but 0an nudges him to shut up( LUKE -risoner transfer from /%oc) one1one1 three1eight( OFFICER I 'asn+t notified( I+%% have to c%ear it( .he officer goes bac) to his conso%e and begins to punch in the information( .here are on%y three other troopers in the area( Lu)e and 0an survey the situation chec)ing a%% of the a%arms %aser gates and camera eyes( 0an unfastens one of 5he'bacca+s e%ectronic cuffs and shrugs to Lu)e(

,udden%y 5he'bacca thro's up his hands and %ets out 'ith one of his ear1piercing ho'%s( 0e grabs 0an+s %aser rif%e( HAN Loo) out: 0e+s %oose: LUKE 0e+s going to pu%% us a%% apart( HAN Go get him: .he start%ed guards are momentari%y dumbfounded( Lu)e and 0an have a%ready pu%%ed out their %aser pisto%s and are b%asting a'ay at the terrifying *oo)iee( .heir barrage of %aserfire misses 5he'bacca but hits the camera eyes %aser gate contro%s and the Imperia% guards( .he officer is the %ast of the guards to fa%% under the %aserfire <ust as he is about to push the a%arm system( 0an rushes to the com%in) system 'hich is screeching ;uestions about 'hat is going on( 0e ;uic)%y chec)s the computer readout( HAN *e+ve got to find out 'hich ce%% this princess of yours is in( 0ere it is((( ce%% t'enty1one1eight1seven( >ou go get her( I+%% ho%d them here( Lu)e races do'n one of the ce%% corridors( 0an spea)s into the bu88ing com%in)( HAN 2sounding officia%4 Everything is under contro%( ,ituation norma%( INTERCOM VOICE *hat happened9 HAN 2getting nervous4 Ch((( had a s%ight 'eapons ma%function( /ut uh everything+s perfect%y a%% right no'( *e+re fine( *e+re a%% fine here no' than) you( 0o' are you9 INTERCOM VOICE *e+re sending a s;uad up( HAN Ch uh negative( *e had a reactor %ea) here no'( Give us a fe' minutes to %oc) it do'n( Large %ea)((( very dangerous( INTERCOM VOICE

*ho is this9 *hat+s your operating number9 0an b%asts the com%in) and it e&p%odes( HAN /oring conversation any'ay( 2ye%%ing do'n the ha%%4 Lu)e: *e+re going to have company: INT. DEATH STAR - CELL ROW Lu)e stops in front of one of the ce%%s and b%asts the door a'ay 'ith a %aser pisto%( *hen the smo)e c%ears Lu)e sees the da88%ing young princess1senator( ,he had been s%eeping and is no' %oo)ing at him 'ith an uncomprehending %oo) on her face( Lu)e is stunned by her incredib%e beauty and stands staring at her 'ith his mouth hanging open( LEIA 2fina%%y4 $ren+t you a %itt%e short to be a stormtrooper9 Lu)e ta)es off his he%met coming out of it(

LUKE *hat9 7h((( the uniform( I+m Lu)e ,)y'a%)er( I+m here to rescue you( LEIA >ou+re 'ho9 LUKE I+m here to rescue you( I+ve got your R3 unit( I+m here 'ith /en =enobi( LEIA /en =enobi is here: *here is he9 LUKE 5ome on: INT. DEATH STAR - CONFERENCE ROOM Darth Vader paces the room as Governor .ar)in sits at the far end of the conference tab%e( VADER 0e is here((( TARKIN 7bi1*an =enobi: *hat ma)es you thin) so9

VADER $ tremor in the Force( .he %ast time I fe%t it 'as in the presence of my o%d master( TARKIN ,ure%y he must be dead by no'( VADER Don+t underestimate the po'er of the Force( TARKIN .he Jedi are e&tinct their fire has gone out of the universe( >ou my friend are a%% that+s %eft of their re%igion( .here is a ;uiet bu88 on the com%in)( TARKIN >es( INTERCOM VOICE Governor .ar)in 'e have an emergency a%ert in detention b%oc) $ $1t'enty1 three( TARKIN .he princess: -ut a%% sections on a%ert: VADER 7bi1*an is here( .he Force is 'ith him( TARKIN If you+re right he must not be a%%o'ed to escape( VADER Escape is not his p%an( I must face him a%one( INT. DEATH STAR - DETENTION AREA - HALLWAY $n ominous bu88ing sound is heard on the other side of the e%evator door( HAN 5he'ie: 5he'bacca responds 'ith a gro'%ing noise( HAN Get behind me: Get behind me:

$ series of e&p%osions )noc) a ho%e in the e%evator door through 'hich severa% Imperia% troops begin to emerge( 0an and 5he'ie fire %aser pisto%s at them through the smo)e and f%ame( .hey turn and run do'n the ce%% ha%%'ay meeting up 'ith Lu)e and Leia rushing to'ard them( HAN 5an+t get out that 'ay( LEIA Loo)s %i)e you managed to cut off our on%y escape route( HAN 2sarcastica%%y4 Aaybe you+d %i)e it bac) in your ce%% >our 0ighness( Lu)e ta)es a sma%% com%in) transmitter from his be%t as they continue to e&change fire 'ith stormtroopers ma)ing their 'ay do'n the corridor( LUKE ,ee1.hreepio: ,ee1.hreepio: THREEPIO 2over com%in)4 >es sir9 LUKE *e+ve been cut off: $re there any other 'ays out of the ce%% bay9((( *hat 'as that9 I didn+t copy: INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN BAY GANTRY - CONTROL TOWER .hreepio paces the contro% center as %itt%e $rtoo beeps and 'hist%es a b%ue strea)( .hreepio ye%%s into the sma%% com%in) transmitter( THREEPIO I said a%% systems have been a%erted to your presence sir( .he main entrance seems to be the on%y 'ay in or outB a%% other information on your %eve% is restricted( ,omeone begins banging on the door( TROOPER VOICE 7pen up in there: THREEPIO 7h no: INT. DEATH STAR - DETENTION CORRIDOR

Lu)e and Leia crouch together in an a%cove for protection as they continue to e&change fire 'ith troops( 0an and 5he'bacca are bare%y ab%e to )eep the stormtroopers at bay at the far and of the ha%%'ay( .he %aserfire is very intense and smo)e fi%%s the narro' ce%% corridor( LUKE .here isn+t any other 'ay out( HAN I can+t ho%d them off forever: ?o' 'hat9 LEIA .his is some rescue( *hen you came in here didn+t you have a p%an for getting out9 HAN 2pointing to Lu)e4 0e+s the brains s'eetheart( Lu)e manages a sheepish grin and shrugs his shou%ders( *e%% LUKE I didn+t(((

.he princess grabs Lu)e+s gun and fires at a sma%% grate in the 'a%% ne&t to 0an a%most frying him( HAN *hat the he%% are you doing9 LEIA ,omebody has to save our s)ins( Into the garbage chute 'ise guy( ,he <umps through the narro' opening as 0an and 5he'bacca %oo) on in ama8ement( 5he'bacca sniffs the garbage chute and says something( HAN Get in there you big furry oaf: I don+t care 'hat you sme%%: Get in there and don+t 'orry about it( 0an gives him a )ic) and the *oo)iee disappears into the tiny opening( Lu)e and 0an continue firing as they 'or) their 'ay to'ard the opening( HAN *onderfu% gir%: Either I+m going to )i%% her or I+m beginning to %i)e her( Get in there: Lu)e duc)s %aserfire as he <umps into the dar)ness( 0an fires

off a coup%e of ;uic) b%asts creating a smo)ey cover s%ides into the chute himse%f and is gone( INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM


0an tumb%es into the %arge room fi%%ed 'ith garbage and muc)( Lu)e is a%ready stumb%ing around %oo)ing for an e&it( 0e finds a sma%% hatch'ay and strugg%es to get it open( It 'on+t budge( HAN 2sarcastica%%y4 7h: .he garbage chute 'as a rea%%y 'onderfu% idea( *hat an incredib%e sme%% you+ve discovered: Let+s get out of here: Get a'ay from there((( LUKE ?o: 'ait: 0an dra's his %aser pisto% and fires at the hatch( .he %aserbo%t ricochets 'i%d%y around the sma%% meta% room( Everyone dives for cover in the garbage as the bo%t e&p%odes a%most on top of them( Leia c%imbs out of the garbage 'ith a rather grim %oo) on her face( LUKE *i%% you forget it9 I a%ready tried it( It+s magnetica%%y sea%ed: LEIA -ut that thing a'ay: >ou+re going to get us a%% )i%%ed( HAN $bso%ute%y >our *orship( Loo) I had everything under contro% unti% you %ed us do'n here( >ou )no' it+s not going to ta)e them %ong to figure out 'hat happened to us( LEIA It cou%d be 'orse((( $ %oud horrib%e inhuman moan 'or)s its 'ay up from the mur)y depths( 5he'bacca %ets out a terrified ho'% and begins to bac) a'ay( 0an and Lu)e stand fast 'ith their %aser pisto%s dra'n( .he *oo)iee is co'ering near one of the 'a%%s( HAN It+s 'orse( LUKE .here+s something a%ive in here: HAN .hat+s your imagination(

LUKE ,omething <ust moves past my %eg: Loo): Did you see that9 HAN *hat9 LUKE 0e%p: ,udden%y Lu)e is yan)ed under the garbage( HAN Lu)e: Lu)e: Lu)e: ,o%o tries to get to Lu)e( Lu)e surfaces 'ith a gasp of air and thrashing of %imbs( $ membrane tentac%e is 'rapped around his throat( LEIA Lu)e: Leia e&tends a %ong pipe to'ard him( Lu)e /%ast it Lu)e LEIA grab a ho%d of this(

LUKE 'i%% you: Ay gun+s <ammed( HAN *here9 LUKE $ny'here: 7h::

,o%o fires his gun do'n'ard( Lu)e is pu%%ed bac) into the muc) by the s%imy tentac%e( HAN Lu)e: Lu)e: ,udden%y the 'a%%s of the garbage receptac%e shudder and move in a coup%e of inches( .hen everything is death%y ;uiet( 0an and Leia give each other a 'orried %oo) as 5he'bacca ho'%s in the corner( *ith a rush of bubb%es and muc) Lu)e sudden%y bobs to the surface( LEIA Grab him: Lu)e seems to be re%eased by the thing( LEIA *hat happened9

LUKE I don+t )no' it <ust %et go of me and disappeared((( HAN I+ve got a very bad fee%ing about this( /efore anyone can say anything the 'a%%s begin to rumb%e and edge to'ard the Rebe%s( LUKE .he 'a%%s are moving: LEIA Don+t <ust stand there( .ry to brace it 'ith something( .hey p%ace po%es and %ong meta% beams bet'een the c%osing 'a%%s but they are simp%y snapped and bent as the giant trashmasher rumb%es on( .he situation doesn+t %oo) too good( LUKE *ait a minute: Lu)e pu%%s out his com%in)( LUKE .hreepio: 5ome in .hreepio: .hreepio: *here cou%d he be9 INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN GANTRY - COMMAND OFFICE $ soft bu88er and the muted voice of Lu)e ca%%ing out for ,ee1.hreepio can be heard on .hreepio+s hand com%in) 'hich is sitting on the deserted computer conso%e( $rtoo and .hreepio are no'here in sight( ,udden%y there is a great e&p%osion and the door of the contro% to'er f%ies across the f%oor( Four armed stormtroopers enter the chamber( FIRST TROOPER .a)e over: 2pointing to the dead officer4 ,ee to him: Loo) there: $ trooper pushes a button and the supp%y cabinet door s%ides open( ,ee1.hreepio and $rtoo1Detoo are inside( $rtoo fo%%o's his bron8e companion out into the office( THREEPIO .hey+re madmen: .hey+re heading for the prison %eve%( If you hurry you might catch them( FIRST OFFICER 2to his troops4

