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Open your heart with a jest, and let your heart laugh a little; then become serious.

" Talmud DEMYSTIFYING HOMEOPATHY A Concise Guide to Homeopathic Medicine So ... what is homeopathy? Heres how some people responded to this question: "Its that health rea! medicine usin" #itamins and mineral supplements." "Its or"anic her$s." "%e#er heard o it." "Its where they use some !ind o stran"e machines." "A orm o treatment usin" su""estion and place$os." &hou"h creati#e' none o these answers is correct. Actually' homeopathy is the $est !ept secret in medicine today. (hile con#entional medicine de initely has its place' it cant match homeopathy in its e ecti#eness a"ainst human su erin". So why dont more doctors practice it? &he answer is simple. )irst o all' it ma!es no sense to a "rational" mind*that is' at irst "lance. Second' its much more di icult to practice than con#entional medicine+ most doctors will only da$$le in it a $it and there ore dont "et "ood results. )inally' i you want to do it well' you ha#e to ta!e your time and see ei"ht patients a day' instead o orty' and thats hard on the wallet. Since I $e"an my practice' I#e searched or a concise $oo!let that would e,plain homeopathy to new and prospecti#e patients. Ha#in" ne#er ound it' I reali-ed that I would ha#e to write it. Here it is. It is directed at lay people .ust curious a$out the su$.ect' as well as doctors and scientists. /ne thin" I !now rom e,perience: when some$ody tells me they !now what homeopathy is' they are usually wron". I hope you ind my e,planation help ul. "Nicely written and well stated - clinical and intellectual alance!" 0ernie Sie"el' M.1. Author "It was a w"nder#ul$ c"ncise$ clear and in#"rmati%e little ""&! I elie%e it was t'e est e()lanati"n "# '"me")at'y I 'a%e seen! Nice *" !" (illiam 1. Manahan' M.1. Author "A t'"u+'t#ul and )"i+nant intr"ducti"n t" '"me")at'y! Demysti#ies "ne "# t'e ,"rld-s +reat 'ealin+ systems!" 1r. Michael A. Schmidt Author "Any"ne w'" is interested in e()lainin+ w'at '"me")at'y is will e a le t" +lean an"t'er %iew)"int #r"m t'is ""&!" 2ulian (inston Homeopathy Today "G""d ""&! G""d )rice! T'e est small ""& e()lainin+ '"me")at'y t" c"me ar"und!" Melanie Grimes Resonance "T'is is n"t "nly t'e trut'$ - it is #inally$ t'e whole trut'!!!" Iain Marrs American Homeopath "I c'allen+e y"u t" #ind a m"re c"ncise e()lanati"n "# '"me")at'y anyw'ere!" &im The Edge "I )redict t'at t'is remar&a le little ""& will c'an+e many li%es!" Audrey 1e3aMarte T. . !ellness I w"uld li&e t" e()ress my a))reciati"n t" t'e #"ll"win+ )e")le. &o my wi e' 2ulia' or sharin" her creati#e ideas' supportin" me in e#ery aspect o my li e and patiently endurin" endless con#ersations re"ardin" homeopathy. &o &racy (hartman' or puttin" the inishin" touches on this edition. &o Carol Hamilton' whose enthusiasm' dedication and editin" made this edition possi$le. Demysti#yin+ H"me")at'y A Concise Guide to Homeopathic Medicine Copyri"ht 4556 7 4555 $y 2aco$ I. Mirman' M.1. 7 all ri"hts reser#ed 8u$lished $y : %ew Hope 8u$lishers 9:;4 <u!on A#enue %orth %ew Hope' Minnesota ::6=> )a, ?4=@A9?74=A9 Co#er desi"n $y Christopher (ells Bdited $y Coseanne 0ane D4st editionE and Carol Hamilton D=nd F 9rd editionsE All inquiries and orders are to $e directed to the a$o#e address. 3i$rary o Con"ress %um$er 5>7;54:;4 IS0% %um$er ;75?:45:;7=9 TA/0E OF 1ONTENTS. My Con#ersion &he History o Homeopathy 8ro#in" Cemedy 8reparation 8hilosophy )rom &heory to 8ractice 8ayment Sa ety Guestions and Answers Appendi, Bnd %otes

)urther Ceadin" ""ou thought, as a boy, that a mage is one who can do anything. #o $ thought, once. #o did we all. And the truth is that as a man%s real power grows and his &nowledge widens, e'er the way he can (ollow grows narrower) until at last he chooses nothing, but does only and wholly what he must do ..." 2rsula 3! 0eGuin MY 1ON4E5SION. ACCB8&I%G &HB IM8/SSI03B (hen I $e"an medical school at the Hni#ersity o Minnesota' I was con#inced that the common medical practice o our time' allopathic medicine' was the only method o healin" worth considerin". Still' I attended the meetin"s sponsored $y the Humanistic Health Committee to introduce medical students to alternati#e therapies. &hat way' I would at least !now what alternati#es were a#aila$le. &he committee in#ited practitioners in acupuncture' applied !inesiolo"y' chiropractors' rol ers' &ra"er therapists' psychic healers and others. Some o these presentations seemed credi$le+ others did not. 0ut when a homeopath lectured' I was outra"edI It made a$solutely no senseI I was certain that anyone who practices somethin" so ridiculous must $e a complete idiot or a croo!' thou"h this "entleman didnt appear to $e either. &he whole concept sounded so impro$a$le' it ired up my curiosity. I !new Id ha#e to in#esti"ate it urther' i only to dispro#e it. I "ot a homeopathic irst aid $oo! and a ew remedies and waited or a suita$le trial case. I didnt ha#e to wait lon". My "randmother su ered rom mild' $ut requent' an,iety attac!s. Since immi"ratin" to the Hnited States' she couldnt ind the tincture o #alerian she always used in Cussia. (hen she had her ne,t an,iety episode' I "a#e her Aconite ?J rom my homeopathic !it and told her it was #alerian. She "ladly too! it and calmed down immediately. / course' I assumed the result was only a demonstration o the place$o e ect Dthe power o su""estionE. 2ust thin!in" she was "ettin" #alerian calmed her. So' I set out to pro#e this assumption $y "i#in" her a place$o the ne,t time she $ecame an,ious. It loo!ed and tasted e,actly the same' and I was surprised when it didnt produce the e,pected calmin" result. So once a"ain I "a#e her Aconite and she calmed down. Since then' she has used $ottles and $ottles o the stu and it always helps. Since I was a child' I dreamed o doin" ma"ic. I wondered what it would $e li!e to ha#e special powers li!e my heroes in airy tales' and later' in science iction stories. Hsin" this homeopathic remedy on my "randmother elt #ery closeI I "a#e her somethin" that couldnt possi$ly wor! and yet it produced a si"ni icant' reproduci$le e ect. I was hoo!ed+ I .ust hadnt reali-ed it yet. My inal and irre#oca$le con#ersion to homeopathy too! place in 45A:' when my ather de#eloped what appeared to $e a case o an autoimmune disease. He had se#ere muscle pains' sweats' a e#er' wei"ht loss and a #ery hi"h sedimentation rate D49;E' indicatin" se#ere in lammation somewhere in the $ody. He was admitted to Mount Sinai Medical Center in Minneapolis a ter ha#in" $een ill or a$out a month. He had a complete wor!up' $ut a ter ten days' the dia"nosis was still uncertain. He was still "ettin" worse and' $y this time' was $edridden. Steroids were the su""ested treatment. Instead' my ather saw a doctor who treated him homeopathically' and he impro#ed dramatically. He was almost pain ree the ne,t day. (ithin a month' all his other symptoms resol#ed' and his sedimentation rate came down to 4;. My athers case con#inced me to in#esti"ate this system o therapy more closely. I researched the literature and sat in with se#eral homeopathic doctors. I $ecame so impressed with homeopathy' I decided to study it mysel . /nce I inished my residency in Internal Medicine' I studied homeopathy as comprehensi#ely as I could' which too! me all o#er the world. (hen I returned to the Hnited States' I started my homeopathic practice while also wor!in" part time as a con#entional internist. I soon reali-ed that althou"h con#entional approaches can de initely $e o some use' nothin" can come close to the e ecti#eness o homeopathic medicine. I now only use allopathic medicine either as a palliati#e Dthat is' to help deal with symptoms temporarily' while homeopathy ta!es e ectE' or in the rare case when homeopathy would not $e appropriate. "...a scientist must absolutely li&e a child. $( he sees a thing, he must say that he sees it, whether it was what he thought he was going to see or not. #ee (irst, thin& later, then test. *ut always see (irst, otherwise you will only see what you are e+pecting. ,ost scientists (orget that." D"u+las Adams #o -ong and Than&s (or All the .ish HISTO5Y OF HOMEOPATHY. 1/H0& 0CBB1S &CH&H %o discussion o homeopathy is complete without the story o its ounder' 1r. Samuel Hahnemann D4>::*4A69E. Hahnemann "raduated rom medical school in 4>>5' started his practice' and soon $ecame disillusioned with the pre#ailin" $elie s and practices o his time. Hahnemann was tau"ht' as were all doctors o his time' that disease was due to an o#era$undance o one o the $odys luids or "liquors" and that treatment consisted o drainin" these e,cesses. &he most accessi$le "liquor" was $lood and it was drained pro usely. &here were many #ariations in technique' $ut the "oal was always the same6drain as much $lood as possi$le 4. 