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Category 1 plants, or declared weeds These are prohibited plants that will no longer be tolerated, neither in rural nor urban areas, except with the written permission of the executive officer or in an approved biocontrol reserve. These plants may no longer be planted or propagated, and all trade in their seeds, cuttings or other propagative material is prohibited. They may not be transported or be allowed to disperse. Plant species were included in this list for one or more of the following reasons: they might pose a serious health risk to humans or livestock, cause serious financial losses to land users, be able to invade undisturbed environments and transform or degrade natural plant communities, use more water than the plant communities they replace or be particularly difficult to control. Most of the plants in this category produce copious numbers of seeds, are wind or bird dispersed or have highly efficient means of vegetative reproduction. Whereas some of these plants were introduced inadvertently, have no obvious function to fulfil in South Africa and are generally regarded as undesirable, many of them are popular garden or landscaping plants. What they all have in common, however, is the fact that their harmfulness outweighs any useful properties they might have. Care was taken not to include a plant in this category if part of the population of South Africa would suffer because of its absence. The ornamentals in this category ought to be reasonably easy to replace with less invasive substitutes. The following species are declared weeds (Category 1 plants):

Woody plants (trees or shrubs): several Australian Acacia species (A. implexa, A. longifolia, A. paradoxa and A. pycnantha); two lebbeck trees (Albizia lebbeck and A. procera); Mauritius thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala); four cestrum species (Cestrum aurantiacum, C. elegans, C. laevigatum and C. parqui); triffid weed (Chromolaena odorata); Montpellier and Scotch broom (Cytisus monspessulanus and C. scoparius); three hakeas (Hakea drupacea, H. gibbosa and H. sericea); all seed producing species or seed producing hybrids of Lantana that are non-indigenous to Africa (this excludes the creeping, purple-flowered Lantana montevidensis, which does not produce seeds in South Africa); Australian myrtle (Leptospermum laevigatum); Indian laurel (Litsea glutinosa); purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria); cat's claw creeper (Macfadyena unguis-cati); tree daisy (Montanoa hibiscifolia); the single-flowered varieties of oleander (Nerium oleander); wild tobacco (Nicotiana glauca); lesser broomrape (Orobanche minor); stinkbean (Paraserianthes lophantha); four ornamental granadilla-like species (Passiflora caerulea, P. mollissima, P. suberosa and P. subpeltata, but not the edible Passiflora edulis); pereskia (Pereskia aculeata); Australian cheesewood (Pittosporum undulatum); the ornamental Durban guava (Psidium x durbanensis); wax tree (Rhus succedanea); bloodberry (Rivina humilis); eglantine (Rosa rubiginosa); American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius); red sesbania (Sesbania punicea); silverleaf bitter apple (Solanum elaeagnifolium); bugweed (Solanum mauritianum); Spanish broom (Spartium

junceum); yellow bells (Tecoma stans); yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana); Indian almond (Triplaris americana) and European gorse (Ulex europaeus). Succulents: chandelier plant (Bryophyllum delagoense); queen of the night (Cereus jamacaru); torch cactus (Echinopsis spachiana); harrisia cactus (Harrisia martinii); jointed cactus (Opuntia aurantiaca); long spine cactus (O. exaltata); sweet prickly pear (O. ficus-indica - but excluding all spineless cactus pear cultivars and selections); creeping prickly pear (O. humifusa); imbricate cactus (O. imbricata); small round-leaved prickly pear (O. lindheimeri); drooping prickly pear (O. monacantha); rosea cactus (O. rosea); saucepan cactus (O. spinulifer) and pest pear of Australia (O. stricta). Herbaceous plants: burweed (Achyranthes aspera); crofton weed and mistflower (Ageratina adenophora and A. riparia); two ageratums (Ageratum conyzoides and A. houstonianum); camel thorn bush (Alhagi maurorum); Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia); moth catcher (Araujia sericifera); two Mexican poppy species (Argemone mexicana and A. ochroleuca); pom pom weed (Campuloclinium macrocephalum); the small-flowered Indian canna (Canna indica - but not the common ornamental species or cultivars); balloon vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum); spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare); field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis); two dodder species (Cuscuta campestris and C. suaveolens); three thorn apple species (Datura ferox, D. innoxia and D. stramonium); two echium species (Echium plantagineum and E. vulgare); four species of ginger lilies (Hedychium coccineum, H. coronarium, H. flavescens and H. gardnerianum); pepper-cress (Lepidium draba); parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus); kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata); potato creeper (Solanum seaforthianum); wild tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium); Mexican and red sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia and T. rotundifolia) and two cocklebur species (Xanthium spinosum and X. strumarium). Grasses or reeds: Spanish reed (Arundo donax); pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana and C. jubata) - excluding sterile varieties of C. cordata; nassella tussock (Nassella trichotoma); white tussock (Nassella tenuissima); fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum - excluding the sterile cultivar 'Rubrum') and feathertop (P. villosum). Aquatic plants: red water fern (Azolla filiculoides); dense water weed (Egeria densa); water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes); Canadian water weed (Elodea canadensis); parrot's feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum); spiked water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum); water lettuce (Pistia statiotes) and Kariba weed (Salvinia molesta).

Plants that are problematic only in certain areas, but are popular ornamental or utility plants elsewhere, were declared weeds (Category 1 plants) only in certain provinces. These include:

Silver wattle (Acacia dealbata), spider gum (Eucalyptus lehmannii) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) - Category 1 in Western Cape, but Category 2 elsewhere. Two tamarisk species (Tamarix chinensis and T. ramosissima) - Category 1 in Northern, Western and Eastern Cape, but Category 3 elsewhere. Coral tree (Ardisia crenata) and camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora)Category 1 in only Northern Province, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga, but not subject to legislation elsewhere. Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora), moonflower (Ipomoea alba) and morning glory (Ipomoea indica) -Category 1 in Northern Province, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga, but Category 3 elsewhere.

Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolia) and Singapore daisy (Telechitonia trilobata) - Category 1 in KwaZulu-Natal, Category 3 elsewhere.

The dagga plant (Cannabis sativa), which used to be a declared weed, has been removed from the list because it is covered by the Narcotics Act. Category 2 or plant invaders These are plants with the proven potential of becoming invasive, but which nevertheless have certain beneficial properties that warrant their continued presence in certain circumstances. CARA makes provision for Category 2 plants to be retained in special areas demarcated for that purpose, but those occurring outside demarcated areas have to be controlled. The exception is that Category 2 plants may also be retained or cultivated in biological control reserves, where the plants will serve as host plants for the breeding of biological control agents. The growing of Category 2 plants in a demarcated area qualifies as a water use, and is subject to the requirements of section 21 of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998). An area can only be demarcated for the growing of Category 2 plants by the Executive Officer. The land user needs to obtain a water use license; the plants have to primarily serve a commercial or utility purpose, such as a woodlot, shelter belt, building material, animal fodder, soil stabilisation, medicinal or own consumption; the conditions under which they are cultivated, have to be controlled; all reasonable steps have to be taken to curtail the spreading of seeds or vegetatively reproducing material outside the demarcated area, and all specimens outside the demarcated area have to be controlled. The Executive Officer has the power to impose additional conditions to ensure the adequate control of Category 2 plants in demarcated areas. Seed or other propagative material of Category 2 plants may only be sold to, and acquired by, land users of areas demarcated for the growing of that species, or for the establishment of a biocontrol reserve. Category 2 plants may not occur within 30 m from the 1:50 year flood line of watercourses or wetlands, unless authorisation has been obtained in terms of the National Water Act. The Executive Officer has the power to grant exemption from some of the above requirements. The following species are classified as Category 2 plants: rooikrans (Acacia cyclops); silver wattle (A. dealbata) - this species not allowed in the Western Cape; green wattle (A. decurrens); black wattle (A. mearnsii); Australian blackwood (A. melanoxylon); Port Jackson willow (A. saligna); sisal hemp (Agave sisalana); old man salt bush (Atriplex nummularia); beefwood and horsetail (Casuarina cunninghamiana and C. equisetifolia) - neither of which will be allowed for dune stabilisation; several species of gum trees (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. cladocalyx, E. diversifolia, E. grandis, E. paniculata, E. sideroxylon and E. lehmannii) - the latter species not allowed in the Western Province (because of their importance for beekeepers, legislation with regard to Eucalyptus species might still be changed; they might be exempted from the need of being controlled wherever they occur outside demarcated areas and, instead, control might only be mandatory in or near watercourses and wetlands); honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), which may only be grown under controlled conditions; leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) - this species not allowed in the Western Cape; several pine species (Pinus canariensis, P. elliotti, P. halepensis, P. patula, P. pinaster, P. radiata, P. roxburghii and P. taeda); white and grey poplars (Populus alba and P. x canescens); honey and velvet mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa and P. velutina), as

well as their hybrids; the commercial guava (Psidium guajava); castor oil plant (Ricinus communis); black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), which may be propagated as a rootstock only, and then only with special authorisation ; watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum); European blackberry (Rubus fruticosus); the weeping and crack willows (Salix babylonica and S. fragilis) - not to be confused with the indigenous Salix mucronata, which should not be removed; and Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense).

Category 3 or plant invaders These plants are undesirable because they have the proven potential of becoming invasive, but most of them are nevertheless popular ornamentals or shade trees that will take a long time to replace. A few of them were placed into this category instead of into category 1 because they do not cause problems in all situations. In terms of Regulation 15 of CARA, Category 3 plants will not be allowed to occur anywhere except in biological control reserves, unless they were already in existence when these regulations went into effect. The conditions on which these already existing plants may be retained are that they do not grow within 30 m from the 1:50 year flood line of watercourses or wetlands, that all reasonable steps are taken to keep the plant from spreading, and that the Executive Officer has the power to impose additional conditions or even prohibit the growing of Category 3 plants in any area where he has reason to believe that these plants will pose a threat to the agricultural resources. Propagative material of these plants, such as seeds or cuttings, may no longer be planted, propagated, imported, bought, sold or traded in any way. It will, however, be legal to trade in the wood of Category 3 plants, or in other products that do not have the potential to grow or multiply. The Executive Officer will have the power to grant exemption from some of the above requirements. The following species are Category 3 plant invaders: pepper tree wattle (Acacia elata); pearl acacia (Acacia podalyriifolia); tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima); sponge-fruit salt bush (Atriplex lindleyi subsp. Inflata); two species of orchid trees (Bauhinia purpurea and B. variegata); two species of cotoneasters (Cotoneaster franchetii and C. pannosus); loquat (Eriobotrya japonica); pitanga (Eugenia uniflora) but not allowed in Northern Province, Mpumalanga or KwaZulu-Natal; Australian silky oak (Grevillea robusta); moonflower (Ipomoea alba) - but not allowed in Northen Province, Mpumalanga or KwaZulu-Natal; morning glory (Ipomoea indica) - but not allowed in Northen Province, Mpumalanga or KwaZulu-Natal; another species of morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea); jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia); five species of privets (Ligustrum japonicum, L. lucidum, L. ovalifolium, L. sinense and L. vulgare) - L. lucidum may be propagated only as a rootstock if special permission has been obtained; St Joseph's lily (Lilium formosanum, also incorrectly called Lilium longiflorum); "syringa" (Melia azedarach); New Zealand christmas tree (Metrosideros excelsa); giant sensitive plant (Mimosa pigra); white mulberry (Morus alba) excluding clutivar 'Pendula',- may be propagated only as a rootstock , if special permission has been obtained (note that the black mulberry, Morus nigrum, which is the better fruit tree of the two, is not subject to legislation); manatoka (Myoporum tenuifolium subsp. montanum, also sometimes called M. acuminatum); sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) - excluding its cultivars; belhambra (Phytolacca dioica); 'Abyssinian' coleus (Plectranthus comosus); pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata); strawberry and Durban guavas (Psidium cattleianum and P. x durbanensis); yellow and Himalayan firethorn (Pyracantha angustifolia and P. crenulata); Brazilian pepper

tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) - but not allowed in KwaZulu-Natal; three senna species (formerly known as cassias) (Senna bicapsularis, S. didymobotrya and S. pendula); jambolan (Syzygium cumini); rose apple (Syzygium jambos); Chinese and pink tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis and T. ramosissima) - neither of which is allowed in the Northern, Western or Eastern Cape; the tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) and the toon tree (Toona ciliata).





SCHEDULE A: Threatened Species Species threatened by one or more restricted activity (ies) as defined in the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 CATEGORY: Critically Endangered Species Indigenous species facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future Scientific Name FLORA Adenium swazicum Aloe pillansii Diaphananthe millarii Dioscorea ebutsiniorum Encephalartos aemulans Encephalartos brevifoliolatus Encephalartos cerinus Encephalartos dolomiticus Encephalartos heenanii Encephalartos hirsutus Encephalartos inopinus Encephalartos latifrons Encephalartos middelburgensis Encephalartos nubimontanus Encephalartos woodii Common Name

Swaziland Impala Lily False Quiver Tree Tree Orchid Wild Yam Ngotshe Cycad Escarpment Cycad Waxen Cycad Wolkberg Cycad Woolly Cycad Venda Cycad Lydenburg Cycad Albany Cycad Middelburg Cycad Blue Cycad Woods Cycad

CATEGORY: Endangered Species Indigenous species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future, although they are not a critically endangered species Scientific Name FLORA Angraecum stella Encephalartos arenarius Encephalartos cupidus Encephalartos horridus Encephalartos laevifolius Common Name

Tree Orchid Dune Cycad Blyde River Cycad Eastern Cape Blue Cycad Kaapsehoop Cycad

Encephalartos lebomboensis Encephalartos msinganus Jubaeopsis caffra Siphonochilus aethiopicus Warburgia salutaris Newtonia hilderbrandi

Lebombo Cycad Msinga Cycad Pondoland Coconut Wild Ginger Pepper-bark Tree Lebombo Wattle

CATEGORY: Vulnerable Species - Indigenous species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, although they are not a critically endangered species or an endangered species Scientific Name FLORA Aloe albida Encephalartos eugene-maraisii Encephalartos ngoyanus Scilla natalensis Zantedeschia jucunda Common Name

Grass Aloe Waterberg Cycad Ngoye Dwarf Cycad Blue Squill Yellow Arum Lily

SCHEDULE B1: Protected Species Indigenous species of high conservation value or national importance that require national protection Scientific Name FLORA Clivia mirabilis Harpagophytum procumbens Harpagophytum zeyherii Hoodia gordonii Hoodia currorii Common Name

Oorlogskloof Bush Lily Devils Claw Devils Claw Ghaap Ghaap

APPENDIX F3 Provincial Authority Contacts for Advice on Protected Species

Province Eastern Cape Contact Physical Address Postal Address Department of Economic Affairs, Environment and Tourism Private Bag X3 AMALINDA 5252 Department of Tourism, Environment & Economic Affairs P/Bag X20801 Bloemfontein 9300

Anet Landman Ethridge road Amalinda East London Tel: 043 741 1994 Fax: 043 741 1927

Free State Law enforcement & Admin (Permits)

Diana Nel Cindy Kgobo Petrus Nhlapo Tel: 051 400 9527 051 400 9526 051 400 9522 051 400 9523 051 400 9538

Landbou Sentrum 98 Zastron Street Third floor, Room 310

Fax: Gauteng Permits

Lydia Onsongo Tel: Fax: 011 355 1225 011 355 1239

Glencaim Building 17th Floor 73 Market Street Johannesburg

Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment PO Box 8769 Johannesburg 2000 KwaZule Natal Wildlife P O Box 13053 CASCADES 3202 Northern Province Environmental Affairs P O BOX 55464 POLOKWANE 0700 Mpumalanga Parks Board Private Bag X11338 NELSPRUIT 1200 Northern Cape Nature Conservation Private Bag X6102 Kimberley 8300


Sharron Hughes Tel: Fax: 033 845 1324 033 845 1747

Queen Elizabeth Park Duncan Mackenzie Drive Montrose Pietermaritzburg Corner Dorp and Suid streets Polokwane


Hiadee von Well Tel: Fax: 015 295 9300 x227 015 295 5018

Blackie Swart Mpumalanga Tel: Fax: Northern Cape 013 759 5329 013 759 5300 013 759 5490

Halls Gateway Mataffin

Colette Scholtz Tel: Fax: 053 807 4800 053 831 3530

224 Du Toitspan road Kimberley

North West

Stephen Motleagi

Agri Centre Room Dept Agriculture, Tel: Fax: 018 389 5048 018 389 5731 018 389 5640

