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Trinity Trumpet

Dear Members and Friends of Trinity U.M.C.:

Trinity United Methodist Church MARCH 2014

Inside This Issue

The season of Lent will soon be upon us. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and will conclude the day before Easter. During this forty day period, symbolic of our Lords forty day wilderness experience, we are encouraged to remember the significance of this most meaningful time. During the season of Lent we need to remember in a very intentional way the profound significance of the cross of Jesus Christ. The cross reminds us the tremendous sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for all of humanity. The scene is a gruesome piece of raw life. It is a dramatic moment in human history when a real man, fully divine and fully human, died a slow and painful death for real people. Because of our Lords death, there is real forgiveness for the real sins of real people. Sins we may not want to talk about or reveal to others, but acts that separate and alienate us from God, and from those who love us most. Real people are not always real good. There are moments when we choose to violate Gods perfect will in our lives. The truth of the matter is that there is a little saint and a little sinner in all of us. Simply put, there are times when we make a conscious choice to sin and violate Gods will. But thanks be to God! For we know that on the cross that day a real man died for the sole purpose of providing for us what we could never provide for ourselves. A real man died on the cross that day, paying the price for the real sins of humanity. In Christ, there is real forgiveness of sin for real people like you and me. I can only speak for myself, but I need that forgiveness. The Apostle John writes: If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:8-9). Thanks be to God for the redemptive and reconciling work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. See you in Church on Sunday! Grace & Peace,

Health Outreach Parish Nurse Youth News

2 3 4

Christian Education 5 Bible Studies 6

New Member Class 6 Ask the Rev! News and Notes 7 7, 8, 9, 13, 14

Maundy Thursday Cantata UMW News Missions Birthdays Church Calendar Membership News Thank You Notes

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Recipe of the Month 14 Lily Ordering Form 15

George R. Patterson, MDiv. Senior Pastor


Health Outreach Ministry Dr. Dot Baker

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal Cancer that occurs in our large intestine (colon) and rectum needs our attention---Why? Overall, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer (exclude skin cancer)found in men and women in this country. The American Cancer Society estimated 143,000 new cases of colon and rectal cancer in 2013 in the United States. Combined, they are expected to cause over 51,000 deaths. Survival rates depend on the stage of detection and treatment. How does colorectal cancer START? Usually with a polyp (or growth) that should not be in the colon or rectum. Over time, the polyp can turn into cancer. What are the SYMPTOMS of colorectal cancer? Colorectal cancer does not always have symptoms, especially at first. Symptoms can include: (a) blood in/on your bowel movement (b) pain, aches, or cramps in your stomach & you do not know why; (c) change in bowel habits bowel movement may be more narrow than usual or you may be constipated; (d) nausea & vomiting; (e) lump in your abdomen; (f) weight loss & you do not know why; and/or (g) chronic fatigue. WHO gets colorectal cancer? Both men & women, most often age 50 & older. Risk increases with age. Recently, more people younger than 50 get colorectal cancer. Risks include: >> personal and/or family history of colorectal cancer, polyps, bowel disease; >>high fat diet; >>lack of exercise; >>overweight; >>smoking; >>heavy alcohol use; and >>diabetes. How do I get TESTED/SCREENED for colorectal cancer? Screening tests can find polyps before they turn into cancer. Screening tests can find colorectal cancer early when there is a better chance of cure. Usual tests include: rectal exam, bowel movement/stool test for blood; sigmoidoscopy (flexible tube with light checks inside rectum and lower third of colon); colonoscopy (longer flexible tube with light checks inside rectum & entire colon or virtual exam method); DNA test (collect entire bowel movement and send it to a lab to be checked for cancer cells); and double contrast barium enema (special type of enema & x-ray procedure).

What is the TAKE HOME POINT? Do you have any risks as mentioned above? If so, you may need earlier or more frequent tests than other people. Are you 50 years old or older? Its time to get your screening test(s) done NOW.

