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The Institution of Railway Signal Engineers Australasian Section Inc


O w n Clcllick B.E (Hens). MIRSE. RPEQ i ~ r ~ Rcg d Eng NZ

Tllc I~lstitutioll of Railway Sig~lal Engineers - Australasian Section Inc (copyright reserved) Technical Meeting llldo~lesia - July 1 997

Page l of l0



Ar~straliallAgency for I~~tcr~ratian;~l Dc~~cloplncnl. Cc~itraliscd Traffic C o ~ ~ t r o l . Dacralr Opcrasi or Opcri~tions ;Ire;r. Directorate Gcncral of Land Tr.;lnsport 2nd Inli~ndWalcnvays.



Dwipa Lintas Esyrcss or \YSA Sub-contri~ctorfor all itlst;~ll;~tion works in Indonesia.

Dc\~clopnlcntImport I;in;~~rce Firciiit!. Mcg;~b!'tcs per scoo~ld. Export Fi~l;i~rcc i~nd IIISIII.;IIICC C ' O ~ ~ ) ~ I . ; I ( ~ O I I .


PT LEN (PERSERO) or Colnp;~~~! for i ~ i ~ p l c ~ u c Tccl~nology ~ r ~ i ~ ~ g Tr;~~lsScr i l l Electronics.

P ~ ~ l Code s c Modr~l;rtion. IJcrusahan Ilnru~nI<crcr;~ Api or I n d o ~ l e s i R;lil\\.;l! ; ~ ~ ~ s ('orpor;~tio~~. PCI-IIS;I~~;~II Lis11-ikN c ~ ; I o ~r; N:~t~ci~r;~l I l . ~ l c c ~ r A111l1oril\,. i~i~~ Vital [%l-occssor Ilrtcl-locki~ig LVcsti~rgl~or~sc Sii:u;ils Ar~stralia.


The l ~ l s t i t u t i o of ~ Railway ~ S1i;nal Ei~gil~cers - Australasia11 Sedion Irlc (col~yr~gllt reserved) Techilical Meeting Indonesia - July 199'7

Page 2 of 10

Title: Cirebon-Kroya-Yo&y:ikartii Resignalling Project 1

Author: 0. D. Clciiick 1.3


Planning For Signillling In Intloncsiil

Thc Indonesian G o v e r ~ i ~ i ~r;ailn.ays e~it ilrc opcratcd by PERllbKA which is currently a semi Cosporatio~-I co~itairied within tlic Directorate General of La~id Transport and l ~ i l a ~ iWatenvajis d (DGLT) which is itself under tlre Deparlmcnt of Communications. PERUMKA lias a n cstc~isivcrailway nclivork in Ja\rii but most of tlic signalling is still mcclianical and up to sixty years old. Over tllc last t ~ ~ c n t y - f i \ycirrs ~ c rcl;ly intcrlockings li;r\c bec~iinstalled ;]I thc larger stations to increase oper;iting cfficicncy. The pla~iiiiirg of DGLT irnd PERUMKA has bccn to rcsig~ralrhc ~ n a i nliiics in JiI\-a to incre;~sc thc traffic c;ip;lcit!c.

Tlre first installation of electro~iic interlockings was VPI bct\vecn Cigading and Serpolxg which was supplied and iiistallcd by ABB Signals Ltd. and was co~iiplctcdin 1092. 'This was followed cvith a contract to Algcmainc Sein l~idustrieBV from Holla~idin 1988 for 18 stations bctwce~rCika~iipekand Circbon and a fi~rtllercontrilct to GRS of A~iicrica in 1992 for l5 Stations bctwccn Circbon and Pekalo~rga~l on the 11iai11 Noflll line.
I t h;is b c c ~ tlrc ~ ~ntcntion of DGL.T to kccp all signall~ng s\stcnrs alo~ig tl~is line of tlic samc type and i l l ~;III~CIII;IS VPI.