E16 Dr James Moroka drive Mmabatho CapeNature House Belmont Office Park Belmont Road RONDEBOSCH

Conservation & Environment Private Bag X125 MMABTHO 2735 Fauna, Flora, CITES & Hunting CapeNature Private Bag X29 Rondebosch 7701

Western Cape Permits

Deon L. Hignett (Manager: Fauna, Flora, CITES & Hunting) Tel: Fax: 021 659 3418 021 659 3415


For more information, such as application forms for licences, please visit the Department Of Water Affairs And Forestry website:
PROVINCE GAUTENG FREE STATE NAME Mr Luke Radebe Mr David Noha Mr Macolm Procter CONTACT DETAILS Tel : 012 392 1430 / 082 808 0487 Email: Tel: 082 803 0934 Email: Cell 082 808 2735 Email: Tel: 053 433 1456 Email: Cell: 082 808 2737 Email: Tel: 082 809 2066 Email: Tel : 013 755 1678 / Email: Cell 082 804 6784 Email: Tel 043 604 5400 / 082 805 8825 Email: Tel 0443 825 466 Email: Tel 021 950 7100 Email:


Mr Sarel van Wyk Ms Jackie Mans Mr David Mavhungu Mr Richard Green Ms Joyce Nelushi Ms Gwen Sgwabe Ms Cobri Vermeulen Ms Susan Steyn


Botanical Name English Common National Names Tree Number Acacia erioloba Acacia haematoxylon Adansonia digitata Afzelia quanzensis Balanites subsp. maughamii Barringtonia racemosa 524 Boscia albitrunca 122 Camel thorn 168 Grey camel thorn 169 Baobab 467 Pod mahogany 207 Torchwood 251 Powder-puff tree Shepherd's tree Xhosa (X), Zulu (Z) Kameloring (A) / Mogothlo (NS) / Mogotlho (T) Vaalkameeldoring (A) / Mokholo (T) Kremetart (A) / Seboi ( NS) / Mowana (T) Peulmahonie (A) / Mutokota (V) Inkehli (Z) Groendoring (A) I Ugobandlovu (Z) Other Common Names Afrikaans (A), Northern Sotho (NS), Southern Sotho (S), Tswana (T), Venda (V),

Poeierkwasboom (A) / Ibogo (Z) Witgat (A) I Mohlopi (NS) I Motlhopi (T) I Muvhombwe (V) /Umggomoggomo (X) / Umvithi (Z) Msasa (A) Mingerhout (A) / Mohlome (NS) / Mutu-lume (V) / Umfomfo (Z) Swart-wortelboom (A) / Isikhangati (X) / Isihlobane (Z) Swazi-uiehout (A) Boesmanstee (A) / Mohlatse (NS) / Iggwaka (X) / Umhlwazi (Z) Indiese wortelboom (A) / Isinkaha (Z) Vals-tambotie (A) I Umzithi (Z)

Brachystegia spiciformis Msasa 1981 Breonadia salicina Matumi 684 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza 527 Black mangrove

Cassipourea swaziensis Swazi onionwood 531.1 Catha edu!is Bushman's tea 404 Ceriops tagal 525 Cleistanthus schlechter 320 var.schlechteri Colubrina nicholsoniii 453.8 Combretum imberbe 539 Curtisia dentata 570 Elaeodendron 416 transvaalensis Indian mangrove False tamboti

Pondo weeping thorn Leadwood

Pondo-treurdoring (A)

Hardekool (A) / Mohwelere-tshipi (NS) / Motswiri (T) / lmpondondIovu (Z) Assegaai (A) I Umgxina (X) I Umagunda (Z) Bosveld-saffraan (A) / Monomane (T) / lngwavuma (Z)

Assegai Bushveld saffron

Erythrophysa Bushveld red 436.2 Transvaalensis balloon Euclea pseudebenus Ebonv quarri 598 Ficus trichopoda Swamp fig Leucadendron argenteum Silver tree Lumnitzera racemosa var.Tonga mangrove 552 racemosa Lydenburgia abottii Pando bushman's 407 Tea Lydenburgia cassinoides Sekhukhuni 406 bushman's tea Mimusops caffra Coastal red 583 milkwood Newtonia hildebrandtii Lebombo wattle 191 var. hildebrandtii Ocatea bullata Stinkwood 118 Ozoroa namaquensis Gariep resin tree 373.2 Philenoptera violacea Apple-leaf 238 Pittosporum viridiflorum Cheesewood 139 Podocarpus elongatus Podocarpus falcatus Podocarpus henkelii Podocarpus latifolius Protea comptoni sugarbush Protea curvata 88.1 Sugarbush Prunus Africana 147 Breede River yellowwood Outeniqua yellowwood Henkel's Real yellowwood Saddleback Serpentine

Bosveid-rooiklap perbos (A) I MofaIatsane (T)

Ebbehout-ghwarrie (A) Moerasvy (A) I Umvubu (Z) Silwerboom (A) Tonga-wortelboom (A) / Isikhaha-esibo mvu (Z) 54 77

Pondo-boesmanste e (A)

Sekhukhuni-boesmanstee (A)

Kusrooimelkhoot (A) I Umthunzi (X) I Umkhakhayi (Z) Lebombo-wattel (A) I Umfomothii (Z)

Stinkhout (A) I Umhlungulu (X) I Umnukane (Z) Gariep-harpuisbo om (A) AppeIblaar (A) I Mphata (NS) I Mohata (T) / Isihomohomo (Z) Kasuur (A) / Kgalagangwe (NS) / Umkhwenkwe (X) I Umfusamvu (Z) Breederivier-gee Ihoot (A) Outniekwa-geelho ut (A) / Mogobagoba (NS )/ Umkhoba (X) / Umsonti (Z) Henkel-se-geelho ut (A) / Umsonti (X) / Umsonti (Z) Opregte-geelhout (A) / Mogobagoba (NS) / 18 Umcheya (X) / Umkhoba (Z) Barberton-suikerbos (A) Serpentynsuikerb os (A)

