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Name: Veronica Yamileth Bonilla Ayala Career: English Major Subject: Module 7 Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part IV) Activity: Teaching Perspective Inventory



The purpose of this report is to identify and analyze my results regarding TPI, this test is an instrument that helps teachers to know the perspective toward the quality of teaching techniques or methods that they are using in their classroom, the results of this test gives to the teachers a critical reflection about the teaching style as well as a different way to see and think about the social role of teachers and their influence in learners . For me it is important to know my personal teaching perspective because knowing the results I can determine what to change and what is the area in which I have to continue working as well as improve those weaknesses or those characteristics in which I have a low level in order to be a good teacher and help my students the most I can.

The TPI results

Transmission Total: (Tr) 31 B = 13; I = 7; A = 11 Apprenticeship Total: (Ap) 35 B = 13; I = 13; A = 9 Developmental Total: (Dv) 25 B = 8; I = 10; A = 7 Nurturing Total: (Nu) 35 B = 12; I = 13; A = 10 Social Reform Total: (SR) 41 B = 15; I = 13; A = 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beliefs total: (B) 61 Intentions total: (I) 56 Action total: (A) 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall Total: (T) 167

Those are my results in TPI exam and I have an average from 25 to 41, my results in transmission was 31, Apprenticeship 35, Developmental 25, Nurturing 35 and the highest level was 41 because I consider that is important for students to have knowledge about the subjects that we will teach but also about the things that happens in their environment. Transmission About transmission I think it is important to provide to the students the objectives of the course, the agenda, and what I do expect from them as well as provide them the tools and knowledge to give them the sources that they need to learn in a better way, also it is important to provide feedback to the students this could be done once a month having a meeting of 15 minutes to provide them the results of their performance while other students perform another activity. Apprenticeship In this case I got 35 and it refers to the teaching style that gives more responsibilities to the students because teacher provides the material and they have to develop the activities in their own just being guided by the teacher, in my case I could use this strategy giving to the students a coursework with exercises that they will have to present once a week.

I got a 25 in TPI result for this characteristic, in this case students has the priority in the process because the rhythm of the class is according their level and the information that they can manage and the way they think, for this I could find a technique that let the students to do the extra mile and create or promote the ability to research and investigate more.

Nurturing In nurturing I got 35 I consider that a good teacher can provide to the students the techniques and methods that can help them to growth and achieve their goals in their learning process, in my case I could provide to the students support and reasonable goals that they are able to achieve as well as my own experiences that can help them to have good learning habits and let them know that they can achieve their goals with discipline and with the sources that I can provide to them and the institution too. Social Reform In social reform I got 41 and it was the highest level that I had in the TPI I consider myself social teaching oriented because if we educate the students to having a critical vision they would apply their knowledge in good things like help their community and their country.


With those results I can conclude that I agree with those results because they are very close to the way I think and my style to teach, especially with Social Reform, Nurturing Apprenticeship combining those aspects the students can be prepared to be independent, responsible and aware that they have to give their best to be better people and professionals This information about my teaching perspective can be used in social reform, for me the students must have a critical vision and opinion about their environment related to their own lives as well as others, education based on social perspective helps to create harmony between students in the classroom, their house and their community because they learn to give their opinion and respect others opinion beside other aspects that can help the to perform themselves as good people, students, and professionals.

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