Tllcrc is irlso ;I South 1i1ain line rr~iining I)ct\vcc~~ WSA bcgnn in\,cstigaling tlrc rcsignalling of the B;rndung ;lnd Yog~i~kiirtii along the South end OS Jit1.a r;iilivay bcrwccir Circbon-Kro\ia-Yogy;1ki1rt;l in 1087 in irnd tllcre is connection near tlic ~iriddlcof bollr lilies cooper;rtion ~ \ . i t l ~ AusAlD r i ~ ~ d cthe r DC\-clopnienl bct\vec~l Circbon ; I I I ~ Kroy;~. The Nortlr and Sozltll I~i~porl Finoncc Facility (or DIFF) program. Uirdcr Illis ni;lin li~rcs Inccl iig;iin in the East of Ja1.a at Surab;~!a. program tlic Austr;llian Go\crni~lcnt m;ikcs a griint WSA liirs installed llic WESTRACE clcctro~iicsystcilr ivliich allows tlrc 1ndoncsi;in Co\~crn~licnl to ohtail1 ;I for the Circbon-Kro!.i~-Yogyi1k;lrta project end i t is loi~~ ivitll i lo\\.cr than ~narkct i~itcrcslSiIIcS lo lin;~~lcc bclic\cd PEUIJMKA 1x1s 111adc \YESTRACE thc tlic prqjcct. Tllc rc\.ic\\ of r;ril\va!, sig~~iilli~rg Icclrnolog> s~;~ntl;~sd electronic i~itcrlockinp, on tlrc Sor~tlr11rai11 iinc. to bc llscd in Indoncsi;~b ! . tllc I~ldo~rcsi;i~l (io\.cr~~~rrc~~t and otllcr fiictors dcfcrrcd progress irnd tlrc prcli~nin;~~-\~ joint sit? s u n q tvitli PERUMKA took pl;rcc in J I I I I ~ 1902. After thc tcudcring and evaluation proccss \\\c 2.1 Scope Of The Project coiitr;rct to rcsig~r:rl this scctio~i of line \\.;IS sigircd bcttvecn DC;L.l' ;lnd WSA on l 3 April 1993 I'or a \s;llr~c The co~itl.;~ct nr;rs for tllc rcsignillling of tlic Ihrl!-ttlscc of .A%I 15.3 18.000. stiltions bcr\\,ccn Circbo~i(csclusi\.c) and Yog!,irk;~rt;~ (csclusi\.c)and tlic pro\,ision of thrcc control ccnlrcs to 1.2 Signillling Technology I n Intloncsi;~ c o ~ ~ t r othesc l st;ttions. PERUMKA Iras di~jidcd tlie ri~ilw;r!~s i l l J;I\~;I into tclr opcrirt ion;il arcas c;rllcd Before comliienclng on tlrc c\tcnsi\c program to DAOPs ;rnd tllc CTC co~itrolcentres arc b;lscd on this res~gnal the e\istlng ra~livay Irncs tflc Indo~rcsra~i ;1rr;lrrgcrricllt. l'lrcrc ilrc tf~rccDAOPS in Illc ar-c;i of go\cr~inicntr e q r ~ ~ ~ iic d stud\ to be iiiadc of corrcnl Illis colrlracl: status of tcch~iolog~ of s ~ g n a l l ~ n to g enwrc only DAOPIII Eight stations fro111 Llrn.u~ig to appropriate s!stcms nould bc adopted Songgoin coiitrollcd fro111Circbon. Tllc Nat~onal B o a ~ d of P l a n ~ i ~ ~ ;]lid i g l'cchnology (BAPPENAS) nhich controls the appl~cat~on of Technology 111 Indoncs~acarncd orit 1111s~ c \ ~ ~ d lc~w nng 1987 to 1988 Tlrc conclus~on\\as th;rl 111 fr~tr~rc ;]l1 ~nterlock~ngs vcrc to bc clcctronic and not icla! birscd althouglr as a n 111tcnm plrase tlrcrc \\:IS to bc a rcla! ~nterfacc bctvccn tlic i~itcrlock~~ig and tllc outs~dc world Based on ehpcriencc n ' l t l i this pliasc i t \\as pla~r~rcd to mo\c to a sccorrd phase nrlicrc tllc rcla! ~nterfiicen a s done awaj rtitlr Tl11.s second pllase 11;rs yet to be nnplcmcnted DAOT' V\ Tuc~ity-sc\.cnst;ltions Ssonr Propuk to Kotoarlo controlled from Punvokcrto. DAOP \/I E~glit st;lt~ons fro111 Mo~rtclaii to P;itrlk,in co~itrollcd froni Yog~ah;irt;i Tlicrc w;rs ,ilso ;I rcqr~llc~iiclit to snppl) a t r a ~ n ~ n g s11n11l;ltor at thc PERUMKA Tra~ning School 111 Birndung 1\111cl1IS the c ~ whcrc t ~ tllc Head Office of PERUMKA IS loc;ltcd To ensure PERUMKA are able to fully maintain tlie ncu systems alicr the warranty penod csplres tlic pro.jcct included st~bstiintialtriiin~iig for PERUMKA staflbotli In Australia and Indonesia

The l~lstitutioii of Railway Sig~ial Eiigincers - Austrtrlasian S e c t i o ~ I~ic (copyrigl~t reserved) Tecllnical Meeting Indonesia - July 1997 Page 3 of 10

