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Plan name: Abdomen

Description: This exercise is a simple ab exercise that can be done almost anywhere.

Start this exercise by lying on your back on a mat. Your arms should be straight and pointing towards your legs, both reaching straight up towards the ceiling.

Exhale and slowly fold your legs and arms back down to the mat making sure that your abs are tight.

Straighten out as flat as you can without touching the mat with your arms or legs, and slowly return back up to starting position for one rep.

runches with Straight !egs

Description: This exercise is designed to work the abdominal muscles.

Start this exercise by lying flat on your back on a mat. !ift your legs straight up to the ceiling, as far as they can go without ha"ing to bend them. #rms should be straight at your sides.

Exhale and pull your head forward from the mat %eturn to start position after &'-&( reps. keeping your arms straight and at the sides of your legs. $ush forward with your fingers and release a few inches, and then push forward repetiti"ely.

)bli*ue Twists
Description: This exercise is a simple crunch to work the side abdominals.

,o"e pressed hands to one side, keeping your Start this exercise sitting on the mat. +end arms bent and your body as straight as possible. knees up so that they form a &(' degree angle. Your toes should be pointing straight up.

%eturn to center, and rotate to your other side in the same fashion. %eturn to start position to finish.

+reathe in and lean your torso back about a foot from seated position. Your arms should be bent, and hands pressed together out in front of you.

$endulum with Straight !egs

Description: This exercise focuses on working all abdominal muscles as well as the hip -oints, and lower back.

Start on a mat, with your arms stretched out to the sides to form the top of a T, and your legs straight up in the air.

%oll your legs to one side keeping your abs tight %oll legs to the opposite side and back to center to and back straight. .old for ( seconds, then return complete one rep. %eturn to start position when to center. finished reps.

!ying Straight !eg %aise

Description: Simple .ip /lexor Exercise

Start this exercise by lying down face up on a mat. Your elbows should be out, and your hands behind your head for support.

Engage your core. Slowly mo"e legs straight up off )nce toes are pointing towards the ceiling, slowly the floor towards your head. Your low back should mo"e legs back down to the floor, again not not arch 0i.e. the space between your low back and allowing your low back to arch at all. %eturn to start the floor should not increase1 during this position and finish reps. mo"ement. 2f you cannot keep your back from arching, try this with bent knees or discontinue this exercise.

Scissor 3icks 02ntermediate1

Description: This is an intermediate "ersion of the lying down scissor kicks exercise. This exercise is great for working the hip flexors while using the abdominals to stabili4e.

Start this exercise by lying flat on your back on a mat. !egs should be straight out in front of you, and arms to the sides. !ift your shoulders off the mat as you lift one leg straight up in the

Exhale, and switch legs by slowly bringing the /inish intended reps, and return to initial start opposite leg up, and sending your other leg position. towards the floor. 3eep switching legs as you inhale and exhale. Try not to let your legs touch the floor when they come down.

air, supporting it with both hands.



Description: This is a simple ab exercise.

Start by lying flat on your back on a mat. !egs should be bent to a 6' degree angle with your feet flat on the floor. Elbows out, and hands resting behind the ears.

2n one full slow motion bring your knees in and head up and meet in the center to form a ball like formation. .old for ( seconds and release.

%eturn back to start position for one rep.

ross-)"er runches
Description: This exercise focuses on working your abs and obli*ues.

!ying on your back on a mat, place hands behind your ears and bend knees up, keeping your feet flat on the floor.

Start by pushing your left elbow up and twisting Exhale and crunch your right knee towards your your left side of your upper body towards the right left elbow, meeting at the center of the body. 2nhale side. as you return back to start position, and do the same with the opposite side.

runches with 3nees 7p

Description: This exercise focuses on working your abs.

!ying on a mat on your back, ha"e your hips and knees bent to a 6' degree angle and hands behind head. !ea"e a space between your chin and chest looking diagonally up at the ceiling.

Exhale and lift shoulders off the mat using your abdominals. .old for ( seconds. 2nhale and slowly lower back down to starting position.



Description: This exercise focuses on working the abdominals and obli*ues. 2t is also great before any kind of physical acti"ity, especially in"ol"ing running.

Start by lying on your back on a mat, with your legs bent to 6' degrees in table top position. Your elbows should be out and your hands resting behind your ears.

+ring in your right knee, slightly past 6' degrees. 2n one motion, ha"e your legs and elbows switch. Your left leg should be straight out and ho"ering off 3eep switching slowly back and forth as if riding a the ground. #t the same time bring in your left bicycle. omplete both sides for one rep. elbow to touch your right knee.

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