Fo%%o' me: >ou stand guard( .he troops hust%e off do'n the ha%%'ay %eaving a guard to 'atch over the command office( THREEPIO 2to $rtoo4 5ome on: .he guard aims a b%aster at them( THREEPIO 7h: $%% this e&citement has overrun the circuits of my counterpart here( If you don+t mind I+d %i)e to ta)e him do'n to maintenance( TROOPER $%% right( .he guard nods and .hreepio 'ith %itt%e $rtoo in to' out the door( INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM $s the 'a%%s rumb%e c%osed the room gets sma%%er and sma%%er( 5he'ie is 'hining and trying to ho%d a 'a%% bac) 'ith his giant pa's( 0an is %eaning bac) against the other 'a%%( Garbage is snapping and popping( Lu)e is trying to reach .hreepio( .hreepio: 5ome in LUKE .hreepio: .hreepio: hurries

0an and Leia try to brace the contracting 'a%%s 'ith a po%e( Leia begins to sin) into the trash( HAN Get to the top: LEIA I can+t LUKE *here cou%d he be9 .hreepio: .hreepio 'i%% you come in9 INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY - SERVICE PANEL THREEPIO .hey aren+t here: ,omething must have happened to them( ,ee if they+ve been captured( Litt%e $rtoo carefu%%y p%ugs his c%a' arm into a ne' 'a%% soc)et and a comp%e& array of e%ectronic sounds spe' from

the tiny robot( THREEPIO 0urry: INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM .he 'a%%s are on%y feet apart( Leia and 0an are braced against the 'a%%s( .he princess is frightened( .hey %oo) at each other( Leia reaches out and ta)es 0an+s hand and she ho%ds it tight%y( ,he+s terrified and sudden%y groans as she fee%s the first crushing pressure against her body( HAN 7ne thing+s for sure( *e+re a%% going to be a %ot thinner: 2to Leia4 Get on top of it: LEIA I+m trying: INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY - SERVICE PANEL THREEPIO 2to $rtoo4 .han) goodness they haven+t found them: *here cou%d they be9 $rtoo frantica%%y beeps something to ,ee1.hreepio( THREEPIO Cse the com%in)9 7h my: I forgot I turned it off: INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM Aean'hi%e Lu)e is %ying on his side trying to )eep his head above the rising oo8e( Lu)e+s com%in) begins to bu88 and he rips it off his be%t( INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY - SERVICE PANEL Auff%ed sounds of Lu)e+s voice over the com%in) can be heard but not distinct%y( THREEPIO $re you there sir9 INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM LUKE .hreepio: INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY - SERVICE PANEL THREEPIO

*e+ve had some prob%ems((( LUKE 2over com%in)4 *i%% you shut up and %isten to me9 ,hut do'n a%% garbage mashers on the detention %eve% 'i%% you9 Do you copy9 INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM LUKE ,hut do'n a%% the garbage mashers on the detention %eve%( INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY - SERVICE PANEL LUKE 2over com%in)4 ,hut do'n a%% the garbage mashers on the detention %eve%( THREEPIO 2to $rtoo4 ?o( ,hut them a%% do'n: 0urry: .hreepio ho%ds his head in agony as he hears the incredib%e screaming and ho%%ering from Lu)e+s com%in)( THREEPIO Listen to them: .hey+re dying $rtoo: 5urse my meta% body: I 'asn+t fast enough( It+s a%% my fau%t: Ay poor master: LUKE 2over com%in)4 .hreepio 'e+re a%% right: INT. DEATH STAR - GARBAGE ROOM .he screaming and ho%%ering is the sound of <oyous re%ief( .he 'a%%s have stopped moving( 0an 5he'ie and Leia embrace in the bac)ground( LUKE *e+re a%% right( >ou did great( Lu)e moves to the pressure sensitive hatch number( %oo)ing for a

LUKE 0ey((( hey open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number((( 'here are 'e9 INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY - SERVICE PANEL

HAN 2over com%in)4 .hree1t'o1si&1eight1t'o1seven( INT. DEATH STAR - TRACTOR BEAM - POWER GENERATOR TRENCH /en enters a humming service trench that po'ers the huge tractor beam( .he trench seems to be a hundred mi%es deep( .he c%ac)ing sound of huge s'itching devices can be heard( .he o%d Jedi edges his his 'ay a%ong a narro' %edge %eading to a contro% pane% that connects t'o %arge cab%es( 0e carefu%%y ma)es severa% ad<ustments in the computer termina% and severa% %ights on the board go from red to b%ue( INT. DEATH STAR - UNUSED HALLWAY .he group e&its the garbage room into a dusty unused ha%%'ay( 0an and Lu)e remove the trooper suits and strap on the b%aster be%ts( HAN If 'e can <ust avoid any more fema%e advice 'e ought to be ab%e to get out of here( Lu)e smi%es and scratches his head as he ta)es a b%aster from ,o%o( *e%% LUKE %et+s get moving:

5he'ie begins gro'%ing and points to the hatch to the garbage room as he runs a'ay and then stops ho'%ing( HAN 2to 5he'ie4 *here are you going9 .he Dia ?ogu bangs against the hatch and a %ong s%imy tentac%e 'or)s its 'ay out of the door'ay searching for a victim( 0an aims his pisto%( ?o LEIA 'ait( .hey+%% hear:

0an fires at the door'ay( .he noise of the b%ast echoes re%ent%ess%y throughout the empty passage'ay( Lu)e simp%y sha)es his head in disgust( HAN 2to 5he'ie4 5ome here you big co'ard: 5he'ie sha)es his head @no(@ HAN

5he'ie: 5ome here: LEIA Listen( I don+t )no' 'ho you are or 'here you came from but from no' on you do as I te%% you( 7)ay9 0an is stunned at the command of the petite young gir%( HAN Loo) >our *orshipfu%ness %et+s get one thing straight: I ta)e orders from one person: Ae: LEIA It+s a 'onder you+re sti%% a%ive( 2%oo)ing at 5he'ie4 *i%% somebody get this big 'a%)ing carpet out of my 'ay9 0an 'atches her start a'ay( 0e %oo)s at Lu)e( HAN ?o re'ard is 'orth this( .hey fo%%o' her moving s'ift%y do'n the deserted corridor(

INT. DEATH STAR - POWER TRENCH ,udden%y a door behind /en s%ides open and a detachment of stormtroopers marches to the po'er trench( /en instant%y s%ips into the shado's as an 7fficer moves to 'ithin a fe' feet of him( OFFICER ,ecure this area unti% the a%ert is cance%ed( FIRST TROOPER Give me regu%ar reports( $%% but t'o of the stormtroopers %eave( FIRST TROOPER Do you )no' 'hat+s going on9 SECOND TROOPER Aaybe it+s another dri%%( /en moves around the tractor beam 'atching the stormtroopers as they turn their bac)s to him( /en gestures 'ith his hand to'ard them as the troops thin) they hear something in the other ha%%'ay( *ith the he%p of the Force /en deft%y s%ips past the troopers and into the main ha%%'ay( SECOND TROOPER *hat 'as that9


FIRST TROOPER it+s nothing( Don+t 'orry about it( INT. DEATH STAR - HALLWAY

Lu)e 0an 5he'bacca and Leia run do'n an empty ha%%'ay and stop before a bay 'indo' over%oo)ing the pirateship( .roopers are mi%%ing about the ship( Lu)e ta)es out his poc)et com%in)( HAN 2%oo)ing at his ship4 .here she is( LUKE ,ee1.hreepio do you copy9 THREEPIO 2voice4 For the moment( Ch 'e+re in the main hangar across from the ship( LUKE *e+re right above you( ,tand by( 0an is 'atching the do8en or so troops moving in and out of the pirateship( Leia moves to'ards 0an touches his arm and points out the 'indo' to the ship( LEIA >ou came in that thing9 >ou+re braver that I thought( HAN ?ice: 5ome on: 0an gives her a dirty %oo) and they start off do'n the ha%%'ay( .hey round a corner and run right into t'enty Imperia% stormtroopers heading to'ard them( /oth groups are ta)en by surprise and stop in their trac)s( FIRST TROOPER It+s them: /%ast them: /efore even thin)ing 0an dra's his %aser pisto% and charges the troops firing( 0is b%aster )noc)s one of the stormtroopers into the air( 5he'ie fo%%o's his captain do'n the corridor stepping over the fa%%en trooper on the f%oor( HAN 2to Lu)e and Leia4 Get bac) to the ship: LUKE *here are you going9 5ome bac):

0an has a%ready rounded a corner and does not hear( LEIA 0e certain%y has courage( LUKE *hat good 'i%% it do us if he gets himse%f )i%%ed9 5ome on: Lu)e is furious but doesn+t have time to thin) about it for muted a%arms begin to go off do'n on the hangar dec)( Lu)e and Leia start off to'ard the starship hangar( INT. DEATH STAR - SUBHALLWAY 0an chases the stormtroopers do'n a %ong subha%%'ay( 0e is ye%%ing and brandishing his %aser pisto%( .he troops reach a dead end and are forced to turn and fight( 0an stops a fe' feet from them and assumes a defensive position( .he troops begin to raise their %aser guns( ,oon a%% ten troopers are moving into an attac) position in front of the %one starpirate( 0an+s determined %oo) begins to fade as the troops begin to advance( ,o%o <umps bac)'ard as they fire at him( INT. DEATH STAR - SUBHALLWAY 5he'bacca runs do'n the subha%%'ay in a %ast1ditch attempt to save his bo%d captain( ,udden%y he hears the firing of %aser guns and ye%%ing( $round the corner shoots 0an pirate e&traordinaire running for his %ife fo%%o'ed by a host of furious stormtroopers( 5he'bacca turns and starts running the other 'ay a%so( INT. DEATH STAR - SUBHALLWAY Lu)e fires his %aser pisto% 'i%d%y as he and Leia rush do'n a narro' subha%%'ay chased by severa% stormtroopers( .hey ;uic)%y reach the end of the subha%%'ay and race through an open hatch'ay( INT. DEATH STAR - CENTRAL CORE SHAFT Lu)e and Leia race through the hatch onto a narro' bridge that spans a huge deep shaft that seems to go into infinity( .he bridge has been retracted into the 'a%% of the shaft and Lu)e a%most rushes into the abyss( 0e %oses his ba%ance off the end of the bridge as Leia behind him ta)es ho%d of his arm and pu%%s him bac)( LUKE 2gasping4 I thin) 'e too) a 'rong turn( /%asts from the stormtroopers+ %aser guns e&p%ode nearby reminding them of the oncoming danger( Lu)e fires bac) at the advancing troops( Leia reaches over and hits a s'itch that pops the hatch door shut 'ith a resounding boom %eaving

them precarious%y perched on a short piece of bridge overhang( Laserfire from the troopers continues to hit the stee% door( LEIA .here+s no %oc): Lu)e b%asts the contro%s 'ith his %aser pisto%( LUKE .hat oughta ho%d it for a 'hi%e( LEIA Duic) 'e+ve got to get across( Find the contro% that e&tends the bridge( 7h LUKE I thin) I <ust b%asted it(

Lu)e %oo)s at the b%asted bridge contro% 'hi%e the stormtroopers on the opposite side of the door begin ma)ing ominous dri%%ing and pounding sounds( LEIA .hey+re coming through: Lu)e notices something on his stormtrooper be%t 'hen %aserfire hits the 'a%% behind him( Lu)e aims his %aser pisto% at a stormtrooper perched on a higher bridge overhang across the abyss from them( .hey e&change fire( .'o more troops appear on another overhang a%so firing( $ trooper is hit and grabs at his chest( $nother trooper standing on the bridge overhang is hit by Lu)e+s %aserfire and p%ummets do'n the shaft( .roopers move bac) off the bridgeB Lu)e hands the gun to Leia( 0ere LUKE ho%d this(