1octors ad#ocated drawin" $lood until no more came rom the #ein. Children were supposed to $e $led until our7 i ths o their $lood was drained. /ther "liquors" were drained throu"h a #ariety o pur"in" methods includin" lar"e doses o la,ati#es and emetics. All sorts o poisons' such as arsenic and mercury' were also used. Mercury' or e,ample' was thou"ht to e ecti#ely treat syphilis and was administered until the patient e,perienced copious sali#ation Dwhich we reco"ni-e now as a symptom o se#ere mercury poisonin"E. )rom our perspecti#e' any compassionate physician should ha#e re$elled a"ainst such outra"eous treatment o patients' $ut Hahnemanns collea"ues ollowed what they were tau"ht' not !nowin" any $etter. &hey did their .o$ to the $est o their a$ility and with the $est methods !nown at the time. Is it so di erent now? Many contemporary doctors "i#e children anti$iotics or any minor cold' a practice that e#entually destroys the immune system. &hese doctors' too' thin! this is the $est way to treat disease. &hey are honest' hardwor!in" people who practice medicine as they were tau"ht. <ou mi"ht $e inclined to de end contemporary practices $y pointin" out that anti$iotics do wor! and quic!ly. 0ut $loodlettin" also o ten helped in the short run. /#er time o course' requent $loodlettin" and poisonin" made people chronically ill' as anti$iotics do when used without moderation. Hahnemann had a sharp and pro$in" intelli"ence' and he re used to trust anyone or anythin" simply at ace #alue. His writin"s indicate that' unli!e his collea"ues' Hahnemann was not $linded $y unquestionin" aith in his pro essors. He re$elled a"ainst pre#ailin" practices and openly critici-ed those who ollowed them. His writin"s were so ull o contempt or his contemporaries' that he was soon re"arded as the em$odiment o the de#il himsel . 3ac!in" trustworthy alternati#es he could o er his patients' Hahnemann simply quit medicine alto"ether. He wor!ed as a chemist' and to pro#ide additional income or his "rowin" amily' he translated $oo!s. It was throu"h this secondary occupation that Hahnemann e#entually stum$led upon homeopathy. He translated a $oo! written $y a popular doctor o the time that discussed the use o cinchona $ar! DquinineE in the treatment o malaria. &he author su""ested that the $itterness o the su$stance produced the curati#e e ect. &his didnt satis y Hahnemanns s!eptical mind. He added a critical commentary to the translation' statin" that he could easily list se#eral su$stances e#en more $itter in taste that did nothin" to help a patient with malaria. Apparently not satis ied with mere criticism' Hahnemann e,perimented on himsel $y ta!in" a lar"e dose o cinchona. He de#eloped a e#er' sweats' $ody pains and other symptoms similar to those o malaria. &hese symptoms lasted some time $e ore he reco#ered. Hahnemann ormulated a hypothesis: cinchona appears to cure malaria $ecause it produces malaria7li!e symptoms in healthy people. He proceeded to test other su$stances' ta!in" them himsel ' "i#in" them to his hapless amily and anyone else $ra#e enou"h to #isit his house' and care ully recorded the symptoms produced. I malpractice suits were common then' Hahnemann mi"ht ne#er ha#e de#eloped homeopathy. Hahnemann started seein" patients a"ain. He administered su$stances that produced in healthy people the same symptoms or which the patient sou"ht treatment. &hese patients impro#ed enou"h to remo#e any dou$t a$out the #alidity o his hypothesis.

&he 3atin phrase #imilia similibus curentur de ines the one and only principle o homeopathy: "0et li&es e cured y li&es." &his is all homeopathy is. A homeopathic physicians "oal is to ind a su$stance that produces in a healthy person the same symptoms the patient su ers rom. He or she "i#es the patient that su$stance and watches the "ma"ic." And what ma"ic it isI Homeopathy was $rou"ht to the Hnited States $y the students o Hahnemann in mid74A th century. It $ecame an immediate success and $y the end o the century there were thousands o practicin" homeopaths in this country. &he %ew School en.oyed its popularity until the $e"innin" o =; th century. &his is when the modern dru" companies started comin" out with new dru"s which were quite e ecti#e and easily administered. It $ecame easier to prescri$e aspirin than to ta!e a comprehensi#e case to ind a "ood homeopathic remedy. Most homeopaths too! the easy route' and the science o homeopathy declined to the point o #irtual non7e,istence. A hand ul o aith ul practitioners !ept homeopathy "oin" until it was a"ain reco"ni-ed or its #irtues in the 45>;s. Homeopathy is now en.oyin" a stron" come$ac!. &here are presently se#eral colle"es in this country trainin" quality homeopathic practitioners. &here are also a num$er o homeopathic clinics sproutin" up all o#er the world. I must say' its a "reat time to $e a homeopathI "/e'er accept a drin& (rom a urologist." Erma /"m ec&-s Fat'er P5O4ING. SICKB%I%G &HB (B33 &/ HBA3 &HB SICK Hahnemanns practice o testin" su$stances on healthy people to determine their speci ic symptom pictures is called "pro#in"." Hahnemann pro#ed around 4;; su$stances durin" his career. His students and ollowers continued the process' and appro,imately two thousand su$stances ha#e $een pro#en in this ashion. 0ecause homeopathic practitioners didnt always !now what to pro#e' all !inds o unli!ely su$stances ound their way into our Materia Medica $oo!s' the collection o in ormation on remedy pictures. Some o the most unli!ely are our most #alua$le remedies today. Homeopathic remedies come rom plant' animal and mineral sources. Some o them are stron" poisons' some are inert su$stances in their crude orm. (hen properly prepared a Dprocess that will $e discussed in the ne,t chapterE' they lose their to,ic potential and acquire the a$ility to heal. An e,treme e,ample o an unli!ely su$stance $ecomin" a power ul homeopathic medicine is 8yro"enium. &his su$stance is deri#ed rom raw meat that is le t in the sun until it rots. I a healthy person ate this meat' he or she would de#elop se#ere symptoms: diarrhea' #omitin"' e#ers with oul smellin" sweat' restlessness' $ody aches. In short' he or she would eel' well' rotten. A patient who has not in"ested rotten meat' $ut has these symptoms or some other reason' will $e helped $y 8yro"enium. / course' a homeopathic practitioner would not recommend eatin" rotten meat. 8yro"enium is prepared in the standard homeopathic way' which is discussed in the ne,t chapter. (e dont o ten see patients with typhoid or other intestinal conditions that cause such symptoms. %e#ertheless' while wor!in" or a local HM/ a ew years a"o' I saw a i ty7year7old man who had de#eloped a "cold" that .ust wouldnt "o away. He had constant e#ers' oul smellin" sweats' restlessness' terri$le mouth odor and other symptoms associated with 8yro"enium. It had already $een three wee!s' and he was not "ettin" $etter. I e#en "a#e him a stron" anti$iotic $ut' as I eared' it didnt alle#iate the symptoms. &he man had in luen-a' a #iral condition' so o course' anti$iotics couldnt help. I tried them only out o desperation. I considered admittin" him to the hospital and ran some $lood tests in preparation. In the meantime' I as!ed him to "o to the store that sells homeopathic remedies and $uy 8yro"enium 9;c. I dou$ted it would help' $ut it couldnt hurtI He was to ta!e three "ranules e#ery two hours and report to me in two days. &wo days passed and his $lood test results came $ac!. /ne loo! at them made me shi#er. It seemed the #irus had a ected his red $lood cells. &hey were hemoly-in" Ddecomposin"E' and hemo"lo$in' the normal constituent o red $lood cells' was spillin" into the $lood and tryin" to come throu"h his !idneys to $e eliminated in his urine. In the process' the hemo"lo$in had plu""ed the !idneys delicate ilterin" mechanism and early si"ns o !idney shutdown were already apparent in the results. &he patient was de initely headed or close monitorin" in an intensi#e care unit. He would ha#e to "et #i"orous intra#enous hydration and could end up on dialysis. A ew hours a ter I read the results' the patient came in. 0e ore I could say anythin" he told me' "1oc' I eel thirty percent $etter." He loo!ed a little $etter too. I didnt !now what to say. He wasnt supposed to $e impro#in"+ he should ha#e elt worse and possi$ly stopped producin" urine. He de ied the rules' so I decided to de y mine and wait a $it lon"er. A ter all' I was treatin" a patient' not a statistic on some report. Still' I drew $lood or more tests. Another two days passed' and the latest $lood test results showed a sli"ht impro#ement. &he patient came in and said' "1oc' its wor!in". Im se#enty percent $etter now." He continued his steady impro#ement and the $lood a$normalities resol#ed as well. He was completely well in a couple o wee!s. A wee! later he came $ac! or an ur"ent #isit or an acute "out attac! in one o his .oints. &his de#elopment made me e#en happier. Hed had these "out attac!s pre#iously and a temporary return o old symptoms in the ace o o#erall impro#ement is the $est si"n we can see Da phenomenon Ill e,plain in the 8ayment chapterE. I ad#ised him to ta!e a pain relie#er or pain and e#entually' the "out attac! resol#ed on its own. I saw him a ew months later when he in#ited me to a car demolition der$y where he was one o the dri#ers. %eedless to say' at this time he was completely well. &his case illustrates a classic response to a well7 chosen homeopathic remedy. (e dont always see such te,t$oo! cases' $ut they are $y no means uncommon. "*e wary o( strong drin&. $t can ma&e you shoot at ta+ collectors0and miss." 5" ert A! Heinlein Time Enough (or -o'e 5EMEDY P5EPA5ATION. &HB 3BSS (HISKB< </H 1CI%K' &HB 1CH%KBC </H GB& How can a homeopathic practitioner "et away with "i#in" patients a su$stance li!e rotten meat? B#en in the days when $loodlettin" was common practice' Hahnemann reco"ni-ed that "i#in" poisonous su$stances in crude orm caused side e ects. &reatin" syphilis with mercury' e#en i it itted the patients case per ectly' still caused mercury poisonin". Hahnemann attempted to a#oid side e ects $y decreasin" the doses and disco#ered that not only did the side e ects diminish as the doses decreased' $ut the e ecti#eness o the remedy actually increased. A ter e,perimentin" or years' Hahnemann inally arri#ed at the method o preparation used today. &he e ecti#eness o this method cannot $e accounted or $y present day science' and this is the ma.or stum$lin" $loc! to widespread acceptance o homeopathy. Howe#er' once you are willin" to set this apparent inconsistency aside' you see dramatic results. 8reparin" homeopathic remedies in#ol#es serial dilutions and sha!in" o the product $etween dilutions. A ter se#eral dilutions' the initial su$stance is essentially washed out and cannot $e chemically detected in the inal product. )or instance' one o the lower potencies' 9;c' is a serial dilution o 4 to 4;; made thirty times' which yields a inal product diluted 4;?; times rom the initial su$stance Dthats 4; with ?; -eros a ter itIE. / course' this is ar $eyond A#o"adros num$er o ?.; , 4;=9. &here ore' the chance o indin" a sin"le molecule o the initial su$stance in the inal product is -ero or all practical purposes. &hese preparations are re erred to as su$molecular. 9;c is a low potency and homeopaths commonly use dilutions such as 4M D4; =';;;E' 4;M D4;=;';;;E' or :;M D4;4;;';;;E. (hile it ma!es no sense whatsoe#er in li"ht o present day science' in practice' t'e 'i+'er t'e diluti"n$ t'e str"n+er and l"n+er lastin+ t'e e##ect! %ow you can see why the rotten meat did not ma!e my patient sic!er. %one o it was le t in the medicineI It seems ridiculous' which is why I thou"ht the homeopath who "a#e the presentation in medical school was either cra-y or a croo!. &he idea that su$7molecular preparations could ha#e any e ect

