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% &e'awi Science - Section A

Instruction: Every questions is followed by four options A, B, C, and D. Choose the correct answer. The suggested time for this section is 45 minutes. If u unable to answer a question, proceed to the ne t question.

Animals need air to ________. move excrete breathe reproduce Which of the following is the need for plant to produce food? Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide A plant used _______ to get water from soil. root stem flower leaves Which of the following are the methods of measuring length using the limbs? I II III IV tep Cubit traw !humb " and """ only. "" and "# only. "$ "" and "# only. "$ ""$ """ and "#.

What of the following can be used to measure the length of a curved line? 1


tring !hread (atches )aper clip " and "" only. "" and "# only. "$ """ and "# only. "$ ""$ """ and "#. !he diagram below shows a measurement of a table.

What is the length of the table? *+ cm *, cm ** cm -. cm What is the unit used in measuring the area of a bas/etball court? (etre Cubic metre 0uare metre 0uare /ilometre !he diagram below shows the set up of an experiment.

Which of the following is the main factor for the seed to germinate? air soil water sunlight 2

Why animals need water? I II III IV !o get energy !o /eep themselves warm !o help in blood circulation !o control body temperature " and "" only. """ and "# only. "$ """ and "# only. "$ ""$ """ and "#. 1+. Among the following are the basic needs of plants$ except air food water sunlight 11. !he information below shows about three animals. Tiger Snake Wolf !he animals eat meat fruit grass nectar 1.. !he diagram below shows a plant.

!he natural habitat for the plant is sea land pond on the tree


Humans need shelter to protect themselves from rain storm the sun earth0ua/es " and """ only. "" and "# only. "$ "" and """ only. "$ ""$ """ and "#.


Which of the following statements are correct? Humans need shelter for living. Humans need air for breathing. Humans need food for growing. Humans need sunlight to get energy. " and """ only. "" and "# only. "$ "" and """ only. "$ ""$ """ and "#.


!he information below shows the characteristic about animals. To hide away from enemy To take care of their offspring To get protection from sunlight and rain !his shows that animals need ________. air food shelter sunlight


Which of the following units is suitable to be used to measure the distance between two towns? (etre %ilometre (illimetre Centimetre


Which are the following are true?

100 cm = 1 m 10 mm 2 = 10 cm 2 100 mm = 1 cm 100 mm 2 = 1 cm 2

" and """ only " and "# only. "$ """ and "# only. "$ ""$ """ and "#.


Which of the following is the formula of area? 5ength Width 5ength 6 Width 5ength Width Height 5ength 6 Width 6 Height


What is the definition of volume? !he thic/ness of an ob'ect. !he si8e of an ob'ect9s surface. !he distance between two points. !he space occupied by an ob'ect.

.+. I

Which of the following ob'ects have the same volume?




" and """ only. "" and "# only. "$ and "# only. """ and "# only 5


!he diagram below shows two cube box.

Which of the following statements is true about the diagram above? !he volume of : is two times of ;. !he volume of ; is two times of :. !he volume of : is three times of ;. !he volume of : and ; are the same. ... !he diagram below shows the volume of an empty box.

Calculate the volume of the empty box.

20 cm 3 40 cm3 60 cm 3 80 cm 3


!he : area in diagram below represents the basic needs for both animals and plants.

Which of the following is :? Water and air Water and food unlight and air <ood and shelter


!he diagram below shows a bat and a bird. 6

!he animals shown in the diagram above build their shelter at _______. cave pond rass land underground .,. Which of the rats below can survive the longest?


!he experiment in the diagram below was carried out for one wee/.

What can be observe after one wee/? )lant = died because lac/ of soil. >oth plant ) and plant = survived. )lant = died because lac/ of water. )lant = died because lac/ of sunlight. 7


!he diagram below shows a method of measuring.

!he method is /nown as __________. step foot cubit arm spam .4. !he diagram below shows a ceramic tiles.

<ind the area of the floor if the above ceramic tiles are used to cover the floor.
16 cm 2 100 cm 2 160 cm 2 1 600 cm 2


!he diagram below shows area of the floor.