Lu)e pu%%s a thin ny%on cab%e from his trooper uti%ity be%t( It has a grapp%er hoo) on it( $ trooper appears on a bridge overhang and fires at Lu)e and Leia( $s Lu)e 'or)s 'ith the rope Leia returns the %aser vo%%ey( $nother trooper appears and fires at them as Leia returns his fire as 'e%%( ,udden%y the hatch door begins to open revea%ing the feet of more troops( LEIA 0ere they come: Leia hits one of the stormtroopers on the bridge above and he fa%%s into the abyss( Lu)e tosses the rope across the gorge and it 'raps itse%f around an outcropping of pipes( 0e tugs on the rope to ma)e sure it is secure then grabs the princess in his arms( Leia %oo)s at Lu)e then )isses him ;uic)%y on the %ips( Lu)e is very surprised(

LEIA For %uc): Lu)e pushes off and they s'ing across the treacherous abyss to the corresponding hatch'ay on the opposite side( Just as Lu)e and Leia reach the far side of the canyon the stormtroopers brea) through the hatch and begin to fire at the escaping duo( Lu)e returns the fire before duc)ing into the tiny subha%%'ay( INT. DEATH STAR - NARROW PASSAGEWAY /en hides in the shado's of the narro' passage'ay as severa% stormtroopers rush past him in the main ha%%'ay( 0e chec)s to ma)e sure they+re gone then runs do'n the ha%%'ay in the opposite direction( Darth Vader appears at the far end of the ha%%'ay and starts after the o%d Jedi( INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY .hreepio %oo)s around at the troops mi%%ing about the pirateship entry ramp( THREEPIO *here cou%d they be9 $rtoo p%ugged into the computer soc)et turns his dome %eft and right beeping a response( INT. DEATH STAR - CORRIDOR - BLAST SHIELDS DOOR 0an and 5he'bacca run do'n a %ong corridor 'ith severa% troopers hot on their trai%( TROOPER 5%ose the b%ast doors: $t the end of the ha%%'ay b%ast doors begin to c%ose in front of them( .he young starpi%ot and his furry companion race past the huge doors <ust as they are c%osing and manage to get off a coup%e off %aserb%asts at the pursuing troops before the doors s%am shut( TROOPER 7pen the b%ast doors: 7pen the b%ast doors: INT. DEATH STAR - HALLWAY LEADING TO MAIN FORWARD BAY /en hurries a%ong one of the tunne%s %eading to the hangar 'here the pirateship 'aits( Just before he reaches the hangar Darth Vader steps into vie' at the end of the tunne% not ten feet a'ay( Vader %ights his saber( /en a%so ignites his and steps s%o'%y for'ard( VADER I+ve been 'aiting for you 7bi1*an(

*e meet again at %ast( .he circ%e is no' comp%ete( /en =enobi moves 'ith e%egant ease into a c%assica% offensive position( .he fearsome Dar) =night ta)es a defensive stance( VADER *hen I %eft you I 'as but the %earnerB no' I am the master( BEN 7n%y a master of evi% Darth(

.he t'o Ga%actic 'arriors stand perfect%y sti%% for a fe' moments si8ing each other up and 'aiting for the right moment( /en seems to be under increasing pressure and strain as if an invisib%e 'eight 'ere being p%aced upon him( 0e sha)es his head and b%in)ing tries to c%ear his eyes( /en ma)es a sudden %unge at the huge 'arrior but is chec)ed by a %ightning movement of .he ,ith( $ masterfu% s%ash stro)e by Vader is b%oc)ed by the o%d Jedi( $nother of the Jedi+s b%o's is b%oc)ed then countered( /en moves around the Dar) Lord and starts bac)ing into the massive starship hangar( .he t'o po'erfu% 'arriors stand motion%ess for a fe' moments 'ith %aser s'ords %oc)ed in mid1air creating a %o' bu88ing sound( VADER >our po'ers are 'ea) o%d man(

BEN >ou can+t 'in Darth( If you stri)e me do'n I sha%% become more po'erfu% than you can possib%y imagine( .heir %ightsabers continue to meet in combat( INT. DEATH STAR - MAIN FORWARD BAY 0an ,o%o and 5he'bacca their 'eapons in hand %ean bac) against the 'a%% surveying the for'ard bay 'atching the Imperia% stormtroopers ma)e their rounds of the hangar( HAN Didn+t 'e <ust %eave this party9 5he'bacca gro'%s a rep%y as Lu)e and the princess <oin them(

HAN *hat )ept you9 LEIA *e ran into some o%d friends( LUKE Is the ship a%% right9

HAN ,eems o)ay if 'e can get to it( Just hope the o%d man got the tractor beam out of commission( INT. DEATH STAR - HALLWAY Vader and /en =enobi continue their po'erfu% due%( $s they hit their %ightsabers together %ightning f%ashes on impact( .roopers %oo) on in interest as the o%d Jedi and Dar) Lord of .he ,ith fight( ,udden%y Lu)e spots the batt%e from his group+s vantage point( LUKE Loo): Lu)e Leia 0an and 5he'ie %oo) up and see /en and Vader emerging from the ha%%'ays on the far side of the doc)ing bay( INT. DEATH STAR - DOCKING BAY .hreepio and $rtoo1Detoo are in the center of the Death ,tar+s Imperia% doc)ing bay( 5ome on THREEPIO $rtoo 'e+re going:

.hreepio duc)s out of sight as the seven stormtroopers 'ho 'ere guarding the starship rush past them heading to'ards /en and .he ,ith =night( 0e pu%%s on $rtoo( INT. DEATH STAR - HALLWAY ,o%o 5he'ie Lu)e and Leia tense%y 'atch the due%( .he troops rush to'ard the batt%ing )nights( HAN ?o'+s our chance: Go: .hey start for the Ai%%ennium Fa%con( /en sees the troops charging to'ard him and rea%i8es that he is trapped( Vader ta)es advantage of /en+s momentary distraction and brings his mighty %ightsaber do'n on the o%d man( /en manages to def%ect the b%o' and s'ift%y turns around( .he o%d Jedi =night %oo)s over his shou%der at Lu)e %ifts his s'ord from Vader+s then 'atches his opponent 'ith a serene %oo) on his face( Vader brings his s'ord do'n cutting o%d /en in ha%f( /en+s c%oa) fa%%s to the f%oor in t'o parts but /en is not in it( Vader is pu88%ed at /en+s disappearance and po)es at the empty c%oa)( $s the guards are distracted the adventurers and the robots reach the starship( Lu)e sees /en cut in t'o and starts for him( $ghast he ye%%s out(

LUKE ?o: .he stormtroopers turn to'ard Lu)e and begin firing at him( .he robots are a%ready moving up the ramp into the Ai%%ennium Fa%con 'hi%e Lu)e transfi&ed by anger and a'e returns their fire( ,o%o <oins in the %aserfire( Vader %oo)s up and advances to'ard them as one of his troopers is struc) do'n( HAN 2to Lu)e4 5ome on: LEIA 5ome on: Lu)e its too %ate: HAN /%ast the door: =id: Lu)e fires his pisto% at the door contro% pane% and it e&p%odes( .he door begins to s%ide shut( .hree troopers charge for'ard firing %aser bo%ts as the door s%ides to a c%ose behind them shutting Vader and the other troops out of the doc)ing bay( $ stormtrooper %ies dead at the feet of his onrushing compatriots( Lu)e starts for the advancing troops as ,o%o and Leia move up the ramp into the pirateship( 0e fires hitting a stormtrooper 'ho crumb%es to the f%oor( BEN'S VOICE Run Lu)e: Run: Lu)e %oo)s around to see 'here the voice came from( 0e turns to'ard the pirateship duc)ing Imperia% gunfire from the troopers and races into the ship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 0an pu%%s bac) on the contro%s and the ship begins to move( .he du%% thud of %aser bo%ts bouncing off the outside of the ship as 5he'ie ad<usts his contro%s( HAN I hope the o%d man got that tractor beam out if commission or this is going to be a rea% short trip( 7)ay hit it: 5he'bacca gro'%s in agreement( EXT. MILLENNIUM FALCON .he Ai%%ennium Fa%con po'ers a'ay from the Death ,tar doc)ing bay ma)es a spectacu%ar turn and disappears into the vastness of space( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - CENTRAL HOLD AREA

Lu)e saddened by the %oss of 7bi1*an =enobi stares off b%an)%y as the robots %oo) on( Leia puts a b%an)et around him protective%y and Lu)e turns and %oo)s up at her( ,he sits do'n beside him( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT ,o%o spots approaching enemy ships( HAN 2to 5he'ie4 *e+re coming up on the sentry ships( 0o%d +em off: $ng%e the def%ector shie%ds 'hi%e I charge up the main guns: INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - CENTRAL HOLD AREA Lu)e %oo)s do'n'ard sad%y sha)ing his head bac) and forth as the princess smi%es comforting%y at him( LUKE I can+t be%ieve he+s gone( $rtoo1Detoo beeps a rep%y( LEIA .here 'asn+t anything you cou%d have done( 0an rushes into the ho%d area 'here Lu)e is sitting 'ith the princess( HAN 2to Lu)e4 buddy 'e+re not out of this yet:

5ome on

INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS - COCKPIT ,o%o c%imbs into his attac) position in the topside gunport( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - HOLD AREA Lu)e gets up and moves out to'ard the gunports as Leia heads for the coc)pit( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS - COCKPIT Lu)e c%imbs do'n the %adder into the gunport coc)pit sett%ing into one of the t'o main %aser cannons mounted in %arge rotating turrets on either side of the ship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - SOLO'S GUNPORT 0an ad<usts his headset as he sits before the contro%s of

his %aser cannon

then spea)s into the attached microphone( HAN 2to Lu)e4 )id9 7)ay stay sharp:

>ou in

INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS - COCKPIT 5he'bacca and -rincess Leia search the heavens for attac)ing .IE fighters( .he *oo)iee pu%%s bac) on the speed contro%s as the ship bounces s%ight%y( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - SOLO'S GUNPORT - COCKPIT 5omputer graphic readouts form on ,o%o+s target screen 0an reaches for contro%s( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORT - COCKPIT Lu)e sits in readiness for the attac) his hand on the %aser cannon+s contro% button( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT. 5he'bacca spots the enemy ships and bar)s( LEIA 2into intercom4 0ere they come: INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - POV &POINT OF VIEW' SPACE .he Imperia% .IE fighters move to'ards the Ai%%ennium Fa%con one each veering off to the %eft and right of the pirateship( INT. TIE FIGHTER - COCKPIT .he stars 'hip past behind the Imperia% pi%ot as he ad<usts his maneuvering <oy stic)( EXT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - IN SPACE .he .IE fighter races past the Fa%con it passes( firing %aser beams as as

INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - HOLD AREA .hreepio is seated in the ho%d area ne&t to $rtoo1Detoo( .he pirateship bounces and vibrates as the po'er goes out in the room and then comes bac) on( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - GUNPORTS $ .IE fighter maneuvers in front of 0an 'ho fo%%o's it and fires at it 'ith the %aser cannon( Lu)e does %i)e'ise as the fighter strea)s into vie'( .he ship has suffered a minor


and bounces s%ight%y( EXT. SPACE

.'o .IE fighters dive do'n to'ard the pirateship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS Lu)e fires at an unseen fighter( LUKE .hey+re coming in too fast: EXT. SPACE - MILLENNIUM FALCON/TIE FIGHTERS -an 'ith pirateship as t'o .IE fighters charge through the bac)ground( Laserbo%ts strea) from a%% the craft( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - CHEWBACCA .he ship shudders as a %aserbo%t hits very c%ose to the coc)pit( .he *oo)iee chatters something to Leia( EXT. TIE FIGHTER - SPACE Fu%% shot of a .IE fighter as it moves fast through the frame firing on the pirate starship( EXT. SPACE - TIE FIGHTERS .he t'o .IE fighters fire a barrage of %aserbeams at the pirateship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - MAIN PASSAGEWAY $ %aserbo%t strea)s into the side of the pirateship( .he ship %urches vio%ent%y thro'ing poor .hreepio into a cabinet fi%% of sma%% computer chips( THREEPIO 7ooh: INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - GUNPORTS Leia 'atches the computer readout as 5he'bacca manipu%ates the ship+s contro%s( LEIA *e+ve %ost %atera% contro%s( Don+t 'orry HAN she+%% ho%d together(