insulted my rational mind. It still does' $ut what can I say ... it wor!s. I try to $e pra"matic in these situations. I !new it would do no harm' so I tried it. (hen I saw that it wor!ed' I couldnt turn $ac!. &here ha#e $een attempts to e,plain this phenomenon. )or e,ample' 1r. (. A. &iller = o Stan ord Hni#ersity approached this su$.ect rom the standpoint o theoretical physics. His article seems too complicated or my simple mind' $ut some readers mi"ht ind it in ormati#e. &his is the only in7depth scienti ic e,planation o which I am aware. /ther a#aila$le e,planations are more metaphysical and are the topic o the ne,t chapter. "This is much too deep (or me." 0e" 5"sten An epitaph he wrote or his tom$stone PHI0OSOPHY. BJ83AI%I%G &HB H%BJ83AI%A03B &he concepts at the heart and soul o homeopathy are not "rounded in science' or' at least not the science we !now. %e#ertheless' e ecti#e practice o homeopathy is impossi$le without a thorou"h understandin" o them. (ith the help o this philosophy' a practitioner can properly e#aluate a case' ind the remedy' and !now how not to $e distracted. It is the result o two hundred years o thou"ht and com$ines elements o reli"ious philosophy with practical o$ser#ation. (e start with the concept o Lital )orce. It is pro$a$ly that somethin" whose ed"es we can photo"raph with the Kirlian process. It animates our physical $ody Dhence' it is called animus in 3atinE. &he Chinese call it Chi. It controls all o the $odys natural processes and preser#es $alance. (hen it $ecomes inacti#e' we die. In homeopathic philosophy' the Lital )orce is seen as elemental and indi#isi$le' which means it reacts as a whole to any irritant. I an irritant is stron" enou"h' it can produce a sta$le deran"ement o the Lital )orce' which we call disease. 0ecause the Lital )orce is elemental' it can sustain only one !ind o deran"ement DdiseaseE at a time. Such a deran"ement may somehow dull the a$ility o the Lital )orce to reco"ni-e whats wron" and that' in turn' causes a chronic illness. Althou"h the Lital )orce may ha#e the power to throw o such an illness' it may ail to do so $ecause it lac!s perception o the pro$lem. Lital )orce is essential to our $ein"' so when it is not well' we eel the symptoms on all le#els. Homeopathic remedies directly a ect the Lital )orce. 0ecause the Lital )orce percei#es a homeopathic remedy as a disease producin" irritant' and $ecause the irritant is stron" enou"h' it stirs the Lital )orce into action to repel it. I the disease state produced $y the remedy is similar to the disease were tryin" to treat' the Lital )orce reco"ni-es the similarity and' in repellin" the remedy irritant' it also repels the disease. In e ect' we "i#e the Lital )orce a "limpse o itsel in a mirror. 0ecause only one disease can $e acti#e within the Lital )orce at any "i#en time' only one remedy is necessary to cure it. B#en patients who appear to ha#e se#eral diseases such as asthma' "astritis' headaches' rash and depression need only one remedy. All o these "diseases" are $ut symptoms o one central distur$ance e,istin" within the Lital )orce. In The #pirit o( Homeopathy' 1r. San!aran e,plains this with a metaphor o a pole that has se#eral #ines "rowin" and wrappin" around it. B#en thou"h we may not $e a$le to see the pole itsel ' we !now it is there $ecause without it' the #ines would all to the "round. (e can remo#e one #ine' then another and yet another' until we thin! we#e remo#ed them all' $ut theyll "row ri"ht $ac! and will continue to "row $ac! as lon" as the pole remains in place to support them. Here the pole represents the central distur$ance within the Lital )orce' and the #ines represent our "diseases." 0y o$ser#in" the shape o the #ines on the pole Dthe minute indi#idual characteristics o the patients symptomsE' we can ascertain the shape o the pole itsel Dthe "eneral characteristics o the inner distur$anceE. (e then ind a remedy that causes a similar deran"ement in a healthy person. &his remedy is administered in homeopathic orm and tri""ers the Lital )orce into action. &he Lital )orce then remo#es the distur$ance Dthe poleE' and all the indi#idual "diseases" "et cured. )or those o you who are scienti ically minded' I li!e the analo"y usin" Binsteinian physics. Binstein came up with a theory e,plainin" the time distur$ances that would happen durin" near li"ht speed tra#el lon" $e ore such tra#el could ta!e place. Hsin" this analo"y' homeopathy is li!e near li"ht speed tra#el' already happenin". (e can o$ser#e the e ects $ut cant e,plain them. (e now need another Binstein to come up with the e,planation. / course' i such an e,planation were to materiali-e' it would radically chan"e our understandin" o the uni#erse and the newly e#ol#ed science would $e to present day science as Binsteinian physics was to %ewtonian physics o yesteryear. "#omewhere, something incredible is waiting to be &nown." 1arl Sa+an F5OM THEO5Y TO P5A1TI1E. &HB MAGIC I% AC&I/% &he practice o homeopathic medicine is o ten a len"thy process. Most homeopaths spend an hour or two with a patient on the irst #isit. &he initial e#aluation in#ol#es mainly ta!in" the patients history and a minimal physical e,amination. 8ractitioners "ather in ormation to understand the patient as completely as possi$le. )irst we note all the symptoms o the presentin" complaint in "reat detail. (e as! what ma!es the complaint $etter or worse' what time o day Ddown to the hourE it is the worst' what seems to $rin" it on' and whether it is associated with any other symptoms' especially i the connection doesnt seem to ma!e any sense. &hen we want to understand the patients "eneral physical ma!eup: whether he is usually cold or hot' how he sweats' what oods he cra#es' and so on. A ma.or portion o the inter#iew is de#oted to understandin" the patients psyche. Since most physical disease is caused $y inappropriate reaction to stress that $uilds tension and is there ore released in the orm o symptoms' a homeopath must understand this aspect o the patient in depth. A !een understandin" o what dri#es the patient' what particular thin"s the patient inds stress ul and how he or she reacts to these stresses' holds the !ey to indin" that patients cure. /nce the data is collected' the essence o the remedy may $e clear and the prescription is "i#en. More commonly' howe#er' we must "repertori-e." &o repertori-e' a practitioner re ers to a repertory' a cross re erence o all the symptoms in the Materia Medica. <ou may recall that the Materia Medica lists #arious remedies and their characteristic symptoms as seen in pro#in"s. &here are se#eral Materia Medica $oo!s written $y di erent authors. 0esides the pro#in" symptoms' they also include those symptoms cured with these remedies in the authors practice. &he homeopath uses the repertory to ind those remedies that ha#e in their picture all the symptoms that are si"ni icant in the patients case. &here are usually #ery ew remedies that ha#e all the si"ni icant symptoms. &hen the practitioner re ers $ac! to the Materia Medica to determine which remedy will it the patient $est. &his is a tedious process' althou"h computer pro"rams to assist the practitioner ha#e $een de#eloped in the last ew years. B#en with computer assistance' howe#er' only a s!illed practitioner can determine which symptoms are si"ni icant. /nce a remedy is selected' it may $e "i#en in one dose or in a series o doses. 8atients are always scheduled or a ollow7up #isit anywhere rom two days to two months later. &hese ollow7ups are #ery important. &hey allow the practitioner to e#aluate the response to the remedy administered. &he patient is not in a position to ma!e this .ud"ment. A patient may eel $etter and decide he or she is cured' or the patient may eel worse and decide the remedy is not wor!in". Bither .ud"ment may $e completely inappropriate. An apparent impro#ement may not $e mo#in" in the ri"ht direction+ an apparent worsenin" may $e a therapeutic a""ra#ation. /nly the practitioner can e#aluate the case o$.ecti#ely' always !eepin" Herin"s 3aw o Cure in mind Dthe e,planation o Herin"s 3aw is in the ne,t chapterE. &ypically' or chronic conditions' I see a patient or a ollow7up in a$out a month. 1urin" that ollow7up #isit we decide i the remedy is correct. I it is' we continue with it and the ne,t ollow7up is usually in two to three months. I the remedy was wron"' we note the symptoms a"ain' I select a new remedy and schedule another ollow7up in a month.