Calculate the area of the floor.

12 cm 2 18 cm 2 24 cm 2 36 cm 2


!he diagram below shows information of the shaded area.

What is the area of the shaded area?

12 cm 2 15 cm 2 18 cm 2 20 cm 2


. 1

!he diagram below shows three different animals. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan 3 haiwan berlainan

(a) ?ame the breathing organs for the animals labelled :$ ; and @. Namakan organ pernafasan bagi haiwan yang di labelkan. :A ;A @A B2 mar/sC (b) 5ist two animals that have similar breathing organ as the animals labelled :$ ; and @. Senaraikan 2 haiwan yang mempunyai organ pernafasan yang sama seperti haiwan X, Y dan :A ;A @A B2 mar/sC (c) What animals that use gills to breathe? !pakah haiwan yang menggunakan insang untuk bernafas B1 mar/sC (d) What is the conclusion about the investigation above? !pakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat"

B1 mar/C



!he diagram below shows an investigation carried out by (aniam. He plants a balsam plant in a pot which contains dry and wet cotton wool.

(a) What is the aim of this investigation?

B1 mar/C (b) )redict the observation and the relevant inference after a wee/. DiE ObservationA B1 mar/sC DiiE "nferenceA B1 mar/sC (c) Fraw the results of the roots of balsam plant after a wee/.

B1 mar/C (d) What is the inference of the investigation?

B1 mar/C



!he table below shows the maximum number of cars that can par/ in three par/ing areas )$ = and G. Parking area ) = G umber of cars parked 2+ .2+ 1.3

(a) ?ame the largest of the par/ing area. B1 mar/C (b) Hxplain your answer in DaE.

B1 mar/C (c) Gearrange the par/ing from the smallest to the biggest.

B1 mar/C (d) What is the formula that you can use to calculate area ?

B1 mar/C (e) "f ) have 1+ meter length and 2 meter width. What is the area of ) ? Calculate.

B1 mar/C



!he diagram below shows a measuring cylinder is filled up with five marbles.

(a) What was the volume of water before the marbles fill in the measuring cylinder?

B1 mar/C (b) )redict what will happens when marbles are filled into the water.

B. mar/C (c) What is the volume of water in the measuring cylinder when the marbels are filled in it?

B1 mar/C (d) <ind the volume of the marbles in cubic centimetre. What is the volume of a marble?

B1 mar/C


ANSWER : FOR SCIENCE YEAR 4 MAY 2007 QUESTION 1 (a) (i) Moist skin (ii) !n"s (iii) T#a$%&a st#!$t!#& (') (i) Ea#t%(o#)* toa+ (ii) ,o#s&* kan"a#oo (iii) -#ass%o..&#* '&& ($) Fis%/0#a(n (+) 1i22&#&nt ani)a3s %a4& +i22&#&nt t5.&s o2 '#&at%in" st#!$t!#&s6 QUESTION 2 (a) To .#oo2 t%at t%& #oots o2 .3ants #&s.on+ to sti)!3i6 (') (i) Observation:T%& #oots o2 'a3sa) .3ant '&nt to(a#+s t%& (&t $otton (oo36 (ii) Inference: T%& #oots o2 'a3sa) .3ant '&nt to(a#+s t%& (&t $otton (oo3 to "&t (at&#6 ($) (+) T%& #oots o2 .3ants #&s.on+ to (at&#6 QUESTION 7 (a) Q (') It $an .a#k t%& 3a#"&st n!)'&# o2 $a#s $o).a#&+ to 0 an+ R6 ($) 08 R8Q (+) A#&a 9 &n"t% : (i+t% (&) 0 9 70 )&t&# s;!a#& QUESTION 4 (a) T%& 4o3!)& o2 (at&# is &;!a3 < cm 3 (') T%& 4o3!)& #is&s '5 < cm 3 ($) T%& 4o3!)& o2 (at&# is 10 cm3 (+) T%& 4o3!)& o2 t%& )a#'3& is 1 cm 3


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