$n enemy %aserbo%t hits the pirateship+s contro% pane% causing it to b%o' out in a sho'er of spar)s( HAN

>ou hear me

2to ship4 baby9 0o%d together:

$rtoo1Detoo advances to'ard the smo)ing spar)ing contro% pane% dousing the inferno by spraying it 'ith fire retardant beeping a%% the 'hi%e( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORT Lu)e s'ive%s in his gun mount fo%%o'ing the .IE fighter 'ith his %aser cannon( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORT ,o%o aims his %aser cannon at the enemy fighter( EXT. SPACE $ .IE fighter strea)s in front of the starship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT Leia 'atches the .IE fighter ship f%y over( EXT. SPACE $ .IE fighter heads right for the pirateship overhead( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS Lu)e fo%%o's the .IE fighter across his fie%d of vie' %aserbeams from his cannon( EXT. TIE FIGHTER $ .IE fighter dives past the pirateship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS Lu)e fires at a .IE fighter( $t his port 0an fo%%o's a fighter in his sights re%easing a b%ast of %aserfire( 0e connects and the fighter e&p%odes into fiery dust( 0an %aughs victorious%y( EXT. SPACE .'o .IE fighters move to'ard and over the Ai%%ennium Fa%con un%eashing a barrage of %aserbo%ts at the ship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS $nother .IE fighter moves in on the pirateship and Lu)e smi%ing fires the %aser cannon at it scoring a spectacu%ar direct hit( LUKE firing then 8ooms

Got him: I got him: 0an turns and gives Lu)e a victory 'ave 'hich Lu)e g%eefu%%y returns( HAN Great )id: Don+t get coc)y( 0an turns bac) to his %aser cannon( EXT. SPACE .'o more .IE fighters cross in front of the pirateship( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT *hi%e 5he'bacca manipu%ates the contro%s Leia turns over her shou%der out the ports( LEIA .here are sti%% t'o more of them out there: EXT. SPACE $ .IE fighter moves up over the pirateship at it( firing %aserb%asts %oo)ing

INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS Lu)e and 0an %oo) into their respective pro<ected target screens( $n Imperia% fighter crosses ,o%o+s port and 0an s'ive%s in his chair fo%%o'ing it 'ith b%asts from his %aser cannon( $nother fighter crosses Lu)e+s port and he reacts in a %i)e manner the g%o' of his target screen %ighting his face( EXT. SPACE .he .IE fighter 8ooms to'ard the pirateship destructive b%asts at it( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORTS Lu)e fires a %aserb%ast at the approaching enemy fighter and it bursts into a spectacu%ar e&p%osion( Lu)e+s pro<ected screen gives a readout of the hit( .he pirateship bounces s%ight%y as it is struc) by the enemy fire( EXT. SPACE - TIE FIGHTER .he %ast of the attac)ing Imperia% .IE fighters %ooms in firing upon the Fa%con( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - GUNPORT ,o%o s'ive%s behind his cannon his aim describing the arc firing

of the .IE fighter( .he fighter comes c%oser firing at the pirateship but a 'e%%1aimed b%ast from ,o%o+s %aser cannon hits the attac)er 'hich b%o's up in a sma%% atomic sho'er of burning fragments( LUKE 2%aughing4 .hat+s it: *e did it: .he princess <umps up and gives 5he'ie a congratu%atory hug( LEIA *e did it: INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - PASSAGEWAY .hreepio %ies on the f%oor of the ship comp%ete%y tang%ed in the smo)ing spar)ing 'ires( THREEPIO 0e%p: I thin) I+m me%ting: 2to $rtoo4 .his is a%% your fau%t( $rtoo turns his dome from side to side beeping in response(

EXT. SPACE - MILLENNIUM FALCON .he victorious Ai%%ennium Fa%con moves off ma<estica%%y through space( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Darth Vader strides into the contro% room 'here .ar)in is 'atching the huge vie' screen( $ sea of stars is before him( TARKIN $re they a'ay9 VADER .hey have <ust made the <ump into hyperspace( TARKIN >ou+re sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship9 I+m ta)ing an a'fu% ris) Vader( .his had better 'or)( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 0an removes his g%oves and smi%ing is at the contro%s of the ship( 5he'ie moves into the aft section to chec) the damage( Leia is seated near 0an( HAN ?ot a bad bit of rescuing huh9 >ou


sometimes I even ama8e myse%f(

LEIA .hat doesn+t sound too hard( /esides they %et us go( It+s the on%y e&p%anation for the ease of our escape( HAN Easy((( you ca%% that easy9 LEIA .heir trac)ing us: HAN ?ot this ship Frustrated sister(

Leia sha)es her head(

LEIA $t %east the information in $rtoo is sti%% intact( HAN *hat+s so important9 *hat+s he carrying9 LEIA .he technica% readouts of that batt%e station( I on%y hope that 'hen the data is ana%y8ed a 'ea)ness can be found( It+s not over yet: HAN It is for me sister: Loo) in this for your revo%ution not in it for you -rincess( to be 'e%% paid( I+m in it money: I ain+t and I+m I e&pect for the

LEIA >ou needn+t 'orry about your re'ard( If money is a%% that you %ove then that+s 'hat you+%% receive: ,he angri%y turns and as she starts out of the coc)pit passes Lu)e coming in(

LEIA >our friend is ;uite a mercenary( I 'onder if he rea%%y cares about anything((( or anyone( LUKE I care: Lu)e sha)ing his head sits in the copi%ot seat( 0e and 0an

stare out at the vast b%ac)ness of space( LUKE ,o((( 'hat do you thin) of her HAN I+m trying not to )id: 0an9

LUKE 2under his breath4 Good((( HAN ,ti%% she+s got a %ot of spirit( I don+t )no' 'hat do you thin)9 Do you thin) a princess and a guy %i)e me((( LUKE ?o: Lu)e says it 'ith fina%ity and %oo)s a'ay( 0an smi%es at young Lu)e+s <ea%ousy( EXT. SPACE AROUND FOURTH MOON OF YAVIN .he battered pirateship drifts into orbit around the p%anet >avin and proceeds to one of its tiny green moons( EXT. FOURTH MOON OF YAVIN .he pirateship soars over the dense <ung%e( EXT. MASSASSI OUTPOST $n a%ert guard his %aser gun in hand scans the countryside( 0e sets the gun do'n and %oo)s to'ard the temp%e bare%y visib%e in the fo%iage( EXT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - JUNGLE TEMPLE Rotting in a forest of gargantuan trees an ancient temp%e %ies shrouded in an eerie mist( .he air is heavy 'ith the fantastic cries of unimaginab%e creatures( 0an Lu)e and the others are greeted by the Rebe% troops( Lu)e and the group ride into the massive temp%e on an armored mi%itary speeder( INT. MASSASSI - MAIN HANGAR DECK .he mi%itary speeder stops in a huge spaceship hangar set up in the interior of the crumb%ing temp%e( *i%%ard the commander of the Rebe% forces rushes up to the group and gives Leia a big hug( Every one is p%eased to see her( WILLARD

2ho%ding Leia4 >ou+re safe: *e had feared the 'orst( *i%%ard composes himse%f steps bac) and bo's forma%%y(

WILLARD *hen 'e heard about $%deraan 'e 'ere afraid that you 'ere((( %ost a%ong 'ith your father( LEIA *e don+t have time for our sorro's 5ommander( .he batt%e station has sure%y trac)ed us here( 2%oo)ing pointed%y to 0an4 It+s the on%y e&p%anation for the ease of our escape( >ou must use the information in this R3 unit to p%an the attac)( It is our on%y hope( EXT. SPACE .he surface of the Death ,tar ominous%y approaches the red p%anet >avin( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Grand Aoff .ar)in and Lord Vader are interrupted in their discussion by the bu88 of the com%in)( .ar)in moves to ans'er the ca%%( TARKIN >es( DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE *e are approaching the p%anet >avin( .he Rebe% base is on a moon on the far side( *e are preparing to orbit the p%anet( EXT. YAVIN - JUNGLE $ %one guard stands in a to'er high above the >avin %andscape surveying the countryside( $ mist hangs over the <ung%e of t'isted green( INT. MASSASSI - WAR ROOM BRIEFING AREA Dodonna stands before a %arge e%ectronic 'a%% disp%ay( Leia and severa% other senators are to one side of the giant readout( .he %o'1cei%inged room is fi%%ed 'ith starpi%ots navigators and a sprin)%ing of R31type robots( Everyone is %istening intent%y to 'hat Dodonna is saying( 0an and 5he'bacca are standing near the bac)( DODONNA .he batt%e station is heavi%y shie%ded

and carries a firepo'er greater than ha%f the star f%eet( It+s defenses are designed around a direct %arge1 sca%e assau%t( $ sma%% one1man fighter shou%d be ab%e to penetrate the outer defense( Go%d Leader a rough %oo)ing man in his ear%y thirties and addresses Dodonna( GOLD LEADER -ardon me for as)ing sir but 'hat good are snub fighters going to be against that9 DODONNA *e%% the Empire doesn+t consider a sma%% one1man fighter to be any threat or they+d have a tighter defense( $n ana%ysis of the p%ans provided by -rincess Leia has demonstrated a 'ea)ness in the batt%e station( $rtoo1Detoo stands ne&t to a simi%ar robot ma)es beeping sounds and turns his head from right to %eft( DODONNA .he approach 'i%% not be easy( >ou are re;uired to maneuver straight do'n this trench and s)im the surface to this point( .he target area is on%y t'o meters 'ide( It+s a sma%% therma% e&haust port right be%o' the main port( .he shaft %eads direct%y to the reactor system( $ precise hit 'i%% start a chain reaction 'hich shou%d destroy the station( $ murmer of disbe%ief runs through the room( DODONNA 7n%y a precise hit 'i%% set up a chain reaction( .he shaft is ray1 shie%ded so you+%% have to use proton torpedoes( Lu)e is sitting ne&t to *edge $nti%%es a hotshot pi%ot about si&teen years o%d( WEDGE .hat+s impossib%e even for a computer( LUKE It+s not impossib%e( I used to bu%%+s1 stands

eye 'omp rats in my .1si&teen bac) home( .hey+re not much bigger than t'o meters( DODONNA Aan your ships: $nd may the Force be 'ith you: .he group rises and begins to %eave( EXT. SPACE .he Death ,tar begins to move around the p%anet to'ard the tiny green moon( INT. DEATH STAR .ar)in and Vader 'atch the computer pro<ected screen 'ith interest as a circ%e of %ights intert'ines around one another on the screen sho'ing it+s position in re%ation to >avin and the forth moon( DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE 7rbiting the p%anet at ma&imum ve%ocity( .he moon 'ith the Rebe% base 'i%% be in range in thirty minutes( VADER .his 'i%% be a day %ong remembered( It has seen the end of =enobi and it 'i%% soon see the end of the Rebe%%ion( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - MAIN HANGAR DECK Lu)e .hreepio and %itt%e $rtoo enter the huge spaceship hangar and hurry a%ong a %ong %ine of g%eaming spacefighters( F%ight cre's rush around %oading %ast1minute armaments and un%oc)ing po'er coup%ings( In an area iso%ated from this activity Lu)e finds 0an and 5he'bacca %oading sma%% bo&es onto an armored speeder( MAN'S VOICE 2over %oudspea)er4 $%% f%ight trooper man your stations( $%% f%ight troops man your stations( 0an is de%iberate%y ignoring the activity of the fighter pi%ots+ preparation( Lu)e is ;uite saddened at the sight of his friend+s departure( LUKE ,o((( you got your re'ard and you+re <ust %eaving then9 .hat+s right HAN yeah: I got some o%d

debts I+ve got to pay off 'ith this stuff( Even if I didn+t you don+t thin) I+d be foo% enough to stic) around here do you9 *hy don+t you come 'ith us9 >ou+re pretty good in a fight( I cou%d use you( LUKE 2getting angry4 5ome on: *hy don+t you ta)e a %oo) around9 >ou )no' 'hat+s about to happen 'hat they+re up against( .hey cou%d use a good pi%ot %i)e you( >ou+re turning your bac) on them( HAN *hat good+s a re'ard if you ain+t around to use it9 /esides attac)ing that batt%e station ain+t my idea of courage( It+s more %i)e suicide( LUKE $%% right( *e%% ta)e care of yourse%f 0an( I guess that+s 'hat you+re best at isn+t it9 Lu)e goes off and 0an hesitates 0ey then ca%%s to him(