15 16 17


Red stinkwood

Rooi-stinkhout (A) I Umkhakhase (X) / Umdumezulu (Z) Kiaat (A) / Moroto (NS) / Mokwa(T) / Mutondo (V) / Umvangazi (Z) Rooi-wortelboomm / (A) Isikhangathi (X) / Umhlume (Z)

Pterocarpus angolensis Wild teak 236 Rhizophora mucronata 526 Red mangrove

Sclerocarya birrea 360 subsp. Caffra Securidaca 303 Iongependunculat a Sideroxylon inerme 579 subsp. inerme Tephrosia pondoensis 226.1 Warburgia salutaris 488 Widdingloria Cedarbergensis Widdingloria schwarzii


Maroela (A) / Morula (NS) / Morula (T) / Umganu (Z) Krinkhout (A) I Mmaba (T)

Violet tree

White milkwood

Wit-melkhout (A) / Ximafana (X) / Umakhwelafingq ane (Z) Pondo-gifertjie (A) Peperbasboom (A) / Molaka (NS) / Mulanga (V) / Isibaha (Z) Clanwilliam-seder (A) Baviaamskloof-seder

Pondo poison pea Pepper-bark tree

Clanwilliam cedar Willowmore cedar

19 21




SCHEDULE A: Threatened Species Species threatened by one or more restricted activity (ies) as defined in the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 CATEGORY: Critically Endangered Species Indigenous species facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future Scientific Name FLORA Adenium swazicum Aloe pillansii Diaphananthe millarii Dioscorea ebutsiniorum Encephalartos aemulans Encephalartos brevifoliolatus Encephalartos cerinus Encephalartos dolomiticus Encephalartos heenanii Encephalartos hirsutus Encephalartos inopinus Encephalartos latifrons Encephalartos middelburgensis Encephalartos nubimontanus Encephalartos woodii Common Name

Swaziland Impala Lily False Quiver Tree Tree Orchid Wild Yam Ngotshe Cycad Escarpment Cycad Waxen Cycad Wolkberg Cycad Woolly Cycad Venda Cycad Lydenburg Cycad Albany Cycad Middelburg Cycad Blue Cycad Woods Cycad

CATEGORY: Endangered Species Indigenous species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future, although they are not a critically endangered species Scientific Name FLORA Angraecum stella Encephalartos arenarius Encephalartos cupidus Encephalartos horridus Encephalartos laevifolius Encephalartos lebomboensis Encephalartos msinganus Common Name

Tree Orchid Dune Cycad Blyde River Cycad Eastern Cape Blue Cycad Kaapsehoop Cycad Lebombo Cycad Msinga Cycad

Jubaeopsis caffra Siphonochilus aethiopicus Warburgia salutaris Newtonia hilderbrandi

Pondoland Coconut Wild Ginger Pepper-bark Tree Lebombo Wattle

CATEGORY: Vulnerable Species - Indigenous species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, although they are not a critically endangered species or an endangered species Scientific Name FLORA Aloe albida Encephalartos eugene-maraisii Encephalartos ngoyanus Scilla natalensis Zantedeschia jucunda Common Name

Grass Aloe Waterberg Cycad Ngoye Dwarf Cycad Blue Squill Yellow Arum Lily

SCHEDULE B1: Protected Species Indigenous species of high conservation value or national importance that require national protection Scientific Name FLORA Clivia mirabilis Harpagophytum procumbens Harpagophytum zeyherii Hoodia gordonii Hoodia currorii Common Name

Oorlogskloof Bush Lily Devils Claw Devils Claw Ghaap Ghaap


[Kaffir Hut] Vetmensie [Kafferhut] Vetmensie Euphorbia symmetrica Euphorbia valida FamilylFamilie: GEISSOLOMACEAE All species! AIle spesies Family/Familie: GESNERIACEAE Cape Primrose, also known AIle spesies van die genus as Rexia, Streptocarpus Nodding Bells, Twin Sisters All species of the genus or Wild Gloxinia. Streptocarpus Family/Familie: GRAMINEAE Mountain Bamboo Bergbamboes Arundinaria tessel/ata Wild Rye Grass Wilde RogSecale africanum FamilylFamilie: GRUBBIACEAE All species/ Alle spesies Family/Familie: IRIDACEAE All species/ Alle spesies Family/Familie: LEGUMINOSAE Tambookie Thorn Tamboekiedoring Erythrina acanthocarpa Elythrina humeana Klipblom Liparia comantha Orange Nodding Head, also Geelkoppie Liparia sphaerica known as Mountain Dahlia. Liparia splendens Wild Sweet Pea Keurtjie Podalyria calyptrata Priestleya vestita Silver Pea Silwerertjie Priestleya tomentosa Family/Familie: LILIACEAE All species of the genus ALOE except those specified in Schedule 3 and the species Aloe ferox./Alle spesies van die genusALOE behalwe die in Bylae 3 bepaal en die spesie Aloe ferox. Gasteria beckeri Gloriosa Lily, also known as Gloriosasuperba Turk's Cap. Haworthia, also known as Alle spesies van die genus Window Plant. Haworthia All species of the genus Haworthia Red-hotPoker VuurpylAlle spesies van die genus Kniphofia All species of the genus Kniphofia Viooltjies Alle spesies van die genus Lachenalia All species of the genus Lachenalia Climbing Bells Geelk1okkie Littonia modesta Christmas Bells Sandersonia aurantiaca Forest Lily Alle spesies van die genus Veltheimia