Title: Cirebon-Kroya-Yog~rakarlaResignalling Pro-ject

Author: 0. D. Clcllick


Particular Problems Identified

h 1 The


2.4 Sjstenis Being Supplied

The site s u n q revealed that: Almost all tur~iouts in Ihc prqjccl ilrw wcrc ii~stallcd on stecl slccpcrs. There were only stccl slccpcrs for all tracks between Kroya and Yogyiikarta. There were maily bridgcs in thc timbcr slccpcrcd area bctwccn Circbon and Kroya where Ihc rails were electrically conncclcd on tllc bridgc rcsr~lti~ig from the t!.pc of constn~ctio~l 'Therc ncrc lsolatcd stccl slccpcrs sccllolls
111 t~mbcr slccpcr

Tllcrc arc tl~rccscparate systcms which iilakc up tllc intcgratcd systcnl bcing supplicd:

Tllc communici~tions systcm c o ~ n ~ n ~ ~ n i cbctwccn: ;~lio~~s Sig11;ll post tclcplloncs Lc\<clcrossings



Thcrc \\'as a n c n Train Dispatching systcm ! , anotlicr Austrillia~l installed tllro~rghout Ja\:a b cornp;my LSE of' Sydney undcr tllc DlFF progralll. This had stlfficicnt sparc mpi~cit?to a ~ p p l \divcxsc ' bc2wcrs for tilt WSA systcnrs co~n~nunic;ltio~~ ;III~ tclcmctn s!~stcms. Tl~c LSE train dispatchers and t l ~ c ncu2 WSA train controller \vould bc tlrc saltic pcrson and r l ~ r ~ thc s LSE and WSA \vorksl;ltions n o ~ ~ l~lccd d to bc intcgratcd. All le\cl c ~ o s s ~ ~vcrc l g s I I I ~ I I I I I Cbut ~ ll~crc \\;IS ;I anung S ! stcul through the bloch s c c t ~ o \\~ l~icl~ opcr,ltcd nhcn ;I trilln \\;IS d1sj1iitc11cd 11110 tllc bloch. tli~s 1s callcd thc "Lonccng Pcnl;lg;l" S!~ICIII

11ltcr1ncdi;ltcblock s i g ~ ~ i ~ l s

2.3 IJse Of Aslc Counters For Train Detection

During tile tc~tdcrphasc WSA pr~ccdthc optloas of rcplac~ngall stccl slccpcrs w~tll~~lsrllatcd slccpc~sso convcntlonal track clrcults could bc t~scd or thc use of axle comltcrs for \cll~clcdctcctro~~ In sucl\ illcils WSA itlrcad! had cons~dcrablc c\pcrlcncc \ \ ~ t h SI~IIIC il\lc II~ 2.4.2 Signalling Systcm countlng cqulpnlent To1 long block s c c i ~ o ~ In ~s Queensland and Ncw Soutll Walcs and ;~ppro~~chcd All intcrlocki~lgsarc b;lscd on WESTRACE \vl~icllis a Sic~~ie on ~~ asp p l ~ ~ na\lc g countcrs to stat~ontrack sccond gcncr;rtion clcctronic i~~tcrlocki~lg ~ ~ l i i c lhas i clrcults Siemens alrcady hiid il u n ~ t that c o ~ ~ opc~;ltc ld bccn jointly dc\~clopcdby Wcstingllousc Signals (UK). with fi\c aslc dctcctlon c o ~ l si ~ n dt111s \\'>IS fr~rtllct Dimctronic (Spin). Safetran Syste~tis (USA) ancl devclopcd to p r o ~ ~ dtwo c tr;ick sccllon or~lputsper Wcstingllotlsc Signals Austntlia spccific;~ll!r for t l ~ e c~aluator and IS known as tllc A/S M350 S ! stcllr I t \\as sign;llling indostn,. planned to st~ll usc Ihc standard ii\lc counlcr type A/S 600 systc~~l for block scct~o~is The cost a n a l ~ s ~ rcvealcd s tlic a\lc countcr optton nils significantly cheapcr and il\101dcd tllc need to c a r ~ y out estcns~\crcsleeperil~g with tllc rcsult~ng opcratlons Intermptlons Also it avolded tlrc uccd to ~nsulatcthe rails on several brtdgcs betwcc~iCircbon and E;rojra The WSA tender n a s subm~ttcd uslng a d c countcrs 111 areas of steel slccpcrs and c o n ~ ~ c n t ~ otrack n a l clrcults In insulated sleeper scct~otls Thc o r ~ g ~ ~ lWSA ; t l proposal n a s to usc coppc~bei~rcr for all commr~nlcatlons and data transfer bct\\ccn stallous and CTC cclltres TINSalso rcqulrcd an opt~cal fibrc cablc scctlon bctwccn Punvokcrto Tllu~lrand Ijo. a d~sta~lc of c 50 km. to e~lablc c o ~ ~ l ~ l l u n i c a01 t ~er o nthc loilgcst scctlo~r of 135 km bct\~ccn Pun~okertoand Kutoarjo Evcn with this option 11 t\oiild bc nccessan to tnstitll loading coils about cvcry 900 lnctrcs to o b t n ~ ~ l acccptablc pcrformancc.