#ome $llustrati'e ases. 0y the time my son was three and a hal ' we had mo#ed ? times across 9 continents as I pursued my studies. (hen he turned three' we were stayin" in 0om$ay' India. All o this mo#in" was startin" to ha#e a ne"ati#e e ect on him. He was ear ul and clin"in" desperately to his mother. (hene#er my wi e would lea#e the room' he would scream at the top o his lun"s. A ter ta!in" the case' I "a#e him Stramonium 4M DCemem$er' this is 4; =;;; dilution. &here is de initely nothing o the ori"inal su$stance le t in the preparationE. Stramonium is a poisonous plant which' when "i#en to healthy people' causes o#erwhelmin" eelin"s o ear' somethin" li!e what a child would eel i le t alone in the woods with wild $easts. It is not di icult to see why he would $e so terri ied when you consider his state o mind at the time o the prescription. &he remedy produced a remar!a$le chan"e. (ithin two days a ter the dose Dhe was "i#en only one doseE he allowed my wi e to lea#e him in the room alone. He then $e"an e,plorin" the house' "oin" up to the second loor' "oin" outside' etc. He e#en $e"an tal!in" to stran"ers. Another intri"uin" case was a woman in 0om$ay. She was su erin" rom aches and pains dia"nosed as i$romyal"ia. B#en $e ore ta!in" the case ormally I was a$le to o$ser#e her at home. /ne incident struc! me. Her re ri"erator once $ro!e and she as!ed me where to "o to ha#e it i,ed. &his was a $it unusual' as she was the nati#e and I the orei"ner. She .ust did not eel capa$le o ta!in" care o it hersel . 3ater' when I too! her case she told me she was rather shy and didnt li!e to "o to parties or ear o loo!in" stupid and $ein" lau"hed at. She recei#ed 0aryta Car$onica 4M. &his is car$onate o $arium' the stu we drin! when we ha#e our stomachs ,7rayed. (hen ta!en in homeopathic orm' this stu produces a eelin" o $ein" stupid' incapa$le and dependent. &hese patients are usually #ery shy and ear they will $e lau"hed at. Children requirin" this remedy will o ten hide $ehind urniture while in the doctors o ice. (ithin two wee!s a ter the dose' this patient had no more pains. She has impro#ed tremendously on all le#els since then. In $oth cases' the patients had eelin"s inappropriate to their situations. My son was a raid when there was nothin" to $e a raid o + the woman elt stupid when she was actually quite smart. &his is what we loo! or when ta!in" homeopathic cases: thin"s that dont ma!e sense or dont $elon"' reactions out o proportion to the situation' stran"e thin"s. &hats why the initial inter#iew may seem so stran"e to some patients: it may appear that the doctor is not much interested in the patients ori"inal complaint. /n the contrary' we are #ery interested' $ut the appropriate remedy may $e determined $y other seemin"ly unrelated symptoms. Sometimes the clue is pro#ided $y a mental7emotional symptom' as in the case a$o#e. Sometimes its a stran"e physical symptom. /nce I cured a case o a$dominal pains and indi"estion' "uided $y the patients stran"e predisposition to "et snee-in" attac!s when e,posed to $ri"ht sun. <ou .ust ne#er !now what will turn out to $e the most important clue in the case. Sometimes a clue is pro#ided $y a patients dream. 1reams are where our eelin"s can o ten $e seen most clearly' not clouded $y the conscious mind. )or e,ample' I was treatin" a "irl with asthma. (hen I could ind no "ood clues in her case' I as!ed a$out dreams. She descri$ed quite a sad state o a airs. She was always alone in the dreams' there were no other people there' neither her parents nor riends. She was #ery lonely there. She sounded quite sad when tal!in" a$out it. &his type o "orphan" eelin" which is usually suppressed in the wa!in" state $ut comes out clearly in dreams' is characteristic o Ma"nesia Car$onica Dma"nesium car$onateE. /ne dose o 4M cured the "irl o asthma and she $ecame more cheer ul. /ccasionally' !nowled"e o homeopathy may help a doctor deal with patients who dont e#en need a homeopathic remedy. B#ery doctor has seen numerous patients su erin" rom insomnia. Hpon ta!in" a more care ul history' we disco#er that many o these patients drin! a couple pots o co ee per day. &o a homeopath' these patients are pro#in" Dsee the chapter on pro#in"E co ee and should cut its inta!e immediately. / course' any reasona$le physician will conclude that. Sometimes it is not so clear that a patient is e,periencin" a pro#in" o some su$stance Dyou can also call it a side e ect' or poisonin"E. /ne o my more interestin" cases was a 5:7year7old physician who was complainin" o ha#in" #ery distur$in" dreams. He would dream o indin" himsel in some stran"e place' una$le to ind his way home. &his was the most peculiar symptom in his case. I loo!ed it up in the repertory and ound that Glonoinum Dnitro"lycerinE was one o the remedies listed. I re#iewed the patients medication list and saw that one o his daily medications was %itro$id' a lon" actin" nitrate preparation' similar to nitro"lycerin. (e replaced %itro$id with another dru" and the dream pro$lem resol#ed. "Truth is stranger than (iction because li(e doesn%t gi'e a damn about being plausible." 0e" 5"sten PAYMENT. &HBCB IS %/ )CBB 3H%CH 1isease is a distur$ance in the Lital )orce that inter eres with its a$ility to deal adequately with stress. &ension $uilds' and the Lital )orce is una$le to dischar"e it e ecti#ely. &his tension causes disease symptoms. &he "oal o treatment is to tri""er a reaction in the Lital )orce so that it reco"ni-es its pro$lem and acts to di use the tension. Since tension may ha#e $een $uildin" or some time' other symptoms mi"ht appear as it "ets di used. &hese are usually symptoms we#e had $e ore. Herin"s 3aw o Cure' which esta$lishes the criteria or e#aluatin" a healthy response' states that symptoms should appear and then disappear in the ollowin" order: rom more to less important or"ans rom center to periphery rom top to $ottom in the re#erse order o their appearance in li e &he main idea is that a disordered Lital )orce spreads inner tension to the wron" places in the $ody. As the remedy $rin"s more order' the pressure mo#es rom more important or"ans to less important ones' and e#entually lea#es the $ody. Another important concept is suppression. Homeopaths $elie#e that i a symptom is suppressed $y a treatment modality that is not directed at the center' more important or"ans may $ecome a ected. &his happens' presuma$ly' $ecause an outlet or di usion o tension is closed $y the treatment and the Lital )orce attempts to di use the tension elsewhere. )or e,ample' steroid ointment is o ten prescri$ed or children with ec-ema. It is usually used o#er a lon" period o time to "heal" the rash and' in most cases' it does the .o$ and e#ery$ody is happy. 0ut such children o ten de#elop asthma a ew years down the road. A dermatolo"ist once told me that children o ten ""row out" o ec-ema and "into" asthma. Such children are said to ha#e "atopic" tendency' and their doctors usually dont ma!e the connection $etween the use o steroids and the de#elopment o asthma. 0ut a homeopath loo!s at this case di erently. &he ec-ema is a result o a distur$ance in the Lital )orce. I it is suppressed $y the steroids' we can e,pect some more serious disease to de#elop. So the asthma comes. (hen we treat a child homeopathically at this point' we e,pect the asthma to "o away and the ec-ema to reappear or some time. &he symptoms mo#e rom within outward Dlun" to s!inE' rom the more important or"an to the less important ones' and in re#erse order o their appearance. I the child is not treated homeopathically and the asthma is suppressed with allopathic dru"s' then in a ew years' perhaps when the patient is twenty or thirty years old' the disease will deteriorate into somethin" more serious yet' such as depression or mi"raine headaches. I treated at this time' the patient can $e e,pected to pass throu"h the asthma sta"e $e ore "ettin" the ec-ema $ac!. (hen old symptoms return' they must not $e suppressed with local treatment. T'e 4ital F"rce must n"t e inter#ered wit' w'en it is attem)tin+ t" rin+ t'e disease "ut t" t'e )eri)'ery7 "t'erwise$ t'e )r"+ress "# t'e treatment is 'alted$ and any +ains made may disa))ear! )or e,ample' a i ty7year7old man came to me or treatment o depression and insomnia. A ter the remedy' he started sleepin" much $etter. At the same time he de#eloped a rash in his "roin. Hed had a similar rash in the past' and' as a matter o act' still had some o the cream hed used to treat it. (ithout a second thou"ht' he used the cream. &he rash promptly disappeared' and so did his impro#ed sleep pattern. (e were $ac! to square one. I e,plained these concepts and "a#e him another dose o the remedy. 3uc!ily or him' it wor!ed a"ain and $oth the sleep and the rash came $ac!. &his time he didnt suppress it and put up with the itchin" or a ew months. He made quite remar!a$le impro#ements in his mental health and the rash e#entually resol#ed as well. &his case is not unusual. I#e seen this !ind o reaction many times. &hats why we homeopaths watch so closely or suppression.