All species of the genus Veltheimia Agapanthus walshii Daubenyaaurea


Family/Familie: MELIACEAE Chinese Lantem Klapperbos Nymania capensis FamilylFamilie: MESEMBRYANTHEMACEAE All species/AIle spesies Family/Familie: MUSACEAE AIle spesies van die genus Strelitzia All species of the genus Strelitzia FamilYi.Familie: NYMPHAEACEAE Blue Water-lily Blou Waterlelie, ookNymphaea capensis bekend as Kaaimanblom. FamilylFamilie: ORCHIDACEAE All species/Aile spesies FamilylFamilie: OXALIDACEAE Watersuring Oxalis nutans Family/Familie: PEDALIACEAE Kloudoring Harpagophytum procumbens " (Duiwelsklou) FamilylFamilie: PENAEACEAE All species/AIle spesies FamilylFamilie: POL YGALACEAE Nfuraltia minuta FamilylFamilie: POL YPODIACEAE Maidenhair Fern Vrouehaar AIle spesies van die genus Adiantum All species of the genus Adiantum Tree Ferns I;3oomvarings Hemitelia capensis Seven Weeks Fern Seweweeksvaring Polystichum adiantiforme Family/Familie: PORTULACACEAE Love-plant Hasieskos AIle spesies van die genus Anacampsero$ All species of the genus Anacampseros Family/Familie: PROTEACEAE All species except those specified in Schedule 3./Alle spesies behalwe die in Bylae 3 bepaal. Family/Familie : RANUNCULACEAE Anemone AnemoonAnemone capensis FamilylFamilie: RESTIONACEAE AIle spesies van die genus Chondropetalum All species of the genus Chondropetalum

Acockii pillans Elegia fenestrate Restio acockii Restio micans Restio sabulosus

Family/Familie: RETZIACEAE Retzia capensis FamilylFamilie: RHAMNACEAE Phylica pubescens FamilylFamilie: RORIDULACEAE All species/AIle spesies Famil.y/Familie: RUTACEAE Ali species/Aile spesies FamilylFamilie: SCROPHULARIACEAE AIle spesies van die genus Diascia All species of the genus Diascia Harveya Inkblom AIle spesies van die genus Harveya All species of the genus Harveya Nemesia Rooileeubekkie Nemesia strumosa Al1e spesies van die genus Halleria All species of the genus Halleria Family/Familie: THYMELAEACEAE Lachnaea aurea

EASTERN CAPE General enquiries: (for collecting in more than one region, application is done at head office.) (for collecting in one region only, apply to the region directly) Noluthando Bam Department of Economic Affairs, Environment and Tourism Private Bag X 9060 0054 East London Bhisho 5605 5200 Tel: (043) 742 0360 040 609 4707 / 6 Fax: (043) 742 0365 Amatole Region Rick Hannan Private Bag X9060 East London 5200 Tel: (043) 742 0340 Fax: (043) 742 0365

Cacadu ( Western ) Region Allan Southwood Private Bag X5001 Greenacres Port Elizabeth 6057 Tel: (041) 508 5800 Fax: (041) 585 1964 / 585 1958 O.R.Tambo Region Gladwell Mpuhlu Private Bag X5029 Umtata 5100 Tel: (047) 531 1191 Fax: (047) 531 2887

Alfred Nzo Region Div de Villiers Sandiso.Mabongo Private Bag X3513 Kokstad 4700 Tel: (039) 727 2373

Chris Hani & Ukhahlamba Districts (Northern Region) Tim de Jongh Maria Green

P.O.Box 9636 Queenstown 5320 Tel: (045) 808 4007 Fax: 086 612 5063 WESTERN CAPE Deon L. Hignett Eric Philander Carlo Arendorf Danelle Kleinhans Lee-Anne Philander Cape Nature Private Bag X 29 Rondebosch 7701 Tel: (021) 659 3400 Fax: (021) 659 3415 NORTHERN CAPE David Paulse Marietjie Smit Lydia Hanser Julius Koen (Manager)

Dept of Tourism, Environment and Conservation Private Bag X6102 Kimberly 8300 Tel: (053) 807 4800 Fax: (053) 831 1035 Preferred fax: 0866 597 032 FREE STATE Werner Bing Andr Schlemmer Tel: (051) 400 9534 Cell: 072 992 1574

Free State Department of Tourism, Environmental & Economic Affairs Agricultural Building 98 Zastron Street. Bloemfontein 9300 Private Bag X20801 Bloemfontein - 9300 Call Centre: 086 110 2185 - Fax: +27 51 400 9523

KWAZULU NATAL Sharron Hughes Wendy Cowley Ezemvelo-KZN Wildlife P.O. Box 13053 Cascades 3202 Tel: (033) 845 1324 / 1320 / 1968 Fax: 033 845 1747


Applications forms can be downloaded from: All applications must be submitted by fax or post Fax: 011 355 1239/1100 Permits office GDACE P. O. Box 8769 Johannesburg 2000 Tel: (011) 355-1207 (General enquiries) No e-mail options at present. Coming soon: Application process done over the internet. MPUMALANGA Ludwich Swart Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency Private Bag X11338 Nelspruit 1200 Tel: (013) 759-5329 Fax: (013) 759-5490 Cell 083 628 1851 LIMPOPO/ NORTHERN PROVINCE Deon von Wielligh Rosa Moloto Hiadee von Well Patricia Maesela Manager: CITES & Permit Management Deputy Manager: Permit Processing Chief Nature Conservator: CITES Management Admin Officer: Revenue