Thc tclemctl-y systcm to sclld controls 10 rllc cqr~ip~~icnt in thc ficld and rctrlrn indiciltions 10 ~ I I C COII~I-01 ol'licc. This ;~llo\\.stllc co611rollcd ;ii.s:i 10 \.ic\vcd on ;I VDU \vorksta~ioni~ndlor~ni~liic p;111cl Also this i~lcorporatcsil train dcscribcr systcnl 2nd Managclncnt Infor~nationSystc~li (MIS).

The Illstitutioll of Railway Signal Ellgillcers - Australasiaii Scclioll lilt (copyright rescn~ed)

P:~ge1 of 10

Teclinical Meeting liidor~esia - July 1997

Title: Cirebon-Kroya-Yogyaklria Rcsignalli~~g Projcct After the contract was signed a consultant was ellgaged to review the proposed system and it was believed it would be difficult to achieve the desired spcc~ficatio~~. At this time ANSA Comnlunicatiolls of Queensland (now AWA) had developed a multiplcsi~rg systcni using optical fibre cable as a bearer specifically for applications such as rail\vays. This had considerabl~~ reduced the cost of drop and inserl tcr~ninalsillid tlic option of an optical fibre bcarcr cablc was priced ; ~ n d corl~pared to the previous proposal. Althougl~ tllc optical fibre cablc optiotl was still Illore espcnsrve it ~vas guaranteed to pro~.idcacceptable p c r f o r ~ ~ ~ ia~ ~n~ dc c avoided potential risks associated w ~ t h t l ~ c coppcr bearer s ! stem Ilntil this project PERUMKA had had IIO cspcricllcc of using optical fibre cablc arid thus this option ~ ~ o n l d involve tllc supply of considerable rest and joinling equipment 2nd staff training. As another ofCsct PERUMKA wonld gain a co~nmunic;~tio~is sj'stc~nthat could p r o ~ i d c mu cl^ greater bandwidtll for fi~turc capacity. Thc alteniati\;c propos;~l \\'as discussed \i.ith DGL,T/PERlIMKA in April 1991 and agreed by all parties. \VSA has supplicd single node cablc witl~Eorrr fibres \\.it11two of thcsc bciug sparcs.

Author: 0. D. Clcniick -

Tlle Pun\okcrlo CTC systcln IS now full! commissio~~ed but may not be used to control trains until PEKUMKA ~mple~nents new Tram Work111g Regt~liit~o~ for ~ s C7'C sectlolls These have been prcparcd by Qucensla~\dRallnay Cor~sult~ng Sc~~ces u~idcr thc Tas~k~nalaya-Ba11j;lr-Kroy:~ Rcs~gnalllng contract (T-B-K) tli;~t was i~nnrdedto WSA III June l995 Tl~c CTC system srrpplred has rrrcorporrttcd tllc elcl er1 stiit~ons 111 DAOP V 1i1hrcl1 arc part of thc T-R-K prolcct g11lllg ;I totill 01 thlrt\ -c~glitstatrons The rnllnrc pancl Incorporates T r a ~ nDcscr~pt~ou d~spli~\ and s 1s 11111s 01 cr tell i111d:I 11;1lf IIIC~ICS I I I lc~igtli

CTC System P i ~ ~ ~ v o l < e ~ - t o

The esisting Train Control roonl ;It Pr~nvokcrtowas situated at Punvokcrto Timor station i~djaccnl to the Dz40P V adn~inistratio~l buildings that arc positioned about 2.7 km from Punitokerto station on a branch line. It was originally planilcd 10 install thc ncw CTC systcm in the same building. During the Design Definitio~~ Documcnt meeting in 1091 DCiLTPERUILlKA real~scd11 \!;IS 1101 poss~bleto expand tlus bu~ldlng and dcc~dcd to pro\ ~ d ;Ic net\ CTC control bulld~ng at the Wcst cnd of Pun\okerto statlon The collstn~ctlol~ of the ncu CTC b u ~ l d ~ n\\;IS g (lie respons~b~llt~ of DGLT 2nd riot part of tllc WSA contract Thc LSE cqnlpmelkt room at P u ~ w okcrto 1s at the East end of Punvokcrto statlolr and the tr;lrn dispatching s ~ s t e m at Punvokcrto T~lllor \!as conncctcd o\cr a 2MB PCM system workrng o\cr acr~alcablc Tlrus 11 was ncccssaq to relocate the LSE trallr d~spatchlngand the ~ntcrtlal PERUMKA l c l c p l ~ o ~ ~ c systc~i~s to tlie ne~! CTC bulld~ng bcforc the tlcn WSA CTC s!stcm could bc colnrn~ss~oncdPERIJMKA coiilpleted 1111s relocat~on with Illerr own rcsourccs during Jt~llc1997 WSA prowded new c a b l l ~ ~ betuccn g the LSE and new CTC b u ~ l d ~ n nluch gs wcrc about $00 lllctres apart for the LSE PCM. llltcrrral tclcphonc system arid d11ersc bcarcr access