&he return o old symptoms can $e seen as payment or "ettin" $etter. (hen such a reaction happens' I usually as! the patient one question: "Is this worth the impro#ement or would you rather ha#e the ori"inal symptoms $ac!?" Most patients ind the impro#ement in their "eneral well $ein" so "ood' theyre willin" to tolerate a minor a""ra#ation. It would $e easy enou"h to re#erse the case $y usin" allopathic dru"s' $ut my patients usually choose to wait it out. "*e care(ul about reading health boo&s. "ou may die o( a misprint." Mar& Twain SAFETY. 1/%M& 83A< (I&H )ICB A ma.or misconception a$out homeopathy is that it is natural medicine that can ne#er do any harm. It is true that homeopathy can heal "ently and without side e ects' $ut the treatment in most cases must $e directed $y a trained practitioner who !nows how to a#oid the pit alls. I canMt stress this enou"h. Homeopathy is a #ery power ul' deep7actin" orm o therapy. Its e ects are more pro ound and lon"er lastin" than those o any modern7day allopathic dru"s. &he lon"er I practice homeopathy' the more respect I "ain or its power and the more cautious I $ecome in its use. (e o ten say that homeopathic remedies are per ectly adopted or home use. Homeopathic irst aid !its are widely a#aila$le. I would not disa"ree. Howe#er' $ecause this method o healin" is so power ul' it is a "ood idea to learn as much as you can $e ore usin" it on your own. See the )urther Ceadin" chapter at the end o this $oo!let or the su""estions. Sometimes' when used inappropriately' homeopathic remedies may cause pro$lems. &hese are rare $ut any$ody plannin" to use homeopathic remedies at home must $e aware o the possi$le complications and !now how to a#oid them. (e !now that homeopathic remedies may a""ra#ate a pre7e,istin" condition. &his is usually comparati#ely mild and $rie . %e#ertheless' in some cases' e#en a mild a""ra#ation can $e #ery serious. &his must $e considered especially in people with wee! Lital )orce' such as the elderly and patients with se#ere chronic diseases. )or e,ample' people with coronary artery disease ha#e cholesterol deposits $loc!in" the arteries that supply their heart muscle. In ad#anced cases they e,perience chest pains with e#en mild e,ertion. Coronary arteries ha#e a tendency to spasm around o$structions and this can cause more pain and' i prolon"ed' a heart attac!. An otherwise correct homeopathic remedy "i#en in too hi"h o a potency or the particular patient could produce an a""ra#ation $y causin" spasm around the o$struction. A point to remem$er here is that the choice o the potency is always indi#iduali-ed and what is low or one patient may $e hi"h or another. A quali ied pro essional will !now what is appropriate in a particular case. Some$ody treatin" such a patient at home may not !now the di erence and cause more trou$le than they are ready or. Another way a homeopathic remedy could cause harm is $y producin" a pro#in". &his happens i a remedy is repeated too requently and or too lon"' e#en in low potencies' especially i a patient is particularly sensiti#e to the remedy. &he symptoms o the remedy may start appearin" Das in a pro#in"E' and the patient may "et quite ill. Many pro essional homeopaths do administer remedies in repeated doses' $ut they !now what to watch out or. Any quali ied pro essional homeopath should $e a$le to reco"ni-e a pro#in" immediately and ad.ust the treatment $e ore any serious pro$lems occur. &his situation is similar to when a con#entional dru" produces side e ects and the doctor must ma!e chan"es in the treatment. Home prescri$ers may not always reco"ni-e the pro$lem i they are lulled into complacency $y the commonly held mista!en $elie that e#erythin" natural is always sa e. Com$ination homeopathic remedies may cause harm in a di erent way. &his approach creates con usion in the Lital )orce and' while occasionally helpin" in the short run' it may cause serious health consequences in the uture. <ou will ind practitioners that would disa"ree with this statement' $ut "i#en my education and e,perience I $elie#e it to $e correct. Since the .ury is still out on this question' I su""est' i you are considerin" usin" o#er the counter com$ination remedies' to limit the use to no lon"er than a couple o days' .ust in case I am ri"ht. 8ersonally' I would ne#er use any o these preparations in my practice. &his also "oes or the Nhomeopathic wei"ht loss patchesO currently loodin" the mar!et. In conclusion' i you are plannin" to use homeopathic remedies at home' irst learn as much as you can+ stic! to lower potencies' especially in the $e"innin"+ treat only acute sel limitin" conditions li!e colds and lues+ treat only "enerally healthy people+ donMt chan"e remedies requently+ and a$o#e all' always remem$er your limitations and as! or proper pro essional help whene#er you ha#e any dou$t. &hen' $y all means' "o ahead and you too will ma!e a miracle rom time to time. "$t is always ours to 1uestion why, and ne'er to just do and die." &his is a twisted #ersion o a rather amous quote. It is un!nown .ust who twisted it irst. 82ESTIONS AND ANS,E5S G. (hat !ind o diseases can $e treated with homeopathy? A. Homeopathy can e ecti#ely treat those conditions in which there is no irre#ersi$le patholo"y. )or e,ample' asthma is an acti#e' in lammatory process and the lun"s can heal rom its e ects once it is cured. Homeopathy can $e #ery e ecti#e in treatin" asthma. Bmphysema' on the other hand' is a de"enerati#e process that permanently destroys the lun" tissue. Homeopathy can sometimes ma!e an emphysema patient eel a little $etter' $ut it canMt re#erse the e ects o emphysema. G. (hat inter eres with homeopathic treatment? A. )irst and oremost on the list o thin"s that can inter ere with a homeopathic remedyMs e ecti#eness are stron" suppressi#e dru"s li!e steroids and immunosuppressants. Since $irth control pills suppress the natural cycle' they too can inter ere with a remedy. Camphor oil tends to antidote the action o the remedies' as can some types o dental wor!. Co ee Ddeca or re"ularE may inter ere in some cases. A stron" shoc!' either emotional or physical' such as $ein" in.ured in a motor #ehicle accident or "rie#in" the death o a close relati#e can inter ere with the e ecti#eness o a homeopathic remedy. G. (hat a$out all those homeopathic com$ination remedies widely a#aila$le today' li!e N)luO' NSinusO' HeadacheO' N8MSO' etc.? A. )irst o all' they are not homeopathic $ecause they are not indi#idually prescri$ed. A patient with a headache may "et one o a$out a thousand remedies' and it will $e di erent or e#ery headache su erer. <es' potenti-ed dru"s are used in these com$inations' $ut it does not ma!e them homeopathic. %e,t' when numerous potenti-ed dru"s are used at one time' the Lital )orce "ets con used. Keep in mind that each remedy has a certain disease state associated with it. I one presents the Lital )orce with se#eral disease states all at the same time' the Lital )orce "ets mi,ed messa"es. I used or any len"th o time' these com$ination remedies may con use the Lital )orce to the point o no return. (hen I "et these Ncon usedO cases in my practice it is #ery hard to ind a "ood remedy or them. &hen' when the remedy is ound' it ta!es ten old more time or the remedy to wor!. In my opinion' its much healthier to ta!e &ylenol or your headaches' decon"estant or your sinuses and antihistamine or your insomnia Dall in moderation o courseE' then to use homeopathic com$ination remedies. G. 1o homeopaths use electronic equipment or dia"nosis? A. Some practitioners who call themsel#es homeopaths do. 0ut to a classical prescri$er these practitioners are not' strictly spea!in"' homeopaths. &hey use homeopathic remedies in a non7homeopathic way. &he same "oes or those practitioners who in.ect the remedies. &here may $e #alue in these approaches' $ut they pro$a$ly shouldnMt $e called homeopathy. In classical teachin"' a patient should either in"est DeatE or inhale Dsni E the remedy. G. Is homeopathy the same as her$al medicine? Is it a com$ination o her$s' diets' #itamins and counselin"? A. %o' thou"h this can $e con usin"' as some practitioners do "et in#ol#ed in $oth homeopathy and nutritional counselin". My personal philosophy is that