James Baloi Jack Seakamela Vivian Chuma Alda Chimanzi Data typist: Permit Issuing Data typist: Permit Issuing Data typist: Permit Issuing Data typist: CITES Permit Issuing

CITES and Permit Management Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Limpopo P.O.Box 55464 POLOKWANE 0700 Tel: 015 290 7000 Fax: (015) 295-5018 E-mail: (For CITES enquiries, contact) Hiadee von Well (For Permit enquiries, contact) Rosa Moloto Abraham Matsila Brian Jackson Manager Chief Nature Conservator

Hunting Regulation Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Limpopo P.O. Box 55464 POLOKWANE 0700 Tel: 015-2907000 Fax: 015-2955018 NORTH-WEST Anuschka Barac 018 389 5201 Fax: 018 389 5640

Contact different regional offices, depending on which area to collect. Department of Agriculture, Environment and Tourism P.O.Box 6649 Rustenburg 0300 Bojanala region / Eastern region: Alma Jonker Tebogo Ncapedi (Brits) Ephraim Selebalo (Koster) Edward Vilane (Swartruggens) Southern Region: Gustav Engelbrecht (Potchefstroom) Johannes Mmusi (Wolmaranstad) Vryburg region (Bophirima): Wimpie Weidemann

014 592 7378 012 252 0737/8 014 592 7378 014 544 0262

Fax: Fax: Fax: Fax:

012 592 7249 012 252 0751 014 592 7249 014 544 0024

018 299 6500 018 596 1996

Fax: Fax:

018 294 6008 018 597 1996

053 927 6196


053 927 2904

Central region Theo Illanga (Marico)

018 381 0222/4


018 381 7020

Steve Maqoboza (Mafikeng)

018 381 0222/4


018 381 7020

South African National Parks All collecting applications in the SANParks have to be registered as a formal research project. Applications and enquiries should be directed to: Kruger National Park, Mapungubwe National Park and Marakele National Park Attention: The Officer in charge of Research Kruger National Park e-mail: Tel: +27 (0) 13 - 7354254 Fax: +27 (0) 13 - 7354055 Table Mountain National Park Attention: The Officer in charge of Research Table Mountain National Park e-mail: Tel: +27 (0) 21 - 7018692 Agulhas National Park, Bontebok National Park, Knysna National Lake Area, Tsitsikama National Park, West Coast National Park & Wilderness National Park Attention: The Officer in charge of Research South African National Parks P O Box 176, Sedgefield, 6573 e-mail: Tel: + (0) 44 - 343 1302 Fax: + (0) 44 - 343 2331 Augrabies Falls National Park, Camdeboo National Park, Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Karoo National Park, Mountain Zebra National Park, Namaqua National Park & Tankwa Karoo National Park, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park & AiAis/Richtersveld Transfrontier National Park Attention : The Officer in charge of Research Arid Ecosystem Research Unit (AERU) P.O. Box 110040 Hadison Park, 8306, Kimberly e-mail : Tel : +27 (0) 53 8325488 Fax : +27 (0) 53 8334543 Social Science Research Attention : The Officer in charge of Research P.O. Box 787, Pretoria, 0001 e-mail : Tel : +27 (0) 12 4265205

Fax : +27 (0) 12 - 4265547

Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) Head Office (Pretoria) Izak van der Merwe Forestry Technical and Information Services Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X 93, Pretoria 0001 Tel 012 336 7731 Cell 084 910 2604 Email:

JJ le Roux Forestry Regulations Tel 012 336 6724 Cell 082 809 5759 Email: Central Cluster Gauteng Region Mr Luke Radebe Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X 995, Pretoria 0001 Tel : 012 392 1430 Cell: 082 808 0487 Email: Freestate Mr David Noha Department of Water Affairs and Forestry PO Box 528, Bloemfontein 9300 Tel: 015 516 3463 Email: Mr Malcolm Procter Department of Water Affairs and Forestry PO Box 528, Bloemfontein 9300 Tel: 051 403 134 Cell: 082 808 2735 Email: Northwest Province Mr Sarel van Wyk Department of Water Affairs and Forestry PO Box 132, Bloemhof 2660 Tel: 053 433 1456 Email: Northern Cape Ms Jackie Mans Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X5912, Upington 8800 Tel: 054 334 0201 Cell: 082 808 2737 Email: Northern Cluster Limpopo Province Ms Olga Ligege Private Bag X2413, Louis Trichardt 0920 Tel: 015 516 0202 Cell: 082 809 2066 Email: Eastern Cluster Mpumalanga Province Mr Richard Green Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X11259, Nelspruit 1200 Tel : 013 759 7300

Email: KwaZulu-Natal Ms Joyce Nelushi Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X9029, Pietermaritzburg 3200 Tel: 033 342 8101 Cell: 082 804 6784 Email: Southern Cluster Eastern Cape Ms Gwen Sgwabe Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X7485, King Williams Town 5600 Tel: 043 604 5400 Cell: 082 805 8825 Email: Western Cape Ms Cobri Vermeulen Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X12, Knysna 6570 Tel: 044 302 6902 Cell: 082 802 8631 Email: Ms Susan Steyn Department of Water Affairs and Forestry Private Bag X16, Sanlamhof, Belville 7532 Tel: 021 950 7121 Cell: 082 808 2720 Email:

NAMIBIA Mr Toivo Uahengo Ministry of Environment and Tourism Private Bag 13306 Windhoek, Namibia Tel.: + 264 61 2842506 Fax: + 264 61 258 8861