CTC System Cil-cbon

Tlle~c \\;IS a n c\lst~ngTri~rnCor~trolccntrc at C~rcbon u > \ u c \housed ~ thc thrcc LSE train dlspatcllcrs alld thc cll~cfsllpcnrsor and i~drn~n~ctrat~oil staff I I I orlc room The second room c o ~ ~ t ; i ~ nthe c d toutc sctt~ugconsolc iind nlllnlc p;i~lcl for thc C~kampck-C~rcbon scctlon PERUMKA c\tcndcd this room to allow both the WSA and GRS norh stiit~o~ls and m m l c pancl to bc ~nstallcd WSA I~ildto const~uctil scp;vatc b u ~ l d ~ n 10 g I~OIISCtllc po\\c~cub~clc. bi~tlcr?.UPS and drescl altern~ltor Ancr thc [our LSE consolcs wcrc relocated In the extended room part of tlus nrc'l was parttttotled off to bcco~llc tllc WSA cqulpmclrt rool~land t c c l ~ n ~ c ~ a tcr11111xrl ns The LSE cqulpnrcnt room \{as only across tllc road from the CTC b u ~ l d ~ n and g thus conncctlon to 1111s sj~stemfor tllc d ~ \ c ~ bcarc~ sc niis sllnplc The WSA CTC systcm ~\~;rs ~nstalledand tested d u r ~ n g J u l ~ e1997 and w ~ l be l co~n~nlss~oncd In early August 1997

The lnstitutio~i of Railway Signal Engineers - Ailstralasiall Section Iric (co1yright reserved) Techaical Meeting Iridollcsia - July 1997

Page 5 of 10

Title: Cirebon-Kroya-Yogyi~kdr~l Resig~lallil~g Project


Author: 0.D. Clenick

CTC System Yogyaliitrti~

The Buyer selected both an Australian Consultant. Connell Wagncr of Melbourne and a Local Consultant. PT Dcka Consulselaras to assist cvith overseeing the project works A Memorandum of Understanding was slg~icd b ! all thrce parties wit11 Cotlnell W ~ g n e being r the pr~nclplc consultant and ensuring tllere was substant~al tcch~~ology trarisrer to the Local Consultant C o l ~ ~ ~Wag~icr cll h;~s pcrrormcd iilspcctio~~s of all nork In Aust~al~il and l ~ ad member of their staff based 111 Punvokc~to slncc Dccc~nbcr l905 to nn~tncssall colnlnlsslonrng and tcst~ng procedrrrcs WSA ;~lso 111rcda specialist consultant on optical fibrc tcchnolog~ to \\litncss thc joii~ting ilnd testing of i\II srlcl~ c;lblcs for lllc pro-jcct.

As for Punvokerto it was intended to reuse the c s i s t i ~ ~ g train dispatching building but tlic need to cstend tlic system to the DAOP VII bomtdary in the fr~turcwas considered and a ncw CTC building was provided by DGLT at Yogyakarta station. Tllc DAOP V1 Offices and LSE equipment building are at Lempuyang;~n \vhich is about 700 ~ilctresfrom Yogyakarta slation. Thus PERUMKA will ~recdto relocate the LSE train dispalching and inter~lalcom~nunic;~tio~is s!rstcms but i l is onl!. a ~ii;i~tcr of c s t e ~ ~ d i ~ tlic l g csisti~ig copper coli~icctio~r this ti~nc. Again WSA hils instirllcd thc ncccssan cabling in coli.iunction \\,it11 cabling for t l ~ c di\crse bearer co~~ncctioti. The Yog!~;~kart;lsystc~u l be commissioned in September 1997.