YOUR RESOURCES: >>Health care provider >>Local resources: health department, American Cancer Society >>Internet resources: American Cancer Society @ National Cancer Institute @ Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Screen for Life (1-800- 232-4636) or @ colorectal/sfl/ Colon Cancer Alliance @

Do Not Delay Get checked NOW


Carolyn Lewis, RN

I know that many people are really tired of cold weather and are looking forward to spring. The extreme cold, the winds and wind chill factors, and snow are not our usual weather patterns, but in all fairness we have been spared for several years now so I guess it was just our turn. Last month I talked a bit about heart problems and heart attacks, so today we are going to look at triglycerides and what might cause them to be elevated, and how we can lower them. You Have High Triglycerides, Now What? Do Your Bad Habits Drive Up Your Triglycerides? It can be upsetting to learn that you have high triglycerides. High numbers increase your chance of getting heart disease. But theres good news, too. If you change a few bad habits into better ones, you can bring your triglycerides down and keep your heart healthy. Bad habit No. 1: You drink soda, sweetened tea, or fruit juices. Sugar and fructose, which are used as a sweetener, can raise triglycerides. The extra calories in sugary drinks can also make you gain weight, which puts added strain on your heart and contributes to cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Did you know? Under the Affordable Care Act, many health insurance plans will cover preventive care services, including blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, at no cost to you. Better habit: Quench your thirst with sugar-free alternatives. Artificially sweetened drinks are better than those with sugar or fructose because they are less likely to raise triglycerides. But water is the most convenient and inexpensive thirst quencher around. To add some zing, squeeze lemon or lime in sparkling water. Bad habit No. 2: You eat white foods like pasta, rice, or bread at most meals.. Like sugar, foods such as white flour or semolina can raise triglyceride levels. So do starchy foods like white rice and potatoes. B e t t e r ha b i t : Sw i t c h t o w ho l e gr a i n s . Whole-grain pasta is a great alternative, especially for bold sauces like a classic tomato sauce. Look for a tasty whole-grain bread for sandwiches. And eat brown rice instead of white rice. It has a rich, nutty flavor that's

perfect for making stir-fry. Instead of white potatoes, try grains like quinoa and barley. Bad habit No. 3: You eat a lot of red meat. Triglycerides are a type of fat in the bloodstream. Foods high in saturated fat, such as red meat, boost levels. Butter and cheese contain these same triglyceride-boosting fats. Better habit: Choose lean meats or protein alternatives. Opt for chicken and turkey that are lower in saturated fat. Another healthy option: Make meatless meals. Vegetarian pastas, chilies, and stir-fries offer a delicious alternative to meat dishes. Avoid dishes loaded with cream or cheese in favor of recipes that use vegetable oil and feature plenty of vegetables. Bad habit No. 4: You only eat fried fish. Most fried fish has a lot of added oil -- the unhealthy type, saturated fat. That fat overpowers the type of fat found in fish, called omega-3 fatty acids, which helps keep triglycerides down. Better habit: Help yourself to two servings of grilled or broiled fish a week. Choose fatty fish such as salmon, freshwater trout, or tuna, which are especially rich in omega-3s, then grill or broil them. Look for recipes with flavors you like. If youre still having trouble tempting your taste buds, take heart. Walnuts, flaxseed, soy products, and dark greens are good sources of triglyceridelowering omega-3s. Bad habit No. 5: You drink several glasses of alcohol a day. Too much beer, wine, or spirits can drive up triglycerides. WEB MD Medical Resources It is not always easy to make major changes all at once, but if you do it in small steps then it may work better, and you will stick to the changes better. If you have a special occasion, it is ok to make exceptions and eat something or drink something that is not as healthy, as long as it does not interfere with your medications. I wish you love and peace as we prepare for Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5.

Christian Education
by Janal Walton Director of Childrens Ministries

SUNDAY SCHOOL REVIEW WITH US! MATCH PHRASES OR PEOPLE TOGETHER 1. Ordinary parents helped fulfill Gods promise 2. Two people who recognized baby Jesus at the Temple and knew who he was 3. Amazed the rabbis at the temple when only 12 4. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Judas, Matthew 5. Baptized 30 year old Jesus at the Jordan River 6. Lake Gennesaret 7. Changed water into wine 8. Headquarters for Jesus Galilean ministry 9. Instructions in how to live the Christian life 10. Removed our sin so we may go to heaven
1.f 2. d 3. g. 4. a. 5.b. 6. e. 7. c. 8. i. 9. h 10. g.

a. disciples b. Cousin John c. Jesus first miracle d. Simeon & Anna e. Sea of Galilee f. Mary and Joseph g. Jesus h. The Beatitudes i. Capernaum

We start our spring curriculum on March 2 and continue to explore Jesus life. 1. If Jesus knew what was going to happen, why did he go to Jerusalem in the first place? He was following the road that God had set for him. 2. We also hear the stories of Jesus arrest and trial, his Crucifixion, and his Resurrection. Dont miss a week------------come and join us!