HAN Lu)e((( may the Force be 'ith you:

Lu)e turns and sees 0an 'in) at him( Lu)e %ifts his hand in a sma%% 'ave and then goes off( 0an turns to 5he'ie 'ho gro'%s at his captain HAN *hat+re you %oo)in+ at9 I )no' 'hat I+m doing( INT. MAIN HANGAR DECK - LUKE'S SHIP Lu)e Leia and Dodonna meet under a huge space fighter( LEIA *hat+s 'rong9 7h LUKE it+s 0an: I don+t )no' I rea%%y thought he+d change his mind(

LEIA 0e+s got to fo%%o' his o'n path( ?o one can choose it for him(

LUKE I on%y 'ish /en 'ere here( Leia gives Lu)e a %itt%e )iss turns and goes off( $s Lu)e heads for his ship another pi%ot rushes up to him and grabs his arm( BIGGS Lu)e: I don+t be%ieve it: 0o'+d you get here((( are you going out 'ith us9: LUKE /iggs: 7f course I+%% be up there 'ith you: Listen have I got some stories to te%%((( Red Leader a rugged handsome man in his forties comes up behind Lu)e and /iggs( 0e has the confident smi%e of a born %eader( RED LEADER $re you((( Lu)e ,)y'a%)er9 0ave you been chec)ed out on the Incom .1si&ty1 five9 ,ir BIGGS Lu)e is the best bushpi%ot in the outer rim territories(

Red Leader pats Lu)e on the bac) as they stop in front of his fighter( RED LEADER I met your father once 'hen I 'as <ust a boy he 'as a great pi%ot( >ou+%% do a%% right( If you+ve got ha%f of your father+s s)i%% you+%% do better than a%% right( .han) you LUKE sir( I+%% try(

Red Leader hurries to his o'n ship( BIGGS I+ve got to get aboard( Listen you+%% te%% me your stories 'hen 'e come bac)( $%% right9 LUKE I to%d you I+d ma)e it someday /iggs(

BIGGS 2going off4 >ou did a%% right( It+s going to be %i)e o%d times Lu)e( *e+re a coup%e

of shooting stars that+%% never be stopped: Lu)e %aughs and sha)es his head in agreement( 0e heads for his ship( $s Lu)e begins to c%imb up the %adder into his s%ee) dead%y spaceship the cre' chief 'ho is 'or)ing on the craft points to %itt%e $rtoo 'ho is being hoisted into a soc)et on the bac) of the fighter( CHIEF .his R3 unit of your seems a bit beat up( Do you 'ant a ne' one9 LUKE ?ot on your %ife: .hat %itt%e droid and I have been through a %ot together( 2to $rtoo4 >ou o)ay $rtoo9 .he cre'men %o'er $rtoo1Detoo into the craft( ?o' a part of the e&terior she%% of the starship the %itt%e droid beeps that he is fine( Lu)e c%imbs up into the coc)pit of his fighter and his he%met( .hreepio %oo)s on from the f%oor of the hangar as the cre'men secure his %itt%e e%ectronic into Lu)e+s F1'ing( It+s an emotiona%1fi%%ed moment beeps good1bye( 7)ay CHIEF easy she goes: puts an massive partner as $rtoo

THREEPIO 0ang on tight $rtoo you+ve got to come bac)( $rtoo beeps in agreement( THREEPIO >ou 'ou%dn+t 'ant my %ife to get boring 'ou%d you9 $rtoo 'hist%es his rep%y( $%% fina% preparations are made for the approaching batt%e( .he hangar is bu88ing 'ith the %ast minute activity as the pi%ots and cre'men a%i)e ma)e their fina% ad<ustments( .he hum of activity is occasiona%%y trespassed by the distorted voice of the %oudspea)er issuing commands( 5oup%ing hoses are disconnected from the ships as they are fue%ed( 5oc)pit shie%ds ro%% smooth%y into p%ace over each pi%ot( $ signa%man ho%ding red guiding %ights directs the ships( Lu)e a trace of a smi%e gracing his %ips peers about through his gogg%es(


BEN'S VOICE the Force 'i%% be 'ith you(

Lu)e is confused at the voice and taps his headphones( EXT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - JUNGLE $%% that can be seen of the fortress is a %one guard standing on a sma%% pedesta% <utting out above the dense <ung%e( .he muted gruesome crying sounds that natura%%y permeate this eerie purgatory are over'he%med by the thundering din of ion roc)ets as four si%ver starships catapu%t from the fo%iage in a tight formation and disappears into the morning c%oud cover( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM .he princess .hreepio and a fie%d commander sit ;uiet%y before the giant disp%ay sho'ing the p%anet >avin and its four moons( .he red dot that represents the Death ,tar moves ever c%oser to the system( $ series of green dots appear around the fourth moon( $ din of indistinct chatter fi%%s the 'ar room( MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE ,tand1by a%ert( Death ,tar approaching( Estimated time to firing range fifteen minutes( EXT. SPACE .he Death ,tar s%o'%y moves behind the massive ye%%o' surface of >avin in the foreground as many F1'ing fighters f%ying in formation 8oom to'ard us and out of the frame( EXT. SPACE - ANOTHER ANGLE Light from a distant sun creates an eerie atmospheric g%o' around a huge p%anet >avin( Rebe% fighters f%ying in formation sett%e ominous%y in the foreground and very s%o'%y pu%% a'ay( INT. RED LEADER STARSHIP - COCKPIT Red Leader %o'ers his visor and ad<usts his gun sights %oo)ing to each side at his 'ing men( RED LEADER $%% 'ings report in( INT. ANOTHER COCKPIT 7ne of the Rebe% fighters chec)s in through his mi)e( RED TEN Red .en standing by(

INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT /iggs chec)s his fighter+s contro%s combat( a%ert and ready for

RED SEVEN 2over /iggs+ headset4 Red ,even standing by( BIGGS Red .hree standing by( INT. PORKINS' COCKPIT PORKINS Red ,i& standing by( RED NINE 2over headset4 Red ?ine standing by( INT. WEDGE'S FIGHTER - COCKPIT WEDGE Red .'o standing by( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT RED ELEVEN 2over headset4 Red E%even standing by( LUKE Red Five standing by( EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER $rtoo1Detoo in position outside of the fighter turns his head from side to side and ma)es beeping sounds( INT. RED LEADER'S FIGHTER - COCKPIT RED LEADER Loc) ,1foi%s in attac) position( EXT. SPACE .he group of F1'ing fighters move in formation to'ard the Death ,tar unfo%ding the 'ings and %oc)ing them in the @F@ position( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT READ LEADER 2over headset4 *e+re passing through their magnetic fie%d(

INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER 0o%d tight: INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e ad<usts his contro%s as he concentrates on the approaching Death ,tar( .he ship begins to be buffeted s%ight%y( RED LEADER 2over headset4 ,'itch your def%ectors on( INT. ANOTHER COCKPIT RED LEADER 2over headset4 Doub%e front: EXT. SPACE .he fighters no' F1shaped darts move in formation( .he Death ,tar no' appears to be a sma%% moon gro'ing rapid%y in si8e as the Rebe% fighters approach( 5omp%e& patterns on the meta%%ic surface begin to become visib%e( $ %arge dish antenna is bui%t into the surface on one side( INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT *edge is ama8ed and s%ight%y frightened at the a'esome spectac%e( WEDGE Loo) at the si8e of that thing: RED LEADER 2over headset4 5ut the chatter Red .'o( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER $cce%erate to attac) speed( .his is it boys: EXT. SPACE $s the fighters move c%oser to the Death ,tar the a'esome si8e of the gargantuan Imperia% fortress is revea%ed( 0a%f of the dead%y space station is in shado' and this area spar)%es 'ith thousands of sma%% %ights running in thin %ines and occasiona%%y grouped in %arge c%ustersB some'hat %i)e a city at night as seen from a 'eather sate%%ite(

INT. GOLD LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader GOLD LEADER this is Go%d Leader(

RED LEADER 2over headset4 I copy Go%d Leader( GOLD LEADER *e+re starting for the target shaft no'( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader %oo)s around at his 'ingmenB the Death ,tar %ooming in from behind( .'o >1'ing fighters bob bac) and forth in the bac)ground( 0e moves his computer targeting device into position( RED LEADER *e+re in position( I+m going to cut across the a&is and try and dra' their fire( EXT. SPACE .'o s;uads of Rebe% fighters pee% off( .he F1'ings dive to'ards the Death ,tar surface( $ thousand %ights g%o' across the dar) grey e&panse of the huge station( INT. DEATH STAR $%arm sirens scream as so%diers scramb%e to %arge turbo1 po'ered %aser gun emp%acements( E%ectronic drivers rotate the huge guns into position as cre' ad<ust their targeting devices( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Laserbo%ts strea) through the star1fi%%ed night( .he Rebe% F1 'ing fighters move in to'ard the Imperia% base as the Death ,tar aims its massive %aser guns at the Rebe% forces and fires( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM -rincess Leia %istens to the batt%e over the intercom( .hreepio is at her side( WEDGE 2over 'ar room spea)er system4 0eavy fire boss: .'enty1degrees( RED LEADER 2over spea)er4

I see it( ,tay %o'( EXT. SPACE $n F1'ing 8ooms across the surface of the Death ,tar( INT. DEATH STAR .echnica% cre's scurry here and there %oading %ast1minute armaments and un%oc)ing po'er cab%es( INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT *edge maneuvers his fighter to'ard the menacing Death ,tar( EXT. SPACE F1'ings continue in their attac) course on the Death ,tar( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e nosedives radica%%y starting his attac) on the monstrous fortress( .he Death ,tar surface strea)s past the coc)pit 'indo'( LUKE .his is Red FiveB I+m going in: EXT. SPACE Lu)e+s F1'ing races to'ard the Death ,tar( Laserbo%ts strea) from Lu)e+s 'eapons creating a huge fireba%% e&p%osion on the dim surface( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT .error crosses Lu)e+s face as he rea%i8es he 'on+t be ab%e to pu%% out in time to avoid the fireba%%( BIGGS 2over headset4 Lu)e pu%% up: EXT. SURFACE OF DEATH STAR Lu)e+s ship emerges from the fireba%% 'ith the %eading edges of his 'ings s%ight%y scorched( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT BIGGS $re you a%% right9 INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e ad<usts his contro%s and breathes a sigh of re%ief( F%a) bursts outside the coc)pit 'indo'(