2.5.1 WSA Strrtrturc

Tlic con1r;lct is co~itrollcdfrorn tlic WSA Projcct O(licc ;rt Ponvokcrto in l~ldo~lcsia nit11 a Pr~jcclM;l~r;lgerin t l ~ cMclbournc Office dircctir~gall Australian based ;~cti\,itics. Tllcrc is n sub-oflicc ilt Yog\.;\kil~-ta \vith onc cspatrii~tcconstruction engineer \vliilc tlicrc ;lrc li\,c csp;~rria~c sti~ff in tllc Pun\,okcrlo office. T l ~ c csp;~lrii~tc st;rff arc supported by loc;ll staff consisting of li1.e lor ad~ninistratio~~. ten for c o ~ i s t n ~ c t i 2nd o~~ tcsli~~ \\arks g ;rnd t\vcl\,c for g c ~ ~ c r;~ssist;incc. ;~l

As AIISAIUsr~pplicdf ~ ~ n d i n for g tl~c pryject ondcr tllc DlFF progr;lnr tlicy hil\.c monitored progress rcgularl!. This 11;ls been ;~chic\:cd with six-~~lonlhly reports and ~nccli~lgs \vitli BAPPENAS. AusAID and all contr;lct piirtics This is to clisrlrc the origi~lalintenlion of tlic fcilsibilit! slrlti!. ;111dtlic aid p;ickagc ;Ire co~nplicd\\.it11 ;III~ i n p;1rtic111;1r tl~c s ~ ~ s t i ~ i ~ ~ aof bil tllc i t y pr~icctoncc ll~c Contr;iclor Ino\.cs off sitc. One ll~ccri~lg \v;ls l~cldon sitc ;I[ P~~r\vokcrlo ;~Stcrthe co~ilnrissioningof tllc lirst stat i o ~ to i ;lllo\\,all p;lrtics 10 scc the contr;lct works

The B u ~ e r

The Bii~crhad an cstabl~shcdproject group 111 J;~k;lrl;~ co~ltrolll~~g r;l~lwly projects In general till led Proyek Pcngcmbangan F;~sil~tas Dan S a r a ~ ~ Pcrkcrcl;~ a Apl;~n IPFSP) The! represent the Bujcr for 1111sprolcct 2nd ~ntcrlaccd~rectlyto WSA n ~ t h PERUMKA p ~ o \ ~ d ~ n g support as ~ c q u ~ r c d

The E\porl. F ~ ~ ~ a and n c cInsurance Corporat~on (EFIC) h,is pro\ ~ d c dthe finance for t h ~ sproject and rcccne tll~cc-~nontllly reports on progress Tllcrc have been s ~ t c \ lc;lts b\ 1\10 rcprcscntiIfl\.cs fro111 EFlC i111d1111 ar~dlt (111 111cAoctr;~l~;~n content


Technolo~y Transfer

Tllc local Sub-co~~tractor for all ~nstallat~on \\arks \\,IS Dutpo L~ntasExpress (DL,E) \v110 allliough nc\\ to s~grlallrilginstallatiou nolks was \)cry qmck to Icarn and able to locate local supcrllsors ~ 1 1 1 1c\pcncncc fro111otllcr s~gnalllng projects In Indoncs~i~ DLE has had prc\.lous cspcrlclice on jointing opt~ci~l fibrc cable and was the succcssS~~l contractor for all l over the ftlll 100km such nork associated n ~ t l project

T l ~ cIndoncs~anGo\~crnmenthas a pol~c! of ensuring the technology skllls of Indonesian Go\ernment C)cpart~ncnts 2nd Industry arc l~rcreascdto meet cnrrenl ~nlernat~onal standards T h ~ s pollcy 1s i~nplemcntcdl?! str;r\cg1c conip;ln~cs under tllc d ~ r c c t ~ o of n the Evhn~stcr of 'Tccl~nolog! and In particular for tllc electron~~:~ ~ndustr~cs bv PT LEN (PERSERO) WSA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PT LEN 10 dcfifinc the technology tr;ilisfcr to bc pro\~~ded 111 conlunction \\111i tlre plqecl

The Institution of Railway Signal E~lginccrs -- Australasian Section 11ic (copyright resened) Technical Meeting I ~ l d o ~ ~ es July i a 1997

Page 6 of lo

Title: (7iret~o~~-l<ro! il-k'og! ;lk;~rt;) ! I C S I ~ I I ; I Iijrojee! IIII~ \VES'IXACE dc\~clop~llc~ll \vork stiltiosl. Desk lop ~ ~ I I I ~ > I ;I I~ I CI I~ so(i\\.;l~-e 8

:^ititllor:0. I.). ('lc~~icl;


B.c\cl ('roaail~~s (I,o~~ccl~c,! I'e~~i;~gic circuit)