We have 13 students in the confirmation class that continues to meet every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. We are learning about the plan of salvation through the work of Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We will visit the Jewish Synagogue on Friday, February 21. On March 15 we will visit Barretts Chapel, a historical church in the United Methodist movement. The importance of making a decision for Christ and joining the body of believers will be culminated on confirmation Sunday, March 30 at the 9:30 a.m. service. Be sure to put this day on your calendar. Always support our youth with prayers and words of encouragement.

New Members Class begins April 13

New member class will be held April 13, April 20, April 27, May 4, and May 11 and at 9:30 in room 303 of the JMB. New Members will be received May 18 at the 9:30 a.m. service. Please contact the church office if you would like to participate. 410-749-5562.

Psalms: Israels Hymnal

Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study continues, at 1:00 p.m. in room 303 of the JMB. Sunday School Berean Class continues at 10:45 a.m. in room 303 of the JMB
The Afternoon Bible study and Sunday morning Berean Class continues the exciting prophetic, poetic book of Psalms. Explore the nature of ancient mideast poetry and the fascinating prophetic words from a variety of authors in this popular, yet often misunderstood book of the Bible. Study the Book of Psalms like you have never studied it before. Since the book of Psalms is a collection of unique poems and prophecy, and thus, even if you have not attended previous classes, you will be current with the class as we explore new Psalms each week.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

The Gospel of John 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
The Wednesday Night Bible Study continues every Wednesday (1) night at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of the church. We continue to study the life of Christ through the gospel of John. Even if you have not attended this series before, you can join us this term as we explore Christs ministry and the passion of the most dramatic final week. _________________ (1) Except for Ash Wednesday

Ask the Rev.

Q Please discuss the text in Psalm 1:4-6. In particular the verse that states that the wicked will not stand in the judgment; nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. This is a very timely question since we are studying the book of Psalms both in the Tuesday Afternoon and Wednesday Night Bible Studies. The particular verses mentioned in the question talk about the judgment of God. Verse four compares the ungodly to chaff that has no roots and are thus blown with the wind. They are useless to the plans of God. Upon first reading of the passage it seems that verse 5 implies that the wicked will not be present in the judgment: the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. This verse does not mean that the wicked will be absent from judgment, but rather that they will not be able to endure the judgment. The word stand here is used as enduring or holding firm. These verses clearly show that for the believer in Christ there is no judgment of sin, but for the unbeliever, there is a fearful judgment that awaits them. The ungodly will never be allowed to enter the heavenly congregation of the righteous, even though on earth they might have been members of religious groups. Sinners will not be able to endure the judgment and will never be able to sit with the righteous in heaven.

Ask the Rev is a Trumpet newsletter feature where Rev. DeFino will answer your questions on the Bible, doctrine or religious beliefs and events. Send or call your questions into the church office and they will be answered in future issues. Have a question? Ask the Rev!!!

We will begin serving our homeless men on March 1, and the shelter will run through March 15, when our gentlemen leave and move to another church facility. We are so appreciative of those who offer to bake and help serve during this project and hope you enjoy serving our gentlemen as much as they enjoy being in a warm, dry place with hot family meals. We continue to serve our friends at Pine Bluff, and our numbers are growing since we are now meeting out in the main room or the old dining room. We always go there on the fourth Friday of the month, and we invite any of you to join us. Just let us know you would like to share in this ministry.

We will not be having our Lunch Bunch in March, but will see you back in April with the Parkside Concert Choir. Put April 9 on your calendars and call you reservations in to the church office and let us know you are coming by April 7. We are in need of additional people who are willing to bake goodies for our lunch bunch gatherings and also for funerals. If you have not signed up for this on the volunteer ministry, but would like to do this, please call the church office and leave your name and number so we can contact you. Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve Gods people.

