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Word A bar chart (n) English A diagram in which different amounts are represented by thin vertical or horizontal bars which have the same width and but vary in height or length Sth that prevents people from doing what they want to do Having to be responsible for what you do and able to explain your actions Enough Very near, next to To change the way you behave or think in order to suit a new situation To seem to be Used about the value of something Because of something By chance To achieve sth, especially after a lot of work The quality of being real or true An official group or government department with power to control particular public services The sum of their ages divided by six Considering all the facts in a fair way To be helped by sth The main part of the essay The way you move your body, that shows people what you are feeling A situation in which it is possible for a business to so something new Working in a serious and effective way Translation

A barrier to (n) Accountable (adj)

Adequate (adj) Adjacent (n) Adjust to (v)

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Appear to(v) Appreciate (v) As a result of (phr) At random (adj) Attain (v) Authenticity (n) Authority (n)

Average (n) Balanced (adj) Benefit from (v) Body (of essay) (n) Body language (n)

Business opportunity(n)

Business-like (adj)

Categorise (v) Close reading (n) Cognitive psychology (n) Column (n)

Commit fraud (phr) Common belief (n) Community worker(n) Compose a picture (v) Computer tablet (n) Considerably(adv)

Consistent (adj) Contribute to (v)

Controversial(adj) Copyright (n)

Correlations (n) Coupled with (phr) Critical to (adj)

Cross (v) Cross-section (n) Cyberterrorism (n)

Decline (v0 Design (n)

To put people or things into groups with same features Reading carefully, paying attention to details The study of how people think One of several vertical blocks of print into which a page of a newspaper or magazine is divided To try to get money illegally by deceiving people Something that everyone thinks A person whose job is to help people in a particular area To organise the contents of a picture A small computer with a screen Ina way that is large or important enough to have an effect The same To give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people Causing a lot of disagreement or argument The legal right to control the use of an original piece of work such as a book, play, or a song Connections,often as cause and effect Combined with Very important for the way things will happen in the future To intersect A part of sth cut off from the rest at an angle When people use the internet to damage computer systems for political or other reasons To go, often slowly, from a higher to a lower A pattern for decoration, or

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Detect (v)

Develop expertise (phr) Deviate (adj) Diagram(n) Double (adj) Effective (adj) Emerge(v) Emphasize (v) Entrepreneur(n)

Environment (n)

Ethical issue (n)

Ethics (n)

Exceed (v) Exposure to (n)

the way in which sth is planned and made To discover or notice sth, especially sth that is difficult to see, hear, smell To gain a high level of knowledge or skill in sth Differ A simple plan that is drawn to represent an idea Grow to twice the size Successful or achieving the result that you want To become known or appear from somewhere To show or state that something is very important Someone who starts their own business , especially when this involves risks The situation that you live or work in, and how it influences how you feel A subject or problem relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong Ideas and beliefs about what type of behavior is morally right and wrong To go over When someone experiences sth or is affected by it because they are in a particular situation When you illegally pretend to be someone le\se in order to deceive people Relating to the central government rather than the government of a region Shows people, places or thongs in a similar way to how they look in a real life A picture or drawing of a human form To accuse someone officially of doing sth A way of considering or

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False identity (n)

Federal (adj)

Figurative art (n)

Figure (n) File charges (v) Flexible approach (n)

Flowchart (n) Form (n) GDP

Generate ideas (phr) Graph presents Hack into sth (v)

doing sth that can be changed easily Diagram which indicates the stages of a process The body or shape of someone or sth Abbreviation for Gross Domestic Product: the total value of goods and services that a country produces in a year To cause new ideas To use a computer to illegally get into someone elses computer system and read the information that is kept there To deal with something To emphasize sth or make people notice sth, to make sth a different colour so that it is more easily noticed Kind of bar chart but the bar width also varies to indicate different values When people are friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors The part if an organization that finds new employees, keeps records about employees and helps them any problem Sth that someone says or writes that does not apply to a particular person With all facts, opinions, etc relating to a particular thing or event A fact, measurement, or condition that shows what sth is like or how it is changing Containing a lot of useful facts An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned A new idea or method that is

Handle (v) Highlight (v)

Histogram (n)

Hospitality (n)

Human resources (n)

Impersonal statement (n)

In context (adv)

Indicator of (n)

Informative (adj) Innate (adj)


Institution (n)

Integral to (adj) Interpret (v)

Invest in (v)

Key Label (n) Latent (adj)

being tried for the first time, or use of such ideas or methods A large and important organization, such as a university or bank Necessary and important as part of something To explain or decide what you think a particular phrase, performance, action, etc means To put money, effort, time etc. into sth to make a profit or get an advantage Shows what each segments represents sign A feeling or quality that is latent exists now but is hidden or not yet developed Very important or most important A big result of sth becoming different To state an opinion or fact that deserves to be considered seriously To understand sth or how sth works The halfway point between the 2 extremes of the range The most frequent value Grow rapidly to a very large number The average If someone or something is noteworthy, they are important or interesting Only influenced by facts and not by feelings On-the-job training happens when you are at work When things are arranged according to how much you like them Results