EI'ROL.1 eraser !:l'RObl clrclrils

~ ) I - O ~ ~ ; I I I I I Is~111(1;1rci IC~ [)\!,l,


EI'RCIM 1)rogr;1111111cr OS I-1('1 I I\,IJC illlcflr;llc(i circllits Tllc sccc111d roorll is t l ~ c opcralio~ls;1rc;1 ; I I I ~illcI~~(ics: 120ci~i co~~rrol ~ ; I I I C I S I'or st;~liol~s A ~ I I I C I13 i ~ ~ c l ! ~ c l i ~ i ; ~ r o ~ l r ~ n ~ ~ ~ l ~ co~lsolcs. c;ilio~ls
.A ~ c s t p;l~lcl\\.llicll allo\\.s ;l11 i~rco~ili~lg i~ldic;llio~ls

be sn;~ckc i r c ~ ~ i t 10 s be drol~pctl ; I I I ~

;~rlc co~il~lers ro hc opcrarcd. l'llls 15 cs11c111cli I I S C ~ ~ I I ~ ' O SS ~ I I I I I ~ ~ ~I ~~ : II II II II~ I O \ . C I I I C I I ~;1i1(1 S ~:I!I~IS

! l C-1-C: S \ ~ S I ~ Ii\.ill~: II
Dr~alVILlE c o ~ ~ r p r ~ t c r T'ccllnicians \\.orkst;~tion 0pcr;ltors \\.or k s t a ~ i o ~ l Sign;~lpost rclcpllo~lcs 'l'lrc " l . o ~ l c c ~i'cl!i;lg;l" ~g circuit 11;rs bee11 :-clai~~cti hut \ V S A 11;;si~lrcrl;iccd to this so:

Level crossing ~ c l c p l ~ o ~ r c s

CTC centrc co~ii~nulliciltio~~s console

'The Il;lnd gcncrillor 11?ily still hc used lo scnd otllcr codes.

Title: Cirebon-Kroya-Yogyakarta Resig~ialling Prqject

. P

Author: 0. D. Clenick -

It is of course still up to the level crossi~igkeeper to operate the alarnis when the train is approaching the crossing based on his particular local knowledge.

In the area of DAOP 111 between Soliggoril and Sindanglaut tlie capacity of the PLN supply is li~iiited and from the late afternoon llntil late ~n the night and for a pcr~odin tlre niornilig the voltage falls from 220 to 160 volts mlnlmum. Thus it has been l~ecessi\~? to ~nstall \.oltagc stabilisers at these seven statlolis

Tlrcre are existing Sic~nens gcogrophical relay i~~terlockings at Cirebo~i and Yogyakarta. WSA be installing axle counter ecluipmcnt at each interlocki~lg to provide the block signalling li~nction.WSA n i l 1 also install a renlotc field station in at each interlocking to pick up the indications for the CTC systcnl. 1-lle CTC workstations will display the layot~t of c;lcl~ interlocking but t11e indications ~vill only be active Sro~n tlre starting signals into the contr;rct ;Ire;l.
2.1 1

The Buyer's Activities

In conjunction with tlte prqject works the Buyer DGLT has ;irrangcd the Ihllo\~~ing works: Dcs~gliand co~lstructio~i of the new CTC b111lri11lg at P t ~ ~ o k e r t o Dcsig~ iincl ~ constroction of tlrc nc\v ClTC building at Yogyakirrta. Dcs~gnand constrr~ctlon of the nc\\ building a l tlie Ba~~drllrg tralnlng school to liousc the Traln~ng Slllilll;llor out thc follo\\~ng uork. PERUMKA has c;lrr~cd

Power Supplies

Each station lias Sour optiolls of 220 \.olt clcctncal supply: PLN from t l ~ e nation;ll grid Batteries and In\.crtcr to pro\ ~ d Ic I to ~ three Iloo~s operation I T the d~cscl alternator f i ~ ~to l sst;~rt Diesel alternator \ \ l r ~ c l 1s ~ up to spccd alicr ;~t)ot~t tell seconds A11 111lclsocket to \LIIICII a portable lo\\;lblc ci~cscl set l u x bc con~rcctcd I[ tlic gcllcr;rtor 1;11ls to opcratc Tllcrc 1s ;I porlablc dlcscl ;~ltcr~~;itor sugpllcd to cacl~ DAOP ul~der lllc contr;lct All cclulplncnt 1s fed oll tllc s1;111db! sr~ppllcs\\ I I ~ I I tile PLN s ~ ~ p p falls l ~ and o ~ i l \ lllc \ ; ~ r dl ~ g l ~ r l rlo;~tl ~g r i tiroppcd ofl'undcr tl~csc cond~t 1011s

