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Bibliografia Democracia Ateniense Grcia Finley, M. I. A poltica no mundo antigo. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1985. Finley, M.I.

. Democracia antiga e moderna. Rio de Janeiro, Graal, 1988. Hansen, M. H. Polis et cit-tat. Paris, les belles Lettres,2001. Meier, Ch. La naissance du politique. Paris, Gallimard, 1995. Moss, Cl. Politique et socit en Grce ancienne. Paris, Flammarion, 1995. Oliveira Gomes, C. La cite tyrannique. Histoire politique de La Grce archaque. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007. Trabulsi, J. A. D. Participation directe et dmocratie grecque. Franche-Comt, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comt, 2006. Vidal-Naquet, P. La dmocratie grecque vue dailleurs. Paris, Flammarion, 1990. Vlassopoulos, K. Unthinking the Greek polis. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007 K. Raaflaub, J. Ober, and R. Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (University of Calfornia Press: Berkeley and Los Angeles).
This book presents a state-of-the-art debate about the origins of Athenian democracy by five eminent scholars. The result is a stimulating, critical exploration and interpretation of the extant evidence on this intriguing and important topic. The authors address such questions as: Why was democracy first realized in ancient Greece? Was democracy invented or did it evolve over a long period of time? What were the conditions for democracy, the social and political foundations that made this development possible? And what factors turned the possibility of democracy into necessity and reality? The authors first examine the conditions in early Greek society that encouraged equality and peoples power. They then scrutinize, in their social and political contexts, three crucial points in the evolution of democracy: the reforms connected with the names of Solon, Cleisthenes, and Ephialtes in the early and late sixth and mid-fifth century. Finally, an ancient historian and a political scientist review the arguments presented in the previous chapters and add their own perspectives, asking what lessons we can draw today from the ancient democratic experience. Designed for a general readership as well as students and scholars, the book intends to provoke discussion by presenting side by side the evidence and arguments that support various explanations of the origins of democracy, thus enabling readers to join in the debate and draw their own conclusions.

The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles, and Ideology Mogens Herman Hansen University of Oklahoma Press, 1991 - 447 pginas A Democracia - Histria de uma Ideologia Autor: Canfora, Luciano Editora: Edicoes 70 Categoria: Cincias Humanas e Sociais / Filosofia

The Athenian democracy of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. is the most famous and perhaps most nearly perfect example of direct democracy. Covering the period 403-322 B.C., Mogens Herman Hansen focuses on the crucial last thirty years, which coincided with the political career of Demosthenes. Hansen distinguishes between the city's seven political institutions: the Assembly, the nomothetai, the People's Court, the boards of magistrates, the Council of Five Hundred, the Areopagos, and ho boulomenos. He discusses how Athenians conceived liberty both as the ability to participate in the decision-making process and as the right to live without oppression from the state or other citizens. Equality was conceived of as an equality not of xnature but of opportunity.

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