On Maundy Thursday, April 17, The Sanctuary Choir will present "In My Place", a cantata by Craig Courtney. It is a dramatic musical presentation with perspectives offered by the Choir, with narrators who share Scripture, and speak as individuals who had some role in the crucifixion. Mr. Courtney, a contemporary composer describes his work in this way: The purpose of "In My Place" is to take us right up to the cross and experience the crucifixion as if we ourselves had grabbed a hammer and driven one of the nails into His very body. Christ bore all the sins of humankind, including yours and mine. This reality transcends time and place. And so, it is my prayer that, through this music and Pamela Stewart's inspiring narrative, we can look into dying Savior's eyes and be changed into His likeness. We hope you will join us for this moving musical experience culminating with the celebration of the Last Supper. The service will be at 7:30 that evening.

TRINITY UMC MILITARY COUPON PROGRAM T.A. Phillips Trinity continues to solidly support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded one million dollar value of coupons. We mailed Januarys 2014 coupons to U.S. Navy, Atsugi, Japan. THANK YOU from the Fleet & Family Support Center in Yokosuka, Japan. Your continued supporthas enabled us to exceed our goals to meet challenges and savings opportunities for our military families. ...[W]ith your dedication and effortswe are able to offer more options and our service members and their families save even more money! Thank you Trinity family for your continued support of our service members and their families. Report for the Program Year Month(s) Number Dollar Grand Total Grand Total Grand Total of Value ($) Number of Dollar Value Number of Months of Months Coupons for ($) of Coupons Coupons Coupons Coupons year for year (July 2009 Jan 2014) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 JulyDecember JanuaryDecember January December January December January December January 66,790 175,747 155,434 136,103 140,707 12,666 $21,033.80 $94,226.83 $271,660.93 $234,841.97 $206,300.62 $222,037.27 534,074 674,781 687,447 $807,035.35 $1,029,072.62 $1,050,106.42

Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons (July 2009 Jan 2014)

May 6 & 7, 2014 After much discussion, we decided to do something different this year for our UMW spring fundraiser. Instead of a sitdown luncheon, we will offer carry-outs only. Platters will not be available. Carry-outs will feature our wonderful chicken salad for $5 a pint, the best vegetable beef soup and our popular peas and dumpling soup for $3 a pint and $5 a quart. You can also purchase delicious baked goods from our bake table when you pick-up your carry-out order. ALL orders must be placed by Tuesday, April 29. Orders can be placed by contacting any UMW member or by calling the church office. Carry-outs will be available on Tuesday, May 6 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and on Wednesday, May 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Businesses with orders of $50.00 or more that place their order by Tuesday, April 29 can have their orders delivered. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation to still enjoy our great food in a different concept. Jane Bowers, Pres.

Stories from the Basement Help and Outreach Point of Entry, Inc. By Donna Clark RN Director Sometimes in life you meet someone, share your knowledge, and then never see them again. You never know what impact you have made in their life. A few weeks ago we had a very cold Friday and our waiting room was full of clients trying to stay warm. We had planned an educational program for the clients provided by a Priority Partners educator on Surviving the Cold. About 10 people sat in the back of the room watching the slide show and appeared to be interested. There were another 25 people sitting in the other part of the room listening, but not participating. Micala, the educator, completed her program and a young woman approached her. It seems that when this young lady was aging out of foster care she was in a class that Micala taught on budgeting. The group was full of young people who were soon to be on their own with no real back up. This particular woman was one of the more difficult members of the class, and Micala remembered her after the lady identified herself. The young woman then proceeded to thank Micala profusely for what she had learned in her budgeting class. She now has 2 children and living on a very tight budget, using everything she learned from Micalas class. She even had the papers that were passed out several years ago. It seems she even counts on the fresh food placed out in our office on Mondays and Fridays. I have to tell you that is putting it in Gods hands, because we never know what food will come down those steps each day we are open. This woman who was rebellious and angry a few years before, remembered what was taught in that class and today is trying hard to be a productive member of our community. Micala stated that she would never have believed that this person learned anything in her class. Today this client is using all the skills she can to make a home for her family and a future for herself.

