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Chapter 1 Living Things Have Basic Needs

Section A Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. 1 The basic needs of a plant are I II air heat III IV C D light water I , II AND IV II, III and IV

A I, II and III B I, II and IV

A plant which is not watered for a few days will wither1 This shows that A B C D plants need water to stay alive plants need food to stay alive plants need sunlight to stay alive plants need air to stay alive All living things A need food B do not grow C D cannot move stay alive forever

Which of the following charts represents the weight of a healthy growing chick A Weight

Week B Weight


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C Weight

Week D Weight

Week " We need 22222222222222222222 when we are hungry1 A air B food # A B C D $ A B C D % C D water o3ygen

In what ways are animals and plants alike %oth can make their own food %oth can move by themselves %oth are non4living things %oth need air and water A hamster in an airtight container will suffocate and eventually die1 Why It does not have enough air It does not have enough food It does not have enough space It does not have enough sunlight If you grow a plant on a windowsill, the plant will A turn yellow B grow away from the light C D wither and die grow towards the light

& A B C D

Wind, rain and clouds are alive because they can grow alive because they can move by themselves not alive because they cannot fly not alive because they cannot have young

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Which of the following statements are correct I II III IV A B C D 5umans need air to breathe 5umans need sunlight to make food 5umans need shelter to protect themselves from danger, sun and rain 5umans need to eat and drink to grow and stay healthy I, II, and III only I, III, and IV only II, III, and IV only I, II, III, and IV


living fish

dead fish

oil water

,ontainer 6

,ontainer &

(ig)re 2 The investigation in 7igure & shows that animals need A air B food 12 A C D water sunlight

In which 8ar will the cockroach remain alive after five days C

A leaf covered with a layer of grease will turn yellow after a few days1 This is because of A insufficient sunlight B insufficient air C D insufficient minerals insufficient water

! "earson #alaysia $dn %hd &''(

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wet cotton

(ig)re After a few days, what will happen to the seeds shown in 7igure 9 A It will become dry B It will germinate 1" C D It will die Nothing will happen to the seeds

(ig)re !

+ook at the setup in 7igure 0 carefully1 What is the purpose of the e3periment A To show that plants need air B To show that plants need water C D To show that plants need sunlight To show that plants need food

1# A covered 8ar containing a butterfly is placed in a cupboard for two days1 The butterfly is later found dead1 This is because the butterfly A B C D 1$ did not get enough air did not get enough food did not get enough water did not get enough sunlight A rabbit will die if it is not given food for a week1 It needs food A for breathing B to generate energy and heat C D for blood circulation to control body temperature

(ig)re "

1% All of the following are basic human needs e*cept A air B food 1& C D water sunlight

5umans need shelter to protect themselves from the following e*cept A sun B rain C D danger diseases

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(ig)re # The illustrations in 7igure : show that plants can A grow B move 21 A C D reproduce bear fruit

Which of the following seeds will germinate C

dry cotton

wet cotton

dry sand

22 (ig)re $ After one week, the grass which was covered with a stone has turned yellow1 Why A It did not get enough air C It did not get enough food B It did not get enough water D It did not get enough sunlight 2 Which of the following factors will affect the germination of seeds I Air II Water III $unlight A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

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2! A B C D 2"

Among the following, which is not true 5umans need air to breathe 5umans need to eat to grow and stay healthy 5umans need sunlight to make food 5umans need shelter to protect themselves from sun and rain 5umans need to eat well to A breathe properly B satisfy their hunger C D grow and stay healthy keep fit and stay beautiful


Which of the following pairs is not correct A Tiger 44444444 8ungle B $nake 4444444 holes C D %at 4444444 caves *abbit 4444444 nests


Among the animals listed below, which is commonly kept as a pet by humans A ,at B $nake C D air water sunlight Tiger #onkey


The above are basic needs of A humans B plants 2& (ig)re % Apart from birds, the picture in 7igure ; is common shelter for A tortoises B dogs C D s<uirrels tigers (ig)re % C D animals babies

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(ig)re & In what way are they alike A B C D %oth need sunlight to make food %oth can reproduce %oth can move by themselves %oth can produce sound

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Section B Instr)ction = Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1

,ontainer A

,ontainer B (ig)re 1

,ontainer C

$tudy the set4up in 7igure 6 carefully1 +a, In which container>s? will the fish remain alive after three days 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +-, -3plain your answer in >a?1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +c, If container A is kept in a refrigerator, what will happen to the fish 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +d, -3plain your answer in >c?1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

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black bo3

A (ig)re 2

+a, "redict what will happen to both plants shown in 7igure & after one week1 >i? >ii? "lant A = 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 "lant B = 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

+-, In the above e3periment, what variables should be kept constant 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +c, What conclusion can be made from this e3periment 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

! "earson #alaysia $dn %hd &''(

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wet cotton

dry cotton

wet cotton

black bo3

B (ig)re

wet cotton

>a? %ased on the illustrations in 7igure 9, give one >i? manipulative variable= 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 >ii? constant variable= 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +-, "redict the condition of the seeds in every container after one week1 >i? ,ontainer A = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 >ii? ,ontainer B = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 >iii? ,ontainer C = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 >iv? ,ontainer D = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +c, Write the inferences for your answers in >b?1 >i? ,ontainer A = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 >ii? ,ontainer B = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 >iii? ,ontainer C = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

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>iv? ,ontainer D = 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

,omplete the following flow chart= +a,

%asic needs of plants

+-, 5ow do plants get their food 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +c, If a plant is watered every day but it is covered with a bo3, what will happen to it >i? after one day >ii? after one week >iii? after one month 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

+d, -3plain your answers in >c?1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

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(ig)re ! *a@ak puts a li@ard, a grasshopper, and a mouse in three separate airtight 8ars as shown in 7igure 0 above1 After a few hours, all the animals died1 +a, What can you infer from the above observation 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +-, $tate the hypothesis that *a@ak wants to prove in this e3periment1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +c, What variable should *a@ak keep constant 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 +d, Name three basic animal needs1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

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