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Yearly water quality testing is increasingly popular however; less DEQ staff is currently qualified to conduct water quality

sampling efforts resulting in a crunch at the years deadline. In this study, im !illiams, the principle investigator, accumulated and accounted the data to !alt "hapiro, and he analy#ed the data. $he water quality% sampling schedule too& place for a full year to encompass the high flow and 'ase flow for each stream. ( scientist commonly assumes that during a streams high flow its 'an&s are inaccessi'le due to safety concerns thus he collects no samples. In one case, the waterway was not too high to safely access for very months in the studies time. $he scientists sampling on most of the streams 'egan early )ay *++, and continued too late (pril *++-. "ome of the streams that are impacted and will have state and federal cost share programs on it, will have monitoring continued through an additional year. ( scientist collected samples 'i%wee&ly from (pril through "eptem'er, then once a month from .cto'er through )arch, then 'ac& to 'i%wee&ly for the remainder of the sampling period. "cientists should analy#e samples for total suspended solids, total volatile solids, nitrate / nitrite, ammonia, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, fecal coli form and E. coli if you want to cover the ma0or water quality measures. In addition to these analytical

tests, a scientist measured on%site field parameters for dissolved o1ygen, temperature, conductivity total dissolved solids, 23, and discharge, when possi'le, during each sampling incident.

To: Andre Williams From: ZJacquilyn Williams Subject: Limitations to Words Revision Tools Date: January !t"# $%& T"e 'ur'ose o( t"is memo is to 'resent to you )"y Words Revision Tool is not reliable* T"e use o( Words revision tools can really limit your re'ort# by usin+ s'ell and +rammar c"ec,ers* -elo) are some corrections t"at . )ould li,e (or you to ta,e into consideration* W"ile . t"in, your to'ic is very interestin+# .d li,e to ta,e some time and s"o) you )"ere you )ent )ron+ in relyin+ on Words Tool* Grammar Limitations For starters# you did not indent t"e re'ort* Also# )"en readin+ your re'ort you s"ould "ave e/'lained )"at t"e 0D123 is because not every reader )ill be (amiliar )it" your to'ic* .n t"e be+innin+ o( your re'ort# instead o( usin+ t"e )ord 0yearly#3 you s"ould use t"e )ord Annual and#0 Wit" t"e )ord 0streams#3 you can ta,e t"e a'ostro'"e out o( t"e )ord and just leave it 0streams*3 4our sentence# 0A scientist commonly assumes t"at durin+ a streams "i+" (lo) its ban,s are inaccessible due to sa(ety concerns t"us "e collects no sam'les*3 . t"in, you s"ould 'lace a 'eriod a(ter t"e )ord inaccessible# and start a ne) sentence )it" t"e )ord 0Due#3 and ta,e out t"e )ord 0t"us*3 Spelling Limitations S'ell c"ec, does not notice )"en )ords are su''osed to be to+et"er instead o( se'arate# (or instance# . t"in, you s"ould correct )ere# 'lacin+ t"e )ords 0dead3 and 0line3 to+et"er* 05onitorrin+ 6monitorin+73 and 0Disolved 6dissolved7#3 )ere also s'elled )ron+ and not cau+"t by your s'ell c"ec,er* 4our sentence# 0T"e scientists sam'lin+ on

most o( t"e streams be+an early 5ay $$& and continued too A'ril#3 t"e 0too3 needs to be 0to*3 Thesaurus Limitations T"e use o( t"esauruss "ave many synonyms (or a )ord# t"e e/am'les mi+"t not "ave t"e same im'lication# tone# delicacy# or im'ortance o( t"e ori+inal )ord* An e/am'le is re'lacin+ 0(amous3 )it" t"e synonyms 0'rominent3 or 0'o'ular*3 Sometimes# t"e ne) )ord may seem li,e it doesnt belon+ in t"e 'assa+e* 4ou re'laced 0collected3 )it" 0accumulated3 and 0re'orted3 )it" 0accounted*3 -ot" o( t"e ne) )ords are synonyms (or t"e 'rimary )ords8 -ut# 0accumulated3 and 0accounted3 are not really )ords used in scienti(ic re'orts )"en tal,in+ about met"ods* -y usin+ t"e ri+"t )ord in t"e )ron+ sentence# your re'ort t"en starts to sound a),)ard* Advice . recommend you sendin+ me some (eedbac, on t"e c"an+es . t"in, you s"ould ma,e* Also . )ant you to read your re'ort )it" t"e ne) corrections and see i( it sounds better to you* . recommend you not usin+ Words Tool as a reliable )ay to ma,e corrections to your re'ort* -y usin+ +rammar and s'ell c"ec,er it made your re'ort lac, in a lot o( areas* W"en you revise your 'a'er try "avin+ a collea+ue read your 'a'er and +ive you (eedbac,*

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