The food theme for March is once again CEREAL!!! This is an item they like to include in every bag that goes out of the Lazarus Food Pantry, so they need LOTS of it!!! In addition, the pantry is in urgent need of mens and womens personal hygiene items and large size diapers, especially sizes 4 and 6! As always, the food pantry can use any food items you wish to donate!!! We have reached a grand total of 61,557 food items collected since the beginning of this program. Trinity members continue to feed the hungry and homeless at the Joseph House on the third Wednesday of every month. In February, we served 60 hot meals of roast pork, boiled potatoes and gravy, corn, rolls and assorted cookies. All diners were very grateful! Our next day to serve is Wednesday, March 19. Trinity will be preparing and serving a hot meal for Gods Kitchen at Grace United Methodist Church on April 12. Trinity will again be hosting the homeless men in our community as part of the Community Emergency Shelter Project from March 1-15. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help with this most needed project. Trinity members are truly amazing as they continue to generously support these many programs for those less fortunate in our commuSalisbury Urban Ministries nity, with their time, talents and resources!!!
January 2014

Kay Hopkins Missions Chairperson 443-944-0698

FOOD PANTRY DATA: We saw: 190 families 3 received financial assist. 16 new clients We distributed: 221 bags of food Please continue to support this ministry. Thank you and God Bless!

6 - Jane Bowers Sandy Dickerson Robin Ritchie Lucy Seagraves Joyce Townsend 7 - Martin Curry Heather Ferro Julie Schneider
PLEASE NOTE: If your name does not appear on this list it does not mean that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only means that we do not have your birth date. Please give the church office a call with any additions to, or corrections of this list.

16 - Brandon Brittingham Joshua Fleming Blair Hunt Kim Jones Kelly Norman Teresa Peters Caitlyn Terrell Bill Turner 17 - Avanlee Flaig Rhoda Harris Sylvia Rozaieski Priscilla Strudwick Justin Tull 18 - Grace Godfrey Noah Jordan Griffin Moore Jack Savage 19 - Gale Culver Joanne Davis Sarah Guy Joe Magoon Leah McCabe Mary Nelson Laurie Pearce Scott Smith Jacalyn Wood 20 - Allison Hearne Cassandra Horner Mary Leidner Harry Waller 21 - Debbie Emge Fawn Hinman Oris Horsey, Jr. Brenda Jones Nancy Knight Ernie Olds 22 - Stanley Kiser Eric Twilley 23 - Sydney Block Mary Mengason Lauren Paul James Payne Barbara Shockley Lyndsay Smoak-Downey

24 - Mary Farrelly John Lloyd Andrew Mengason 25 - Allie Boram Bruce DiCintio Jill Easton Nicole Hastings Nicole Heberle Jason Hickman Michael Kenney Mary Magoon Martha Marvel Kevin Moyers Philip Nay Alexis Robertson 26 - Phyllis Collins Charles Gooding Alexandra Henderson Vicki Purkey 27 - Katharine Satterlee Jordan Smarte 28 - Melissa Andrews Lois Ann Bradley Carly Dobson Gregory East Eric Haldeman Josie Kostelac Lauren Phillips Jennifer Roglitz Mary Lou Townsend 29 - Larry Plymale Dean Pusey Julie Wheatley 30 - Amanda Derr-Carlisle Lisa Ulm 31 - Kathy DuPont Roger Fleming Linda Kenney

8 - Roger Follebout Louise Hearne Wayne Robertson 9 - Shelby Cropper Linda Kent Brandon Laws Jeri Miller Sophia Sarbanes Curtis Snyder 10 - Nancy Brown Eva Clifton 11 - Samantha Ennis Dwayne Mears Blair Todd 12 - Taylor McCoun Robert Stewart 13 - Rachel Bailey Laura Lewis Jacob Price Gary Pusey 14 - Patricia Bozman Cheryl Coffin Melanie Mason Thomas Veditz Carol Wallingford 15 - John Hill Billie MacFarlane Noah Mason Lindsay Meeks Hailey Owens Susan Pitsenbarger

MARCH 1 - Gregory Clifton Curt Coffin Shelby Elburn Charles Shores 2 - John Cummins Charles Hedrick David Hill Jenna Miles 3 - Barbara Adkins Jennifer Bernardi Cynthia Walter Taylor White 4 - Barbara Burkett John Butler Mark Hopson Benjamin Jordan Colton Kessick Isabella Kiser Lisa Mellone Phyllis Pearce Marilyn Simpson Betty Jo Smith 5 - Anne Blades Gary Blevins Bob Dickerson Sylvia Robertson Shey Veditz