as you impro#e in your health' your $ody will desire healthy ood. (hen my patients request assistance with their diets' I re er them to a nutritionist who is properly trained in that specialty. Ce"ardin" her$s' they are' strictly spea!in"' allopathic dru"s. In homeopathy' dru"s are chosen accordin" to the principle o similarity Dli!e cures li!eE. In con#entional or allopathic medicine' dru"s are chosen on the principle o opposite Da dru" must ha#e action opposite to that o the diseaseE. )or e,ample' a narcotic lessens a patientMs sensiti#ity to pain' so it can $e used i a person is e,periencin" pain. An e,pectorant ma!es oneMs respiratory tract secrete more mucus' so it can $e used when cou"h is too dry. &hese e ects can $e achie#ed $y either natural dru"s' li!e her$s' or synthetic dru"s' li!e most con#entional medications. Conceptually' there is little di erence $etween the two approaches. /ne must reali-e that no chronic condition could $e cured $y this method. &he most one can hope or is palliation' or temporary impro#ement. Howe#er' sometimes this is all that is desired' and i one chooses to use an allopathic approach to treat a condition' a dru" that is the most e ecti#e and has the least side e ects should $e chosen' whether her$al or synthetic. It is possi$le to use her$s in a homeopathic way as well' $ut practitioners who do this well are #ery hard to ind' and such a practice is #ery poorly standardi-ed. Most her$alists are allopathic. G. (hat is the $est remedy or hay e#er' headache' lu' diarrhea' depression' etc.? A. &here is no such remedy. Homeopathic remedies are not chosen on such indications. G. (ill I ha#e to $e on a homeopathic remedy or the rest o my li e? A. %o' you will only $e on a remedy until you achie#e the desired state o health. G. Are all homeopaths medical doctors? How do I ind a "ood homeopath? A. %o. In act' I would not $ase my choice o a homeopath on the appearance o M1 or 1/ a ter their name. My personal homeopath has initials CSHom DCe"istered with Society o HomeopathsE. &hese initials are certi ied $y the %orth American Society o Homeopaths e,clusi#ely or Nnon7licensedO practitioners. &his title carries a lot o wei"ht. &he $est way to ind a "ood practitioner is to "et re erred to one $y a happy patient. I you donMt !now any$ody seein" a "ood homeopath' call the practitioners in the area and inquire i they are classical and how much time they allow or the irst #isit. I they are com$ination prescri$ers Dnon7classicalE or schedule less then one hour I would $e s!eptical. It is possi$le or a #ery ad#anced practitioner to spend less time on the irst inter#iew' $ut most o us require at least an hour to "et a "ood case history. 8ersonally' I schedule two hours or my new patients. /ne way to ind a "ood homeopath is $y callin" a homeopathic study "roup in your area and as!in" them. &hey would $e #ery happy to re er you. A study "roup in your area can $e ound in the re erral list put out $y the %ational Center or Homeopathy P D>;9E :6A7>>5; G. (hat do all those letters mean? A. Many homeopaths ha#e di erent initials a ter their names. &hese are usually titles awarded $y di erent homeopathic $oards and schools. 0ecause homeopathic education and certi ication in the HS ha#e not $een standardi-ed yet there are se#eral "roups certi yin" their mem$ers. Any certi ication' o course' spea!s only o the particular homeopathMs a$ility to satis y the particular $oardMs minimum competency requirements and may not re lect the practitionerMs true le#el o mastery. Here are some o the titles you may ind: DHt D1iplomate o HomeotherapeuticsE: Gi#en $y the American Institute o Homeopathy to medical doctors passin" their e,am. &he AIH is the oldest or"ani-ation o physicians in the HS' predatin" the AMA. In act' the AMA was ori"inally ounded in response to the threat percei#ed $y the allopathic Dcon#entionalE doctors o the time' rom homeopaths ormin" a national or"ani-ation. DHANP D1iplomate o Homeopathic Academy o %aturopathic 8hysiciansE: As the name implies' this is a title similar to 1Ht "i#en $y the naturopathic $oard. 1%0HB D1iplomate o %ational 0oard o Homeopathic B,aminersE: &his one may sound a $it misleadin". It is awarded $y a "roup o chiropractic homeopathic educators to practitioners passin" their e,am. M)Hom DMem$er o the )aculty o HomeopathyE: Gi#en $y the )aculty o Homeopathy' the 0ritish equi#alent o the AIH' to doctors passin" their e,am. &his title is reco"ni-ed $y medical authorities throu"hout Buropean Community and other countries ha#in" historical ties to the Hnited Kin"dom. &he )aculty runs a airly intensi#e educational pro"ram attractin" doctors rom all o#er the world. ))Hom D)ellow o the )aculty o HomeopathyE: Awarded to doctors holdin" the title o M)Hom and showin" certain e,tra achie#ement' particularly in the area o homeopathic education. CSHomD%AE DCe"istered with Society o Homeopaths D%orth AmericaEE: Gi#en $y %ASH D%orth American Society o HomeopathsE. %ASH accepts only non7licensed practitioners as mem$ers and this title si"ni ies the practitionerMs passin" o mem$ership requirements which include demonstratin" pro iciency in classical homeopathy. &his title was ori"inally modeled on CSHom o Great 0ritain. CCH DCerti ied in Classical HomeopathyE: Gi#en $y CHC DCouncil or Homeopathic Certi icationE' a airly new $oard tryin" to unite all these di erent "roups under a common um$rella. &his title certi ies that the practitioner' re"ardless o their licensure status' passed a minimum competency e,am in classical homeopathy. &he interestin" new twist added $y this $oard is a medical portion o the e,am required or all non7medically licensed applicants. &his is the irst attempt in modern history o homeopathy in this country to ma!e sure the practitioner possesses a certain minimum o con#entional medical !nowled"e in addition to pro iciency in homeopathy. C&Hom DCerti ied &rained HomeopathE: &his is a diploma "i#en $y BSSH School o Homeopathy in )la"sta ' AQ' to students demonstratin" a certain de"ree o mastery in classical homeopathy. I ha#e a hea#y personal $ias in a#or o this title. I $elie#e its $earers are some o the $est homeopaths a#aila$le. Howe#er' this should in no way diminish the importance o other titles mentioned a$o#e. &here are other titles "i#en $y other "roups' some pro$a$ly #ery "ood' $ut ha#in" no personal amiliarity with them I will not mention them here. G. (ill my insurance pay or homeopathy? A. I ha#e $een told that some insurance companies are comin" around. Howe#er' $e sure to call re"ardin" your speci ic policy $e ore you "et treatment to #eri y co#era"e. I your homeopath is an M1 or 1/ and your policy allows you to see that doctorRyou may $e reim$ursed accordin" to plan rules. G. (hat are the di erent !inds o homeopathy? A. &here are two ma.or schools o homeopathy in the world today: classical homeopathy' which IM#e descri$ed here' and pluralist homeopathy. Classical homeopathy is also called Hahnemannian or unicist. Its main principle is to use one remedy at a time to address the whole person. &he pluralist approach uses se#eral remedies simultaneously. It is pre#alent in )rance and is used $y some practitioners in this country. 8luralist homeopathy is "enerally rowned upon $y classical prescri$ers who $elie#e that it is di icult enou"h to ind the one ri"ht remedy and ollow its e ect on the patient. &here ore' "i#in" se#eral remedies at once ma!es it impossi$le to determine which o them is causin" the chan"e in the patientMs condition. (e are also concerned a$out the possi$le deleterious e ect on the Lital )orce that may $e produced $y such prescri$in"' $ut as I ha#e mentioned elsewhere' the .ury is still out on this one. G. Has homeopathy $een put throu"h scienti ic testin"? A. (hen I tell my doctor collea"ues a$out homeopathy' they always want to see some Nhard data.O In the medical world this usually ta!es the orm o studies. Such studies are carried out in a Ndou$le7$lind' place$o7controlledO ashion. &his means that two "roups o people ta!e either an acti#e dru" or a su"ar pill that loo!s the same. &he pills are administered $y a third party and neither the researcher nor the patient !now what any$ody is ta!in" until the code is $ro!en. &he results o these studies really help address the issue o whether the dru" is indeed e ecti#e or a place$o e ect is occurrin". &he

