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University of Minnesota Update By: Sarah Derr (PD3) and Kau Chee Vang (PD3) Minnesota Student Pharmacy

Alliance Historian and Newsletter Editors The University of Minnesota has had a very busy year so far. Here are some highlights of what we have been up to during the fall of 2013 and what we look forward to during the spring of 2014. Fall 2013 In July the President from the Twin Cities and the President-elect from Duluth attended APhA Summer Leadership Institute (SLI). Together they performed a hill visit.

Picture 1: Kaity Erickson and Michelle Anderson in front of the Countries Capitol after their visit with Senator Al Franken. During August we held our summer retreat to help our executive board and committee members prepare for the upcoming year. To celebrate American Pharmacists Month, the Duluth campus started a new initiative known as the White Coat 5k. Lauren Kaldun provides a description of this event: Minnesota Pharmacists Association, Graduate and Professional Student Association and the University of Minnesota Duluth Pharm D program teamed up to put together the 5K. On October 6th, 2013 around 75 medical students, pharmacy students, faculty and community health care professionals came to this event. All participants received a T-shirt and the top three winners received a prize. It was a fun afternoon to promote and celebrate our profession.

Picture 2: Duluth students after the White Coat 5K

In November 2013, a patient care project rolled out at the local childrens museum in Saint Paul with 25 student pharmacists who ran 8 booths with activities including: first-aid kits, compounding for kids, hand washing, healthy eating, and Multicultural Pharmacy Student Organization cultural hats.

Picture 3: University of Minnesota students at the first Childrens Museum health fair

The Puebla Service Project has already begun fundraising and preparing for another trip to Mexico this May with 25 pharmacy students along with 3 preceptors.

Picture 4: University of Minnesota Students on the 2013 Puebla Service Project The Duluth Operation Diabetes is looking forward to another year of sending more than 50 pharmacy volunteers to the Diabetes Walk on March 29, 2013 at the Miller Hill Mall in Duluth. Spring 2014 Looking forward to Legislative day on Tuesday March 4th. Student pharmacists will talk with practitioners and perform hill visits with legislators at the capitol in Saint Paul. The Minnesota Pharmacist Association sponsors this event and provides students and practitioners with the opportunity to make a difference. We look forward to making a difference in the pharmacy profession in Minnesota during this time.

The annual Minnesota Pharmacy Student Alliance Live and Student Auction will be on Friday May 2, 2014. This is our annual fundraiser that allows for MPSA to fund health fairs and other events. This years theme is Hats and Heels in honor of the Kentuck y Derby.

Thats it from MN! We are excited to see what other schools have for their updates! See you all at APhA 2014 in SUNNY Orlando!!!

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