March 2014
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 Youth Ski Trip Homeless Shelter 2 8,9:30, 11am Worship 9:15am Confirmation Class 4pm Youth Group Homeless Shelter 9 8,9:30, 11am Worship 9:15am Confirmation Class 4pm Youth Group Homeless Shelter DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 16 8,9:30, 11am Worship 9:15am Confirmation Class Homeless Shelter 17 Homeless Shelter 18 1pm Bible Study Homeless Shelter 10 Homeless Shelter 11 12 No March Lunch Bunch 6:30pm Bible Study 7pm Moms in Prayer Homeless Shelter 19 6:30pm Bible Study 1pm Bible Study 7pm Moms in Prayer Joseph House Feeding 24 25 26 3 1:30pm UMW Deborah 4 1pm UMW Esther 1pm Bible Study 5 12pm Pastors 6
9am Prayer Group 6:15pm Handbell Choir 6:30pm MOPS 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir Homeless Shelter

Advisory 2pm UMW Ruth 6:30pm Bible Study 7pm Moms in Prayer 7pm Ash Wed. ServiceAsbury UMC Homeless Shelter

8 Set Clocks Ahead 1 Hour

Ash Wednesday

Homeless Shelter 14

Homeless Shelter 15

13 9am Prayer Group

6:15pm Handbell Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir Homeless Shelter 20 9am Prayer Group Homeless Shelter 21

Newsletter Articles Due

Homeless Shelter 22 8:30am Handbell Workshop

6:15pm Handbell Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir 27 Mail Trumpet

9am Prayer Group

4pm Youth Group 23 8,9:30, 11am Worship 9:15am Confirmation Class ASP Chicken n Dumpling Dinner 4pm Youth Group 30 8,9:30, 11am Worship 9:30am Confirmands Recvd 4pm Youth Group CONFIRMATION SUNDAY

28 10am Pine Bluff Visitation

29 12pm Confirmation Picnic

1pm Bible Study

6:30pm Bible Study 7pm Moms in Prayer

6:15pm Handbell Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Choir



Membership News

Peninsula Delaware Conference Salisbury District

Rev. Peggy Johnson Peninsula Delaware Conference Bishop Rev. Frederick W. Duncan Salisbury District Superintendent Church Staff Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director Mr. David Lawson, Organist Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager Dr. Dorothy Baker, Riverwalk Organist Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician Church Leaders Mr. Chuck Dix, Administrative Board Chairperson Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board ViceChairperson Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson Mr. Carl Vincent, Finance Committee Chairperson Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Nominations Committee Chairperson Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer Committee Leaders Mr. Tom Hopkins, Annual Conference Member Mrs. Kay Hopkins, Missions Committee Chairperson Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee Chairperson Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson Mrs. Jane Bowers, United Methodist Women President Mr. Ed Freshwater, United Methodist Men President Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor Mrs. Becky Blizzard & Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry

BIRTHS January 31, 2014 Elizabeth Morgan Soper Daughter of Dale and Kennedy Soper BAPTISM February 2, 2014 Lucy Kate Doyle Daughter of Jonathan and Kathryn Doyle Maternal Grandparents: Andy and Susan Lazur Paternal Grandparents: William and Jennifer Doyle Great-Grandparents: Martha Nesmith, William and Joan Doyle February 23, 2014 Harper Anne Ferro Daughter of Richard and Heather Ferro Maternal Grandparents: Helen Davis, Ronald and Sheila Powell Paternal Grandparents: Jim & Brenda Meckley, Richard Ferro, Marie Morello Great-Grandparent: Catherine Newberry Godparents: Michelle Dawson, Jesse Ferig DEATHS December 7, 2013 Kenneth Smith Heath January 24, 2014 Haroldine Cook Shaner January 31, 2014 Calvin E. Young

WOULD YOU LIKE A JOB FOR YOUR CHURCH? It is taking care of the scratch pads and pencils in the sanctuary. We have been doing this for over 20 years, and at our age we feel it would be best for someone else to take care of this service to the church. This is not hard, as it is only once a month and takes about an hour. We would do this with whoever volunteers for the first time to get the volunteer acquainted with it. If you are interested, please give Sue a call at the church office or call us. Thank you! Warren and Joyce Boyce