PLANTS PROTECTED ITO GAUTENG NATURE CONSERVATION ORDINANC SCHEDULE 11 PROTECTED PLANTS (SECTION 86 (1) (a)) In this schedule(a) the plants referred to shall not include plants which have been improved by selection or crossbreeding; (b) "seedling" means a cultivated plant of which the diameter of the trunk or bulb, either above or below the ground, does not exceed 150 mm. Common name all species of tree moss all species of true ferns excluding the bracken fern all plants of cycads not occurring in Transvaal and the seedlings of the species of cycads referred to in Schedule 12 (a) all species of yellow wood all species of wild cypress borassus palm all species of arum lilies alt species of flame lilies all species of christmas bells alt species of red-hot pokers all species of aloes excluding(a) all species not occurring in Transvaal; and (b) the following species: aculeata, ammophilla arborescens, barbertoniae castanea, davyana, globuligemma, grandidentata, lutescens, marlothii, mutans, parvibracteata, transvaalensis and wickensii all species of gasteria Scientific name Porothamnium, Pilotrichella and Papillaria spp Class Filicinae excluding Pteridium aquillinum

all plants of the genus Encephalartos not occurring in Transvaal and the seedlings of the species of Encephalartos referred to in Schedule 12 (a) Podocarpus spp Widdringtonia spp Borassus aethiopicum Zantedeschia spp Gloriosa spp Littonia spp Kniphofia sp Aloe spp excluding(a) all species not occurring in the Transvaal; and (b) the following species: A. aculeata, A. ammophilla; A. arborescens, A. barbertoniae A. castanae, A. davyana, A. globuligemma, A. grandidentata, A. lutescens, A. marlothii, A. mutans, A. parvibracteata, A. transvaalensis and A.wickensii Gasteria spp

all species of hawarthias all species of agapanthus blue squill all species of pineapple flower all species of galtonia all species of dracaena all species of paint brush all species of paint brush all species of clivia all species of nerine pink brunsvigia all species of crinum ground lily all species of fire lily all species of elephantsfoot all species of irises river lily all species of hairbells all species of babiana all species of gladioli all species of laparousia all species of watsonias wild banana Transvaal strelitzia wild ginger wild ginger all species of orchids excluding those species not occurring in Transvaal all species of proteas excluding those species not occurring in Transvaal pincushion pincushion stone plant stone plant Schreber's waterlily all species of waterlilies wonder plant black stinkwood stinkwood kiaat tamboti the following euphorbias barnardii, clivicola,

Haworthia spp. Agapanthus spp. Schilla natalensis Eucomis spp. W Galtonia spp. Dracaena spp. Haemanthus spp. Scadoxis spp. Clivia spp. Nerine spp. Brunsvigia radulosa Crinum spp. Ammocharis coramica Cyrtanthus spp. Dioscorea spp. Dietes spp. Schizostylis coccinea Dierama spp. Babiana spp. Gladiolus spp. Lapeirousia spp. Watsonia spp. Ensete ventricosum Strelitzia caudata Kaempferia aethiopica Burmannia madagascariensis Orchidaceae spp. excluding those species not occurring in Transvaal Proteae spp. excluding those species not occurring in Transvaal Leucospermum gerrardii Leucospermum saxosum Frithia pulchra . Lithops leslieii Brasenia schreberi Nymphaea spp. Tinospora fragosum Ocotea bullata Ocotea kenyensis Pterocarpus angolensis Spirostachys africana the following species of the Genus Euphorbia: E. barnardii, E. clivicola

grandialata, groenewaldii, knobelii, perangusta, restricta, rowlandii, tortirama and waterbergensis baoab all species of begonias all species of cabbage trees the following species of ericas (heath) alopecurus, cerinthoides and oatesii big leaf fever tree the following species of impala lilies: obesum, oleifolium and swazicum kudu lily all species of brachystelma all species of ceropegia all species of riocreuxias all species of ghaap all species of huerniopsis and heurnia all species of duvalia all species of stapeliads Stapeliad all species of orbeanthus all species of orbeas all species of pachycymbiums all species of orbeopsis all species of primulas

E. grandialata, E. groenewaldii E. knobelii, E. perangusta E. restricta, E. rowlandii E. tortirama and E. waterbergensis Adansonia digitata Begonia spp. Cussonia spp. the following species of the genus Erica: E. alopecurus, E. cerinthoides and E. oatesii Anthocleista grandiflora the following species of the Genus Adenium A. obesum, A. oleifolium and A. swazicum Pachypodium saundersii Brachystelma spp. Ceropegia spp. Riocreuxia spp. Tavaresia spp. Huerniopsis and Huernia spp. Duvalia spp. Stapelia spp. Hoodia lugardii Orbeanthus spp. Orbea spp. Pachycymbium spp. Orbeopsis spp. Streptocarpus spp.

SCHEDULE 12 SPECIALLY PROTECTED PLANTS (SECTION 86 (1) (b) ) In this Schedule "seedling" means a cultivated plant of which the diameter of the trunk or bulb, either above or below the ground, does not exceed 150 mm. Common name Scientific name (a) all plants, excluding seedlings, of (a) all plants, excluding seedlings, the following cycads: of the following species of the Genus Encephalartos: dolomiticus dyer middelburg eugene marais heenan inopinus laevifolius lanatus lebombo ngoyanus paucidentatus modjadje villosus (b) all plants of the following cycads: Cupidus Humilus E. dolomiticus E. dyerianus E. middelburgensis E. eugene maraissii E. heenanii E. unopinus E. laevifolius E. lanatus E. lebomboensis E. ngoyanus E. paucidentatus E. transvenosus E. villosus (b) all plants of the following species: Encepha/artos cupidus Encephalartos humilus

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