studies I quote in the appendi, show that the su$molecular dilutions used in homeopathy really do produce si"ni icant e ect on li#in" $ein"s' $oth humans and animals. Science canMt e,plain homeopathy yet' $ut it is really immaterial as lon" as we can demonstrate that it wor!s. G. Are homeopathic remedies all natural? A. I you ha#enMt read the entire $oo!' this answer may not ma!e sense to you. &he point is' who cares what the remedies are' i the healin" is natural. &he remedies donMt really ha#e any e ect on the $ody other than to tri""er the Lital )orce to react. /nce it reacts' healin" ta!es place rom within' directed $y the Lital )orce. &hat is' we heal oursel#es' and that is the most natural !ind o healin". I you still insist on the answerRmost are indeed' natural. (hether this should prompt you to use homeopathy is another question. <ou should decide to use it or completely di erent reasons. Here are some e,amples o homeopathic remedies: Mineral Source: Arsenicum Al$um Dwhite o,ide o arsenicE Silica DsandE Graphites Dlead rom N ine Bn"lish pencilOE Sulphur Delemental sulphurE Aurum D"oldE Ar"entum nitricum Dsil#er nitrateE 8etroleum DpetroleumE Hydro"en Dhydro"en "asE Mercurius #i#us DmercuryE 8lant Source: Chus to,icodendron Dpoison i#yE Conium maculatum Dpoison hemloc!E Chamomilla DdaisyE &hu.a occidentalis Dar$or #itaeE Car$o #e"eta$ilis D#e"eta$le charcoalE 8hytolacca decandra Dpo!e7rootE Hrtica urens Dstin"in" nettleE 3ilium ti"rinum Dti"er lilyE Animal Source: Crotalus horridus D#enom o rattle sna!eE 8yro"enium Drotten meatE 3ac caninum Ddo"Ms mil!E 3yssin Dsali#a o ra$id do"E &arentula Hispanica Dtarantula' tincture o the li#in" spiderE Apis melli ica Dhoney7$ee' tincture o the whole $eeE And then there are other thin"s I donMt care to mention as an unaware reader mi"ht ha#e an inclination to #omit. / course' all o these thin"s are natural and there ore "ood or you' ri"ht? Ci"htI' $ut only i well prescri$ed and "i#en in the appropriate homeopathic orm' and not $ecause they are natural. G. Is homeopathy sa e in pre"nancy? A. &his is a hard one. It pro$a$ly is' $ut one has to $e #ery care ul. (e !now that sometimes remedies cause pro#in"s Dsee the chapters on 8ro#in" and@or Sa etyE. (hile we can easily see pro#in" symptoms in an adult' it would $e easy to miss those in a etus. I we cause such a pro#in" and persist too lon" with the remedy' the pro#in" can turn into "ra tin"' when the remedy characteristics could $e permanently attached to the etus' and persists or a lar"e portion o his li e. A hypothetical e,ample would $e recei#in" somethin" li!e Hyoscyamus while pre"nant' ollowed $y the child ha#in" an inclination to remo#e his clothes in the irst years o his li e $ecause Hyoscyamus has certain e,hi$itionist tendencies in its picture. /n the other hand' i the mother has a certain clear state that de initely needs treatment' there is a stron" chance that she will "i#e this state to the $a$y' and it may $e a "ood idea to treat them $oth at the same time and or the price o oneR$ut #ery care ully' and only when the remedy is #ery clearly indicated. &HB )/33/(I%G IS %/& )/H%1 I% HAC1 C/8< /) &HB 0//K: G. Can you treat cancer with Homeopathy? A. <es and no. )irst o all' it is politically #ery incorrect to ad#ise patients with cancer to or"o con#entional therapies in a#or o alternati#e medicine. I ha#e medical licenses in two states and would li!e to !eep them. &his is one o the reasons you will not catch me ad#isin" you to "et rid o your oncolo"ist. &he other reason is that I ha#e not researched the multitude o a#aila$le alternati#e cancer treatments enou"h to !now which wor!s $etter or which cancer. I you need in ormation on this topic try this site: &hey seem to $e well in ormed. As ar as speci ically Homeopathy or cancer' my answer must remain #a"ue. Homeopathic literature is ull o anecd"tal reports o cancer cures. &his means that a num$er o homeopathic doctors and lay homeopaths ha#e claimed they cured certain patients o their cancers. &here is no way to chec! the claims. Some o my teachers told me o cases they cured' $ut a"ain' I personally ha#e not seen any hard data. &here are no studies that I am aware o to pro#e that Homeopathy is e ecti#e a"ainst cancer. I ha#e not cured any cases o cancer personally' as all the patients with cancer I ha#e had recei#ed con#entional therapy' which means that i they were cured' I canSt attri$ute it to Homeopathy' and i they succumed to the disease' then Homeopathy o$#iously did not succeed in curin" them' $ut the ailure o Homeopathy could $e due in part to poor prescription on my part' or to inter erence o the con#entional treatments with Homeopathy. (hat ollows is my )ers"nal ")ini"n$unsupported $y any properly conducted studies. I #eel that Homeopathy can in theory cure some cancers. )or it to succeed we must ha#e a per ect prescription and a #ery clean case that is not too ad#anced. &hat means that i the patient wants to $e cured $y Homeopathy the remedy must $e ri"ht on and the patient must or"o most other treatment approaches as they may inter ere with the remedy. Lery ew patients would $e willin" to a"ree to this. I' on the other hand' will ne#er push any$ody to re use con#entional therapy or the reasons a$o#e. /n the other hand' in my practice Homeopathy has pro#en itsel quite use ul in alle#iatin" side e ects o chemotherapy and radiation' as well as impro#in" the patientSs o#erall state o health which is de initely #ery help ul in i"htin" any disease. &here ore' Homeopathy can $e used as a help ul a.unct to other therapies. "2et your (acts (irst, and then you can distort them as much as you please." Mar& Twain APPENDI9 8uadru)le 6 /lind :Edit"rial;$ The Lancet, A)ril <<$ =>?>$ )! >=@!@ 1"m)lete Te(t Can $lind discussion remo#e $ias rom the reader? &a!e a trial in which 465 "eneral practitioners entered 6A> patients with an in luen-a7li!e syndrome into a randomi-ed dou$le7$lind comparison o acti#e treatment and matchin" place$o' $oth "i#en su$lin"ually. &he irst dose was super#ised' the other

our doses were ta!en on the ollowin" mornin"s and e#enin"s. 6>A o the entered patients D5A.=TE met the admission criteria D: out o =6= patients in the acti#e treatment "roup and 6 out o =6: place$o patients were ineli"i$leE. At admission the "roups were similar in a"e and proportion with se#ere illness. &he patients recorded their rectal temperature mornin" and e#enin" and whether they still had any or all o i#e cardinal symptoms within orty7 ei"ht hours o the start o treatment. &he reco#ery rates were 95@==A D4>.4TE in the acti#e treatment "roup and =6@=96 D4;.9TE in the place$o "roup D8U;.;9'34E. &he relati#e ris! o reco#ery was 4.?> D5:T con idence inter#al VCIW 4.47=.>E. &he di erence in the proportion o patients who reco#ered was ?.AT D5:T CI ;.?749.;TE. 3o"istic re"ression showed that se#eral potential con ounders did not su$stantially alter the e ect o acti#e treatment Dodds ratio 4.5' 5:T CI 4.479.6+ 8U;.;=E. A"e and se#erity at admission were si"ni icantly associated with reco#ery: youn"er patients and those with mild or moderate illness reco#ered $etter' as mi"ht $e e,pected. All the patients were as!ed a$out the e ecti#eness o their therapy' and more e,pressed a#oura$le .ud"ments a$out the acti#e treatment D?4T 's 65T' 8U;.;=E. Hse o other symptom7relie#in" dru"s or pain' e#er' cou"h' or cory-a and use o anti$iotics were not con ounders+ in act' more patients in the place$o "roup used compounds to relie#e pain or e#er. Can the trial $e critici-ed more than the authors do already? &here mi"ht ha#e $een im$alances $etween the "eneral practitioners in their recruitment o patients: e#ery participatin" doctor should ha#e entered 67? patients' to "i#e a total o at least :5? cases. Also' data on 4? eli"i$le patients were not analy-ed or e icacy. &here were only our unsuper#ised doses' $ut compliance was not reported. )inally side7e ects in $oth "roups were not recorded or reported. &he authors are restrained in their discussion "&he e ect was modest ... $ut ne#ertheless is o interest". A 56 di((erence in e((icacy as de(ined would be a respectable proportion in most drug trials. %ow let the code $e $ro!en*the acti#e treatment was a homeopathic preparation. Ferley$ A!P!$ A 1"ntr"lled E%aluati"n "# H"me")at'ic Pre)arati"n in t'e Treatment "# In#luenBa-li&e Syndr"mes$ British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology$ =>?>$ <C$ ))! D<>-DDE! 4. A controlled clinical trial was conducted to assess the e ecti#eness o a homeopathic preparation in the treatment o in luen-a7li!e syndromes. =. =9> cases recei#ed the test dru" and =64 were assi"ned to place$o. 8atients recorded their rectal temperature twice a day' and the presence or a$sence o i#e cardinal symptoms Dheadache' sti ness' lum$ar in articular pain' shi#ersE alon" with cou"h' cory-a and ati"ue. 9. Ceco#ery was de ined as a rectal temperature less than 9>.:X C and complete resolution o the i#e cardinal symptoms. 6. &he proportion o cases who reco#ered within 6A h o treatment was "reater amon" the acti#e dru" "roup than amon" the place$o "roup D4>.4T a"ainst 4;.9T' 7U;.;9E. :. &he result cannot $e e,plained "i#en our present state o !nowled"e' $ut it calls or urther ri"orously desi"ned clinical studies. 5eilly$ D!T!$ Is H"me")at'y a Place " 5es)"nseF 1"ntr"lled Trail "# H"me")at'ic P"tency$ wit' P"llen in Hay#e%er as a M"del$ The Lancet$ Oct" er =?$ =>?G$ ))! ??=-??G! &he hypothesis that homeopathic potencies are place$os was tested in a randomi-ed' dou$le7$lind' place$o7controlled trial. &he study model chosen compared the e ects o a homeopathic preparation o mi,ed "rass pollens with place$o in 466 patients with acti#e hay e#er. &he homeopathically treated patients showed a si"ni icant reduction in patient and doctor assessed symptom scores. &he si"ni icance o this response was increased when results were corrected or pollen count and the response was associated with a hal#in" o the need or antihistamines. An initial a""ra#ation o symptoms was noted more o ten in patients recei#in" the potency and was ollowed $y an impro#ement in that "roup. %o e#idence emer"ed to support the idea that place$o action ully e,plains the clinical responses to homeopathic dru"s. Day$ 1!E!I!