Thank you!
Thanks to my Trinity family for the thoughtful cards and notes that I received during the loss of my brother, Jerry Graham. He was very special to our family. Also, for the delicious cake that was sent to us during our time of loss. We are blessed to have such a loving Trinity family, and I thank God for all of His blessings which have given me comfort. In Christian Love, Lil Stacy We wish to give thanks to the Trinity Church family for each and every kind word spoken and card sent. We thought about each person and the comfort they were offering us. Cards would come when we needed encouragement or were most sad. Every word was dear to us. Sincerely, John and Gwyn Terrell Thank you for your out pouring of love and concern at the recent loss of my father through your prayers, cards, and visits. We were deeply moved and appreciative. Love, Bob and Joan Van Meter Thank you so very much for your many thoughtful and caring expressions of sympathy during my mothers and nieces recent passing. Your many cards meant so much to myself and family during this difficult time. Sincerely, Anita Vroman I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and cards while I was in the hospital and Health South Rehab. I fell December 5 and ended up with a broken femur, but was not diagnosed until January 5, and then had surgery. It was a horrifically painful experience, but Im improving steadily, Im sure due to all of the prayers and thought coming my way. A few more prayers would be appreciated to help me through therapy that will begin soon. Knowing people are concerned about me is so encouraging. Thanks again to everyone. Gratefully, Ann Hudson

Recipe for March

Lemon-Pineapple Dessert Squares 2 boxes (4-serving size each) lemon-flavored gelatin 1 1/2cups boiling water 1 can (20 oz) crushed pineapple in juice, well drained, liquid reserved 1 container (12 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 round angel food cake (9 or 10 inch) 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries In a large bowl, mix gelatin and boiling water until gelatin is completely dissolved. In 2-cup measuring cup, mix reserved pineapple liquid and enough cold water to make 2 cups. Stir into gelatin mixture. Refrigerate until thickened but not set, about 45 minutes. Stir pineapple into thickened gelatin mixture. With rubber spatula, fold in 3 cups of the whipped topping. Tear angel food cake into 1inch pieces, placing half of the pieces in ungreased 13x9inch (3-quart) glass baking dish. Spoon half of gelatin mixture evenly over cake pieces. Repeat layers. Cover tightly with plastic wrap; refrigerate until set, about 1 hour. Cut dessert into serving pieces; place on dessert plates. Top each with about 2 tablespoons strawberries and about 1 tablespoon remaining whipped topping. ****To lower calories use sugar free jello, no sugar added pineapple and lite whipped topping.

Congratulations to Jimmy Sarbanes

Jimmy Sarbanes has been appointed by Governor Martin O'Malley to serve as a Circuit Court Judge. The position is a new judgeship that will be split between Wicomico and Dorchester counties. Jimmy has been a lifetime member of Trinity Church and is the son of Tony and Billye Sarbanes.

ALTAR GUILD We had our meeting on February 20, and we presented our new slate of officers. They are as follows: Sue Hetherington, President; Carolyn Lewis, Vice President; Fran Hastings, Secretary; and Suzy Benedict Treasurer. We had a nice lunch and enjoyed having our ministers and their wives and the church staff join us for lunch and fellowship. Order forms will be in the pews for lilies beginning on March 23 and will remain in the pews through April 6. No orders will be accepted after Monday April 7. The cost of the lilies remains at $12.50.


We will have order forms in the pews for lilies beginning Sunday, March 23 through Sunday, April 6. The cost of the lilies will be $12.50 each. Please check on the order form if you wish a flower or just want to make a donation. The list of : In Memory of and In Honor of will be in the church bulletin on Easter Sunday, April 20. No orders will be honored after Monday, April 7 in order that the list can be compiled and typed. The lilies can be picked up after the 11:00 a.m. service on Easter Sunday or on Tuesday, April 22 by 4:00 p.m. Any flowers not taken by April 22 will be distributed to local nursing homes.

REMEMBER: All orders are due in the church office no later than
Monday, April 7 and the cost of each lily is $12.50.

Easter Lily Order Form

In Honor of: ______________________________________________

In Memory of: _____________________________________________

Given by: _________________________________________________

Please Check One: tion

I wish to have a flower I wish to make a dona-


Trinity United Methodist Church 112 High Street Salisbury, MD 21801 Church: 410-749-5562 FAX: 410-749-8830 E-mail: Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday Visit us on the web at


Return Service Requested

Thank You
February Bulletin Folders Warren and Joyce Boyce Judy Briele Dolly Burkett Jack and Anne Calloway Allison Freshwater Bonnie Gibson Louise Hearne Sarah Renshaw Laura Twilley Barbara Webster Newsletter Staff General Editor: Ron Moore Mailing Coordinators: Norman and Barbara Webster

March 9 (2:00 a.m.) Daylight Savings Time Begins


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