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Rabbi Jeremy Gordon

Adar 5774

What Shall We Do With the Book of Ester

Adele Berlin: JPS Bible Commentary: Ester Carnival celebrations often contain elements such as eating, drinking, carousing, masks and disguises, parades and processions and combat and mock battles. There is an air of wildness and violence that is made acceptable, perhaps only barely acceptable, because it is done within the bounds of a socially sanctioned festive occasion. Carnival permits the release of ones urge for violence and revenge in a way that channels the violence so that it is not actually destructive. Rabbinic Treatment: Based on Talmud Megillah 16a N: Haman took the apparel and the hose and went to Mordechai. H: Arise and put on the purple of the King. M: Villain, dont you know that for three days I have been wearing sackcloth and ashes because of what you have done to me? Now take me to the bath-house and afterwards I will put on the purple of the King. N:And he washed him and dressed him. H: Mount and ride on the hose. M: On account of the affliction of the fast I have no strength to mount and ride the horse. N:What did Haman do? He bent down and Mordechai put his foot on his neck and mounted and rode the horse. Megillah 7b Raba said: A person is obligated to get so drunk on Purim that they cannot tell the difference between cursed be Haman and blessed be Mordecai. Rema (Gloss on Shulchan Aruch) OH 695:2 And there are those who say that one doesnt need to drink so much, rather drink more than they can learn, and then fall asleep, and since they are asleep, they wont know the difference between cursed by Haman and blessed be Mordechai Taz (Gloss on Shulchan Aruch) There are those who say [get so drunk] that one cant puzzle out that cursed be Haman is the same, in gematria as blessed be Mordechai

1+200+6+200 +8+40+50 2+200+6+20+40+200+4+20+10 Beor Halacha (Gloss on Shulchan Arukh) This is because all the miracles that were done for Israel in the days of Achashuerosh were by means of drinking. At the beginning Vashti was thrown out because of drinking and Ester came. And so the case of Haman and his fall was by means of drinking. And so the Wise obligated us to drink until we remembered the great miracles achieved by drink. Megillah 7b Rabbah and Rabbi Zera joined together in a Purim feast. They became drunk, and Rabbah arose and cut Rabbi Zera's throat. The next day he prayed on his behalf and revived him. Next year he said, Will your honour come and we will have the Purim feast together. He replied: A miracle does not take place on every occasion. Shulchan Arukh 429:1 A person should begin studying the laws of Passover 30 days before the holiday.

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