$ 1"ntr"l "# Still irt's in Pi+s 2sin+ H"me")at'y$ International Journal for Veterinary Homeopathy$ 4"l! =$ N"! <$ Oct" er =>?G$ ))! <G-<?! &he author tested Caulophyllum C9; or its e ect a"ainst still$irth in a herd o pi"s. &en sows recei#ed Caulophyllum C9; prior to arrowin"+ ten sows recei#ed no treatment DcontrolE. Still$irth rate was o#er =;' AT in the control and 4;' 9T in the treated "roup. &hese results are statistically si"ni icant. Fis'er$ P!$ E##ect "# H"me")at'ic Treatment "n Fi r"sitis :Primary Fi r"myal+ia;$ British Medical Journal$ =>?>$ <<>$ ))! DGE-G! )i$rositis Dprimary )i$romyal"iaE is a contro#ersial condition $ut is $ecomin" increasin"ly accepted. It is di icult to treat. (e showed that the homeopathic medicine Rhus to+icondendron ?c was e ecti#e or a selected su$"roup o patients with i$rositis. &he impro#ement in tenderness' which is the $est discriminator o i$ositis' was particularly distinct. &he impro#ement e,perienced $y our patients while recei#in" acti#e treatment was at least as "reat as that reported or any other treatment that has $een assessed dou$le $lind. 3lei*nen$ A!$ 1linical Trials "# H"me")at'y$ British Medical Journal$ =>>=$ DH<$ <=G-<D! Objecti'e*&o esta$lish whether there is e#idence o the e icacy o homeopathy rom controlled trials in humans. 8esign*Criteria $ased meta7analysis. Assessment o the methodolo"ical quality o 4;> controlled trials in 5? pu$lished reports ound a ter an e,tensi#e search. &rials were scored usin" a list o prede ined criteria o "ood methodolo"y' and the outcome o the trials was interpreted in relation to their quality. #etting*Controlled trials pu$lished world wide. ,ain outcome measures*Cesults o the trials with the $est methodolo"ical quality. &rials o classical homeopathy and se#eral modern #arieties were considered separately. Results*In 46 trials some orm o classical homeopathy was tested and in :A trials the same sin"le homeopathic treatment was "i#en to patients with compara$le con#entional dia"noses. Com$inations o se#eral homeopathic treatments were tested in =? trials+ isopathy was tested in nine trials. Most trials seemed to $e o #ery low quality' $ut there were many e,ceptions. &he results showed a positi#e trend re"ardless o the quality o the trial or the #ariety o homeopathy used. /#erall' o the 4;: trials with interpreta$le results' A4 trials indicated positi#e results whereas in =6 trials no positi#e e ects o homeopathy were ound. &he results o the re#iew may $e complicated $y pu$lication $ias' especially in such a contro#ersial su$.ect as homeopathy. onclusions*At the moment' the e#idence o clinical trials is positi#e $ut not su icient to draw de initi#e conclusions $ecause most trials are o low methodolo"ical quality and $ecause o the un!nown role o pu$lication $ias. &his indicates that there is a le"itimate case or uture e#aluation o homeopathy' $ut only $y means o well per ormed trials. Gi s"n$ 5!G!$ H"me")at'ic T'era)y in 5'eumat"id Art'ritis. E%aluati"n y D"u le-/lind 1linical T'era)eutic Trial$ British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology$ =>?H$ >$ ))! @ED-@E>! 4. &wenty7three patients with rheumatoid arthritis on orthodo, irst7line anti7in lammatory treatment plus homeopathy were compared with a similar "roup o twenty7three patients on orthodo, irst7line treatment plus an inert preparation. =. &here was a si"ni icant impro#ement in su$.ecti#e pain' articular inde,' sti ness and "rip stren"th in those patients recei#in" homeopathic remedies' whereas there was no si"ni icant chan"e in the patients who recei#ed place$o. 9. &wo physicians were in#ol#ed in prescri$in" or the patients and there were no si"ni icant di erences in the results which they o$tained. 6. %o side e ects were o$ser#ed with the homeopathic remedies. Aac" s$ A! et al$ Treatment "# Acute 1'ild'""d Diarr'ea wit' H"me")at'ic Medicine. A 5and"miBed 1linical Trial in Nicara+ua$ Pediatrics$ 4"l! >D$ N"! E$ May =>>@$ ))! C=>-C<E! Objecti'e*Acute diarrhea is the leadin" cause o pediatric mor$idity and mortality world7wide. /ral rehydration treatment can pre#ent death rom dehydration' $ut does not reduce the duration o indi#idual episodes. Homeopathic treatment or acute diarrhea is used in many parts o the world. &his study was per ormed to determine whether homeopathy is use ul in the treatment o acute childhood diarrhea. ,ethodology*A randomi-ed dou$le7$lind clinical trial comparin" homeopathic medicine with place$o in the treatment o acute childhood diarrhea was conducted in 3eon' %icara"ua' in 2uly 4554. Bi"hty7one children a"ed ? months to : years o a"e were included in the study. An indi#iduali-ed

homeopathic medicine was prescri$ed or each child and daily ollow7up was per ormed or : days. Standard treatment with oral rehydration treatment was also "i#en. Results*&he treatment "roup had a statistically si"ni icant D7Y.;:E decrease in duration o diarrhea' de ined as the num$er o days until there were less than three un ormed stools daily or = consecuti#e days. &here was also a si"ni icant di erence D 7Y.;:E in the num$er o stools per day $etween the "roups a ter >= hours o treatment. onclusions*&he statistically si"ni icant decrease in the duration o diarrhea in the treatment "roup su""ests that homeopathic treatment mi"ht $e use ul in acute childhood diarrhea. )urther study o this treatment deser#es consideration. 5eilly$ D!$ et! al$ Is E%idence #"r H"me")at'y 5e)r"duci leF$ The Lancet$ =>>@7 D@@. ))! =GH=-HG (e tested under independent conditions' the reproduci$ility o e#idence rom two pre#ious trials that homeopathy di ers rom place$o. &he test model was a"ain homeopathic immunotherapy. &wenty7ei"ht patients with aller"ic asthma' most o them sensiti#e to house7dust mite' were randomly allocated to recei#e either oral homeopathic immunotherapy to their principal aler"en or identical place$o. &he test treatments were "i#en as a complement to their unaltered con#entional care. A daily #isual analo"ue scale o o#erall symptom intensity was the outcome measure. A di erence in #isual analo"ue score in a#our o homeopathic immunotherapy appeared within one wee! o startin" treatment and persisted or up to A wee!s D8U;.;;9E. &here were similar trends in respiratory unction and $ronchial reacti#ity tests. A meta7analysis o all three trials stren"thened the e#idence that homeopathy does more than place$o D8U;.;;;6E. Is the reproduci$ility o e#idence in a#our o homeopathy proo o its acti#ity or proo o the clinical trials capacity to produce alse7positi#e results? END NOTES 4. Harris 3. Coulter' i!ided Legacy" The on(lict *etween Homeopathy and the American ,edical Association . D0er!eley' CA: %orth Atlantic 0oo!s' 45>9E. =. (illiam A &iller' 8h.1.' "T"wards a Scienti#ic 5ati"nale "# H"me")at'y '" 9ournal o( Holistic ,edicine' Lol. ?' %o. =' )all 45A6' DHuman Sciences 8ressE' pp. 49;746>. 9. 2ames &yler Kent' -ectures on Homeopathic ,ateria ,edica' D%ew 1ehli: Homeopathic 8u$lications' 45=;E' pa"e num$er 9. 3eo Costens' Carni!al of #it' D%ew <or! City' %<: 8en"uin 0oo!sE. &his is where many o the quotes come rom. F25THE5 5EADING 1ooley' &imothy' M.1.' %.1.: Homeopathy" Beyond $lat %arth Medicine &imin" 8u$lishers' San 1ie"o' CA' IS0% 47AA?A597;;76 &his is a "reat $oo!I It discusses essentially the same su$.ects as my $oo!' $ut in a di erent way. Some people seem to relate $etter to &ims presentation than to mine. I hi"hly recommend this $oo!. 8anos' Maesimund 0.' M.1. and Heimlich' 2ane: Homeopathic Medicine at Home 2.8. &archer' Inc.' 3os An"eles' CA' IS0% ;7A>6>>745:74 &his $oo! is or those who would li!e to da$$le in homeopathy a $it. It will "i#e you the "uidelines or prescri$in" or acute conditions' li!e in.uries' lus' earaches' etc. &his $oo! is well written and easy to understand. 0ut $e care ulI Stic! to low potencies' prescri$e only when indications are #ery clear' and dont chan"e remedies o tenI Lithoul!as' Geor"e: The &cience of Homeopathy Gro#e 8ress' Inc.' %ew <or!' %<' IS0% ;795674>:?;79 As the title implies' we are "ettin" more serious here. &his is a de initi#e wor! on homeopathic philosophy and practice. Hahnemann' Samuel: The 'rganon of Medicine 2.8. &archer' Inc.' 3os An"eles' CA' IS0% ;7A>6>>7==97; &his is the source. &his is where it starts and this is where we always come $ac! to when in dou$t. &his is the homeopaths $i$le. It is not to $e read li"htly' $ut studied' pre era$ly under direction o a "ood teacher. Coulter' Harris 3.: i!ided Legacy" The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the (merican Medical (ssociation %orth Atlantic 0oo!s and Homeopathic Bducational Ser#ices 0er!eley' CA ' IS0% ;7549;=A75?7> &his is or history $u s. &his $oo! traces the complete history o homeopathy in the Hnited States: rom the $e"inin" in the mid74A;;s' throu"h the hei"ht o popularity' and down throu"h the decline at the turn o the =;th century.


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