Insulatio~~ of rails on bridges to allo\v operation of con\.cnlion;il track circuits. Pro\lslo~\of d l ~ c r s c bcarcrs Tor $\\cWSA s\';\cr\i o\ cr l l ~ c TO3 co~lllnr~lrlc;itlolIs s ! stcnl supl)l~cd earl~c b\ ~ L,SE of S\dnc> l~rscrtio ol' ~~ scctio~~ of s R 7 3 rail i l l scctio~isof R?? rail lo pcrl~iil s;lk opcr;rlio~~ of aslc corilltcr -, ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I C Il IIlc ~ . s;~l'c opcr;~lior~ ol' aslc corlliic'r cqriip~liu~t c2111101 bc gu;rr;~~~tccd on R25 \\.cigiil ol' r;liI,

The Institution of Railway Signal Engineers - Australasian Section Inc (copyright reserved) Tl'ecl~nical Meeting Ilidonesia - July 1997

Page 9 of 10

Title: Cirebon-Kroya-Yogyakarla Resignalli~lg Project Replacenielit of isolated steel sleepers in insulalcd sleeper areas. Cleaning of fouled ballast at level crossi~igs in Lingapura Pnlpuk section. 'Track alterations at Kroya. Track alterations at Kutoarjo

Author: 0 . D. Clcllick As the station switch overs have progressed problewns have been identified and the necessary changes made. WSA is still supportitlg PERUMKA in fault finding \\~hentheir own staff arc uiiable to repair the faults in a fcw hours. PERUMKA staff are I,ecoming Illore familii~r ~ c i t h the new cquipriicl~t and systcms and gai~ut~ the g confidence to ~liai~ltaitl t hcm. T l ~ cCTC syslenls at Punvokerlo 2nd C~reboli arc comlii~ss~oiicd and be111g uscd for all funct~onsap:irl from thc control of trallis which is anlaltlng the ~mplenrcntatron of the Tralli Working Rcgnlatlons Thc Yogyakaria systc~n w ~ l lbc c o ~ l l ~ l l ~ s s ~11 o 1 ~car\> ~cd Scptcn~bcr19'97 Thcrc arc still fourtcc~~ statiolls to commission in less than ~ ~ i n wccks c which will rcquirc switch avers in DAOP I l l and DAOP V1 to bc in parallcl and 1101 in scrics. This is not a n casy task but as all intcrlockil~gs arc now it1 Indonesia it is still possiblc to complete the prqicct in Ihc original tililc scalc of fifty months li-on1 tllc cn'ccti~~c dilrc or the pro-jcct. This \\.as 1v.o ilnd ;I Ilalf I I I ~ I I ;lCicr ~ ~ I ~t l ~ c contract sigtling gi\.ing ;I cotnpletioll di~tc oftl~c ~rd oTScptctnbcr 1997.
11 1s ;I rcflcctlol~on tllc cooperallon of all patties aid 111 p;ltt~cul;~r DGLT a t ~ dPERUMKA that 1 llc project II;IS gonc so \\ell to d;ltc \11tl1 all objcct~\ cs b a n g 111ct


To date twenty-eigllt statio~is Ila\:c bccn co~i~missioncd which completes all stations in DAOP V atrd two stations in DAOP Ill. Thc first station to bc commissioned \\?as Nolog on 27 M;lrch 1906. As could be expected with this bcing thc first timc WSA had worked with PERU-MKA or in l~ldo~lcsia thcrc wcrc several niinor problems rcvealcd afier 111c stvitch o \ t r of Notog. The electric lock rcleasc and indications required minor riiodifications a11d there ncrc problcnls in thc adjustmen1 of thc point's dctcction. Tllcsc ~vcre quickly rcsol\~cd and after a period to ;~sscsss!rsrclll reliability atld allonr PERIJMKA sti~n' to bccotllc Inorc fi~miliarwit11 the n c n cquipmcnt thc second st;ltion oT Kebascn was switcl~cd o\.cr on 29 May 1906. Thus in DAOP V WSA has cornn~issioncdt\\cnr! -h\ c statiolls in fin!-thrcc tvccks or :In a\cr:~gc ororlc stallon every two weeks Tills I5 il rcflcction of the ;Isslst:lnce and cooperation that DAOP V ha\rc provided cspcclall! when it IS apprcctatcd Ihc four I;~rgcst sl;ltlons of Pn~puk. Purwokcrto. Kroya ;ind Kutoaqo arc ;)I1 In 1),40P V

The sncccssl\~l ~ r n p l c r n c n t a t ~o o C~an) ~ prolecl 1s lhc result of all nlclnbcrs of tllc teal11 \ ~ o r k ~ n togcther g and I cxprcss I I I ~ apprcclat~on ~ to a11 WSA s ~ t c pcrsonllcl. both cxpatr~iltci ~ n dlocal stall. WSA Mclboilr~~c stafr. DLE staff and tl\c project consnltar~ts Tor tlwr cfforls

The Jr~stitution of Railway Signal Engineers - Australasian Section hlc (cop~vrigl~t reserved). Technical Meeting lndollesia - July 1997

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