LUKE I got a %itt%e coo)ed

but I+m o)ay(

EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Rebe% fighters continue to strafe the Death ,tar+s surface 'ith %aserbo%ts( INT. DEATH STAR *a%%s buc)%e and cave in( .roops and e;uipment are b%o'n in a%% directions( ,tormtroopers stagger out of the rubb%e( ,tanding in the midd%e of the chaos a vision of ca%m and foreboding is Darth Vader( 7ne of his $stro17fficers rushes up to him( ASTRO-OFFICER *e count thirty Rebe% ships Lord Vader( /ut they+re so sma%% they+re evading our turbo1%asers: VADER *e+%% have to destroy them ship to ship( Get the cre's to their fighters( INT. DEATH STAR ,mo)e be%ches from the giant %aser guns as they 'ind up their turbine generators to create sufficient po'er( .he cre' rushes about preparing for another b%ast( Even the troopers head gear is not ade;uate to protect them from the over'he%ming noise of the monstrous 'eapon( 7ne troopers bangs his he%met 'ith his hand in an attempt to stop the ringing( INT. READ LEADER'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Red Leader f%ies through a heavy hai% of f%a)( Lu)e RED LEADER %et me )no' 'hen you+re going in(

INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING .he Red Leader+s F1'ing f%ies past Lu)e as he puts his nose do'n and starts his attac) dive( LUKE I+m on my 'ay in no'((( RED LEADER *atch yourse%f: .here+s a %ot of fire coming from the right side of that def%ection to'er( LUKE

I+m on it( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e f%ings his F1'ing into a t'isting dive across the hori8on and do'n onto the dim grey surface( EXT. LUKE'S X-WING TRAVELING $ shot hur%s from Lu)e+s guns( Laserbo%ts strea) to'ard the onrushing Death ,tar surface( ,evera% sma%% radar emp%acements erupt in f%ame( Laserfire erupts from a protruding to'er on the surface( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING .he b%urry Death ,tar surface races past the coc)pit 'indo' as a big smi%e s'eeps across Lu)e+s face at the success of his run( F%a) thunders on a%% sides of him( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .he Death ,tar superstructure races past Lu)e as he maneuvers his craft through a 'a%% of %aserfire and pee%s a'ay from the surface to'ards the heavens( INT. DEATH STAR .he thunder and smo)e of the big guns reverberate throughout the massive structure( Aany so%diers rush about in the smo)e and chaos si%houetted by the a%most continua% f%ash of e&p%osions( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT - TRAVELING /iggs dives through a forest of radar domes antennae and gun to'ers as he shoots %o' across the Death ,tar surface( $ dense barrage of %aserfire strea)s by on a%% sides( INT. DEATH STAR Imperia% star pi%ots dash in unison to a %ine of sma%% au&i%iary hatches that %ead to Imperia% .IE fighters( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM -rincess Leia surrounded by her genera%s and aides paces nervous%y before a %ighted computer tab%e( 7n a%% sides technicians 'or) in front of many %ighted g%ass 'a%%s( Dodonna 'atches ;uiet%y from one corner( 7ne of the officers 'or)ing over a screen spea)s into his headset( CONTROL OFFICER ,;uad %eaders 'e+ve pic)ed up a ne' group of signa%s( Enemy fighters coming your 'ay(

INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Lu)e %oo)s around to see if he can spot the approaching Imperia% fighters( LUKE Ay scope+s negative( I don+t see anything( INT. RED LEADER'S X-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING .he Death ,tar+s surface s'eeps past as Red Leader searches the s)y for the Imperia% fighters( F%a) pounds at his ship( RED LEADER =eep up your visua% scanning( *ith a%% this <amming they+%% be on top of you before your scope can pic) them up( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR ,i%houetted against the rim %ights of the Death ,tar hori8on four ferocious Imperia% .IE ships dive on the Rebe% fighters( .'o of the .IE fighters pee% off and drop out of frame( -an 'ith the remaining t'o .IE ships( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT - TRAVELING /iggs panics 'hen he discovers a .IE ship on his tai%( .he hori8on in the bac)ground t'ists around as he pee%s off hoping to %ose the Imperia% fighter( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER /iggs: >ou+ve pic)ed one up((( 'atch it: BIGGS I can+t see it: *here is he9: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR /iggs 8ooms off the surface and into space c%ose%y fo%%o'ed by an Imperia% .IE fighter( .he .IE ship fires severa% %aserbo%ts at /iggs but misses( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT - TRAVELING /iggs see the .IE ship behind him and s'ings around to avoid him( BIGGS 0e+s on me tight I can+t sha)e him((( I can+t sha)e him( trying

EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR /iggs f%ying at high a%titude pee%s off and dives to'ard the Death ,tar surface but he is unab%e to %ose the .IE fighter 'ho stic)s c%ose to his tai%( INT. X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Lu)e is f%ying upside do'n( 0e rotates his ship around to norma% attitude as he comes out of his dive( 0ang on LUKE /iggs I+m coming in(

EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR /iggs and the tai%ing .IE ship dive for the surface no' fo%%o'ed by a fast1gaining Lu)e( $fter /iggs dives out of sight Lu)e chases the Imperia% fighter( EXT. SURFACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR In the foreground the Imperia% fighter races across the Death ,tar+s surface c%ose%y fo%%o'ed by Lu)e in the bac)ground( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT - TRAVELING .here is a shot from Lu)e+s F1'ing of the .IE ship e&p%oding in a mass of f%ames( LUKE Got him: INT. DEATH STAR Darth Vader strides purposefu%%y do'n a Death ,tar corridor f%an)ed by Imperia% stormtroopers( VADER ,evera% fighters have bro)en off from the main group( 5ome 'ith me: INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM $ concerned -rincess Leia .hreepio Dodonna and other officers of the Rebe%%ion stand around the huge round readout screen %istening to the ship1to1ship communication on the room+s %oudspea)er( BIGGS 2over spea)er4 -u%% in: Lu)e((( pu%% in: WEDGE 2over spea)er4 *atch your bac) Lu)e:

INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT WEDGE 2over headset4 *atch your bac): Fighter+s above you coming in: EXT. SPACE Lu)e+s ship soars a'ay from the Death ,tar+s surface as he spots the tai%ing .IE fighter( INT. TIE FIGHTER'S COCKPIT .he .IE pi%ot ta)es aim at Lu)e+s F1'ing( EXT. SPACE .he Imperia% .IE fighter pi%ot scores a hit on Lu)e+s ship( Fire brea)s out on the right side of the F1'ing( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s out of his coc)pit at the f%ames on his ship( I+m hit LUKE but not bad(

EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER ,mo)e pours out from behind $rtoo1Detoo( $rtoo LUKE'S VOICE see 'hat you can do 'ith it( 0ang on bac) there(

Green %aserfire moves past the beeping %itt%e robot as his head turns( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e nervous%y 'or)s his contro%s( RED LEADER 2over headset4 Red ,i&((( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM In the 'ar room Leia stands fro8en as she %istens and 'orries about Lu)e( RED LEADER 2over spea)er4 5an you see Red Five9

RED TEN 2over spea)er4 .here+s a heavy fire 8one on this side( Red Five 'here are you9 INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e spots the .IE fighter behind him and soars a'ay from the Death ,tar surface( LUKE I can+t sha)e him: EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s ship soars c%oser to the surface of the Death ,tar an Imperia% .IE fighter c%osing in on him in hot pursuit( INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT .he Death ,tar 'hips be%o' *edge( WEDGE I+m on him Lu)e: INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT WEDGE 2over headset4 0o%d on: EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR *edge dives across the hori8on to'ard Lu)e and the .IE fighter( INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT *edge moves his F1'ing in rapid%y( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e reacts frantica%%y( LUKE /%ast it: *edge 'here are you9 INT. TIE FIGHTER - COCKPIT .he fighter pi%ot 'atches *edge+s F1'ing approach( $nother F1 'ing <oins him and both un%eash a vo%%ey of %aserfire on the Imperia% fighter( EXT. SPACE .he .IE fighter e&p%odes fi%%ing the screen 'ith 'hite %ight( Lu)e+s ship can be seen far in the distance(

INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s about in re%ief( LUKE .han)s *edge( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia .hreepio Dodonna and other Rebe% officers are %istening to the Rebe% Fighter+s radio transmissions over the 'ar room intercom( BIGGS 2over spea)er4 Good shooting *edge: GOLD LEADER 2over spea)er4 Red Leader((( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Leader pee%s off and starts to'ard the %ong trenches at the Death ,tar surface po%e( GOLD LEADER .his is Go%d Leader( *e+re starting out attac) run( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .hree >1'ing fighters of the Go%d group dive out of the stars to'ard the Death ,tar surface( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others are grouped around the screen as technicians move about attending to their duties( RED LEADER 2over spea)er4 Go%d Leader( Aove into position(

I copy

EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .hree Imperia% .IE ships in precise formation dive to'ard the Death ,tar surface( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Darth Vader ca%m%y ad<usts his contro% stic) as the stars 'hip past in the 'indo' above his head( VADER

,tay in attac) formation: INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM .echnicians are seated at the computer readout tab%e( GOLD LEADER 2over spea)er4 .he e&haust post is((( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT GOLD LEADER (((mar)ed and %oc)ed in: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Go%d Leader approaches the surface and pu%%s out to s)im the surface of the huge station( .he ship moves into a deep trench firing %aserbo%ts( .he surface strea)s past as %aserfire is returned by the Death ,tar( INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING - COCKPIT - TRAVELING Go%d Five is a pi%ot in his ear%y fifties 'ith a very battered he%met that %oo)s %i)e it+s been through many batt%es( 0e %oo)s around to see if enemy ships are near( 0is fighter is buffeted by Imperia% f%a)( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Leader races do'n the enormous trench that %eads to the e&haust port( Laserbo%ts b%ast to'ard him in increasing numbers occasiona%%y e&p%oding near the ship causing it to bounce about( GOLD LEADER ,'itch po'er to front def%ector screens( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .hree >1'ing s)im the Death ,tar surface deep in the trench as %aserbo%ts strea) past on a%% sides( EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE - GUN EMPLACEMENTS $n e&terior surface gun b%a8es a'ay at the oncoming Rebe% fighters( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT GOLD LEADER 0o' many guns do you thin) Five( Go%d


GOLD FIVE 2over spea)er4 I+d say about t'enty guns( ,ome on the surface some on the to'ers( Leia .hreepio and the technicians vie' the pro<ected target screen as red and b%ue target %ights g%o'( .he red target near the center b%in)s on and off( MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE 2over spea)er4 Death ,tar 'i%% be in range in five minutes( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .he three >1'ing fighters race to'ard camera and 8oom overhead through a hai% of %aserfire( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Leader pu%%s his computer targeting device do'n in front of his eye( Laserbo%ts continue to batter the Rebe% craft( GOLD LEADER ,'itching to targeting computer( INT. GOLD TWO'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d .'o a younger pi%ot about Lu)e+s age pu%%s do'n his targeting eye vie'er and ad<usts it( 0is ship shudders under intense %aser barrage( GOLD TWO 5omputer+s %oc)ed( Getting a signa%( $s the fighters begin to approach the target area sudden%y a%% the %aserfire stops( $n eerie c%am c%ings over the trench as the surface 'hips past in a b%ur( GOLD TWO .he guns((( they+ve stopped: EXT. GOLD FIVE'S COCKPIT Go%d Five %oo)s behind him( GOLD FIVE ,tabi%i8e your read def%ectors( *atch for enemy fighters( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT GOLD LEADER .hey+ve coming in: .hree mar)s at t'o ten(

EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .hree Imperia% .IE ships Darth Vader in the center f%an)ed by t'o 'ingmen dive in precise formation a%most vertica%%y to'ard the Death ,tar surface( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Darth Vader ca%m%y ad<usts his contro% stic) as the stars 8oom by( VADER I+%% ta)e them myse%f: 5over me: WINGMAN'S VOICE 2over spea)er4 >es sir( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .hree .IE fighters 8oom across the surface of the Death ,tar( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader %ines up Go%d .'o in his targeting computer( Vader+s hands grip the contro% stic) as he presses the button( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT .he coc)pit e&p%odes around Go%d .'o( 0is head fa%%s for'ard( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR $s Go%d .'o+s ship e&p%odes debris is f%ung out into space(

INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Leader %oo)s over his shou%der at the scene( EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH .he three .IE fighters race a%ong in the trench in a tight formation( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Leader panics( GOLD LEADER 2into mi)e4 I can+t maneuver: INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Five the o%d veteran trys to ca%m Go%d Leader(

GOLD FIVE ,tay on target( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT .he Death ,tar races by outside the coc)pit 'indo' as he ad<usts his targeting device( GOLD LEADER *e+re too c%ose( INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING - COCKPIT .he o%der pi%ot remains ca%m( GOLD FIVE ,tay on target: INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT ?o' he+s rea%%y panic)ed( GOLD LEADER Loosen up: INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader ca%m%y ad<usts his targeting computer and pushes the fire button( INT. GOLD LEADER'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Leader+s ship is hit by Vader+s %aser( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Go%d Leader e&p%odes in a ba%% of f%ames a%% directions( thro'ing debris in

INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING - COCKPIT Go%d Five moves in on the e&haust port( GOLD FIVE Go%d Five to Red Leader((( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s over his shou%der at the action outside of his coc)pit( GOLD FIVE 2over headset4 Lost .iree %ost Dutch( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT

RED LEADER I copy Go%d Five( INT. GOLD FIVE'S Y-WING - COCKPIT GOLD FIVE .hey came from behind((( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR 7ne of the engines e&p%odes on Go%d Five+s >1'ing fighter b%a8ing out of contro%( 0e dives past the hori8on to'ard the Death ,tar+s surface passing a .IE fighter during his descent( Go%d Five a veteran of count%ess campaigns spins to'ard his death( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s nervous%y about him at the e&p%osive batt%e( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Grant Aoff .ar)in and a 5hief 7fficer stand in the Death ,tar+s contro% room( OFFICER *e+ve ana%y8ed their attac) sir and there is a danger( ,hou%d I have your ship standing by9 TARKIN Evacuate9 In out moment of triumph9 I thin) you overestimate their chances: .ar)in turns to the computer readout screen( F%ames move around the green dis) at the center of the screen as numbers read across the bottom( VOICE 2over spea)er4 three minutes and c%osing(

Rebe% base

INT. READ LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader %oo)s over at his 'ingmen( Red Group RED LEADER this is Red Leader(

INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Dodonna moves to the intercom as he fidd%es 'ith the computer )eys( RED LEADER 2over spea)er4

Rende8vous at mar) si& point one( WEDGE 2over spea)er4 .his is Red .'o( F%ying to'ard you( BIGGS 2over spea)er4 Red .hree standing by( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT DODONNA 2over headset4 Red Leader this is /ase 7ne( =eep ha%f your group out of range for the ne&t run( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT RED LEADER'S VOICE 2over headset4 5opy /ase 7ne( Lu)e ta)e Red .'o and .hree( 0o%d up here and 'ait for my signa%((( to start your run( Lu)e nods his head( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .he F1'ing fighters of Lu)e /iggs and *edge f%y in formation high above the Death ,tar+s surface( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e peers out from his coc)pit( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .'o F1'ings move across the surface of the Death ,tar( Red Leader+s F1'ing drops do'n to the surface %eading to the e&haust port( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader %oo)s around to 'atch for the .IE fighters( 0e begins to perspire( RED LEADER .his is it: EXT. SPACE Red Leader roams do'n the trench of the Death ,tar as %asers strea) across the b%ac) heavens( EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE - GUN EMPLACEMENTS

$ huge remote1contro% %aser cannon fires at the approaching Rebe% fighters( EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH .he Rebe% fighters evade the Imperia% %aser b%asts( INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Red .en %oo)s around for the Imperia% fighters( RED TEN *e shou%d be ab%e to see it by no'( EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH From the coc)pits of the Rebe% pi%ots the surface of the Death ,tar strea)s by 'ith Imperia% %aserfire shooting to'ard them( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER =eep your eyes open for those fighters: INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT RED TEN .here+s too much interference: EXT. SPACE - DEATH STAR TRENCH .hree F1'ing fighters move in formation do'n the Death ,tar trench( Red Five RED TEN'S VOICE can you see them from 'here you are9

INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s do'n at the Death ,tar surface be%o'( LUKE ?o sign of any((( 'ait: INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Red .en %oo)s up and sees the Imperia% fighters( LUKE 2over headset4 5oming in point three five( RED TEN

I see them( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .hree .IE fighters Vader f%an)ed by t'o 'ingmen dive in a tight formation( .he sun ref%ects off their dominate so%ar fins as they %oop to'ard the Death ,tar+s surface( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader pu%%s his targeting device in front of his eyes and ma)es severa% ad<ustments( RED LEADER I+m in range( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Red Leader+s F1'ing moves up the Death ,tar trench( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER .arget+s coming up: Red Leader %oo)s at his computer target readout screen( 0e then %oo)s into his targeting device( RED LEADER Just ho%d them off for a fe' seconds( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader ad<usts his contro% %ever and dives on the F1'ing fighters( VADER 5%ose up formation( EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH .he three .IE fighters move in formation across the Death ,tar surface( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader %ines up his target on the targeting device cross hairs( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader and his 'ingmen 8oom do'n the trench( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader rapid%y approaches the t'o F1'ings of Red .en and Red .'e%ve( Vader+s %aser cannon f%ashes be%o' the vie' of the

front portho%e( the F1'ings sho' in the center of Vader+s computer screen( EXT. SPACE Red .'e%ve+s F1'ing fighter is hit by Vader+s %aserfire it e&p%odes into f%ames against the trench( INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Red .en 'or)s at his contro%s furious%y trying to avoid Vader+s fighter behind him( RED .E?E >ou+d better %et her %oose( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader is concentrating on his targeting device( RED LEADER $%most there: INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT. Red .en panics( RED TEN I can+t ho%d them: EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader and his 'ingmen 'hip through the trench in pursuit of the Rebe% fighters( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader coo%y pushes the fire button on his contro% stic)( INT. RED TEN'S COCKPIT Darth Vader+s 'e%%1aimed %aserfire proves to be unavoidab%e and stri)es Red .en+s ship( Red .en screams in anguish and pain( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Red .en+s ship e&p%odes and bursts into f%ames( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Grim%y Red Leader ta)es carefu% aim and 'atches his computer targeting device 'hich sho's the target %ined up in the cross hairs and fires( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT RED LEADER and

It+s a'ay: INT. DEATH STAR $n armed Imperia% stormtrooper is )noc)ed to the f%oor from the attac) e&p%osion( 7ther troopers scurrying about the corridors are )noc)ed against the 'a%% and %ose their ba%ance( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others stare at the computer screen( RED NINE'S VOICE 2over spea)er4 It+s a hit: RED LEADER 2over spea)er4 ?egative( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader %oo)s bac) at the receding Death ,tar( .iny e&p%osions are visib%e in the distance( RED LEADER ?egative: It didn+t go in( It <ust impacted on the surface( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR - TIE FIGHTER Darth Vader pee%s off in pursuit as Red Leader+s F1'ing passes the Death ,tar hori8on( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader s'ings his ship around for the ne&t )i%%( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT LUKE 2over headset4 Red Leader 'e+re right above you( .urn to point((( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e tries to spot Red Leader( 0e %oo)s do'n at the Death ,tar surface( LUKE (((oh1fiveB 'e+%% cover for you( RED LEADER 2over headset4 ,tay there(((

INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT $ 'ary Red Leader %oo)s about nervous%y( RED LEADER (((I <ust %ost my starboard engine( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s e&cited%y to'ard Red Leader+s F1'ing( RED LEADER 2over headset4 Get set to ma)e your attac) run( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader+s g%oved hands ma)e contact 'ith the contro% stic)s and he presses their firing buttons( INT. RED LEADER'S COCKPIT Red Leader fights to gain contro% of his ship( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Laserbo%ts are f%ung from Vader+s .IE fighter connecting 'ith Red Leader+s Rebe% F1'ing fighter( Red Leader buys it creating a tremendous e&p%osion far be%o'( 0e screams and is destroyed( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s out the 'indo' of his F1'ing at the e&p%osion far be%o'( For the first time he fee%s the he%p%essness of his situation( INT. DEATH STAR Grand Aoff .ar)in casts a sinister eye at the computer screen( DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE Rebe% base one minute and c%osing( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Dodonna and -rincess Leia 'ith .hreepio beside them %isten intent%y to the ta%) bet'een the pi%ots( .he room is grim after Red Leader+s death( -rincess Leia nervous%y paces the room( LUKE 2over spea)er4 /iggs *edge %et+s c%ose it up( *e+re going in( *e+re going in fu%% thrott%e(

INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT .he hori8on t'ists as *edge begins to pu%% out( WEDGE Right 'ith you boss(

EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .he t'o F1'ings pee% off against a bac)ground of stars and dive to'ard the Death ,tar( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Lu)e BIGGS at that speed 'i%% you be ab%e to pu%% out in time9

INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT LUKE It+%% be <ust %i)e /eggar+s 5anyon bac) home( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .he three F1'ings move in un%eashing a barrage of %aserfire( Laserbo%ts are returned from the Death ,tar( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT Lu)e+s %ife%ong friend strugg%es 'ith his contro%s( BIGGS *e+%% stay bac) far enough to cover you( INT. LUKE'S COCKPIT F%a) and %aserbo%ts f%ash outside Lu)e+s coc)pit 'indo'( WEDGE 2over headset4 Ay scope sho's the to'er but I can+t see the e&haust port: $re you sure the computer can hit it9 EXT. DEATH STAR - GUN EMPLACEMENTS .he Death ,tar %aser cannon s%o'%y rotates as it shoots %aserbo%ts( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s around for the Imperia% .IE fighters( 0e thin)s for a moment and then moves his targeting device into position(

LUKE *atch yourse%f: Increase speed fu%% thrott%e: INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT *edge %oo)s e&cited%y about for any sign of the .IE fighters( WEDGE *hat about the to'er9 INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT LUKE >ou 'orry about those fighters: I+%% 'orry about the to'er: EXT. DEATH STAR SURFACE Lu)e+s F1'ing strea)s through the trench firing %asers(

INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e brea)s into a nervous s'eat as the %aserfire is returned )nic)ing one of his 'ings c%ose to the engine( LUKE 2to $rtoo4 $rtoo((( that that stabi%i8er+s bro)en %oose again: ,ee if you can+t %oc) it do'n: EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER $rtoo 'or)s to repair the damages( .he canyon 'a%% rushes by in the bac)ground ma)ing his de%icate tas) seem even more precarious( EXT. DEATH STAR .'o %aser cannons are firing on the Rebe% fighters( INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT *edge %oo)s up and sees the .IE ships( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e+s targeting device mar)s off the distance to the target( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader and his 'ingmen 8oom c%oser( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT

Vader ad<usts his contro%s and fires %aserbo%ts at t'o F1 'ings f%ying do'n the trench( 0e scores a direct hit on *edge( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others are grouped around the computer board( WEDGE 2over spea)er4 I+m hit: I can+t stay 'ith you( LUKE 2over spea)er4 Get c%ear *edge( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT LUKE >ou can+t do any more good bac) there: INT. WEDGE'S COCKPIT WEDGE ,orry: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR *edge pu%%s his cripp%ed F1'ing bac) a'ay from the batt%e( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader 'atches the escape but issues a command to his 'ingmen( VADER Let him go: ,tay on the %eader: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s F1'ing speeds do'n the trenchB the three .IE fighters sti%% in perfect unbro)en formation tai% c%ose behind( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT /iggs %oo)s around at the .IE fighters( 0e is 'orried( BIGGS 0urry Lu)e they+re coming in much faster this time( I can+t ho%d them: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .he three .IE fighters move ever c%oser and /iggs( c%osing in on Lu)e

INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s bac) an&ious%y at %itt%e $rtoo(


LUKE try and increase the po'er:

EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Ignoring the bumpy ride f%a) and %asers a beeping $rtoo1 Detoo strugg%es to increase the po'er his dome turning from side to side( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR ,tea%thi%y the .IE formation creeps c%oser(

INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader ad<usts his contro% stic)( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT /iggs %oo)s around at the .IE fighters( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER Lu)e %oo)s into his targeting device( 0e moves it a'ay for a moment and ponders its use( 0e %oo)s bac) into the computer targeter( BIGGS 2over headset4 0urry up Lu)e: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader and his 'ingmen race through the Death ,tar trench( /iggs moves in to cover for Lu)e but Vader gains on him( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT /iggs sees the .IE fighter aiming at him( BIGGS *ait: INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader s;uee8es the fire button on his contro%s( INT. BIGGS' COCKPIT /iggs+ coc)pit e&p%odes around him %ighting him in red(

EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR /iggs+ ship bursts into a mi%%ion f%aming bits and scatters across the surface(

INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others stare at the computer board( INT. LUKE'S X-WING COCKPIT Lu)e is stunned by /iggs+ death( 0is eyes are 'atering his anger is a%so gro'ing( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM Grand Aoff .ar)in 'atches the pro<ected target screen 'ith satisfaction( DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE Rebe% base thirty seconds and c%osing( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader ta)es aim on Lu)e and ta%)s to the 'ingmen( VADER I+m on the %eader( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR - LUKE'S SHIP Lu)e+s ship strea)s through the trench of the Death ,tar( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM -rincess Leia returns her genera%+s 'orried and doubtfu% g%ances 'ith so%id grim determination( .hreepio seems nervous( THREEPIO 0ang on $rtoo: INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e concentrates on his targeting device( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .hree .IE fighters charge a'ay do'n the trench to'ard Lu)e( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader+s finger+s cur%s around the contro% stic)( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e ad<usts the %ens of his targeting device( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s ship charges do'n the trench( but

INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e %ines up the ye%%o' cross1hair %ines of the targeting device+s screen( 0e %oo)s into the targeting device then starts at a voice he hears( BEN'S VOICE Cse the Force Lu)e( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .he Death ,tar trench 8ooms by( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s up then starts to %oo) bac) into the targeting device( 0e has second thoughts( BEN'S VOICE Let go Lu)e( $ grim determination s'eeps across Lu)e+s face as he c%oses his eyes and starts to mumb%e /en+s training to himse%f( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s fighter strea)s through the trench( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT VADER .he Force is strong 'ith this one: EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Vader fo%%o's Lu)e+s F1'ing do'n the trench( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s to the targeting device then a'ay as he hears /en+s voice( BEN'S VOICE Lu)e trust me( Lu)e+s hand reaches for the contro% pane% and presses the button( .he targeting device moves a'ay( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others stand 'atching the pro<ected screen( BASE VOICE 2over spea)er4 0is computer+s off( Lu)e you s'itched off your targeting computer( *hat+s

'rong9 LUKE 2over spea)er4 ?othing( I+m a%% right( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s ship strea)s ever c%ose to the e&haust port( INT. LUKE'S X-WING - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s at the Death ,tar surface strea)ing by( EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER $rtoo1Detoo turns his head from side to side anticipation( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .he three .IE fighters manned by Vader and his t'o 'ingmen fo%%o' Lu)e+s F1'ing do'n the trench( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader maneuvers his contro%s as he %oo)s at his doomed target( 0e presses the fire buttons on his contro% stic)s( Laserfire shoots to'ard Lu)e+s F1'ing fighter( EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER $ %arge burst of Vader+s %aserfire engu%fs $rtoo( .he arms go %imp on the smo)ing %itt%e droid as he ma)es a high1pitched sound( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s frantica%%y bac) over his shou%der at $rtoo( EXT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER ,mo)e bi%%o's out around %itt%e $rtoo and spar)s begin to f%y( LUKE I+ve %ost $rtoo: $rtoo+s beeping sounds die out( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others stare intent%y at the pro<ected screen 'hi%e .hreepio 'atches the -rincess( Lights representing the Death ,tar and targets g%o' bright%y( MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE beeping in

.he Death ,tar has c%eared the p%anet( .he Death ,tar has c%eared the p%anet( INT. DEATH STAR - CONTROL ROOM .ar)in g%ares at the pro<ected target screen( DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE Rebe% base in range( TARKIN >ou may fire 'hen ready( DEATH STAR INTERCOM VOICE 5ommence primary ignition( $n officer reaches up and pushes buttons on the contro% pane% as green %ighted buttons turn to red( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .he three .IE fighters 8oom do'n the Death ,tar trench in pursuit of Lu)e never brea)ing formation( INT. LUKE'S COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s an&ious%y at the e&haust port( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader ad<usts his contro% stic)s chec)ing his pro<ected targeting screen( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s ship barre%s do'n the trench( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader+s targeting computer s'ings around into position( Vader ta)es carefu% aim on Lu)e+s F1'ing fighter( VADER I have you no'( 0e pushes the fire buttons( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR .he three .IE fighters move in on Lu)e( $s Vader+s center fighter un%eashes a vo%%ey of %aserfire one of the .IE ships at his side is hit and e&p%odes into f%ame( .he t'o remaining ships continue to move in( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s about 'ondering 'hose %aserfire destroyed Vader+s

'ingman( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader is ta)en by surprise and %oo)s out from his coc)pit( VADER *hat9 INT. DARTH VADER'S WINGMAN - COCKPIT Vader+s 'ingman searches around him trying to %ocate the un)no'n attac)er( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 0an and 5he'bacca grin from ear to ear( HAN 2ye%%ing4 >ahoo: EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .he Ai%%ennium Fa%con heads right at the t'o .IE fighters( It+s a co%%ision course( INT. WINGMAN'S COCKPIT .he 'ingman spots the pirateship coming at him and 'arns the Dar) Lord( WINGMAN Loo) out: EXT. DEATH STAR TRENCH Vader+s 'ingman panics at the sight of the oncoming pirate starship and veers radica%%y to one side co%%iding 'ith Vader+s .IE fighter in the process( Vader+s 'ingman crashes into the side 'a%% of the trench and e&p%odes( Vader+s damaged ship spins out of the trench 'ith a damaged 'ing( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR Vader+s ship spins out of contro% 'ith a bent so%ar fin heading for deep space( INT. DARTH VADER'S COCKPIT Vader turns round and round in circ%es as his ship spins into space( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR ,o%o+s ship moves in to'ard the Death ,tar trench(

INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT ,o%o smi%ing spea)s to Lu)e over his headset mi)e( HAN 2into mi)e4 >ou+re a%% c%ear )id( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM Leia and the others %isten to ,o%o+s transmission( HAN 2over spea)er4 ?o' %et+s b%o' this thing and go home: INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e %oo)s up and smi%es( 0e concentrates on the e&haust port then fires his %aser torpedoes( EXT. SURFACE OF THE DEATH STAR Lu)e+s torpedoes shoot to'ard the port and seems to simp%y disappear into the surface and not e&p%ode( /ut the shots do find their mar) and have gone into the e&haust port and are heading for the main reactor( INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e thro's his head bac) in re%ief( INT. DEATH STAR $n Imperia% so%dier runs to the contro% pane% board and pu%%s the attac) %ever as the board behind him %ights up( INTERCOM VOICE ,tand by to fire at Rebe% base( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR .'o F1'ings a >1'ing and the pirateship race to'ard >avin in the distance( INT. DEATH STAR ,evera% Imperia% so%diers f%an)ing a pensive Grand Aoff .ar)in busi%y push contro% %evers and buttons( INTERCOM VOICE ,tanding by( .he rumb%e of a distant e&p%osion begins( EXT. SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR

.he Rebe% ships race out of sight %eaving the moon1%i)e Death ,tar a%one against a b%an)et of stars( ,evera% sma%% f%ashes appear on the surface( .he Death ,tar bursts into a supernova creating a spectacu%ar heaven%y disp%ay( INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT Great shot HAN )id( .hat 'as one in a mi%%ion(

INT. LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT Lu)e is at ease Remember and his eyes are c%osed(

BEN'S VOICE the Force 'i%% be 'ith you((( a%'ays(

.he ship roc)s bac) and forth( EXT. DARTH VADER'S TIE FIGHTER Vader+s ship spins off into space( EXT. SPACE .he Rebe% ships race to'ard the fourth moon of >avin( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - MAIN HANGAR Lu)e c%imbs out of his starship fighter and is cheered by a throng of ground cre' and pi%ots( Lu)e c%imbs do'n the %adder as they a%% 'e%come him 'ith %aughter cheers and shouting( -rincess Leia rushes to'ard him( LEIA Lu)e: Lu)e: Lu)e: ,he thro's her arms around Lu)e and hugs him as they dance around in a circ%e( ,o%o runs in to'ard Lu)e and they embrace one another s%apping each other on the bac)( HAN 2%aughing4 0ey: 0ey: LUKE 2%aughing4 I )ne' you+d come bac): I <ust )ne' it: HAN *e%% I 'asn+t gonna %et you get a%% the credit and ta)e a%% the re'ard(

Lu)e and 0an %oo) at one another as ,o%o p%ayfu%%y shoves at Lu)e+s face( Leia moves in bet'een them( LEIA 2%aughing4 I )ne' there 'as more to you than money( Lu)e %oo)s to'ard the ship( LUKE 7h no: .he fried %itt%e $rtoo1Detoo is %ifted off the bac) of the fighter and carried off under the 'orried eyes of .hreepio( 7h THREEPIO my: $rtoo: 5an you hear me9 ,ay something: 2to mechanic4 >ou can repair him can+t you9


TECHNICIAN *e+%% get to 'or) on him right a'ay( THREEPIO >ou must repair him: ,ir if any of my circuits or gears 'i%% he%p I+%% g%ad%y donate them( LUKE 0e+%% be a%% right( INT. MASSASSI OUTPOST - MAIN THRONE ROOM Lu)e 0an and 5he'bacca enter the huge ruins of the main temp%e( 0undreds of troops are %ined up in neat ro's( /anners are f%ying and at the far end stands a vision in 'hite the beautifu% young ,enator Leia( Lu)e and the others so%emn%y march up the %ong ais%e and )nee% before ,enator Leia( From one side of the temp%e marches a shined1up and fu%%y repaired $rtoo1Detoo( 0e 'add%es up to the group and stands ne&t to an e;ua%%y pristine .hreepio 'ho is rather a'estruc) by the 'ho%e event( 5he'bacca is confused( Dodonna and severa% other dignitaries sit on the %eft of the -rincess Leia( Leia is dressed in a %ong 'hite dress and is staggering%y beautifu%( ,he rises and p%aces a go%d meda%%ion around 0an+s nec)( 0e 'in)s at her( ,he then repeats the ceremony 'ith Lu)e 'ho is moved by the event( .hey turn and face the assemb%ed troops 'ho a%% bo' before them( 5he'bacca gro'%s and $rtoo beeps 'ith happiness( FADE OUT( END CREDITS OVER STARS THE END

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