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1. Who built Versailles?
Quin construy (o ms bien mand construir) Versalles? ___________________________________ .
2. Louis XVI married a princess from _________________ .
Luis XVI se cas con una princesa procedente de ____________ .
3. Louis XV lost which war, leaving France in debt?
Qu guerra perdi Luis XV, dejando a Francia en bancarrota?
4. Louis XVI said, upon becoming king, Protect us Lord, for we reign too _______________.
Luis XVI dijo, al convertirse en rey, Protgenos, Seor, pues reinamos demasiado ________________ .
5. The Age of ______________________ threatens the new monarchs.
La Era de la ___________________ amenaza a los nuevos monarcas.
6. How many estates were there in French society?
Cuntos estados haba en la sociedad francesa? (Cules eran?) ______________________________
7. The Age of Enlightenment championed _______________.
La Ilustracin defenda ___________________________ .
8. _______________bankrupts France.
_______________ llev a Francia a la bancarrota.
9. Marie Antoinette was obsessed with __________________.
Mara Antonieta estaba obsesionada con __________________ .
10. Marie earns the nickname Madam ______________________.
Mara Antonieta se gan el sobrenombre de Madam ______________________ .
11. The cost of _______________ skyrockets and the price of bread _____________.
El coste de la ____________ se dispara y el precio del pan _____________ .
12. Louis XVI is forced to call a meeting of the ___________________ who hasnt met in 175 years.
Luis XVI es forzado a convocar los ______________________ , que no se haban reunido en 175 aos.
13. Robespierre represents the ____________ Estate in the meeting.
Robespierre representa al ___________ Estado durante la reunin.
14. When the Third Estate is locked out, they move next door and take the ___________________________ and form
the National Assembly.
Cuando el Tercer Estado no es admitido en la reunin, sus miembros se marchan y toman la cercana
________________________ , donde se constituyen en Asamblea Nacional.
15. The city houses ___________________ in the Bastille.
La ciudad almacena _______________ en la Bastilla.
16. What is the tri-color? _________________________________________________________________
Qu era (y qu simbolizaba) la tricolor? _______________________________________________
17. When Louis asks if it is a revolt at the Bastille, his informer responds, No it is a _________________.

Cuando Luis (XVI) pregunta si hay una revuelta en la Bastilla, su informante le responde: No, es una
__________________ .
18. The women that took their complaints to the king want Louis and Marie to return to ______________.
Las mujeres que elevaron sus quejas al rey queran que Luis y Mara Antonieta regresaran a ___________ .
19. Louis and Marie try to escape to __________________ .
Luis y Mara Antonieta intentaron escapar a ________________ .
20. Beheading was reserved for the ______________, and the new ________________ made execution equal.
La decapitacin estaba reservada para la ___________ , y la nueva _______________ igual las ejecuciones.
21. _________________ joined Austria in the war.
____________ se ali con Austria en la guerra.
22. Who were the sans-culottes? ____________________________________________________________ .
Quines eran los sans-culottes? _________________________________________________________.
23. More than ________________ aristocrats are murdered by the sans-culottes.
Ms de ______________ aristcratas fueron asesinados por los sans-culottes.
24. The _________________ wanted to kill the king, while the Girondins werent sure he had to die.
Los ______________ queran matar al rey, pero los girondinos no estaban tan seguros de si tena que morir.
25. Jean-Paul Marat soon calls for 200,000 _______________ to save the revolution.
Jean-Paul Marat pronto reclama 200.000 _______________ para salvar la revolucin.
26. Charlotte Corday murders Marat in his ___________________.
Charlotte Corday asesina a Marat en su __________________ .
27. Marie Antoinette was to be ___________________ like her husband.
Mara Antonieta fue ____________________ , al igual que su marido.
28. The Constitution is eventually suspended and anyone perceived to be an enemy of the republic was brought to the
national ________________.
La Constitucin fue provisionalmente suspendida, y cualquier persona sospechosa de ser enemiga de la
Repblica era llevada a la _____________ nacional.
29. The Convention organized a twelve man committee known as the Committee of Public _____________.
La Convencin organiz un comit de doce hombres conocido como Comit de __________ Pblica.
30. The radicals began de-Christianization, replacing saints with _____________ and re-doing the calendar.
Los radicales comenzaron un proceso de secularizacin (descristianizacin), sustituyendo los santos por
__________ y creando un nuevo calendario.
31. Danton requested to end the ________________, and Robespierre had him beheaded.
Danton pidi acabar con el ____________ , por lo que Robespierre lo hizo decapitar.
32. Robespierre unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide, and was eventually _________________ .
Robespierre intent suicidarse, pero finalmente fue ________________________ .
33. _________________________________ eventually consolidated power in his own hands.
_______________________ fue quien acab por hacerse con todo el poder.
34. The slogan of the French Revolution is Libert, Egalit, ____________________.
La consigna de la Revolucin Francesa es Libertad, Igualdad y _________________ .

Thinking Questions
35. Are people right to overthrow an unjust system and how much violence is acceptable?

36. What was the significance of the French Revolution?



Who built Versailles? KING LOUIS XIV


Louis XVI married a princess from AUSTRIA.


Louis XV lost which war, leaving France in debt? THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR


Louis XVI said, upon becoming king, Protect us Lord, for we reign too YOUNG.


The Age of ENLIGHTENMENT threatens the new monarchs.


How many estates were there in French society? THREE


The Age of Enlightenment championed LIBERTY.


AMERICA bankrupts France.


Marie was obsessed with FASHION.

10. Marie earns the nickname Madam DEFICIT.

11. The cost of FLOUR skyrockets and the price of bread RISES.
12. Louis XVI is forced to call a meeting of the ESTATES-GENERAL who hasnt met in 175 years.
13. Robespierre represents the THIRD Estate in the meeting.
14. When the Third Estate is locked out, they move next door and take the TENNIS COURT OATH and form the
National Assembly.

15. The city houses GUNPOWDER in the Bastille.

16. What is the tri-color? THE FLAG OF THE REVOLUTIONARIES
17. When Louis asks if it is a revolt at the Bastille, his informer responds, No it is a REVOLUTION.
18. The women that took their complaints to the king want Louis and Marie to return to PARIS.
19. Louis and Marie try to escape to AUSTRIA.

20. Beheading was reserved for the NOBILITY, and the new GUILLOTINE made execution equal.

joined Austria in the war.


23. More than 1600 aristocrats are murdered by the sans-culottes.

24. The JACOBINS wanted to kill the king, while the Girondins werent sure he had to die.
25. Jean-Paul Marat soon calls for 200,000 HEADS to save the revolution.
26. Charlotte Corday murders Marat in his BATHTUB.
27. Marie Antoinette was to be BEHEADED like her husband.
28. The Constitution is eventually suspended and anyone perceived to be an enemy of the republic was brought to the
national RAZOR.

29. The Convention organized a twelve man committee known as the Committee of Public SAFETY.
30. The radicals began de-Christianization, replacing saints with MARAT and re-doing the calendar.
31. Danton requested to end the TERROR, and Robespierre had him beheaded.
32. Robespierre unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide, and was eventually BEHEADED.
33. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE eventually consolidated power in his own hands.
34. The slogan of the French Revolution is Libert, Egalit, FRATERNITE.
Thinking Questions

35. Are people right to overthrow an unjust system and how much violence is acceptable?

36. What was the significance of the French Revolution?

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