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Layers (n) Leading (adj) Major change (n) Make a point (v)

Make sense of (v) Median (n) Mode (n) Multiply (v) Norm (n) Normal distribution (n) Noteworthy (adj)

Objective (adj) On-the-job (adj) Order of preference (n)

Outcomes (n)

Paraphrase (v)

Password (n) Pattern (n) Pay attention to (v)

Perceive (v) Perceptible (adj) Perceptive (adj) Perspective (n) Phishing (n)

Pie chart (n) Plagiarism(n)

To express something that has been said or written in a different way, usually so that it is clearer A secret word that allows you to do sth A design of lines, shapes, colors To watch or listen to or think about something carefully with interest To think of sth or someone in a particular way Just able to be noticed Quick to notice or understand thongs The way you think about something The practice of sending emails to people to trick them into giving information that would let someone take money from their bank account A circle divided into segments from the middle When someone illegally copies someone elses work or ideas Writing and activities that are intended to make person, company, or product more To keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged or destroyed Assessment of probabilities for each possible value of C Likelihood of sth happening Things that are important in how a film, programme etc looks Producing a good or useful result Number compared with another number To accuse someone of a crime in law court To cause sth to be organized

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Plotted (adj) PR (n)

Preserve (v)

Probability distribution (n) Probability(n) Production values (n)

Productive (adj) Proportion (n) Prosecute (v) Put sth in place (v)

Ratify (v) Ratio (n)

To make an agreement official Relationship between 2 numbers showing how much bigger one is To say or feel sth because of sth else that has been said or done To say sth again so that people take notice of that Not many, when compared to other things To depend on or trust To be a sign or symbol An answer or reaction to sth that has been said or done To describe briefly the main facts or ideas of sth A line of things The subjects of the experiment or group representing the total population measured A piece of art that is made from stone, wood, clay Any of parts into which sth can be divided or into which it is naturally divided To understand what someone is thinking or feeling without being told about The quality of being aware of things through physical senses The ability you have to do a particular activity or job To indicate Important or noticeable Noticeably To show or say what is going to happen in the future Rapid movement upwards A new idea or method in how society is organized Able to do complicated tasks A person or group of people

Reach a peak React (v)

Reiterate (v) Relatively few (adj) Reliable (adj) Represent (v) Response (n) Review (v) Rows (n) Sample (n)

Sculpture (n) Segments (n)

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Sense (v)

Sensory perception (n)

Set of data (n) Set of skills (n) Show (v) Significant (adj) Significantly (adv) Signpost (v) Soar (n) Social innovation (n) Sophisticated (adj) Stakeholder (n)

Standard deviation (n) Strategy (n) Strengths and weaknesses (plr) Support (n) Surveyed Symbol (n)

who own a share in a business Average difference from the norm The act of planning how to achieve something Good and bad results Emotional or practical help A letter or sign or number that is used instead of a longer name, number, etc An arrangement of facts and numbers in rows or blocks Relating to knowledge, equipment and methods that are used in science and industry Caring for The process by which people who are accused of crimes are judged in court One of the national police forces in the US controlled by the central government Change in a particular direction When you do not have official permission to use sth or be in a particular place To be taught the skills you need to do a particular job or activity Based on truth or reason Number of element of a situation that can change Different Of things of the same type vary, they are different from each other Amount, quantity Describes a person who behaves sensibly and reasonably and whose behavior is not difficult Horizontal axis Vertical axis

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Table (n) Technological (adj)

Tendency (n) The criminal justice system (n) The FBI

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Trend (n) Unauthorized access (n)

Undergo training (phr)

Valid (adj) Variable (adj) Vary (adj) Vary (v)

Volume (n) Well-adjusted

X axis (n) Y axis (n)

Acknowledge (v) Adequately (adv)

Article (n) Clarification (n)

Common knowledge (phr) Communicable (adj) Deficit (n)

Disproportionately (adv)

Draft (n)

Extent (n) Extrinsic (adj) Hypothesise (v)

Infer (v)

Intrinsic (adj)

To accept sth that is true or exists In a satisfactory way, in the amount or to the degree needed A piece of writing in a magazine, newspaper An explanation or more details which makes sth clear or easier to understand Sth that a lot of people know Able to be given from one person to another The amount by which the money that you spend is more that the money that you receive In a way that is too large or too small in comparison to sth else To produce a piece of writing or a plan that you intend to change The size or importance of sth Coming from outside, or not related to sth To give a possible but not yet proved explanation for sth To guess sth is true because of the information that you have An intrinsic quality or thing forms part of the basic character of sth or someone

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Outcome (n) Progress (n) Recognition (n) Remit (n) Scope (n)

The final result of an activity or process Development and improvement of skills When you accept that sth is true or real The things that you are responsible for in your job The range of a subject covered by a book,

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discussion Unsustainable (adj) Widespread (adj) Source (n) Social status (n) Sth that is unsustainable can not continue at the same rate Affecting or including a lot of places, people Where sth comes from Position or importance in a social group

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